##VIDEO ID:OH60gH-Dv6s## e 7 2024 we'll call the meeting to order at 7 o'clock pleas please stand and join me the pledge of allegiance aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you everyone welcome to the council meeting tonight thanks for being here all right uh leis we call Ro please here counc member H here council member Juan here C here here win here all right next uh is item four adopting the agenda are there Corrections or additions to the agenda if not I would entertain a motion to approve motion to approve agenda motion by Council M Hatfield second second by council member hubard uh discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign carries um next we have some proclamations tonight uh I'm going to go ahead and read them not sure if anyone is here for any of these but I will um I can hand them out after the fact but first one I have in my list is manufacturing so this is a proclamation and recognition of manufacturing month October 2024 whereas the Manu facturing industry is a critical part of Minnesota diverse diverse economy and in TW whereas in 20123 the manufacturing industry contributed 57.2 billion to the m Minnesota economy representing 12% of the state's gross domestic product and whereas manufacturing workers earned 25.7 billion in wages from Minnesota manufacturing jobs last year the second largest total payroll among private sector Industries and whereas Manufacturing in Minnesota pays an average annual wage of just under 79,000 which is 10% higher than the state's overall average wage and whereas manufacturing provides more than uh 325,000 highly skilled well-paying jobs with significant significantly contribute to Minnesota's high standard of living and economic vitality and whereas manufacturers in chasa employ more than 4,900 workers earning an average wage of 9,700 significantly enhancing the local economy and making chasa a better place to live and work now therefore be it resolved that I Mark winshuttle the mayor of the city of Chas on of the city council and the citizens of chasa do hereby Proclaim October as manufacturing month in chasa in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and the Seal of the city of chasa this 7th day of October 2024 now there's no one here from manufacturing okay see anybody move I have so I have three of them tonight um and then I have another one now this is a a proclamation for um indigenous people's people's day um I'll go ahead and read this one and I'm going to apologize because there's some names in here that I might not get right but I'm going to do my best um the area known today as the state of Minnesota is located on ancestral lands that have been called home by the Ana shabi I see that right an a shabi Dakota and hunk people since time immoral that anes shabi Dakota and the hunk people who resided on this land prior to the arrival of the European settlers experience a history of of interactions with the Europeans and the euroamerican settlers bed by violence broken promises deprivation and disease this is the history we must reconcile as we seek to build a brighter future for all Minnesota motans and the City of chasa while striving to maintain a strong government relationship and strength strengthened tribal sovereignty and whereas Minnesota is home to 11 tribal Nations enrolled members of many other tribal Nations and a resilient and robust Urban American Indian Community and whereas indigenous people have made essential contributions to the history culture and economy of Minnesota including traditional knowledge labor technology science philosophy industry and arts and whereas chasa is a city in Minnesota and the name chasa is the birth order name of the decoden family's first son and whereas the state of Minnesota the city of chasa strive to eliminate systemic racism and discrimination towards indigenous peoples seek to promote practices and policies that honor indigenous Roots history contributions recognize indigenous peoples as contemporary people and is committed to meaningful and genuine government to government relationships with tribal Nations that share the state and the Ci's geography and whereas indigenous people's day was first proposed in 1977 and the United Nations sponsored International Conference on discrimination against indigenous population in in the Americans and whereas indigenous people day serves an important time to reflect on the experiences of indigenous peoples to ensure greater access and opportunity and whereas the city of Chast joins a growing number of government entities across the country that have recognized the second Monday in October as indigenous people day to Pro to promote appreciation tolerance reconciliation understanding friendship and continued Partnerships among all of its people and its indigenous people of this land now therefore it we resolve that I Mark winshuttle the mayor of city of chasa on beh half of the city council and the citizens of chasa do hereby Proclaim Monday October 14th and every second Monday of October thereafter as indigenous people day in witness whereof I here Uno set my hand in the Seal of the city of Chast on the 7th day of October in the year of Our Lord 2024 and one more and we also have um the other one here it is and and I know they're here um um Southern Valley Alliance uh they're going to do um I'm trying to find my resolution sorry here um they're here under visitor uh visitor presentation for October being domestic violence awareness month so I'm going to read the proclamation first and then I and then I will let them present and I will give them this Proclamation so uh in recognition of domestic violence and awareness month whereas in the city of chasa in recognition of the critical week critical work being done by domestic violence advocates in the service of survivors and victims they serve I encourage all citizens to actively engage in the work and events sponsored by Southern Valley Alliance and other organizations working toward the elimination of domestic violence and whereas one in four women and one in seven men in the US have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their Rel Lifetime and whereas more than 23,000 calls are placed to domestic violence hotlines Nationwide every day and whereas calls to our local domestic abuse Crisis Line Southern Valley Alliance have increased 23% in the last year and whereas the impact of domestic violence is felt not only to individuals and families but communities and the nation as a whole and whereas chasa joins with others across the state of Minnesota and Nationwide in supporting domestic violence victims and survivors The Advocates and the organizations who serve them and the holding offenders accountable in chasa now therefore be it resolved that I Mark winshuttle mayor of city of chasa on behalf of the chasa city council and the citizens of chasa do hereby Proclaim October 2024 as domestic violence Awareness Month in witness whereof I have I hear un unto set my hand and the Seal of the city of Chasta the 7th day of October in the year of Our Lord 2024 so I have those and um now there is a representative here you may come up and just state your name please please thank you my name is Rebecca rivit and I'm one of the board members for Southern Valley Alliance Minnesota uh thank you very much for this Proclamation uh and for being a partner with Southern Valley for so many years uh Southern Valley is the only comprehensive provider of domestic violence services to Scott and Carver County uh and they were founded founded in 19 1980 and recently in January of this year located from belplane Minnesota to shaki uh and the relocation has centralized our ability to provide services for these counties and the individuals that they serve since January alone this year we're seeing an incredible increase in the number of calls that are coming in uh there well over 2,200 calls and over 1100 victims served this year already uh so I think the move to a more central location uh is really uh increasing our visibility uh and helping us be able to reach out and and provide additional Services um last year we were also able through a number of Grants and programs to be able to implement transitional housing programs that have increased uh first of the kind in the community really um for domestic violence victims there there's seven scattered apartment sites uh around these counties where victims and their families are able to uh safely have housing for up to 12 months at a time now in addition to just having housing we're also able to support them in safety planning uh education Child Care Financial education and job search assistance just to help them create that stability as they move forward from some of these traumatic events in their lives it October is um is domestic violence Awareness Month uh and we continue to try to get the word out into the community Through partnering with councils um organizations uh um community members at various festivals and events and we we truly appreciative of the fact that um we're able to do that at events like this and have your support uh en able to be able to continue to let people know we're out there we exist um and to be a resource wherever we we're able to so again thank you uh for being able to uh get some new statistics and numbers out there and uh we're just going to continue to provide services for the community um to the extent possible so thank you thank you any questions anyone have any questions thank you for all the good work that you continue to do year after year so all right thank you appreciate it we get a picture real quick got a photo up we can just right here yeah as long as everyone doesn't mind being in it yeah one two three than hey Mark I did want to see5 mon all right go ahead so um with for the um Proclamation regarding manufacturing month um from the numbers that were actually in the proclamation where it said that um that manufacturing workers contribute 57.2 billion to Minnesota's economy assuming that spread evenly across the 325,000 manufacturing jobs that means that every worker every manufacturing worker in state generates an average of $175,500 in economic and in an economic um return for the state but that means that because there's 4,900 workers in chasa by proclamation chasa contributes 86.2 million in economic Revenue to the state so when you really think about it you know that's a huge amount of economic development of economic return that that manufacturing just manufacturing alone there's other jobs here besides manufacturing but manufacturing jobs generate that just thinking alone in an annual basis chasa manufacturing jobs generate 800 16 million in revenue for the state that's huge so just want to call it out to thank you to all the manufacturing companies the employees everyone who's involved with manufacturing um you know it's it's a huge impact a really positive impact that it brings to the state and we should definitely continue to support manufacturing here in our community yeah I I believe this is the first Proclamation that we've done of that so I I uh the numbers were very interesting as well did you just do all that math quickly now no I did my homework you did your homework all right um but but I I agree I mean we're very fortunate we got two industrial parks and hopefully a third one um in the next few years coming about on board so um those are all um very positive for our city so hopefully we'll just keep moving forward and I agree thank you to all the manufacturing that are here in our city and of frost State all right anyone else have any comment on the proclamations or anything okay all right is there anyone else that wants uh to speak on visitor presentation that's not an agenda item okay we'll move on to um approving previous meeting minutes and that's from 9:16 in 2024 again if there are no Corrections uh or additions I would entertain a motion to approve who was that me I have a motion by council member gr second second by council member uh hubard discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries all right we move on to consent these are items that need our uh approval but not necessarily conversation but any and all can be pulled and UND discussed at any point so with that is there anyone that has any uh comments or concern concerns on the U consent I have a question I have a question on item 8B which is the adopting ordinance to repeal chapter 5 article 32 of the chass code of ordinances um in this item that it's states that after the repeal um that effectively a number of sections after 532010 um are or after 5.32 are removed but yet in the after repeal section that as it's um redlined in the example it shows that 5.32 and Z license required 5.32 0. 020 030 040 and 050 still exist um so it looks like all we're doing is we taking out the fee sections but and just disabling the collections of the ordinances themselves but the ordinance itself Still Remains so I'm a little confused like how that was implemented because it kind of because the way it reads it looks like someone who's you know has a managerie or circus or wants to do a public format still has to appear at the city and announce it then they're just not liable for any fees yeah I'm just looking at this quick the uh and at least correct me if you think I'm wrong here but I think the repealing of it all of them is happening at the bottom section so it's it's where the red line is where the red lines are it's repealing uh it's repealing each one of those sections of 5.32 it's yeah I'm a little confused because including fees because it just before repeal it list 5.3 tws or it lists all of those sections and then then it says after repeal then it lists them all again so we has red lines so it's so we when we're keeping track of these we for historical purposes we keep track of what was the ordinance but then afterwards we'll put if it was repealed or not okay so I mean it's the the bottom part of that is basically repealing that section um meaning that it's no longer in effect it it gives some historical reference to what it was repealing okay otherwise somebody look at it and wouldn't know what it was repealing okay so in fact you have to demonstrate this is what this is what it was and this is what it so in the ordinance it'll show the F so it it does say it says before repeal Y in there and then it goes on to say after the repeal yeah and then and then at the end then it says that each section which is basically the entire 5.32 is repealed so it still has the so the after repeal will still show like the effectively the headers for those major sections MH in there as they originally were with the the red lines to be able to demonstrate exactly what was gotta okay okay well that makes sense so yeah just was like just a way that the legal captured right okay that is fine I'm good anyone else questions all right motion to approve consent so move motion by council member one second second by council member Hatfield discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries All Right Moves us on to um item 9A adopt resolution 2024 76 public assessment hearing on resolution approving the imposed imposition of service charge for 2025 Downtown special district special services District uh mayor and coun is I'm gonna turn this one over to elase actually turn it there we go P you turn it we're gonna turn it over to me thank you mayor and council members um as you may recall this item comes before the council every year and it's just to establish the chasa downtown Special Service District fees and their annual budget um so special service districts as this one down in downtown chasar typically established at the request of property owners within a within a specific area who opt to pay a special assessment for an increased level of service and amenities that typically they're not normally provided by the city so it's above and beyond uh the ch's downtown Special Service District was established in 2014 and this year's 2025 propos proposed budget is for $58,800 which is the same as it has been for the last 5 years there's not an increase this year um the chasa downtown business Alliance manages These funds and they use them to assist and promote businesses throughout the downtown area some of the things they do they do marketing promotion like on their social media um accounts and on the website they create opportunities for businesses to have conversations and and work with each other especially at their monthly meetings they do some business Recruitment and Retention and one of the big things they do is organize and promote local events such as like what's coming up the Halloween tricker treats is coming up on October 26th deer weekend will be November 9th and then Hometown holiday will be on December 7th this year several businesses actually have um that are located just outside of the the special or the the service District um they have expressed interest in be becoming part of the Downtown special Service District so next year the um business Alliance will be initiating an effort to identify which businesses nearby wish to join the district and then go through a process to expand it by 2026 so you'll hear more about that next year um on an annual Bas basis the council is required as I mentioned to approve the operating budget and service charges that will be specially assessed it does require the council hold a public hearing and adopt the resolution that has been attached to your packet um the plan well enable the business Alliance to further promote and revitalized downtown public hearing notices and the proposed charges for each property were sent out several weeks ago and um given the support and the work that has been done by downtown business Alliance staff is recommending the council hold a public hearing and then adopt the resolution that's in front of you I do want to mention Dan kort the president of the downtown business Alliance is here and will wish to speak at the public hearing on behalf of the alliance otherwise I can take any questions if you have them or turn it over to public my only question would be why wait until next year to put The Feelers up there's a process that has to you have to go through with notices there's a process of identifying who and then there's a process to actually amend the map and then once the map is amended there's another process to to um assign those fees and a new adopt a new budget and maybe to expand on that if it's okay and it's The Feelers have already kind of been put out as far as that like the conversations have largely been had um it's more or less next year's the actual all the paperwork formalizing but a lot of those conversations to just say hey is that something you want to do here's I think they have some understanding of the cost and all of that so it's more the paperwork probably part of it that takes a little bit longer and we have had um discussions with the business Alliance about it trying to get them to come to the meetings and including them throughout the year this coming year to be a part of what the events and everything that happens so with additional businesses being a part of the Special Service District if you keep would you keep the same budget or would you expand the budget because there's more businesses more marketing to be done what would what's kind of that's a discussion that will have to be had through the next year but I think Dan could probably share a little bit about their thoughts on that when he perfect yeah good evening thank you for having me today I'm Dan kort I chasa resident uh and I'm an owner of the chasa depot so commercial property downtown and I'm president of the downtown business Alliance um you know I think back to when the downtown business Alliance started I've been involved with this since 20 5 or six and uh back in those days uh we organized as a 501 C6 and it was a group of volunteers and we put on Hometown holiday and we put on the October Fest stuff and and it was a lot of work uh and you know you think about a group like that the the pool of potential members is business and Property Owners downtown these are busy folks and uh just doing an event like Hometown holiday Burns people out and uh that's not a sustainable model and so uh in talking with the city and with others we this notion of a special services District was presented and uh and so we thought about it talked about it debated it got together with other businesses and actually canvased the downtown business community and convinced people to vote Yes to tax themselves more to create a fund where we could have paid help to go do some of this stuff um and that has been incredibly valuable we have a vibrant downtown today that we wouldn't have without um that those funds and that staff to make this stuff happen um and so um you know I know as I'm no longer a business owner downtown but I'm still a building owner and I know that because of these efforts my building is worth more today than it would be if this wasn't happening um so I'm I'm grateful for the support of the city uh and of the downtown business community in in keeping this very positive thing going for all of us um and and you know we we look at our mission and our vision and all that and at the end of the day I think the greatest value that this um organization brings to the city is that we are a voice for the business Community to the city and we are a voice for the city to get back to the business community and particularly when there's things like all this road construction that has been so valuable to get the city and the engineering people and the contractor and the businesses in the room together to hash out some tough issues um and so I I I think that's been incredibly valuable um and I'm appreciate of the city of their support in in uh in making this work so um Taylor you asked about uh will we raise the assessment uh when we have a larger District uh so we've had the interest really has come from people like um shrams on one side and um cies on the other uh and they see the value in this and they want to get engaged and right now today we can't spend money on them because they're not in our district so we can't really promote them on Facebook or anything like that um I don't know the answer will we need more money I kind of don't think we will because the social media efforts are the same it just more players um and um and they they're participating in events today we just have to be careful around what we can say and can't say about them um uh I think the addition of additional properties in the pool kind of lowers everybody else's rate if we don't raise their spending but we've looked at the spending every that's a the discussion we have every year is if we don't have something to spend it on we're not going to raise it you know if we don't know where where it's going to go and how it's going to be an additional benefit we're not interested in coming up here and begging for more money so um that number's been working and we're staying with it but uh no intention at this point to raise it I'm not going to make any promises but um we will look at that as we look at our budget next year so questions with what Dan was saying I think he did a great job of just sort of outlining the benefits of the the special services District the other one sort of going back to when you guys had or your own nonprofit do it yourself at that point you really are relying on the people who are willing to participate and so either be it money or time or whatever you know the people who are willing to participate make make it happen but then you have other people who benefit from it who maybe aren't participating and so I think the benefit of a Special Service District is it makes sure that if there's a benefit coming to the down town that everybody's contributing to it other questions right so thank you all right thanks Dan appreciate that um so um like this says here this is a public hearing so we'll go ahead and open the public hearing up at 7:31 and then I will ask if there's anyone one that wants to speak uh regarding this at this time Mr Mayor I would like to speak I'm John sigfred I'm a chasa resident also property owner in downtown chasa and Dan thanks for being the good cheerleader that you are you know most have some pom poms you're so excited but uh anyway I've got a few things that might not be as uh as uh positive is what Dan brings up I'm going to start very simply and uh ask about allocation of funds and one of course is uh business Recruitment and Retention and I don't know exactly what our efforts are that are put forth I've been kind of remiss in attending these meetings in last couple of years but uh my impression especially between uh second and third street on the east side of chestnut it's in need of some business Recruitment and retaining the ones that currently are there and uh maybe some more money should be focused on that aspect of the special services district and I've been in favor of the special services District since it was really organized or to be more effective that was about 2016 I think and uh so I'm not opposing the concept at all I just need some other clarifications one being when we talk about the downtown and I've got the map that shows what the special services District currently is but then when we uh have some of the events outside of that area specifically specifically the uh River City days which last couple of years now has been at uh uh Lions Park I think that's something that should be looked at again I know it's a lot more convenient maybe out there but still if the downtown dollars are for downtown activities downtown activity should be downtown and I know then it brings us back to the city square and the issue of the Gazebo and getting rebuilt and so forth and so on but that's something that uh seems [Music] to raise the issue that maybe we aren't looking at this thing 100% accurately though River City days is a board of individuals and it's a a festival ran by an organized group so I don't think think it has any sort of affiliation with the the business Alliance as far as funding goes just so you know yeah or the city it's not it's not facilitated by the city it's facilitated by group of individuals and the main objective I think is to benefit like nonprofits um from the funds generated from it and so uh I just want to make sure that you're clear that your dollars that you're being um taxed you know as part of the this group that is not a component of that well I appreciate that I was one of the original organizers of that River City days years ago and in recent years I haven't been as uh active maybe inactive as far as the community celebrations are concerned so thanks for that clarification council member hover so anyway the business retention in development certainly needs some additional emphasis in some parts of town let's put it that way so then I want to get a little bit fire field but I think it's still connected and that of course is um and this is directly involving the city of chasa and that has to do with uh Taxation and ownership of properties and that sort of thing and what I want to do is just try to get the ball rolling on this for some clarification I'm not going to get into the issue in depth but of course I get my property tax statement for a parcel that uh is a uh City parking lot now and it shows the city of chasa as the taxpayer name and then the mailing address is one City Hall Plaza and I've been talking to the county about this land Rec records talked to uh Administration there got some advice from a County uh uh attorney and they are in a 100% agreement that the city of chasa happens to own that parcel and then how that reflects onto the fact that I been paying the real estate taxes and it's obviously an eminent domain situation so John I'm gonna I'm gonna take a pause here yeah I think we're getting off of what we're into right now and is this parcel in a litigation that we really can't even discuss any of that I'm going to ask that question of our City attorney I believe it is in litigation it's not resolved yet so John at this point we really can't get into any of that well you can chuckle and that but we can't well if the county had and and the only reason I brought this up is because some of the dollars that I pay on real estate taxes include the uh special services District that's the connection there so I just brought it up and now you'll know it's an issue and you don't have to comment and and it is uh kind of an amusing situation if you were in my position from the standpoint that just something as basic as who owns a parcel whether it's in litigation or not should be able to be established so that's that that's pretty basic so I'm just going to give this information to the City attorney and uh he can look at it and I know the procedure is to talk to your attorney and that'll attorney will talk to the city's attorney that's in this issue and that's the way the system works well I I hear what you're saying but that's the way the system works I can't change it no but sometimes things can be sped up though if a little direction is given to kind of could be both sides right so I don't know about it so I'm gonna stop there yeah I just don't know enough about once it goes in to litigation stuff I'm I'm not proving I appreciate that comment Mr Mayor so that's the farthest that I'm going to uh pursue that point but again I am serious about the re reallocation of some of the dollars to hit that uh Business Development and retention issue up to a greater extent than maybe it's getting addressed now with the budget that was uh presented so thank you very much for your time M thank you thank you is there anyone else that wants to speak hello David how you doing good uh Dave vanorden jasa resident local uh business owner and I just want to comment nice job John I think we've lost a lot when we lost River City days um that kind of made Chas to the best small town um and we're kind of seeing a little deterioration in the city um people sleeping on picnic bench es things like that so again you pretty much covered everything that I wanted to bring up so thank you um I Dave I will I will say that that I don't disagree with you that's a loss and you know with the construction that was going on and and the park was supposed to be under construction and it's taking us two years to get approval from two organizations to be able to even work in the park so it's been very challenging for us and it's not been easy and like council member hubard said unfortunately River City days doesn't belong to us and they right now have said that they prefer it at Lions Park so it's hard for us to dictate to them that they have to come back so I I just want you to understand that it's really not our de sayate is there anything that business Alliance can do I I mean that would have to be a conversation between the business Alliance and the River City days committee you know because it's it's unfortunately most of the places that are events that aren't happening at City Square now like their other events because there's more room and that and I don't know do you blame him for that I don't I don't know right it's like I said I'm with you it's been very challenging I don't like the fact that they've left there but now that they've left they I mean because of what was going on they love where they've moved to and I don't know how you changeed that I mean the first time around I I remember talking to them they said well why we really like this and then last year they totally revamped it moved everything and they talked about how much better they like it there they got more vendors they have more everything I I don't know what to do Dave I I mean well I think whether it's something else I think we need to think of something as the alliance there's opportunities there I think you know as Dan had mentioned or maybe it was Julie had talked about some of the upcoming retail events that you have like deer Hometown holidays you know those are all like for at least this year those are some upcoming good events but I think maybe at least an opportunity for the downtown business Alliance to maybe you know the businesses to put their heads together and maybe collaborate on something for Fire and Ice because that's not ter it's a little farther but it's not that it's not as far as lions park maybe there's a tie in during the summer months that could be an opportunity these are all business people too I mean we're used to doing things on our own and I think we probably lack a little little communication through the alliance from what I so I think there's some internal problems that need to be fixed so and oh go ahead I was GNA leave this for my comments in a little bit but I can talk about it now I think so I attend every downtown business Alliance meeting I think I've probably missed less than five in the last six years and one thing I think that's been very exciting this year especially with a quite a bit of investment in the posos which includes between second and third street um on the east side and down into fifth is how do we kind of program those to make up for some of those events that'll actually because sometimes I heard with River City days it didn't do a lot for the businesses people didn't really wander down because they were so focused on being on the park I think there's probably two sides to that but I think some exciting things is how do we program those posos for maybe a Winter Market or something like a farmers market that's actually happening in those poos and kind of spread it out so that all the businesses get the on the east side and eventually the West Side what that looks like too over there and there's actually a group from the U ofm and Julia at least I'm going to maybe butcher this but the they are students in business marketing classes that are working on there's a certain I don't know jul who brought it up maybe you could better I feel like I'm gonna mess it up but yeah so it's the opportunity to work with um students who can give ideas on what we can do in those spaces and just bring a different light somebody outside the community and it's it's that opportunity to get additional eyes on different ideas right now unfortunately that particular Project's on full right so but it's still out there and it's still an opportunity for us but there's very much conversations about okay we don't have R City days happening in the park what are other events we can do that are going to really bring people downtown and push them into the shops push them into the restaurants and I've been very impressed with the those that attend the meetings at least that's where I see it happening the conversation is that they're coming up with really solid ideas of doing that that there's businesses involved and invested in that because I think you're right like there that was a loss but there is ways to push people in so those conversations are happening but I think more of those conversations absolutely are going to be of great benefit right right well just let people know that there is a downtown yeah you know even if you're driving into chasa you tell your vehicle to take you to chasa you go down highway 212 heading west you turn off on 41 take a right downtown Jas is left that's taking it into the center Town that's what it does I I notic that too that it it does that but we have no control over no I I just had to make that I mean we did you know uh we got the signage out in the highway historic you know downtown district and and things like that but Dave that about getting people down here is I mean I've been in this community a long time I've ran different things within this city and like when I was part of the ballpark I'd running into people on the North side and say hey have you ever had come down to a Cubs game what's that where's that where's Athletic Park right I it's so hard to get people to understand that there's two parts of the city and you know we try and try and try to do things and I I think I I will say the Fire and Ice I think has brought more of the north Chas downtown right and I think that that has been a good boost for here and I think that we just need to you know keep building on that to let people see what's really down here it's been it's been one of the biggest challenges to tell people hey there's stuff down here and I and and we can say River City days in the park I'll still ask people hey you coming down to River City days what's that it it just stays with that certain focus of groups and I I don't know I don't know how to get past it yeah you know Well everybody's just got to put your heads together I guess but I think we shouldn't forget too that Beyond just the Theos there's the opportunity for us to shut down Second Street and to you know because sh Shak does it for yeah for events say clarify that a little B in yeah sh Shak does that you know on a a weekly basis finds a way to do that to shut down uh streets for events and bring in a lot of people so I you know sometimes we forget that we have a big street Network in the downtown in our business district there's a lot of space to to do stuff uh that brings people probably closer to the businesses even than City Square Park we're all on the same track yeah no I and honestly I don't know if I'm even supposed to say this but I'm going to say it we we're not supposed to hold events in City Square Park because of what is the organ the historical but the the indigenous likea Indian Affairs Council Minnesota Indian Affairs Council does not prefers us not to hold any events there so that makes it very challenging for us because we just went through a two-year process to try to upgrade the park I mean I'm talking just simple sidewalks and and fixing a building that needs repair it took us two years and we just got approval last week I think and but now we we don't really want to start it we don't want it to be under construction during Christmas and the hometown holidays so I don't know if anything's really going to take we can do something things that won't affect that maybe in case the weather changes quickly on us but that that becomes a new challenge if we wanted to keep some of these events here we might not have been able to and I will say that they have way more control than we do of that Park and I don't know it's it's new thing we're dealing with put our head rumors from some of the oldtimers that those aren't even buried mountains and that's something how do you know if I've been told that they've gone in there and done the Sonic or whatever it is and that there are there are remains there and uh we have to go with that I we have nothing else to go on I agree I've heard the same things I I swear that I've saw a picture when that was flat but it's never been found since um but anyways that's a tough one but we have to we have to go by what's in front of us today and um we just don't have a lot of options there but I totally get what you're saying but I think that it all goes back to what everybody's been saying up here we have to get creative and find those new things to do and you know when the special services District was formed that was the idea behind it because that's really the businesses doing that with support from the city not the city doing it with the support of the business businesses the businesses that's what that and that's what the budget's for to be able to have that to be able to do things instead of the same five busy people trying to do all of those events all the time now you have a you have a group and you have an exit executive director Dan is that the name is that her title Jen executive director and so you have someone that does that you know um but I think you know we we went through a tough year with construction last year and I think we're getting back on our feet I think we're uh last I've talked to staff is that we're seeing uh we're generating more interest in buildings downtown now that things are done I think there's something going in the old dun Brothers I believe it's another coffee shop so I think that that my hope is that we're going to see that turnover and that change is is starting to come I I totally understand where you're coming from cuz it's it's pretty Hollow down there right now and and we need to get some of that filled in and and hopefully that this will start happening you know one of them was mot building you know offices so they're gone now and so so the hope is to get something in there permanent and and something that that generates foot traffic foot traffic is what we want right you know exactly so all right appreciate it thank you all right thanks for bringing it up Dave thank you is there anyone else else all right I'll go ahead and close the public hearing at 7:52 and then uh then we still need to take a vote on a resolution 202 24-7 speech to give before I was gonna make she has a speech give yeah I was going to make some comments though I'm just I do get to attend these meetings every and I love that I don't know that I love them being at 7:30 but that's okay um so I over the last well several years it's been really amazing to see the businesses come together and how resilient they are and to see so many of the benefits of the road construction um if I never see another orange cone I won't be sad but um and how it's come along since then I was asking at least before this has it been a year or two years since we reopened 41 because it just felt like such a long time we were in it it's been a year but really and the benefit I get I get asked and I see on social media a lot like what is the city doing for downtown and I think that's a valid question but I my I always want to jump and be like a lot um and I certainly hope those on the downtown business Alliance feel that um so some quick things just to kind of share so you guys all hear it um if you look at the budget one about onethird a little less maybe than onethird of that actually comes from the city and properties we own in downtown so that's kind of us putting our money where our mouth is um and saying we believe in this too um and really just getting to see businesses open there's a new I think dog groomer type business opening on Second Street we've seen a business that's off Chestnut between second and third on the east side reinvest in one of their buildings and just a few months ago we saw a proposal for them to put a patio on the back of it really saying there's this cool poo here I want to take advantage of that for my building um we've seen the mill use dollars for um some of our programs in downtown to put a new deck on the front of it we saw red bench Bakery use some of our um programs to add on a new business and so a lot of that is really through conversation and through thing like things like the downtown business Alliance to have those conversations and say what are the needs of the businesses one um during the downtown construction last year one big thing we heard was we need this Road open by November 4th that's where the businesses said they needed the road open I think it was November 4th the first weekend in November for deer weekend it was at that meeting that staff put their heads together worked really hard to work with our contractors to get that road open that's when the road open that was a direct result of the businesses having a voice here in chasa to say this is really important to us we need it open and staff very proud of how staff came together and made that happen but that is the kind of things happening and so much on social media I see really negative things about downtown and I just want to use this time to say words are powerful and we need to speak about our downtown really positively because when you don't people just hear there's nothing downtown guess what they're not going to come downtown because you told them there's nothing down there so I think it's really important that we speak really positively of our downtown that when you're on social media stand up for these business and say that's not true and I see the businesses do that for themselves and say no we love being in downtown chasa there's a lot going on here um but I think that words are powerful and I think unfortunately there's some voices saying there's nothing downtown and that's just the complete opposite of true I see a lot of businesses reinvesting in their buildings and their properties and in their businesses I see really resilient businesses owners some of the strongest business owners I've ever seen um that are downtown I just think it's really important that we keep that's why I'm always I'm always excited for this night because we get to hear from the downtown business Alliance and I get to talk about how much I love our downtown businesses but um I think we need to just keep that going and I'm always I'm always a very happy yes on this vote and always um very proud to talk about our downtown so that's what I had to say there's a lot of good things downtown there's a lot of great businesses and I always see full patio at laosa and it just makes my heart Happy and people going into Carver junk you know this Christmas maybe commit to buying all your gifts downtown there's a great new uh gift shop that opened on Pine Street um great ones in second and on Chestnut so that'd be my challenge to Chas is to commit to shopping and eating downtown this holiday season that's it thank you that was very well said thank you I think you know and you talked about that and that another one was you know the initial plan was to keep 41 closed all six months Y and the business Alliance came forward and said can't we do something different and we really actually we got it done before bidding because it made a difference in how bid the project but we were able to go out and put that in there that hey let's you know work there first and then and then be able to come around from wallon Pine to be able to to get on the 41 and go south over the river so I think the downtown business Alliance like you said uh has an has made an impact because now they're coming to us as a group versus one person that wants it hurry up get it done and one says I can't leave it closed for six months so I think it came together as a group force and it made a big difference yeah and even adding to what you both said that originally remember when they first looked at the 41 Redevelopment plan that was supposed to be a two-year project businesses said there's no way we're going to survive two years of like closures and all that stuff so it went down to onee six months closure and then of course we said no way we can't deal with six months of full closure so you know that so the plan changed a lot and this is a great great example of you know the business Community uh staff as well as electives all working together on the same page you know to try to align to say we've got to get this done in a way that's going to help you know be best for everyone right because we've got to get this work done and we've got to get it done as quickly as possible and keep this open as much of the time as we can um so I think that even the communications throughout that as uh counil M Hatfield was talking about was like tremendously important right a lot of this decision- making happened at a high level in terms of like the big decisions and even the Tactical day-to-day decisions of like do we open or do we allow traffic on parking on one side of the street versus the other I mean those are those tactical things were all discussed in those downtown business Alliance meetings so it's so vitally important that you know to have those conversations and I applaud like all the businesses that are able to attend and participate because they're the voices that you know help make it possible to make sure that the community was represented and that you know the the best decisions that were made that were possible at the time so you know a matter of fact as we got through this as well as we did you know was a testament to everyone working together so that's a that's a big kudos to all the folks in the business Community too yeah all right anyone else I'll just mention real quick the most difficult person in my life to please is my son will and he came up to me he's 16 he came came up to me probably about a month ago and said dad you know the downtown looks pretty nice now I might even go down there so I thought uh I thought that was a pretty big compliment coming from him yeah yeah I saw homecoming pictures being taken in front of some of the brick buildings downtown this weekend not and you they You' think they'd go to the park that everyone would go with the Xeo but they were down um behind businesses with beautiful brick walls it was all sorts of kids I think they were eating at Patron and La Hermosa too so it was really fun to see the kids coming down thank you all right last call all right so we need uh uh we're adopting resolution 2024762327 special services District someone want to I'll make a motion I'll second all right so I have a motion by uh council member Hatfield second by council member long again that's uh resolution 2024 and that's uh approving the special services uh charges for the Downtown special services District a lot of districts Services all right uh further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries all right thanks everyone for being here appreciate it you're welcome to stay but you're also welcome to leave if you like you can stay as long as you like we'll be here for another hour and a half come on they G listenting all my questions on bills oh boy all right so we move on to uh bills um anyone have a question yes I have a few questions okay first um page 11 and 12 um there's an item for core and Main LP for inventory of horns and swivels um what is this are these emergency Sirens are you are they're not no these are for the meters meters replacing so it's just the supplies that they ordered into for that okay so just just like another ter that's what they horns and SS in the middle of the horns yeah the horns come up here don't you know like what we must have met that in the heck have you guys been I was thinking it's like those those like those emergency Sirens that sits in the hole horn and it's a swivel it's like yeah that's like of course that's what it's for right I took a class glad I asked no I just pay attention to things yeah you know a few things okay now much but a few so um so in page 14 um there's an item for Donley underground and there's two um items relate to fiber project public it looks like Public Safety but it's the other one just for public so are they are they related to just City County infrastructure are they actually part of or that's actually the fiber going into our new public safety building was only for the public only the public safety okay y now was there because I remember there was someone else who was laying fiber those public fiber Metronet how's that going um you know they continue to pull permits I don't know exactly how far they got this year I do know that they got into some areas of town because I've had people indicate that they've been approached like chevel had a lot of marketing so and they a postcard saying we're doing construction in your area you're getting new internet coming to town so so maybe somebody if somebody knows this how does that work so they come in here and bring in a new fiber optic so then I you can leave your current carrier and go to them then then it just becomes a second option for us yeah and it's interesting you uh when Metronet first came into well when they first came into talk with us and chass and the discussion became that they were the discussion was that that they were going to provide TV and internet service but once they provide TV service now they have to pay a franchise fee and so uh so when they uh when they realize that most of their subscribers were probably not going to be uh getting TV service they're probably going to be streaming different services that they had they dumped the TV side of it and went with just the fiber U so that's that's how they're able to come into communities they have to get RightWay permits from us but that's a way they're able to come into communities without having a a franchise internet we for Internet service you can't charge we're not allowed by federal LA to because that's about getting internet service every um so but but this process has to be still years away I mean they haven't even started going to houses yet oh they have oh yeah I Chelle yeah I bet I saw like a thing in every are but that postcard I got said that I could have it and that they were doing it near me so I assume I don't know if I can I don't know if I can speak personally um but they a lot of times um they may not have the infrastructure work until they have an interested party and then then you I with them in order for them to put to put it in um yeah I just uh had it installed last week yeah and it goes pretty fast once they get in a neighborhood yep yeah they they pull those fiber lines the small ones for each individual house from a long ways away yeah so I I haven't seen anything around me that's why I I think within the I would not be surprised over the next summer or two if everybody in Chas at least has the ability to have access to it then you have a second option for a lot of things Y which is good cuz there I mean there has we haven't really had any op only fiber option we have yeah you know cuz everything else is all cable or DSL yeah I don't know if people still use that or not I don't know it's still using that's right next to the old rotary okay all right um so page 17 um there's an item for locality media it just say software yeah so this is uh again for the uh fire software that they're installing uh for the forget what it's called now U but it's basically it's it's a new management software for the fire department to to be able to manage their calls okay' be nice if there was like a little more information software so okay and then um page 48 um there's a couple items for Swan company for Savannah Way Phase 2 but doesn't say what it is so that's the construction of that phase of Savannah building that road building the road okay actually I drove through it today probably wasn't supposed to but I did did you get all the way through yeah open yeah so it's yeah it's going to be open soon um but that's it's not open to the public it was it was open how many phes did you run over there was no cones there they were just they all they were doing is working on the trails so I gave that as a I was checking it out for tonight's meeting y so that was that's my story and I'm sticking to it all right sorry might go back and then last one I've got here is on on pages 36 37 40 42 and 50 I notic there's a lot of deposit Builder deposit refunds for p Robert Thomas homes and habitat um so wondering kind of why they're all hitting at the same time because you know well two two reasons first of all this time of year It's Not Unusual because they need to get their Landscaping in to be able to to get that Builder deposit back so it's typical that we'll give a lot of them back this time of year second reason is probably more of a practical reason is that it's our building inspectors that process this so they'll wait till they have some downtime and they'll process a bunch at once gotcha so it's just kind like a couple Confluence of a couple different things y okay gotcha that is all I have I just got a couple questions I don't know if it's really one one is a bill there's there's one in there for Eureka on page 15 is that just and it says Creek Road is that just final from doing the North End of Creek Road because kusky did no it's a trail is doing the trail I well that's the work that's been done on cre road that just got done was actually Paving the trail Al so that wouldn't be part of kusky Bin uh no I think it was actually separate from oh so kusy just did the underground the underground they did the utilities and we had the trail was separate oh have been done for because I thought it said Creek it said Creek Road utilities that's why I was a little confused and I just happen to glance there is a thing in here so maybe that's final payment from the north end it could be yeah I mean I I don't things are hard to read but I see Eureka for 133,000 which is what it was which might be the 10% retainage that we had on okay all right I was the latest work we had done on that was the trail itself I just because I thought that was all part of kusky but all right um the other question is so the wells were drilled in three different places is that like a twoyear it just seems like it's been going on for a long time and and actually I got called on the one out by uh by Clover that they're Drilling and they're saying that the well keeps collapsing and they have to redrill is that when they bid those is that just to put the well in whatever it takes the collapsing is that is that every time it collapse is that a additional charge one what I'm trying to think of that I don't think so um because part of the whole building of it is also testing it too and that's what takes the time is to test it um because apparently they're saying they're having a bear of a time every time they drill it it collapses I can get you more detail and I I I mean I don't know I it was I got asked I about Wells yeah that's a that's a new one and I I see the one that you know behind Home Depot now they're just running water like crazy and I'm sure that's flushing or whatever but I I it just they seem like they take a long time to to make happen and I've had a lot of people during their amateur I got questioned multiple times about that what the well drilling out there about well they finally got their equipment out of there yeah they're probably not done though so there's quite a bit of testing and before we actually sort of C you know put a building around them and all that yeah okay all right that's all I got anyone else right motion pay to bills Move Motion by Council wrong second second by council member dra discussion hearing none El least we call Ro yes H yes yes yes all right uh Moves In other business CER GR um I have a question on the banners actually and I'll be the guy who ask the dumb question I'm never afraid to be the dumb question guy um so if I look at the banners downtown banners maybe just for purposes of the people listening out can you want to introduce the bannner then I'll ask my question was that a fair ask right I Julie introduce just just so my question makes relevance those who may just listen to this online versus read the notes absolutely uh we are have final designs on the downtown banners and these are the ones that are going to go in the center of Highway 41 and they will be permanent because it's it's difficult to put them up um so I think you have the designs and basically they were designed to go along with the Heritage kiosks that are being completed and kind of to tell the story and of the history of some of our buildings downtown some might not even be there anymore but each one is going to be at some point when the Heritage kiosks are put up reflected in those as well and just kind of telling the story of of downtown um and Chas itself because some of the some of them aren't even downtown like the now is go ahead and ask your question then I can answer I just ask a question I was say can I ask my dumb question now there's no dumb there's no dumb question have is the question in the room with us so okay look at the Zs here's so here's the dumb question first but obviously there's two pieces of it The Middle's of the Pole right like so that whole image is split between the pole okay I I didn't want to make that assumption that might have been the dumb question right like they're double-sided I assume they're double sided and they'll be on each side of the pole and then just out of curiosity like what is the expect I mean it's a little hard because could be a windstorm right what's like the expected life expectancy of how long they'll look nice what generally do we have an I'm just curious that's a good question and I'm not sure I have the answer to it um with other banners that I have done they've been uh up for almost five years with these ones it's it's going to depend on what materials we use for the printing yeah over generally I like I said I like them they look nice um you know I think it just it'll be a couple cherries on top of the ice cream cake great when we got to finish that and kind of complete that look which will be nice and I like the designs like I said I didn't want to assume that the split between the two was the pole makes sense that that's the poll so um I had that question um are they planning to go up this shooting that is the hope they we're waiting for one more of the banners to be just little tweaked um it's the one that is on your top right of the the paid the one that is of the Chas Cil and then go out and have them printed which shouldn't take too long so hopefully they'll be up before the end of the year and we're using a local vendor to print yes top right you're tweaking the tesy building SI the yes that's the only thing I what do you what are you tweaking at it you know um adding some doors to the train so you can tell at the train at the bottom the red and then just adding some Dimension where there's no windows it's it was tin at one point like a tin sighting so you can tell right because the thing that caught my idea is the red on it I don't think there was red on it train we're trying to tweak it so it makes that's a train oh okay then right now I get it I did not get it all along before yeah there some Wheels over there on the the wheel the one it's I think you need an engine on I think you need an engine oh I could have them do an engine I think an engine should be on there that would I thought that was a building too I thought it was part of the building yeah I think we driving to like 30 m or like the sliding door for the that's we pass them to put the sliding doors on and then does it get too detailed yeah it's like that yeah well there I learned something yeah you have that like pop art look kind of going with these it's kind of cool uh the other thing that I will uh just point out because I think uh they're a good resource uh is that on October 10th at 7M is the league of women's voters mayor candidate for the city of chesa uh it is scheduled to be a live audience here right in the space uh but it'll also be on the YouTube Chanel so I know there's a lot of commentary you read out there on social media worlds about no newspaper hard to get information hard to understand who's up for election all those types of things the Leo Women Voters if you miss it they have the recordings available and they tend to post those a lot on the social media feed so great resources and I like said we'll just point out the one 10 7M here or your YouTube channel and that is all I have I think the other two council members have an opportunity to participate that even though they're they're not running against but they're new members and I no they only do uncontested races is my understanding I'm pretty sure for this that's what I meant thank you that's you gonna out there and good are you done I I am done I just like I said I point out because I think that has been a Common Thread I've heard is that people are not aware what's going on who's up and so they the league does a really good job of of Hosting those and then rep posting those an advertising then for people to consume either live or after the fact which I think is correct okay now I'm done thank you all right thank you council member Hatfields yeah so um well I guess I'll start with just Feb backing off off of council member gr some voting resources as were in the last month before uh the election specifically for local vote um vote 411 is a great resource um where candidates can answer some questions uh the Patriot which is what is that called what did you call vote 411 it's by the legal oh okay so that's an online resource the Patriot which is our designated newspaper also did um some questions for candidates and then there's a new news source Carver County local news coming out will also have a voters guide where they ask local candidates some questions so there are um some really great ways despite not having the herald anymore which is very sad um but there are still some good ways to learn about who you're voting for in those um different resources so I thought I would mention that so thanks for queuing that up council member gr um and then some events coming up uh that you won't want to miss trick-or-treating downtown um on the 26th at two that's always a fun event where there is a ton of people downtown so I'd encourage you to bring your kids down and trick or treat but also actually go into the businesses and see what they're about and what they have like I said before earlier in the meeting you won't be disappointed so that's on the 26th Saturday at two this month um and then also later that day is the Halloween jamere at the community center from 4: to 6 so you can really just make it a whole Halloween day if you want um and then coming up I thought this was really exciting on October 18th um The Lunchbox who the what the lunchbox event with yeah the chap pleas are putting on lunchbox event with Janie's tacos which is a great Tac um Taco food truck in the old Cooper parking lot and so I believe let me read this right uh the first 70 people get free tacos so that sounds like probably the be best event that's ever happened so they're really good T they're very good t i can attest to that it's a great food truck you you know go anytime but but um they yeah I thought I when that popped up I was like yes this is the best so um and certainly a good month for that and everything so that's Friday October 18th from 12: to 2 so that's an exciting event coming up and then um I think I'm saying this correctly but the Katrina parade is happening at the chasa event center on November 1st from 500 to 9: um so enjoy a night of Music performances traditional sweet Mexican bread tradition Latin traditional Latin American craft vendors and more so that'll be um sounds like a really fun event put on to by Latino voices um RG Insurance Agency the CH police department the city of chasa and the chasa Human Rights Commission so another great event to do on November 1 so that is all I hadia a few things um first as relate to the voting one um just wanted to remind everyone that early voting is available started on September 20th and it's available through November 1st on Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. and there's also extended hours on different days so for more information check out the Carver County website um for you can vote in either uh for in Chas you can vote at the count the uh County Government Center um so if you'd like to just get your vote down early and not have to you know Brave all the lines on uh on November 5th then go ahead and you know go into the government center during the business hours or some the extended hours so which are on the website um some really cool news for Southwest Transit so Southwest Transit is awarded the Minnesota Public Transit association's Transit System of the Year award for 2024 oh cool um so um the last time we won it was back in about 2008 um and um the award will be presented to um Southwest Transit on October 4 and in Ko so I want to give a big shout out to all the folks of South Transit who did a fantastic job this year with between State Fair event service and you Prime and all these other services that are being run um for earning this award and of course one of the big things that you know I think garnered a bunch of attention is that um this other item which is that there is a um a launch of the autonomous vehicles so that will be happening on November 18th um in Eden prair so um stay tuned more information to come on that um but uh that will be a big celebration cuz be I think one of the first and you know the first certainly in the Metro um and I think we'll be like the second inate I think there was autonomous um vehicle work up in duth so um so this is like really really big for us the the first metro and um it's a great way to like you know to innovate and um to look at how we can solve some of the driver shortage challenges and you know I'm putting that out there I'm saying that because I know that there's some comments of like well you know we should just we shouldn't be taking jobs away from people and stuff it's like well the reason why Thomas vehicles are needed is because we can't find Qualified drivers and you know we you know we've been searching it's been really really challenging so you know just like there's a bus driver shortage there also a bus driver shortage for students there's also a driver shortage for um Transit vehicles too so autonomous vehicles help bridge that Gap and lower lower some costs over time so they'll be a great asset to communities so that'll be launching in November 18th so stay tuned for more information and that is all I have maybe quick on that on the Southwest Transit note um I didn't mention this but the Renaissance Festival uh service just wrapped up and transported 30 close to 30 over 30,000 people somewhere around 30,000 people to the Renaissance Festival what I love personally about this and I shared this with the businesses at the last meeting that was 30,000 people that got to go through our downtown and see how pretty and cute and lovely and fun it is and so I thought that was really cool that there's that many people that were funneled through our downtown to get to renfest Great for South Transit as well very exciting but I kind of loved the piece where they were all coming through our community and getting to see it actually to add to what you just said I think one of the things that we learned in the last Transit meeting Transit Commission meeting was that unlike the state fair service or some like over like 96 97% of all the Riders are actually people from chasa Chan Carver you know Victoria who actually get in buses here and go to State Fair it's almost the opposite of of R the renfair Riders because of parking so restricted people need to park elsewhere so a lot of the people coming to ride the bus in Southwest transit to Ren the renfest are actually from like Maple Grove Plymouth and other places other cities that are coming into chasa to get a ride and then riding our great bus service and then seeing our community you know through the bus so it's a it's a kind of a really cool thing so something that's it's like kind of interesting is that you know this is a sense of a great way to kind of showcase our community too where people to see it so yes that's all I got but thank you for mentioning that too y all right thank you you're up I have two things because a lot been mentioned which is great uh I feel like October 26 is like just going to be the jam-pack day of the century Mo mostly Halloween but I think we'd be remiss not to mention that there's a trick-or treat at the Chas Commons earlier in the day so you can your kids can get the full benefit of their costumes that day candy 1100 a.m. load up the candy they looks like they have bounce house and character meet greets and businesses are handing out candy and that's up at the chasa common so um they done that before yeah I think they started it last year oh okay um but I'm sure they're probably growing on it looks like they've got you know a nice complex of businesses over and there participating so I just think that would be really fun to jump up there and then come down and it's super fun to do the the downtown um Halloween uh trick-or treat uh event as well and then then and then go to the the community center and do the jamere because that's amazing they have a little dj in there and they yeah and they and I'm sure the scouts will put on their haunted house which is like a dollar and it's the best thing ever so it's just a fun day and coincide with that day it's our fall cleanup day and so that's down at Athletic Park from 8: am to um I know it doesn't feel like fall but it's coming so it I don't think I feel I'm vibing I spent a lot of time outside I don't know doesn't really feel it's going to be 80 again the colors are starting to feel like it the colors look at it and you can you know see it kind of happening in The Yards but it's the best of both worlds colors with warmth yes so that's all I have all right Elise nothing how about if you talk about what happened today what we do today sure I think we should talk about that I'm going to give it all to you give you all the credit for taking care of it actually Denise took care of all of it but then you can give her credit I let know um this is customer service week and so one thing that um I have a pleasure of participating with the mayor and Matt is going around each of our different departments and thanking them for their customer service I think a lot of people forget that government is a lot of customer service and so thanking our employees and just the um attention that they give to our residents and customers on a daily basis is is huge it makes makes everybody's job a lot easier when when we're able to respond quickly and answer their questions or fix a water main break or whatever it might be so um we went around hit each of the um different departments today just thanking them thank you good report you anything else unless you'd like me to say anything else unless what un direct else me I I I can't think of anything right now not done yet but I can't think of anything Michael anything no report de your honor Matt no I don't have too much myself either uh just a few things uh I you know it's already been echoed up here but please take the time to uh either attend or watch the the candidates for for mayor on October 10th at 7 p.m so um always I say it every year uh be an educated voter know what you're voting and uh please take take the time to watch that so or see it whatever however you want to do it so um uh the Chas Town course fall rates went into effect October 1st so get a little better bargain uh golfing so that's good um already talked about that uh just upcoming meetings our next meeting is October 21st then uh we go to um November 4th and then it is November 18th and at the 18th we have oh we're going to do a um we have our a lot of budget presentations that's on the 4th too on the fourth and the 18th yep and then um I was looking for this when are we canvasing votes again just for people if anyone wants to that uh November 12th does that sound right yep so we have to Canvas our each after each election but I think we only do it during the general election so it's called Camas of votes we go over and we look at the votes it's not we don't count V votes but we just certify that they're good and then that's also done at the county I represent our city uh because Chas is the largest city in the county so then um counties after we do or before typically it's before yeah so the county does it first then we have to do it I I I just can't remember on the general election part of it so but if someone wants to see what that's about it is uh November 12th five o'clock 530 5:30 and we do it right here in the council chamber relatively quick it's very quick the only order of business we can do is canvasing those votes there's nothing else takes place um but but they are they're open for people to come to if you choose I know that I've been in many at the county and there are people that come and and can ask questions and um just look at the process with what's going on in the world about seems like people are being unfair and all votes aren't counted I I think our County does a really good job and and uh I I really don't have those concerns here so we're very fortunate that that we have a good voting system around here so um that's really all I have I don't have anything else anything anybody else last call if not we can I'll ask for a motion to adjourn so move uh motion by Council W second second by council member uh H to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign have a great night we'll see you in a couple weeks enjoy the warm weather