##VIDEO ID:-tFpP-EZgkA## call a meeting to order at 7:03 will you please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening welcome everyone thanks for being here uh least we call rooll please counc Hatfield here council member H here council member W here council member gr here so here all right moves us to uh adopting the agenda Corrections or additions to the agenda if not I would entertain a motion to approve so moved motion by council member hubard second second by Council Mur Hatfield discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries right next we're in the visitor presentation tonight we have a couple uh different groups here uh first one I have is the chasa VFW and the American Legion commanders here talking about Creek Road so come on up guys and just uh tell us your names and what organization you live hi introduce myself I'm G van I'm the commander of the CH Mar Legion I'm Billy L I'm the commander of the CH BMW welcome welcome thank you for entertaining us this evening want to talk a little bit about cck Road um we'd like to dedicate you know not to change cck Road address but to dedicate the um the name of it to be a Veterans Park Drive Road something whatever the you know City plns and whatever think is best but it wouldn't change the address it's just more of a dedication nice big sign when you come off of uh Jos boulard I mean I I like the idea uh obviously we can't take any action because this a visitor presentation but it's something if the council uh sounds an agreement of that we would just have staff to move forward with it I mean I think it's a great idea with you know with with the park being on that road and now that it's the road has been shortened you know it's only about a mile long I think I I I kind of personally like the idea to that and it just calls out more um of the park itself and um it's just another way you can say that it's you know you're on Veterans Park Drive Lane whatever it might be you know as a secondary I just think I just think we don't think it should be too much of a problem and we just thought that I would be I mean it's nice the park is awesome and we really want want to make sure that people know that it is V Park and that's how to get to it and it's just a nice way to have that there right behind brick R yep agree to your point if it's like a memorial dedication Road you're not physically changing people who like live there and their physical like postal address or anything like that cost should be pretty minimal ands pretty minimal you know I can't say any would be like opposed to it so seems like it's a great way to honor all those serve for sure I don't know if you heard that Gary the question was have we got it anywhere else in the city we have any other examples of I think poers Boulevard but that's not within chasa yeah yeah they did the county did on angler bouard there there was um that was done a couple years ago three years ago it's not it's not up anymore no but but the one on Powers is uh dedicated to the global war on terror so you see the signage but the the name didn't change or anything of that of that nature so okay but but I think the answer to that is we don't have anything in the city yeah that would be the only yeah at this point I mean who knows what will happen in the you see it in other places Yellowstone Drive you see it up on um whatever that is up north side there right past CH high school that says that's a veterans yeah that was that was the global on the global war yeah I've seen you know it's just just something we thought that would be nice to add down there to the par yeah and I seen like other places where like you have a high a large you know a major highway but then it's like this is like officer David Nelson memoral Highway for the Fallen Trooper or something like that but yet the highway still ever refers to by that name but you know things like that so yeah yeah I think it's a great idea and thank you it's nice to have both Legion and BFW representation yeah um but I think chasa is definitely one that cares a lot about their veterans and our veteran organization so thank you for coming I think I personally I know we can't take action but I think it's a great idea and we were talked to the mayor before the before the meeting and you know kind of suggested that we've been dedicated on to we can you know possibly have the ceremony up at the middle school and then turn around and steer people right down and do something right there at the same time I think than all right thanks guys app and uh if we move forward then you'll get notification let us yeah okay appreciate all right thank you JMA all right um next on here I have uh the chief of police Ryan cyer and school resource officer Hunter panning uh talking about the Drone program update you can't fly that drone from over there good evening council members if you remember back it's probably a couple of months uh officer panning and myself were here we gave a presentation on a future drone program hope to accomplish if you fast forward now to present we've been on R for a m of Mony we thought this would be a good opportunity for officer bands to give you a general update and how we've utilized the drones success that we've have programed so far and also I think he's show you a few video clips as perfect thanks welcome Mr P thank you see if this technology Works be sweet all right Mr mayor council thanks for having me um last time I was here we were asking for some Financial allocation to this program um kind of describe to you what we were asking for and then what our intentions were with the technology um I started research probably back in June of 2023 um it did some research presented the idea to the Chief and then ultimately we presented it to you in return um I was here February 5th um doing our introduction for the concept of implementing the Drone program and then we discussed our policy and then right after that for about a month we had um a public input period where people could email us call us basically um giving us their opinion on our policy we had one message that's all we had throughout the whole month um that um Resident was wondering why we went with the DJI brand um and as I said in the initial meeting simply because um that technology is far superior than any other brand that is right now at least we took delivery of the equipment on April 3rd which initially was um our two outdoor drones and our first mission was April 26 so just a few weeks in we were get to apply um I have some calls for service in here um some videos some pictures of what we are using drones for and also a new story that we were featuring a few weeks ago um so just to kind of recap here what is a drone um on Manda areial vehicle essentially it's anything less than 55 PBS and is um capable of flying with a remote and a controller a human controller remote in the Drone it can't be occupied by people um and it must have all three systems in place to operate um what do our drones look like so this is our outdoor one it's called the djim m3t um it has the same exact speaker you see here along with the spotlight um and then the camera functions are thermal um a wide lens and then a zoom lens which is incredible the zoom function is probably what has been most useful for us so far and then a few months into the program we purchased two indoor drones um while this can be fall Outdoors the one on the right is far superior for outdoor so we use the small of bottom for indoor flight and that one actually can be flown by any member has been trained just by us because the Federal Aviation Administration does not regulate airspace inside there are no requirements other than what we impose on our officers to fly it so that has a much broader um range of possibility indoors because anyone can fly it we don't have to call someone in if there's not someone working or what have you um both very incredible pieces of technology for their think unique so if you recall um Minnesota State Statute breaks up our ability to use the Drone into nine different exceptions so the statute's written like you have to have a warrant on less you can meet one of these nine exceptions um we have not written a warrant yet um because we've been able to meet one of these nine exceptions each time we've flown so I kind of broke it down here um the first one which um I kind of told you guys in February would be a probably one of the most used and that stands true today um which is the during or in the aftermath of an emergency situation now there's really no case law or guidance from the court yet that says what this means because the technology is so new so we just use our best judgment in deciding what an emergency situation is that could involve the risk of death um or wildly harmful um number two is over a public event where there's a heightened risk uh to the safety of participants an example of that would be the golf tournament or River City days things like that um counter the risk of terrorist attack we haven't had any flights of that thankfully um and then ironically this was kind of a very unique year to implement this for number four which is to prevent the loss of life for property in a natural or Ming disaster and to facilitate planning resue recovery so we actually did a lot of flights over the river and downtown um during the flooding primarily um for our planning purposes for the future um we kind of determined that these pictures probably could benefit the city in the future um so we're going to keep them and if we need them again for planning or recovery or what have you in the future we'll use them number five assessments we did this primarily at the all course for the US amateur essentially just flying in the morning prior to any um arrival of players or anything just checking the perimeter and things like that number six uh public area if there is a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity craft Rec construction we haven't done any of that number eight training or public relations of course that's going to be our most common one we've had 21 flights for that so 14 training seven Public Relation fights and we have members of our team right now at the public house so that would be eight and then we have not received any requests unrelated to law enforcement from another government entity however I've talked to water um electric and they have some ideas just needed us yet so happy to go out and do that if they um request that do these include sorry no you're go do those include the indoor drone flights or is that just the outdoor one because that's more regular one okay so these are just the outdoor ones okay and is this just chped I know when we you know when we were implementing this I know that the Harver County Sheriff does not have one we were going to be kind of um allowing use or partnering or um this is just our dat okay they are at the very beginning stages of implementing their program I don't know if they have equipment yet however they have been to their County Board and done the same thing we have um so this is simply um our raw data from at April 26 first are we tracking um usage of the indoor drone we are we haven't had any um missions we call it where like a legitimate law enforcement need other than training um but we will be tracking those and um those stats will also be reported to the BCA by January 15th every year so this is just a kind of a screenshot I know it's probably not the easiest to read up there but these are all of our exception one flights um the second column from the left is the description of the call kind of some notes about it and then who was flying and who was being co-pilot or visual Observer um I'll go through our kind of most interesting cases here um but this is just a list of everything so the indoor one would that be most useful in like let's say a burglar or something where it's happening in a house and you it would be more safe to send that drone in to figure out what's happening in there than sending an officer in that's great okay so okay that's uh the indoor drone is really going to be for that the first phase of a situation where there's still danger to someone we are not going to send people in yet um we can fly with a warrant if you want if you want write that out but I don't see that happening too often compared to the the first you know half hour of the situation where we really see what's going on inside okay terminology perspective just make sure understanding things when you refer to a mission a mission can consist of multiple flights or is one flight perect One mission yeah good question a mission I just use the word mission to differentiate a training flight so a mission is a legitimate law enforcement or Public Safety where we're out using our drone for purposes I the other times we fly I just called a training flight or flight so so if a mission or if a mission lasts three hours yes one Mission would be that mission but you have a bunch of different um flights that Mak sense yeah so switch battery EX again first was April 26 at 1:00 we had ay at the old Oakbridge Conference Center um and here is images of that so it was 1:00 in the afternoon um if I remember correctly it was an overcast day but broad dayl so this I I was flying this one here I used the black and white thermal imaging and I used what was called the white hot so anything you see that's white is hotter than everything else so you kind of see my mouse here these white little blobs here areful engines our squads here's one kind of our perimeter you can see um and then we had some out in the woods here which is C out from the picture but the primary reason for this FL was as officers were checking the building they noce ladder was prob up against the wall so instead of climbing up that lader and um huging our way through this whole building here on top we just launch the Drone so we to see if there was any out there there wasn't but we'd be able to you know identify quickly if there was a being person up here anything that super white is extremely noral compar to surrounded this one's really interesting um our investigations that is searched for down in uh Southern for a burglary case um and because of the detectives work they gathered intelligence basically that said they it's the safest to apprehend the suspect while he's on his way to work he's away from his house um we don't worry about we have to worry about a lot less safety issues if he we have the M problem so I did that and officer Zach went down there with them and he flew directly above them while they were apprehending the suspect as he was planing to work and our idea was we knew he was or the detectives knew he was Runing motorcy T that's how he got to work every day so they were going to send um on marked patol cars to a breing lot to kind of block them in and then apprehend them when he got the bike now if you were if he was going to run this would be perfect um obviously you wouldn't be able to track the motorcycle very easily with the Drone but if you were to run what we need um be able to monitor them until he runs out a gra essentially so here's the video raw footage very good job officer Zach flew for a different agency before joining ours so he has some good um experience under his Bel which is why it's good flight so this guy on the motorcycle here is who they're trying to get okay there are a whole bunch of cop cars that sorry that you can't see yet because unmarked um once he gets off the bike you'll see what happens and again this drone pilot is away from the scene just monitoring the situation in case he were to flee on foot you know whatever provides some type of intelligence for the people on the ground so this guy on the motorcycle here is a suspect he's going to get off here shortly and then come in so just the clarity is what I wanted to emphasize here um really how vital this intelligence that the Drone can get can provide to people that want to know what's going on oh is this in art city or no this was down in southern s not that so pretty cool um no issues after that he was imped and such but if you were Rong you were to tr was that our drone it was our drone it so let me clarify it was a it was a the crime happened in ch really however the suspect was so we went with exactly that was our Squad y That's why I was confused it looked like ch's um again crime happened in chasa we partnered with law enforcement down there along with our detectives and a patol officer to have that bad guy and this was a mental health call June 1st um parents didn't know where their son was who was actively experiencing suicidal aviations so this is just an over overshock of the neighborhood this is uh 2 a.m. I think so completely we're using the rainbow colored palette here so this is a neighborhood that has pools as you can see um and then the call the SEC the red is our Patrol Vehicles the red other is our officers so long story short at the Midway point they determine that he's actually in the basement of the house so here he is right here they didn't know that but the Drone was up and they saw him walking on basement house and then at the end sir can you put your hands up please just to make sure everyone's safe so we did that the Dr C and he walks up to call with the other officers this was a call we assisted the Sheriff's Office on in Shan Hassen um it was an assault involving a knife and then the suspect barricaded themselves in the bedroom so officer Hastings flew this one he went up to Chan and helped them out but so essentially without sending anyone in um like council member Hatfield you alluded to initially we were able to see the suspect most of the time and then officer Hastings was actually able to watch her as she dropped the knife so that will obviously change our operations from there moving forward because we know she's unarmed now um so again really good intell uh intelligence together there and just clear footage we weren't we were able to not send any humans going on and then we also Sergeant P used our robot um our remote control car um to see what was going on ultimately that didn't P out because of the stairs but we were able to use two of our pieces of technolog in this one and at the end of this one she was arrested without any other harm so during the flooding um brid was closed I was working from the office that day and I heard this crash to mular radio so I almost was the first one there and I was super excited to be the first one there with the room however someone beat me um but this vehicle crashed through the barcase and when you hear a call over the radio like that and it just sounds um just sounds different so I'm like you know I'm going to take the Drone up and just check the water because was crashing the barricades on the r Bridge so I did that ultimately nothing was found but we can see here is Officer wolf and um Chief B from the fire department and one of our csos kind of caring for the driver um the driver was not impaired or anything don't know what happened though because the state trol came investigated but thought was wrong because there's a lot of road closed signs there this is uh one of our most recent ones August 19th um you guys are probably we house fired on hearing Lan um we were able to use the thermal imaging to give live footage to Chief bot who was the commander on the scene there that was really interesting our first time on a structure fire with this um I will show you the footage a little bit of it here so everyone's out everyone's safe no one's injured at this point but they're trying to get these hot spots that are they're finding in the roof so they're going to cut it open I was fing just above them they're using the lad truck so this is the roof of the garage so several feet off the ground and chief Bama was watching all of this as his guys did it from Topo few houses down so very valuable um footage for him to see so they cut the hole and then at some point um firefighter is going to start spring down is it mov FR over here it is yeah Oh I thought maybe it was frozen on his side too um still frozen I see you this like problem so look at that now that bucket's elevated and look at that whoever that Chief is there with white red white hat there they look like they're at the same level I mean look the yeah how clear the picture is one of the hard things about learning how to fly initially is that deception of space trying to figure out I said I kept looking at that I go it can't be but I thought they were on the roof to be honest till you just said that no the chief's not chief on the ground on the ground I don't know why that's frozen wi angle lens it's wide angle lens Distortion I'm sure dve yeah it's cuz the the DU F that's why wild yeah drone get this drone flying again got my wings looks just shut yeah so that's just a standard he garage would probably 12 feet at the peak maybe if that yeah I kept looking at that picture and I go there's something doesn't look right here but that Chief is stand on whoever it is cu it doesn't look you can't see the line where end but it's gone yeah that I believe is a trailer on the left the guy was a anyman construction was a seven picture it's a really sharp picture m I think most impressive like when you were in the air was were like solid it wasn't it's gota do the reboot huh someone unplug it plug it back in that's always the first pring thing question is it plugged in unplug it plug it back and like blow into a little bit like like the old Nintendo game system like connectors myself there the CD cleaner system e e e e have this one on what you want us to get hacked again oh forgot about that I don't don't need that memory again that was the worst because I laugh when I'm uncomfortable it's just not a time to laugh that was so shocking I don't think any of us laugh away no not right away no it was so shocking but it was like a minute later and I was like this is so uncomforable it was very unable um P we're almost right here so that was the video um me right above them on the truck and then the next one we're not going to try there you go almost there it is video so then um this is the thermal so I switched it to Red pot this was uh like 8:00 in the morning um so you can see here the fire was in the garage um and then the red well fire was in the at this point it was in the Attic of the garage not actually so then the smoke I'm assuming firefighter mayor windsh um is coming over from the roof from the living quarters from the garage which is the red under the windows was heat or smoke and the chimney of course and then the tree is very red because that's of the fire cuz the fire actually sred on a deck in the back I believe so that's what really got the tree so I think it was undetected this is the back after the fire was out this is uh not necessarily um showing F because it's out but you can see still where the hot spots are so good information for the firefighters to direct their resources see when PR their photo from the Drone comparison here the REM versus regular same or same frame this is the garage that after put the foam on it um so then we shared this on our social media and then um case TP wanted to do a story about it so they did and [Music] are utilizing drone technology to help them do their jobs s yeah this shows us how that perspective from a drone really made the differ my getting your steps in tonight yeah I always feel like PowerPoint struggles with I said I always feel like PowerPoint struggles with outside media you guys see that story oh yes yeah they just don't when you embed it into the PowerPoint presentation it's Trev it's just actually [Music] does like it when you're too nice it's going to be a little mean to be helpful yeah no screen and everything techology do their jobs yeah shows us how the perspective from a drone really made the difference in a cha house fire earlier this week on the line on the sky like this to on the job truly is a game changer for law enforcement this is one of four phones used by the cha Police Department this summer has been deployed in everything from missing person cases to River rescues to training and Monday morning it was used here to help comat this house fire off har Lane 100 Penny was operating controls the DRS can fly up to 400 ft above the sea in this case you can see it hovering above as firefighters saw an opening in the roof thankfully the residents made out safely with no injuries in the meantime the infes on the Drone revealed where the hotpots were in real time it showed the man where there were still Heat and the house so we direct their drugs like this cost about $1,000 and are equipped with tools like spotlights and a oneway speaker for communication officer panning says more and more law enforcement departments across the country are starting to rely on this technology and they're continually finding new ways to use it yeah provides us time and distance in any type of situation to slowly think about being thought about how we're going to handle something the cha Police Department just launched its drone program in April since then it's already been used for than 50 times in challas I news police department go cool very cool great job good job just just a few more and then I'll be done I think I told the chief it was gonna be 10 minutes um while youp that was 25 of those minutes uh some which you guys have probably already seen from Facebook but this is really really good historical cont for US future yeah um this has a DAT on of June 27th I think too with the flooding a lot of people see the bridge and they think the bridge is fine but they don't see beyond the bridge and see how much it's going over so it's it was very helpful to have those this this one is really I think just how much the river takes over and how much the G protects and then this one you know they put the high water sign around the other side so I don't know how we're supposed to see it when there's a flood before drones but thankfully we FW for the people in the baseball yes CS to figure out whether was flood defense this is the after this is Peak here so just about record levels and then this is the same day of that Peak I think he angled it wrong I think it's yeah there's somewhere there's a photo that that blue line is mostly buring could be maybe later in this day it yeah that it it got above the bottom that blue line was partially submerged in a oh s yeah you what you should do is like go fly one now it's all green get that exact same shot yeah that would be I mean side by sides would be cool and then our public relations I went to Dove web me and our officer goas and I did some schools kids think this is the coolest thing ever so so uh moving forward I guess um of course maintain our Fleet and then inquired new equipment which I see as batteries um those only last a few years but um what's the life expectancy of that drone depends how long we can keep crashing that's it really depends on that if nobody crashes it because the camera stays good forever hypothetically and just the batter is going to be replace can you do like firm wire updates and things that nature on it there's there's one every time you turn it on just kind of like sure so um there's a few different things from federal government I'd like to do one of them is implementing a certificate of authorization basically um giving us the ability to train and certify our own Pilots so that they don't have to go out and get their part 107 license this is only for public aircraft operators so only government officials can do this and we have received approval for that we just need to implement the training program now for our staff increase the number of pilots and then collaborate with the Sheriff's Office once they're set up and then chanen fire Victoria Fire as well um they have drones are getting them and I think it I think in the future you'll see some type of howy Qui um mutal Aid group kind of like you know the D team County based but they go everywhere it be cool to have a lot more drones in the sky is better than just one so any questions that was a great presentation I don't have any questions but I would just say great job to all of you and I was so surprised at how quick I got used and how often it's used and the things you guys use it for so remember the initial presentation obviously I could think of several things and you presented several things of like when you'd use it but not never in my mind did I guess we would use it as often as you guys are using it and that it would go so quickly to your point you know April 26th or whatever the date was it was a mediate I remember seeing it on Facebook or something being like wow that was like instant good thing we had that and it was a bigger thing too so um just great job overall and it's definitely been an asset to the community so yeah I recognize like last council meeting maybe or time before you guys had initially you guys had a post in regards to uh a gentleman it sounded like maybe that was having a mental health um crisis and that the Drone kind of helped kind of locate and then with help of the officers um we were able to um um be able to bring that person to the hospital so it was it was a very successful um result and I just think that is such a huge tool for something like that you know to be utilized that it's um it can be helpful for the safety of you you know you as officers and then also the person that's undergoing um a crisis like that and so seeing that in action it just was you know recognition that I I was grateful that you came forward with this and that um you know it's already in Ed just like council member Hatfield had acknowledged as well so great job that that is a very good example it was not in this presentation the footage wasn't um the clearest so as far as presentation goes it wouldn't have been very good but yes that's probably one of our most recent successful use well yeah well it was a it was a really good job great work on like you know and all the work that you've done to put together the program to get this like no pun intended off the ground and so you know but it's a great job in getting all this put together and to you know get this moving because this there's a lot of effort involved but it's I mean it's not just like hey I'll unpack the Drone you know do some stuff online get a license and we go right there's a lot of procedure and practice and things involved to make this happen so you thank you for you know doing that and thank you your colleagues for also you know undertaking the effort to you know get the certifications get the licensing to you know be able to do this um this is such a great value in what you're doing you know it's it's something that brings like you know great visibility it empowers the you know what you're able do and also increase your safety level too um and for those with your colleagues and fire as well so you know it's a great great tool great to have this in Arsenal um you know I was having a convers with the chief um but you know a while back I was had the opportunity to meet with a official in another part of the country we were talking about how they're piloting um drones this First Responders so in some cases like he it's domestic or something like that so before you get a squad out there you have a drone in the air and out there just you as the pro flies right they be able just you know see and assess the situation so by the time the first officers arrive they already have the sense of like how many people are outside what's going on and you know be able to get a visual there so you have a sense of like what to expect for youing arrive right um and so you I'm really excited to you know that you we have this first step knowing that there's the opportunities for things like that in the future I know there's a lot of work to be able to get to point for sure but what you've done is amazing great work in my P and KP so great to see that we're getting some great publicity out of it so fantastic work great thank you I couldn't do it without uh the other Pilots because they're the ones that are still working the patrol shifts while I'm in school so they do a lot of the flights um but yes thank you all for first of all listening to me back in February giving me the benefit of the doubt and saying yeah go by them here thank you um before you go has the how's the response been with the rest of the department although we've got number of other pilots and they all really like and seeing the benefits of this program so far there's yeah I don't I Haven I haven't heard of any negative feedback we actually have a list of people that want to become High help us up so I awesome yeah that's awesome well thanks Hunter for taking this initiative I know this has been a passion of yours with the drones for a long time but to bring it forward and bring it into uh the PD it it just takes a lot of effort and it takes a lot of work and a lot of research on your own part so uh thanks and thanks to the chief for seeing the benefits of it and here we are today looking at the benefits of it so it's pretty awesome thank you thank you all right uh is there anyone else that wants to speak on a visitor presentation that's not on the agenda all right seeing none we'll move on um to approval of the previous meeting minutes and that's from 819 2024 if there are no Corrections or additions uh I would entertain a motion to approve motion to approve motion by Council second second by Council Wong again this is approving the previous meeting minutes from 8 81924 discussion hearing none all favor signify by saying I I po same sign motion carries move this into consent these are items that uh need our approval but not necessarily uh conversation but any and all can be uh pulled out discussed if necessary so with that uh anyone have any comments questions concerns if not I'd entertain a motion to approve consent I have one just quick comment on um the where did it go uh approve of much litan livable communities act Grant agreement for City Square West City Square West is something I I I at least personally get asked out about a lot like is that still happening what's going on with that and with any project sometimes it's a lot of small steps towards the very visible part of a project and so it's great to continue to see some of the small steps happen so I just wanted to call that out as just another small part of getting towards the actual you know fruition of City Square West happening um so that was great to see in there and that that was just a comment no other questions or anything and off of that did I is it is it just one time we can ask for what happens if for some reason we can never get find it do we have to turn it back then we would we would turn it back and if we did have a project come back up we could reapply for it money chances are I what ends up happening is if you get funded for a project and if that happened and then it came back up again they're probably fun because we we've used the Little's program lots of times probably more than a lot of communities so we've had a good track all right anything else motion to approve consent uh motion to approve consent second we have a motion by CC member uh pfield second by council member W approving consent discussion hearing none all favor signify by saying I I prove say what am I trying to say same time left hearing none motion carries W it's a Monday it's a Monday all right uh we had no action items tonight so we're going to drop right into bills questions questions I have a few questions all right first on um I guess I'll just make a quick comment um like it looks like the it looks like now that they were able to make the description a little bit longer now if I'm not mistaken seems like maybe stud few just be good fortune seem like we struggle with that like limited character space in that description so but for what it's worth another word in there I'll take what they can get but if they did thank you very much to whoever did that um let's see on page five um there's a question for there's a bron Intertech Corporation one for Savannah Way Phase 2 but this is specially what it is yeah so Savannah wave Phase 2 is uh the connection of Savannah wave from where it ends up to Creek Road and that's happening this summer uh if you go down right now they're actually building it um so Braun Intertech basically does a lot of the uh so work along the environmental work that's along the the the corridor to get that completed it'll be completed um definitely by window okay it'll be open and operating this yeah that's fantastic so because I know that's been kind of a long time in coming yeah and I mean the significant of it is that now we've never had a collector road on the west side of town yeah and so now you'll be able to go from like say Clover Ridge into downtown without having to go all the way over to 41 which is huge yeah it'll be huge yeah that Public Works building those were does that include the collector road so the collector Road will go up to Creek Road and then in connection you go under 40 or you go under 212 y but then the road that and you have to go all the way back North ankler because the road doesn't connect through yeah does it that's what this is okay I'm thinking the other the other one for Savannah okay yeah so that we gra finally go across all the way over and then by through by the medical offices by there no no no you'll you'll come down uh say you cross it pver Ridge Drive yep continue to go straight South down the Creek Road there's a roundabout that you go on Creek Road Y and then you go down to Savannah way and then Savannah Way takes you down to John's house yeah that's why okay I think we're saying the same thing from a different angle so say hi all the times you want to go to Clover Ridge right but basically basically it's GNA get you down to KY Road 44 so you'll enter into downtown uh where the bus car is yes very cool great great news um page 10 there's an item for erosion products um pickle ball court erosion so the stor I remember pickle ball por made of concrete uh but before you build them they're not concrete yeah so uh so we are in the process of expanding the pickle ball cours uh down in Lion's Park and uh in order to do that construction process we have to put erosion control around the site so that we don't have any erosion into near nearby wi we have to follow the same guidelines as contractors yep same code right yeah okay sounds good because I wasn't sure if it was for an existing cord or something like that well it's it's adjacent the existing C it's spanning right next to it okay got it um and then the last one is on pages 14 to 15 the bottom 14 top of 15 is coder equipment there's something for cross town prv what is that so prv is a pressure reduction valve and so one of the things uh it's generally a good thing when water goes from a high place to a low Place uh but some places it can be too Steep and uh what happens is if you don't put a reduction pressure reduction Bell in uh and let the water go down at its own velocity the water pressure at the houses down at the bottom so down in Lower Town here would be uh what's the movie where the guy's sitting on the toilet and you get shot up in the SP You' be like that uh so Frost town was the uh um so we had to when we took down the water tower a lot of tank up by in delw awood neighborhood we had to put a pressure reduction bve and up there and then this was the second one that we had to put in to make sure that the pressure gets reduced as it goes down the hill Goa okay cool that is all I have so they just put in Giant M there was a big catch base big manhole and the the weight of the manhole covered for this I think he said it was like 24,000 pound wow I mean it's unbelievable they actually have to hire a piece of equip or rent a piece of equipment to bring it in to actually put the man cover on top of it so it's it's a big I mean it's it's a big piece of equipment W yeah I mean I saw sitting on what so that's why that's why it's like that's why it's almost $1,000 it was I thought that too that was like a you get without one of those seem anyone else on bills all right motion pay to bills motion by Council one second second by council member hubard to pay the bills discussion none mfield yes yes yes yes all right uh we'll go to other business we'll start with h CC member at all right um few things coming up uh Wednesday September 18th coffee with a cop at Duncan those ones are always really fun because you get donuts I think the cops like that too um the loop uh has their fall golf rates so you still time to get some golfing and go out to the loop it's a great time we go there today ex except don't go today they're eting yeah yeah was closed but it'll be fall golf rate so definitely a good opportunity to go golf there if you haven't um the Latin music fest is coming up on Friday from 5:00 to 9:30 which is always fun always fantastic food um great music will there be fireworks yes fireworks this is a good comment to me everyone know hear that there's going to be fireworks hear noises actually the nice thing about this one is earlier they're earlier so it's it's much more you're not sleeping yet yeah they're at 900 PM this time right oh I think they'll be yeah I had either 8:45 or 9 right now and it's dark yeah yeah they're they're currently planed for nine thank you thanks voice um so that's Latin music fest and then the chasa cares Musical music festivals coming up Friday September 20th at 4 so lots of music and fun and Fireman's Park coming up okay that's also at fireman's this year yeah and just to point out for the Jas cars this year uh there is not an admission fee to get into there this year and there's four really good bands yeah um and so it's our fundraiser for the uh rotary to raise money for uh the miracle field and so the dollars that are going to be raised are through like raffle tickets that they sell and beverages that they sell and things like that so there's going to be like a 50/50 raffle and things like that so um try and just get as many people down that Park as possible and then um you know then people will have an opportunity to win prizes and stuff once they get down there awesome very exciting um I also wanted to call out bonl basket um just released they have a new logo vision and Mission and B basket just call that out because they do so much in our community um and they're just such a great partner in working towards um having less food and security I guess but uh very exciting for them to have that new logo and fishion vision and Mission so I just wanted to congratulate them on that that's a big deal and uh probably just a extra thanks for all they do um so that was very exciting to see and then last thing September is um suicide uh prevention month and I always just like to call that out that's something near and dear to me so um just raising awareness about the stigma of mental health and uh that it's okay to ask for help and uh just reminding everyone that if you're in a crisis calling uh 988 or texting talk to 741741 um to get that help so I was just like to mention that in September and that's all I have all right I just went the other age okay um uh so some of the stuff's been covered which is great uh just I guess two things one question so the Clover Ridge Monument sign is that something that got it's being redone the one off of angler is that like is that us redoing it did something happen that's a Jonathan sign and I wondered if that was and so if you look at it now uh all of Jonathan's Monument signs they made into Field Stone instead of chasa brick and so basically they skin the outside of that chasa brick with Field Stone and they going to be putting in the new Jonathan logo and stuff like that so it was I just didn't know if it was Jonathan because I know that there are different parts that aren't Jonathan in there that one is theirs okay y all right that was just more of a curiosity question and then I just I just would like to uh put a shout out to the chasa community center team um they were shut set down for a week and they did a lot of work um they cleaned the pool area and um they got all new equipment into the cardio Fitness area um and then they also did some uh you know I'm sure painting and different redecorating but they put up some um imagery along in the kind of that hallway Corridor as you come in kind of through the the art gallery and then head head over into the the main rotunda area but um just really nice touches um really nice to see that work I know it was a lot of work for them to do in one week and uh just uh thanks for for all of that and see the improvements so that's it that's Mo along thank you um so let's see so the only a couple things I've got are that one is that Southwest Transit um Southwest Transit did a had a really really good turnout the State Fair this year um They Carried 100 10,632 passengers which is up 30 over 30% from 2023 so the really really cool thing is that hitting about nine over 9100 passengers a day that was um that was actually one probably the second biggest um ridership number we've had ever right so like 2019 was the top ridership number for Southwest trans for State Fair so this was number two so this really shows you really really recovered since uh the pandemic which is fantastic um this biggest single day writers ship was 15,00 712 people so really really great turnout and of course on top of that the icing in the cake is that customer satisfaction was at 95% which is super amazing so imagine anything having 95% customer at is fantastic um and then they said that of and one of the things we're tracking which is a new thing we're trying to track which is like what's the percentage of people at the State Fair who actually take Southwest Transit that's 2.88% so almost 3% of of the total State Fair um attendees take South Coast Transit and that's Lally up from 2019 which was 2.72% of all safer attendees so it's a really really strong number um and in addition to that um we're also getting back to an imer Rance Festival um now that said was not over yet because there's still seven days left to go but of the eight days of ridership um that have been taken place so far They Carried 13,37 people so um and the PE day was September 7th with 2859 passengers so we're estimating the total is going to be probably close to 25,000 Riders so one of the great things about this is that you know the the event service is actually prob one of the strongest um services for us it's also a great opportunity to use those big buses because as the ridership is always shifted over to primarily or in a large way to microtransit which is the smaller Vehicles doing Point too movements um this is a great way get a lot of utilization but big buses really you know move a large number of passengers and also to use parking congestion that a lot of those large vents yeah I was down at Tommy's Mall shop on Saturday and I saw the buses running you know because it was that time of day when it starts to be over um there um but not quite but you could tell the impact of the transit buses on the traffic flow you know normally it would got it would have gotten a lot more backed up especially with our um you know Highway improvements just kind of Lane reduction down and stuff but it it flowed so well through downtown it's like a nice siment to like what what we did and how it worked and then also just the use of the buses because you could tell that that traffic was all coming kind of from the Renaissance Festival kind of up through chasa so and the great news is you think back to like was it like three years ago there was like lines going down 169 trying to get in Rance Festival right but nobody get it and you were just sitting for hours yeah the state gave them an ultimatum if they didn't start doing something about providing Transit they were going to shut him down so and then so last year mvta provided primary Transit coming from the south so now with Southwest Transit and mvta made a huge huge in back so a lot of riders are coming on the bus arrive there just h on the bus and go yeah it's great so it's great service um only question I have um is um is just one I've from the community every now and then is Cooper just any new news on with the what's going on that location yep there's uh we just uh touch SP with the owners of the property or the representative the owners of of the property last week and they said that the grocery store that they're working with is uh still working to try to get financing uh to go in there if they do get financing they said they will be going in and doing some pretty uh major renovations to it um but but uh it's still waiting to see if they're able to get that or not is it something they're looking to finest to purchase the building or just the lease purchase purchase okay so this would be like the traditional Market model yeah the the client family who is the current owners of the property are not wanting to retain ownership of it they're wanting to devest it and so yeah they're I don't think they even consider a lease I think if they can't sell it to this group I think they try to find another yep and to and for those of in the audience too the they only the CL family only owns the the building and the parking lot were cuses not the rest of the build the other building which is actually technically another building that actually has all the other tenants like um you know that doar store and all the other tenants they further down and then the C family own okay cool thank you that's all I got thank you I'll stay in that area I think it's a very I just I know it's in your your um notes Here on the agenda but just kind of a little bit of a vocal KFC upate people have noticeably seen things happening to that space yeah uh well the things that been happening sort of promted us to get involved with it because there hadn't any permits or anything told for for the for the property uh so uh we did have our community development staff was able to meet with the new owner of the building uh last week um he has given them permission to have our building official uh go in which sometimes that can be a little bit of a an issue to be able to do that uh but uh he's given the ability to go in uh I think he recognizes that the building is pretty bad shape and that um it may be more cost effective to take it down and rebuild something then to renovate it but that's sort of the analysis that he's going through right now um I don't think he has any like definite plans for what he's going to do with the building uh but he does own other buildings other communities um so um I think to me the important thing at this point is that we have our community velopment Department involved with the owner and in communication and having him agree that having our billing official go through is a good thing so can I before before you we leave that is there an issue with the trucks that are parking there are just violating yep so that that is a received they've received the not U cation or notice that those trucks need to be removed there was a new one today know because it was either yesterday or today but it's a big long one with the trailer on it I don't I don't know I drove through the other day but there was a truck sitting there and there was a generator there supplying it power for something yeah no that's so now you got a generator running there's residential above Chasers yeah the the Zoning for that site does not allow for the outdoor storage and so we have provided the list to them um we'll go check again that's that I mean that was that was over a week ago that I saw that so that could be I think I think that's probably about the time that we sent out the note was it they would have just received the note or yeah sorry other thing I had was just um since our last meeting I was going to mention the last meeting I kind stuck up I me just back to school uh you know so thank a teacher thank a support staff thank a child for pay b um more importantly to just just traffic right understand traffic patterns change slow down an intersection just a good reminder uh for all of us uh as those like I said those patterns change and schedules change um to pay attention in the morning I also will s a shout out to like have your sunglasses handy because this is also late in the year where you start getting the the sun in the eyes on the little Horizon so just just be safe it's just that traffic patterns uh when schools in and out uh vary greatly um and don't want obviously any trategy in our uh community so I'll just uh say that and again thanks to everyone who touches a life in school uh those are sometimes very difficult jobs and very roing jobs all in the same so thank you to all them and that is all I have there was just an article in the paper that talking about that they had the probably the most drivers that they've had in a along since they've been doing the bus the busing that they haven't had missing buses the first day and really really late buses because they didn't have enough drivers so that they were very happy about the amount of drivers they have so that's a good that's a good it is so all right police anything no nothing no uh just a couple things uh fire department had an open house tonight I know we didn't get a chance to be there very long uh people were starting to trickle in there I'm sure there's people that missed it because figuring with the construction going on that it wasn't going to happen so hopefully they had a great night um that we we've kind of hinted about a little bit uh the Public Works facility now what how or where are we kind of add on that yep so as you remember several months ago we got sort of the updated estimates from Excel uh of moving the 230 kV line to be able to reutilize our or utilize the north PA existing uh Municipal service building site significantly higher costs than when we initially uh got the the quotes back uh before which got us looking at what different options exist out there as we've talked about um you know we had a work session I don't know couple months ago uh now where uh you know we basically uh did an analysis of different sites that exist in town and came to a preferred uh location uh for a site that exists uh basically right off the Creek Road uh at the South End of the uh of the uh chasa creek creek chasa creek way yeah at the end of chasa Creek Way uh a site that uh we think would really serve us well from a locational perspective and as we went through the uh sort of uh initial costing process actually would save us significant from what we had originally anticipated uh the the cost of that facility could be to add on to it could save us at least $10 million uh to uh to go to that site which is obviously a big savings and so uh since that time we've been working with the property owner uh to be able to come up with a purchase agreement uh for the site uh we actually did finish up the discussions on Friday uh hoped to bring it to the meeting tonight uh but it just got done too wait to get into the packet obviously we have a meeting again next Monday so I figured that was too far away uh so uh we do plan on bringing that uh back and that doesn't mean that we're going and building uh the municipal service building site now it just gives us an option uh to be able to to go uh to have a site that we think we could uh accomplish the municipal Service uh building uh needs for a much lower cost uh and we still don't change the you know the plan was 2026 uh that we would look at actually you know building something um but obviously sites don't sit around forever and so we need to do something to preserve it and for some reason in the future we didn't use it could always resell it for an industrial site so um sort of about a lowrisk uh venture to to do that so we do plan on bringing that back to uh the meeting next Monday night uh with the purchase agreement uh we wouldn't actually close on it till next year well I I just think that that's great that even though we went and got estimates on what we doing with the current buildings that we had but to see that you know there are to make us look at other options because of cost I think was I think a a great thing um and and that's a significant savings on a building like that you know obviously we don't have any numbers at this point these are all estimations but I think it's pretty great of of staff to be able to um keep looking forward and not just because we have we had a plan set doesn't mean that that's always the best plan I think it's great to continue to move especially what with the cost savings that are coming with it so pretty awesome well thank you for that um next question comes back at you again are we still far behind on the public safety building that we caught up uh we had some yeah Ian the weather the weather this summer got us behind a bottom up um so I you know where we thought that we'd probably be done October 1st we're make it more November 1st of 2025 that we be that will be done so we're still roughly mon yeah uh you know we're getting to the you know they do think that there's areas that they can catch up on they you know the we're sort of past the we're getting past the point where weather's a major major factor um you know the when you're dealing with soils work that's when it's a major fact um but so I I don't see us losing any more time in the schedule because of weather um but I do think there's things we can gain but we are starting right now we started actually last Thursday at our our weekly meeting uh the ffme process because uh they're continues to be uh delays in uh I was gonna ask about supply chain in supply chain so that's uh furniture and fixtures and equipment and so it's the stuff that's basically not attached to the wall or not permanently attach so desks and chairs and garbage cans and that type of stuff um so we're starting that process now our goal is to actually have that whole process sort of completed by the end of October uh so that we have one full year uh to have on order for the stuff that's coming in um God help us if it takes longer than the year there's been no problem with steel and stuff like that with steel steel seems to always get behind no we no they've trusses and everything are good everything everything's been oh that's awesome every been thing's been fine our delays literally been weather delays because at this point in the construction cycle they probably would have already put the borders for a lot of those other Tres oh yeah put that in they actually have the majority of the steel it's already in it's just sitting at a different place yeah all right all right thanks uh I I don't think I really have anything else either other than uh because of of um Labor day where we have back toback meetings so we'll have a meeting next Monday again right away um and then we actually have a fifth Monday but at this point we're not planning on a a meeting no we will have uh work session we're have work session um and then we're also going to have a tour of the site up there um so that night 4:45 we're going to be up there Public Safety campus at the public safety campus so candidates to if you're interested in a tour the public safety campus we're going to meet at 445 up at up at the new station and and get a get a a look by that point they're going to have everything that is footage and foundations for the building so you'll you'll be able to see the complete footprint of what's there and we'll make sure we have Ryan and and Stephen there they'll be able to point out where different things in the building okay all right so that's we got on 30th and then uh following month we're right October we're back in first 30 yeah I don't think there's no present day or anything no there's nothing till Thanksgiving okay all right okay uh that's all I got anybody else last call Mo motion to adjourn motion by Council M Wan second second by Council M Hatfield to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign we adjourned thanks for joining us we'll see you in a few weeks