e e e e e e [Music] [Music] saw [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all that nice never barely that all right uh good afternoon this is a hearing of the chadam Conservation Commission being held on April 3rd 2024 in accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands protection act in the town of chadam wetland protection bylaw and regul ations my name is Janet Williams and I serve as the chair today's hearing is being broadcast live on Channel 8 and is being recorded for the on demand archives available on the town's website it's being conducted in person by phone and by video conference the agenda instructions on how to attend and copies of all documents for review have been posted on the town website so to all participants whether you're attending by phone or online please remain muted unless you've been recognized by the chair if you're attending by phone you can mute and unmute by hitting star six and if you're online and you're not a commission member please keep your camera turned off until you've been recognized and you can indicate that you wish to speak by using the raised hand feature we try to watch that and we will call on you um and remember when you're recognized please identify yourself for the record and so that we have a record of a quarum attending today I'll now ask each commissioner to indicate their presence Vice chair Karen Lon present Bob rolls present Mary Sullivan is not here today uh Elise Gordon pres Cheryl mury present Eric Hilbert present associate member Bob Delio present all right and I'm here so we have established we have a quorum uh before we begin going through the agenda um I'll ask Paul Whitman the conservation agent if there are any requests for continuances today uh good afternoon Madam chair Commissioners as far as I know there have not been any uh filed okay all right so with that Paul let us uh go through the agenda in order thank you madam chair uh first on the agenda is a requested order of conditions the addresses 46 scattery Road the applicant Carolyn McDonald trustee map 6j parcel 28-9 D number se10 3655 the project is uh proposed work consist of consists of replacement of a single family dwelling with a new single family dwelling that's the project all right thank you Paul um we've had a draft um available on Dropbox and I believe a copy was posted on my town go yesterday um the only issues um that uh we ran into and writing this order were some continuing confusion about the uh the amount of the C coverage um and how it changed from the last um but I believe we received today a revised coverage chart is there somebody online or on the room to can speak to coverage issues I didn't think you I think uh David little they got it right it added up this time so in the the findings now say um the proposed project will result in a coverage increase of uh 1293 Square ft in the ndz and a coverage increase of 14 of 1043 in the outer Aura overall coverage increase of 2336 Square ft um of which 1124 is attributable to the um reconfiguration and the expansion of the driveway which will be done in entirely permeable materials um to offset some of that expansion um and it's o offset as finding number four indicates by um oh I have to change that number that has 2512 it's 2336 um in finding five is also offset by the 12,144 square ft of uh restoration on the Coastal Bank um questions or comments from commission members I would just s there they're not here but Paul if I don't believe they've updated the official coverage table they submitted a diagram which has the numbers in it but it would be as always we should have official in my view yes official coverage tables submitted so will you reach out to David Paul and remind him yes we can do that yep thank you he needs to submit that um anybody else else then I'm going to go ahead and accept that [Music] change anybody online any questions comments concerns all right then I guess we're ready for a motion to close the hearing and approve the order I move that we close the hearing and approve the order of conditions for 46 scattery road with the official coverage table having been received Gordon second roll call vote Bob Elise hi Karen I Eric sustain Cheryl I and I vote I so that has been approved all right Paul what is the next one that was quick uh Paul I'm here okay go ahead we're watching people coming and going in here right apologize uh second one is in order conditions request nine scallop Terrace Robert a and Julie D napolino again I don't do well with names map 15a parcel 9 se- h143 D number se10 3651 the project remove existing structure on site and construct a new dwelling and two decks that's the project all right thank you um hello hi good afternoon ASA Min ajm site design okay have you had a chance to see have you seen and reviewed the draft order of conditions I did I did the uh the only comment that I had was um the planting numbers I think just got a little transposed um we had six Virginia Rose 14 Bayberry and five inkberry and that would be on page three six Virginia Rose 14 Bayberry and how many inkberry uh five inkberry those those are actually just being planted from the exist oh right they're being moved yep I recall that um let me ask you something so um we last we haven't we haven't seen you or talking about since December and you recently went to uh the zoning board and got their approval correct um have there did you make changes to the footprint of the site plan in order we did not make changes to the footprint and that was primary reason I was here is I wanted to explain what we did um because there were some changes relative to that uh that filing okay um all of which were reductions in various components um the back deck was reduced by 2 ft from the property line so that was narrowed up um we removed the second floor balcony in the rear um the front catwalk was shortened up so originally it extended straight across the front of the house now it actually falls short it just it stops basically at the front door so it doesn't run all the way across the front of the house and the stairway goes right down to the driveway rather than having a return and going out to the road so um that actually afforded us a little bit of opportunity to add a couple more plantings in there so we added two bayberries in there um and the last one and the biggest one I think probably from from a conservation perspective is uh we reduced the number of garages we took uh took one garage out and just uh tightened up the driveway so the driveway went from 23 ft wide to 14t F feet wide um and just just a onecar garage so and not really seen on the site plan as the second floor got reduced by I want to say it was about 100 100 square feet the second floor is a little narrower than the first floor now so that's uh that's about it I'm sorry can you what was the first thing you mentioned before uh removing the second floor balcony the the rear deck um that extends the full width of the house was actually pulled 2 feet back from the property line okay so our site plan and our planting plan are outdated then okay um can you so I I didn't I didn't know if you guys there's a lot of integration here in Chad between the boards which is is kind of nice I I know I think uh we had electronic copies or you guys have electronic copies I have hard copies here if you want them um so I I wasn't sure exactly how that was yeah so um we need we need an up we need updated plans yeah and I dropped dropped two in the in the office earlier two hard copies that's probably sufficient um and did you email the electronic uh crystal said that she has the electronic should the so the the order of conditions reflects the latest electronic well that's a that's a question the the order of conditions references all right the original date 912 were buys 10:23 1114 and 127 we don't oh you don't have that okay don't have the 127 and is that the is there a one after not that there there is one after that and I think maybe Crystal made that change so it should and the one at the copy that I have that she sent me has 12324 hey this is Crystal hi Crystal what's going on um he had told me that zoning had a new one so I updated the dates this morning okay so and then he was going to bring in hard copies too so what is the the the latest um the final revision to the site plan was is 12324 yep correct okay and that's in between the two zoning hearings that's when you did all the shrinkage of uh yeah yeah so that was a result of two two zoning hearings okay yeah December and then March okay so 124 so that's do we have that in the Dropbox Crystal no no not that the new site plan no I didn't have um digital he was just dropping off hard copies okay oh you don't have digital so can you please I went over to Sarah and get all the DAT from her okay yeah I can certainly forward that to you and um what were you just showing with was that the site plan or the landscape that's the landscape the most recent and it numbers on the land numbers change that were in the order of 49 and five so we oh that's that's what that's why the numbers were off on the planting numbers we have nothing else new since November so this uh landscape plan because this is the plan that they'll take with them when they go to do an an inspection for a certificate of compliance so these numbers have to yeah so now you've got some updated plans in the office um as I said I've got four more plans here a few any of the board members do those have the current numbers for these for the various they are the latest they are the they are the uh the 123 plans yeah the latest revision the ones in the office written here we have site plan dated 116 and so we need a revised what's the date of it uh January [Music] 23rd what's the date of the landscape plan that one should also be January 20 23rd this what the most recent we have is November 6th oh wow okay yeah all right nothing was received at least hard copy and I'm assuming digital as well so let me get let me clarify so hard copies of both the revised site plan 123 and the revised landscape plan also 123 have been given to Crystal she has them Y and electronic copies have been emailed I I thought that she had it that's where she got that date from um but I'd be happy to could you just please send yeah I can resend it absolutely then we have all of that y okay that was the confusion over that one sorry about that that's okay got it we got it and that's what matters um all right other um questions or comments on this order I got one Jim ahead Bob uh special condition number six uh all lawn will be native Fescue wonder if wonder if we could put in all lawn will be nonirrigated native Fescue I know there's uh no irrigation uh on the plan U Can't Hurt belt and suspenders can't hurt right permanent with no with no with no ground irrigation yeah INR that's all I had thank you all right anybody else anybody online no okay I'm going to accept all these changes then and uh we're ready for a motion to close and accept I move that we close the hearing and approve the order of conditions for nine scallop Terrace Gordon second roll call Bob hi Elise hi Karen hi Eric sustain Cheryl I and I vote I so that is approved let me get these number one two three four five in favor one exstension okay just so help Crystal who's only online all right that's done so okay Paul where does that take us to thank you that takes us Madam chair to uh thank you very much appreciate it sorry go ahead he was leaving no problem um that takes us to an ex a request for an extension to an order of conditions the address is 1711 Old queenan Road applicants Craig and Katherine Peters ma 3 uh L I believe parcel 221 the EP number SC10 3489 the project is a catwalk requested they're requesting an extension to complete the landscape portion of the project and the order expires on 7124 we receive received a uh letter from the actual owners of the property indicating that they had difficulty in um finding a landscape company that had enough labor to do the project there was also an aluminum shortage um and the Builder needed uh more time um to complete um the uh getting the aluminum I guess and uh there's a landscape um plan attached to it as well so that's from Blue flax it's fairly extensive so they would like to come back they they're not here all the time they want an extension for uh this is the first one so they can come back in June and review the landscape plan with blue flax and be on the property while all that's going on so that's the reason for the extension and I'd recommend granting it okay thank you so so none of the planting the mitigation or landscape planting has commenced yet that'll that'll start in the fall once they review whatever it is that they that blue flax has come up with and then they make whatever changes in which case then they'll come back to us to approve so and this is the first extension they've asked for right that's correct and and uh they they did um indicate they have secured a landscape uh company for the project so it will be going forward okay um I don't suppose Mr or Mrs Peters is on the platform no of course not okay all right well given that it's the first one um and nothing has happened for mitigation uh I think it behooves us to grant that and then um have further conversations with them uh in the summer when they're here any questions I mean we can't answer any questions so all right go ahead I move that we approve a one-year extension to for the order of conditions for 1711 old Queen road to July 1st 2025 Gordon second roll call vote Bob I Elise I Karen I Eric I Cheryl I and I vote I so that's approved all right all right Paul where do we go next next you are now on uh applications submitted for notice of intent the address on this is 55 lenel Lane Pamela P Kindler map 16j parcel 1 a-2 the EP number se10 3664 proposed Swimming Pool and Patio altering of an existing sept excuse me alteration of an existing septic system minor location change for existing shed um I will add that I spoke to Mr Perry about an hour ago he's in the room I believe um his clients made a change as late as yesterday um we were able to get from him um the the the changes on a plan which Crystal was able to get up on my town gov um and Mr Perry was going to uh actually submit it by hand today so I don't know what your position on that will be but there's been some changes so he's there to uh fully explain it well he is not but uh but oh he's not no but hold on yeah hi I'm Lauren Kern I'm Lauren's here so Bob is on his way can can we do you want to wait another one first we can move on to another matter and hold off on this one sure if that's okay that's no problem great yeah okay did you hear that Paul Bob's on his way so we're going to hold on Lenell and move on to uh whatever the next one is yeah just somebody makes a motion to table it um I I moveed that we table 55 lenel Lane Gordon second uh Bob hi Elise hi Karen hi Eric hi Cheryl hi and I say I so we'll pick this up in a little while all okay next on the agenda uh sorry mam next on the agenda is a notice of intent uh the address is 16 sepine Road applicant Edward F Acton map 11l parcel 2- hc3 D number SC10 3673 project raise existing dwelling construct a new house with detached garage and a pool and a patio and a Land Management plan that's project ah somebody is here for the project that's good uh Teresa's here hi good afternoon Teresa sprag with blue flx design here on behalf of um Ed Acton I I'm not sure where Thad is um so I'm going to do my best to go over the changes to the plan I don't have the coverage calculations or anything um what I can tell you is that the pool has been shifted from the southern property line and pulled back from the Eastern property line and it's been reduced the garage size has been reduced from what was previously a three-car garage to a twocc car garage um and the location has been shifted um so I know the goal was to bring the total coverage um in the um 100 foot buffer zone down from the previously proposed 55% I know it's below that now and I apologize to you because I don't know exactly where it is right now I do believe it's above the um 35% threshold but it's below the 55% I think it's in the 40% area um but the shift in the pool to the to the west and the um North so giving us more room for planting on the southern portion we've pulled it back from the 50-ft buffer zone so that we're able to plant out that entire 50ft buffer zone um on the landscape plan I can tell you that we have um uh We've labeled the trees that um were asked to be labeled we have um increased um the amount of planting and we have increased the size of the amalink here and the trees that were previously proposed and we have also added a mo strip um in that area along the southern property line to prevent invasive vegetation that's existing to the south from um migrating back into this area so overall there's been an increase planting um the creation of a m strip an increase in plant sizes um and a reduction of coverage within the 100 foot buffer okay thank you um I have a question but it's about The Hardscape so ah everybody's cutting it very close today the folks are just going too quickly well we had to skip over the last one because never mind fair enough that Albert G Southeast well Teresa just did a a great job of uh summarizing all the changes so three metric smidget three metric smid that's that's the calculation I didn't have my apologies yes it's about 10 we moved the building about 10 ft to the north we reduced the garage it's 13005 square feet of reduction in building 1305 reduced from the last one we saw Yes okay that's what I was looking for and I only brought six of these because you require six hard copies but I'll be right with oh this is the coverage table ah thank you very much thank you so that looking at the the tables that were on the the site plan from the first iteration to the revision showed a Hardscape increase from 564 830 Square ft am I not reading that right no you're reading that correctly okay we did have a Hardscape increase but we had a I mean everything had increased at the first iteration we had gone from under the 35% to 55% coverage within the outer Aura and now we've brought this down to under 45% so it's under 45 that's yes I can't even see where I had had flagged that uh Hardscape and we're currently at 44.3% 43 okay um let me open it up to two questions from commission members questions reactions I just have a comment was this the one that I asked for the sco oh thank you sco I use smidge instead they're equivalent sco and smidge the same and you did it thank you so much with three metric scoes see if you don't ask you don't and it's in the dictionary so that's this shifted everything 10 feet to the north this will give a little more buffer to the South goad hi um yeah this is a good compromise um a question on the planting are you because of the steepness are you going to use a Juke twine we will we'll use a coconut um straw um biodegradable erosion control blanket a 24mon blanket okay great and the only the vegetation restoration process it says if the health of these trees do not improve they will be removed and replaced do you do that on the fly or no we do not we would do that absolutely in conjunction with the staff and would come back to the commission if that's necessary yes anyone else questions Bob I got a quick question Teresa number five the the tree that's supposed to be removed the American holly yes that's a beautiful plant if you can get the Bittersweet out of it it is it's on the edge of the pool patio so previously it was being removed because the pool was constructed a little further to the South um I I don't know with the with the height of that pool wall fad I'm not sure if there'll be an over dig that would damage that tree I I fear that there may be um POS so we could um I mean it's great for the birds you know it looks looks like a female right I it is I believe and we have um we have mitigated for it with new trees um but I I would hate to say that I think we can save this tree because I'm afraid that we can't and I don't want to say something that's not true can you transplant it if you uh it's really large and in our experience transplanting Holly any bigger than this is has a less than 30% chance of living um we've we've tried it on multiple sites um truthfully I'd rather replant another Holly um I think we'd have better success replanting another holly tree can you possibly put like a tree well around it maybe if it's there going to be a great change right at the wall it's at the wall I think it would be cutting into the tree in order to yeah in order to install that there yep okay well I I I wish we could save it I I just and I wish I could say to you we'll we'll do our best I I just think we won't be able to save it so I just want to be honest do you want them to do a Hol and to replace it yeah I mean if you could if you could put another Hol in we could certainly put another Holly in absolutely yes I I think we'd have we'll have much better success planting another holly tree so we can if you'd like to condition that we add a holly tree to the plan we can certainly do that okay thank you anybody B anything okay see no strip has been added service VAR increased okay I think I think I think that's it I think we're ready to schedule this Janet I got another question I'm sorry no no don't go ahead um plants around the foundation lscape plantings um have you thought about that so we have not designed the um Foundation plantings for this project they're being um the The Hardscape and Foundation plantings are being done by another designer I have not seen the plan for those um we're planting and everything we're proposing up to and then into the up to the 50 restoring the entire 50 foot buffer and into the 100 foot buffer I'm not sure if there is a landscape plan completed yet for the plantings it has not been completed yet um we certainly will it will be designed though to abide by the the current regulation for the percent of um plants within the 100 foot buffer that can be non-native M and how about the lawn the lawn will be a Fescue microclover lawn within non- irrigated correct what's yeah what is there now is not irrigated I don't believe so is there an existing irrigation system on site no there is there's just dirt yeah yeah okay so temporary irrigation obviously to get everything established and then once things are established the irrigation system would be removed thank you y well I'm just wondering if that's an issue the fact that the Landscaping plan which is going to cover quite a bit of plantings in the irr we have more requirements than just percentage of Natives and so forth and sometimes we take issue with species so I'm wondering what we can is there any chance we're going we can get it relatively soon or um we certainly could get to a landscape plan I think that would be reasonable okay I mean what we I mean one option I guess is to have an order that says submit landscape plan yeah don't you know you could theoretically I guess we can approve this order but we could say as a condition we have to have the Landscaping plan approved before y planting begin yep I think that would be reasonable so that means someone would have to come here and present it the other the other option is that I'm looking at the dates for continuing this were in order would be April 24th that's three weeks from today you if you have any opportunity of getting it done before then I think that would be reasonable to submit a landscape plan um prior to the April 24th hearing okay that would be preferable okay but if not we can always put it into the plan that has to get approved yeah all right anything else so does that mean we're going to he's going to they're going to we're going to move ahead with scheduling this for an order schedu for an order they're going to submit the landscape Plan before the order is finalized and voted on all right we're ready for a motion I move that we continue oh 24th yes 16 C Pine Road to the meeting on April 24th 2024 for order of conditions Gordon second roll call vote Bob hi Elise I Karen I Eric I Cheryl I and I vote I thank you see you back here on the 24th thank you thank you all right H we're going to go Circle back do we have to reread Lenell or have we already done that sufficiently we've already done sufficiently and you table it so just taking it back up again okay we are taking it back up again now that Bob is here with Lauren thank you for waiting for us or for me rather I apologize for being late I saw a little bit busier an agenda than it really was yeah um yeah they're very simple today who who knew not me apparently so uh Lauren Cronin architect Bob Perry hold on Paul saying Paul what no I was just saying to Bob let's keep it that way oh [Laughter] yeah we'll do so um we're here representing um the 55 lenel Lane for a notice of intent for a swimming pool patio in a uh land subject to Coast uh storm flow um we were here back I think in January uh for that review initially from that point the project went to the board of appeals and was unanimously approved and we have uh heard through the comment letter that was provided to that review that the commission as I think was stated at the original hearing they were looking for some kind of modifications that would help with the uh intensity and coverage um full disclosure we had submitted something to you a week ago that was a reconfiguration of stepping stones and fairly minor reduction of that patio surface better shown there um I want to point out uh that the applicant in trying to get to that point where she could make a decision about what to do to change came to us a little bit late and so what was submitted just today and it was kind of Paul to be willing to at least ask you to uh consider it is a change to the plan that has best described as two changes different from the plan that you saw in January the first is that square pattern of stepping stones or they're actually large 2x3 ft granite slabs yeah this proposal as per today removes 117 square fet of granite surface that would be represented by two sides of that square the bottom that faces the house and the right hand side that faces the shed so there's what's remaining is a practical and useful set of uh slab stones that would lead from the house to the pool on the left and there's a slight grade change where you have on the right side of the pool those those stones would remain so it's 117t reduction simply by the removal from the plan of those stones and we submitted that plan to you today it's also on the site plan the second change is the mitigation for that English Oak um observations are that the English Oak is is kind of suffering it's got storm damage it's very large for its location there's parts of its trunk where the bark is breaking off and the two White Oaks that would mitigate for that are now proposed to be 5in caliber it's a sizable transplant that's thanks to the miracle of tree spading these can be done and so those are the two changes that have been provided to you I just want to point out that the patio on this pool on the leftand side where the shed is that's 7 feet wide it's fairly narrow and on the the part to the the top of the pool top of the sheet that's 9 ft wide as measured from the coping and so there's there's really only patio on portions of two sides of the pool there is a set of Stepping Stones because of the grade change and um most of this is proposed on top of an existing uh Spa slate patio area and Lawn and so the in the notice of intent there was an increase in surface that um we had a 480 ft patio that was on top of other patio but the the number that would now be in the notice of intent for increased Hardscape to beond the order of I made a note of this for you it's 500 and some OD square feet um and I had that at my fingertip but anyway um we have done what we felt was reasonable given the site conditions to both provide a couple of nice trees to make up for the English Oak other mitigation that Lauren can speak to and a fairly minimal patio um and so that's where we are and I just wanted to be able to explain that to you and and uh if you're willing to look at that change today that would be helpful thank you thank you um So the plan that can you go back to the one with the red hatching on it is this the plan I was about to put up the one that you the sketch that you send in is this now superseded or outdated it is superseded um I don't know if it got into the system it did I have a copy of it with me but we don't no the one that we received is the um the one that came in today is the uh mitigation plan there were three that were sent only have one oh well that might show Lawrence we have the we have l31 we have a proposed mitigation planting plan dated 403 yeah that does show it shows the the mitigation plan also shows The Hardscape in combination with the mitigation probably a pretty good plan yeah but it doesn't it doesn't show the the coverage the calculations um which is what I'm currently struggling with trying to oh figure out um well we had a 480t patio and we had stepping stones or slabs that I do have those numbers for but we've taken 117 square fet off um 117 or 117 the plan said 107 uh the calculation we did was 117 okay um let me just try something uh to get you that number when in your notice of intent you have a chart and Y we often times we wind up working in areas where that might not be relevant in this one we felt it was um so we provided those numbers and the what would be a net change um that number if we were revising the notice of intent would be 560 Square ft 560 square feet of total increase in Hardscape essentially where that would include the the pool the patio any additional Stepping Stones okay oh I had 570 oh because I had 107 so okay I I did arrive at the right number 560 okay so it's 117 not 107 so would you would you uh please can you do a new chart a new coverage table with the with the current updated numbers for us absolutely that would be good and um can I ask yeah go ahead so I'm confused because this plan the Stepping Stones it's like half of what you showed in the previous red Marked One you took away all those other stepping stones up from the pool yeah okay all right I just okay okay so it's a single pa it's a single pathway that to the pool it's not and you're still are you still taking out those three that are in front of the shed no um the decision that came to me was that that those slab pieces that were effectively creating this Square pattern were to be removed and the pool patio in its configuration that you see on this plan which is identical to the patio that was presented in January would remain okay it's 9 ft by and you can see it's partially it's it's the length of the pool in the walkway on the top and it's a little bit longer than the length or the width of the pool on that left side but it's 7 ft and 9 ft wide respectively are you asking about the three existing ones behind the shed yes yeah the three that you marked red previously are not marked as going out here and I just want to make sure are those back in those those have always been there right but you were taking three of them out which I didn't understand I agree that it gets confusing when we start to change these things it's my understanding from the discussion I had with the applicant yesterday because that area the the soil here is it's a silt Loom clay Loom and that's where she stores different things temporarily like maybe a little bit of trash on temporary basis but it it's the Stepping Stones there for surfacing would be would remain all right and but on the patio you on this plan you are still taking out the pieces of red that you had marked on the previous or no no if if possible no okay so the only thing that really this one that changed from two iterations ago is those half of those Stepping Stones coming out that's the that is exactly one of the two changes okay CH want to understand what's I get it sure since taking that path with those stones out it was it makes a lot more sense than the Shaving bits and pieces here and there and stra yeah yeah it it's a lot less it feels like a lot less Hardscape in a in a flood plane so um which is what we're looking at it's easier to figure out taking out a big chunk rather than a little bit here and there I I tried to get the age of a 5 in Oak it's you know it's an old tree so it's it's going to become apparently more established sooner okay um Lauren did you want to uh talk about your mitigation plan um is there anything new here that there's nothing is the only thing that changed was We upsized The Oaks to make sure they were larger we actually um upsized the Hol and the um Shad as well so everything all the trees are a little bit larger than they were the last time um but other than that it is pretty much what we presented to you before we are removing all the non-native and invasive species from um the areas that are proposed to be planted and everything going back in is the intention of making a you know complete um system with all the layers you know we have the canopy trees and then the understory and then reestablishing the shrub and um perennial layers so okay thank you yeah the the size of these trees the proposed 8 to 10 feet for the uh the Hol service Berry and your arra is good and the the 5- in caliper for the Oaks is excellent and uh I do share your uh uh relief that uh this is now possible it wasn't that long ago that people said you can't possibly uh plant know they've been moved I think they don't know they've been moved that's right we are converting about I think 900 square feet of what's uh existing lawn to mitigation plant beds as part of that um and we're I think that we're providing about four to 5,000 square feet of mitigation so it's well over the 3 to one yeah requirement all right let me open this up to other questions from other members questions you don't mind okay Eric go ahead for it um number one this is a first class mitigation planting um I mean 5in caliper White Oaks is is Big um it's amazing I mean you know the argument about size of medication plants and this is a good example when it's a landscape plant I mean you got an 8 to 10 foot service Berry I mean wow beautiful 8 to 10 Footers American arbites five gallon viburnums um can't beat that um the what is the squiggly line is that mulch beds you got two areas of lawn and the rest is plants and what what is all that uh you know all the checkered lines all the all the the hatching that is all um The Perennial layer so the lists that you see those are going to be all perennials yeah W okay there a list on the bottom of l301 the mitigation yeah now that you're into into a new uh project here what about underground irrigation uh because you have existing underground so that's the remove how you going to you have two areas of one um so you have temporary irrigation obviously to get things going there is an existing system that we'd like to leave in place where we where is not disturbed by construction and then obviously the parts that are distored we would not be putting it back in but um installing the temporary irrigation instead yeah I'll leave I guess I'll leave that one open to colleagues here thank you B I got a couple of things uh where it says um REM remove all invasive material and replant with Native species shouldn't that read remove all um uh ornamental um non-native material because I I didn't see any invasive plants in that area I just saw a lot of ornamentals that that are not native yes that yeah that's the intention there there's some Honeysuckle and stuff that's kind of coming in from the um the front part of the property but yes all all the ornamentals okay with the exception of the three um hydrangeas that we're transplanting that are indicated on the plan okay um so maybe we could reward that invasive and non nonnative ornamentals maybe um the fence that goes around the yard um it kind of um you know it kind of goes along the border of the whole of the whole backyard um and I don't know if it matters because it's a flood plane and not not um but uh should that be uh just around the pool instead um I know it's been probably been there for quite a while uh but what's the rationale of having that fence all around the perimeter it is the existing pool enclosure fence so she was just going to leave it in place um yeah generally we like the uh the fence just to be um around the pool itself and not uh so much the entire yard be because of wildlife movement um but I don't know how do how you get around that it's probably been there for quite a while yeah it was it's existing it was there for the existing Spa um we'd rather I guess leave it in place to minimize the disturbance but it's a Well installed fence it would be excavation to get it out of there I don't know about any clearances if there can be any any clearance um we can look into it but I I know that it wasn't part of my examination or we began we just and it is very well established and the other other thing I had was the shed to the east uh by the by the driveway um it's it's it's in a vulnerable spot right there um is it licensed do you know well you mean as a of conditions MH I would expect so but I don't know I have asked the uh owner if it was anchored and she actually told me it was but I did not confirm that but um you know the the property is a flood zone we have had some pretty severe uh storms and I think that shed might have been affected but barely but we can um see if it's anchored typically if you were proposing a storage shed in a flood zone you you want to keep it in one place so you anchor it so we can look into that and certainly do it if you need yeah I don't know if if Paul could look into it too yeah we've been increasingly um asking about existing um permits for structures and that are uh currently existing but nobody necessarily knows the history of just to because when we approve this obviously that's going to get approved so right um we we can let me research that because there there are the orders that I've been involved related mostly to the stabilization of the road um but there's a there's a history here we'll take a look yep thank you that's all I have for now thank you thank you Cheryl any questions comments Bob see the hovering thumb well yes it's interesting point Bob that you brought up about the fence it is not a pool fence it's more of a backyard fence but on the other hand flood zone as you said we don't have very many performance standards for flood Z flood zones and so it never occurred to me that we should move this fence you could probably argue both ways but it's not it's not an issue for me for some reason anyway I just wanted to because you asked the question I just wanted to respond to it yeah no if it were new if you were proposing this fence we would not approve it in that location um but um it is existing and it is not uh another kind of resource area it's a flood zone so um I tend to end up where commissioner RS ended up on that other questions or comments concerns all right so the only thing that we really have then is to look into the the permitting history um in the meantime we can start preparing to move forward um so it's the same date that uh the last one ended on April 24th that would be fine that would be good and we would all hopefully have answers by then to these questions and uh yeah so we're going to change our calculation sheet that's part of the notice we're going to look into an order of conditions or some record of that shed um yep both shed both both okay yeah they're both there in the flood zone so it wouldn't make any sense to look into one and not the other just to double check but they have been approved and if which one is being relocated slightly it's the one to the left of the pool area and that um it's moving a little bit away from the lot line getting straightened out I can't tell you you might be able to tell me when uh chadam was regulating the flood zone as a resource area so that I could see a day when you know you're local shed company would go to the building department so I'd like to put a shed here and there were no not only were there no performance standards but it may not have been part of your bylaw even at that time for but we once we know the age we'll be able to look back and find out how that relates we'll have that that exact date for you so we'll see how it lines up I I'll look to okay and we're going to change the language about um removing invasive and non non ornamentals and if you want to get particular except for the hydranges that are being relocated that's a lot to put in there but April all right I guess we're going to go to the 24th with this one as well would that be for closure or an order of conditions um those order and closure happen at the same time I think we want to take one last check of this and then uh we would go to the next hearing the fifth the first would be for the actual issuance of the order last question one question before just before we close uh so have we decided on the Underground leaving the underground temporarily or do we move it to have above ground that's the question that's all we don't have a we don't have a hard and fast rule about existing underground irrigation we usually say no new we always say no new that's that's standard in the in the but if it's already there um if it gets damaged yeah they can't reinstall but if it if it survives the construction there is an overall reduction in the area that would actually require because because the lawn is reducing yeah okay yeah okay okay so motion to continue to the 24th I move that we continue 55 lenel Lane to the meeting on April 24th 2024 for notice of intent Gord one question I know you just voted on that is we haven't voted yet so go ahead is there any sooner date that we could bring this to you not really no cuz it would be the next hearing is next week and the deadline is passed for things that's the first one after that okay then thanks okay um Gordon second roll call vote Bob Elise I Karen hi Eric hi Cheryl I and I say I will see you back here on the 24th and then we'll we'll wrap it up and go for an order on the 1 okay thanks for letting me back in up to you byebye thank you 24 all right Paul all right thank you madam chair we're uh we're going to move on now to uh requested certificates of compliance um first one on the list is 67 Capri laying minglewood homes map 13c parcel C8 and C10 D number se10 3560 demolition of an existing dwelling and construction new dwelling Pool Patio Title 5 septic system and the applicant is requesting a partial certificate for the dwelling Pool and Patio excluding the uh mitigation um this is a little bit complex and I'm actually I think someone from Crawford Land Management may be um online um I don't consider this application complete I don't have a checklist we did receive an as Bill plan from uh David Clark that was stamped by Don P yesterday um but Crawford submitted a a rather complex letter indicating that the plantings were installed by another company they are now involved in um reviewing the the plan and maintenance and they've attached some receipts for plant list bottom line is um you know I think every time I make a recommendation to accept an incomplete application it only encourages people to do it again um so I've got Crawford Land Management certifying the dwelling Pool and Patio have been constructed is shown on the plant they're not qualified to say that that needs to come from the engineer so I think you know given there's also no attached ongoing conditions which are in the order so those are going to get if it was approved those are going to get missed and skipped and not included because our requirement now is that they attach a separate Word document listing all the ongoing conditions for uh the uh uh order of conditions for the pool dwelling patio and um anything else that's associated with that part um construction so I think we should just yeah I think we just it's Crystal yeah okay Crystal go ahead I had talked to them today because I had sent out a email about the ongoing conditions and I told them today that because it was a partial that they we would attach it to the final okay I that's fine I still consider an incomplete I I don't have a certification from an engineer um on the I mean Crawford's not qualified to make that certification um um and I don't have a checklist um and you know I just think we're setting a bad press and every time we approve something we could put it over for the next hearing and hopefully they'll get everything in that they're supposed to get in um I know they're technical issues but we we did talk about this and we decided a while back that we were going to reject applications that weren't complete and if you approve it that's fine with me I'm just recommending that we we um we get the proper documentation that we need um so that the next time this happens uh everyone that's involved will understand how it's supposed to be done okay we hear you so there's a there's a gentleman at the lecturn um who probably wants to say something sure Tim Smith minglewood homes um my fault I filed the at the all the paperwork so I'm not I don't do this a lot I didn't know it was a well I do this I don't do the conservation stuff a lot so I understand that David um I thought we had an as built from David I think but that is the as built you do but Don P stamped it okay and you want David to stamp it no I don't care who stamps set I I but I need a letter from the engineer certifying they've inspected the property and that the uh the dwelling the patio all of everything that's in the order other than the plantings uh that they're certifying that they're in subst compliance that's the requirement that we now have otherwise it puts a lot of work on us to go out and inspect the site um and go through file reviews and everything else so so does does the um certified plot plan that it's it's sufficient that's sufficient and we didn't what they submitted as an ASU is sufficient it's unusual to have a plan from Dave Clark stamp by Don P but it is sufficient what I need is an a letter from an engineer saying they inspected the property and as I just said it's in substantial compliance with the order conditions that was issued okay other than the mitigation that's Crawford's uh wheelhouse okay the the certified letter that they had gone out and taken a look at it yeah with photographs and uh a certification that it's in substantial compliance that's a requirement yep okay all right and then the checklist um we just cut that today so you know I think it's as she as crystal said we'll we'll attach that to to the okay final and then um since since the uh yeah and the continuing conditions that are in the original order that need to be on a separate list as well correct that's what I got that's what I got today okay so we can we can hold this off for a week we have another hearing next week on the 10th we can we can try again then yeah and here again that's my fault I I haven't done this conservation part a lot so it's okay you you're losing a week you don't have a closing on Friday you're you're no I have a closing next right okay well we'll see what Happ but we'll get I'll get the the letter certified and and Crystal I'll come back doesn't need to be certified the letter the letter is a certification oh from from the engineer that the that the um the work was all done in substantial compliance with the order of conditions okay that's what that needs to say it's just a on line Y perfect thing and then uh this the checklist and the the continuing conditions okay and the checklist it's just a it's a it's download on from the from the form and just shows that you've you've gone through everything and that you have submitted everything that's required otherwise the agent has to go through manually and check perfect I thought we had done that but I I'll I'll see okay okay all right the last thing mad I'll say is that uh that the letter from Crawford dated um March 6 the commission should read that it's kind of complex in terms of uh what's going on with the mitigation and um you know not things have not been certified in the field yet so you can certainly do a partial on this uh the next time but uh take a look at the letter and the facts that Crawford is laid out in terms of uh the work that they're doing on it now Okay then if you could have it get in touch with Jen Crawford and see it make have her available so that we can ask her questions and see what um they have because they gave us the letter we they've gone out there they've gone out and looked at it so um we did it ex it is a little complicated based on her letter right but we we did plant it exactly how the plan showed so we actually added a little bit of I saw the plants the plants look uh decent they look pretty yeah they look so we'll get everything else done in sorry about meet you back here next week yes okay thank you you all right motion then to I move that we continue 67 Capri Lane to the meeting on April 10th 2024 for a certificate of compliance Gordon second roll call Bob leas I Karen I Eric I Cheryl I and I vote I okay all right Paul um we have one more COC yes 500 Shore Road Steven Stacy Baron map 16g parcel 85 SC10 2666 TR line stabilization I spoke with cape and Islands engineering this morning um this was a Shor line um restoration project that failed fiber rolles uh the applicant decided not to um after failed not to attempt it again so they're simply asking for the uh order to be closed out as you know there's a another application pending uh For an upcoming hearing on 500 Shore Road that doesn't involve Shoreline stabilization but does involve a a stair elevated staircase over um a Coastal Bank so I'm recommending we we issued the uh um C for for this and and close it out okay can you hear me yes hello yes can I speak uh laori McDonald cap and Islands engineering okay hello um sorry Paul I I after I talked to you got a little um concerned about um what we had discussed and I wanted to get some more information for you so there is an existing um order of conditions for the site that does include Shoreline stabilization that stabilization work was completed this past December um so there were likely fiber rolls that you saw down along the be had not yet been um renourished with uh sand um so just just so you know you are so so you know there is work that has currently occurred on the the shore there I was just speak 666 that's all okay yeah this does not involve the the the 2023 order right um but it was apparently for um the same site part of it yeah yeah it do making difference yeah yeah okay all right just I just wanted to make no it's a little confusing it's a little confusing because that 2023 noi also had originally proposed the staircase and the portable Rin station and then through a series of of uh events between the commission and and some uh easement holders the stair came off and and now I hear right they're going to be coming back to put I guess they've resolved those easement issues so this continues to to re reinvent itself every couple months okay but I think we can do the order for 2666 I just sure all right thank you y on that banking um you have Bay Berry that are doing pretty good and then what what are those other uh are those supposed to be Beach Plum on the bank does anybody know because what's left of them is like like a 6 in one stem sticking out of the ground one was plucked out completely there's a hole um I mean they're I mean they're bad if those are supposed to be Beach Plum there's nothing left of them I mean shouldn't they be replaced that I believe the um don't know it's the contractor's doing the um the erosion control in Beach stabilization is still in the process of completing the work so um they just then it's not installed the fiber right right that that's the fiber is installed the plants are installed beach grass is doing great the bayber is doing pretty good but I think those are supposed to be Beach Plum but literally most of them have one little stick out of the ground about 6 in High I mean it's it's I mean it's it's not right were those planted in um in mitigation for the the the 2023 fiber roll installation project I can't say for sure I'm trying to remember what M what mitigation we had there I don't see you've got an ongoing uh order and you know so I suppose it could be dealt with through that one and we could just close this one out um yeah because if they're supposed to be maintaining these you know these mitigations I mean right this one's from 2005 yeah oh is it yeah so that planting was done in 2005 right they're back yeah just did another project so that's we can Circle it in that one those plantings were done that long ago yeah yeah no the F the initial fiber roll what and the plants themselves I think that part's new to 20203 I'm trying to find the the order yeah because they don't look I mean the bayberries are they do pretty good but everything's small but there's nothing left of the beach plums and there's a lot of them all right then those are then those are associated with the new projects not associated with the one we're closing out so um when they come back to do the stairwell we'll have an opportunity then to um make sure they do the right thing and replacing any any mitigation plants that have not survived okay thank you okay y sorry I was more clear I was just no this is a confusing this is truly a confusing no it is yeah I was just we're just try we're getting rid of uh just cleaning it up and getting rid of the old ones um and there is ongoing there is ongoing uh work there no just to find it I did a global search on my computer of 500 Shore Road and you wouldn't believe how many things came up y the order 2023 right all right well let's do this U certificate of compliance I move that we approve the certificate of compliance for 500 Shore Road Gordon second roll call vote Bob Elise I Karen I Eric I guess I'll sustain if this is an old one I'm talking about oh you can vote none of us were here when this was oh okay I yeah none of us know any that Cheryl I when they're that old it it's predates all of us and I vote I too so that's approved uh minutes we have minutes two sets one I was not here for I was going to say I think so uh so we have to separate them out yeah because I'll be abstaining on one so let's start with February 28th um couple of comments I see there couple of Corrections something highlighted uh yearly operational plan highlighted oh this is the airport I think I highlight just because it wasn't defined I'm just write in I now know yop whenever I hear read this later yeah right lucky them okay um any other questions or comments all right motion to approve February 28th as as amended I move that we approve the minutes from February 28th 2024 as amended Gordon second roll call Bob I leas I Karen I Eric I Cheryl I and I vote I that's approved and then we have March 6th which were very simple yep is there anything I don't see any correction there no there's only right that's very uh no it's good okay I move that we approve the minutes from March 6 2024 Gordon second roll call Bob hi lease hi Karen hi Eric hi Cheryl hi and I abstain all right Paul do we have anything else any unforeseen items no unforeseen items wow yes that is that's the way we like it I have one unforeseen item sure um is there any way that we could get like a laminated like a square not like a badge but something when you go to properties I mean times have change you know when you show up at properties like you know some kind of a id id or something I I think we get you a gold badge well you know you hear you hear all these stories about you know people walking up on properties and things have changed and some of them are like Fort Knox um no I'm not trying to be funny Brewster Brewster Commissioners used to have badges and they were often confronted by property own I was like what are you doing out here um and they would show their badge and it was gold and they got in even Sil we could look into getting identification cards for you something something like that would around your neck or something I mean we always I guess I everybody we we make a point of going knocking on the door first and making sure see if anybody's there to let them know that we're there before they let the dogs out yeah exactly right so please don't let your dogs out sometimes the dogs are already out and but it probably would be would be better to be able to show them a idea of some sort or even if it's yeah right exactly I just we're out there like crawling around in their Shrubbery and doing all kinds of things I'm crawling under a deck wonder what the heck is going on because you're chasing just a that's right she's after the rabbits and I'm after her I'll uh I'll check into that with uh I think maybe Greg and PD or somebody we can get you some some sort of identification thank you be good that would be good all right thank suggestion thank you anything else no motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn I second Bob thank you guys Elise hi Karen hi Eric hi Bob you get to vote to un adjournment hi there you go Cheryl hi I vote I thank you Paul thank you Crystal that was theast thanks everybody bye not too far [Music] off [Music]