e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening everyone welcome to the March 19th 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and on-demand viewing on any smartphone or TBL device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing none pursuant to Governor Hy March 29th 20123 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 3A subsection 20 until March 31st 2025 this meeting meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure the public adequate quickly access the proceeding as provided for the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to the meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and Sim cast on Channel TV on chadam TV which is now expend Channel 8 and 1072 to our best efforts we may not be able to provide real-time access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible uh first I action of the of the evening is to establish a quorum for roll call uh selectboard member necastro present selectboard member Davis present select board member dyens present select board member shell and select board member Mets is present uh just a quick little um overview of tonight's agenda uh minutes for the March 12 2024 we're going to defer until next week uh the 26 uh then we're going to go into public announcements and agenda item request public comments on our business agenda which we will start off with a uh series of seasonal alcohol license renewals and then we will get into our 2024 annual town meeting article review placement and placement and review uh couple small edits to the lineup tonight one we're going to actually kick the um that section of our agenda off with the moo Regional School District articles um we have some uh time management we're trying to working with um also item number seven property acquisition for 96 self Commerce Park South we're going to withdraw t for this evening and tic item number 11 193 Stony Hill uh we're also going to withdraw so we have two two less items on our agenda uh everything else stays in place so with all that being said um as I mentioned the minutes for March 12 2024 being deferred so we will start with public announcements and item request I'll start with the board shine thank you Mr chair um Amanda Converse is the director of live love local love live local which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to straight strengthening cap cod's local economy by promoting the importance of supporting small businesses and um she would like to come before the board she asked me to reach out to um make an agenda item request to come out uh make a presentation to the board that highlights some data analysis about impacts of consumer spending uh at local businesses compared to them the spending in the big box stores and competitors National competitors you might have seen the article in the chronicle where she made a presentation to Hart so I'd like to add that as an agenda item all right thank you thank you anyone else from the board um is there anyone from the audience I see the chair of the independent Day Parade committee um I have a funny feeling we're going to get a little announcement tonight thank you Mr Mets I'm appearing as chair of the Independence Day Parade committee uh and I have a few announcements uh first of all to give you an update on the committee we began this year with three new members of the committee and one who had only had experience for about six months so we have a five member committee and three and a half of those let's say are new and the committee is jelling very very well we're having a good year with the committee I believe we've hired 10 bands already which is the most we've had in recent years um and we have a theme the theme for this year is chatom it's a sure thing and Shore is spelled s r e and that was submitted by Chuck borosi who's a local resident here in chattam so that was his suggestion and we actually had many suggestions to choose from it was a very good response to our appeal um a second thing we are going to ask the public to volunteer here to be parade Marshals this year we're looking for 5 to eight people 16 years of age and older who would be willing to walk alongside the parade and basically keep it moving um we're trying to avoid some of the gaps that have formed in recent years we've had a couple last year that were 10 or 15 minutes and that's something we don't want to repeat um people towards the end see the gaps they believe the parades over and they start heading for the exits and that's something we're trying to avoid so you'll see that on our website coming soon um you will also see nominations for Grand Marshall and that'll be starting April 1st going through May 1st and then the applications for registring to join the parade um as entries that'll begin on May 15th and last until June 15th and then we'll get the parade order out towards the end of June so those are the updates I have tonight if there are any questions from the select board any questions or comments well thank you and thank you to all the new members for stepping up and look forward to another wonderful parade I think it'll be a good year me too thank you any other public announcements or agenda item requests anyone online no one with their hand raised online right one okay public comments on our business agenda uh anyone in house tonight no is there anyone online with a uh question or comment on our business agenda this evening Miss Gibbs Elaine please go ahead thank you Mr chair yes uh without knowing the scope of um the agenda is in terms of what's going to be discussed it's hard to comment in advance but I'm going to give it a shot in the cover letter for the budget there's no actual total I believe so far I added up the numbers it looks like it's about 83 million in terms of operating budget and capital requests uh but those don't include the placeholders of land purchases and collective bargaining and the other thing is the uh mrsd request for siding and trim it says in one of the handouts it's 2.4 million but it's unclear if that's the total cost or if that's chadam share um I guess I would question why we would do the siding and trim before we do the roof uh maybe that can be addressed and I don't think there's I think there should be an article I didn't see an article in the packet it I only see the deic exclusion and I assume that that's something that town meeting would vote on um so uh maybe that's in the works in terms of the transfer station uh I couldn't see an article for the additional 2.9 Million I don't know if that's the one that was done previously but I also know since then there were revisions to uh Priority One phase two for the three .8 million uh some changes were made I don't know if that changed the amount and um I'm not really sure it was very hard to follow what is actually in this 2.9 Million it is it still the commercial area and St you know so I hope that would be clarified so that we actually know what we're voting on and that any Artic I again I assume there would be an article for that so it would lay out exactly what the 2.9 Million is for um let me see I'm trying to read my notes here um the select board had requested a five-year projection uh showing uh the impact of the um appropriated funds in the past that haven't yet been borrowed as well as the impact of what is being requested in this warrant article uh moving forward in terms of how it's going to impact um the assessments and the tax rate um I I hope that we have that ahead of time I don't think that's something that should be presented at town meeting it's way too hard for people to go through and look at those numbers um I I think it's important that we have that information H so that it could be presented to the select board between now and town meeting uh and as well as the anticipated if there's going to be more property valuation increases uh that obviously would generate more Revenue but also would increase our assessments uh because it since 2021 it there has been a 57% increase on that and it does affect taxpayers the only other concern I have is what's not included in this budget um we don't know yet what affordable housing is going to cost us what's going to come back to us at a town meeting uh in terms of having to write a check at some point and we still don't have fiveyear projections on what the water uh is going to cost us drinking water uh repairs uh treatment of pias iron and manganese treatment and all that and the sewer projection again you know the fact is we only have 115% of the number of homes that should have been on the sewer by 2030 actually connected uh we're a long way off there's like 3,800 properties that were supposed to be connected by 2030 so we have a long way to go and I think that we should know those costs that are coming down the pike um before town meeting if possible because it's it's going to impact um where we go from here I I anticipate that you're looking at having a special town meeting in the fall I don't know how you're going to avoid it with the Council on Aging and uh once we get the rfps in on affordable housing so I think people should be able to take that into consideration uh before Town Meeting thank you thank you Miss Gibs any other uh individuals online with a question or comment on this uh agenda tonight no that one all right uh first item under business agenda is seasonal alcohol license renewals um we have a list in our packet um any questions or comments from the board if not I'll entertain a motion Mr chairman I move that the board as a local licensing Authority approve the renewals of the following seasonal liquor licenses as recommended for the 2024 season all alcohol backpack forever LLC DBA doing business as APPA kitchen and Tiki Bar 593 Main Street beastro LLC doing business as the beast on Maine Peter Higgins doing business as Dogfish Taco Company chattam Pisces Restaurant Inc doing business as Pisces Restaurant and Bar TP tpj Restaurant Group LLC doing business as the champ cut Diane EF Company Incorporated doing business as the Captain's Table Queen an in Incorporated doing business as the queen an in chadam Sun Cafe LLC doing business as chadam Sunrise Cafe wine and malt only osr Seafood Incorporated doing business as cream and Cone the Grump Incorporated doing business as sweet tomatoes and pleasant Bay Village Motor Court Incorporated doing business as Pleasant Bay Village Resort second thank you very much uh further questions or comments all those in favor SLB member NE Castro I SLB member Davis I SL member dyin I SLO member shell I and SLO member met says I all right 2024 annual town meeting articles review place and vote um we are going to start with Mike um may go good afternoon or good evening good evening uh site board I've got a presentation um I'm not sure I don't have the pin number to log into the laptop our chatam TV Michael has it so they'll bring it up all right okay perfect so that's for the the sighting I didn't so they haven't voted and placed the mrsd budget yet if you wanted to start talking oh yeah okay so the budget a which a when we last presented to you the numbers have not changed since our last presentation all that's happened since then is we presented to the school committee and they've made a final sort of vote of this version of the budget so it's exactly the same as was previously presented to you no further changes we don't have another state budget yet so still all the still the same state numbers and we've not changed uh the any other other figures within the budget questions from the board Dean just wanted to um State for the record publicly so the assessment to the town of chadam is 10,389 40 yes that's correct thank you I move to place this on the warant second yep second further discussion all those in favor select word member to Castro I selectboard member Davis iboard member dykens iboard member shell I and selectboard member met says I Mr chairman I move to recommend second second thank you uh all those in favor selectboard member NE Castro I selectboard member Davis ibard member dykens I select board member shell I and select board member met says I sighting all right sighting so I have a few slides I'll make it quick uh basically the problem at the middle school is we have significant deterioration and disrepair of the siding and the trim that's allowing water to get into the building uh where it shouldn't be uh there's air we're having air quality problems which we believe are related to that and we can do ad hoc repairs but they have a limited effect uh because you know the building's not sealed and so a limited effect and they're costly as we have to keep doing them so a whole bunch of photographs of to display the damage that we're seeing at the moment uh and I've here's a couple that I've made a little bigger so you can see them so you can see this one on the left you can see where the siding Has Come Away there's a hole through there through the building there into uh you can actually see the building wrap there and then on the right you can see how the siding has all come away H the trim sorry on the right there's actually a hole in the the bottom of that trim so uh lots of way for water and animals to get into the building which is you know once this starts to happen it just starts to accelerate so what we would like to do is remove all the siding in trim uh and the existing building wrap install new higher quality wrap with weather resilient trim and siding uh I don't want to you know prejudge the outcome of the design which we go into exactly what the materials would be used but we're estimated the project the project would be total cost of of $25 million uh we would fund that project by borrowing funds for it and then it would the cost would be in your assessment that we would see every year as the high school uh debt is in the assessment right now this would now become part of that assessment as well it would be assessed to you based on foundational enrollment as that changes each year in FY 25 that was 76.8% for harit and 23.2% for chattam but as you know that will change over the coming years and the budget that we presented to you did include an estimate of what our first payment on the debt might be and if the project was not approved then we'd use those funds to continue the ad hoc uh repairs though we think uh complete replacement would be much more effective so this is just a timeline for the process of sort of for the project uh so we hopefully we get through the approval between now and in town meeting then we would con begin the design process in July give us a few months to to do that and then go into the procurement the debt I was just speaking to our bond Council we might actually not issue the debt until we had completed the procurement and we knew how much the construction would be which makes more sense and then we'd hope to begin construction you know towards the latter half of next financial year so just wanted to pick pick out the approval process is this a little uh kind of unusual approval process in that the way the the the the legislation works is that once the school committee has approved it we notify the select boards and then you have 60 days to disapprove it and if you don't disapprove it at a town meeting then it is appr it is considered approved so strictly speaking we don't need your approval we just don't need your disapproval if that makes sense that said we didn't want to put you in a position of giving you 60 days notice to arrange a town meeting to just disapprove something if you didn't want it to happen you know we want to make sure everyone we want to do this with your full support um and as and making this you know in the interest of full transparency and making everybody what we're doing we recommended having a town meeting vote to approve it so that it's all clear what's happening because it is a big undertaking for the district so that's so so the school committee would take a vote you know assuming it's on the warrant it's also like there timing issues so if we' voted at the last meeting that would be slightly more than 60 days before the town both Town meetings had taken in place so providing you've approved and it's on your warrant then we'll get the school committee to vote and they'll notify you so that will make sure you're within 60 days if you do want to disapprove it at that town meeting or or if town meeting does disapprove it so as I said your options are to put you mean you could not put it on your town meeting and then it would just a we would have our approval but we would recommend putting on town meeting warrant which I think is what is proposed this evening uh there is a second part to this as with you can with this type of debt choose to have a vote that's dependent on it a being excluded from proposition two and a half it is been a great scheme of things a relatively small amount for your District in terms of your Levy capacity so I'm not sure that's necessary and so at the moment that's not recommended the vote the wording of the vote before you I believe is just a straight approval of the project all right questions or comments questions or comments with the board Jeff thank you Mr chairman uh Mike thanks now this uh potentially should it be approved or not disapproved um it would be wrapped into the assessment going forward for the next 19 years yes so it's in it's in this 25's assessment if you budget 25's assessment yes and the number I estimated is around what we think it would be if we were to get the debt approved uh the debt issued couple follow-ups uh the roof's okay so the roof is so we are I mean and I know that was one of the questions earlier so right I would we do want to do both and uh we have applied to the msba the massachusett school building authority to be part of the project for the replacement of the roof but we don't want to so the the roof is in better condition than the siding the trim and we don't want to wait any longer so if that if we don't get into the msba program from a roof perspective we're okay waiting another year or two from the most recent assessment we had of the roof where I'm not so comfortable waiting another year or two on the side in and trim so that's much more critical you saw the you know the needs in those photographs so we want to Prior we want to get that done and not wait for the roof and you know I mean yeah it would be nice to have both done but the roof's not terrible is we had it assessed recently they said it was an okay condition we keep maintaining repairing it there's not a lot of evidence it did happen during winter mean but there's not a lot of evidence of water still getting into the building we're keeping on top of that but we know water's getting into the building on the side in the trim so let's fix that now and then you know we'll fix the roof hopefully in the next couple of years as well one quick followup just very little disruption to ongoing operations at the school it's all exter exterior yeah and actually at the moment we have disruption to what's going on right now because of those air quality problems so we had to move classrooms around and we hope this would be part of the solution to that okay thanks Mike thank you Mike um just uh one one question um did it official or otherwise wi have you gotten any indication of what the useful life or the expected uh um yeah life of the of the the approv the uh the new project would be yeah I would expect at least 20 years I don't have yeah I don't yeah yeah but yeah I would expect 20 years especially with the quality of materials we can get now that helps maintain you know decent L of okay thank you that's my only question okay uh Dan so just for the record we got an email this afternoon from the town manager's office so the article that we're being asked to place I think supposed to read as follows I'll read it to see if the town will vote to approve says to approve the how much is it Michael for the sting 2. $2.5 million to see if the town will vote to approve the 2.5 million dollars in debt authorized by the monore Regional School District to pay costs of renovating and reconstructing the exterior sighting of the monomo Regional Middle School including the payment of all costs incidental and related there to or to take any other action relative there to and there's a corresponding motion with the same language is is that confusing though because it it'll appear that we are taking on the entire debt yeah I mean I I Town people would be a little confused by that is should there be some sort of explanation in the memo that will yes it will be a regular article so it's it's the majority vote and then we'll put I'll work with Michael on the explanation to know that it's their debt that we would be approving and our payments are expected to be yeah 49779 over 20 years okay and includeed in the annual assessment include it in the annual assessment yes we wouldn't go outside the um prop two and a half for it okay that will I'll be in the explanation yes Mr chairman I move to place this article on the warrant do here a second second okay further discussion all those in favor select board member necastro I select Bo member Davis I select Bo member dy I select board member shell I select board member m says I Mr chairman I move to recommend second again I move to recommend I guess we're all going to vote no but second right we're all supposed to vote no no no yes vo in the affirmative in the affirmative if town meeting doesn't approve it they would vote no yes but we can give a recommendation the town to town meeting not to approve it meting we want approve it we want approve well we don't want them not to approve it yeah you want to approve it we we do not want a negative vote a town meeting correct you do want a negative vote no we do not want a negative vote a town meeting we not so it's confusing dis very confusing you want a disapproval no we want an approval we definitely want want town meeting support on this town we want an affirmative vote at town meeting yes Town Council originally drafted it is a vote to disapprove and in talking to Michael and um as well as harit it's a vote in the affirmative to approve if town meeting does if it doesn't pass by a majority vote to approve they in essence disa okay yeah thank you so I move to recommend second second f discussion confusing all those in favor selectboard member de Castro I selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dik I selectboard member shell I and select board member met says I thank you very much thank you all right thanks Mike um going to roll back to FY 2024 budget adjustment transfers um Mr chair so this is a a placeholder this would be adjustments to the current budget year that we're in which is FY 2024 we don't have any budget transfers identified yet but Finance director Carrie had asked that we keep it as a placeholder just in case all right entertain a motion to place so moved second second okay further discussion all those in favor select for member NE Castro hi select board member Davis I select board member dykens I select board member shell I select board member met says I collective bargaining agreement for July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2027 a placeholder place to vote article yes Mr chair so you've seen the board's seen this uh for the last couple of years that uh we're in negotiation with all five of the towns unions and should we um have a tentative agreement we would come to the select board in an open session to vote approval which is ratification and then the funding of it would be included in these divided motions that are in the article so depending if each of the unions do uh ratify and if they don't there'll be no action on that particular Union thank you just as a practical matter that means May 13 or shortly before that is a is is a deadline for for this for reaching an agreement yes and uh so that your recommendation would be either at the time we reach the agreement or on town meeting floor we would announce it thank you I will move placement all right do he second second further discussion all those in favor select board member dcastro I select Bo member Davis I member Dy I select board member shelle I select board member met says I all right item five establish a town of chatam adult supportive Day program potential vote to replace and recommend um any so U Mr chair the board had asked to wait to place and recommend until there was a full membership over the cep board present uh the article itself hasn't changed from what you saw before um I did think it's important for Leah to give an update um on the Grant I don't think she has notification yet um and also for the board to consider if we do ex so I'm me back up a bit so we had talked about last time that any Town funding would be an offset to whatever the grant was not contingent upon getting the grant so I think we've changed the article to reflect that um up until a couple of days ago I was a little concerned about um the amount of money holding in reserve for the adult Day program if we were to appropriate it but um I feel a little more comfortable by it so if the board is willing to appropriate the funds and I should just give you that amount to um that because it's in a warrant article it's actually placed in a in a holding place so if for some reason we do get the grant but with some other I guess uh potentials with the 193 Stony Hill um Leah did say that she would be able to possibly get an extension to the grant um there's two extensions available but we haven't received it yet so the decision for the select board tonight is would you want to move forward with an adult Adult Day program with or without even without the grant all right questions or comments from the board Dean well I stated my position last time I'm not going to support it if it's not contingent on the Grant I understand the majority of the board feels differently um this adds two and a half positions to the town staff it's worth more than three cents on the tax rate I don't think we should be embedding that into the budget into the finances of the town until you have a pilot program that's funded by a state Grant that's my position thank you Jeff so Jill just to just to clarify here if I might we would vote the monies for you know potentially vote the monies this evening um they'd be encumbered so youd have have them set aside um in the budget and should we get the grant then you're saying that the grant funds would be used in a in a future year because we've already encumbered These funds this year we would not be would not be a direct offset I think that's what I heard you say I could be wrong actually so the amount is 273,000 T it's it's a raise in appropriate so it's on the tax levy so we use that to augment it um with as as Dean had noted this does include the hiring of a full-time person as well as two and a half or one and a half part-time positions the full-time position once we hire that person they they're a town employee so if we continue the program which I would expect we would we're going to need an ongoing um funding appropriation for future years so what we did with the Florence Seldon family support group we really weren't sure at that point and there's no Staffing allocated for that but we weren't sure how many applicants we would get so we did it as a separate article we appropriated the amount and any leftovers were carried over into the next fiscal year and then whatever allocation that we need in our appropriation we reduced it by that amount to keep it at a a standard I think it's 425,000 per year so this is 273,000 682 and it's I it's somewhat of a policy decision to the board of of what you want to do with offering it like soon or is it something you want to wait until there's more information on 193 further questions or comments yeah I I'm going for I mean I this will never happen if we don't step up and say we're going to commit to this there there there are all kinds of and we've heard uh what it takes to get this program up and running and uh you know to be very honest with you I based on what I've heard I may be wrong but I think there's a a a good chance that we will not spend a lot of money before the Grant and the extensions assuming we get it run out um and and I just think that if we if we sit here and wait for the the the arrival of you know funds from wherever uh we're going to be waiting a long time and we need to begin the process of putting this program in place I I the idea that it's going to be in place by July 1 I think is extremely optimistic to um essentially um not really likely if not impossible and um I I I just I think we need to commit to put this program in place and and and get working on it so I I I appreciate what you're saying Dean but I I I think we're we're um we'll be waiting for gdau here if we don't commit here today chff thank you Mr chairman we we've talked about this for a number of years now it's been uh a priority um by the Council on Aging and for the center for active living um uh we you know it's time the chadam had its own program and if we don't get up the dime now it's just going to be another you know rolling the rock up the hill once again and we watch it roll back down so let's get this going let's please support this let's get behind it and I am absolutely in favor of it and I want to put in the warrant for $273,600 and I I'm fully supportive of it um I for my two cents um I mean Grant I I went back and forth on this a little bit reflecting back on last night's meeting um but I'm not going to flip-flop around my vote um we you know we we we want to make start making some commitments to you know the programs and some of the um you know processes that we're putting in place for our community and our COA and and our and our citizens so I'm going to stay where I was last week and and support this so Mr chairman I moved to place I second second okay all those in favor select board member necastro no select board member Davis I select board member DIY I select board member shell I slbo member matter says I move to recommend here second n further discussion all those in favor slbo member to Castro no selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dykens I selectboard member shell I and selectboard member met says I all right uh property acquisition zero Pleasant Street in chadam we have a potential vote to place yes thank you Mr chair so this is a placeholder um Katie and I met with representatives of the the estate and they're still working so this is a property that's um that AB buts the South chadam cemetery and it's a Dr Crocker's property so um they're still having preliminary discussions uh with regards to possibly a family member purchasing all or part of the property but they don't really really have an answer for us yet so I would suggest that the board place this article as it's written in your packet as a placeholder and then if if we do come to terms certainly it would be voted at a regular select board meeting and we can uh present the motion at the town meeting questions or comments from the board go ahead I don't know if this is what goes in the warrant but there are two typos in here you want to pick up if you haven't uh one is the semicolon that should be an and down at the bottom there's an extra space after acquisition okay thank you entertain a motion to place you got the L yeah yeah move to place second second okay further discussion all those in favor select board member necastro I select board member Davis I select board member dikin I select board member shell I and select board member met says I item seven we with with um item eight tree protection bylaw draft number two thank you Mr chair so um DD Hol Holtz who had made the original presentation to the board um had done a great job in drafting a pretty difficult bylaw we've connected her with Town Council Pat and I wanted to make sure that the board saw the version it's updated to a point to allow for the um town for special Provisions for town-owned trees there were a couple of questions to DD about um how would Town trees for like an affordable or attainable housing project be hand be handled and um there's through town council's comments in this draft he feels that that that we are satisfact satisfactorily exempt um from the bylaw for certain projects and in a transmitt we certainly can make it public here noted certain occasions for what type of property use Town property use that would be that would not this ballet would not be applicable to so I'm sorry I'm just trying to find them um I know I if I want to T it over to you Mike I know you had a question from Town Council yeah I I just want and and I don't want to turn this into a a whole brewhaha but um I did have a long conversation with uh Pat Castello today um based on on that conversation I I am comfortable that um the line in his opinion that says uh the bylaw would have limited applicability to town projects including affordable housing developments um is something that is there's much more Nuance to it than is implied by that um and and I rather than getting into a debate about how to deal with uh the bylaw in the context of affordable housing projects I just want to say that based on that conversation I'm comfortable that it it is not something that can be used as a vehicle or or as a veto by people who were opposed to affordable housing and attempting to use the the this bylaw as a a means to a veto so and with that understanding I'm I'm supportive of the bylaw additional thoughts uh Dean I just just had a question for Jill um what's the status of the accompanying zoning bylaw it's actually not needed so that's why it's not put forward um I when we reviewed it with um Town Council he had when he had suggested that it was needed he hadn't reviewed our zoning bylaws and after review also with Katie denan the director of Community Development and they both determined that it wasn't needed to have a separate one um or yes a bylaw Amendment zoning by Amendment we also talked about the fines and the girdling of the trees and he felt that the updated um bylaw that he presented would address that the fine schedule okay thank you all right we're good all right tree protection bylaw establish a tree revolving fund potential vote to place and recommend do we have any action on the no you've already placed okay did we already recommend it yeah y okay yes okay so this is actually the the funding mechanism that we wanted to establish for the for um enforcement of the tree bylaw as well as potential care for the trees so I'm just looking for it here it's um there's a new format that we had adopted State estate law change so it doesn't look the way that you've seen it before because we have an initiated a new bylaw um but as you know with the inspectional services bylaw the format where there's various columns like a through F and it it looks a little funky um this is that same format because of the law change so it identifies um what the B what the revolving fund is who has authority to spend from it which would be the DPW director and town manager that we could accept donations but also deposit penalties fines and other sums received by the town um pursuant to the tree protection bylaw and that and also chapter 87 are shade trees and then it notes the expenses related to costs associated with tree Replacements maintenance or mitigation plantings and it's established for fiscal year 25 which begins on July 1st and at this point we had uh limited it up to $5,000 we don't know how much will be um contributed toward it but if if we do receive more than 5,000 then it's vote between the select board and the finance committee to allow us to expend more than 5,000 so first year it's a little difficult to judge um in Town Council had assisted in drafting this so we would request that you place and vote favorably questions or comments from the board if there's no questions I'll entertain a motion to place so move second okay motion second um all those in favor select board member necastro hi selectboard member Davis Hi selectboard member dyin hi selectboard member shell I and select board member better says I vote to recommend so moved we hear a second second okay all those in favor select board member n Castro I selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dyens I selectboard member shell I and selectboard member met says I all right moving on citizens petition article year round housing OCC occupancy restriction act um by process this is automatically placed on the warrant uh we just have a opportunity to make a vote to recommend so there I think they're on line Caroline y can you hear me we can hear you yep go ahead okay great so um yeah so thank you for um taking some time to check into this I want to apologize first of all that we didn't weren't able to get this to you without doing a Citizens petition we did have um this drafted in the end of January but we were very busy with the rfps I guess I had an opportunity to bring it through the the partnership but I did not so that's on me so but I really want to move it forward um as you know up at the State House Julian Seer and Sarah Peak are working on this and if that goes through then we'd be right in line to to enact what we can pass here today that would allow us to to do these citizen uh do these year round restrictions so I'm just going to read the synopsis here for the folks at home if they were interested um this article would create a home roomle petition to allow the town of chadam to create yearound deed restriction program to promote yearound housing occupancy managed by the select board this program would allow the town to purchase deed restrictions from homeowners and developers to permanently limit the occupancy of a given dwelling unit via a year-round housing occupancy restriction for rental or ownership housing this would be a voluntary program where homeowners could sell a deed restriction to the town for a yet to be determined amount this home R petition would also allow the town to negotiate D restrictions with the de developers through the special permit or comprehensive permit 40b process with final select board approval in both cases the yearound occupancy deed restriction would live with the property in perpetuity and would only allow for the property to be occupied by an owner or renter who lived in that property year round this home petition would allow the town to restrict dwellings for year round occupancy regardless of the income level of the owner or tenant there would be no area meeting area median income restriction and sale prices and rents could be attainable or market rate as long as the resident resides in the year round unit in the unit year round currently there is no mechanism under statute or otherwise that would allow a community to restrict a dwelling unit to a year-round occupancy unless the Restriction is tied to affordability this home R petition would allow chadam to start addressing the yearr round sustainability of our community stabilizing the year round population without income limits so I think a lot of people think we can do this already but we can't um so hopefully we can get this passed and um it'll pass up at the state and then we can move on it right away all right thank you very much uh Mike yeah I first of all I'll I'll take a little of the responsibility that Carolyn uh took by herself uh in terms of the the the delay getting us in front of the select board um I I think there are three things I want to say here first of all it's my understanding that um Senator seir was interested in having as many towns as possible adopt this or something like this as a show of support in uh Boston with the general court um and so I and so I think this is a u a good thing on that front um the second thing is that uh it's it's a tool in the toolbox this is not a solution to the problem but it's another aspect of the uh various things that we want to have um in our as I said toolbox to begin to address the issues that that we all know exist around um uh basically a a a year developing a more of a year round economy here on in in chadam as well as on the cape and then finally um this has a market mechanism to it this is not something that's being imposed this is just a vehicle that allows people to as part of the process of either building or um just in a in in a private transac transaction um selling essentially a a a limitation in the deed uh for what presumably will be a market rate and um so I think on all fronts this is something that uh is a good thing for us to do sh I there's been several conversations throughout the year um with uh Senator Sears uh making presentations to various uh towns um I know that this came out of um uh select board member sanberg in Provincetown had uh worked with Senator Sears to initiate the the town the town the cape townwide sort of a presentation so I'm really in favor this as Mike said it is it is a tool that we can use um how the program gets set up and how it gets funded is is something we will'll be working on probably going forward if it gets approved but I'm in favor of it additional questions or comments from the board I'll entertain a motion to approve or a mo motion to motion approve yeah yeah recommend right because it's automatically placed on the warrant so y so move I move to recommend the citizen petition article second second okay further discussion all those in favor select board member de Castro I select board member d I select board member dy I select board member shell I and select board member met says I ski over so now item 12 vote to place ballot questions on the 2024 annual toone election ballot a d inclusions trans foration article in B debt exclusion Waterfront infrastructure which is the Waterfront Bond article thank you Mr chair so the board is already placed and voted to recommend the transfer station are article that authorizes uh through a 2third vote the borrowing we asked Bond Council to review the ballot questions because we realized that we had not asked the board to place that so thank you Dean for mentioning that to me so um the ballot question for the transfer station article um has a quick edit by our bond Council it's remov the word additional we were trying to figure out how to show that that this was an additional authorization and in the warrant article itself I know you don't have it in front of you we're still working through it it it provides a pretty detailed explanation it's neutral it's not advocating um that that also has the same amount as what raw presented is 2.9 Million and that's to get uh us through the recycling area through some modifications and the plan that he provided as well as addressed the Tipping floor in the blue building there's been no policy decisions yet about whether um commercial haulers will continue or not that was that's something if the board wants to consider that's something uh we can discuss but this is purely the the debt authorization um on the ballot at the annual town meeting so the only word that we we removed was the word additional so it will read shall the town of chadam be allowed to exempt from the provisions of prop two and and 1/2 socalled the amount required to pay for the bonds issued for the purpose of paying costs of redesign renovation construction and equipping the town's transfer station located at 97 Sam Ryder Road including the payment of all other costs incidental and related there too question mark Dean so Jill we don't typically insert a dollar amount in these borrowings no we don't but as you said earlier the um trying to address some of the questions that were asked during the public comment the the explanation um on the Warren article itself will detail out what the financial impact is for the town yes there there will be a small chart in that and like we've seen for other projects that we've Deb excluded and the motion will have U the amount noted as 2.9 Million it's the ballot questions or the ballot questions that don't have the amounts listed so I'm I move to place this ballot question this question number one on the ballot regarding the transfer station project second second okay all those in favor select board member necastro I select board member Davis I select board member dykens I select board member shell I and select board member met says I um Item B Waterfront infrastructure uh so this would be question two and this is the debt exclusion for Waterfront infrastructure the Waterfront Bond um once we of the Articles will have that included uh this is for 11.4 million as you know the the initial the first Waterfront Bond was authorized in 2017 and through essentially two 2024 there remains of a balance of about $2 million um you've seen natural resources presentation come before you they've itemized the projects we've had a a fincom vote of six to3 in favor of this um the transfer station vote by fincom was 7 to2 and so this article has not changed than what was in your packet I could read it it says shall the town of chattam be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and 1/ half socalled the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued for the purpose of paying costs of design renovation and construction of various projects involving Waterfront infrastructure and Facilities including Landings and land acquisition costs and facilities and for the payment of all other costs incidental related and related there to question mark this is the exact wording that we had in the 2017 Bond authorization Dean just to clarify um the related articles will require a 2third vote because they're borrowings yes but the ballot questions require a simple majority vote at the polls yes thank you move to place second second further discussion all those in favor select board member decastro I select board member Davis Hi select board member dykin I select board member shell I and select board member met says I all right ordering of the warrant and motion assignments yes so if you would want to if you can call your attention to looking at the scorecard I think that's probably the easiest um we've ordered the Articles certainly open to um any type of movement that you need um to get us to actually I think we're up to 50 articles that would surprise me uh 48 we're actually we're down to 48 yes I'm sorry I just keep talking did you have no he hasn't recognized me yet oh I just want to make a general comment and I'm happy to participate in this process we should do that do it but every whatever we do it get changed around it at at town meeting anyway because people want to move items toward the front and so forth so just keep we should just keep that in mind nothing's really carved in stone and also the consent agenda discussion obiously comes up so I I I think we should just let staff just you know roll our names down down the articles I have really no stake in needing to to do any of the you know I have certain phobias and certain words out there but we will leave that one alone okay so um so we'll have two actions tonight we're we'll order the warrant and then we can do the assignments typically we go chair Vice chair unless there's if there's an article that any of you feel strongly about that you want to offer the motion to we were happy to insert that as well we also should not be assigned to something we we voted against so uh two things Ju Just I I think the the order you've presented is fine and I'm I'm all for that um in in terms of the the only ones um you know I'm I'm I'm tempted in just to you know try to assign the chapter 100 bylaws to somebody else but I think probably I should take those other than that I'll I'll I'll do whatever you want to do okay right would you would would you be willing to do that i' I'd love to have you with me Dean I think Mike we we were gonna list you as the speaker so if if that's uh that's fine so if you made the motion you can go right into yeah no that's fine that's fine all right okay so we just need a vote but let me just make sure that one thing I know we had this conversation before that the um the fix comes before the map um yeah so the the scrier error yeah the scrier error comes that's 41 on this list and then 42 is the air approach so yep just revisit a couple the town operating budget usually the chair does that is that is that correct usually the chair does it usually ends up that way yep okay that's what it's been historically I think and if any no one Minds I'd like to do Monomoy be honest with you that's fine okay it's my only request so and then I guess do we we given I I I just would point out we need somebody to do the adult daycare because then would prefer not to do that I'll do it if you want me to no if you need I'll absolutely do it no no no that's I'll be happy to do it or or one of my colleagues then I'll take the Waterfront Bond there you go there you go all right I'll take the Adult Day Care there you go do you need a vote on the ordering I we have it listed as I don't think so I think we're good I just want to make sure I caught up Cory I'm happy do I think you need to do the transfer station I will happily do the transfer station okay happy do that and then we had Mike for the adult day yeah okay and got Jeff for the mono Regional budget Dean is there anyone in particularly and um the other the only other one that maybe needs some special attention is is the uh the euron housing occupancy the petitioner would would make that motion oh okay sorry yeah okay Caroline Carolyn does that I'm happy to do the trees okay just one question on the um the scorecard um item 12 it says vote to disapprove yeah n nuke that that yeah I ned that that was before tonight just just for a clar is is uh the chair of the C CPC going to do the bylaw amendment that Mr he'll that okay okay I think we're pretty good all right so we're working on finalizing the warrant explanations we'll get you the scorecard we're hoping to send the the warrant to the printer on Friday so we have a lot of eyes on it tomorrow and so forth um and then the only next action would be devote to close the 2024 annual town meeting warrant so moved second second further discussion all those in favor SL bir member NE Castro I SL bir member Davis Hi SL bir member dkin hi SL bir member shell I and sled board member met says I we have a series of appointment ments to consider tonight we are going to start off with the cave Cod Commission our chatam representative is seeking to be reappointed uh Tom Wilson has served and has done a very great job um representing the town and he is uh inclined to um be re re um reappointed so de Mr chairman I move to appoint Thomas Wilson as the chatam representative to the Cape Cod Commission for a three-year term running from April 25 2024 4 through April 24 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed do I hear a second second all those in favor select board member nicastro hi select board member Davis Hi select board member dykens hi select board member shell hi and select board member met says I uh Conservation Commission um we have two members who uh essentially want to kind of switch Ro from a full membership to an associate membership um um it's pretty straightforward as that just kind of re refiguring the committee same membership just different terms so any questions or comments or would someone entertain a motion Mr chairman I move to appoint Bob Delio as an associate member until june30 2024 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed I hear a second second further discussion all those in favor selectboard member NE Castro hi slard member Davis Hi SB member DK hi select board member shell I and select board member m says I Mr chairman I move to appoint Eric hilber as a full member until June 30 2025 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed do I hear a second it's Hilbert it's Hilbert hbert sorry y okay okay second second okay all those in favor select member necastro i s member Davis I select member dyens I SBO member shell I and SBO member met says I we have a Le's code committee we have two open seats we had a gentleman Sam Fuller apply uh for one of those two seats so um entertain a motion I just have a question is Kathy is this the longest term that's available June 30th 2026 because there were a couple of same sense to your terms it's feeling a vacancy though I think yes both of the two open seats are open until they're vacant for or their terms and ending uh June 30th 2026 both of them thank you you're welcome okay entertain a motion move to appoint Sam Fuller as a member of the aunt lady as Cove committee until June 30th 2026 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed hear a second okay further discussion all those in favor selectboard member NE Castro I selectboard member Davis I SL board member dyens hi flightboard member shell I and selectboard member met Tes I next we have a candidate Miss Nancy bar uh who actually interviewed for um and shared her interest in three potential committees uh one the historical commission one the chattam Community Housing Partnership and won the open space committee um I didn't want to put words in her mouth but I think she was open to maybe serving on more than one committee so what is the board's preference Mike so I I just I I kind of read her as being um definitely here to serve on the historical commission and enthusiastically welcomed by um Frank massina uh I know that she had a couple of subsequent conversations regarding the Community Housing Partnership and I think um there's some agreement there uh with respect to that um I I I'm I don't have a point of view with respect to the open space committee except I I read her as saying let me take this a little bit at at you know not not leap into too much too soon and so I just open a question about the open space committee um I think your read on the historical commission is very accurate and I would like to actually start out with entertaining a motion to place her on the historical commission as a first step she she was present wasn't this morning at the meeting I don't I didn't catch the beginning of the meeting but I think that is probably her first preference but then in her conversations I I read her the M the same way all right so make a motion put her on too I mve to a point um Nancy bar as an alternate to the historical commission until June 30th 2024 unless soona revoked or a successor is appointed do we hear a second second okay further discussion all those in favor SL member de Castro I sler member Davis I member DIY I select board member shell I and select board member matter says I yes Mike Mr chairman I move to appoint Nancy bar as a member of the uh member of the Community Housing Partnership until June 30 2025 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed he a second further discussion all those in favor select bir member necastro I select member Davis I select board member dykens I select board member shell I and select board member met says I I say we're done done all right uh one last motion to this evening move to aurn do I hear a second second further discussion all those in favor selectboard member necastro I selectboard member Davis Hi selectboard member dyens hi selectboard member shell I and select board member of met says I good night everyone thank you for [Music] watching [Music] [Music]