pleas one minute okay okay you got you got anybody still on the bracket no you fill it out do it either you do it the bracket I fill one out I don't know anything about college basketball mik those oh hell no no it's except the number ones are all still there last year they were out this time yeah ready okay here comes Z all right folks the regular for the work session meeting of the planning C planning board is now in session and in in compliance with the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice this meeting has been provided should any member of this board have reason to believe this meeting is being held in violation of that act we shall so State at this time start with the Pledge of Allegiance the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible Li and jusice for all all right before we get start I think the whole board wants to extend their condolences to Craig for his mother's passing and Karen thank thank you for going up there to represent City I think I appreciated that so okay um roll call okay Mr bazer here Mr Jones here miss mccorkel here Mr Crowley Mr Gorgon here mayor mullik here council member Jagger Mrs Reed Mr lenhome Mr pusis Mr krippin here thank you we have a resolution 3-26 2024 bogul Investment Properties LLC 502 Washington Street block 1050 Lots 9 motion for approval for that res resolution so move Mike I'll second thank you Zach we have a motion by Mr Jones seconded by mayor mullik Mr Gorgon yes mayor mullik yes C uh Mr re I'm sorry Mr Crowley no m mccorkel i abstain Mr krippin yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you um I just got to note that we're not on live stream Karen oops I'm not showing any problems here so let me check my phone yeah were you present for the boal thing you know what I wasn't I should abstain yeah you're right y V rep redo the vote uh chairperson bizer I'm finding it on my cell phone so good that's fine yes all right so so Mr Crowley's vote has been switched tostain one whole pack Mr pin has been the same so Mr Crowley abstain and Mr krippin abstains so we have three abstentions okay thank you okay second resolution 32624 2 Madison Kate May R LLC 1025 1029 Beach Avenue block 10 20 1095 Lots 8 through 13 any corrections or remote motion for approval motion second we have a motion by Mr kpp and seconded by by Mr Jones Mr Gorgon abstain mayor mullik yes Mr Crowley abstained Miss mccorkel yes Mr krippin yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you can we have isn't sure he was present for this I don't think he was I abstain I apologize thank you Mar must be mental Health okay we've got the minutes of the February 13th meeting anybody remember those I was here motion to approve motion second anybody got a second I'll second I'll second we have a motion by Mr krippin seconded by Mr Jones Mr Gorgon abstain mayor mullik abstained M uh Mr Crowley uh yes Miss mccorkel yes Mr krippin yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you uh next item is payment of bills they were just passed out but um nothing glaring here any a motion to to approve payment of bills so moved thank you Bob second we have a motion by Mr gon seconded by Mr crippin Mr gargone yes mayor mullik yes Mr Crowley yes M mccorkel yes Mr krippin yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you okay the final item is uh master plan consistency review of ordinance I don't even know we don't have a number for it do we it's an ordinance prohibiting the use of artificial turf in the city of cap is the name of it it's kind of a misnomer but everybody has everybody had a chance to look over this ordinance any comments would you like me to just when we're referred a land use ordinance um we have a couple of things to do as the planning board um the first is to determine consistency with the master plan so as part of my review I go through the master plan and pick out anything that um I find consistent or inconsistent with the master plan highlight those and give you reasons to find consistency so those are contained on page two or three um if you look at the historic preservation element recommendation um it tells you about appropriate historic district streetscape I believe that that you can find it's consistent with as well as the conservation element where they have the objectives in there as well as the recommendations for landscaping um so I do believe that the board can find consistency um as part of this review we're also allowed to offer comments back to the governing body um and they they can listen to those comments um revise the ordinance or um or not but you're certainly allowed to comment um and make recommendations back to them so that's just highlighting my March 18th 2024 review um and I'm happy to answer any questions or go into greater detail if the board wants there the committee that that worked on this was it or not the subcommittee right committee yeah were you on that b yes I was um okay if you'd like me to comment excuse me um yeah I was part of an ad hoc committee um excuse me it included um representation from the HPC uh the shade tree commission zoning uh environmental uh planning board myself Paul Dietrich was there Chris Gillan schw Schwarz and and Rich King was also there um we had we had a I think a very thorough uh discussion on Pros cons what are the problems are associated with the artificial turff and all that but we ultimately we came to a a a consensus um that we would prohibit the use of the artificial turf as part of the Landscaping if you will of properties whether it be in the historic district or or any place within Kate May that's for residential use um and by keeping it simple and and stating that it was where Landscaping goes does allow that if someone had an example that they might want to um add artificial turf in some way other than within landscaping and an example that I used at our at the meeting was for instance someone had a gazebo and it had a concrete slab underneath it often times people will put indoor outdoor carpeting in in places like that or a second floor deck or or something like that that's not Landscaping but if someone um needed to uh or had a desire to add artificial turf in some other way they could bring it to the planning board and ask for a variance or a wave or depending on what the circumstance might be so basically wherever you have Landscaping to be garden areas Lawns and what have you artificial turf is is prohibited um if someone has it existing it's basically grandfathered in until it it's needs to be removed uh because it's out outlived its useful life uh they cannot put the artificial turff back in that area if it's a landscaped area um there are exceptions an exception is uh for commercial use and commercial use would be for um uh uh miniature golf for instance uh and the other exception is for municipal uh uh use they could use it and an example we use that when we were having our discussions like let's say at one of the parks they wanted to put in a batting cage batting cage shouldn't have grass in it shouldn't have dirt because it just be mud and something like that would would be appropriate uh to do that and also so uh we had Chris uh take care and writing the Preamble so it gave reasons why uh why this is has come forward and and and got to this this particular uh situation in other words explaining uh why it's not necessarily a good thing to have the um artificial turf okay that was that was a great explanation I was make two technical um clarifications first although this is in design standards it's part of the zoning ordinance so it it wouldn't be a waiver it' be a variance correct he did say that he said the variant are a waiver I just want some to pull this transcript out later and say and it it would go it would go to the zoning board not go zoning board we go to the zoning board unless it was part of a of a site plan approval then you could get have the variant in there but it may not come to you it may come to the zoning board they're the only two things but otherwise that that was anybody have any questions I will comment by the way it was very good having that ad hoc committee because I I think it was very helpful for the different uh groups if you will uh to gain an understanding of what each of those groups stand for and what what it is that they do out well thank you so this motion is to pass this ordinance on to the council I believe correct to find consistency with the master plan and and then send it back to council and with your recommendations or if there's on you can send it without recommendation anybody in the public care to comment on this no all right motion to approve so move second we have a motion by Mr Gorgon seconded by Mr kin Mr Gorgon yes mayor mullik yes Mr Crowley yes Miss mccorkel yes Mr krippin yes Mr Jones yes Mr bazer yes thank you okay anything else for the board any public comment sorry we couldn't keep you here longer motion to adjourn motion to adjourn okay all in favor I I thank you everyone good night thank you I actually might have been able to funny we go at the ladies and say the me yeah yeah that's more like it that that's more like it all right I'm going actually go home and have dinner with my family