e please turn your microphones on mic's on what's that all right have a Pledge of Allegiance please alance to flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all uh roll call yeah Barbara present Randy here Mike Jones y Chris yay Kim here Gretchen here Justine you said we'll be here soon Sarah Stevenson here welcome thank you hope Gaines contacted me she's not going to be here um Mr Jagger here Charlotte yes good morning uh and Mrs judge is not going to be here okay I okay so can I go ahead you have you want to say something um a lot of you know that over the past several meetings at least I keep asking people to repeat things well I finally went for a hearing test and I found out it wasn't all you it was partially me so I am in the process of getting hearing aids um and I I don't know where we stand I don't know if you would like to have a secretary younger than 83 as a hearing issue or not so um all of you have to decide what to do um this is as far as I am concerned my being Secretary of the environmental commission is not a lifetime goal it is in suppor of Charlotte Todd and all of the work that she has done over the last 50 years and um if you decide you want to cut your losses that's fine too so um Mike you'll take a we'll figure it out but in the meantime please try to talk loud enough so I can take minutes I found out I can listen to it on um the streaming service and close caption it but I really don't want to spend my life doing this right um you know this is a well got question I have is do you do you yes or do you not want to do it I mean well I'm willing to try it with hearing aids and if people are going to speak up and this was really that's not a problem with me Merill we promis to talk louder okay because I mean I've been Secretary of the environmental commission for more than half of the 50 some odd years I've been here I did the 90s ' 80s 90s and with Charlotte and she raises our hand and I am very proud of the work I've done with her another thing to say so thing it's up to you but that's it and Mike made a plea for people to please speak up yes you're looking at me when you say that I'm past you because it's it's the only ones I absolutely always hear are both mics uh I I everybody who if you didn't hear me before I got a a call from someone who said who' likes to watch the minute watch the meetings and she can't hear them because none of us talk into our mics so we ought to try and talk a little bit more into our mic so everybody can hear us that's all and I think we ought to keep the status quo as long as you still want to do it okay okay uh we have the minutes for January 23rd for approval anybody have any comments is there a motion to approve the minutes Randy I second the motion all in favor say I I I um and we have a new member Sarah how you doing good everybody you want to say something about yourself what are we doing here sure sure um I grew up in the area I moved away for about 10 years after college to work in Tech so I did work on one solar panel project kind of related tangent um now I moved back last June I work in real estate so I'm dealing a lot with land use and impervious land use all of that fun stuff and um yeah I'm excited to be on the committee the last time I was in this room was for the master plan advisory committee in um I think it was 2018 so it's been a while but happy to be here and happy to meet everyone nice glad to have you welcome thanks doie okay um planning board report last meeting we did approve um a project over in La Mer and uh we uh yeah we had a report written by this lovely lady over here and the uh her comments were pretty much that the landscape plan was inadequate because it for the obvious reasons a lot of it didn't have it had non-invasive species uh and uh the wording was we strongly recommend that applicants select from the attached list of ecofriendly native low water plant species for use uh and this has been approved by the city and the project was approved and all these comments were read directly into the into the the resolution solution for approval and the applicant was obviously in favor of doing whatever we wanted him to do here again now it's just we have to make sure that follow up that what they did what they're going to do is what they recommended here and uh and it's just our D our our make sure that we can go by there and see what they're doing and if there's any comments we can make it make an effort to get back to the construction Department see that they do what they're supposed to do there um we don't have a meeting tonight so there won't be any uh any report for me today Mike you have a council report on anything anything going on well we um we are going to talk today about the uh dark sky ordinance at the last Council or two Council meetings ago I had brought up the subject I said remember that you know we had promised to uh come back with uh something a bit more um detailed than we had in the past and it was um it was a question of whether or not Council should have a discussion first before sending a proposed um ordinance which Kim had provided a draft of an ordinance by the way which was from Hopewell New Jersey um and all of council saw it and um we decided that well you know we could have a a brief discussion about it and then definitely we're going to forward it to the uh planning and zoning boards however there's um at this point in time and I didn't really get to talk to Kim about it we've had um one phone conversation where we talk talked about and having talked with the city attorney um pretty much he didn't know where to go with this so what he was asking for was um for Kim and I to put together an educational like let's let's identify what our real objectives are what are the key issues ETC uh and where we go from there and um I'm going to let the city manager um I'm not sure I think maybe right now is the right time to talk about this so um there's there's an opinion amongst City management that um we ought to take um slightly different approach to what we were taking which was to simultaneously draft an ordinance and put together educational materials I mean if nobody's read this ordinance before I'm maybe you have um it's fairly complicated it's kind of difficult for most people to grasp and um as you can imagine it's a very difficult to enforce type of ordinance um and I'll let Paul talk about this in a little bit more detail but I think all I'm saying is that I think we're going to take a little longer to get where we want to get but the education part we can get started on right away so morning everybody morning um so I've been working on dark sky lighting for about two and a half years excuse me what is what is that what is the ordinance we're talking about dark sky lighting door side dark dark sky dark sky dark sky no trying to keep the instead of the lights being shining up in the air let's keep the lights downward facing I got there um so prior to coming here to Kate May City as engineer for the Upper Township and both the Planning and Zoning Board and the the missal engineer um that became a very big focus of our Shore Community and some Inland people and um about two and a half three years ago like I said so I've been wrangling with this topic so I I kind of come to this having studied it for quite a bit and I think to to have it a lot of to be effective I think we need to start with an education program to really to bring a lot of more ground support for it because otherwise it's going to die and and I and I say this from experience because I spent about two years working on with our Green Team working with a subcommittee of the planning board and and residents and trying to come up with ordinances um and I actually had an ordinance on introduced on Township committee ready for adoption and then the public comment came and it just got shut up and then you know committee decided oh maybe we need to think about this more then it went back to the committee and we wrangled and there it died on the vine and I don't want that to happen this was an upper upper this was an upper Township this was an upper Township so I'm just going to give you a background of where I'm coming from so I don't want this effort just to get an ordinance and and you kind of you know the city kind of we tackled this last year you know and but we we started it from the nuisance side and you know we had comments from the environmental commission we had comments from HPC and I mean and the HPC already kind of has guidelines in their new HPC standards um that talk about shielded light lumens and stuff like that so for vast majority of the city I think we already have a standard and and have some protection for new development um but the problem is when you and I've looked at probably a dozen ordinance in and trying to come up with um a standard or or something to recommend in Upper Township I think in in K City I think it's actually going to be a little bit easier because we essentially just have two regimes you have a we have our commercial section we have a residential section in Upper Township I had so many more areas and environments to think about because besides a the urban area that like K May City and our commercial Zone you know we had half acre lots we had one acre lots three acre lots 25 and 10 acre lots so you can imagine each of those different areas had different requests so here in Kim City I think it's going to be much more easier to develop an ordinance but I think we still have the same problems that we develop an ordinance and all of the existing homes that are there and and and people have are misguided they think that oh we have this dark sky ordinates and then they start looking around their neighbors that one's not right that one's not right that one's not right but but the ordinance is for new not for old and and what I really think is important is as Mike was trying to say I think an education to to start with educating the public on why dark sky is important um and and you know and actually I'll just go you another I live for 20 years in Dennis Township Dennis townships as you is very rural in nature and by by just statute the the township committee doesn't approve any street lights so when you drive through Dennis Township there's only two little pockets within Dennis Township that actually have street lights so you know from Dennis Township especially when you got to bplan and bplan State Park it's one of the darkest spots in the state actually and it's it was great state in the state um BPL you know that's where a lot of astronomers go to kind of really look at um be able to get a good view of the sky and they have have astronomy parties and and stuff like that so I I I digressing a little bit but I I I talk about some of that history so that we don't go down and make some of those same mistakes and and we have a a better plan um I think the nuisance ordinance that was adopted by the city was a is a good way to essentially do that handle nuisance problems where you've got a little Spotlight in your backyard it's shining in your neighbor yard and and and able to to solve that problem uh of nuisance light um but to solve the the broader issue of because it it's it's coming from you know most of the light does come from commercial properties street lights are an issue um especially working with uh um ly electric and making sure when they replace with the LED technology they're still a little bit behind and they you know they're just standardized putting in white light LEDs though most of their fixtures are downward facing it's it's still a white light which is different than the standard yellow light that you have in the uh high pressure sodium lights that you have today so that's I really if if you adopt any of these dark sky ordinances that are out there and you know there's about three or four decent ones throughout the state nationally there's a bunch but they're rought with problems of enforcement and and and having a false sense of you know this commission is going to go through and spend all this time and then try to get it through the planning board and even if it gets through the planning board and and goes through city council we're going to have a false sense of it's only for new lighting and it's not going to solve the existing Lighting on existing you know just think about all of the hotels that are along the beachfront they're not going to change unless we have an educational program and and do an encouragement from a Grassroots standpoint and that's where I think you know um where we should lead our focus in the beginning and then come up with an ordinance based on you know after some educational effort in Upper Township did you implement any educational programs no can you no okay no that's what I'm say we went trying to get you know everybody on the Committees hey let's get the ordinance let's go go go and then you know part of the issue was enforcement that's part of the issue why it died was you know and in an upper Township it's it's they're a little bit worse to the extent where they don't have a local police force that can't even be out at night or you know so or a full-time code enforcement you know to the extent like what K city has so um and and that's the the hardest thing is enforcement and going back and you know is it an old light is it a new light and when did it get installed and you know now I have to have code enforcement working at night to try to enforce because obviously the only time you see the lights are at night so it it becomes enforcement is really is the most difficult issue to address with with these ordinances it's no different than the years of trying to preach using native plants in the landscape in the town we've been doing this work for years we've had native plant sales for probably close to 15 years and still people are not doing it in in town and I mean I I don't know the answer like how how do we properly do a successful education program for the public because we we live in a a seasonal Community where people want to show up and have a landscape or have lighting to enjoy you know their yard at all times of the day so it's so it's a challenge I wish I knew the answer um I hear what you're saying we have had at the Nature Center two presentations on dark sky maybe 15 people attended um so usually when we're doing these education programs we're we're preaching to the choir we're preaching to people that already get it it's how do you get to the people that don't know about it about it and I'm just like throwing this out there for everybody how do we educate people on these practices that we want them to willingly be part of well we could add it to the um newspaper campaign that we did last summer you know the water conservation maybe do one for the dark sky and I I don't want to sound like a Debbie Downer here but how many people are really you know are are they seeing that I mean we have to make we can't give up we have to make the effort but is that changing practices and is the driving force behind this uh bird migration confused Birds well that's a big part of the story and that that's such an important story for Kate May that we need to to educate people you know the economic driver of of biring and nature viewing to our community what does that mean I mean that should translate directly to hotels and motels we're filling rooms during the shoulder season because of birding um absolutely um and and and and maybe that's what you you know instead of the the broad Focus you try to to limit that Focus you know because even if it's turning the lights off at 11:00 you know that little step can help go a long way I think that I mean I really think the the right strategy is to Target there's you know there's components of the the benefits of dark sky and it starts out with um wildlife and actually it starts out with energy consum energy conservation um and you have wildlife and you have environment and you have our own personal health is actually affected by all this and so um if we uh you know Kim sent me the um several brochures that they use in Malibu Malibu already has an ordinance in place they're very serious about this um they put together some great brochures but if we send um these four brochures out to the anybody they're not going to read it all at one time so I think we have to we can decide here as a group what are the right steps and let's do it a step at a time and the and the only thing Gretchen is different about this from the plants is that it's a whole lot easier to change a light bulb than it is to plant a plant I think and there's seriously light bulbs need to be changed in this town that doesn't mean that it's going to that people are going to pay attention to it anymore but I'm saying that a lot of the stuff that we're suggesting in these brochures is I think fairly easy to do um and shielding lights and changing angles of lights and and again we would just be asking people to do it um uh not don't go out and change all your light fixtures now but hey when when it's time to replace stuff why don't you use these standards to replace it and so it'll take time and I think that ultimately if we don't see a whole lot of uh I mean I think we'll see Improvement but an ordinance has to follow at some point in time I think we just need to start with the education part and and and I I'll give everybody a little challenge to do it home because this is kind of what I did when I started you really looking at the ordinances I went and through the township I bought a light meter and I said all right let's start you know cuz then I started really every time I was driving at night I was looking at every house on my way home between my house and and working so I was like oh wow that's light that's something different oh and that's something different and because everybody's got something different but and I'll just give you know so I live in Ocean City on my one side where my kitchen is is about 10 ft to the property line and my neighbor's house is about 5 ft from the property line and literally when I turn on the light that's above my sink that's a high hat I turn that on the whole side of this guy's my neighbor's house lights up to the point where I'd be in violation of any lighting standard that I came out with really yes then I then I started turning looking at my porch lights and it's like okay and and this is and I'm just talking about you know so I I everybody go home go out and just start turning lights on and off even in inside the house potentially on on on such small lots that we have if you're if you're close if you're in that 5 to 10 foot sidey yard property line distance your light would be in violation of almost any ordinance that we would put out there so so that's where you know it and that's where the problem because becomes is every one of your homes if if I went there would be in violation now the problem is proving the violation so here's the other problem in order to really prove the violation I have to have everybody else turn off all their lights to show that it's just your light and I have to turn off all the street lights because I mean I can I've got a at my house I've got a street light in the alley and I've got a street light in my house and and on the front well that casts like I almost you know and and as typical standard is point five foot candles and and I when I was doing some field lighting I had a really good installer came out and really educate me on on lighting so when you go outside on a clear night on a full moon and you can go out and you can kind of See Your Shadow if you've ever done that in a big open area that's about a half a foot candle of light full moon full Moon bright Sky no no that's about a half a foot candle so think think about and go around your house and think about that light that amount of light and now you start throwing on your porch light and and and then the other problem is okay it's not necessarily even the first floor porch light all right now I've got a second floor deck that comes out there and then the lights that are up on that whether they're in a high hat you know because you think oh well a high hat up on a second floor porch that's that's how more downward facing can you be but the problem is you elevate that now and this is where people get confused about dark skylighting and a lighting standard and and you have to apply a standard to the dark sky lighting you know that light was probably dark sky lighting but it probably doesn't meet a half a foot candle at the property line the standard that we would most likely put in an ordinance well you know so so that's in my neighborhood there very complicated process is because I live in a veritable development desert everybody's got proximity lights so when the coyote comes walk through everybody's backyard boop boop you can tell the Coyote's making his his trails around my neighborhood but but see that's better lighting than most because you know the security Lane it goes off so so that's not as much of a problem so those standards are are harder but when you develop a standard it's got to have a measurable thing and and most likely you know like most commercial standards are got to be a half a foot candle at the property line well on on a 5,000 even a 10,000 foot lot it's virtually impossible to meet that standard and that's why I think having the conversation about dark skylighting doing education encouraging people to just turn your light on like if you got the porch light either put it on a motion sensor or just just make sure when you go to bed turn off your lights you know I and I think that's the encourag activity that you want to do cuz it cuz otherwise it's just going to be so hard to enforce um and then the problem is everybody here thinks oh man we did a great ordinance the plane board we did a great ordinance and Council we did you know pass this ordinance and then who gets the calls you call the councilman councilman calls me I go argue with code enforcement and then it's like okay well nobody can comply how do I do it now we've got this ordinance that but everybody felt good because we did it but we really didn't do anything except give a lot of people a false sense of what we can do and what we can't do that's why I think education to start which which I agree with gr is is you're preaching the choir and it it is hard but it's I mean we we have talked about about um doing more Outreach and I'm not saying that we shouldn't develop a a flyer like we did with the water conservation and invasive species we we did ads last year in the storm wave do we have funding that we're going to continue doing that this year and I think so so let's make a third flyer and then I mean I I would volunteer to do this that take those three concepts um that you know the whole whole point is not just to educate but to have some kind of action and that action item is what what can people do in their own yards I could put together a PowerPoint presentation with those three um focus points and then reach out I could see that I could talk to the chamber I could talk to the kuas club any other groups I mean we've talked about like the cottagers association or maybe at the yacht club uh you know or or also maybe take it into the schools and and ask the schools the partner because it's it's always great when the kids come home and shame you as a parent I have four kids so I I'm speak you know when they bring that little flyer home you know so maybe that's another yeah you it's a little tougher here in maybe because we have you know a lot of other disomes but but I think that's another Outreach that you know you can get some of the people at least the the locals I think that I mean we we do there's a program called EOS schools that does focus on things like this and we do New Jersey audabon does have an EOS school program we've work with Kate May City Elementary on that [Music] um I'm just brainstorming here like we we how do we reach the most people that they're going to no pun intended but a light bulb's going to go off and say aha sitting on the planning board I'm just amazed that every time we get an application it's like The Architects and the and the and the the planners and the Landscape Architects it's like what we're saying here is like foreign to them no we ought to just zero in on we ought to get a mailing list of I'm talking about pretty much new type development now get it get it to the Architects some kind of a mailing list to who they are and say this is really what if you come in front of Kate May planning board you're going to get this so design your project accordingly same thing with with the Landscape Architects about the invasive species I'm just amazed that they still don't do that and and construction Department anybody we ought to have some kind of a again a mailer or a flyer that any anybody who wants to some do something new in the city has to get this thing in has to actually physically get this and and say you're going to see this again if you don't do it now is there a um so when you go in to apply for a construction permit for a new project a p obviously got a packet of the permanent applications is there a packet that the environmental commission could we we can do that absolutely the only problem is who's it going to because if it's the contractor that's pulling the permit the homeowner never sees it you know I mean so so there's there's that disconnect at the Construction office of of that which well we ought to just make sure that there is no disconnect say the the Builder gets it and the homeowner gets it and and it's just reaching out and figuring out how do we do that whether maybe we when the tax assessor sends their added assessment though they're not necessarily that's that would be one way to be able to to find out who did an a project recently to do it I mean there's different ways whatever whatever mailer we get we ought to develop that mailer I guess soon or something something along those lines for this and then start to tell or make it we know where we want to Target it yes and then get get a mailing list of of people certain people that we know that do a lot of work in the city and get it to them I know we've talked about this so often before and I sooner or later it's going to have to start to hit home you know I would think it can be one more thing Gretchen that you comment on or Justine whoever is doing the the uh planning board or the zoning Board review you know just the comment you always talk about Landscaping we can add lighting yes add lighting yes yeah I mean but but I hear what Mike's saying is like they've already planned their project let's get it to them before they actually design the whole thing and so they're thinking about they all agree at the very end when we submit this report to them that they all and Craig reads it into every every resolution this is the way it's going to be now you do do you agree with what the environmental commission wants you to do here and they all everyone I'm says absolutely they they they do it yeah now we just have to make sure we watch and see that they do do it that's all but then this this is a the new stuff we can I think it's probably easier to hit but the older stuff that's a little bit harder hard right you the people that that are your neighbors you know that's a little bit different I can give you I've done a bit of this and trying to convince the powers to be you know you get a surprising amount of push back from would be the police department and security because they want more lights they want more lights especially you know that's their point is like I don't really that's my issue is security of the area well baby steps first we ought to just let's let's get the the education part of it started and then we have to work work our way through that and that really is the thing we're not saying no lighting we're saying the type of lighting um and you know the presentation we had from this guy from the dark sky initiative or whatever you know that if you watch his presentation you understand it's like we're not uplighting into the sky we're downlighting specific to that would so it's still you know it's still a lit area one of these um one of these brochures that Malibu has says you know lot of lighting or bright lighting is not necessarily good Lighting in fact it can be more dangerous from yeah a crime standpoint again it's the right lighting and okay you know yeah I have educate myself it's a whole other education process that's kind of um hopefully it can fix the you know this logic that says bright lights everywhere it can help and don't forget the HPC standards does have have you know I think if you design accordance to the HPC standards you you you're going to comply with dark sky because they already kind of built it into their standards okay don't don't move I uh green team did they have that meeting yes yes anybody have you want to comment on that any anybody who was there um I should go first if you want it's um yeah I'm on the Green Team and the meeting was specifically about um uh recertification of of sustainable Jersey um for the city I think it's every five years have three every three years that you have to recertify so um Jim rala um is working on that and just Gathering all the information so um I don't know if there's a whole lot more to report at this time but we're putting together all of the the parts you get different points for different measures that the city's done I think some of the new things um in the past couple years have been the electric vehicles and charging stations the prominade the light the lighting the um surface oh yeah true yeah that's a good point the um the Heat yeah looks like it needs to be replaced or added to again well the we do another section yes yeah all right so it's just I mean the the thing with sustainable Jersey is you want that certification and I think the city is at Silver level and which is has really helped the city and uh Grant applications and all that so we we want to um tutor own horn as much as possible for all of the achievements that we've done um and so that it's just that's that was the gist of the meeting is kind of doing an inventory of what what has happened and then putting the documentation together so um you know I we just have to get that information to Jim Mike any more comments do you want to comment any further on that uh no other than and this this was this is an important part of the it says upgrade retrofit light pollution Charlotte you think 10 points yes point so that's part of the sustainable Jersey very briefly um well Mr Rula has been um a strong advocate for the city um gaining some grants over the years for us and it was a wonderful ful I felt Opportunity by various heads of committees and Boards um to participate together and to listen to each other and be reminded of the kind of work that they've done that would then be called by Mr Rula and help us to achieve various grants now and in the future so each of us I think our assignment is to gather as much of that background information as we have in reserve and share it with him so he can see that the documentation is real and that we have put forth energy to try to um broaden our Horizons in each of the areas that he's looking at for grants for this City so that's what and we do have a meeting again in April April 16th and um I uh that's as much as I I can share now okay if I might add ahead uh Jim did uh present uh a consultant and they came in with there's a new uh program we're going to be rolling out with Sanel Jersey um and that's a community solar project um and it's where any Resident um can sign up to uh to get community solar and you actually it'll be a discounted rate from your current uh electric rate and um so where people especially if you're living in a historic district where you you probably could wouldn't be available to put uh solar on your roof this would be a a way for you to be able to engage with a a solar person company um and what they they do is there's these larger companies and they're usually putting them on warehouses or mini storage facilities uh throughout the state and then what they they do is they aggregate their energy production and then offer as a resale to communities that can't do solar and at that discounted at that discounted rate so part of you know everybody's electric bill has that little solar uh I forget what they call it but it's a contribution on everybody's electric bill that you pay into to help sustainability and then they get the energy tax you know that company that's installs it gets the energy tax credits as part of building it and then they offer it at a cheaper rate and if you're a a low or lower very low income resident you actually get a an extra percentage uh discount as part of it so um that will be rolling out uh over the next month also okay all right we have uh Kim had sent us the approved list of this of Dune vegetation that that a from Avalon uh Paul any comment on this about our beach by about by LX I did um and I meant to do it earlier but I just sent out uh our actual plan our Dune the Dune vegetation plan which has the list I think it's probably the same list uh that that lmix has used in other communities but they have like a sea a salt spray tolerant vegetation um sheltered Upland Dune vegetation and then um sheltered Wetland vegetation so um they kind of give all those it's Avalon had too yeah it's all the same okay any comment on on the English ivy on the trees in in throughout the city Paul anything further just something that we're going to try to get working on but it's not going to be it's it's something we'll put on our to-do list for sure could Gretchen comment on most important plants to be um saved along the beach when this goes forward and which ones we typically feed the birds um and butterflies I well I would just like to be able to see the Dune management plan to actually I sent it out so they'll get distributed yeah I mean I know that there had been in the past concern about um heavy pruning and taking things out um there was a push down towards the end closer to The Cove because vegetation was getting too tall and it was blocking people's view um that to me is a a big issue so I don't know if that's addressed in the plan well the plan does address the removal of invasive species so if if there is a plant species that is considered invasive right under the state guidelines even though it may not be it can't not that it if it's not on this list but it's got to be on an invasive species list Paul how big is that plan is that that that that you're sent out is that uh about 100 Pages or so so we can make so it's a little late reading for well make sure we we can we can get an email of it right yes without having to to print it we can just correct yeah email so before next meeting we ought to try and take a peek at that everybody so who was the one responsible for delivering it well it's been sent out I guess we ought to get it from the clerk I suppose maybe I um is it on the website it's on the we is it on the website or no is no it's not up on the website I want send it to me and I'll send it around yeah I think I did okay I just sent it okay why I was sitting here earlier this is a because I lost I couldn't find it in my drive and the entire Dune management plan which the city has to do to provide to the D no don't it's not it it's really set up to if if groups wanted to apply to the city to do a project within the Dune it sets up or if the city wants to do something then it kind of gives us guidance on is this the subset of the beach management plan it is not I mean it's it's I'll say it's a companion to it it's not a subset of it because I know the beach management plan is contingent on D approval right but and we've this the the the Doom this Doom vegetation management plan is not in conflict with any D rules so we can okay we can do any of that work without needing additional permit anybody have any more comments about Paul about that do m management plan okay Charlotte you're on the agenda here about some climate change information you want to talk about well in terms of Youth um a theme That We examined partially last meeting um I just wanted to follow up with a couple of comments in other words um two research has found that the youth um in our country about 76% of them say that climate change is their biggest societal concern and with that in mind I did find that um our an Jack report um Autumn 2022 talks about what New Jersey is doing to help train youth um there's a water shed um Institute uh that we have sustainability ambassadors program we have um watch Trenton environment uh by youth leaders um and so on and so forth Just in our state um of New Jersey but if you Branch out a little bit more we can find out that indeed the country um us has now created over a 100,000 new jobs in that area for the Youth and five states California Colorado Maine Michigan state of Washington have launched successful climate core programs with an addition all five coming on Arizona Utah Minnesota North Carolina and Maryland all of them announcing programs for the Youth um with creating over at this moment a 100,000 new jobs with us um investment in their education and further um just to hit home here where I am at this moment we have a group of students from the Babcock Ranch this this Babcock um group are a 100,000 homes and they are all solar green and in their school system they have recently reached out to the Ukraine they have built solar chargers for families in the Ukraine and their Rotary Club is now ex assuming the expense to to to get these solar chargers to the families in the Ukraine so it's interesting I think that we see young people taking a hand and trying to um harness the power that they have as their energy and launching new steps um for a climate core in in our country so um it's something to look forward to to watch the youth become more and more involved I'm sure that the Nature Center of cape May has programs that they offer in the summertime that also um help students understand that we are all actually connected and we are all dependent on the environment that surrounds us and we need to take care of it just like a a flock of birds things that their young need to thrive with food and water shelter and cover up um providing a safe environment for the Youth um thank you anybody else have anything else to say well I just um makes me think about these education Outreach that we're doing as a commission and if we're putting together these flyers or brochures I mean May maybe maybe one is we've got water conservation in invasive species dark sky which all relate to climate change but do we have one another flyer that's listed you know climate change impacts or or action items and we just just a bullet point very simple things that you can do like turn down the lights and you know reduce water con consumption all of these things are related I don't know I'm just I'm brainstorming here I'm just throwing things out there that it's another thing that we can say we're being proactive about and you knowl can you put that on the agenda for next time just a climate change flyer we'll talk about it next meeting yeah I mean I just wrote an article for the heral that I think comes out next week or the week after and it's on it's on awakening the Garden in Spring and and eco-friendly actions in the garden in the landscape and my first tip is to take the Eco pledge which is a list of 10 simple things that you can do in your yard um so that kind of thing I'm not talking about a big thing that we have to create but just some things that we can get out there and have our residents and visitors start thinking um Ken can you make sure we have those whatever flowers you have on the dark sky for next meeting so we can start to get that together whatever we want to do all right okay anybody else have anything to say anybody all right think locally act globally good meeting everybody meeting Jour thank you cut your mics off BR do you want to uh give me some of the Flyers that you side in and I'll scan them in send them around um which F the Flyers that we've done that Justin created last year um I don't necessarily have flyers I have I have content I don't have Flyers no I mean yeah which are the same Flyers that right yes right and if all those then can be on the city website I mean the more places we put it and then I can make a PowerPoint with it we can make simple handout for Comm