##VIDEO ID:n7NFXiilrf4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e microphones in accordance with the open public meeting Act of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting uh has been advertised please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America all right uh roll call sure uh Jay here Shane here um Carol sick here here George W here George a he excuse he's having a problem with his year old car stuck in Pennsylvania it's been in the garage four or five times toota um Jim here Frank excuse thank you and Ron no here not here nor his uh his uh intern is not here either all right you have the minutes of last month's meeting September uh 10th meeting I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes as presented I'll approve what we have what we have I'll approve minutes so make a motion to approve do I have a second uh Carol and with an e and Carol without an e correct uh all those in favor I I oppos any the extensions I think every was here's the last meeting okay minutes approved before we get involved in any of other business we've got several appeals of denials uh I'd like to get through here uh first first one is M Schmidt Joan Schmidt 1360 Ohio Avenue that's you my dear you want to come up and press that button at the base of that and press the button at the base of that so you're going to be on the air all right you you have a a problem with a street tree that's interfering with your sewer line on Maryland Avenue correct Ohio Avenue okay um I looked at that we looked a lot of us looked at that determined that your sewer line seems to be severely deteriorated you're probably going to need a new you probably are going to need a new sewer line uh we hesitate taking a street tree down when you're going to have to replace the sewer line anyhow so this is one of the reasons why we Deni the appeal taking the tree down is not going to solve your sewer line problem I mean it'll take what it'll do is keep that the tree from taking advantage of that is this anything to do with I got this about he sent this to me where did this come from this um I okay man yeah it's generic or a specific report to your proper that's for the I think it's for the street okay I have no idea what this is I think it's that they're uh going to be is this a Le placing the the lines in the street from what that's saying well the the city of Cap May is would replace the lines in the street there with but you're respons resp for connecting your home sewer line to this know so Joan asked me to come along I'm actually her neighbor I'm at 1352 Ohio okay and we have the same problem and we're actually we're both going to be we know we have to replace our sewer lines okay however the plumbers have all let us know that the sewer line is going to it's going to happen again because this it's going to happen again if we don't we don't take the treat down exactly all right that's the problem is because those roots keep attacking our the line along with our sidewalks so we know that the sidewalk we can apply for 50/50 from the city however the sewer line itself that's going to cost her $33,700 it's going to cost me about 4,000 also um she's already we've both she had two instance of um her s line being clogged twice within a month within a month and she wasn't even here ,000 she wasn't even here so it wasn't even being used and I know um your the the crew came out and they were very good they came out and repaired the line in the street just last week because apparently when um magestic came out for us because we had the same problem twice also Majestic the plumber Majestic came out and uh snake the line he said he didn't snake it from our line he had to actually go into the street to pull it from the street and that's when they said there's a problem in the street as well which um Public Works did come out and fix that so that's what clogged us because of the sewer line in the street was was comprom IED so what we're asking is the fact that these trees have been pretty destructive to our properties and we're both willing to uh plant new trees in replace of these trees um you know we we' be happy to do that normally we normally the city is responsible for maintenance replacement and or removal okay of strees trees on city property which is the street line between sidewalk in the curb that city property and I we understand that but we again we would be to donate donate the trees itself to replace the trees if that you know that helps this the the um circumstances and I know when I spoke with Public Works he said that the sewer the sewer lines in the street are going to have to be replaced because when he he noticed like if they're concrete or they're lead I they're lead lead sewer pipes I don't I'm not familiar I guess terta no they're not they're not they're not they're not terra cotta and they're not cat they're not La of black Iron what what are they I've never heard of reped in that part of Maryland Avenue no we're on Ohio Avenue or I'm sorry Ohio Avenue I never thought that they had uh anything other than either terra cotta or black Iron yeah they're not terra cotta but I know that the guy from Public Works said that they have to be replaced so and he said I guess the one month I had to put out ,000 to you know for plumbers I mean I have it all here my receipt right right right and you you know it's my daughter was there at the time and she didn't know what to do it's all backing up in the house and so we had a CO plumber we didn't you know I have all the receipts and right right then uh Zoom came and took pictures which um Zoom came with their under camera camer and then they cleaned it out for $857 and less than a month I had to pay another plumber because they said call Zoom because they took the pictures and I think that was um three 300 and it was just under 400 or something yeah you're having problems too yes yes we've actually we had to have our line snaked twice this year um within three months of each other and the second the first time was the roots in our lines and the second time was when Public Works came out and look at the thing was again that's where Majestic when they came out the second time said that it was a problem in the street that was blocking us not anything in our line so Public Works fixed the problem in the street but again it's just going to continue to happen because the the trees those roots since we all know they're shallow roots they're going to attack those lines that's a that's a if I remember correctly that's a pardon that's a it's a maple tree was sck it's a it's a no the difference between silver maple I think it's a maple y you're right okay y not a it's not probably a sugar maple it's just it's a maple tree yeah we all call them SW Maple I already I already paid like the payment was going up and I was afraid somebody would sue me for you did the 50/50 program some time ago I did that right I noticed the sidewalk I noticed the sidewalk was repaired yeah all right so open I know my sidewalk has to be repaired boys and girls I just have a question so if you replace the sewer line does that um the advance of the roots into that the new sewer line I no they're just going to attack it's because it's looking for moisture so it's going right back to the Sewer lines again yeah but with the solid what they're using now is a either a solid plastic line or a coated metal line which is a continuous line there's not gaps that would be in a not gaps that would be in a knob and tube you know caracal line uh which is sealed with cement which will deterior after it deteriorate after a period of time I know when they videoed my my line they said it's the the um the roots are actually lifting so it's not that they went into my pipe right they've lifted the pipe and that's where the crack is occurring oh okay so it's it's just that they're it's the lines are going towards where we have moisture and obviously we this tree the tree is taking advantage of absolutely of the moisture and the nutrients so and I know that the trees itself they're you it's in the electric lines above you know it's it's all tangled in there well to a smaller degree we we can the our City Contractor can it remove the lines leading from the tree to the house but the main lines if they come through on that side that side of the street uh Atlantic Electric has to do those I don't want they did that last I don't want him touch and they're doe in next year 2025 they put all the new things in line yes a big thing up box up there yeah they'll they'll come through and trim off do a major trimming they do it to trim every three to five years I mean that's why there're on your street in oh Ohio Avenue and Maryland Avenue and New York Avenue you get so many of these big wide gaps in the trees they come in and trim the branch off you know so they don't have to come back for three to five years can I ask you a question is it mandatory that you replace your house connections or you just figuring the timing of this with the it's going to come back it's because the fact it's it's an issue so so you've already made up your mind that you are going to replace your house connection both going to do it I was with with the crack and she hers is actually hers is in I think mine's more yeah so then it it goes back to that argument of what Jay was saying a newer connection there'd be no gaps or you know anything for a route to follow into but then you made the argument but it's going to happen well if it's going if it's going to heave the line that's a different scenario so even with the new line over time if it starts to heave the line you're going to have problems exactly um for it to the roots to infiltrate into the pipe would take years upon years for that to happen accelerated by what you're saying if that pipe starts to heave it gives a little bit of an opening somewhere then you'll have the same problem so it's one of these things where uh for us to really know what the future holds you I don't know had a comment that this has been we've had this hearings before on this same matter with other people I personally have even had a problem with a home I used to own here on Queen Street you remember that Jay back many years ago same way with plumbers it was it it was in the well I live in the house with my mother-in-law so we're the original you know down to this you know daughter and my husband's past we never had a problem till like but your house always had a problem with your aunt how to get so it's just the last couple years that it's really bad familiar with it and we have had many other people come in with a similar type of problem here with some of the sewer in some cases we roll over on it in other cases we don't so you know well you know your your feed out to the street is strictly relying on gravity and nothing but so if you did have heave if you had an inspector actually tell you that and the pipe is now not pitched towards the street if it's a negative pitch you really have a problem that creates a huge problem um so again I don't know we don't have studies I don't but you know taking a word for what a I do know that the water line was also uh compromise luckily it wasn't my water line it was your borderline so you guys had to uh replace it last year was not this summer but past summer we had water that was leaking coming up uh into our front Lawns and it was actually the um kind of like the border between myself and uh George free who's my connecting twin um and we couldn't figure out why there was water and then they came out and we found out there was a break in the waterline on the other side of the meter so on your side of the meter on the city side of the meter city city had to replace it and it was again and they couldn't they couldn't shut it off because apparently the shut off was uh overgrown with roots with roots yeah that's happened before yeah yeah so um you and again they were just like okay well we fixed it but hopefully it won't happen again right right right right did you get anything inv writing from your plumber or plumbers Wonder um I do but I I didn't bring with me she I guess you have your quote Yeah I have really three quotes yeah I can I can send it to was there a recommendation that they made to you I was going to add not not in writing but they did give us that I can get it from them I can get what they advise I know that you have I know you've had one before yes yeah my my last quote was from broley did a quote and so did uh Alice pluming and I have one from zoom and he took the pictures when I coming too yeah he yeah three of them I did send the pictures in from Zoom what it looked like the pipe you know and I guess they when they denied it I I didn't get the pictures back but I have them on my camera if you my phone um yes Carol would this be a problem that could occur anywhere in the city at any time with the street trees I mean are we looking atend it occurs in areas where there's the older Plumbing lines where the oldest not so much freshwater incoming lines but where there's older sewer lines uh The Roots the trees get bigger and the trees are looking in more and more in the yard for uh for water uh and they're looking in the streets too that's why they go under the that's why they go out into the streets and kind of mess up the roadways some in some cases but they go where there's mostly a drip area which is the green the lawn and stuff like that and if there's another source of nutrients in there that's what us with our head so as the trees mature they're going to be looking for more and more uh sustenance so you know this is a one of the disadvantages disadvantage of having mature trees you got you plant two year old or have three or five or six or seven or eight year old Twigs you know in the ground uh there's not that much of a problem a lot of these trees are 80 90 years old um so this has happened this has happened uh two or three times in the past year you remember it started in the spring of this year I think we let two trees two two trees taken down because of a u just irreconcilable problems with the thing but I think if you're determined to replace the line anyhow I would deny the removal of the street tree in anticipation of you getting a new plumber Plumbing line in a new sewer line in and that'll that should solve the problem it should solve the problem and if it doesn't we can revisit the situation pardon and if it doesn't Jay we can revisit this it doesn't Revis it hopefully that won't happen in our lifetimes or in your lifetimes either you know this should be something with a new line that goes in there uh that should last for several lifetimes you know so I'm open for suggestion I I think it's going if there's a replacement anyway in the works let's have the replacement occur and then again if there's a problem that brings it up again we'll address what' you say I can't hear is the street main being replaced also I was told that he thinks it should be should be but as I guess he said when he looked at the pipe he didn't realize what type of pipe was there okay so when they opened it up uh that was the conversation he was having so this letter here is not Shane is this a public works letter or this a water about the uh removal lead pipes throughout the city strictly about the lead pipes Dr water has nothing to do specifically with their property asking right okay so um I mean you'll have an open excavation for your two lines obviously that'll expose things we can't see now we'll be able to see some of the tree roots um at that time would it be okay if there's any way for them to contact Public Works to go out there and take a look at maybe what tree roots might be impacting it what may be able to be cut back well they're going to have to several tree roots when they when they dig it is it unlike running an electric or even a freshwater line but an electric line or something like that where they could tunnel in uh with you know tunnel for narrow thing they won't have to dig a trench running a sewer line you got to dig a trench yeah that's what I'm saying you're can have an open excavation which will you know obviously give an opportunity to view what's actually below ground with these tree roots that we cannot see now Roots out when you do that you going be taking some Roots out when they do that unless they're planning on Jack but this these don't forget this these are Roots these are they're taking out roots that's running right toward the house it's not like it running across in the parallel to the sidewalk where they're going to cut all the feeder Roots off this will cut a line of feeder roots not a trench uh you know which would cut them all off I have a quick question how how many times this happened and just the past like so it used to be that I would get it once a year M um get a line rooted up uh to get my my line snake right I would get I would do it once a year and I would prob kind of do it as a preventative because I knew it was going to right right right right and now this last two years it's probably been twice a year and she had like I said she had it twice twice in a month in a month when she wasn't even here I'm only going to give a personal opinion because we're talking about all these what may be things going to happen in what a year's time or more and there's going to be more expense that's going to have to happen for all of that take place and in the meantime you have the bills coming in and all of the other truthfully just plain old problems worri so my my feeling is that it's better about not not having the tree than having to go through all the expense of everything else going on that's my own personal opinion everybody else can because they're going to replace it anyway and we don't know what will happen even when the other when all the other stuff get done so well we don't you know I mean you don't know if the tree is going to survive at all with all the works correct correct chances are you it's not going to that's not going to as I said that's not diing a trench parallel to the sidewalk which will cut all the feeder Roots uh off this is d diing a a trench toward the house from the from the tree so you this isn't have anything to do with the tree but just about 6 months or so ago my next door neighbor where I'm on Columbia Avenue had a pipe burst and it blew up the whole sidewalk in front of their house they had to replace that sidewalk themselves there was no tree there at all so I'm just talking about the fact about you know Kate May's a a very old town with a lot of old um infrastructure right so that's where I'm going with that Jay I'd like to be able to see if we can have a tree coexist with the new the new pip well you put it to a vote Yes all right uh I suggest that we we keep the tree and just encourage the folks to do this fast as they can replace their sewer line all all those in favor all opposed look like those in favor of we're going to keep the tree and you should make plans immediate plans to get your lines replaced and then we'll and we'll take a look at you're going to have to replace the lines any most likely but when when you get entrenching to do the thing give us a call again and we'll we'll we'll people responsible for it who's got Ohio Avenue that's your I do we'll take a we'll go back and take a look at that there's actually three trees pardon there's actually three trees there's one in front of hers and two in front of me there's what there's three trees there's one in front of her and two in front of me and what was your address 1352 13 1352 52 yes Ohio the two that are in front of me are actually the older trees okay what kind of trees are they same thing Maple Maple okay unfortunately the Google Street View is five years ago so that's not I haven't been to your property to see it I do see the one tree I don't have a picture with me yeah I could send it to Shane when I get home I might have it on me oh you might have it I might your house would be the one grayish color if it's still gray or this greenish greenish okay oh yeah okay I guess right greenish gray got it okay yeah so I see the large very large tree extremely larger right wow and the other two small ones now I see them all they're all there and my that they have a lifespan of 80 to 100 years that one's probably close well you know well one one are your trees the trees in front of your house have they caused any problems with the sidewalk yet oh the sidewalk buckling I have to get that replaced too yeah that was replaced I want to say 15 years ago and now it's getting replaced again that was we still had the 15 years ago I was there we started a started the 5050 program so yes all right so um that that's probably I could get quotes for that I haven't gotten the quotes yet okay do you have a time frame for when you're having your work done L uh our sewer line we're we're hoping to do it this fall or actually maybe soon so very soon yeah um I would advise the two of you to be there when they're doing it when they open everything up get the best look at of it that you can and you know speak to them and if there's possibly some tree roots that they think may need to be removed maybe public works or somebody can be called out to assess that yeah like I said the guy from P Works he's been very helpful he actually said the same same thing about coming out okay okay so they don't reimburse you for anything that you put out no on the sidewalk yeah but but the sewer sidewalk in the 5050 we can't help be nice if there was a thank you thank you well no all right thank you thank you for coming appreciate it you find the picture I didn't find it no all right now we have uh St John's Place Chris and Monica millin go to this one this has got a green light already and who are you uh my name's Chris mcquillin okay you've been in here before I have not no you have you look familiar no sir all right now you've got a there's a tree in your backyard right yes sir a uh and that's the tree that that's along it's right along the back corner of the parking lot of the Housing Authority yes and it did you say it's a mulberry tree right it's a paper Mulberry which is different from a mberry tree yeah but the there was also the word invasive or I I can't find anything about M paper malberry trees being invasive I mean there's a lot of invasive trees like tree of Heaven they even use them Bradford Pear is invasive I don't call them invasive it's just a tree that we don't recommend anymore for Street trees but Atlantic Electric for years um encouraged cities to put in Bradford Pear as Street trees for a couple reasons number one they didn't grow up really high and get in of electric lines uh unfortunately there I call them a lollipop tree they would grow up all the branches would come out of one spot on the tree which looked nice for 10 or 15 years but after they matured those branches started to slew off and then the tree started to look horrible uh we wound up even having a real bad lopsided tree we wound up having to take it down anyhow they were good for 10 or 15 years but you know a lot of these trees you put in here look we're looking for a lot more than that um and we've had who looked at that tree I did okay go ahead well when I looked at it I mean it looked like a healthy tree the trunk was okay I know it's against the fence and it's in the corner of your yard and it does hang over the parking lot but I have pictures too you probably have pictures I think it I mean I don't think it has to come down I think it could just be trimmed I mean rather than kill the tree uh I think it just needs some maintenance um I had another per uh George Ator looked at it also right and um went yesterday and George looked at I think it's been trimmed before Oh yes uh and uh but it's a full tree I mean you know you have pictures too I can pass that around and I'm happy to share it I'll I'll share it with everybody what I found so I didn't see a reason for cutting it down pictures I didn't hear what the request is why do why do you want the tree removed so if I can if I can give you the history at least what I what I found through this um we we just purchased the home in uh July so okay you did a lot of you did a lot of work on that we we have and we've been fixing up well that was like a one-story house and you've put in was oh that's two houses over oh okay where they yeah they went uh up they got three stories in there now one right on the corner Jack so it's a corner property and it's got the detach garage that's almost like a d so this is in the back corner of the property that's adjacent to the Housing Authority prop uh parking lot right okay Housing Authority area so as we've been fixing up the the home uh inside and out one of the things we wanted to do is take out the chain link fence and put in a new cedar fence uh you know a budding up to the the neighbor's property because they have the same type of fence so we about two months ago we put in for that MIT and that was approved uh so we started moving ahead with it and the fencing company said uh you have a lot of different stumps that are around the the perimeter that you need to have uh grinded up first in order for us to be able to come in and do the the fence properly so I reached out to U Matt from topnotch topn uh arbory and um and when he came through the property he he identified I the the stumps that need to be uh grinded up and he specifically pointed out the tree in the back corner as paper uh paper mberry being an invasive species that we needed to address that because no matter what we did so at the current uh on the current property line coming six Ines off the the the property line for the fence it's SM in the middle of one of the you have to the leaders you'd have to either stop and start the fence again or move the whole fence in so the initial plan plan was that we were going to come in about 2 or 3 feet and then come back to the the the I guess side or rear property depending on how you look at it and he said it doesn't matter what you do that the the way that this tree grows is going to destroy your fence um it's not a normal tree and I I've uh so I guess in a way so we we submitted the the permit to uh take the tree down and uh in the meantime that one of the neighbors had come over from the housing authority and we were just talking and he had requested that we address the issue because there's a lot it has like this white nasty sap that keeps coming down on their cars in the parking lot next to it because all the the branches are coming over uh to their property and then uh when it's windy a lot of the smaller branches are cracking off and falling down on their cars too so I said look I have a permit in let's just see how this goes I'll let you know so in the meantime that's permit went through through the process it was denied and and that kind of brings us to today so uh why I'm asking for a reconsideration of this decision and you know while I'm not fully happy that it was rejected the part of me that is Happy is that it made me kind of take a step back and actually do the research on this tree uh to learn more about what we're asking for so um I did a lot of research I've gotten in touch with a lot of different agencies throughout uh New Jersey Jersy and locally and this is the supporting information on that so as you see the first the first uh the first document that you look at is from the US Department of Agriculture and it's the new Invaders of Northeast and the north central for invasive species and just to summarize there you know there are a bunch of pages there um the guide is to help land over land owners and land managers to recognize new invasive plants that aren't uh widely distributed so that they can be treated and eradicated rather than becoming large and expensive problems so if you go through that uh the second uh that gives a little description of the of the tree as well and how uh it grows so the second chart is from the New Jersey Strike Team showing the 20123 U Can you give us a page reference uh 34 34 34 let which page are you on 34 well if you go so if you go past so you hit 34 then 35 then you'll see a chart following that sorry I didn't tab tab these y uh so it's the first one with all the colors that's a 2023 Strike Team species and control recommendations what that is is a list of all the species determined to be invasive in New Jersey along with the classification showing that it's an emerging uh and what emerging means is that that it's just starting off and now is the time that you want to take care of those species before they uh go too far so if you go back um one two three three four five six six pages to where the chart disappears and there's text again uh what that what that is is um from the New Jersey uh Department of Environmental Protection it's an appendix to the policy dirve of 2004-2 which is invasive nonindigenous plant species and what that is is the Department's uh directive outlining the species not suitable for land Landscaping of Capital Improvements replanting of facilities or ecological restor Restorations administered by the department uh and as you can see that uh Pap paper Mulberry is right in the middle of of the list of those here it is yeah and then if you go to the next page are these are these all all these trees here are all these trees not recommended to be planed yes yes sir really black locust yes I can see Calvary but K Catalpa list again yeah it it's that's that's what's been interesting to me is looking at all these saying wow they're aail they they put them out there for sale but then we're told that we shouldn't plant them and it's it's because they're not from this area and this tree comes from Asia yeah there's a difference the difference between an invasive species or something like this and a non-native tree yes my my definition of a non-native tree is if it if it grows here with the climate and the atmospheric condition has it's it's fine you know it's good as a native tree if it's an invasive species because it causes harm that's a whole other story and and that's that's through this process that's at least you know so uh you know self L we were trying to put up a fence and it's in it's right in the middle so that was the initial reaction the the uh um the tree who the the arborus had make made the recommendation based on he came to inspect the property so if you look on the the next page that's a 2024 do not plant list and if you look about uh 10 down uh that's on the 2024 New Jersey invasive species uh Strike Team uh list can I stop you for a second who identified the species of tree for you uh Matt Notch Matt Notch identified yes okay that's yes um and then finally this led me to I wanted to get confirmation somehow so I started reaching out to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection uh I I spoke with them and they got me in touch with uh the division of science and research their environmental assessment team and uh the last page on that is is an email from uh Joe balinsky recognizing that this tree is uh on the invasive species list and that the the designation of emerging by New Jersey uh warrants higher attention since prevention and control at this stage is most effective so um with that I wanted to at least show you you have photos that you passed around thank you thank you I have one of and and it it was interesting because there are there maps that they are all over you came prepared didn't you well my wow you wouldn't think so so all along the state park the forest along there that's where on the maps that they they show I'm not familiar with the property I think I heard say that the parking lot in the photo is the public housing parking lot that's what that is okay yeah so as you go around um St John's right after the par the open field that's going to be the police department as you C to the left we're on that got it back in our property is the Housing Authority so that first that first image is kind of from the property line which shows uh and this is where I talked to uh Matt Notch he said the the a normal tree you want a a solid single leader a one trunk and the way these trees uhow grow is that they have multiple leaders so they'll have the main which are the ones that unfortunately were trimmed they were cut down in the property so what that's doing is it's weakening the side leaders going off the back and so the subsequent photos if you look from the front of the property straight down the property line that one going off to the right that's the one that you see in the back of that initial photo so that that's going into the property the one on the left looks like straight yeah um but on the next photo that's the one going into my next door neighbors property so the only ones that would actually fall within our property were the ones that were cut by the previous owner just down to the down to the base so um you know give given the history I'm not an arborist so I can't tell you that it's going to fall but from what uh topnotch told me it's been it's been decimated to where the strong leader has been taken down and the way this tree grows and why he why he flagged it in the beginning it's not like a normal tree where it drops acorns and then you get some saplings that start growing this actually grows off of the root system so that's why if you look in this photo this this tree that's to the left oh yeah is actually a side leader coming from this main tree it just going to keep sprouting up from the roots right and that's where he said this is going to I don't know why you're putting a fence in because it's just going to take it out but that's how that tree grows and that's partially why it's an invasive species cuz as I've learned uh it has a shallow root system so that leads to soil erosion it also um is has a tendency based upon being shallow and how the root system grows and how it splinters off into multiple liters it's not a steady tree it's meant to it's going to fall over when there's wind so this one's already been hacked down to to the base already yeah yeah yeah yeah and and so that brings us to to where we're at here just one other question um with so much information that you threw at us did you mention the lifespan of this tree de does anybody know what the lifespan is of a tree it says it in this 25 to 50 years exp what is it 25 to 50 years 25 to 50 I'm going to speak up because I've had this experience I feel like today I'm the en Encyclopedia of of pro my property I've had so many things happen but I've had this tree in my backyard and it was the same thing it was next to my neighbor's fence and I'm sorry Ron manir is not here today because he's experienced all these things with me we removed it I can't tell you how many years ago and it's still growing Ron manir has to tell me I have to clip the little bottom just what you said the little bottoms all the time or else it's growing up again and this is like going over like 15 years maybe okay and it's a horrible horrible tree it drops all kinds of things it does and the berries it's because it it was it was used across the world learn is when you want just fast tree coverage they would plant this and it just goes right there must have been a long long time in Kate May probably Victorian that the per that the uh tree became popular thank you and so this isn't this isn't us just coming here saying we want to take this and that's it be done with it uh my wife happens to be an environmental engineer and uh you know commercially it's a little different than this but um what she told me she's like well if you're going to go sit down with them um uh is their their typical standard is a 10 for one if you're going to take a tree out that they would recommend uh any and that's mainly coming from Pennsylvania but uh a 10 for one ratio if you're going to take a tree out that they expect you to replant 10 for one and just so that you know AR we do not look at this as I want this tree out of the way so we could put a fence up we're looking to beautify the property we want to bring uh non-invasive and Native species into the property uh so this just at least shows you a little bit about where our head is on what we want to do on replanting um so that it's not just taking this corner tree out I actually visited this site yesterday and um and and certainly it does need to be trimmed the the branches are in the parking lot um of the housing authority and and it does it is on the chain link fence which I don't believe the city allows anymore um however is this something that's just purely Cosmetic in in in your mind I I don't believe it is and after researching it it's only proven to me so I would say that my my initial uh request was that it that it's in the way of the fence and the arborist told me that it's an aous species you should get rid of this because it's going to ruin not only your fence the neighbor's fence and then it's going to start falling on the cars so it it came about from that recommendation and then that's why I said you know kind of glad you guys made me do the research because you denied it and and I've learned more that it's it's actually a pretty nasty tree it uh I wouldn't have known I'm not a I'm not a tree person so it's not something that I do I do like I wasn't even aware I wasn't even aware that paper mberry was such a destructive tree myself you know um and say that the birds eat the berries so much and then they go and help spread it propagate right but that that describes 90% of trees in Kate of course yeah that's the you have to understand where we're coming from I do I mean when I looked at this tree it looks healthy trunk looks fine we're in the business of saving every tree so you know I know you have an awful lot of information here which I wasn't aware of either when I went to look at this but um I don't know I I if somebody comes in here tomorrow and they've got a paper mulbery and they want to get rid of it you know what what is our our reason for be well you know a little bit more about paper mberry trees today than we did yesterday and the day before we'll know a little bit more about it when somebody else comes in I would say 75 bucks and give a permit to take the tree out that would be my that would be my recommend can I second that and I'll third let's um discuss if you can Enlighten us on what your plans would be if you take the tree down what would your plans be again of of uh putting additional trees in of U of beautifying the property of course I I can walk you through kind of the drawing in front of you and that you know if you start in that that corner which is the bottom left of the of the property that's where the paper mulbery is right now so that down on this side okay got um and I I have more everything highlighted here is new plantings or yeah so the so the the uh the large tree the large tree on the top here uhhuh yes and the large tree on the bottom are existing uh this one's a standard mulberry tree I have no idea what this type so which which one is the which one is the paper Mulberry paper mberry is the bottom left corner bottom left J bottom behind the shed where it say oh right here existing paper that that's the only tree you talking so that's the existing and then there's an existing standard Mulberry right in the center on the bottom and if go directly to the street side that's another existing tree so everything additional on that well I happen to like my my wife might out rule me which probably will but I happen to like crep myrtles and uh banana trees and and some Palms that are uh like you said not invasive but they can live here so what we're looking to do is introduce those throughout the property uh the crepe myrtles on the back there are some arbores that we want to use for privacy uh in between the two uh where the along the fence line uh and we'd like to introduce there's an air conditioning unit uh on the upper side of the the uh main house you own both of these properties right yes the 810 and then the one a little bit to the left all right so in introducing and research I've done which like I said my wife will probably say no but you know Windmill palms are are able to live here uh Mediterranean pals are are also able to live here uh crepe myrtles and arbores that's at least our initial STA and the uh uh new uh cold hearty banana trees as well uh those were the this property is kind of cat a corner to where the new police station yes right so the the police station if you're looking at this straight up and down the police station will be on the right side yeah so and down probably closer 300 yards closer to the Lafayette Street yes yeah yeah yeah you and and we're open to suggestions on on other other species that grow well here as well when do you expect to have these new trees PL uh timeline for me is as quick as I can get somebody in to do the Landscaping so uh the fence uh I I pushed them back just because I'm we're waiting on this so the fence will probably go in in about three weeks so I would anticipate say two two month month so if we if I went around your house and looked there' be all these new trees would be in there because a lot of people do say this but I don't know how much of it's followed through no I I'll do this and more um I I we're we're big supporters of of the environment my my wife's more than I am an environmental engineer so uh if I'm putting this down there then I went to West Point you can hold me to it I'll I will do it I'm not a voting member but I've cut meat for a long time and this tree has been butchered well I was other than him proving his case um looking at this photo first of all it's you know 25 to 50e lifespan just judging on the size of the trunk we're going to have to say 25 years um but also what what Shane had just said I mean it's not pruned properly it's not the healthiest looking tree it has growth but um it doesn't have strength because of the way the leaders have grown out it's and the location of the tree really isn't all that critical it's in a back corner of a property uh tucked behind a shed is the shed still existing I just took the shed out because it was just inundated with bird I don't think Jim when I looked at I don't think the tree is going anywhere I don't think consideration it's going to fall it's not going to fall it's but what I'm trying to say it's it's not exactly the healthiest looking tree either well if we were to if we were to prove trimming of this tree I mean you might as well just take the whole thing out it's a messy messy tree I'm sure the neighbors would appreciate the fact that their cars are not getting ruined anymore on public property yeah public and the fact that it's it's keeping you from building your fence it it's an an you can see how the the current chaining fence is in poor repair as it is because of the tree it is yeah we're having we're I'm having to go around because then you get the chance the the fence people and the tree people saying well I'm not going to touch the fence to take it out because it's got the tree on on it CU it's actually growing through it right right right so I have to go through with bolt cutters and cut out the chain link just the way the tree people can get to the to the base of it it's it's crazy all right well Jay I don't think there's much more to say other than possibly bringing this to I would say 75 bucks $75 and and give approval to take that this tree out I wouldn't aware how invasive or toxic or combination above a paper malberry uh would be so that's would be my suggestion yes um when I looked at the tree I mean it looked okay to me the trunk looked okay but in light of your new information and you're going to plant all these new trees which will hold you to they may change versions but they'll be there yeah yeah well so we're not going to we're not going to we're not going to dictate to uh the gentleman what kind of trees to put no but just that there's 10 trees to one or whatever no whatever that makes me feel a little better so in light of that I would say we approve it to be removed are we in agreement yes I will second that uh pardon I'll second that motion who who made the motion I can't make the motion car Carol Carol Carol sik for removal for REM removal removal yes yeah I second all those in favor bottom of there where do you remove it because it will grow it will grow in favor you back I'm going to I'm going to keep this did we vote let's take a vote we just we did we voted okay I didn't hear it so okay well he either all those in agreement with the tree removal 75 bucks tree removal with the provision that he plants trees of his choice in there yes what this plan this plan as the guidel yes yes I'm going to give you backslide of your pictures yeah here's a picture thanks for the education gave me an education great I thank you for being thank you for thank you for being well prepared and give us an education on this we appreciate it want these can we keep this thank you on the last email there were a bunch of different websites that show from the D thank you thank you very much and give the check made out to the city of Kate May or you can make it out to me personally but city of Kate May and Del count take all right we have anothers this is mcquin it we have another appeal uh Keith and Christine Skinner is that you folks come on up the next contest and you got the green light on yours okay so I was here last year um did we didn't we give you it's 1112 Maryland yes it's very it's you you need it well there there's a fence locked I had to practically climb up on the neighbors's porch to get a look at the tree because you weren't there was nobody there in order to get through the fence to look at the tree it was difficult to do um you should have been able to get through the driveway I went to the right side it was locked and the left side is locked it's a key lock and it's a it's a yours plastic plastic fence yes but anyhow anyhow didn't weren't you here last here and we let you take one of the two two of The Three Trees so now you're back again you want to get the third tree removed I would like to get the third tree removed have you thought about like I suggested the beginning thought about taking some of the overhang of that tree down Chris we took the so this is the picture from last year of the third tree and then per your suggestion and your approval we were able to take down the two other trees that were not looking as healthy and left the third tree that was and um and it over hangs I can see where your yes garden furniture and whatnot are and um miners took back the tree and off of the roof of the garage per your suggestion and that's what it looks like today um I apologize this picture was taken today um this is from our back neighbor's property it's very hard for me to show the angle but you can see it hanging over their garage garage yeah yeah yeah um so one that is concerned morning and two just that one healthy tree This falls on our heads I it's not pleasant to have something this big fall from 30 feet up yeah yeah yeah while we're sitting there so this was the original reason why I had come the first time to ask for all three trees um and unfortunately you know we tried for two trees take it down and subsequently you already cut this tree back so you could move have you thought about putting get hit by stuff putting a putting a tent fly up over that area that was what the suggestion was I don't even see how I mean it it's such a vast space that I I don't know how what that could even look like yeah I don't know whether a tfly would be sufficient to solve this problem you like dropping conc I remember this one this the three trees and the you have a swimming pool yes and things we're getting in the swimming pool and and this is just getting all over like we couldn't we and so two of the three went and I think this is uh where the former city manager got involved with yes am I correct yes excellent memory with all you see sometimes it works because it was denied then the third tree was denied we we we compromised we per your suggestion we took the two the two were not looking as healthy so to try with this tree we cut it back as far as they said you can cut it back to for the health of the tree and that's where the picture you can see it's all the way back this is this is part of our concern this is the tree from our neighbor behind us this is their driveway so it's hanging over their garage and when he cut it back he cut it back hoping that nothing would be dropping on where we sit so even though this that's the so even though it looks like it's way off like we took it all off the top of the roof um for the suggestion last year this is still still falling on us while we're sitting there so it's really impeding our enjoyment of our backyard so they cut all that off the side it doesn't even look like it was trimmed right well unfortunately that's where I brought the original one um because of the other trees see how before it was all on the roof of the garage this was picture and this side of the tree never had growth because the other two trees were there so he couldn't do anything with that side of the tree now it's just leaning so per the suggestion he took it off of the garage so that hopefully that would solve our problem but it hasn't so your problem is that those things are dropping on your head yes I mean it's not constant on reading on your head but one of them on your head hurts I've had to heard that before no that's this is why I this is why I collect military helmets Jay can I ask you with your a little better expertise on species of tretta Black Pine what is that do you know you know what type of tree that is I'm trying to think I don't think black has thate is that that's not a japanes black pine I don't know I think it's a I don't think it's a white pine it's a pine tree well obviously look at the pine yes and that's obvious right right un I mean unfortunately this is all year long it's not that it's even a seasonal issue it's yeah I mean if we took down trees just for the concern of the droppings out of trees every single tree dropped something so we'd be cutting every single tree down in the entire area um so that that really isn't Our concern the dropping out of the tree is not our concern um what about the neighbor's garage and it the way it's doing damage to his garage no the neighbor I don't know the neighbor is it doing damage to the garage I have no idea I don't know the neighbor but that's my concern is how that is angled so much if that falls I I hope that's not my my problem no that's why he has that's why you have insurance and that's why he has insurance we can give that same scenario to probably 50% of the trees in the area um they lean they're in awkward positions sometimes and any given time any tree can come down but we don't have a crystal ball that determine that of when that tree would come down or if it come down we are willing to plant whatever trees well I would say you do it if you if you we plant we give permission if we give permission to take this one down you plant deciduous trees in there trees with correct leaves on it it's just drop leaves into your pool and not no there are plenty of trees that by the time the fall comes you've closed the pool and I mean yeah I I believe trees can coexist I have not bringing up the pool I'm bringing up sitting out back and just enjoying our property right I understand can I make a suggestion before you consider removing the tree could you try to get a really good trim and take it down because it that is what they did last year they we asked them to take it back as far and he said this is as far as I can take it for good health of the tree without killing the you only take it back you only take it back I think the thing is about a third that's what he said about a third of tree anything more than that you really affect the health of the tree is there any reason why they didn't kill the ivy you have Ivy growing up the tree where that that's a simple solution of just cutting the ivy down near the ground level what would the ivy well it'll start to choke out the tree eventually that's I again I'm not I don't know anything about that so well that's if I'm trying to kill out the tree what are you talking about Ivy yeah there's Ivy growing up the tree oh yeah well that's easy you go down to the base of the tree cut off the ivy right at the base where it's coming out of the ground pull it off about three feet up okay cut it off there it'll turn brown look like hell for a year year and a half but that'll die back then that that Ivy will uh and that that improves the health of the tree what Ivy does is doesn't strangle the tree what it does is add to the wind load on that tree that tree is not braced for that extra wind load or those Ivy climbing up the tree so when the wind blows it sometimes overpowers the tree so that's why we that's why how we our suggestion is just you trying to pull Ivy off a mature tree is exercising no I know yeah you cut it as you just said cut it at the base Up 3 ft as you said for a year you're going to be looking at a lot of brown leaves but it'll die off and eventually dry up I would like to suggest that we the applicants look at trimming the tree I just said that we did trim the tree per last year's suggestion as far back as we can so the trim trimming of the tree is no longer I think I don't think that's an option anymore I think the tree trim back uh as much as it looks like on here is about as far back as you can go so I I don't see any reason why the tree should be taken the what I don't see any reason why the tree should be taken down okay I mean like someone said if we if we cut all the trees down that drop things there wouldn't be these aren't just things these are quite heavy I realize that but there's there's things that come out of trees that are heavy I mean I have them in my yard I mean you just can't destroy a as reasonable folks we're we're going to plant other trees trees that aren't going to hurt us or our guests this this hurts if I were a two-year-old I'm pretty sure it would ruin my day but that's what trees do where the tree is located is there any way that you could like with limbs on the tree and themselves not trimming but just limbs on one side where it's going onto the roof to just take take those branches off trim those bran again the the professional tree that came and removed miners removed the other two they trimmed that tree back as much as they possibly could that's what that's what we were right s told by the panel last year and that's what they did and we had hoped because it was more so off of the property that it would solve our problem right unfortun well we're going around in circles here yep absolutely do I have a a motion George I move that we leave the tree in place and do not permission to take it down I have a second on that I'll second that what was it I missed it what was your motion keep the tree and a second and the other discussion all those in favor opposed okay it looks like no we're going to keep the tree what uh at this this point is there another appeal is there city manager okay is that now is that later reest okay well thank you all for your time thank you yeah I'm sorry yeah I have too but I thought we had solved the problem with the per we hoped permission you to do it last you know last year to allow the two trees to come down and and and and tri the other one yeah we we we were right there with you and hoped unfortunately all right this was just one day's collection the only other suggestion I could make is that trim it down anyway do what you can to trim it down and then if it doesn't make it it doesn't make it then you don't have a situation there wouldn't wouldn't I be fined isn't that I me you're saying that they're told you can't trim it a certain way now because if not you just can't do that but if you have someone trim it way you want to have a trim then you're able to do that you have you could have a really beautiful stmp you can put put a little decoration there okay thank you thank you all right thank you Christ that's my own opinion Bill oh my the I want to know I I want to congratulate you on your persistence in getting in getting those Dupo trees put in 20 Patterson Avenue they're finally in they what they probably put him up in North Cy where he came from or something like that J push your push your button an email going around about um licensing remember we were talking about licensing yes so with with our code we require people to get licens who aren't licensed by the state so oh okay so if a landscaper don't have a state license but a plumber does right right electrician is licensed by the state remember when Nells came here yes right and spoke well he's in charge now of the um the Tree Experts the New Jersey Tree Experts and they required certification they're either LTE which is um tree expert or ltco care operator right but they they have two separate State certifications where they required them to have all the things we would require right so they have a database that I can simply click on and I'll share it with you that this is all through the same comp the same organization Nells works for okay and it gives you every tree guy you know Ron is on there Matt Notch is on there all the people we know who who work in this area all the reputable guys are on there licens so I don't think we have landscapers are another thing and like we talked about landscapers landscapers you define landscapers as Tre is a yard cutter cutter grass cutters and bush bush again like we talked about with uh Mr Johnson they're not supposed to be trimming trees other than from the ground with they're not allowed to even get on a ladder with a chainsaw so that's something you know that I've been watching out for because I wasn't aware of that prior to speaking to him about it or this database where they have a state license that's relatively new but it's a really great website you can look it up you know I'll give it to you it's actually on Nell's business card the website yes yeah yeah and um so I think that the treat we'll still work on getting other people licensed so that we can hold them accountable if they do anything to a tree like we had an incident uh a couple times this week where guys were trimming Street trees I was just going to say yeah so in that case they were landscapers you know people say oh well you're you know you're like take take the suckers off the trees right stuff like that it's not it's not they can do that but not on a Ste tree I was just going to say that's something we don't want to en that's something we don't want to encourage or don't want to let happen uh because it can it can lead on to up on putting ladders against the tree and taking off branches I agree all right but that that was just my that was new information I found out I just wanted to share with you guys all right thank you very much you're welcome all right now Mr this Mr city manager thank you we talk about oh wait can I just add something though in the absence of everybody here now um Runing back to the point where there's still people here because we still have everybody watching on the live stream that's fine that's fine but um the suggestion of of pruning back a tree we don't want to encourage that that's a bad you know thing to encourage people to do because then anybody who doesn't get the permission to remove a tree will just say well I'll hack it to nothing to the point where hopefully if the guy knows how to kill a tree he'll kill a tree you're right I I that is not a good suggestion at all I was going to make this how you going to stop people in private property from trimming their trees well then what's stopping them from just chopping off the top section of the tree and just leaving a stump it goes back into just spoke about reput guyson not I dis I disagree I think maner did that tree a disservice I think he trimmed the the application that you just denied I think that tree was trimmed too much the what I think the tree was trimmed too much I think if maner did that trimming I think he trimmed too much off of that tree because he made it lopsided could be yeah and we had that tree a couple weeks ago thatal what did Jay call it the Lion's Tail Li one on right the one on ky ky yeah the other thing to consider too is like that lady was talking about her neighbor tree going off her neighbor if that tree grows over in her yard she can go PR cut off that's right she can that's on her property if it overhang if it over the according to I understand the state of New Jersey you can trim it back to the property line okay but not so much it's going to adverse you know adversely affect the tree I mean you can't trim it to the point where it's going to kill the tree uh that's the tricky situation that's where the lawyer is get involved uh on something like that something like that all right I I just don't want to encourage people to top trees you know just for the purpose of they didn't get an approval so okay well they didn't get an approval to remove the tree I'll just top the entire tree off and leave a 10ft stump sticking out of the ground what well that's been done a few places we we don't want to encourage I know we don't want them top reputable a reputable landscaper a tree guy will not top a tree he'll thin it out he'll thin out the tree but he won't he won't top the tree it it just makes you go along Pittsburgh Avenue some large maple trees along Pittsburgh Avenue to to the west of Pittsburgh Avenue you're driving north uh you'll see a couple of trees with just beautiful shaped trees all of a sudden you see some of these things that look like there's little balls on the end where they've they've topped these trees and it it it D all these suckers come out the tree looks ridiculous when the leaves are off and it looks funny even when it's fully Leaf because you got all these small leaves come out of these suckers this this is a good example of telling people why you shouldn't top these trees or pole these trees so much now Mr city manager can we talk about the 50/50 program I have here we've got about we need about $357 50 cents to cover the approvals are already done uh this I got from 300 300 3 375 750 to cover things that have already been done we've got still more in the pipeline uh and I've asked Connie like on anything that's further coming in on the 50-50 program those are all going to come to me and I'm putting out one major project to cover all of them have have you have you thought with the 5050 program it's been working for years and it spreads the cost of the 50/50 program over understand the spreads I understand the 5050 program pardon I understand the 5050 program you and it keeps it doesn't keep Triano and katop and K May K May concrete stuff like this in business but it gives them it spreads the uh spreads the joy around uh to these people that are able to contract some business in K May um well I'm doing it as one large I'm doing it as one large project pardon I'm doing it as one large project I can't I can I'm doing it as one large project onetime project one large large project I've said that a couple times said you get a grant does no I didn't get a grant the city didn't get a grant get any money back from the it's not yeah 50/50 I'm getting 50 from the residents pardon I'm getting I'm getting 50% from the residents the city's paying the rest nothing Chang just one nothing changed I'm just doing one contract oh it's still 5050 yes which I would believe would pass on a better cost not only to the city but the property owner also yes does this give us does this give so that the the the the who does the uh who do we tell the people are applying for 5050 program who do who do they send the application to what do you mean they put the request into the city well they got us treat damage City treat damaging my sidewalk I said get yeah then did what I tell them to contact you no you contacted the the the nor nothing's changing on that pro pro program con contact Connie yeah I it's just going to come to me instead of having having them report back to the homeowner to go get three price quotes right now we send them a letter saying okay now go get three price quotes or two price quotes we're not going to ask them to go get two price quotes I'm just going to tell them how much they owe us can I ask where this um contract is being concentrated what's the general area it is you tell me where the 50-50 applicants are coming in and I'll tell you where it's going to be concentrated okay so I'm going to do a project I'm going to much earlier on I'm going to do a project month three months ago where we discussed that you were going to look to see if there were areas of one major area that I am going to do I am doing some sidewalk projects but but a lot of those sidewalk areas are not tree related they're just got it bed sidewalk areas that I need to fix okay but said he all right all right all so the the homeowner would still pay 50% of that cost right yeah right hence the 50-50 program okay this this we what we do is though we have an opportunity when I say we it's shade people have an opportunity to look look at this and make a judgment on you can trim a little bit of this Rudolph you should Arc this into this into the yard or you should hump this up and over uh and talk to the contractor that way we'd have to be able to be assured that we could contract do the same thing with this new contractor that you would hire to do all at once well this guy works for us so yeah he'll be able to do what we tell him to do so he would do what we say what we would request will you all would all this happen at once yes well not physically at once the contractor can only do so much work at one time but yeah it'll be that is one project yes so we would be able to make suggestions per sidewalk per sidewalk when when before the work starts I would say that you need to look at them as they come in and make the suggestions what we do now is we we I say we we determine the shade tree commission for the 50/50 program the determines if it's City tree related problem and nothing that that changes you're going to go through your process instead of sending the request back to the homeowner you're going to send the request up to to to my office if it's not a city free related if it is City tree related what I don't if it's a city tree related then we okay all right but if it's not a city tree related the only thing we're changing is what contractor instead of the homeowner having to go out and find the contractor and and and then us pay the contractor once we get the money from the homeowner right I'm just finding I'm using one contractor so the homeowners don't have to go out and get two prices doesn't have to get two quotes you will I'm going to get the prices and I'm just going to tell the this on a can this be done on a trial basis for a while to see how it works out I'm a little skeptical well no why would that be pardon no no one of the things people people don't even know or contractors don't want to come out and do contractors don't want to come out and do two sidewalk panels yeah we don't we don't normally make suggestions on who to call you said there's cont contractors in the book most of them are liced to work it's not cost effective for a contractor to come out and replace two or three walk panels the homeowners and and consequently the city are paying too much money per square foot of sidewalk yeah all right very logical I mean let's put it this way if you want the 50/50 to program to continue this is how we're going to do it when would you like to start on this contract before the winter months or after we're already we already started I've already talked to Connie and she's physically breaking ground and replacing I haven't decided that yet I got to work with a engineer and a figure it between my timetable and their timetable of when we're going to let the contract okay streamline the process well at least at least we need to get this paid it will be it will be paid all right you heard that all right I've already T Connie and I have already talked I need one all right that's all I I think what we're going to do is we're going to cut all your salaries and half to pay for it that will work you're not going to save much but it'll work they'll keep it more orderly that's for sure it really will keep order I have one more thing though same P this up go okay uh George asked me to bring this up the greater K Historic Society it's their 50th anniversary year uh they're going to celebrate with having an ice cream social on Saturday October 12th from 1:30 to 3:30 free ice cream free ice free ice cream bring parking lot bring your own wine and beer there you go and don't forget and the city manager has been kind enough to let us have the park the half of the parking lot so spot andly control I needs if you guys could work on I mean are you guys okay with I I kind of had pitched you know that we would do a tree of Heaven removal campaign I just want to make sure that if you guys are supportive of that or if you guys had a different you know way that you felt that we wanted to spend that spot ly control money Jay weren't you weren't you thinking about putting a sub me together or something like that that would make recommendations for What on the lantern flly thing and a tree of Heaven tree of Heaven tree of Heaven uh what we're doing what we're doing now is I uh if there's tree of Heaven if you determined you determin in your in your section there was The Tree Of Heaven on off of La y Street correct yeah but J Jake let's let's bring Jay let's bring it back I have grant money to control Spotter and Lantern fly my recommendation was that the shade tree commission to be the to be the front PE group to be the lead on Spotter and Lantern flight control my suggestion was that we look at removing tree of Heaven within the city limits as as part of and then you we'll use that grant money to pay for that I asked last meeting if that was what you guys wanted to do or if you guys had a different idea on how to spend that grant money can I ask us so I have a suggestion yeah I don't know whether I could spot a tree of Heaven Tree in somebody's backyard well that's part of that's part of the campaign that we would okay so I noticed in the newspaper they had these little ads could we do something like this telling residents do you have a tree of Heaven in your backyard if you do call J or call Connie or call me that's that that's that's what that's how we would use part of that money would be you know putting more information out on our website putting ads in there you know pictures of what the tree of heaven looks like you know and and that you that's what I would anticipate but I need you guys to take the lead can I just ask you to educate me why the tree of Heaven that so the so the tree is attract it's it's a host yeah so spotter L FES are attracted to fruit trees okay Vine grape Vines and other types of those but it's also um attracted to the tree of Heaven because it's its home grown plant you know spot landice okay they're from overseas The Tree Of Heaven they're from overseas they came over on different boats but guess what they're from the F they're from the same Hometown right so they like each other okay so that's that's why if you go around town if you find a tree of Heaven I guarantee you that's where most of the spot and lanternflies in town that's where they're hanging out yeah they it looks it looks like a sumac look like a sumac tree it's got small uh branches going up and the leaves are alternate on each side and if you crush the branches the leaves and smell them it smells like spoiled honest to God I Chad tried to spoil peanut butter you know rancid peanut butter just smells awful pardon yeah I think I know what you're talking about now now there used to be the if you looked at the tree at the corner of um the between the Welcome Center and Oyster Bay there was a large tree of Heaven if you recall I came into shade tree who's the knucklehead who named this tree that's what I wanted tree of heaven doesn't sound like a tree of heaven we just gave permission for 10 to be taken down off of Lafayette Street um we do um I I had the request but they so the process is that did that have the right address listed on the agenda now what we what we've been doing when there they identify his tree of heaven and homeowner wants to take him once if the homeowner wants to take him down we don't charge no but Jay Jay that's the whole purpose of this grant the grant would pay to take them down the what the grant would help pay to remove the tree of Heaven the city will pay to remove this re Haven yes with this grant that's the whole point of the Grant Paul is there any way I what you did is the homeowner remove this trees is there any way of making some kind of home owner remove paper or gets it part of and drop it I don't remember res it's up to the residents I think I don't know if I think the city manager is trying to ask for a direction maybe a subcommittee to help come up with these yes ideas that you're you're all just throwing out there right now I think the was a great idea and I think other than that I don't even know what you need the subcommittee for I'd say move along with this program seems to make sense I think a subcommittee with a a charge to give the city manager at the next meeting a list of recommendations or before the next meeting would be a good idea it can range from the from public information to what the the city officials can do all within that $20,000 budget that's been given I'm looking for you you know because I don't want to just trees are your backyard and I don't want to do a program that's all around trees if it's not supported by you guys if anybody wants to meet let me know when and where okay the the 10 the 10 that we gave approval to be taken down 812 D Dale Street the one the little Street behind the I didn't know anything about this me neither I had I had to request Jim this wasn't a formal part of the thing this just was partol yeah um the homeowner called said I have 10 trees of Heaven back here um but this would be my district uh no it's actually actually oh it's your district oh okay well I thought it Jay keeps on pointing at me this about sorry is that the one listed is Academy Road okay else so so did I so just because tree of Heaven is it's very spe about how you remove a tree of Heaven it's not like you just go down and cut it and grind it there's a whole special process so we have to make sure if we give authorization to remve tree of heaven and this is one that I would say let's we could use the grant money for this this is exactly how I would I Envision the grant program the work is part of the recommendations that a subcommittee gives to you yes yes so I think we just need to make sure we work with this guy and and make sure that they do it properly that's all I have yeah we didn't we didn't charge any anything for free talked about that all right then we'll make it a a point for for a tree like this there be no no $75 tree removal charge not from the shade tree anyhow it's right behind lafette Street it's a little off a queen La it's this little Street that's this big which we try to stay away from um any other way to eradicate these things out there your foot squish them that's it squish them this this weekend this weekend when I was up at my daughter's uh soccer game in cherburgo about 20 of them that's the best that's yep my my high in in a 2hour period is 150 wow it was um upside up outside of Lancaster up in Lancaster County they were it was just so swamped actually it was Bucks County um it was just so crazy with them at a little Tournament game I I squished about 150 of them but but I think for example um again going back to a subcomittee concept how to spend the money um educate the community on there's really inexpensive ways they can help kill the lantern fly you know the 50-50 concoction with a a dawn detergent and water and a whole bunch of things like that so perhaps we could have that to two three weeks perfect thanks and again Dale Street is behind Lafayette and um U it goes south from Lafayette Street right yeah all right and there was 10 back there and they all were marked with an X okay it's it's taken my daughter about two years to actually get rid of a couple trees in her backyard oh and uh I've got one additional thing I have not yet come up with the letter that we want us we want to send and what we'll do is the letter will send the contractors on our new ordinance requiring to tree protection uh we'll send it rather than registered mail which is very expensive we'll probably just send it regular mail all right when I get this letter to you and we'll make copies for the Construction office to hand out in any application that comes in hopefully we'll reach all the contractors good idea uh that that way it'll save us some money and but it'll hit the contractors and they'll know they have to protect these trees basically remind them that the ideal is what protection of a tree that's going to remain one foot per inch in diameter side to side inch in diameter 10 foot 10 inch tree 10 feet out there's going to be areas that's that's going to be impractical I'm going to make a suggestion in there to contact the shade tree office for an an alternative to let neck it down to allow for access in with the provision that you lay down a 6 to 8 inch layer of mulch and top that with a sturdy particle board or plywood so construction vehicles or excavation equipment can go in do the job and come out without packing down the drip area of the tree this going the the the the on Franklin Street that job that was uh we were on Franklin Street and had they were working for weeks without any protection on those trees well now they've got the things necked down to where the four pieces of plywood are right against the trunk of the tree that's that's not the idea but the the damage has already been done on those trees so we're going to be seeing applications for removal of those trees in two years okay yeah does not the new ordinance uh I recall Jim Van Pelt had a uh during our discussion of the new ordinance regarding uh construction barriers that there was a specified uh distance and form of which is what he's referring to one foot per inch and you know where we discussed it wouldn't be practical in certain areas I think the only thing that Jay is adding to it that we didn't add during all of that discussion obviously we left it to some discrep expression where you know it wouldn't be practical but he's saying also now to add that layer of mulch and plywood to uh Bridge drive across and that's the only thing we didn't discuss and that's not on the ordinance that's not on it because there was the the construction official indicated to me that there's no way of propagating this so that's this what I've been trying to come up with unfortunately we didn't include it in the ordinance so therefore it would have to be a suggestion at this point and try to highly stressed to the contractor or homeowner to do this for the protection of the tree no protection of the tree is in the ordinance what we're doing the requirement of mulch and of the Tre protction of the tree is in the ordinance and the the the the tpz zone is in the ordinance what the tpz the tree protection zone is in the ordinance your suggestion of The Mulch and the plywood is not is if it no is not but it no it's not but I talked to the people from westcap May and this is what they're going to do this is what they're going to put out and I figured okay it seems reasonable to me I talked to uh I I talked to uh uh Arbor care resources about that and he said yeah that that's that's a reasonable suggestion but don't don't offer to the people right away offer it as an alternative protection plan otherwise they're going to just put something six six feet away from the tree and and lay this stuff down where they could give a wider protection zone right so this this is what I'm going to suggest we we'll have to bring this meeting to an end just real quick Shane had said that it's possible that you'd be able to bring this to council and maybe add it to the uh absolutely yeah yeah so maybe that can be added this way it's actually in black and white and it is part of the ordinance would be a great idea good okay all right does anybody have anything more to bring up for the good or the order don't forget the 17th is the uh 99th annual tree convention up in U Harris in W in Atlantic City uh I think George and I are going is anybody else going to make it up to that no all right this looks like George and me are going to have to help fly the flag again so uh that's all I have on entertain a motion to adjourn so moved do I have a second I can second that second by Barbara thank you very much we got a lot accomplish today Okie doie with no fist fights no blood letting