##VIDEO ID:owtfU8ZgzNM## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay um in compliance with the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided if any member has reason to believe that this meeting is being held in violation of this act they should State Should state so at this time other than that pledge of Alle toag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all uh roll call jaob we got hope hope not yet Justine here Kim here Chris Michael here Angela Barbara here Randall Sarah here Charlotte preten here Mr Jagger David okay we have the minutes of August 27th 2024 everybody had a chance to look those over anybody want to make any additions or actions is there a motion to approve the minutes I'll make that motion to approve second someone I second all those in favor I okay the uh we had no planning board uh last month in fact it's uh cancel for this evening also um we do have an outstanding review that we're waiting for revision of one of the applications that we heard uh the planning board approved it but sub yeah subject to our to a resubmission of the plan of the site plan and we have to review it to make sure that we are in agreement with it and Karen's on vacation but we haven't got the revised site plan yet so we're waiting on that once we get that we'll look at it and we'll either give a thumbs up or thumbs down on that uh Council report Mike is away you said away okay uh dun day October 6 who wants to take the lead on that all right so so for Dune day the updates would be that we're getting the grass dropped off on October 5th by Churches um they're asking for for a time frame like a window so I'm thinking after 12:00 what they can do is they can drop off the bundles of the dun grass at the locations that we want to have them drop them off at so if anybody here if I can get some volunteers from the CLE up there before to kind of help me put this in his locations and kind of cover them back up with sand to keep them good for the next day other than that I mean we're pretty much ready to go I got all the material in we got our little um poles in to make the holes for the grasses so we're kind of ready to go all good stuff so what the list that we we collected of people that were interested in helping us how are wey them I've got one hope did did send a message to the entire um Garden Club and she wrote greetings um as a member of the city's environmental commission I am volunteering uh for Dune day on Saturday October the 6th um it's a time to plant American Beach Grass Seaside golden rod on the Dune sites between the convention center and the Cove most of the former plantings were destroyed when showers were installed at the beach entrances we will join other local groups each assigned place along the boardwalk to install plugs of the plants and hold back erosion and provide food and shelter for our migrating birds and insects this is a fun couple of hours and really important for the survival of our environment and beaches and it's not hard work please be a part of this community effort and thank you very much hope uh so what's going on on that Friday on that Saturday well it's on Saturday s yeah I'm sorry what's going on on that Saturday so Saturday we have a beach clean up okay what we're going to do is we're going to clean up the section that we're goingon to be planning in the day before they kind of make sure nothing there is dangerous and obviously make everything looks cleaner so we can see exactly where planting at and that'll be also the day that they're going to be dropping off all the plants which in events from 10 to 12 that's been posted on social media the city website and we have Flyers also okay me I can be I can be there on that dat whenever wherever we're going to meet on that that's fine anybody else is Beach Patrol headquarters what's that beach Patrol headquarters okay and then one last thing also so with the Dune day um we do still need leaders for Section B um I'm sorry team c section Bay um so if anybody wants to also be a team leader just let me know and then also we're adding one more location um behind mermaids um there was a lot of things cleared out and cut back down we're supposed to be cut back so I'm going to replan there also so that'll be another little section will add on to it which is bur right behind it's offer that two hour period I'm sorry that that's all for that two hour period talking y y I can H up that wherever you want me to be yeah I mean I I got a golf cart ready to go um two hours is we're going to start at the the beach beach control also yep for both days M okay that's fine anybody else have any more comments on that well so I want to take a step back okay that um we're also talking about other opportunities to recruit um volunteers so there's Monarch Festival on oh wait a minute there's there's October Fest on Saturday this Saturday the 28th and then Monarch Fest on Sunday the 29th and at the environmental commission's tables that's going to be a big thing that we're promoting and you have F extra Flyers yeah does anyone know where our Banner is oh I have one of them I have one of them thank you solved bring this so that would be for Monarch Fest and for yes October Fest right okay and is it just the it just like a plain Banner goes over the table or I remember it was the ones that were hanging on the fronts of the tables at Harbor Fest I have a rolled up tube I think you may give me we'll need that for Monarch Fest it's the one about the dark sky stuff and how it how lights affect migrating birds and stuff I think we should use that that's great yeah yeah and can you those three brochures that I sent you the about the birds there was one about health birds and safety was that for the night skies it is it is and I don't know whether or not we have extras from the last time we did this that we had um we had the the B you know the the animal one the the wildlife one m I don't know if anybody has maybe hope does if anybody has any extra birth yours from that maybe you could just at least print out the wildlife one you know 25 copies we don't need a lot and and if anybody has any literature on Dune importance that would be I have a dune folder at work I'll see what's in it yeah if anything because that'd be a nice way because I can put that in with your um submissions STV New Jersey we're talking about why it's important your Monarch Monarch Fest uh do you have that are we set up for that for people that to show up to handle that was that pretty well straightened away yes one table okay thanks I mean I can't make it that day I I was telling some other people my mother's turning 100 tomorrow and so there's a whole bunch of people coming in till till Sunday so it's just going to be hectic for me so I can't make it for that but hopefully we'll get people there for that um long as you have enough people showing up the other thing is that we have we start on Thursday we start our Harbor Side chats at the Nature Center um so the lecture series every Thursday and I just put a plugin for this Thursday very excited about it we have Carla Dove who's the director of the feather Lab at the Smithsonian institution um and her research is about bird strikes in airplanes um and it's her job to figure out what kind of bird it was that that HD an airplane and how it affects Aviation and we we reached out to her and she's coming into town um so we're kicking off Harbor Side chats but at Harbor Side chats I can have like a signup sheet and have the Flyers um just remind me is there a a final flyer for dark sky day almost almost okay I just have to add I sent Dave one yesterday I just have to add the time and the K May logo and then I think it's good to be approved right mhm and that's just more of a like an open house event it's not getting people to sign up at correct time this just up I'll just make sure that those things are there for the people that come and then for October Fest um I want to hear back from the chamber still um for the time frame of the volunteers you can work the table so whoever said they can work I'll just kind of send out this is the time frame whatever hours you can work that' be great I just put you in for those hours and then whatever hours are still not taken I can go it myself and pick up those hours so basically just going to be Flyers I'm assume we hand out flyers um anything else anybody wants to hand out other than flyers I can bring with me or print out more just let me know um I was not in attendance at the last two meeting so perhaps I missed some information regarding dun day but um for instance if we're handing out flyers at October Fest and someone asks well where should we report to or how long is the commitment and like what are the answers to those you know FAQs so um you don't have to pre-register you can show up the day off um the only thing we requires everybody to fill out a waiver um which would be maned by some of the table that day of okay um as long as they can stay it's great we're not going to make people stay if they can give us an hour great um it's from 10: to 10: to noon which is be into flyer so anytime they can do it would be fantastic um ideally the way I think good way to run it would be you have your team leaders and then for each I guess couple with each person in that group working you'll have one person digging a hole another person handing them the the stems of grass so kind of like a team Duo which would be the best way to do it when he gets closer to the V and send out the email you know what a team leader should be doing I think might be a good idea but other than that you really haven't missed much um and then is every are all of the volunteers to meet one location before vering at at headquarters then we'll have the people there go out with the group leader okay and the group is like I had this section here this is what I'm hoping for you to do in terms of digging and then planting okay this is our section um then kind of you know be careful don't pick up anything that sharp just just type of safety procedures um I would also talk about maybe wearing long pants if you're going to be October Fest and talk about the program too um this time of year you can get ticks Po and I things like that so we're recommend people long pants which is also an add to so don't have water there things like that I anticipate getting poison iing no matter what I do yeah knock on wood yeah uh you need help with the getting when that stuff is delivered I can use definitely some help he say it's about two truck loads worth of bundles each bundle is the size of a a pineapple um where all the the grasses are wrapped into and then we'll have the the quartz size of Golden Rod too so if I can get like three four people total and when where where where do you want us stand for that um if we can meet at HQ at headquarters on the 5th at at noon as soon as the the U whatam call it's over I'm sorry as soon as the U clean Beach CLE is over thank you so it's the fifth you want people at noon time at yeah at headquarters again correct yes Y and then we're providing gloves and shovels yep so we had gloves um we'll have trash bag there just in case they're not shovels we're using broomsticks I order 60 of them so basically put a broomstick in the ground you twist it around so it makes that nice little deep hole and then you drop it right in there and then um you want to do so many inches per so I'm going kind of draw a line on the pole you can put the pole down measure it to the next thing and then put into the ground and then do it what time on the 5ifth do you want this to be there to help with unloading the stuff what do you think what time this is for the plants now oh yeah around noon around noon yeah yeah yep it's from churches so then they've been really good with working me with time now they all going to be delivered there you going to put them to different beaches at that point what are you going to do is it going to be we're going to take them when we go on we're gonna so he's going to pull up in the truck and he's going to drop off loads where we want to drop off loads at yeah so it's like we want to drop off a quarter of it here a quarter of it there a quar of it there and the next day you're just going to go there the plants are already going to be there correct yep yep so then you team leer can pick up how many they want give to the person or they want to pick up the themselves and say this is section we want to do give yourself 18 in is little imp plant and lines I have everything written on a little like one sheet we can look at and kind of have an idea and I sent it everybody out before that day also too so 18 inches apart that's what our quit was at yeah yeah I'm just thinking if you took the the poles and marked off 18 in on the PO so you lay one pole down yeah with the SP and then I was going to draw like a line like this is the pole I was going to draw a line like 18 inches up something make L to pull down if you have a better idea please no I'm just saying the pole them you have one pole is your spacer and the other one is the Digger so the spacer has marks on it if you're doing them 18 in apart from each other okay is that or right yeah it just is to get it going because I'm honestly a little worried that two hours isn't long enough but we got to get a lot of volunteers yes so um I have one a lot to do question about the volunteers then um so at October Fest for instance we're handing out I know hopefully a lot of Flyers is there any sort of followup that like a reminder should I be trying emails or phone numbers or I mean we could if somebody signs up a piece of paper but we don't have like a we don't have like remind system at all nothing like that a text reminder that could go out or something I don't know it seems like the kind of thing where so many people are going to take the flyer MH but that maybe two days before they need to be reminded hey I know October Fest is fun but yeah I mean if you got if you got emails and you we could do it from the Nature Center we could do an email blast reminder hey we we'll see you tomorrow that's something I could do if I'll try to do that yeah with like a sign up sheet again yeah because I did email the people that signed up at harborfest but we haven't been taking RSVPs um the flyer doesn't say anything because you were kind of talking about that beforehand to not put rcps yeah you seen the work for Le the beach cleanups that's I kind of did that off like how the beach cleanups go I don't I don't think we need RSVPs but maybe a reminder and we'll do another social media Blast for sure okay so I'll try to get contact information then okay okay so the actual planting is on the dunes now I mean like the Dune is how wide I mean where where are we putting this stuff like in comparison to like the prominon I mean are we what are we doing there I mean is there a way to do this and not not a way to do this you know what I mean or is it Whatever Gets planted is it's all good no matter what where it is on the dun is that well I mean I I do have a map and on the map I sent them out I make more copies circled on the map is the Dune and then also the location where re plant on the Dune like precisely where it's gone to be where like the Big Bear spots are on the Dune as long as I don't I don't want people planting stuff where they where they really shouldn't no and and it's all Native too so if you get some random piece of grass or Golden Rod planted somewhere it's it's fine because it it is all Native so it's not going to take over anything that's I know these are stupid questions but no no no it's not it's not it's not no I mean every Everything picking all Native so if somebody was to PL it somewhere else that wasn't on the map it's fine it's it's all for the good cause that again yeah yeah for sure yep I mean if you wanted we do have a bunch of wooden Stakes at the Nature Center if for any reason you wanted to stake out the area and so it's very obvious great see if you know people would like work in this area and I can do that I probably have I have cones 50 staks oh yeah well have cones too no that's a great idea I can do that for everybody few days ahead of time just Mark out where you think we ought to be putting all this for sure yep that would be great I think any more comments on and I'm assuming this is rain or shine yeah no rain day because we can't hold the grasses so I might be out there to midnight planting myself it's what it is but yeah they'll all be planted and if it goes past 12 I mean I'm G to stick around and so it's that's what that the the the point does every single year and it takes about two hours okay so and our sections smaller than what they do and everything is a little bit more closer because we're we're doing a smaller concentrated section so I'm not having people walk 200 yards this way 200 y it's within 100 yards so it's not like everybody spread really far I do the golf C so he needs to kind of go back and forth quickly so have we done this before like this this is the first time that I know of and city manager knows up so it's something new to I mean it'd be nice once you once you did it this year then we can follow it up and then learn from what whatever the mistakes are and just do it better the next time that's all okay all right anything else on uh October Fest or so I I took a video of before pictures so I PD do a video the drones the whole section so you can see progress because I assume something going to do if not every year every other year maybe so least people see the progress of what we're doing so and I do have that I think I sent it out at one point also so anything else on Monarch festival or anything like that anything we've talked about up to this point okay then next is dark sky program Sarah you got anything on that so I just put together a flyer um I have to add two details on it and then that should be approved by Dave so we can start sending that out in a round and one of the big updates was that we we got a time a concrete time so it's going to be from 7 to 9 um just to rehash on the main things there's going to be a convention hall we're going to be using inside the lobby for presentations and tables and then we're also going to use an outside deck for um viewing purposes I was thinking about going down to The Cove but I think it's it's going to be too far it's going to be it's too far people walk down at night so I'm we're going to keep it the first year I think at conventional maybe in the future we'll do that but I think it's going to be too much for people traveling back and forth especially the equipment so I don't think it's a good idea so it's everything's be at convention hall this year are there outside lights that can be dimmed yep so the so we talked to the police department they're going to turn all the outside lights off so we're be uh the only lights might be tricky would be the county lights but I think they're far enough back where it shouldn't be too too bad but now I'll put down some little lights on the on the walk so people can get up the the stairs safely anybody else comments on that that's a 7 to9 then at convention hall corre yep and it's it's open to public it's free and it's just you don't have to be there at 7 doors open at seven so people can come in Harbor View Park redesign Gretchen anything on that okay there's nothing haven't been any meetings on that at all far as you know no okay okay new business um I guess something about pushing uh native plants articles and that kind of thing anybody have any push on that um I don't know maybe remind me where we we are with this I have to tell you I I just got the new copy of uh Kate May magazine and just quickly opened it and the um the garden article was about planting Lawns and I just I did like a speed review of it and the beginning of the article is great talking about like the reasons why we don't want to have la ons and that they're you know water demanding and non-native species and it's kind of setting up for an argument of not having Lawns but then it goes into well this is what you want to do if you're going to have a lawn in Kate May and and the pictures were all these big Lush Lawns and it got me really mad and I feel like I think I have to write a letter to the editor to the magazine because it just wasn't the right message I just didn't I have to read the full article but it's just not really you know the way we should be going in this community yet we see it all the time with all new development that's happening is they build a house they put in sad and it's everywhere so I just you know how can we as a commission really get the word out whether it's one thing is education and another is regulation is there any way that we encourage the city to change Landscaping ordinances but just wanted to share that I have to go back and actually read the article but it just didn't seem to be the right message I don't know any thoughts anybody I think that over the years we had hoped that we might have um some power to um get the rules of our ordinances pertaining to the environment enforced and we have had hoped that an enforcement officer from the city could make this happen A specialized enforcement officer who knows about the environmental needs of Cape May City um and knows all of our ordinances and all of the things that we've been talking about for at least 40 years or more and Gretchen you're really right I [Music] mean we have a zoning officer but a specialist in the environment would be my hope with a small stien and this person might be a student at ACCC might be from a nearby College maybe somebody working toward a degree and and um I think it would be very helpful to get the word out just my personal opinion well I know some communities um in their government there are positions and they might call them like sustainability officer or whatever so it's not just looking at you know Landscaping it's looking at all the sustainable eco-friendly practices and I know Kate May City has done things and we have an Administration that has pushed for certain things like the charging stations and the use of solar um but there's a lot more that we can be doing and um I'm just there are ordinances there were landscape ordinances that suggested the use of of native plants but I guess they're just not strong enough and they're not enforced enough we make recommendations to the planning board make suggestions on the landscape plans and sometimes it gets accepted but then it it isn't always enforced um but I mean we're all seeing it the proliferation of lawns in the city and it seems like more and more of it is happening um well in terms of getting back to this position that might be in the future um there are certainly grants available and one that I recently saw EPA has selected um educational organizations uh to receive almost $4 million for support um and this was just announced in July of this year this year's winning people um and over and over again they're talking about The Greening that we need to um go forward in and here in the state of New Jersey some of the win winners were for example um Rowan University did get one of these grants and they're very close and perhaps one of their recipients might be willing to spend a summer here in Cap May City and and help with some of the things that we need to do what specifically is the grant for for I mean is it no what is it what is it for is it it depends on the the group and what does it say what Rowan got what it was for no I didn't go that far but um certainly Environmental Education um but you're right it's I think also we have um a very aggressive Green Team and Mr Rula knows a lot about finding grants for the city so I think that that's a fine way for um some of our employees to be helping get the extra assistance that we need to make sure that our environment is protected in all ways um so recently in the past six to eight weeks um my husband and I were able to facilitate an official relationship between Columbia University and the City of Cape May and The Graduate School um students in sustainability management have selected K May and are going to be taking on uh various projects for what they call their Capstone so we had our first meeting um with the city manager last week to discuss like what the first Year's Capstone would be uh but the professor who's heading the the Capstone projects for this team of sustainability managers is foreseeing it being a multi-year relationship with different projects uh each year so in the first meeting I did mention compliance and the need for a sustainability officer or perhaps the development of some sort of program or structure that would help us enforce our current ordinances I don't know if it will be selected as the first Year's project or the third Year's project because there are so many things that we need to address um but it was discussed so excellent we shall see would that be just that's exciting would that be a Hands-On type uh yes project so they will be coming here um they haven't decided what their focus will be the first year it could be involving the seaw wall it could be uh desalination or water infrastructure um perhaps some collaborative project trying to build a better relationship between the HPC and the environmental commission for building um they're still working through the details of it but the idea is that Cape May is a very unique community that is kind of at the um it's both very fragile and very special and the sustainability managers there were very excited to get involved so are they going to go through the the manager's office or they going they already are okay so we're going to be just so the mayor the manager um myself and my husband were in the meeting last week there's actually also an official Columbia University course being run out of the science center this coming semester that is going to turn that building into a Sustainable Building as well so it seems as if the universities kind of taking on this broader Community as a project in helping achieve our Collective Vision um so some sort of list of our asks um would be great and sustainability officer is already on it the degree is in sustainability management that's what these individuals are working towards so you know that can be anything from um putting together uh you know conceptual plan for a long-term like large scale infrastructure project or it could just be a simple as how do we um Define the duties of a city employee to include compliance and enforcement interesting fabulous right um as far as the anybody this is an ongoing thing about these articles or anything that we want to push just keep thinking about it and if you have any anything that really strikes you that we ought to be doing just get it today we can put it on the agenda okay yep um public portion you're the you're the public out there you want to say anything you got anything okay okay uh you have something you want to say charl about clean energy yeah absolutely of course um so today I'd like to introduce to our commission something that isn't you know beyond our expectations but a new area of recycling that we haven't talked about people do this maybe on their own but it's something that I think we could possibly get um out to the public a little more and it's about clothing this is a time of year when people are going through their closets and they're saying oh you know I can't wear this anymore or blah blah blah or blankets or sheets or things of that variety so in my history I'd like to say that historically um clothing was recycled and in particular growing up in the 1940s and I'm going to date myself a bit we had World War II and during that time I can remember parents and grandparents taking cloth and putting it out and was collected by a special agency to be reused for um parachute making for uniforms and uh for bedding and it was something that you put out beside your trash weekly this this cloth and then on a personal level I can remember a grandmother of mine grandmother Charlotte who took my grandfather's code and it was a perfectly wonderful Woolen code and made a snooze no suit for myself and my brother out of that coat and it was a practical use of the clothing that we had around the house we were not a throwaway Society at that point everything was used and reused so today um I'm thinking about Kate May County and that we have in some locations um established donation outlets for cloth and we're going to go into that in a little while a little more fully but I'd also like to say that that there are creative entrepreneurs worldwide the Taiwanese people at this point are using oyster shells along with recycled bottles to create something called sea wall sea wool textiles and they are claiming that it's a great insulator against the Cod it's odorless and provides UV protection and has elastic properties it's just something that we can look into to see how they're coming along but if we look here in the county I would like to say that Kim grundal has taken that look for us and has something to tell us so my my cousin Darcy was visiting last couple weeks and she's a thrifter so so this was great for us we I got a list of thrift shops around and we went and looked at most of them to be honest with you and there's also the Habitat ReStore up in um Courthouse which are all really good sources to drop off your clothes use clothes shoes um so I've started this list and I will uh continue to add to this and it actually just reminded me that there's a there's boxes I think it's called helpy and they're actually outside the you know big boxes that you can put stuff into and I'm going to add that to this list also and also um I was involved with a thrift store up in in Bucks County and even if the clothes are not quite resellable they will still take them because they sell them by the pound and I'm not really sure what they do with them I think they ship them out of the country and then then they recycle them and reuse them also so I would like to get some sort of a little brochure together with all that information on it to you know to pass on and I have to thank Justine too for sort of starting this too with the ocean Fest we had a booth that talked about electronic recycling and thank you for the the brochure so I'm kind of got kind of going off in that so there's a lot of things we can recycle and we need to do more Recycling and this is a good start with some clothing and there's Consignment too there's a consignment shop right in Kate May so um lots of options and as I researched this topic I found that the environmental impact of fast fashion compromises the depletion of nonrenewable sources such as greenhouse gases it it it emits more greenhouse gases by using fast Fashions and it uses masses amounts of water and energy the fashion industry has been said to be the second second largest consumer of in Industry of water requiring about 700 gallons to produce one cotton shirt so that's incredible then there are synthetic Brands such as polyester nylon and acrylic which take hundreds of years to biodegrade the production of making plastic fibers in textiles uses an excessive amount of energy and pesticides are used for the growth of cotton and does present some health risks to Farmers to counter this waste fast fashion sustainable Fabrics that can be used more successfully and not hurt the environment and as much would be wild silk linen and some kinds of Cottons so as you're looking and shopping it's advisable to be careful about what you're purchasing and not just for you know the Lark of going along and having a day out to shop be careful shoppers thank you that I'll just add a friend of mine who lives here in Kate may his company is called Beautiful rags and what they are one of those companies that will buy the extra clothes and things and then they somehow break apart the fibers and rebuild them and create industrial Rags so it and it's a New Jersey based company they were in Camden now they're in belmare I think but John Gart lives here in Cap May and that's what the business is taking old clothes and turning them them into another useful product can you get those addresses for us yeah because that should be a part of our bral or anything that's local the other thing is like this information um you know I think about how do we distribute this and the the Chamber of commerce's book that they work with the city of Kate May the like the annual book about businesses and has maps and maybe there should be a page uh a recycling page that has lots of options um information about you know what is recycled I it might be in there I don't even know I have to look at it but the this is more of the story more to it so and we do receive some amazing information from the city manager the letters that are sent out are just incredibly detailed I'm very impressed but it would be wonderful to include I think at least some of this local information about recycling as well um that might be a winter topic that could be covered that way too food for thought for sure the other thing is I know that Wildwood Crest used to do it West Cap May does citywide yard sales what did you say citywide yard sale days that's right we did and I don't think Kate May City does it but West Kate May it's pretty popular and Wildwood Crest I think a lot of it brings in people and it's another way to not have things end up in the trash bin I also went to um what it would like it could be Kate mday or whatever it was and it they had different recyclers there like bring your clothes bring musical instruments and like it was a local music store and that person would take whatever and probably resell it or you know get get fix it or whatever it needed to be done so something I think the the one of the high school soccer teams was collecting clothes um there's a lot of different options something like that a lot of times people don't know what to do with their stuff they really don't right and they'll just find some some Outlet to if you know where he could send it to we're always looking to work where can I put this I don't want to throw it away right I want to do something with it you know or someone else can do something with it it's it's jogging my memory now that uh Cap May City Elementary School parent teacher group for several years had somebody at connection who came and and we we dropped off the items right at the school into you know the truck and um and shoes were involved you could recycle the shoes as well and then it was sold by this dealer and the school itself did receive some money for the parent teacher group so that was a terrific I have to find out who that was they still do it they still do it yeah we did it last year it was um sending in old shoes and they were retained and then and sold and there was a portion of the proceeds that the school rained so if you know when the truck is there okay when they send home the letter I will look great find out more information about it I don't remember what time of year it was but it you know comes home in the backpack so okay terrific I mean do they want more because you think about the number of residents in Kate May that don't have school AG children we don't know about those things so I had contacted everyone in my family my whole extended family like saying give me your old shoes you know like and dropped off a whole giant bag of them so yes people just don't know how to get access to this information really yeah okay so I'll I'll bring it to the commission publicize it there was also something about um like athletic equipment you know kids grow out of their you know whatever LaCrosse or soccer whatever and then they would do like a swap and I don't know if the school does that here I mean that would probably be the best you know venue for them to do that too and interestingly we did have two big bins outside of our ACM here you know one in the city and then one in lower Township that the vet the veterans had for recycling clothing and they're both gone now I think during Co that had to be something of a crunch I think they still might be in North Kate May no no they're not there no yeah well I I saw a couple of boxes um I'm going to look into those I think it was helsy I think it was the name of the thing on it I took a picture of it so I'll figure maybe there's locations of where they are throughout the county excellent thank you um as we were just wrapping up I have the um bill from the um storm wave for the ads the newspaper ads so I have to give that to David give it to you give it to Aaron um and then also I need to let them know when we want to stop running the ads and you know perhaps we should do it like two or three more times and put the dun day in the dark sky event in instead of what had currently been running right yeah okay so would you mind emailing me the final copy of the event flyer and then I can send it over okay cool I think those invoice you told me you have an invoice that has to be paid yeah it's right here and actually one of them I think it was like up that first office right up there where the system manager is right up there she should go up the she go up the stairs and make a left it's the first office on the left now okay I think that's where you would bring that invoice Justine do they need to be certain sizes for the 4 by 4 by eight MH um this is the first one that had arrived to me when Merill resigned she asked for a new address she had been receiving them and then I just received this in the mail but it does look like there was there were outstanding invoices I know I had one paid for sure one that was when I had the when I had the banner made the guy said he wasn't paid for the last one so I took I took the invoice and I think we got that one paid cuz he told me it was paid I don't know what what was happening but it looks like there are now three months worth of invoices that have not been paid this is the first one that I received though bring them just bring them up to the because she should have a record of the purchase orders if whatever whatever there are to things okay they will take that okay great I mean that's what happens when you got part-time people trying to get people it happens all the time and even then when you have full-time people handling it still doesn't get done so uh but we'll we'll try and we'll move on that okay um anybody else have anything for the good of the order here motion to adjourn all in favor I I thank you Dave good stuff byebye byebye