##VIDEO ID:53YdB30O2xA## e e e e e e e e it's like a seven minutes live or second I mean testing do you have watching it do you have to be like click on it to be watching it or no I can turn it off yeah no I usually click on it to make then if you turn it sideways you yet e e e e e e please why do I have two I'm not going to in compliance with the open public meeting act in 1975 adequate and notice of this meeting has been provided uh please rise for the pledge pledge of allei flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay ketta would you call the rooll chair CH here councilman Meer here Vice chairman atour here commissioner York she's excused she's excused here commissioner preer here commissioner wner here commissioner Perez here Mr MCL absent Mr manir here and commissioner cand is excused and commissioner Goldstein excused okay all good to move on to the Oaths Jay no we'll get to we'll past the minutes later we'll get you in and out perfect I appreciate that all right so we're going to do everybody as a group some of you have done this before um if you're comfortable staying seated you can stay seated I don't mind you can just raise your right hand you're going to repeat after me and you are all regular members so we're going to do this all together okay if you'd like to say so help me God you're welcome to you don't have to all right everybody good yep and then once we say the O you go ahead and sign and write your um address and I'll notarize them upstairs all right so I state your name I do solemly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey and that I will bear trueth faith I will bear trth faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and partially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of a regular member of the shade tree Commission of the regular member of the shade tree committee to the best of my ability to the best of my ability abil and that I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help me God so help me God wonderful thank you all if you could please give a sign for me and write just your signature and your address on your Oaths there yep I'll take all of those back and I'll notorized them and make sure that your secretary gets a copy okay I didn't sign it thank wonderful gracias I think we got this before we got this before thanks Brian here's last one thank you thank you allk Aon yeah do that all right yeah uh in your packet you have it was from New York well let's get to the agenda let's do the agenda first uh you have a copy of the agenda uh or of the minute dates from Tuesday December 10th I'll entertain a motion to approve as uh presented take a moment to review I'll list any changes Corrections or additions to the the minutes from the December 10th meeting I don't know if we have a finalized Shan M have written down or you usually have good night yeah looking for a motion Mr chairman I need a motion to approve or amend so moved a motion to approve yes sir do I have a second I'll second second by George George one and George two and there's George two oh all those in favor signify signify by saying I I any opposed any extensions all right we have where are here we have two new members that have been appointed unfortunately neither are able to to show up today one is on a holiday or vacation in Florida the other one is in a travel status uh I would ask the city a secretary to contact both of these people and remind them that being a member of the shade Tre commission is more than one meeting month they may be requireed two or three times a week uh to do sidewalk goes trim tree goes building set plan approvals and whatnot so maybe more than one afternoon a month uh and if they can't uh do that type of a schedule please let us know right away make alternative Arrangements I'm going to break up the territory that I Now cover into two sections one uh from the south side of Cape May Avenue the even dumbers uh down to the beach and then from Madison to to Pittsburgh and then from Pittsburgh to the east further for the other section uh and so I'll break that territory up into two that way everybody but me has a section and I would be available to uh go uh for absentees if people that can't do their section for one reason or another for building plans and goes and whatnot so I'll be the I'll be the swing sh but right now we'll continue on as normal uh continue on as normal until we get the new members in uh and acquainted with their jobs do we have any idea where this where these new members came from did they volunteer or was that just volunteered to be part of the I got the impression that some indicated to the am they they would wish to volunteer or wanted to join okay which is fine I just wish the mayor would have let us know we could brief him on what Duties are required and it's certainly going to be more than one afternoon a month so okay I was just curious all right all right in your package you have a a sheet of approved meeting dates for 2025 we had to change the November meeting because of voting oh I'm sorry because of uh uh Memorial Day uh uh from the 2 Tuesday in November to the 3 Veterans Day pardon that's for veterans veterans day rather not Memorial Day Veterans Day but other than that it's everything is the second second uh Tuesday of the month Mr chairman I will not be able to attend the April 8th meeting what i w I won't be the April 8th well call be just just before that well and let the secretary know I'm scheduled to be in Southern California so may if it still exists yeah all right okay updated tree list hey um I started on a a tree list and I wanted to do it in SE different sections if you can take this and pass it around um I started on this list and I wanted to separate it between Street trees ornamental trees trees that are good for uh salt environments trees that are good for uh dry EnV environments Etc you can see kind of how I broke it up um mostly I I got this information from this other uh document I found on the on online of one of our neighboring communities um I was hoping with with the help of the city manager we can get the approval to use this document which I'm going to pass around which is a lot more comprehensive it talks about the different types of trees talks about how to plant the trees um I would prefer if we can copy this onto our website there's two sides to it um take a look at it real quick there's a lot of information on this including uh how to plant these Street trees uh the site triangles associated with the trees um I should have made more copies of that than the ones that I had prepared uh doing a research I'm sting it down you'll see it in a sec George I did a research on a gentleman that printed this what's that document that I'm passing around that right now he's a he's a professor at Stockton so I think we just need to get his permission to use that document which one this one that one that one's a lot more comprehensive I think you should just review the trees to make sure if you want to supplement the tree list I think you might want to look at the tree list itself just to you know because obviously that was done for Ocean City it's it's a Shore Community so it probably has some appropriate trees but I think you might want to review the list just to make sure we get all the trees cuz I I I mean I notic they have Mimosa on there I'm not sure Mimosa is a is a street tree that we want to promote and are you talking about on the the white paper or on this way the white paper white paper I just want to make sure that if you're looking at that that that those trees would be supplemented with the the list that Shane's been working on on the other attachment sh this is really hard what is your is this list here in integrated with this no because I I didn't there's not enough information on that that list that we worked on cuz I don't know what's besides of two trees that were removed from it we don't really have a on that list we don't have a uh a grading you know 1 through 10 I have I do have a comment that where it says salt tolerant trees the one tree that we're trying to get away from now is the calorie pair I I I I anticipated that there was going to be some I don't I don't know my trees so this is extremely hard for me to do by myself just so you guys know uh that's why I have three books right here that I have to do a lot of research on um but if if if if if you're okay if we were to move into that white page Direction Where did that white page go to what the white paper yeah yes where is it now it didn't I does George it didn't get down to this end check in front of j's got it somewhere has it okay thank you so like uh the city manager was saying George that we might have to take and or add some trees to that list if you could take a look at that yeah um I can email it to everybody too if they want to have comments on it I think that piece of paper if you look on the backs side too George there just a ton of information it's really organized yeah I think we should we should try to copy that as as best we can planting mulching staking everything it's a lot more comprehensive I appreciate you take this this is a a bear of a job yeah that's fine and and the in inventory at least it's my understanding that the inventory that the city used to have doesn't exist anymore I don't I have no idea yeah is this is this the list including the white paper that the SEC secretary can hand out when people ask for uh it's not ready it's I don't think it's actually completed yet we've got when it's ready yes I mean it's a lot better than what we had before but it's we still need to take a look at it so I don't know should we do another subcommittee meeting or I can even just email this to you George to get you opinion yes or no okay whatever you want to do I'm open for whatever anybody wants to so got calary pairing here too so unfortunately I still have to work on this list situation I know it's Dragon but I have some other information for you if you're ready for it sure so in the spirit of the uh the grant that we got about the uh tree of Heaven and the lantern flies I've designed a flyer that we can hand out as part of the uh the tax the tax letter if you want to pass those around if if I get your approval will add it to the tax notices you I you know in the spirit of our our grant that we received I think uh we want to focus mostly on that money on the removal of the tree of Heaven yes so this way uh when when the spring comes around people can look for the trees and also on the second half it's about the uh Lantern flies these are the Flies we're trying to get rid of right yes they look horrible gosh the um the first half I put the phone number and the email because we're trying to get information from the public where these trees are located I guess is that correct is that our goal mhm and uh I also created these uh book marks for the library on the same topic if you want to pass those out I just have to get a hard card stock for those but if you uh if you approve these two documents we'll we'll push this out as part of our uh information campaign and this is this is in in compliance with that grant that we receed from I'm not sure if it's inate yes in spirit of it yeah good work right so we're still working on this approved free list right yeah yeah I I I just found that new document just the other day and I said what am I wasting my time or what am I putting so much effort into this when it's already well well done this is very nice thanks so Shane how are okay I'm sorry sorry go ahead what how are we getting these to the people I mean is through the tax notices through their tax notice okay how are we hand you'll be getting another copy how are we handle the removal of spider and lanter f is there going to be a 5050 program uh for this $20,000 or or a homeowner I was I was looking for your I was looking for you got everyone's recommendation so it's really how what would be your recommendation to set up the program if obviously we have $20,000 if we spend a couple thousand on education you know obviously if you make it a 50/50 program it's obviously going to get expand how many trees you can get removed and it gets them Buy in you know I think it's always good to have Buy in from the resident that that they're participating so we we talked about this in our Clos session or in our in our committee subcommittee we need to know how many trees we have before we figure out way how to budget getting rid of the trees the money so that's the whole purpose of these of these of this letter here is to get information from the public if they have a tree of Heaven in their backyard there's number of factors we have to look at you know is it going to be a threshold that we'll do a 50-50 afterwards or is it going to be a certain size you know we had to look up you know we might have more trees than we can handle than do a flight out 5050 program more reason we can handle and to handle them where you have to dig it out is that that would use up all the funds so I suggest we ignore digging up uh uh all the trees and just handle cut down of the mature trees uh yeah but that up but that requires digging them out you can't just these trees are Heaven you can't just cut them out they have to be poisoned they either either you have to poison them and then go through the long process of you know just to give you an example my daughter had several you know I'll say mature tree of heaven and some smaller ones and it took her almost 2 years till they were you know cuz she did the poisoning route it took her two years to to fully get the trees to to di to where the tree was dead and it it killed all the roots and and stuff like that so it takes time yeah um but if you're removing it you know digging it out but there again some places you can dig it out sometime you it it it's really is sight dependent on the method and that that's why you got to talk to a tree professional and and do it what I will say is I I think that we should start spending some of the money because I know most likely there's going to be a similar grant for this coming year so I I think that at least for the foreseeable future there's going to be this small dollar amount returning or the possibility of returning to to to continue this program so I think you could if you if you get if you start getting word that you have some in there I I think it wouldn't hurt to start getting some price quotes because part of the problem is I think C you're right you got to know what is the problem and how many but it wouldn't hurt to kind of maybe do one or two to to figure out okay what's it going to cost us to to do it so I think it's it's a you got to know both answers because once you know how many then you got figure out okay what's it going to take to get get it removed I think we also have to look at would a program be retroactive to Residents that took the initiative to remove the trees um I know on Lafayette Street there's several homeowners and on Dale Street that um took the initiative and removed the um the trees without us having any program or any guid I I think it would be hard to do it retroactively because then you don't know from a procurement standpoint like when we do the 50-50 program we at least get two quotes and and you know so from a procurement standpoint I'd be I'd be hesitant to recommend that we go back in time but I think that's why I wouldn't I wouldn't want to if somebody comes to us tomorrow and says hey I I've got something I think that the committee should evaluate it based on what we have and and as we get get them roll rolling in that would be my recommendation but I but we got to figure out what how big the problem is right so somebody comes to our table and says I got this situation you know I think we have some discretion there to work with them yes I think so well the at least two or three of the situations that I'm referring to actually went through the process of subi tree removal requests having them approved and then uh had the taken down so wasn't halfhazard just went out there with a chainsaw and did it themselves right I mean the city did it too so I could under that under that guise I should just go reimburse myself for what we did but well we didn't get a quote and that's kind of our policy yes yeah right that's all I have all right unless anybody has any questions good job I think it's a great idea to put this in with the tax notices because that's everybody will get it and that least that's a start to start educating them as to what this problem really is all about yeah as we've discussed we without knowing what the the scope in the extent of the problem is we're kind of going on instruments in the dark we don't really know what we have to do yeah so we got some time still on that yeah yeah okay all right George uh the Franklin Street project that's going on uh that's right at the end of Lafayette Street so that's almost completed correct it's still under construction yes the what the one on Franklin Street is still under construction okay maybe I'm wrong but this is what I observed before like a couple weeks ago right around the holidays when there was a break that the street was open so so if you saw that so they're going to come so they're bricking the whole thing and then for the areas that are going to have gas lamps and trees planted they will come back when they're ready to plant and then they're going to remove the brick put in the tree cut out and then plant the trees and put install the gas lamps if that was your concern or question yeah well I noticed today that they are taking some of the some of the brick is being removed now so I don't know it it's not like as solidly completed as it was last week they're over there working but the other question I had was was the tree in front of the old parsonage where one fell one was hit and was taken out before but we we had talked about preserving the one that was there that was now that's gone because of the handicap the crosswalk that it had it it was in the way of where the crosswalk had to be and they removed the other small tree on the side of the Baptist Church that was a pair Which con knew we knew we were getting rid of the pair but um I wasn't sure what what the final plans are for how many trees are going to be put in or I think it's the same plan that that we had original yeah yeah but the the uh the hole has been been uh concreted up take a tree they haven't been concreted up they're brick it's just brick and on both sides yeah well now to me it looks like they're removing I don't mean I don't know that streets closed why why why was why was it's a nice design of brick but with brick and Street and tree roots it causes a ripple effect with the brick and tree roots a lot more than solid concrete now I'm I'm in favor of brick I think a brick looks nice well unfortunately you live in the city Tre Roots involved you're going to get wavy lines a lot quicker with brick work than you are with concrete which has got wire reinforcing in it well what would you want do you want brick with trees or do you want brick do I want what do you want brick with trees or do you want brick Oh I want brick with trees there you go that's what we got thank you very much you you understand do you understand you're living in the city of Kate May and we're doing a street a historic streetcape do you want brick with trees or do you want brick option A or option b your choice we've decided with brick with trees thank you is there any is there any plans to put any trees on the on the east side of Franklin yes it's shown on the plans that that we presented to you I I didn't bring a set of the plans down but it it hasn't changed cut they're going to have to cut holes in the uh well they'll they'll just remove the brick they'll remove the brick and and on one side wherever it's needed wherever the Plan called for trees they're going to install the trees all right and do we have the species of trees in place on that plan do you remember I forget off the top of my head okay to be honest George okay just because we well we have the overhead wires on the uh on the one side and stuff so we'll have to look at that but um when the overhead wires are on the on the east side yeah right yeah side opposite of the school I get East and West confused um would we be able to take a look at those species again though just in case I don't remember what they were I think I had recom I know we met out there I wrote down and I gave it to the engineer so I'm pretty sure he used what we recommended what we recommend it that's if you want to shoot me what you recom if I'll refor it to them the contractor and say hey when you go buy the cuz they obviously they haven't bought the trees yet and yeah when they go buy the trees at this point it's not going to matter right it's not going to change their price point if they're usually picking in that genre of tree when they go to pick something out it's more going to be the size of the tree is going to dictate the price compared to okay all right sounds good so if if you just remind me what you want and I'll I'll make sure the contractor gets that okay all right thank you anything to do any Council report I don't have anything more at this point the what I don't have anything more at this point all right unless you have any questions Ron get a hold of Connie and get the uh contact information for that woman about that Bradford per you're going to take down okay all right that's all I have anybody else have anything for the good of the order Jim are you how you you have any questions you have any questions jar on your District or everything else that Jim didn't answer contact me and I'll be got to go out with you on a couple of occasions uh to talk about you know the goes for trimming okay removal that's actually what I was very curious about just just I want to make sure I do it right right I can go with anyone like if anyone wants to volunteer we can pick out specific date on when to do it but I just want to make sure that if you have any questions at all give me you have my contact information I have that cell phone next to my heart at all times okay I also gave him my name and phone number if he had any questions also gave him my name and phone number if he had any questions he could call all right that's all I have anybody have anything for the good of the order not at this time no okay hopefully we'll have uh new members in attendance next meeting uh um everybody triy to survive in coming in any more snowfalls coming in uh and uh I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I can second that motion Barbara second that motion okay who put the motion in I don't think anybody who made who made the motion motion motion yeah who did it first no I was about to I give you to it all right all those in favor I I thank you very much okay good meeting okay yeah nobody's gotten any fights there's no bleeding turn off here that is January turn off oh we did discuss that yeah we discuss that I think we did