##VIDEO ID:VJafiL5q9TQ## e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] good afternoon this is a hearing of the chadam Conservation Commission being held on September 25th 2024 in accordance with Massachusetts Wetlands protection act and the town of chadam wetlands protection bylaw and regulations my name is Karen Lon and I serve as chair today's hearing is being broadcast live on Xfinity channel 1072 and is being recorded on the for the on demand archives available on the town's website is being conducted in person by phone and by video conference the agenda instructions on how to attend and copies of documents for review are posted on the town's website to all participants whether you're attending by phone or online please remain M muted unless you have been recognized by the chair when recognized please identify yourself for the record if you're attending by phone you can mute and unmute by using star 6 if you're online and you're not a commissioner please keep your camera turned off unless you've been recognized indicate that you wish to speak by using the raised hand feature so that we have a record of a quorum I will now ask each commissioner to indicate their presence Vice chair Elise Gordon present Janet Williams is not here Cheryl missery here Eric Hilbert present Paul Johnson present Bob Delio present and I'm here we have established we have a quorum before we begin the agenda are there any announcements about any requests for continuances today Katherine yes good afternoon uh the following applicants have already requested continuations for this week notice of intent at zero stage Harbor Road and Zer moris Island maps 12 A3 and 13 A3 parcels dy-1 and d-2 for the town of chadam Department of Natural Resources Massachusetts D SE number 10- 3693 the applicant has requested a continuance to October 23rd 2024 we also have a continuation request for notice of intent at 500 Shore Road map 16g parcel 3 da5 for Heather Butler d p number 10-36 81 and the applicant has requested a continuation to October 9th 2024 thank you at this point assistant conservation agent Katherine Ricks will now lead us through the agenda okay we're going to start with our request for extensions we have an request for extension to an order of conditions at 14 perrywinkle Lane map 4C parcel L7 for Allan hanowski D SE number 10-3 344 for proposed vinyl sheeting to enhance existing gabian extension is requested to complete the handrails 54 decking fill radio railroad tie stairs with 3/4 in stone and LOM and reced around the stairs this is the second extension request and it expires on 10:17 2024 thank you all right do we have anybody here for this we don't have any representative Jeff I thought the owner was going to be online it was the homeowner okay requested yeah I thought somebody was going to be on we don't have anybody okay well uh I think it's pretty straightforward this is their second extension request it's too bad nobody's on for us but um unless we uh maybe delay it until later in the meeting until yeah we could should um yeah maybe we'll delay it all right so I can't do I can't remember if we need a motion to delay it to the end of the meeting or we just don't continue discussing it let's Okay Katherine let's just would it be yeah would it be a vote to table it till the end of the that's what I'm thinking we need to table it until the till later in the meeting and hopefully somebody can join want me to make a motion uh yes would you please I move that we table the discussion on 14 Perry Winkle Lan Lane until later in today's meeting second okay Paul I Cheryl I Elise I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay we're ready for the next yes so next we have a field changer Quest it's a field change request at 509 Riverview Drive map 7j parcel C6 for Scott Barrett and Kimberly Summers Massachusetts D SE number 10- 3687 for construction of access stairs over a Coastal Bank field train request is in regards to special condition number two which requires an elevation of no less than 36 in above grade because of the multiple Landings each proceeding stair flight would compound an elevation a typical s would begin 3 to four feet above grade then return to near grade at each platform okay do we have anybody for 509 I mean for um yeah for 509 again no oh yes okay go ahead Jeff I assume that's Jeff uh he muted are you muted because we can't hear you Jeff we're not able to hear you if you are here to talk about it still not hearing anything I don't know if we can I'm trying to UNL no should we continue that one later uh okay Jeff we are going to table this as well until the end of the the meeting so that you can uh figure out the issues and hopefully uh join us so if we could have a motion to table this as well I move that we table 509 Riverview Drive until later in today's meeting second okay Paul hi cherl I Elise I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay then let's see if we can get one Catherine okay moving this going be a fast meeting [Laughter] orders the following is a request to amend an order of conditions at 1070 Orleans road map 10K parcel 23- A2 for John and Mary boil Massachusetts D SE number 10- 3611 for landscaping construction of a boardwalk phase one addition of fiber okay um is there anyone here for this Lindsay Cook has her hand raised okay Lindsay could you please uh I okay thank you and off we go yes Lindsay go ahead oh um I'm just here for Mary and John Bole where requesting an amendment to the original order of conditions to allow us to install a small fiber roll array at the base of their um Bank due to erosion that happened sometime um over the spring or late winter we had a pretty bad storm that rolled through and so we're trying to correct that but not just Band-Aid it they really want a longer term solution so we feel that the fiber rolls is the way to go rather than just um erosion control blanket and and putting more sand okay um we have a few questions minut I'm trying to open the um okay let me see if I can now share it sorry I'm trying to get to a where I can share something for you you know our your file I guess it's not opening okay um I have a few questions to start um I was out there yesterday first of all there is a railroad tie wall at the base that was not on the original request so uh here I'm bringing it up I finally was able to wonder if I can make it a little bit bigger for everybody so where I don't know if you can see my arrow where this railroad this fiber roll you have part of the way a a retaining wall brand new with made out of railroad ties can you speak to that because it's not on the original order or site plan and it's okay looks new I can absolutely try this was um slightly before my time on this project but what I believe happened was originally it was for a raised staircase down and there was something that changed at the end so it was an atg grade stare so it might be that it's not on the original and not on this this plan that I used I just wanted something to um show where the five rolls and the Backus were going to be um but that I would have to check um with the person who was leading this project at the time but I believe that was the change that happened was that it was an atg grade stair that instead of over the bank but it's in violation because they didn't get approval to modify oh okay so I I was under the impression that they had so I will definitely check with about that so I don't think at this point we could move forward with this amendment you know to approve it today at least but we can discuss it so that was our first thing given that that's there why why is a fiber roll needed along the the beach the gr you know the sand and the bottom part and what what is the date that the mean high water was determined I will have to ask the engineer about the mean high water I'll make a note of that the fiber roll basically what we found that once we did the restoration planting everything went in well it looked really good it started to establish well and then in the late spring um or early spring I'm sorry late winter early spring a storm rolled through and it caused pretty significant erosion at the base of the bank I felt that if we had some way to really secure the toe of the bank while in in The Proposal I'm adding more Eastern Backus where it's present along the bank currently there's very minimal erosion it's doing a great job um securing that toe and protecting the bank from erosion so my goal was to get this Eastern Backus established and I felt that we could do that best if we did not a huge array all the way up the bank the is in pretty good shape and the plants that are there are establishing but if we did a little something to to hold that toe and then in this design you can see there's what what we're using is a planting shelf so it just protects the plants the backr that we would plant along along the toe for the you know several years while they start to really root and get established and then behind the Backus we were going to add DE broing native grasses in including American Beach Grass plugs which we would put in there to further stabilize the area but why is there a fiber roll needed in front of this retaining wall there's not a fiber Woll in front of the retaining wall I'm sorry if that's confusing on the uh on the diagram it there we wouldn't put anything in front of the retaining wall okay cuz it does look like it the what you have drawn for where the fiber rolles go it looks like it's going to that Landing which the you know the the retaining walls right next to the landing so you'd need to modify your plan but I'm still questioning why you're putting fiber rolls Al along the base and you know sort of I get the need and as the left side when I'm looking at from the beach or the water up towards the house the left side I get you you got an erosion issue the right side you have erosion behind the retaining wall and you have the other two fiber rolls even going behind the retaining wall you would think the retaining wall would do its job am I not sharing I think the storm that we had over the winter the water actually came up over the retaining wall I don't believe that that type of storm is is typical I think that in general it probably the retaining wall would do its job on top of the retaining wall we have a plan for erosion control blanket and more deep rooted grasses to help secure that area but the the fiber rolls would start right at this right along the side of that retaining wall okay so you you do need to modify your plan so that it reflects it properly because it does look like it goes all the way to the pathway um okay let's see do I have anything else um I think I'll let everybody else chime in if they'd like anybody Bob uh hi uh I was out there uh yesterday and uh um the kyak the kayak rack was on the initial order is that going to be going in I will have to ask okay and also um there was a white skiff on the uh Marsh on the grasses um does that belong to the homeowner I will ask that as as well um that shouldn't really be on that area because it's going to do more harm and create more a wave action you know if the grasses and the marsh die um so uh that has to be secured away from the from those grasses and the marsh okay um thank you okay Katherine has her hand up so I'm going to Katherine go ahead yes um uh Madam chair the one other item that we had um that would should be brought up is that you have the fibral but you don't have any nourishment over them so how long would you expect them to last cuz fibral will break down pretty quickly with the UV light and um not being covered and the ones that sit in front like the ones that are seaward of the vegetation are pretty much in the water and so the consistent salt water will break them down pretty fast as well uh so I just I guess I wanted more information on whether they will be nourishment or any cover any thing to make the fiber rols last more than one to two seasons yes so the nourishment the depth is at least 12 in um is to come to cover the fiber rolls at at all parts of the array and then we're using erosion control blanket and then seating um to to keep that nourishment there the nourishment over the both sets of fiber rolls the one's cord and the one's landward exactly okay so I don't believe that was in the um request or on the plan right and that will need to be possible I didn't okay I put it in the letter but I can add it to the plan definitely I will make a note of that okay um anybody else I was I was wondering when we were looking at this together I was wondering if there was any consideration made to do the plantings a little higher up on the bank if that would allow the fiber rolls at the bottom to not be on the high tide line be farther up or is that not a possibility the back plantings yes I was hoping to have the additional backers plantings in the line of the current ones because I could tell that the current ones were really doing a great job in keeping the bank from eroding so I have the Backus um where the existing is thriving my goal for higher up the bank would be more plantings of um the beach grass and some panicum some deep rooted native grasses there and then maybe we would supplement with a couple more baby bab Berry or Beach Plum but for the most part my thinking with the backis was it's doing a great job where it is let's plant more of it in the same area to to help with this erosion problem okay thank you so if you're thinking you're planting grasses and maybe some Bay Berry those aren't reflected on your plan or mentioned anywhere so that also should be added okay um I can definitely sketch something onto the plan of where where we would be putting all this seed mix would be for um once we put the sand down then we would seed and then we would use the erosion control blanket I'm sorry if that wasn't specified in the letter I thought oh yeah it is in the letter on the last paragraph but I will definitely put it um on the plan as well right because we use the plan to know where you know where things should be placed when you come back for a certificate of completion absolutely that makes sense and I can make those updates so I mean I do see in the last paragraph you know you say American beach grass and I if you want what you can do for that is um because it's a lot of it just say you know put in your construction notes that you know what how you intend to use that you don't have to have them all pictured on the site plan just where they're going and and you know how they'll be used okay okay yeah thank you but we are going to have to continue this does anybody yes Eric yeah it's just hard for me to get a picture until the Wall's removed that's that wasn't allowed um and put it back to where it was and then come up with a better plan on where the fiber rolls go and the planting um because the water could have gone around the wall didn't necessarily go over the wall uh High tie but I mean people have a hard enough applicants have a hard enough time applying for bulkheads it's basically a bulkhead um yeah so you know it should be removed before this goes any further in my opinion thanks thank you um anybody else all right um so our meetings are October 2nd which is next week October 9th or the 23rd of October what do you have a preference uh we're not hearing you Lindsay if you're talking oh I'm sorry I'm just looking at the schedule I I think the ninth should work okay and that should give me time to talk to the homeowner about these different issues okay then we need a motion I I move that we continue 1070 Orleans Road to October 9th 2024 second okay Paul hi Cheryl I Elise I Eric hi Bob hi and I say I okay thank you thank you for your time thank you okay Katherine the next okay moving on to the notices of intent the following is a notice of intent at 500 Shore Road map 16g parcel 3 D- A5 for the Heather for Heather Butler DP SE number 10- 3681 for construction of beach access stairs within the pedestrian access easement located at at 500 Shore Road the applicant has requested a continuation into the October 9th hearing okay then we just need uh uh motion please I move that we continue 500 Shore Road to the meeting on October 9th 2024 second Paul I Cheryl I leise I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay then we're on to the next the following is a notice of int at 73 Kent Road map 12j parcel G4 for Jessica guo and Philip Chu DSE number 10- 3700 for reconstruction of a peer within land subject to title action how are you good afternoon David Clark Clark engineering on behalf of the guo um and Teresa sprag is here uh uh for if you have any questions on the previously permitted uh mitigation plantings for the house construction um so we originally filed this notice intent to replace the pier uh it's a licensed structure um being licensed I think in 1981 uh it's a permanent Pier there are uh we had originally proceeded with um making repairs to the pier but uh Anchor Marine took a look at it and and felt that um repairing it was was not an option the piles of uh of uh seriously deteriorated right at the mudline um so they all need to be replaced um so that's what the notice intents for [Music] um the pier will be uh installed in the the same position same n number of pilings uh um the only change is that uh the float will be reduced to what was permitted under the 81 license I think it's 2 feet too long at the moment um we did uh submit this to the division marine fisheries they provided a comment letter um regarding Eel Grass uh I was down there yesterday and uh and I didn't see any Eel Grass within 20 ft of this structure uh even on the outboard end of the float um so I don't think Eel Grass is going to be an issue um construction will be from a barge um and they only work uh when the barge is afloat on a incoming tide um and that work will be done in the winter time um prior to the uh spawning season of horseshoe crab which was mentioned in the DMF uh letter that's typic I think May and June um so we will be done and out of there long before uh the horseshoe crab season um I think that's about it there was uh two uh uh file number letters from D the first one um talked about a w water quality sht for the uh for the work that's being proposed um and I question that and they um sent a revised one uh not uh eliminating the water quality C requirement so uh if there's any questions on the peer be happy to answer them um one question I had was uh in your application you said that I'm trying to find it um the existing pair is in substantial compliance with the licing plan except for the float which is 2 feet longer than the 12T permitted M it looks like on the plan you're still saying I'm calling and out as an existing float but uh it will have to be uh okay reduced in size the plan shows it as being the same size oh SHO um just died so we need the plan updated so that it says the existing float maybe will be you know shortened by 2 feet or something you know I know you're trying to show existing but at the same time this is what we're using understood so that would be great and then um what material you you discussed what the you know materials are for I think the supports but not for the actual Pier I'm going to replace it in kind it's all pressure treated pressure treated okay just I wanted to make sure that in kind truly meant what the material was and not replaced with um some other material in but in the same spot okay um we do have an Butters letter and it says it's from Sandra and Joshua Shapiro and it says we are writing in support of an application to be discussed at the Conservation Commission meeting on September 25th 2024 application is being made by our neighbors Jessica go go I don't know and Philip Chu of 73 Kent Road chadam Miss guo or whatever and Mr Chu proposed to construct a pier in Ryder's Cove that is close to our section of the shoreline as letters we have no objection to the project indeed we are happy to see the area improving and wish them luck with the project so I just wanted that to be noted um there was something about the land containing shellfish in the application so do we need a letter from shellfish okay that's not my decision oh oh yes Crystal I did submit it to Ted and Renee okay and I I haven't gotten anything back I can ask them again tomorrow okay perfect okay just wanted to make sure we covered that um anybody else my computer died um go ahead Eric yeah it's a beautiful planting plan uh the only thing I noticed there was um I know I'm a stickler about this I saw an old silt fence there was that silt fence part of there for the construction of the house yes um is that going to be removed after the planting or after the plantings of the only reason why I asked is because I I I don't like this building debris left on SES uh it's supposed to be left naturalized and I just went to another site where they had a Sil fence it passed a certificate Appliance before I was here and now it's on the beach um littering the uh the the beach and the waves are taking it in and out um so yeah so all the stakes um temporary irrigation um silk fences trash has to be removed before the certificate of compliance thank you so um the other half of this uh application is to install the mitigation plantings that were part of yes the order um if there's any questions on that I'll try to answer but Teresa is here um but we haven't changed the thing uh on that that was what was approved under the previous order um what happened was the house was delayed over a year and getting started uh Tesa didn't get involved with the project till this past February or January and uh and did the removal the the stabilization of the slope um and if you've been out there the sto the slope is very stable at the moment um and it's just waiting for Teresa to get back and and install the plants as permitted previously okay um it did look identical to what you had in the previous it's exact same material nothing's changed um I don't know if anybody has any questions about that go ahead Bob um there's a dead Pine I don't know if Teresa is aware that but there's a dead Pine right along the walkway down to the down to the beach and is that going to be removed there were two they were in total on the walkway leading from the swimming pool down to the beach we had removed three four five there were six actually pitch Pines large pitch Pines that were dead I thought all of the Dead pitch Pines were removed there is one remaining just before um where the old swimming pool was located um and I know that it's was in poor condition the last time I was there it was not entirely dead the last time that I was out at the site so um but I have not been out there since probably early June yeah this was more towards uh maybe the middle of the walkway uh leading down to the stairway so there's one more de already gone those are already gone yeah but I think this one was remaining I will check that and obviously if the tree is dead it's right near the walkway it's a hazard and um we would like to remove it we do have we are replanting back um eight service Berry um three Eastern red Cedars White Oak and um Red Oak and there's still a number of canopy trees um left on the area so yes so you have more than enough plants than to cover it I think so I mean we're we're putting in um a total of let me see 319 shrubs 15 trees yeah okay yep okay and um I just had a question about the U the pier or the dock I don't know which is which is which which is the difference yeah as far as water ways is a concern it's a it's a peer okay anything that goes past the mean high water mark is a pier um I noticed at the beach David uh there's a void of uh eel grass or what have you right right by the where it starts Y is that from all the wave action off the structure that causes that I look back on Google Earth images all 20 years and and and it it looks like it's getting better um so I I the previous owner was there for a number of decades prior to uh having the application for the the pier uh in 81 so um I I think they probably probably just used the beach as a launching area till they got the the pier um but I have no documentation of that is there any way that area can be improved um with uh plantings and if so would would they remain after you planted I'm not the one to ask I am happy Teresa's here today because she's done but I don't know if she's had has taken a look at that salt Mar so are we looking at the area just below the wall uh no took a look at my plan okay yeah so there a there's a void on the salt marsh on on the east side of them okay that's above the above the bulkhead yeah so there's the bulkhead okay below the bulkhead the bulkhead and there a there a void um I I have have to be honest Bob I haven't taken a close look at that but I would like to because I I'm looking at the um D where David picked up the existing Marsh Grass and it's interesting the only thing I'm wondering is if that's an area that people may be walking to access the water it I I would imagine that it's still being used uh to to launch small craft um and uh so right right from the beach itself yeah that that's just based on the Gap that I'm looking at on the survey that's what it would appear here but I without being out there and looking at it directly I can't say okay so maybe uh if we take a look at it again yeah and I think ideally um if access to that area stopped the salt marsh grass would fill in but I have to see what's left there for soil um so I'd like to yeah I can absolutely take a look at that okay Y and uh on that note uh there were a couple of um I don't know what the what they were surfboards or whatever on the stairway itself it couldn't really get by them um are there any um racks or anything like that or could could racks be incorporated into the new structure I I think if I'm remembering correctly they actually had two spots on either side and I think maybe in the prev the recent storm maybe they fell off so maybe they need to do something better I can't remember think I remember like they were intentionally they were across that's what I'm okay I'm remembering the correct one no that's no that's the one off the street oh with them yeah oh these were just laying that's right so yeah it would be nice to have a rack for those obviously they're not on the ground now but it would be nice to have a I'm sure they'd like to have a spot where they could keep them that's not sitting on the dock or on the steps really it's not the dock or Pier off the stairway maybe um we'll we'll take a look at it okay um since I have to submit a revised plan I I will uh ask him about that also just as an aside um we get a a something from the uh permitting coordinator and she said the plan provided for the Reconstruction of the pier does not indicate the length of the pier as measured from the mean high water including the stairs ramp and Float a special permit is required for the Reconstruction of the pre-existing non-conforming Pier I think the non-conforming could that be the float that is to longer bigger than what was originally approved no it makes no sense to me because um I don't think we've ever had to file for with a zoning board of appeals to replace a lawfully existing structure in the same place that's why I'm reading it to you will find out what's going so I don't know but that's what she said so you might want to look into I me what's I mean there'd be no basis for zba to say no I mean ex it has to be replaced exactly so you might want to okay ask them all right I will find out it's out of my area thank god um anything else one last question go ahead ER did you take these pictures Dave uh yes I knew it I could tell by your silhouette it was you I looked at I said yeah he's taking those pictures how funny oh my goodness quite a big Shadow huh no it's a it's a good St okay so we're going to have to continue yep so when would you like to continue to um two weeks okay so to the 9th y okay if we could I move that we continue 73 Kent Road to October 9th 2024 second okay Paul I Cheryl I Elise I Eric I Bob I and I say I thank you thank you okay Catherine we're ready we're ready next notice 7 10 application for zero stage Harbor Road and zero Morris Island maps 12 A3 and 13 A3 Parcels Dyke 1 and Dyke 2 for the town of chadam Natural Resources department dsse number 10- 3693 for temporary groins veins and Beach nourishment the applicant has requested a continuous to the October 23rd 2024 hearing okay I move that we continue zero stage Harbor Road and zero Morris Island uh to October 23rd 2024 second Paul hi Cheryl hi Elise hi Eric hi Bob hi and I say I okay next okay the following is the notice of intent at 4 Harbor View Road map 8A parcel H49 for Roger and Elaine moral D SE number 10- 3699 for invasive plant species control and native plant restoration on and adjacent to a Coastal Bank I'm GNA move over here in case David wants to join us Teresa sprag with blue Flex design here in behalf of um Roger and elain moral and they are in the audience and David Clark is here he did the site plan and filed the notice of intent application but since this is mainly vegetation management um I will do what I can without David's assistance if possible um so I you are familiar with this project David was here um before the commission um several months ago um for the um Redevelopment or um of the swimming pool area and at that time the Commissioners had gone out to the site and had noted um a significant amount of invasive vegetation as well as um pruned oak trees um on the other side of the swimming pool fence to so to on the southern portion of the lot so um they had asked or or you had asked for us to um come forward with a Land Management plan and this is what we're presenting to you today um I'll go over briefly the existing conditions on the site um basically we're looking at an approximately 6,300 foot area mainly within the 50-ft buffer zone though there's a small portion of management area on the Coastal Bank itself um the property at for Harbor View um is located near Harding's Beach the house sits in the Upland area above Harding Beach to the Southwest um we have back barrier salt marsh that are flooded and drained by oyster Rivers resource areas on the site include land subject to Coastal storm Flowage Coastal Bank and Associated buffer zones to the Coastal Bank there um has not been any critical natural landscapes or endangered um uh priority habitat located by nhp on the property um however nhp does identify values offsite in the Beach dunes and salt marsh areas that support important ecological prop processes um the Coastal Bank um and salt marsh Community um transition gradually into Juniper Woodland on the coastal B Bank Beach Grass mixed with gold Seaside Golden Rod little blue stem poison ivy significant amount of poison ivy located on the lower portions of the Coastal Bank there are some concentrations of eastern red cedar scrub Oak Bayberry Black Cherry Beach Plum Arrowood viburnum and be Berry which we have used as our pallet for the restoration area within the 50ft buffer zone at the top of the Coastal Bank just outside the fenced area um there have been a number of trees that were pruned down repeatedly top to maintain views um these previously topped Oaks have formed dense upper canopies and are mixing um with Honeys suckle and Border privet which is creating a really dense Thicket at that in that area um virtually all of the pruned Oaks are suffering from fungal diseases um and have been damaged in declining health and additionally it's shading out any of the ground cover so just outside of this area we have a really healthy ground cover of um carck pennsylvanica little blue stem um bear Berry reindeer lyans Etc what you'd expect to find in this sort of back dun Coastal Bank situation um that is not occurring in the area where the invasive species have um completely overrun the area um our goals here are to um basically to improve wildlife habitat value by removing the invasive vegetation to limit and um eliminate further disturbance by establishing a densely planted shrubland community that will not require or encourage um pruning in order to maintain existing views and then of course ensuring with that that the Coastal Bank remains stable and is able to function um as a vertical buffer to storm Waters so we um have identified and and flagged in the field 11 previously pruned Oaks and we did provide some um images of these oak trees um on page four of Our Land Management plan on the bottom leand corner um you can see what those um trees look like in Winter um when they did not have foliage on them um they are not um good candidates for Copus regeneration or for them becoming a canopy tree anytime in the future and they cannot continue to be pruned um and maintain a healthy tree um and of course we want to eliminate the pruning because in the area where the pruning has been happening is where we find the densest concentrations of invasive vegetation so we did flag 11 trees um in the field they have been noted with pink flagging I don't know if if any of the Commissioners had an opportunity to go out there and walk behind the fence I understand it is really dense and it's difficult to get in there I tried yes it's it's it's that's all I'll say very thick um in addition to that we did did see three Canopy Oaks that um are on the Coastal Bank that we have flagged we had flagged those with green flagging tape we're proposing to flush cut those and allow them to regrow into a healthy form we think that they can regrow unlike the 11 that we tagged with pink flagging that we're proposing to flush cut treat and then plant the area um uh any of the previously flush cut scrub Oaks are going to be encouraged to regenerate um into that shrub form to maintain biomass and wildlife habitat um and addition to that we're going to be removing um Asiatic bitter Suite shrub honeysuckle vine Honeysuckle and common border privet and then infilling those with Airwood by Burnham Beach Plum Bayberry and Virginia Rose um we're going to add one Eastern red cedar um for just Improvement of the eastern red seeders seem to be thriving in this area so we're proposing to add an additional and then in the area on the Eastern portion of the lot where we've got a really nice native ground cover of um carck pennsylvanica and bearberry we are proposing to just infill some of the bare spots with um butterfly milked um again for additional habitat Improvement so I'm happy to answer any questions I think the overall idea of this plan is that we're once this area is restored there will be no disturbance within the 50 Foot no disturb Zone um so that the um homeowners can continue to enjoy the views that they currently have but not have to do any additional pruning or any additional Management in that area to maintain that thank you so you say you're removing 11 oak trees which I don't know where they are because I you haven't marked them um but you're only putting in One Tree correct because we're in filling that area with um 30 Beach Plum 30 Bay Berry um 42 I'm sorry 42 Beach Plum 30 Bayberry 30 Virginia Rose and aoid by burum so the idea is the areas where we're REM removing those previously cut Oaks is the area where they've been being heavily pruned so we want to keep that area heavily vegetated but just eliminate pruning it's just that you're taking out a lot of trees and you're not putting trees back in and we have that and it's in the ndz so it's really a two for one for each tree so I the only the only issue or concern yes is these trees have been maintained almost as shrubs now for many many years this isn't something that has just occurred over the last couple of years oh no I get that and and the problem is they didn't come for a permit to prune them which shouldn't have happened to create that view so and now because of the pruning that we wouldn't have wanted now they're being taken out right I the only other thing I would say is if you look at the pictures um that we provided it's really difficult to categorize these as trees um I know they have yes they were trees at one point so we have we have definitely have a problem and that we're trying to solve in a oh and I get it is protective of the buffer zone um in perpetuity versus planting trees that are very likely going to be requested to be cut in the future for Vista management into a Vista Corridor what I was sort of hoping is maybe they could go down the sides so the other thing is is that the areas um what once we get out of this area that we've shaded in green and again it's somewhat conceptual we we do have a dense canopy of Oaks pitch Pines and Eastern red Cedars um and so our goal is to not disturb any of that to really only focus on the area that's been previously Disturbed which is mainly just outside of the fence the pool fencing so I'm going to let others okay tackle some so go ahead Eric yeah as far as the trees to two to one um I look forward to I look into moving forward forget about what's been done the The Oaks I definitely agree they should be cut down the ones that are have the uh but we're that two to one is is kind of a stickler because uh if we don't do it with you and then some well we didn't do it on Old Harbor so I mean you can put in small Cedars I mean we'll all be in our Graves 20 years by the time a cedar tree gets to where it's going to be an issue with anything growing around it you can put 4 foot in maybe two to one four Footers uh I do love the milked I wish you would use more milked in your plans um uh so I think you know it's doable uh you know just you got to just you got to put in some more cedars in there I mean you can spread them around okay you know thank you anyone else Cheryl I was pleased to see the milk wheed too great I've actually been looking recently thought how can they just never show up on plan so you must have been thinking just that so thank you y you are leaving some oak trees that are going to be allowed to become oak trees again we are yes Absolut those are you leaving in this area so I did not do a count let me see if there's a count of the scrub Oak I don't think we specifically counted the scrub Oak that had been previously kushed we we really just counted the trees that we were actually proposing to remove or manage yeah but some will be are they going to be cut down and then just allowed to reestablish yes there is the 11 that we specifically called out that just cannot be REM managed into any kind of a healthy form of tree got okay thank you Bob do you have anything no not really I mean I think it's a good project it is wipe out a lot of invasives and replant um oh well that's I to say on your plan y you said 30 Bayberry and 30 Virginia Rose and on your plan it says 29 it's I know I was rounding up sorry 29 just so I could give you a quick number so it's it's 80 80 shrubs to or 83 shrubs total okay I just wanted to make sure that it's accurate it is accurate it's are proposing 29 but if you'd prefer 30 we can throw in an extra no no no I just want to make sure it's reflected properly yes no thank you I I should have been very clear that I try and make it a little easier for the when they go for the COC and all of that um but no I I'm glad to see this happening definitely definely um and given that it it was impossible for me to try and get in and I tried from all different ways but I said oh this isn't happening I it definitely needs to happen Y and so I I very much appreciate that um so the only real issue is the trees so we're going to have to continue okay I so you all can consider it and see I mean maybe you can figure out you know I get wanting the view yes of course and you pay a lot for the view but maybe on the sides you know something that's and as Eric said something that's not going to grow it's still a tree you know an underst story tree that's not going to affect yes their view but yet meets our requirements because the problem is as Eric said you know we start forgiving and and it steamrolls and given that 11 are coming out and I understand they're not viable yeah but at the same time they would be if they hadn't been pruned mhm I wonder if we were to plant some container size Cedars um that would be seems like it would be adequate yes something okay so that would be great so when would you like to I think we can make these changes relatively quickly um what's your next hearing date our next hearing is next week okay October 2nd then we have October 9th yes and then we have October 23rd so I think October 9th I I think if we were to get we would have had to have plans in today with revisions for you for next week's hearing well actually for next weeks you would have you you'd have till Friday but not you know du the 9th so I have an opportunity also to to talk to the morals so then if we could have a motion please I move that we continue for Harbor View Road to October 9th 2024 second okay Paul I Cheryl I Elise I Eric I and Bob hi and I say I thank you okay Catherine the next okay the following the following is a of intent at 102 Cedar Street map 13c parcel 40-10 for Michael FR D SE number 10- 3701 for proposed Shoreline stabilization okay uh do we have anybody I didn't look to see who this is I think it's Crawford Crawford yeah is there anybody online the bottom of the list is bottom of the list is getting full we keep pushing things know that's what I'm getting well at this point we're almost almost at the end so we would just continue it to another day I think if we if nobody's on and I'm not seeing that anybody is um unless why don't we just move it to the bottom one last time okay we can move move it it's only going to be after one more property so I mean we will actually we got two that went to the bottom before this one yeah right so yeah one more property and then we have the other two okay so delay it or let's table it and we'll try I move that we table 102 Cedar Street for later in the meeting today second Paul hi Cheryl hi uh Elise hi Eric hi Bob hi and I say I okay that can right down all right Catherine okay the following is a notice of intent at 2117 Woodland way map 11k parcel H c125 for John and Paul perlowski DS number 10- 3702 construction of a Swimming Pool and Patio within the buffer zone to a Coastal Bank David are you David Clark uh Clark engineering on half of for the prosis so by the way Jeff norio is in the audience now he sped down here from Orleans I imagine to to be here in person thank you well that's you were on we just couldn't hear we saw you no that you were like frozen throw Frozen in Time throw something at you will be next just so you know we'll do yours next since you sped down here thank you all right so um the plais have owned this home for quite a while um they they bought it from Eastward companies were the original developer um and they've been very good stewards of the property um over the last few years they've been supplementing the uh Native plantings um on the water side of the house um because they felt they needed uh more plants there uh not an anticipation of any project um but we here today um they'd like to install a swimming pool um in the 50 100 foot buffer um it's primarily within an area that's that's lawn now uh and so uh to keep the grading to a minimum uh we're proposing a retaining wall around the pool so we can create a a level area um um the issue becomes uh we're over the 35% maximum uh in your regulations so we're requesting a variance for that um Phil Cheney is provided a mitigation plan to uh fill in what little areas are left in the 500 um to provide additional uh Native plantings in that area um and as part of the requirements for the variant is a is a Alternatives analysis um and the purposes of the project is to have a swimming pool in uh in close proximity to the house um the way the house is laid out we have a um a garage on the on the uh east side of the house um get that right East yep east side of the house with a large uh parking area um the title 5 septic system so really the only other place to put the pool is to the right of the driveway as you come in and uh that meets none of the project goals of the the applicants it's too far away from the house um there's no privacy uh and for safety reasons um it's can be very difficult to keep an eye on anybody that's using the pool so uh we're showing the pool in the 50 to 100 and again um we're asking for the variance to be over the 35% did we receive a variance letter requesting it it's it's in the narrative yeah it's in the narrative but I think Paul likes a separate letter requesting the variance just a two-line statement asking for the variance I guess okay um yeah I could do that thank you and oops um I have a few things um when it's excavated where is the material going it all has to go offsite there there's there's a little bit of regrading but it's not much I mean a foot of uh material at the at the Bas I think in your work protocol you say that that's happening that it is going off site yeah there there is no place to put it and it's not needed for ex um how are they going to get equipment to that spot I had to walk down some steps they either have to build a construction access over the retaining wall on the south side of the house um or um put some steel plate over over the septic system and and and try to get equipment around um the north side of the house but um even then they're going to be limited to small equipment so I would imagine what they'll have to do is uh is is bring an excavator down around the north side of the house and then that excavator is going to have to uh stockpile material at the base of the wall on the south side of the house and there'll be another excavator there to reach over and pick the stuff up and put it in the dump truck um so there will be quite a bit of disturbance um there'll be lawn it's mostly all lawn where where the Machinery is going to have to make their runs um it's all lawn now uh between the base of the wall and the north side of the house and then uh there is a corridor on the south side of the house that's all lawn and walkway so yes there will be disturbance of lawn now I'll get to my biggest issue you're 46% yeah and that's significantly above 35% that we allow and I understand your Alternatives analysis that they want to have a view at their pool but I do think personally that there are is a better location which is the front of the house and I I disagree that there's no privacy but having said that another option is to decrease the size of what they want to put in um I just 46 is way over and you know you're building walls you're you know retaining walls you're you you've got your semi-pervious um P you know patio you've got this bigger pool it's a lot that's just my opinion and I'm only one commissioner so I'm going to let others chime in um yeah I can chime in a little bit yeah I'm usually pretty you know open-minded to to to these things uh I have to Gree with the chair I you know we this this 35 we keep bending bending between the 50 to the 100 um we kind of you know we're we're stuck on this 35% and and as follows Alternatives you know I do think the front of I mean I can't imagine the cost is amazing to me versus you you don't even have to deal with mitigation plantings and walls and and as far as keeping an eye I look down up there it's I you know it's not that easy to keep an eye unless just standing at the window looking down at him person in the pool all day and as far as U uh privacy you could easily plant a uh you know arbite hedge on the street side for privacy and make a nice little swimming pool compound out there yet you're out of jurisdiction with us you don't have to deal with us and the uh I mean we're running out of mitigation we got mitigation not even contiguous with with with with with the rest of it um I you know I just don't feel good about this one you know um that's all I got to say thanks anybody else Bob yeah I mean I was going to say uh reduce the size that's that that was where I was going to come from um even you have you have patio here and then you have the pool so could you could easily reduce the size of this if they want it in the same location um that's where I'm coming from okay before I call anybody else Katherine has her hand up so Katherine go ahead yes so uh my comments on it are just more of the really defining or delineating how you're going to access and giving us more of a description how you're going to access both sides of the house because there's a mitigation planting on the one side and then there's the pool on the other side and if you were you have to kind of access both so that you don't go into the ndz with the equipment for either one and just with all the slopes and everything I think we just need a little more information on the work protocol for the size the equipment the spacing the area that's going to be taken up that's going to be disturbed during this because there's some it's really nicely vegetated um on the seword side of that existing patio so I wouldn't want to see all that area get Disturbed for the construction thank you anybody else Cheryl Elise Paul any I'm with smaller as well or um or moving it I guess I hadn't really thought they do have a lovely front yard it'd be a shame it's a lovely presentation so I can see why they want to put it someplace else but the option is to make it smaller I think or to I know smaller because I was looking at these I was thinking this was patio but these are shrubs that are so you don't gain anything by taking those up Paul anything at leas I thought smaller this the minute I looked at the plan so that that would be my thought as well okay so we have three that a lot want smaller want smaller so I was going to get a poll of of the commission is is it a wasted effort to come back with a smaller pool or if you put it in the front you can make a monster pool well you could have water slides so I I mean I would start yeah I would start with smaller and see I don't think I don't know that it's a waste I won't call it a waste of time I I am concerned and then is Phil around to talk about I I I don't see him on he's not because I I have some concerns about how he's drawn all of this and he has mitigation in two areas and then he has what he calls um invasive plant management well well part of his his work is going into the an area that has previously been a restoration area so he's sort of and the only reason I questioned and looked was there's a low split rail fence along the patio and I went that's got to be demarking a a previous mitigation and putting one little 214t mitig and he calls that's all he calls mitigation planting near the pool yet he's got a lot of other planting which I'm not sure why he's not calling that mitigation okay and then on the other side of the house we get some more and if they're approaching from that side to get to get things to the pool or from the pool or anything they might be going where we have previous mitigation SL restoration so that was a concern of mine if you can let him know and I don't know if anybody else has any other concerns for Phil's I'll have him watch the tap on this as well um but uh uh speak to Eric's comment about we make the pool as large as we want on the North by the street that's true um but at the end of the day it's the same habitat I mean just because there a 50ft line and 100 foot line it's the same habitat I agree I mean so I don't think we're saying make a larger pool or anything where was you know as an Alternatives analysis that was presented as the only other alternative and I get that because there isn't a lot of other alternatives on this property the way it's done with the patio which is lovely and everything um you really are kind of stuck with only two two options okay so how about the last meeting in October okay that is October 23rd so if we could have a motion K I got Karen I got something quick please I'm sorry that's all right uh the uh the field between the um the residents and the and the uh Shoreline has some invasives in it um maybe some bittersweet from here to there that could be part of the mitigation as well I I think that's ultimately what what Phil was getting at in his invasive management some things have crept in there over the last 10 years okay on his plan actually um what was it really only 510 is true mitigation those two green spots and then he said the rest 460 is invasive management okay think he's planning on some of that being his mitigation y so I'll get CL clarification okay okay I move that we continue 217 Woodland way to October 23rd 2024 second Paul hi Cheryl hi Elise hi uh Eric hi Bob hi and I say hi okay Catherine I think let's go back to whichever um um Jeff noro is there now correct yeah so let's do 509 Riverview okay so the following is a field change request for 509 Riverview Drive map 7j parcel C6 for Scott Barrett and Kimberly Summers D SE number 10- 3687 for construction of access stairs over Coastal Bank field change requested is in regards to special condition number two which requires an elevation of no less than 36 in above grade because of multiple Landings each preceding stair flight would compound an elevation a typical stair would begin 3 to four feet above grade then return to near grade at each platform thank you hi je Jeff Mar so essentially what we're looking for is a 3-ft average right instead of a 3ft minimum I think it's understandable yes um are there any questions about that so if you could go into a little more detail how you're achieving that I I talked to Paul earlier today so it was explained to me but not everybody's had that um conversation with Paul so it would be great so typically you want your Stairway to be a little bit steeper than the bank so that it's continually returning back to the ground and and then you push out with the next platform and I'll adjust those platforms and length to get the required height at the top of the stairs and then you want to return back if they're the same slope as the hill and you hit a platform it pushes the stairs out again and then the next platform again so by the time we get to the bottom our handrails would be 10 11 12 feet off the ground so I'd like to avoid that by bringing the the bottom ends closer so when I do these stairs we lay it out with strings and stakes and Boards so I've done that and I have it all proved out and it it worked out to be about four feet off the ground at the tops and about 2 feet off the grounds at the bottom and then I take all those measurements and build the stairway offsite in a kit and we bring it to the the site and erect it so it minimizes quite a bit of disturbance on the site uh so I have it laid out now and it all seem to work fine if you're in agreement with a a three-foot average go ahead Eric no fine with me anybody Bob I was just GNA ask uh you're planning on putting a k kayak rack at the bottom as well yes but we'd like to figure out the flow pattern first the traffic pattern and then determine the best location for that they're working with um the conservation foundation for how to cross their property um so I think we're going to determine that after construction terrific because no one's really been to the bottom of the hill yet to figure out the Dynamics okay great uh and it'll most likely be something um hanging off the existing stair platform okay great your work is pretty impressive thank you anybody else all right if we could have a motion please are we going to an order no we approve the okay the field change request I make a motion to approve the field change request for 509 River Riverview Drive second okay Paul Hi Sheryl I Elise I Eric I and Bob I and I say I okay okay you're all set Jen Crawford oh sorry go ahead Katherine Jen Jen Crawford is now on the call so I was going to go next to that 102 seat or if that's okay perfect okay so the following is a notice of intent at 102 Cedar Street map 13c parcel 40-10 from Michael frle dsse number 10- 3701 for proposed Shoreline stabilization okay hi Jen hi um I'm I'm so sorry I apologize for uh not being here when you called me the first time that's okay it's been a busy day um I I do want to correct something though the um the name is not forol on this one that is a that is the 44 Nickerson uh property okay so I don't know if that makes any difference in the way that it was put on the on your agenda I don't know oh huh okay it's the right it's the right address but it's the wrong name I don't know okay we'll correct that next time but all right um so with this project um there are actually two existing uh orders of conditions on this project one of them is still valid one of them is uh older um we were not involved in the um in the older of the orders so to speak it to my understanding had to do with some work up around the house um that uh some was completed some was never undertaken um and the second order of conditions that is open on this property I believe that the expiration is coming up very soon on this um but that order of conditions was for some Bank restoration for the majority of the upper portion of the bank um and so we were involved in that and we have actively um been working in that in that permit and so um with this uh particular filing that we have in front of you um the uh Coastal Bank has had some uh basically just some some toe scour over the past uh few years I know we submitted uh some photos along with our project narrative for you and I'm happy to share those if um if you don't have them up for on the screen uh but basically this this project what we're asking to be able to do is just to reestablish that toe uh using uh cor fiber rolls um replant it and kind of tie the top of it in with the um existing restoration area which is there and doing well um it it's that's really what this project is um we would access the project around as you're looking at the plan around the the left side of the house um and uh we would use the same type of equipment we use on every project we would use small track excavator um we have a typical uh section detail the majority of that toe really only needs three fiber rolls there's one section um at the end that needs four um and that's what's shown in our our typical section cut detail um we would establish limit of work and filt fence uh at the bottom um I do know that there is a provision I believe and Crystal I know has our hand raised and can probably clarify this as well um but I I know that there's a provision I believe in one of the other orders that says uh that says you won't give us a new order until those old orders are closed out correct um or something to that effect so we have um I am preparing two certificates of compliance to submit to you for those old orders the one of them uh like I said is is just about to expire for the restoration work so we did include restoration notes from that order to just carry on forward with this and I'm assuming that you would also allow ongoing conditions to maintain that um with the first order of conditions that we weren't involved in that isn't really for any type of work that we would do um we do I believe have an accurate understanding of the work that was completed versus the work that was never undertaken um and the survey that we have for this project is it's the existing conditions now so therefore it's the as built so to speak for that um for that permit so I do have that information and we will be submitting it to you I just haven't had time to read through it and to finalize it um for submission okay so that's I mean honestly that's kind of that's everything in a nutshell so I am happy to talk through any of these various items for this property that I can um help answer questions about okay um Crystal has her hand up so go ahead Crystal I just wanted to ask Jen to revise the cover letter yes um because it says on behalf of our client Michael roli that would be where it comes from exactly I was just about to say that that got it it just we must have used the same template as we did for the last filing so thank you so much I did not catch that in our cover letter I will make sure that that is corrected thank you okay thank you y and Crystal did I accurately kind of summarize those other two um orders based on your knowledge of them yeah the one that's about to expire I believe is the one that's being rolled into the one um and since it's of the same it's pretty much the same project I know D wants them closed out yep two open projects of the same kind um and then the other one is fully expired so that one should have a certificate of compliance to close it out and get it off of the property yep and I'll give you as much information on that one as as we're a to like I said we weren't involved and it's a different engineer that's working with us on this project so um I'll give you as much information as I can gather and um if there are additional questions I'll just have to slth them out with whoever I can okay sounds good so tagging on to that since we are rolling some of the one previous the se30 se10 - 3505 um into this is there a way to identify where that portion of the work is going versus the other part which is the new application so that it's it's already noted on our plan actually um it's the portion of the bank that that's hatched and it we did reference that se number in that area and that was taken directly from the from the old plan but I'm seeing both sides say their existing restoration area SE 10- 3505 so all of that is the existing so from that permit yes right so what is the part you're doing the little gray at the bottom it's the f it's really the fiber roll installation at the bottom correct okay and these clusters that you have marked that are coming out there's three clusters in your area that I think are being removed if I'm not yeah okay and when you say a cluster is that trees it's um I I'll have to ask Andy honestly what the species is but you can see them or the nature of them in the photos that were submitted with in the narrative um they're they're basically like multi- stem shrubs it looks like on the photos it looks like one of them is um is service Berry it looks like there's potentially one of them a blueberry um but they're you know kind of half in the uh yeah they're kind of half I'm trying to find the photos so maybe I'll oh you passed it I think yeah I did I have it up on my screen if it's helpful I can share it would be help I can get it there it is I'll start sharing it um I didn't want to make everybody dizzy as I went up running up and down um there you go I think that's what you're talking about all right because I just want to make sure because if they're considered trees then we need to have trees put in so yep understood okay I'm going to let others go I have a couple comments go ahead um the the surface Berry and the blueberry after you put the rolls in why can't you just tuck the soil up underneath them and keep them um because the whole area has to be kind of regraded and prepped to accept the fiber rolls and the fiber rolls are uh 20 in in diameter so they the fiber rolles don't get applied to necessarily what's there we have to even it out and move that stuff out of the way so that we can put the fiber rolls on um the desired slope and anchor them into to uh basically um soils that haven't been touched right um I I get it so you'll have to put in two to one when the time comes I think we included um I believe that we included uh some planting on our plans for you we have um we have 12 uh large shrubs going in there black choke six black chokeberry six plethora um at the top to kind of knit together with that existing v um restoration area from the previous permit and we also have um uh around a thousand um plugs of American beach grass and uh quite a number of um transitional High transitional Marsh uh and Native grasses going in the installation itself yeah no it looks like a good uh so on the certificate of compliance which project is involved with the with the uh fence that's on the beach floating in and out high tide and low tide so that that is just for the limit of work while we are install the old the old excuse me the old silk fence that was used in the previous project is down on the beach floating in and out of the water during high high tide and low tide um that will be something that you mean like as debris basically I assume that that was there for the stairs when they were built we can remove that before we submit the certificate of compliance you okay good and also the the old fiber roll there uh needs to be removed with the with the uh uh anchor Stakes that needs to be removed also okay thanks and then also in your your project before you get the certificate compliance your silt fence and everything will be removed also correct our silt fence will be removed um as soon as we are done blanketing the installation that Sil fense will not um remain down there through the duration of the project there would be no no real reason for it to remain there yeah that's that's awesome the only reason why I asked is because I'm seeing way too many projects were you know certificate compliance the sil fences are still there the stakes are still there you know and I'm tired of it thank you I I couldn't agree with you more being the um the ecological consultant and contractor on jobs especially on raise and rebuild I can't tell you how many I don't even know thousands of feet of Sil fence we've had to dig out of construction areas after two years and the the contractor doesn't do it and we end up doing it so I couldn't agree more thank you Bob uh Jen I got a couple of questions um when you when you come down with the excavator across the Coastal Bank um you're going to have to remove some of those plants that you've already planted correct um it's if we can sneak down between things we will but there may be some areas um because we do need to try and access um through the the best route for the equipment so to speak so we may have to pop some things out and replace them when we are done um if that is the case we will try to just reuse them and replant them but if it's not then we will replace them in kind so everything will be put back I thought yeah go ahead we had a note in here but um but if not I can add that and I think that it may be smart if we have to remove them from that access path that we replant them off to the side so that we can maintain an access path there should we ever need to um come in with a small piece of equipment again in the future to repair or whatever else um I think that would be smart planning okay and also um how do you feel about before and after pictures of the marsh yeah that's fine honestly so even though the salt marsh is delineated all the way up to the toe of that bank you can see from the photos that the first I would say anywhere from four to six feet um maybe more is just a very very thick layer of rack um and there's no active salt marsh growing there um and so that's why we felt um we felt like it was okay to be utilizing that area for Access and you can see that in a couple of the photos um but we did with that Sil fence area knowing that normally you trench silt fence in and we did not want to be disturbing um any salt marsh soils even if there wasn't uh or unnecessarily disturbing even if there wasn't any active grass growing there what we submitted on our detail was to to drive the stakes of the silt fence in but then the piece of the silt fence material that's normally trenched in our plan is to Simply lay that on top of the rack and then put an altern mat on top of it which reduces any sort of compaction but that should pin that fabric in place and um basically do the same thing as trenching it in without actually trenching it in um because this installation is not a big installation it's not going to take us that long to do so I'm very very comfortable with that methodology in that area um so I hope that helps explain that yeah okay that's good thank you oh Jen do you have a trigger point for renourishment identified do we need to have that um we don't we don't really in this particular case it's um because there is salt marsh below there's um we can't we can't really nourish over the top of salt marsh so to speak um and so in this particular case what we would be looking to to do is there will be I think a little bit of extra soil from just Excavating and fitting the fiber rolls in and um and and that will be placed over the roles but our hope really here is that we will be able to get vegetation established um and not necessarily need um not necessarily need a lot of nourishment because I'm honestly I'm not exactly sure how we would place a lot of nourishment over this particular installation with the salt marsh being right there um with it being so close it would be very little nourishment that we would be able to place um and so I guess the long answer to your question is that the the trigger point would be um when those rolls really really are fully exposed um but it would be a very small amount of material that we would really be able to to place perfect thank you yeah so you're going to need a variance and we need a letter we need a letter requesting that yep we did put it in our narrative but I heard previous on on one of the other hearings that you want that broken out into a letter so I'm happy to that and I think specifying some of the um how that access will be working over the restoration area would be great um going a little detail and as far far as Alternatives you really truly there's only two alter two possibilities leave it or do what you're saying I mean we can the thing is is I can't really blanket it the way it is it's not it's not able to really be stabilized just with vegetation and blankets with the way that it is and in order to just try that I have to get a piece of equipment down there to regrade it anyway so that it can be blanketed um I guess I could write that in if you want me to but no I just wanted to make sure that there truly were pretty much only two Alternatives two options yeah I mean if you're G to try to stabilize it I know that you know revetment is not appropriate a bulkhead is not appropriate um no no no right put all but I mean end it at year alteres um Cheryl or Paul do you have anything okay um Crystal you have your hand up did you mean to still have your hand up no that's old sorry okay I just want to make sure that you can chime in if you wanted all right um it seems I mean we're not really asking for anything but we do need those CC's so when are you getting those in um I think Andy so Andy I love Andy she has left to go get married um and so she is out for two weeks but she left me she left me two um the two coc's with checks written on them um so I'm assuming that they are something that I can probably get to you um hopefully by the end of this week um is my hope and I I think that she had gotten things uh pretty far along I I think the ball is in my court at this point so I'm hoping there's something I can submit to you within the next few days so if we continued this to next week because we need the coc's in order I mean we're not going to I mean actually we could approve this to go to an order but I'd rather approve it to go to an order after whenever you're going to have the coc's in so that we don't have that cross and trying to figure it out so if we went to October 9th for an order would that work will definitely have those yeah that I don't think that there was anything significant you know there are things that we'll ask for like the before and after photos and you know if you could give us a bit more detail as to the access for the work and you know moving rest because you know so that we know you're exactly how what you're thinking and then um the variance letter request if you could get those in we'll start working we could start working on the order and we could continue it for an order to the ninth and let me just add don't forget to remove the trash before the CC oh yeah absolutely or else have that right here at the top of my list with stars on it I will not forget I promise um and I will actually so what I'll plan to do then um if if you're able to get us on for the 9th what I will plan to do is to have everything for you for the property the revised plans I will take some pictures of the um area at the bottom of the bank after the debris is removed and I will have the C request hopefully all be you in one cell swoop so to speak so that you have everything you need um to revisit this with me on the nth okay so we'll have to do the closings and then we can vote on your we can move to approve your order but we have to have the others we yeah we definitely have to close them by the 9th okay all right I will um I will get to work on those finalizing rather I just want to add that I found a nice heavy duty Spade down there I brought it up the stairs and Lan it on the railing nice so you so wonder if that was mine from when we did the planting couple years ago it's a really it's a nice one it's about 100 it's all metal they they're like 140 bucks and they didn't keep it y a little rust it's on the it's on the top it's on the top of the stairs all right well I'll help my guys grab it in the next couple days here thank you I appreciate that yeah okay um we need a motion I move that we continue 102 Cedar Street to October 9th 2024 for an order of condition second okay Paul I Cheryl I Elise I Eric I Bob hi and I say I thanks all right thank you I'll see you in two weeks okay so uh Katherine we ra for the next I guess it would be Perry Winkle yes are you here for Perry Winkle or oh yeah that one okay so unless somebody's here for Perry Winkle we're going to have to extend it we're going to have to continue it so I'm not seeing we just well we have to open it again anyway in order to um continue it so why don't we do that okay request for extension to an order of conditions 14 perrywinkle Lane map 4C parcel L7 for alen hanowski D number 10- 3344 for proposed vinyl sheeting to enhance existing gabin extension is requested to complete the handrails 5 qu decking fill rail road tie stairs with 3/4 in stone and LOM and Reed around the stairs this is the second extension request uh and this one expires 1017 2024 okay so I'll verify nobody's here for this correct I'm not seeing anybody online okay then um we're going to have to continue it we'll continue it to next week to 102 and then hopefully we can get a hold of them and ask them to actually be available so if we could have a motion I move that we continue 14 perrywinkle Lane to October 2nd 20124 second okay Paul I Cheryl I Elise I Eric I Bob I and I say I all right next one Catherine yes yes um we're moving on to the certificates of compliance y we have 24 and 24 and two Salt Pond road map 17j Parcels 2 and 7-4 for Edward and Cheryl Acton dsse number 10- 3485 for the removal and reconstruction of a single family home construction of a detached garage Rock revetment repair and Associated site improvements great okay if you could I identify yourself and then sure uh hello I'm I'm I'm Ed Acton uh the owner of 24 salt pwn Road hi Ed hi um I was here in front of you well a few weeks ago actually I tried to call in but there there was issues right um and uh we went ahead and we uh we had we had discussed putting in stone markers on the property um and we went ahead and and did that uh we put in I think either 17 or 18 cobblestones and um I have some pictures I just took a few hours ago um but I got a a email from Sean riy at 1 145 about half an hour ago that the board uh uh would perhaps like uh a low fence instead of the stone so I'm a little confused I guess the issue is the the cobblestones are small M and your mitigation can grow over them and hide them and this is a demarcation that's supposed to make it so people don't mow or disturb the area so large Boulder I'll call them Boulders can work or a low split rail fence you know it could be a foot tall yeah um so the the cobblestones are sticking quite a bit out of the ground and um I guess if they did get overgrown that would be a a good thing because that would mean the lawn area would being reduced and the mitigation area would be getting bigger or they're hidden and people don't know not to mow that far um they do stick out far enough out of the ground if they did try to mow they would they would be they would hit they would hit um but um I I went ahead and and did this thinking this is what you wanted but I I did speak to um Wilkinson regarding right and they like the idea of stones only because they said then the landscapers don't weed whack all the way around it and that's and um and then you don't have an issue with them it rotting and disappearing or anything so I did B what's your opinion because the when we when you first came yeah we couldn't see that there was any demarcation yeah and I originally there was only like three or four of them out there and then you you had to cut back what you have to be able to send and we got received pictures showing that you cut back and there were actually these Stones there but it wasn't you know that's what concerned us was it had to be cut back in order to be able to see what you had done yeah but Bob what's your opinion I mean you could uh you know instead of getting others uh what you could do is you could stand them on end and bury them a little bit so they're sticking up out of the ground yeah and and that's what that's what they are now they're they're buried and there's about 6 in they get they the Imperial Landscaping came out and they put the oversized cobblestones in oh so there's there's than what was originally in the pictures uh well these are these are pictures from a little while ago thank you if you go back over to the mic though sorry so here I'll start with Bob and we'll pass it on down originally there was only a few of them out there there's seven 17 or 18 of them now and they're they're quite noticeable but um I can certainly I mean you you look at what it's demarcating and it's so much bigger than your stones and that was why we couldn't see it originally um so how how wide apart are they though uh we you had asked that they be 8 to 10 feet apart and they are uh 8 to 10 feet apart yeah well I'm I'm good with that then I mean as far as I'm concerned yeah I I am too I don't want to continue this again right well we weren't going to what we were going to do was issue the order with an ongoing condition that whatever we felt needed to be done trim trim around thisen trim around this keep this trimming around the stone so you can see the order okay if that and is this from now or is this from previously that's from about okay two hours ago all right um I'm good with it yeah I have noticed it it's it has grown in nice it's a beautiful little little natural nature SP problem is it grew in really nicely so we couldn't see this I did like your positive spin on there that was good that it could grow over the lawn so the lawn would be even smaller I like that one that was uh that was pretty good creative that's creative I wonder what you do for a living can I ask you a question it it it says um the meadow areas will be moan on an annual basis we we don't we don't mow that area at all we just like that's okay we it gives you the ability to do it yeah there's rabbits and chipmunks and wonderful and a lot of ticks but other than that other than that well everybody has lots of ticks so what we would do is we can have a a motion to approve it but um so Crystal knows and Catherine and Paul um it will will have an ongoing condition that you maintain so that these are visible sure so that's how that would be handled as well as any other ongoing conditions that um come with the order that had been issued to you okay all right then I think we can do a motion I move that we approve the request for a certificate of compliance for 24 and2 Salt Pond Road second okay Paul hi Cheryl hi uh Elise hi Eric hi Bob hi and I say I okay thank you you're all set thank you okay Katherine okay the following is a request for certificate of compliance at 73 Kent Road map 12j parcel G4 for jessco guo and Philip Chu dsse number 10- 3480 for the Demolition and reconstruction of a dwelling within the buffer zone to a coastal Bank okay I I think David left so I guess he's not going to speak to this I'm getting to know the property well yeah um although the planting wasn't done huh it wasn't finished um well in his request for cc he says it hasn't been done and the that this order has expired and that's why they are putting the mitigation planting into the new because they couldn't request an extension so but he said and this was the only thing I had a question about was let's see maybe he sent in two letters and ones later see he requested on August 28th he requested a COC and then on September 10th he requested it but he said a partial so Katherine are we approve approving a partial or a full we are approving a full certificate of compliance with the understanding that the mitigation is going to be rolled into se1 3700 right that's what I thought but with with his September 10th letter it said a partial so that confused me so I'm glad you confirmed what I thought we were doing today all right then um if there's nobody to ask questions to does anybody have any comments about this you know they are rolling in the mitigation into the new application so this has been completed good okay then we need a motion excuse me I move that we issue a certificate of compl Appliance for 73 Kent Road second uh Paul hi Cheryl I Elise I Eric hi Bob hi and I say I okay we're ready for the next Catherine that is all on our we have minutes agenda until minutes to be approved so you have to say that we have minutes to be approved okay we haven't gone over this we have minutes to be approved uh July 10th 2024 and the July 24th 20124 okay um does let's see I did not look to see I don't think from what I remember anybody missed that's what I was just G to go look for been absent so much lately virtually um let's see everybody was here for the 10th and let's check the 24th I thought I saw everybody was here but then I thought better double check yeah 24th everybody was here because this is July before everybody was out so um does anybody have any modifications to either Bob I have something for uh go ahead July 10th uh 32 mhill Road um instead of it opens up with the property owner did not attend uh arrive I I uh made a a substitution for the word arrive and and uh added a 10 so the property owner did not attend so did we do this at the beginning end at the end yes so it's at the end that you want it said that he didn't uh and then at the end I have the property owner for 32 mil Hill Road failed to attend the meeting yeah I'm not even seeing it at the end the second time are you seeing it at the end no I only so I think we could just modify I I agree with you um we don't have it so maybe what we say is after um to see if he arrives we could put another sentence saying that the the owner failed to attend the meeting failed to attend the meeting these are PDFs here oh I have it the I have it okay I've made that modification that's all I have for July 10th thank you anybody else have July 10th while I'm in it um okay and I'll take off the track changes okay that one's ready okay how about the 24th because we can have a a motion for both at the same time anybody I have something July 24th 177 Country Side Drive the third sentence uh the instead of the mitigation plan it's just a typo oh the mitigation I see it I got it thank you uh that's it that's all I have anybody else okay um we can do a motion for both to be approved I move that we approve the minutes for July 10th 2024 and July 24th 2024 second okay Paul I Cheryl I Elise I Eric I Bob I and I say I um okay are there Katherine are there any unforeseen items I don't think we had any when we talked but just in case no I don't nothing has come up since no then we just need one more motion we all important I move to adjourn the meeting second okay Paul hi Cheryl I Elise I Eric I Bob I and I say I and it's adjourned and thank you every everyone [Music] [Music]