##VIDEO ID:p2P3-aUaYi8## we'll be right right on look at that look at that perfect good evening and welcome to the uh uh special city council meeting for Wednesday September 13 2024 we're going to call the meeting to order at 5:33 we please stand and join me in Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God IND ible with liy and justice for all least we call Ro please here counc member here Council M council member gr here mayor wi here uh next we're going to adopt the agenda the corrections or additions to the agenda and the only thing that we are doing tonight and the only thing we can do business-wise is is just canvasing to vote so so the agenda is just basically canvasing the vote so with that is there someone willing to adopt the agenda some uh motion by council member gra second second by council member harbard uh to adopt the agenda discussion hearing n all in favor signify by saying I I I post name sign all right next is our action item 5A adopt resolution 2024-the results for the city of chasa who's running this one oh well mayor and council member I'm going to turn this over to Denise who can come up and share some of the uh not only results of the elections but also some of the statistics to just give you a sense of how many people are vote how many people voted and voter percentage turnout so thank you all I sent this out earlier to you um voter turnout was extremely high however it was not as high as our 2020 general election so this election ended up with 88.8 5% and actually in 2020 we were at 92.9 4% um the difference really is in how many people came to the polls so we actually had 2,12 exra showing up at the polls this time versus in 2020 um a couple things that did end up happening out at the polls is we we had three of our tabulators that actually had jams that ended up um ballot sticking in the back it's a fairly easy fix where you just pull the machine out and the Machine actually tells you if the ballot has been counted or if you have to rerun the ballot through um two of the judges ended up fixing those fairly quickly uh out at w two it took a little bit longer just because of the fact that she wasn't quite aware of that and when I informed her how to do that they thought that they had it fixed but they didn't but still it didn't take very long I mean longer than the other ones but not very long um most of the people actually the majority of everybody that was out at the polls was very patient and kind and just wanted to be there to vote and we did receive one complaint that I'm aware of that was submitted in regarding the lines um talking with some of the other judges and talking with Alise we've determined that the city really should end up having two tabulators in WS one and W two those are the big ones that have the two precincts and that would actually eliminate when we do have to rerun the ballots through each Precinct wouldn't have to be ran all together so that would have eliminated some of the hours that we ended up spending to correct the vote so if you're not aware in word one and word two the ballots ended up being one over versus what the registrations and the ballot table said that that we administered so each word had to hand count all the ballots and it was determined inward one that there was actually one ballot more in the voting machine than what we had and so they did the excess ballot draw and just random picked one and then they had to run all the ballots through in WS two when we ended up hand counting we were actually too shorter than what the B than what the tabulator said but when we reran all the ballots through we came out exactly to the number of registrations and um ballots that were distributed so unless you have other questions it was a very late night um actually it was 4:30 in the morning when I got done so I really appreciated the judges that stayed in both of those words got that stuff counted reran through and you know dedicated their service on that day and the next morning so great teamwork so when when the complaint was about the line was it was it the line to vote or was it the line to put your ballot in it was the line to put the ballot in how long of a line was it I mean in War I it was in War I yeah it was in War II it took a little bit of time to get that tabulator fixed even though there's the auxiliary Bend and people were putting it into the auxiliary Bend just the amount of people that they had during that rush time and going out at out to the poles later in the day like midday people were coming in I mean it was smooth sailing but those peak hours that that they had during those times is when you know unfortunately is when the ballot machine ended up jamming so I was there I think probably during that time because I came about a half hour after the polls opened um to vote and in War II they had changed the kind of the layout it seemed like from the last time where they um had everything kind of in the entryways and and so the flow was really weird people didn't know what line was for what I think that was really confusing for some so my only suggestion would be like if there was like tensa barriers or something that could be at least set so then you can pull them when you need to because the L the line was weird it was snaking and the line to put it in the machine because it was broken just kept growing and people were trying to vote it was like what line is this Well I this is the voting oh you've already voted then you need to go to that line you know it was kind of crazy so it got a little little hay wire I would say I was out there a couple times when it you know when it was really super busy and it was packed in the morning and um even before the polls open I mean it was from the doors all the way across the whole entire church and almost around to the backside where the play area was you know so in the morning I I greeted everybody you know I started in the back and said you know really thanks for coming out today appreciate seeing you here glad we don't have any rain you know if anybody needs a seat please let me know we can bring out a chair polls be opening and I think at that time it was like 10 minutes you know and then just kind of made my way up and announced that like three different times and and stuff but you're right as far as the flow process goes because year we weren't able to use the sanctuary part chur what is that Moravian no Victorious so we weren't able to use the sanctuary where last time we could you know bring people down and follow them through through the sanctuary and back out again so this year we had just the main entrance way and then kind of more of their Learning Center area and even though we broke up the dividers because you're walking through that double Hall there that's where the jam started to end up in the backup once that backup was done it I've not been there so it was just it was tight that's all yeah it was it was Jam when I when I walked in there it's just like oh my God and you know so it's like move the people away from the door so that they're not so jammed move them away from where the people are voting and we did our best to get the people through we talked about uh San sanctions actually today however to get stanions in that Ward it'd be quite a few that we'd have to store and do in the cost factor and only using them on those elections yeah so actually working with our MSB guys and actually kind of the same thing we did with covid is bring actual you know like we had L and Cones to kind of keep people more at the right locations and with the two ballot boxes it'll definitely I think that would be a huge help yeah CU I went and ordered it and I was pleasantly surprised how fast it went there was a there was a line when I got my ballot and went into the box and by the time I got done voting that line was like gone already so I don't know if there was a little fog Jam there but I I was in and out very quickly typically on on average as far as for our elections and having voters come in we strive to get people in and out within 20 minutes even on our large WS unfortunately with this large election and during those peak time I think the majority of people really realized that they were going to have to wait anyway you know because they were coming during that time and like I said majority of the people were were happy just that people were out voting so we didn't have the complaints maybe a little confusion on the lines but really didn't have the complaints I know people that went and voted absentee and waited over an hour so it's that would ours would still be a lot shorter than that so um I I mean I because I was part of the vote canvasing morning for the county um there was um County had um almost 70,000 voters um total uh that's that's election day and absentee votes but they had almost 30,000 were absentee ballots he B so they were just saying they got hit with a tsunami of of Voters abs that nobody quite expected so um I it stuff happens I mean think about it when we only had the polling places you stood in line I mean that was the way it was and um it's unfortunate that you know every now and then you have a line something happens or whatever or you have that peak times there you know getting off to the start and things change get things laid out right but uh all in all I I Le when I CL that when I went through a lot longer weights and and then I like I said I heard people that stood at down at the county for for hours and I'm thinking wow that seems weird just vote on the day of the election but now my call even even during the the peak hours in the evenings the polls weren't as bad as what they were in the morning in that big morning surge rush time that we had so well I I'll just once again say uh great job I know that it's frustrating when you know when we're off of ballad we had to go through that two years ago as well and um the county has always strived itself um on being one of the first in but because of how they're doing some of the absentee ballots now that pushes that that push is that time out that you're not getting results by 9:00 like we did in the past and well I think another decision that the county made was not to submit anything until everything was in um I don't know is that their call I I think it is because you can you can report you can report so many precincts have reported so many hav uh before God what was said that something was said about that and I thought that they could a glitch it said that it reported all the precincts were in and they were still missing like about four or six of them yet that hadn't reported but they fix they got that fixed and then waited until everything was in before they actually submitted so even though it said everything was reported they weren't showing that everything was reported um again thank you for all your work uh I want to uh also thank all the election judge and especially the ones that had to stay until o Dark 30 uh for sure because it's a long day when they started o dark3 the other side so um but um you know and and publicly we need to do that at our meeting Monday night as well just you know to thank all of our election judges and stuff like 112 election judges 112 112 election judges working wow I don't think people realize how much it takes to to run an election I mean the amount of people you know and you're well aware we got uh picked for the county audit as well so we'll be conducting that on Monday we did that last time too typically we end up getting picked so oh I thought the last time we didn't get picked I was pretty sure word four I got picked last time yeah two years ago or the last General the was last so two years ago two years ago four years ago we also got dodged last time I don't know how we always get caught who when you go do that now you obviously need to go but how many judges have to go with on that four judges are required for the audit two from each party so I can be one of those judges I don't have to be I just normally you're there overseeing more than you are and I I choose to be one so oh yep so then you need to get three other ones which I had no problem Gathering three Judes today they were all willing to to come and help how long do those events take like for that one typically they start at 8:30 you're usually done somewhere between 11: and noon unless you have a problem during the count process we did not two years ago but four years ago it ended up taking us a little longer because we did have such a large turnout and um we were done probably about one and so it if anybody's watching wondering what we're talking about I probably wasn't very clear about that but when the county canvases votes then when we're all done and have everything certified there are um three names of all the precincts throughout carva County three get pulled and then they get recounted again to another way to verify that the machines were accurate and stuff like that so that's what we're talking about and one of the one of the names or one of the names pulled was was Chas award two two Precinct one one and then it was like a Township and Norwood Young America were the three sites Township and Norwood Young America so we are the three that got picked we're the largest one that's what happens and that that's that happens every year it's just a way to to to make sure that the tabulations are correct with the votes that they have in hand and out of the 8,178 people that that voted and you take a look at all the judges all the people there and the machines were only off on those two wordss by and ballot so that's a pretty high percentage any other questions anything okay thank you thank you than anyone else last comments otherwise uh we would just have to uh adopt 2024 d88 and that's approving the election results for city of chesa I'll make a motion motion by Council M Hatfield second second by Council MRA again that's resolution 20248 it's a general election results for the city of Chas canas C discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign all right with that uh that's all again like I said earlier that's all we can do at this meeting is only this so with that I would entertain a motion to adjourn hello motion by council member Hub second second by council member Hatfield all in favor signify by saying I I I post same sign good night thanks for joining us we'll see you on Monday