##VIDEO ID:arjfCgHmgYQ## e e good evening and welcome to the chal city council meeting for Monday August 19th 202 24 we call a meeting to order at 7:00 please stand and join me in Pledge of Allegiance Pledge ofg to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible with libery and justice for all good evening everyone welcome welcome all right uh Alise we call roll please here here here here all right next uh is adopting the agenda are there Corrections or additions to the agenda if not I would entertain a motion to approve motion to approve agenda motion by council member uh Hatfield second second by council member discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries next we're in visitor presentation and tonight we have uh the grow through opportunity program recap so I'm going to turn it over to the Fine gentleman that ran it I'll leave it up to those guys they can tell you tell you who they are well first want just say any crying hear in the chambers is related to the mayor so it's usually the mayor crying go Dr if you need to just head outside we got the crying room back there all right I'm man so finally all right go ahead well yeah um martinz I'm the community outreach officer for the CH Police Department um and so we for the last eight weeks um we've had our grow opportunity program visit our various um departments through the city of chasa or city of chasa um and I just want to say thank you to the department heads for making this all happen as well as Alex and paa from Empower inclusion who um without them as well we wouldn't be able to have this program um so um the other person is Ellie snow and Carson hairs um thank you both for being a part of this program I hope you guys had fun um I hope you guys learned a lot um the last eight weeks or so that being said yeah so we got a little uh recap video and then we'll bring the uh GTO inss up afterwards but uh go and press play this kind of just some different places they [Music] went that is video my first day [Music] I right there [Music] there you might remember this day remember this day get ran sweet for a little bit how you that right [Music] that the [Music] people and and I time imag what my see me I can only imagine [Music] w all right all righty I have a Carson and Ellie join us up uh and before we start family you are welcome to come anywhere you are to go to take pictures don't feel you got to be behind them please feel free to come up here and behind us wherever you want to go it's all your name yes [Laughter] sir so I do have one question I think that they get asked every year our opportunity is which department did you guys enjoy being with the most um I I have to say department and especially the police department that's good I thought I heard Carson say Administration see him shaking his head not a chance police sorry what about when you were the mayor you were the mayor for the day what about that com to me right now I'm just feel otal and I'm very happy that's good it was a very good mayor she made sure we all talked into our mics and she got that approved right away and everything so Ellie for me we have uh some certificate of achievements here for both of you so Carson there's yours Nell here's yours and then I think martine's got something else for you too I also have one of our our cha Police Department challenge SWS that I want to give to each and every one of you for participating in this program and finishing it to our cadetes Ellie snow and Carson congratulations congratulations visit presentation you got to take any any questions the council might have for us so it's got to hold on to it for a minute and and I also wrot speech for everyone good evening my name is em snow it is my pleas to be here for the city of Minnesota I I amoud myself to be a pette I I have experience to help us when we needed it especially solving skills in of exciting chingi and jobs to be part of but pH for you but my friend that told told me go to the 911 his best place is to not be nous or scared because they want keep me safe and a Martin thank you very much that I came in in this program from I will never forget this moment God bless all the people of who came to some great with us thank you and and have a great night thank you all so much oh well thank you for that that those were wonderful words uh they were greatly appreciated and I'm so glad that you guys had fun is there anything you kind of already we already know what was your favorite Department what was your favorite thing you got to do what was the favorite thing out out of all the different groups what do you do you think was the most fun my person said well ask him do you better that's I have a question no Administration it's just not fair yeah I have a question for Ellie I heard you were teaching all the stats and Sil langu yes I I do were they good students yes they were very good even Kevin and Kevin too yeah what was your favorite sign that you T them um I remember what I talk to son was you and right now well staff what what what sign did you learn does anybody remember what you were no thank you they remember thank you work what was work again [Music] this and I to give my my my um stickers start to one of these special people and this is she's my shiny star thank keep it thank you ollie anything else ell Carson Carson you want you wanna got anything you want to say or not not much my kind of guy I like it I like it um if we can just take a picture with uh everyone in front of the council here that'd be nice what do you think yes sir all right keep my eyes open sitting okay sit down or standing we're standing for the last you might need to stand I might have to stand okay we might have I got the tallest guy in front of me oh yeah all right which cam on first um just look look somewhere I'll get out the you want toing your families up I I don't it's up to you families want to come up sorry my bag was cut on my wheel thank you thank thank you thank you she wrote that she did a very nice job Goodness Me can she write for me that b very cool thank [Music] you thank you Ellie thank thank you Carson my folks are still Gathering I I just like to uh say thank you to all of our employees because I I think they do such a wonderful job with this with through the growth through opportunities programming I I think everyone has such a great time doing it and I like I said I just want to say thank you to all employees because without them being willing to be part of this program it's nothing so uh thanks to all of our employees and thank you the families for bringing them in the two youngest partici F yeah yeah we'll just pause here for a couple minutes of they this is kind of like Lutheran Church they go a little long all right um next I have on my visitors agenda is the VFW and Legion commanders is anyone here representing either organization tonight okay um we'll bypass that with that I'll I'll ask is there anyone else here on that wants to speak under visitor presentation not an agenda item all right not seeing anything so we'll move on to uh item six which approving the previous meeting minutes and that's from 85 of 2024 again if there are cor are no Corrections or additions I would entertain a motion to approve I make a motion motion by council member hubard second second by Council M Hatfield to again approve previous minute meeting minutes from 85 to discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries uh moves us on to item seven which are um consent items that don't necessarily need a conversation but definitely need our vote um but if any or all can be uh brought forward and discuss I have one item okay um I have a question on item 7f the uh con conservation signs um so the cons conservation signs talk about the wooded steep slope but the signs don't actually say anything about like removing trees or any or cutting down trees would that be something that should be part of that signage because we have a conservation easement to say the tree shouldn't be cut down tree shouldn't be removed but yet it says nothing about trees maybe the thing to do question would be to look at you know you know what sort of sign we put in other similar situations or try to re for consistencies I I just I don't know off top my head but I think what we can do is have a develop um you know staff and make sure Lang like okay I think the general and if the and I think my thought is that even if like we had signs before that didn't mention trees there should be probably standard of consistency to say I mean because the whole point is it's conserving trees and if homeowners don't know that tree the point of this preservation is to preserve trees and preserve the trees on wooded steep slopes and they start cutting them down the science kind of need to say something about it because that's kind of being intent right yeah yeah I think one thing to remember is that we have a number of easements within town that aren't related to steep slopes and so um I I hear what you're saying about U making them consistent um I mean it's it's really looking at the intent of what we're trying to accomplish as opposed to you know is it is it because of steep slopes or is it because they were just preserved as conservation eement so I I think we can definitely come up with something yeah that sounds good because I think you know overall we make a great effort to make sure that in the planning process and development process that we strive to protect those trees so want to make sure that you know new not just the homeowners who move in who may be aware of it because they purchased the property but subsequent homeowners also have that visibility too because they may just not know because there's turnover in our neighborhood and people don't necess know about some easements just because they don't know and didn't go through the 200 pages of title documents you know so yeah well thank you I had a question on 7f no 7 G um and it might have set this in here so this is the 2024 is that we've already got some safe Street dollars this is the next step the next one for this year that's what I thought I want make sure y yeah so to clarify U we did do we got dollars for sa to school we did that plan is that and that's different oh so safe and safe Street roads are two and okay one we got at Clover Ridge though was Safe Streets correct no so we we did a safe R to school year and that was through school program through midnight the safe streets and roads for all is uh tapping into dollars that came about through the infrastru the the you know Federal level infrastructure program um and so out of that there's dollars for doing comp has of plan the the road Street Network across the community some of them can be done even at County levels or Regional levels um but in order to then tap into and line ourselves up to the most competitive to go for dollars for infrastructure improvements on roads you got this time place first so going for this grant will give us the dollar de program there is a match invol but B has another Pool of dollars that can have to people that match so effectively we can go through this process and identify those priority areas for improvements uh then set ourselves up well to be competitive for Grand doll for so some of the things that we anticipate would be pedestrian oriented improvements that hopefully well but will beign with the Viking P pl we have there should be overlap there but then there's also opportunity at traffic improvements as so related because you brought it up and I've in the last two weeks traveled it quite a bit the roundabout in Clover with the plastic yeah does that get evaluated if it's been successful like okay I it's curious cuz I man there's I mean I guess it's successful because it's someone's hitting the plastic piece versus someone but man those plastic pieces are bent over frequently yeah they've been hit a lot I guess witnessed them being hit I mean it's better than a person and better you know especially just it's but I've seen them replaced too yeah correct pop back up well I've seen them down and I've seen over time they don't pop back well I saw I saw a movie van go through there when we had a meeting out there and they all pop back up so I thought that's the way they were designed to operate but I don't know they are but they also as certain Point Break fig that so I guess at a high level just you don't think into too many details but just at a high level whether are the criteria for success in that to say that yeah this was successful that roundabout yeah yeah so it intended to be temporary right so as we get into winter and Public Works Crees are preparing for that those those plastic post come down um but the intention there was to to test out what it would be like um to try and narrow that roundabout slow down traffic so that would the objective um but I think as we're going to be starting school here about two weeks um that's going to be an opportunity to really get some feedback from the crossing guards um from the kids who are walking through school and parents who help along the way um and understand you know how they're feeling because that was really the intention was to um you know make that route to school and round about at Point that's one of the things that we learn in working with schools through that planning process um that takes a lot of uh you know Staffing and oversight crossing guards who are actually teachers just dedicating additional um to make sure the schools are getting through that round or the students are getting through that round safely um so that's that was the intention um so we'll be able to get some good observations school coming back up to see if that you know widening those medians gives a little bit of a r you Crossing across each lane it's a place for the the crossing guards safy stand they they kind of just Sue in the middle FL um and and hopefully facilitates just safer P School process so it's there temporarily um that's a whole another Grant application opportunity be lining up as well try and go and get money to actually do per change to that roundout um but it wouldn't be you know plastic sticking up it would be reely the curve um you know doing it with Engineering in mind so that it's is going to be able to accommodate the turn and all that kind of stuff but um it is it is much wider than it leads to be to build com traffic okay cool thank you I got a I got a couple questions uh one regarding the Auditors it's just our normal rebidding and how do you determine a better auditor than another one I I know n's here so I'm G to put them on the spot thank you Mr Mayor um this we just finished a fiveyear engagement with mmkr typically we do an RFP for services every 10 years um it's a lot of work to go through the RF p and they need the really the 5year period to recoup their initial setup costs so typically after the RFP we do five years and then we ask for a renewal proposal for the second five years which gets us to that 10e cycle for the RFP so we do not exclude the incumbent auditor as a part of the consideration process when we do the RFP um we have been with mmkr for 25 years at this point they've been flexible with us when we've wanted to extend for various reasons um we went through the RFP process and it came down to really two finalists um mmkr who is the incumbent as well as CLA who is the recommendation to go forward with at this point both firms scored very highly on a technical uh basis um CLA was actually a little bit lower on the fee side of things we weighted 80% on Technical and 20% on fees when we sort of evaluate internally so that we go through an objective process and review those proposals as a part of coming to a recommendation along those lines May if you don't mind if I ask a question does it make it more work for you guys working with a new firm like is there going to be more staff time because you maybe gotten used to the firm you were working with this is a new firm I mean I'm just that's more no that's a part of the normal audit process I'd say the first year is typically more work for both the auditor and staff but it's also a chance for a fresh set of eyes to come in and challenge Us in new areas and new ways part of the things we look at is is this proposed firm um knowledgeable with municipal government audits are they knowledgeable in a city like jasa that has an electric utility and has nine different Enterprise fund operations are they familiar with the debt issuance that we do so that they have some understanding and competencies in those areas another area that we looked at is um their experience and their staff training with Federal single audits as we continue to have that on a regular basis year over-year so we do expect more work but that's part of what we anticipate with the change and they anticipate as well and we had actually discussions about how to plan that first year all right thanks Jo yeah I was just because I was say as long as I've been here it's been the same and I I wondered if there and it's probably not a bad thing to change Auditors after after a few years just to make sure everything's you know we don't have to about that either and thank goodness we've always done very very well on the a so that's good thank you um and I have one other question on the on the The Carlson Bluff final it says 14 Lots but I'm only counting like 11 and I know there's that big piece and I thought the family was going to have one lot in there is there going to be more than one lot in there unless I'm looking at that wrong but I I've only counted a lot bring it up I go 14 there's 11 around there's three in the center the three in the center did you miss the three in the center oh I'm not seeing the ones in the center yep that's what it is I'm sorry yeah there's 14 I kept cting the outside I didn't even realize that sure in May or the the line that you're talking about with the family yep that's on a different person well that's not I thought that's on that that back piece no it it it is kind of I guess I don't know the direction I know the way the plat lays out um as you're looking at it right on here that it would be it's sitting so that upward is north right so I'm a miss plat to the east for the right and off the map all right you know what I'm good I was wondering if there was sub dividing more Lots there but I I missed the three in the center I did not catch that so sorry about that all right uh anyone else on a consent item if not I would entertain a motion to approve motion to approve consent motion by Council MRA second second by Council M Wong to approve consent discussion hearing none all favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries all right we move on to item uh eight which is our 2024 Community survey mayor and Council mayor the item in front of you tonight is one that uh uh that we do periodically so uh approximately every five to six years uh we will bring in uh I still call you decision resources but but uh um Morris letherman company to uh do a statistically sound survey of our residents uh in the community about a number of different issues uh we've been doing these surveys going back to I think 1996 was maybe the first one that uh that we did and then again like I said it's been about every five six years uh since then uh two things that I three things to me really stand out about uh the the survey and its methodology uh first thing is is that we have been doing it for long enough that we have uh the ability to compare uh uh statistical analysis from year to year um from our own survey results uh second thing is it's statistically sound as which I think is important and then the third thing is uh the Morris Leatherman company does this very similar survey uh around several other municipalities around the Twin Cities and so it not only gives us the ability to be able to look at ourselves but also look at ourselves in relation to uh other municipalities around the uh the Twin Cities so the last time we completed uh one was 2018 so it's actually been six years uh since we did the uh the last survey and uh we have Peter Leatherman here who's going to go through uh sort of a a highlevel uh presentation of the uh of the results of the survey in the different areas and uh unless there's any questions I'll turn it over to Peter take it away all right floor is yours it's a pleasure to be here with you this evening and to MTH point it's fascinating to look at the time comparison in the community I just the charts got too busy I took out 1996 um so the comparison I went back to was 2004 so it's almost a 20-year window at the look of this community and it really is amazing some of the changes that you have um and some things that are just counterintuitive to what we see elsewhere if we go to the first slide put up the methodology for everyone so everyone's on the same page we spoke with 400 randomly selected residents across the community of 400 samples projected plus or minus 5% in 95 out of 100 cases once again the size of the sample determines the margin of error not the percent of the population so 400 in chasa 400 in Carver County 400 in the state of Minnesota is plus or minus 5% uh the field work took place earlier this summer between June 13th and July 11th uh average interview time was 23 minutes it is a longer survey we actually had 11% stay on the phone with us for over 45 minutes of their own bition uh Community historian shall we say my voters are not paid by the interview they're paid by the hour so we play to everyone and if they have additional feedback you uh you acknowledge that in the conversation putting up some demographics cell phone only households were 60% landline only households for 8% they still do exist they're out there um and then 32% have both landlines and cell phones if we continue to the first set of demographics how long has the person lived in the community we have 28% that have been in ch for 5 years or less well we have 23% over 20 years in the community the typical resident has lived in this city just short of 10 years so that's really the split is 10 years uh 50% above 50% below 21% indicate that they have a person over the age of 65 in their house 40% indicate the presence of a child prechool age child preschool worker infant uh 75% are homeowners well 25% are renters if we continue with the demographics uh 31% are 18 to 34 year olds with 32% over the age of 54 typical resident is just over 45 years old in the community 76% indicated they were fight 9% African African American 6% Hispanic Latino 5% indicated multi-racial and 3% Asian Pacific high and then the last slide of demographics is the household income first uh we had 46% at 75,000 or below we have 51% at 75,000 or above so the typical resident medient is right at about $82 83,000 on the scale uh 2% more women than men and then you can see the geographic distribution by Ward uh most residents have no idea what board they live in we control that we know what board they live in um and then I just gratify the stample based on account of registered V with um so before I get into the data any questions on methodology demographics all right we go to the first slide and let's just say I'm going to do a blanket statement up front about what's happened in public opinion research post pandemic everybody is less enthusiastic about everything that's kind of a blanket statement so if something was excellent It's good if something's good it's only fair if you strongly agreed before you now agree there's just less intensity unhappiness across the state of Minnesota and we see it in the very first slide um overall the evaluation the quality of life in the city we have 96% rating it favorably only 3% say only fair um but the shift is from the excellent to good you can see it drop from 56 to 30% the typical on this across over the last three years since you know 21 uh when we started coming out of the pandemic is about a 40% drop in the excellent rating so that reflects exactly what we've seen you don't have what some communities have though in the good shipping to only fair you have the law they're still 96% favorable the concern is when people go to the only fair side for even the Poor Side most people aren't going to live in a community for a long time if it's only fair they'll look perhaps to move you don't have that whatsoever so it's still an outstanding rating on the quality of life there's just less intensity the norm the excellent rating for the pandemic was 22% it's down to 10% now so you're still three times higher of the enthusiastic rating of excellent It's just down comparatively to what you work for in the pandemic a couple open ends before we talk about um things in the survey what are folks like most you're going to see if we just look at this this is open-ended they can tell us anything it is small Town values and attributes is what they value from the small town field to the friendly peaceful to the quiet and the friendly people quiet and peaceful schools close to family and friends parks and trails we don't get our first qu essential Suburban response to we get close to the job and it's only 6% safe and down the list this community has always valued the small town field even at a time of a lot of growth in the community if if we go to the next slide and we ask fol what's the most serious issue well the first thing we look at in this chart is there anything that hits 25 30 35% you have one and three one in four people coalescing on the response that's a serious issue off the top of the L you don't have anything close to 20% what leads to list 133% too much growth 10% high taxes we're going to go more in depth on taxes in a little bit um where the norm on there right now is about 15% so it's about half about 50% less than we typically see and then crime everything else single digits the key are on this chart because like I said is people have spent a lot more time in their Community uh during the pandemic they've also found a lot more things they dislike um and so the nothing those are boosters before the pandemic the typical Metropolitan suburb had about 10 10% booster cor that's down to about 6% right now yours is 23% and these folks they see no problems in the city uh whether it's from the council to in Communications to Services across the board they are boosters your booster cord is very large at one and four comparatively to what we see now over the past three years since the pandemic quick question when you ask these two questions were people only able to give one answer or were they able to give multiple answers people can give as many answers as they want which is how they get to 45 minutes to an hour sure what we code is the number one answer all right so if they say five things we're coding the first thing out of M that's the most serious for purposes so in this case if they said nothing but they said but wait there's something else you'll get the bit or something okay yeah and we differentiate between unsure or nothing yeah absolutely what's scattered idiosyncratic responses that don't uh amount to more than one% so I just collapsed them down into categories I mean there's you know favorite pothole a neighbor they don't yeah yeah all right the general direction of the community overall do they think the community said it in the right direction or off on the broad track 93% say it's in the right direction over the last 19 years it's Bel low for the ra track at 3% uh the typical on this right now is 80 to about 18 um so that is extraordinarily well people say one the next slide one uh question that's been very stable over the years I mean it's statistically there's no change in 19 years is do they feel that Chas is home or just the place to live um it started out at 78% in 2005 in 2024 it's at 76% and this is often times there's there's very much a close association with the amount of rental and if you think back to the demographics we had 25% renters in the community that pretty much lines up then if you view it as a as home or just a place to live um but incredible stability over the years what about the strength of community identity um last time we were at 91% we're at 91% again um a little bit of a shift like I said the Shi from excellent to good but it has not done the spill over into the only fair poor Community identity the strength of community identity um had issues I mean there were just multiple issues during the pandemic it was hard to get together uh for festivals for a couple years that impacted how people felt about their sense of community um so right now norm and the strength of community is about 78% so you're over 10% higher on that and very stable going back to where you were before the pandemic next chart do they feel accepted valued and welcome absolutely 96 to2 this next chart to me is amazing every time I come out here the growth is amazing it's just incredible you now have more people saying they view Chasta as a small town than you have had at any point since 2005 51% see the community as a small town 21% see it as a suburban community 28% see it as both even in the time of the growth happening the city has still maintained in the mind in the eyes of the community the small town values that brought people here is what they value most in it and they still see that I was doing this is my 30th year of doing this so I was doing this in the 90s in Woodbury right now nobody sees Woodbury as a small town nobody sees Maple Grove as a small town nobody sees Plymouth as a small town those are Suburban communities you folks have been able to put the thread through the eye of the needle in order to maintain the small town field for residents that they value and they will here whenever they will here over the course of the years let's turn to tasks what do people think this percentage of the city uh property tax is uh keeping in mind that a lot of people have no idea that a split between the school districts County um what have you um and so we just asked them to approximate and what we had on this was 40% was the largest of of bar uh with between 21 and 30% the typical if we take out the unsure in in doam medium the typical resident thinks it's somewhere probably about 24 25% uh we did tell folks after the statement um that it was 32% just so that they were aware but we weren't going to make them atypical if we looked at the next slide on their perception of property taxes overall and I noted the most serious issue that that was in second place at 10% but it was about 5% listed uh the perception of property taxes in 2018 it was 31% it moved up to 43% it's a 12% jump um but this has much more to do with what's happened since 2022 what happened in 2022 across the state of Minnesota people got their assessments their property was valued at 20 25% more and they were thrill I think only about two people in the state of Minnesota realized what that was going to do to their property taxes so November 15th of 2022 it's like somebody flipped the light switch on property tax hostility and went back to where we were in the 90s uh with the taxpayers leag um the norm right now on the high category is 55% so you do have that increase but you do not have it like other communities across the Metro the high I have over the past 18 months is a community in Ramsey County at 77% in the very high in high category that's a tax Hospital climate you're still in a tax sensitive climate even though you have you have that increase it's much less than we see across the metro and every else the state we asked folks um uh we gave them a intro paragraph Hope did I miss I guess uh property tax increase would they support a property tax increase to maintain city services absolutely this is where we are it's somewhere between 70 and 80% across the state right now people realize now more than ever it costs more to have the same things and so people are very supportive of a property tax increase to maintain but just like everywhere else the line is the property tax is drawn in a property tax increase to main to improve or enhance city services so every Community has this Stark disparity between the maintenance you have it at 80 versus the enhancement only at 36% we read fols a uh a paragraph uh explaining the facilities Improvement plan and we asked folks were they aware of it um 36% indicated that they were aware um that might be very disheartening for people um that it's 36% your universe is never 100% on this if you can get 60% aware of some sort of process or plan from the city you're doing a really good job keep in mind on Election Day take away the presidential year I mean people try to forget it this year uh but in your typical gorial race or an offe election you don't even have to have the people know that there's a vote happening uh in November so it's the 36% um that would be the highly informed and you'll see this kind of later we talk about information mods that people have uh but we had told them about the plan do they support it absolutely they support the vision of the ccil 84 to9 um or 83 to9 very strong endorsement from what they've heard and there was no difference we I did across tab if they were aware or not aware in that change their support absolutely there's no statistically significant difference so it is a highly supported uh vision of the council the facilities Improvement I do have overall assessment on the value of city services now to me this is the most important question in the survey because it asks folks if you think about the property taxes you pay and the city services you receive how do you rate that value keeping in mind one of the inputs we've had an increase on people's perception on taxes being high has that impacted the value equation for people um and it is not it was 87% it's a very high 85% in 2024 so and keep in mind that we have 43% say their taxes are high you only have 11% rating value only fair so even if they do have the concerns the value of the services being provided lift people into a positive assessment of the services being provided by the city the next three charts are very busy so we just going to take them at a macro level first off how do they rate current city services do we have a sea of blue positivity or a red RI time it's a sea of blue across the board um from 93% on police and fire um in the 80s when we look at EMS the parks the trails the community center um a couple items I will point to um the quality of drinking water the unfavorable did go up from 2018 about 15 points so it's something to flag uh for you one data point a trend does not make you need a third data point in order to see um if there's you know sustainable change um on this one I can't do a comparison because obviously it depends on what oer I I go to one community and it's 50/50 another's 9010 your tolerance and taste hardness all of those sorts of things so it is something to FL um the other one I would FL the highest uh level outside of the drinking water of uh unfavorable is a city street repair and maintenance 7228 that is actually a very strong the norm right now in favorable on Street repair maintenance across the metro area is 40% favorable um so while it gives something to to look at you always you're never going to get to 90% no Community is ever going 90% even if they do a mill overlay every year uh people will still have issues but that 28% is very strong strong that's the rating of current services we then ask folks to go through the list again and tell us do they view it as an absolutely essential service very important somewhat important or not too important service I would rap this because especially for the the top 80% of the chart there were very few people saying somewhat important or not too important so I'm just going to rate the essential and the very important and you can see a clear some teers of prioritization people's minds police and fire and EMS right at the top it's essential um very few people saying very important then we go down to City drinking water sanitary sewer Street repaired maintenance snowf flowing electric service I'm fa the second tier the highest level we still have 50% indicating that uh that it's an absolutely essential service and then we go down to more specific city services from Parks trails the pro Recreation programs the community center southwest Transit the curling and event center and then golf uh the more narrow Focus you become obviously the the narrower the field of people seeing that it's important they're not going to use the service so this gives you a prioritization as you look towards budgeting uh for folks as they consider across the board city services that's a prioritization we went through the list one more time then and ask folks would you increase inase funding maintain funding or cost or eliminate the funding for the services this is set up as a stop light GRE more funding red less funding yellow it's above the right above do you really quick do you ever clarify like I wouldn't expect the average person to necessarily always know what like economic development is do you really clarify those things for them we if I think the statement I think we just use Economic Development y yeah if there's if there's confus or something sometimes we do such as or an example but I need it to be consistent across yeah that makes sense yeah um so I always tell clients with this chart look at the green versus the red and that'll show where folks want dollars put so on police uh much more green than red Parks or a fire service EMS the quality of drinking water keeping in mind of people that increase on the on the drinking water on favorable rating it's something to look at you actually have 47% indicating that they would like to see increase funding towards drinking water um Street repair and maintenance also very high on the other side then it becomes you know kind of the niche especially the park and wreck where we look at golf um and the curling Event Center those sorts of things so this should help prioritization you look at the values people have on these services and where they would like to see funding go if it's maintain maining eliminating or increasing funding electricity rates uh overall uh 38% now think they're High 4 5% about average uh 16% say they're low and 3% are unsure and speaking with staff before I think a lot of this really depends especially on new residents what your experience was before you came to the city of chasa and if you think the rates are high or low because it is strange to me as I look at this chart that you do have a growth in those saying high but you also have a growth in those saying that they're low in comparison it's almost like a bell-shaped curve uh with both sides represented and the 45% about average right in the middle of the Mountaintop also probably the timing you did this was probably one of their first higher bills for the summer with air conditioning oh Fair Point too yeah yep overall evaluation then has the quality of city services been able to keep Pace with growth absolutely uh 85% this time uh 12% said no 3% were unsure so at the time of of the growth that's happened over all the years you have been able to maintain Services across the board in the eyes of residents let's turn to Public Safety do they think crime has increased decreased or remained about the same over the past two years tips a little bit more to increase versus decrease this question varies the closer you are to C Minneapolis and St Paul it's radically different in the first ring second ring the further you get out so you actually have 9% more saying they've increased do people feel safe in Chaska absolutely unchanged from 2018 have they been a victim of a crime in the past year 11% that's actually down uh a few percentage points from where you were in 2018 lot of things I didn't think I'd ever ask in surveys when I started 30 years ago this topic along with garbage organized garbage collection and chickens the list there there are my top three right there yeah there you go retired the yes I am congratulations um we told folks an intro on what the state did last year for what the state they State done what they're thinking of doing um and we asked folks do you support or oppos restricting the number of licenses allowed to be sold in the city of Jas to the state minimum three yes 62% support and 34% oppos do the next question do you support or oppose the city of CH make the smoking and marijuana products within city parks and misdemeanor events 59 33% support the issue that divides the community is Edibles the use of Edibles um the misdemeanor offense at city parks or facilities 48% support 41% opposed and 11% sure so on this one the city the residents are comfortable restricting licenses they're comfortable restricting the use of marijuana in Parks but on Edibles it really doesn't buy it tips to a morality support uh but it is nrow 4841 the next slide this is also Al a pandemic effect slide um this question is if you wanted to you feel you have a say about the way the city runs things um it was 71% it's 58% now so that mean number of people say no increase so actually that went the shift went over to unsure for basically 12 to 18 months it was virtual it was Su all sorts of those sorts of non-traditional ways of interacting with this city and what happened for a lot especially older residents is they have not re-engaged um on this um the'll re-engage of an issue comes up but if it's really quiet they're not paying attention like they used to they're much more focused on national state issues um and so this this applies to cities and school districts this engagement P um so it's not any concern about not having a say it's it's just really they're not paying attention right now as much as they used to overall evaluation of the mayor and city council uh this time 77% favorable 21% only fair nobody said for this time uh Norm on this is 65 to 30 uh so very strong uh endorsement of the job of the mayor and city council what about changing the mayor's terms to four years um this one it was 54% it's now up to 60% uh endorsing that there's very little intensity if we look at strong support versus strong opposition it's 7% to 3% it's a soft support but the issue now is beyond a a margin of error 50/50 proposition it's actually at 60% support what's not what's kind of gone the other way is changing to at large system in 2018 was the first time we asked the question 34% supported it then now we're down to 26% supporting it uh the opposition moved from 32 to 42 but you can still see that it is a nebulous Coalition because a third of the people are unsure on the policy change you what at large means in that question yeah we talked about curious the city is currently divided into four wordss a council members elected from each board some of their cities have an atlarge system where like the mayor the entire city votes for all council members yeah and we did follow up and we asked them why they supported or opposed um the reason for opposition they like the current system it's fine as is every area is equally represented uh were the key reasons um that you have the reasons for support um every the the Cil will be a voice for the entire city not just the board and then you just have those change agents say change is good regardless those are the top two reasons on both sides switching over to City staff now uh first off 48% indicate that they've had quite a lot or some contact with City staff uh that's really high the norm on this is about 35% um so the administration like the first presentation Community likes to engage with Administration um at a very high level so is that level of Engagement uh create uh favorability absolutely uh 86% favorable to 12% on this one it's a better than 7:1 ratio positive to negative the norm ratio right now is 41 um so a lot more contact a lot more interaction and a lot more favorability in the minds of the community when they think of City staff overall endorsement Development Across the city very very high when we look at this um at the high over 19 years now 81% say development seems well planned what about the pace of development 69% we're at the high saying about right um and you have 177% saying too rapid and 10% saying not rapid enough um so with a margin of error you've almost created the Bell shape curve here you have equal amounts on too fast not fast enough with 70% saying about right you kind of reach the perfect balance uh when it comes to development which would explain the previous response it doesn't seem well planned and thought out what was happening in 2005 recession right before the recession yeah okay and that number just jumps out we were a high it was a high peak of yeah like Target had just came in the 44 on the two rapid 2005 all the commons up there was develop at that point was going from cornfields to what it is now the other thing would be interesting is like you to slice it so that you could also see the percentage of population who had moved to chasa or new residence in Chas within the past like 5 to 10 years because I bet that if you went back to the 2005 study it' be a very small number who are new residents but you get down to like you know 20 24 within the past 5 to 10 years there a lot of people came in there are new so that growth are they perceive growth differently yeah oh absolutely I think community's going we C there's phases of growth in 2005 you were in the way too much hell no no more growth then you kind of a b coming out of that recession you had the recession paired into that uh where there's jobs issues business issues those sorts of things because typically once you get past growth is too fast like you had in 2005 then you say Okay I accept it now I'm going to try to find to what type of growth we're looking for um but you kind of had that hitched on to the recession and coming out of that at the same time um do folks feel informed about development plans in the community and do they know where to find information if we look at the yes first 7 62% say yes they do feel informed uh 38% say no um now do they know where to find the information uh if they wanted to 45% say they feel informed and they know where to find it interestingly 22% said no I don't feel informed I know where to find it that kind of goes into the detach it's almost a one for one on those say unsure and that says only 16% indicate that they don't feel informed and they don't know where to find information about Development Across the community so was there a follow-up question at all of like if you knew where to find information where would you find it no okay we we uh we did ask you have any suggestions to improve communication about proposed developments um and we had 81% that said no uh 5% said mailings 3% newsletter meetings loc Newser so only 10 12% offer examples on how to commun the thing that we took out of it when we were looking at some of the detailed stuff and it sort of surprised me a little bit is that the preferred method that people had was mailings like our postcards that we do those seem to hit people the best now it wasn't like perfect um I would have thought it would have been more of a social media type of push uh but it really was those postcard type things that we were sending in the mail more attentive to those there's a lot of noise everywhere else we talk the communications at the End Community characteristics once again this is set up like a stop like green bring more in red uh two few actually no two I I reversed this unfortunately I just noticed that it's mislabeled okay the green is actually too much the red is actually too little uh the yellow is about the right amount so you want to look at the red for the purpose of this chart where do people see deficiencies where would they like what type of development would they like to see more of you can see a clear theme uh come through here first off affordable starter HS then we go down to to assisted living and one level senior housing you're at the point now when communities get to the where you're at people really like living here it's highly rated they now turn their concerns is there a place for my child to start their family in the community and then is there a place for me on the other end when I downsized in the senior side the life cycle housing concern now has come and you know it's a good place for Community to be because people want to stay in the community and they want their kids to come back to the community on the on the uh business and establishment side um entertainment establishments uh then service and Retail light manufacturing and restaurants would be highly desired um is there anything they think the community has too much of um interestingly executive highend housing move up housing but then the parks open spaces trails and bikeways it actually Ms out with more people saying too much then not enough um and so when you think about it it is kind of counterintuitive to what we see across the metro area um it's still you know the majority of people say about the right amount but if it tips one way if we look at Parks and Recreation amenities um and trails and bikeways ATT tips a little bit to say too much switching over to retail uh once again we asked them what the principal retail um they'll tell us the story we tried to collapse these down into areas uh but Chast comments at 40% Follow by Chast Plaza 10% refus to be tied down to a specific retail location and then a series of things single digits if we look at the next trick the local retail shopping do first up we have 3% of people say they don't spend any dollars um in the community 26% between 1 and 25 uh 1% 25% 42% between 26 and 50 and then we have 28% at 51 or higher the typical residents spending above 40% of their retail Dollar in the community what about the frequency of local purchases from retail the daily has dropped um it's dropped from 22 to 9 and the Shi it just kind of went from weekly uh the weekly category the two to three times a month and the monthly so less frequent but it still has the same amount of people saying they're purchasing in the city of chass what are you seeing in other communities for this well like people feel inflation is that impacting this across all communities where you're seeing a shift like this and from the daily to like the weekly yes it's it's impacted but then also what comes into play is the um Ro of online coming into play retail Behavior has changed greatly so not only has inflation the cost of goods limited so people might go out less uh but it's also they can order and have it delivered to them so it would be interesting in the future survey to kind of figure out that percentage of online versus local because I think that that's serve for the competition right when you talk about like like for experience shopping right someone goes to like a bookstore because they want to experience the book not if they want to just get the book they'll just go to Amazon right or something right so I think that that sort of influences the you know for business development kind of like what we look at attracting we go to the next Slide the amount of purchase in Chas compared to 3 years ago um what's gone up is the number of people saying about the same um you have 25% saying it's increased and interestingly to your to your question on the decrease side you don't see people decreasing like we see in other communities with that retail uh online portion impact um so 2/3 are indicating that they're retail was UN shaped for the past few years what about eating out uh the percentage of meals being eaten out comes in about one in5 about 20% of meals are eaten out by residents in chasa you do have 12% indicate that they do not eat out at all um and you do have 10% that are eating up any% in more um but the typical resident eats out about once every five days what about spending on restaurants in Chasta the nothing has dropped down to 14% um the 1 to 25% is up to 56 um and so the typical resident if we look at this one on restaurant shopping it tips up with you have 5% of over 75 and the 10% it's at about 23 24% hold up of their ret their restaurant dollars being spent in Chasta so a little bit more than retail would more options increase their dining in Chasta um interestingly there's a change on this one um from 2018 in 2018 it kind of split this one now we have more people say no it would not impact um and I think part of that has to do with cost um and the impact of dollars and far they kind of they're going to eat out one one out of five nights um they're probably not going to to go off in a second uh 5 period switching over to downtown has downtown uh the quality of development been improving or declining downtown or has it remained about the same um improving did drop seven points declining Dro by 50% and above the same Seven Up Seven Points that's a very positively then uh with people seeing stability and the changes that have made in downtown over the past few years um but then also you almost have half the population still say that it has been improving what about the importance of revitalizing downtown um it's still important just not as intensely so um last time we had 83% saying that it's either barrier somewhat important um this time it's still a very high 72% but it is a softer it's gone from very to somewhat important the not to not at all uh went from 17 to 23 so is still absolutely a prioritization we have almost three quarters of the community saying that it remains at least a somewhat important very important uh thing for the city to do would that be affected by the fact that when the survey was done a good portion of this was already been in a completed process that absolutely could be part of it into the next what else is yeah what more is there to do or is it set and done yeah you know because in 18 we were always talking about rebuilding 41 and a a lot of the amenities and in 24 half of it was done three qus of it probably was done when they did the survey all it is now the Finishing Touch is the you know the fancy stuff now beautification absolutely because the revitalizing if it's been revitalized you know that netive shift but people still do view it as important to do so you read a little bit more about the text of what the question was that was asked because because when you say revitalization I mean it's not just like us when you redoing the streets and sidewalks and cityscapes but I think for a lot of people the rot vitalization is about you know getting the stores and shops they want the restaurants the businesses you know that sort of thing so that those other amenities that you know fill in those you know fill in the buildings right we we read a paragraph um the city of J implemented a downtown master plan in 2012 to identify the key priorities for the city to invest time and money to approve the downtown commercial and residential district this is leg projects such as the fre development of firem Park the curling and defense center other commercial development for example we donces located rebuilding streets and utilities and the addition of special streets okay and then ask about how important is it for the city re so in this case it's very much focused on the projects and the like a lot of the work that we're doing in that case okay so it's not looking at like the end result of you know the the further end result which is really the population of the businesses that consumers have been looking for okay right okay good okay how often are folks visiting downtown Chasta um on this one we have 5% saying daily there's kind of been a shift over and we did see a doubling in those saying never um to 22% and I think as talking with City staff a lot of that had to do times where it was torn up it was difficult um and you also do have a lot on the nor side of 31 um where a lot of those folks went nor north and east as opposed to South um so you do have that increase uh it comes out if we just average it across the they're coming down about every two to three weeks the teic res that'll be really interesting to see oneself West chasa develops more and all that residential goes in how that shifts because to your point there's a lot in the Northeast that's been developed and our Southwest has been a little bit lagging and so as that changes with this little like next time be interesting we talk about also development you know like one of the one of the things we were talking about you know at some point was that with Cooper's not being there right it was it was some a place that people went to who were local in downtown chasa but if there was like some destination you know like in that location that people said wow there's like a great grocery store there some other amenity there that Drew people this suddenly shifts because now you have people who are coming from all around Chas who are going to you know potentially other destination yeah I look at that just think people said I going to mess with construction and it wasn't I mean and they haven't got back yet right right I think the timing of that project I mean it was mostly open by then I get that right but um I think that never I suspect is a blip for this year it's my thought like because of the journey that that even though it's people feel very strongly about that think inflation sorry legislation plays into it too people are spending less generally because things cost more a lot of downtown chasa is restaurants and rotail shops that aren't Necessities always so you're not going to go to those places I mean even I personally go to less of those little shops and things to shop not necessarily in chasa but like other places because I'm a lot more mindful now how I spend my dollar just because of the general how far a dollar goes so I also wonder about that playing into things I think to your point though a lot of the a lot of the businesses are like businesses you go to because you need to not because you're you're casually browsing right you know like two veterinary clinics a travel agency you know things like that you know those are you know shops you you know you're not casually saying I'm going to go browse these shops so I think that it's s changes the demographic or not the demographic changes the intent for consumers or residents I don't think that's changed that much though no not a perception that it's shifted but when I I mean growing up literally 30 years in downtown it's even from the early days of downtown the amount of retail versus office versus whatever the other category is is about the same well I mean you were that it hasn't shifted it's like I think we kind of look at what we're trying to achieve we're trying to like push it to a little bit more um more like retail amenities that you know the people would be or like want to go to downtown and browse you know like the occasional wine shops or the cheese shops or whatever or like restaurants and things like that I don't know why everything I'm talking about is food related but hry maybe I'm hungry but you know but things like that that but don't you think technology is at play here as well you have your door dashes absolutely all that sort of amenities that you know a lot of people work from home now postco and so you have folks that you know are used to being at home and used to getting those Services brought to them rather than going to them so back that would be an interesting background contextual information for when we look at demographics of like of these I don't know if we capture that of like what percentage of these people you know what percentage of residents like work from home and you know do the majority of their purchases online things like that because I think that kind of helps to also formulate like what our Market looks like too right yeah that's actually an interesting point because I even about let's just say the most I live downtown so how often do I go up North today I got lunch from saki sushi but it was delivered to my door so I didn't go up there y I got an order from Target yesterday but it was delivered to my door so it's like that shift I think that's a good point yeah something I want to know in the future obviously yeah we asked folks uh four items today we asked if they thought it was a major concern in downtown CH minor concern or not a concern at all um what led the list was Rising rents uh 37% said a major concern combined 70% um but lack of parking if we add the major to minor together comes in at 84% that not enough shopping options and The Pedestrian bicycle safety uh at 70% but you can see the intensity we go from 37 to 36 when you say rising rents you're talking about I'm assuming residential you're talking about Rising rents for storefront okay so when you're surveying I mean are you I mean these are just residents of chasa but did you also survey the businesses owners of chasa I mean how are you this is just residents so this is for each of the bond please tell me if you think it is a major concern in downtown ches minor concern or not a concern at all okay I see your question personally I would not know what it cost to rent a store you not know what how it cost to rent actually is versus the perception of something matters so could you read the the Finish reading the question of like what they turn Rising is just asking the statement Rising rent Rising rent for stor okay lack of available parking not enough retail shopping options and Bic so the at its Crux this is a perception question right it's you know 100% this is what they're perceiving as the problem right you know the residents have in their mind some idea like oh I think this must be the problem right that's what is yeah my store that I want downtown is not coming or it's because there's more parking but the perception is there's a lck parking thankfully I think we're answering that with some way finding I think that's the the perception of things it's avilable parking in Downtown okay when they true so so that question was available parking lack of available lack Avil so it's not available they yeah and well I think that this interesting because there may be some other studies that we could do like later which is to look at parking to see do are people able to find the parking do they see the sign I mean it's there's a whole different thing around that perception issue right remember lack of parking is a good thing that means people are using it I mean really depends on how you look at it sometimes psychological but to your point if a person was going down and their trip downtown was limited to Fire and Ice and you know they're going to say there's not a park if they came out downtown trips are always def firman Park it's it's interesting but yeah I think that's a but then if they're going to like you know some other shops in like you know the other part of downtown and saying well I can't find parking because they're expecting to park only on the street and not realizing there so parking then there's an ISS there's something we need to address right yeah that's I think that's where it would be nice to dig into for for that problem solving piece of it right y uh do they support Financial incentives for downtown J development uh yes absolutely 82% support 7% opposed um 11% are unsur protect development say those sorts of things there's not a lot of intensity U it's only 10% go strongly weighs out 9 to1 in favor of strong support um this question has you know back in the 90s the first part of the century people oppose financials what changed on this was the recession and the competition for businesses uh we're now I mean this is very high in 82% but typically across the Venture area it's about 70% for development incentives in B communties switching over to parks of Rec overall evaluation of playground facilities athletic facilities and trails uh overwhelmingly positive uh 90% favorable on playground facilities 90 96 or 86% of athletic facilities and trails at 90% so extraordinarily High ratings Town Park and Recreation what about uh City Park and Recreation programming 40% indicate that they are member of their household and use programming in the past couple of years um you're not going to do much better on satisfaction at 9 UM both standing end does the recreation program and the amenities meet the needs of their household yes 90% on programming 88% on Recreation amenities how often are folks walking or biking in Chasta uh we have 8% that say daily we have 12% that said that say number the typical resident is walking um a couple times two to three times a mon this where n up across the community do they agree or disagree with the statement that chasa is a loable or bikable Comm Community absolutely 80% agree with that only 14% disagree with that statement we talked with them and read them um a paragraph on the community center and we asked folks first off were they aware of the community center master plan just like your facilities Improvement plan 36% were aware of the community center plan um how important is it to to complete the work in the master plan uh 83 sorry 93% say at least somewhat important with 38% saying very important question so one of the things that's changed the past few years is that or is that the chesa Heralds like you know hasn't didn't do as much like local coverage and eventually you know fold folded up like pretty recently so would like if you go back to like you know the previous surveys of like you know 2016 2005 for comparable type projects what was this awareness what did it look like then when Chas Harold was much stronger and you know out there more i' have to back yeah I I can go back and look in the data I'm just kind of curious but it's a good question Mike yeah I I'd have to go back and look in the data but the I do remember that there was actually specific questions we asked about the Herold and if I remember right there wasn't a there was not an extremely high readership of the Tas of Herald and so I don't I don't know that the readership of the heral actually exceeded the 36% but I can check that out because we have the we have the surveys going back yes I do have I have the 2018 survey here um let me get to the we're almost to the information sources I do have talk about the chest that's probably the best comparison because there was specific questions on that um is the community center an important asset absolutely 90% say yes only 4% say no turning to getting around chesa uh 90% rated favorably it's a soft favorable um most of them saying good um 10% said Fair nobody said for what about their commute uh 67% indicate that they leave jesa on a regular basis um how do they rate their commute uh 83% rate positively it's a soft positive it's good 177% only fair and in the upper right you can see we asked them how they get to their job site or or wherever they're going 85% indicate that they're driving Lan public transportation 37% indicate they are a member of their household in used public transportation in the past 2 years how do they rate that experience U 92% rated favorably well 8% say only fair nobody rated it poorly on Southwest Transit 57% indicated that they were aware of the service um if they were aware if this wasn't if they used if they were aware uh from what they've heard seen or experience how do they rate so this STS that not their experience what they hear people say about the service um it's perceived positively 84% rated favorably uh 15% said only fair how do feel awareness in this survey compared to the one that s Transit just did did you look that it all me just s was Transit I remember this question like do you remember I do remember it was like it was much higher actually but of course it was this for awareness but it but the interesting thing was it was like it was a ridership poll yeah right so so we're pulling writers your ride South Transit so but the so the ra be 100% it was was aad yeah yeah but then but but never heard um but the the ratings were the ratings were was actually quite a bit different in like the rating of service cu the ratings were something closer like a 90% on the on I think like good was some like was like some like 60% then excellent was like you know and totaling up it it was ending up being closer to like 92% or something like that yeah so it was really this is interesting getting us a different data point yeah yeah I'd have to take a look but we have the different communities people represented so yeah right CH exactly so it could be like it could be this is so this is an interesting drill down in Cha's view right because the other look Chan and Eden Prairie so it it could be that there's different different things that people are see I would venture to say a community like Eden Prairie would rate oh because they're receiving different types of services absolutely y absolutely all right communication overall evaluation of communications from the city uh it was 81% it's 78% statistically insignificant uh the norm favorable evaluation right now is 65% so very strong on the raate so once again the favorable sometimes I wonder less information might equal better ratings or there more information equal worse ratings actually high levels of information equal high ratings in the city of CH it's amazing there sorry amazing there that uh poor and unsure are zero that's interesting that's interesting where are folks getting their information and this we have this is the big change to your question with j j here um 35% in this survey say the newsletter followed by the we website social media email word of m a couple things we'll say in this we talk about comparisons social media is extraordinary Happ as a primary source of information most people do not want to admit that social media is their primary source of information about anything um the norm is about 5% so years is very high what is low right now is the word of M because what we've SE and I know the Chas AR the shutdown is very recent so it's not necessarily it's the behavior of How It's to change people's behavior but what we've seen is newspapers have disappeared or they don't cover cities like they used to what explodes the great fight uh because who relied on local newspapers was basically over 55 they're not going to go on social media they're not interested did uh the website is nice to have it's not an information source so they have gone to a great find many communities many school districts have their number one source of information right now that great find where smalltown Minnesota has come into the metro area you don't have that yet but like I said Chast herold's closure is very how out over the next few years be very interesting to see can I just quick ask a question was this was this a question where they got to they got to answer on their own or was this a predetermined list of so what's our city newsletter yeah what would be considered as the newsletter people making that up 35% of people are like yeah that newsletter so this was a head scratcher for us too we're like what do they exactly mean yeah yeah so which sort of gets it gets to your point about is this open-ended question it is and so then you're just like what do they think our city newsletter is well think I think it's a chasa Herald because it's chasa heral okay that would be my guess the brand of it well it last time the Chas heral was called out by 37% 2018 so they specifically said in versus this time 35% are saying City newslet that's that still could be the Herald meiler out quarterly that might it's like the CH today or something like that yeah I just I guess I didn't think if it as a newslet okay if they receive it under the man yeah okay yeah but you can see the by over a third in 2018 where do those people go how does it play out it's huge what's the best way to receive information don't if we look at this one you know mailings do they want to hold something in their hands uh 35% say mailings do they want to push a button um we do have 60% saying website social media or email um in that category and then the other three options very few people kind of the meetings proba so person inter watch less interesting back there yeah bump up your C with a cop maybe it should be steak with a cop yeah so the interesting thing is I mean just like kind looking at it like how many of these are push versus pull right so if you look at as like a A push is something a push is something where we push it out to them versus they're passive right mailings are an active push City websites a poll social media is a poll right I mean I wonder how many people think City website City Facebook as the same thing to be honest yeah maybe very possible yeah enough um generational difference to think that I could I could see people equating to the same thing and social media being more like Tik Tok Instagram for sure things like that I think it's be good to sus out that a little bit in terms of our soci it really just shows that you know you need to have multiple channels yeah yeah yeah yep absolutely I mean to your point the push versus full the active versus passive relationship with information you do have a majority of people you're one of few communities that say you have a majority of people preferring electronic the passive the problem with passive and I've seen it happen with communities is you become a mile wide and inch te with with information yes it's all out there but if there's nothing going on nothing of interest you have people that are not getting any information they don't need it if you only go look at it and you're not pushing information it does create a Detachment and then I've seen high levels of uncertainty you rate the mayor and city council I don't know I haven't heard anything bad about them don't have any problems but I don't have enough information to rate um from you know all those sorts of things so it is attention on the when you get rid of mailings um that sort of push information to people it's just something to be cognitive are people watching City Council meetings um sorry to say maybe spouses aren't watching Family Friends uh what I will say with this one to me I go back this was before my time when my business partner uh was in the 80s the highest level we ever had not frequently and occasionally which would Jessie sure was that was like CV po this actually with this number like this is actually probably well functioning in the sense it's available to people but they're not here for the fireworks what channel 15 that people still get that yep I wouldn't even know how to get a TV channel if I tried I I don't think it's live you got to go to YouTube TV for it Live Well channel 15 then they actually called out YouTube because channel 15 it's still Broad C on cable but it's not live yeah a recording of it yeah yeah that's what I'm just saying I'm saying it's recorded it's not live I not kidding what I say I could not get my TV to go to a channel if I try so over the air yeah so I would know how I mean this is this is one of those great things that if we could you know for slicing it in the future it would be great to see like you know demographics of age and things like that because I think it would be certain groups that would be like here's your target we do have that's part of the data we receive we're able CR cross reference based on demographics so I think that you know just a general statement is that for like for like the um communication strategy moving forward would' be great to like dig in to like you know really kind of build a communication strategy around like understanding of like which groups tend to get information where so we can more effectively hit the audiences especially like being at the table that talked about communication strategy and The Last Retreat yeah that information will be in invaluable at the next Retreat to say how you know when we dig into this what does it look like are we spending our time in the right places or the wrong places or absolutely yep subscribing to an online community newspaper now that the chats get her not exist um we have 20% saying very likely 39% somewhat likely and then 39% not too likely or not at all on this one I there's traditional marketing projections you can do on this I tend always do a conservative approach because there's a difference between intention and behavior are the details how often what's included typically you take half of the very likly and a quarter of the S likely which means that about 20% of the community would be the target audience of this keep in mind for this sort of thing the target market for this this is going to be different than what the target market of the Chast heral is going to be yeah um in a sense it's not over 55 year old subscri newspaper was it was it posed whether or not you pay for that or was it free um I don't think we're at that point of giving them because that's become the thing now they charge you for more and more things are you paying for that online service we just we said as you may know the ch recently stopped publishing their weekly newspaper if an online community newspaper was started to cover the communities of CH Victorian haror which goes to your to the point of intentions and behavior that would absolutely pay W um two more City website 93% indicate that they have internet access 7% do not have internet access have they accessed the city website 78% indicate that they had um and 95% indicated that they were able to find that's good so those are both High numbers aren't they 95 is without a doubt I can't find anything you read the text of face your face was priceless can you read the text of the question for SEC want of for the city uh of the city website question yeah City website and that's just all yeah because this goes back to um Michaela's comment too about like some people will say that oh yeah I access the city website thinking you're just doing Facebook and that's the city website I and I wonder there's like a disambiguation I think that may be something that is help would be helpful in understanding because I think that if someone because I know you know I would think about like my mom if I said oh you know have you looked at Facebook and she's thinking oh I looked at the website and that's the way she would answer right and that's and not understanding that are completely different things yeah I think though the fact that people are responding saying they found what they're looking for implies that there's more interaction than just getting pushed information yeah a yeah with the with the website when we when we that hasn't come up as people being confused because we preest are people confused on the city website bringing up social media I mean it's seen as the city if we go to the next SL we talk about social media do you use social media for chasa information um 43% say no um and then 38% indicate Facebook 7% Twitter or X Instagram YouTube um scattered and then 6% RWS U so you actually do have a majority of people indicating kind of differentiating between website and social media um and very much s towards they refus like absolutely notal way they're probably warrior in the background I want to right so I think a couple brief statements um I the changes that we've seen like we've talked about um there's been some change intensity but there's been no change in fondness and favorability uh across the board and to me the summary slide is you now have the highest number 19 years then considered chasa a small town as opposed to a suburn which is really important and it leads to those high ratings because as we started out with what they like most about the community it was the small to attributes uh and values uh in the city and that lines where where they so I'd be happy to answer any other questions pretty nice when that's your mission statement yeah is but not a lot of organizations can actually people Achi this is a quality small town right yeah this is really interesting I was like bracing myself since we just did the Southwest Transit one and we saw a similar thing and that going from excellent to good or you know that or somewhat good um so I was prising myself for what ours could for the CH one could look like knowing how the transit one came out which was still good I mean it wasn't like yeah bad for Transit but we definitely saw that shift for Southwest Transit too and so I was kind of bracing myself for this and I think it came out you know better than I expected but um definitely saw that same to your point that what you're seeing it's just it's a l i keep wondering are we going to go back and I I I don't know if we will ever go back to where we were I mean I think we really are starting it's been pretty stable generationally probably yeah probably we're going to have to be a generation it's going to have to be a generation I think we've established a new normal um on this in public opinion um on a lot of issues um and the the generationally or macro level things we just had to look at that at my I work for like a giant company and we had to look at that for our survey scores on our metrics for our people because trying to get a perfect score in a survey these days is next impossible so it was hurting people because people just don't want to rate anyone excellent anymore they're a lot more articulate and it's very very hard to get an excellent on anything so we actually had to relook at all of our surveys and PS transactional to say how do we we don't want to just bring it down for the sake of bringing it down but how do we like actually look at this to say it's applicable and we're doing a good job knowing that less people it's harder to get that excellent rating so even on a business level we had to look at our surveys that way and it was very interesting to do which is always interesting because you get surveys everywhere but there's always the ones like just so you know anything less than Excellence it's not considered good like if you ever got comment where it's like our team to say and then when I hear that I'm like that's dumb I'm not going to give you you like you get some of that reaction like like how are you going to tell me the Excellence but the way things like NPS work anything less than yeah excellent is GNA be extremely because they're all calibrated on that like if unless it's an excellent you're not going to refer me to some you know for someone back in yeah just changing gears I just had a quick question because I we went through a lot I know we talked about the community center one of the things I was curious was it asked she regards to sales status no we did not ask not ask that we specifically didn't because um we well we talked about it at the beginning and we specifically didn't because it's sort of like uh it's sort of like a school district asking questions on a referendum uh that if you're you need to have something real enough out there to be able to you know for for people to be able to see um you know you know if we do this you can you know we'll be a I just was curious because I just there I think uh when we at whatever point we get to when we do something with the community center we're going to have to do that it's just hard to do it as sort of a a General survey there's a lot of questions we ask no I I just I remember us talking about it but I didn't see it in there so I just wanted to make sure okay yeah I just want to thank Peter because he's I've known Peter for 25 years and he I mean he's uh does these surveys all across the the metro area each year our Metro are Managers Association uh they do sort of a legislative update where they will do a survey of people across the metro area and sort of sort sort of see where people are at on General issues and they just do a fantastic job of really getting to the heart of where people are are feeling and stuff uh and the perception that's out there so I I really appreciate uh working with uh uh uh with Peter and your partner bill I haven't seen bill in a long time but uh all right but uh um and what I really appreciated about tonight is how you probably didn't hear it but when he slipped it in where he said that you guys score higher din I you know that's that nobody else heard that I didn't hear the din part I thought other one on which what was it some likea unfavorable taxation environment I I no longer years ago um Dave Charles City manager of bak and he wanted us to do a comparative slide and Bill made the mistake of labeling the cities and oh my goodness gracious so we don't label anything we just talk about now I remember years ago we actually had that slide but um by that time you had taken the names off of the cities and you put like city a city B and then everybody's trying to guess what city it was I appreciate that thank you I was just going to comment that um great work and just listening you speak you can just sense the knowledge of the process which is awesome right um you know I think for me intro looking inwards of kind of what I hear and what I see you know it's it is good to see some empirical data that supports what we heard particular with our last two years of taxes um I'm just saying it right because we we did events and and I had a lot of positive feedback of course what we remember is some of the negative feedback right and that's what sticks right because it's those were hard decisions that's still a hard decision and we just went through the budget this year and that's coming up again but you look at the information and have that empirical evidence to say these things matter to people right fire and police as an example right invest in this community work high right this is what I want to invest right well look what we're doing right um so I like I said I again those are lots of people and there's are lots of PE reasons why people choose to live here um but it is kind of it is that hard because it's it's easy to listen to loud voices because sometimes the people who are happy and satisfied aren't coming here um so I I again I just want to acknowledge that because I think it's very clear in that data that um you know people value the those types of things and truthfully as a DAT shows value using the tax dollars to reinvest and maintain those Services I I made the joke and I wouldn't betired 10 years ago I had ni from every El said this survey does not represent What I Hear uh because to your point you hear from the 10% perpetually unhappy you might hear from the 10% boosters but most people just understand touch Bas SE right there at the most important because it does you're absolutely right you know I think bat starters were going through the survey and he's like any feedback yet and I'm like I learned long go if I started coding a survey I remember the negative and I'm thinking oh my goodness this is not going to be a positive survey and then you look at it's 90% positive and you remember the 10% so I just I have all the results I mean it is um it is important the whole because a lot of people are just living their lives so how I was just gonna say when you pick your sample group you're intentional about who you pick demographically to try to get the spread of Ages genders like economics diversity or is it just very random and it just yourself random in a sense that I established so I just pull a random sample of cell phon SL from my database um but I I have hus as we're going through it so I know the works yeah and that was the other question like was like wow you had an even amount of the words pretty much so and so then I key sens this information I'll know the percent of renters keep in mind s of mar rep I have an expectation we should be around 25% should be around 40% household of the children um those those key and we're going through we monit I'm not screeing I'm not trying to find out but if you do the random sample properly and the random sample is simply telling the database choose every X number and if you do that and it it it will fall into place the only time probably one in 20 surveys will have to screen for okay that they're harder but the the way we do it so you don't have some of the bad polls you see nowadays is you sell the fuels almost a month guess the 4th of July was in there but half of these were completed by appointment yeah it's not I call you you say no I can't take it and then we're just out of the next person I'm going to buy us a sample automatically on that because it's probably going to get it's going to be a younger person that's going to review they're busier all those sorts of things so if they say it just doesn't work when doesn't work okay we'll call you back and set it up so very rarely I will establish rep this but very rarely do we ever have the screen do you find now with the amount of scam calls and Ai and technology is it harder for you to get people to trust you enough to do a survey because there's just so much crap out there there I mean there there are a couple things that we go so we we don't rooc call so we never come up as potential scam my phoners much to their strant still push the numbers in I don't even use a protocy yeah uh in order to overcome that so it's not going to come up private it's not going to come up black it's not going to come up spam any of that um and then working with the city in communication about talking about the survey being out there um and at this point I think probably a lot of people have SE seen or heard of the surveys uh that cities and school districts are doing um you know nobody answers theone first time that call even if they old person that's true uh and so you call you leave a message you introduce yourself I explain that you're part of a random sample it's really important you will call you back it doesn't work to set up at time and so we still that can keep that non respons less 10% yeah that's I mean that's the I really commend you because it's a hard environment right now you know you get a lot of calls that they say they're one thing and it ends up being another you know it's it's it's challenging so that's got to be extremely challenging not selling um and like I just started a Statewide today uh for to share with school districts this fall that that my company sponsored to get information of course we're talking presidential and National issues that will be harder to get people to talk about but the good thing we're talking cities and school districts people still care yeah they they do care you talk about the federal government yeah quick question so how much does does do people's feelings about National issues influence like local you know opinions about local things so for example like how does someone's do people's feelings about the economy for example which is a national issue like affect like their view of local taxes sort thing well in um we don't ask it in your survey simply we didn't have local sales tax question or any sort of part referendum uh we work with the school district on our refering Eastern har we ask a financially understand the the household is financially stressed or financially we're not asking about income we're asking about their expenses versus their income and how those are men up uh that impacts districts all the time uh that macro Lev um as far as cities go um you know I working with some cities right now local option sales tax um one city failed last year simply because of the macro property tax hostility um that tripled down um I would say National levels don't necessarily spill over to local communities where you do see it is on um especially in the metro area we don't see it here like I mentioned you go first spring Suburban communities um you know they'll look at their numbers and say our numbers look good but people are having that crossover from Minneapolis and St Paul so it's really only the macroeconomy when you're talking about cool thanks any else this isn't a question for Peter but I'm a red so I'm like what are we going to do with this information so we usually break it down into well first of all it's information for for the council to be able to have to for decision where we at you know where are we sitting second thing we do is we typically uh I think back to when we used to have the chasa today um we used to dedicate like four or five additions to the survey results CU to present all of this out to people all at once is really a lot and so what we'll do is uh we come up with a communication strategy where we're going to take certain sections of that and push out uh different pieces of it we're always going to have the survey like presentation that they can come back to and see the whole thing but as far as the information that we push out it's going to be sort of broke down into different categories so that we can get all this stuff out to people and I expect it'll be a good resource for the next department head CC Retreat absolutely I mean that to me this becomes one of the key data points that we use it was fun listening what talk we should just invite them to Jas River City days Booth you see the numbers the booth it was like yeah but but but if you look at the the I looked at that too but it was like where do you get your information so it was preference would do it it's something they prefer at first I went looked at that and I ReRe ReRe the question I'm went ah you is there a preference the person the guy giving away the free yo-yo thank you Peter really appreciate it thank you thank you I uh this is my second or third of these and it's amazing the information that you can pull out um and sometimes how close they are how close they aren't you know that's so it's amazing so thank you again for and I I think of all of them I think this one came out way better climate than I expected I expected to see some other sitting on the other side of some of these things and and in reality we're still sitting in a very comfortable spot so I feel good about that thank you so much thank you have a good night thanks for being here is there an action we need to take on this item okay no cool no action no action all right uh that's it nothing got added so with that we are in other business bills bill bills bills oh yeah how about bills space some anybody got a question about a bill I do have a couple questions I'll keep it I'll make it fast here uh on page two um there's item for erns Enterprises um something for food shelf Roofing so the general it was a general question related to like maintenance of the building is assuming that was the old utility building y Public Works building it's well it's it's yeah so that gets to answer your question um so uh coun Wong's question was where the food shelf is are we redoing it because someday we might get rid of it we can't get rid of it because it's our wellhouse okay so that so it's going to be ours anyway it's gonna be ours forever so we have to take care of it yeah got it um question page five chica Commons um it looks like a some downtown building s implementation loan what was that for that's the building uh 210 North Chestnut Street the one that has the walkway on the side that we put they're putting that uh they're one of the buildings that's doing improvements in the back of the building to front of sale and so that was that was part of their loan okay their name is chasa Comm yeah confusing it makes look like it's up there that's exactly why yeah okay and this part of like the downtown Loan program yeah okay got it and then um page seven for Donley underground there's a few War quars for Highway 41 angler and fiber for public um so the question was really about that fiber for public um is that part of this new company that's coming to chasa to offer fiber Fiber service our own fiber so that's so those are fiber and then our electric lines uh that's our main feeder going down Engler Boulevard and it's getting shifted to the South now because of the County uh reconstruction of Engler Boulevard okay so the fiber has to get shifted too got it so so is all that going to be buried then yeah okay got it and then the last questions on page 14 uh what's the what's the current status of the planned uh treatment facility and this was because they're talking about the wells 11 and 12 right um so you I remember we had talked about a little while ago he even looked at that you know some of the concept plans for it y so the yeah we've actually approved all the plans for the the second water treatment plant uh facility uh before we can start work on that uh we have to uh so Wells 11 and 12 are being built now just north of 212 across from uh Sunset Park and we have to make the connection down to the water treatment plant uh and that has to happen before we can start construction up on the new uh water treatment uh facility because we're going to be taking one of those Wells out of service while we while we build that So the plan is is it is uh to be uh next summer when we'd actually do do the actual treatment plan okay so the treatment plan over off of um behind one back okay yep so that will happen it's just like it pushed out a year because we need to get the wells established yeah and if you remember we were going to do that first and do the wells afterwards and when we had our well number four go down last summer um and we kept up with things but I think it I think it concerned us enough with the amount of water that was being used that if we didn't have our new wells on line first before we took down well 7 that that could be a really big issue that's good okay great thank you that's all you got that was actually a question I had as well about that I got a question out of Hazel team you know at least you got that well Tru that digging truck out there I trying to figure out what is the status with that so that's done so they got well 10 done uh right rest of the the rest of it still got a lot to do so they still have to dig through that open field and make a connection yes so that has to be done yet so there's one all right so we gotta do that before they any have any big tournaments out there yeah but that's not going to be an issue because we'll do that next summer and their next big tournaments 26 KPMG is that 26 yeah okay 29 is rder 29 is ryer cup okay you good y so I'm good anyone else question on a bill mat I I just got one I don't know if you know this uh my page 16 but it's probably like 14 but said LD homes $15,000 it said forklift and labor Services any idea what that was just thought it was weird LD home would sound like they provided a service for us be nothing for the golf tournament that we pass through right I don't know i' have to I'd have to check that out out okay all right anyone else motion to pay the bills moved motion by council member W second second by council member hover to pay the bills discussion hearing none Elise yes yes yes yes right now we move to other business um let's go with council member uh Hatfield all right um one stop by cough cop on the rooftop I'm sad to report another year there was no cop on the rooftop but I he there's big plans for next year that are a surprise um and it was just nice to see it was kind of fun this year I if anybody else stopped by it's always good to go um they usually have a few people from Special Olympics in Minnesota there um raising money and all of that it was kind of fun this year because Eden Prairie doesn't have their own Duncan and while ours took a long time to get here we do have it um and it was fun to see Eden prayer was also there so Eden prayer police came and borrowed um a bit of our Duncan and all of it goes to Special Olympics in Minnesota so it's all a good cause and just some good um partnership between those two departments is just kind of fun to see so um that was that's always good and one of my favorites even though it's early stop by I feel like I'm barely awake yet but um always good one with good cause so um and then uh coming up is coffee with a cop uh on Wednesday at the North Caribou from 9 to 10 which is a source of information apparently for people so um good to go is and then the clayhole concerts continue and the farmers market so those are always good to attend um oh some other events for the rest of you um got an exciting email from our CEO over at Southwest Transit today about run Fest ridership so this is the first year Southwest Transit has offered um Rider or rides to renfest which parking is always miserable there um and so for the first weekend very exciting numbers over a thousand people each day took um Southwest Transit that's a thousand less cars on the road so Sun Saturday it was 1,150 Sunday was 1,24 and that's all you know they do all they do all the stations I assume yep uh Carver chasa Chan in Prairie yeah um so that's great ridership great there um and I think it's extra special for Chas obviously it's nice for the other communi but for us that's a thousand less people driving through they're still driving through downtown they're still seeing our downtown but it's less cars on the road downtown which is at times although I think it's way better than when I was like younger even um it's less traffic in downtown as far as like cars sitting there on 41 so we still get and we get more people coming through downtown a lot of those other communities they come right down 41 um to actually get to renfest so that's a 1,150 people that got to see how cute downtown chasa is and what we have to offer so I just think it's kind of fun um to have run Fest being done by Southwest Transit this year and like I said it's their first year so yeah that's great um so that was an exciting update from from meric today so that I ch um and that is all I have thank you thought M girl um I just not too much uh I just kind of comment uh obviously we had the US amateur um and I didn't wasn't able to go completely myself however I drive Pioneer every day that week um so just a commandment to the adaptations and actually a good communication plan with parking changes when I moved to the high school and just the individuals I mean I traffic flowed right like you know I go that way they had stops and trying to control traffic it's just appreciation of everyone and the police officers you know being the traffic control um because that's a busy road and so that gets nervous when you know at what point when you start trying to have people come across it uh and other than a slope to slow down or you know they switching sides that people are crosssing you know it was just nice to see it was effective and it worked and um and again just a shout out to communication groups because I think it was pretty easy to find like okay I can park here now or it switched on the weekend and you know so hopefully people were able to to experience that um lot of people that I talked to went there and you know love the fact the uniqueness of like it's not roped off right you can walk right with everyone and um the interactions and and you know the connections with kids and um so just really a kind of cool fun event to to have um I smiled because we were trying to figure out which big golf event will happen in our community next we name several of them right which is kind of a fun reality to what unique um my son was asking about how important Hazel te is he's like what like National people know this I'm like yeah like Global lead you know it's kind of like mind blown moment so uh and so connecting to that my mind blown moment just wishing my oldest son a happy birthday this week uh super special and I will always take this opportunity to put it on public record that it's my son's birthday so someday when I'm really old he'll be able to look back at this video on YouTube that's that's where he'll get his information at that point right be something else but just wishing Elijah a happy birthday this week and that is all I all right how's going along um only a couple things um so chasa farmers market is still on Wednesdays and at least in through August 21st which is this weekend it's um from 4 to 8 um and then it shifts a little ends a little earlier um the following week and the starting the week of the 28th uh Touch a Truck is at chasa high school on this Wednesday August 22nd at 5:00 p.m so new location so it used to be at the community center will be at um chasa high school now 're at least this year and chesica Caris music festivals Fireman's Park September 20th um one of the other things um two other things one since uh council member Gro also mentioned the shout out to his son today is actually my daughter's 21st birthday so I'm hoping to get out of here soon and go have a drink with her she's already three shots down probably it's 9 so um that said um only other thing is that um a couple weeks ago there's something I just wanted to share because um that's part of even though it's not directly related Southwest Transit one of the things that um that was mentioned um when um uh Eric uh Eric was here Eric Hansen was here to talk about southw trans the last time he was here was the new autonomous vehicles and M Mobility right excuse me but I was in I happened to be in San Francisco a couple weeks ago um taking care of um some family stuff but while I was out there I did take an opportunity to ride the um weo Vehicles which are in San Francisco and for those of you who may not be aware of it weo actually is a was a subsidiary of Google that actually is running completely 100% autonomous vehicles yes basically from like an app on my phone I basically called up a wh no one was in the vehicle completely empty car pulled up through traffic my son and I got in and we took a drive to someplace in San Isco like nobody was there navigating traffic and weird you know all sorts of weird situations and hills and everything like that drove across town and it dropped us off we shut the door and then it drove away not a single person involved and it's like and the matter of fact is you know I think that San Francisco is a little more complex than chasa in terms of traffic patterns so and you know midle they don't have snow there but the matter of fact they've overcome a lot to be able to operate that level with like like a lot of vehicles did you go over one of the big Bridges no we did not go they they only operate in San Francisco Daily City right now um but um it it's just one of those things is really impressive you know it's you know it's time is coming so if you haven't experienced it it's a great thing to try out I mean it's like I mean it was like you know across town it's like 16 bucks and it's demand pricing so prices change as you know demand goes up um but it was really interesting to see that this is technology it's not it's not some pipe dream it's not some fantasy world that actually is out there works it's you know it's a it's a very wides skill use out there and um you know I know there's always some stories of crazy things happening but this is technology is coming so whether we like it or not it will be here at some point it's just a matter of when remember Wong and I actually get to see our autonomous vehicles on Wednesday so yeah yep so really exciting stuff so but just want to kind of you know just share that because I think it's something that at some point it has a lot of things that will help the community and help um um offer transit for people who just don't have ability or access to have vehicles or can't drive or things like that so I think it's a great option that's um should be something that you know we should be looking forward to um especially you know given that uh we have like a a population will be larger and have more people who have needs for such types of Transit so that is all I have all right thanks okay um first I'll start with uh I was able to do um night to night so I popped in to officer cord s's uh car to um go around to some parties and was able to speak to Residents and it was fun because um we had a blast right as he's walking away like I'm out said his name replace but no also um it was just fun to talk to different residents and kind of like the community survey just kind of get like an to the ground and some of the things um you know people asking questions or just wanting to talk about some of the stuff that's coming up you know for chasa and and and things of that nature so it was a beautiful night and a lot of fun parties uh so that was great what was the best thing you had food or are you well we I think um uh officer Martine he must Tony must have done something nice because we got the party over in um with the ribs you know oh that they it's it's the second time I've attended this party and they have the best spread so I think some somewhere along the line we we did something right to get to that party um but uh that was it was very yummy uh I was also able to attend um the US amateur uh I was went um on Monday when they had it both at the the stroke play at the Town course and then also at Hazel te so I was able to I just popped over to both for just a little bit and it I just want to thank all of the volunteers and the staff um that put that on because that that was a huge undertaking I mean you know you were able to know you know they you know waved you right into where you wanted to go park and it was really easy and you were able to walk around and and access the grounds and there was you know food and other amenities there but you saw a lot of staff there and a lot of people helping out a lot of volunteers um I was talking to council member Wong on the way up that we my husband and I went out there on Sunday and we got there and it was literally like right at the end of like the the second round of you know um whole and then there was the two hour gap between when they were going to start again so we had bad timing but what was really neat to see I think in regards that some of the bigger ones like the writer and stuff they they get busted in and they you know there's a more traffic management but for something like this it was smaller and so I think our local economy really got a boost because when they broke for for that noon hour people you know went and they went to the food trucks that were on display but they also left and they I know that they were going to the restaurants and the retail you know over in the Commons and downtown area um so that was really nice to be able to see that in action because that's not always something that gets facilitated when it's so big big and they can't leave because of security this was really great to see um so I just want to commend everybody in Hazel team for for putting on such a great um golf tournament okay and then also um there's a road open house coming up on this Wednesday the 21st so before you go to touch a truck you can go visit the Hop House at or the Arboretum it's free get in um it's from 4:30 to 6:30 and they're going to be talking about the highway 5 Improvement so that will affect us um even though it's not technically in chasa uh and then the last thing um I wanted to speak on I I just want to commend our chasa um Police Department I saw a post on social media that talked about um an incident that had occurred with an individual that uh was at the in the end result was having a mental health crisis and um I just want to thank the police for being able to um one for us to have the technology capability of having a drone to be able to be able to locate the individual and kind of assess the situation and see everything so that they felt the most prepared walking into something like that because you hear over and over again on the news you know that sometimes things don't always have positive results or the results I mean they can go any which way um so having the technology in place is extremely helpful to help make our officers safe as well as the individual that was having that Mental Health crisis and then also just the training and um the capabilities of our our police force to be able to you know be there and be able to have a positive result as such and be able to help the individual um that was a great story to see I was really working at hand um so I commend the the chasa police the officers that responded um all the officers that take the training to do such and then also um you know our police chief and officer panning for putting together the Drone system and being able to implement that because I think that was huge and that's it other than just have a great Labor Day and happy birthday to your labor day it's already Labor Day is yep hey please Matt I just want to thank uh all of our staff for all the extra work that they put in to put on a great US amateur I mean that's the crew that that doesn't always get uh the mo the enough attention but had such an integral part of this as a Golf Course Maintenance crew uh Mark Moore's crew had that town course looking like better and just I thought it all try Hazel team quite honestly I you know it was in such wonderful condition and I could just see the pride on their face as they're watching uh the players so huge shout out to them um but also just to our Pro Shop staff our police and fire departments um our Public Works departments for department for getting things together it was just really a team effort and just a big thanks to them I heard there was almost a new course record this year someone shot 61 the record's 60 no the record was 61 and that was actually shot at the US amateur the last time around so they actually required us this time around to increase the thickness of Our rough um because uh they wanted to make it more difficult which it was really thick um so those guys just doesn't even CH them yeah I know keep playing it all the time yeah all right I I just have a few I know most of these have already been touched but I I also want to touch on the um usam you know that was a great I think I haven't heard attendance but I heard that attendance was very well especially that I was out there the last day seeing I mean those holes were lined both sides all the way around the greens and our tea boxes we by far had more people at the Town course this year than in 200 six I'd say three times as yeah because they talked about the parking the last one they didn't even fill up the uh black black top parking lot this year they had to Black Top the grass and they had a quick scramble and F uh fill the road because it was they couldn't find anywhere for people to par so um but it but I agree with Matt the the town course crew did an amazing job and and they smiling and loving every minute of it cuz they were they were shining just like the city was with the course so I think that that's awesome that all of our Emergency Services Workers that spent countless hours out there and people are always going to go yeah they're on overtime but no but they'd much rather be home I can guarantee you than sitting out there and and honestly it was a good problem but there was probably nothing for them to do that's I mean I think with the bigger tournaments there's a lot of there's always something happening but for the most part I I don't think there is a lot of activity here I know there's a number of people hit with golf balls but that's pretty much standard you know um if I get hit by a golf ball it's not I don't consider it standard I don't consider it standard if I get saying in in other tournaments that it's yes far for the course there you go but thanks to everyone I I like I said I think that we did a great job again uh as far as you know showing showing the world that we can put on a good tournament you know and um and handle just about anything that's thrown at us so so thanks to everyone for that um I did uh get down to the ballpark today the grass is starting to pop already at the Ballpark so that's exciting so probably by September it will be they'll be mowing uh not too long after that so uh good to see that I know you know Brian and his spent a lot of time down there getting it releveled out again and and seated and um already growing so it it's starting to look pretty good down there another thing I want to comment uh early this morning about six o'clock there was a house fire out in the Jonathan area um hearing Circle but I I just kind of really want to talk about how important it was because the duty crew had just came on duty and they they were there got there and that crew was able to pull a couple lines and really hold it in check until the rest of the crews got there but if that would have been a half an hour earlier that same outcome and that that what I'm kind of getting at is the importance of having that Duty Crew available it it it probably increases uh response times anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes depending where the location of the event me is that so um I I I stopped out there and the guys were out there looking to see if they could find a cause but um looking at it from what I heard about it uh they did a heck of a job and made a great stop with with just the three initial guys that were off until the rest they didn't lose the whole just took basically the garage of well it didn't have a common attic space if it had a common attic space but still I think to your point having the the speed fire doubles every what is it minute minute it's like twice as much yeah y so anyways uh just Kudos uh to the FD there for getting out there as quick and like I said it was the was basically the the Fire Marshall and um couple of the other guys were the first ones on the scene so they were able to get after it right away and get it KN down so so five minutes would have been like nothing oh yeah it probably would have been probably would have got got into the house I I doubt they can stay there because of smoke damage but most of that can be cleaned you know I I never got in the house I shouldn't say that but um they just said that there's only a couple places that got some smoke so good for them so um also just want to comment uh filings closed for City elections um we have um a number of new spots uh wor with candidates for so for mayor we have uh uh Taylor hubard councilman council member hubard and then uh George Glaros goros okay and then we for hward two we have Josh Benish and then for w four we have Leah chevin so uh they will be the candidates and then for people that want to get more information about the candidates uh we as we talked about earlier here it's information's hard to get out but on um October 10th uh the League of Women Voters will have a candidate for so uh all candidates are invited to that it will start at 7 o'clock it's at the Event Center I think City Hall here right here so um so put that on your calendar for things to do and then we also we have four candidates uh buying for two spots on the commissioner level as well so um check the car County website for names and what if they're part of this forum I think they have their own Forum so that's a different thing so uh we T we hit Touch a Truck already I think that's it for me as well so next meetings uh our next schedule day is uh the 2nd which is Labor Day so now we'll be meeting on the 9th and the 16th so we're back to back um now that 30th on here you said we might we still might have that work session but not necessarily A yeah I think I'm thinking that I'm thinking we're we'll have the work session but probably not a a meeting so council meeting will be probably not but a work session so right I think that's it as uh someone stated here I hope everyone has a fun and safe uh Labor Day and kids are going to go back to school so uh please if you're driving anywhere near school please slow down put down distractions Drive pay attention so we don't have any accidents till everyone gets into condition of school starting again so and uh with that motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second that was fast so I have a motion by uh Hatfield second by Juan to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign journ have a good night thanks be