good evening it's uh 5:30 January 25th 2024 call this uh meeting of the culture and Leisure Services Board to order Miss secretary will you please call the role Mary moscara here Angela trck here Kathy Parks here Joel Fair here Betsy Ron here Larry Holmes here thank you very much so we have an agenda has everyone been able to look at uh tonight's agenda okay would anyone recommend to approve or amend the agenda I have a question reques am one of the last I don't think it would be an agenda item for tonight we could bring it up in conversation and request for staff to go and get to create the document and then put it on the next agenda and I wasn't sure based upon okay and that that was I kind of back my we remembered to do that for the next meeting so thank you good thank you m thank you we're back to Second looking for a motion to approve the agenda as written I'll make that motion all right thank you second second all in favor I I all right everyone had a chance to uh review the minutes from our last meeting which was the 27th of July of last year anything that needs to be brought up about the meeting minutes no okay recommend uh looking for a motion to approve the minutes I move to approve the minutes I'll second all right all in favor I I all right thank you looks like we have two more items on our agenda so we'll move into uh item number three which is to interview the board applicant Miss Angela Raymond and recommend appointment for councel as appropriate Miss Raymond good evening good evening how are you I can hear you but is the mic on there we go now it's on I think someone else is controlling so far you passed the first test um well thank you for joining us we have your application in front of us um would you tell us a little bit about yourself and uh about why you'd want to serve on this board I'm Angela Raymond and I've been here since 2005 I love the city of cap canro I'm very interested in culture and Leisure I sat on the appearance board for about six years and I also was elected to City Council in 2017 and I sat on City for six years and uh I think I understand how the city operates I have a good relationship with the city staff and especially people in culture and Leisure Services I have been a big promoter of the Arts I voted in favor of the community center as and it was a 3-2 vote and I voted in favor of the construction for the community center and also for the art center and the Civic Hub again a split 3-2 vote so I definitely showed my support by those votes and I'm a tennis player I've played nearly 50 years of tennis and I have played competitively in St Louis and I play on a Senior League here and we play as competitively as we can and as I said I'm very interested in the Arts in St Louis I was a friend of the art museum and that's a prominent art museum in Forest Park it's one of the oldest in the United States it um is in the building that was for the 1905 World's Fair okay as I said I think I know about ordinances after my six years of experience I also served on the executive board for space Coastal League of cities for six years and representing St Louis I was the voting Delegate for Florida Le cities for the city of K canaval and I was on transportation and intergovernmental Affairs for six years with the Florida League of cities and I think I could be a lober for a lobbyist excuse me for the City of Cape canav fantastic it takes um a resident to actually go to the legislative meetings up in uh tasse or an elected uh council member okay and I think Rocky randles did a great job when he was mayor as I said I'm just very interested in culture and Leisure I'm interested to see the art center and I'm interested to see the Civic Hub completed as well as veterans partk I did part of the public relations for uh the grant for ston University for the rain also and I've done other things for the city Kathy pars will tell you she accompanied me one time because I was nervous about going to the autoban society for an interview and that was a scary one they had a big huge cand but I think I I did okay I can talk anyway all right well thank you so much do does anyone have questions for M Raymond I I have a question um being that you spent um those 12 years with the city and and um I assuming that you spent the first six years on The Advisory Board like you said um what did you find as the council person uh to be the biggest obstacle um faced with with any of the advisory boards and how would you uh see yourself as able to help to resolve those types of obstacles I don't think that there really are many obstacles I think that we often heard from the different advisory boards and often took most of their suggestions not always I know for example and I can give you one good example that has to do with culture and Leisure uh there was option A and option b for the plans for Veterans Park and I went with the option that was chosen by culture and Legion board because I thought that was the respectable thing to do uh I don't think the council always agreed with the advisory councils every single time but I always have usually usually I should say usually there have been other cases where I take the advice of an advisory counsel but I took the advice of a lawyer no I I guess part of where I was also curious was that in um from your perspective on the council um it never seems to be that we get um much Direction here on The Advisory Board level saying you know this is uh something that the council really wants you to work on or look into or or whatever um did that seem to occur a lot with all of the boards do you think there was enough direction from the city down I think so to involvement I think one of the things that we have to remember when we're a council member is that we need to stay in our lane because the staff has certain plans and they have gone through process also before they even present it to the council and then the council will say yes or no but I think that it's important for council members to stay in their Lane and to let the staff do what they're supposed to do so I think we have to be very cautious and respectful of the staff and I think part of that also for board members to make certain that you have a good relationship with the staff and uh we got direction from the staff and I think for council members I think we gave Direction because I mean we've given direction for the Civic Hub I remember giving direction for Veterans Park and uh some of the other issues of course Planning and Zoning they get a lot a lot of Direction because of the meetings thank you no I guess I just wanted to get uh your opinion if um you know what we're doing is what we should be doing and the advice that we should be offering or you know if not what could we do better I think you're doing a fine job and you know I think the director gives you the proper instruction about what needs to be done and then I also think that the residents do because this is one area that the residents will speak up about because the residents know what they want they know what they're looking for I mean our residents wanted a community center for 60 years and uh I think they're very much in favor of the Civic Hub veterans part and I think that's what we're doing we're doing what the residents want thank you you're welcome anybody else I don't have any questions but I wanted to say that I think we are so lucky to have the the the benefit of all your experience and you will really be able to help us uh get a bigger picture where things go because you've had experience in so many different areas of the city so thank you very much for volunteering even more for more years thank you well I just want us to move forward and as I said I think we are and I I love the sculpture over in front of the library I love tape canav I think everybody say and I mean if you need a better cheerleader well invent one I I just had the question about Space Coast League of cities but I didn't know what the I didn't know what the acronym was for but now you've already told me so I got that question answered the other comment that I would have is that I hope that you're overqualified with being able to sit through six-hour meetings because we're not planning on okay don't do that that's I I couldn't resist okay all right thank you so much that's a skill she won't need here excuse me I'm sorry I have a dinner to attend EXC all right well thank you so much for your time all right any discussion items um anything that you want to discuss about uh the nomination or moving forward with um is is there who term is up or what's the opening I guess there's we're one short currently we are one yes I wasn't sure where we were currently we're one short where you no one's getting voted off only on off the island so yes we're currently one short uh if we fill that last um board members we're completely uh we met our uh Quorum and so that's what that's what we're shooting for all right um if no further conversation we can uh have a motion I'll make the motion okay motion to uh approve approve Ang be on the recommend sorry I think that the motion would be recommend uh Mr Amon for uh the board city council I'll second it all right um all in favor I I I all right unanimous fantastic all right um last action item I'm sorry I I was remiss uh we jumped and skipped uh public participation and I apologize is there any member of the public that would want to address the board for anything uh having to do with culture or Leisure Services that is not uh the last agenda item because you could do that then no all right perfect um all right the last action item number four approve the proposed 2024 culture and Leisure Services board meeting schedule you should all have a copy it's towards the back of your packet um the current suggested schedule would be this meeting uh a meeting on March 28th a meeting on May 30th a meeting July 25th meeting in September 26th and then uh November's meeting would be the only one that would not fall on our normal last Thursday of the month and that's because the last Thursday is Thanksgiving so we wanted to move that up to to uh the 21st of November any thoughts any questions any reasons why we would not want to go with the current uh proposed schedule well I just have a I have a thought and I brought this up at in July when we met and then it ended up happening um and I looked back through the calendar and we have not met in September or November for the last couple years so for whatever reason uh people like to be busy then and obviously Thanksgiving and people travel or whatever I don't know um and so would it be wise instead of always you know in the past years we've missed two meetings in a row September and November so would we be better off to skip those two meetings and have a meeting meeting in October instead with the hopes that we wouldn't be going so long from like we did this year from July to January that's six months and if there is something that needs to be addressed or like last year the the city council asked us to have a a special meeting and we could not accommodate that because we couldn't get Quorum and so I guess I feel bad if we aren't available to do our job so that's why I thought well maybe it would behoove us to see if we could do something about being available Y in a better time frame is it possible though that we will have cor because we'll have one more person we'll have the board filled I yeah I don't know I know an Anga because she's my neighbor they travel a lot so um I don't think it's right to expect you know a new person have to be the one that's going to pull us over the line either right um I I do think that adding another person changes the it does it definitely does I mean do we know possibility increases the possibility how far off we were from Quorum in those times I know I was one of the ones that was absent a lot because I was working on those days but it won't be this year probably I I don't I don't know because I don't think we ever they ever told us you know what the situation was um I understand the concern I think one thing is uh per the bylaws the expectations that we would meet six times throughout the year is that correct is it per the bylaws or that just common practice I think it's common practice and I actually followed up because the the bylaws have been something I've kind of been um confused about since I started because if you pull them up in laser fish it's actually done on a typwriter um and when I was seven so uh I got some clarification because I wasn't sure what the other boards did and we're always like um for the last couple years especially with the change in leadership my objective was to get us better in line with what council does that way we're not having to recreate the wheel when you guys make a recommendation I can literally take the verbiage from that cover sheet that I've provided to you guys and put your response or your recommendations in with it and paste it into the one for councel because it's all the same it's just you know a different heading on it and uh when I spoke with Mia today she informed me that um as you probably have seen in other records this used to be called the recreation board and uh what I learned today was that when it became the culture and Leisure Services Board it was part of a broader uh Reformation if you will of all of the city boards and with that change where uh city manager um Mr Green I guess when he came here all the boards were different some of them had five some of them had seven some of them could never get Quorum and they got rid of them or they sunsetted them like what happened to the library board and at that time with that ordinance it wiped all of the bylaws clean so we don't technically have any bylaws except for what is present in our code and I'll have to look at our code to find out if it actually gives how many meetings a year because I don't remember off the top of my head okay but anything that was was in the bylaws is pretty much considered null and void because uh one of the things that the bylaws talks about is um appointing I think it's two alternates for every board and that was consistent with some of the other ones I found uh Community appearance um there was another one that was a because we're a we're not a quasi judicial board so we're a little different like Planning and Zoning is quasi judicial um so he made everything the same that wiped everything clean and the only thing that we have to um particularly adhere to is the code so if we would like to adopt new bylaws we're able to do that or you're able to do that and we're here to support so am I understanding the city is not going to create new bylaws that cover all um advisory goodes is that would I understand I am not aware of it if they are so that's for us um do you know if any other advisory boards have adopted a new set of bylaws since they were wiped by uh the previous city manager okay I can find out though what we've talked a little bit about this with um what would what would guide us and I think that it would be worth um trying to set up another meeting a special meeting to go through the bylaws and say heyy what what do we expect for guidance and if we don't have any bylaws right now what is the code and and even if that's because we're not supposed to meet outside of these meetings so how do you do it we can we can um make a motion to have another actually you can we can make a motion to have a special meeting we have to give a certain amount of lead time so that everybody can know and we can post that it's going to happen and then we can gather together with the intent of doing a workshop on what what do we want our bylaws to be we can have the old bylaws we can have the code we can say what do we want to do um turns out that so so you don't think there's any um consensus that rather than to be redundant from group to group to just create One for All City advisory I mean that's that seems to me to be the route to go that would be a decision for Council so it's not really ever been brought to their attention that to to rectify that problem I no idea I have no idea because you know it would be kind of like a real waste of our time to go start down that road and then find out oh well now they decided it should be consistent amongst all boards which it should be I I would expect I mean that you would think in the City it should be consistent I might have some their couple things because one's non we're non-judicial there's a right other ones have some actual jurisdiction um but I I I agree and it's probably worth being brought to city council to say um would you like us to create our own would you like to have a general and and that might be um we could send this up the line to them from this board asking for a recommendation from City Council on bylaws for the advisory boards and and they may say that they don't think it's necessary and if we come back and we say well we do want a little bit of guidance we could we could create that or we could say you know what if they say it's not necessary then it's not necessary we do what we what you want um but one of the things I think that I wanted to make sure that got brought up is that we could have another meeting that because I know you've brought up a couple things what are we doing we can have special meetings we could call for a special meeting where we could look at bylaws or look at the way something's written and and then together come up with a plan so that is an option um most of the time what we do is we'll take staff's input and if we have a a question for them we we turn it back over to them to create this fee schedule or amend the fee schedule or get this data um but there's a couple things that we we could actually do as a board bylaws would be one of them yeah I guess rather before we go down that road I I would like I think it would be worthwhile to get more guidance from councel or something to say you know maybe it's not a high priority to them so it hasn't really come up but yeah um but I agree Joel it's kind of like if if they were to say oh well I guess we weren't aware that there wasn't any and there really should be something something that's standard uh some standard City language that guides these committees um even if it means to have a workshop with people from each different committee put coming together and putting something together that's fine but you know um before we go that way I guess I'd ask somebody else their opinion I'll take it to the city manager and get his guidance on it and he'll review it with the attorney and then we'll go from there have you ever looked at the bylaws for any of the groups uh none of the other boards I've never had any involvement with any of the other boards has anybody ever read them or published or they're oh they're all available on laser fish on on what laser fish the city's public records database okay is there's nothing if we have no BW there's nothing technically saying we can't meet right or is that a statute Flor statute um what do you mean that you can't meet it was like Joel was saying that we can't meet outside of this room that is Sunshine Law Sunshine Law okay so it's a separate part of that that's that's a big one that's a Florida yeah that's that's how you can get in trouble yeah but can you send a copy of the old bylaws to us of course and we can look at them and see if do we need bylaws or don't need bylaws yeah you just can't go down to Laie may as a group and have a conversation about them it's kind of like when you send we these things out to us the the agenda and all that yeah request to I would be happy to okay okay um will you also have the code on there so that we can see how much different or how much more the bylaw goes into detail than what we've been given with the general code the code is is like four sentences okay I probably still need it if you don't mind well it wasn't that memorable for me to commit it to memory either because I when I looked at it I was like well this is kind of vague okay um and in the in the words of the clerk's office if the code is silent on it then um it is on the board to make decisions that best meet the needs of the board in the interest of the community okay and and if that's the way the city wants to keep it then that's fine I guess then we then we at least we know what direction it is right but being that you know you're kind of saying well everything was is very old and therefore it's kind of been dismantled um yeah what direction do we go Story of My Life um that said do you want to motion to change the schedule um and then we could vote on that um or we can I'm good with the schedule as is I think what um Miss mcara is saying about having uh another person on the board might actually help us being able to meet well uh statistically it will help us be able to meet board more often but um but if you want to recomend or if you want to motion to combine so moving forward we'd have to have four it's half plus one of the seated board if you have an empty seat it doesn't count so before it was four a four is a forum then with with six it was four with six it was four and with seven it four four yes because it's half plus one so that that's true we we have a better chance of it so is it five with seven then no it's four with seven four still okay half plus one I was thinking originally it was five would be five but now it's I would think it' be five so it's the same quum we just have one more B so then it might be easier to to make it I was thinking originally with one more we would be you know we would have to go to five but if we have to if we can if we stay with four then we might be okay yeah and the last um well since those bylaws were written because those bylaws made mention of of having alternates for different boards um the ability for the city to get people onto boards has been challenging at least since I've been here since 2014 and I don't imagine that it was much easier in the immediate years prior to that so um I I'm positive that those the last bylaws I looked at that mentioned um alternates were from the 80s so when we started having our own issues with having vac acies and I think the community appearance board had issues um and then there was one other oh the community and uh not Economic Development yeah the economic development um board also had challenges at one point they were down to three members which meant two people made Quorum but they had to make the determination that you know you can't count the empty chair when you're looking at Quorum you have to count the memb seat okay and that came from the city attorney so I suppose um then if there happen to be a increase in people wanting to be involved they there's nothing that says you couldn't have Alters you would need to bring in bylaws new ones because I don't think the code is vocal on alternates you'd have to create bylaws to say that you're allowing and you could do that by committee by I believe so but I would have to double check with the city attorney because we've not been in that situation for more than a decade problem so maybe just don't even worry about it but I was just curious yeah yeah would you like me to ask the City attorney could ask just in case Get Lucky so we're at the point where we're voting on keep we just need a motion that would say to approve the schedule as written approve motion to approve second second all in favor I all right thank you very much all right we are on to staff report rep Mr Mayberry got s we have several uh tonight starting with the baseball field uh we're on track for the uh light replacement in the for the field we just got our uh final uh bid sent in today and so I've notified them that we're ready to proceed with the uh purchase of the materials and then it's going to be a question of scheduling the removal of the current lights and placing the new ones up there which we hope to do inhouse that's going to be the approach we take initially anyway and see what we can do and hopefully by the end of March as we were talking about at the ball field the other day that it'll be completed okay uh the next is a Patriots Park upgrade we are in the uh final stage just waiting for a notification unless Molly got it today of shipment um for the playground parts that are coming in we've got to remove the older stuff that's broken down get that out of there that's on schedule for the guys to do um the last we heard the tentative date for shipment was going to be today and then they moved it to like February 2nd so we're hoping that it's going to be in the next week or so that we start start getting those parts in uh but we've got the specs in from the company that's going to do the installation so we know what we have to do to have everything prepared when they get here and and plan to uh Wagner Park we found and this uh Molly reminded me before the meeting started this is something that we took over from Public Works initially that Park was maintained by them we found out about before Christmas that the benches over there had deteriorated to the point that it was to some degree danger to people sitting on them so we've had them all removed Public Works removed them all uh Molly ordered the new benches they're here um and that went on the schedule today to get done that's a day a day job I'm sorry where is Wagner Park Wagner Park is on North Atlantic just below uh or north of Harbor Heights uh in the Mexican restaurant okay it's a with the butterfly mhm thing yeah okay that one so that's that's coming up quick uh Manatee Sanctuary Park the two restrooms there the guys Reid those they went in repainted them ground the floors down even and they've got had those redone resurfaced so um that was a much needed facelift and people there so far have been very complimentary in their comments uh since it's been been done uh tennis courts we have had issues with the lights so we haven't been able to run our uh night leagues until we get this taken care of and this is a problem we've been running into since the pandemic um it's hard to get contractors I made the comment with Kathy that I'm on the phone and that's usually what I spend most of my day trying to get contractors to respond to us for different projects we have going on um and it's hard to do it's hard to get them to commit if you can even get one to talk to you sometime but we finally got our third contractor to come out today and hopefully we'll have a bid by the first of next week for them that'll be our third one and we can make a choice and get those lights repaired they were the company that they were purchased from has agreed to uh provide the what are they drivers yes the drivers as a warranty and we can't tell if there's anything further than the drivers until we put the drivers in so that's what we're we're doing now is replac the drivers in those lights uh we've done one and we've been lucky it corrected everything in that light so we're we're hopeful hopeful that we get the same thing you're doing that in house also no we don't have capability of uh what we do but the bucket truck that the city has is in the shop having the engine rebuilt and then they just found out there was some problem with the bolts and the transfer so they have to be yeah we couldn't we couldn't wait for it any longer got it thank you um and then s Piper Park uh Molly and I met with uh Dave couter from um infrastructure maintenance and talked about lights over there so we're uh in the process of ordering lights more of the ballards like we had have along the sidewalks uh in canaval City Park ordering some of those and a couple of uh upright lights inside the park itself uh also we are uh now we were going to just replace that fence that we put in temporarily last year uh we were just going to do a straight run back there but now we've decided because we're down the road we're going to do uh changing out of playground equipment in that Park also we're going to need to have access to it so now we're going to put a gate in we'll be able to take equipment in and out of it so that's another meeting I got to have with a contractor to come out and give us a change order on his quote um and that's enough but that but that's that's where we are right now I had a question about the Veterans Memorial Park yes sir they're they're building it right now and before they had four symbols for the different militaries are they going to have the fifth for the space yes they're all in my office if you'd like to come over and see the new one uh come over and see me at Nancy Hansen uh Ive opened one up to see what they look like and it happened to be the space force uh pretty neat looking it reminds you a little of the old Star Trek emblem but very nice they did a the company that manufacturer did a really good job that's great thank you yes John could I ask you one thing about manate Park um that playground equipment is not in good shape yes ma'am uh thank you for bringing that yes ma'am we ordered the parts that we thought we need or that we told the company we needed they didn't send us all of them they sent the upper Parts but not the bottom where we can attach everything so I've taken their diagram and circled what we need and sent it back to them and told them that uh we need that in order to affect the repairs need to be done out there but all the time yes I don't let Kan get on half of it right and we've got U you know you notice we got mulch out there in Manatee in the playground area over at Banana River and also at Sandpiper and we have Mulch on on order for Patriots Park once we get all the changes done in there so we're working on it and it's it's in play I was just yes ma'am thank you for reminding me about yes well there's one swing over there it's a great big blue and it's got all you got the Buckle things but there's nothing to stick them into it right right that's John I just wanted to let you know um when you talked about Wagner Park I live right by there and even though it may be the smallest park of all in the city it gets an awful lot of use um because so many people who walk and ride their bikes there there and people who were wait at the bus stop and because it's all Native Florida plants right it's um it's always just people are always walking through and they used to sit down in fact I was walking through there last week and I was amazed that there were no more benches so I was excited to hear that Benes will come back it generated phone calls right away after after they were removed but uh yes ma'am it's it's a great little part cuz before it was just an abandoned little patch of land and now it was kind of in between us and Ian and Brian would get Lind a hand but it was under Public Works and so now we're taking it over and it'll be incorporated into our regular routine with maintenance I just wanted to let you know it's a wonderful little part it and one thing to one thing we're adding to it is um we're only replacing four of the benches um we have um that Park actually won an award because of its native plant species and the monarchs that it attracts so the Monarch Society actually gave us an award for that Park so as part of the Veterans Park renewal we have a monarch sculpture that we're having uh one of our talented ladies over at um infrastructure maintenance refurbish and Reco with anti-graffiti stuff and it will be installed there and I'm working with our sustainability folks to come up with some good verbiage because they're the ones that actually you know did the leg work to get the award so that people know why there's a random Monarch sculpture there because it's not random at all it's it's actually very much part of that little park so yeah it was a little upsetting to get the phone call hey we remove the benches um because that was my first indication that anything was wrong because it wasn't our department to inspect so um we we got very fortunate that um that happened the week of Christmas and I actually got all the benches on sale who knew that they did Christmas holiday sales on benches and I did score a good deal on trash cans as well so um yeah I'm I'm looking forward because that is a little little gem and and it does get a lot of traffic yeah uh I also would just uh commend the the maintenance crew that you guys have Brian and Ian they they work really really hard and they do a good job and they're they're always running I mean all over these parks and they yeah thank you where is Sandpiper Park s Sandpiper Park is over at uh canaval City Park uh by the uh Community Center oh so the splash p is just right over the little park right off to okay got it yes ma'am all right any more questions for John all right Molly um I like it when John steals my thunder it shortens my list um I will start with um something kind of random um I'm not sure how many of you remember Aaron L that used to be my partner in crime if you will over at the Leisure Services um he got called up he was a reservist um so he would periodically leave us at the worst times possible and we ended up losing him for good chunk during covid but during that time he was offered an opportunity he could not refuse and he uh got the ability to stay local and he is now a member of the electromagnetic Warfare Squadron for the um space force which is based out of Cape canabal it's the 114th and they reached out to us um you might recognize them uh in plain clothes because they often serve beer at Friday Fest to raise money for their youth programs that they have on base and um he approached us and said you know most of our members that that work with me are residents and they live in our community and they want to do as much community outreach as possible they found out that we were putting a space Force emblem out as part of our revamp on Veterans Memorial Park and his um commanding officer approached us and said well will you give us our own day and so Council declared January 14th to be 114th day and that will be a day that they annually come out and do some community service projects and they will also be working um with us when we go to celebrate and rededicate Veterans Memorial Park when that project is complete so I just wanted to let you know that that was um when you brought up the space force and like not only not only do we get to include them but we actually have people in our community that are actively um actively serving the nation and actually the world um right here in Cape canaval so and and we get to keep Aaron kind of so uh right up here at Canaveral yeah they actually invited city council to come up and and take a space space force station um yeah they're I don't remember what building there near but they gave um they gave us a a small tour obviously they couldn't give us the the full shebang but um they debriefed us and uh for those who um appreciate such things they actually took the logo from the ThunderCats so they changed the color of the eye I guess the military they said the military is allowed to to do that so um it's kind of fun the the mayor got a patch I asked I asked for my patch I'm still waiting but um uh the next big thing uh Cape Center you guys all received a invite for the soft opening tomorrow um we we couldn't just open the floodgates uh our our capacity in the main Gallery is only 80 people so um it it didn't take long to get close to that with the handful of people that we invited plus a with a plus one um so there will be we will be announcing the date of the grand opening which is in March um we are currently working with UCF and just made a new contact at Valencia I always I don't know why I always forget about them but they're they're a great resource especially for their arts department and we're going to be working with them um kind of a two-fold project one one project is directed towards their Arts students to develop a backdrop and then the other part of the project is to develop the interpretation panels for an exhibit on our indigenous communities that were up and down the coast here to include the ones up on the cape um Miss Ron you will be very happy to know that I have a whole list of things for you to do this year so we'll start with next month uh you will review or the next meeting which is in March um we'll review uh our our fee schedules that we put in place last year we've got some updated data we've um changed the way uh things are set up in wesk to make it a little bit easier um so that it's not 50 pages of senior day non- senior non-resident like that was just that was too much so I'm I'm hoping that the numbers look a little bit easier to understand with this one and we'll get a a good handle on on what changes we've made and and how they're doing um we will also be doing election of board officers that would be something that we typically do um at this meeting but since we were interviewing one more person I wanted to wait until we had a full board just in case we had people that wanted to move things around um assessment fee schedule we will also be doing um in the coming months a selection for the new sculpture that will go out in front of the library that is a a two year program that way after two years it goes back to them and we get a brand new one so um that will be coming up and that that will be for this board to decide uh we will also be looking at reviewing the outdoor Event Entertainment code that has been something that's been a challenge for me since at least 2014 it's it's hard to enforce something that nobody knows knows about and then by the time they know about it we've already violated it and it makes it incredibly difficult on our Emergency Services Personnel because they're the ones that really matter when it comes to outdoor Event Entertainment it's fire and police that tend to have to do all the heavy lifting um so we have met with all of the stakeholders involved and now it's going to come down to this board to look at how we can um kind of firm it up because the code doesn't have any teeth at this point it just says you need to have submitted this paperwork on this by this date before this event and it just kind of leaves it at that and so without us being hard-nosed and just saying okay well your event doesn't happen because nobody wants to do that especially after you find out that some local business has just invested a ton of money to host an event and now the city's like uhuh you're not doing it because you didn't do this in time because you didn't know about this this code so um we've done a lot of brainstorming um on this with a lot of the other departments that are involved and and now we're ready for your board to review and make suggestions we've got some other examples from other cities um we have some examples of different categories of events so that it's not as intense for somebody that's doing a wedding with six people compared to somebody that's trying to do a rock concert so but the code's in place for a reason we just need to give it some teeth so that we can actually enforce it and have our um Emergency Services Personnel be able to respond to it in a timely manner so you'll have some documents or something to share with us to I will have lots of documents for you I think um another thing that you guys will be looped in on is uh the upcoming CIP Workshop CIP stands for a capital investment project uh we will will be regrouping on a couple different items the uh St Piper park playground equipment got pushed to next fiscal year so uh in looking at that with a fresh set of 2024 eyes and inflation rates we're going to be making some adjustments to that um and there's about three other cips that I've have been tasked with um uh reviewing and presenting to the council for their consideration and um that's all I have for the moment thank you any other questions from Molly so are those projects things you're saying would they would want to have some ideas on for the budget that starts you know that this summer the 20 that that 25 budget the 2425 budget 2425 that's why that's why we do it nice and early that way they you guys have a chance to review it they have a chance to mull it over um and then then they begin that process which is multiple budget hearings and all of that like the maintenance guys um the Leisure and Parks and Rec staff are are doing an amazing job all of them that with the cape Center coming online I mean you guys are working really really hard and it's seen by the community so thank you and please pass that and let them know that we it's great to be in this community because of the hard work that you guys are doing so thank you very much I will definitely pass that along um I feel that since I've taken this position that it's been a lot of uh a lot of just getting all the ducks in a row that kind of ran off over the years um and and I'm starting to to feel a little more confident that we're getting on the right track there's still a couple a couple parks that I'd like to um that I'd like to address obvious issues at but it's it's a process so well my my goal is to not just maintain what we have but improve what we have because a lot of the stuff hadn't um uh s Piper Park is a perfect example uh it along with Patriots that equipment's been there since the '90s we're lucky that it's still in the shape it is and then you have that free the free playground equipment as we'll call it that Gustavo won in a contest at Manatee Sanctuary park that's been there less than five years and is falling apart so um getting things that are are more resilient that are are smarter smarter designs smarter constructions because we do have very unique circumstances out here we are are the environment just absolutely eats everything I mean I'm we're we're even buildings that are only one to two years old are already we're our preventative maintenance is needing to be stepped up because it's just it's a rough world out there so um maintaining what we have is my primary goal and making it as nice as possible while we work to slowly correct things like outdated equipment and and all of that thank you did have one other question uh the review when we go to uh review The Outdoor event code enforcement um does that include outdoor events that would happen on the beach like is that under the city's uh cognizance okay unfortunately okay I was just wonder that's that's helpful to know even as we discuss it and look at it and that's one of the that's one of the things that's um that'll be for you guys and we'll present all of our our discussion on it um one of the most common requests that we get is beach weddings um we don't really have anything to support uh a full beach wedding not like Pelican I think it's called Pelican Cove or something um Indian Harbor Beach where they actually have like a little beach house that's only for events and they have all of the facilities there restrooms kitchenet all that we don't we don't have that so when people come to when people contact us about having a wedding on a beach a lot of times they wanted they're they're picturing something in their head that's not exactly real like they want to have a June wedding in the middle of turtle season on the beach in Cape canabal and I'm like well first of all it's a thousand degrees and second of all it's Turtle season and there's no bathrooms and I'm not quite sure what your plan is but then we end up end up having to kind of walk them through the reality of having a an event on the beach in the summer during Turtle season and then they change their mind so there's a lot of different tiers that we need to kind of put into that code that aren't there now because like I said whether you're having a a beach wedding or a rock concert you're filling out the same form and the same information and that's not exactly accurate all right anything else for discussion okay anyone want a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make a motion to adjourn I second all in favor I I meeting adjourned