##VIDEO ID:EDePYK30b0g## e e e Monday October 21 2024 we call a meeting the order at 7:00 please stand and join me pledge allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all good evening everyone welcome welcome we're gon to get going I think we're GNA have a busy night tonight so Al least we call Ro please here herec herec member here here adopting the agenda do we have to uh note that sh flip here or is it I would okay all right so we need to adopt the agenda but there was one item that was taken out of consent and added as 7D uh adopt resolution 2024 approving and adopting the assessment role uh for the street construction that has to be a um done uh um action item not consent so that would be the only change to the agenda so if someone's willing to make that motion so moved motion by council member hubard second second by council member Hatfield adopting the agenda with the corrections of moving uh item I think it was 7f to uh 8D and consent so discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries um mov on five is there anyone here that wants to speak uh that is not an agenda item on under visitor presentation yes you got to come on up state your name address yep hi good evening I was wondering if you have any intentions on addressing the electric bikes and all the different kinds of scooters that are flying up and down these walking paths and on the streets I can barely walk my dog anymore without somebody flying up on me it's going 2530 mil an hour it's like being it's like being it's like walking down the road with small motorcycles it's uh it's an item we've talked about but it's a giant issue bigger than you know we ourselves can tackle it um but I know that we've talked about is there a way I don't know because I agree with you I'm 100% with you that these things you know a lot of our Trails say non-motorized these things are motorized or flying down them um I I don't know the answer I totally 100% agree with about them being required to have a license I don't I don't know can we do that individually as a city I don't believe we can I mean what we can do is we can do some research on this because there was uh it was two sessions ago uh at the state legislature that they gave a lot of incentives for ebikes and did a lot of stuff revolving around that I don't think we have the ability to license them I don't know whether we have the right to restrict them from Trails but we can do some research and vehicles yeah the the state the state's definition might be different though and so that's what we have to check into but we certainly can do some look into that and I mean yeah just it's just dangerous yeah I can't tell you how I keep my dog on leash and if she's not going to sit right here with me she wants to go Sniff and pee in the grass these guys come whipping around these corners and you know I mean it is they're like they're like projectiles coming at you and you can't hear them coming you know so you're the first one that's publicly brought it to us we've had some discussion about what we can do about that it's just that it's uh it's definitely a challenge without a doubt because of avenu person to get this ball rolling let us do some research to figure out sort of where where the generation of the regulations are coming from and then can we could probably answer that question better at that point um before you go I want to get your name and number though so I can make sure just just state it because it's recorded phone number Clon Duncan d c my number is 612 267 7642 am I only allowed one I could just bring up one other small I mean I know there's a whole of people here see how small it is that tend to get a little passionate um at the dog park you you got the small one and then the wooded one what are the possibilities of getting lights in that small dog park it's open till 10:00 but as you can see right now it's 7 o' and it's pitch black over there street lights right close by and around the park no you can't see anything in there I mean I know you y'all just put up a pickle ball court and you know but I think there's more people that want to walk our dogs than people want to play pickle ball you know well maybe not careful pickle that's uh that you might be I might have seven pickle ball people coming up here now Spotlight facing into the park that way they're not you know shining into the neighbors you know well again that's something we can look into yep I'll check into it and then I'll give you a call back all right all right thanks done thanks for coming thank you for bringing that forward appreciate it but it it's no doubt a concern and with you know everybody pushing the electric bikes and scooters it's kind of hard to battle it now so but we'll look into it so thanks all right uh anyone else under a visitor presentation not on an agenda item not seeing anything all right we'll move on to approving previous meeting minutes and that's from 107 2024 again if there are no Corrections or additions I would entertain motion to approve Move Motion by council member gra second second by council member harbard discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries moves us to consent these are items that um need our approval but not necessarily conversation but any and all can be pulled off and have a conversation if necessary the only thing that I'd like to mention is uh the staff report on the Creek Road honorary name designation um that has changed now from right after the the veteran service at the Middle School uh they had requested one or two o'clock so I I'm going to try to nail that down a little bit more uh so it won't be right after that program but uh that's you know that's that's pretty fluid but the signs and all that have been pretty much figured out and and there is going to be the uh uh like a little ceremony uh whatever I'll I'll get the two commanders to say what time exactly do you want to do it for all you sitting out here wondering what I'm talking about is uh we're designated Creek Road as uh Veterans Highway with the BFW there and a park there uh the two commanders came and wanted to know if we would we would do that so that's kind of what's happening with that so um but that's the only change that that I have on consent anyone else have anything motion to approve don't move motion by council member Hatfield second second by council member Wong discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying i i i p same sign motion carries all right we move into action items first one on the list A8 a adopt resolution 20248 and ordinance 1050 50 approving the preliminary site and building plan preliminary PL plat zoning ordinance Amendment and conditional use permit for uh Cloud HQ uh mayor and Council this is an item that came from the Planning Commission was referred to the council with a recommendation to approve both the uh zoning ordinance change uh and the conditional use permit uh the cloud HQ data center site as we've uh talked about for quite some time uh is just North of the uh uh United Health Group uh Data Center and the stream uh data centers that are uh in the West Creek uh Corporate Center and uh uh would uh uh be a building that would basically take that North Parcel that is currently owned by the kelzer uh family um for this one I'm going to turn it over to Liz who will uh present the item go through the uh discussion that occurred at the Planning Commission and the recommendations that were made Matt thank you mayor and members sorry members of the council excuse me um we've got a preliminary site and building plan preliminary plat zoning ordinance Amendment and conditional use permit uh requested this evening for the cloud HQ project uh so to give you an overview of where the site is located it's highlighted in the orange yellow box on this screen here uh the adjoining uses surrounding the site um contain residential within the Clover Ridge Neighborhood on the East and North sides of the site uh the west side is adjoined by uh open rural residential zoned area um there is a city-owned substation that's on the Southwest uh corner of the site and this site would gain access off of West Creek Lane to the South um which is also known as West Creek Corporate Center so this site is the last remaining site uh within that Corporate Center and then angler Boulevard uh just to the South here the main drag uh that West Creek Lane accesses from here's uh an existing conditions uh aerial exhibit if we need to refer back to at any point um in terms of where we're at in the process uh we have a three-step process with the city uh we're at the second step in the process concept plan happened a couple years ago um right now we're at preliminary and we're looking at more of the technical analysis of uh the site looking at civil drawings um and Architectural plans uh with this step so there's a third and final step um following this step if this moves forward this evening um in terms of previous approvals uh that have occurred on the site um back in 2015 and 2017 um the uh preliminary approvals occurred for a different plan for this site um it was for four data centers um and that's when the rezoning of the property occurred at that time to the p7 district um and that's when the building he uh at 36 ft U maximum was placed uh within the zoning um was in reference to that previous for Building Concept in August of 2022 um is when we saw a New Concept plan come forward for the keler site uh the four data center uh project mentioned before did not move forward onto final approvals uh nor was ever built uh so in August of 2022 a new plan came forward proposed by cloud HQ um and that was uh approved at that time um the details surrounding that concept plan included a 72t building uh 1.4 million square feet of total uh square footage for the building uh a 30 foot burm on the North and East sides uh mechanical equipment on top of the building um which would include generators and cooling systems um and then also a need for a new substation to provide the needed electric capacity for this building um and then in January of 2023 an a was completed and adopted for the data center proposal uh which is the Environmental review uh of the site um and then in October of 2023 the applicant came forward with a conditional use permit uh to start the construction of the burm um as of today the burm has not started construction um but that cup is still in place uh the applicant has uh conducted a couple neighborhood meetings one that occurred on August 13th uh this year uh which was to provide updates to their preliminary plan to the neighbors uh since it was a couple years since their concept plan submitt um they wanted to uh provide um kind of notice on where they were at in the process and their preliminary plan and then a an additional neighborhood meeting was conducted today um this afternoon ahead of this meeting the plan that was approved in August 2022 with the concept plan is shown as um the visual on this slide here um in terms of existing conditions of the property uh as I mentioned before it has been rezoned to P id7 so that is the current Zone zoning on the property uh the overall property is composed of two separate uh Parcels that total approximately 72 acres in size um there's currently a homestead on the smaller parcel and the remaining area is used for agricultural purposes um the driveway or the access to the homestead today exists off of school Master drive through uh an outlaw owned by the city sorry right here um and accesses into that property that will be removed as part of this project moving forward so that driveway would no longer exist um there is an Excel transmission easement that bifurcates the property it's shown in kind of the dotted line um east to west through the property that's 125 ft wide and uh contains two transmission towers uh within that easement and then as mentioned before there is a city owned substation just on the Southwest portion of the property or edge of the property um that's 50 megawatts in size so the current request this evening um is multifaceted so there's four different requests as a part of this overall request one is including the preliminary site and building plan which is for the data center itself um which would total at 1.4 million square feet um in total square footage the footprint of the building is at 715,000 Square ft so it's two stories um with 1.4 million square feet of enclosed space uh the height of the building is proposed at 72 and 1 half feet tall um again it's two stories and then there's an additional Penthouse area to enclose the mechanical equipment on top of uh those two stories and that's uh at its tallest point it's 72 and a half fet um in addition there Liz what's we keep saying it's 72 feet but I thought it's just two towers that are 72 feet the rest of the building is a different height correct it's the penthouse portion that encloses the mechanical equipment that's that 72 and a half feet that's the top and then the the rest of it is what 50 it is 48 and half fet uh the request ALS Al includes a preliminary plat which would be platted into one lot and then the third part of the request is a zoning ordinance Amendment to the p7 district which would include three different Amendment areas one would be um Amendment to the development standards for parking the second would be for the building height and then the third would be for the landscaping for the site and then lastly there's a conditional conditional use permit proposed for for the new substation proposed on site which would be a 200 megawatt substation um this colorized exhibit shows the preliminary site plan it's colorized to help um to easily understand the different components of the site um the building is showcased in Blue on this um exhibit here it's rectangular in footprint and again a 715,000 square ft in building footprint area um the building is 72 and a half feet high um and this is where that zoning ordinance amendment is being requested for um access into the property would come from the south side of the property where West Creek Lane stubs off into a culdesac today so they would provide their private Drive access off of that culdesac um a security gate and Booth is proposed at the South side which would provide security and access control into the site um which is a pretty typical uh provision for Data Center buildings is they normally have security fencing and a secur security gate at the um vehicle entrance to control movement into and out of the site is there security fencing all around the whole thing and then so on the backside near the birming and Landscaping where over kind of where the parking is where would the security fencing fall in that area yeah I might have to I might yeah it's on the back side of the BM correct yep it it basically encloses the parking area the parking lot is it kind of the white area yep okay all the way around that portion uh the front of the building would face North so basically where I'm showing my cursor here on this screen it's kind of delayed sorry um so the front entrance of the building would face north um and have kind of that direct access to their main parking lot on on the northwest side here uh the building is set back um a variety of feet from each edge of the property but it was intentionally uh push to its westernmost um property line and as far south as they could without encroaching into the easement area um so between its North property line it's 345 ft uh from the nearest um edge of the north property line the south at its nearest Edge is 165 ft away from that South property line the East Side here is approximately 780 ft away from the nearest near property line and then the west side is approximately 88 ft away um the parking proposed will total um 358 parking stalls if you count their proof of parking um for the entire site um they would only be constructing 235 stalls with the Inception of the building to help supplement what they need for parking on site um per our Co or per the P id7 code um the way it's stated today would require 715 stalls based on uh the size of this building and so the amendment to the zoning includes um an amendment for the parking for this building and we'll get into the details of that a little bit later um the new substation is proposed on the south side of the property um adjacent to the existing substation that the city owns um and that was done so to provide the biggest separation from residential on the North and East sides here um and then the burm which is shown in green on this exhibit uh would be approximately 30 feet tall and be within a 300 foot buffer excuse me um the elevation plans are shown on these next few slides um the 72 and 1/2 foot uh Dimension is from grade to the tallest point on the building which would Encompass those uh mechanical equipment areas uh that would have the generators um and the enclosed spaces and then the cooling systems in the uh architectural screen wall area and then 48 1/2 ft is proposed uh at the tallest point of the second story of the building which are these um stairway Towers on the corners of the building um and then this Dimension um in between is 46 feet tall where I'm showing my cursor hey Liz out of clarification just for because some properties when they put uh rooftop units they wouldn't enclose them in a situation like that how do we measure measure the height of the building to the top of the roof and we don't count the generator that's on the roof in this case we're counting it because it's enclosed correct y um the area here is fully enclosed that will house the generators so it technically has a roof on it there right to your point I just I drove out there and I think it's I'm not sure which of the buildings if it's HDs but you can see all that equipment clearly you know above the building so um but that's all I'm just curious where we measure then that situation versus when we decide to close it type thing okay um here's the north elevation sh this side here the top portion shows um the full elevation or the North facade and then the South elevation here which is broken up in three pieces but the full is shown on the top portion of the slide here um these are the floor plans uh the first floor and second floor the yellow indicates the data Hall storage area um the green is the area that would house uh administrative staff office office and the front entrance and then the red portion here is um support area for the data halls and then the penthouse on top again this is the area that houses the mechanical equipment the purple area which is it's kind of hard to see on this slide here um would house the generators so those are the fully enclosed um areas of the building and then with the red squares here this would be screened by the um architectural screen wall that would house the cooling um units and that would have an open top to those screen walls uh the building will be composed of a couple different materials um the main ones are shown on these uh three images here um the building will be made of uh pre-cast concrete panels uh for u a majority of the building um and then um kind of the the anchoring elements or the corners and uh portions of the building will be broken up with these uh aluminum um stainless steel elements inserted into the concrete to provide um a level of depth and breaking in the massing um uh within the concrete in addition uh due to the expanse of the building they will be incorporating uh green Walls as they call them or cables that will have Ivy and vines that grow up um the the cabling system there uh to help provide some softness to the building and they'll be using two different colors in the pre-cast panels to help provide some variety and um articulation on the building here are a few Ren rings of the building materials as well as the uh green Walls uh proposed on sides of the building uh the West facade so what would be facing out towards the rural residential area is shown on the top image and then the north facade which is the uh entrance of the building is shown on the bottom um the landscape plan is shown on this slide here um in terms of what code requires based on the size of building um we're at 15 a little over 1500 trees are required for overstory trees um they're proposing in their um submitt with us initially um showing 926 trees I will be showing an updated exhibit later on but just to go through kind of the order of motions here um and bringing this one up um our understory tree requirement uh based on the size of building it's at 390 um their plan is showing 323 the shrub count um is a little over 2,300 shrubs and they're at500 with this plan shown on this screen here so they're obviously deficient um in what they're showing on site here um so part of this request is an amendment uh to the p id7 District um to include uh an alternative landscape provision for this site which we'll we'll get into more detail later um this is their crosssection exhibit that was provided with their preliminary submitt to show um different section Cuts between the building site and adjacent residential and other properties um so we'll walk through those so we'll start with section A which is the properties that um are on school Master Drive they want they showed a cross-section exhibit showing um the adjacent residential home the proposed burm with landscaping and then the proposed building to show how those uh sight L sight lines from the adjacent residential would correspond with the proposed building so the line of sight being shown here is from the Second Story window so it is from the second so they're standing upstairs in their house looking out the window that's what okay that's what this exhibit is showing for all for all of the cross-sections that will be shown um this is the crosssection with the residential on Clover Meadow Drive so on the east side of the property um so you can understand what that distance and separation looks like the line of sight is this line here that has like 700 plus feet yes yep over 700 feet of separation and then another crosssection between the southeast corner of the site and residential on pzer pass and then the last one is with the adjacent open area to the the West there uh We've also included a couple renderings that have been shared since concept plan um submission um which show uh the landscaping and views from the adjacent residential from backyards to understand what the BM and uh some Landscaping on top and on the BM would look like um when these renderings were created the applicant had noted that this was um the landscape Plan before it has been beefed up to what it is in the preliminary so there's going to be more treat correct y um the substation again this component is proposed on the south side of the site and requires the condition use permit um it's a 200 megawatt uh substation um that would um be utilized or in commmission by our energy partner mmpa um the first phase of it um would be constructed with uh the cloud HQ building so 50 megawatts would be that first phase of that substation so similar in capacity to the substation to uh the west of but the full buildout will bring it to 200 megaw um which would help service um uh 50 megawatts of the cloud HQ site but also surrounding users within the area one thing that I'll quickly point out on that when we built West Creek substation to the west of this we made one pad for a 50 megawatt uh Transformer so probably what would end up happen is temporarily you'd see that pad be used to put down 50 megawatt uh Transformer there while this is being built and then once this is built then that Transformer would be transferred over to that new substation so a couple of the components that are within this substation uh would include um the largest stru structure being 110 ft tall which is a monopole structure an example of this is shown in this image here um so it's basically 3 and 1/2 feet wide at its base and then it tapers up to 2 and a half inches at the top of its structure um and there would be one of those and then the next tallest structures are 65 ft um tall uh which would be dead end structures uh to connect into the overhead lines that are within um the Exel transmission easement on site um so again this one uh this piece requires a conditional use permit uh per our code and getting into that um it references our zoning chapter 15.04.6 for essential Services um substations require a conditional use permit um in terms of the analysis the full analysis is in uh the report but there's six standards that are uh noted uh to meet in terms of um granting a conditional use permit um so how this substation relates to this project in particular uh the building itself uh does need the substation in order to operate uh on day one as the existing substation owned by the city does not have the capacity to give them on day one so that is why they are proposing opposing a substation with this building uh to help with their initial needs um the positioning of it was intentionally done um to be adjacent to the existing substation um as well as be on the Southside and uh screen by the building which is 72 and 1/2 fet tall uh so it will screen a majority almost all of the components of the substation um from the building itself um and then with the burm the 30 foot burm on the North and East sides it will significantly screen the pieces within the substation uh the placement again was also done um because of uh the compatibility of being adjacent to nearby electric facilities such as the transmission towers um and um area just to clear in that one of the things that's unique about this site is it has two pieces of infrastructure that come and sort of meet in one spot so there's the 230 KV electric line that goes east west um uh through the site and then coming from the south uh from across the river is the uh 115 kV line and so one that goes on Jonathan cver 11 to Victoria that yep that comes from Over the River I'll take that back it comes from Augusta but the the two uh the two match right at that site and so that's that's why this site um you know from a electric load uh has the capacity to be able to to handle that type of a load so in terms ter of the analysis completed uh the request for the conditional use permit um is reasonable From staff's perspective getting into the zoning ordinance Amendment portion of this proposal again it's three different amendments that are being proposed uh with this project one related to parking the second related to Building height and the third related to land landcaping in terms of the parking Amendment um it was anticipated during the concept plan approval portion of this project that we would likely be coming in with a parking change for this uh for data centers um the current p7 code States uh one space uh required for each 2,000 square feet of Warehouse floor or data data Hall area the proposed code requested would be to change the provision for the data Hall um use to one space for each 4,000 feet of data Hall area uh so when the parking code was put into place um we took the most relevant part of our current parking code to apply to Data Centers at at that time we didn't understand what the parking um uh for these types of uses would really require as we didn't have precedents we didn't have other data centers to um make our um analysis on so we did take the um uh the most uh consistent or compatible use that was currently in our code which was our warehousing providing 2000 or providing one 2,000 square feet now that we have three data centers out in the West Creek Corporate Center area we have more real um data to pull from to understand what the parking needs are out there um So based on what they provide on the three other existing sites um uhg stream and US Bank um they're really around that one space per 4,000 square feet provision um and with that new code in place and what um Cloud HQ is able to provide and what they believe is adequate to serve their site um they would also meet that that new code um provision so all of the existing uses in terms of what they provide for parking today and based on the size of their buildings as well as what cloud HQ is providing um the new parking provision as it's stated um we believe is reasonable to accommodate the data Sal the data center use in p7 have we determined when the building is built out the amount employees that'll be working there in Cloud HQ yeah they've um they've stated that 75 to 100 employees would work there I think they'll be able to provide a little bit more uh data in terms of full-time employees work in the building because it kind of fluctuates um but uh approximately in terms of how many uh people they get in for this size building at 75 to 100 the Second Amendment is in relation to the building height um so again back in 20122 when the concept plan was approved um it was based on the height of a 72 foot tall building um and there was the anticipation that an amendment would need to occur to the p7 zoning District uh to amend the max Building height well do we have any idea why a 36 foot height I mean houses are over that do we have any idea what prompted that to be put in place yeah I suspect that's a height of the four buildings that were being proposed for that site yeah when we typically when we do a rezoning on a property we are looking at the specific project in front of us at that time to establish development standards um and that's pretty typical plan districts in general is when we have a site plan come through and there there's a rezoning a part of it we are basically codifying the uh the uh conditions of that plan as a part of that resoning and the reason being for that is that you don't want that to go and change and you know you want to make it difficult for that to to change in the future um you know if you say what they're building is what the the max is then you create some certainty about what's going to happen in the future so the proposed Max height um or the amendment that's being sought this evening is to uh change the max height for specifically the uh kelzer site to 72 1/2 ft um the 36 ft would still apply to the properties to the South um and that is because the burm to the South is smaller than the one that is proposed with the north side here um so with their analysis of showing a 72 and a half building um plus a 30 foot burm and land Landscaping on top um they're showing building setbacks that are greater than what was shown in 2017 specifically for the East Side the north side is the same um they did provide cross-sections um to show those relationships between the neighboring properties um to help substantially screen the building from the adjacent residential um and because of those pieces and Provisions um the request to amend the building height from staff's opinion um is a reasonable request and then lastly the Landscaping Amendment um so as noted before they are deficient um in what is being provided on site to meet the the city's landscape ordinance um they do have a portion of their site which is the backside of their burm so the nonresidential facing parts of the burm that does have adequate space to be able to accommodate uh these additional or deficient plantings um however the applicant brought up um an alternative to explore um to hopefully provide a more productive and sustainable use of those plantings uh that would be more visibly or public fronting um in other areas so just to clarify what you said and say out loud to myself so that makes sense in theory they could meet the requirement but it would they would be planting things that only people there could see no one the other side of the burm would be able to see in the argument being made well that doesn't make much sense because we're producing the BM and the Landscaping to help Shield it okay understood just want to make f it helps me reward it into my head that doesn't mean that it couldn't be that but it's the logic they're saying it's just saying there's an alternative yeah got it so the other Alternatives that um the applicant has brought up are to look at in installing trees on the Outlaws that are um directly adjacent to the site on the east side of the site um to help bolster the residential screen Edge um they have already showed uh 23 trees in this area there's probably uh a couple spaces they can fill in there um to capture that area um as much as possible and then the other alternative um is to create a tree Bank um or collect a fund to capture the deficient landscape quantities and to be used in more public benefiting spaces so public parks um or other places that the public would be able to benefit from more directly one other thing we talked about today in the neighborhood meeting too is uh potentially as an alternative looking at increasing the caliber of trees to to be able to bolster that up so instead of instead of planting two small trees that you plant a larger calber tree so that you wouldn't have as long of a period to wait for it to mature uh to actually get that screening qualid questions on the alternative this tree Bank have we ever used a tree Bank idea anywhere else for any other project and the other so side question then is one of the comments in the um letters that was provided in here talked about providing that some of that bank to be planted in the Resident space can the city even do that like you get a free tree you get a free tree I mean I understand the logic behind that person's comment yeah U I'm just curious because it does create I'm just curious if that's if we can do that we have a tree we we have a tree purchase program I was gonna say could help work's probably a way we can do that I was just curious I'd have to think about the mechanism of how you do that but there probably is a way we can do that didn't we do something with aidin because they were they they required more Landscaping than they could because of the size of it that they could put on their property what did we we did something with opin on do you remember what they they did end up meeting landscap yeah I think they ended up just squeezing everything on site oh they did yeah there there was some bleed over into adjoining ponding areas like areas that we own yeah okay a little bit but otherwise they met that that was you know based on the size of the building that it was a challenge for them to get all that in I mean I don't think that's a terrible idea I mean I didn't either it was interesting because I do I suspect like here's my house here's the trees I can see it because it's the hardest thing and I know a lot of people will probably speak to this is is what is you know we can look at pretty pictures we can look at architect it's going to be really hard until it's actually there right and so then partly it's like okay well this looks good except this one spot can I put it can I get a tree on my property here so it's an interesting idea because I get it where you know they're placing things um you know you get three people in a in a backyard trying to figure out where to put a tree they're going to have three different places to put the tree until you kind of see that property so I I was just curious cuz like I said I read that I was like not you know it isn't it isn't a bad idea I'm just it's not UNC commmon other cities have done it correct well and in public boulevard space yes I don't know on on actual in people's actual yards yeah no it's worth looking into yeah we can certainly look into it and like I said I public b i I would have to think there's a mechanism for us to be able to do that if that's the direction we wanted to go so an offer not a not a must take because if someone says you know I'm fine with no trees right give them to one of my neighbors you they don't have to take the tree right yeah we can do some more look into sure yeah I like I yeah those was good good comment good feedback in that letter about that I'm good thank you what will the birming be planted with like natural prairie grasses so there'll be some as far as like below the trees some height from that too coming up from the ground not a lot I get that but yeah okay it it'll be a natural seed mix um just to continue on this um landscape Amendment um so we've we've had a couple conversations with the applicant in terms of you know before we get to the Alternatives that they've provided to us there were objectives that they needed to fulfill in order for us to continue on that conversation um and those objectives were providing an amount of trees that get close to the full requirement for this uh size of building but also creates a balanced feasible and sustainable outcome on the site so still providing a plan that they believe Will Survive and and continue to grow uh Through Time um increasing the amount of the larger caliber in trees on site so the three three and a half four and four and a half trees beyond the threshold that the city's ordinance has in place which is 10% of the trees need to be those larger caliber inch trees um so telling them to provide um the larger caliber inches beyond that 10% threshold for those sizes um and the table on this screen um based on the plan that was submitted with preliminary um indicates those efforts to get above that 10% requirement which would mean the two and a half so the starting standard um kind of Falls below that 60% requirement so then bolstering uh these percentages for the larger caliber inches and then uh lastly but most significantly placing the priority of their landscaping and the plantings on the burn side facing residential to maximize the screening there uh as much as possible so getting into the analysis which we'll have kind of a followup use to this too um later on but um the building um the size of it is definitely a size that has been unprecedented in the city um in terms of square footage um the intent of the city's landscape ordinance and what is um stated in the PID district for landscaping uh staff believes has been met uh with the applicants proposed landscape plan um and the objectives that were previously stated um have also been met From staff's perspective um they've placed plantings in all feasible and beneficial areas of the site as you can see the plantings are densely um placed on the East and North sides to um hit that objective of providing maximized screening towards the residential um I think staff is in alignment with um the placement of plantings in community areas or public facing areas are more productive versus placing the plantings on the back side of the BM where only fewer people will uh be able to benefit from that um so in that case uh staff believes the Alternatives that have been presented to us are acceptable and a more beneficial outcome to the public uh so the request to amend the Landscaping Provisions are reasonable um I do want to Prov provide um an update since Planning Commission approval because it kind of bleeds into this Landscaping conversation that we're continuing to have um as was mentioned Planning Commission did recommend approval of the project on both motions for the preliminary site and building plan and for the zoning ordinance amendments including um looking at this alternative for landscaping um we have received a fair amount of con concerns from the residents um since Planning Commission and during Planning Commission um most of them but not limited to pertain to the sight lines from their properties uh the building height noise and then construction of the project um in response to those um concerns that were raised uh we did add two more conditions um outside of the Planning Commission approval or recommendation um to help aid or help uh address some of those concerns um so condition 14 and 15 in the approving resolution um helped to uh bolster some of the um addressing of the concerns so condition 14 um relates to uh bolstering the quantity of the three to 4 and a half caliber inch trees on the residential side of the burm to greatest stability um and to be addressed by final submitt condition number 15 refers back to the conditional use permit that was approved in October of last year um which lay out a number of conditions specifically related to construction on the site noise dust control that sort of thing so it's referencing that resolution that was approved during that time um it's whether or not it's a condition it's still in place but we just want to make sure that's still referenced to um and then additionally in response to specifically condition number 14 and uh hearing the number of concerns from the residents the applicant has produced an updated landscape plan um to bolster those larger um caliber inch trees um and that was shared today and it was uh provided in your packet today um to show uh the efforts uh that have been done um ahead of this meeting um and that plan is shown here on the screen um the comparison really gets down to kind of the percentages of those three to four and a half which have been um uh beefed up a little bit um since Planning Commission approved approval and really the valuation difference between kind of Planning Commission approval up to now and what they're showing um Planning Commission approval their caliber inch provided was around 2700 uh uh inches and 9 926 trees uh the plan that's been provided to date or up till this point um with the caliber inches uh bolstered they're at a little over 3,200 caliber inches and a little over a thousand trees with that latest plan um because this plan came in after the original packet went out um we have um a few slides if count Council um is in support of uh the direction that the Landscaping is going in terms of the alternative and in terms of what they're providing with their latest plan um we do have uh a slide to capture that with the latest exhibits if you feel in support of those uh most uptate landscape plans um but really what it boils down to is two separate motions this evening um one would be to adopt resolution number 202 24-8 which would be approving the preliminary site and building plan preliminary plat plat and conditional use permit for cloud HQ in the new substation um and then a second motion would be to adopt ordinance number um 150 approving the zoning ordinance amendments to p7 as depicted um in exhibit a which shows the Amendments and what we've run through this evening on this presentation uh happy to answer any questions we do have the applicant here and their team here to help answer questions um so yeah thank you questions so since we've started this plan has anything changed from those starting at neighborhood meetings the concept it's always been the same plan I'm not talking the four buildings I'm talking this current plan from the very beginning nothing has changed is that correct height wise building stuff like that the building size and the building height and the burm have all stayed the same okay so there is no change the Landscaping has changed the Landscaping which I get that yeah but but one of the emails I got said that everything has changed on it and I I want to clarify that in my own mind because I didn't believe that anything changed since I I'll call this the second revision of of someone building there that this has always been the plan from the beginning like I said starting with the neighborhood meetings that they had and then with us having the concept plan and Planning Commission and all that nothing has changed okay let you go back to the just a map of the property okay just any map of the property maybe I think it's like one slide back like that'll work um help me understand staging that works too just perspective so construction stage you build the burm first do the trees get planted right away when the bm's done okay yes and then construction traffic to the actual building is accessing it from the south there correct yes um and roughly I know I read some things I'm was trying to get all the facts in my head roughly timeline of construction I guess burm slash building space we have a sense of like how long they think it's that construction period lasts the applicant might need to clarify or confirm for me but I think the the burm construction takes around nine months or so it's it's dependent on dirt being available which can kind of make that timeline fluctuate but that's what they've stated to us and then in terms of the building and the construction timeline for that it's roughly a year and a half to twoe build out and it's that property is done this is the last thing in that space that can go and when when you say build is that including the inside with the outside I mean so we're not talking and and I get it there's a lot of moving stuff but it's really not a two-year outside build there's a lot of I I just know from the data center there's a lot of inside components than that I mean there's activity there but not like you know setting walls and trusses and you know uh things like that and the applicant can probably verify a little bit that was about you had shared about nine months yeah yeah come on up just state state who we are please and and uh who you're with absolutely uh good evening my name is Brett Bernett director of development for cloud HQ great to be back with you all tonight started talking about this and we're excited to to be back so talking about time frame the burm duration is correct up to a year but could be faster depends on dirt availability the uh construction of the building takes us about nine months to do the shell so everything else from the nemon period to the two-year period is all internal works as you can imagine there's a lot of complex systems that have to get built built internal to the building but in terms of what the public sees on the outside that part of the construction of the building process is less than one year so let's let's look at it this way so say tonight this happened you're talking rough next summer dirt probably possibly done uh and then you're talking then another year after that so we're talking really two to three years down the line um before this project is kind of buttoned up closed up I would say the project from start to finish to occupancy of a tenant could be as fast as two and a half years or as slow as three and change depending on how quickly the BM gets done but that's not the build now that's getting occupants correct that's everything internal to the building everything that the customer needs to occupy the space and for you to become full buildout I mean obviously you go on stages your anticipation of of you being full with users do you have a timeline of that so our program clad use program is we really only build single tenant hyperscale data centers so this will be occupied all by one tenant but they do take down data halls in phases typically we deliver anywhere from two to four data Halls every three months or so so it could take an occupant up to a year to a year and a half to take the whole Space um that really depends on their needs but we base our timeline on when we can deliver the first space and that duration to deliver first space for the building is about two years and again an assumption you must have a pretty good idea that you have someone lined up which I know is generally never shared um but you you must have someone lined up for that yeah so there as you can imagine there's a any data center project there's a Confluence of timing between power availability construction approvals and getting a tenant so we've been working hard over the last two years even though it seems like a long time uh to get the power moving forward and get that to a point where we can guarantee our customers that we can deliver a building that has the capacity needed um so we've we've been working on that and we have really good conversations going with one tenant in particular but there's several hyperscalers that are interested in the site um we many data center developers do not build speculative buildings as you can imagine it's a large investment and they're somewhat um unique on the interior of the building in the way that you build it out for different tenants they require different spaces different slightly different design of data Halls things like that so there's not a lot of spec data center construction built that said when we do have a tenant which we are having really good conversations they tend to want things done as quickly as possible to take the space and so that's why the burm if we started early could take up to a year depending on dirt availability but if we have a tenant that wants space faster we could that oneyear time frame could go faster the construction of the building component is going to be one and a half to two years generally because the uh the electric help me draw a blank station substation there you go than to but the substations uh dealing with the ones we've built in the past they take some time and then for that to be a full buildup that secondary substation so basically that would have to get moving probably right after if approvals all happen that would have to get going as well for to meet the goals based on what I've seen other sub one of the reasons there 50 megawatt pad on our existing substation is such a benefit because it offers the ability to start moving with something as we're building the substation to the South and just you so mmpa would be the ones that actually build and own this substation uh on that site and for those who don't know mmpa is the power agency that the city of chasa is a part of it's a co-op we're a co-op of it's actually agency not Tey yeah we're not a co-op it's 12 12 so it's 12 different cities that have created this it's Minnesota Municipal Power Association agency so right because I like I said I just know based on what we need to do here there's a lot of moving pieces and parts to to all of this so I just kind of trying to get my head wrapped around and this customer girl was to get it in my how we're going to do that and then the has mmpa purchased the property for the next it's actually it's actually on their property it is yes Oh I thought it was going to be on a different piece of no they actually designed it so it could be new property oh okay okay I didn't realize that last talk it was going to be a different that's what they were sort of thinking at first but now they can make it all work okay all right anyone else have questions was there any I guess the parking seems like it's an interesting place to me and I don't know if there was any thought to like why it wasn't put where some of the Watershed is on the south of the build site of the building I don't know that it would change things much as far as like from a residential view obviously maybe lighting wise but is there why did the parking go there I guess sure so we can you put that slide up thank you we intentionally face the office component of the building towards the residential because that tends to be the most visually appealing portion of the building the a lot of the rest of the building is data Hall space that's not occupied by people so it doesn't have as many windows so because that northwest corner is where the office space is located that's where the majority of the parking is located and and we faced most of the well all of the mechanical equipment faces away from the residential so you have the two bars um if you're looking from a bird's eye view you have the two bars of generator Penthouse that go in the middle they're 110 feet stepped back from the northern uh edge of the building and the that's where the gener generators are housed and then the 0b dry coolers are the red por that you see uh that have a screen wall to the north okay that makes sense then so your question was is why was the parking why not flip the building around yeah but oh put the entrance on hiside and I see why the parking was there there there's also some challenges with the way the 300 foot buffer extends from the property line and we that constraint with the power line to the South makes for this orientation of building really the only feasible way that we could fit it in there and then what does the sloping look like for the burm to the Northwest and to the southeast how much does it slope like those end residents which I don't know how far the residence do go to the Northwest maybe not as far as I'm thinking oh yeah so the sloping there but the SL it should be sufficient to really Shield view all along the whole BM no one's getting like does that make sense I'm saying you talking you know like yeah like are they just they have to be what is it one to three is the slope of so that they can cut and maintain or whatever yeah that's right so it will slope up starting from the northwest corner to the to the Apex of 30 ft the majority of the burm is 30 feet and then it does slope down uh on the Southeast Corner as well but the resident that I believe is Clover Circle is the next one up so they will have more of a view because they're further west and so there some of their view uh shed extends beyond our property boundary if that makes sense so we we've taken the burm as far Northwest as we can to your point it has to be sloped down there are residents west of that that will have a view but they're a couple hundred yards uh or at least a couple hundred feet behind the first row of homes so we could maybe bolster even more trees that like taller trees there so one thing on the landscape plan the views that uh we saw about halfway through that had the landscape um actually shown from the residential portion that plan was what we had showed two years ago that was based on 25% of the code required caliper size as a Planning Commission we were at 60% of that so you can imagine significantly denser than what's shown here today the plan that we've presented today is at 71% and we have really worked hard with staff to maximize both the size and the quantity of trees that are in any area of the project that could benefit either visibility or Andor noise mitigation so we it's it's an extremely dense forest basically from three4 of the way up to the data center side of the BM all the way down to the residential side of the BM that will look almost three times as dense as what you see in here if I'm standing in a second story house any know how high am I off the ground if I'm just you want to share the elevations yeah we took some spot shots so we can see where the houses sit and then where the burm starts and then where the building elevations are that might be helpful yeah so let is good evening try with kimley horn civil engineer on the project um is is going to pull up do you have one of the cross-sectional use there MH um and I can anecdotally obviously as the as the elevation along the northern property line changes the burm is going to change elevation as well it's very consistently 30 fet from the northern property line of the cloud HQ site so the southern side of the Residential Properties excuse me um also looking at what the elevation of the adjacent streets are um of school Master drive and looking at you know a general elevation at the higher point of school Master drive is it about a 920 um the top of the burm in that location is 946 so a lot of the houses are obviously walkouts right so you know driveway enter on the main floor yes there's a second floor and then the walk out basement so their backyard slop down towards the property line and then the BM goes back up again so the there you go thank you Liz so much so the cross-sectional views that we completed do account for those elevation changes and looking at that from like the main floor of a residential home does that answer your question well I I I'm just trying to figure out so the the top of your burm is what elevation did you say using the numbers you were using nine what in that case 946 9 46 and standing in a second floor house looking out what is that elevation in that particular example 9:35 935 so that's 10 feet below below our bedroom windows I don't think that's what that says because you're G to put trees on top of that too I I will I know I'm not going to we we'll invite you up here soon I promise we will but I guess my question is too is like CU when we talk about the top of the BM just to clarify that's the dirt correct not the trees now again I understand the trees aren't full growing on day one I I'm not going to pretend that's not an issue because I'd love to make that picture look like day one right but they grow um but that's the dirt when we're talking those elevations okay okay anyone else have questions uh one of the questions I wanted to ask while you guys were up here presenting is a lot of residents were concerned about um noise can you guys speak to that yeah absolutely so we have our noise expert from kimley horn run down free to come up um one thing I'll say just to preface it because I'm not the noise expert he certainly is but the landscape plan that we've been working on with [Music] staff was in order to address both the sound and the viewshed but I think it's important to understand in terms of a noise mitigation strategy almost all of what we're doing to to stay within the Minnesota noise code is done at the building level and it's done based on additions that are put onto the equipment at the building level so we are we're going to we're under the noise requirements for the state with no landscaping and so we've obviously worked very hard to add a lot of landscaping for uh sight line reasons and other reasons and there is a benefit for noise but um I just want to share that the bulk of what we're doing to to keep it within the the levels that it needs to be is at the building level yeah good evening y'all my name is Tad Hardy with kimley Hornet Associates I'm out of our Charlotte North North Carolina office and council member hubard if you wouldn't mind maybe what detail would you like or just general over were sharing concerns of um low frequency noise um as opposed to just your regular ambient noise got it being kind of constant um and what kind of uh mitigation would would you know would happen with that okay gotcha so yeah so when when we were brought on to help with this study particularly we took the site plan as well as manufacturer specified data that includes octave Band frequencies so anything from like 31 a half all the way up to I believe 8,000 Hertz and we're able to use the site plan building Heights the the proposed screening the the penthouse like all the specifics in the site including the burm and model that to understand how we you know would or wouldn't comply with the state regulations um like BR mentioned we ended up showing compliance without any Landscaping but to be you know I guess sure of that we did add Landscaping into our model just to make sure and you know what's being proposed is showing an approximate you know 1 to two dcel further decrease in noise which is great but like Brett also mentioned most of the noise reducing that's being proposed is happening at the building level so all the emergency generators are being housed inside the enclosed penthouse on the roof roof they are all being upfit with hospital grade silencers that help reduce multiple you know frequencies of noise anywhere between 35 and 45 DB so I mean that's a really really big reduction overall versus what some data centers have where generators are outside and just emitting into the open air um the the the chillers that are on top of the roof are being screened um around the entire I guess area that they are located in and they're also being upfit with with low sound fan packages um across the board to just help further reduce any noise but but overall from a low frequency noise standpoint the model doesn't show anything that's necessarily out of whack in comparison to what we would necess necessarily want to do um or look into more to to figure out if if additional treatments may be needed but everything checked out when we went and modeled at all so when you talk about generators these generators then are only running if there's a power outage or during testing and yeah and the testing I believe is a couple hours a year per generator and they're only allowed to be tested during daytime hours one at a time typically what we see with like United Health Group is like if you go into a severe storm warning uh or something that's within the immediate area you might see them turn on the generators uh just to just in case there was a power outage um but yeah they're they're usually only run when there's extreme circumstances that's what I was assuming I need to again make sure I'm thinking the way you're talking so yeah and one other thing that I wanted to point out is the location of the substation um the existing and the proposed one they're on the south side of the building to help further Shield noise from the Transformer equipment that's within those substations so that's another you know noise compatible kind of planning um effort that's been taken but that is that's probably what 500 feet from the residence roughly if not more it's a lot more than that so the closest um so residence to the 72 and a half foot portion of the building is over 500 feet so you over 500 feet so then you add another I would say 400 or so to get to the station I mean if the substation just you have like a like a buzz or something that's about really there's not a lot more to them correct correct just that we get a clearer understanding of a substation the building would be in between the substation and the residence right one other thing to add we heard a lot at um Planning Commission about both noise and uh screening and using Landscaping to the fix extent to do that so Tad performed a study that we may have to share but the request was can you add more Landscaping to further reduce any noise impacts and so we said absolutely we'll look at it and I won't speak to the study particulars he's expert to do that but we with this plan we have densified all Landscaping in all areas where the noise could be reduced by adding additional Landscaping so it's again back to the noise mitigation and the the screening um that has been added since Planning Commission uh another question that seemed to be uh commment amongst the residents that have emailed me uh water consumption can you speak to the volume of water um and I don't know you know you know I guess maybe staff question about the capacity piece of it as well I can speak to it so we are the peak daily we're looking at for this current design is 1.5 5 million gallons Peak daily Peak daily in Minnesota is probably uh only a factor about two months of the year given the weather weather conditions up here so we're looking at a a total uh annual of 23 million gallons which from what I understand is about 30 to 40% less than what United Healthcare Group data center actually uses because the equipment that we're using are adiabatic dry coolers so they're not open um open uh water loop cooling towers so it's a more water efficient even though our building is much larger it's a more water efficient means of cooling the data halls and from a sa perspective we've had our water andur director look at it and we wouldn't have a problem serving it I believe there's been some questions about uh obviously you're a power user and about concerns about um blackouts brown outs things like that but that's a um I think one thing people have to understand is ined in essence the substation that's going to be on the south side of their facility is going to be a dedicated substation and so it's not it's not owned by the city it's not operated by the city it's not part of our distribution system and so we get a hosting fee for having it within our community because we're part of the agency um but it couldn't have an impact on our system within the city BEC because it's not part of our distribution system Fair description it is and you know there's going slightly more Regional with the focus mmpa the first part of this process as it is with any new data center is understanding system implications and what upgrades need to take place to service the load so we've been working for over two years to make sure that the plan we have in place will not negatively affect any residents in Chasco or otherwise um and actually what we what we find usually in projects where we're developing data centers is the the number of blackouts the number of power losses is actually reduced because of the system upgrades that are required it it's kind of more of a um you're you're you tend to be a little bit more conservative when you bring on a large power user like that so we've we've seen benefit from residential um on the power side so Matt to your point who who then works on that sub if mmpa owns that they they hire someone and they come in and take care of the maintenance and yeah I mean other not our crews that no uh a lot of substations they have a company called mace uh they're the ones that do the work down at Minnesota Valley on the turbine that's down there that's probably who it would be so if there was a power outage let say some big storm or something like that we wouldn't have contention for our city Crews going out to the data center because be a different Cruise who would be taking care of the substation of the data center no and on the flip side we wouldn't have the ability to draw for that substation if you know if it was our system that was down completely just independent of one another perspective yep so and then you know going back to your comment about that we got that 50 pad that would be utilized but that would be only utilized for this building it would not be part of our system yeah I mean that's it's more temporary right uh to just get things going a lot of it ends up being quite frankly construction and the stuff that's needed for that yeah because there'd be no just it'd be just yeah Power they need for construction yeah one other thing on General power from what we understand this area does not have frequent blackouts which is obviously a benefit for any new development especially data centers um Virginia uh which is where we're based which is where a lot of the data centers are has a similar success rate of not having a lot of loss of power so we typically don't see full outages more than once a year for these uh types of facilities and when we do it's usually 30 to 45 minutes it's not like these things are running days at a time the longest data center outage that has ever happened was three days and that was I think like a hundredy year hurricane event that you know everybody was without power for a long time but typically these are really short events I mean I I think we we strive on the fact that we have because we have our own power company we do have our outages if we do have them are very short um and um and I know that that's an attraction for data centers in this area because of that yeah absolutely now we've heard that from from end users um and that you know from my perspective working with jasa power and the whole city team has been great and they're definitely um well prepared to to handle a project like this from from our standpoint instruction timing real quick because I know we just said that you know the construction would be two and a half to three years right that includes that's including Opera that's up to operatable for the client whoever that happens to be but from the outside perspective when is it what's the that window because you mentioned that you like nine months to a year to get the burm and then plus construction time standing up the walls and all the stuff inside but you know from the time that you actually break ground and start pushing around dirt until the time when it's from the outside anyway we don't care about like how much construction is going on inside but from the outside when does it look like it's finished from the from the residents perspective yeah I would say taking a away the scenario where we would build the burm and then not start the building until later because obviously that total duration could be extended the burm I'm I think is going to take between six to nine months could take up to 12 and then the shell which is really all that you see from the exterior of the building is about nine months so anywhere hip up construction correct correct yeah we we yeah we do typically pre-cast concrete but um once the foundations go up the pre-cast goes up pretty quickly and a lot of the rest of the buildout is very complex mechanical and electrical systems internal to the building that no one from the public ever sees and then from there the walls the tiip up is done the walls are you know are pulled together then from there it's just becomes a landscaping job on the outside that you know landscape paint you know Vines whatever right correct yeah that can all happen going inside okay so i' like to ask a question uh size is is um seems to be a very concerning item um what what if you I'm just throwing numbers don't anybody take anything what if you drop 10 feet but expanded that those penth houses out is that a Poss possibility of something like that and then get that height down um I I don't know if you can answer that question but I I need to ask the question no that's fair and and we actually we talked about it on the meeting today and data center construction is probably a bit unique in the way that the floor plates and the building blocks sit our clients need 23 feet clear per floor and they need two floors of data Halls to have the critical mass to make the project viable and then the generator Penthouse that's uh just a portion of the rooftop gets you from the 46 the majority of the exterior of the building by is 46 feet 12% of it is the 48 and2 feet that's where 12% is is it's 48 and a half the rest of the exterior of the uh well on the I'm speaking on the north and south side there is sections of the east and west West that are uh ground to 72 um feet but speaking on the North side that's it's all it's mostly 46 feet and then there's portions on the corners where the stairs sit that are 48 and a half so for us it it's unfortunately not as simple of just as just shaving off 10 feet from a from a space because they need 23 ft clear that's really a minimum for uh per four of data Hall and then the generators to get the generator units in and the SCS which are basically like a giant catalytic converter that helps with emissions before particulate gets released um that sits on top of the generator so there's not we unfortunately there's not really extra room in the project to to drop it and we we do try to recess some of the floor because we have a central utility plant but that's a matter of like a foot or two it's not you know 10 or 15 and with as we talk about the burm being done first um is there going to be won't you have a ton of excess dirt that could be used for the burm uh that you could kind of work simultaneously or is that not anything that makes sense so what we have planned right now is is it's a lot of dirt it's 300,000 cubic yards total for the burm so we're that's for the BM that's for the BM so we're uh importing the majority of that what we can scrape off of the site which is what we need to start the foundations is the last part of the BM that will get built on the east side and that gets us to the 300,000 cubic yards so that's the plan in general it's not like when we go to do foundations we're going to have a lot of extra dirt to that's what I was wondering is is you build all the burm first and then all of a sudden you have all this dirt you got to start Trucking again and but I assumed that you've got that worked into that you obviously hopefully we're we're doing it all uh together finish the burm height start foundations and and in the building on the east side there's I think it's currently city of chasan where there's like storm water so it's the burm will start after that so it's kind of like residential homes and there's that storm water area and then the burm will start on the east side like behind um Clover Meadow Drive Liz could you pull that up please like the anything that's there as far as like mature trees around that water I think it's water area at least from the um maybe when it's not so dry it is um it would start after that area so on the east side yeah so our property laundry um start yeah I think what you're talking about is actually off the map there okay I think it's a little bit on the map but yeah so the reason it's on the map that's not our property line as part of this Landscaping effort we've proposed adding trees to that area to further um provide some benefit but the white part is not on our property which which part what's where the cursor is on the East Far East Side just north of the power line I believe it's City I see what you mean by saying it's not on there now yeah I mean over it's over to the side Mar I thought you saying and I was like because the blue on there is the blue on there is retention right correct yeah okay cuz our color on our TV is probably not as nice as your color so um oh yeah that's why we can't I can't tell when you say white everything's yellow oh sorry yes oh yeah so that area Okay the burm starts after that area Okay so just I guess further clarify there is existing birming right I was going to say there's some how tall is that burm do we know 20 20 20t right so there's a 20 foot burm and then it's going to go and then there's going to be a 30 foot BM and there'll be another 30 foot BM on cloud hq's site okay and we're looking at how do we best you know they're going to landscape their site obviously and that existing BM we've been looking at with them as to it's city property you know is there an opportunity to further bolster the landscaping that's on that side just to help kind of blend that in yeah so okay yep because then that's like even further anyone else chief Kayla you look like you got a question I feel like I may be had one more that I can't remember right now no I don't think so um so this is not a public hearing so officially we don't need to take comments but um the council's always felt that it's important at these that we can take some comments um and how I'd ask that we do this is is we're going to put five minute limit and that hopefully if your item has already been brought up uh we don't need to come up and hear um the same item and and waste other people's times uh so that everyone has an opportunity you know we'll we'll see how far and how long this goes but but um so we will offer some time uh with this and we'll kind of see where it goes from there but um if you come up here I ask that everyone's respectful of each other and we'll we'll try to get through everything together um like I say it's five uh five minute limit I need your name and your address so that we have it on our official records as well so um with that if there is a spokesman that you have for your area they're generally the the person that comes up that you know can hit most of the points um so with that I'll ask if there's someone that wants to come up and and speak I thanks for bringing kids though it's fun experience for them I'm sure he's not um and I promise they're not props I have a husband on an airplane right now but it's it's convenient because if you want to see what takes place in three years you can look at the curly blonde back there she's three and so when you say it's only three years that's her whole life that's what can happen she's not going to remember a time before this so the cons the scope of this project is enormous uh we bought our house four years ago and we did know as I suspect everybody here did we knew that that there would be a data center we we got the Scopes we factored that heavily into our decision and we were we were concerned about it but accepted that the scope of what was projected initially four years ago was acceptable this is obscene this does not belong in a residential area I'm not against data centers I'm not against a building on that property I'm against and I suspect most of our the scope of this and maybe you did know for two years I I respect that and I respect that we weren't able to go to the meetings my husband and I work opposite sh so that we can be with our kids it's really hard for us to get to those meetings to suspect that there were similar issues and we just didn't understand that it was different that it was this dramatically different we thought oh they're going to build the building we knew about we didn't we should have done our due diligence I guess so the people in this room it's not that we're just like finally standing up it's that we're finally aware of the scope of the project and we're really upset and concerned um I homeschool my kids I work from home I'm a mental health therapist um I'm concerned about the noise you can talk all you want about how it's it's reasonable but I'm really concerned about that type of construction noise going on for the for the well-being of my family for for naps for sleep for my my clients to have a peaceful experience when they talk to me um so I just I I'm just one person we're just one family I get that by the way Susan Nelson I never said that Susan Nelson my husband Skip and I live at 1983 School Master drive we are the Direct Hit Zone we could not be more directly impacted by this build and um so I I know that we're just one family um and I know that our situation is unique but but working from home raising kids having them bike through the neighborhood that's what happens in a residential area this should not take place in a residential area it's not a residential area where this is being built IND baseballs on that property right now he's eight he doesn't have that good of I mean it is right in our backyard I know what you're saying but it's it's an industrial property that part it the how close it is to my residence is going to greatly impact my quality of life and I'm concerned about my like I wanted to live here the rest of my life I really did and I'm concerned that if if the I won't anymore and that I won't be able to sell my house because this I would never buy this is going to be prohibitive this is going to decrease our property value this is gross so that's all I wanted to say thank please let's hold off can I can I ask you question Susan absolutely okay did what in your mind so the burm entries are not sufficient so assuming you're not going to be able to see anything you still don't want it there I don't believe that that is what will take place I don't believe that we won't see every anything and I don't believe that it will take place soon enough that that that we won't see and hear construction vehicles you wouldn't you're going to see construction vehicles when construction at the very least and the dust that's going to come into my house I know that that's been brought up before I don't know if you're ever in our area we have a lot of schools in that direct neighborhood the numbers okay 30 years okay but but that direct neighborhood Clover Edge okay so the number of school buses that are coming and going I can't imagine the impact from the construction vehicles alone where's the construction entrance it's on the south side it's not in the residential not inler it's not hun it's it's inler but it's not in the residential it's it's where they currently it's where you currently go into the data center everything will come in from the still school buses are coming around there school anywhere respectfully no there's no to get on to 212 no not that it's a West Creek Boulevard goes in it's a okay true there's not yeah our school district doesn't construct that far so with the BM there I mean there is with any anything that's going to go there you have to take some sort of promise that there's going to eventually be nothing you can see right I don't believe with the scope of this project that we're not going to be able to see that I don't think that's something you can promise they even stated that we can't they can't hear it if you start talking from there so I please hold those to your time for comments thank you that was with my question thank you thank you come up how it works all right you're the first one up there you get to push the other person Sean Bogan uh 1868 Clover Meadow Drive so I'm on the east side uh I'm just going to Rattle through this list so I'll be quick you don't have to directly respond right now but I guess you can take notes um I've lived here for nine years now I know we've been teased with HIV retails all this other stuff and now that's turned into some boring cement buildings now across the street we're watching Chanhassen Victoria aonia now even shaki Tomy is moving down there like I feel like we're losing the valuable stuff to humans and people that are in the community um also some of those things that were shown up there just don't look to scale like the 72 and the 48 look like this much difference and I know that's a small scale but I feel like they're trying to make it look like 72 is not that much um I don't I also don't believe from a second story window that you're not going to see because we see everything at the data center all the exhaust coming out um I do have things to say if you do go forth with it that like I think the burm should have to make up for the difference in height from where the 36 is now so it's like all right if we're going to build a 72 why are we only building a BM 30 why not 36 to ensure that it's not seen um but then that brings in those beautiful sunsets when my house faces West now we have a 30 foot burm with trees and stuff where the sun's going to go behind and now we're going to be in shade for much more of the evening already um what about winter all these things you see up here have pretty leaves and big bushy things that say they're going to block it what happens when the leaves fall you're going to see you're going to see a combination of trees but again I don't think you're going to get 100% coverage I mean I guarantee you're going to see something and what happens if they do promise that doesn't matter what we build there that same issue could happen Okay um and the tree idea I do like because I don't know if you've seen Clover Clover Meadow Drive but there's so many disease trees in the parkway or I think you guys call it bulevard like I've had some REM we justed have stumps out there now and the ones that are still there are disease so we could use some new trees if that is going to happen um I was worried about the property value of homes too and then the only other question I'm going to ask and you can answer is there is there negative effects environmental concerns or health hazards from is there exhaust I heard something about having a cataly converter on there what if that doesn't work properly or what if it breaks down like is there going to be any kind of hazardous stuff going in the air and the water because that is proteced Waterland and the electrical thing the substation I don't know if there's any adverse effects from having that so close and having it 200 megaw just that's my list so thank you thank thank you thank you is there anyone can hold on one second is there anyone from there that can address about the catalytic converter is there concerns about the the pollution piece of that fa so you're in a great state for environmental concerns Minnesota is one of the strongest emissions uh states to get permits and also they require t testing of those systems to make sure that they're compliant and still working annual testing so these buildings were usually doing 15 to 20 year leases but they're built for 50 years so these are components that probably will need to be retrofitted as technology uh gets better but I can't imagine the environmental regulations are going to get any weaker in Minnesota uh so that's not something those those SCS don't get put on in every state but here they're going to be ired uh so I think there's there's a good amount of oversight into the into that part of the project what about issues of water pollution water pollution I believe that was your question right John yeah okay ex coming out water going backs yeah I mean we haven't had any issues with water pollution we do have about 15% of the water that we use goes back into the sanitary system uh for the city but that is treated before it gets used for anything else there's leak detection systems at all levels of the building both in the data halls and in ancillary spaces and in the generator rooms to make sure that if there's any leaking fuel or anything like that it's caught quickly uh and resolved so we have not had any contaminant release issues on any of our facilities or any of dat data centers that uh have been in the jurisdictions we've worked in okay so you got a lot of safeguards in place okay thank you hi evening my name is Mike smis I live at 2460 Cloverfield drive so this is not just a school Master problem it goes along Clover Field as well many of us face those fields and we can see it from our house um people have said a lot of things that I was going to cover but two key things or a few key things that I think are important your very focused on the trees and the burm um and I'd like to thank the city employees who put together that call for this afternoon that was very helpful to gain more understanding of the project but what wasn't said to the council members it will take 15 to 25 years for those trees to grow to cover it 15 to 25 years there's many of us aside from the woman who spoke we won't be here that long we need to be able to sell our property in that time and nobody here is surprised to Data Centers being built that's not the problem it's the 72 feet how many buildings in chasa are 72 feet tall not many the tallest thing in chasa is Guardian Angel steeple at 162 feet and the church is 39 ft tall to the top you're looking to approve a zoning change to have a data center next to a neighborhood being one of the tallest buildings in chasa that's not fair to the residents behind it when it was zoned at 36 ft I've lived in my house for 14 years we knew data centers were the plan for chasa but not 72 feet so I don't think anybody is questioning what the project is and there obviously the people who back up to it on school Master are going to have a lot of different concerns it's that 72 ft do you want that in your backyard for all of us who live there that was never the expectation to have something that was 72 feet and that's the Crux of what probably many of us are here for today we appreciate everything that CQ is trying to do in order to alleviate it but a burm that's going to take 25 years to fully cover it is not a solution for those of us who live there now and will need to sell before then thank you for your time thank you um who came up with the 25 years for the trees is that is that an accurate number because I planted a maple tree in my yard 12 years ago and that thing's 45 feet tall I I question to 25 years I know some trees are slower some are quicker and I'm certain that Landscape Architects have trees that are fast growing and slower growing and mix them is is that an accurate number 25 years that that's I'm sorry but that just doesn't seem right somebody on the call said 15 to 25 years no I'm not doubting you I'm asking where it's coming from because I I don't I I can't believe that trees I can tell you that there's very much a mixture of the types of trees that are in there so some are going to grow faster than others I I don't remember hearing that number but there you know when you get into the you know the you know no I agree with you I don't hardwood trees they're going to take slower but yeah there are other ones but go down on First Street we rebuilt that I mean took everything out 10 years ago and there are very large trees there so I'm not disputing that you heard that I'm trying to figure out who said it because I I disagree with that yes if I'm planting an oak tree absolutely but there are Maples there are a lot of different varieties of trees that way more varieties than I even know that aren't that that so I don't think that number I'm going to disagree with that number and we'll just leave it at that because somebody way smarter than me would have to say something different but I just I just know what I've seen from I I've been around as we've rebuilt all these streets downtown here and you drive them and it's amazing how big some of the trees are already so that's why I question that so but thank you you my name is Jamie Larson I live on cerber pass so it's I don't my directions well enough it will affect us I'll be able to see it um my question is then regarding trees and the time that they grow do we get a say in what trees go in so that we can make sure it's not every same I I I'm not sure how that will work uh because officially it's not your property yeah I mean I will say that typically when we've had these types of BMS we've tried to work with the property owner or with the adjacent Property Owners to to come up with with stuff that seems to make sense to them um I feel like that that makes a difference if it's going to grow fast very different but I'm on this boat we're going to be out of our house in the next probably 5 to 10 years and if these trees are not grown we're not not going to be able to sell our homes and that's huge no I I I mean that's something that I think that we can work on I mean right now we do it when we rebuild the street the homeowners get it but that's on their that's in their property um I I don't know how because you you just line up and say this is my area that I want this kind of tree in I I think it's something that I don't think that there's anybody here who wants to be the person that's going to wait everybody's G to want their trees to we talked about so trees you want a specific kind of tree or you just saying I want fast trees I want fast trees I think that's enough to say I want fast trees yeah I think that's you can Google how like what grows fast and I'm sure they have arborus that can make sure they're fast growing trees you grow the willow that I grew in my backyard tree I think I grew like 20 feet in a year but I I so to your point I I think that there are and like I said I think it's very clear the messages the sight lines so we're the the trees aren't going to be all Hardwoods because you're right it's going to take 30 years for those but are there is there going to be a mix of them in there and I'm not the landscape architect don't get me wrong but I I just got to believe that there's going to be a mixture of trees that that's going to fill in there's going to be a and I don't know I'm calling the Evergreen stuff that's always green they going to be a mixture of that so I don't want to speak for Nate but I think it's fair to say that we work directly with the landscape architect on on the project and if we wanted to see certain types of species and trees go in there that would be something we could come up with final answer like I said the message is clear you want a faster growing trees so I think that's what we look at but we want we don't want we don't want to do like what we got caught here after we went through the Dutch Elmer here we're going to be really smart because we're going to plant a Hardy tree like an ash tree and what happens now we get the emerald ashb and now we're losing everything so that's why we are now using what 33 different species on our boulevards just for that fact just for that reason so we don't run into that so so the goal will be to make sure that we have a lot of mixture but maybe it's more of the faster growing than the hards even though the hards in the long run of the better tree but here we want to get them up and that's why I think there'll be a mix I I think that we can make that happen I think mix is going to be important because you're going to mean neighbors like some of you will be here for like 5 10 years and other neighbors you might be a lot longer because they just choose to stay longer but we don't want those trees be vulnerable right for that reason yeah I mean that all makes sense I mean I get that I think we we could be smart about it and I think that's something very that's you know we could certainly direct you know staff to work with the development team to say hey let's you know be smart about this so it fills in quickly but then has life to it that's going to be and also some robustness too for the community off right my other question is is so the 30f foot burm that if my understanding is correct that is from like the ground floor correct M so when we talk like if I understood correctly 10 ft from our like bedrooms right and now we're looking at I don't is anybody going to be 10 feet from their bedrooms 10 10 feet visualizing we'll be able to see if it's 72 feet and it's 30 feet and we're up 20 feet in our rooms our bedrooms will see right over that there's 10et of burm and then trees if if based on 30 you're at 20 correct but keep in mind the building's not on top of the hill right the building's several hundred feet beyond that so you're not you can't see up over right you're right if you're seeing 10 feet up you can see that but I think the distance adds that that varant sight line right because you're not seeing the building on top of the 30 it's in some cases 500 feet beond the verm um that's what creates that because you're still looking up but you can't just like when you look up anywhere you can't look up and over over top and straight right so again I I I understand that concern and I'm not going to be naive and say yeah you know they say it's not GNA we're not going to see we're not see it but I also will recommend that that's what they do as well right that you know that's they create those visuals they try to do that tree growth I understand that but they also create images that get things to pass so see I I I I'm going to go and say you know what I am a I trust everyone in this room and I trust everyone that's me personally right I not telling you what to think too has there ever been a developer that's lied sure have I ever lied yes I have right but I I think you have to believe and just like I believe everyone in this room has good intentions I believe developers have good intention too there's a balance there but I can't just on the surface say Well they're a developer so they're just trying to get something past I don't personally believe that I'll just sayate that um but again I'm not telling you how to believe that you could be skeptical that's fine um but I just think it's you we we got to have a trust a little bit of a back and forth trust with asking questions is fair well there trust and is also accountability right and I believe in accountability so so my backstory why I'm up here is because back in 2008 they built a medical center the 212 medical center right across from my house so my front door faces that Medical Center they said oh it's only going to be a couple stories tall no big deal and then they slipped in a a proposal some where like it's a kind of back of envelope concept plan oh by the way it's going to be six stories tall right well six stories tall is taller than the data center and today I'm looking at the top of that building on my front door so I totally hear where you guys are coming from so that set guarantee that that's not what's going to come up in the future that this is they're not going to ask to add on and make it taller here's the thing at the time because that's not what's in the proposal and I've read through all the documents I don't think they can add on anything they can't add on anything I I think that there are that's some that's a Max build yeah because especially because of the power lines you know the 300t setback they really can't go anywhere so so here's the thing is that buildings are built when you design a building you design it from you design it upside down right you build so you build like the so when you add floors to building you don't add to the top you add to the bottom because all the floors underneath and need to support everything above it so when the two2 medical center was built it was built as a six-story building from the from the foundations up these buildings if they ask anyone here if you treed belly another floor in it it's not going to support it is it right and so then that's a structural issue right so that's a whole different ball of ax if they going to add something to it it's G to start all over again so that's a different question but then on the flip side of it I think there's accountability if the if like the applicants here saying yep if the bm's going to be this tall and it's not that tall we have the ability to hold them accountable to say the bm's Too Short if the trees weren't planted were the trees supposed to be planted we can hold them accountable if they built the building like 10 feet taller than they said they were we can hold them accountable because that's not what we passed right so it's not what we approved here so all those things have a degree of accountability and also includes the diagrams themselves because the diagram themselves are legal documents as they're submitted here so we can go back and say look this is what you committed you were going to do we can hold you accountable to that to that end I'm going to ask um Liz Liz would you mind putting up that diagram that crosses section because I kind of want to dive into this a little bit more because I think there's some confusion about Heights and from the burm the the one just any of the cross-section diagrams and I want make sense what was being said about that I get that it's not being built on top of the BM I just still question 72 feet still I mean it's let's it's hard to visualize in general I get that right we're all trying to look at a diagram yeah so so one of the so one of the key things is that you look at the like the existing residential home the let's see so so when we look at the home the and I think you know the applicant civil engineer I think had talked about like what the elevations were so the top of the burm um so top of the burm in in this case was um like 980 feet right is that correct no this particular crosssection is a different okay should we go to the what is the one you were referring to this this is the one with Kerber pass though and if I understand correctly this is where your house is so this might be more relevant okay so this one's more relevant to you from that perspective so in this case the the proposed burm what's the elevation of the top of the berm here this this section my understanding it's it's going to be a little bit lower than the 30 ft because of the easement line and being able to maintain the slopes away from that it does have to dip Down Under the easement and then it carries through to the southeast because the correct right you can't wall through it okay so how do we fix that for us yeah so that's something I'd ask like staff and the engineers from there of like how do you address that well that I mean that's something we might not be able to solve right now I mean there's there's a lot more than just saying I don't know where that's not your house I don't know exactly where it is just it's really easy for you guys where you're sitting to say this and I agree you guys are doing it the best but I also want you to look at the fact that this is our backyards this is our properties and we didn't sign up for 72 feet we signed up for 36 or whatever it was like that's a big difference I I just want to say that um I feel that that the developers have gone above and beyond as far as protecting residents by putting a 30-foot burm in we could build they could build someone could build a 36 foot data center but just plant trees nothing changes you're still going to see that building a 30 foot burm is really changing how you visualize that so I don't know that the next person would put a 30 foot burn with a 300 foot setback 300 feet that's a football field that's a long ways there there's a lot of places that are way closer to Residents than than that so I mean I don't I get it I understand it but they've really gone above and beyond what we do we've never gone to this extreme protecting neighbors with with a burm of that size and now with the new landscape I mean in my time here this is I mean they're certainly making a strong effort do you be okay with this in your backyard uh well yeah well I mean I look at you would be okay with this in your looking at what here here's what I here's what I do I look at how is it is it a benefit to the city I I think I believe that this project is a benefit to the city I can I can deal with that City huh to some in the city but we're all the city we're all the city and I I I I understand your point I get it but what could I and would I live there yeah why wouldn't I I mean now all of a sudden I have a forest in my backyard where before I had a cornfield cornfield that's wide open that we can see the Sun and that is beautiful I understand that but but the owners of the property have the right to sell and I would love to see if the owners of the property are here tonight if they would like to comment about anything about how how they're viewing what's going on here before we do that can I say something really quick so in the northern suburbs I went two years ago before we had this room full of people we were we already had con the same concerns you guys did so I went to a northern subur and Northeastern subor where they have data centers they're not quite as T I think one was like 60-ish feet it backed immediately up to a neighborhood with no BM and I thought wow it's going to be so nice that we have a burm because this building is pretty tall and it was I'm not joking like right in their backyards um in the northeastern suburb and in then the northern suburb I went to that data center they had not quite it was less than half what's between this building and again no burm and I thought oh man again before there was a room full of people we had the same concerns and I was like I'm so glad we're going to have a burm and there's going to be trees because we have a lot of neighboring communities where they plop data centers in and it doesn't look great and I'm like this is something I'd want to see and I just said it a little bit ago they plop a ton of tow houses in my backyard that's s of the river I see tow houses kids coming in my yard dogs coming in my yard that aren't mine things like that all day and so to have live in a neighborhood though I mean we expect neighborhood I know but like that does not bother me at all I I'm just saying see we have different concerns and so that was one thing when I went to these other places that had data centers that were literally in people's backyards I was like that's great and I'm thinking about the unintended consequences that were the mayor mentioned of okay we say no to this so someone comes in with the size building you want and they don't put a burm in and there's not a requirement to do so and that's an unintended consequence sometimes when we don't look at these holistically and say what can we do trees BMS things like that so I I appreciate the burm I appreciate what they're trying to do it's just it's still hard from where we're coming from do they have any data around like these data centers in other areas how it affects property values around the homes or The Neighborhood around I was in were Bo booming as like trespassing people's backyards to look um they were all in booming both of the communities I were in were booming communities and they were were house Selling Houses some of it two years ago was more during Co when houses were selling a lot more but I don't know I I read a lot of Articles too and I didn't see anything about house value I think that's sometimes like a myth that things because that's like the number one thing somebody will come and say like oh this is going to hurt my home value and and sometimes that's just not the case it's just an easier argument than others well I also would say that just because the you are well pass through five but we had a good discussion and I'm okay with that but you are well passed so thank you thank you iate we got a race I'm Mark oan uh 2188 chamro Place uh we're we don't back up directly to any of this but we do walk through the good almost every day and just had more of a couple of questions for both uh the council as well as everybody from cloud HQ is that I work in a large production facility for food we have large condensers with large fans that make a whole lot of noise uh what we've got there at our facility is very minor compared to the uh what's being proposed here uh especially during the winter I'm wondering if there's been any studies done with how much noise will actually uh travel during the winter uh especially after we've lost leaves uh that's the first question and I'll let I'll sit down and let everybody answer uh the second question is how's this all going to be uh refrigerated with ammonia um that's a safety concern for me as well uh is very green very good but uh any spill can have devastating effects as well uh but uh not sure what they'd use in such a large large facility like this so that's all I've got thank you somebody from HQ have an answer on that thank you so regarding I guess the the noise during the leave off the tree scenario that was the first I guess situation that we actually looked at um so no Landscaping as a conservative measure and and based on the model results everything was in compliance with the state uh thresholds and you said the deciel volume was 35 to 45 DB that was the reduction that the silencers on the generators provide um we were estimating that operational sound levels would be somewhere in and around 47 DB which is comparable to the existing noise environment that's out there today what about the do you is that what you use for refrigerat ammonia yeah oh so this this came up in the last meeting so um glad it came up so the refrigerant typically that gets used uh is called r1233zd so this particular refrigerant is is not a liquid at atmospheric conditions meaning if it leaves the equipment it's not uh a release of liquid like you would see uh could Co cause issues so it poses no risk to surrounding people or animals if it were to leak but we also have a lot of systems to tell us if there's any leak detection in any of our systems uh that get checked frequently so it rapidly dissipates and poses no threat to living living beings um it would only potentially uh be an issue for people that were occupying that space But again there's this is why there's a lot of systems in place to let us know if there's been any releases we have not had any history of releases at our facilities um obviously if there was a release it could be an issue for uh the ozone which is why low uh global warming gwp global warming potential refrigerants are used so that if it were ever to get out it's not causing major environmental concerns thank you thank you let's take two more evening everyone um David Riley 1977 School Master Drive U you I just first of all you know want to acknowledge that you know I do believe that everyone's acting in good faith here both uh you know the council City staff and the uh and the developer that um I think they're representing their interests that they're um and they're representing them well they're trying to maximize uh their profit and um you know the opportunity here that this site presents and and I think uh the city administrator hit on it this site is very unique because of the uh the availability of power 200 megawatts coming into the site is uh is astronomical I mean it's put that in perspective it's it's 20% of the Prairie Island nuclear power uh capacity Out of You So 20% of our closest nuclear power plant and I imagine XL Energy is probably doing some sort of engineering study to bring that in through the the transmission lines to the uh to the substation so they're doing a good job I mean this site site is lucrative um we're in the middle of a uh an artificial intelligence machine learning um Gold Rush it's a bananza right now so that you know the technology is there it's these sites that really allow us as a society to mobilize that next Revolution that's going to happen it's going to change our lives just like like cell phones did right so like this this property is going to be a Data Center and it should be a Data Center and I mean I I've told uh you know Nate and Matt this on a number of occasions when we talked like the city of chasa you guys were Visionary like to think 20 2 years ago that you saw this potential and then you saw this potential in conjunction with the whole development of the Clover Ridge area so at the same time that you designated this for the data centers you saw these transmission L you saw the power potential you also developed a uh residential neighborhood and you did great things right you think of what happened in that time period right we got community park for the park Bo we got Clover Ridge Elementary we got the Clover Ridge Development and that development I mean it it it's phenomenal right it it spans the whole socioeconomic um and age distribution of our community is in that one neighborhood it's an absolute success story and it should be a case study for generations and and what that success story was allowed to take place was through the you know the vision for this property and I'll tell you this is my second home I saw what you guys had going on 17 years ago you know here in this community I moved here from Eden Prairie I could have stayed in Eden Prairie but I saw what this was and what was happening and our house was specked out it was built and uh and we were looking at Victoria and um and Carver and and and Chasin and we visited a home here and I called Kevin Ringwald um the city planner I'm I'm pretty Savvy at this stuff right so you know I got this field going on in the backyard and I want to know what what's planned for that field so don't have any misconceptions about the SPM 17 years ago that burm was planned 300t buffer 30 foot landscape burm and the building would be screened from my view it's a three-legged stool you take away one of those leg of that stool then you've no longer found the compatible use between this Visionary data center application and the whole Clover Ridge Development neighborhood so I think the 72 feet going above 36 feet is just an absolute non-starter I think you've diminished something that's incredible that you should be proud of that you should pull up on a you know pedestal and show everyone around the country what you've done and the same thing for cloud HQ by meeting that 36t uh requirement you they could use us as the poster child when they go to every other community not only in the country but around the world they can say hey we fit in with this master plan community that is a shining star and we're part of it and and us as residents we would stand there and testify for you but but by not fitting in with the vision of the community we can't do that you we're your enemies right so we're in opposition to you so you know I just want to just you know my neighbors can come up and share similar stories you know we could do this all night all of them have similar stories as what I have so I want to thank you for you hearing me out in that regard if you do choose to go forward which I sincerely hope you don't I mean it's just like a travesty if you do you sincerely you're five I got three points two points I want you to work the neighbors I want all the trees on either on the site or on the property to provide the screening figure out how to do it you get it there don't put it on a park out in Southwest chasa it's just insulting the architecture of the building it's a monument to Cloud HQ the architecture needs to be changed so that it fits the neighborhood you make it look like tasa make it blend in with our natural environment somehow use our color Motif soften up the texture it doesn't need all the fancy modern architecture in glass it doesn't need to be gray figure out how to reduce the height something from 72 feet dig it into the ground 8T just like all of our houses are dig a basement in it that 8 footy dirt creates uh earthwork material that they can use to to build the BM yeah they're going to have some costal ramp down in there because they got to get it equipment in and out but they're going to save money on building that burn so those are my suggestions and ask to you if you do approve it please make sure those things happen between the time of preliminary and final thank you last well I we can take one and then I'll have the owner talk if you want mayor we do have one person online as well good I Tang 2746 Simons so I don't live anywhere near this um and I came tonight just to kind of learn more but I guess what I haven't heard is what does the city of chasa again all of us gain from a 72 foot Building compared to a regular 36 foot building I haven't I haven't heard that we keep saying 36 feet as regular well I don't know what it is that's what was proposed there before so that's so a like that is yeah what data center I forgive me I'm not a builder okay no no it's not everybody I just wanted to clear that for anybody watching sure that's just an arbitrary height okay so whatever the codes allows what what is that it's the height I know the max height is 36 feet okay so 36 feet because that's what was the building was yeah so if that's if that's what was planned and that's what people were promised or that's what they thought they were no no okay take it easy Mark okay yep you're talking over a lot of people and I don't think it's going well okay I'm giving you guys a chance to say why this is a good thing because I haven't heard that yet that's all I'll say uh mayor city council um my name is Steve kelzer I live at 2025 Pioneer Trail and um this property I'm I'm representing the family right now um You probably noticed the farm there I I lived there 40 years I raised my family I provided all the good views that everyone has had there um um when we when the when it did start to develop we were in shock too with you know we had our nice view but we uh we had all the houses backing up watching us uh what we did was we built the screen we built the BM or we didn't build a burn but we put trees and um you know just is this I'm just being a little light here about about all this but um you know the same concerns of noise kids uh fireworks lawnmowers uh we all we coexisted we we got along um so what I guess my point is for everybody who's here tonight um I think you'll be fine I mean we survived on a smaller scale you you learn to live with things you learn to live with people and um I I I just think everyone will be fine thank you uh Kevin can you bring that person up online yep Heather you can now unmute hello my name is Heather Caesar um Steve is actually the one who just spoke he is my uncle um I am just speaking in support of this as well I don't think people realize that you know when they're saying they've been living there for 15 years or living here for eight years I grew up on that land I mean I've been on that land for 30 years you know right right as soon as I was born I was playing on that land and then the houses were built the houses that a lot of you were living in were built on that land that I grew up on and so I just want to say that I think that this I I get that I I don't live there I'm not going through what you're going through however I have myself worked in software development for 10 years I've been in a ton of different data centers and the whole thing with the noise I guess I'm getting confused about because there are so many sound barriers built into these data centers it's insane So you you're not hearing this loud noise going on all the time so I I don't understand where that argument's coming from maybe going to a data center would help some of these people understand the little amount of noise they're actually going to have and then the only other thing I want to bring up is I know someone had mentioned concern for construction noise for their kids I myself have a three and a five-year-old I myself am living in a neighborhood right now that is 100% under construction it is 100% under development my kids love the construction they have random trucks they can go run on to and pretend to ride on when the construction workers aren't there they actually sleep for their naps because there's so much noise going on I don't need my sound machine I mean I just think that some of this stuff is getting a little it's it's getting a little ridiculous I think I think this is a good thing overall and that's all I wanted to say thank you all right um thoughts uh I'd like to start actually um so first of all I this isn't the first time this place has been full uh it doesn't happen all the time typically happens one when there's what I would call in this case an infill project it's a little bit different type of an infill project basically you got a Housing Development you got one piece of land and that space that hasn't developed yet and everything around it's happening but this is sitting there and then all of a sudden that changes first and foremost thank you for being here right we've shared lots of opinions I hope I hope I came off listening I know I catch myself sometimes because I'm just excited to talk that's just me but again I appreciate everyone coming in because it's it is part of the process it's a part of being vocal it's part of being you know um we know we live in a day and age where people don't show up something happens and it's easy to sit on a screen and on a Facebook page and complain about it and so thank you because you've now sat here two and a half hours uh and listen to lots of stuff so first of all I start with that thank you um back to my comment on the infield piece the hard thing with this in all these infields and it always attract a lot of people that are passionate which is great is because of that change right what is it going to be what is it not going to be I got used to seeing the sunset the Open Fields and now that's gone and that's hard but the point is it's that will happen right you know I think you look at there's pluses and minuses and I know right here sitting here today this is the project you're concerned about we've heard it as a council before when we've looked at a properly like this and said we're going to put 90 houses in there I don't know how many houses you can fit in that space probably more than 90 if I had to guess and then it's conversations about traffic and size of house and noise and speeding right different topics same concerns right and and and those are appropriate concerns and we do the same thing we listen we have the conversation so it's hard to pick you know what's I'm not trying to say like well it's not how it is because it's a residential ER but there's pluses and minuses to being a data center um you know it is it also could be Heavy industry which people cars going up and down that Monday through Friday all the time lots of lots of employees uh data centers typically don't have that huge amount of employ so you know my my ask of this community in these neighborhoods is is understanding that that space is g to going to get developed it's going to either get developed now or it's going to get developed in the future and the questions don't magically and the concerns don't magically go away right there are going to be different concerns and different questions and we're going to listen and we're going to do this process again if that's the way it goes um but I it's just being mindful of that because this is new for this group but this isn't you know new for the city because we have other large projects um for the record if you want to know the longest being we've had it was quarter to one uh and that was on an infield project I don't think we're going to Trend that way tonight don't hold me accountable of that um because it's it's brings passionate people out but again I just that's my concern uh just about just figuring out like we not here the other thing I kind of noticed noticed I commented here there's a comment about you know construction and living with construction again you're going to have that if it's if it's this if you're going to have that if it's a Housing Development I am in up by the Harvest and Founders Ridge it's been a constant housing construction I've stared at a dirt pile across the road for me you don't want to look at the inside of my window my window wells right now right get that I knew that was going to be that way I knew it was going to be construction um I was sitting on my deck this afternoon and looked at my table and it's covered in dust um I think the advantage of a project of this scale is that it's going to be that timeline of construction but then the property's done versus if it's separate items you may it might be a six-year construction because you might get a parcel and a parcel and a parcel so again maybe that would be better for some maybe it w I'm just pointing out like there are what is Me Maybe be viewed as a disadvantage can also be viewed as an advantage to kind of get that construction done um and then lastly I'll just say that you know a lot of this conversation about the 72 and the size and and the scope I think there's two pieces one I I 100% understand the mayor in the conversation that this is zoned the way it's Zone it's not Zone residential there are places where residential but other zoning spaces and so then that's when you talk about conversations of setbacks and BMS um because you're trying to do the right thing versus maybe some of our Northern subur have not where there's uh you know a wall in your backyard type of thing um and so I think that is is piece the 72 I I think to the comment of that's that is the that is the market what these buildings are the 36 is that the right number y okay so again said that was only put on there because at that time in that place that was what could have been built there the market the size the demand for this you know I think the the conversation about AI is is huge um I think that's it's key lastly I do think it is a good conversation you know to the gentleman that said okay why what is the city would the city do this why that piece I think that's a good conversation um to have uh you know it does benefit the city you know the city having its power and having City own electric is a benefit of this um you know I don't know if you want to talk a little bit about that or others want to but I think it's a fair question to say okay why why why would we want why did we ever want data um warehouses in the city of chap because that was was that to the point that was a decision that was made and that's going to happen in this property if it's one giant one or three separate ones so I'll stop talking for a moment otherwise I'll just keep talking I mean I can talk real quickly about the economic benefits the you know from a pure Economic Development standpoint I mean this is this would be one of the largest if not the largest economic development project we've seen in our community uh so there's you know and where that impacts people is it makes the pie bigger uh as far as you know if you have the same tax dollar and you have a bigger pie it means people pay less and so I mean those types of Economic Development projects make a difference economically we have sort of a dual benefit in chasan that we have have our own electric utility and uh having an electric utility with this type of user brings a lot of economic benefit to the community so um I know we talked this afternoon you know on the the the discussion and I completely get that that's probably farthest point from people's mind uh in that but you know asking the question why from a community standpoint that's that's sort of a big reason why from a community standpoint and then my last comment just to to kind of echo the property owner um I do will commend both sides because again I up here stated that I'm a glass half old person I believe both sides have good intents um that's who I am uh I do think they are working really hard to work with with the neighbors and listening to feedbacks uh I think that's something as a council in the last several years we have prided ourselves and really pushing developers to do those conversations um I will say I can think of a few properties that got scoped out and we gave them feedback and they never came back um because they they they weren't wanting to have those conversations might have been a different economic reason too um but I do think we notice I'll speak for myself I notice and you can speak for yourselves too I notice if a developer's listening or not listening right um and sometimes we've seen it where they've come back after a concept plan we've given them feedback and it's like you didn't change anything um I don't think that's the case here I think they're the fact that even today they updated it with the caliper trees kind of shows that demonstration um but and it's give and take right I do think it's going to be change it's going to be viewed differently you're going to adapt but it will fit in to the city of chesco I'll go next um you know first of all thank you for everyone for being here and for providing your input and you know for being part of this process because this is a really important piece of that process that you know not everyone gets a chance to do right I mean in some communities it's like yep we're just going to have some hearing just close it out be done that's it thank you goodbye and that's it you know here I think it's the point of why we're here is that we want to have a collaborative process we want to be able to listen and I think that one of the things that's really important here is that we we've getting some good data points right you know like there's like the Gap that you mentioned between you know the BMS right that's something we could say hey you know what maybe we can ask staff and the applicant to take a look at how do we close that Gap right um you know that input helps us make this project better every project in chasa that has had dialogue has been better because of it we can you know looking around whether it's in um whether it's in like Autumn Woods or um or the Costco property or like any number of properties around here I can think of like a dozen of them that all got better because of input in conversations like this oftentimes very emotional very um or very passionate conversations and they're important conversation so thank you for being here um I think it's important that we recognize what those gaps are right and this is something that's important for us for staff and for the applicant to look at and say yeah there's input here and it's valid input right you know there's some things that you know like people don't feel great about and we need to acknowledge that and say you know can we do better can we are there things we could do to address it um we may not be able to address everything but you know how can we bring up the bar sum and you know get closer to some place where there's a happy medium right you know we're not all going to be we may not all be thrilled but at least get to point where we all feel like yeah I'm okay with this right and there's also the the and Matt thank you for touching the economics of this too I think it's really important that one of the reasons why this project is so important to the Greater Community of chasa is that you know this is this is about you know this is about providing you know a providing a development that provides jobs right there's 50 to 100 jobs you know some of a lot some or hopefully a good chunk of those people will be people who live and work in chasa um there's going to be the construction jobs of people who are building this that hopefully will be con you know building it and a lot of them may live and work in chasa or nearby um but also that ongoing once it's built in the next couple years right assuming it goes then you know there's going to be like those two different revenue streams and I think that it's really important to recognize that if you look at like you know how much money you know when Matt was talking about making the pie bigger right you know if your house is let's say a 2,000 foot house you pay a certain amount of property tax on that house right commercial real estates usually what like double the the residential real estate rate for or uh tax rate right or something like that or it's a higher percentage tax capacity tax tax capacity rate is higher yeah the tax capacity rate is higher so that means that there's a higher amount of Revenue we'll get from taxes that go into that same pot so when you look at like instead of a 2,000 foot house it's like a 1.4 million square foot house so ostensibly that property taxes that we would gather as a community would go into the same pot that we're all putting into which in the big sche we changed nothing about what we're you know spending in terms of like what we had to spend money on that means we can actually like effectively spread out what you're actually paying per house by actually having this data center there because they're helping to offset that cost because they're paying for cost as well so that's a really important piece of it and of course the the revenue from the the the financial Revenue we get from the power generation because since we're um the agency that actually generates power and selling it the community benefits because that money comes right back into the community as Revenue that can pay for things within our community and stays here so from an economic perspective as Matt mentioned it's like probably one of the one of the most significant um economic drivers for our community we've had in like a long time at least the past 20 25 maybe 30 years um and also something that relatively speaking is a lot less impactful than having like an Amazon warehouse or something where you have like trucks coming in day and night and big bay doors and other noises and other things data centers in general are pretty quiet they don't have a lot of traffic and they kind of sit there and generate stuff so that's one of the reasons why we've you know been really um encouraging development of data centers and general um that said you know having seen a lot of developments here you know the this applicant has done a lot of work to reach out they've had multiple meetings with homeowners they've you know listened they've taken things I mean I this is the first time I actually seen a meeting at 3 in the afternoon and then seen changes from that meeting come into us by the meeting time like within three or four hours I've never seen that happen that fast and I don't know if anyone else here has but I mean it a pretty dang quick turn time and it shows like there's some incentive that they really want to they really want to show that they're going to do something and make some impact here and do some changes and so they're listening they're trying to they're trying really hard and I think that's important to acknowledge that you know that not every applicant does and there's some who say you know like like we a large like a large uh um Big Box in town here who long long ago you know was looking at one site ended up in a different site where they are today and said nope we're not changing anything about this we're just going to have the our bay doors right next to where the houses are we don't really care about the houses we don't care that it's going to open up to someone's backyard and have like big RS coming in and things like that um this was before all over time here in Council but I remember that when that was happening and and and so it was like pretty unpleasant there's some really unpleasant conversations around that time it turned out that you know things kind of worked out okay because a different they traded properties with a different uh a different uh big box and the one who ended up in that same location ended up deciding they you know work with the resid X next door and said then they were doing what cloud HQ is doing and said we'll build a BM we'll build a wall we'll change our lights we'll change a lot of the things we're doing to try to fit in I think they've been doing those things all those things we've seen from the good applicants um so I think it could be a lot worse so I think let's try to find I think that I would encourage everyone to try to find some ground in here of how do we work together and that said having been in your shoes before my personal experience was with Ridge right a lot of you have been to that facility probably like it brought your kids there because they got hurt or got sick or something there was a time before that facility was there when you know there was no medical facility with within a certain radius you either go to Waconia South uh you know Southdale or St Francis and that was pretty much yet there was like this this like desert of medical care and you know at the time you know the way was pitched it sounded like we were going to get you know 24 hours a day helicopters and ambulances and stuff you know all you know all throughout the day and night and it sounded absolutely horrifying as a resident who is looking right at that property um turn turns out that they fly they fly a helicopter into about once a year as just a test flight to make sure that it actually still works and they can still fly in and out of it and I don't even think we notice it like three out of four years they do it and then on the flip side of it you know in the ambulances they have you know they have an agreement to you know pretty much not turn on their lights and Sirens when until they're out on to 41 unless they absolutely have to because they trying to get someone out of the way so you very rarely have ever hear the you know the sirens and stuff from from them because practically speaking they're you know they've been really good neighbors and that said I'm certainly cautiously optimistic you know based on what we've seen from our applicants today that that we can hopefully see some of these things in the future and see them be good neighbors and I think that that's what they're trying to do here is they're trying to be good neighbors and so um I just ask to give it give it a chance and you know that things don't end up coming out necessarily as ominously bad as we would think because I've certainly lived through that wait I thought it was going to be a lot worse because I still do look at the top of that building and see it but it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be and there's a reason why I'm still here so with that um iang enough someone else yeah I agree I think it's I'm always a big fan when you all come out and hang out with us I like that and and know it seems like maybe I was being uh short with everyone I really like to debate and I like to be a voice of reason for people I like debate in high school so um sorry for that if that came off to anyone to Dan's Point um but uh we're I think the cool thing about local government is we're your neighbors we're just regular people we're not special um we've gone through things similar um but we do get to kind of be that voice of reason to say how can we come to a place to make sure you like it and that it's it's going to work for the city it's going to work for you it works for the veler how do we make that happen does that mean that maybe I take 4 hours of a day to go visit Northern suburbs to see how their data centers are yeah that's what I signed up for um and I'm happy to do it and I like it and I like hearing from you guys so I would just say keep that in mind that if this does go through tonight that doesn't mean the conversation stops like hearing we want fast trees great that's really helpful information we want to close that Gap better that's helpful information so don't stop talking cuz that's really what makes good projects great projects um is when we can keep hearing from you guys and keep hearing like what do you need to make this work um and that's the most important thing and that's what matters to us um and and it can be hard change is hard anytime especially if you're not getting the change you want that can be hard um but like I said it's coming to that that spot where we can say okay this is something we can live with if it's a 30 foot BM and you put the fastest growing trees on it okay if we can close that Gap a little bit better so I don't see it okay let's do that and that's what we're here to be voices for I don't benefit beyond the benefit that all of chesa gets if this goes in or not so that's where it's meeting in the middle and helping be that voice of reason and it's pretty common for projects as mentioned before to get radicalized a little bit to get really worked up about it to get worked up about change I know I get really worked up about change that impacts me that I care about um and so I always think of those people that come to my life and are are that voice of reason to say okay you're so upset right now how do we get to a better place and that's what I think we're trying to do is how do we get to that better place so I just want to thank you for coming out for stating what you need um and I don't want that conversation to stop if this does move forward that's important we want to keep hearing that um so that we can work through that and I am grateful this is a developer that does seem to be really listening that doesn't isn't the case always as was mentioned before um and and keep holding us accountable to hold them accountable that's a good thing too um and this is the second and a three-step process so we'll get to see more if this does move forward so um okay so I first want to thank all of you for reaching out I'm sure that many of you in this room have taken the time to email me some of your emails were brief and then others were very lengthy as far as address addressing the numerous concerns that we've had and that we've been able to address with um Cloud HQ and with City staff uh I also want to thank uh City staff and Cloud HQ when I received all your emails and I've you know talked on the phone with many of you this week um I I obviously didn't know that there was a large amount of you that were very very upset about this and were wanting to have some more information so meeting with City Staff last Friday we came up with the with the plan to have a 3 meeting thank you to all of those that attended that that were able to attend that meeting today I know that we all you know we all work and and 3 o'clock isn't always the most conducive time to have a meeting but I I'm really appreciative of those that were able to join that call and for City staff to be able to facilitate and as a bonus for cloud HQ to actually be on that call because I wasn't quite sure if it was just going to be us presenting and hopefully answering questions based on the presentation so um just want to make note of that I spoke earlier on the phone call in regards to just like council member Wong did a personal experience although mine was a ball field that has lights so when I look out my front yard uh right across literally right across the street from me is a ball field with 50 foot would I guesstimate maybe lights um on my side of the street not and there's a few that are pointing from the home plate Advantage because the Outfield is what faces across the street I know I stood in the audience many many years ago and spoke to the council at the time and said express my disappointment in my fears I thought I was going to have balls you know breaking windows in the house I thought that you know there would be a lot of um you know people loitering around and I was really worried about those lights and I was worried about property values now I'm still living in the same home 20 years later I've had many neighbors come and go been able to sell and other people buy those homes um just historically property values have gone up I haven't seen a decrease but again like I'm speaking before you this is a ball field and I'm not going to give my um you know Financial forecast of whether or not you know property values in regards to this specific project I say this because I thought it was going to be just an awful awful thing to live with and it wasn't it's not it's just a part of life living in this community I feel that this project would be the same way I think that uh as others have spoke and I I won't go around the same subject lines that uh many of the you know concerns have been addressed and have been explained um I think the burm is a great feature that will'll be able to create screening for the residents um but at the same token I don't discount what you guys are all asking from me as your council member representative and what your concerns are so tonight I'll reflect a no vote to base on what you're asking for me as your representative well I I want to start as well thank you I think that we've had a great dialogue tonight I think it's been very civil and I appreciate having that and I I think that I think that there are things that we're going to be able to make changes as we move forward like it's been resonated up here you know don't quit figuring out other things that might work out and and have that conversation with us um I think is important um I just want to say well also I want to add uh Mr ting said I was talking over people if I talked over anyone I I want to apologize I I didn't think that I did other than if I had to stopped somebody because of time and things like that but uh if I to Talked over you I I totally apologize because that's not I generally try to sit here and and listen and come up with different things and I and I hope the economic part the question that you asked as well Mr tingwell has been answered uh I was going to do the same that uh beneficial to the City uh this is the largest economic project that we'll probably ever see right now and you know we're dealing and hearing through my time here is we don't do enough Economic Development well here sitting is one of the largest projects that many cities would love to see happen in their City and now we're sitting here trying to figure out how can it cohabitate with the neighbors and you know that's why we sit here and listen and try to come up with different things and I think that you know ultimately we're going to come up with some different things that maybe weren't considered until we heard them tonight so um I um I've always in my time here there's been nothing I don't have the good thing about our positions up here is we we we're not we don't have to be political we don't have to look the right or left we don't have to look at that we look at what is best for the city and that's what I've done in my time here as a mayor always to say how is it a good benefit for the city and and that's the way I look at it I I know that it there's always people that aren't happy with with the decisions that we've made and I I mean personally I'll I'll look at it I spend I don't know about the other counil members but Sunday night I mean all night this is what I do I'm reading these packets and going through all this information so that I come here and as a as a that I'm as informed as I possibly can be but I get a lot out of the staff reports because there's more information that I find or that I might not totally read and understand because there's a lot of there's a lot of material here that that we have to go through so um I I think I think staff's done a great job I think Cloud HQ has really uh steep forward in comparison to other issues where we've had things like this and and um it it just doesn't always happen that way and I I think we can make a good project here and hopefully we're going to disagree but um at the end of the day we can still say we're all residents of chasa and I think that's important so I don't know last call anyone I was just going to comment back to my I I do think I'd like to explore the tree fund for lack of a better terminology because I I I do think it makes some sense where if we're just planting trees to say we're planting trees on the side that's not seen can we look at a way to benefit some of that because um and be consistent right I I I don't want to create a precedent per se that that for future people say well hey I want a tree my backyard because you gave that person a tree my backyard for future development but I will also say that this is probably one as we all say more of the unique projects of scale and size so I think that's some it'd be something to look into of how that works for for people who like I said because there's GNA be a moment where it's like oh right I sit here and just if there was a tree right in that spot um you know type of thing so I I think that would be something to be worth exploring yeah as a comment right it was brought up remember I think I just want to clarify what you're saying before I say agree um you're saying that it should be used not like a tree bank that could be used in like parks and we want to keep those trees local to the people being impacted that's what you're saying I yes I guess what I don't I don't know the scope of right how that works how many trees no but I like what I guess I was goingon to say is like I would agree I think you know if there's trees in the boulevard that should be replaced like it makes sense to use a tree Bank Jonathan for that yeah because not all those trees are ours okay fine so there I don't know which ones but and we can put trees so however that mechanism is I do like the idea that it would benefit the people being impacted by it and as much as possible like that's what I'm saying do is we can uh really sort of looked at quote unquote a impact area and look at what the you know excess amount of trees are after we get to sort of like you can't get anymore and then you know then look at how we could create a mechanism but I get what you're saying is let's have those benefit not have those benefit the residents are close to the site right yes I just want to clarify that that is what I'm saying so I'm saying so basically so those who are most D at least the ones who are most impacted by it are the greatest beneficiaries the trees when possible yeah instead of moving it anywhere keep it where it's impacted yeah yep and I there's one thing that I missed I I know tonight was a lot was about the 36 foot buildings um that and I don't even know was was that cloud HQ no no so okay so was another data company that that looked at that proposal but for whatever reason it wasn't beneficial to them because we took them I believe that was concept and went to preliminary I believe and then um at that point that at that point you've got a lot of things in place and for some reason it it failed for whatever reason and I I think it's what Brett said the world is changing with AI rapidly and so I think the smaller data centers that you used to see before are no longer the smaller data centers right thoughts anyone or we have uh we have two motions tonight that we have to consider um so if there is no more comment uh the first one that I have on my list here is a motion to adopt resolution number 2025 4-8 approving preliminary site and building plan preliminary plot and conditional use permit for cloud HQ and a new substation so moved so I have a a motion by council member Wong second second by councilman rad fails discussion discussion okay um all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign n motion carries 41 second motion is to adopt ordinance sorry 1050 approving the zoning ordinance amendments to a p p7 as depicted in exhibit a discussion so one thing um real quick so you know we had talked about like there's a gap in the trees I I think the tree thing we've kind of beat that horse pretty well in terms of that um there's that the resent mentioned that Gap because of the you know where the easement is if we look at that a little bit more like certain incourage yeah I have that in the notes to look at um you know we can make we're restricted under the power lines as far as putting yeah growing up trees that let us look because working through the power agency we might have some contexts that that maybe that becomes a possibility but let's let us check it out all right um I need a motion one way or another whether we approve or not approve but I need a motion to adopt ordinance 10 so Move Motion by council member gra second second I councilman R Hatfield discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I CL same sign nay cares 41 right uh that is it for this piece of it so let's maybe take a five minute break get something to drink thank you everyone for being here appreciate it e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e will be very quick amse why I'm waiting while you guys are here uh sorry but we needed to take a little unwind after one like that so um but thank you for being patient with us gav are we hot yep you're live okay all right uh we'll come back after that short recess and we're going to move to item uh 8B and that is adopt ordinance number 1051 approving zoning ordinance Amendment uh to to pmd2 for a baseball training facility at 12:30 chasa Creek Way debat oh Matt's not here Jump Right In if you want me to what's that I can Jump Right In if you want me Tock off let's get her done yep uh zoning ordinance Amendment uh for uh the company known as debat which are proposing to locate at 12:30 chasa Creek Way uh that site is highlighted in blue on this aerial exhibit so this is a a part of uh what we once referred to as the chasa creek Industrial Development um there were two buildings part of that plan we're looking at the North uh building uh where debat would wish to locate so some of the cross streets uh we're now on the south side of Engler Boulevard or County Road 10 um we are west of chasa Creek Boulevard and north of Creek Road um in terms of the previous approvals that have happened um on this site in particular it was back in 2021 when we approved the preliminary and the reson loing for pmd2 for these buildings in particular um the final was approved in March of 2021 um so again debat uh the company in question this evening wishes to locate in 12:30 chasa Creekway or the Norther Northern uh industrial building uh so the current request is a zoning ordinance amendment to pmd2 which stands for planed multi-use District Number 20 to incl include a baseball softball sports training facility use within that District um in terms of How It's currently set up uh for guidance and Zoning the comprehensive plan guides this area for business park um a snippet from that guidance language does allow for supporting retail and services such as healthc care and fitness um and then the current zoning District um pmd2 um is very specific in its permitted uses that allows for office and Manufacturing warehousing facilities not to include distribution centers so the fact that the zoning does not specifically list out recreational health or Fitness use within that that is why they are asking for an amendment to this planned multi-use district for this building specifically uh so the use that's specifically being proposed within the building they specialize in a uh baseball and softball training facilities they have over 150 locations across the country uh they offer first class training facilities instructors camps and Clinics uh within their space it's open to the public so it's not affiliated with a specific Club um or team um so anyone can really come in and utilize that space if they want to train um within baseball or softball oriented uses uh the building that they wish to locate it in is uh approximately 133,000 total square feet um there is currently one vacant tenant space available in that building otherwise it is fully occupied by two other tenants um the space would allow this specific use to have 18 to 21 batting cages uh within the building it has the clearance height that they need for that type of use and that's why this space in particular is desirable for them um they have 20 to 25 employees uh with this use um so in relation to what they State their parking need need is based on the total amount of employees and how many people come uh during peak times um they do state that they need 30 stalls to adequately service their space um the facility would be open daily so Monday through Sunday um they state that their peak hours are during the weekdays after 400 p.m. and during the weekends between 12: and 6: p.m. was the closing time I saw it earlier in in a report but what is it on weekdays I might have them confirm that because I don't have that okay we can do that when they when they come up that's fine and terms of the parking for this building in particular um we looked at the existing users and then the proposed use for debat um and the the total parking requirement that we're coming to is 32 parking spaces for all three uses um the what's provided on site is 302 parking spaces um with uh proof of parking they have 225 total spaces um that are currently constructed with the building and adequately serve um the properties and debat also is confident that the parking out there um with the coexistence of the other uses uh they will be able to uh sufficiently Park their use the access to park in the back of that building if the front happens to be filled up on days when yep businesses are rocking and kids are off or something so they don't require the use of their loading dock space for trucks so they would be able to use the back of their building to convert to additional parking if they need it um I I also want to note that when we did go through final approvals for this building in particular they were able to show a plan of 410 stalls on this site again I couldn't hear you so when we approved the plan in 2021 they showed a proof of parking exhibit to uh max out the parking at 400 410 stalls so they have more than enough parking out there if they need to expand beyond what they have um specific to this site and to the industrial buildings here they are within a tiff District Tiff District Number 24 um So within Tiff districts they do limit the amount of nonqualified uses within Tiff districts that are outside of manufacturing warehousing or research um and the threshold or the limit max limitation to non-qualifying uses is 15% within a tiff District uh so debat would be the first non- qualif qualifying use within this Tiff District um and with them involved uh they would only be at 8% um so well under that 15% limitation that's 8% of the total square foot of the building then is that what we're saying eight eight% for the uh total square footage of both buildings okay yep because both buildings are in the Tiff District so the amendment um specifically would be to pmd2 um as we mentioned before the existing permitted uses for this building is office manufacturing warehousing facilities not including distribution centers so the amendment would propose to change the permitted use allowed for this North building uh which would have a second provision stating baseball softball sports training facility not to exceed more than 25,000 square feet of the building and not tournaments so help me again I probably missed it so we want to switch it to a PMD 20 so it's currently in a pmd2 we are doing an amend to the pmd2 to include an extra use for the north building only so it's a very limited um Amendment and it's limited to not to exceed 25,000 square feet so the way that the amendment set up technically if let's say debats like super successful and one of the other tenants moves out they could potentially grow into the space and the rest of the build is not limited to just their Suite right and the 25,000 square feet really in encompasses what their tenant space is that they're locating in it maybe gives them a little extra breathing room um it was very specific to so basically so do we need to say that just because what we just went through about 36 foot building do we need to say the square footage is that necessary so that weary in regards to the Tiff District I I get that but is it necessary to say so so basically they have close to 24,000 now so they really this is saying they can't expand it right without having to go through a process with city council and Planning Commission so it it gives it gives this is only they can't go over that without Council approval it's not a zoning change or anything well it would be an amendment it would be another amendment to the zoning ordinance if they wanted to move forward with um exceeding that limitation don't want to see it come back and haunt another Council um yeah so so mayor I don't know if this might help um you know when this was originally this these buildings went through originally um and this you know this area this you know Business Park area that's out here right was was um envisioned was really put an emphasis on high-end manufacturing job creation right uh you know objectives around there um that's why when this area was originally zoned um with that emphasis the uses as Liz listed out earlier were were put in there and more recreational type uses were not really considered is permitted um so these these folks you know coming in with the use that they're they are proposing um being for you know baseball and softball training um is more of a recreational you know type use that's outside of what is currently permitted um and so we've worked with them to scope out a limited scale zoning Amendment here um to try to continue to be true to the original intent of this development this business park for more high-end uh you know head of household type job creation manufacturing uh type space um without you know eroding that original intent um you know too much so that's why we've scoped it the way that we have um you know we don't have to do it that way but um I think the the concern there is opening up that that gate too far um so you end up becomes that you know I I and I get that um but we can't do that because it can only be certain percentage because it's a tiff District right if it wasn't in a tiff Tiff District then it could be the whole building yeah Tiff District doesn't last forever though right no only it's only eight years so all right if you're comfortable I I'm fine I just just after going through that last one about the 36 feet just made me really think about it are we doing the right thing so if we're good with it we're good with it and to be clear we're not we're not altering the footprint of the building we're not altering anything with the building we're just we're just opening up door to another use for the portion of one of the buildings So to that end I mean to not block it out I mean the Tiff dist stre ends in eight years right we so we know when the ti dist strect ends can we tie the limitation of the 25,000 foot until such date or the Tiff district is terminated or closed do you want it to become bigger because I mean well here's why not I mean I don't know I mean I I think that's a question yeah I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't be in favor of that because you you know the goal out there was just like Matt said high-end manufacturing and you know job creation and things like that you know maybe that's the new wave of the future but I I don't I don't wanna gonna hog tie somebody again I think you just we're comfortable with this and we deal with it that way and we're still under our it can always come back yeah I mean i' you know if something happened and one of the other attendants moved out then we deal with it but I yeah I don't know I I wouldn't be in favor of that but certainly if if other council members out then then we go from there but I I just I don't think I would be so anybody speaking up nope I was just throwing it out there since you were talking about not boxing in future councils so I was like well I was just answering your question uh it seems like we'd be boxing him so he just decided to disagree with himself I do that pretty often so all right let's go back to business okay well I don't have much more to say I don't know where to start either I mean our analysis just based on um it being more of a supportive use to the business park it has visibility from a major roadway like an angler Boulevard that these recreational uses need and with the comp plan guidance at for business park um it does have have um guidance in there for a limited amount of secondary uses um such as Fitness uh and with it meeting the threshold of the Tiff requirements um we do feel that it is a reasonable uh request in its limited form um so the motion you're making this evening if you choose to move forward with it um is to adopt ordinance number 1051 approving the zoning ordinance plan multi use District PMD 20 to include a baseball softball sports facility use within the building at 12:30 chasa Creek Way and then as depicted in exhibit a happy to answer any questions we do have the applicants here too all right questions for Liz how about a representative from dbat come on up name and address please good evening everyone my name is Matt KW I live at 7201 61st Street in Cottage Grove um so I'm the owner of debat uh Lake Elmo my wife and I own that place and it's about 18,000 square feet to put it in perspective it's one of the larger ones within 100 there's about 170 debats today uh so about 18,000 square feet just to reiterate we are open to the public we're not going to ever affiliate with a club team we're not going to form our own club teams uh we're independent uh so we're going to kind of service the community um it's a very fun business it's very rewarding we see a lot of kids over on the east side getting better at softball and baseball every day so it's it's a lot of fun very much a family oriented uh business we see kids parents and grandkids a lot of times all at the same time coming into the business and hitting and getting better so um some highlights I think we've had four year olds four four year olds up to 80y Old comity so multigenerational very positive influence to the community I feel like so definitely excited that the chance to start one on this side of town I was just gonna ask so is is Lake Elmo the nearest it is yep okay so not there's one that's going in in Burnsville um probably in the next month or so but yeah it's on their web page so they a it's a franchise right so you so like you have nothing affiliated with like the Burnsville one you're the Lake Elmo corre Y and then so you have 20 to 25 employees now do you bring in certified coaches to help these are they high school kids that are helping younger kids or how how do how does that work yeah our instructors we all require it's not really a written rule but for us D3 and above graduates baseball softball players so they make $25 an hour then we have some we have one that played for the uh Tampa Bay Rays I have another guy that played for the Detroit Tigers so they're more like $50 an hour so it kind of ranges but yeah they're they're definitely college level of graduates you'll be able to have those coaches here yes yep okay call you out I doubt it doubt it so what's oh I was say what's like the age range of you know the kids are they is it like t- ball to or is it mainly like older kids yeah I'd say five to 14 15 now we do like I I was serious we do have like 80-year-olds coming in they do slow pitch on our machines because our machines do slow pitch um baseball and softball sorry softball for the slow pitch but yeah so typically they five to 14 15 year olds but all ages really is it that you know there's instruction with it or is it one of those things where you just rent a cage 8y olds don't want the instruction they actually just come in and do the they know everything yeah they already know we have done instructions on we have a 25-year-old instructor who has done lessons though for like 70 year olds before so it's kind of funny to watch but but yeah typically those guys don't want the instruction they just want the machines okay yeah so you so they're basically rental by the hour yeah so the the cages they're not rentable by the hour you buy credits for them so it's always first come first serve that that way we can't have a whole team that says I'm going to rent every one of your cages and then the public is like what are we supposed to do okay so like reserv There's No Reservations not for the machines now the other cages you can reserve those and then we have pitching tunnels as well so we'll have pitchers coming and and pitch in there oh so you can hand basically somebody can somebody can come in and actually H pitch to someone versus a machine yeah they do front toss soft toss in the tunnels we have 70 planning for 70 foot tunnels you can come in and Pitch as well off the mountains so uh this if this gets approved tonight how long does it take you to get operational hoping for late winter to early spring so probably February time frame yeah so you mentioned that you're a franchise so um do you have like a franchise area that you service I assume that like you it's like another you know debat franchisee couldn't come into like Chan Hassen or like savage or something or like too close by to hear yeah so it's a five mile radius from where we open um but typically Deb BET's not going to really put anything up to 20 25 miles away so probably could be one of he ding at some point but you know nothing in like CH like there's 150 locations 160 or something like that Nationwide so yeah okay 70 of them are in Texas they started in Texas okay Goa so there's a high concentration there and everyone's spread out y gotcha and then and then uh I saw it in report but I your hours of operation or what yeah so on the weekdays it's 9:00 am I'm sorry 10: am. to 9:00 P pm and the weekends it's 10: am to 6 p.m on Sunday and noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday yeah yeah so .m. on the weekday so just oh because you're in between the two other existing businesses sound like is there sound buffering that you're I mean what's yeah I don't I don't know the stats but almost none of them have ever done any sound barriers um it's just doesn't become a concern it's just not very it's not very loud um so there's already the curtain walls are up from the other businesses so you're your walls are you're already set yeah so we had a vacancy next to us in Lake Elmo and we walked with one of the devel a developer walked through it with nothing in there you could barely hear the balls being hit and that's without any HVAC without conversation without PC so it's it's not very loud I assume that you know like your a lot of your instructors have like you know CPR first aid training things like that for you know in case someone you know gets hit with you know a straight ball or just a you know a tip or something like that um you know do you have to create like extra like liability insurance things like that for in the facility yeah we do have we have to you know we have to cover that with insurance but there's a kind of a standard debad policy that we so it's not on the building owner it's on the it's on Europe franchise okay okay anything else asking he's got young kids in baseball sign them up the baseball guy yeah um I mean the one I'm familiar with is is in Rochester because I talk about it now my Facebook feed will loaded me with Facebook ads for debat in Rochester um similarly do you partner because it looks a lot like they tend to partner with USA Baseball Academy to bring in camps and Clinics as that what you've done with L Elmo and that type of thing not really at all no we did have a UA All-American games triy out at our facility which is kind of odd we had some people from chasa that were there and that that was last spring but not too many Partnerships like that they just happen to do a lot the UA does got it yeah I I said they sometimes host similar things um some of the global UA travels um and then I assume a few of these uh have like hit tracks set up do you know how many hit tracks will be in there so we have one in Lake Elmo it might end up getting two here this is larger so like I said the other one's about 18 this is larger so we have more room for more cages uh measures velocity of the ball all the measurements and can Prett where the ball would go in the field chose choose your Stadium any any MLB Sim y exactly it's measuring the golf ball the we understand simul popular one um I assume the other question I would say is assume that there's like a front desk that's staffed that entire time um baseball players are behav great all the time but uh I just sometimes like the drop off off in loitering situation when you have other businesses right so just making sure we're we're mindful of that for those other businesses because um never would a parent just swing by and drop a young middle school kid off to go hit um but like I said they're all good kids right uh all those baseball players are good kid but you answer that question right there's someone there they're managing that because that would obviously be the concern if there's loitering with those other businesses and you know idle Minds sometimes with kids can the the other behaviors too so are you going to offer any kind of uh vend service food drinks no we'll do snacks and like Prime and we do have Mini Melts but nothing no food though because do like you I think on the website should like you'd have birthday parties things and some other like small events and things like that yeah y yeah um in your Lake Elmo Facility have you um partnered with the City Baseball associations kind of what's your relationship with how do you build in community right like having an open to the public is one way but I'm just kind of curious on strategies and and those pie obviously like you said a whole team can't come rent out a facility right I also know that Indoor Winter space in Minnesota is difficult for baseball um in general so I'm just kind of curious what you've done at Lake Elmo yeah kind of build a partnership with the with the community and City yeah I mean really we go to a lot of the events like like hel we'll have like a you know summer event that we'll go to baseball tournaments ask us to go there a lot but we never like sponsor anybody like we get asked all the time if we'll put a banner in an outfield at East Ridge or Woodberry we just we won't do that because we don't want it to look like we're East Ridge or Woodberry or chasa for that matter we want it to be open to the well it have to be chasa not exactly so yeah as far as just partnering not a formal partnership we just we you know first month we're going to let everybody come in uh even after hours that's been a really successful strategy for us six o'clock to nine o'clock on a Sunday you guys chasa gets the B the place to themselves for free and they're going to fall in love with it they're going to sign up for memberships they're going to come back it's just the way it kind of happens so another question does the mirror get to have the first hit out of the batting cage that's part of the stipulations it might have to be a long night let say 40 really slow pitch we do have a boost on hit tracks can boost it by 10 you can hit some home run guaranteed so yeah I mean I was comment as a observation as a parent with young kids in the Baseball World um that you know I think I don't know a lot about dbad other than I get advertisement for the Rochester one uh I I think the openness and the price I was looking at some of the prices I'm assuming those are based on franchise can vary roughly variation but standard yeah do think this not to shock anyone out here but Baseball clubs that offer this type of program are not cheap and tend to be hard like it is it's not a socially economically supportive method right um there's a favored piece to it because they're expensive so I think having other Alternatives in a community um is is beneficial because um cost should never my opinion cost should never be a barrier to a child playing a sport unfortunately it is a huge barrier all the time um and so I I think I like I said I think that's a different price point a different piece flexibility I think is is a nice thing to have because like I said it's um there's lots of price points and I think the more variety and more widespread you can provide access is good well I guess on that note we get questions all the time like our kid like my kid's 12 he's never played before I'm assuming you can't really work with him but it's like that's what we want like we want the kids that don't have anywhere to go and that aren't the best they're may be the worst player on their house team and it's it's uh stop you know that's we definitely was yeah I mean there's there's everything like I said and that's awesome because you know I I just you see you see kids quit Sports early for lots of reasons um but it is hard because um you know I've had questions with neighbors saying like oh my kids now all of a sudden interested in baseball but I feel like it's I should have started you know before they're even born prepping them like sometimes it feels like that right but um you know it is nice to have that ability because you know there are so many things not to go into detail but there's so many things with you sports that you really do not understand how skilled a a child's going to be until they get to a certain age and so to keep them interested in a sport as long as possible because the kid that's not the greatest kid now might be the best kid in five years and I'll speak the opposite of it when you have a child that doesn't really show a lot of attention to sports but then later on becomes interested and you kind of feel like I'm way behind the eightball on this because they were saying no to you it's nice to know that you guys cater to all you know skill levels and you have that ability my favorite part about the business so we get this a lot it's like what keeps me going it's like always get this comment like last year my kid didn't even hit the he never even follow the ball off this year they're hitting line drives and it's just it's like anything else you do it over and over again and you take less you're going to get better I mean everyone's going to get better you now the starting point might be here it might be here but everyone there is getting better um when they come in so it's fun it's I think perspective wise if you would have sit here today and say where could I randomly go and hit in a batting cage with a ball being pitch the only thing that I'm familiar with is Grand Slam and Ritzville I think is the only real and they have like 3 maybe to like on a whip right like before you buy into it like would they even be interested like I don't there is not a lot of just options where you can walk in on a Saturday afternoon because you're bored and say let's go hit some baseballs and not be a member and not have this and not just and just walk in and do that um just definitely and interesting it's the it's the warehouse is that that model is interesting um you know the other one that I've seen recently change and maybe it'll come for us eventually we'll have to look at this space again is basketball courts oh yeah and wareh just it's a big one a new facility just open up Northern north of here that literally is a industry Bay with seven basketball hoops that rebound and shoot the ball back to you can just shoot and that's it's literally just a warehouse so in our leville Lake Elmo facility next our neighbor now is shoot 360 and then four down from there is pickle in the middle pickle ball so all of a sudden we're like a sports area so be careful when we limit because we may have I'm just pointing out you may have others who come now the Tiff piece will come in to play with that but that is that is the demand for industrial buildings High roofs and nothing in the middle for only the next eight years next eight years all right I'm done anyone else all right um I I guess it wasn't what I was hoping to put in there but I guess um I know that there is a big demand for for for facilities like this and and um I know I know as the OWN you probably want all your spaces filled so uh it works out well for for that as well but uh yeah I I I I can see supporting this and I I I think that there is uh beneficials I like the fact I like that it's you're really open and not really tied to anyone or anything because have around here current and it can be sometimes challenging um stays that way um for the for the long term so all right with that I I would I here's where we're at I would need a motion to adopt ordinance 1051 approving the zoning ordinance Amendment to the uh planned multi-use District pm pmd2 to include baseball softball sports facility within a building at 1230 Creek Way so second all right so I have a motion by council member gra second by council member Wong uh discussion I Jay did you have anything please no I I just I I failed to give you that opportunity in case you needed to come up here and want to give a Spiel he he did speak at the um Planning Commission about the the Tiff District Dean and so you're good you need anything oh here he comes 25 is what you get I thought it was hopeful J more opid and Investment Company 400 Water Street Excel here Minnesota um Mark we talked about this out in the lobby you know we we set out a few years ago to create jobs and and to have a nice place for people to work and and in a big investment in the community and I think the tenants that are in those buildings have also made a big investment as well and we're very proud to see the quality of tenants that are in there and what's happened in that in that Park so I think this is a a great alternative use for a small space but the intent was to create meaningful jobs and fill that Center and I think we've done a pretty good job at that so I think this is a an ancillary use that will do really well for the community and during business hours it might you know especially on the weekends when the when the office people are not there um there's going to be plenty of parking and plenty of freedom I don't I'm not really worried about parking there yeah so more than adequate um I think the whole project in whole is a success and you know we're protecting that Tiff district with only allowing this 8% we worked with Julie at the city very closely and Liz and Nate and everyone at the staff level so a and Matt so 30 seconds is up okay thanks thank you for doing that I think that's very helpful to put that on the record so all right uh we have a motion on a second any further discussion J you got anything to never mind um all right all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries thanks everyone for being here all right uh we're going to keep moving we're going to go on 8C adopt resolution number 20247 improving concept plan for the Gard School a license daycare at 1850 White Oak Drive here council member this is an item coming from the Planning Commission recommending approval uh the site that we're talking about is actually uh adjacent to our Public Safety site and just south of um I call it the Concentra uh health building uh so it's it's actually was that building was the first of two buildings that were to be built uh on that site so this would be the second building um I'll turn it over to Ashley who's going to uh do the presentation mat so tonight we're reviewing the Gard School request for a or for the property at 1580 White Oak Drive as Matt said the site is located east of the city's Public Safety facility and generally west of the inler and 41 intersection my voice is uh going quickly because it is getting late at night so I'm going to try to go as fast uh to keep it uh still functioning hopefully my brain will make it through to uh tonight we're in the first phase uh of the city's three-step review process so we the concept plans as you know generally uh have a very high level plans meaning that also high level at this phase we're really trying to identify any issues uh to be resolved in the those two later processes uh the site is 2 and a half acres and it's part of the North Meadows eth Edition plant uh which was originally approved in 1990 around the same time site and building plans were approved for a new building so phase one which primarily was intended to have medical and office or medical and dental office type users uh it was anticipated that that project would be constructed over two phases uh the first phase uh which is essentially what's out there today uh roughly 13,000 square foot building on the northern half of that site uh that building is currently occupied U by three medical type users and then a grab and row uh restaurant type use uh the existing site also has parking lot and drive Lanes uh that are essentially wrap around uh the east and west side of the site uh phase two uh of that site plan uh originally approved in 1990 was never constructed uh that phase was intended to roughly double the size of phase one uh and for roughly 30 years uh that southern section of the site has remained vacant the the Gard School concept plan uh is contemplating the construction of a new daycare building where phase two was originally contemplated the daycare would be licensed for up to 159 children uh would employ up to 35 Staff and would generally operate Monday through Friday from 7:00 a. to 6:00 p.m. as currently shown uh the new building would be accessed utilizing that existing site access roughly Midway through the site onto White Oak Drive and the entire Southern section of the site uh would be regraded to accommodate that new building uh the two new play areas shown in pink on the plan as well as the parking areas shown in yellow uh two retaining walls are currently shown on the plan uh one north of the proposed building and then one west of the one of the new play areas essentially those retaining walls are to tie into the existing braid and to flatten the site for those play areas how big of walls are we talking height WIS the applicant is here uh roughly uh that Northern wall would be 5 to 7 feet at its tallest point uh that Western Wall uh would step up to about six feet good uh the plan is also including uh extending the sidewalk that currently terminates uh at the site exit access uh down to the intersection of White Oak Drive and Meadow Lane and then moving West into an existing sidewalk that terminates uh to the west of the site so moving through some of the site details and staff analysis uh the 2040 complexes the site for commercial and the property is currently zoned PCD 5 planned commercial District as previously mentioned and as summarized in your supporting information section of your report for this evening uh the preliminary plat and the rezoning were approved in the early 1990s and then sight and building plans for phase one were approved around that same time uh after recognizing that the final plat hadn't been filed uh with Carver County several reaffirmations extensions and then reapprovals uh that essentially kind of divvied that up and replatting for the fire station occurred over the next few years uh and one I'm G just grab one drink give me one second those original land use documents that were approved in the early 90s prescribed permitted uses uh for each of the Lots within the uh preliminary and or the preliminary plot the uh however very sorry uh however uh and so those uh permitted uses those prescriptive permitted uses for the subject property was really intended for medical and dental and more of those professional type uses and then also just any customary uh accessory uses that were incidental to those types of uses however uh as the subject property kind of moved from that preliminary pla in through those several reapprovals at some point the lot descriptions uh between the subject property and the property to the east that currently has the bank property those lot descriptions were essentially swapped and so subsequent building permits and tenants within uh this phase one on that Northern site really reflect this broader use or this broader list of permitted uses that was really intended uh for that Eastern Bank property so City staff has been working with the city attorney uh for how to reasonably address this as we move forward through the process and at this Point uh staff feels that the most appropriate and reasonable path to move forward would be to resend and replace uh those original resolution in ordinances uh and replace them with a new ordinance that essentially applies that broader list of uh permitted uses to both that bank property and the subject property but that said I'm happy to entertain any questions kind of about that process um but we'll continue to have those discussions and I'll have more detail uh in a future phase but I just wanted to give you a little preview uh of that this evening so stepping back into The Goddard School uh application the new building would be just over two stories be roughly 13,000 square feet in size uh the first floor would generally contain the lobby staff offices and the infant and toddler rooms and the second story would be more of the preschool age uh classrooms that Second Story would be accessed uh via an elevator that's centrally located within the building and then the two stairwells uh flanking the uh the building the new building's entrance uh would sit about 4 feet lower than the existing phase one's building's entrance uh and that new building would have a height of roughly 30 feet and while the uh original concept plan from the 90s didn't clearly articulate a building height uh it didn't it did appear that that second phase would be the taller uh of those two phases so the applicant has intended or indicated that they intend to subdivide the property essentially to allow for separate ownership of those uh two buildings well it's not necessarily part of tonight's application uh as currently shown the uh the subdivision would require a setback variance uh actually for that existing building to the north uh down from 30 feet down to zero feet uh so staff is going to continue to work with the applicant uh because there is some ample room to adjust that property line in order to eliminate uh the need for that that set back that I I can't quite hear everything but is that you're talking about that Southern setback yeah so it would be that interior lot line uh that would essentially bict the property to allow that separate ownership so the southern Corner uh the Southeastern corner of that existing building uh would require a variance or a zoning Amendment oops uh City utilities are available for connection and actually in fact uh the city has existing storm sewer and sanitary sewer that bisects in the Southeastern SE Western section of the site uh staff will continue to work with the applicant and the city's engineering department to ensure uh that the private site improvements and Landscaping uh would allow for maintenance and uh replacement of those Utilities in the future the plan uh while we don't have the details of where those underground storm Chambers would be the applicant's narrative has indicated that that's how they plan to Street uh treat for storm water management uh we'll get more details and provide that uh in the future phase uh the land this application does trigger the city's Landscaping ordinance uh the plan is it's shown today includes a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees as well as areas that are planted with shrubs and perennials uh for screening uh staff will continue to work with the applicant to ensure that the landscape ordinance is met not only for this site but then also for that Northern Area as was originally intended uh by the 1990s s PL uh also noted in your report this evening uh the project does close an existing Gap in The Pedestrian network uh at the intersection of White Oak Drive and Meadow Lane but as part of this application uh staff has identified two additional areas uh that could improve The Pedestrian experience within the site uh the first would be around uh the sidewalk on uh the north and east sides of the building currently there's not really a relief uh for the pedestrians uh because the sidewalk is sandwiched between the existing building uh and ballards blanking the sidewalk and the vehicular areas of the site and so staff has included a condition this evening uh that would require the applicant to at least explore opportunities to provide areas for that pedestrian relief the second uh item that we've identified uh to improve The Pedestrian experience on the site would be essentially to to continue a sidewalk uh in some fashion from that interior site network uh out to that external sidewalk network uh parking lot setbacks as they're currently shown uh are appropriate and the proposed parking stalls uh that they're showing on the plan would exceed what code would require uh code would require 83 stalls and there would be 114 stalls proposed acknowledging that the dayc Care's trip generation uh would be much different than the site's originally anticipated Clinic uses as staff referred to The Institute of Transportation Engineers or I data uh those calculations are included in your report for this evening but based on that data it's anticipated that the site would generate roughly 100 more average daily trips of than if Phase 2 were constructed as that medical dental use uh the county uh the application was sent over to Carver County for review just given its proximity uh to Engler Boulevard they've essentially also reviewed it data and provided that they anti that the increase in traffic could be accommodated of that upcoming traffic circle and staff generally agrees with that however uh given the increase in traffic staff has included an additional condition this evening uh that would require the applicant to explore a secondary access onto meal Lane to essentially alleviate all of those uh trips generated from the site utilizing uh that singular access uh that secondary access was shown in that 1990 site plan so again staff will continue to work with the applicant uh concerned about people then going through the neighborhood out of that because um one I live up in that area across the way th this will create traffic issues there's no doubt about it with two dayc carees uh within a half a block of each other and everybody coming in at that you know four to six time period uh I I get it that the Street's going to go under reconstruction next year but I I I like the fact of a second AIS but I worry then that it becomes a neighborhood cut through and so I hope we take that into consideration when we look at that access if there's not a way to put a secondary one on on White Oak uh but I don't know it's my opinion but I know there's not looking at that there's not a lot of room to be able to do that so yeah that I just want us to be wise about what we're one yeah and that 90 one I don't like that either because it doesn't line up with the there's no way of lining up with Cardinal so you're going to have you know a little offset there which isn't ideal either but of course if you line it with Cardinal then it becomes an easier cut through as well so you kind of so yeah I I Echo that comment of worrying about that so okay I'll preview this uh then I can uh kind of gloss over it a little quicker the Planning Commission spent a lot of their time discussing kind of site circulation and traffic patterns in the neighborhood as well and I think they echoed a lot of the that you um mentioning and one of the things that uh the city engineer and I were were discussing as we were deciding whether or not to include that that approval or that condition rather was that with a secondary access onto metal Lane um certainly you know there there may be vehicular users that would uh you turn right out of that uh and go onto metal lane and then Circle back around up through to angler however uh it's more likely that they would make a leftand turn go to this intersection and then continue in uh just to kind of help with the TR up yeah and then that secondary access internally to the site would prevent backups you know as people are circulating the site it kind of helps with that site circulation through the site as well if they're utilizing that southern about if you made that secondary axis the right in that it's only an entrance in and exit through the other way certainly possible I think the the property owner to the north the existing property owner would have to to agree to that but that's certainly something that we can discuss with them why would that property owner if you did it off of metal I well maybe I should clarify you are you're you're speaking to making this existing access a WR in oh not the existing if you made a secondary one on metal that you just come around the corner and go right in and out through the existing I mean I yeah answer that right now no I think I was I was uh thinking through how that was working and um yeah I think that's certainly something that we can explore um I think when we were thinking through this or brainstorming this we were all trying to anticipate a left only out to make that kind of work so you're coming in through the existing access but I think that is a uh is certainly something that we'll take a look at for my brain one was a left only out on Meadow but yeah that's unless it's it's a true somebody will go right I don't know the impact of yeah I don't know either but as long as we look at it that's the main thing that's all I'm asking yeah I think it's a it's certainly something that we'll discuss and I I have a meeting that up with the property owner on Wednesday to talk through the land use stuff so I'll certainly talk through that uh when you say property owner of the current site good uh well I can summarize this a lot quicker now uh but the applicant hosted a neighborhood meeting at the beginning of August seven residents attended that meeting generally they inquired about daycare operations including like the hours of operations uh they wanted to understand the site and building plans of the site and playground screening and then just overall construction timelines both of the angler project and how it would line up uh with the daycare timeline so as I sort of just mentioned uh earlier this month the Planning Commission uh reviewed the project they supported the daycare use for the site uh and uh were excited and support of The Pedestrian connections uh with that would be provided as part of the pro project and then as I mentioned they they spent a majority of their time discussing the secondary access and just traffic through the area then on a 70 vote they recommended approval so with that mayor turn it back to you burning questions what's a what's a timeline say if this goes through tonight this is still only concept when are when are you thinking construction how long is a construction project like this the applicants here this evening as they're probably better suited I know they have a pretty aggressive timeline okay if someone wants to come up uh just state your name and address if you would for our records and then we'll go from there Anthony Miller 5026 Boulder Lane chasa so to answer the question if approved today we would hope to be open Jan one of 26 so I and part of part of my concern about asking timing is uh Engler boulevards reconstruction next year uh would would really cause issues with with that but year P well we better be past that right we're saying they're going to get it done next year yes yeah so so hopefully that won't be an issue and that should alleviate some of the the current traffic that that does occur there um so okay that was cuz I was worried about taking off now and opening in July yeah or you know August right before start of school it's a eight-month Bill we're hoping for obviously once the ground pause so anybody else got a questions upor I guess my question just was I saw you guys held neighborhood meeting like seven people attended what were some of the things that did they just did were any concerned about the traffic cut through things of that nature um well we had the meeting at The New Rink room I don't know if anybody's been in there I don't think a lot of people knew where that was which was the only room to book that that night it's in the it's literally right off the ice oh yeah okay so I don't know if people could find it but yeah in the community in the hockey rank must have opened up the locker room CH is that a rental room yeah I know what you're talking about now um they the basic consensus was they wanted to make sure it wasn't a Taco Bell but um why because that would be fantastic the bottom fast food in general um no I think we just we tried to assure them that we wanted to be good neighbors um we wanted to be polite and I think with our design and just we're good people that live in chasa we enjoy this community we want to be you know in this community for a long time um we did kind of say we' keep traffic off of that road with our initial site plan but um we'll obviously do everything in our power to to make what works work um it is a little concerning for us right away with the size of the land if we did have to include that it would alter our plan quite a bit by adding the second or if we were to add the second it would you'd have to flip the entire site put the playgrounds close to a busy road um it would you know obviously adjust a lot of our things and cost a lot of money as well but I understand the want for it but at the end of the day you're still making a left turn onto White open BR um so you're just making a different left turn it uh my uncle owns two Gard schools uh I bring my daughter to one of them they have a one inway access with the turnaround one way out it uh it serves us well there's never been any issues with it um typically just to get into it they say about one car per minute between 9 and between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. so one additional car per minute I think with the gas station already there there there's room for that it's a wide enough Road and with the roundabout going in hopefully this year we've been told it was going to be finished by the time we would be finished so that would help very much not going it's a it's a heavy lift what they want to do next year so hopefully they can get it done there's a lot there's a lot of parts with that so if they weren't going to get anything done next year it would be stuffed down by the communes there right so I feel pretty good about this quadrant here but and like I said that's a good thing that we're not I I just worried about you opening up and that thing's closed you got nowhere to go sure they're worried about that too it would affect us very also yes we are um and I think at the absolute earliest November so late2 and you guys are confident you got enough bolks that you'll be able to fill yeah the numbers look look really good um we're 159 kids um those are much needed right now yeah we'd be filling a void in the community we think with having a young child we've experienced trying to look for daycare we have friends with young kids that are looking for daycare I mean everything's pretty pretty it's already been said here but you confident about getting Staffing that's the bigger thing nowadays that's that's a a very good question uh I hope that um my I'm a general manager of a restaurant right now and so I'm used to hiring a lot of people um at different times throughout the year and um so hopefully utilize that experience andies out here to Chas else got a question I I mean it's again for us it's a concept it's first step and work it out whether or not that second egg that is needed I I mean I don't it's not that big a deal to me but if I just worry that if we put it and it goes out on metal Lane that it's easier to take a right than it is to the left and once they find out that that just you can go out and around in the loop but can I speak for that come on up this is name and address please sorry Aaron am 3760 Bayside Road Oro Minnesota um yeah on that uh so we had I'm actually uh my wife and I and definitely more my wife because she's I would not be in this business if it wasn't for her um and she wasn't able she's sick so she wasn't able to be here um all three of our locations we actually own part of the minona location as well all three of our locations have one in and out um never been an in it's actually a fairly controlled uh day um you would think that everybody shows up at 7 actually since the pandemic it's really more of a 7 to 10 drop off and a three to six pickup it's really varied out um so it's uh still you know between that kind of N9 and three it's pretty dead and then obviously after we're Clos there's nobody coming in and out of there so it from a traffic perspective we just we just don't see the backup I I I got to say it's it's always been an issue when we've come to cities but are they like CU touched on it there is another daycare that's in very close proximity and a gas station and a bank and other commercial offices yeah yeah our plmouth location is in the middle of a lot going on and so is our Madina location um actually our manat Tonka location is too there's yeah there's a definitely a lot going on around all three locations um you know I I just we just don't see we just don't see the traffic backups it's just never been it's just never been an issue um on the and then I would love to address the uh kind of the in that one in andout thing we really really really I don't know if I can say it many times but uh want to stay away from going into the neighborhood side there um we we feel that getting in and out of that one uh that one entrance and exit will be just fine as I just said um and and um the neighborhood you know the people who did show up for the neighborhood were the ones who lived the closest and and they just really they liked our design they didn't want us going into their neighborhood so thank you yep right anyone else got anything I would just my con I mean I I my history here have never voted KN on a concept plan because it's a concept plan I I I am worried about traffic I would not be in favor of putting people on exit on met Meadow I think we create a bigger mess than kind of yeah solve um I think that that area is tricky can be with everything going on so I I worry about that but you'll get to the studies and you'll you know you know we we'll look at that at the pr a little bit more because like I say I think by the time they open that roundabout should eliminate that just that whole I don't know how many Fe from the roundabout to the other side with all that some of that is because people can't get out on yes that's aot it back up and then you can't turn I I that's why I say I'm let's say I'm I'm up there and live back up from the intersection you're right because i' I've tried to turn then you try to turn left you can't do it that's fair that's fair okay yeah I like I said I think and I would Echo there's a need uh in the community for for daycare centers and um so I've heard nothing but good things about G so you know and I'm I'm also I'm okay with like having a single entrance because I I think your your business model is different it's not like a it's not like a middle school or something where you're just going to like drop kids at the curb and then drive off right and they're not all coming at like oh they've all got to be here at 9:00 a.m. sharp because that's classical that time you know it's like when parents are you know it works in the parent schedule so it's it's a very kind of a different beast in terms of like scheduling than like a than like Elementary School Middle School where bell rings and everyone got to be in their seats so it it totally makes sense what you're saying so I'd be fine with it as is well I mean you know show to the traffic City and adjustments that are you know needed from there all right I think we're there what I need from someone is to adopt resolution 2024 approving concept plan for the Gard school so moved motion by Council M Wong second second by Council member Hatfield any further discussion all in favor signify but saying I I I both same sign Mo carries thanks see you back at preliminary all right uh lastly 8D adopt resolution 202478 approving and adopting the assessment role for the 2024 Street reconstruction this public yes okay so uh mayor and Council May I'll make this really quick this is sort of a belt and suspender sort of um so uh as part of the downtown Street project the highway 41 project there was a separate contract that we did for all the like the posos and signage and directional signage and parking signage Heritage walls things like that um so uh in order to Finance uh those along with the rest of our uh cost for Highway 41 uh we have to be able to assess a certain number of properties well we've done this before where we basically assess ourselves uh so uh this is uh we have a total project cost of $2.7 uh million uh we will be financing that uh uh over a 15 year period and expect about a 5 and a half% interest rate um but really need to take the uh action to actually assess uh the costs against our own properties so um so it's not affecting anybody else but it's meeting the requirements for for financing so again we've done this before in in some of our downtown Street programs um in order to do this we have to hold a public hearing uh in case there's any as any comments questions for Matt make sense all right uh so if no one's got any comments I'm going to go ahead and open the public hearing at 1121 anyone want to speak on it how many chairs all right uh so I have no one here so we'll warp to 11:22 and close the public hearing with that I I need a uh [Music] um in the wrong place here hang on should resolution 202478 approving and adopting assessment role for the 2024 Street reconstruction project yeah what he said so is there someone willing to make a motion on 202478 soov motion by council member H second second by council member W again that's approving and adopting the assessment role for the 2024 Street reconstruction discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I hi post same sign all right uh we are on the bills anyone yeah I have 53 questions all right for you huh I only have one tonight so keep it really short on page three there's an item um Boyer Ford trucks and it's not specifically about this just wondering if like the lead time what's the lead time for vehicle procurement um improving because I remember the past couple years it's been challenging to get vehicles and you know it's been you know obviously a long wait to get them so uh earlier this year it was difficult to get commitments from General Motors and uh because they're really not catering to government pricing anymore so that's why we ended up moving to Fords uh Fords are uh really the only manufacturer that W that would commit to us actually taking possession of the of the uh vehicles in 2024 so uh so that's one of the big reasons we moved over to to Ford uh is that Sterling they're not Fords I don't think no they're Fords these are pickups like the medium duties yeah these light duty yeah y the silver like the 150s right what these 250s I thought they were $100,000 that's the I think that's the dump trucks that in there is that what you're talking about I I yeah so the dump trucks take a year or more to put together so yes there is a still a very big lead time on dump trucks uh for us to get those in there and then the last one that Brian start talked about was our uh grass cutting equipment so like Toral equipment is taking uh longer time to acquire it took us 15 months to take ownership of our big soccer field mower wow um so um we we have two 4100s that uh we ordered this spring we won't see them until the summer of 2025 wow crazy so some things there are uh long lead times on sometime some things there aren't so yeah so depending on what it is like we're nothing's back to real it's not completely back to it's not completely back to are we prepaying anything for saving the money or can't we do that anymore yeah we can prepay okay but we also get the the government contract pricing too and so then the state it's we're using State contracts right so then but it's it's really only Ford that's providing that more competitive pricing and then GM Dodge Ram and stuff they're just not yeah longer lead times are sort of getting away from that pricing for government so they're just like whatever you know it's like wow okay so basically it's like you know whatever stake get some Ford products is pretty much what we're able to get Goa does that impact our um our maintenance department of having to stock like different parts and things like that or um yeah I mean as we switch over Vehicles it will um I mean some yeah yeah I mean it it will eventually have impact on that yep okay well that's all you got all right anyone else I would need a motion to pay the bills motion by council member W second second by council member harbard to pay the bills discussion hearing none Elise yes Howard yes yes yes all right uh how about council member Hatfield all I'll be quick because it is late um this Saturday you can trick or your face off here in chasa wow that's a new one let's get after that Comm 11 to two then you go downtown two to I didn't write the end times you have to look that up um and then uh you can go to the Halloween jamere 4 to six at the community center two to four and then yeah literally I'm not we're not getting go from one to the other to the other the other it's going to be amazing um so lots of you going to be there going yeah I'm whole time sugar treating sugar a council meeting right after at the Sugar Rush um coming up also I was excited to see celebrate India is an event happening at 6m at the lodge this Friday um so that's exciting to see that event um here in ches I think it's the first time we're doing that one pretty sure okay thank you um and then the Katarina parade is November 1 the next Friday from 5: to 9: at the Event Center so lots of fun events here in chasa um another thing I wanted to just mention that Bountiful Basket posted today that there are six between 600 and 800 local Carver County families who will find it difficult to put traditional Thanksgiving meals on their table so they've teamed up with five other organizations to um raise funds and um get food for those families and so asking for donations either monetary or you can bring in some of the most needed items are things like um pumpkin uh Stove Top Stuffing um cranberries brownies mashed potatoes um things like that so you can look at their Facebook or website for more information but um that was just a thought that uh Thanksgiving is coming up quick and uh that that number kind of shocked me the 600 and 800 and you just you know you know it's out there but you don't realize it um that doesn't mean they can't put food on the table but to put an extra meal like that can definitely put a strain on families when they want to be able to do that so uh Bountiful Basket could use your help right now to do that so yeah that's everything I just want to add to that I I'd like to give kudos to our police and fire department for their Battle of the badges I I don't have the numbers in front of me but they brought in a lot of poundage of food so uh I just want to say thanks to both organizations for for doing that and obviously you heard from council member Hatfield there's a definite need so congratulations and thanks to those two organizations for pounds 650 between fire and police they brought in cool and I will have to say the police beat the fire guys pretty handily so can't even say it was close all right uh C uh most was mentioned I think the other one other Halloween activity you can partaken there is actually one more that I want to highlight uh it's the Halloween fun night it's on Tuesday October 29th so if you're out of town on Saturday but you still want to get in on some Halloween fun it's at mcnight Park from 5: to 7:00 p.m. um there'll be free candy color station games activi hot chocolate who's hosting that this is sponsored by RG Insurance Agency CaRu coffee and the forge and it's uh uh Jonathan Association and chasa police department are hosting so quite a group yeah so I think that sounds like a a fun time um and then also my son and I went to the chasa history Center's haunting and history tour on uh Saturday uh really nice night for that but it was really fun to walk around downtown chasa at night and hear both stories I guess of some of sleeping that night now huh how's he sleeping at night he does good he did good he he was a little nervous when we got home at first but so the ghost did not follow his home you know we don't have the history in our home um but no it was it was really fun to learn a little history hear some stories uh yeah it's wonderful um I think that's it oh I did I have one more thing well so uh the yard waste is coming up this Saturday as well and I don't know the specific times but I did have a resident that asked why don't we do that more like Ono or I said it's probably a resource and space issue since we use Athletic Park for this well we have to contract to have people come so it's not an inexpensive event for us to hold and so we end up getting if you look on your Carver County tax statement there's solid wasteline say they redistribute those dollar to um to cities to be able to host events like that so it's mainly a cost issue okay because yeah he was saying oh so many other surrounding communities have this how come we don't yeah all right that's it that's it thank you C ju only a couple things um on Wednesday November 6 Southwest transit station Eden Prairie will be having the uh the launch for the um autonomous vehicle service the Southwest Transit is um is kicking off we'll be the first ones to have autonomous vehicles here in the Twin Cities we you know kind of talked about before um so that'll be the big event so um Wednesday November 6th and um the only other thing is the um weekend of December 7th we having the hometown holiday tree lighting at 100 Club we'll be uh having all those events and kicking off the uh kicking off the beginning of December and from the by week we there's a couple of items too um you know I was really really pleased to see that chasa business news update I think it's really really helpful to kind of see that summary of like hey here's what's going on so I think it's a really great research so thank you guys for putting it together that was great who was that Ashley uh Julie Julie yeah so love seeing that so it's really really cool um and also um thank you to Ashley and congratulations for getting the two grants to totally a million dollars to preserve the Big Woods in the Southwest chesa Park that's a big deal I mean not a small amount of money to bring in and certainly it's a you know hu that'll go a long way towards you know helping to make it a a better park with a more natural amenities so thank you very much and for anyone who helped her to like you know thank you so that's all I've got uh did you talk did we talk about this about uh Southwest Transit being the transit no that's you're actually right us do that we talk about the last one we did we didn't mention the last one okay I couldn't remember I thought we did because it like came in that night it was that night it was that evening something like that because I brought it to Tab and they didn't even know about it the rep so Southwest Transit was the transit provider of the Year from um from mpta the Minnesota public transit Association yep so that's a great award so congratulations to them huge award we were nominated by our friends over at mvta so that's so nice so all right C Mor uh just before we means again it is Halloween on the 31st slow down look for kids in the street I will also don't point out for those who maybe don't have kids in the school system there's no school the next day so kids may be able voted to be out later there's no school yeah I heard they made it a holiday now back in there interesting enough uh for the next three weeks they don't go a full week because they they have today off and they have Monday off and and last week so but I want put that out because kids will be uh like if you're like my son who thinks that's a reason he can be out later because he doesn't have to wake up dust dark be smart just you know take your time we're all distracted you know uh put the phone down just drive safely and neighborhoods to be aware that lots of kids are going to be out I have not seen the weather forecast I don't know what it'll be what what it's going to be like might be too hot 80 degrees who knows so I'm not hearing the s word so Life's good yeah so yeah really so I just I just shout out just appreciate that I know particular neighborhoods can get pretty busy and kids like to get early start and you're getting home from work and and like I said just the they may be out a little bit later than usual because of the dll school the following day that all right Nate Lee bring your attention to the business update and if there's anything you're interested in seeing on that let us know Julia add to it what what's happening with the KFC because everyone asking now we're be how about those twins that's not a good topic either yeah Kristoff anything Matt nope all right just a couple things I uh stopped out at the new pickle ball Courts at Lions Park uh they really fit in there nice I I think the fence is up now I'm not sure I was there I they thought guys were telling me the fence was coming they were Paving some trails and do it a little bit but um that'll be really a nice addition pickle ball came up here earlier tonight but pickle ball is still Fast and Furious so that will be give another opportunity so we'll have that's five new ones plus the four so we'll have nine nine courts there and I assume the new park would probably have some probably so that would give us a nice mix of of those so and uh I don't think we said it but but part of the trail is already paved I maybe brought it up the last one I don't know and they're getting close but someone told me the bridge they were leaving the supports and they were just going to bring a bridge in and drop it a completed bridge but now all of those supports have been taken out yeah I I asked Matt that afterwards and he said no so they gota now they got to pour and do all that yep okay cuz I was going to say I so it must have been you that told me that I all of a sudden I saw him digging everything out well that doesn't make sense so okay so they got to do that all right all right I I as well had Halloween about slowing down be careful of the kids so it's already been talked about I think everything else has been hit um next meetings I didn't look I haven't November third fourth we do have a work session before that that'll be the uh budget for the utility funds oh and one other thing is that um was it that um early voting is open too so if you would like to vote and not like you know stand in line on Election Day the early voting is available at the government center I guess we'll meet before voting happens y we'll meet the night before so November uh 4th is our next then 13th the 18th uh we'll have a work session um and then I don't have that here it's somewhere here isn't it about election so we're having our 13th the 13th because the county couldn't we couldn't get together there till the 13th so we moved ours uh certifying the the is it c not the vote Cy canvasing canvasing canvasing the election uh so we'll be doing that on November 13th at 5:30 sound right Y and then and then I do that for the county and that'll be at nine o'clock so that'll get us done and I already talked about the veterans uh Park Road signage um I think that'll be just a nice little touch for that whole little area there so um yeah I think that's about it so yeah fishing with friends banquet is the 30th and I know that uh I believe that the whole council's been invited to that so if somebody's posting that I saw that inv I think it's this Wednesday isn't that the 30th I don't know the calendar I don't think I sign ficially with friends anual back what Wednesday the 30th but I I I think you're right it's the 23rd October 23rd all right thanks man behind the wall it is the 23rd so this is a mistake so it's this Wednesday did I put that in the bi-weekly you put in the bi-weekly yeah I put the wrong date yeah yeah oh is that where our invitation so that was your invitation oh I was thinking got an email I did see that but let me know if you plan on going so I can post that if we have a quorum but they also need to know if you're going to eat dinner there they need a dinner count yeah because it might have missed that but can't go so anyways so who nobody's going I'm going I intend to stop in so all right we don't need a posting then we all right I think that's it last call anyone go home Mo to adjourn all right I have a motion by council member gra second by council member Wong to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I I post name sign thanks everyone for hanging in with us have a good night see you next