for statutes uh sections 16206 and 2012 finally there is a violations of the finding violations the Florida building code which are incorporated into the city code at section 8231 um before building code provides that a permit is required by anyone who is going to construct uh alter demolish uh any part of a um of a structure and I find that the um the patio is in fact a structure and I find that uh there's also violation of section 1101 of the Florida building code which requires inspections there's no perament then you can't have inspections so with that said I uh am ordering the respondent by June 25th 2024 to um submit a survey and the proper application for a construction permit for the uh patio paper install and within the time permitted by the permit to arrange for a final inspection um of the work and uh to bring this property into compliance with the city code and if there is a failure to comply within the time period set forth that I that I'm ordering um then I'm um um would have the code officer then schedule a Massy Hearing in which in case I will uh if there's if I do find a continuing violation I will impose a fine and um I'll will also indicate that um any fines that may be imposed shall become a lean favor of the city and uh if it's a non Homestead Property that the um property uh could be subject to foreclosure um 3 months after the um uh filing of the lean so that's so that on that case let me move to the next one which is a compliance hearing know as a Massy hearing it's case 2023-2024 [Music] North Atlantic Avenue and uh you can uh yes proce this is this is the compliance hearing um the magistrate orders uh were sent 3224 uh they were received 31424 and notice of here was sent 51524 and return receipt of 51724 give me one moment for those dates all right we can proceed um I mean this I'm just going to refresh your memory this is this is the one that had the the doors the balcony the railings the enclosed garage and the garage doors installed so I'm not right and so so my recollection from this is that the garage doors there was an open permit and I don't even think the time for that is has expired yet so I think that's still um uh that was we go back [Music] here 7523 so it was almost a year ago so that that has expired it has expired has the um so it was so it was a permit but was there a final inspection for the garage uh for the garage doors no there was not a final inspection that I'm aware of I would have to double check that but so in order to come in compliance then they would need to submit a for a new permit uh well the garage doors themselves weren't really the subject of this notice of violation oh okay it was more of the the the garage used to be just the cover and they closed it put headers in walls in that was more of what this was about um and then the deck stairs railings all of that so so the permit that was applied for was just to put the garage doors up as opposed to all the other work that was performed all [Music] right um on 51524 no permits of applied for so the notice of Massi uring was s to the property owner and uh 5 2724 still no per uh and I have spoken to the property owner and he said his issue is and he's here today to speak okay his issue is he's having a hard time finding an engineer to help him out with this what was the last just go back to the last slide I it's some 527 oh that's as of yesterday no no no no no permits okay got it again it's the property in question right it for B18 right then I've got all the photographs here for you just kind of refresh your memory that's the railings um you can you can see the staircase uh the new structure for the deck mhm the upstairs door downstairs door second downstairs door and then the Garage [Music] enclosure is there any um anything in the no of violation but the wood appears to be non-treated like it's there's no paint on the wood it seems according to the international property mes code it would have to be treated for weather have to be weather resistance so it would have to either have some sort of coating on it to protect it from the weather or painted or stained something along those lines or covered in another material a sheeting or something right a Stucker or what have you okay um so all right so so basically we have what still with no permit on the the the French doors that were uh installed you got that rear entry door you show the staircase was rebuilt the new deck framing these I think called them stringers stringers um the um the the deck eventually had the railings installed which um which got done but without the permit again [Music] um and then the enclosure with the garage doors was the issue again of of the Interior work that was done around the garage doors and on the inside of the garage a carport to a garage okay okay I think I understand basically what what's happened here so um would you like to uh present your own evidence to where we are and what we can do and if you could just kindly state your name and address for the record my name is David cabor okay live in K Beach 433 South bouevard and in in the um case there there's a um there's a John Cabo listed is that you or is that a brother a brother okay got it Mr Cabo um I did get a permit for the clads and they did insect them recently in the past Okay [Music] g all right what about all the other the other stuff I've been unable to find an engineer that come out help me out okay I've called several City gave me a list of Engineers I called half of them to in the past the others just nobody's can coming out nothing out yeah I do have a guy working he does some with drawings but he's been try located engineer so I don't find it I pass the city and they could possibly bring out their people have a look at it and make sure it's all safe and do something like that appar the city wants a professional engineer to you know who's representing you to provide these whatever has to be provided these drawings or certifications I just replaced old stuff yeah I did put new railings the um remind me are you are you in in the construction business I was trying to I do have a construction okay and and are there Engineers who you work with on other projects who might assist you on this I'm I do a whole lot of [Music] construction but but nothing of a structural nature we like here we're dealing with a staircase and and and things why which would be my guess as to why the city would want an engineer looking at this is because we're dealing with some structural elements of the of the building told me we don't have Okay so really have a lot to do well see it seems to me that that you need to expand your search um Beyond you said you you testified that you called half of the people on that list maybe uh maybe call the other half and and maybe expand your search beyond that list I mean there are there are Engineers um all over the place there has to be someone who could be willing to help you out I would think all done already would um I would think there there must be someone out there who would be willing to to lend a hand in in a case like this um I pay [Music] cost okay well maybe communicate that to uh to proposed engineer who uh um I would I I would I would I would urge you to um again expand the search and and I'm sure you'll find someone fill out there Tak care of all my fill issues taking care of everything I could possibly take care of until than I that into your right right of course you know you I mean I'm not at Liberty uh to wave requirements of for the building code or the the city codes or the the you my my role here is is there compliance or not and and right now because you don't have permit I I cannot find compliance and so engine right so okay I I'm I other than urging you to redouble your efforts to find an engineer I'm not sure what else to suggest to you right now give some more time right how much how much more time uh would you like and I'm going to whatever you say I'm going ask this the city to chime in here too [Music] so what what says the city doesn't have a problem with working with him mean the cases is old as it is now um now I would like to see some good faith in the doors they don't need to be an engineer for the doors uh we can get those permits taken care of uh so that we can show that we're moving forward on something and then uh we can work with him on on him getting an engineer so on so on the doors he does not need an engineer that's correct a licensed contractor to assist Department okay okay so why do we let's here's what I'm I'm I'm thinking um I I I I do want to give you some more time I think you've been here you've um you're you're um demonstrating um an interesting game that's taken care of and I I appreciate I know the city appreciates it and um let's [Music] um why don't we divide this in in half uh 6 60 60 additional days um on everything but the doors so it's to get a um so you'll need to you'll need to find an engineer somewhere you're going to find an engineer I'm I'm pretty sure I know a lot of Engineers are out there doing work and someone is going to want to help you out don't think um 60 days for everything but the doors the doors um to uh submit the permits what would the city recommend for a deadline to get that done I I would if he found a contractor should two weeks time to take care of that 14 days yes sir on on on on the U on doors okay so we're talking we're talking the fr the uh the French doors there was that two downstairs ENT doors Two downstairs rear entry doors and the testimony was that the garage has been inspected and cleared and I'm not sure I got that from the city I would have to double check but like I said before that wasn't that wasn't really part of the violations that I addressed well in that case I'm not I'm not going to um require anything on on the garage doors so just the French doors the two downstairs entry doors we're going to ask that the permits be um submitted in 14 days and that there'll be 60 additional days and this all from running from from today uh to take care of everything else just give you some additional time to find an engineer get get the uh permits um properly submitted so what I'll do I will I will do a I'll call it a a second amended order for my original order that just extends these these deadlines and I will not um issue any any fine against you uh this evening um and um if um if we're back here in two months then you know I I may not be quite as as uh as as forgiving um I just say that out of just to see you a fair warning and um I appreciate it and I I I have a feeling I'm not going to be seeing you back so hope you have a good night any any other business to cover for tonight sir that case we'll uh we'll join the meeting and uh everyone have a good good night and I'll see you next month thank you okay [Music]