##VIDEO ID:5pLiTC14zsc## do I wait for the light yet or is it on chesa Parks Commission September 10th call to order uh roll call please Mary chair here Elizabeth chair here here Z here Danelle Harley Whitner here Michael power here ter worm here s Hill okay item three adopt agenda anybody see any issue with the agenda as written anything to add if not I'll ask for a motion to adopt a motion to second second Howard all in favor say I right motion passes four visitor presentations see none we will move on to item five approve previous meeting minutes there any discussion on the previous meeting minutes if not ask for a motion to approve almost meeting minutes schworm I second and second is Carly Whitner all in favor say I I I oppos moves us on to item number six receiving Council and Planning Commission minutes 6A we have Council minutes from June 3rd June 17th July 1st and July 15th any discussion on either of the council meeting minutes from said dates no okay we will receive the council minutes uh moving on to 6B uh Planning Commission from May 8th June 12th and July 10th any discussion on either of those meeting minutes being none we will receive those as well uh and that moves us right along to item number seven and 7A recommend city council authorize staff to enter into a Professional Services agreement with Confluence to develop a master plan for Southwest chter Community Park very excited about this one all right was really moving really moving to get to it I'm gon go ahead and just pull up my screen here presentation inside with our items tonight just a quick side note before you get going Marshall I actually just randomly I was at a softball game the other day from my daughter and I heard somebody talking about this about that whole area out there oh it was interesting to be like hey guess what exciting things happening so all right well let's talk about the master plan um I thought I start with first just a little bit of context I think you all know where the location is but for our viewers out there may not be as familiar um the location we're talking here is a the Southwest portion of Chasta we have a future Park plan which is a 52 Acre Site sits just south of bigwoods Boulevard and to the East 22 so it's and of the existing Farm over there right now what you're looking at here is um a developer that we created so as you're seeing a lot of new homes are getting built along that Eastern Edge and so we provideed this information to the developers so those moving into that area have a general sense of L to come um so very conceptual image on the left there um and then on the right just um some plan features so we talked about we do know it's going to include a miracle League Baseball Field uh we continue to um work with rotary down the fund raise for we know it's going to include a universal um design playground adjacent to it and then the site also um has an area that is owned by the school district Elementary School being the other unique thing about the park site um is to South the bigwoods we've talked about a lot of energy there with some recent successful grain applications for us to be able to preserve a large portion of that woods so I think that's going to be a really great feature to play off with the park and one include as part of the master planning process as um so that's kind of our next step is to develop a master plan you know we we kind of know these things are being factored into the park but like I said it's a 52 Acre Site so there's still space for other amenities and now we got to take that next step to understanding know where are these things going to fit best on the site how are they going to relate to other amenities that did decide to th Park how we managing the storm water all all those different components that are going come into play It's kind of the next step for us to take here's a um drone picture that we took of the site so this would be actually if you were in the Southeast corner of the park looking more West so here's the if you follow my cursor that's the tree line with the the Big Woods to the left um and then over here to the right is kind of the northern Edge along the future Road Savannah way that will extend somewhere in neighborhood so there'll still be some more Housing Development on the Far Western Edge of the CL site at certain point generally this is all the Future Park area um so just kind of want to step you through the process in terms of how we came through our recommendation tonight as far as which Consultants to work with so it all started with um developing a a team of a few other staff it was uh myself one we have our community community development director we CIT our city planner Ashy and then Recreation program Aon L um we got together and I had provided them all a list of about 15 different Consultants um for us to be considered and we came up with um some criteria for us to just kind of generally evaluate those various Consultants some of those criteria included um whether or not they have a local presence the diversity of the portfolio uh their experience with Universal Design um the usefulness of their website generally looking at what their firms emphasis was you more landscape architect fir more engineering um things like that and then generally any referrals um that we aware of or any past working relationships things like that and so we took that all in everybody kind of did their own research and we came back together had a conversation um it was ironic how we were all pretty much on the same and so we ended up bringing in U we narrowed it down to five Consultants we then reached out to those consulting firms and invited them in for a meeting was the step so we wanted to get to know their firm we wanted to understand who would be on their project team and then we had them um give us a presentation on a recent master plan that they've completed that they felt would be similar in scope to the one we're looking at and then we just had some followup questions four of them afterwards so those were very good U meetings to get to know each of the firms and then we had the hard task of narrowing it down from those five down to three those three to respond to an RFP that we submitted to them so we get more of proposal on in writing astion project um so three firms included compliments um H KGI and lhd so from there um well I should step back when we met with those uh five Consultants it was that same team that I mentioned along with I invited Matt Clark our city engineer along with Brian J our public director so that entire group also riew your proposals that were submitting back into us and then you know I asked feedback um so with that um we received those three proposals and um through the process of just discussion and evaluation we came to um pretty much pretty easy consensus to move forward with so was kind of stepp it through a little bit about Confluence um you know some of the reasoning why we chose Confluence so they've been around for 25 years they actually started out as Brian clarkon Associates back in 1998 and in 2008 they um um over the name Confluence um they've got nine offices they got offices throughout the whole Midwest um they do consult work all across the country you can see they've done over 4,000 projects but they do have a firm made Indianapolis they've done a lot of recent work with city of Bloomington Dina burville app Valley it did a early be project along the River Front help soft rids and then they were also part of the Viking Lakes too over there so lot of um you know from our perspective I think you know really felt a great connection with them when we met with them they seem to just have a lot of passion a lot of creativity just kind of a sense of bringing a new set of eyes in the chesta was was welcoming uh the they is for me I think is better approach to community engagement I think just stood out compared to the other Consultants um you'll see on the next slide dire to voting um a specific staff person will leave engagement functions whereas the other Consultants that would have been in addition to being the overall project manager so I thought that stood out um we approach to community engagement um is going to include um you know over overall CommunityWide survey along with technology utilizing an application called social pinpoint so people will be able to go in and actually kind of make make points on a map and comment share different IDE things of that nature um we'll have focus group meetings um Alo sitting down with various athletic associations stakeholder groups will be an important part of the process they've got planned in attending a few different popup events or community events where we can intercept people and get feedback and then another neat thing that they do that was unique to their firm is they dou it is the park of [Music] Pala so it's sort of the spot design sh where they bring in all of their designers and then take in the ideas and they start grafting Out Concepts on paper helps that process developing a few different concepts that's the goal I have them develop a few different concepts and then from there take it back out to the community gather some more feedback then work for preferred prer um the other unique thing with them and it'll be a component of the project is in the front on the front end of this project what we're going to be asking the consultant to do is kind of a analysis of our entire park system along of similar size city in the metro area and the types of amenities they have with nurses them for us to kind of understand what are Maring that with fure time that I think with with this being the last you know Community side part we anticipators be you know a lot of demand for for certain facilities which is great we want to hear all those voices but you know we need something to sort call in terms of pointing Direction understanding that we want to incorporate into the Future Park um so they're going to be um subc consulted they're going to be utilizing a subc consultant with a company called TR consultant National bir that does a lot of Park plan Park elevation Mark things like that if you recall when we did Community Center we worked with a company called Ballard's Consulting of the paration so they'll bring a lot of experience um as far as um engineering engineering will be a component of this work as well um we're not quite certain which consult which engineering firm we're going to go with quite yet um it's I do know it'll be either b or S possibly even a combination of both of them um was part of their proposal um however as a city we do a lot of work with Stant St had done some um of this parkite contracted consultant and our engineer looking at the whole Southwest Development Area and already looking at just kind of how everything is going to be managed from a storm water standpoint so we're actually having a meeting um with um Confluence tomorrow was poing through that a little bit more seeing what make sense for us so yeah so those are those are really kind of the things to put out um as far as Confluence so the next page is just going to highlight their team for to be able to get a sense of who will be working with so Brad alrd um he's got 23 years of experience um he's going to be the overall project manager in our emplo contact on the project Terry M he is the overall principal in charge he's got 34 years of experience Jenna s is going to be taking the lead on the community engagement she's got 12 years of experience uh Jay Corel is their senior Park designer you've got over 10 years of experience and then play special she's got six years of experience however she comes to them with a background in public health a profession really kind of brought the whole perspective into their team as it relates to that whole understanding Universal Des what a great great job title playground specialist I love that that's great too you can one when you grow up I'm Someday I'm gonna grow up the other thing that I wanted to mention um as it relates to kind of the community engagement process in this notion that we talked about in the past about developing citizen task force I thought about it more and I had a conversation with our city administrator and actually positioned it to see whether or not he would support rather than developing a citizen task force what if we utilize part that's really the primary task force working here with staff consults going forward and then we could really utilize um our monthly meetings doing a work session um probably follow kind of into like an every other month um basis or as needed with the consultant nice sches already built in and then ultimately have you make the recommendation of City Council on after talking through it he he fully supported it you guys strong group of people you bring wide variety perspectives you're engaged I think just that consistency of meetings and involvement in plan I think it was important so so that's just a little bit of a shift in kind of our change and approach to the neighor well plan uh but we will still make sure that we are going out and uh meeting with all these different groups and trying to you know make sure we're accounting for the various voices throughout our community and that another thing that stood out with that is kind of another part of their approach that was specific in The Proposal they really feel obligated to you know help us reach all the different segments within our community and special try to get creative and hearing from Alles that so with that I'll turn it over see if you have any any questions for meetings that relates to to overall as we get started but then ultimately you know look years motion make that recommendation city council and then our plan will be to then put that on the city council for next week moving along awesome tonight's agenda Marland for was the process of betting all these companies when you you know started off with your 15 list of companies right the last couple months absolutely actually because I mean the first part was rather quick you know but then it took a little bit of time to coordinate those those inperson meetings between all their staff that we want pres to ours and then um we took about a week to do to deliberate and then um reach out to the three that we wanted to get proposals back from and then we gave them about three weeks to put their proposal together and we had a couple of weeks there after R meeting was this the clear winner among the group or was oh they're all great yeah I mean and I proba again should emphasize that the fre that we Nar it down to they are all very capable of doing a really good job so it gets tough to make the decision but you have to make a decision eventually I think involving other staff in the process and sit down and listening to the different viewpoints and it uh was clear that confence both Rising above the other two so good full support from all the staff wanting to move forward great the city say go to them what's the time of in terms of like completing the go plan yeah so you know once the city once city council agrees you know the next step would be you know put together actual agreement specific the SC work but we anticipated being probably you know the hope is to have a plan completed byp so I think probably to 10 months somewhere there to be realistic I think maybe we're kind of hoping for sooner but more we start talking cons right and you know the hope is you know that we're going to develop a plan also that's implementable you know so the funding mechanisms here are different than Community Center it's a whole separate project here there's different you know dollars that are coming in through the whole development within Southwest things like that that have been pling so we want to be realistic about what kind of that it is does that include this you talk about analysis of the entire park system does that include that y y so that might be starting right away at the beginning one of the first tasks will be for that Consultant Group to be working on that and then you know I think the confu once if I start start with some other existing conditions analysis surveying things of that nature but that that sort of overall analysis will help us provide a context before we have great fres um did you guys reach out you mentioned that Confluence had done work Apple Valley Bloomington did you guys reach out to anybody in particular as far as reference or anything what did they have to say so um I was able to get feedback from director blomington she's had experienceing to okay do you remember offand what they had done what type of work they had done for Bloomington or did she mention or was it yeah so they had done um so she actually previously was the director for Di she okay yeah Park master plan system master plan assistant plan and I think I think she's working out like nine different ples we're coming Willington right now two of them are currently under construction I can attest I ready Dina's uh Park master plan that they did and it was it was really well put together and had a lot of really good information um so I think it'd be really good for us to have awesome yeah no I think it's going to be great to have you know some fresh eyes just on the city and the park system itself I'm right we've as far as work throughout the city this would be the first opportunity for City okay I think that's great mean I see a lot of the same names with a lot of the projects that we do which is great because you know building relationships is always wonderful and awesome but I'm also a big proponent of you know getting a fresh set eyes on things and I think that's this is a perfect opportunity to do that so I think it's great just out of curiosity in terms of the the three final groups uh terms of what they were in their rfps for what they were wanting to get paid for this were they all pretty similar in that regard or was Confluence like in the middle were they both you know yeah Confluence actually was you know a little bit on the lower end of the but quite frankly they were all pretty pretty close some of it comes down some Nuance as way to how they approach like geot engineer yeah it was pretty actually impressive all three within a pretty pretty yeah and imagine they all probably know the terrain and about what they can charge and look to get for a project like this but um and just two other one other comment about uh the task force is having been a part of the the other task force that you referenced um you know it was a great experience but a long experience and and um I welcome the opportunity to have the park and wreck commission be that rather than doing a citizen task force to to be that component of this project just because I think at the end of the day it's all designed and geared towards Community engagement and I think that um I've always really appreciated and respected um not only Park and wreck here in chasa but the way that the city of chasa always um aspires to getting a high level of community engagement and but I still feel like uh not only us but all the other communities around us we're all still trying to sort of crack the code on what's what's the way to get that really deep level of community engagement and um I think that we're still uh probably working towards that um and I'm curious to see you spoke very highly of this group and their in in terms of you know aspirationally that sounds like they might be pretty good at that piece of it and you know suggesting a new way to look at Community engagement and I'm really excited to see that and I think that in terms of you know us doing the work of what the task force did for uh the community center master plan I think that I I would welcome the opportunity to get involved without having to schedule more meetings so just personally because I you know because I've enjoyed being on that citizen task force but it's also really hard to get to more meetings each month and the fact that we could fold it into what we're already doing I think that's a great and I think we have a Great Commission here so yeah I think a bigon of success that STS from commun engagement is the task force your involvement your fa helping consult along so I own this project great job yeah I think I think it's a great idea and the last thing I just one last question was about uh the group Confluence um what did they give in terms of what intrigued them about doing this project why did they want to come here and do this project I mean I at the end of the day business is business and everybody wants to do business but um what is it about our community that intrigued them about being a part of this project yeah good question you know the opport to develop a relationship with a community they haven't worked with before was certainly a component of it um you know I think the the size of the park is intriguing the fact that it's the last one in cha it's kind of that that excitement about so developing that that last gy Community it's a little bit of a blank slate but um they also talk too just about just the geography connection with the big on fact s SLS they look at that as you know a fun cool not have to move whole was there and that's that's what I think BR Al really for that's great I appreciate that thank you I I would just Echo Zach's comments about uh being very excited about working with the park and rec commission as the task force on this it I think it gives us a real uh opportunity um and um gives us a nice work work plan for the coming year so I I think that'll be very exciting and sounds like you have a great group to work with so I'm excited to meet some of them and work with them along with the staff so good recruitment tool to try to get our next you represent I was yeah I was a little bit worried it was going to come to fisa so we could only choose two of us for the task force way off my shoulder I was ready oh that's what you were sighing about earlier I think it's great because I mean and and and um all truth I mean that those are my thoughts I'm like how do you go about out of out of all of us I mean who do you choose we each bring so much to the table and so many different things to the table different perspectives yeah so par really awesome plus we all like hanging out with each other so yeah it's a legacy project I wasn't even here it's a legacy project because of it of everything you just talked about about it being the last one and it's exciting to be a part of it in some small way you know and you know and I was going to take my name out of running for this because I was in the last one and I was like oh I was really upset about that I was sad well should we nominate Dell to be like the chair of the task force and she's not here well that's what happens when you when you don't show up but also she'd be but she'd be really good at it too that's not just as punishment of course it's punishment she'd be really good at it too though thanks Marshall anybody else have any further questions discussion all right thank you very much for the um yes I would then make a motion to um recommend that the city council hire Confluence for uh the Southwest Community Park which needs a better name second both of those all in favor say I I I think there's one built in right there but but thank you guys for for your hard work and everything that you've done so far on the project both please thank your team oh yeah yeah from us I think'll play that okay moving on to item eight discussion items and 8A Park and trail updates well got some pictures to show you here quite a bit happening in Lions Park hav't been there recently um here's a picture depicting the pickle ball expansion occurring so this I took yesterday morning so Cruis are out there and I think you know the thing to point out here that I think is phenomenal is you know as our city staff performing exp Contracting so you can see they're putting in you know getting the base going it's going to be our streets Pro it's going to pour all the concrete it's going to pour all the the asphalt set everything up for the fencing to be mounted in all the other so the goal is to try to um get that all accomplished yet this fall we permitting um it just won't be playable yet they'll come back in next ring and put in that top surfing we're going to need time for that I I rode my bike by there just randomly two Sundays ago and this is at like 9 o' in the morning and it was full yeah I rode by there and I'm like oh I got see what's going on a pickle ball here and it's full I just heard lots of chatters I was riding up to before I could even see it and clearly people out there I'm like it was full on Sunday morning at like nine o'clock in the morning every morning yeah I'll just continue to provide you progress updates uh Lions spark shelter restoration so the shelter building there as you recall got damaged earlier in the year due to um fire so it is now fully restorated kind of like the blue doors they put on has a nice little different touch you'll also notice they brand new air conditioner so we went ahead and provide a little bit of conditioning on the interior which makes a little bit nicer experience in the summer and then it also condition storage side um on another side in this building so as you know this serves as a warming house in the winter to the IC but now we have some FIB in the summer to utilize that for some you know some of our kids programming or maybe there's a little event after pickle ball day something like something like that this give us so who to the public staff for have that running was there was there ever is it still an active investigation was anything ever did they ever catch anybody or anything okay so it was arson it wasn't just a and it looks like there are cameras there now were there cameras before yes different oh sure yeah okay you know usually that stuff occurs at night yeah it's yeah yeah not exactly saying cheese yeah I get it a it's too bad um then the Lions Park playground replacement um if you go out there today you're going to see that they're starting to take down the existing playground so that's occurring this week once again that old playground equipment essentially just gets recycled plastic separated from the Met Rec and then the new installation will start happening next week exced to see that well lot lot of nice enh Athletic Park so here's a picture from earlier earlier this spring which as you can see it just completely fill off the tur there did quite a bit of damage to the Grand sand and as of yesterday you can see the efforts being made Again by our staff um getting that grass the establish so um starting to come I think Brian you know would say that it's been quite the effort you know even as that looks pretty green from afar you know they' had to deal with fungus and some of the recent heat has affected so they continue to Reed he thinks the next couple weeks are looking really good though that 60° weather overnight and then so the goal here is really to get that grass reestablish before winter hits so we can come back spr activity on field they're also working on um some of the damage within so reming rep they did apply to FEMA to get some funding I think there's was a recent meeting where there's one coming up but you think we'll get some problems from the Federal help some of theost repair so insurance doesn't cover something like that for us or only a certain portion of it and this is one that was done a little while ago but I don't think I ever M back just to show you a picture but oh yeah this would be the phase two U Trail caving of the Savannah hols or on the left there was when they had rough cut it and rocked it and then on the right you see the trail beautiful beautiful area trees there trees does it look that awesome when you walk through it Terry yeah it does I walk through it quite a bit so it is fun to go through there and I think they just actually came through and kind of cut along the edges and filled did some additional restoration work as well so it and um people are using it all the time going through the woods I see them walking their dogs and people even from across the street um across Savannah on the other side come over and walk their dogs through there because it's a nice nice Loop for them so that's cool how long is the loop tra it um I think it's about maybe seven to 81 of a mile if you do the full loop can wear headlamp please all right meow Park plan this is an older picture actually I've been driven by recently you can see wall see the there um so as far as planning the redesign of this part I have a meeting set up with HGI so we're utilizing them for this project their landscape architect already been working along with cnh which was the architect for the building so probably was just a good transition to continue with them um so we have a meeting set up for September 24th it's a virtual meeting and at that meeting I've got Scott in public works Jo s ol stman the police chief and the fire chief they're gonna all the project h on this in this first meeting establish some cont so getting M group on the same page re visiting the site plan and remembering what we had to work with there starting to assemble a timeline you know and put some BO together and then from there we intend to invite a couple of residents today that engag with the open houses and express an interest in being a part of so thought is for us to kind of internally create a little bit of context and have some know information to go off of then invite those residents in share that with them get their thoughts they that a plan with those residents you know this is the neighborhood park so shouldn't take as long you know my hope is by the end of the year or early next year we'll have a recommendation for you with the thought and the goal of trying to start construction on that next fall I think the plan is for that building to open next fall and start occupying it so we'll try to time it best we can to get that playground in you know as it's opening and shortly thereafter again it's a lot of weather dependency we really can't get in there until a lot of the building is in and after they gr like that so that'll be a fun process and and uh you know be sure to keep you updated along the way opportunities to be involved in technology and then Autumn Wood Autumn Woods Park planning um the thing I'm noting here is we're going to um likely look at doing this one next year just with the master plan metal Park no do so much so we really kind of Prior prioritized metal Park since that was an existing Park and so we'll get those ones up and running and then I anticipate um Autumn Woods sometime next spring or summer and quite frankly I think it's the right thing to do too I think that Community is still building and I know that a component of that with Park plan is also going to include the access to that Park especially from aut of woods if you recall through that planning process there was some concerns about the nature of people currently walking in the road there aren't any sidewalk facilities over there uh of the auto traffic going through there yes I think giving it some more time and seeing more residents get in there and what the traffic really are is probably to be our benefit as we I have seen this my neighborhood jack up to this one and we have small Park johathan Association Park and they're all walking over to it which is kind of a nice opportunity for the two neighborhoods to maybe like meet and see where all the kids live and make other friends so I think it it works out not that's a good point too fact is there is you Kind part bigger I think is Service as we said here too what what percentage of that neighborhood is filled in as far as houses is it like 50% or is it more or less on that it's hard to know a lot of homes are buil yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty well buil I just don't know in terms of occum quite I'm not exactly certain that I just walked through there last night and so many people are already living in these houses that it just just they got it last week and then all a sudden someone moved in the next day I'd say pretty false to hom on the perimeter that almost everything else yes I think it'll still be a good timing to you know start this plan part of next year I think for was curious I Bak the trails see a lot of yeah I know Brian really taking lead on it our public words assessing ones that are just kind of beyond the point of no return and you know taking those ones out I think there's some areas where Tre you know try to preserve it's definitely affected survey I talked to Selmer who um is our certified Arborist and um he's a pretty good handle of what what's going on um what happened this last winter cuz chasa had had it just detected in like 2021 I think and usually in the disease curv you like a really long time before you hit like where it is now but because we had such a warm winter um it we didn't have the dieback that we usually have with the larvae and so it just is appearing a lot worse than it normally would have for a community to be able to like fully prepare after finding it um but they'll slowly work through it typically like um most of the surrounding communities do most of the removals in the winter time um in between snow poies so that's probably when a lot of more removals will take place we just see it smattered through the trail system yeah green trees and [Music] then well that's I mean that's a does a couple days of pretty good storms that came through we did have a lot of trees and Limbs and I mean that's another just Testament to our staff they were out there cleaning a lot of that up while still working on all these I think just kind of start to R and you know thankful for a lot of the residents and all that they had opened up Athletic Park for residents to be able to take some of the things that have fall in their yards help down there so Community eff okay that brings us to 8B Recreation updates right so prior to Labor Day weekends PR Labor Day weekend I Shar with you that we closed down the community center for a week to do a variety of of work um here is a inaction photo of the fitness center getting upgraded with all new flooring and all new Strength equipment big with you know taking out all the just previous flooring our staff took out all of the cardio equipment you know put it in all the hallways and [Music] that Johnson Fitness came in and did a lot did the flooring we saw the strength and then our our staff brought in all the so everything's set up don't any you've been down there yet but far we got a lot of positive feedback upgrades occurred so big thanks to the Staffing um po was another big part of the shutdown so we drain it that literally scrub the whole pool the deck you bu through really just kind of De clean everything go through all the filters work towards refilling it back up and you know warming it up before we open it so the pool's looking [Music] great when we reopen the floors another big on floors and put there I don't quite like that geted up pretty fun to take a picture right put a nice Sheen to it yeah every year do you do these things so we have never completely shut down for a week A lot of times we'll just shut down in area and just do the pool different time I'll do another thing but this year with the fitness center um stuff and just needing to move equipment into the hallways and all that it just made sense to close the we targeted the week that you know has the least amount of attendance coming into the building and you know we staff are kind of deliberating after the fact I think it's something we may do annually this always stuff to do in between and we're going to have little mini projects we can all this is nice get it all done one can minimize some of the impact with others through the equipment fling yeah that'll be good to going out for a lot I mean the next thing there will just be one de up on the card equipment that'll be more of a one or two day swapping out but there's you know even just like painting maybe a flooring projects things like that we target one we to do it publish you know the flooring and the gyms should be done every year the the pool maintenance is an so there's enough stuff let's see man is highlighting some more things here within the recreation so last Saturday the fitness staff hosted a never forget workout honoring 911 over at Veterans Park great participation I guess we had 100 people last Saturday participating in the workout that was awesome to see and then um new this year once um school got back up and running we're offering a after school care program at the community center so we have 30 kids signed up oh great School District buses them over after school wow spends time with us until 6 when when their parents come and Pi them up so um great program for us good use of the facility we found out from the school district that there is a waiting list for for kids to get after school care so we kind of understood there was a be for that and dipping our toes 30 kids is quite a bit what's the age is it elementary school elementary school you know but so we're going to see how it goes I think there could be potential to grow the in the future come how we want Toc our space and I guess as long as they still so again just great work with our our staff they from the guest services in our dayare program Jonathan Elementary isn't one of the schools though yeah they're not in it that's interesting sure great program this already occurred but since we didn't meet last last month I wanted to just highlight um activity at the curling Center that occurred back a the weekend of August 9th which is was in conjunction with the US amateur tournament that coning the town course in but we were hosting the USA curling mix doubles Olympic pre- and in combination with that was USA klings member assembly meeting as well so we had members from USA King from all over the country here in Chast taking mixed up trials along part of that assembly they had a instructor level two course a coaches claring they had a sweeping pan details Love It Go with it and then the other cool thing is part of that weekend events team mccormic was inducted into the USA C PA you see the two girls there on the right team dep and back in 2003 they were the first Women's USA team to win a gold medal awesome just again like super cool that you know our facility here in chasa is hosting these Cali staff being coordinating making sure everybody's having a great experience throughout pretty awesome same weekend when US amateur is just kind of he in ch [Laughter] humbly curious how did any feedback come from the people that visited like all oh this is great yeah they were all super impressed with the facility the ones that have never been condition for the a cool factor of you know the restaurant being attached to yeah good all right then coming up we've got this coming Friday the la music 5 to 9:30 get a chance check it out it's super cool all kinds of food trucks with Latin type food great entertainment service and then it also finishes with firks you didn't a chance to catch fire fire back pretty similar setup similar setup not quite you know it' probably be kind of the Friday night version of play night which is still over it was pretty impressive impressive and then the week after we've got the CH cares Music Fest so this is a a fundraising Music Fest uh again with effort going towards the Miracle League field and Universal playground being planned for the Future Park we talked about earlier so that'll be next week Friday starting at 4:00 it's free to attend the event so we're just really trying to attract people to the event have a good time taking some food taking some beverage um our chco rotary and lions will be providing beverag and then also as a part of the plw is raffle tickets and so there's a raffle ticket it's $20 a ticket or three for 50 and that gra get you into a split opportunity so one winner will win half of the pot you know the other half is going to go towards the playground and then there's uh two more no one more ticket that's that detaches from the Ral ticket um whereas if you're so if you're present at the event you can have to put it in a bucket for a few other giveaways we have at the event hot you don't have to be present we're just trying to get out we got a really good lineup 17 Kevin and Space Jam are two local bands Space Jam plays at Heartbreakers in cha here a lot Sundays a lot of cool cover songs Wicked Garden um they're pretty well renowned as kind of that '90s grung era U music so St Temple Pilot say they're named after a Stone Temple Pilots son they play around the whole Midwest and then the way down Wanderers they're an original artist and they're coming from Poria Illinois kind of the Blu Grass Band they actually were on the rise pretty Co they were featured in the Rolling Stone article it's kind of an up and coming band with blue grass te but obviously got impacted by Co and being a newer band there's working their way back up they re released a new album earlier this year they've been on tour all across the country throughout the year they took a little break and then now they're back out on the fall to we F we'll be welcoming welcoming them to the Comm having a good time U we're not going to have fireworks at this event but we're going to do illuminary so that'll be kind of NE set out The Luminaries along the bridge in the back and they're going to be solar based so as the night gets darker a little forward that uh myself along with our city administrator and one of the CH rotarians that's been part of the planning committee are going to be attending an event on Thursday night at CHS field it's called cigars and baseball and this is this is an event that actually is a fundraiser that supports Miracle leads across the sea so it's kind of a deep tie in there I've got know the uh event organizer that pushed that on he invited us there last year they actually afterwards contributed $10,000 for the city of chesco they put it into the the fund so that you know when when our project becomes real we'll be able to access that but this year he's provided us actual boot space at the event where we'll be able to hopefully sell some and then I think this is the last Recreation update but I talked a while back about the city submitting some projects into the University of Minnesota project program we were successful um in quite a few of the applications the one more related to the one I'll be leading along with our city planner Ashley col is working with a group of students that are going to help develop an evaluation plan that comes up that kind of stems off of our pedestrian and bicycle master so one of the E components within that CL evaluation so this is really just getting an outside perspective um from student just put together kind of an evaluation plan and fuol kit that we can consider as a city forward to just [Music] measure measure progress over time our people are our people biking and walking more as we build more Trails as we do more programing we put on more events or we educate you know more about it things like that so actually uh during the day of Friday Friday September 20th right before CH meeting that student just stage project Fielding questions they may have and um her and I will be continuing to you know be a resource to them throughout this semester and then once they wrap it up they'll probably be looking to have them maybe come to hard and recognition of meeting and present their plan an opportunity for public speaking experience government experience we get some visitors yes y as we humbly go about our business that was that one that's it for okay all right last agenda item is just an update on facility naming rights and our work with superlative group so that phase two period has come to an end fortunately I'm not coming before you with a partner like I had hoped so really uh the next phase here is kind of built into the agreement is there's this what's called it's like a 12 month um think they call it hold off period so essentially what that is is superlative is not going to actively try to engage more corporations at this point just because we're vitalizing phase two however they still have some active conversations going on so they they're going to continue to follow through active discussions and then also through their experience sometimes it's this timing and timing is a big part of these types of Partnerships maybe there was a previous conversation a year ago where they sat out wanted to contemplate a little bit about leadership might change and it might trigger a new way of looking this and there is that potential they reach back out to secur so was kind of that 12 month period where they're still there to support any type of inquiry that would come back ENT and then kind of as there in that period what I've asked them to do is put together sort of a summary of findings that kind of memorializes the work that they did throughout phase two and maybe just from their perspective those professions within the leing rights Arena what what feedback did they hear is there anything that they think attributed to it just a little bit of insight I think would be helpful as a city come of from their perspective which in talking with them you know I think it really the thing that I took away is it just it takes time all the right the right company at the right time it just didn't happen I think it's no negativity to the facility I had asked the question you know are they still seeing Municipal type facilities getting naming RS Partners um throughout the country definitely was the case they working on active projects so it's not like as industry there's been a downturn on that necessarily but all I think it's a we know it's the state ofthe AR facility that attracts National events I think from my perspective though it's we're still in a rather small town so I think the exposure is probably a factor but if we can find that company that I think just got a passion for sure still could be that opportunity you know then tiny you know we got the you know the Winter Olympics is going to be coming coming out and there's always just an up uptick and interest and so we'll see what happens I think from our perspective you know we're going to kind of turn our Focus inward now you work on opportunities within the facility start start looking at you know some nice logos maybe something about Above This scoreboards things like that still doing it you know on a very professional classy way but knowing that we're likely not going to get that overall building um no naming partner the next steps kind of more within the facility see what Ty opportun SE Marshall could one factor be that crooked pints already there so you've already got kind of a major retail tenant in the facility um I don't know it's I I mean because they've got signage and all that you know I mean yeah I mean I sort of feel like they could they could coexist and you know I think the type of you know markets that they were looking at you know healthare Auto technology you know it wasn't necessarily competing with I know per but I don't know I mean it's different than just the city having a you know concession stand in the facility you know I mean it's I mean I don't recall there being any feed yeah just I mean somee i' also say that it shows the unique sort of city partnering well it it does and it gives the curling Center that unique feature you know I mean like you said earlier it really school so so that is it for all of my discussion thank you Mar that brings us to item nine other business and 9A the round two um Mike why don't we start your side just think I've been going the right side um so last month um I was meeting for the Nick naan scholar program was there in there as well really great to get an update there ,000 was put into the fund so um we kind of excited to be part of that a great last and then amateur golf tournaments tiets those DOD and showers but it was a really cool term and kind of excited to to see that cool yeah thank you for those we actually had St us and so that a whole perspective on that I'm going there watching them that was really fun get tickets where are they from um Italy oh W spoke perfect English that's great but they didn't make the first cut unfortunately that was really fun um I have enjoyed the the new the operating the community center I um was not prepared for that week off because we go every day and that's and we person we made it we um it smells new in there with a new that cork in the down in the more like a rubber yeah okay yeah smells new that was very nice they did a nice job and then the other thing that I was involved in or I went to was the U Art in the Park was that a park yep yeah y so that was last of f had um actually some very good um art iders art displ and pretty well attended when I was there hope you say is that an annual thing or that new yeah it's been the the 30th a week on oh really okay so that's in collaboration with the one of those where Tak a little time to grow it yeah very high quality um I two attended the golf a that was super fun love that bunch of people out in the community the too seemed like there were more vs this year so that's nice as well um I want to give a shout out to the city staff there was a pip fit burst in my neighborhood Saturday morning and just disgusting water running down the street and those city workers were there promply and I think there for like a whole work day working on this and so um I I know my neighbor whose front yard has happened and is very appreciative for all the work that the city staff done um and then I'm just looking forward to the CH carees concert coming up sa it's a need opportunity this year for people because it's free I think past last year when we had it was the tickets where price Associated so hopefully more families come out to get involved and I was just wondering if there's an opportunity to buy tickets in advance for that Shar the poot because I really like to buy a lot of tickets and win yeah all fun after me all right but also all all they are available for purchase at community center right at the front desk and they're also available at train Brewing okay this is just leading up to the concert okay okay well this maybe I'll just get M excuse to go there um I meant to ask um the touch of truck wasn't able to attend but it moved to the high school how did that how did that go being that it was at I wasn't able to map yeah so you know always you know you never know going into it change the venue work it out certainly did it was very successful um I think we heard a lot of positive feedback just things were spaced out a little bit more that's that's hard to gagee but I think it was the same okay sort of envisioning if I took everybody here and put it in one roll what I noticed too is I think kid the little kids had a little extra time even just playing on equipment um there were still lines but it didn't feel like it was as long of a line more space yeah I think overall very positive I think our intent is to work with school to see be okay with it possibly home okay yeah so kind of echo what you had said the few people that I spoke to that that was the one thing they mentioned there was like oh there was more room you know I just felt a lot more open and inviting to them so yeah you know seamless for the Departments that brought in all equipment coming in one side of the parking lot park at an angle and when they left they just drove right off the other side of the parking lot and it super easy awesome having all that field for [Music] KS good that's all I had I've spoken enough tonight so I'll pass it over to my good friend Carly over here well that's a lot of pressure um I wanted to just do a shout out to all the city staff from our Parkson wreck staff to our public work staff all of you guys are just putting in a lot of extra work and um it's really appreciated by our community so thank you very much your turn um I attended fire Ice Festival both nights great music was a lot of fun and staff was great as always and uh also went to the art event as well and that was great and if people are interested in more art uh art Consortium of Carver County the last weekend in September does an art wander throughout Carver County so anyone's welcome to attend that and you can find information online about that and um that people have various artists and homes throughout the county and kind of cool to go visit depending on what art you might like so do a shout out for that uh um um but otherwise nothing else to report one other thing I was going to add before we close regarding next we're not going to have a meeting I'm gonna be out of town Marshall I don't remember approving this PTO yeah there should have been action item I know there should have been an action it we could still get together without Marshall oh yeah has to be a meeting attending Park all right where is it oh fun never Atlanta check that out taking Jeff ISAC in our curing Event Center for to see the National Parking Recreation even a curling an event center fix with all that be cool um so that being said we will not have a meeting next month but I'll just keep you posted just depending on sort of the timeline with Confluence and when we might want to have an initial kickoff meeting if we feel like we'll need it before our November meeting I I'll we may want to have something Rec November meeting if you can okay um with that on to item 10 adjourn do I have a motion to adjourn a motion to adjourn meeting power all in favor say I I post