##VIDEO ID:j1wxsxza62s## meeting for Monday September 16th 2024 we'll call the meeting to order at 7: one will you please stand and join me Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you everyone welcome welcome uh leis we call Ro pleasei here counc H here here here here all right uh next we move to adopting the agenda are the correction there additions to the agenda if not I would entertain a motion to approve the agenda motion to approve the agenda motion by council member hubard second second by council member Hatfield to adopt the agenda discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries who s a visitor presentation tonight I have uh a proclamation uh recommendation from the Human Rights Commission SAR Carlson and Libby Fair Child come on up hi guys hello good evening Mr Mayor members of city council and City staff my name is Sarah Carlson and I'm currently served as the chair of the chasa Human Rights Commission on behalf of the members of the Human Rights Commission I come before you this evening to ask your consideration and subsequent approval to proclaim the second Monday of October 2024 which is the October 14th as indigenous people's day this Proclamation serves as a counter celebration to the US federal holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus long before European explorers came sailed to this continent Native American nations made this land their home they created powerful prosperous and diverse cultures throughout our nation's history the indigenous peoples have faced violence and Devastation with lives lost precious lands taken and their sacred ceremonies forbidden Libby Fairchild a resident of chasa member of the hunk nation and original member of the HRC when it first established in 2020 came to the current Human Rights Commission she recommended that the city of jasa take action to establish indigenous people's day to be to be a reflection of history in the United States in Minnesota and the City of chasa our home it is fitting that our name chasa firstborn son comes from the Dakota people and suggests that we honor the indigenous culture identity and ways of life I've asked Libby to be here with us this evening to answer answer any questions that you may have regarding the preparation of the resolution and Proclamation which the Human Rights Commission fully supports liby well good evening before I came before The Human Rights Commission I did a little bit of research and apparently um uh the International Conference on discrimination against indigenous populations in the Americas which is sponsored by the United Nations began to discuss replacing Columbus Day in the United States states with a celebration to be known as indigenous people's day that was in 1997 in 2014 the City councils of Minneapolis red wig and Grand Rapids Minnesota officially vote to recognize the day as indigenous people's Day Grand morray and Cook County along with St Paul did the same in 2015 2016 Asheville North Carolina and the state of Minnesota was L 2018 it was Mano and in 2021 the United States of America by Presidential Proclamation um that would be the second um Monday in October as Sarah said chasa means first son and Dakota means white deer in my language hunk um just to compare some of the other cities in uh Carver County Chanhassen means tree with sweet sap or maple trees that's why they've the maple tree as their logo and Waconia means Lake Of The Fountains so a little bit of Education here tonight so I would like to see chasa join along with all these other cities and states in Proclaim proclaiming that second Monday in October as indigenous people stay any questions Sarah did find a typo on the proclamation so she's that have to be corrected before it's signed my mistake I'm sorry oh the year that it was that was founded the human rights say something it's Immortal instead of a memorial let's word the didn't catch it so what we are proposing the city of chasa whereas the area known today as the state of Minnesota is located on ancestral land that have been called home by the anab anabi anishinabi Dakota and Hooch chunk people since time immemorial whereas Don shabi Dakota and hunk people who resided on this land prior to the arrival of European settlers experienced a history of interactions with Europeans and euroamerican settlers defined by violent broken promises deprivation and disease this is a history that we must reconcile as we seek to build a brighter future for all motans and the City of chasa while striving to maintain strong government relationships and strengthen tribal sovereignty and whereas Minnesota is home to 11 tribal Nations enrolled members of many other tribal Nations and a resilient and robust Urban American Indian community and whereas indigenous peoples have made essential contributions to the history culture and economy of Minnesota including traditional knowledge labor technology science philosophy industry and arts and whereas chasa is a city of Minnesota and the name chasa is the birth order name of Dakota family's first son and where whereas the state of Minnesota and the City of chasa strive to eliminate systemic racism and discrimination towards indigenous peoples seeks to promote practices and policies that honor indigenous Roots history and contributions recognize indigenous peoples as contemporary people and is combined to and excuse me and is committed to meaningful and genuine government to government relationships with the tribal Nations that share the state and City's geography and whereas indigenous people's day was first proposed in 1997 at the United Nations sponsored International Conference for discrimination against indigenous populations in America and whereas indigenous people's day serves as an important time to reflect on the experience of indigenous peoples to ensure greater access and opportunity and whereas the city of chasa joins a growing number of government entities across the country that have recognize the second Monday of October as indigenous people's day to promote appreciation tolerance reconciliation understanding friendship and continued Partnerships among all its people and the indigenous peoples of this land and now we are requesting therefore Mark Wile mayor of Mayor mayor of chasa to hereby Proclaim October 14th 2024 and every second Monday of October there after as indigenous people's day um help me and maybe I missed it but did the state has already done that correct so we're just we're or it's just the city of chasa to do the same because it's already a a state I don't know it's not a holiday it's a Statewide Proclamation right and what I'm hoping to do is to take it to the county next I have a process question more for City staff and it kind of addresses it at the bottom here where talks about October 14th and every second Monday because usually when we do proclamations it's a singular time and event and I don't you know and I was curious because I was asked like you know the calendar always sneaks up fast right and so then you have this unattended consequence that like you forget about so I guess in this the way it's written in theory we're setting it forth going forward indefinitely and essentially okay because like I said that's a little bit different than typically proclamations are typically a time date like the and we do it every yep but so this would be we would declare it and then it would be done yeah and I mean then it would officially be recognized each year on that same day um we actually have a a I don't know exactly what it diversity calendar uh that we have all the holidays uh on there what we would do is we would actually in insert this into that that we have organization wide so to your point that it doesn't become just something that people forget that's out there you know we we do certain things to push out stuff to employees or there's you know things we put on on Facebook things like that I can come back every year if you'd like I I'm not not preventing you from doing that but I just you know always GNA have to come back to pronounce that one name in there should it's also known asway or Chipawa but Ana shabi is the correct name sure and uh so basically we would add ours or use most of this and then we would do this at a later meeting yeah because this is visitor presentation so officially we can't take action the other process side of it that LE and I talked about was bringing it to this meeting so you guys had a chance to hear it but we'd actually bring it to that first meeting in October which is like October 7th um to actually have you guys consider it but it also then brings it closer to the actual date so that this is the state actually following October 12th or are they doing the second Monday second Monday okay generally when Columbus stay would fall now it's all right kind of like that's not a uh we're not asking for people to get the day off from work or any of that sort of stuff you thought you were asking for well sorry Matt we're not should we ask for it Matt no that's not that's not one of the national holidays it's not a day we take off I I just I I know that some of that has changed so I just was trying to remember so all right when you're reti you kind of don't every day every day sat is the second Monday of yeah ex seems like every day is Monday all right uh well thank you for this and then um we'll have staff and then like we said we'll it'll be read at the uh we'll be reading it at our first Monday because otherwise it'll be after so okay so I'll be right at the October 7th um meeting thank you thank you thank you there anyone else that wants to speak under visitor presentation on a non-agenda item all right seeing none um the right thing here all right uh next we're going to approve previous meeting minutes and that's from 99 of 2024 again if there are no Corrections or additions uh I would entertain a motion to approve previous meeting minutes moved who's that M all right a motion by council member uh Hatfield second I I couldn't tell who said it over there okay second by council member hbert discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries all right we move on to item seven consent these are um items that need our approval but not necessarily a conversation but any and all can be discussed at any point uh with that does anyone have any uh items that they'd like to discuss I have a question on 7A is that so for the assessment hearing is anyone getting assessed besides ourselves no okay we in order to go and sell the type of debt we're selling we have to assess property we choose our property to assess yeah okay I just want to make sure I was clear that it was just us assessing ourselves okay and then is I just thought it would be an opportunity to ask about the wayfinding timeline there was any updates on when that actually goes in yeah we're actually um was going back and forth on some questions today about final placement some of the signs um know just making sure the location's correct so it's all it's all in process uh we're you know on the cusp of getting them up just getting those final details checked are some like the parking lot ones and things we're making so they'll be quicker than others or are they all being outsourced they're all being outsourced and that has to do with um you know kind of the standards and things yeah because historic district and things like that okay that makes sense okay more of an orental perect that was all my questions thank you it's one I had as as well all right so help me out on this uh the the Wetland replacement so how does that work for like hazel teen where are they buying credits from or how how are they so so basically they purchase and we because we have all those credits remember we did the Wetland mitigation up north of mcnight Park so we have a bank of of credits that we keep for situations like this where uh we can sell them to the developer and uh we meet all the global Wetland requirements but just to just instead of having it at Hazel teene that's over at our place okay and how do we determine who was able to use those what land credits how how does that work I mean I thought the idea kind of was is our usage of that yeah it's us typically what we've done is we've used on sites that are really uh space constrained um like hazel team would be yeah um we do use it sometimes on our projects but like we haven't you know we haven't had to we're not going to have have to do that much with the at least first couple buildings we have for our building program and we're not doing anything here so we're not GNA so I mean we we just try to judge it based on on uh you know looking at uh where is it really difficult to meet the Wetland requirements and also where where do we have Wetlands that aren't high quality that are being destroyed so that's sort of the the other criteria to look at you know we we don't want to just allow a wetland to go away if it's a highquality wet line right their according to what I read were kind of they were yeah not great not great y um and then so then there's a value on those credits and then they pay us that in is that in in money or is that in crypto crypto all right no it's in money all right all right anyone else have a question sorry I couldn't help myself um I have known better so 7e is just talking about how you're moving the Wetland from over by white oak down the road on Engler more closer am I understanding that correctly or did I yeah I didn't get that one for sure either it's it's the big the one West well it's between white oak and P or whatever but the map is showing yeah I didn't have very the dotted lines are showing um but over in the Points West neighborhood I just didn't understand Points West that's by you yeah that's why a little clarification I don't know where we' put Wetland there sorry which which item are we on 70 so it's it's the conro 1041 Trail Improvement because the map the map is I thought it was White Oak as well but the map is showing something different I looked at it it showed that one but it got kind of confused quite honestly so I was just trying to clarify I just want to make sure I'm following so there's there's a number of wetlands and things that are on the visual which one is the question well pertaining to I guess the the dated line the dotted line yeah the delineated is that what it's a level one delineated Wetland yep so I'm having a hard time pulling up the RFA but are they talking about moving something over into that area or am I did I misunderstand you want to look at my mine works hey mine works you you want to look at mine um yeah yeah I would are you basically saying like how is that different than the solid line ones yeah well I'm asking for what the drive is the work you know the so the RFA is talking about the map between Bavaria Road and white oak but what it's showing is something different on the map unless I'm misunderstanding yeah sorry it's taking a bit to catch up I haven't had Direct involvement no it's okay but as I'm interpreting step part looking at um the staff report is is referring to a specific Wetland 3A the one right across from the fire station that's what I was thinking but the map is just showing something different unless I can't pull it up there's 3A is shown on page two of the so I am having technology is this page two oh there we go page one I think yeah I was looking I'm sorry my my I pad's not things this visual that was provided in the packet is just is a it's delineating all the wetlands along the project Corridor whether they're being impacted or not gotcha and then the only one that's being shown for impact is that 3A which is across from the public safety center sure okay thank you and then are they making that bigger no looks like they're are they taking we're taking credits so we're taking credits for it okay all right I think we're all good on that now yeah all right yeah it just wasn't pulling up all the I don't remember do we have a motion a second already on this oh no okay all right is there any other question on cont all right uh hearing none I would entertain a motion to approve consent motion to approve consent motion by council member gr second second by council member Hatfield discussion hearing none all favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries All Right Moves us to 8 a uh adopt resolution number 2024 74 approving concept plan for property May Council mayor the item in front of you tonight is coming forward from the Planning Commission uh with recommendation for approval concept plan um oops I got the wrong one pulled up this is on the England property so this is that triangle piece of property that uh sort of uh uh got created when uh 61 started going to the to the north and uh 212 old 212 got aband it uh some people I think think it's in Carver it's actually in jasa and it's directly uh to the south of the uh four start uh development that is uh has gone through preliminary uh planning process I'm going to turn this one over to Liz who's going to talk about this is this is just the concept plan at this point Matt uh thank you members of the council and Mr Mayor uh we have a concept plan in front of us this evening for the England property with the address of 4460 Spring Creek Drive um this application is being submitted uh by py homes uh the property as Matt mentioned is located right on the Southwest edge of the city of chasa and ab buts the city of Carver on Carver's Northern boundary so Spring Creek Drive really is that boundary line between chasa and the City of Carver um also in the area uh is County Road 61 or chasa boulard which flanks the North or northeast side of the property and then Highway 212 runs along the Northwest portion of the property and the uh other property that came in through preliminary plat that Matt mentioned High Point Vistas is the property that I'm C circling with my cursor um I'll show another exhibit that kind of um shows the surrounding uh uses and previous plats as well um in terms of our review process we're in the first step of our three-step review uh so concept plan is that starting uh first look at the project uh which goes through Planning Commission and city council uh there's two remaining steps uh for this project uh the Second Step being preliminary plat and uh the third and final step being final plat uh so we'll see this a few more times uh come through our process um this exhibit shows those adjoining uses uh the site in question is highlighted in kind of that orange yellow uh triangular shape um the high point Vistas property also known as the friends and worm property um is outlined in Blue on this exhibit here um and that has gone through preliminary plat approval and rezoning approval uh for 162 uh detached single family lots uh so they still have another step uh with the city as well um also connected to this property is um the friend's property that is immediately uh east of the property in question this evening uh so that's about a 2 acre parcel uh just immediately east of the engelin property is that getting developed as well no it is not so it's kind of a Remnant part of the overall friends and worm property to the north and I get that but are they so they're not going to be part of this at all and then as long as I have you stopped so that property is only the Yellow Part the other part is highway right away where the trees are correct this is property here trees are they won't be affected by this right yeah okay real quick clarification that doesn't mean that the friends property won't ever develop no I get it I but I I was again I was trying to look at this and when I look at the map a go it I how I mean you'd have to have a separate entrance out of there and unless that oh I kind of see it looks like now that I enlarged it a lot uh there looks like they would they would move that color sack over and just add a fews yep I'll have another screen to show more zoomed in into that property and how it can connect no problem um in terms of some previous approvals uh and meetings that have occurred uh up until this point um as required per our process the developer has to hold a neighborhood meeting before they submit their uh concept plan with the city so they did hold that on July 11th of this year and did have a number of residents mainly on the city of caror side uh come to that meeting um so just a brief synopsis of some of the items that were uh uh brought up during that meeting uh pertain to the site layout specifically um homes facing Spring Creek Drive uh the proposed density tree preservation Highway noise traffic increase increase construction traffic and where they will be accessing um and then uh in terms of the friends and worm site that came through in June of this year for that preliminary plat for 162 Lots uh so the site in question um is almost 18 acres in si size uh just Falls a little bit short of that um it's currently being used as a residence and has a number of out buildings on the property as well uh most of the property is used for agricultural purposes so you do see um a significant amount of Farmland on the property um the friends property again is this smaller um uh 2 acre parcel immediately east of the angelin property so it's not a part of this concept plan um but a plan will show how it can connect into the overall uh system our layout here Spring Creek Drive as I mentioned before is really that uh chasa and city of Carver boundary line uh with a majority of the street uh being within the city of Carver um and owned by them um so they do show uh access onto Spring Creek Drive that's where the current access to The Farmstead is located as well um and then I also want to point out that City utility ities are not readily available to this parcel um they are pretty dependent on the high point Vistas uh project moving forward to be able to extend those utilities closer and to the intersection of chasa Boulevard and well if that other project doesn't happen they're not they don't have access to utilities they would not unless they were willing to pay for dragging the whole thing over there is that option so are they a little ahead of schedule with this proposal they aren't if if the one to North goes they're probably not ahead of schedule um I guess I would say as things currently stand right there's not a development occurring I mean although for star is trying to pursue that right until it happens it hasn't happened um so as things currently stand I would say yeah this development is ahead of schedule its ability to move forward is contingent on others moving forward right um or uh you know if they want to move at at their own pace then they would be needing to extend those utilities themselves which is quite some ways yeah quite costly yeah because we were I mean we had issues with friends they were already hopscotching right property there so isn't that already an issue about about that happening it's not an issue because they've taken on their responsibility of actually financially extending that sewer over in fact we sat in here for like two hours today talking about it uh but uh um but it's uh as long as they pull that over themselves economically it's not an issue but they can't do anything until they definitely got sewer and water right they have to hook in chasa utilities y um so specifically what the request is for this evening is for a concept plan approval for a 49 lot detached single family subdivision and in terms of how that uh fits into the city's uh zoning and comprehensive plan out here uh the property is currently zoned open which is basically a holding zone until it develops and gets rezoned um which would be in line with how the comprehensive the plan guides this property which guides it for low density residential um which sets uh the density threshold out out here at two to five dwelling units per net acre uh so where this proposal lands in relation to that is they're proposing 3.1 dwelling units per net acre for this 49 lot subdivision so they're within that that 2 to5 threshold uh this slide is showing the concept plan plan layout uh which uh is the 49 Lots um they are proposing uh roughly 60 foot wide Lots um in terms of the width um 19 of those lots are proposed to face or have driveways that come off of Spring Creek Drive uh the remaining 30 Lots would come off of the internal uh local Street system that they have proposed here um as you can see they have two different access points onto Spring Creek Drive one that would line up with Birch Street to the South um and then another uh Western access about 300 feet west of the Birch Street um intersection uh we did make a note and condition of approval to uh evaluate this um secondary access and uh potentially turn it into a culdesac um just to help with um the amount of access points onto Spring Creek Drive as well as provide for more of us um internal layout um the ghost plat as we kind of briefly mentioned before is shown on that two Acer uh friends parcel and the reason why we ask uh developers to show this is um with property that's kind of left over um we have to understand how access can be achieved uh to this remaining undeveloped area so that's why they're showing um a highlevel ghost layout and how that area can be accessed um if the friends family wishes to move forward on a development on this site so uh essentially the culdesac would extend East and provide access to a couple other Lots um but this area would have to come in for its own approvals at the time that they're ready to develop uh set backs that are proposed for this development is a front setback of 25 ft a side setback of 7 and 1/2 fet and for Corner Lots it' be 20 feet and then a rear setback of 20 fet um in terms of how this fits into other developments that have come through the pipeline it is the same setbacks that we uh approved in the Rivertown Heights development which is um north of uh just north of the high point Vistas development uh the product that's being proposed is a twostory uh product um with two and three car garage options uh which would be built by py homes so they are the developer in the home builder uh for this site um uh it would be on 60 foot wide uh Lots in comparison um the homes and the Lots on the south side of the street on on Spring Creek Drive um the image below um shows what the existing homes look like um which are very similar to the ones that are being proposed here um and these are on roughly 50 to 55 uh foot wide Lots um getting into more uh details of the utilities and where they are located today um so as we mentioned they're not in an area that are readily available to this parcel um the water is located at the stub of Founders path on um the north side of uh Chasco Boulevard here um and highlighted in blue on this uh exhibit and then the sewer is uh to the east of this property up along chasa Boulevard um and that's where it steps off today so again these these utilities with the development of High Point Vistas would extend uh closer and basically at the intersection of chasa Boulevard and Mount Hope Road where I'm showing my cursor here um Parkland dedication and usable open space so our comprehensive plan does not guide this area for a public park uh within the site um so they're not required to put a public park in because of that reason however we do want to note that uh the proximity to public parks um are quite a ways away um with the closest being a future Park uh within the city of chasa uh which will also be further discussed uh later in our agenda um is about a half a mile away from this property and then another uh nearby park is about uh 0.7 miles away in Carver um so we want to bring up that point uh due to um uh the challenge that this property has in relation to access to nearby parks um one would either uh create a challenging um uh connection to the Future Community Park as you would have to cross a major road at County Road 61 and then the other nearby parks are um close to a mile or over a mile away in distance so this property is pretty isolated um in terms of not having those direct access to those amenities um so we have brought this up as a discussion item in terms of the appropriateness of um adding a condition of approval to incorporate um a usable open space area or a Tot Lot within this development to help um provide that uh needed amenity uh to the residents um the Planning Commission did discuss it at their meeting on September 11th and they did agree uh to um add a condition of approval within the resolution um to require a Tot Lot as a part of this development so that is uh condition number 24 in the resolution um so if there's further discussion this evening from Council um you can certainly uh talk through that um we do want to note that um this wouldn't be the first time that we required something like this in an area that didn't have a public park um planned for and the comprehensive plan but there was a need for uh uh space for the residents of the proposed development so Pioneer Vistas um was another development that uh we made that a condition of approval and that was the town home development south of Pioneer Trail and east of uh Clover Ridge Drive so just north of the Clover Ridge Development um so that is has since been constructed and Incorporated a Tot Lot within that development um so just to reiterate a a couple things and maybe a couple new things here uh that need to be worked on for preliminary um one thing that we did note in our uh staff report and something that was discuss discussed at Planning Commission is um the evaluation of introducing another um home housing product into this development um in addition to the detach single family homes that are proposed um such as town homes or Villa type products um and we point to uh a project within the city of chasa that H is similar in scale um and uh kind of hits on this uh mix of housing product uh which is the Brooks r uh development off of Pioneer Trail in mcnight Road um at the roundabout there there's um um row homes and then Billow Homes Incorporated into that development uh and the reason that we bring this up um is due to the um the opportunity that exists out here and potential need as well to provide uh diversity in price points um as well as Variety in housing options for the residents of chasa so that's why uh we bring that up and why it's um included as a condition of approval as well to further evaluate that um in terms of the overall layout of the development uh converting the Western most Spring Creek Drive access into a culdesac just to help with overall traffic flow um for the development where you put that um let me go to so this access point here we're asking to be converted into a culdesac so essentially this would be kind of a te layout of two culde saacs I you're moving too fast where are you saying put a culdesac right here basically this West access point here yeah um taking that away taking that access point off of Spring Creek Drive and converting it into a culdesac here and then Spring Creek Drive won't go through then no nope it's still here there's two access points on Spring Creek Drive that they're proposing so they already have an access point all right all right yep follow on that um the utility access and hookups um they'll have to figure out um the timing of that and where that's coming from um incorporating sidewalks on both sides of the streets um and due to the proximity to the major roadways of County Road 61 and Highway 212 um being able to provide a a good screening plan uh adjacent to those roadways um a common uh requirement from mindat is doing a noise study uh with the development because they AB but uh Highway 212 uh the same was done with high point Vistas to the north so um that is a requirement as they move into preliminary and then uh lastly the incorporation of a Tot Lot into the development which is consistent with um planning commission's recommendation and condition number 24 in the resolution uh so in conclusion we are asking you to make a motion this evening to adopt resolution number 2024-25 uh which is approving the concept plan for the engelin property at 4460 Spring Creek drive and then based on the conditions um that are listed within that resolution I'm happy to answer any questions otherwise we do have uh representatives from P here tonight um I guess this is I'll make the first comment I'm going to address kind of an elephant in the room I really love those cows on that property so I just wanted to get that out of the way first I'm sort of obsessed with them I wait every summer for them to come but so this has been very hard for me but I do have some questions um when we talked about sidewalks would that be on Spring Creek road too so not just in but we want one on the chasa side for Spring Creek too yep okay that um and then if there's a Tot Lot was there any discussion and maybe this is comes later of HOA was there any um I'll have py respond to that I think initially they weren't planning on having an HOA as a part of this velopment but if there is common land um that would be kind of the the next thing to figure out you do the houses across the street too I am not it's actually mi mi homes there you go um and then I yeah I think the rest of the questions were answered and uh some of the conditions and things what else question so for Spring creete Drive since it's the you know major this like also dividing line between Chasin and Carver who snow removal on it the city of Carver does I believe my understanding is they take over the maintenance responsibilities of Spring Creek Drive I think there was a trade there somewhow something I didn't I didn't hear the full question does the maintenance on the road with a split road but yeah presently today city of Carver does that um they've been plowing it um you know I think this development there's further discussions that we need to have with the city of Carver is to you know how should that work and that's not all that different from another road that's in a similar situation um 82 Street yeah you've got Carver and and chasa with that on that one Cha's been or did I say yeah Chanhassen in chasa and that one Chas has been uh you know maintaining and serving that road for a long time now um and it's just sort of been a understood thing right but now that we're working through that one on the conversion of the County Road those segments of 82nd that'll remain that's putting us into more formal discussions with Chan Hass to kind of you know get get an agreement in place there so I think I could see something happening here um along those lines getting in that discussion with staff I saw that in one of the technical diagrams there was showing like the RightWay sort of streamless setbacks there's um was showing deline for a chasa water and chasa sewer line on the north side of the road and then carat water M and sewer line on the south side of the road too so the presumption is is that are we literally splitting maintenance of the road down the middle because we have water sewer for us on one side and Carver has a on the South Side you know big picture I think that's a discussion we need to have exactly how that splits down tells me that when it when it comes to like snow maintenance we're gonna have just one uh one team take it okay um but when it comes to more of the long-term type maintenance yeah then I I could see that being us trying to coordinate with them to do our stuff time and just like we do with the county where we have cost shares that we come up with some kind of a cost share yeah on that because they're their infrastructure that's in there I mean it's older but only by like you know 10 years or something and so I mean they're both going to last about the same amount of time yep okay sounds good I just have a couple comments I I am fully opposed to making uh that other entrance uh kisac I think we've learned our lessons about one entrance into the developments I think that's a mistake and I I don't think we should do it again uh if you have water main break in that road these folks can't get out and so I I don't see any reason why to make that a Colac I couldn't hear you completely but I don't know it just doesn't make enough sense to me to close that off um and then if um I because of how they're situated here I do agree with the Tot Lot and if they got to give up a lot they got to give up a lot to make it work if they can't make it work in there I I just think with with all of the major roads around it that it's important that if there's a neighborhood that needs a little park I think this is one that needs that and not not to have to go out outside of that and like I said if they can't find a place to make this work then take one put one less lot in there I I you know I don't think it's going to hurt that density I mean you you can go to that color where the current color saac is you can take that last house out you got a bigger area there I mean I'm sure magically they'll they'll figure out a way to to find a place to put that Tot Lot but I I I think it's important here um that that we do that and I do like the idea that everybody's looking for Villas if there's a way that they can slide Villas in here I think is really important um I I think that's the housing that's needed in our community right now I think this current style is they're all over the place but Villas are are what people are looking for and I I really would like to see them incorporate even some of them I'm not saying they have to do every one of them but I think it's important that they add I believe they should add try to get as many Villas as they possibly can in there and I I just I mean to me I think that's a selling points as well that's all I hear about is people looking for Villas is there can maybe staff expand upon for the mayor's point the two access because I I see both sides my initial reaction was similar to the mayor's of we have other spots in the city where that's made it very hard to have only one access so I like the second access but I guess is there more to that to understand why behind it yeah I think it really simply just boils down to just um simpler um layout out there um in terms of um what's coming off of Spring Creek Drive um and making it more uh self kind of sustainable within its own layout um we haven't heard that it was um it it could be an emergency um concern at this point but it's something we can certainly continue to follow up on with um fire and um utility the utility department just to make sure um it could be a a layout that would be an acceptable layout I think two of the two axises it's important to make sure that when we lay it out there's maybe more of an even distribution between the two points um so one isn't being completely um trafficked while the other one is maybe Barely Used but I don't know it's kind of an it looks pretty even to me I didn't I didn't I perception I didn't feel the same way but is is spring cream Road Drive is that a is that a heavily driven Road or is it yeah I mean so I have family that lives off Mountain hope so my perception because I go there a couple times a week is that it's definitely like picked up in traffic because it goes through to the other large neighborhoods along um 11 is it smart to put all the driveways to be I mean I don't think it's that busy I wouldn't like I don't think it's that busy like I would say that the road I live on is busier than that so okay you know so like there's definitely traffic but it's not like right too busy to have driveway on it Harvard does not consider that a collector okay and uh they and the houses on the south are do have their driveway I see I see that I just I was more Curious like are we adding to like a already busier Road or yeah I can speak to that a little bit okay um so yeah Carver considers that a neighborhood street um and in conversations with the with the city staff around the layout as this neighborhood was coming through you know we knew this concept would be coming forward we were sure to reach out to them and let them know what's going on um and one of the points of feedback was wanting to have you know since they're right across the street from each other how do we make this set it's co you know cohesive as a neighborhood um and that desire and direction from the from the Carver staff that um you know having the driveways get you know access onto that neighborhood street would be they they viewed a benefit um and in part because they're looking to find ways to slow traffic on that kind of straight stretch of road um my understanding is that uh that's portion of Spring Creek Drive is kind of a Remnant par or Remnant Road stret it is old 212 yeah is so it it presents kind of a an awkward layout if you were to go and design the neighborhood Hood from scratch without that you know Remnant 212 chunk being there you probably wouldn't have designed the road as it is so they they kind of come up against that um wanting to slow traffic and work with what exists um putting driveways onto a street is one way to to help slow traffic um that that is a strategy that can be used I think it would look really odd if it was if they didn't face the street there and kind of have people staring at I I get it I just unfamiliar with driving that particular road so you definitely I think would like complete it because like I said if you have to take the cows away you know that would make sense I think it's one of those neighborhood streets also that and we've got them in chasa um where they end up functioning a bit as a cut through you know and although it's not intended to serve that more Regional traffic right um there are folks that might use that to get from CH a Boulevard over to the elementary school in the commercial area that they're developing um because it does through the neighborhood kind of wind through there I don't think you know that's one of those perception versus reality things I don't think that anyone's saving any time doing that but you know people like to think that they are um I comment on this a little bit is uh especially towards that West Side um spring Creek I'll be honest with Carver man those houses across the street are packed in there yeah I mean it like like when you go when you like go on the Google Map it's hard to even distinguish between the two houses just looks like houses right like they are packed in there and I understand that these are wider Lots which is good um and I understand you can't go super wider because it's going to not have this flow I I guess I would just say like top Lot location like man would it be interesting on that west side because you get past that proposed second exit going west it is such a long because when you usually have houses packed in that the road's going to move a little bit it's a straight view and all you're going to see is houses right so I just think view wise and feel wise it is going to feel like that Suburbia mess right there um because it's packed in there so I'd be curious again I'm not you know can't draw Maps worth it but that would maybe be an area where you could just provide a different view because it is such a unique straight road but you're you're not getting away from it because it's cross street yeah I don't I don't know you can I don't know if you can take some houses out of it I again I just it's just an observation and it might be is what it is because you're trying to match across the street but when you have such a straight road and you're going to line up that many houses it's going to feel very Tunnell right you know what I'm saying I'm not using the right word but turn at the end where they're it does once you get off the map so at least you're going to when you're driving down you're going to steer into nothing and then it's going to turn right like road to I think the road to the right oh no that that's right that inter with M yeah so I'll turn that into a little bit of a a compromise and say I do appreciate and recognize that those the lots are wider than across the street because those are super narrow in my opinion we didn't get to weigh in on that Carver didn't ask my opinion um but I understand that need need to be close proximity because you don't want completely different lot sizes right across the street from Reser so but yeah I was I'm amazed how hacked those houses are on that south side of that road I'll chime in one of the like well a couple things first on the streets you know I understand that the need to you know have a shared have a an a single shared intersection between between B Street in the continuation going north and that sort of delineates the fact that you have to have like that one connector at that point right because otherwise then you'd have three intersections across if you split one to you know move that one on the North side over to the the East right um but on the flip side of it that one that's on the west you know I'm thinking you know probably should be further to the west and pushed out a little bit that direction so that way it's a little more balanced but that said I'm still also an agreement that two exits is two entrances are a a a preferable um from a resident perspective giving options go either direction I'm not a fan I mean I live in a neighborhood that has one entrance and something happens that one entrance then you know suddenly like IUD is jammed up as just a mess right um and other neighborhoods aren't as Fortune to have as necess even a widen as a single entrance as our so um having two entrances is really really um highly preferred in my uh in my opinion that said um also with relation to a Tot Lot or some sort of um some sort of a playground area completely agree that without one this area is just it's isolated as an island without access to it so it certainly wouldn't be really desirable for for families and that especially with children I would not be in a favor of putting on Spring Creek Drive because you know especially if like you know just because of the nature of traffic even though you have like um even though you have um driveways backing up to it people will because it's a straight road tend to go faster than they should we see it on St we see in in other there's plenty of areas where it's straight and driveways come up to it people will speed because it's straight right um and the matter of fact there's a top lot with proximity to that you see like one kid just take off his chasing a ball next you other right to high highspeed traffic bad idea um so I would definitely recommend having it but not adjacent to Spring Creed Drive um but that said um you know I understand there's the the practicality for trying to squeeze as many as many units in here as possible um and I think that you know a good mix of a couple different product types could actually be a good selling point depending upon what your goals are but you know I think that that could be that could be actually used to a certain advantage to have a couple different product types here because there's definitely a need for a lot of products as we see there's a lot of development in uh in Carver as well as shasa so um I would certainly encourage uh encourage people look at that I agree councilman weong and in his points made um in regards to where the to lot should be located you know and also in the diversity of the housing stock I like the diversity in Housing St to I didn't mention that but all right anything else again for anyone uh that's here regarding that this is a concept plan um this is our first it's basically for the developer to say all right this is what I'm putting out now we put out conditions they have to come back so this is just step one um and and you've heard us talk about utilities and until utilities get brought down uh nothing's going to happen in this facility here um until utilities are brought in and they're quite a ways away so if it's not like anything they they really can't do much until the utilities are brought and that project across the way is a big project in itself so um Li had her hand up I don't know if you want to take anything to the audience no all right um so I I just want people to understand what you know how our process work so there's this has to come back to us tonight and then twice more before anything gets approved so the next step is really where all of the the con concerns and comments come into play um in the in the next phase of this so Libby you had your hand up I heard yeah I live in a development Chasco with one entrance into it and we love it as a matter of fact we fought City Hall maybe about 15 years before Matt's would have been maybe sitting where leas is right now and we came and said no we don't want a second entrance because we had people cutting through and we knew they would so that's a problem but are is that plan got people's driveways backing up to the roads so you're trying to pull out of your driveway so you actually are going to have 21 exits onto that street and entrances across the way same thing yeah there's houses all along the other that's terrible just you got to but you have to look at this this is a neighborhood it's no different than a standard neighbor neighborhood that has all these houses backing out into the street so you have a tend I mean this can be looked at as over that's a freeway because it's straight yes it's just no it's not it's still it's still a neighborhood stre not a collector it's not it's a neighborhood street I know but you know you know as well as I do that one of the biggest issues that we have that we get email about up this Council I'm sure is speed speeding neighborhoods are we making a bigger problem for ourselves than we have to that's a valid question to ask I just I mean I think that's valid I do think to Nate's Point driveways are traffic calming I think about like Autumn Woods for instance there's not drive like there's a large portion there's not driveways on both sides and that's where people talk about the speeding happen but I also like and also there's other areas where you think about I mean anywhere there's a straightway people are going to speed I don't know how you necessarily get around that without Extreme Measures maybe but people's Comfort level yeah you know you look at Clover Ridge you look at Clover Ridge Drive you look at Clover preserve drive and those are both kind of straight ways um Clover Ridge Drive in the beginning of that neighborhood while they're not driveways you know the houses are right there but people drive fast and I get perception when you're walking or standing there people seem to be driving faster than maybe what they really are but do people do tend to go quite quickly through that area and I don't know about the rest of the council but speeding is definitely the most emailed topic that I get approached with yeah and I mean I get it because I live on a road that is probably ch's favorite Speedway I would say it sometimes um and I think is a little bit different because I don't know what kind of Road it is it's not a neighborhood Road st's not a neighborhood Road I drive on it all the time so going downtown I drive on it yeah a Speedway I would say but I think this I don't know how you would I don't know how you'd address that necessarily maybe some of the different housing types I think the different housing types are going to lend a hand in reducing down the number of actual driveways and exit points onto that road but I also think about being a good neighbor to Carver and what do those houses across the street I don't want to create a negative view for that and not that different housing types would but it I think we'd have to see that to know what is it's got to be Blended but I would say like I can't think of a lot of ways where it would make more sense than having houses along to match the other side but I think that's to be seen we'd have to like see that yeah I mean we have we have areas maybe not quite as long but if you look at in Clover if you look at gil you look at kelm look at some of those other ones they are straight shot and there are driveways every driveway is coming out in that road you can barely and if one car parks on there you can hardly get through there so and I think that that goes back to the and the traffic calming and I so I don't know I mean I'm certainly not a traffic expert but we have the same situation in other places in our own areas will this narrow the road no no this doesn't narrow it okay I think the other thing you have to think about too is if you did have backyards going out onto that road I mean where where where are your kids going to hang out they're going to hang out in the back and so are people going to be more concerned about speeding that's happening in back of their home or are they going to more I disagree I'm sorry I it does not matter people get upset whether it's in the front or the backyard no doubt they get upset either way but which one causes the greater issue I cuz right now there is no curb on our side correct so that has not said no so that I mean that has a tendency to make think think that it's a rural road that you can go faster I think once you curve that now you make that a neighborhood street I think that that will change that image because of this was this was old 212 for us old people that know that so you know that you have people in the crowd who've come from Carver tonight to find out a little bit more about this right you have residents of Carver here now um when should they come and talk to the well this officially this isn't a public hearing so we don't have to really but when do they do that uh well they would have met with the developer ahead of that I mean I'll I'll take a few questions but it's different cities I don't want to question I just I want make first off you got it for for you got to say who we are for hey Judy G you got to talk to the Michael please thank you Judy gr and I live in caror but you move there from chasa oh yes oh yes but what I I just want to make a comment I live on Spring Creek and I'm I will be facing south to these new homes which I have no problem but I'm in favor of the CAC on the east on the E East Side East Side because uh that otherwise that driveway comes right out into my neighbor's driveway and you come out of those homes and you come out it's right at her driveway so if we have the C to sack they can come out and they can go on the road East around the corner to Jonathan Parkway and it would save a lot of have some traffic so you're talking about the West so it's West because that the one that comes out to a house rather than Birch is West yeah it doesn't it's on your left side that's not directly across from Birch right no I I'm facing south my here's my house and here's North my backyard my house is facing south is face right the facing your your house that's my name there's only one that goes across to yeah I'm sorry okay then then I'm facing north is that it okay so the so then the uh ctoc coming out on the west right is my comment so that's all I have to say I I I still don't agree with you having 21 excess points on that road uh that's too many but that's just me thank you how can you I I and I understand what you're saying Judy about that I get it um but there are roads that come out that come and they they come right out of a person's driveway we have that all the time I I just I I won't support a Colac there because of of the single entrance and I and I know someone loves it but there there are other issues as an overall City that we need to look at one entrance in into into areas uh when we're planning it we shouldn't plan it and it's happened in places where that wasn't the plan but it ended up to be the plan and now when we're sitting this up for development we should have two entrances that's my opinion but we'll see what happens one thing I was just taking a look at just I'll throw this out here and not expecting you to have an answer but looking at the since looks like there's probably about 10 homes or probably orry about probably 15 or so on the West Side the southwest side of uh Spring Creek Drive and they're all like really really dense and then there's a small Gap 1890 and 1892 it looks like maybe it was a path or something like that was planned or access at some point and then 1892 on is on the East is actually a different development because those lots are all wider so my suggestion would be if you're going to have a street come out to have it aim at that Gap because then it's not aim right at somebody else's driveway or somebody else's house but just throwing that out there don't need to act on this right now yeah I mean I think conceptually again keeping myself conceptually it makes sense yeah I'm y it's hard I'm struggling with the driveways and the number of houses and that stretch but it's a dilemma because the reality is the decision was made that we didn't have right across the street to to put a lot of houses on that stretch um and so you you want to make you it you even though it's two different towns you don't necessarily want it to feel like 100% like two different towns across the street there so I I understand that so maybe it's a product mix maybe it's uh a a delivery mix you know kind of like or a where the TLA goes I just that's my my biggest struggle there is just that it is a lot of houses in that little that little space but again I I can't fault the developer for trying to match what's already across the street which we had no no no say in right like I said I I would I mean if I was in the cover Council I would have really struggled with the how close those houses got in that space They are packed in there so but again it's hard because you want it to all kind of view in and kind of fit a neighborhood regardless of where the city line is because when you live there your address will tell you one thing but you want to feel like it's one continuous area so what was the width of Spring Creek by the way they went out off top of their head the the Lots no the the street oh a hard time hearing was the width of string with Spring Creek yeah is it probably 60 60 yeah so which is why lider on a normal street yeah does feel wider so you could probably park park on the other yeah people today park on the chasa side of it so you could park on both sides maybe Park on both sides but I noticed cars that was actually a question I had was whether I do think this I do think this notion of looking at trying to have some type of mixture of of households I do think could play into a solution here and I know that's something that that Liz and Nate have been uh working on with the developers to look at uh you know whether there can be some kind of mixture in there because I do I do think that could be a solution and I like I said I I that's why I'm trying to say that this is the first stab at looking at this project the comments now are all being I'm sure duly noted and many time we've been in this situation before and uh development comes back completely different than what we looked at the first time so this is something to get the developer started and now they got to incorporate the concerns that that planning and city council are bringing forward and then they'll come back once that gets worked out and they'll come back with the preliminary and then we'll see if everyone still agrees so I I'm me personally I'm comfortable with this as a concept um and then we'll see what and how they come back with uh I would like to know what what the will the width of that road stay the same and then I'm sure we're putting curb and gutter and sidewalk so if that's old 212 it's at least 50 feet wide I'm sure so mayor just a point of clarification there I'm I'm just pulling up on G so it's not 100% accurate right but the measurement I get uh curb to curb right for Spring Creek d so there is curve on both side no Road Edge to Road Edge okay all right all right okay uh is 35 ft okay um there's another Street local street that connects um and when I measure that it's coming off of Spring Creek into Carver bir street is the name of it that one from Road Edge to Road Edge is about 30 so it's [Music] it's a little bit wider a little bit WI a little bit wider but nothing near 60 all right all right anything else otherwise uh what are your thoughts on this I agree with as a concept I think the provisions have been what I would say too and agree with so don't wor I'm at yep same it's I mean there's a lot of work that needs to be done in this still um you know I think there's a number of things in terms of the roadways Park you know mix of uh mix of inventory type um yeah there's quite a bit but you know I think that conceptually you know this is the moveing the right direction all right and I'm are you guys a ptif did you want to speak I don't I don't know you don't have to but you're more than welcome I would just need your name and address yeah Haley daily py homes Minnesota 1650 West 82nd Street sweet 300 Bloomington Minnesota also here is Dean Lauder um our director of land planning and entitlement we just want to say we hear all the comments and we know we have some stuff to work through so we'll definitely continue working with staff on addressing all of the concerns and hopefully be back soon so thank you than you thank you all right we make a motion you want to make a motion so I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 20247 um sorry that's the wrong one sorry make a motion to adopt 202 2474 approving concept plan for the England property all right so I have a motion by council member Wong second second by councilman regra again that's adopting resolution 20247 approving a concept plan for the England of property so again concept only that's the first shot at it and preliminary will be the next one so all right any other discussion hearing not all favor signify by saying hi hi post same sign motion carries thanks everyone for being here all right uh next we are on authorized staff to enter in a professional service agreement with is it confluence to develop the master plan for Southwest chesa so uh mayor and Council the item in front of you tonight is one that we've been talking about for quite some time uh is moving forward with the uh planning process for the Southwest chasa Community Park uh this is one that we own five acres uh just south of the dear Horton Homes that are just south of of Big Woods Boulevard kind Road 44 uh near the intersection of Savannah Way um we purchased that property probably about I I guess about six or seven years ago and uh uh it's always been proposed in our development plan to uh uh to have that be our next Community Park uh in addition to that 55 Acres of property uh we've been working uh and and have been successful in getting Grant to actually also acquire the property in the Big Woods they're just to the south of that and so uh sort of an exciting uh Prospect with that is to be able to to look at how we can incorporate the Big Woods into this planning process and not just have sort of the typical um play fields and things like that but also some nature-based uh act activities that can be there as well so um I'm going to turn over to Marshall uh who uh led the staff uh or led the process of going through and uh uh and uh really narrow down uh who we would recommend working with uh on uh this project so uh go ahead Marshall Al righty thank you Matt good evening uh mayor and members of the council uh super excited to be here tonight to talk about the future of this park and making some preparations to develop a master plan and so thanks Matt for setting up a little bit of the context there um you know one thing too that I'll say that we have you know been working towards and what we already know about this site is for uh planned amenities to include a miracle League Baseball Field along with the Universal Design playground um in addition to the site also um including um a future Elementary School with a parcel of land that's owned by the school district so we are at a point where you know we need to develop a master plan to understand where those amities are going to fit on the park but then to take that next step to really engage our community and um find out from them what else they would like to see in this park and how it's all going to come together um so over the last few months a group of Staff in I have been evaluating um Consultants to work with on this project we started with about 12 to 15 um Consultants that we reviewed internally and narrowed that field down to five uh we then invited those five consultant groups which were landscape architect companies um into chasa to sit down and have discussions with them um it was sort of a pre-proposal meeting along with kind of an interview uh format so we could uh learn a little bit more about them their experience uh we had asked them to present a recent master plan that they have developed that they felt was similar in scope to the one we were looking at and then had just a a set of questions to ask them from there we narrowed that field down to three consultants and we invited those three Consultants to respond to a request for proposal that we' put together uh gave them a few weeks to do that and then there again this group of Staff we evaluated those proposals and came to uh the consensus that we would like to recommend Confluence as the uh architectural firm to be the consultant on this project um and then I did bring that recommendation to the park and wreck commission uh last week at their meeting and they did unanimous unanimously make a motion um also um recommending Confluence as the architect um some things that um stood out to us and that their proposal was included um in your Council packet for tonight as well but um some things to highlight we really liked the overall experience of the staff that would be working um on their consultant team um in the variety of projects that they've worked on not only in the state but throughout the whole Midwest region across the country um they do have a local office here in Minneapolis but they also have I think it's seven or nine offices um throughout the whole Midwest um we really appreciate their approach to community engagement we felt like of all the consultant groups they were the strongest as it uh relates to that and I think that's going to be a key element to developing um this park as we know this is the final Community sized Park um in chaset so I think it's going to be important that we um we we really connect residents throughout it um they're going to be employ kind of deploying a variety of tools to do that um there'll be a CommunityWide survey um they're going to utilize um a digital platform called social pinpoint which allows people to go in and place pins on a map and make comments and suggest ideas things like that um they'll be attending some popup events to to intercept people there will be a point in the process um where they conduct What's called the parka paloa event and they bring in their designers and they do on the spot sketching um with uh stakeholders and that helps formulate some of the initial Concepts so that's kind of a neat creative way to is that when engage people task force then or you talking or they've done it a couple ways they they've and we'll just have to talk through which way we want to go but they've done it more CommunityWide and just invited you know the public in and then they've also done it more internally with task force um bringing in Council Members um even bringing in U members of Park maintenance um and public works and getting their uh their points on it so um we also felt they stood out as a consultant and their knowledge and experience with Universal Design um they they've done it before they really talk the language and I think we'll do a good job in making sure that that's sort of carried out through the entire park design in fact one of their um playground Specialists that'll be assigned to the project she came to their firm um with a professional background in public health um which was a unique uh Talent she's bringing to the team and then I think just their overall creativity stood out compared to the others um so kind of The Next Step moving forward tonight we're asking um just to authorize staff to enter into an agreement um we would then work on that agreement with Confluence and then we would bring that agreement back through um on a consent agenda free to approve that agreement for us to then um work with going forward um and then just kind of a glimpse into the process uh the task force we're looking at would really be utilizing our Park and Recreation Commission um on this project and so they'll be kind of the the the the representation of the community um throughout this project um and then we will make sure that throughout our community engagement we're being strategic and making sure we're sitting down another thing I forgot to mention was sitting down with focus groups sitting down with the various athletic associations and things like that and then bringing all that feedback to the Parks and Recreation Commission for them to sort of UM Vet it out and understand what the what the trends are within that um but early the early stages of the plan will be to really evaluate the current site conditions of the park site and then in conjunction we'll be looking at kind of a mini system analysis so taking a look at our existing Park system and the various amenities we have within it um along with doing a market analysis of other similar size cities in the metro area to sort of get at you know what are we missing and sort of projecting out our community growth over time um to give us a little bit of a framework and a context um along with the site conditions before we go out and then engage the community um so that would be on the front end and then from there we would um move on to community engagement um throughout that process the Consultants will ultimately develop three different concept plans um for us to consider and then there'd be another round taking those concept plans back out to the community um to get their um input input and feedback on those and then from there really driving it down to one preferred um concept plan and then working with the consultant to get it to more of a kind of a preliminary plan set um so that once that would come back before you to be approved we could then take that next step to take it out to um construction design so um yeah and they're deliverables in in addition to that um preliminary Park plan will also include uh cost estimation uh implementation plan um and then a final report for us to have going forward so with that I'll turn it over see if you have any questions otherwise again looking for a motion to authorize staff to enter an into an agreement with Confluence question for Marshall so and looking through their stack so they they just use bolt in The Mink as their engineering firm then that's how that worked they yeah so they'll they'll subcontract the engineering out to Bolton and M um and then we've also had some discussion to that um likely um we would also utilize Stant as contracted um engineering consultant to take a review of what we come up with to make sure that it fits within the scope of the entire Southwest Development Area so I think we're going to kind of get the best of both worlds between both Bolton the m and um Stant so the reason for the transportation engineer is just traffic flow yeah the transportation side of it not going to be too robust uh because we've done a lot of that with our Southwest chasa plan but we want to make sure that like this is get the traffic side of this is getting down more to uh where do entrances go into it into the park where do exits come out you know what you know making sure that you're placing the uh those types of elements in the places that it's not going to mess up the traffic overall traffic that we've programmed for that area okay so I just we've dealt with that young bungard kid and I just trying to figure out why we have a transportation but that makes sense how does pros Consulting fit into this so Pros Consulting would be the firm conducting more of that system Park analysis and then the market analysis um they're a very reputable National firm out of Indianapolis um the person that would be leading it is a former Parks and Recreation director for the city of Indianapolis and then they've done a quite a bit of work actually in uh the Minneapolis metro area working with some other agencies so it's not that they're they have some familiarity with this region so help me understand like what you know what the goal of like a market analysis is in relation to Parks because I I think that we're all pretty familiar with like a market analysis to say if we're looking for like you redeveloping downtown you know it's like what's the market analysis for how many what type of population and things like that would you need to support a certain you know mix of businesses downtown or how many you know people of what demographics would you need to be able to support a certain number of restaurants for example what does that mean in the park context yes I think it's looking at um you know the mix of fields be what the mix of athletic type facilities should be you know and really kind getting down to baseball fields versus rectangular decks uh well not so much the playground side but more of the athletic field side it's the programming side um I mean because if you go to the baseball association they'll say they want 10 baseball par and if you go to soccer 10 soccer fields and so it's really saying okay we have 55 acres here that we have to maximize uh you know we have a limited uh amount of land how do we we hit as many people in the community as possible um and quite frankly you know hopefully look at ways that that we can Flex space and that's it's not just uh stuck as just one uh end use end use so that's sort of the purpose of that market study so is I think looking at our neighboring cities and what they may have planned along with um you know Recreation Trends you know what what are maybe some unique things other cities are doing with more nature blade based play or things like that is the miracle field how many acres did she say was that's not a huge acreage I mean it's is that counted towards it or are we talking about like minusing that piece of it for the miracle field and so it would have to fit in within that 55 oh okay that's that was but I think the other thing to remember about the universal playground is it's not like the universal playground is just for the miracle field the universal playground is going to be designed so that that's the main playground for the park so we won't be doing separate ones hope that makes sense yeah that's one more question about like the market analysis piece so when we look at this is a community Parks the the last you know stake we have that could be a community park for us is this is the intent to have it be you know from a mar Market perspective something that optimizes like engagement just within the community or is it also meant to be a destination for other for community members from other neighboring communities and surrounding communities as well I I think it's naturally going to be a little bit more of a destination Type U park with just even with the Miracle League and the universal playground that's I was going to say some parts of it I think natural destinations are those and 212 it's going to be very visible and accessible I think the fields themselves are going to depend on how the associations actually utilize those fields I mean like you you told me about take Miller Park and E Prairie and you look at all of the different aspects that's about the size of acreage that we have to work with is that correct yep that's and they have I mean they there's a lot in there the 5 when I heard that you know the 55 Acres or whatever it is you know I was never quite sure but when they compared it to Miller Park and if you've ever gone to Miller Park there's a lot of different activities well in that Park and be lucky to get half of that I mean because there's always tournaments there baseball soccer I mean softball you name it there's always something being played there so um so yeah I would say that would be amenities to be used elsewhere but also for us to utilize as well and would would we be looking at any turf fields for the ability to play wet and T in early early times of the year when maybe you otherwise wouldn't play on a dirt and grass field I I think we should yes just give the I know it's not cheap but neither is the maintenance and the upkeep I mean I would strongly Turf is going where it's going I was just last Thursday was up at gleon fields in M grow which opened about two years ago it's all Turf baseball fields you talk about multiuse if you do infield like a baseball infield grass and dirt you don't really got a multiuse because I mean you could play football in there and it's super weird when you get tackled in the sand like gold Oakland Coliseum um but if you have turf you you can you can play football across across the infield right so you know Turf is more and more parks are going to Turf I've seen you know you go the Dells That's All Turf in Wisconsin Dells for baseball fields even in you know de MO area but to me like I said that hits the yeah maintenance cost cheap it's not cheaper probably in the short term maybe in the long run but that really opens up that multi-use because again you put a dirt infield and a or a grass infield with dirt it only kind of has a couple uses that's a big open Turf now the color changes of the turf right you usually do like brown Turf for INF field doesn't really matter for lacrosse or soccer or football you could use those spaces much more and you solve the it's dry and the ground as hard as a rock situation or it's wet and it's too wet it's more of the the dness and unable to play and yeah the other comments I'd have you know and this isn't about the consulant but I'm just going to share it because i' like to you know have input uh in that area because a it's across my street and I'm passionate about baseball fields I a lot of time at baseball field this summer um pin wheel design I just will say pin wheel design spread it out right uh you know example I just pulled up because I was there last week uh Northwoods Park and Brooklyn Park is a kind of an interesting similar area has a miracle field and has four baseball fields and has a soccer field next door but they really cramp the pin wheel in right so you think of pin Wheels like the fields are all around you have a central core when you get those it's I space issues becomes but a comment like it's never fun to feel like you're a moment's notice from being hit from another fall ball right it's always like that um so there's an example that one was really close man I would like to know I mean you probably even have connections know they the ponds in Prior Lake spent a lot of money to build that space and then this last year they moved all their fields out from each other because they were tightly packed in there so they literally moved all the fields further out and try to plant grass on Old on the old infield with much limited success but again like that's a situation where they clearly looked at and said we made a mistake here by packing this in here um so that's my only comment I I think Turf is would be huge for the city of chasa um you certainly think I think you'd get a lot of approval from all the associations because I said I think you just get that multi-use piece sounds like we have a council leison yeah well we don't need the Confluence we have cons a lot I I tour a lot you know space gu but but Miller Park's a good example they have a pin wheel but they also have some field separate as an example they have an aquatic space with a with a playground and a wet space it it's it's done nicely and then you hit Zone your parking so you can be close to the activity you actually want to be at I like how they spread out the par mil that's nice you kind of weave in there like oh I'm going to this space this is my parking lot I'm going to that space so you there and they just list field numbers everything's by field numbers and you know exactly well you got to know the field numbers but you can certainly you know they're on field three you know where I know we have had the the feedback portion of it but I'm I wanted to share that because like I said I was just I had to look up the name I was just there two weeks ago and the fields are great but it they that Northwood park in Brooklyn Park you are packed very closely into a pin wheel and it's just you know someone always will get hit and that's not a funny experience so but excited I will just say say excited I probably you you talk about traffic questions and speeding I I get a lot of my neighbors asking when is the park across the road right like it's been there um the sign about lighted Fields is still there um people see it all the time but I it's exciting because still have somebody come and say what it'll be me I'll feeli I'll do it um but yeah I just AC to see us taking that step forward because I think you look at all the houses that have come since even when I've purchased it seven six seven years ago now um there's a lot of people and a lot of anticipation for that area and then I do think to to your question about destination softball tournaments baseball tournaments the association soccer tournaments people will come into the community um and you know visit other places right I sometimes I think they're very strategic when I was in Brooklyn Park my son's game were was 900 in the morning and 3:30 yeah so I hung out in Brooklyn Park the whole day went to a restaurant right because I'm not driving home that but it was you know you just you end up staying there and you find little places and um so it's it's good stuff good Regional tourism y so couple questions um financially were was it cost similar to the other two Consulting Group yeah they're actually uh was not a significant spread in cost between the three Consultants so that really didn't even come into play in terms of I I I had no recommendation no idea and I just was um and then second question perfect world if everything went together when are we looking at this project see and dirt moving probably I would say spring of 2026 because I think this plan is g to come back before you probably in Fall of next year you know to get up and running this fall and then to you know to really do the community engagement right is going to take some time and that that's I think we get probably a year of construction yeah yeah well by the time you add growing well depending depends if it's Turf not everything's going to be Turf I I think everything should be Turf no but I mean certain components of the park can be done you know sure you're GNA put in pickle ball and you know and and stuff like that I I I would be surprised if you didn't there's no neighbors no neighbors to hear the the bang bang bang you know so but it just you know I'm sure there's a zillion components that have to be looked at but um but like I said I I'm excited I I happy to see us moving forward I I know we kind of waited for development and you know things have all slowed down a little bit but I'm I'm happy to see us moving forward with this partk because I I I really do see that it's needed uh uh the growth of us Sports is really taken off and and I just you see a lot more kids around now than you've had for a long time and we're just bigger we're you know we've crossed 30,000 so we're just a bigger Community now and to have this park I I think will be a great uh amenity for the for the city so excited to see it happening one other comment I'll make when you talk about growing um nope still talking um I think and we joke about the lighted Fields but the lighted Fields is needed so someone who last year with the rain had to do a lottery scheduling of games we only have one field in the city of chasa that we can put lights that has lights on right and so that limits Lions Park for size right because there's bigger fields for the age groups um so that becomes difficult so that'll be a huge plus too to have more lighted Fields um you know one of the attractions every year for the younger kids is we end up playing Prior Lake and you play a 7:30 game because how often do you get at that age play Under The Lights which isn't really an option in the city of jasa if you want to host a home game under the light so lighted field will be a great addition as well passionate throw out lighted fields and I hope they're controlled properly because I think there's a lighted field in the city that's on all the time and there's half the time there's nobody there uh we had that issue at Lions Park that that got corrected I think we need to do that at Sunset yes yeah we should be able the ability to incorporate that into technology so I mean that the coaches have a code or whatever it is and and they're timed or whatever I I I hate to say timed because if all of a sudden you're in that last inning and Boop the lights go out you know I I like we shouldn't have to worry about that in that location um but I think that we need to be wiser in how we allow the lights to to function and operate and I we're getting down the nitty-gritty stuff and we should we still need I start it's my fault sorry I know that's exciting all right anything else for Marshall any other comments so then we're looking for a motion to uh enter in Professional Services agreement with Confluence so moved motion by council member gr second second by council member W again that's authorizing staff to enter agreement into a Professional Services agreement with Confluence develop the master plan for Southwest chasa Community Park discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I I po same sign motion carries thanks Marshall thank you thanks Marshall we move to HC purchase agreement for future uh MSB site uh mayor and Council the item in front of you tonight uh this item is in relation to our next building on our building Improvement uh program which is our Municipal service building uh Municipal service building houses are Public Works which is streets Parks storm water mechanics and uh Building Maintenance division we have our sewer and water in there and we also have our electric Department uh at the same time we also have storage and uh outside uh I guess yard uh type uh U material that uh you know like dirt and gravel and classified rocks salt sand Etc um right now our building is about 48,000 Square fet uh we need to be about 140,000 Square ft to really meet our space needs and that's consequently why we have so many vehicles that are are parked outside now um as you guys are aware one of the things that uh we had originally planned for with uh the expansion of the MSB was uh literally to expand our ex existing building um one of the challenges on that site is that our building is built uh up to the south end of the easement for Excel uh for their 230 kV line that goes right through our site uh in order for us to expand on that site we would have room uh to do that before we hit the wetlands but we'd have to move uh that line uh out of that yard when we started out this process it was about 750,000 uh to a million dollars to do that um the site you know wouldn't be quite big enough to meet that that 140 but at that price you know we knew that we couldn't get another piece of land uh for that at that uh cost uh however as economic uh conditions changed especially in the electric industry I mean we see this in our own electric utility too um Excel is now reestimated it uh the the cost of moving it and just moving the line is close to $3 million which really starts to put us in a position of saying this doesn't economically make sense for us to look at this uh based on that uh you guys are aware that we did do a site analysis of of six different locations throughout the the community we looked at a bunch of different criteria uh including location access to uh all parts of town uh low visibility to the public uh the site needed to be between about 15 and uh 20 acres uh needed to be able to uh hold a building that could be about 130 to 140,000 square foot uh we needed to be able to accommodate our yard spaces and our field uh uh fuel tank space cases uh there we didn't want it by a bunch of uh high density of homes uh obviously we needed utilities there and then um you know just looking at other locational opportunities that might exist uh at a site uh after that uh completion of that analysis we did narrow it down to uh picking a preferred site uh which is a the site uh on the Southwest quadrant of the roundabout of the inter section of Creek Road and chasa Creek Boulevard so this is at the very uh bottom I guess not bottom South End um of the uh chasa Creek uh Industrial Park uh and uh uh is uh currently a site that uh uh is uh actually prepared and ready to to be able to uh be built on um so you know as far as location an access it has fantastic access for us to downtown which our current site is okay uh and this site has really good access to the rest of the community too because we can get up to angler um has low visibility to the public we have met there's just a few Residential Properties out there uh we have met with them uh they brought up some things that they wanted to see us do with the site like move the yard to the to the east side of the site as opposed to the West uh but in general um you know felt that that that site or that that use could work there and I think sort of liked having the city be the user uh of that site uh the site size works for us uh the actual buildable lot is uh between 18 and 20 acres in size which is optimal for us uh we can AC accommodate the exterior yard space and ground fuel tanks uh on the west or I'm sorry east side of the site uh it's not directly adjacent to any high density of homes uh we have availability utilities and one of the I'd say intangible aspects of this that makes this site uh even more affordable for us overall is the fact that um you know it'd be really difficult for anybody to reuse our current Municipal service building site so having this site as sort of our main building really allows us to take the existing uh buildings that we have and turn those into cold storage buildings so that we don't have to go out and build uh new buildings for Cold Storage which the old plan had us building uh actual new buildings for cold storage space um so staff is recommending uh that this uh be the site that uh that we move forward with uh the current uh owners of the site are Traditions development we have Patrick from uh uh Traditions here uh representing uh them tonight uh if you remember uh this this one was actually pretty easy to come up with what the value was CU if you remember we had purchased part of that site already for storm water uh uh to for the road uh to go through so we use the exact same square footage cost uh for this as we did the storm water uh uh that that we that we bought which brought uh the uh total cost to uh almost well just a little over $4 million so while that's a little bit more than the $3 million one thing to understand about this site is the pad's already there the berms already there uh you know the storm water ponds are around so a lot of those improvements that you know wouldn't be taken care of by that $3 million of just moving the electric line are all included in this price this this site is we've already uh approved uh you know this type of use on this site now we will when we do build this we'll come back for a a planning process like we normally would uh but this is what this site is the type of use that this uh site has been planned for um the uh the other Advantage I sort of alluded to before is because of the type of construction that we can use here that's more similar to the the industrial buildings that are on site and starting from scratch we estimate that the uh cost of construction for the project will be between about 30 to 35 million we had actually initially thought that we'd be about $44 million for uh if we would have been up at the the MSB site so overall the construction methods really allow us to say we think are going to allow us to save uh save dollars than that 40 44 million was based on a million to move that line so you really can up that based on their current fees so you're probably more like 45 46 yeah Bill if you add that into play yep you know and I think the other thing with this too is you know this building isn't you know even though we're we're recommending that we go to get this site now because if we don't get it now it will go it will sell and uh you know the good thing about this site is if for some reason we decide that nope we're not going to uh do that this is a very marketable uh property uh that if we wanted to go out and resell it if we decided for some reason not to do it um it would be something that uh uh would hold some real value to be able to to go out and resell um but we're I mean based kind of on our timeline we're in a spot where we have to have a site so that we can start planning yes process we really I mean by entering into this agreement we're kind of saying that's a site yeah one that's what we'd use for planning because that the the time schedule would be that just like when we started the public safety building we'd be starting the you know the design process in January uh to actually even though it's not being built till 26 we'd be designing it uh starting in January and use a process very similar to what we used uh with uh the public safety center where we brought representation from each of the Departments uh to really talk about how we sort of uh make sure we meet our needs in this so so yeah it we don't uh you know we don't build on it till 26 but we certainly would be using it for planning so the the opin buildings when they were built remember we had to do like was it the helical pilings and stuff for the you know because the soil conditions weren't like super great so those are those are pretty expensive it's a similar conditions in this site the soils have been corrected on this site so there's a pad that actually would fit our size of building that's been uh already been corrected so that which means that we would not need to use those pilings you know or believe Patrick unless I'm wrong we shouldn't ever have to use pilings on on that site the soils have all been corrected yeah okay good yeah good if we move over to doing this site for the future Municipal service building and I know you spoke of cold storage at the existing site is there any upgrading that would be as part of the municipal service building plan at the old site potentially and I think you know I think specifically of uh you know especially the old Lano site uh that it probably provides us with an opportunity to clean that site up uh a little bit better so it presents current fire station yeah no um I I realize he's speaking to everybody um does that then pivot or change the cost of is the 30 35 million estimated you know maybe possible price include possibly doing some upgrading to like the current site you know yeah I mean based on the estimates we have on the building so far yes I think we could do some improvements with that you mentioned this but I'm G to ask it again because Nate and I have had lots of conversations kind of in that area those homeowners kind of right they're con Jason they provide feedback they actually came and met with us here okay good because I know I've had we've had several conversations cu the homes that are right there by the build well and then kind of further down it's a group of kind of staring outside their house going this landscape around my house is changing and I have concerns about that's been the conversation we've had or the new site is you mean well this that whole area right because so the new site yes because it's right adjacent to two of those properties but as that industri Park's been built out and that Master plan's gone I probably had two to three and I know we've had several conversations with those homeowners you know shockingly to believe that they don't all agree with the future that should be right like that's not surprising that's normal but it is just I just want to make sure because they've been pretty vocal trying to understand what is the plan out there because you can imagine if you had a house and all of a sudden there's large you know and it's been zoned for industrial areas you're kind of wondering well work my house is not an industry right so I would say that the two houses closest there they were the ones that probably were most in favor of it yeah I I thought we've had yeah I'm just making just read maybe that's not the right words one closest is in favor the one closest is in favor there's one that's a little farther down the road that I think is not in favor of anything happening which is a mix right but I mean I do like the idea right like if if I was hypothetically one of those homeowners um I guess I would feel more well I guess it's how you feel and this is a biased statement because I am on city government but you kind of feel like you trust the city Only property more than you know a company per se I think there's a few factors I think there's that I think when um you had the conversation with them and they you know you continue to remind and help them understand that this site that we're talking about is approved for an industrial skill building right so that can move forward um whether or not it's the city in there or not and so I think you know remind them about that um and they understand that I think another piece is the height of the building that we will pursue is very likely to be uh measurably lower than you know what Aidan has built and what was approved for this for this site to go and so you know when they think about their sight lines and the burm and how that was built and the Landscaping that on top of that and everything that you know that impact then is diminished based on what we're doing um and you know I think we've been pretty consistent in reminding them that this is this isn't even a concept plan that we're talking about you know formally right and so you know we've got some ideas and things we talk to them about our intentions for the site but there's going to be a site design process that will be gone through that you know will engage with him on even further um beyond what we've done already so the conversation is is open and there's more to be had just again just wanted to confirm I know you had mentioned it but I just want to State it again because it's a unique space there's one last thing that as far as a benefit that I don't think we quite uh comprehended until we went through the public safety uh building phase here is it's really hard to relocate departments and if we had to relocate everybody in the MSB or a good portion of the MSB at any given time that would be tough everyone take a truck home yeah you're talking like temporar temporarily relocate not cuz I'm like well we'd still be permanently Rel no this is you're talking about the we're in the same building renov at first I was like where you going with this cuz that still would be happening okay but yeah I mean it significantly simplifies that issue yeah they can continue to operate out of that space yeah I know you speak about that the end use or that if we do move and the build and uh the current building like it would be difficult to to resell it to have another person in there not necessarily the building a lot of times what happens is you see sites get redeveloped yeah and so you might have a housing developer that goes through and says oh I'll buy that site you know I'll tear down the buildings and I'll put a Redevelopment in there there is a lot of things uh that are restrictions in that site the power lines and lands soils I mean there's all kinds of issues in that site that would make it really difficult for a private user to reutilize well and I think you know ultimately having that site obviously the relocation is huge um but in in some senses we might not you know we're not building as big as site as they recommend because now we have that extra space that's already there and could make the lot site even available just for sale all together yeah I mean that's sort of the thought is we might go through this process and say you know what we don't need the Lano site you know maybe we end up utilizing that like you know I don't think anybody here except for me remembers this but at one point in time we actually owned and sold those three houses that are those older houses that are across from the MSB um you know you could have houses continue like that uh you know down that road if if we were able to just say we don't need that site anymore I just my curiosity is you know if there was a different end user in the current MSB site you know that was very different or a lot busier you know what what kind of impact does that have for those for those homeowners pass so all right anything else well we'd be looking for if someone wants to make it would be a purchase agreement for the future MSP site so I'll move to approve the purchase of block one lot one CH Club West Industrial plat for purposes of future Municipal Services building all right so I have a motion by council member Wong second second by council member hubard again that's a a motion to approve purchase block one lot one chasa Club West Industrial plot for purposes of future Municipal Services construction authorize City and mayor the mayor and City administrator entered a purchase agreement with trans transition transitions development the transaction there we go Scott hearing none all favor signify by saying I I I po same sign motion carries thank you all right uh next we move uh adopt resolution 202 24-7 adopting the proposed 20 20 2025 maximum property tax levy all right look at this I actually uh actually did that myself nobody had to help Mex yellow screen that's failing yeah boy that is uh it's getting pretty yellow all right so I'll I'll try to to uh uh go through through this relatively quickly because you guys have seen it a couple times but uh also just recognize that this is uh the first public meeting that we've had this out there so I want to make sure we get this out so uh each year uh we go through the process of uh setting our preliminary tax levy we have to do that by the end of September so by September 30th and uh the reason for that is uh whatever tax levy we set as the maximum Levy uh is what the county then will use to put on the truth and Taxation statements which go out usually about the second to third week at November uh to uh indicate what impact it'll have on individual homes uh but then also to notify them of when our truth and Taxation hearing is uh which uh is actually December 2nd for us uh this year um a little earlier in December um but this is at this point this is uh saying the preliminary Levy uh whatever we set today we're not allowed to go above it but we're always allowed to reduce it so I'll start with where we've been uh so these are our budgeting objectives that we work off of uh we want to support programs to help that help strengthen our mission of being the best small town of Minnesota maintain our existing high quality service levels uh fully fund uh the maintenance uh and replacement of vehicles equipment and physical assets on a regular schedule uh fund new programs only after existing necessary programs are funded develop a long-term budget plan that's sustainable to support service levels residents expect uh fully fund the needs of our street reconstruction program and then budget utilizing a plan that avoids the draw down in our reserves so our tax Livy policy uh is uh something we've had for about a decade now uh but it's to limit tax levy growth to capture new growth in the community so that new construction make sure that we're capturing uh uh making sure that the new residents are paying their fair share uh and expenditure inflation uh only increasing the levy Beyond this point if new service levels assets or initiatives are being added uh so uh so the base uh sort of our operational s is New Growth plus plus expenditure inflation anything beyond that is if we add a new program so last year at this time uh here are the things we are talking about uh we are talking about you know continuing with our tax policy uh continuing with our camp program which is our Capital asset maintenance program which is a million dollars a year uh it was the final year or this current year is our final year of implementing our staffing study uh uh it was our second year uh for 2024 of implementing the dollars for building Improvement program and then uh we talked about building our general fund Reserve balance we budget and we continue are continuing to budget this year $300,000 annually we've been doing that since 2021 and we've uh since uh 2020 uh brought our fund balance up from 1.9 million up to 5.5 million so we've definitely made some uh uh strides in that which helps what's that magic number again 40% so that would be what well whatever 40% of $28 million is uh so that'd be we're not there yet it'd be it'd be close to closer to probably like $9 million yeah uh where are we now uh so this just uh look grenade we're not getting any talking about this that's that's the last one I just wanted to drive you nuts one more here I'm gonna retire it with [Laughter] you Schultz is right now I know I know I like that idea with that on yeah have a slide that's what you'll get we should name that slide after mat shaped in the letters in the letters so when Matt retires that's what's going to be on his cake LG LGA slide yeah all right LGA zero yeah this exact spend on his yeah exactly great uh population growth uh so 2023 our population is just shy of 30,000 so I'm sure we're over 30,000 now um yeah over 23 that thing I got from met Council over there it it depends on what projections you look at but we we'll say we're over 30,000 now uh but we do you can see here that uh we obviously do uh plan to continue to grow our population we anticipate is going to top out about 36,000 people in 2040 which will be uh right around 15,000 uh homes in the community [Music] um that was weird oh uh building permit Revenue growth uh so this is one that we've seen very dramatic growth in the last three years uh last year we got up to about $3 million which is three times higher than what well I guess uh when you look at our average is is tended to be right around a million dollars except for during uh the years just after the recession where we did see a dip below a half a million dollars but um I guess the the message here is is that we're we're seeing growth uh and and construction continue to be very strong um you know we're over 100% of our budget uh right now um a little less than 42% of the Year remaining but we've continued to see permits come in and as we look to next year we don't really see it slowing down much um we' talked to a couple of industrial developers that uh potentially see buildings coming online next year uh and uh uh we know that the housing starts are going to continue so I think uh well I don't think we'll see $3 million uh I do think um we'll continue to see growth in our permits um this one um to me is is a a really interesting slide first of all we saw 6.73% increase on the bottom right hand corner in our overall Market values uh you can see the largest area of growth was in apartments we saw a 20% increase 177% of that was from New Growth and that we had those 600 new uh housing uh units being built with Apartments last year um but to me the the thing that is uh the most telling about this slide is the fact that uh the majority of our market growth is coming from New Growth and not from uh existing uh homes which uh as you'll see helps spread that cost uh out the impact uh away from existing homes uh uh from a tax burden perspective this is another slide that's changed pretty dramatically from last year especially in the commercial industrial last year we saw only 9% uh this year we see 15% uh coming from commercial industrial properties as far as the distribution of Market values which again what you know uh just the fact that there's new growth that we have to spread to and also commercial industrial uh both of those things have a impact on Shifting the tax burden away from existing Residential Properties uh market value history this just sort of shows where we've gone you can see in 200 uh 22 uh we saw that pretty big jump that was when we saw a lot of homes in the community because the housing market was so hot uh went up uh by you know 15 to 20% um but we've seen pretty steady increases since uh since then uh we haven't haven't seen any big jumps like that uh new construction again you can see new construction is really sort of dominating the sort of the latter half of the of the uh graph but this also shows that even during those rough times during the recession uh uh times uh back then we still saw New Growth uh which means that we had more services to provide which costs uh cost more uh this are electric fun uh transfer and before I forget um Andrew rine just got this over to me just a couple days ago but we always do the annual comparison with Excel um and last year I think we were like 7% uh less we're like 10 and a half% lower than Excel for this last year so uh they did a big great hike well but they got they got a bunch of that ripped back um but now they're going for another rate hike here in November uh which they're looking to go have a in they they call them interm rates they allow them to set an interm rate in January um while the P Public Utilities Commission considers what their their final rate will be so um so I guess you know the point being is there's a lot of real positive things with our electric utility reliability is one of them but cost has been a real benefit benefit for us too uh but it also affects our general fund uh so you can see we have close to $5 million uh this or a little over $5 million in 2025 uh that will come from the Gen electric fund into a general fund with our 10% transfer uh some of the key environmental factors that we're looking at certainly population and households and continued growth uh development uh we continue to have development in interest that's out there and then again market value is really shifting from being increases in existing properties to new properties so where are we going for 2025 uh you know we are done with the Staffing study so there's really three main elements that we're focusing on for the 2025 budget first of all is just continuing utilizing our tax levy policy second one is continuing implementation of our camp or a capital assent maintenance program and then the third one is continuing uh into year three uh of four for our uh building Improvement program and and the tax levy that supports that so as far as the operational Levy so uh between what we're seeing as far as increase in costs of labor and services and goods of about 5% and New Growth being at five or 3.58% uh the uh uh the tax levy would increase by 8.76% um I forgot to change this slide after the comment you made last time they didn't add up they do work because you have to you have to deal with dealing with inflation first and then Compound on top of that I think that's fine just as as a comment because like I said it's just the natural reaction myself is to add those two together and go that doesn't add up right if we can like have an update for the public yeah that' be great yeah um and again because New Growth is outpaced growth in existing properties uh the impact to the medium uh value home uh would be a 3.9% increase so it's not the 8.76% increase it's a 3.9% increase or $4.50 per month uh for that median value home um and then again our bill program would be something that's on top of that our camp program is actually included in our operational Levy so it's not like we add an additional million dollars but it's a it's a big enough uh program that we do that I think it's worthwhile pulling it out uh because this is where honestly the the projects that we do with the camp projects we get uh people love those these projects it's over see them they see them it's things that make improvements yep they overlay the road we overlay the roads we replace playground equipment you know we um you know go in and and uh rehabilitate things that are falling apart you know these are these are things that people really see um in 2025 um we're we actually have a pretty small list because we have a a road that really needs uh Improvement is Bavaria Road from the northern border down to the Pioneer Trail uh uh roundabouts uh that's a $1.4 million project so now obviously that's over the million dollars that we would normally have each year but what we've done is we've looked at 25 and 26 together and we've cut back on the projects that we do uh in 26 so between the two years it is $2 million we still want to continue during both of these years doing our Trail resurfacing because that has a we I still think that that's the number one asset that we have people use in our community and so I think keeping up with that I think is really important uh and uh just a reminder it's about $20,000 per mile of trail to resurface so we do three miles each year and then uh when you get into 2027 um you know we talk about you know the the getting back into doing things with parks and things like that and and like we talked about uh during work session uh while we have like the hockey rank at lines Park up for rehabilitation we're going to take a a deeper look at that and say is there uh areas or things that we could put uh those dollars into that would be more impactful uh because we've had very bad ice Seasons uh over the last uh several years and then our building Improvement uh program uh you know you guys are aware of the the history of the the buildings and it being a strategic priority for the council and the focus groups that we did and and all the engagement that we did uh to uh as part of this program and and from that we developed this program which uh basically said that our number one priority was the public safety facility uh which is uh currently under construction uh the Municipal service building is priority number two uh because of all the vehicles that we have uh stored outside of our facility that we uh just can't protect uh Library being priority number three we've heard a lot from residents about them wanting to see the library expand in size um and we really need to do the library before we do City Hall um because the the good thing about City Hall is we don't have to expand this building we just need to renovate it uh but we can't do that unless the library and then the police station are gone he fubs oh never mind um this just gives you the uh schedule uh for the the program obviously we're in 2024 Public Safety construction uh 2025 uh we start with the the design and entitlement process for the municipal service building and finished Public Safety 2026 is when we uh would plan to start construction of the municipal service building uh then in 27 we'd go through the design process for the library and finish the MSB 28 would start the library and then 2019 we'd start going through the design process 2030 would be when we'd actually go through the renovation process of City Hall um you and this just shows for the the estimated toal toal cost uh of uh of the facilities and you can see I put in that $35 million for the municipal service building uh as the the new number that we're sort of working with and then uh this really talks about uh sort of the impact of you know so by dividing into four years I'll page up here uh so the tax levy component of the program is $4.5 million and so that means we'd have to raise it $1.5 million each year so if we do that uh the impact uh you can see for 2025 we're anticipating that that impact would be $7.50 per month uh for the median value home uh and that that would be the third out of the four years and just to to throw it out there the what we had estimated before in the past our our estimates started higher than what we've actually seen these impacts come in at uh so not dramatically different but they are uh lower than uh than what we had so for instance this year we had anticipated or this next year we had anticipated $8 and instead it's it's going to be uh just over $7 just a couple other uh items of note um we do have the public safety Aid dollars that the legislature enacted in 2023 we got about 1.2 million we have not used a lot of those funds and primarily because we've tried to save them for sort of one-time expenses and not fund things are ongoing so for instance the drones uh program that you saw the last time we used Public Safety Aid dollars for that and then um in 2023 we also had the uh 1% Metro sales tax that the legislature put in place uh a portion of that comes to the cities in the form of of aid for affordable housing uh we uh get about $130,000 a year uh that we then have to turn around and use it for affordable housing projects um I I mentioned that this is one thing we're looking at as part of the budget process and we still have to you know look at uh how we exactly message this out but right now our franchise fee which is really that it sort of it basically makes up that 10% of the dollars that come in from our electric uh utility into our general fund not everybody in the city pays into that franchise fee and because because uh there is a good a portion of Chas on the west side of town uh that is not in chaska's electric uh territory uh it's in Minnesota Valley and then we have some stuff in the South uh with Excel we've been working with Excel and mvec for quite some time uh to to get them to table from a franchise fee perspective um Excel uh finally did agree to language and mbec followed after that with this really boils down to is how do we make sure that there's Equity uh amongst people across town that there isn't some people paying something and other people not paying things I think the note is that the ones not paying are still getting the benefits of it they're still getting the benefits that money that money that's being used is benefiting them in the community but they didn't pay for it exactly versus others paid for it and get to B exactly y um as far as uh any new stuff uh in the general fund really minor stuff we have a summer intern in the park and wreck that really helps us with programming some of those things that we are more intense on in the summer uh we have a replacement kilm uh that we have there uh we have some training needs within our human resource department um fire probably the biggest things are our uh we have first do software that's uh trying to manage more of our calls and how we uh how we monitor those as well as trying to to make sure that we get into uh annual Health screenings and uh maintenance of our aeds which we've uh uh deployed out in the community um the police department uh we had a retirement with uh with a uh part-time evidence Tech uh we're really at the point where we need a a full-time evidence Tech uh as as opposed to a part-time uh this would work well with transition into our new facility but that has an incremental increase costs of 30 is that a civilian position that is a civilian position yep um we talk about the mandated mental uh Wellness checks uh something to uh make sure that that we're taking care of our our officers and that's something that most departments have uh moved to to implement that um we already talked about the camp program and then um in sort of preparation for uh uh the city hall being uh remodeled um we've been trying to hand do one sort of department at a time as far as getting rid of uh paper uh files and going to electronic files and electronic management so we can actually search files um for years everything that we have building permits engineering reports uh everything is all in paper and obviously that's very Su susceptible to uh uh to damage um how many departments do we have left to scan engineering and administration and then we're done well kind of on this side of City Hall yeah and then and then as we scan now that stuff's all getting shredded yeah that stuff gets shredded and then we put we work then to get it into a management system so you can actually search it stuff yeah so the whole goal is before we actually get to the point of uh remodeling City Hall that we don't have I don't know how many people B in the basement but our goal is that we don't have any of that stuff left uh when we get to the point of actually remodeling because for us to spend money to store that amount of stuff it it doesn't make sense uh and then uh new budget equipment that's not paid for uh through through our uh tax levy one is replacement of our radar equipment uh which we talked about uh before is pretty aged uh we'd use Public Safety Aid dollars for $21,000 uh new AED implementation so we're going to continue with that program uh going forward uh the actual uh purchase of the aeds we'd have uh through the public safety Aid dollars maintenance of them we'd have through our general fund dollars uh and then the compensation study uh we're due for an updated one uh last one was completed in 2018 this is divided uh basically by employee uh so employees are sort of put into cost centers um and uh and so we charge out that cost center based on where that employee actually is and it comes back into the general fund so you can see about 63% of our employees are actually in the general fund and 37% are in our Enterprise fund and then these are the sort of the equipment this is stuff that's on a schedule um this is more just to give you a sense of what we're actually uh uh scheduled and is on the schedule for this year the biggest ones we have a couple two dump trucks uh that are in need of getting uh replaced [Music] um couple pickups two dump trucks for 580,000 yes are they are those we're not buying more tandems are we cuz I thought the single axle were way more cheaper and that tandems are up in that range I'm not sure if that's tandem or not I can check I mean and maybe that's new plows and the whole shooting match I don't know so that just to clarify that is the total for two D two D trops they're 290 each if that makes any difference no I I it still just seems high for dump trucks but maybe not maybe they've just gone up that much but because I thought that tandem was about 300 but doesn't matter go ahead we'll take a look in that but that's just a sense of the equipment that's on the schedule for this year oh just a couple other ones too oh the these are actually New Growth uh ones so we have a tractor and Public Works a trailer uh just because of increased area that we're maintaining and we have one marked patrol car and then this is the impact so you can see that the E general fund and Eda Levy would be a little over $21 million uh it's an increase of 15.88% from an overall Levy perspective but the impact uh is not that the impact on a median value home would be 10.44% uh which uh is $112 per month or $144 per year uh $54 of that increase goes to our Baseline services and $90 would go to the actual building program you guys have seen sort of the breakdown of dollars of of uh the different entities and where that goes and then this is is just another uh sort of just historic look of sort of showing how we've implemented our building program uh the dark uh whatever color it is purple is uh is the building program being added onto our our tax levy you one with purple I don't know it's like hued with yellow and I look at your screen to see if it was a different color uh and then this uh this shows uh where we fell in 2024 compared to the 84 cities in metro area so we fell number 62 out of 84 cities which puts us uh at 76% uh so we're in the uh we're within the bottom quarter uh of uh uh taxes per capita uh even after two years of uh of implementing the the building program and and I think some of that is uh a lot of cities are I mean as I have conversations with other city managers out there there's a lot of cities who have sort of grown up about the same time that we've grown up and are running into maintenance and you know needing to deal with things at very similar times I Chanhassen is a good example they're building the new city hall right now um so I mean it it's uh you know so it's you know we're seeing it with a lot of the sort of the uh you know similar similar type cities and again like I started out with uh tonight uh is uh really adopting the maximum tax levy and preliminary budget uh you know as we get into October and November we'll be reviewing our Enterprise fund budgets uh truth and Taxation hearing is on December 2nd and then December 16th is when we would uh finalize all of our our budgets for the 26th year uh so with that if there's any questions my only question is when you go back to the chart with all the cities if someone were to want to look at let's say all of the communities on the list where would they find this uh we had to make this but we it oh you do yeah okay I'm just I'm just like I like data I'm just curious what the whole list is to fit in the screen we just clipped out this section yeah I know I just be curious where all the cities can you send us all that I the fullest the fullest it I appreciate it it just it's always been a point of curiosity for me to see just where everybody falls we've always used this you know I mean that's just been yeah you know it's it's interesting um I remember the first year I put together a budget and I sort of assumed that there was a list like this that existed out there within the state there's not so crazy yeah so you sort of have to pull all this this data manually and and put it in there which I find sort of interesting maybe we should be charging other cities to use other cities do other cities do other cities use ours so we we've made this up on our own we well we we have to grab the individual pieces of data like you have to grab the population from that Council you have to grab the the uh tax levy from the Department of Revenue I mean it's it's it's not all it's curious to plug in all of it and kind of see a graph over the years you know what I mean with cities moving up and down you know the list there's Elisa's project no no I just to actually do something similar so it just be kind of you know how you see those you know how you see those uh animated graphing you know where you can kind of see the the movement anyways like well I know Hopkins and Valley have generally been in the top five and to see where their population sits too I think that that plays a definitely a role in the the population's on there I know but like to see the changes okay yeah but you know here's an interesting thing that I've always sort of pointed out with this before is if you look at number 84 North Oaks yeah I had to look up where where was nors is basically a homeowners association they have very not a town it is a town but it's basically like one big homeowners association and so that was actually James J Hills uh family that owned that and developed that but he lives in North Oaks and Falcon Heights you know they contract out all their all their services except for fire I think fire is the only thing that they have in there uh you know Lauderdale is very similar you know contracts out so when you look at some of the lower ones I I would argue that they're not getting the same level of service that we're getting in chasa interesting either other than White Bear Lake they're all smaller agencies yeah and a lot of them it is cont they are Contracting the county for a lot of the services they get what they like they've always kind of been in that in that spot as well and I don't know I'm not sure how they insane can do that populated you know they're very similar to us yeah I don't know if they have any other Revenue sources I mean like about that 12 million 18 million apartment the Mi use in so here's an interesting one Circle Pines is they don't have their own electric utility they have their own gas utility and so U that was a thing yeah so I you know it's sorted interesting to see our two cities real close together there because um I know that their gas utility contributes back to their general fund sure is there any action tonight for this yeah there is a resolution that needs to get adopted comment that I think is important to say I'll say it is that is a good reminder that when you look at this plan the public the building project is a big piece of it and that several weeks ago and we reviewed kind of the community survey it's a good reminder for myself but I say to all lot for those who maybe didn't see that meeting as well as good reminder for all of us very popularly received in the committee so you know you know I think sometimes well not sometimes the last two years at this time of year voices come out because nobody wants to pay more in taxes and I get that and I understand that every personally understand that every person's impact them impacts them differently right the number on the chart says the average house is this dollar but that dollar a you have to have the average house otherwise it's going to vary right it imp imps you differently but I also think it's a good reminder and it was really appreciative to see the community survey results of of supporting of the program you know if if taxes were going to go up here the things that I would want to see and it really supports that building plan so again just want to say that that that meeting and that survey is available um because I think it's just important to to remind ourselves that um there is very well strong support in the community for the building plan picky backing off of uh council member gra statements are the is the city going to be doing any sort of communication in regards to the community survey like pointing out certain elements of it to kind of help you know Point people towards it I don't know if really the general public knows that even yeah no we we will be doing something with that um what we typically do is we'll pick out different topics and we'll we'll do them in sort of uh bite-sized chunks as opposed to throwing everything out there at once yeah that's how we've done it in the past and I think a really good early chunk right now would be the support around the building plan right because I think again it's it's it's that time of year where people become very focused and you know you read pick up a newspaper and the headline just says this city raises you know proposes this percent and how many people read into the details of that um so because we're like right on the cusp of double digits again yeah correct so again I I guess said I bring that up because I I understand and and I have a lot of respect for the opinions and and concerns that that come up when we talk taxes because again no I would love not to pay any taxes I think everyone would but we also have an expectation of the city and the services that those dollars provide and the other piece is you know getting a high value every turn in that tax which again the survey you know demonstrates that people do feel that there's a value they're getting a value out of it so I like to bring that up just because it's that time of year where um there's a sensitivity to a percentage but not necessarily always a deep understanding what where what that percentage is going to I think another thing that I didn't realize till I sat in the seat because I think it's easy to sit on the side of the I think either way there's going to be things you didn't know and I think one thing I learned through this is just how much of a balance there is of trying to do things at the right time and I'm I'm not saying that everything's always at the right time like could these buildings have been done sooner and that would have been great probably yeah but I think too what I appreciate is the amount of time that's been spent and thought that's been put into trying to capture some of the growth we have going on right right now to lessen the impact and that's hard to show in a slide deck right to say if we didn't do this now this could be the impact and right with those kind of unintended consequences of could this cost four times more if we waited until we were a fully built out community and we'd have to watch maybe our services suffer a little bit along the way but at least you know you could spread the impact out over the next 10 years and I think that's what's hard put in a deck of slides is because we've now watched this deck for three times this year and probably up to oh gosh I feel like it's probably my 50th time now over the last six years Wai for you to switch the template up right right but it's it's really Q Anda us just to make sure we're something like the building program it really is like grabbing it at the right time and that's when I talk to people and taxes do come up and I'll tell you that it's probably one of the things that come up least a lot of times we're talking about speing or um Community Center or downtown downtown business in general all of those things taxes usually come up last but when I do get to talking about it and I talk about our community and how many amenities we have where we fall on that list and why we're doing the building program now to capture the growth and how much that adds in and that while I don't have a number to assign it it could be a lot more if we just kept waiting and probably not could be probably would be so much more if we didn't get to capture this growth and do it now while we kind of can and are in a good spot and so I think that's important to understand is people will write things on Facebook or Instagram or social media or in a paper or in a blog and that is a small snippet of the overall picture so I just encourage people that the best place to talk about this is to one of a five of us um if you want your voice to be heard that's where the conversation is the most meaningful so I just encourage people to do that and also kind of understand how how actually not bad of a time to grab this growth and do it now is so I'll get off my soap box it's a great Soap Box yeah I'll piggy back on that I've had a lot of conversations in the last month here in to topics in the city um just like council member hatville mentioned taxes don't aren't always the the priority of what people want to discuss but when they do come up um it's great to be able to engage in that conversation and talk about uh the reasons why um and then talk about the building program and I think people just have you know more initial questions sometimes in regards to like the cost of the buildings and some of the more specific details of you know why with the fire station the decision that was made so sometimes it's just more of an informational um discussion than it is you know uh so much about the you know why so high you know why um but I think one of the things that's kind of in this uh um tax levy uh budget here the proposed um tax levy the preliminary tax levy is a statement that's in here that I think is really good to mention is the tax levy based policies so for three decades the policy was based on a constant tax rate and that would only increase um based on the increase in tax capacity in the community for the past year uh if the tax capacity which is based on Market values increase 5% then that would be what they you guys that the city would do but back in 2015 that council at the time officially changed the policy to have an increase and reflect the actual items that add a direct impact in the cost of services we provide New Growth inflation and additional new programs to the budget I think that's extremely important to mention when we talk about this because that's you know a different way of approaching the budget that's more of a you know talking about the impact of the cost of services and talking about the growth grow that comes into the community and making sure that we are planning for that growth and we're capturing that um and we're we're being uh wise about about that piece so we don't fall behind um so I I just think that that's important to to mention well I mean you know obviously building pro programs had a huge impact on our budgeting and I mean I I think that that is still my number one question that I have and I think most times more times than not once you sit down and explain why and what we're doing most people understand it it's it's um I I mean I just like I said most people understand it at you know it's like like your house if you don't fix it eventually it's going to cost you a lot to fix it so you got to keep up with standard maintenance and I mean I think we've done that but we've just out out grown our facilties our maintenance probably barely kept up because we never had a maintenance department you know part of what we did is had a maintenance department to take care of issues within our own buildings and I you know I mean how we got by without it for as long as we did I don't know um but I I mean personally out of this especially this year and what we did tonight is commending staff for just because we went out and did a building program and said this is what we're going to do this is what it's going to cost yet already in building two they've taken and said I don't like how this is going what are our other options and I mean I think we're going to see substantial savings by not necessarily Remodeling and building a new building and I think overall it's going to be a much better location when we're all done and said and it it's just one of those things the things we do today are what makes the future better for the city and I think that that is really important and I I don't think that staff is getting the credit they deserve for coming up with this ulterior plan to uh with public works and I like I said ultimately and when we're all done and said it's going to be a better location and a better facility yeah sometimes necessity is the uh in mother of invention though what's that sometimes necessity is the mother of invention well I mean but we could have just sat and said oh well it's $5 million to move that power line you know it's just part of doing business no they took the time to look at other options to say n we got better options and that's important I mean it's to me we're still always trying to save monies where we can it's not like just an open checkbook like some people feel that that happens here I just like I said no no matter what we're still trying to figure out ways that we can lessen the cost and all done and said I'd love to see this budget we're proposing is to be under 10 somehow I don't know if we can get there um we're close um the impact is and that's only to a certain I mean that's for a median value home I mean the levy the levy is still higher I I know but I mean that's still the number we Bas it on you know if if there if we can get that from 10 point what was a three even 99 you know it's just like gas It's Always 99 um I I don't know like I said I you know what were we last year like 17% I think yeah I mean we're going down and I I think that that's what we had said we we knew that the growth would help help things and we and we finished some other projects that we've had going as well so that's all I got if anyone else has anything if not uh we're at a point where um to adopt resolution 202 2471 adopting proposed maximum property tax Lobby I'll just keep mine short because basically you know I think at the end of the day these are services that we need to make sure we maintain we need to take care of our our communties homes right we need to take care of our residents we need to take care of the equipment facilities all these things and investment in the future is always a better investment than fixing stuff that's broken because we didn't take care of it always and while it may be challenging to have to you know kind of to you know grapple with some of the costs that're associated with that tax rate increase now as my colleagues have said the the rates should be better as we grow because the growth will take care of some of that and as we grow in of course through time is you know just inflation is this natural organic inflation occurs you know those rates won't seem like they're that much 20 years from now in the big scheme of things because other things will subsume them so in the big scheme of things these are really good important foundational Investments that help our community in the future not just to be a a place that is appealing to live in but also well-maintained that will be a safe place to live people want to live here I think that's really important because it will affect a homeowners values it will affect a residential experience and continue to um attract people to want to be here so for all those reasons this isn't an optional thing this is something we have to do the the toughest part about this is figuring out a way to make it as um as palatable for as many residents as possible and that's the challenging part because there's a cost associated with it and if we want nice things we've got to pay for it because we can't expect anyone else to pay for our stuff so with that I move that we adopt resolution 202 2471 um the proposed 2025 maximum property tax levy so I have a motion for council member one second second by council member GR again uh this is the page 20 20 24- 71 adopted proposed 2025 maximum property tax and for anyone again that's still watching um we can't raise that anymore but we can lower it as we go through um the rest of our budgeting processes so um any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify saying I I I post same sign motion carries all right uh that's the end of our action items bring us to bills uh anyone question Michaela questions Michaela you got a question um page five there's a charge for civic plus and it's not loading so I can't remember how much it is um oh wait here did it come up yeah it's my computer's working you want me to find it no that's okay it's you laugh at my answer now because it didn't pop up here um Civic plus it says City website licens and fees and the dates were throwing me off is that an annual charge I mean I know what Civic plus does but that so it's a annual renewal it's our system that actually uh sets up our packets for Council and Aggregates or data so that's why I thought it was funny it wouldn't pop up for you oh yeah that's um my other question was on page seven for um locality media the uh 16,000 it just says software do we know which what's what software is that yep so that's actually when I showed you that wondering first do software yes yes the numbers match so I was like oh I bet that answers that okay so that's for the fire department yep okay and that's through the public safety Aid that we're getting that okay perfect those are my questions thank you she still yours okay I have two questions um so on page nine um what is there's an item for Partland Business Systems LLC it's for Cisco smart net licensing and Cisco smart Nets basically it's a like it's a maintenance network maintenance service or basically that way if there's some issue there that Cisco will come and help us with that a subscription around that but what's the renewal period for that license is it annual okay it's annual um and then the other question I had was for page 20 um under twin City's habitat now I noticed that there's six different um bills for 2500 to Peach uh for um uh nisin's circle from 1522 to 1572 but there's actually eight units yep two of them we uh were finished back in 2023 and the rest got finished now okay we wouldn't want to charge them twice so well it's actually it's their it's their esir that we hold until they actually get all done where was this done at that's the uh right behind Shephard of the Hill the oh that's the name of that street yeah what's is it named after someone or is it a I don't know I don't know just wondering I guess I never saw the name how do you say it n sorry okay I'm not trying to be ironic I was really trying to pronounce it frozen over here so okay that's all I got thank you anyone else motion to pay the bills so moved motion by Council Maran second oh second by council member hover to pay the bills discussion Elise we call Roi yes H yes hi hi yes all right other business uh cons Hatfield oh yes um really a couple things um fireworks at Latin music festival was fantastic as was the food and all the dancing and everything that was very fun um few events coming up this Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. at Duncan coffee with a cop always good time and like I said last week I'm sure they're excited about it being at Duncan with the duts there um then on the 19th at noon the free food distribution is happening on stouton where the old gy was um so that's that and then um on the 20 chasa car's Music Fest is coming and there's going to be 17 Kevin there which I thought was kind of weird but no I'm kidding that's a band can you just imagine 17 Kens anyways um so very excited for that and there um yeah so that's all I have thank you cult member girl uh just one I had a person approach me and just say they this past weekend they were at the archery uh facili in Lions Park Veterans Park area and there seems to be quite a few of the Stalls have infestation of bees or hornets and such so just I said I will bring that up because why that is yeah well it's bees it's the wooden bees but just commented I kind of moved a couple different spots and was kind of a Troublesome spot so I thought I would just bring that attention I said I have't me Monday bring it up sound good uh and with the short turnar around that's that's all I have um so um I just wanted to mention just chman and council member Hatfield that um the chasa music and food festival is really really great turnout this year um you know one of the things I was chatting about with the resident I ran into was that you know it was a fantastic turnout but yet if you know there was an if we had their newspaper back you know that there probably would have been a better TR more people would have known about it because a lot of people that were there I ran into like I happen to see it in the you know happen to see it or they didn't see it anywhere but they happen to hear about it through a friend or a neighbor or something like that so it's still getting out to people which is good but not necessarily directly so that means that you know obviously we're missing people out there and you know other people are finding out about kind of after the fact so um so you know with that you know hopefully that problem will be alleviated and you know as we get you know more news from other sources at some point um that said the the turnout was fantastic the food was really great um you know music was fantastic dancing and everything so you know really really proud to have that festival and hope we continue to do that in the future and seems like you know there's no reason to stop um chassis Farmers Market Wednesdays from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Fireman's Park and also just one note about the chass car's Music Fest too um so my understanding is that in I don't know if you want to talk about this is that this year last year the model was basically a ticket like you basically pay for right but this year the model is different it sounds like it's a free event to be so this year the model is a free event to get in but then once once you get in uh there's going to be there's like a 5050 raffle that you can purchase tickets for uh you know trying to attract more people so uh you know beverage sales food sales those types of things and so it's it's using a little bit different model than last year so really encourage people to come down I mean the bands that are coming on Friday are really good bands um there's uh and there's a mixture between like cover bands and original bands um so it's uh Wicked Garden is like a 90s cover band so I mean it's I know a lot of people in town know who they are and then uh shoot now they name SLI my mind way down wanders way down Wanderers they're from por Illinois they are a band that sounds sort of like Trampled by Turtles um sort of a a blueg grassy folky Rocky sort of uh sound to them and they're they're really good band and they're all original SS what time do they start playing four o'clock is when the festival starts and it goes till 10: so the the word to spread is that you know even if you you know if you don't want to spend any money just feel free to show up bring a friend bring some friends but you know there's food drinks and stuff and but please spend money if you come but we'd like you to spend money but it is a fundraiser for the Miracle League yes it is a fundraiser for Miracle League but you know don't feel but you know if someone wants to just sit there and listen to the music that's great but just come on down bring some friends and enjoy right all right and that is all I have all right hover I don't have a lot to report I also attended part of the uh Asal Latin music and food festival and it was wonderful fire grps were amazing so great job to everybody who was part of the planning process and our um Parks and Rec crew and uh sure public works so uh the only other thing just to mention is the League of Women Voters of Eastern Carver County have been starting to host their candidate forums um some of the notable ones that are upcoming here uh is the Minnesota house districts 48a and 48 B is this Thursday September 19th um at the Carver County boardroom I'm I think it just depends on where they're hosting them as far as streaming capabilities and where to find them usually I think it's through the where that that entity usually typically streams their their meetings um and then Carver County Commissioners one is Tuesday September 24th in the Carver County boardroom and then then another notable one is uh two other ones Eastern Carver County School District 112 um school board and uh is Thursday October 3rd at the Chanhassen High School theater and then the chasa mayor one is Thursday October 10th here at City Hall in chasa and they all start at 7 pm so just figured I'd mention that thank you done yeah Elise nothing Kristoff Matt no all right I got a few things uh unfortunately we do have a short uh Eda meeting right after basically proving the same budget we just got done approving so it'll be real quick uh I attended the masasa thank you event uh I was very surprised it was at the Charleston Meadows has anyone been there yep that's pretty pretty amazing place it's off a Highway 7 it was donated for use for nonprofits and um it's great place to be at but it was it was uh kind of fun to uh be at that event so um we saw in our packet here about the was anybody aware of this large quilting event that was held in the city oh I did I heard about it on WCCO but I uh preoccupied apparently it's a pretty big deal but I I looked it up they're out in Columbia Court so that I was trying to figure out where they were located Northern um the industrial park so I mean she's came from Iceland and she's like like the quilter of all time so uh kind of one of those things right in our backyard we don't even know about it so um hopefully we figure that out um the Creek Road which is now a trail got paved and I I know it's not open yet cuz we're still doing all our landscaping and and grading and stuff like that but that's just another project nearing and uh Lions Park there's a lot of activity out there so they're we're putting a new playground in there and pickle ball courts are under uh construction as well right now and that Playground now that that's going to be Universal Design right so open for uh more uh levels so uh good to see that happening um I heard they're going to start the trail possibly tomorrow uh under 41 so that's one I've been kind of happy to see that one get going it seemed like it took forever to get going but uh it's not going yet so we'll see did we come up with any uh how did they solve that weed barrier issue downtown in the Landscaping did you is that still ongoing it's still ongoing okay I just happen to wonder about that so I know we're struggling with city park with the getting that project going is there any way we can go in there and and trim up the trees so that we can see it again it looks doesn't look as inviting as it used to be and I I actually had a conversation with somebody about it and they I like their terminology it doesn't look inviting and because I drove by and I thought just doesn't look like the same and I think it is that the trees are blocking so much now that it's just not that inviting Park that it's been in the past so if if there's any way we can we can do that I don't know I know sometimes you can't trim all the time and I don't know with the with the uh Ash issue if that's bad the trim so how whatever but I I would like to see if there's a way that we could possibly um see that done just to make it look more more friendly and we can see the Gazebo and especially as we move into holiday season so sure that's possibility to look into appreciate it uh then just last uh September 30th which is a fifth Monday we're not going to have a council meeting we're gonna have a work session um with planning with planning planning with our over the ordinance stuff okay and then then we're back in October we're back to seven and 21 as a regular meeting so um that's all I got anyone else last call like I said we got Eda meeting we'll uh journ here and go right into the Eda quick follow question you mentioned that Creek Road is you know this been paved and it should open soon no I didn't say it should open I'm saying it's paved it's paved I have no idea when it's gonna open do we have any idea when do we think it's GNA open I know i' have to ask I mean is it something that you know we want to kind of celebrate the reopening of this is there kind of our new like aen or something or is it just something we kind of just let fly under the radar here um I mean we'll we'll definitely be doing some advertising of it that's important because doesn't yeah yeah because most people don't know that that exists but I I'll find out first when it's gonna open and yeah I got I got speaking of that I forgot about this one is it time we can take down the orange signs that say the road is closed we already have a road a sign there it's says dead end it just the road's been closed for 3 years isn't it long enough that we can I think it's giving people false hope that it's going to reopen it's just well it's not a road anymore so it's like the road there's still there's constructions orange ones at both ends just I don't know we'll do it signs are over sometimes overrated throw in the back of your car tonight yeah exactly all right that's it anyone else last call no all right motion to adjourn so moved motion by council member hubard second second by council member long all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign we jours we'll call the Eda meeting to order at uh 10:15 at least we call Ro here H here here all right uh then we have adopting the agenda Corrections or additions to the agenda if not I'd entertain a motion motion to approve agenda motion by commissioner Hatfield second second by commissioner hubard discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries moves us to approving the previous meeting minutes and they are from 7:15 2024 if there are no Corrections or additions I would entertain a motion to approve motion to approve second uh commissioner Hatfield second by commissioner long to um approve the uh previous Eda minutes discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign motion carries uh we got one discussion item and that's basically adopting the budget we just did at the council minute but it's adopting Eda resolution 20 24-72 established establishing a preliminary Chas Eda maximum Levy for payable 2025 uh so I'll make this real quick that we we have to do the same thing with the Eda that we do with the city to set a maximum Levy because it has its own tax levy sh with it and so um the uh what we use as a percentage increase is just the uh inflation plus New Growth obviously we don't put the building stuff on that like we do in the the city one so that ends up being the 8.76% uh increase which would be a a tax levy of uh $231,400 so that would be the maximum Levy uh the total budget in Eda is uh uh $646,000 with that being said I Rec recommend uh approving the resolution discussion somebody want to make a motion so moved motion by commissioner Wong second second by commissioner gra adopting uh Eda resolution 202 24-72 establishing preliminary chask Eda maximum L foray aable 2025 discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign M carries anyone got business motion to adjourn Mo by commissioner uh hubard second by commissioner dra all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign we are adjourned have a good night thanks see you later I'm also