##VIDEO ID:fyn0jOhAQSs## e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] good afternoon this is a hearing of the chat chadam Conservation Commission being held on September 11th 2024 in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands protection act and the town of chadam wetlands protection bylaw and regulations my name is Karen laon and I serve as the chair today's hearing is being broadcast live on Infinity channel 18 is being recorded for on demand archives available on the town's website it's being conducted in person by phone and by video conference the agenda instructions on how to attend and copies of documents for review are posted on the town's website to all participants whether attending by phone or online please remain muted unless you've been recognized when recognized please identify yourself for the record if you're attending by phone you can mute and unmute by using star six if you're online and you are not a commissioner please keep your camera turned off unless you have been recognized indicate that you wish to speak by using the raised hand feature so that we have a record of a quorum I will now ask each commissioner to indicate their presence Vice chair Elise Gordon is not here Janet Williams present Cheryl Missouri is not here Eric Hilbert present Paul Johnson is not here and our brand new full member thank you Bob Delio present and I am here so we' established we do have a quorum few before we begin the agenda are there any announcements about any continuances today Catherine yes thank you the following addresses have requested a withdrawal or continuance the application for request for determination of applicability at 39 Homestead Lane the applicant has requested to withdraw their RDA application the application for notice of intent for 500 Shore Road the applicant has requested to continue to 92524 and the application for notice of intent for four Harbor View Road the applicant has requested to continue to the 92524 hearing perfect thank you at this point kathern Ricks who is our chadam assist associate conservation agent will now lead us through the agenda but I will be reading the very first order of conditions on the agenda and this is due to the fact that Katherine RX Rex ISU recusing herself from this property the property is 30 Sears Point lean mlay family property LLC map 11 A1 parcel 6-4 SE 10- 3677 proposed Waterfront maintenance all right do do we have anybody here yes good afternoon Madam chair hi Bill how are you today good how are you very very well good um Ryan kavanau and Stephen Lee are both present as well but we only have one requested change okay it's a familiar one um on page 11R under General conditions paragraphs 11 and 12 are standard language prohibition against Coastal Engineering structures and since of course this uh order conditions allows a bulkhead uh 11 and 12 are inappropriate U we actually did remove those but you should keep in mind that if they don't apply as it says in the order uh any of the conditions that are listed in under anything besides special conditions if it doesn't apply you can ignore it but we did remove 11 and 12 all right thank you very much Madam chair okay thank you um anything else anybody Bob Eric okay then we can have a motion all right um I move that we close the hearing and approve the order of conditions as amended in this hearing for 30 Sears Point Lane second okay Janet h i Eric I Bob I and I say I so that has passed thank you thank you very much all right Katherine we are ready for the next okay we have a request for an order of conditions at 60 Robin way map 10K parcel 12-19 the applicant is Yugi sujimoto and the Massachusetts D SE number 10- 3697 this is for proposed driveway reconfiguration and installation of a septic with AI components including planting great thank you do we have anybody I see that okay B oh good afternoon can come up hi Southeast um I had emailed a number of revisions yesterday uh 11c findings we really want to limit the mitigation to that VBS to the isolated Wetland and not the foundation plantings um the disturbance within the 50 should be qualified as Landscaping as they're just changing law into native landscape beds uh there was a typo with the with an extra space right I did take care of that nice uh the invasive Vines were not looking to propose any herbicides out here it's just a cut and P when they're dead oh they're all made go um I have made most of them um there are a few things I did do everything about how you are treating the invasives the cut and pull not cut wipe um and that I did say that um you know I did take out the temporary irrigation um I did fix the um I did take out the word prescriptive easement and change that oh okay I think it has has not been approved yet it has not gone into the the easement is is that existing or pending pending oh okay that's why um my only thing I didn't do was the the nine you know the changing the the mitigation because and I I just because it is presented on the plan as differently and then I had a question because you know I'm trying to make sure we're at the 75% uh Native um there were a couple things because we received that list uh you know your at 0er to 50 and by the way you know Shannon's here that so okay don't worry but um she can answer the heavy lifting question in the outer Aura and you say 84% is native first of all I wasn't sure why you included the arbor VY if they're existing they're not a part of anything we need to approve Pro so they shouldn't have even been listed I didn't know that I didn't know that no that's it's fine and then my other part was when I started trying to figure this out it looked like there are 25 hydrangea that are in the outer Aura according to if I just take how you know counting up the numbers of what you've said is in the outer Aura so I know I asked you last last time about was this a percentage of plants or a percentage of square feet and you said square feet may I give you a sheet oh do you have this is represented differently okay what think you're looking at yes I I believe I've answered this okay great it's a little tough when it's as we're dealing with it but thank you so thorough than you so only 20 of the Hy changes are in the outer Aura so in the outer Aura 89% are native yes I'm I'm going to add that 84 by area and 89 I couldn't update the order because I wanted to be sure where we were with that um you know after going back and and when I started to write the order I started to have some more questions you know because I hadn't had time to look at it okay we did remove your general conditions 11 and 12 they were and as you heard me say for the previous property that they are things that if it pertains there then they should be followed and um don't apply don't apply yeah if they don't apply they don't apply but we took them out um okay the conditions for demolition you had for number one I didn't do anything with um with that and it says does the driveway constitute a structure there is room to stock pile within the limit of work not much but some um this is number one in the general so that one just reads that trucks will be waiting and it's I don't think they have to have trucks waiting they have some room there that they can continue to work as trucks come and go okay so this is in general conditions I have to get there um it's in conditions for demolition number one I'm trying to find it as well page 11 in oh yeah all materials and debris generated during demolition of existing structures shall be loaded onto waiting trucks and remove from the site daily well they do have to be removed from the site M stockpiling of degree shall not occur in any resource area and I see why because the driveway is within the resource right so what does the proposed change take out waiting there's no truck they want to stock pilot on a driveway yeah but then where does it go some of it will go by truck and some of it will so in general it will eventually get loaded onto trucks and removed from the site right daily yeah presumably okay could be some room to stockpile here and obviously in the outside of so we just took out the word waiting good is that satisfactory yeah I just don't want to argue with a contractor later on that you have to have everything removed immediately I understand I just wanted to um make sure that you knew what we did and if that met what you wanted everything else that we have taken care of so right given that do you have anything else that you want to add no I added by email that you've probably already seen I think I have um I commented I commented rather didn't add yeah I'm trying to remember it was just about it was just about herbicide and there was one other thing yeah what that was okay I would like to add that the proposed mitigation area is the strip of Joe Pie and butterfly weed 959 square feet and will be kept apart from the invasives areas with a mod strip I also see no need to use herb herbicides on this project which I think we just say you can't so that's fine and the only invasives you're taking care of is vines on the trees that will be cut and pulled and pulled again once they're dead which I've added that ver Gage so um I think we're good with what you said now Bob Eric do you have anything to add or change well the the herbicides could be used right we've always uh approved them for uh invasive uh removal of weeds uh only and they see no need to use them so if they if you do find out then I didn't take anything out saying that you can't use okay everything we're adding is either in a bed that's been dug out or is currently lawn grass okay so I don't see that we'd be having to kill anything except for those Vines up the lyen and yeah and we thought we would just cut and pull those rather than get into herbicides okay okay thank you anything else yeah there just be the only thing I can add sometimes pulling does the trees and bushes and more harms sometimes you just cut them and let them die and wither away and they'll just fall out over time um that's that's the only thing I can add to that as far as pulling them out unless if they're really up there you would need a you know climber to get up in the tree and yeah I'm contemplating hiring a tree company yeah okay to do the pruning also that you want it done thanks all right anything else all right we're ready for a motion and I will make a motion that we close the hearing and approve the order of conditions as we've amended it here today for a 60 Robin's Way second okay Janet I Eric I Bob I and I say I you're all set thank you all right thank you okay Katherine we're ready for the next okay going on to to the uh the determination of applicability so we have a request for determination of applicability at 27 strong island road map 12m parcel 16- b19 r- 24-23 for William Benjamin the applicant proposes a replacement of existing patio with deck or pervious pavers replacement of existing front rock with perious Blu stone pavers replacement of existing plants with native plants within the inner aura and a new Foundation plants in the outer Aura how are you good afternoon Phil cheny Landscape designer here representing the Benjamin's uh Bill Benjamin is also present uh if we have particular questions uh for him but I think uh this project is fairly narrow in scope uh the Benjamins have only been a owner for a very short time the prior uh owners had applied through an RDA to replace the existing patio with a deck just as we're doing now and it was approved so was kind of taking on that lead that this would be perhaps approvable by RDA in addition the Benjamins are concerned that the beach plums which I assume were a prior mitigation planting on the bank are just going to continue to grow and obscure their View and rather than continuing to uh renew Vista pruning permits there thought it might be worthwhile to just replace with a more permanent planting where that would not be necessary so I have proposed on the plan that you have uh a new planting scheme which extends further along the bank with lower plants in front of the view and the taller plants uh with a much greater diversity than the existing six Beach plums now along that stretch so I think that would really be an improvement and it would really not NE would no longer necessitate necessitate new word there uh necessitate the continual Vista pruning uh renewals Etc now additionally uh the front walk uh is uh would like to be replaced with a different U paving material uh they're uh partial to Brick and the asteral blue stone simply because it's a little more even on the feet and would like to extend it an extra uh few feet to access another doorway this is all out side of the 50ft buffer uh we're reducing some of the square footage of the existing walks area and so the total increase is only 50 square feet which we can mitigate by just adding a couple of of swamp aelas uh within the 50ft buffer and then there some New Foundation plantings where we're following the 75% rule uh by adding uh sufficient native plants along with uh the exotic plants uh that we're including on there so we're also taking out say some invasive you know it's a Bradford pair not exactly uh State listed but it's a considered a nuisance tree replacing that with a service Berry and removing some other like Rosa Sharon and lilacs which can also be uh invasive so it's a few uh shrub replacements for the mass vast majority of the project it's uh vegetation replacement and uh the the patio replacement M which was approved prior um with the prior owners and then the extension of the walk so I think it's very doable by an RDA rather than going through a whole notice of intent for a small amount of work but I'll leave that to you so on the plan MH you say that you're replacing the existing patio with blue stone or wood decking now you're saying no it's not wood decking no I'm sorry the uh it's currently a a patio okay a um it's a tumbled blue stone small pieces right it's kind of uneven and they would like permission to replace it with either deck a wood deck which was what the prior application was for or in this case uh the possibility of Astral blue stone they haven't quite decided which fruit they would like to take well if the patio is replaced with a deck MH then a special permit is required by zba I don't know if you knew that okay is that new since uh prior pre I I I can't speak to anything except for that that's the comment I received uh from zba okay uh which they give us sort of a when things are being heard or if they need to be heard by them and okay that's what they said okay um so if it were to just be a patio then it would not be according what she's written yes okay um you say the change in coverage is about 50 square feet correct what I see is that the change in coverage is 145 because you say 95 square feet to replace the pavers with dry laid brick extending walk and then replace pavers with uh dry laid blue stone was 50 approximately 50 squ feet plus or minus you said less oh okay so that's 50 less not plus or minus correct correct so that that okay so that gives us our net 45 well you need to update the plan for that the plan does say less 50 fet less yeah but it says plus or minus before it that's what you always put okay well there's this is also not a stamped plan I don't know why um and you submitted a variance request which I get yep RDA we can't Grant a variance request okay I I didn't know if one would even be necessary I didn't want the lack of one because there was work being done in the 50 to hold it up it if work's being done within the ndz we need a variance request even if it's just vegetation if work is being done within the ndz we need you do need to apply so as a result this I I mean I know an initial meeting was held with our agent and he has told me that this was more than the project became more than what he had met and said oh yes and RDA would be appropriate um I think it it's not appropriate unfortunately and it needs to be an noi so okay having said that okay we can make a determination of a positive4 which means that you need to um you know apply for an noi or you have an option you could withdraw this request either way works okay uh any thoughts pros and cons I think they both accomplish the same thing you're going with an noi so it's just well since you're here and since we've opened this hearing I would say that we should go with the Positive determination not ask you to withdraw after we've just had this conversation so that would make more sense anyway MH all right okay now uh just additionally to pick up on something looking forward there I do have the note on the plan that I used the site plan that was used on the uh the house renovations that was done by TS land surveying uh dated 52 724 to develop this plan and no it's not stamped but it's I'm using that file so I don't know if you're going to need to have we do a separate stamp okay we do need a stamped yep okay plan all right that that we can't very good unfortunately all right then we are ready for let me just add let me just add I mean I am sympathetic to vegetation projects um it just so happens though that from my perspective that this one is on the Coastal Bank and in the ndz and you haven't decided on what the material for the replacement of the patio which is in the ndz is all of that triggers um a requirement for the variance sure you're also um even though it's minimal you have an increase in coverage which triggers the requirement for some mitigation again in an in an RDA we don't have any ability to to add mitigation so I'm sorry that you know this you went this way for you know no apparent no reason at the end of the day um I do understand that the projects as they do evolved over time and grew over time so um all most most of your stuff is still applicable I would ask though that when you come come back that you provide a bit more explanation um for where you say prune out the Bittersweet I'm not really sure what that means or what that does or I Bittersweet being pruned doesn't strike me as you know anything other than good for a couple of weeks but um whatever yes and I appreciate fur the guidance on that too it's not like it's an overwhelming amount of bitter sweet or one thick patch or anything but as we all know it pops up here it pops up there and they would like the ability to themselves to prune it down you know close to the base you can get you know without you know going through the whole you know control situation right uh and there and so I yeah it's kind of a vague area you're not there's no treatment you're not going to not trying to do a whole control program but yeah it pops up as we all know and they like just to make sure that that's correct something that they can do and I don't think normally we would have a problem with that just that it happens to be it's on the Coastal Bank itself that you're talking about so there's in terms of of conducting the pruning there's there's getting onto the bank and how it gets access I mean there's some issues around that and and so just think about that when you okay so so the implication is would be better off not to ask for it well I'm not that you know we love in face right I say I don't know how to I mean I don't know how to get around that on I'm I'm it's an honest question it's like yeah no I hear you let me ask you've experts our our left my left side more than there are advisors pruning Bittersweet on the bank no just if you pruning bitter sued just you're cutting it down and pulling it out of the plants I guess and it would have to be an ongoing maintenance issue I would imagine that's the idea is that as it appeared it would be you know cut and removed just going to do it I I have to ask a question though as far as these Beach plums go um they're gorgeous Beach plums what um I mean up in the deck I've been up on the deck and I mean it's a pretty good view from up on the deck sitting down that's how I look at things uh what is the maximum height on the beach blums uh there must be pretty pretty much close to a maximum height on a beach Blum I've seen them easily get 10 or 12 feet okay so yeah they're just going to be either continuously cut hard back to to see over there or one of the general uh preferences seems in over in recent years is to just try to eliminate that possibility but by using plants that won't grow as tall you like the Virginia rows yeah four to five feets pretty much it's Max but yeah I've seen Beach Plum get 10 or 12 feet even pretty unusual to remove yeah indigenous species that was actually previous mitigation project from previous owners to begin with and if I was just going to say we're going to put in six new shrubs to replace I could see your reluctance but we're talking about putting in 29 shrubs to replace six and covering a much larger area so I felt like that's definitely a benefit I understand the purpose of the original because they're so small I mean you're talking roses and things like that U oh yeah the original L only called for six yeah and they weren't big either right so I say we're I think we're certainly duplicating the mass okay Bob your thoughts uh there's no way you can transplant those Phil huh somewhere I doubt it I mean it's probably a lot more disturbance if we're trying to dig those up there a up on the Coastal Bank you have to get that'd be a lot of soil moving okay and uh there are also U honeysuckle uh plants um behind the um existing Beach Plum uh as well as the bitter Suite um and I know that's been Prov down too it looks like yeah um you know they're pretty invasive as well so are you going to do anything about those especially when you're putting them up next to the new plants uh that wasn't the pl since they're not as you know I mean the Bittersweet smothers and and their the the honeysuckle has taken up space but it's not other than seeding around which you know is the case with any invasive is an issue but I don't think we're going to fix that by you know cutting out or there unless unless you do the cut and swipe on something like that you're just you're just keeping it down it's just is there going to be any spa space between the new plants and the existing uh no more than there is now I mean basically they're pretty much a butt uh the slope there is pretty steep and having like a m strip would be difficult in that area and that doesn't seem to be much encroachment there and the encroachment if there were some would probably be Bittersweet which we're looking to cut as it appears so that's how we're trying to handle that cuz I didn't think a mrip would would be very suitable on that steeper portion no no no okay okay well we'll have another opportunity yeah to hear this I appreciate all the input that's useful understand all right all right anything else okay we're ready all right I'll make a motion for a positive four to termination for 27 Strong Island Road second Janet I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay thank you take care thank you okay Katherine the next one okay another request for determination of applicability at 39 Homestead Lane map 15c parcel 21 r- 24-25 for John W and Stacy S Brooks trust the application is for landscaping for screening from sight sound and sense of the pump station and the applicant has requested to withdraw the RDA application thank you all right then I move that we approve the request for the withdrawal of the application for 39 Homestead Lane second Janet I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay Katherine the next one okay a request for determination of applicability at 65 Squanto Drive map 10c parcel e16 r- 24-24 for Judith and Scott Stewart application for pruning of six oak trees to imp improve air flow and balance to better withstand severe weather and removal of invasive plants strangling the trees how are you good afternoon I'm Victoria dmas an attorney with sun and Associates um and I'm here with a microma certified Arborist um we represent the steuarts in this uh RDA um which I've detailed in the um in the project narrative um and uh Mike may want to be here uh to answer questions that you may have specifically regarding the request uh to prune uh six oak trees and also to deal with um some invasive uh plants that are uh Strangling the those those trees okay do you have anything you want to add uh just the two items um there I did put out if you if you received the pictures I the market in works so well on the um the back right corner of the home there are two sopas trees that lean towards the back deck which um both of the the homeowner and myself we were up in the air on you know is there something that should come out is there something that we could prune um and I kind of left it up for the board or however he he writes it um that being said uh a couple of the things of concern for me uh would be he had three um instances in the past where trees had fallen on his house so that's um not that that means much but where that is there's a lot of wind that picks up there it's very sandy soil and those are shallow rooted as well all those things considering I know it I don't know if that I mean I don't mind doing whatever they say wether pruner remove but in my opinion it may have been a better choice to take them out but if it's something that requires a different application or anything like that then we don't even want to go that route at this point I it's more we did want to protect the property and the homeowner as well but I don't know what guidelines that falls under for you guys well I me it changes what you applied for so right now you're seeing six oak trees um um so it would be eight um and you know I I we received the picture better pictures thank you very much um yesterday and much more helpful um as far as being able to picture it's hard to tell when you're out there what all needs to be removed and all of that um they look really healthy most of it uh so what is I mean the the trees the the six most of them are pretty far from the house so what is the reason for removing them they don't see none of them we don't want to remove any of those well you want to prune oh oh yeah they're super if you see them you can't you can't see any of the canopies they they have not that they who the heck's maintaining a tree in that kind of area there's all Thicket you can't walk down there it's bu Bri B right very limited but the point is this they're lovely trees in their own right so as far as a preservation standpoint absolutely because it's so windy you get heavy winds you lose a huge Branch so that that was to thin out the canopies this isn't a view things if you look at the pictures the view is spectacular what do you need to more of a view they got a great View it's awesome go ahead I'm sorry so I just want to confirm the the the pictures that you sent in and thank you for doing that with the red X's are indicating the limbs that are proposed for pruning and nothing beyond what is marked on these photographs because this is what the agent will use um when she checks that when the project is done to make sure that it's fully compliant so these are the right X's correct okay cuz uh um she did indicate that uh that they were all appropriate um for pruning for one reason or another some are clearly dead some are too close to the deck some are too close to the house um and for the sasas you're wanting to prune them well we can prune them I I I don't want to change anything that's going to stop this from you know being it can be done that my point was in the pictures I put x's on them they're right on the deck if you look at the picture from the deck there's there's a black cherry there and there's two sassr they're right on the they actually almost touch the deck if you see in the pictures yeah so again we we're not okay I just want to be clear with those you're just wanting to prune prune yeah prune or well like I said they were leaning so that I didn't know if it's going to change it then leave it the way it is that's we're not we don't it's not an issue okay I think we could approve the sassy for us just to PR yeah okay okay Bob Eric yeah um when I visited I was with a homeowner we did notice that the uh on the uh West Side that um that the The Vines believe it or not some of the vines you you could leave maybe leave some of them because they do provide privacy from from the neighbor on the east side um we noticed that when we were there um just to keep that in mind you know because if you clean it all out completely then they're going to be exposed to each other you know so that's it thanks but other than that I me Runing should be a help to the trees absolutely thanks go ahead Paul Bob yeah I saw I saw the uh trees uh next to the deck Mike and uh yeah they're really uh not good to have them right there right right along the deck um so the Cherry I noticed I didn't notice the sassa fras uh but uh yeah pruning would be good thing to do there yeah oh we weren't even recommended to take those cherries out because like Eric said those are a screen from the neighbor that was never uh proposed to take those out but the ones if I actually think I put x's on each one as a concave to show where I want to actually just prune them to not to remove because I just wanted them away from the deck cuz they're almost touching the deck if you can see in the pictures yeah none of that was proposed to come out there was the the two SAS for asking question that was all so as far as the yolks go it's not really for the view but it's for the health of the trees if you look at those pictures you're not going to get much better of a view than that it's awesome that's why I just wanted to verify the purpose um all right then I think we are ready for a motion okie dokie um I will make a motion for a -2 determination for 65 Squanto Drive second Janet uh I Eric I Bob I and I say I you're all set thank you have a good day okay Catherine the next one sorry okay moving on to the notices of intent application for notice of intent at 500 Shore Road map 16g parcel 3 D- A5 for Heather Butler Massachusetts D number se10 3681 for the construction of beach access stairs within the pedestrian access easement located at 500 Shore Road the applicant has requested a continuance to the September 25th hearing all right then we can have a motion please um I move that we continue 500 short road to the hearing on September 25th second Janet I Eric I Bob I and I say okay Katherine Ray for the next notice of intent application for parcel h13 Captain n's way map 11c parcel h13 for manglewood Homes Incorporated Massachusetts D SE number 10- 3698 the application is for construction of a dwelling within the river front area in the buffer zone to a Coastal Bank and construction of a swimming pool within the buffer zone to a Coastal Bank how are you good uh David Clark Clark engineering on behalf of minglewood homes uh Tim Smith the owner of minglewood homes is in the audience and uh I believe Jen Crawford is online um or somebody from Crawford Land Management um so this is a vacant lot at the end of Captain nlls Road it it fronts on oyster Pond River uh there is a a wetland on the south side of the property an old cranberry bog that has a uh an outlet that is shown as a blue line on the uh USGS map and is certainly um an established flow there so it is a perennial stream under the rivers act the lot was created prior to 1998 uh so the uh the rivers act um applies um the Alternatives analysis to The Rivers act uh required under the rivers act uh uh is limited to the site itself um and because it predates the rivers act um the uh regulations state that the Conservation Commission may allow up to 15% or 5,000 square ft of the riverfront area uh to be altered um so uh looking at those two resource areas the the coastal resource area and then the Inland resource area there is a small little area in between the two the 200 foot from the from the stream and the 100 feet from the Coastal Bank uh that's outside of those um buffer zones um we've tried to place uh nearly all of the construction activity in that area um but um there's no way to get to the construction site without going through the riverfront area um so we we have to put a driveway through the river front area to get to the to the house um we're also proposing a pool that EX in patio that extends into the 1550 to 100t uh setback from the uh Coastal Bank uh uh with all that construction activity we were still under the 35% under your regulations as a maximum for site coverage within the the outer ore um when this these Lots in Captain NS Road went through the subdivision process uh Town water was not available on the stage neck area that didn't come down till 1990 uh well after this lot was created the town did bring Town water down skunk Neck Road but stopped at Captain Sears road so we'll have to uh connect to the main further down the street and and bring it along the shoulder bring Town water around the cesac and into the property uh the developers back in the The Late Late age did bring in uh communication and electric um that is available at the street um but uh gas is not uh and we'll be bringing natural gas up the road too uh as I stated the lot is is a vacant lot uh there was a house here back 50 60 years ago uh there's a rem the remains of a driveway you can barely make it out um you look back on Google Earth 20 something years and it's it's a little bit more visible but not much but um the area was maintained as a as a field um since the creation of the lot uh there's been less mowing over the last few years um so a lot of the understory is is is not present uh in the middle of the lot um we're providing drainage for the driveway the driveway will be pervious um but we're still providing drainage we have a title 5 system that we're locating underneath the driveway to try to keep the site distro to a minimum um project does not require any zoning relief uh it's a conforming lot everything we're proposing is conforming as far as zoning is concerned uh does project doesn't require um does require a Board of Health review the the Board of Health uh granted a the extra bedroom on this property and we are providing nitrogen reducing technology as part of the the uh septic system um that's it on my end uh because it's a vacant lot 100% what we're doing needs to be mitigated and uh Crawford's here to talk about that thank you good afternoon uh for the record Jen Crawford Crawford Land Management um let me know if I'm breaking up at all I my connection seems to be a little funky this afternoon um so uh just to pick up on a few of the things that Dave said um the lot is is completely vegetated uh but much of the area has only canopy cover and no um understory vegetation uh other than some sporadic areas of Pennsylvania sge and desams flexiosa and an overabundance of poison ivy um which is super pleasant when we were out there inventorying vegetation um the area along the BBW is is the area of the lot that has um really the only invasive species on the lot uh and they're they're pretty uh they're pretty dense it's mostly shrub honeysuckle there's border privet um among other things but those are the the predominant species that are in that most southern portion of the lot against the BBW um in terms of the tree canopy it's a pretty typical Oak Pitch Pine Woodland um with um you know both black and Scarlet Oak a lot of Pitch Pine uh many growing very close together so you can see as they are growing up in a in an even age stand like that you can see some of them um have been shaded out and are in Decline um there's a lot of you know coarse Woody debris laying on the ground especially in that 0 to 50ft buffer from the Coastal Bank um in terms of the revation uh we are providing the required mitigation uh for the project in this case we are providing it in the form of invasive species management and really tackling that uh buffer to the to the BBW there on the south um we've provided um a lot of tree mitigation um we were taking all of our calculations uh directly from uh Chad Wetland protection regulations 5.02 and 3G um that table was included on our um on our plan for you so um the you know 2:1 mitigation for trees removed within the footprint of the structure um 1: one for trees removed that are under 15in uh dbh and 2: One requirement for any trees removed that were greater than 15 in um so once we got through all of the tree inventory information um we are providing uh that requirement which added up to 61 trees that we will be adding uh to the property uh most of those trees or at least as many as we feasibly um thought were healthy to place within that uh buffer to the BBW um all of the trees within those mitigation calculations are um are within your jurisdiction at least one of those buffer zones um yes within at least one of those buffer zones um the invasive species management portion of the project would be completed uh as we complete all of ours um all of those notes are on our plan for you for your review um I don't really think there are too many nuances to the project it's fairly straightforward in terms of the mitigation being provided um so with that I'm going to answer any questions thank we also have another plan um from Acer landscape design yes I don't know that has just some Foundation plants just in case anybody's here that wants to speak to that but um the the trees that are being being removed I know you gave us the number and the size I think we need a better inventory like showing where which ones are the ones that are Le less than um you know 15in dbh or greater than you know what it is how big it is and where it's located um we've had that we have we have that information from our fieldwork um and we we could put that on a I we didn't include that on our current plan because there was already so much information on it that I didn't think it would be particularly useful to you um but we can certainly submit a a supplemental plan that shows the tree removal piece um because we did take devh species of each one of them yeah you could just say tree number one here's where it is and this is what it is sure that type of thing can I just jump in sure so it's it's basically not that much different from what you've done but it's removing some of the extraneous stuff on the plant so it's focused on the trees and rather than the X marking to put a number there so that that corresponds to a table so we know the species and the size of what's coming out the way I look at this it looks to me like everything every tree within the limit of work is proposed to be removed so we have to have some discussions about that and in order to have that we need to be able to refer to specific trees and understand the the proposed justification for removal so that would be y helpful like also if if anything is staying I mean I guess you know to mark that as well in a different color or something but I don't think any trees in the limit of work are are being retained there is one ah there is one and actually the arrow on the screen or at least on my screen is actually pointing at a note that says tree protection fence um so there is one I it's a cherry along that side and it is within the limit of work but we did call out for that to be protected um but we will in we can inventory it as you have uh requested we have all the information so that's not a problem and to the extent that there are um under canopy vegetation native vegetation in the limit of work is that proposed to be removed as well is this going to be basically cleared before construction So currently and David could probably speak to this um probably better than I can but with the grading work that was required um the limit of work for the most part was kept pretty tight to any of the necessary grading work to make positive drainage from the structure um feasible so to speak um and so we did include renaturalization of much of that Disturbed area on our plan um and that and that is shown in the in the in a specific hatch for you it is not part of our mitigation um calculations however our mitigation is focused solely to the South and the other areas that you see hatched on our plant are intended to be ruralized as opposed to part of the more um Traditional landscape so to speak so but then that ruralized area is shrubs and grasses and perennials not that re naturalized yeah that ruralized area now we have shown as more of a seated Meadow area with the trees um as the trees obviously grow and mature it will kind of naturally I think convert itself especially along the south side of the driveway there um you know to more of a shaded condition um but there are certainly um plenty of seed source for that to I think happen naturally over time but currently we have not included um shrub plantings in that ruralized area um and and honestly in that whole central portion of the lot they're really there really isn't anything of significant note other than a lot of poison ivy um but we can take another look to see if we can identify a few things but it really um it's a lot of just down branches debris and poison ivy through that central part okay okay so staying on the tree topic like I'm looking at your plan and to the left I guessed West of the pool you have yeah and you have this large retaining wall along the pool but they're right where there's an opening in the retaining wall you have a tree to come out yet I I can't figure out why and the same on the other side of the Pool and Patio there's a tree to come out and then even toward the Coastal Bank you have a tree coming out right along the the line for the 50 that I I can't figure out why they're coming out so that's sort of why we're asking for a a better inventory because I don't really understand why some trees are being removed and that's just the example right for each tree we'd like to see a justification then going on to this retaining wall That's along the pool can you explain why it's so large why extends all the way the property line on the uh west side and pretty far on the right side it goes to sort of the edge of where the house is is this because of grading or that's actually not Jen's design that's the landscape Tex design he and he apologizes he he he had a he was not able to get to this meeting today but Tim might be able to address that well but I'm looking at Jen's yeah it's on Jen's plan but that came from landscape architect I'm not the landscape architect on this one in particular we're we're just acting as the environmental consultant for this project there was a different landscape um designer involved in the um In Those portions so so maybe David also and and Tim you might be able to address some of what what the grading changes are proposed to be here because I think that's driving some of this yes so as far as grading the highest point on the lot is is basically in that area that's outside your jurisdiction and um and uh in order to meet the setback from the easterly property line the house is set where it is and it puts us basically on a saddle in in both directions um sloping down to the resource areas so the we had it was a challenge where to set the house uh vertically uh to try to minimize the regrading um setting it any lower to eliminate the the the regrading associated with the driveway driveway meant more cutting into the slope on the northeast side of the house um so we would have a steeper slope there uh and less fill so it's kind of a balance uh to try to minimize the regrading around the house um so uh we we we thought it was about an equ will balance about of how much we're cutting uh on the on the East and northeast side and how much we're filling on the South and Southeast side Southwest side okay but my my sense from walking around the site is that it's a there's a depression kind of uh right about where the house is and then it rises up to the bank and then it rises very slightly toward the bvw so are you going to be leveling that and filling that area is that well the Northeast side we're going to cut in and then so that we can keep the house low and then so less fill on the Southwest or the southernly side of the property where those two retaining walls are with the with openings in them um we're going to and by the way Tim Smith minglewood homes sorry about that but um and then those two openings so there is a pathway down to the river there so that's why those two openings are there just so that we can have access to the pathway to the river on their property um so if you you look at the West End of the house um facing the river is that uh so as you're looking at the river it's the left side of the left side of the house um the Oyster River um you see the we have a uh a window well there um that's elevation 26 um and that and then from there it slopes down to the BBW to the South um and then is if you go north you hit another 26 foot Contour where it goes down to oh there no that's 28 I'm looking where's the 26 the 26 crosses that opening in the in the wall closest to the Oyster River um and so from that point going east it's a continuous rise here to the other side of the house where the grade gets as high as elevation 30 uh 32 right at the property line so we kind of picked the middle of uh between 32 and 36 to kind of where we're going to site the house so we're trying to balance the cuts and fills um so in the immediate area between the house and the in the parking area we show a new 28t Contour um that is close to the existing 24 uh right at the driveway so there's 2 fet of fill there okay um 24 is this but on if you look at the north side of the house we have elevation 282 and we're really close to a 30 foot Contour on on the northeast corner of the house um so I mean looking at this boy this is crazy M with us cutting in to the west side it's less filling in on on the on the souly side of that on the North side that was the whole thought behind that so does the wall need to be this long I mean I I think that's a question we have to have with the landscape AR I don't think so um so let me it extends almost to the edge of the house on the northeasterly side and then goes all the way the property line on the other side and you've got two walls on the on the western side and they both have the openings which I I get you've said that's so they can get to the river but it it seems excessive and I don't know how tall these walls are supposed to be they'd be under 3 ft okay cuz it Doesn't I don't think I see anywhere that it tells us that which would be good to have that added if if the commission is looking for us to economize on the tree removal um looking at that area is a good place to start yeah um and I assume you've already got approval from Board of Health for all theirs for the uh septic system yeah okay um the size of the driveway the parking area I I I mean do you really need that much you've already got you know you've got a garage and it just seems like it's huge one of the first con concepts with the driveway was a circular driveway in that location which got trimmed down to um a place to park two cars uh in addition to the garage what's the size of it the parking area do you know I think the reason they uh they did the parking lot like that or the driveway like that is as you know Captain NS very small Road very small C actor there's not going to be any parking outside of the property for anybody right so there you know trying to get you know two cars in two cars in the garage you've got to be able to get out of the garage so you really can't park in that upper garage parking that's why we put that front parking out there so it's it's 30 30 feet wide so there's room for three cars there yeah I I just and I'll leave it to others to comment on that as well but but I think it's it's awfully large um I assume Allan will be Fescue or a Cap Cod mix or whatever it just says on the landscape plan it just says lawn um I didn't see a note that said what the lawn will be on that one I didn't the the landscape architect was handling right the the vegetation up against the house I I told him that uh everything that's outside the 200 ft and and 100 ft could be regular turflon um but I don't know since most of that I mean that that doesn't leave a whole lot of area that's regular Turf it doesn't so if we're going to do Fescue or conservation planting grass we could do it all over okay it it does need to be a a Cape Cod mix a Fescue something like that um uh my last thing and this is always my little issue um does the Pool and Patio really have to be that big it goes it's sort of you can tell it's been planned especially with the the retaining wall where you know they you've got it it it's so close to the 50 if it were going into the 50 i' I'd have a bigger issue M but um I just want to know if if they'd consider cutting that back some so that there's it's not as close to our our ndz we're trying to get 10 ft from the house to the edge of the pool the pool's only 18 by 32 I think right it is so it's not a huge it's but we can reduce this day AG rightly it's big enough let me put it that way it's I I know pools so I mean I was a swimmer so I know sizes of right it's it's not an olympic size pool by any means but and that it's not a plunge pool nor is it a plunge pool no so I have to do my little yeah asking you to consider yeah okay we will I'll we'll look into that okay thank you you're welcome okay I think I've done enough damage for now go ahead Janet all right I'm just going to I'm just going to pile on a little bit and say that while there are elements of this plan that I think are okay um on the whole I find a lot of the the scope to be excessive I think um you've got a driveway and parking area of 4,000 square fet you've got a Pool and Patio of 2,000 square feet that's 6,000 square fet is a lot of a lot of Hardscape even if it is semi- perious um and I would want to see ask that somehow to find ways to reduce that I'm also as I've indicated before uh concerned about the removal of all trees within the limit of work including on the co on the in the ndz um and we need to have a a different conversation um I I I I I don't want to see this lot get cleared um it is heavily treed at the moment it's got a healthy canopy um and removing everything would just be um uh an excessive uh act even with the with the saplings that are going to go in um so those are my concerns it's just to to pull it back shrink it down and don't take out so many trees and see if you can improve the overall plan that way that's Bob uh no pool fence correct no pool fence says Auto cover um the the uh uh delineation between the uh naturalized areas to be seated with uh metal mix and the lawn can we do something with uh an edging or something like that where is this Bob between the between the meadow areas and the lawn around the house uh to the east to the West all those areas so along the between the driveway and the mitigation where where yeah uh the mitigation I was I was thinking of actually maybe a low fence uh where the mitigation area is so if we ran a uh say we ran a low fence up the side of the driveway something like that you know that single rail fence we've done before yes to delineate sort of the W the whole mitigation area really and then and then take a take a uh you know put the fence to the to the West also okay as it as it hits the property line so there basic right along there no right here coming up oh just the driveway come up like this because this is all the mitigation planting yeah right there so yep and then maybe come up to this point just outline that mitigation area with a low fence y okay we'll do that and the other areas where the naturalized areas hit the lawn I'd like to see some edging or something like that just to just to make sure those areas aren't mowed okay can you see those areas there yep um and the drive the driveway the packing area that's all gravel this point yes um no permanent irrigation in in our resource areas except for uh maybe around the house where it's not in our jurisdiction or is it some of it is some of it isn't is most of it is I think we'd like to put in um spr this for like the plantings just the trickle for the plantings around the foundation where it's out of your jurisdiction out of the 50 to the 100 or the 100 or the two which we have and that's just right around the front of the house basically that 200 foot mark then we go back to the 100 um we're going to we're trying to get all AC units and things like that out of your jurisdiction keeping those over within that so most likely would be just the front that we'd like to put in the the trickle system for plantings so really you don't have a whole lot of area that would get irrigation no because it's really what's between the 200 feet from The Perennial stream and the 100 100 from the Coastal Bank y right just this area here yeah so and most of that is house right so it's basically the front yard area or the front plantings of the house you get the trickle system but it's nice to have that sprinkler in there for the above ground stuff too so that I can tie into that and have it all above ground the way we did at Capri and and then we can remove it after the 3 years or so well you can have temporary Irrigation in our area yep in the above ground yeah corre y it's just no INR no in ground no so it's going to be a very minimal area where they get any irriation yeah and that's just really pretty much in front for the front plantings okay on the house itself the foundation plants that naturalized area in the ndz um uh some some Limbs and Woody materials on the ground and you're going to just going to leave it there um is this which side is this the in the ndz uh between the Coastal Bank and the and we would like to try to get some of that bug infested it's all that turpentine Beetle all in there just killing those about a half a dozen Pines in there and they're all lying on the ground if we can get some that out of there that would just if we if possible hand pick it just the infested stuff just the infested stuff did you knock a prune for views or anything like that we would we we expect to come back because it because you won't consider view pruning during this stage of the permitting so the house has to be underway and we would like that put in the order that we would come back once we're underway to talk about a couple of view corridors to the river but but the pool going in is is going to change our perspective so I think it's a good idea to wait uh um but we we do expect to come back and and ask for a couple of U corridors just limming not taking trees out obviously because that's not yeah part of your view pruning protocol uh and I got one more thing the uh the circle uh Captain n's way the rotary the little circle at the uh cuac it says existing vegetation to be removed an island to be PL replanted with Native species issues so you're going to wipe everything out when when the road was built um there was really the planning board at that time didn't really care how the side slopes were vegetated so I think they just Hydro seeded it and we're done and I I think as you can see as you come up Captain null especially when you get past Captain SE everything to the left there's a lot of invasives um I think that we're all associated with road construction because they're not really in the Wetland um to the left as you as you come up the road they're right along the edge of the road so the idea was to remove all those and the ones that have come up in the in the culdesac and and and try to restore to a native Community um Jen Jen can speak to that uh we also y Tim Smith here um we also want to be able to I get to get we got get emergency vehicles down there as you guys been down there it's tight and so it's all just been it's been left unmaintained for many many years so it's all just overgrown so we we got to be able to clear back a little bit on the cack to be able to get a fir truck or an ambulance down in there at some point in time getting that Island cleared out um supposed to be 4ot shoulders on both sides of the road of grass um which is certainly not the case right now so just trying to get it so that you can access it I'm just thinking if there are natives within the invasives maybe just leave those and plant around those yeah there are some there's some uh um Rosa Sharon in there and not Rosa Sharon uh rosaa thank you Rosa RZA in there yes I I can speak to that um especially along the shoulder um to the outside of Captain n's Road U most of what's in there uh is more shrub Honeysuckle and privet and either that or it's things that are um growing into that area area that are like the limbs are reaching into that area um and it is very very tight I can't imagine the way it is now any sort of emergency vehicle being able to navigate that and understand where they're going um there are some native species in that Center Island um and so we can make a note to leave them but what I would like to be able to do is to leave them only if they are located more towards the very center um because if there are large that are growing right on the edge of that it does the same um it doesn't help for visibility or clearance okay thank you so can I piggy back onto that um who owns that Circle you say you're clearing and because it's outside the property line from what I can see and is it in the 50 the 100 uh you know part of it is out of your jurisdiction and part of it is in your jurisdiction but we'll need more detail in our jurisdiction but this isn't really a part of the property is it or do they it's a private road so um Tim owns to the center of it along his Frontage um but he does have a right to pass and repass and um because the road is not up to the approve planning board standards he has a right to bring it back into conformance with so the part that's in our jurisdiction we're going to need more detail on Jen you just say it's going to be removed and replanted with na native but we have no idea you know to be able to eventually go out and see if what you've done is what you said you were doing and so we do need more Det DET on that and I would also suggest that planting plan since this part of the edging of Captain nolles road is you're you're a budding uh conservation Foundation property there so technically it looks like part of what you're you've got we're stopping at the foundation uh common line so you don't need their uh buyin to do this work along the road there no I'm I'm sure they would like us to continue down the road and remove all all the invasives along that part you know but just don't want to step on toes you want to make sure you got all your we stop we perfectly stopped okay Bob that was all you had thank you yeah okay Eric um yeah personally I don't have a problem with a circle myself um if if there's are if there are some indigenous plants in that Circle and if there's invasive Roots uh growing out of them the invasives will just grow through the plants that are there so I could see why you'd have to start over again um I don't how you going to water everything are you going to drill a well oh you are okay um the question I have start okay I notice you're right at the max you're at the 30 you got that 35% down pretty good between the 50 and 100 um as far as that pool if you you know I could see maybe 10 ft from the house uh is comfortable but maybe moving the pool East might make that wall out of the close to that 50 on the other end and I agree where it breaks you don't really I don't I don't know if you really need a wall on that west side we're after it breaks um on the bottom I I guess the the 35% it it starts the the the the calculation starts over again if it's a different area right even though it's on the same property the 35% that coverage starts over again yeah that 34.7 we show uh is is just on the uh on the Coastal Bank end right so okay so it's separate so then so then you're Le obviously less than 35% on the other end um from the zero is there invasives from the zero to 50 on the south end yeah is quite a bit I think oh there is yeah cuz I was wondering too bad you just couldn't leave just why can't you just leave it have so something is like where how it used to be Jen yeah the expert on that why just leave it alone that whole area up against the bvw there is um it's pretty chalk full of invasive species um it was actually really hard to get anywhere um anywhere in there so to speak and theis IV is yes that there that's the only place on the lot where there are invasive species the Noti derb Zone to the Coastal Bank um there's I think maybe there might have been like one little tiny shrub honeysuckle in the under story but the the Coastal Bank itself um doesn't have um any sort of notable concentrations of invasive species it's really along that BBW on the south there on the south though you can keep the trees right no yeah any native trees that are in there um are are to remain absolutely so this naturalized area be with seed metal mix so it's just going to be a metal with trees planted in it so the grass will be a metal proposed to plant right now that is what the current plans are for the naturalized area the mitigation area is different but yes um and as far as a little lawn area that's going to be around the house U um and you have to seed that is uh what about the Black Beauty sod doesn't isn't that pretty much a native mix it it is an all Fescue uh stod that's correct and it's very uh drought tolerant also because that's what every a lot of people starting to use now because I've noticed it on jobs even my that uses doesn't use anything the water it doesn't need the water and the fertilizer as you know Bluegrass and other things so it's kind of like a really a natural mix isn't it well it's a natural it's Fescue right I don't know which specific species of Fescue black beauty is um because there are there are many different species of Fescue um but is um it is a sod that that is all Fescue and is drought tolerant that that is correct so it does in my opinion it takes less input to establish it than it does coming from seed um but it also partially depends on the time of year um and I'm a little bit speaking out of turn here because I'm not the landscape designer on the project or the land architect but um in my experience I find that being allowed to use the Black Beauty Fest you saw um especially at times of year when seed is particularly difficult to establish um depending on the construction schedule um so for instance you know July and August you have to water the vesas out of SE and it will stabilize stabilize the soil quickly Jesus yes I would agree with those statements absolutely um okay um yeah I guess that's going to that's going to be a lot of water that's for sure uh how you going to get the water to the center just make a little cut in the road and run a pipe run a hose across the street oh I'm not quite sure well right so that's we're trying we would have to do something either to get a line out there to try to keep that watered we're going to figure that out well it wouldn't take much to just make no and I'm bringing I have to bring water up to the job from um Captain Sears Sears so when we're doing that we hopefully we can run some water down that way to a line but it wouldn't be hard to get it across the street that drive that road is in tough shape right now anyways we'll probably you know we'll have to if we do something it'll be very small well there's no other way taking a bunch of trees down to get in here I mean there just no other way I can understand that can't get in there but yeah I can understand the other concerns from the members uh you know the size are close to the 50 but yeah okay and although the the rivers Zac states that alternatives are limited to the property itself um Tim did try to reach out to the vacant lot owner to the to the east uh and and hasn't been able to contact them all all he has to go on is the assessors records um but we were considering bringing the driveway in just over the a very small portion of their property and that would eliminate a lot of tree removal but we we just can't get there uh well you can keep trying you can keep trying yes um and one other request I just forgot note when we when we reconvene and you have the landscape architect here we would like to see a lighting plan um for this patio and pool okay since it's in a Coastal Bank and an ndz in sensitive area okay I just have one more question I know you can't get into the The View pruning down that's going to be down the road which I understand uh for the windows um but can you put the path on the plan don't you plan on re keep using the path yeah that path is on the plan but we can put it better yeah we do you plan on having little uh you know steps in the banking that's requires zoning approval and and if we had known that we were going to get bumped back a few weeks we would have added it to the plan and and started the zba process but we Tim wants to get the house underway as soon as possible we do plan on coming back for improvement to that that foot path but because it requires zoning we we wanted to keep it separate gotcha thank you I got one more thing Karen go ahead uh on the uh landscape plan uh that's going to be in more detail David eventually more detail yeah right now we have uh you know it say like hydrangea to determine um you know based on our percentages in the different are are is uh he was purposely leaving some some detail off the plan because it was outside your jurisdiction but um but so Bob you want him you want him to give a detailed list of what the planting are going to be like a like a legend yeah we asked him to do yeah I'll definitely have him do a legend for us we wanted to do as many um Native plantings out there on all of it um there might be some high ranges up by the house on the front section there are two areas at least of H ranges and the thing is I know these are two different plans but I believe it it can't be more than 75% overall mhm both plans together okay I mean presenting them as two different plans is you know great I know there were different purposes for each one but what's in our jurisdiction we have to make sure that overall no more than in the outer Aura and you're not planting in the ndz so you're safe there I think but um you know you've got hydranges in two spots that do go into our jurisdiction and they should be included in the calculations with Jen's plan because it's all whether it's foundation planting or it's considered mitigation it's going in our area yeah yeah yeah so I'm pretty confident everything uh Jen's showing on her plan are 100% natives right um but the only place I see hydrangea is is on the water of the Riverside there's nine and then there seven going across um going toward along the garage and then there's eight to be determined that are going in front of the house and three of those fall well two and quarter fall into yeah our area my Tres is such a gamble too I mean you know but once every three years you might get flowers out of them today this year was yeah this year I know everybody got everybody got excited about the it was something that's for sure but yeah um as Tim said we'll he'll we'll get him to put a uh uh an inventory on the plan um so that the the percentage is easily and you'd rather not have the Hy ranges in your jurisdiction is that what I'm getting you you can have like uh we'd rather have all Native there are there are hydrangeas on there is a smooth hydrangea okay that I happen to have one cuz I saw it was native and I said oh wow and I will tell you last year when most hydrangeas didn't have flowers my whole smooth hydrangea had flowers and it doesn't need to be watered a lot okay that you know except to establish it but it's been in I think four years and I've had hu the whole Bush it doesn't get super big but I mean it is native other other than pretty flowers they really don't do anything for the environment they're not pollinating bees can't pollinate there's no nectar I mean you know they just soak up water yeah they they don't call them they don't call them hydro for nothing we got enough hydr in chat and we can we can go without a few more I'm sure right we would appreciate it okay okay so anything else anybody nope so we're going to have to continuous because there are a lot of things with asked of you so thoughts on when you'd like it contined to beond the 25th I don't think that's enough time for on my end honestly I probably have the lightest lift with the tree work we will have to redo some Line work in order to match um whatever may change with the hardscaper grading but right and you'll need to are you doing the Circle or are they oh we'll do the circle but it's really we need that as well Monday yep my timeline will be more contingent on um on Dave and the the landscape designers and probably reflecting the edging between the meadow and the lawn or the low fence at the m ation area um beautiful spot say that yeah I was shocked I don't even know how many lots are left in Shadow there's one next door if you can find them I wish so given that I mean we haveth or the uh the landscape architect is gone till Monday so um first meeting October is real October second yeah that would be the best amendable okay so with that we can entertain a motion all right I move that we continue parcel h13 Captain noll's way to the hearing on October the 2nd second Janet I Eric I Bob I and I say I thank you very much for your input thank you okay uh Catherine rray for the next okay application for notice of intent for four Harbor View Road map 8A parcel H49 for Roger and Elaine moral Massachusetts D number SC10 3699 for invasive plant species control and native plant restoration on an adjacent on and adjacent to a Coastal Bank the applicant has requested to continue to the September 25th hearing okay all right I move that we continue for Harbor View Road to the hearing on September 25th second Janet I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay Katherine the next okay moving on to certificates of compliance um so this is kind of special but per this special condition in in numbers condition 7 in the order of conditions D number se10 3414 the following two certificates of compliance were submitted simultaneously so I'm going to open them at the same time that's fine so we have a request for a certificate of compliance for 104 cranberry Lane map 15j parcel W6 for Elizabeth and Donnelly D number se10 3292 the project included an addition convert garage to living space driveway and Associated site work and a certificate of compliance for 104 cranberry Lane map 15j parcel W6 for Elizabeth an Donnelly D number se10 3414 project was for construction of Hardscape retaining walls Etc okay and Katherine your thoughts I recommend approval for both the certificates of compliance on this okay thank you um anybody have any questions or anything for Katherine on this no fine then I think we can go to a motion all right then I will move move to approve the request for certificate of compliance for the two applications relating to 104 cranberry Lane oh second I get tired at the end I Eric I Bob I and I say I okay next Catherine are there any further unforeseen things none at this time okay I have one question yes go ahead a while back there was a house I think it's the house last house in chadam it's on the Howard's chadam line on Old queenanne Road it was a pond and it had a metal like a little dock and then they said they couldn't and hard it was hard this metal supply remember it was yeah they couldn't finish it what whatever happened to that I don't know I uh it was was the 300 Old Queen an or it was it was like half done it was a docking that was half done it was supposed to be uh mitigation and then the last we heard was that metal was hard to find and they couldn't finish it was that when they were asking to be able to use some different material well the dock is half the dock is half built on the pond and it's made out of aluminum and they said they couldn't complete it because they metal was hard to find and I I don't know I've never heard of the property again I don't know I guess we'll have to is it Old queenanne Road Old queenanne Road it's the I think it's actually the property line of how and shadow goes right through the property but it's considered a chatam property does it 300 ring of bell or that's where the Hedge is up against the street yeah and you have the two entrances it's a huge house yeah yeah and you have to walk to the right yep down and then there was a low area with a pawn yeah we approved that uh a couple of years ago or so three years ago right and it was waiting but it was never completed and we that was David's I don't know David's still not around anymore but they high tailed it out well may what we can do is look into it um and see although I can look into it tomorrow okay thank you um then I think we are ready for a motion I moved to ajour Second Janet hi Eric hi Bob hi and I say I thank you everyone thank you Catherine you did great thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]