e e e e e e e e e e you come on that would have been worse yeah exactly I was waiting I waited as long as I could all right how'd you make out all good J for e for you going what are we doing are we waiting for the live stream are we waiting for the live oh that's what's going on okay Ang okay in compliance with the open public meetings Act of 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided if any member has reason to believe this meeting is being held in violation of this act act we should state so at this time please stand for the pledge of allegiance to flag of the United States of America and to the stands Nation God indivisible with li andice for all okay Mrs wner Mr venudo here Mr Lewin here Mrs Notch Miss Sheen here Mr Walsh here Mr Zer here Mr Bodner here thank you okay first of all we need a motion to adopt um the minutes from June 27th 2024 I have a motion I'll make a motion second we have a motion by Machine seconded by Mr zexer Mr Lewin abstain abstain yes thank you Miss Shen yes Mr Walsh abstain Mr Zer yes Mr Bodner yes Mr venudo yes thank you okay next we need a motion to adopt resolution 7 25 2024 Mark jacobe and roxan went went irrevocable income only trust 434 West Perry Street block 1031 we have a motion make a motion I'll second I'm sorry who motioned Mr Zer thank you Mr zexer motions Miss she in seconds Mr Lewin abstain Miss Shen yes Mr Wash abstain Mr Zer yes Mr bidner yes Mr venudo yes thank you okay next we need a motion to adopt resolution 725 2024 1134 Lafayette Street LLC 11:34 Lafayette Street block 11113 I have a motion I make a motion second is that Mr Bodner Mr zeter Mr Zer thank you we have a motion by Miss she and seconded by Mr Zer Mr Lewin abstain Miss Shen yes Mr Walsh abstain Mr zexer yes Mr bidner yes Mr venudo yes thank you okay and we'll need a motion to adopt resolution 725 2024 Rona Fuller and Bernett mcglade 1326 New York Avenue new block 1147 we have motion motion I'll second okay we have a motion by Mr Zer seconded by Miss Sheen Mr Lewin abstain Miss Shen yes Mr Walsh abstain Mr Zer yes Mr Bodner yes Mr venudo yes thank you okay our first application is Miss Keenan y Harbor Marine that says it's withdrawn so we don't do any announcement that's just withdrawn so the reason I included it was it was adjourned to this meeting so I wanted people who may have been following it to be aware that they withdrew it okay I just want to make an announcement that was my I don't unless we can just say it's been we have to do an announcement okay you just say it's been withdrawn okay and now the second one raino that's being being adjourned correct so it's listed third on the agenda but it is being adjourned if you want to announce now so why don't we announce that now in case anybody interested in that and then we'll do the first one Mr chairman is that okay which one you want do yeah there third one's being adjourned I just want to announce that now one so I don't forget and two in case somebody's listening they know that it's not happening okay so we have an application on our agenda for James and Carol Ramo is anybody here for that okay yeah oh okay fine I meant anyone who was concerned about it but I I guess you're concerned too but okay well the the um just to explain for the public because we don't we really don't like last minute adjournments because sometimes people come out even in the rain uh for for things and then they find out it's adjourned and it's frustrating but I just want to make sure that you understand that that particular application requires a d variance which is a variance that um requires five affirmative votes so when it requires five affirmative votes uh we'd like to have a full board because even if there's only six or five board members here they still need five so it's sort of unfair so they can get one or two Nos and still have a chance to win so uh we found out rather late in the game today that one of our members could not attend so we only had six so we gave the applicants the option to uh adjourn if they had a d variant so Ramo uh elected to adjourn Doty did not so do is going to go forward with the six people but Ramo is not so is application James AAL R 266 Grant Street block 1019 lot 7 that application is being adjourned and that will be heard at the meeting on August 22nd 2024 at this location at 6 o'clock there will be no further publication or notice this is your notice so if you want to appear either in favor or to object to that application you have to appear on that date at that time okay thank you thank you thank you um and Yacht Harbor Marine LLC is withdrawn so that application just withdrawn so okay okay so our only a yes ma'am August 22nd 2024 at 6 pm at this location yes I was hoping that hoping you weren't here for that we both walk through the rain together but Miss Burns I did call your number and left a message so sorry you missed it because it's a I saw it on the okay sorry about that by okay so our application that we're reviewing this evening is Frank and Joyce Dy 1832 Maryland Avenue block 1223 can you come forward please I'm good they might not be able to over there yeah you want maybe get that chair here and then maybe come up in there that was Ron's fault took responsibility so much for being helpful decided to trip you ready sure good evening Mr chairman board members my name is Ron gunis appearing on behalf of Frank and joy stty obviously to my right property as you know is 18 32 Maryland Avenue this is a semi detached dwelling it's located on its own lot and has a shared wall with the adjoining dwelling The Proposal this evening is to construct an exterior elevator tower on the rear of the building that will be inside the existing footprint of the exterior first deck and to convert an existing enclosed porch area into a hallway from the elevator to a new Ada accessible bathroom and this elevator will also provide access from the ground level to all parts of the home our witness this evening is Miss Christina Amy to my left she is an architect of course Mr Frank doy to my right if we could have them sworn in please okay each of you please raise your right hand we're also going to swear in our board engineer Craig huris each of you swear or affirm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth self you God I do okay and the do is also thank you um Christina would you just briefly place your credentials on the record yes my name is Christina Amy of Christina Amy Architects I am a licensed New Jersey architect I have appear here before this board and um most of the ones in the county um and I've been in practice for uh coming on 16 years now chairman accept Miss Amy as a expert yes we do thank you Mr gunas could you just move the microphone a little closer thank you how's that better okay I'm having trouble hearing you myself thanks Ina why don't you um take us through the site the existing conditions on the site the whole building the exterior and then uh through the proposal um can I just ask are all these part of the application or any of these exhibits one would be an exhibit it is an enlargement of what was on the application there no changes or no additional information and I have a copy for you if you'd like it okay thank you exhibit a is an enlarged what is that first floor plan first floor plan of both the existing and proposed and if you want Karen I can give that to you right now actually um so starting with uh a copy of the plans you have in front of you um the property is um 50 ft wide and 25 ft deep there is an existing adjoining single family dwelling on it so it's adjoined with the property to its left if you were looking at it I'm sorry to its right if you looking at from the street um so there's a common wall and then it is fully compliant for all setbacks front side and rear uh Building height um flood regulations and sorry my chart out here um it is an existing noncon for floor area ratio and I believe that happened I looked at the original drawings from the an addition that was done 2001 and um I believe it was handdrawn by a different firm and I believe at that time there's a level of accuracy that takes place with hand drawings especially when it's not a simple rectangle of a building and I believe that the existing building and that FL air ratio uh I think it's a 1% difference is part of that level of accuracy in hand drawing versus today with computers we can get much more accurate in those calculations um so the existing building was proposed to be compliant again it's slightly over with floor ARA ratio um we are proposing to add an elevator Tower at the rear of the building as well as utilize some of the space of an existing screen porch um here at the rear of the building this is the the street side here um for Maryland Avenue at the rear of the building and utilize some of the area of the screen and porch to allow access on the first floor to that elevator as well as provide a full ADA Bathroom in there um from a floor P space perspective um we looked at several areas to locate this either within the structure or other places on the exterior we chose this to be least intrusive from both looking at it from the street from Neighbors view towards the water as well as um the use of the existing house um so as I said there's no increase in the overall building footprint we located it either the elevator where there were existing decks and then uh utilize portions of the existing screen porch for the enclosed areas to access the elevator from the first floor on the upper floors the elevator butts directly against um a wall of a non-private space within the home uh so the door can open directly into that area um the height of the Elevator Shaft is below the overall existing building height uh the enclosed portions of the existing screen porch again to access the elevator and a new bathroom here's the existing plan I don't know how well you see that over there uh the orange line is the portion that the addition would occur in um um and again we're keeping it as condensed as possible against the existing house allowing for the turning radius of the wheelchair and that is all um the bathroom needs to accommodate the wheelchair and actually a little transfer lift uh to get out of the wheelchair into a seat uh the intended uh use the person using it um doesn't have access to self get out of the wheelchair on their own they need they need to have that lift so there's uh floor space that is required that the existing bathrooms can accommodate um again there's no existing I'm sorry there's no additional bedrooms proposed there's no increase in proposed occupancy from the current use um it's just allowing uh this access and a bathroom to accommodate that um again we looked at alternative locations uh this was least intrusive to the neighbors and the view from the street um it's preserving the greatest light air in open space by being within the existing footprint and the existing configuration and structural layout of the house limited other options of location and prevented a viable internal option you want to keep going I was just going to say I I the site can accommodate thiso proposed expansion again there's no increase in the footprint of the building itself um there's again the elevator where the decks are the bathroom access the elevators within the screen porch we're not proposing an expansion of internal space upstairs or on the third level um there's no increase in the occupancy no increase in needed parking and uh the only intention is to accommodate accessibility for wheelchair use uh currently the person's carried it to the house um but they're only a small child at the moment they're going to grow and that will become impossible for the homeowners So currently the the wheelchair user is a small and so as they grow carrying them into the house and then through the house will become not a viable solution as they grow um I mentioned the existing FL ratio and again we kept our addition as tight as possible as we could to the house with allowing proper access um I might be getting ahead of myself but I I don't see any detriment to the public good in doing this um and again the special reason for the health safety welfare to allow um this child you know to remain with the family at this summer home for them and and access to all floors of the house is kind of critical for their life and and happiness within the family okay you good yep okay so just to um clarify a couple of points you mentioned something we're we're slightly over the floor area ratio which is in this in this block and according to the ordinance what's the the maximum floor area ratio the maximum floor area ratio permitted is 0.5 uh in the chart for floor are ratio there's an exception for certain blocks in town this is one of those blocks so the allowable floor ratio is 0.5 the existing like I said is 1% over at 0.51 and we're proposing 0. 53 okay so the um the point the the point one that it's over from what's permitted the the0 five um that wasn't known to anyone until you embarked on your drawings and measurement of the house correct so when the house was constructed it was properly coed it was permitted and was constructed and no one knew about this 0.1 overage to my knowledge again I wasn't the architect involved at that point but yes I have no evidence that it wasn't it deemed in in in uh compliance at that time but you suspect that the reason is because they were dealing with a set of handdrawn plans and that could throw you off that's within the margin of error sort of it is within the margin of error the owners had a copy of those handdrawn plans and we actually used those when we went and measured the house there was nothing that deviated from those plans from a measurement standpoint so it would seem that it was a calculation ER so the additional area that we're creating in this application of Flor area ratio just to be clear is coming from what specifically an existing closed in porch will be converted correct an existing closed and porsch porch will be partially converted into interior living space on your a or Z2 sheet there should be a little diagram in the upper Center portion that illustrates the floor area ratio calculation I'm just going to slide this one up for a moment it it's located right there right there in the center so the Shaded portions are what I calculated in the floor area ratio uh as part of that calculation so the only part of this which is actually the expansion of the structure is is the Elevator Shaft the Elevator Shaft and which and uh there's a corner of the deck above here which is going to be expanded uh about 2 and 1/2 ft uh but that's compliant that's not a FL ratio and it's within the setbacks and overall lot coverage and everything you're proposing is within the setbacks and the coverage correct yes a little squaring off of the deck and the Elevator Shaft correct in fact the Elevator Shaft I think is contained within uh the footprint of the first floor the lower deck correct and it it just protrudes slightly out past the second yeah the decks step back as the house gets higher and so the Elevator Shaft staying one continuous Dimension as the deck steps in it does uh come in past the wall of the elevator so what one of the um criteria we're looking at here as you designed this and and thought it through uh under the the Ada and the New Jersey laws is that um is is this the minimum necessary to provide accessibility uh so that the person using the accessibility has equal access to the entire structure yes this is so did you look at well could you internalize the entire thing uh and what would be the problems with that and would that be reasonable uh to be able to do that we looked at different options and that we couldn't find a reasonable option that didn't essentially place an elevator in the middle of a living space which then deems that quite unusable and that would have taken sub substantial structural iterations to to the to the structure to the building substantial alterations as well as the fact that this house was renovated before perhaps more unknowns that we couldn't predict that would have made it impossible if we were to open it up even with so this elevator provides access to the ground level so that you can go from your car to the base of the elevator it provides access yes from the ground oops I thought I had the plant here sorry you did that without any significant modification to the structure correct the front door the entrance way the entrance way stay the same the view from the street stays the same but we added um a door at the ground level here and then that comes up the roughly I'll call it two and half 3 ft into the house so that allows access at the first level it has direct access into the uh living room area uh so that allows access at this floor and then this upper family room area which is where the family spends the bulk of their time also direct access into there and those are also special reasons are advancing the Health and Welfare of of yes as an upside down house the ground level is bedrooms only so the main living spaces on the second and third floors so it provides access to those as well and I think you went through uh the reasons why the site can accommodate this you're not real the intensity of use on the property is not going to change correct it's the same amount of people same amount of correct the intensity does not change um the parking does not need to be increased upon um the number of bedrooms does not change or increase in any way and that leads you to the conclusion that the site can accommodate this yes and again we also located the elevator so that it wasn't intrusive of the neighbor's view towards the water which is kind of out here perspective it is in the back of the property where you're not going to see this from from the street correct okay um Frank yes tell us uh how long have you owned the property microphone you got to turn on there we go uh we bought the property in uh I have to defer to my wife 1993 and um how do you use the property so we use it from uh June middle of June until the middle of September into October uh and then periodically throughout the year we live the rest of the time in Phil phelia and uh do you have any children we have two girls both married two grandchildren and one of your grandchildren is the person that we're basically discussing this evening tell us about her sure uh my youngest daughter uh has two girls uh one of which is uh Abigail Abigail is six she was uh born with a u is called a she was missing a Gene in in her brain and uh it resulted in it impacted her in and she has critical eye impairment which means that she can only see light and dark and she's uh neurologically challenged she's confined to a wheelchair she cannot walk she's immobile uh the uh she's currently weighs a little over 50 lbs um about 50 lbs and up until this point we've been able to um I would say up until about 3 or four months ago 6 months ago we were able to carry her up and down I can still do that uh my wife and my daughter cannot my son-in-law can my wife and I both share the care responsibility for Abigail in particular during the summer months in the winter months she goes to school um she spends I would say somewhere between a month and a half and two and a half months depending upon the year here in Cape May for the summer and as she gets older she'll probably spend more time uh here uh with us and the uh the reason for the elevator we don't at this point we don't need an elevator my wife and I uh and nobody else in the family does uh but we wanted to have her have the ability to be engaged with the family is important to her and to us that she's with us and not downstairs and more upstairs or vice versa um so how's the house structured like the activities in the house which occur obviously you need access to the ground floor to go up second and third floor your second floor first floor is the bedrooms second floor is the living room dining room family room kind of combination or living room dining room uh into a an area where we we don't have a television or anything like that but it's a living room dining room combination and then the third floor is uh where we have it's more like a a family room we have a TV and it opens up uh the games for the kids and so on and so forth so this elevator um traversing all three floors well yeah we we thought about whether or not we we wanted to bring it all the way up to the third floor we we decided took a family vote and everybody decided yes uh we wanted to make sure that we didn't weren't motivated to leave her one place when everybody else was in a different place so she'd have equal equal access the same as everyone else and family to all parts of of yes does anyone have any questions for Mr doy or uh Miss Amy I do for uh for the architect um proposing to build an elevator with An Elevator Shaft um on a a semi detached dwelling and retrofitting the elevator to the dwelling has any type of engineering assessment been been made to determine whether there would be any issues constructing an elevator on on this in the dwelling um attached to the you know to to the other dwelling um this would not be the first project I've had like this I've had other elevator additions uh attached to a side of a building like this actually this one is uh structurally uh actually a little bit easier and more stable because the decks connect it gives um horizontal um bracing to the vertical shaft that we've done even without before so there's no uh engineering uh restriction in this case and um it's not like it's a residential elevator that can accommodate a wheelchair it's not like a large commercial elevator so the loads of the elevator are actually quite minimal so so there's no concern from an engineering standpoint of the ability to do that and it's I mean obviously based on the plans it's not connected to the common wall between this and the and the the companion dwelling right it's a standalone correct it is not any other questions I just want to confirm real quick that the elevator at the bottom opens up into the garage correct no there is no um there's no garage at the back it opens uh direct to the exterior oh so it the wheelchair can come around the walkway on the side direct into the elevator it's under the deck but you know so it's covered they could go direct into the elevator from the outside and then uh go up exit at the first floor you know or continue that has no issues on um weather for that so the fact that it's under the deck actually helps but um again they um the hardware is designed so that it can be now is there a ramp to the deck or no um the deck the the ground level doesn't have a deck the ground level the first floor doesn't have sorry the upper Upper Deck open to the deck and that's why I was asking I'm sorry it opens uh it's under the deck so there's a a PA walkway okay so the paper walkway would go to the elevator um so you can get in at the ground level okay you can go up uh two and a half to three feet into the first floor and come out at the first floor inside inside um you can continue up or from that first level go back into the elevator continue up to the second floor and then exit the elevator into the building directly and then again the third floor same thing okay is there any reason why we you couldn't have it open like like inside instead of out I just so there's no um I'm just thinking for weather conditions you know like so that would be um there there's no garage in yeah there's no garage if we like when we do new construction we do TR to do that I know what you're asking yeah and we weren't looking to make another Vesti increasing more floor area ratio we were trying to minimize that thank you any other questions Craig you like to your review thank you I'd like to summarize my July 18th 2024 review memorandum uh this is a project located in R3 medium density residential district so this is an addition to a semi- detached dwelling um which is important when it with how it relates to the variance request um and I'll get into that in in a bit um you've heard testimony uh from the applicants indicating exactly what they're proposing to do with the addition so I'll skip that part of my review and I'm going to roll right into the excuse me completeness review which are the checklist items for the C and D variances that's on page 205 of my report um they've requested waivers from item number 26 27 28 and 33 I did support that based on the nature of the improvements the fact that this is an already built out lot and they're not affecting any of those things so I did support the waivers of that and did recommend deeming the application complete moving on to my zoning review on the following page um I agree with the applicant there's only one deviation from the required standards and there's a typo in my report so I apologize to the applicant I make it look like they're asking for more of a departure the floor area ratio for all semidetached dwellings in the city is 0.45 with the exception of the two blocks that are on Maryland Avenue and right here um when the floor area ratios were adopted there was a block byblock study um it was recognized that these attached dwellings had larger floor areas than most so the ordinance accommodated that um so the rec the requirement or the maximum permitted is 0.50 only for these two blocks so um so there's some typos in my report that don't reflect that um to be honest with you I forgot about it and it didn't reflect it in my in my uh memo um so the requirement is 0.50 is a maximum existing is 0.51 and proposed is 0.53 so those are the departures it's a d variance it requires five affirmative votes just want to make sure everyone remembers that um and uh as we've described before the applicant for a floor area ratio variance must only show that the site will accommodate the problems associated with a floor area larger than that permitted by the ordinance and that relates to the Westwood uh the covantry square versus Westwood Zoning Board of adjustment uh case uh I'm roll into my general review comments to start on page four or five item number one um I think this was a reference there were some references to single family dwelling as opposed to semi- detached dwelling in the application the plans are correct we just want to make sure that everyone's on the same page is very important that we acknowledge that this is a semi detached dwelling which means it has a common party wall and it's attached to the dwelling next to it the whole entire block is like that um item number two we can scratch uh they've addressed that um that does not need to be a condition of approval item number three is our standard review when it as it relates to storm water runoff um they have increased lot coverage a little bit they've removed stepping stones that access the rear of the property um and provided a solid uh pervious PA walkway that that's going to be ADA Compliant obviously um I guess the intent is um when that person exits a vehicle they have an accessible route right back to the elevator so there was a slight increase in in lock coverage um however it's not considered major development um the grading uh is not being affected adversely in my opinion um however we have a standard condition that if they change the stormw to runoff patterns that the grading and drainage plan should be required and approved by the zoning board engineer compliment complimentary to that is item number four which requires them to comply with chapter 525 the minimum storm water management and Grading requirements and that runs with the property that means if there's ever a discharge of storm water off the property the city has recourse to go after them and have them fix that issue item number five there's one street tree that's required um there was none shown on the plan so if that if that is the case there should be one provided as a condition of approval item six there's a landscaping and vegetation plan has not been provided so long as there's no proposed changes to the existing Landscaping I don't take any exception to that seven is our standard condition that they have to replace the sidewalk satisfactory to the board engineer after the construction has been taken place make sure that the contractor does not damage anything uh item number eight is our standard requirement that they post an inspection escrow fee and the co is tied to an acceptable um inspection item nine is our standard condition that they have to comply with the SHA Tre commission fire department and public works department comments we did receive reviews from the fire department dated 5724 that recommended approval Public Works recommended approval dated 51424 and shade tree commission recommended approval 5924 none of those had any comments um item 10 there any uh approval should be conditioned on compliance with all other state county and local approvals 11 is just for informational purposes but this is not in historic district so they do not need historic preservation commission approval item 12 they have to comply with any and all applicable affordable housing requirements and finally item number 13 should the board Grant approval they're required to revise the plan sets um and submit those to the board engine engineer for review and approval that's a summary of my report and I'm happy to answer any questions and the applicant agrees to all of those conditions I have a question for you um just for clarification since the semi detached is the flay ratio for each house or just together each house because it each house is different relates to the lot it's a ratio of the square footage to the lot that it sits on okay so each each one of those they have the lot line is on the common Party Line okay so there each are separate individually separate individual correct I guess was my other question had to go with there's always that 50% Improvement and things like that so that only goes you know for when they when people do improvements to the house if it's a certain ratio then they have to raise the house or things like that I was just going with how that works I believe that it would work on a lot by lot basis okay and then my other question is not really pertaining to this but ing this they said it was handdrawn we require now all certified copies right so that this doesn't happen in the future they're always certified and you can't stop I I question someone can still prepare a handdrawn drawing okay however the accuracy with AutoCAD now with digital drawings is far superior to what we had 20 years ago okay that's why you're that's why the applicant has said stated that there was a discrepancy they thought it was originally conforming the record show probably when it was when it was went through the Construction office it was conforming but now looking back at it putting putting it on a digital and then there are angles to this and that makes that's where the the math gets harder okay from back then to now and I understand why there's a discrepancy yeah I just wanted clarity thank you Craig I have a question for you also same thing coming back to what that I asked the um the architect on the engineering assessment we're talking about an existing house retro fitting an elevator into the house just like could you give us your opinion as far as whether an engineering assessment should be should be required as part of the process before constructing it that would be required by the construction official if they deemed it necessary that's more it's not really our role in the in the zoning so if if they're going to require it um they may ask for that but I don't think it's appropriate for this board to commment or require it well we're also looking at but we're looking at the whole project as it relates to um you know with a semidetached house that they're going to be constructing something that there's going to be one construction activity there's movement from the elevator I think we do have a place to be able to look at this at least to consider whether it's appropriate in in the context of the application I'm but I'm just I'm asking your opinion on that and so I'm only saying that I think it is it is appropriate for us to at least consider it and and discuss it because my concern also is I yes I recognize that's a construction issue so the question then I would have is so does construction really take a look at this because we're seeing more issues come up with with with elevators now yeah but it's not appropriate for us to do that we have no expertise on that we don't have an expert on the board who can testify to that it's not really once we start injecting engineering decisions into to zoning decisions then the court will question our motivation for the decisions we make so you got to you got to be very cautious about expressing uh that you're going to base a decision on something that is not a non- zoning basis because then even if you then make your decision based on a zoning basis the court can question your motivation so the fact that you think that not you I mean the fact that a board member thinks that a particular ular addition might sink in the ground because there's marsh land there that's not a zoning consideration if you think it might block the view or it might it be a discordant architectural feature um then that's something that you can base a zoning decision on but the fact that you think the subss might not support the house that's not a zoning decision any other questions for Greg okay at this point we'll open up the conversation to anyone within 200 feet I am um sir yeah if you're going to speak sure you hit that green there's a button on the microphone turn it green gotcha good evening gentlemen and ladies I am the my name is Bruce Chandler okay I I have to swear you in and then I'm going give your name spell it and give your your street address okay um sir do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so you go I do okay can you please state your name and spell it for me uh my name is Bruce Chandler s h a n d l e r okay what is your address sir 1830 Maryland thank you could you could you tell us a little bit about 1831 yeah I am the common wall to the thorities and um Frank's went went over the plan with me a while back and um my wife Rey and I have no issues actually um they should be blessed that they can do this for their granddaughter I would never get in the way of anything like that so we have zero issues very nice thank you anything else okay thank you okay sir do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth all truth and nothing but truth St you got I did can you yes can you please state your name and spell it yeah Michael O'Neal uh o NE l l 1805 New York Avenue so my property sits directly in front of uh Frank's property in fact straight across so I'm the only one on that side of the property off the rear of his property um our house faces there directly uh we have no issues at all you know just as Bruce had said you know we're glad we can help and that they can do that and uh I've seen the drawings I am in that business building I've looked at them very carefully I think they're very thoughtfully done and look great so okay thank you okay anyone else within 200 ft anyone Beyond 200 feet okay at this point we'll close it to the public okay okay this is a d variance because um it is a FL ratio variance so you need five out of the six of you the motion I'd recommend being made is a motion uh to Grant the variance um for the FLIR ratio which is 053 where 0.50 is permitted subject to the waivers and conditions outlined by the board engineer and his testimony and in his report dated July 18th 2024 okay can we have that motion I'll make a motion I'll second is that Mr Bodner who second it yes thank you thank you we have a motion by m seconded by Mr Bodner Mr Lewin yes Miss Sheen yes Mr wal yes Mr Zer yes Mr Bodner yes Mr venudo yes thank you thank you Mr chairman board members thank you all very much good luck you while you're wrapping things up just want to show you what's it m you should have let off with that I open I close I sure you needed a lawyer she is a sweetheart thank you best of luck thank you all very much good luck thank you so the the bills the bills yes uh next order of business is we have to make a motion to approve our bills I'll make a motion to approve the Bills second okay we have a motion by Miss Shen seconded by Mr Lewin Mr Lewin yes Miss Shen yes Mr Walsh yes Mr zexer yes Mr Bodner yes Mr venudo yes thank you [Music] we good can we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor hi thank you everyone hey Frank or Frank jez Frank was Frank I have the uh local stockt in all right go I think I think I I I I with it not own but I also