##VIDEO ID:DMMWR7HmIUQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e everybody turn your please can and uh we'll get started here turn your mics on in compliance with the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided if any member has reason to believe that this meeting is being held in violation of this act they should state so at this time hearing pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all got a roll call please yep so we have hope yep here Justine Kim Chris Michael here Angela Michael yeah you Michael thank you Angela Barbara present Randall Sarah here Charlotte here Gretchen councilman Jagger here and myself okay we have the minutes of September 24th any anybody have any additions or corrections to that if not is there a motion to approve I make a motion I'll second all right all those in favor I okay uh planning board we had we really have not had many applications um we have a meeting tonight I don't think there is an application for tonight either um that's so I really have no report um Mike you want to say anything about what council's doing um well it's important to note some of you may have already received notice but um the mayor got uh a notice from the state that U Cap May has achieved sustainable Jersey silver certification again which is which is a big deal mhm um and that uh so so what's going to happen is that at the leagy municipalities conference on November 19th there's going to be a presentation um at which time the green I guess the they have the Green Team I don't know if um it's going to be up in Atlantic City that's going to be yes yeah it's they'll hand out the award and they you know want to do a photograph so um I'm not sure why the environmental commission folks who might want to attend couldn't go the you don't have to you know register for the whole event you can just go to this luncheon and unfortunately the luncheon is $75 and I'm not sure if the city city will pay for it but um I'm going to I'm going to forward this email to everybody on the commission and you know just what day is that what day it's November 19th um at uh what do we say here yeah I'm sorry Monday the no tickets will be on sale until then so the honoring will be done on I have to find it here there's dates all I don't know which day it is yeah but I we don't have you don't have to decide until November 18th and uh I believe it might be the following week it was the 21st I'm pretty sure okay um so anyhow I'll I'll send this along to everybody if anybody's interested in attending it's uh again it's a a nice accomplishment especially for our small City and um that's the big news at this point so yeah that's all I have okay um Dark Skies program David you want to say anything about that um updates for dark sky that the flyer is done um we have everything that we need to have I confirmed that everybody who's going to be attending um we're just kind of waiting for the day to come I was going to see if Gretchen still wants to have the Nature Center attend um it's open for anybody here who like to attend and maybe talk about some of the things that's going on with the environmental commission we can do a table there for be like kind of the same way we did for the October Fest kind of talking about coming events I mean it is going to be considered environmental commission event so some people come that' be great um my apologies I did not make um copies to bring with me today um so I can make copies drop them off anybody's house like that what's that Dave I didn't for the flyer for um Dark Skies you do yeah yeah I mean I I can make copies um for anybody who needs them I was going to bring a bunch of them to I justly forgot to I know but it looks good um we have beautiful so right now we have two local shy groups coming um Princeton University is going to show a slide there um Nature Center you're still should be coming um then with us so we're going to have like four or five groups going to be there so what time is it it's from 7:00 to 9: it's outoors right in front of the convention so we're going to have tables set up inside convention hall and then the lobby um where people can do presentations show movies and then the actual outside perimeter deck of conventional heal be set for telescopes be set up out there I think right now we're expecting to have like six to eight telescopes okay it's going to be great um and it's kind of pop in thing so people get there at 7 8:00 it's kind of the houses being advertised um City website social media Flyers I'm sending out to schools um Billboards throughout the city um and then once again I can make flyers for you guys to hand out so awesome yeah nice this is looking good excited yeah so are we having a table then yeah yeah I mean I love that table there if anybody wants to come and work to table I mean what do we T yeah and I can send I can send a I can send email up this week and see once I come volunteer work to the table I'm kind of just talking about coming events and what we're doing here so I can do that you want to do that we don't have to decide now who wants to do it but you know before then we'll probably have a table we'll figure out yeah I mean we we have plenty of space um we have plenty we have 80 tables so we have plenty tables so we need to let everybody know how much fun we all are yeah of course I think it's important to get our name a little bit more too um for sure bring a tablecloth things like that okay um next item guess this new business uh articles on native plants and the benefits I'm not sure what that is anybody commenting on that I think we talked about um doing something in the local paper Okay um and maybe that's something like a wintertime project to figure out how to put that together I don't know yeah I'm not I'm not sure either um I I probably opened my mouth sometime at one of the meetings and said that you know we have we have an ordinance in place with recommended native plants it's just really a an issue issue of educating people um about better choices and getting the word out so um you know hopefully things like Harbor View I'm sorry and I'm I'm wearing this because I have a bad cold and um so I think uh you know using Harbor View Park as an opportunity to be almost like an arboretum where we have things on display that people can see that there are some good choices out there and then doing a uh media campaign to educate people on alternative choices um I think that was the idea all right Dave make sure this is make sure this gets on the agenda next month okay just just push it forward a little bit yeah okay I was talking to some people about doing that for the uh dark sky reg uh the the lighting um that people don't really know to turn off you know turn off your lights or mask your lights after a certain hour where I'm from there's a very bright light coming from somewhere behind me and our neighbors across the street have two porch lights on that are not hooded so that's just a reminder of what I can see without even blinking and I'm you know we P regulations pass and um people don't know about them so if you're going to do that about invasives I'm thinking maybe we could do that about lighting as well I could design those if we just have the information and then we should well we can can write things that you know that that appear in the papers as well okay Mike excuse me could we back up just a tiny bit um sure um a few things that happened um in September that are you know really wonderful we we had dun day and I'd love to hear a little bit more next I think we were talking was coming up I think I was going to talk about next oh I'm sorry okay and then secondly we certainly had the Monarch Fest and certainly Gretchen will jump in on this as well but um having our table there and children being involved in interacting it was a spectacular day in terms of even attendance somebody told me there were over a thousand people and mostly families with their kids and kids were really thrilled about that yeah I'll let you go I well I can update you you want me to do that go for it so yeah Monarch Fest this year we tried hard to really um get some realistic data of attendance and Tom Reed who is um the husb of our program director Emily Reed Tom is the migration count coordinator so that's what he does he counts things for a living and he was there with his little clicker and estimated or that there was a 1,77 people that came in the front gate if you know the Nature Center lots of people walk in on the side too um so we think at least 1,200 people attended a realistic number and people do come and they stay it's not one of those festivals they stop in for 40 minutes and leave they hung around for a while um engaged in all the exhibitors who had things to do and then artists and music and programming that we had so it was a great day um and I don't think we can get much bigger unless we go out onto the street um I don't know if we need to do that though really I mean we could we could address that but it's um it's serving an important purpose um we can I I'd love to hear feedback in terms of what could we do more you know we we don't do a native plant sale in the fall anymore um maybe we should maybe we could put together um pollinator kits some some plants that people could take home and plant uh we could do a workshop on planting natives um but it was a great event and I think it's kind of a signature event for Kate May and and just a followup to that greton I was thrilled to see that the Gazette um had an article about Cape May and the world's long longest running monarch butterfly research project by New Jersey Autobon and um I think if our secretary had that maybe they you know there are a few Salient points to um add to our minutes for next time that would be terrific um because I I think that oh and then below that it advertised m anyway really good stuff happens thank you uh so what's the uh the mayor's Monarch pledge I guess you aware what what what's that all about um well the mayor's Monarch pledge is something that's done through the National Wildlife Federation um and it's a commitment by communities um they're asking the mayors of the communities to kind of sign off it's one thing to just do it but it's another to kind of follow through with what are you going to do in your community um so obviously we get points for for having a monarch Festival in our town but um and there's other things that we're doing in the community in terms of some some native plant plantings over near swains Hardware where they fixed the sidewalks and added some native plants we could do better there's definitely a lot more we could be doing and last year when we had the sister city agreement with um rosemir a city in in Quebec um Canada I mean just look and see what they do it's just amazing how the whole Community is embracing this and the town itself is really dedicating towards that in their public spaces and their Gardens and they've produced a pamphlet that they give that's in French and English that they give out to their residents so you know those are the types of things um I know David maybe you've been asked by the city to kind of follow through with the paperwork part of the mayor's Monarch pledge yeah so um they're kind of asking us as a commission to kind of take over in terms of programming um marketing to kind of fulfill the need of the Pledge um honestly I think it's just kind of through programming um we can make flyers up things like that to talk about why it's important for monarchs um what we can do um as a city and the commission um so I think that maybe going forward I do have a print out here of what the pledge is and then you see on the back side of it kind of what we need to do kind of keep going along with the pledge um I think events kind of like the dun day which you did was was a great example of which would follow along with the Pledge on what the mayor was talking about um I think it just as group we can talk about more programs we can do going forward um fires you can make up um I also handed out a um a dune sign here which would be also another part of the pledge which to kind of work with that something we can make um I'm sorry something we have a company make for us I just reached out to them to get um quotes I haven't heard back any quotes yet um I can send you out quotes we were thinking about maybe putting this sign in front of the dunes that we've been working on um kind of explain what you're seeing the importance of the [Music] dunes importance they play with nature and all the flowers we're planting out there the kind of work we're doing um and then also just kind of getting back to the gret is talking about some of the programs I think we could do is a monarch tag program they just did one this past weekend at um I mean they're H see they're happening and it's just like I mean we we every Monday we've been do Monarch tagging demonstrations at the Nature Center yeah um so these things are happening in our town and it's just um we at the Nature Center are happy for the city to take credit for it you know it's it's something that's happening in our community maybe what we're what we could do better is just collaborate with the city in terms of promoting these things and um you know I know through funding sources like the environmental commission having some of the funding maybe dedicated to the Nature Center to help us underwrite some of these programs that we're doing anyway um sure we'll always take that because we we're in a very limited budget at the center um we actually right now we have a teachers Workshop going on at the center we've got 21 teachers there doing a program on um Coastal resiliency and and part of what we're talking to the teachers about is is habitats and and restoration type of work so um a a lot of these things can meet the meet the requirements yeah for sure yeah yeah and it's something we were just asked of this two weeks ago yeah so it's just very infant stages but I I think as a group we can definitely come up with some great ideas to kind of get our name out there a little bit more with the the commission and partnering with other local groups and I mean maybe expertise can the Canadian group is there is there something up there that I mean obviously they're doing it really well up there can they send us stuff of stuff that they've done and we could just kind of pick up some of that we had I mean yes we we had that from last year um they did a film which was you know like this three minute film that was amazing um showing their Gardens and everything I mean some of the things that we could do is simple let you know connect connect the dots we have the dunes if there's signage there in the dunes we have the water conservation garden and the Nature Center Gardens and some we can like it's just the way we kind of promote it and connect it whether it's a maybe it's um a bike a bike map or you know like a visit these Gardens and read the signs and get make it some kind of like Community scavenger hunt to visit these places there's a lot that that can be done um so I have no doubt that we can meet the requirements of the we just have to kind of be proactive and make it happen um we I was talking today we have money in our budget people we have like what we say like we have around 8,000 around 8,000 about $8,000 in our budget so this is going to I mean I'm just ballparking something like this probably talk around 15 the point that I don't want to lose is I mean we have it now yeah we may not have it next year so we're going to do something with it we can spend that money yeah I don't so I know I've missed some meetings this past year um was some of that money supposed to go to the Nature Center for the events like Harbor Fest and Monarch Fest right but frankly I don't know yes well I don't believe that check has ever come um and I what did we do in the past 2,000 was it it was usually like a th000 per per event we did two events this year I will double check my records but I don't remember seeing those checks yeah and I guess I'm not sure how it you know the mechanics of how it's worked in the past um I didn't know if there was communication between you and somebody in the administration but let me um find out I I mean I think that again we did have that itemized um in the budget I remember it too I I can tell you that you know the the budget's typically been $6,000 part of it was the pay for our secretary um part of it was to pay for events at the Nature Center and this year what I did was I asked for an extra $4,000 for us was $6,000 budget was standard and I asked for an extra 4,000 so we could publish a dark sky pamphlet um you know something like uh on the order of what Malibu has done and even even though these are available um the point was is that we should probably have some pamphlets these aren't you know making law these are just informing people what you should do and uh shouldn't do with life and why um but I that kind of I'm not sure how it died um but it it it wasn't developed they've uh talked to Paul and or maybe somebody in in the CFO and just just you can get a copy of exactly what our budget is and what what's been spent I got a copy free right here that's so easy to get yeah I I got um I just got access to our Edmond's account so um I have it we will know exactly where the money is supposed to go that that doesn't take much to get we can find it out yeah I'm not sure how well the budget's itemized it's certainly verbally Express but I'm not sure how they documented it I then I was saying duv tail then you can then you could talk to the the CFO and see how much money we spent he'll know exactly how much money we have left on our budget yeah the first order of business certainly would be to get the money to the Nature Center um as we committed to doing I mean that's what part of the budget was for what I was trying to bring up was we I think we're still going to have money we're going to have a lot of money left over and I'll tell you it's not a good idea to not spend it because you know every year the budget's based on what you did last year last year so um if we even if we can come up with a commitment and get an invoice before the end of the year for something and if it is even if it is the brochure if we'd like to um put one of these brochures together or two for Kate May um I I think that we should do it and and get the process started and even if they're not finished at least we can get an invoice and pay it thank you um I'd like to just jump in here because we have been creating an annual report for the environmental commission over the years and um one will be due shortly for 2025 and I've forwarded this report to David so that he can continue along with that thread um and in it we have to talk about our environmental commissions Association and how we're related to them which we've done we list our environmental commission members we list our environmental commission meeting meeting dates for 2025 and then we go on to networking and we and that's a whole other list but then we have our commission budget and the budget um lists the duties of the secretary and then the contributions to the Nature Center New Jersey aabon and for this year the 2025 not this year but the next year we've listed and this is all for your review at the next meeting but this is a proposal that we put together annually and the contributions for the Nature Center New Jersey aabon would be for next year $5,000 with also affording Cape May City Elementary School visits to the Nature Center at $2,000 oceanfest contribution a th000 monarch contribution festival at a thousand supplies for the environmental commission members at festivals at a th000 creating and Publishing all environmental brochures at $6,000 educational reminders to newspapers and periodicals such as Exit Zero star and wave and we have members have suggested that we have not had enough money so that they could afford putting articles in the herald so we've upped that amount so that that could be afforded and we get better circulation and publication and then further lastly in the report comes the highlights of each meeting so that we can understand a continuity of what the environmental commission has done through the year 2024 so out of the minutes are January 23rd 24 and what we discussed the 27th our goals in February in March 26th having city manager here and talk to us April 23rd talking about Green Team meetings May 28th about anyway it's very comprehensive and then we have our environmental commission members information lastly in this report and we've been doing these reports every year since I absolutely can remember and Aron wants these reports as does our environmental commission's Association so you'll be seeing that David will have it for you and send it to you and then you can decide if those figures and goals are what you concur with at the next meeting this is simply our proposal for the next meeting which mirrors other proposals thank you make sure that he gets what Dave gets the so we can get it get you paid for the Monarch Fest would do you need something from me I mean to typically in the past I didn't like provide an invoice I can create that if that helps no not not so much an invoice but maybe um a summary maybe a maybe a a letter just okay they have to generate a purchase order to do it yeah and so we need probably need something to support the purchase order okay I'll create something okay so and you I I noticed I know it was the um looking at 2023 we did um ,000 for the harbor Fest is is what was done but I would also I i' do the Monarch Fest I'd put another $1,000 in there and I'll swear to it okay and I that's that we expected that that was part of the budget and what we really did with um harborfest was what happened on our property was like an environmental fair right we had a lot of organizations there I have a list of who was there I'll I'll write up a quick paragraph summary I'll provide our you know tax exempt status whatever I'll put that together and get get them something I think I think we should put two two items in though one for the harbor Fest yeah and one for the Monarch yes just keep them separate yeah whatever whatever we do yeah Gretchen can you spell the name of our sister city in Canada Rose r o s e m e r e okay um rosemir and I I have I can send you all some information that we got from them I'll send that in an email to you all um uh yeah right so originally our budget was for 10 grand correct I believe it was that's right and I think as of right now we're down to about 5900 if this is correct does that make sense update one what's that that's the most update one yeah and it does not include any of the money monies for the Monarch Fest or for the uh right Harborview and so there's still going to be money for us to to do stuff with so between now and next meeting that's kind of like think BR his reports again for sure unless then I mean we talked about maybe doing some signs for the for the dunes yeah maybe yeah something like that some kind of identifying type science conce if we could do that uh whatever I mean some we have to I don't want to lose this money you know it does just roll over right I think but we lose it we would lose it but use it or lose it yes and again it's important yeah to establish a base for the for the next year it's hard to ask for 10,000 not spend it and then ask for 10 or 15,000 the next between the lines would spend it people yeah well as an example then we were talking you have a dark SK dark sky brochure that never got printed can we do something like that does that come out of the budget absolutely if the very least we can print it we can distribute it at the event that's like there's no time yeah Sor how are you going to put something together just print what he's got just print it and hand it out I left um some papers next to mic for Kim um I was ask your to your left mic oh this yeah yeah I think Kim was asking me to print those up those are um good literature for duck guys um from an organization that does exist already um she thought that'd be a good hand out at least to have something to well Kim's not here so yeah all right uh we'll get it to her we can you just can you email her that email her PDF on that is that possible yep one last thing we we' have we never mentioned do we the Dune the Dune uh plantings I think went pretty well I mean I don't think anybody I think it was a good response from the public for it I think everybody here participated uh it was nice anybody else want to say anything more about or how we can make it better I mean we talked about doing it better the next time we do it we had at least 50 people sign up they were very enthusiastic they had a lot of fun which I think is important I worked with some of the students from Middle Township and their dad um and they they participated in the plantings at Avalon typically it was just interesting talking to them them about how they did things a little differently in Avalon one of the things that Avalon has and it might be something that like we reach out to Avalon and they had these like the Public Works in Avalon actually welded these special planting tools that they have like why don't we just borrow them um that would be nice and they do them in the spring they do their planting in the spring and it just just maybe because of the drought that we're going through right now that I kind of worry about those plugs out there um you know I I have no idea I'm not an expert in this area is it better to do it in this spring or the fall maybe you looked into that yeah so I was I was recommended by many spring or fall just we can't foresee a drought of a month I know I know so generally we do get enough going back in history reports and looking at the rainfall we've got in the last couple years normally this time of year we're fine yeah but it's just with the drought going on right now it's kind of unforeseen but um maybe the spring would be a good idea um because that kind of also separate us from local municipalities for our plantings too because I know down the road they're doing yeah also around the same time so maybe we can maybe shoot for the spring then like in April well the only other thing that I would say is that when we did the walkth through and we looked at areas um and Kim I I think did some reading about you know planting dun grass you won't if you think of the the natural profile of a Dune the grasses are more on the ocean side and as you get up higher in the Dune and then go back that's when you get the more shrubs and and everything there were places that that were bald spots where normally shrubs should be so if we do a planting next year we should try to budget for buying some shrubs and you can get little tiny tiny plugs of Beach Plum and Bay Berry there are areas that actually have some invasive plants that we should probably try to tackle and get them out like the um yaka plants they're not native um but we did what we needed to do to kind of stabilize the Dune and get the plants in there there were leftover plants and the high school students did go out last week I think they're going to try to come back this week and plug some more in um how many are in a bundle is it 50 or 100 make I think it's 100 100 so there were nine bundles that you brought to me I've temporarily healed them in in a spot at the Nature Center hopefully we can overwinter them unless there's more groups I mean we can just keep on going and going but um we've got some of the leftovers we're going to try to take care of um yeah I think they should be gone by the winter yeah I don't mind s over mind off my bike and put couple in yeah just blast out you need a couple people to help you and yeah yeah just put my headphones in and go at so yeah I mean I can get some help from people too well one I tell you one of the things I thought about today because Public Works Eric reached out to me and asked about the cleanup on the Harbor we we had a beach cleanup Saturday the Statewide clean ocean action cleanups and um this has happened before this clean ocean action picks the date but you couldn't have picked a worse date in time because it was high tide and full moon and we had no beach on the Harbor so we cleaned up by the fisherman's Memorial but we couldn't do the whole Shoreline of the harbor so I just decided we're going to do an election day popup cleanup on the Harbor in the afternoon a time for people to come together no politics allowed low tide uh low tide will be in the afternoon so from 1: to 4:00 on November 5th we're going to do a beach cleanup at the harbor and just have people come together if the weather's still nice and we've got dun grass we can do that too on that day um is that a holiday for city workers do you have that day off which one was it again November 5th I believe so yeah yeah um anyway way um Tu so come pick up some trash okay one to four in November 5th correct yes okay Tuesdays uh may I just add something about budget before I forget sure contact Avalon and get that tool that that ER I was just going to say could we have that tool please I blew out my knee planting dun grass and I think a standup tool would be a lovely thing well I listen I look I had two little shovels it worked really good I had trouble planting this stuff well the broomsticks would have worked if it wasn't so dry oh yeah that didn't work that didn't work so you really I had just two little shovels it did in certain spots but yeah it was just been so so dry think that a standup tool would be a really nice one my feedback would be that I think that first of all I think next year going forward I think I'm I I should have gotten Public Works and City management more involved with the locations we're planning in um just because of certain sections let see if you see a divot in the ground next to promedon and um it looks like it's bare there's a reason for that because it starts pouring on to the promedon they're going to cut it back with public works so so I don't want to plan places where we're going to lose it within a couple weeks of them so I I think maybe next year we'll get them more involved and 90% of the stuff you planted this year is going to stay yeah yeah I just I just yourself you know things getting planed and getting pushed back because of storm and things like that so okay I want to I want to make sure that Courtney gets up here to all right so Courtney you why don't you come up here and do whatever you want to do here okay well I'll introduce I'll So Courtney um was a seasonal part-time employee for us at the Nature Center um she's new to the area Coast Guard brought her here um and marriage and uh Courtney your button put that button Courtney worked with us at the Nature Center her uh in our gift shop but was totally totally overqualified um in that she has a background and environmental science and a degree and um the opportunity came up for her to uh apply to be our Watershed Ambassador for our region um so she just wants to make connections she's just starting her position as the Watershed Ambassador which is part of the americor program and and I'll let her uh talk a little bit about what she's supposed to be doing this year welcome thank you thank you guys for having me um as gchen said I'm new to the area we moved here in June um so my husband's in the Coast Guard he's one of the company commanders so he's just starting out over there um I am part of the New Jersey Watershed ambassador program so for those who are not familiar with the program it is an America service program so America the federal service program and we are administered through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection it's a kind of federal program administered by the state but I really work on a local level I serve on a local level um which is what I like to do anyway so I'm very happy about that my background is in natural resource management so I worked in state Parkson North Carolina I worked in the Great Dismal Swamp area I worked out at doy Ridge on the outer bank so I'm very familiar with the beach beach in the Dune environment and then I moved up to Virginia where I worked for state parks there doing education programming and special events planning for Virginia State Park in the Yorktown Williamsburg area and then we came up here so I as a watershed Ambassador am a free resource to the communities I specifically serve in watershed management area 16 which is Kate May County's area and I do educational progr programming so that can be pollution sustainability climate change it can be native plants it can be invasive plants as long as I can connect it back to does this help our Watershed and it's environmental so most of the time right we can make that Loop we can draw it back into the Watershed um I can be there as a resource as a presenter um it's kind of flexible for what the community is looking for what you guys as organization is looking for we also do projects s and these are part of the program requirements so um I'm looking to do projects I'm looking to to help and support in projects and those projects can be cleanups they can be invasive species removals they can be education and Outreach um they can be stewardship trainings so it's kind of a flexible program rain barrel workshops I've heard are very popular um and for me this year I'm actually hosted out of ruers and in K May Courthouse so that's who's hosting me I know the Nature Center was previously a host for Watershed Ambassador in the area so that is kind of a short introduction to to what the program is what we do um but mostly we're looking to to serve our communities to help support the environment the ecology and the education and things within that area within our watershed management spaces so thank you all for having how about signage we're talking we're talking about a signage project and with your background working and parks and all that have you ever been involved in that kind of I have been so I was fortunate um the park I worked at in Virginia had just opened so so we were definitely working through signage designs at that Park actually my my project with recers is doing interpretive signage for them so I'll be doing signage for hopefully um their educational Garden space so doing rain barrel signage native plant signage um I think the other is like wellness with like vegetables and and growing within your own backyard so absolutely about Dune signage I've never done Dune signage before but is there such a thing oh I'm sure I'm sure there's such a thing um I've seen like I worked at jockey Ridge so I'm familiar with the Dy ecosystems um and that's certainly something I could do well well here we are we'll be actually I send us if you could I don't send us some I don't know what what everything you just said can you send us a copy of what you can do I mean certain things that you would like to do projects that would maybe we could consider Absol absolutely whatever free rign just send us something and we can pick and choose maybe so the project that you're going to do with Ruckers you're already committed that that's your project because Watershed ambassadors for part of their term they have to do like a special individual project and we have had Watershed ambassadors do that for us before at the Nature Center um so you're already committed with Ruckers so we so our projects we have nine different projects and there are some requirements within those one of those projects is a host agency project yes so that is what I'm for recers but I have the rest of the project space um I would have to go look at the breakdown again but we kind of have four that are flexible within that so that could be in another interpretive signage project um that would certainly fit within that set of requirements that I have to meet do that answer your question yes yep okay so the lays on for that is going to be Gretchen I can so so listen you guys can Banner back and forth whatever whatever you think might and do we have a meeting with you like I mean yeah specifically with you tomorrow so we will follow up and then I will share whatever um I'll be that conduit it so okay thanks last Mike I've got again you're you're on now go ahead good good good okay so we have one addition for um David for our bud budget um and I I I don't know that it was listed with the budget items but paying our anjac dues makes certain that each of us gets a quarterly update in Review magazine format um advising us about how you know on a bigger scale Environmental situations are being handled not only the state of New Jersey but elsewhere we get good educational materials we get all kinds of meetings if we want to go online and be a part of it so I don't know that our membership has been paid for this year anjac D Dave want the person to contact that anjac is this her name is Georgia Mata M A IBA she's the one to talk about getting our membership stuff all all squared away she's that's what she does okay so that's the person we're gonna that's what we want to do to make sure everybody gets their dues paid and they want to know who's in our organization that's that so they they don't even know half the people that are in our organization I mean we they don't get they don't get the whatever it is the uh the quarterly mailings right so that's where we're going to have to just contact her and work it out with her okay she's with u and Jack uh here's here's her email address okay can you just em I will I will okay yep I will got it sorry but that's I just wanted to help you out that's who we're going to have to talk to yeah so I'd like to show you something this is called the environmental resource inventory and this is what it's supposed to contain and this is an environmental resource inventory booklet for 10 years and it contains a lot of pertinent information we have a lot of these booklets this one's from 2017 and we'll go to 2027 and in here are all of the ordinances um resolutions that pertain CH to the environment in the City of Cape May so that we have a clear record at least a paper record in I'm sure in today's world and in the next situation it will be paperless but this is this is the old style thing and one of the things it contains is a list uh for the City of Cape May of all the Green Acres Program sites within the City of Cape May and how many acres are contained therein and the Declaration of open space for the City of Cape May it goes on and on and on and on about and what we know is that there are 41 acres in the city that are protected um and I did share with Council the fact that the harbor is one of those sites and that we did have a lawsuit um in terms of the impact if the harbor had been um totally built out the way it was proposed in the early 199s um so what happened is that when after the 2-year lawsuit finished Green Acres came in and did purchase along with City funds um part of the harbor the rest of the harbor was permitted to be um then established into homes but also a part of that settlement and Gretchen is not here right now but um Harborview Park was a part of that settlement so that means that's the reason we have an another wonderful place in the city that's open reserve space and that's kind of all I wanted to bring you up to date and um after we have this 10year listing of various categories what happens next in the process is we have um our city master plan every 10 years and we can go and take this background material and all of the resolutions and all of the commitments that we've made um and make suggestions to the master plan based on information that we've been Gathering and working on and that's kind of just a process day for all of you thank you uh anybody else have anything you want to say about anything what is the meeting tonight at convention hall well it has to do with the with the the proposed EP uh couple things I think flood flood issues tonight I think yeah this isn't this is the one where you can go you bring your insurance information and they tell you whether or not um you can save money I believe is part of the process but it's a flood insurance information was event bring your flood policy that might help you really all right motion to adjourn so move okay Mike's off e e e e