##VIDEO ID:RzGEdZGhdx0## great okay all right so all right I'd like to at 7 o'clock or yep I'd like to call to order the uh August 13th meeting of the caral select board this is a hybrid meeting and um we will uh start with a roll call vote for attendance so alphabetically we don't have Barney okay so is David not coming do we know anything about he's might be here he might be here all right well we'll okay all right so but then if we're all okay read here Reed ey Snell ey triola I okay so we have a quorum the back half of the alphabet that's right that's right um tonight we're going to have a an agenda that consists of community input then appointments and resignations um we'll talk about executing the state primary warrant uh then the climate leader program discussion at 7:20 7:40 there'll be a Treasurer collector discussion on uh a couple of uh items then at 8:10 the town planner is going to present uh information regarding the town meeting warrant request as well as the bog house I'm sorry the accessory apartment bylaw and the MBTA communities update we'll then review the town administrative draft bylaw and uh review the warrants and minutes Cemetery deeds and transfer liaison reports and then finally Community input at the end of the evening you missed the Town Administrator report but this okay the Town Administrator report will be in there at the at 9:35 or thereabouts um so we typically begin with Community input um we have a process and procedure in place where we will call on people within the community or in the audience or who would like to speak on any topic preferably relevant to our agenda but it could be on any topic and you will have two minutes to speak um and that can be extended by one minute at my discretion so is there anyone who would like to uh speak I don't see anyone in the um sitting before us so if there's anyone online who has any public comment please uh indicate by raising your hand or maybe showing yourself online and okay well seeing none uh we will move on to and and we have the look who's joined us yes this is great okay so we now have four members and let the record note that uh David Modell arrived and we will move on to appointments and resignations all right so started at 659 I haven't heard that all right uh I move to appoint uh Lane Leni Barlo or Leni sorry leny Barlo to the position of driver laborer for the Department of Public Works pending required hiring Administration with an anticipated start date of August 14th 2024 second Ryan is there any information or anything you want to add no this is just one of uh three vacancies we have at the DPW so we're excited to fill it we continue to uh to find Qualified people and we're hoping that lane is a great fit we certainly think so and uh we need all the help we can get especially headed into the fall um everyone sees all the construction that's happening around and then of course the winter so excited to welcome Lane okay great um so we'll do a roll call or actually we don't want need do so we'll just do a Voice vote all in favor I any opposed none okay move to appoint Kathleen bond to the position of interim School sorry social services coordinator for the Council on Aging and Human Services in addition to her duties as office manager transportation coordinator with an anticipated start date of August 14 2024 second anything else ran or so Kathleen does a great job for us in the Council on Aging and Human Services as you know Melissa resigned her position we are in the process of reviewing this with Carol and the council and aging of Human Services the need and positions in the Council on Aging and and who best to fill them and what what roles everyone should play so um this is coupled with Carol going on vacation for a couple weeks and not being available as you know she used to be the social services coordinator so Kathleen's going to cover the position while Carol's gone when Carol comes back she'll cover that position and then we will work to come with some type of final plan to the Council on Aging and the board great any other discussion okay Voice vote all in favor I any opposed none all right okay um I move well recognize that uh the rec resignation of Debbie geltner from the L stewardship committee effective July 19th 2024 and the resignation of Jason Jason Walsh as an associate member of the planning board we thank them both for their service we do all right um Community appointments looks like we are expanding our Safety Committee Charter as included in the packet and and the Slate is identified below so let's look at that I think we should look you want to look at the charter yeah let's start with the charter that's on PDF page eight yep so the the two substantive changes here are or three I should say is the committee will now be comprised of seven members appointed by the select board rather than five we have seven volunteers that are very eager to do this work so we figured we'll start there um and then one of the members would be a member of the select board the only other change is just administrative that um I'll assign staff is necessary to assist this committee and not make them um members of the committee just to make it make it all volunteer with staff support great so you said you have seven volunteers plus a select board person or six six in one six in select board members all right any questions comments the charter I did notice a spelling a typo you may want to in the first paragraph further the committee provide recommend will provide recommendations probably me just may want to edit that um yeah I I I had a little struggle with the second sentence but I decided to let it go but it just it's a little awkward the mission of the committies to bring attention to and work to eliminate unsafe conditions for pedestrians Bic bicyc and drivers of motorized vehicles of all ages and abilities prably you got to cover everyone yes so I wasn't sure where to put that phrase that's I don't feel like it's in the right spot but then I couldn't figure out where else to put it and I wasn't sure whether well that too so attention to work condition I I like the intent of it I like the whole intent here was I wasn't going to say anything but since you put your two cents about this other um I mean you don't necessarily need of all ages and abilities yeah I think we should just take that out okay so you want to strike all ages unless we want to restrict ages and abilities people confident enough to drive a caric drivers of motorized vehicles of all ages tries but I think if you're think the the rationale was to be or or put and bicyclist and drivers of all ages and abil ities and you know maybe you don't need a we just don't need it there because then because it's bicyclist and drivers of motorized vehicles whoever they are it doesn't age they are what their ability is what okay the best judgment so maybe we could strike that um are you taking notes Ryan you'll do that um I did have a question to on this the committee will have three main focus areas the first one Implement approve projects as assigned by the select board and Town Administrator in accordance with the town's Capital plan what do we as a select board think we might assign or it says the ta too I mean what would it what what's an example Implement is probably well now that you're bringing it up I don't think Implement is the right verb they don't Implement right Ryan's guys Implement does that mean like a sign like if the sign came to us they said we want to put a new stop sign or something up is that implementation the adding that stop sign I don't think we would we wouldn't be that prescriptive we would say there's a problem over here people are complaining about it on City in the woods they research it and say we recommend you put a stop sign correct and we would vote on it we would vote I don't think how about recommend study recommend yeah recommend make recommendations as assigned yeah in accordance with you know select board exle would be foot sign is a little strong but as Guided by or recommended by uh make recommendations as I don't think you need one huh you don't think you need the you don't need one okay so you want to take it out take it out that's it's kind of self-evident on pedestrian safy I like yes I like that's good the main those are the two and three are the things unless it was meant Ryan was it meant for other workplace projects or or or conditions because we had talked about it wasn't just pedestrian safety was bicycle is bicycle part traffic I know but we also talked about general safety of the of the town and the workplace I'm not positive but I think it was trying to keep some of the old committee and add new stuff and it just doesn't make sense so okay take it out all right I'm happy just was wondering if that's what it was the charter well the question is though is does this committee have that other Focus though because we did talk about it other Focus as in as in workplace safety in in town things like that that's a good point it was more than that it was a Safety Committee right not just yeah the people that are volunteering are in fact I'm assuming that's more geared toward pedestrian and traffic safety but in the first paragraph it says further the committee provide you know would provide recommendations to the select board about unsafe conditions and remedies for Tal okay but the fair statement I think you're right so then so the mission then has to be changed because the mission is very pedestrian and vehicle Centric unless you included I think it's a good place to start and we can just throw other things in there if we feel like it down the road yeah they got enough to do right now so I I'd say and there's I actually agree with Kate we and I was one of the ones that you know was a proponent of enhancing it to mean all saf but really that's a different Mission Ian it might eventually find its way why don't they start with this we'll take out number one we're going to add the will provide and then um and are we leaving the last sentence of the first paragraph in there related to workplace we're taking out all ages in ability remedies well I mean that's a big you could leave it in there but not make it a main focus area no probably not cuz doesn't like the MFC I mean that's part and parcel to a lot of the work that's being done and it seems like that now creates a bit of different I would say yeah all right stri try to further so take out further the committee will Pro provide a recommendations SEL cour about unsafe conditions right and if we find we need to add that back in then we can do that well the only thing is is there it does say they provide recommendations to the select board it's that's a critical component of what they do well it maybe it's the last phrase then or just leave unsafe conditions and remedies I mean they have Mission they're they're appointed by just delete four town workplaces and leave it at and safe condition I mean is it necessary to say in a select board created committee that they're going to provide recommendations to the select board that's what all the Committees fair enough is there a committee we appoint that doesn't come back with a recommendation there's plenty of Rogue committees that get elected but we appoint the consc and they don't come to us every time they want to do something they just do it and I'm just saying you want to be clear so that there's I'm okay with that I'm just saying then we should really do that with every Charter like really we should instead of putting words in we should just make sure we that's kind of our objective right is to touch Bas with all our committees okay well I just don't want this to turn into something where they just you know decide unilaterally they want to put up a bunch of signs and then do it without well but you're right we can eliminate tell them that that's just delete for Town workplaces and the last sentence is just recommendations select about unsafe conditions don't say further just say the committee and we also don't want them leave everything except for for Town work places for town workplaces so you would leave all that other further it does provide other things but we just take I would I mean my my version is take it out and then the this committee will have three Mo main focus or two main focus areas for which it will provide the select board with recommendations like I'd make it more okay pointed like yeah come back to us that's fair okay so we're going to strike the last sentence of the first paragraph and add the text the committee will have three main areas two main areas of focus for which it will provide recommendations to the select board right and a rate yeah yep perfect semic calling I like that oh no let's get into it before we we could spend all night on this okay all right yes so I have one other minor question which is there must be already there like three standing members presently you appointed them last meeting y yeah we did it okay yeah but the new ones from my understanding I've received a few emails directly about about all the hazards that we've had in the North Road incident and stuff like that so many of these are people are interested in that there's nothing like a major accident yep okay I do like to see that they're not just in one area that they so that you have people that are familiar with different areas of town and the general conditions there so that good so do I have a motion to can I get a motion to accept the charter as amended for the Safety Committee sure so move okay second all right um any more discussion all in favor I I None opposed all right next Kate I think you have the list there I do but okay I moved to a point Kate readed do you want to go through all of them yeah okay I move move to a point the Slate is there a discussion on it any I had one point Brian for you or maybe it's really for Gretchen or Aubrey who does this is it possible to add in a category and when the in the uh website where you submit your form to say the number of years you've been a resident of carile because I just think that is a interesting fact it doesn't you know because sometimes we're you know we want I think in my what I would like to see is a committee made up of a broad variety of people who are not only longtime residents but also you want on the website or you want to put it on the application the application is what I meant sorry you because that way we can see and we can you know look at committees and if there's ever you know questions about how to best yeah sure okay with me okay is that a problem done okay great so um I moved to appoint the Slate as uh identified below I don't like that for the I guess you'll copy it the one the one thing I do want to point out is that um these appointments are all one year no they're two years do you want to do each one yeah let me do okay why don't you read why don't you read each one and then we'll do a movement on all of okay uh Kate Reed select board representative to the Safety Committee term to end June 30th 2025 Elizabeth Lester 161 Acton street is a member of the Safety Committee term to end June 30th 2026 Sasha uh Mio 85 Bellow Hill Road as a member of of Safety Committee termed end June 30th 2026 Valerie Thaddius 779 North Road as a member of the Safety Committee term to end June 30th 2026 and Brian Mur oh sorry that's it the other you're going to appoint yourself to to appoint yourself I well I can do so moved okay okay so we're just going to do the Safety Committee on this first round I thought this we would keep that great so we have a motion to appoint those four positions to the Safety Committee including Kate Reed second yeah I do have a question though about the terms uh they're all going to be ending in 2026 no there's a couple 202s no there's only one 2025 that's the select board because we think the select board should be every year since we kind of do it as a leaon but I think the other terms maybe should be um stagged so that not everybody goes off all at the same time that that's fine but I think we don't know when the the first three we appointed when do those end those may have been 2025 I can look at the so it's I don't know yeah okay it might but I just want to double check that it is it's a three-year term is there a reason there only are these replacing existing seats or why this is a brand new committee we're setting up and normally you don't want to have so why not give them a couple of them a three-year term instead of a two-year term right well some some should have one some should have two and some should have three right right so that you have them rolling through right yeah and the select board should always and okay so I'll be the one we also don't know the the desire of the individuals in terms of their their timing they kind of were they when they applied did they know what their term would be no we we had several months of trying to get the off the ground so we were kind of just excited to have the the people volunteer generally when people volunteer and it's not like where like these where we know it's three years to do they know how long they're going to be on no most of these are first-time volunteers right well they yeah I guess the charter wasn't in place yet so I I don't know they might know it's a three-year term or I don't is that existing the was was was the current Safety Committee a three-year term that we oh God no I we can just leave it and fix it later okay let okay but it's going to take us longer to fix at the first meeting I will bring it up and I'll check about that and then I'll bring it back and if they have preferences if someone says oh I'll just do a year or someone says I want to do three years we can good point well yeah then we can figure out we'll leave it to you sort it out I'll sort it out later and let you know so we have a motion and I second it all right so no more discussion so let's vote all in favor I and none opposed right so then I move to appoint Brian Murphy is the conservation commission's representative to the conservation restriction advisory committee term to end June 30th 2025 second any discussion he's going to be busy because he's also on the LSC right right so all right all in favor I I un opposed okay so we have yeah more Conservation Commission oh oh I already I missed that I didn't turn the page s seven more okay hang on appointments I think we just do them all here see weird order here oh oh yeah okay I move to appoint Helen young as the conservation commission's representative to the community preservation committee term to end June 30th 2025 and to also appoint her as a conservation commission's representative to the MBTA Community subcommittee termed to end June 30th 2025 move to appoint Susan provenzano 80 mil Pond Lane as a member of the land stewardship committee termed to end June 30th 26 and to appoint Ken Hart 64 esterbrook word as a member of the conservation restriction advisory committee term to end June 30th 2025 move to appoint Christy win 125 Bellow Hill Road as a member of the cultural Council term to end June 30th 2027 and to appoint laurelin Roberts 188 Judy Farm Road as a member of the cultural Council term to end June 30th 2027 and moved to appoint Alan Gilden 61 esero rode as a member of the environmental sustainability committee term to end June 30th 2027 second any discussion all in favor I I None opposed all right thank you volunteers yes great to have a long list you it is we're getting better at this I think I do think this website um you know online application form is help so now we're where are we at overall I mean are in the volunteer process are we in a good place in terms of filling open seats or do we still have a lot of work to do housing press needs a couple yeah it's not for it's not for lack of trying it's volunteerism at this point yep all right let's move on to the warrant I believe oh yeah I already got my uh my uh absentee balance absentee balance so we better get this is done I move that the select board vote to execute the warrant for the September 3rd 2024 State primary as presented in the packet second all right is there any discussion um so it's one day only voting well this is it's only a primary annual but this is just the warrant so it just tells you um what the approve the early voting hours last meeting that was for the primary not for the general correct all right so why is it the warrant oh the warrant says it's on Tuesdays so the actual voting day is the September 3rd yes least do that that's you know n jail is really tricky Simon told me this right they put the primary the day after Labor Day yeah because they really want incumbent sure do because you know people are not paying attention they're coming back from holiday they're getting ready their kids ready and have favors in come the only contested One race on this is the register of dudes that's your buddy right yeah yeah well you know there's nothing we can do I could except for you want to amend it no I want to register my disapproval of it nothing okay you have a a motion on the table there's a motion um no no further discussion um all in favor I the oppose none all right I'm going to pass this around for Signature good climate leater now all right yeah and we will move on to the climate leader presentation if you both want to come forward that would be great come on down good evening good evening hi hey there nice to see you guys like M Reed has not had dinner yet H so you've not had dinner yet your stomach is complaining I know what can I say volunteer schedule bring some snacks um of so welcome you guys are here to give us our climate leader presentation and I think we'll we're angling towards a vote tonight I think on it the angle all right yeah the the three remaining approvals that we need are are on the table so to speak and I want to just jump um to The Climate not the climate lead the decarbonization map one which is the first one because not three minutes ago I realized there's a typo um it say has move to resolve in favor of decarbonizing municipal buildings by 2025 I think that's a little soon supposed to say 2050 so I just want to jump jump ahead at that and note that I don't know how that affects the ability to vote on that if it does at all okay great um but I just want to make sure not trying to decarbonize in you know five months so but uh I we in the packet um is the final draft of the decarbonization road map I know you guys saw more of a earlier draft of it a few weeks months ago um so if there were any points there that stood out as you guys wanting to address it before approving it I'd be happy to answer any questions I have some questions but I don't know if you all do too so I was reading through these are just kind of clarification questions and such so I better understand it um on table three the summary of emissions reductions yes how did you come up with those targets yes so I did those calculations using the percentage of current emissions um that is calculated by mass energy insight for all the town buildings that we have um so for example um the police station right now makes up 4% of our emissions footprint and say we're you know you know we're electrifying the police station between now and 2027 that 4% went into that 8% calculation and I could find the spreadsheet where I did all of it to exactly you know put together the numbers um so that's where the the first line came from the fleet calculations uh was more a fraction of vehicles because we have you know 41 vehicles and then how many um of those vehicles we would estimate would be converted to Electric by certain benchmarks um it is split up into light and heavy duty I believe it's like 22 light duty 18 heavy duty somewhere around there so those were my denominators when I did those calculations and in the 2050 column for the heavy duty you'll see it doesn't hit 100 just because I when I was doing the calculations I kind of said you know might be nice or might make sense to assume that maybe not every single heavy duty vehicle is going to make it there and how does that affect our um ultimate emissions reductions and we're still in the the green zone for what do is looking for so I kept it um but that is at that point when you're thinking about 20150 where technology will be 25 years from now it's we're making estimations yeah right well it occurred to me it seems It's all kind of backend loaded is the if I could there are um there's guidance that the do has given in terms of trigger events um they are not looking for municipalities to switch out equipment before an end of life kind of event or a building renovation event or a new building so um we make some good faith estimates on the life of of certain Vehicles we spend a lot of time with uh the school and members of the of the MFC to understand for the buildings when the likely replacement might be for you know hbac equipment so we try to take that into account um and the heavy duty vehicles for sure will be at the will be at the tail end I mean they're you can buy full electric fire trucks today but they are you know on the margin I mean they're like a probably at least a factor of 1.5 over what a conventional fueled um unit would be the the charts that the tables that follow table five six that's the those little icons represent I guess the replacement schedule yes and so does that if I were to look at your spreadsheet would would that phasing time numerically to those percent so you're you're estimating for example in 2028 Town Hall needs a major something rather and you're you're making an estimation as to what that system would look like on that yeah table four also has it um spelled out versus the visual I included tables five and six because do provided us that worksheet and I thought it would look it would be a nice example to put it in action just to show it in different ways so what are those like little T squares and yeah I think it's supposed to be like a construction crane and then the other one is like a little building or maybe a construction I didn't come up with the icon I will claim responsibility you easy I think it looks like a brick building it looks like Highland um so Sarah the the one line that was confusing to me is line one two the second the one right above the total on table three so I get the percentages and then you've got this energy use intensity reduction that is so they gave that line um do kind of gave us those numbers I think that's a harder thing to pinpoint when you don't know so far into the yeah what are the units 547 what deep BTUs might be BT the eui do you know what units that's in I feel like Mei just gave it to me in but part of me thinks it might be the British thermal unit but are we let's say in whatever units they are we we use 547 of them now and by 2050 we're going to use 164 of them is that kind of what that saying basically yeah they a slope that's governed by those percentages yeah so they they gave us those like the five and 25 as The Benchmark and then I kind of so is this like okay so you take care of your buildings mhm in line one and your vehicles in line two and three and then your use it's more of a use thing like I keep my house cooler I I can give one example that that they have discussed and the example is um using heat pumps as an example electricity driven heat pumps you have air source heat pump uh more or less conventional ground Source not terribly deep and then you have deep well um heat pumps which have dramatically different efficiencies and a deep well geothermal system will be an example of of a um you're reducing the amount of energy so you're decarbonizing all three of them right but you are substantially reduc using even less energy as you go to those very high efficiency uh retrofits but U conversions yes so that's the best example that I can give right now that would that fits what they're looking for and the the units for energy use intensity is energy over area it's looks like Killa British thermal units kb2 over square feet um so I think that's per sareet of built environment per building yes of the building doesn't for example say we'll stop laying down asphalt and put down like but but it's the difference between um you know the extreme example is is heating with electricity resistance heating all the way down to geothermal this you dramatically reduce the amount of energy this profile and this path to zero is buildings and vehicles yes yes it's not you know I'm going to wear sustainable clothes no you can though um and these numbers can also change we are supposed to be updating it every 3 years so as you know as events unfold we're not bound to this um final product and tables five and six I'm sure this has been discussed but I'm assuming that that generally maps with cap the capital plan that these aren't in conflict or this isn't an accelerated version but reinforcing the point that made is that we replace things when we do to be replace versus early is that it does match the capital plan okay good as known today thank you of course which has a finite like a a fiveyear viewfinder right right yeah that's that's fine and following table seven are two pie charts but they're not exactly the same but I can't tell why the difference is that the second one has Vehicles it's buildings plus Vehicles yes and the other the first one is just buildings if that's confusing I could it would be better to clarify I mean if you if this is formulaic for the mass whatever the is then do it air way but for the public consumption it is confusing that's a good point it was neat to kind of get so granular in some of the no I I was really you know impressed by it by all the like looking at the vehicles and seeing that you know the tahos are not so bad when you compare them against the uh you know International rolloff truck trucks trucks are is like massive compared to you know everything else so if you're attacking this as a problem those seem like same with the school the school has the biggest impact oh yeah oh yeah well we said last time buildings are twice as much Asic anyway they got all the buildings in yeah and speaking of school we did get the sign off um from Jim on both the road map and the zero Mission vehicle policy which was the parts that they had to improve so that's all set so who is besides us who are you waiting for just you guys one of the questions I had was um relative to the finance committee I mean I I think that and I guess you already asked the question but I was just curious about the you know the financial impact of these changes and of what we're doing and finance committee reviewed it you have a presentation you sent me offline which um I don't know if you wanted to share anymore sure we can um if people have questions we can pull up the slides that we presented to the finance committee on July 18th um and we got their um I guess you could say verbal support since they don't have a vote that do requires there wasn't a vote but in the meeting they they gave us their support to pursue this and other funding avenues that we find in the future I have noticed that Mark is uh is on the on the call okay so he might be able to speak firsthand okay that's great I don't know Mark if you have anything you wanted to add you had seen this yeah you want me to say something you want me to well if you want we're just discussing this and they mentioned the finance committee had reviewed it yeah no we yeah as as was mentioned we we gave our approval verbally I mean there's no particular input because the the the actual cost isn't known till till we UND till they find out whe what grants they might be able to uh win or not so it's there's a big range of what it might cost and I think uh so the financial implications just aren't actually knowable yet so but it's you know we had no issues with the plan over okay thank you I think it underscores an important point is that we're setting a goal we're setting a path but we're just going to have to be practical and prudent as we go down down it as we encounter these projects of when it's time to invest in a Greener technology when it doesn't make sense when it's time to you know there we're just going to have to well use our good judgment along the way the vehicle pl's the one that I had kind of some questions on because it really is prescriptive saying you will put it you will transition to Electric you know as a high I mean immediate a waterfall right and I well there is but there's they're accessible so it's not if the police chief said couldn't use this vehicle it does not work then yes you could you could well that's what they would say they're not going to say I don't like it there there's a if I'm not mistaken there's a full EV on the on the capital plan three years out yes the um fire chief's truck that's one I thought um Chief Amel amola um correct his as well so his Mainline vehicle would be electric um I would be happy to cut to discuss some of the vehicle costs because that's actually a very easy story to describe perfect um if Ryan could put up or is who I'm not sure who's okay um it would be the document that Travis H sent you which was thee presentation Finance is that the slide you're looking for light duty vehicle um yeah it would be slide number oh boy I can't tell the slide numbers should say cost analysis light duty vehicle decar there you go there you go it's hard for me to look at that uh that has a lot of vehicles up there but uh we can cut right down to um so column A is just a a straight gasoline Explorer um I did column B at the very beginning to just look at the hybrid electric vehicles the thing that's extremely important um in this analysis is that police duty fuel economy is a Le is very very different from the EPA metric so keep that in mind um I I went into there's some public websites they're not on footnoted here but there's um you know where um Ann Arbor is the closest to what looks like carile and even an arbor is not a carile for sure but um the amount of idling has a dramatic impact on it so what you see that 8.7 and the 15.6 um miles per gallon for just those two show a significant uh over the life of the vehicle cost of just to operate the fuel so not maintenance and stuff like that but it's a hug difference it's like $18,000 uh differential between a and b um because you're idling when you're idling on a battery it's not bur that's right the whole the operating mode for an electric vehicle flips the equation entirely the other way although to be fair it doesn't it really doesn't go back to the carbonization of generating the electricity that you use to charge so so it's like free energy El well taken um the the Assumption the state is making is that they're pushing the grid to to decarbon right so no control over that as we know um so still more efficient but it's not a pure zero like this would correct no but in terms of money dollars to the town it's a savings right it's a big sa right savings you're not just burning gas gasoline sitting there I mean there's enough police departments that are using I haven't been in I haven't ridden in one thank goodness pleas um bezel some funds from we'll get you free no I won do that yeah but is Chief Amo I mean is he open to is he Express cautiously okay so for example the last time I I've had a few conversations with them and the last time I understood that um this um blazer from relet is honest to goodness I mean it is high performance the EV it's a police pursuit variated vehicle um it you can charge it in in something like 17 minutes for several hundred miles worth of range I mean these are you know level three charging and stuff um so from a performance perspective no qualms at all so that just operationally in the fleet charging and everything else is what he wants to feel out and um what he described to me and I'm not sure what the current plan is but my last conversation is he would then have one in not for line Duty for the officers but he would take it as an administrative vehicle just to get the the feel of it it's a start yeah and and that makes a lot of sense um and so I would say he's cautiously open to it you know good and I don't think anybody expects that they they would buy vehicles that are not from a manufacturer I think they're looking for you know vehicles that designed from the ground up to be police vehicles right so on that topic the NYPD must has a whole set of them yeah they they did a lot of Maki um for their when they first launched like years ago right um and they came out so column C is the actual um efficiency for um for the Blazer 3 four and five is the range that they give a range of 3 to five in service for the the Maki and then the Maki is almost the same as a Blazer if you look at the box at the bottom you know the vehicles are so similar in terms of drivetrain and efficiency um I felt pretty comfortable so 3 four five miles per kilowatt hour is that metric and you can see that you know that column the last column where you're you're looking at that mid-range of four it's a it's a huge difference it's a you know $330,000 differential in operating energy cost right which more than offsets certainly a first cost premium so has New York NYPD gone heavy into electric yes um s and and they're not the only ones I mean they're just it's coming it's like well happening and it fits the profile of police duty very well in terms of Maintenance performance lifespan you can they can be in service longer because you're not running the motor on Idol with not many parts to run and there's no there no Pistons there are no cylinders there's no oil oil there's no there's really no no radiator leaks um did your setup costs get factored into this too I know if you're going to do a charging charging so if you look at the next page which is ver words verbiage um so the thing is you you do have infrastructure it's hard to actually come up and predict what that cost what that cost would be however there's a very high expectation that a lot of this would be subsidized by the state even the utilities uh there are programs that are out right now we we've met with with companies that are you know they're in the business of putting these charging stations in helping municipalities take advantage of uh the funding sources that are available even today um so one thing that's incumbent on us um the ESC supporting Town staff is to find all those and to help on the front end you know like the minute that this gets signed you know even before the doe does anything do does anything that that we're out there continuing to beat the bushes for where the funds are to offset those first costs all right are there any further questions we on our timing here okay um is there anyone who wants to make a motion move to adopt the deiz road map with the green communities divisions climate leaders application for certification as presented in the packet second okay um just as a point of further discussion Barney Arnold who couldn't be here wanted to voice her strong support for this thank you Barney but uh I mean I I think we've reviewed it we've had a couple of meetings on it we've um I actually I yeah I I think we've we heard from anyone in the public um it seems like I I've talked to people and they've been a couple of people reasonably supportive so I mean I think it makes a lot of sense to try and yeah sounds like it's a program that we can benefit from as a town I think it's the right thing to do and I think it's a it's the right time to do it and I think we'll also then be the recipients of more grants because we've kind of gotten out in front of it um yeah just as we did with green communities we have really we we didn't do anything through green communities we wouldn't have done anyway I don't think we may have done them a little differently than we would have done but we we got subsidized with a lot of that so that's what I think is a good idea so we have a motion we have a second um Voice vote all in favor I any opposed none okay there's two more okay what to adopt I move to adopt the zero emission vehicle first policy is presented in the packet how's that different it's it's not the ro decarbonization road map it is a it's a different thing really committing to buying primarily electric vehicles when practicable when practicable so that's the policy P that's the policy piece yeah okay I second that okay I I guess I didn't ask my questione of time but we can if it doesn't work if something in this plan doesn't work we can just not go forward and then we could potentially lose funding and we wouldn't be a a climate leader Community well s you said we have to we sign it we raise our hand that we're on board and then we begin to get grants on that basis right yes and there's a recertification process so in three years take look at how you're doing there's no penalty no penalty and my guess is that if we're struggling with something all towns are going to be struggling with the same thing and so they'll have to adjust right accordingly good all right so there's been a motion in a second all in favor I I and Ione opposed move to resolve in favor of decarbonizing municipal buildings by 2025 2050 2050 oh sorry by 20 sorry you know you said that and I but I didn't have a pencil to write it on uh in accordance so I'm going to restart that over again move to resolve in favor of decarbonizing municipal buildings by 2050 in accordance with the Carlile master plan second any further discussion that's so is that the doer is that backed up by a document or we just that resolution cuz there's two letters yes are the first two we just voted on right well the first thing we voted on was this whole thing with all these charts and everything that but the thing is the letter is the thing that get sign this letter there's a letter that says we sign and uh you guys or Ryan Ryan but it says select board members and or chair mayor Town manager so okay so that letter which is 58 into the packet I presume that's for the road map we that's for the road map then you have that document you say Hey you wave in front and say we've done that and then similarly there's a letter the second letter is the letter that says we adopted the policy which we just did right so that's another one you wave around and then is the third one this res resolution that's where we're voting yeah all right we're voting that RI okay so we got a motion in a second we don't it's just a resolution right okay so we have a motion a second all in favor none opposed all right wonderful thank you guys so much oh my God job congratulations now the real work begin yeah exactly well there's a team working yeah well it sounds like it's looks like it's a good team okay good job thank you thank you thank you thank have a good one thanks you too all right moving right along not too bad only 10 minutes uh Treasurer collector so we're going to have a discussion about couple of trco trco I just need to find it here y it's page 61 Le doing by thank you are you still doing the individual thing yeah that's a the resolution I think iure collector present where it was I knew where it was so we have a couple of things to discuss tonight um Ryan are you taking us through this or it looks like Sandy on all right I'm here I'll speak terrific hi welcome hi hi for some reason I can't get the video to come on my laptop uh oh so I'm sorry that's okay we like hearing you okay [Music] good good um so I am here to um talk about uh the select board uh putting on the uh special town meeting warrant this fall for uh to accept the provisions of chapter 200a section 9A of the Mass general laws which would allow the funds of any um uncashed payroll checks or accounts payable checks to stay in the town the way the process works now is that after a threeyear period of following um the issuance of the checks we tried to find the person try to get the check reissued to them that's the ultimate goal however after that three-year period uh they get tra moved over to the um State's Mass unclaimed property Division and they become the state's property and they end up on the list and they try to find um the property owner that way whereas this would change it it would stay um within the town we would give them a year to try to cash the check if after that oneyear period we would try try to find the owner try to get the check reissued if that doesn't work then the funds are eventually transferred to the general fund for the town to reuse good to me so to me it seems like a no-brainer but um yeah plus you know you give it to the state we lose the funds we lose the interest on it we lose I didn't realize so we've been losing like Kelly's been you've been chasing all these in have they all gone back to the state so far no oh good Kelly what's the magnitude of it like how much how many dollars are we talking um right now I believe we're somewhere between 30 and $45,000 that's a hefty check change it was quite a bit higher but um Sandy and I have been working to get several checks reissued um which has been a successful process so far um we've been able to connect with many vendors um you know old payroll checks was a was a tough one um you know before we transition to direct deposit a lot of live checks were issued so if you had you know say a Rec summer kid that worked one week and they misplaced their check they may not have turned around to come looking for it um so those are kind of the the people we were hunting down so to speak right so what you're saying Kelly is people were owed the money and for reasons they didn't have they lost a check or whatever so you've actually paid people what they what we owed them to clear that so even if it was an old check we would Avid the check and then do a reissuance but now we're at the really can't finds and we want to get if we're going to claw back that money we'd like it to claw back to car yeah okay great sounds good to me sounds good to me all right are you one question in um in the section 9A there's there's a bunch of steps that we as Carlile will have to take um to reclaim those in terms of posting in the paper there's there's a bunch of stuff in there are are we comfortable doing all that does that seem reasonable to you guys or whomever will be doing it we are um and we have actually been we've kind of been following the guidelines of chapter 200a section 98 because our Personnel our our financial policies um we adopted um a financial policy on tailings back in the spring of 24 and those follow along um these guidelines so Kelly and I have been um it's been on the Carla website uh the payroll tailings were as well as we kind of did both we actually did mailings as well and we've managed to recover or or reissue about 90% of what was outstanding on our payroll tailings at this time so we really had a great response fortunately a lot of the people um were still employed or at least were able to be located people knew of that where they were and we could get them to get the checks reissued to them okay all right and I point out if if my memory is correct that that was a that was a flag in the audit report right that that's right they wanted us to do a better job and now we've done a better job not we they yes yeah and now we my goal is um in the next few weeks to start on um there's a whole list of vendor checks that we need to start addressing as well so that's that's the next one okay all right you don't a motion we just going to put that put that on the warrant okay great the next is the proposed change in the tax billing Bill mailings correct So currently um we've adopted a four quarter tax filling process so they're due every quarter um and we mail every quarter many municipalities now just do two mailings even though they're sticking to the quarterly due dates um so in your packet was a sample of uh a tax bill instead of the tax bill having a taxpayer portion of the same tax bill and a remittance copy of the same tax bill this example shows that there are two coupons one for the payment that's due on August 1st one for the payment that's due on November 1st um it it is very clear it gives the taxpayer the option of paying both payments at once and many taxpayers uh request to pay their bills ahead of time especially in carile lots of people are on vacation or holiday when bills become due um so um Sandy thanks for pointing that out so the I was thinking this was Back to the Future but it's not right in the old days well the in the Larry Barton days I think we moved to quarterly we went from by we were only invoicing a half year at a time right you're still actually still for payments you're just reducing your mailings and giving people the option to prepay right that's yeah Larry Barton day we only two bills and paid it half and half so that was a cash flow this is better cash flow this would be a lot better cash flow of people prepaid right okay yeah very good the quarterly tax Billings allow for a better cash flow within the town right I agree I agree yep but um the um the quarterly Billings take up a lot of time on um um my part and Brian's part are assessor in preparing those and getting them to the printer there's cost involved with the printer of course the price of postage is outrageous um so this would save the Town Car some money as well okay great so I move to reduce oh sorry I just want to I'm sure there's going to be initial confusion I'm sure other have gone through this especially when they see the total preliminary tax number that's twice what they're used to seeing I'm assuming this example is a standard format that other towns have used in terms of the sequencing of information leading with the later due payable date followed by the earlier due and payable date I I just want to make sure we're not doing anything differently than what has already been implemented elsewhere and that when we do this there will be I think you mentioned there will be a mailer that is clear to people about what's going on here that was my question someone's defitely um include a mailer with the first time that we do this and we we will put it out there as much as possible on the website we will put it in the mosquito attach the most current one first I assume so make the people aware of it before it happens even so that um and yes there's going to be confusion there's going to be people who forget to pay their second quarter Bill But there again we hope to put reminders out there as much as we can so that people are reminded but as I also mentioned um about half of the town's tax bills are paid through the mortgage companies or um they pay through our online service which also reminds them when tax bills are due again so and is there any option like as someone whose bill is paid through a mortgage company to not get a mailing like I don't need a physical mailing and I is there any paperless option or is are we required to send unfortunately the law states we have to send the bill to the homeowner y okay um the only thing I will say is is that in this um the world we're headed in ebilling is an option it is legal um so that is something we would have to create a database of everybody's email addresses and to do that so that is something that um you know I hope to look into in the next year or two and maybe start to be able to because there are several people who have requested e bills um which you know we can send them out to one and twos but to make it worthwhile it would be great if we could email a couple hundred people their tax bills so is this one of the things like your bank always sends you like go paperless that you would take a box you yeah you would take a box and provide your email and they you would just stop the paper or you don't in other words you don't have to it's not statutory that everybody has to get a paper copy or everybody has to get an email copy right no no um we can do some of both so let me ask you a couple just uh you know mechanical questions are you going to provide two envelopes in the packet with the two bills well no I mean there some people good question that's a cuz right now you have an envelope which again I I don't use either because I have a mortgage with a prepaid and then the other question cuz you say you can go online but whenever I've gone online it's pretty expensive if seems a lot cheaper to go to you know down into the town hall and give you a check but that's a third party service right unip is it unip so I hadn't thought about the two envelopes but I can certainly inquire into that people um as far as online payments go if you have't taken out of your check account it's only 50 cents okay which is cheaper than a a stamp these days it's it's a credit card payment that will cost yeah the credit card okay that's the one that would cost but that's not in our control that's the third party yeah that's unipay yeah okay all right that tells to the next discussion yeah okay all right so move to reduce mailings of tax bills from four times per year to two times per year in the manner described in the proposed change in tax bill mailings memo included the packet effective when uh what was it in the I think we've been signed I hadn't put an effective date in I was thinking um if we had them effective for January the January mailings um so in January two coupons would be mailed the January uh the bill due February 1st the bill due May 1st would be in that one so those are the back two of this fiscal year right sure yeah okay so you want add that effective um January 1 January 1st 2025 2025 second any further discussion okay seeing none I'll take a Voice vote all in favor I any oppos none all right we're going to do it all right great thank you you're welcome so there's one more um topic I'm going to bring to your attention tonight and that is um that we've received requests from the cultural Council to implement online donations through our unipay system um that is um I've I've looked there are other towns that do it some have just one online donation account line others have up to eight different there's one example um donations that that you can us hang on donate to um hang on this has not been done in carile before so I also would have some questions about how we implement this whole thing um I guess my my concerns would be if we do this for the cultural council do we do this for all the boards committees how do we go about um regulating this um deciding who is allow to um you know have online donations who isn't you know looking at other Town's websites I've seen everything from boards committees to um donations for uh a 250th Town anniversary or a parade things like that so there are many different options sounds like once we start it kind of opens the Mark's online too online I spoke with I had a conversation with Mark about this I mean right now first of all we have we have some groups that are part of the town right we have we have certain groups that are kind of their own thing there other groups part of the town like the the cultural Council and right now you know to donate it's a check you have to write a check you have to drop off a physical check and quite honestly that's just not how I operate anymore and it's not how most places operate and we don't see a ton of donations or even awareness for for a lot of these organizations so I know there's potentially logistic hurdles that we have to overcome but I think as a town this is something we should have a goal to do and we can work out the details and figure out where the roadblocks are and get it out of the way but you know I think we should identify which which groups in town this would be appropriate for and I was looking at the town of Hingham they have two four six they have eight in a a single page you pick the one and I know on the back end we have to figure out it goes into account how does it then get to the right place but I mean I think as a town we should move to to doing this as part of just the modernization of town hall and as volunteerism falls down people tend to write more checks and give more donations so I think this is a good way to publicize these groups to get more donations it gives them an opportunity when they're doing an event to just have a QR code that someone can scan that can bring them right to the website if they want to make a donation so I know we don't have the answers today but I think it's is something we should we should really push forward yeah I agree I think um Sandy and you and I had this conversation a few months ago you you have you know you talk about the fee we were mentioning the fee for unipay before but who cares right I mean it's incremental money that you're facilitating and if some of it has to go to transaction that's it's no mailings right right now we get historical or old home day they got to make a paper mailing and like right we were saying got you know got to write a check a lot of those pan mask challenge you pay do we also I mean I do most of my donations through Fidelity charitable and you can input anybody you want and they'll create it for you right you know whether does anybody know don't advise funds that there's no way for us for our little groups to yeah get advice this is the easier way right yeah okay yeah it's a whole another issue is but I don't see much downside I I agree with I mean I I see that there's probably extra work in the uh next door than you know for uh both Kelly and Sandy but on the other hand um maybe we can make it you know streamline it so it's not onerous and so that we can start bringing in those funds and depending we can do a pilot program we could start with the cultural Council or one or two see how it goes if we do think that there's the workload is exponential or linear with the number of groups then we would we can really consider how many groups if it's not that onor um I think giving and promoting it on the website so you have an online bill pay button and a donate to Carlile button right um I think would it would be really interesting to see if that generated more donations because I know Mark was telling me like if you look at the cultural Council you just don't see that many right donations coming in because it's very hard to do it's if you're at an event who's carrying checks around anymore um me that's for Mark I don't know if you just wanted to say anything on this point mark Leviton do a ven moo yeah I can say a lot you know it's just our role in uh in the town in the community um is essentially to regant money to uh cultural uh producers and some of those are part of town government and many are not um in order to create programs for the benefit of our residents that's really our mission and that's why we are uh sort of upfront on this because uh there is an appetite for more funding um and across the board which we were able to prove through uh the U uh granting to the cultural Council of 67,5 in ARA funds that allowed us to really bring up the whole level of activity and this is across the board there's just more people creating more things so you know I don't this isn't where we're going to split hairs and decide who gets to have the service or not I understand that but this is why we're up front here to do it because arpa is gone we're going to we have a lot of things that we want to continue to do especially the music festival and we have uh several things that we're working on right now including hopefully uh this uh in order to significantly raise funds U and create uh the environment that our is seem to to like so as far as you know we've done uh fundraising I'll just make this part of it brief uh we've done onetoone fundraising uh in 2021 and 2023 that means that every council member took you know 15 to 20 of the people they know in town and sent them a personalized letter uh explaining what we do and how we plan to use money um and the first time out we had 19 donors and received $1,745 last year aside from a very large donation we had 19 donors and $3500 and I think what happened there was the evidence of what we're delivering to the town so we need the money and that we will use it and we will grant it to a lot of different people in this town and uh you know I hope we can at least be the pilot great thanks Mark I see Christina's got her hand up you have a quick comment Christina I I do thank you so much I just wanted to make a comment that um the ESC has actually had to turn down offers of donations because there was no way for the committee to accept it um so uh I would say that that uh we would you know I would think support uh being able to to accept donations thank you sure all right well and I'm happy to work on this um and work with Ryan and whoever if there's any additional support needed to investigate and figure out Bring recommendation back to the select board you're hired I would like to recommend that uh um that we start with some type of pilot and that we bring you the parameters of that pilot before it's proved tonight just so that you can see what it look like I I do think that a flood of people will be coming to you and U managing that might be something you want to consider like to get and I'd be curious to see the list of groups that would potentially come to us in terms of our town they're within the town they're not external to the town they within the town so on that I mean that's a a council question right so like if you're Gleason Library it creates friends of gison library and it's a 501c3 it becomes its own thing right yeah can a town have a like give me the example of the we have this tax abatement there's a it's one of the checks I wrate I think it it used to be anyway the through the town you could write a check to for for tax AB bment for elderly or oh really or isn't there wasn't or there used to be a thing you could donate to is that not here anymore you can donate to the cultural Council you just have to write check so how does it work legally forget all the mechanics of the check and all that but like it's not a 501c3 so how does it accept money so the town 17 the town numbers so the town through the select board or an appointing board can accept a gift right but we have to each time we have to like vote through we still do so we would have to vote to accept these yeah we'd have to get into the details of the mechanics of bulk acceptance and but all gifts have to be accepted right okay which is as it compared with a well Mark just gave a some IRC statute or something I don't know what the 170 is I mean just supporting what Ryan says you can give a gift to the town it could be tax deductible however this environment that's less attractive to people well it's not so much yeah I agree it's not can not receive donor advise funds right because it's not a 501c3 okay and that's why the friends of library and Friends Council on Aging exist you know partly but you can't have friends of we're considering doing that for the Cal Council or looking at Community foundations that will serve the same purpose but this is simply uh to you know be able to have people as Scott said you're at an event scan the QR code put it right right in the right account and the accounting system so so I think tonight we we want to just say we have a desire to do this let's take it offline and worry and figure out how as you said the mechanics some of the limitations some of the obstacles right and bring it back but just to be clear that the there there is no problem right now excepting gifts in the town in check form that can be done we've and we don't discourage that the difference here is the online donation but we've never in my time here we've never had a motion to accept a $100 check from Joe Blow to the that's so how does it get how is the gift accepted if you say we always have to accept the gifts all you you do have emotions where we accept gifts unless the mechanism has been set up I in my years here I've never we did just just the yeah $20,000 for I get it but well we had $1,000 from Sandy Nash we did that but some people are probably writing $50 checks to the cultural Council we have never had that is there you ever had that I've never sat here and and accepted a $50 donation to the cultural Council but yet somebody wrote a check that's part of the problem so I'm confused so these are things we have to clean up and so you're saying we may not be doing it right presently regard regardless of online or whatever I don't think we're violating a lot but we're definitely not in best practice with everything unless mechanisms have been set up right to allow and it's not always the this board it could be given to the council and aing or it could be given to other boards okay and one last mechanical question so uh Sandy you know you indicated and we talked about the fees the unip pay fees so if I give a $100 to cultural Council through the credit card the cultural Council gets 95 and unipay gets five right it's not like the town is charged like five bucks right it's just taken off the gift is that the theory no um how it works is if you want to give a $100 donation um they will charge you $105 ah okay okay but but the town doesn't get okay I get it we don't get it Bill the town doesn't get it no it goes right you need pay keeps those fees right and and there's an in the H one there's an a option you say 50 cents and down in your in your narrative in paragraph three you say unipay uses two bank accounts and then you list a whole bunch of things it goes like why two and how why is that well currently we've used two we're using we just split and um everything was going into one account yeah and now we've just split it into two accounts to make it easier um to separate taxes from all the other um things that unip um is used for because the to balance that account at the end of the month was atrocious um so this is made it easier for us to um figure out um accounting wise so I I put in there the option of opening a lot details that I think this board I know we do have to move on because we have another presentation but I think we're generally supportive of this and want to try this as a as you said Ryan as a kind of a pilot program and let's see you know what what happens and and if there Kinks or things we need to work out we'll do that and and then figure out the costs and if it's taking you know exorb amount of time and we're not getting a value from it we can revisit that but Y is that kind of the sense of the board all right good all right all right thank you guys thank you Sandy and Kelly All Right Moving yep moving right along sorry we're a little late on our next agenda item so um we're going to be talking uh actually to the town planner who's can come forward and an yeah oh is Addie yep she's doing a presentation as well screen which one the um accessory apartment bylaw is what we would like to start with in case it's top of M for some of you who were at the hearing last night um and so this one um it's important to note the planning board is within their public hearing process so I'm their Envoy I'm here to gather feedback and input but nothing can be deliberated outside of their public hearing process um so I will bring all your comments back to them we cannot delivery um the planning board cannot have a dialogue with you right about we can deliver it among ourselves right for sure and provide feedback and input to me um so this is uh the presentation that I gave to the planning board last night it's modified slightly from the one that was in your packet because I did a little research um next slide please okay so planners um view the accessory dwelling unit or accessory Apartments as kind of the Swiss army knife of housing policies just because there's so many things that can be accomplished with accessory Apartments um you can optimize the use of large single family homes per repurpose accessory structures preserve historic structures kids can move out Elders can stay and age in place they can provide for on-site caregiver housing multi-generational living um and you know all these things kind of fit within the category of diversifying housing options um and housing equity and affordability so next slide please um so the the purpose of the zoning bylaw amendments that are being considered right now um some of you may be aware that the governor signed the affordable homes act last Tuesday and it includes a provision for accessory dwelling units this is something that we knew was coming um and the planning board discussed you know at various stages throughout their discussions of our local bylaw and they decided to just keep going with changes to the local bylaw and kind of see what happened at the state level and and then a couple months ago when it looked like this the um what was proposed uh in the law might become effective the planning board decided to try to align the bylaw with the the changes they were making kind of with the state law and kind of get ahead of um what's coming so some of the things that are in the state law um it's pretty it it doesn't include a lot right now it's it's it's a couple like you know large state law paragraphs so there's a definition of accessory dwelling units um they require that towns allow um accessory dwelling units by right and so that would be a process change um they restrict us to only requiring one parking space for accessory apartment so we can't we can't require more than one people can provide more than one um and then we cannot require owner occupancy of either the principal single family home or the accessory apartment um and then we can restrict the use of accessory Apartments as short-term rentals so those are some those are some of the highlights of the state law um and then another the the real reason the planning board is looking at adjusting the apartment bylaw before the kind of state law came down the pike was to clarify and simplify the requirements so they were having trouble kind of figuring out some of the wording some of the there were references to terms that weren't defined there was some paragraphs in the current byw that were kind of using conflicting terminology um we were having trouble guiding applicants and also enforcing things and then we were finding that over time as planning the planning board change membership things weren't being applied kind of Fairly uh across application um so the current byla has Provisions for both accessory apartments and affordable accessory Apartments but it has different gating requirements and to be able to do those so one of the things is like why do these gating requirements differ let's combine them consolidate them um and align them right so that there's the same kind of requirements apply if you wanted to do an accessory apartment or an affordable accessory apartment um and then they included some um architectural considerations and environmental considerations and the other kind of big change is that they wanted to simplify the method used to calculate the size of an accessory apartment so the current bylaw has kind of three different metrics that applicants have to navigate percentages and looking at what's currently on the the land and figuring out based on that what they can do um and it's a bit it's a bit tricky um so so those are those that's the purpose so this this slide though um Julie is the state right this is what governor Hy signed was all these things no so on the left the left hand column is um some of the things that are in the state law that the planning board wanted to align with okay so the right hand side is what is our byw seeking right exactly yep next slide please Ryan so um there are ways in which the proposed Carlile bylaw will differ from state law um so the maximum size of an accessory apartment currently in town we have 1,200 ft the state law says 900 so we the planning word was considering adopting the definition of accessory dwelling unit that the state has but the the one piece that would be different would be the size of the accessory apartment that's allowed um and then the number of accessory apartments on the lot so the state provides for the first accessory apartment up to 900 square ft is allowed by right but then if if we wanted to allow a second one that would be a special permit process um currently carile only allows one accessory apartment per LW and that's not proposed to change um and then the state is silent on affordability in this provision so um we currently have Provisions in our bylaw for affordable accessory apartments and those are proposed to stay no one's utilized that section of the BW but it's possible that incentives um and policies might change in the future that would make that something that would be of interest to people um and so they felt like it did no harm to just keep that language in the bylaw so when our when our carile bylaw differs from the state law our bylaws override the state law you were allowed to differ in certain ways right so we follow what they require and then there's some Provisions that we have that smaller we couldn't say the maximum is 800 squ right we could say it's bigger we could say you have an extra the state said we allowing a second apartment by special permit we can say no so we so that's just a provision they have in the law if towns wanted to have allow more than one accessory apartment on the lot that's not something we're required to do okay thank you yeah next slide please okay so there are some noteworthy changes to the car that are proposed to Carl's bylaw first and foremost is moving the process from a special permit process which is discretionary which means that the planning Port has the ability to deny them um to a site plan review process some important things to not to note about this though are that procedurally here in carile plan the planning board treats the process the same right so there's a legal ad there's notification to a Butters and there's a hearing what's absent from the site plan review process is the ability to deny so the planning board has to approve buite uses that come in for site plan review um they can approve them with conditions they can reasonably regulate them but they cannot deny them so in other words if if you own a house and you want to make accessory and you meet those 900 sare ft and parking space and all that jazz which presumably is in site plan review they can't say no right but ra xan says I don't want noisy neighbors too bad right right and there is still an appeal process for site plan review not all towns allow for an appeal process for site plan review but you have it in your bylaw um and so that that is something that applicants can also do um and then another change is that currently there's a limit on the number of bedrooms per accessory apartment the limit is two and this the proposal here is to change it so that it the number of bedrooms would be equal equal to or less than the number of bedrooms in the principal single family home um and just as a side note you know as this current practice like nothing that is proposed here changes the fact that the bedrooms are really subject to Title 5 and local Board of Health design flow requirements right so currently that's the case and that will remain the case and then we would be the third thing here the third column is we'd be removing the owner occupancy requirement that we currently have and that's in line with the state law the state law will not allow us to have an owner occupancy requirement um and then we also believe that we will not be able to have a cap on the overall number of accessory Apartments currently there's a cap of 75 25 of them are allowed to be detached um but with a bught use typically you can't have a cap that's townwide say 75 we love 75 townwide two two in 20 years um so Julie on the middle column there's no requirement like if you're going to have a two-bedroom ablea you have to have a bathroom or a kitchen there's no requirement of that you have to for it to be an accessory dwelling unit it has to have a bathroom in a kitchen it does okay so that's somewhere we're not seeing but that's y that's that's the state and the town right yeah that's what constitutes a housing unit yeah okay partly okay so if you want to create a bedroom in your garage for your mother-in-law and have her trundle back to the house for the bathroom you can do that right now you don't need to um I I mean I don't know if the absence of a bathroom would technically mean that it is an accessory apartment um but yeah right I I I think I kind of see what you're saying that's a question for joh how he would look at that um well if you're going to open it up you're going to open it up to lots of people there may be those kind of questions like right I don't want to build a kitchen like a bathroom maybe but why am I building a kitchen she'll come eat with us at dinner time right yeah and I it's probably fine as long as it meets building code requirements and board of called requirements will it be called an accessory re no it would not be called an accessory reir just some other Improvement you're doing right right and and you still have to go to the board of health because you're adding a bedroom right Title Five yeah right next slide please I think there's more yeah okay and then there's some other changes just to the first one is um right now we require two parking spaces for an officer apartment and we won't be able to with the state law we can only require one um people can provide more than one and 18 the restriction on the use as a shortterm r sorry was there a question yeah what is a parking space like not in this we're not in the city like yeah I mean drive cars 18 you don't have to stripe it usually but it's enough pavement to accommodate vehicle um yeah and I suppose it doesn't even have to be pavement it could be a p system right um would prer you prob perious pavers better that way neighbor Zone just some sort of like off Street ability for people who are using the accessory apartment to park yeah um and then the restriction on the use is a short-term rental so um this this is something the state allows us to do if we want it the planning board at one of their meetings recently expressed interest in doing that short-term rentals have a depressing effect they they reduce the amount of housing stock available at an affordable rate so they can have an impact on affordability across town um we do have short-term rentals in town um we do what is shortterm how how is that def usually it's it's less than 30 days there's a there's a state definition and I'll get that because I need I'll need to refresh my memory on it um okay but yeah so it's like Airbnb vbo things like that right so they can have kind of a an impact on the ability for someone to actually live in an accessory apartment like year round um at maybe a more affordable price point um on the other hand it could allow the person in the larger house to be able to afford the taxes because they're renting out their accessory apartment exactly this was pointed out last night that there was there's no bylaw or any restriction against it currently and so if you were going to put it on just accessory Apartments it's unusual that you wouldn't have it on your primary residence as well but those are things the planning board is thinking about excellent can you restrict short-term rentals on primary residences as yeah some towns have restrictions on short-term rentals yeah we we don't have one in Carla so it's a kind of opening up a whole another can of worms um and it's a whole conversation the planning board needs to have um and this restriction this isn't based on the legislation that was recently passed this has always been around the state law part of it or is that something that was just enacted last week um the restriction on state allows restriction on the state's allowing a restriction on short-term rental use of accessory Apartments as short-term rentals I I assume that a town could have done that before now um you know some towns have just townwide bans on short-term rentals so that would seems like it would also apply to accessory part departments but that's a great question but we don't have that right now we do not no okay and so is that is the planning board taking that up as its own issue like uh not to my knowledge they're probably going to discuss it further because of restricted doublea they're G you're I think I'm hearing they may have to make it yeah probably need to consider it a little more broadly than just this if they want to go ahead with it in here yeah um and then site plan the another change here is that like currently with the special permits they they get renewed when a property changes hands but with a spe with the site plan approval they tend to run with the land not the owner and so some of the language about permit renewals um and just like what happens to tenant who are you know in the accessory apartment when a property changes hands um will need to change next slide please um so just a little background on um like detached accessory apartments in carile so they became allowed in 2017 at town meeting um and since then there's been 10 applications um as of last night actually nine have been permitted and one is pending um and largely they've been in existing structures right so seven out the tener and existing structures meaning it was ready to go and they just got it like it already existed the bedrooms about tochen right it might have been a garage that was repurposed or a barn a veterinary hospital so it got approval these got a so these these were applied for I mean say different way just pick the first one patch meow like if it existed already how did it get to be existed structure it was a garage and they're going to put a bathroom in it still Ren it they just didn't building the building basically probably should clarify that language um so it's but yeah that's that's that um next slide please and then just a little history um so in 1989 the bylaw was adopted so we've had this bylaw for 35 years um it was amended in 1993 there used to be a Prohibition that um principal single family homes in conservation clusters could not have accessory Apartments was removed um and then in 2006 that's when the provisions for the affordable accessory Apartments were added in 2013 the that um property transfer reapprovals that was added um and then in 2017 the most important thing that happened was that accessory Apartments became allowed I believe this is partly on the floor of town meeting was a floor change um in new and new construction and existing detach structure um so there's been 36 applications in 35 years uh 19 of them happened before 2017 and 2017's at that critical year because 2017's when they were became allowed in detach structures um and then since then there's been 15 applications um or sorry 17 applications um so 36 overall in 35 years next slide please is there information on how those are used for family or is that information not available or known um generally when people do this yeah so at that time they usually tell the board like during the process who it's for but that you know can change over time the right now with the owner occupancy requirement the owner has to live in either unit so we at least know that um but I don't have data on like how they're all currently used but now you could have a situation where like to your earlier example there's a lease between the homeowner and the tenant in the apartment and that lease like a standard lease if they if they sell their house the lease survives that say write that kind of stuff in um and so just a little bit of like the context of our timeline um given the state's kind of timeline so it was just last Tuesday that the governor signed the affordable homes act there's a provision in it that says that the requirements for adus won't be effective for 180 days um and so that would push out to the last the pink column there um February 2025 and in the meantime so last night was August 12th the planning board hearing opened um the planning board hearing is going to remain open at least another couple months until we absolutely have to close it for the town meeting warrant um and then at some point this fall like the the legislation says that the housing the executive office of Housing and livable communities May promulgate guidance guidelines to kind of help municipalities through the process um and to understand the law they they they also may not um they're very busy with MBTA communities so I don't you know I don't I don't know and I couldn't get any real good Intel on on that there I should know more in a couple weeks when there's like going to be some webinars put on by state agencies to kind of help planners figure this out um but you know we're and the planning board hasn't had a chance really to react to the feedback that they got last night and so I'm going to investigate all of the concerns that were brought up and bring them back a lot more information for October and they may or sorry September they may decide um that they want to do things completely differently or just wait for the guidance to come out um to see if there's guidance um so you know like currently the current thinking is this fall town meeting November 12th but that like they really haven't had a chance to kind of reconvene after the after last night yet to chart a path forward that might make more sense today is planning board yeah and is the Commonwealth generally favorable to this it sounds like it right they look at this as a way of increasing housing stuff that's why we're doing it right and you mentioned MBTA and then there's I guess other uh like the 30b is does this dovetail into those plans we adop it so that's a great question so um the the the way that so it's complic so the way that multifam is defined right would be more than two units per lot right and the accessory apartment is really just two units per lot so it doesn't really fit neatly into NBTA community's piece of it unless we were to say more than one accessory apartment per lot and then we might get closer to that um the this this legislation is not like 40b like 40b you've probably heard of right it's a comprehensive permit process where a town doesn't have enough affordable housing according to the state and a developer can come in and say I'm putting this you know ginormous midrise building anywhere I want and I don't have to comply with local zoning or any local regulations right this is not that the accessory Apartments will still have to comply with Title 5 local Wetland regulations I mean but it would I mean not that we're anywhere close to meaning the criteria but if the AAS were affordable they could count towards the to subsidized housing inventory yes absolutely right they're affordable yeah um and so next slide please it to another dollar count you don't rent it to your mother you just put it in there do you have multiple presentations lock the door I have well add's going to do do the next one and then I have another one um but so just a recap of next steps the hearing is is still open the next session is September 9th um and then the process Town Council is going to review the draft bylaw that the planning board has um shortly I I plan to send it to them tomorrow or Thursday um and then you know you know the warrant closes you know the rest of this stuff I got it from got it from Ryan so um so that's great that's that okay thank you it's great thank you very much hello Addie hello Addie hi guys how's it going great what have you got uh I've got MBTA communities updates and I'm going to apologize in advance because I have Co so if I space out I apologize um can I have the um can I share my screen y do I need to be made a presenter Ryan is taking care of it right now now you're good okay so thanks everyone um I'm excited to give you an update on where we are with the subcommittee um of the planning board we have a a great group that's been getting together frequently for the last several months including uh members of the so of me representing the planning board uh a board Heth member um K I don't know if you're there in the select board capacity or in the Housing Trust capacity but one of those um we have a member of the um what was that I'm select board because Chris Johnson's there for all right Chris Johnson's there um for affordable housing trust we have Christina for the sustainability committee and I'm sure there are more that I'm missing um but um oh here's the list thank you thank you Julie for putting together my slides for me um we also um have uh Helen from kcom so just a quick reminder on what the law is um carile must zone for 95 new units that's 5% of the town's 2020 housing stock at at a minimum gross density of 15 units per acre and this is a this is going going to be a critical one so hold this in your the back of your mind um and forget what you think the word gross means um pretty gross wait wait until you see the math I wish I could see all your faces CU I I'm only seeing the screen in myself um anyway um sorry going back um it must be uh multif family which means that it has to be allow for one building of three or more units or sorry three units or two buildings um each with more than one unit which basically means the minimum um unit count is three units uh but you can have two buildings with two units and that's four units obviously must be at of right for a site plan review um and it must allow for housing for families so there's no age restriction no limit on bedroom counter size and no limit on number of occupants in the zoning excuse me um The Zone can be any size and located anywhere in town um you may have heard of other restrictions for other towns sometimes it's hard to navigate uh what's applicable to us and what's not but this very specifically is um we are allowed to zone for any size uh create a zone of any size and located anywhere in town and um it's important to note that we it's not on this list but it probably is on a future slide critically um we so Title Five must be uh adhered to so um that's a very critical aspect of our strategy here um and then in terms of affordability we can require up to 10% of the units be affordable to households earning 80% a mar income but we can't um impose a greater level of affordability restriction so the strategies under consideration really fall into two categories one is um a true 15 units per acre type development where you can see here on the top a quick sketch up of what 15 units on one acre might look like um this is in a three-story building and it takes up about a 6,000 ft foot print um this would need to be um serviced by either utilities on the edge of town or um something other than private septic and well given the lack of space to fit such things on a 1 acre site with 15 units um and more importantly uh given certain requirements or limitations of Title 5 poses that we'll get to um this strategy might be appropriate for um uh Town own sites um combining housing and a community center we've been talking a little bit about that or small scale musical opportunities like the bouser Highland uh We've also been talking about single family conversion to multif family so you could imagine how you know a 6,000 foot six bedroom um home could be potentially uh carved up into three uh two-bedroom units seen that done we've probably all seen that done in um Arlington Lexington all over the place with some of the older larger buildings and larger homes um in those towns um and then there's our creative strategy with them which is a multi family conservation cluster which would allow us to do um a density that looks more like what you see at the bottom of the page here which is really just uh six townhouse units on a 3 Acre Site um so critically what you're looking at up above is a 1 acre and down here it's a 3 acres so it's unfortunately not uh scaled properly But ultimately what you're perceiving in this approach below is a much much lower density than you would at the 15 units an acre above but this lower um scheme does meet the 15 units an acre Den requirement of this of the of the law for a very specific reason that I'll get into in a second so here are the codes the rules the MBC commun NBC communties guidelines says that the gross density calculation again suspend your knowledge of the word gross um excludes surface water bodies wetlands and buffers projected open space and land needed to protect private um and public water supply so this is really the critical point here because with Title 5 any lot that is both private septic and private well is considered nitrogen sensitive in in that it um is it is um restricted to protect the uh public and private uh water supply so this is why with Title 5 we're only allowed to build four bedrooms per acre with a conventional seting septic system um so as you probably have experienced there's the one 10 gallons per bedroom per day for the nitrogen loading on a on a single family home site or a or a residential site that has septic and well and that's um that allows for 440 gallons per bedroom per day on that acre uh which is equivalent to four bedrooms so nitrogen sensitive land is excluded land for the purposes of calculating a gross density under the law um which is um kind of where we find our opportunity so as Julie says here wake up here's the math um so it turns out that a survey acre meaning an acre um that a surveyor would calculate is exactly 43,560 ft but Title 5 defin an acre as 40,000 sare ft so there's there's our excluded land right there the 40,000 sare ft of nitrogen loading land which means that the developable land per the NBTA community's calculation of density is only 3560 ft for each acre it's about 8.2% of an acre um and so the bedrooms that are allowed on that on that acre are four so you can imagine have a four bedro and 1000t house um that that house um if you were to just do a quick density calculation it's really um one unit per 88.2% of an acre not per acre does that make sense so I can't see my audience I'm so used to read body language okay um so so the the concept here is that we cluster bedrooms into units on theot develop land um and then the excluded land which is the nitrogen loading land is excluded from the gross density calculation and this enables to us to create a density that feels more like carile but still provides um multifam um and it complies with Title 5 and so therefore it meets the density requirements of the NTA communities law um and and we've sort of been characterizing this as technically meets the requirements of law it that makes it sound like it's underhanded it actually isn't it is technical but it also is real so quickly sort of trying to visualize this because I found many times that I've tried to explain this that um a drawing helps so the idea here is that we have one survey acre which is the purple 40,000 ft of that survey acre is nitrogen loading land and so it's excluded from the definition ex excluded from the calculation of and the developable land which is the denominator in the units per acre is 3560 you know as you know of course an acre can come in any shape it's not necessarily you know 200 by 27.8 but that's sort of what my bra did today so Addie I'm trying to follow this but in this sketch then the the the little corner there the 3560 is like barely one house like it's just you don't actually have to limit your developable your act you don't actually have to liit limit the development to the area of the developable land okay it's simply the math for the calculation because of the fact that so in other words right we have I I we have you know 6,000 squ foot homes on 2 acre lots right U they're not just limited to the quotequote devel land within that that site they can be anywhere within that site they can be well more than a footprint of 60 or 71 but it meets meets or exceeds the requirement because of the way you define it and then your your septic and your field would be in the nitrogen loading land I guess right yeah yeah I mean the anything can be anywhere really um technically but as we develop this we're going to start thinking about um how we want to craft the zoning so that there is kind of Conservation Area and developed area um but technically just because it's nitrogen loading land it doesn't mean you can't build on it all it means is that when we calculate the density for the purposes of the law we use the 3560 Square ft as the denominator yeah at the denominator so what where does this all lead to like where do we find all this land well hold on hold on we're getting there right yeah do we have a lot of yeah we do we do so let let let me just kind of finish this the rationale here so um Julie this is a new slide so my if I'm saying too much I call this we're kind of threading a needle here this is the eye of the needle right so land is considered nitrogen sensitive to served by private septic and private well those are the two things that need to be there um the maximum number of residents allowed on a private well so to be private it has to have a maximum number of 25 users and what Linda Fantasia has told us is that typically Mass D if they see a development with multiple Wells um trying to you know reduce it to 25 residents per well um within a single development they'll say no no no you got to do a public water supply for that which makes which is a regulated well which has all kinds of other protections Etc but it renders that land no longer nitrogen sensitive and so it's not it doesn't end up with the same kind of calculation so we're trying to keep it to that 25 users um and with the design residence per bedroom it's two per bedroom um as it is with all um water and septic related things um whether or not the actual occupancy is less so it's designed to the maximum occupancy so the max number of bedroom rooms for private septic and private well is 12 with 24 residents because obviously you can't have half a bedroom um and then so for 24 residents the max maximum number of nitrogen sensitive Acres um that you can um utilize for this strategy is three with four bedrooms per acre that creates 24 24 or 12 bedrooms rather um and of course the minimum units for the NBTA communities law is three so the idea here is that for 3 acre lots with a survey acreage of 130,000 sare ft and a Title 5 AC of 120,000 Square ft so that's the excluded land what's left is the 10,680 square ft of developable land um and that the bedrooms for the conventional titley aseptic system is going to be 12 bedrooms so we can we can distribute 12 bedrooms in six units as um you know two bedrooms per unit so the the technical density the calculated density for the law in that sense is 24 and2 units per acre but really we see it we perceive it as two units an acre and then um you we can do it as 12 bedrooms uh with 12 bedrooms that's four units so three bedrooms per unit um that's by the calculation 16.3 units per acre but really we perceive it as 1.3 units per acre so this is just the same thing over again but with a larger um space allocated to it um and we sort of talked about this but the developable land specific location not need not be defined so what's interesting is that the um the feedback that we've gotten from the state is that they they think this strategy is really interesting and creative and others who are in a similar other towns that are in a similar situation as us with um townwide dependence upon SE uh private septic and private Wells have gotten at this kind of as more of a blunt instrument not quite threading the needle like we have um but in general the concept is the same where there's land that's carved off as kind of conservation land and then the um the multif family density is concentrated into well it's it's just on a smaller portion of the lot and then because the conservation land gets carved out in the density calculation now you have a smaller area of land that's um that that becomes your denominator for your units per acre calculation um and they like our approach so much that they were willing to give us an unlocked version of their compliance model so that we can model our strategy their compliance model critically does not allow for it does not it does not contemplate nitrogen land as um excluded land even though the regulations and their own guidelines say that it is so they gave us their unlocked model not us but our consultant so that we could model our approach and accurately reflect the nitrogen sensitive land um so we the next steps for the subcommittee is to um narrow some our list of strategies figure out locations in the town where this make sense um compile and analyze our survey results um potentially go to another survey that it gets more specific about this um and then submit recommendations to the planning board um our goal here is for this to go to town meeting in the spring um so we'll be hard at work this fall to try to zero in on uh a strategy that we think can can work um we're going to have an open house um October 16th and then another one in mid late November open house means so the open house concept is I need to see you people I'm sorry I have to stop sharing um the openhouse concept is that this is a complicated concept and it's really helpful to have pretty direct one-on-one conversations with folks to try to walk them through how we're trying to approach this in a way that enables us to create zoning that would result in development that fits the character of carile as opposed to complying more with a letter of the law and just simply finding a 6 and a half acre site somewhere and saying okay you can build 95 units on that got it um y great Addy this is really helpful and informative and I'm so glad that so many bright people within carile have been working on this it's good thank you it's been it's been fun all that's great as we get ourselves untwisted from being a pretzel trying to figure this out yes and again the output is would be a zoning change in certain strategically selected areas to enable the development that would satisfy the law right it's a zoning change and um so there's locations and there's language and but and then then you need someone that actually wants to develop according to that we don't we don't need that oh you don't even need that you just need to Zone it and then you're good and if someone buys a land and builds a giant houses it doesn't matter or it's just zoned it's it's a it would be a zoning option so the subcommittee is still working to determine whether it would be an overlay or a change to base zoning or what kind of how it would fit into zoning but it would be an option would it restrict people to that type of structure or it's just zoned okay interesting they could even buy a single house divided up into four units interesting if it's in the zone if it's in you know and there you got your 15 acre you know you've got got one built where's the bog house fit to this right great question perfect Segway right y it is y I mean that's sounds like it falls into that needle potentially could potentially oh this was our first offsite isn't that perfect really the first that was really the first one of the year of the Year Okay this may have been our first since I've been here about the BG no about offsite oh offsite okay all right so I'll just jump right in you guys have seen this before before I just updated it with today's date um next slide please Ryan um so feasibility study step one is just documentation of existing conditions so here I just mentioned we do have some existing documentation um and then at the other end we have $20,000 of funding that was approved at town meeting so I split that $220,000 between two Consultants we have um $115,000 for the engineering site survey um like hoping that contract that gets finalized like this week or next week I'm like work I've been working back and forth with them on the scope um and then the architectural um piece is $5,000 that one's like signed and they're ready to go what couldn't be included in this amount of funding was a septic analysis or like a survey of the location where we think inpic might go um that's that was what all the back and forth I had the was we were trying to figure out if they could like squeeze that in with the 15K and they were just like no um so I did ask them to provide a scope so that we have an idea of what that would cost if we get to that step um after this this first step um next slide please so the engineering scope it includes a survey oh no it doesn't show my I well here yeah just circle the B house Ryan around where the the wetlands and the the bog are like okay I'll do it so the the survey limits right here I had outlined it in red but I don't know it didn't come through um and so they're going to just that's approximately 2 Acres they think and so they're going to stick to that side of curve Street um it was the the thing I'm asking for a scope for is is some area down here where there's the field where I'm told would be a good location for a new septic um but so the scope now includes that part I with the bog house it' be a property line survey and a too and utility survey including a wetland delineation so that we have is on the the top yeah the other side across the street the street acoss the street got you so you have to drill through the street you there would be some work needed in the street um yeah so above the street just basically understanding what's on the site now what are the current property constraints like having a wetland cenation is going to be helpful having a survey of of this side will be helpful um I'll explain in a minute actually so next slide please the architecture scope um includes just existing conditions of the 4 and a half acre structure we don't have that so they be to scale dimensioned the entire building so we understand how much square footage we really have um they they'll prepare a summary of findings and then they're going to prepare one planning option um with the space arranged in the best way they can to meet the programmatic goals and then um fast forward with that planning option they'll prepare a preliminary conceptual cost estimate and then help us figure out an implementation plan um notably here it is important for them to understand what the programmatic goals are um we can come back to that and then uh next slide please Ryan so this information is necessary because we can't really go anywhere until we understand what it is we have so we need to document existing conditions on town home property the survey level data and information is required uh when we carve the land out of article 97 um and then this documentation it could be leveraged towards any future use like it doesn't have to be just for housing but if if something else is better for this property this documentation will be useful to that too um and it can inform decision- making and next steps what we can expect from this first step um we'll we'll uncover any showstoppers or major constraints right related to the site or the building conditions um Gap at the site visit mentioned you know that this will be helpful in helping the town kind of rule out some things um just based on the different commercial and residential building codes and and understanding the square footage and the egresses and different requirements uh that the building will have um can help us rule out uses and then just determining next next steps like uh if we learn that we think you know there's a use that's possible then we can kind of work figure out what what scopes of work do we need for the next step of the process um uh next slide please okay and then just like process considerations don't pay any attention to the little icons they don't really mean much um but so current occupancy there's tenants and farming equipment um the land custody issue needing to transfer it from kcom to the select board then the the article 97 carve out um so there's a waiver process if that doesn't apply even though we might we might comply with kind of the intent of it if we don't comply with the letter of it we may need to find land or funds to exchange right carve out this land from article 97 we have to give something back or find some funds um I believe the next application cycle is January but I need to confirm that um this these aren't in any necessarily in any particular order and some of them will H Could Happen simultaneously it should happen simultaneously um and then there's historic opportunities with the property and this was discussed at the site visit like historic preservation restrictions like can unlock funding but they also come with strings attached so just investigating that I believe it's on the state Register it's not on the Federal Register but again like um people who've done uh projects housing projects in historic properties have said one of the most important things they did was get the property on the national register because it unlocked Federal historic tax credits um so something worth investigating that is maybe like a two-year process though so it's not something that would happen overnight um and then zoning options right so we don't currently have zoning in place to allow multif family in the Bog house um there are some Provisions in the zoning bylaw that may be able to be updated to be amended fairly easily to allow something like this or maybe this becomes part get lumped in with the MBTA communities if we pursue that multif family conservation cluster strategy um and then just an important note here so because this is being talked about publicly so frequently I'm getting being contacted by different entities such as the Attorney General's office uh new housing affordability unit reached out and said we want to figure out how we can assist Carla with this process with this project so um Town Council and I met with them and one of the things that you know I suggested was advocacy on behalf of the town to the eoea which is the Executive Office of Environmental and energy Affairs um and they oversee the article 97 and right so they they did express interest in in advocating um for like like again you know other state agencies that have regulations that are making housing more difficult um so so 97 we would take it out of agricultural land and cons are they one and the same kcom and agriculture yeah they're conservation purposes right and it would become just Town property right PL Old Town property and presumably zoned in some way for for other municipal use something like that yeah um uh next slide yeah and then just additional process considerations community outreach obviously is important um and then just the housing afford affordability piece so at some point we'll need to see how that pencils out um I did get a a scope of work uh an estimate um for from um a a company that specializes in affordable housing and they said like for 10K they could kind of help us figure that out um I don't know if that's something figure out the affordability yeah kind of like this is all after the the preliminary work as you're saying where you discard certain right options and you focus in on those that are reasonably so if if we get there to that being the goal right like and then it looks like it can work in the structure yeah we can but we're having this conversation informally at the site visit but in the first phase of this the phase you're in we're not are we going to get a ROM idea of the cost of they're going to put together a cost estimate for US based on their planning option right so you know um we'll have to figure out what all they're considering as part of that so maybe that would OB maybe that would obviate this piece um but yeah if they come back $2 million to fix it it's not really affordable right well depends funding opportunities is the next yeah so you know if if we determine that this could be uh community housing it could unlock CPA funds um the Housing Trust has funds Mass housing has grants I had someone out from Mass housing in January I think taking a look at the property um there's interest there but weren't we at in this early stage we weren't really ready to apply for a grant after this like they they want to know that Mass housing wants to know that they're allocating their grants to projects that will actually result in housing um so so maybe at a future phase um again historic tax credits and then my note here on the side is Habitat for Humanity they've expressed interest like a lot of interests in in this project um and they do do their own fundraising um and so that's something we should probably continue to explore if housing is the goal um local process obviously this is going to go to every single land you Sport and then some um and then project procurement so those are I'm sure there's steps in here I haven't thought of or that will reveal themselves when more is known but this is the universe of things for for now um this is going to hit all the all the buttons along the way I think potentially the only thing that's not on the site is ledge sometime some properties also have ledge oh you haven't gone down yet but Oh you mean as a challenge as a con yeah okay but once Tony gets out it you'll find so besides acknowledging the tremendous amount of work that Julie and others have put in into these three projects the the point of bringing it to was um Carlile historically has a process problem with big problems like this so it tends to go from board to board to board so these three big discussions are happening townwide the fast faster the select Board gets involved and expresses their concerns problems issues the more likely it is we hit these tremendous markers so um I just did the the meeting calendar for the town meeting which is likely to be at the end of April which means you have essentially eight to 12 meetings to include the budget and all the other things in order to to weigh on these topics so it's just not possible in your meeting schedule without some concerted goal making efforts on them is this we didn't talk timing so Julie if you go back to like phase one what the study that you're now commissioning or you have commissioned that's when is that information yeah known so it should be in the next month or two but what would be helpful is um if this is all for not because the slib doesn't want to do any of this or doesn't want us to be engaging in this process then that would be good to know now no but I mean or if there was a goal in mind that that you definitely would approve depending on cost and all the other variables then then we can really hone in on it isn't that again we were having this same discussion same Log Jam between you and me um it seems like you got a Baseline and you got to say these things are just not feasible for I mean you can spend enough money you can do anything but these are really not feasible Alternatives here are a few feasible alternatives and the ballpark of those is X or some range don't we have to have that first before we can tell you well this because I don't know I can't say I want it to be affordable housing if it's a $2 million for three Apartments that's not a good use of $2 million like there's lots more we can do there different funding options but I get it but you got another goal I I think what Ryan is saying is that they that we are kind of the policymaking board and we have to determine what you know use ultimately or goal we want to see with this the bog house being a good example so if we want housing there or if we want municiple I don't know off offices something like that but to your point you really can't figure that out until you get do this for you get some some numbers and cost this is going to happen pretty soon not even the cost it sounds like this study will at least tell us physically what's possible maybe it doesn't get us all the cost estimates but as you said it will rule out probably some options so let's look at that I don't want it to sit there and fall apart for the next eight years let's take let's take that to do nothing off the this year and I think you know I think there's probably a handful of uses that will want to yeah housing community use we can put a priority on that depending on cost estimates that come in but I don't think there's a huge range of potential uses for it and so I think let's get the study in and then let's just move to kind of trying to help you push this through down the line or wherever it needs to go but also the two density discussions that happens MBTA zoning and the a lot of moving Parts here the AA bylaw those are going to be the town will be looking to you to weigh in on those very important discussions so but on those I mean again you tremendous work by Julie and adding and everybody but just reflecting back on the setting this one aside the AA now that the governor signed a bill and you're bringing us into compliance that that seems I won't say no-brainer but that seems pretty logical like we would want a bylaw that is roughly in line with the state and nods to our particularities and then whether we seek to promote that use is a whole another question but at least at least we get the bylaw right that that seems like a smart thing to do and MBTA unless we want to go the way of Milton I mean we got to figure out a way to comply and sounds like there's a creative solution so why wouldn't we do that right I mean I I don't see on those first two anything to say we wouldn't do those things those are things that are in line with our objectives they make perfect sense they've been well researched this one is just more problematical because eventually it's going to come to what's the best use of the money and we know because we live at every meeting lots of people are rais their hand for you know funding got it it there is not an option no no no we some money will have to be spent money will have to be spent so I I remember one of the goals money first sat with this board talk about goals and you said affordable housing is a goal so there's here's three paths to affordable housing yeah we don't know that cranberry bog is a path to affordable housing yet a path it might be a path might be a path maybe but that's isn't this what the stud's going to help confirm I mean isn't that kind of what we're waiting for we're all saying the same thing yeah so I don't I don't see us delaying on I think the next step is to get the information back and then we we agreed to fund this initial step so let's just get it going and and we did that because we want to have it as a productive asset or I mean not as we sit here today having turning it into housing in a in an economic fashion using fund alternate funds is would probably be the best case scenario as we sit here today to me right okay the other I'm just going to just one more time the other two issues without without you getting involved in my opinion as your advisor not as anyone who cares about the outcome right will spiral because um right now it's in the committee and the people who are very knowledgeable about it know a lot about about it but as the community becomes exposed it's going to get those are town meeting boats right correct so your opinion and weighing in and Leadership on those issues is is going to be essential as as you look at all the communities that have done MBTA communities or accessory apartment bylaws you the the the towns that are rowing in the same direction and have the fights early in the committee meetings are successful and the ones who don't like the town meetings just explode so okay that's why we're exposing it to and and those are fall town meeting the accessory apartment would be fall town meeting and then the the planning board still needs to to talk about whether they still want to move forward or or wait for the guide potential guidance to come out um you know because there is a risk with moving forward without knowing what the guidance is going to be the guidance on doublea's yep like if this if if the housing and livable communities um division will put out guidance so but I would say we would want to put something before the town no later than annual town meeting right yeah so that that would be the target I think you know if they don't do it this well for MBTA we have to yeah so so and then we I I think the planning board was trying to avoid putting both of them out at the same time but uh put one in the fall then put one in the fall well that was the one that's why they were going to try to do AA in the fall but they're but the window's going to close fast ready for that okay yeah okay I don't think we heard anything anything tonight though that is objectionable no I think what he's saying is you're going to have to we're going to have to on top of it going to be a horse race we can't just sit back and let the process play out exactly just we need to stay aware what's going and and I think one of your slides said Outreach Outreach Outreach or something like that but Outreach is important what Ryan sayings Outreach is going to be important and I I am worried that fall time meeting is too soon cuz everybody's on vacation right now they're only going to wake up in about 3 or 4 weeks and we're running right into setting the agenda I realize that you're having these hearings so that's good but that's a question I think maybe also a question for you and the planning board do we have enough knowledge is enough knowledge about this complicated issue been disseminated to enable people to get their heads wrapped around it by November 12th you're talking about the accessory yes I mean that's the only one that's really mean I would say there isn't enough knowledge currently just because we don't this the legislation was just signed we don't know if there's guidance coming um but that might change in a few weeks a month um what's the tenor of the feedback on this from the community are people well last night they had a hearing and you heard both sides of that I mean some people wanted to said gosh we need to push it off because we want to wait till hear what the state has because it makes no sense to try and preempt the state and others said no it makes a lot of sense to preamp let's get this in place so that we'll you know if we need to tweak it down the road right but were any of those parties saying I don't want it it's too many people I don't want the density you weren't getting that feedback and the Nim the nimi faction says just don't make it dense right we got some critical feedback it wasn't in the nimi category right was just more about the technical aspect so it's really just early we're going to do it but should we do it early or should we do it and and also how should we do it you know some of the mechanics of it right um and and then you know if like the state law doesn't require that the the towns have a bylaw right we can have a site plan review process which is by right for accessory dwelling units you know up to 900 square ft we don't have to if we don't have one what would happen in the interim like once the law becomes effective if someone comes in with an application that is 900 ft and meets that they could just get a building permit right so that's all that's a good argument that's a very good argument to say let's put it on fall toown meeting let's be ahead of it so that by February whatever well I'm not making that argument I'm just saying that is how it would no but that is a good argument for the early the planning board would have to decide if if they if if they think that's a good argument for doing it early right okay so is the planning board I mean we're well aware town meeting calendars are they also I mean yes I I I think I've they know their window for making information they talked about last so they know like they have two months basically to sort it out okay yeah they have been talking about the accessory apartment byas since February um right and they did gel around some ideas which is why they felt like starting the public hearing process was appropriate um you know the landscape has shifted a little bit okay so think we're having an exciting annual town meeting sh up to be not like was it last year we were out in like two hours well well I know we have one more kind of agenda item but we've kind of we may not have enough time to get thank you very much thank you for exciting very exciting hey Julie old house are we set for Thursday morning yes that thing is it it's at 8 or all coordinated it's at 9:00 9:00 okay wait thanks all right so another thank you Julie sure thanks thank I hope you feel better another small topic is um what you asked to be brought as the Town Administrator bylaw so I'm going to turn this over to Kate but I did want to help frame two two points one is um there's really there's obviously always more than three options but there's really three options there's a local bylaw there's a special act bylaw and there's a charter everything I've heard from you the charter is off the table so really you have the two other options so that here is the difference a a local bylaw would set anything within your purview under that policy of the bylaw but would not touch anything that that relates to Mass General law so any of the um siloing or things you wanted to address through the Town Administrator would not would not be impacted by a local bylaw if you change to a special act then you're amending Massachusetts General law and stating what carile wants for the law and it would have to go to legislature so those are your two paths can you do the faster one first and then pursue the other one after can because you can do this just through town meeting right yes I just I just want to make sure you know that if you're trying to do something the the C things the general bylaw would not accomplish a lot of those things it kind of just puts a stake in the ground it doesn't really have any Authority the the one that would require legislature is is that a majority vote at town meeting the same yes same threshold it's just the added step of then going to the legislature for ratification so instead of adopting a general law you're making one got that's the difference so is that why because in reading this I liked it but in the beginning of it it it's sort of Silent on those staff people who are basically appointed by independent boards that aren't the select board right so that's what I wanted to so the framing problem one is how you create this by law the the second one is what I would call the your main concerns in terms of and I'm trying to use Town Administrator on purpose not me right so the Town Administrator functions in the town so one of them is appointments and evaluations and hiring and firing is what people generally call it so who who does the Town Administrator hire and fire and who do other people hire and fire the second thing is overall HR Authority which is connected to appointment Authority as well but right in areas where it's silent who is in charge of human resources and Personnel the third is the control of town hall and or more so does the Town Administrator have the ability to make changes in town hall or hours and structures and things the fourth one is what authorities as a select board and other boards delegating to the Town Administrator so here is where you solve your problem of who approves Cemetery Deeds right those types of things and then the last one I think is important that wasn't in the government study is investigation power so do you want to give the Town Administrator the ability to investigate things like ethics and other things so right now my authority to do that the town administrator's authority to do that comes through you when you say invest investigate you mean specific cases where something is alleged or in general in general or it could be in cases it could it's however much investigation power you want to give to the chief executive right but so that solves a problem why it matters why I just want to bring it up why it matters is a lot of the times you say well how are we supposed to know what goes on in the town unless you tell us right so that that helps solve that problem in some cases and it also does bring on other problems too if right but most of those of except for maybe the first one the the power is already sitting here at the select board level right it's just to me all those other ones are just facets of what we could delegate to you we're we're completely in our own authority to for example hire the police chief or you know things we do anyone H well not anyone I don't know about anyone I don't know about health agent for example but but and not not superintend of the schools right I mean there's certain let's use that we can't hire the superintendent of schools an independently elected body takes care of that correct so we can't assign any rights just to Ryan but almost everything else Cemetery Deeds what wattage this light bulb is how many times we clean the bathrooms dog catchers whatever we can assign CU it's ours to assign so you mentioned it five things but to me it's two things it's all the stuff we have we can create the authority and you and it's the stuff we don't have that's why I was asking you you do carve out schools in this draft you don't and you carve out Police and Fire Chiefs you don't carve out like Health agent or town planner I guess she is under you or conservation agent whatever and I don't know some of those are appointed by independent boards that that's why we need to do it as the uh as through the legislature that piece that piece because so the piece we can do now we just do as stuff we have and we delegate out right yeah well but we've done that we right in a we that is in the bylaw so well you carve out with the exception of school department I don't and for some reason police and fire chief no uh just the point remove all the fire department cuz he's a strong Chief and the library well last the last piece that I would have you consider is you can so it's Authority or or some people would call it power so you can you can give it all you can give some or you can give and then um check and balance the way American government always works right so an example is the Town Administrator can appoint everybody no questions asked but the select board has to ratify it with X Vote or the select board has to be notified in this many days or the appointing board has to ratify it as well so you can give the power and curb it so the the examples in here and that were given in your government task force um seem to be a way to to compromise through some of the difficulties that exist in the town so you could say the Town Administrator hires everyone except for these five people right which you kind of did say here yeah so it's not meant to be prescriptive as much as to have you talk about it like right you always talk about your big four yeah in terms of hiring right you might say that explicitly um our author is is delegated except for these four people my I still not maybe articulating my question let's look at 3.3.2 B well really A and B so a says we accept we we exclude the the school department and B says we also exclude the hiring and firing of police and fire chiefs and then it goes on and it lets Library trustees and fire department but not Police Department and it never mentions Board of Health and the health agent that's right why because it is the health agent our appointment or the board of Health's appointment so way the way this is written it would take away all appointing authority from any anyone under mgl which is Health agents kcom agent the town planner and we can do that without an mgl revision you cannot cannot so this is written the mgl way like going the mgl we pass a bylaw this is the legislature this is the harder this is the longer route this is the longer rout I wrote it so you're advocating go right to the I'm advocating going to the state well that's really the Crux of this conversation do we want to put in a shorter we right now are silent on lots of things why wouldn't we put in a shortterm one that we can just vote in the fall and be done with it and then work on the because I think you can put this one on the fall and but it it's G to take how long you even if it approves it doesn't it's not ratified for how long and what do you do in the interim yeah can you work under that while you wait or you just kind of in a holding pattern until for two years versus I am in that right now but we could pass fix a lot of it but we could pass a bylaw I think what you're saying is we could pass a bylaw that just takes effect that does 70% of it and then do uh yeah so you have that in place while leg while you're waiting for legis right is the feeling that interm step is not worth doing or that's that's really up to you it's right we shouldn't be looking at Ryan we should be looking at Kate well I I thought we could R we could could you pass both pass this as a bylaw but okay so if in this byw a bylaw it um it would give him the authority but no but well gives them the responsibility but not really the authority so let me ask you this let's say there's a part A and Part B yeah and part A is stuff that we have complete authority over and Part B is stuff we have to go the mgl right if we pass a by that's just a we're done we've got a we did it if we pass an A and B and now we have to go to mgl for the B part does it mean we to scuss point are we in a holding pattern on the a part too which we could have cleaned up just easily no we can't clean it up easily because I don't think I don't think if we have a bylaw that's just limit our delegation of our authority to him we can do that we pass it we're done we don't need a bylaw for that we don't need a because we do it anyway we do it anyway but we need this for the it's not cifi yeah but I know but is that a risk because I've was hearing for last few years that from the task force which wasn't any of this was you you aren't clear you're not clear enough about what in fact you've delegated to the TA right of your stuff not of other people's stuff of your stuff right and that's where I started right but you veered from that so my question Remains the Same If part A is that stuff and Part B is stuff we don't have the authority for and we package them are we putting the part A in the holding pen for two years while it dribbles through you don't think so have we talked to council about that well we haven't cut okay I mean that's to me the critical issue this is getting the questions together that we I would like to see us clean uple up right so there's and then tackle theu it sounds like there's definitely appetite to do the longer term thing yeah but is there some so assuming we can do that and get that ped then it's going to take how long before it actually gets implemented two years it's a year or two year two depend on how fast legislature so is there a tactic to fill that year or two that's worthwhile or is it just keep doing business as business is done until it's so the benefit to answer David's question the difference would be you can change your delegation Authority at any meeting right now if you wanted to create a bylaw then it would require another town meeting right so it creates more this is what the government task force says creates more stability and carves out roles for you and for others um that would be the benefit of a half step is there a could we do a forgive me I'm still getting my head around this conversation but could we do a policy that the select board we vote on our own that just codifies what we view as the town administrator's role that we as a board just gets that in paper so it's we have the written thing we approve it and then we and that we can do with our powers right that that are under our purview we do that and then we do the longer term approach so at least it's not a bylaw but it's a it's a clear approved policy that we add like our other policies that at least gives Ryan or if you know if this drags out gives whomever the clarity about what the role is it doesn't have as much teeth as a bylaw but it gets it at least it gets it down on paper and it's yes and it and it doesn't have to go back to B to town meeting every time you want to change some of the authority and it's all within our as you have mentioned all within our purview anyway so I figured what's the point of doing the bylaw if we could do this without it and we can just we do a poliy step all right that's fine I mean I'd like to I would like to clean up policy is fine with me I'd like to clean up you know Ken Ryan set Town Hall hours for example I like his list like we can go through his list and just talk about what we as a board want to do on specific things right anything that's within the framework so HR what's what's your input been on this draft um I found the the mechanical paragraphs that would respond to things that you've brought up and so this was supposed to be an all-inclusive list okay that you could um and then worked with Kate to go over historically what has been discussed as things that have been sticking points is there anything in this list that you're like no like I'm not for that at all I mean I'm it's hard not to see me in the in the thing right and what the town really needs to do is see the the town administ right right people been arguing about chief executive since the re solution so the um the key problems that you talk about though right are like you constantly change even in my two years here right it's almost two years now like who do we hire and fire and how do we solve these connection issues right those are the the main things that like if you don't do it you're not doing anything right so that's really again the Crux of the problem is we know already who you cannot hire and fire but in between hiring and firing is administering and we're trying to scoop everybody up into common policies and ways of doing things and in fact our policy if we write a policy cannot do that because certain people raise their hand say I'm exempt right right go pound sand Ryan for the bylaw too presumably well no I think the bylaw if you could muscle it through well you mean leg the legisl we're talking legisl yes legis we can't fast forward we need to do that right so I'm saying I think we have no choice I agree we have no choice I'm in the interim step I'm I think we're all lined up in the long-term strategy the interim strategy would have to can't be written mindlessly so it's unenforceable it would have to be narrower and would have to just call out the exclusions so that everybody else at least has to well and then if you have that and then say town you bring something before town and it passes and it's not in effect at least at least you have you have it and say is going to be an effect so I'm okay okay exactly what I was thinking look at the end of the tunnel and see the train so I'm I'm okay with that yeah I'm okay with that that's why I wrote the bylaw so all right so I guess we should just go through not tonight but we should we should weigh in on the bylaw and put it on the falltime are there are for my benefit are there [Music] any guidelines standards in other towns that we can is there anything in here that typically isn't in a Town Administrator description are there things that are usually in a Town Administrator description that aren't in this like I looked at a whole bunch of them okay and some of the and I did put some language and then Brian looked at others and he said I think this one is better than what you put in there so we kind of you know these are all written from a basis of yeah and some of these I took out of the mgl by the way some some of the towns that I chose to plagiarize um were already had already is is there a do you have special just for my benefit just so I can get caught up on it can are those are some of those examples can you point me to some of those just so I can read other ones just to like get I had them on my original version and then I decided no I'm going to just give you the okay clean you know how I think you know but I will certainly send you the the references that I used so there's 351 versions of this yeah yeah did did um the governance test TK Force they also did some comparables right I started there I that's where I started okay yep and then I decided to stiffen up some of the yeah some of the things that I didn't feel were strong enough right and count town at some point Town Council would review this absolutely well yeah the way it's number we just need to come up though with on the the policy side and I I actually go back to what Ryan laid out but things like appointments you know and delve into okay so what are we comfortable with on appointments and same with you know HR Authority do we want to give them total Authority and is there anything you want to let I mean so we need to have another discussion another review of this right the timeline is this a target for the fall town meeting yes okay so it has to happen the next pretty soon two meetings basically we are jam-packed we tell you it's it's we might have to have some extra meetings I have feeling okay well and because budgeting is coming up too and I think we need to be talking about budget as well to start you know before Ryan get well there's a few key items that we're probably just going to have more time to hash out right like this you could see this being an hour on an agenda just to like right so we may end up having one extra meeting or you know something like that when do we need to finalize the proposed language for fall town meeting September 24th just working back 24th the warrant will close so October 12th October 12th and that's a vetted yeah okay so we have a little bit of time not a lot it's basically a month Julie wants to get the AA by L we're talking about the timeline to get the AA by L in and get this if we I don't know I think it's a valid question for this board but if we have competing priorities what is what are our top priorities in getting done and I think that a lot of these other well the heavy lifting on the AA will be done by other people we just have to those those involve so many more boards whereas this one seems like just us we should definitely do this one and we should do the AA I think to me the AA there's a compelling argument to ask a delicate question I can imagine this could be a contentious art depending on how it's written and what it's prescribing yes this could be contentious and I think so and and I would also raise the question of strategically fall town meeting is a less attended right so people can mobilize a vocal minority against or for you for it's going to be the beginners that show up I I think yeah so were you headed to like maybe it gets pushed or no I just I just want to think through all the well there's you know the the penalty of shooting at the king and missing right is that that um it's not that you can't bring it up again but you usually have to wait a few Cycles before you bring it up again right it's not really shooting at the king and missing because then you go away I think we target done but really we've been there before in other things once you you get shot down you really have to wait a couple years before you bring it back yeah that's the risk right I think the target needs to be fall town meeting but we need to be strategic about how we do that yeah and if for whatever reason yeah right you know so we should all think about I mean all right was late and I've run this meeting over time here you haven't run it over but I think these are all important we should we should all what's the next step so the next so our action items are to really go through this I'd love to see some of the the comps y y and really next discussion needs to be an in-depth discussion on the key points yeah and I I like it as a points rather than just the verbage at this point the lawyers will take care of that right saying what do we what Authority do we want to give up yeah y so I think delegate well the next meeting is a 27 is really given up it's all I think we should take it up let let me see what his agenda what your agenda says for the 27th here what do you well I'm saying we should we should not Dilly Deli here yeah we're going to quickly run out of time yeah we're going to quickly run out of time so I don't think I put one in this packet you did you did you did yeah we're looking and full as I recall it is well it's full but it's got stuff we just covered like bog house do we need B house again um which page is it sorry I have it on 89 but it's page 89 okay thank you OPM come r man Minister I I don't know I just I feel like uh well you guys are the keepers of the agenda but well we it's right there no wait a minute you have half an hour for it you actually put put it in already but that's not going to be long enough no well so you add a half hour at a half an hour right and maybe move I don't know maybe move it in sequence somewhere all right do you have no General no no you should would I mean how long and we will how long is absolutely second taking time right because that's we have started that uh already with our you know that precedent the update won't and then it's just how much do we want to all so I'm going to bring recommendations yeah I think I think item five the arpa is going to be fast that can be faster so you can make room in there we're going to come up we'll have a pretty specific available allocation and or I'm meeting with Ryan next week and potentially some specific recommendations about how that could be be allocated so depends on how much discussion we want to have and how much how many votes we want to take on actually allocating that but that can be done fairly quickly or it can be pushed to another meeting it's not quite as time sensitive as as this I would suggest you reach out to the um boards who have appointing authority and there are many to let them know about this discussion because if you do a draft and then bring them in it's going to add another like I would solicit input you know the input you're going to get well it's I think it'll be varied right so almost every board has delegated HR authorities so here's what would be useful they are delegating it to me as me with the current staff member I think what they would have difficulty with is do I want to delegate that Authority forever right so Arrangements change and right so it would be useful to have a chart because I don't think it's that many people right all the people who are are already under us and we've given delegated authority to you as a block right that's all those people and then there's a few people where it sounds like you've been delegated the care and feeding of those employees but not the hiring and firing of them and then there's a group I guess that's the independently appointed people who are done by those I mean if we had a little graph of like deal sors for instance well I don't know them I mean it would be good to know all those because you're saying reach out to the boards I don't know what board yeah it gets weird like the assessor appointed by you but his assistant okay but all those little nuances would be useful to uh yeah to have right and I'm assuming elected position that's just its own well it's not elected but there are elected Health these would the appointments of elected so in the school side it's just as a block right school is off table anyway so that's easy Police Chief Fire Chief well the Poli theoretically we could delegate that right we could we don't have to we could um but well and but they're employees we do not we would not delegate them and there's a difference in the strengths because the fire chief is a put it in a chart so we can figure it out just by you guys talking about it that we brought up like six different people I don't have any idea okay okay we'll do it it's kind of the what was what what's the piece that requir that legislation yes exactly and what no and what requires Outreach but what requires Outreach before you get the okay okay okay so moving right along the TA report all right in record time okay August 21st 2 p.m. we having Employee Appreciation open ice cream bar at kimbles at kimbles so uh Town Hall will be closed that afternoon and of course select war is invited to attend and eat ice cream um we had great volunteer training both day and night session we went through all kinds of things we thought uh we got pretty good feedback from the appointed officials and we will continue to do that U we've got it down to new volunteers now so it's not as many people but obviously we open it to anybody who who wants to see it the cemetery task force and Safety Committee have scheduled their first meetings so those are starting to take off uh some HR reports that you can read um and then here is a vote I'm asking you to take to open the warrant for the fall town meeting tonight with a closure date of September 24th okay all right I uh move we uh open fall town meeting uh as of sorry warrant as of August uh 13th to be um with a closure date of September 24th 2024 second any discussion all in favor I I none opposed and this is just to put into your processing without the AA bylaw and the TA bylaw I'm not sure there would be an anchor for the fall town meeting just throwing that out there enough of a draw to bring someone right as exciting as tailings is the road um just going to go over some some Capital items quickly if you went to Greeno bar all you would see is the middle section in the Koopa with a box of slate tiles and everything else is gone so if you do want to see the um green bar now is your time to see it that it should be it should be completely dismantled by the end of next week the dismantling part is the slowest part yeah cuz the road repair there's a lot of construction going on in town right now so the road repair program starts next week on the 19th and uh you will see this week some Milling on um on several roads but the the all the roads involved in the next week and a half will be Church Street curve Street Proctor Street Prospect Street River Road and School Street with School Street being last all of it will be done before school starts on the 26th there's also bike ride and and Jim's done a good job coordinating with them a detour making sure that they were taken care of um and not riding down M Road surprisingly which would have been bad the Westford Street covert the pipe went in today so they're moving pretty quickly I know this a significant detour in town um people have been pretty good about it we haven't really had any complaints as they know it's an important closure should be done by the end of the week and um I'm feeling really good about the uh contractor their communication and their professionalism so appreciate that dpw's monitoring heavily and I'm walking down every day and seeing it as well Cory Auditorium electrical construction uh Jeremy has completely taken over this project but I have good faith in him they are starting electrical construction this month and then as soon as the rest of the supplies are delivered um the project should be completed in time for fall performances at the auditorium which is good news including fall town meeting you'll have new lights for for all of you dog park they will start marking and finishing their permitting think that's a dog joke yeah they will start uh tree clearing this week at Banta Davis assuming they get their permit got my crew out there so um thanks for the visual I do expect I do expect people will comment on trees coming down at so if you can help communicate to your people that um that has been allowed for the most part that would be great Central burying ground we have four requests for quotes out for for that CPA project that was approved at town meeting have an update for you on that soon and then the concrete work at the school that was approved as part of the capital plan is complete now at the school in time for school start building construction projects we had a pre-bid conference we'll be opening bids next week for the OPM and uh hopefully selecting the OPM that night or at least opms to interview with selection happening the next week please renovation is due next week as well the OPM the building committee will review that on Friday the 23rd and Barney's your Lea is on there she's been invited they'll select OPM for an inperson interview and could have a selection as early as the end of this month and then bidding will start for the police station assuming we get through uh Board of Health permitting and then the fire station uh this I will get that um RFS out for that OPM this week so you should see that by the end of September September the decision for you to start working on okay Niche is also um working on two select board requests we are assessing Pheasant Hill Lane for improvements that would be need in order to complete that top coat so right now it looks like a survey and a recommendation I'll bring that to you for approval because it it should have some cost to it and we'd have to eat some chapter 90 money the second proposal is assessing all the coverts in town as part of a inventory plan that would finalize the horizontal construction needed for the long-term cap plan just quickly on the fen Hill Lane there was a thing about drainage there is that part of this or not yes so there's two pieces that we have to survey and then come up with options to fix the drainage in order to do the top coat and I I don't think it's going to be cheap never is the we're still testing our uh switching to EV Chargers we're still testing the price sensitivity for the next few months we've raised it to 35 to provide you with some more data in school starting again so you'll be having that extra data point of school at 30 summer and then school at 35 to see where we might set a policy around that okay discussion points upcoming fire station OPM my evaluation it's that time of year again Town Hall hours and the arpa close out which Scott mentioned earlier in terms of Staff recognition I'd like to recognize Holly she usually gets recognition this time of year for running the great summer fund program that is always highly reviewed and uh well attended in fact the wait list is is one that I've never seen in a town before she also thanked the fire department the police department the Board of Health the schools the library and the DPW for providing programming and for assisting with that program so it truly is a townwide effort and nobody complains they all go and and help Holly and the children and the staff that's there some of the programs they ran were fir truck sprinklers um touch a cruiser creating bird crafts uh at the library and movies at the school which only slightly upset Steven because he had to do work in the auditorium and all of those kids were in there that was his point she also thanked the Board of Health for keeping everyone healthy and monitoring um health of the students and staff during that work so I'd like to thank them as well and then Holly's dedication to this program um it it wouldn't run without her and it would be much less value without her so she deserves a ton of credit the only thing I've noted in the upcoming schedule is uh you'll remember I got a scholarship to attend the icma conference in Pittsburgh September 21st to the 25th and there is a selectboard meeting in there so you'll either be able to talk about me behind my back or I'll uh virtually come into that meeting depending on what you want behind the back time to do uh bylaw ta ta evaluation evaluation exactly that that is my report okay all right all right minutes um minutes and then um I move to approve uh the minutes of May 28 8 June 11th June 25th July 9th and July 23rd J as presented second okay I I I have to recuse I was absent for one so but I'll you don't have to recuse okay very good I stop okay all right so seconded um I just want to say also um Gretchen did a great job yes a lot of work a lot of work you can tell she was no longer in procurement schol school yeah all done all right uh Voice vote all in favor I I None opposed all right um Cemetery Deeds okay hang on the right folder is this one of the things we can put in the town administ if we want we will I can will does that require res big deal but it's you know every time all right I moved to transfer land in the public burial ground at Green Cemetery cribed as follows deed 828 lot D 387 Graves 1 and 2 and deed 829 lot D 388 Graves 1 and two to Kyle 915 curve Street deed 830 lot d414 Graves 1 and two to David and ncy first formerly of 615 Bedford Road and D 831 lot D 395 grave 1 to Elena Kennedy that can't probably it's 171 Westford Street I'm sure it's not 17 it's like Sunset a second second all in favor any discussion actually well all in favor I okay none opposed all right very good so I need you to sign these though y I think my pen got okay eaten by somebody buten by somebody you need any have a purple pen that oh that there it is purple pen yeah it's over there oh I don't know if you just came out the purple pen Catherine um the meeting hasn't been adjourned is there we're going to move while we're doing this um is there anybody left who would like to uh have any public comment now's a good time you can start if you got all seeing none I will take a motion to adjourn so moved all right we need a second second all in favor I I okay our meeting's over 10:03