e e e e e e e e e e e e testing e e e e e all right guys we're officially in session the regular meeting the cman city planning board is now in session and and in compliance with the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided should any member of this board have reason to believe this meeting is being H held in violation of that act it shall so State at this time Mone we start with a pledge of allegiance United States of America to the repblic which stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all karen roll call okay Mr bazer here Mr Jones here miss mccorkel here Mr Crowley here Mr Gorgon here mayor mullik here council member Jagger here Mrs Reed here Mr lenhome here Mr puses here Mr krippin here thank you okay the first item is resolution 5-14 2024 master master plan consistency review of ordinance 53122 an ordinance prohibiting the use of artificial turf in the City of Cape May any corrections on the resolution uh so moved okay thank you Bob got a second a second now we have 11 guys here so only the nine the members are going to be voting Mr gorgone motions Mr krippin Seconds Mr gorgone yes mayor mullik yes council member Jagger yes Mrs Reed abstain Mr Crowley yes Mr lenhome abstain M mccorkel yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer no I'm going have them talk B Mr bazer your vote for the sheet say yes artificial Ser yes thank you okay we got fake it for you we got the minutes of March 26 2024 motion to approve motion um there is one correction okay on it on uh whatever page on the second page under the um uh the motion for the ordinance uh on artificial turf um my name was uh not shown there for voting in favor of it and I believe uh Mr Malloy was not there so he should be crossed off in my name at it got that Karen yes I'll make the correction thank you all right motion to approve with that correction um um who seconds actually it was moved already who who seconds I made a motion I I thought yeah I thought Denis made a motion who two seconds second is that Mr Jones yes okay thank you Mr crippin motions Mr Jones seconds Mr gorgone yes mayor mullik yes council member Jagger abstain Mrs Reed abstain Mr Crowley yes Mr lenol abstain Miss mccorkel yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you okay we have the historic preservation commission proposed changes to the city of Kate May's historic district local District map um before we well there's going to be we have a plan in front of us there's a little bit of a discussion as to whether there's a couple of different plans that uh are not quite sinking and I think we're going to have have um Paul get come up and explain his map um I don't think we're GNA do that wait let's just we'll just talk about the differences okay so first I want to apologize part of the I think the confusion was you guys the board did not receive a this color version of the proposed changes in your package so that I apologize for so just for that reason I think and I think that's where it stem the confusion between if you look at in your package it's an 8 and a half by 11 black and white of this and it when it reduces down very hard to see and I can understand the confusion with that so I just want to say you know present the color copy for you tonight um had some discussions with the HBC chair Warren Copeland um and and discussing maybe creating a second map to to show an outline on this map that shows the existing boundaries so the board can clearly see where the changes are in the two two lines and I'll I'll make sure I can get that map uh to to the HPC and to the board well in advance of the next meeting so that that way you have two of those you know colored maps to to effectively make a review of the uh application okay now before I mean I'm assuming that the board is going to be okay with postponing this tonight till we have that have further definition on the map but before we do that there's some folks here who had wanted to come that and say something so if you guys want to come up and uh is the microphone there I somebody will need to come up and you can also folks you can also have the option uh sir you can also have the option since we're not unlikely to take action on this tonight if you want to speak with the chairperson of the HBC and the city manager privately about the concerns regarding your property you can do that instead I mean it's up to you you're perfectly welcome to speak in public but if you'd rather you've got the two Primary people you'd want to ask questions to they're going to know the most so that's up to you do whatever you wish I'm I'm going to swear you in first okay is the microphone on um can you please tell me your um I'm G to ask okay good hi can you please state your name spell it and then give your street address and then you can say whatever you like to say do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so you God all right go ahead is the microphone microphone that sorry um so really tonight we just kind of wanted to state that we objected to this motion um I'm just going to read what what I have here um good afternoon members of the board uh my name is Alex bian and I would like to go on record regarding resolution 202 3-47 specifically as it pertains to 1304 Washington Street block 1144 Lot 1 and 2 I understand by reading this resolution that it may have been passed in December but I would like to make a few points for the record on the minutes my intent is to oppose inclusion of our property in the local historic district in any capacity review any alleged inclusions dated 18 December 2023 and gain clarification on the city's method of communication and inclusion for voting residents per the city of Kate May website under the historic preservation commission I know that there that the historic district map does not include my property and that exhibit B of the resolution is not posted or copied clearly enough to see the proposed amendment I also note that this resolution operates under the Secretary of interior standards none of which apply to my property which was built in 1950 and meets none of the national park services requirements for the his hisorical property consideration if as the ordinance proposes the property brought within the boundaries under the ordinance by be exempt from the historic preservation commission regulation until a future transfer of ownership end quote then I request confirmation that no changes to the property of any kind require notification or other permissions requests from the historic preservation commission as such if the city determines that the property should be inappropriately included as a historical property against the wishes of the owner then by the same logic I would request that all changes to the property requiring board approval also be subsidized and paid by infall by proceeds of the city's historic preservation fund federal grants program I also wish to better understand the intent of the board regarding notification of participating residents we were notified by a fellow resident who gained clarification on the intent of the meeting and as it was not made clear on the website nor the website clear about the deviations from the standard meeting of the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. finally just on a personal note yesterday morning my mother Stacy hurner passed [Music] away did she say she was a faithful employee of the city for 35 years together her and my dad David hner had a collective 65 plus years of service to Kate May both of whom made it abundantly clear that this was not their intent or wish to be involved in the historical jurisdiction in any way among the many many difficulties that my family and I have had to handle over the P the course of the past week a last minute appearance in this room before you should not have been one of them however the poor communication and less than for less than forthright nature of this resolution and its implementation must be addressed by the multigenerational families of K May that it directs effectly that it affects directly thanks for your time thank you so um possibly we can get their phone phone numbers and and talk talk to them okay we'll get your phone numbers have somebody will be in touch with you I'm not promising anything but there'll be a line of communication all right so um nobody else been speaking but I guess we'll go back to the post postponement of adopting this to a future meeting anybody care to make that motion I'll make that motion I'll second okay I'm sorry what was the motion to postpone the adoption of this ordinance okay till till a future date to a future date yes okay thank you so Mr crippin Mr crippin motions is that correct yes yes and Mr gargone second okay Mr garon yes mayor mullik yes council member Jagger yes Mrs Reed uh before I answer uh respond I just want to ask none of the homes that are now going to be included were notified via a letter no I heard is there a reason for that don't you think that was important I they should be who would answer that I'm just thinking if it was my home and and you were going to put it in a historic district a personal letter to the address would have been appro right certainly I mean the ordinance doesn't require it but your ordinance can say whatever you wanted to say so if that's something you want to change in the ordinance then you can change the ordinance the planning board can make recommendations to the council and they can suggest that before somebody's put into the store District they get a that's but the ordinance I don't think requires it now what what's being proposed to come come back to us with is a map showing existing historical district lines in the properties right and the ones being added to that maybe it would be a suggestion a strong one that those being added to it would receive a letter from the city stating that they're being added to it that's yes the the only yeah that's fine the only thing I would suggest is though that really the time for that to occur would be at the HPC level I mean you can do it now and you know as The Fix You know to do it if you want to do it but the idea is that the expertise as to whether or not it is a historical structure contribut non contributory that really should pass through the HBC first and the people should have its opportunity to speak at that hearing so gotcha for this purposes that kind of that that's kind of already happened but if you're going to consider changing the legislation the ordinance that's that's where it would what you're probably going to find is that a number of them are not aor they're not well that's good but people don't understand that like they don't understand that that this house and any house that's not contributory that it's not necessarily it still can do things I mean Warren can explain it better than I can but a lot of houses are in there for the streetscape so maybe they may not want them to put a duplex up against the property line when all the 100-year-old houses are set back 30 feet like that might be something but they're also not going to make this 1950s house into a Victorian either so there's you know okay okay okay yeah I just like to make one one comment and and look and looking what what was uh presented there's a um block 1125 Lots 5 through 7 which is um I believe it's 1106 Missouri Avenue so it's like a missing tooth if you will dropped in and the house is about 10 years old it's there I I believe there was a previous structure there that maybe that was uh something that was considered but I I don't know that's well I we're just questioning that one property B should we should we can we finish the vote table should we table I I and then have the explanation okay I guess what concerns me is we already had a we all alled those folks to believe that we were tabling it and now we're going to talk about it and I just as well not I mean I I don't want to make them feel like they these areas we decided to talk about this the other night so let's do that but in the interim any member is welcome to contact Warren or um Mr Dietrich to um ask questions in advance of the next meeting so feel free to do that okay is that fair and then they'll come with explanations for the next meeting okay can I I'll finish calling the vote no I I want to so so U motion was made second right yes so we vote I'm going to Contin do you want me to revote recall the vote or continue with Mrs Reed we some of us have and then it stop start all over again okay motion by Mr krippin seconded by Mr Goron Mr gorgone yes mayor mullik yes council member Jagger yes Mrs Reed yes Mr Crowley yes Mr lenol yes Miss mccorkel yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you Mr chairman can I ask a question about just the process from from here so uh is does HPC have to approve any of the changes to this map and then it comes back to the planning board or okay they're not changing it they're just showing us what exists now so you can clearly see what's being add okay okay so this will just come back to the planning board with those minor yes I suppose it's possible after they speak to these other folks or maybe they he from Mr GGO maybe they'll adjust something and then they would have to meet and do that and then come back okay we'll see what happens there okay okay right that make that makes sense that makes sense okay well part of the motion is that the those 89 people receive a letter from the city saying that they're going to be included in the district that's a different that's a different well that's part of a motion when we present this at next meeting well the next meeting the next meeting will'll be voting on it excuse me the next meeting will be voting on it the next time we get together we'll be voting on the map as so prior to that that Maryland's I just feel it's being transparent to the to the person whose house is affected anybody have an issue with that I agree okay okay so so the motion is to adjourn on the condition that there be mailed notice to the effective properties prior to the actual voting right M yes that's what everyone voted on and they understand that okay and this list in the top corner of this map here are they the properties that are affected is that what that isin all right so you're going to give us a list of the ones you're adding that would be good too all right so adjust that map it might be good to have on the map a list of properties that are being added in addition just graphically showing it all right okay all right so did we we do the added resolution for the board engineer okay but we we voted on that we voted on that so there was a second vote on mailing the notices yes okay do we have a motion for that a motion second is that Mr lome motions yes Mr Crowley seconds Mr Gorgon yes mayor mik I missed the motion the motion we're clarifying that we're requiring the mailing oh yes pardon me thank you council member yger yes Mrs Reed yes Mr Crowley yes Mr lenol yes M mcco yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you okay we now have um payment of bills make a motion motion to pay the bills make a motion second not spend [Laughter] any U Mr Jones motions Mr krippin Seconds Mr gargon yes mayor mullik yes council member Jagger yes Mrs Reed Mr Crowley Mr lenol yes Miss mccor yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you okay we added one item here um as many of you probably already know Craig perus has started his own engineering firm he's broken off from his previous employer and we our our contract is technically with uh Palestinian Associates so there's a there's a resolution that which prepared for tonight where we are dissolving that relationship and and and hiring heris Associates hurles planning and Engineering LLC okay heris planning and Engineering LLC to be the end the the designated engineer for the planning board I'll make a motion okay I'll second it okay we have a motion by council member Jagger seconded by Mr lhal Miss gorgone yes mayor mullik yes council member yger yes Mrs Reed yes Mr Crowley yes Mr lenol yes Mr mccorkel yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes okay I would suggest everybody don't throw this map out no holding on to hold on to just I have just one issue for discuss okay uh the council appointed a study group or whatever to deal with the recommendations concerning affirmative action not affirmative action portable housing might want to turn the mic on Paul uh so the sub committee met and uh reviewed the pending I it might be adopted already now the the updated legislation uh that's going to put forth the next round uh we looked at the timelines that were required by uh that the first I'll say Milestone was probably trying to have a they establish what our numbers are I think in September of this year maybe or October of this year and then the city would have a certain period of time to agree to those numbers and then then there you know between now and next year there's a series of timelines that that we have to work on preparing a plan submitting the plan seeing if there's any objetives to the plan and working through that this is the next round of COA basically next round of Co totally new [Music] process new and improved as only the state can do I'm not calling an improvement so but um uh we'll be you know obviously looking to uh Craig to uh work with us in developing uh the methodology and how we're going to comply uh I think that we're optimistic that um if we can have some negotiations with the the Kim City Housing Authority and and a proposed project that we might be able to meet most of or all of our obligations with that project and and I think we're attempting to set up a meeting here over the next several weeks with the housing authority and the subcommittee to um further detail that to make sure this to to Endeavor to make sure that that project can satisfy the city's obligation and then you know then we the city will be looking to uh for Craig to prepare that plan and report for us to respond to the state timelines thanks okay thanks all right okay final motion I'll make that motion all in favor I okay thank you everyone thanks everyone for your support very Paul this is very helpful very helpful I'm not I'm not throwing it at I tell you that