##VIDEO ID:LPtmhzSVOZc## follow the order the Wednesday December 11th 2024 Planning Commission meeting Liz would you take a role aen here here Campell here gory here Herber here olon here cie here Ani and chairperson Brass here uh with that we'll move on to the agenda anyone have to make a motion adopt the agenda motion to approve the agenda second cerber all those in favor I post carries uh next on the item is item four visitor presentation so this would be anyone here tonight that would like to approach the commission about anything not on the agenda and is there anyone online no so we'll move on from that to approving the previous meeting minutes if everyone has a chance to review those I will make a motion to approve those is there a second second second by oransky all in favor all right I opposed motion carries there is no consent items tonight so we'll move right into the first action item 7A Liz would you uh please present can you see that on that screen up there okay y uh thank you Planning Commission members uh we have a concept plan application in front of us for Beckman couter located at the building addressed 316 Lake hazeline Drive this concept plan is being proposed uh by the applicants Beckman couter and crb Consulting Engineers uh the site question is highlighted in kind of the orange yellow uh shape on this aerial exhibit uh the site is located in the Northeast portion of the city so it uh borders on uh the city of chaska's border with the city of Chanhassen um that border which is kind of hard to see in this exhibit um on the big screen here but is shown in that purple uh dashed line uh the site is right up to the Twin Cities and Western railroad which is on its Northern Edge um it's within an existing Industrial Park of the city off of Lake Hazeltine Drive uh other industrial buildings um and other industrial parks surround uh this site um Beckman couter owns this site and they own several other buildings uh within kind of this northeast Industrial Park uh which are noted by the red dots on the screen here uh one of the buildings is leased uh which which is a multi-tenant um industrial building just east of the building in question this evening in terms of process we're at the first step in the process uh for this request uh so we're at concept plan where we look at more of the highlevel review of the project and start to identify any issues or uh concerns or things to address as they move on to the next steps uh so there will be two other steps following this evening um in terms of a little bit of background and some previous approvals that have occurred on this site um and with Beckman cter um they did conduct uh a neighborhood meeting which is required uh prior to consel plan submitt um and did that on October 22nd uh they did not have any public attendance at that meeting so it's pretty straightforward um this site dates back to 198 4 uh when the original building that exists out there was approved for their sight and building plan um and at that time it did contemplate um somewhat of a building addition on the north side of this building um so there was the anticipation that uh the building here would be added on to in the future um Beckman couter uh purchased the building around 2013 um so they were not the original owners of the building there today um but they have been there for a number of years um their company specializes in developing manufacturing marketing selling uh products for biomed testing uh with a focus on making Laboratories more efficient um they also make diagnostic systems that you see in most hospitals um so they do have a pretty big presence in the medical industry um they are a national company um they own uh an international company um they own a lot of properties throughout uh the globe um and right now they are hoping to expand their manufacturing function uh within their company and they're specifically looking at this site on 316 Lake hazeline Drive as an option to expand their manufacturing uh portion of their business um if this uh building addition were to move forward and the expansion of the manufacturing part occurs um it would bring approximately 300 new jobs to chasa and to the buildings um that Beckman couter um owns in this uh Industrial Park um in terms of the site in question uh the site 316 Lake hazeline Drive um is highlighted in blue on this aerial exhibit it's a little under 13 acres in size uh it's currently in uh one of our plan districts uh pmd1 to be exact which is plan multiuse um this area um or the site in question is um zon for industrial use and guided that way in our comprehensive plan uh so the use is consistent uh or the request is consistent with the use out there um the site currently contains a one-story 60,000 squ foot building and uh roughly 180 parking stalls on the site um they currently have two access points under Lake Hazelton Drive uh that provides access to both their loading dock areas and the parking on site um they did do a delineation uh a wetland delineation of the property and found two existing Wetlands on site which are on the north side of the property um one of which would uh be impacted with the proposed plan and one which would uh be preserved uh with the proposed plan and a sprinkling of trees also exists on that North Side uh this slide shows a couple images of the existing uh conditions out there showing the building from Lake Hazeltine drive and then A View From the Northeast side of the property so the request this evening is for concept plan approval uh which would entail a two-story build building addition totaling 148,000 Square ft as well as expansion to their parking area uh to accommodate that additional building square footage um the layout of that is shown on this slide here um the building addition is proposed on the northeast side of the existing building um it will again uh be two stories so the overall footprint um off uh the building the existing building there would uh be approximately 88,000 Square ft and then that Second Story would be roughly 60,000 Square F feet so coming to a total of 148,000 square fet of added square footage to the building um they are proposing added parking around the East and North sides of the site and proposed building um which would bring them to a total of 418 parking stalls uh per the city code and how uh their existing and proposed building layout from a programming standpoint it would require 505 parking spaces uh to meet uh the city's parking code so that'll be one thing that we'll have to work on uh as we approach preliminary um is how the parking is arranged on site and what is needed um as I mentioned before there is um impact to the north Northern Wetland um where I'm uh showing my cursor right now there's about 0.4 Acres of impact uh from the building and the parking expansion area uh and because of that they'll have to go through a wetland mitigation and impact plan um as they um prepare for a preliminary submittal um the building uh will be constructed of uh pre-cast concrete panels with a reveal application to it which is how they organize the concrete panels on the building um and then additional windows and glazed entrances to highlight the building addition area uh the building addition will be a uh roughly 35 1/2 fet tall at its tallest point this slide shows um the existing facility in the top images here which is also a pre uh pre-cast concrete building um with punched openings or Windows on the front side here so the proposal to uh use uh pre-cast concrete panels with reveals and punched openings um will be complimentary to the existing building out there um and existing buildings is with any building addition done to an existing building uh the building addition should match or be complimentary to uh the existing building as much as possible and a couple renderings showing the proposed uh building addition um so again this building addition will be set back quite a ways uh from Lake from the view of Lake hazeline Drive um but still provide a complimentary design uh to fit in with the existing um so the top view shows uh kind of more of a bird's eyee view from Lake hazeline Drive and then the bottom image shows more of a um a closer up view from uh the East edge of the property looking West so a few things to work on for PR preliminary um these are just a few on uh things that uh We've noted now but uh they'll obviously have to work through um any of the site plan requirements um but one of them being parking um showing proof of parking and providing a need summary uh for the building uh working on the landscape plan uh for the site um and then also working on their Wetland mitigation impact plan uh as they prepare for preliminary so in conclusion uh we are asking you to make a motion this evening to recommend approval of the concept plan for 316 Lake hazeline Drive uh uh B on the conditions that are listed in the staff report um If This Were to move forward this evening it would go to City Council on uh the following Monday December 16th happy to answer any questions otherwise we do have representatives from both Beckman Coulter as well as um their engineering team if you have any questions for them thank you thanks Liz um yes first we'll bring it back to Comm there's any questions the city Liz let discuss that now amongst yourselves and her and then we'll ask the applicant to come up hey Liz you said originally the previous owner had a concept or an expansion plan for the building what was the footage on that square footage was roughly 50,000 square feet so this one is 40% more roughly yeah okay um in the back area kind of that Nook created in the back upper corner or the receiving duck is not the shipping Ducks it's just a wide open area is there any outside storage there or is that just open area for trucks to turn around or could they potentially Park more in there yeah I can have the applicant come up and respond to that but at this time uh there isn't proposal to have exterior storage um that we're aware of um uh we're presuming just at the this concept level it's more of a um uh loading area uh for the additional Warehouse portion of the addition we're short about 100 stalls 90 stalls a little under 100 stalls right now y yeah so there are ways to look at proof of parking um on the site that we don't think is insurmountable um so have any questions nothing yet okay the applicants here if they'd like to someone from the applicant I'm Amy Salsbury um I'm with the operations leader and there at chasa facility thank you um so that back area kind of I guess I don't know if you have a screen so the the the place for you talk about it's just for Tru turnaround um and we faced the uh the the opening to the receiving docks to the South to help make it better for the weather the receiving dock on one side the shipping docks on the other yep exactly so we'll flow our manufacturing from west to east a nice facility what's uh what's the anticipated start time spring uh the anticipated start time yeah if everything gets approved and we can go forward we're looking at a spring groundbreaking so so in regards to the parking the additional 300 employees um is this a a shift work facility yes it is yeah it's multiple shifts okay yes and then that's the biggest reason why we won't have that many people at one time yeah okay um so on a single shift what are you anticipate having facility you think you know I'm Ming about 250 people at Max you know we've got some growth plans so I think we might get up to about 250 on a sure makesense these are all manufactured jobs in manufacturing manufacturing support yeah so there'll be various support functions that'll be needing to support the assembly and test operations so and you may not be the the right person to answer this but um it seems that the size of the facility um is limiting the ability to fit the both the parking as well as the landscape um requirements that that are part of the city code um I guess what are the plans to be able to do that because obviously and I'm stating this now because it all comes to the size of the facility and if we don't make the statement now we're going to get to the next step and question well how do we actually accomplish those two things if we don't talk about the size of the building today I me to answer that good evening chair members of the commission Brian wman from kimley horn um I'm helping the Beckman team with uh the civil engineering on the project so at this point um we feel good about the ability to meet parking through a a couple of um Avenues one which Liz mentioned was proof of parking on the site uh there's also as Liz mentioned a number of other facilities that Beckman owns in the area that um we can create a bit more of a comprehensive parking evaluation to balance out potentially some other properties in the area um from a landscaping perspective um we did recently conduct a tree survey to better understand the existing trees that are there and what may be able to be preserved to also work uh that into the city code requirements so at this point we didn't have that information for a concept plan but expect to continue to layer in more information there as we progress towards the pr so you're parking on other they have all they have pretty much own the circle right the campus um I'll I'll say that the parking and the backman team can kind of speak to this too but the parking demand that's shown right now on the site is based on their anticipated operation and what they would expect to need within that facility alone we can continue work with Liz and City staff as it relates to how that layers into what the code requirements are okay because back to the part where you buildings change hands so I mean it fact today it it it all works but 15 years from now when that facility may or may not be part of this ownership it may not fit so I'm yes today it might work 15 years from now it may not so I just want to make sure that we're not losing sight of the future as well too so I'm glad we're thinking outside the box but and just a quick question so the parking requirement versus provided that's that's taken in the existing building in the new building like everything on the site correct okay uh um okay I think you know to point out to the commission too I'm paring again it's Concepts so we'll see it on preliminary but um just like commissioner Olson had mentioned you know in the future things change that also would open up the opportunity that someone says I don't want the manufacturing and they rip it out and it's just warehouse and so then the warehouse is you know one per thousand instead of two or whatever so then the parking requirement could go way down or could say the same um so you know there is it's kind of a double- edged sword but um yeah that would be a little more difficult because then you need to proove even more parkings so you had to come back to the city is your manufacturing TW story yes we do plan to do the manufacturing on the second floor light manufacturing and heavier manufacturing on the first floor and then the the tall clear is going to be the warehousing component yes exactly yep there'll be a receiving a raw material side and a finished good side to the warehouse areas uh no no clean areas no there might be a HEPA Hut something really small but no clean rooms it's not that type of manufacturing um just of a general curiosity for myself so what is there a specific specific device or something you're making specifically in this Edition or is it all well yeah there'll be several different product lines uh there's the the current campus produces imuno assay instruments and uh will'll be bringing in some hematology instruments and some microbiology instruments so it'll be all instruments variety of different tests essentially that we cover but it'll be all instrument manufacturing okay thanks yeah so um looking at the the conditions obviously they're going to have to meet a few of these things trees is big I don't I don't even know I don't even know how we have that how you fit that many trees but if that even be feasible um but we let's see how that comes back on preliminary am I reading that right Liz 6 460 some trees oh 185 trees oh okay then I look wrong here that's a caliber in oh that's in okay yeah I that wrong let me find the spot okay 185 trees okay got it pretty much about 1/4th of it yeah all right anyone have any further questions one no okay I do like the idea of 300 new jobs yeah it's quite the company bit of land in chesa um all right with that I will make a motion to recommend approval to the city council concept 316 Lake hazeline Drive sub to the following second by Commish basa all those in favor I I opposed motion carries thank you thanks um then with that back to the agenda we will go into other business I will receive the city council media minutes they are hereby received does anybody have any thing to discuss Round Table real quicking for that one building up on 41 North of C advertising oh yeah the The Oakridge oh the conference center yeah north of Oakridge Warehouse the new yeah the yeah the ones under construction yeah we're getting close ni um anyone driven underneath the hway in the Kohl's apartment building has anyone been underneath there yet I have I was after we was a little concerned after we did did that it's a newer kind of concept andever I've been through it a couple times now and it works pretty well they got it I don't know if anyone's had a chance to drive through there but so right the Cole's parking lot is the apartment building and they have the bridge you can drive under the building oh so like you know when they came in to do that was kind of a new New Concept to this area they you know yeah yeah did anybody go to the open house for that oh we were at I did were the units nice oh I didn't get any of the units but overall it's very nice facility looks like really nice lot of lot of golf amenities makes sense yeah yeah so Liz roundabouts are still on track spring summer to start working on 41 and Engler what's the deal there I think they're still slated for next year yep next summer so still working through that they actually produced a video for the teachers and my wife got to see it this morning and they were all relieved that oh the plan was going to work for them you know because my wife travels a mile from us yeah yeah lot so I think it eased a lot of their mind that they provided that video for the teachers yeah oh and getting stuck behind 10 buses and not making the light ever ever experience all right with that I'll make a motion to adjourn is there a second second gr all those in favor I opposed we're adjourned thank you again for the honey