##VIDEO ID:ChxjbFoo5ng## e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Ag and uh I pleas we to the flag United States of America and to the repu stand indivisible Paul I'm glad you're here and I just wanted to um you I've been thinking a lot about this whole process we just went through with GPI and of course we're not Engineers so it took me a while to to get on the same page trying to figure out where they were going you knew and and so the only person well the one person in our group that kind of knew but she didn't get reelected was Katherine Bush and she kind of explained it to us how this works you know within the municipal we had no idea and so so we have a lot of next steps so um I've already had some discussions with GPI so this this what we did was sets us up to get Federal funding to do safety pedestrian bike vehicle improvements throughout the really the whole Cape Island but obviously now as we move forward now the discussion that we're gonna that I'm going to have here is really what what what is K May City centered and focus um because now each town can kind of take the pieces out of their puzzle that they need and then they can move their projects forward that they want to prioritize and Kate May City will prioritize the projects that we feel are necessary so so that's where you know that's and and because what happens is you know if and I think lower Township had this and kind of heard this at their public meeting when they had it they were talking about this and all the safety improvements on Cape Island you know on the cape Island portion of lower Township and then they're like what about the rest of the Town well unfortunately they would have to go do a plan like this for the whole municipality you know so the advantages of that we did this was now we're in the the people that are eligible to apply for these types of Grants and this types of funding which it can be planning it can be studies it can be implementation and cover design costs that normally when we apply for the dot grants we're fighting with all the other 556 municipalities in the state for the same limited pot of money this funding you know it becomes the pot becomes much smaller and they and it's actually a bigger pot to to play with so it's it's advantageous for us so um moving forward I've already kind of asked GPI to start giving us some proposals and and what what I see is our first priority is I think the first is updating the bicycle plan now I mean that this does have I'll say some uh islandwide impact so that you know even though I I just prefaced hey I'm going to be discussing what are KY City Centric projects it it just so happens that I think the most important out of all the things that we discussed for us to really start on is updating the 2016 bike and pedestrian plan and get that up to date um so I've asked you know that's one of the projects I'm going to ask GPI to give us a proposal on to um make an application for funding to update that plan plan when that proposal comes in I'm probably going to reach out to West Kate May and Kate May point and say hey let's partner in you know if if it's going to cost I'm G to make it easy if it's going to cost $30,000 say it's going to cost $10,000 to prepare the Grant application for that project I'm going to go to each of the other towns and say hey can you give us $3,000 to help partner and and get this plan moving forward so that's you know I hope that each to the communities when that proposal comes in they can see the benefit and and and move those plans forward because I think updating that bike plan if we look at it cohesively for Cape Island it it benefits us all not just individually um so I think that's I think that's probably the the first party project uh the next one I'd really like to look at is um uh safety improvements along the Ocean Street almyra uh that that Corridor stretch there again when I look at that you know I'm gonna obviously that stretch is between West Kate May in Kate May City um I'll probably have a conversation with West Kate May when that comes in and say hey does that does that match into some of your their priorities and if we want to stretch it together and do that entire Corridor as identified that's yeah yeah that's put your yes so we that you know it was identified and I think that we talk significantly had significant discussion about it in this group so right and then I think number three um because I think I think if we do three applications this year I think that's a good so the third one is really I think looking at um speed humps and speed tables but in conjunction with along the Washington Street Corridor because we've gotten a lot of complaints and issues about um speeding in issues along Washington Street um but I think I want to probably highlight Washington Street but I think I've got a lot of different neighborhoods within the city asking for Speed tables speed reduction and stuff like that so I think um you I'm going to work with GPI and trying to craft combining those two I'll say project description locations as as the the third project if we were to prioritize them I think those are the top priorities not not saying that some of these other projects aren't important but I think I think when you look at the the infrastructure projects that were're and in want to follow along it's on chapter 5 page 20 of the report that we had um those are the prioritized infrastructure project I think those are probably the top three um because I think unfortunately there's one two three four there's 10 on the list we can't apply for all 10 at one time um you know it looks at you know development targets so hey we apply for three I'm I'm sure we're going to get one or two this year you know and then every year we'll just kind of keep plugging away and and and having these discussions about what priorities that we want to set forward can I ask you to restate the second priority between West Kate May and so it's it's the um safety improvements how it's listed in the report and it's the second one on that list safety improvements on Ocean Street almyra Leeming Landis and Stewart Lane extending from six to Columbia so I mean I think that's a a vital Corridor on many aspects I mean obviously it's it's part of the the bike system in West K May then it kind of at the bridge it kind of devolves and then you know some of our signage encourages over to bank Street and then when you come out to the intersections out you know even as you come up to you know Lafayette and and how do you move I mean and I'm I'm kind of really looking at from a pedestrian and bicycle movement standpoint but we also have several stop you know four-way three-way stop controlled intersections along that way hey are they can we make improvements to those intersections to make them a little bit more safer and um you for pedest more specifically pedestrians but you know if we're rerouting bike Lanes can we make the bike routes along there more safer for for us in West G leaming is technically not a bike way our bike way is Central to park and down that way and we do have bike Lanes on leaming as we cross when you make the left on the park right um so obviously we like part of that it's just looking at that whole Corridor issue that that our constituents want addressed on Le uh is the speed on that right and that and that can all be and that and that and that's all part of that disc that Corridor is is you know so it's it's because then you're looking at it's all part of that pedestrian you know you know we're not just looking at bike and pedestrian Vehicles play a role into this and and how we move them how we control their speeds because the speed control of our vehicles helps pedestrians and and bicycles along the way so um those are my recommended top three to kind to go after it's we can't I can't ask a proposal for all 10 of these and try to apply for all 10 of these projects it's because then at that point we're going to get nothing um so we got to be realistic and and and pick and choose what we think is our priority uh just my my thought is particularly on number one to update the bike plan um I'd like to see us do do something that's accomplished well that know we're doing we had a bike plan and then we keep doing plans as our number one priority don't forget so well let me just finish please for a second and that yeah we can update the bike plan I'm I'm not against doing that but can we at the same time over the course of the next six months or 12 months get some some things done yeah but the problem is who's going to who's going to pay for those done we that's that's the purpose of what we just completed was to set us up for funding so that we can get stuff done there's back in 2016 when the city in K let me when this when we came up with the plan plans are great but unless plans and plans proposed projects unless you have a way to follow them up and pay for them that's where they start to die when you don't have an advocate for moving those plans from the plans to the projects that's where they have the problem obviously during my I hope as my tenure as city manager you have a different you you have we've had I'll say since 2016 till now we've had a variety of city managers all with different backgrounds I think you're I think the city is fortunate bike pedestrian committee is fortunate in this moment in time you're your city manager is also the city engineer who is Project oriented and and this is this is my playing field so to speak I'm not you know I'm not a a a CFO I'm not a you know former police you know I'm not any one of what those not not that they were not good city managers or trying to compare but everybody brings a perspective and and I think everybody can understand every project needs a champion to move it forward because if you don't have a champion to to really move it from start to finish that's projects die and Wither on the vine you know we've have we have some on the M that he wants he his focus is wanting a pedestrian bike bridge to kind of connect K May City to West K may you know what I mean and and and that's that and and he is going to be the champion to to see that through so as long as you know and and that's what a project needs is that champion not say if next if this happens and something happens and and and and Georg isn't around you know next year for some reason is that project going to still happen it might not because lost your Champion you lost the champion so when you we need when we update the plan with this Federal money that plan now becomes under this project so any project that we come up with in that plan now becomes funding eligible so that then we can now fund those projects because that I mean that those are I I think the two things you need to get a project done you need funding and you need a champion somebody that's going to shuttle it through the process and and if we do the bikeline so so I I I understand that municipal government city government County government state government federal government moves at a pace sometimes the pace is is what it is and it has its methodological slowness sometimes to it that it can't keep up with sometimes the wants now the the problem is do we hey we want a you you're saying want a project want a project but but what is the best project where is you know just kind of you know when about the bridge the bridge might be a best idea but is it really the best location to funnel everything there and it may be and I'm not saying that but we got to flush out all those details before we just start throwing you know people talked about hey let's throw speed humps down Washington Street to to slow traffic down okay that's a good idea is that the best traffic calming measure for that street I don't know okay if we do where are we going to place them how are we going to place them you just can't go throw them out there because everything you do has a a potential unended consequence and if you do it just to do it you end up with unintended consequences that that you then have to try to you don't want to undo um you know with speed humps you have issues with drainage you have issues with if I put it in front of somebody's driveway and and I've had issues where turning movements with trailers boat trailers and trying to get into people's houses I get complaints that oh you put the speed hump in front of there okay now I put a speed hump there now I need a various amount of signs to to notify public that okay now where I put those signs is going to be in front of your house and oh man I wanted a speed hump but I didn't want a sign in front of my house and and then you know speed humps now speed humps also make noise noise people don't realize that but speed humps make a noise because invariably people don't want to slow down for Speed humps so if you have an Escalade Tahoe Suburban big SUV big truck man you can go over those speed humps and really not have to slow down and then they make a big noise or you get the the little Zumi car that drives up to it and then and then they speed up and then you hear that deceleration acceleration and so those are the unattended consequences that we have to think think about and so that's why I just caution and that's why you know over since I came here last July been attending you know we talking about hay wanting projects but it's and I get I can understand the frustration and I can understand the the wanting to show progress but but trust me what we've done here sets us up because to get a project done I can go to city council and say hey we're going to do this project and I've got the money it's much easier for Council to get behind and and the res our residents to get behind us to say hey we're doing this big project and I've got money to pay for the line share of it it's not coming out of our our budget so trust me I I understand it but when you sit on the other side and you and you realize okay I can't just throw up some you know put something here just for the sake of putting something to say I got something accomplished you mind I I think we have I think we have accomplished I think we have a good focus in and so I think we are doing something it it may not be on the ground doing something but I think we're we're doing we're getting there let me can I make couple comments sure first of all I I agree having a c manager be the engineer is the best model that you possibly could have so I 100% agree with you because because of all these issues that you mentioned um secondly you know we talked about leaming Elmyra which obviously is a priority for West capap May I've said in this meeting multiple times that for West capap May the priority is getting our people to where they want to go the safest possible way on bikes pedestrian and so we talked about that in this meeting and Elmyra and um uh losing my mind that route is one of the ways into the mall for a lot of people so that being safe for everybody is a great project we we think that that needs to be addressed other things that that for us in West CAP may we need addressed is how do we get people safely to the beach and that that we're going back and and to to on their bikes and right now if you live on the west side where my friend Hillary lives you have pretty much go down Broadway so we look at that as what's the safer way to do it given what they're going to do with sunset where that path and how can we tie that in which is where the bridge comes from yeah I to I I I totally get all that but it's I'm just so so so let me finish so so for us we have the prior is getting our people safely around our and to enjoy the amenities that we don't have which is the restaurants and the malls the mall and the beaches and that's kind of our PRI and that's a benefit also for K May City because if if those people if those residents and visitors are coming over to the amenities in K May City on biking on foot that's one less car that I have to worry about trying to park or congest the streets and you know so it is a symbiotic in in in a mut beneficial projects to do so and but I think that's why I think the the number one priority is let's update the bike and P plan and and I think I think we have I think we can direct some of the focus of that plan to look at those specifics how do we move the focus shouldn't just be creating a corridor to create a corridor because it fits is really looking at hey I've got people from I want to give people from point A to point B and and and what's the best way to to move them there and that's part of what the focus of the bike plan is but but for us to pontificate sitting here is great but I need the planner to do it on a plan so then it becomes designed so that then it becomes funding eligible to do all those other those other things because if if if that bridge then becomes part of that plan then guess what that bridge becomes funding eligible and then we're not trying to cshare that or go to you know whether you know because then we can hey ask the county for a little bit and if the County's going to under the new County if you're familiar with the new County's open space funding plan it's they're increasing the cost share for municipalities so it's going to be ever vilant to have other funding sources for projects so something like that if you got we had funding through a federal Source funding through a county source and then guess how much our respective towns have to pay very little so that's well certainly that that's the goal one of the things the GPI mentioned when they were spoke at our uh burrow meeting was the and actually in this meeting was combining projects so that the cost is high enough to justify their fee basically is what they said because their fees are enormous and we have one project with them and just do sidewalks on Park and Central so I'm aware with that but some some of the projects that would be out there wouldn't be um wouldn't cost enough to generate a grant a Federal grant so you almost have to look at it in isolation for example the one of the roots on there is seag grve Stevens okay um Low T already put speed humps on Stevens which I didn't know they were going to do SE on SE SE grve and so they just did it because they were able to get the funding to do it for a smaller project I think a lot of the things that have been talked about fit into that window of smaller projects not necessarily needing a giant um another bike plan study oh I totally agree but but but you got to but you can you still have to justify you're but you're you justify the construction project you don't you're not going to get a Federal grant to do the study of where to put the speed humps the project would be hey I'm going to look at this area going to put speed humps in and when I hire the engineer they're going to do all of that figuring out of where's the best place to put speed humps or some other speed speed mitigation project so but that's but that's here it goes those are what I feel are the the city's top three priorities um moving forward and that's what I'm going to probably Rec the document that you're looking at Paul um I'm I'm not sure we yeah that was yeah we have that do we have it yeah that's that was this is what this is what was presented this is what GPI spent and you guys spent all that work on yeah it's oh I missed it somewhere okay everybody just a question here the original bike plan from 2017 16 and that there's what maybe 50% of those recommendations I'm just pulling out a number have been accomplished about 50% have not been let me be a different number the ones that have not been mhm do we have to restudy those or could we say okay here's this intersection that has not you know nothing's happened to this intersection that has been identified as a problem area I mean do we have to restudy that or we going to you're going we're going to if when we do this proposed new update to the bike plan they're going to relook at everything they're going to relook at the whole town because guess what what you did back in 2016 a might not be the priority today may not be the problem today or we may have a bigger problem over here that we want to solve so it not they'll look I mean that's when you look that's why they looked at that plan when they did this they looked at all the different other plans and that's part of what it is but when you have a plan that's over 10 years or not quite 10 years old um but when you have a plan like that purching that it's time to refresh it and and and do it so so if I don't want to I wouldn't want to go look at the 2016 plan pick one of the projects out of there and try to implement it in the next six months just to implement you know to have something implemented because that may that may not be the best thing the best way to spend the dollars plus I go back to my original question where am I getting those dollars to do that project I'd rather wait and and do the projects when I get grant money that was the whole point of doing this was to continue to further to the ability to get grant funding to do projects so that the city doesn't have to pay if you can come up with another way to pay for a project without using tax dollars I'm all for it but I can't go to city council your tax dollars it's still our tax dollars yeah the tax dollars I I can't I can't recommend to council to move forward and spend yeah our tax dolls on that when we have my argument would be if we're only looking for the best project okay and then what happens to all the others that are valid projects but it may not be the best and and it's lwh hanging fruit it you know well I'm I'm assuming that all the low hanging fruit projects those are the ones that we already did I don't I I don't know I don't I won I won't agree or disagree I I can't either who decides what's the lowest hanging fruit but if see some things and you know it's a problem I'll say back in 2016 I'll say you have to ask the council in 2017 and 2018 the the projects that they did in 2017 in 2018 I'm sure that they picked the low hanging fruits because I'm sure they picked the projects that were the most cost that had the most cost beneficial um to them but but for where we sit today it in December 2024 with the potential to get grant funding for the projects that we want to move forward and we have a I think updating the the that plan with because that bridge connecting West Kate May to Kate may I guarantee you was not in the 2016 plan but but today we feel hey that that has good Merit to be a potential route but we have to go through the process to to to show yeah that that's the RO that's as a community that's where we want to direct the people now you didn't think about it in 2016 so does that make it a bad thing no it just makes it something that nobody really thought of at the time well so that's this plan is islandwide 2016 was not islandwide true it was not was Kate no there wasn't West Kate may but made Point yeah yeah but it was not West Kate May right so so there we were're looking at a different animal now than we did 2016 and we're so you know when you look at that interconnection between you know you can't really get from Kate May point to Kate May without going through lower Township in West Kate May so and we and and we have you know when you consider you know you have to you know the two there's two bridges that get on the cape Island you know one comes in on one side one comes in on the other side you got to to look at it holistically you got to look at it together so just from that valid point if the 2016 plan didn't include West Kate May did it really include all the best alternatives to move pedestrians and bicycles in and around the city I I don't know I'm not saying it's not but I'm I'm going to say at at what we know today I think we can we can do maybe do do better plus plus we have a a funding source to pay for it all so Paul I I I just have one comment on your the I agree with your one two3 and as I prepare for this the only thing that as a as an avid bicycle is coming into town through ocean Elmyra that type of thing I use that Venice Bank thing a whole lot more safe safely than I do elm is a mess for a bike I I don't disagree and so and and that's one reason no way to unmess it because it's well but but I think the problem is it only thought its way through up to Lafayette because once you get to Lafayette then what do you do you you know when you're at if you come up Bank to Lafayette okay I'm looking across the street and I got a one-way Street coming out at me I I look to the right and I see the intersection down there at at cers I'm like do I want to go that way you know mean so so I think we need to yes we need that's why this that's why we ask his Corridor to go from hey let us let's look at that whole Corridor and and you know because said you know you got two focal points we're trying to get people either to the mall or to the beach those are the two I'll say that not that that's the only two destination location but those are if you look at the the big locations of where you're going to travel to in K May City from from outside you know especially on that side is how do I move them across the city to those two locations we got to think about that no no I I get it I've I've given a lot of thought except for that one little piece of Decor that's one way between Lyle and Lafayette you know and if that gets modified problems solved right I mean because you heard them talk about you know that that that coming out where it's got the two lanes in the one way where you know it's actually you know they initially looked at and say that actually is worse for traffic flow to have that left turn and right turn you know I mean it's almost better it might be better to push it all into one lane and then then does that create an ability to have Maybe not maybe have to have a bike to be able to go in a bike lane to go in on theater therefore giving the bikes that come up Bank a place to go so that you know maybe decer becomes a if I'm if I'm if I'm coming up to cater to Lafayette maybe there's a bike Lane for that direction of traffic a vehicle lane and then a bike lane for opposite traffic right Contra Lane and and and maybe maybe that's I'm not saying that is a solution but that could be a solution but but for me to go out and say hey we thought about this today and let me go out and get some line stripers and and and line straper for next season yeah but but I'm just I'm just say give it to your point about hey let's do something that sounds and might be good that might be what it ends up being but until we have the engineers do all the studies of what's the unattended consequences you know CU you know moving those two lanes to one lane we probably need to do a traffic study and turning movements to make sure that if I move those two traffic Lanes to one traffic lane that am I going to back up the vehicle traffic and just make it worse down down the cater I understand or I do to do I need to you know does that need to be a four-way a three-way stop to kind of stop the traffic on Lafayette just for a quick thing hey build a roundabout there I don't know no I don't think roundabout the answer but I mean we don't know we got to have you know you got to look at all those things and and take a look at it okay okay to that end I want to Circle back around are we contracted with GPI to do this next phase or is that something no that i' I've asked I've asked them to give us proposals and those are the three projects you know I have to finalize that with them but I felt I was having the meeting we were having this meeting here today and I just was going to pitch my one two3 and you know just make sure that I'm kind of you know those are my one 123s um as pretty much I'm board with that just back on CPI are you asking any other firms to bid on the project or just them well they've created this plan you know it's not going to be that I I'm hoping that it won't be a big lift for them to prepare the applications for this project so at this point probably not depending on what mean they come in and say hey it's going to cost $30,000 to repair each one of those application yeah I think I probably will if it if it comes back and it's about $3 or $4,000 per application that's was look at it but it's got to it's going to depends on what how reasonable I think it is they seem very Adept at collecting the data and putting that whole presentation together from from their standpoint and what and what the grant funders would be looking for for and that's great but as far as being creative with Alternatives and bicycle and pedestrian safety Alternatives these people that did this first one the wsp plan had very Creative Solutions we brought people in to talk to our community over the years long before you were here but um and they they're very creative and they go out to other towns and see what other towns are doing and GPI does the same thing okay I just had any inkling of that kind of um caring about the pedest the bicycle part of it the they but you you interpreted that they didn't care because they were they were that was the focus of this was to to create the different project scenarios and stuff that we wanted to look at not not to design a bike plan you know I mean so it's it's two different two different things bad choice of words what I what I just meant with I did you know I want to make sure that we get input from people who have been out doing this and and they do this and they do okay very good um so we were we going to talk about the area behind the school as one of our yeah that was just and I don't I don't know where you are with that the um uh St John Broad Street Corner the path behind the school MH we we had dreamt and visualized a bike path back there to connect that corner with Madison through the parking lot of the school it doesn't seem like it's going to uh go to fruition I mean those projects were pretty much in the final designs when I started here so the the interconnection beyond the around the school is going to have to have a broader bigger discussion with the school because the schools security at the schools are a much more heightened topic today um so even where the Kim nature trail comes in and then goes out on the trails the connection you know there's where it ends there's the connection into the school and that's a lock gate and you know so they get you know to have a to have that public path wrap around the because that kind of stops if you think about it at the school sitting there this path stops before the start of the school so this the Kade nature trails isn't really going behind the schools it's stopping at the school and I it's a discussion you know so that's that could be a phase two but it it's got to be a a a discussion that we're going to have to have with the school to see you know and I don't know what discussions the city had with the school previously what you know but I think just knowing the superintendent and what they're going through with school safety and and just them us connecting the nature trails just into their sidewalk system within their fenced in area it it took a lot of okay understood negotiating so I'm not saying that's that's not dead but it can be a next phase that we can have some negotiations and discussion with the school so I wouldn't say it's dead it's just phase two of that process got it okay so currently a well the other day I I I forget who I was talking to but they said the reason they couldn't do it was because of the high water mark and how it ran through the school and this would do I mean it just seems that we keep getting excuses on things and uh you know originally uh Lorraine baldman had told me that that was all going to be done and everything and it was on the map I and uh as I said just keeps seems to be a different excuse you know now it's school security well I don't know what it's I I just I haven't had those discussions with the school I I can only assume that when I got here you know I'm I'm I'm still going to call on the new guy here you know I've been working with the city for about a year and a half that what project is out to bidden actually they're going to start the they could be starting the nature trails next week um that design was already in for permitting and and kind of set before I got here so all going to say is that's where the plan got to I don't know how the plan got there or what whether or not there was the it it changed but that's how the plan is today and that's you know but to to continue it to connect it around the backs side of school we can have that discussion with the school as as part of a phase too okay school security is a is a gigantic issue and it's legit I worked at school security for 12 years after I retired and I can tell you that you were the softest Target out there it's and and if I was the principal and I was a superintendent I wouldn't let that trail anywhere within 100 yards of the building and with a fence um and and if you go to lower Kate man you want to run on their track you can't do it during the school day because of that very reason so it's a that that that is a legitimate reason I mean they they've actually told the contractor so there's a small piece of sidewalk from where the where we want to install the gate in the fence to connect from the C May nature trails to the internal sidewalk within the school that's inside of the fence area the contractor's probably going to have to go around the front door get buzzed in show ID walk through the school to go outside to do the work uh no so so it's it's I mean we're we're in a different day and age and world that you know 15 20 years ago we'd probably I'd walk over to S hey you want to do this hey you want to do this and then I I I have public works out there building it tomorrow it's not it's it's not the same I I you know 20 years ago I could walk right into the building you know right into the superintendent's office or principal office and sit down and have a chat I mean you you you got to get everybody gets buzzed in you got to yeah yeah you don't know who you dealing with New York City murder is uh well it's everywhere it's it's everywhere it's everywhere and so and so they can't they can't risk the security of our children um so I'm not saying that that's dead I'm just saying it's not part of the current phase and I don't know I wasn't here during those prior discussions so I can't speak to why or not I can just say um if it's something we want to do we can have the discussions but I haven't had any of those discussions yet okay my only last point was to um ask whoever's doing this plan to consider a way finding signage component to this so that in our map so that people can see where they're supposed to go you know the only place I've seen in Kate May that is that little bike route sign at Venice and Elmyra it's not really a bike route but it at least tells you to get off of Elmyra there which is good so something a design that works for the entire mean it's for the island really to get people familiar with where they're supposed to go and where they're not supposed to go if that could be included in the um um well there again that's not just put that in your keep that in your little to-do list so that when we get funding for the bike plan that that'll be one of the projects okay as part of implementation it would be signage and and W finding okay yeah nothing we're going to do now it's just something to think about when we go to do the plan okay which is important Paul I want to thank you for um you know providing the context for us to be able to understand what the challenges are what the benefits are the unintended consequences are all all the things that you spoke about I mean because we're all on the same page here we're we're here we're here for pedestrian bike safety uh to make and and and to help with the parking situation in Kate May and and everything else so so but I I will give you a little tidbit I I think I have a project coming out that would help satisfy your boots on the ground so to speak message um in last in this current Year's capital projects I had $600,000 project for sidewalk improvements so uh the engineers designing right now to go out in the spring um a couple major corridors and then scattered sidewalk improvements um we just going to be sidewalk Focus so uh we will be seeing some physical improvements of just you know I I know sidewalk safety is is a cons you know one of your still pet peeves one of your pet peeves um so we do have a large multi-year project going to spend $600,000 on replacing resetting and and improving the quality of our pedestrian sidewalks in the city so we we do have so if you want to look at a success that we're going to have coming in in the New Year not necessarily focused with this but definitely something pedestrian Focus as far as a a project that we're going to have out for this year wonderful and what was that am I I budgeted around $600,000 that leads me into one more question and that is a little bit off the the subject of the the Consultants but over the last seven eight years that been on the committee BAC has made numerous recommendations to to the city and your predecessors a city manager and some have been implemented but some have been not um and it would take not take a lot of money but I'll give you one example is that we suggested on certain narrow one-way streets in town to reduce the speed limit to 8 miles an hour that's it's not that's not going to happen Okay I mean we we've I mean we've them to 20 mph and I'm just going to say they've been posted for 20 mph and that's what we enforce is 20 mph Citywide except on the county roads and and I think that is a I think that's a laudable speed to have and to to try to work towards and to try to get something lesser is is Impractical well okay but you know have these been looked at because it's like we made a recommendation then never heard anything back on well I'm going I'm going to officially I'm going to officially I'll I'll officially report back to you that recommendation is Impractical so it it's not going to be considered by the city I so you can consider that your official response to that one recommendation out of about 15 that we've made over that period of time and and and unfortunately you know a lot of recommendations that might come out of here really need further engineering study and and and it some of them have probably died because Council didn't want to spend the money to hire an engineer to study the issue to engineer the solution it may be it's e it's easy to sit here as a lay person to say hey I saw when I was traveling and and they did this couldn't we do that here well maybe but you have to engineer those things and you have to make sure that they conform to the you know the do design standards the Federal Highway design standards or manual and uniform traffic control devices and you know and all those things otherwise guess what if if we just go out there and and just do something without doing those things sometimes and some goes not right who's liable so so we can't just put up and just do things that we don't feel that have an engineering job justification okay I'm going to put on my West Bay commissioner hat on this one I we have also have lots of public committees like this with volunteers who we greatly appreciate they do a hell of a job and they come up with great recommendations not all of them can be implemented because of many different limitations Paul mentioned some of them uh Financial U restrictions on traffic studies we get asked all the time to put in stop signs stop signs and and you know the traffic doesn't warrant we've done it in several locations so everybody in this group has suggestions that they can see in their mind work great including myself um but it's hard when you're in Paul's seat or my seat when we're in the barow to say all right we're going to try to prioritize this or this that one like eight miles an hour I can just tell you that the traffic study would never if you get a traffic study which would cost you five grand you would never get that as your answer no matter how you R the study and I can tell you as sitting here as the engineer I can probably tell you right off the bat and it and it is hard when I'll say when I'm sitting over there at a council meeting council's sitting up here you know as George explained and you get somebody from oh we should do this and and it's hard just to I'll just say flippantly say it just won't work yeah but but when you've been doing this for as long as you you know I mean I'm I'm sure everybody has their Prof you know you know you've did what you did and you know you're an expert in what you did after your long career and you know you could just tell if somebody walked up and say hey can we do this and you know sometimes you just look at and say uh no but that's the last thing I really want to say at a council meeting to to look over at a a councel person and say you can't do it at least you're there being to say that I have to have the answer I I mean the one of the biggest ones that we get in West Cap May is crosswalks and people want crosswalks like on park in front of sham M shells well you have to have an HD an ADA cutout at when you make a crosswalk well they they want to some people want a crosswalk across the street into a HED R it goes directly into a parking lot it's absolutely you can't do it it's just there's no way you can do that and but people want it and they've asked you know so those kind of things happen all the time um and and I just want to make sure I say keep coming up with the ideas yeah because not not all of them are going to get taken but there will be ones that maybe somebody hasn't thought of and it does get implemented and that that's all and I know it sometimes it's thankless being on this side because I I'm on both sides right now but I can tell you from from the experience and when and when you have when you when you go to other states or other countries they have other guiding rules that may allow them to do something where the state of New Jersey just says sorry not New Jersey you know just like you know people go somewhere else and you know you know New Jersey we're famous for all our Jug Handle turns and you know like you know you go up to an intersection you can't make a left turn right you have to go up and make The Jug Handle and and go around you go to other states and they look at us like like or when they come up here they look like we're bat crazy because we have all these jug handles behind duck it just so I mean so I mean it's it's all those it's all those different things that it's not just one thing there could be a multitude of layers of things that why we can't do anything and and in a public form it's hard to always just say no right off the bat um because the governing body doesn't necessarily want to say no they want to be able to try to I mean I I think every governing body wants when if a resident comes up and asks for something the inclination is they want to try to help and and I always want to try to help but sometimes you know and I my I tell everybody my Mantra is I'm I'm a Clint Eastwood movie I'm the good the bad the ugly okay I'm going to tell you the Good the Bad and the Ugly and sometimes you're going to you're going to hear all three and but it always is going to be from an engineering at least for me from an engineering stand Point what's going to happen and most people like people they don't have like they'll say like a you have a new project come in and everyone will be all concerned about traffic traffic you know we had to you know we have a we're proposing the police station at the corner of St John the Lafayette and everybody was like oh the traffic's going to get crazy there I'm sorry as if if anybody's been by that intersection of of Lafayette and St John in the last five years that intersection is bad me adding one thing here isn't going to make it worse and that's what a lot of you and then but I get that you get that a lot with the proposed projects people think it and because invariably they say that because they're negative to the project so they're trying to think in their mind and rationalize hey what's going to make it worse in my neighborhood traffic and everybody jumps on traffic but really when you look at the trips and the number of trips that you take and what things generate they end up never you know you get a senior complex that wants to be built on a state highway and you know they think 150 units all it's going to create a whole bunch of traffic along the road but when you look at the road development it really you don't see you know because not all 150 people all drive out on the street at that exact moment in time and create chaos especially during the season here we know when traffic happens so when you're around there you know everybody knows the streets you drive and you know okay Saturday morning yeah I'm not going to try that Friday afternoons I'm not going to try that you know Sunday evening right everybody knows what streets you're not going to do or you're going to try to get that errand done before or after those set times between between July and during July and August everybody knows those the traffic most of what we're not going to do is not going to make the traffic worse just a little degree of what worse is um this this reminds me you you spent most of your time in Upper Township in Ocean City do do you know where the uh the Shunpike Road is a road in Middle Township and lower Township do you know where the name came from I do yeah so most of us that live down here know so back in colonial times they decided to put tariffs on Route n to the farmers bringing their product to the island and wherever they sold them so they built Shunpike to shun the pike I did not know that you didn't yeah so that's where it comes from anded too that's right uh Paul B before you go uh I want to thank you for the job you're doing down at the Cove right now okay about 10 years ago one of our main things was finding parking for bikes bike racks and things like that and I think the city's done a pretty good job of increasing them even though you probably can't put enough in and I think and I think that's a goal is as many bike racks as we can put you whether it's at the mall whether it's down on the beach because we realize for every bike that rack that we can put down there and encourage somebody to ride their bike and get there that's one less car that's looking for a parking space so thank you that and and I'm just going to touch on that that that the island that's at grade everybody thinks that those islands are going to be like the ones that but on Washington and Sydney you know around the as you come into town where you can't drive up they're mountable so for emergency vehicles to get around but that island is in the exact same location as where the painted uh area was just just so you everybody gets that feel it's in the I have pictures so I I I took pictures of where the layout was going to be and where the paint was it's it was literally in you know so it's not going to if a vehicle could get around the old paint a veh can get around this new project but it's really going to be I think it's going to look nice and we are the the key is adding more bike parking we're also going to try to put some of those the Ada mats that we have and put some pads out some more additional pads out on the beach area Toc you just to increase some bike spots are you planning on extending the 88 yeah we're we're we're looking to possibly extend it at least to Manis for next summer that's that is a phenomenal that is a great thing absolutely I think I think is if you if you kind of look at all the different things maybe the city has done over the last five years I think I think that we have probably gotten the most positive feedback from that One Singular project as as you know just a volume of feedback not that we didn't have good projects in doing things but hearing the feedback from the public I think that's we've gotten a lot of positive feedback from that and I see you clean the sand off the entrances they were doing it yesterday we're trying yeah that's good good yeah keep up to good work thank you all right we see next month y thanks thank you Paul Paul do you know who the U uh Council person's going to be as the representative with this group I don't know because obviously we have a new council person so whether or not they're going to take that opportunity to shuffle the deck and you know somebody wants to but I mean I'm guessing you're GNA you know Steve bner is the new you know so I'm I'm assuming possibly Steve will take over what Mike's Mike was doing but I can't I haven't I haven't we haven't had those final discussions to see where the if the council the aison because I know I know Shane he loves working on the shade tree commission I know the rain's very active with Beach safety and um uh the historic preservation Commission so to know definitely know in January but we'll know in January when they finally Wrangle and arm rle or however they figure out how they want to switch it up thank you yep thanks have a good Christmas yeah thanks you too new year thank you all right so um we have discussed the old business which is that list of recommendations or we were told what the list of recommendations are and so which is pretty much what we thought um the map uh you guys are putting it off to the New Year y yeah yeah we're um still trying to figure out if we should do a printed version I'd really hoped we would have somebody who could help us do a digital version originally we voted not to do the paper map because everybody said nobody likes paper maps then it turns out people ask for them so um there's that part of it but then if we could do we had a young person who KN knew about the technology involved in doing mapping um to do a an app then that would be you know integrated into this project but we don't have that person do we tear cuz we we don't know how to do it okay I had um he left the environmental commission and I think he's left town the young man that had the expertise but I I could look out I could reach out to him I suppose see if see is yeah yeah but I'm just putting that it out there in case anybody does know how to how to do that but with in Florida until May um it's 60° here Terry you can come back safe all right we're going to shut that phone off here in a second is that um it's a deal with the bike path um over at the um Elementary School in the park I think that we still need to press continue to pressure them on what we're going to do with these bikes um from the park getting to the park uh getting to from the park to West Kate May getting to the beach and stuff again as routing um over towards that end of town um you know I'll go back to my Contra Lane Jefferson but um anyway I don't think Let It Drop because in the park now we're back at the park but we need to get a route through that park across Lafayette Street so I don't think we should drop that um just keep pressuring them I was going to give a um a call over to Lorraine um just to put a bug in her ear about it um with your permission guys I'll do that um sure as you recall Terry when we were looking at Lila at Street years and years ago when they were first putting that together before the police station and all that there was a a way to get off of Lafayette go into the park and then go off onto St John's um like about halfway you know right when the park was starting right after the playground I don't know I haven't seen the plan to know if that's still in there but but that was one one Concept in the past uh and Crossing where on Maia uh not Crossing it would be if you were riding riding a long lot oh they had that little loopy thing that kind of went nowhere it was down in the middle of the park that was a walking trail that was a walking thing no this would have been in that area but now it's all different with the police station so it's probably not going to happen but I was just reminding you of that okay yeah well the whole point is crossing layette okay so and so I missed the very beginning so the the number one plan is Elmyra to Venice to bank and and Crossing is that correct no that was number two number one is to update the uh bike walk um uh 2016 plan right which obviously includes the other side of L wasn't a does that mean adding West Cape May into this plan yes okay yes um and and he's going to inquire with GPI about doing that okay yeah correct and reaching out to West Cap May for support yes right corre and we we actually do have our own bicycle plan from 2009 and I read through the whole thing it's extremely comprehensive and I don't see anything on there that would necessarily be significantly different significantly different than today okay it's all the same things is that the baker uh I for who who did it but it was like 2008 or 2009 okay can I see yeah it's on my desket I don't have an electronic cop I'd like to see it it's it's big um I was happy to hear Paul talked about briefly about um I guess round and about was the two-way um just redoing all behind the Gazebo and doing um a two-way um by Lan he did mention that correct he did yes I heard that yeah yeah yeah because I mean again it's it's being creative and then trying to deal with the traffic but you know when he talked about the speed bumps it's like people you know you know they don't like it because you know it bumps their car and stuff well you're speeding do we have sympathy for that you know um but the speed bumps are important so anyway no I think overall his presentation was positive and um and you know and he and he explained the uh what he's trying to do long term in terms of funding and things so I think a lot of that made sense um right yeah I mean we just we just have to hurry up and wait again but which is okay right right well as long as we have U I think as long as we have at least Zack for four more years um it's not going to be a lot of Reinventing a wheel there's been some of that um but uh and then if Paul stays around you know that's the whole problem was all this disjointed but anyway anyway um so uh mention Hillary which we had talked about I guess there was no mention and again another point to um to to get to the city is cleaning up that Kate H lot right that that would be um something I would be willing to work on to put some schematics together just to throw it out there yeah and I there was a discussion about lwh hanging fruit and that could be one of them because that that's a project that is probably well well within the scope of public works right yeah um I mean and that might you know eventually what they'll say is incorporating that into that whole intersection thing if they're going to go and do it but um I I I don't think that that has to be that again it's lwh hanging fruit um and the city could clean that up well the thing is a lot is so chewed up I mean that's such a mess there um but uh but uh with your permission I'll go and construct uh a little note just in a side uh I'll send it to you Jeff and you could send that to um Paul to just bring it up yep sounds good I can do that is that okay Hill yeah I think we need I think we need to uh find out if Kate May stage is under any kind of a lease agreement with the city for the spaces there I don't know um cuz that would be something to work around do you wanna do you want to do that how yeah okay okay yeah I I think again it's always that little bit of um you know we know you know Paul reiterated and reiterated about our ideas um and and we know that we know that you know some of them you know Minds will never work um and that's okay we're just verbalizing but I think we need to do the same thing for that lot um and and mentioning you know is there contracts or stuff you know uh this is just another lwh hanging fruit project which would beautify it's it's just awful there and there's so many people around there um yeah and then my other quick question you know he talks about grants and stuff I sometimes wonder they're always the city is always talking about and uh George you could probably comment to this the city is always talking about all the grants but is it always the full Grant and so how much are the taxpayers ultimately paying for the difference um is it always 100% no it's not it's not always 100% a lot of times it is um the Department of Transportation grants tend to be all of it uh USDA grants which we get in West Cap May all the time or percentages usually 30 to 40% is a grant the rest is a lowcost loan so yes that the there's different grants for different things uh for example there's a recreation and bike bco Grant out right now uh for I think it expires the application process expires early in next year that we could potentially use for something like uh the bridge my favorite thing but um great great so there are other grants out there and that's kind of the point I was trying to make when Paul was saying you know we gota put this together GPI did say these projects are gigantic and their fees tend to be high on all these projects even though it's all paid for so that's why they encouraged us I think at our last meeting to compile projects together and make it one so if you say we're going to fix from Broadway down to all the way down through ocean as one big project that gets it to a number that would make sense smaller projects that are only $100,000 wouldn't make sense because their fees to actually administer it would be more than that right right so yeah it's not always the whole thing yeah yeah um and I know and so you know the money they end up getting the money I'm just curious like for instance the mats are great but how much is the city paying for is it out of pocket did they find another Grant I'm just curious because just using that that excuse that you know know we need a grant for it so um that was just a an inquiry um and another quick one George is um are you is this whole thing around duckies and stuff they had talked about just starting at Central are you bumping that back to um stemson I'm not sure I understand your question okay um and and with the County um because it's County Road just talking about improving that whole bike access yeah I I on their LA final report they in the one bullet they did say it all it's all the way down to Sunset um but the one that that would be the focus area would be stims into Central oh okay that's that was my question yeah that's why I thought your question was Central yeah yeah I was saying Central but really it needs to start at Simpsons right and and the the the thing with that is we need to coordinate with the county um I mean I'd like to see them do a study about doing some kind of a a light during the season at that corner and then flashing in the winter because that causes an enormous amount of back up as soon as somebody wants to turn left so and we're definitely not taking out the little white post to to protect the bikers so yeah yeah yeah okay good thanks all right thanks you I'll watch the meeting anyway and I'll just refresh the first few minutes that was great that was great I guess uh going forward I put out the the schedule and as we get closer after the first of the year um I don't know what the next thing for discussion yeah new I don't know do we have any new business I think we're just riding the wave here right now right yeah so it's still all all old business but we have a public portion you have any questions sir no okay [Music] thanks yeah y we would love that but the gentleman who so okay just so you know we've talked about put your mic on the Atlantic City put your mic on we we we and that they actually just cleared that out so you can actually walk along uh inside the tracks toward Broadway you can walk literally from uh canning House Lane all the way actually from uh Central all the way up to the canal right now I I was I was on the bike that revolutionary rail thing the other day and you could see they clean the whole thing out but they said that they're going to put those big metal poles up all the way down and once they're done that um we've talked about it multiple times get permission to actually uh put an asphalt path through there so that's One Direction then the question is how do you get the offshoot and I agree and I've talked to Curtis about it I've talked to Rays about it um so we'll see it goes literally between Beach Plum farm and his house that he's building in the back so but it's ah cramp oh man hamstring yeah oh I feel turn off the camera I feel your pain man and they don't go away right away oh look he's coming in tail to the chief do do we have a date yet for the uh when they're going to do the Sunset Boulevard uh fall of 26 fall of 26 and how about the roundabout at at uh West Cape May uh chance this spring but they may most likely Fall 25 okay thank you you say fall of 25 just now just now like somebody sh oh there's nothing worse there he just came in okay um is there any sort of update on the police station he's just leaving okay oh police station update on police station for that next question I I have nothing no details for her other than uh the fact that it's oncoming forthcoming sometime next year next year yeah we have possibly go out to bid maybe after the new year with some projects we're just waiting for a couple more approvals we're further along than we were a few months ago so it has been approved I'm sorry it has been approved it's been approved Harry where you been from the government from The Outsiders that's what I'm saying not the city but the outside no the city the outside groups the and all that kind of people yeah JCP and L we're we're we're clear with them we're all done with them and housing Authority that's all done um that that that update probably should come better fit from the manager I I have information but I don't want to speak over top of the manager with that so it's coming it might be before I retire yeah yeah we're we're kind of used to that I know so it's all right it's okay can you give us a State of the Union as far as the um season went uh the summer season and the 2024 season I think it went well um I think we had um a lot more attention to detail as far as the police department with regards to uh bike safety I'd say maybe some would disagree in the crowd but uh speeding Etc um bike safety is always going to be an issue it's always going to be something we need to tackle every year um I think what you guys have done as far as getting the word out getting some of these you know roads cleaned up and what we're planning to do in the next year of 25 um with the roads the Shadows help the roads being lined correctly I think there's more work to be done I'd like to see people off Broadway if we're jumping back and forth I really cringe every time I drive down Broadway um and Ken's running down Broadway and cars are passing him and you know he's almost hit probably every time but you know the side roads are really you know you can't tell people that aren't from out of town or from out of town that you know hey please use the side roads you can tell them all you want they're going to do what they want that's the unfortunate part of it so um we've been contact a couple times with the manager and with um the Commissioners over in West Kate May um I speak frequently with commissioner dick um as far as that's concerned it's kind of twofold there's speeding There's issues with cars driving and traveling There's issues with bikes and electric bikes um here and there and and the sale of those golf carts I have a Litany of things that all affect one another with roads that were cart ways in the Inception of this town they're now roadways and be very busy roadway so 2024 was better than 2023 um our motor vehicle accidents were pretty much on point or on par with the year before um pedestrian and motor vehicle accidents as far as that and bike accidents um I did give a report to the manager as far as I was a couple times during the year he asked for different reports um it's raining out sorry I'm wet um so as we move into 2025 we've started on all four squads I four squads so all four squads are going to be tackling certain areas of the of the community Kate May West Kate May Kate May Point each Squad is assigned to a specific Street and they're going to run radar on those certain streets and then report back I was looking for the detail from that report I can pull it up here in a second um we just started that the manager just asked us to start that um and I'll give you the details here in one second next question Terry did did yes did you uh pull the card out of the the trailer that used to be on Broadway that we just took out uh we just took it out for the parade it's going back I know I know take take you have a monitoring the lieutenant it actually monitored Lieutenant Maza actually plugs into it and downloads the information so yeah yeah I can ask him to s a report I believe that one's up and running um I did ask two years ago and in the 23 for you guys to two things ask the county for a couple more speed signs on on Broadway uh radar radar yeah not not the physical trailers for Bob yeah uh and Mr church is pretty good about doing that um when he when he does do it so um let me see the manager but I'll try to get that data for you okay cool oh I I do just cheap if I could just uh comment for a second to put a what is it a a bug in your ear um uh I don't know if you heard this discussion years ago um about the bike path that was going to um go through the back of the Lafayette Park and and around so now because of security and all that we understand I think uh we all agree that okay it's not gonna it's not going to happen but we still kind of need to get um an idea of going through the park of Crossing Lafayette Street but then again I was just thinking that I guess that's where St John comes in and possibly eventual traffic light there is that correct there's been no study for the traffic light but we did pipe and uh go along from the side where the police department is going to be across the street up across lafad street that in the event that we need a traffic light we could put one in um and speaking with the manager we don't know that we're going to need it we did widen the road there and make that uh deviation to get on to St John's from Lafayette Street which I think is helped uh in the hopes and dreams that the building will be there in the next 18 months after it starts I would think that that okay might come into consideration as far as the traffic pattern um vehicles coming and going we may need to put a light there the bike path as far as you're concerned there I believe there's going to be access from St John's Broad Street and Lafayette Street to go through the park and cross over um I don't have the specifics on the bike trail there I know it's going to be a walking trail I don't know if bikes are going to be allowed in there to drive along there to get through I'm sure you could Dismount your bike and walk through with it yeah sorry I'm having a little trouble hearing you but um I I know that one thing that um that there is some sort of they were doing a sidewalk going back to the wetlands thing and I think the latest plan that I saw is that they made that at least six foot wide so that helps if bikes are you know going to go back there I as for a parking area for bikes you know bike racks and stuff um yeah I'm I'm um now we don't have that routing behind and over to Madison that that St John's um traffic light area if I heard correctly eventually it's going to happen and that's that will be the safe Crossing for bikes is that correct in the event that a traffic light is needed it will be put there but no study has been done to do so the manage the manager who's also the engineer for the city has we' we've looked at it a couple times um we're going to see if it's needed but it is piped for it in the event that we needs to be put in but that's something that would be with the county and the city you know with Lafayette being um in there as well so and being a county road yeah again just you know we just hope that doesn't get dropped I don't think it will I think we're going to have to definitely have access for bikes to get to the park because the police department is just one of three things that are happening there the police department eventually will happen the park will eventually be done and the walking trails will will be added I think the walking trails are going to go first and then the park and then the police department I think they're you know that's it's a trifecta there and then bike safety bike infrastructure for crossing layette Street um because they're going to be coming around a little St John's and I think that's where we're going to have to talk about putting sharers in there because there's because that's where the bikes are going to be crossing that's where the the thorough is is that'll be the best place and that end of town to cross Lafayette Street yeah I I I feel there and and maybe more towards Queen but um and Jefferson you have a couple couple inlets couple places in across from the school at Madison so I don't want to lock in the one one location Terry and you know but I I it's kind of above above my pay grade as far as what the county the manager and the city's going to do with that so I'll um I'm sure they're going to view this meeting and we'll talk about it and I'll bring your concerns to them as well very good thank you you're welcome anything you need from us Chief no did you guys get a budget yet any more money for training or anything else is there anything like on your end or does it come from the city on your end or how does that work with you guys not really a no no I thought at one point you guys had some type of funding we had a budget but we never got to use it I I think we used part of it for the bike map one year but we haven't used it in the last couple years okay it was like $600 is that right do you remember that Terry a little bit of money we had no it it I got you I for some reason thought it was more but okay now you see now you don't I'm here if you need me yeah Chief I um I had the opportunity I I put it out to everybody else with late notice I'm sorry about that but I attended a zoom uh put on by an attorney and all he does are bike accidents in the state of New Jersey in New York okay so he says um what to do if you're in a crash don't flee the scene I mean this is with a car oh for the vehicle yeah so uh car bike yes car bike crash don't flee the scene you want the police at the scene and always get checked out medically at the uh Hospital emergency room that's correct whatever anyway it's like Common Sense stuff yeah Common Sense stuff but some people forget it like oh they brush it off and it's a really good point they'll brush the a the bicyclist will brush I'm okay I'll hop back up really quick because your adenine is running but I've actually had accidents in town where the young man stepped up and by the time they got home he was paralyzed he it was a late onset uhhuh you know what I mean he got up he was dizzy decided to drive his bik home by the time it got halfway down Broadway it was definitely uh not good so here looking for a bid opening for Ohio Avenue I put a sign on the door we're gonna have it upstairs in Council okay yeah we're we're finished in a couple minutes double booked 11 we're sending everybody up there okay thank you thank you Aon so yes Common Sense things but sometimes you're you know people don't think will lead with common sense yeah when you're in an accident yeah and if you have auto insurance they'll pay for your injuries and you don't have to have a car in the state of New Jersey to have auto insurance did you know that they'll take your money they'll take your money'll take your money I mean it's reduced rate but you can cover yourself with for for riding a bike you have triaa and you're on your bike and you get a flat tire you can call Tria and no fleix the tire on your bike is that right you may wait a while like anything else but it'll be there anyway thank you you're welcome can I ask you one thing yes so when we when this GPI group presented in West Kate me I think you were there I I watched today after the fact I I I mean I did miss that meeting it was a very debated meeting actually Mr dick was there but yes there was a lot of questions well it seemed like the recurring theme was enforcement correct I did see that what do we say to people um we can do is what we can do um yes enforcement is a piece of it um and I take it on the shoulders and and all the time that we need to do more enforcement and we do um as far as that like after that meeting the manager and I discussed what we could do and you know the email that I just looked at that we sent out to our staff was all four squads we're going to break it up and and try to break up some of the enforcement West Kate May wanted more tickets written or more stops they were they were questioning or one of the council Commissioners questioned there was only 27 28 stops that is correct there were a low number of stops but when we do stop people it's a lot of locals it's there's no doubt one of which yeah one of which was the commissioner and his daughter he's speeding so um you know not putting that out there anywhere else but it is what it is so since that since that meeting we've increased enforcement there you're seeing more cars on uh on Broadway and through town they wanted a ghost car um we can do that people start to get weary of it they know it's empty uh but we can do the ghost car thing we've done that before um that's part of the email that they're going to be starting to roll out the ghost car and put it out there but the more you put that out there the more the people know so enforcement is a key part of it and we could probably could do a little bit better um but I will say for my staff they do an excellent job in in what they do I mean you know just the one DWI they had in West K May on Halloween like literally an hour before the street was littered you know and we arrested them because he almost hit someone else driving up the curve right in front of your house where almost hit was up just past the garden center correct and you were not at the next meeting but but correct there were a lot of people that came and you know the Tommy Douglas who's been there for 100 years yeah he his wife is the one that almost got run over correct so we consider instead of putting the the speeding thing across the street on the other side can we that shoulder is wide enough can we put it right in before the turn you know what I'm saying between the garden center and where the turns what I would do for you for you for me just when you go back home take a picture of where you think it should go take look that that'll slow people coming down around the turn coming off coming from SE to Broadway passing the firehouse on that side of the street yes P pass past the house M you hit the garden center it turns left right before Landis what's that before Landis yes before Landis because that's where they tend to run up on the sidewalk correct okay so just do me fair when you go back home just shoot a picture I'll do it right now yeah take a picture I'll do I'll have a CU it's actually still it's only 100 yards from where it was before F flip overides and coming into town coming into town okay yeah we try to we try to move it around a little bit on in in in town and West Kate May and Kate may we have a couple of them so we'll move them around it does I'll ask Bob if we can get two inbound two outbound yeah at least one yeah Sunset Boulevard same thing you know so I know there's going to be work done on the Sunset Boulevard eventually but you know more enforcement can always help to answer your question yeah Common Sense yeah again you know we we can run radar we can stop cars there's a lot more things that we're doing during a day but that's part of our daily Duty the officers are charged with that they actually have assignments forway one of the locations there's side streets as well but you know I won't say that enforcement doesn't need to get a little bit more heavier the only part of it is you're going to get locals in that and that's what's going to happen so we can't we can't be selective as far as as far as enforcement so we like to slow everyone down you know at the same time and in I'm I'm guilty of it myself I come in town forget it's 20 sometimes and I just came down Lafayette Street coming from the Parkway and you know it's like it's 20 you know so got to be reminded sometimes again slow down and smell the salid air that's it all right thank you thank you thanks Chief thank you all right all right you hear a motion to uh adjourn make a motion second I everybody looked at the dates for 2025 it's already on my [Applause] calendar I can tell you now I'm not going to be here in January okay or March I'll be here in February is that online like that doc this one yeah I don't have that so yeah it Terry is the bike walk from 2006 is that on the uh City website I don't think so Bob's asking it they just make copies T can you send it to can you send it to Bob you have it U there's some um I have it on my computer I can email to you okay yeah all right I always confused it's very good I'm always confused that there were two different there were two different files right yes yeah and which do we have I think I was seems to be pretty thorough as far as what we're dealing with I don't know what the other stuff was there was an addendum I think yeah yeah one is real the other one you have so anend would just be the of the whole thing is that correct or is it an addon I think it was an add-on Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas everybody thank you my best one while sitting around can you can you find the both copies or one copy or whatever see what you have um I have it I have it on my computer at home my desktop have both of them yeah I have both of them did we adjourn I think wej yeah we adjourn ter do you want um you want me you want me to send you a copy both copies yeah okay yeah yeah and and just everybody I don't know who's running out the door um I was trying to resign as secretary um and Hillary's picking up the minutes which is Big so I can still do some of this like agenda stuff and um work with Jeff on that just a little bit less work involved and and that Hillary's picking up on the minutes which is fantastic okay so you'll you'll deal with Aaron and all the agendas and things that need to be gone through City Hall perfect that that works great I'll do the minutes okay great yeah it's a plan and as far as January's concerned are we just gonna touch Bas a week or so before e