e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] evening everyone welcome to the April 2nd 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly shortly Hereafter for the scheduled and onand viewing on on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing none pursuant to Governor heles March 29th 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 38 subsection 20 until March 31st 2025 this meeting of the Chad select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceeding as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 94544 one0 conference ID 203 386 491 pound or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and s cast on Channel TV which is now exfinity channel 8 and 1072 despite our best efforts we we may not be able to provide a real-time act for for realtime access we'll post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible uh first thing I want to do tonight is establish a quorum uh select more Castro present member uh dykens present uh select member shell um present and selectboard member Mets is present so we are we have a a quum tonight uh just quick little rundown of agenda we have approval for a set of minutes then we will move on to public announcements and agenda item requests we have three public hearings tonight uh one to consider a new traffic sign stop sign at Morris Island Road and little Beach Road the second to consider new traffic signs stop signs on Joshua Jethro Road four-way intersection sign at River View Drive and Joshua Jeth Road and a do not ENT sign on Hallet Road and School Street the third public hearing which I'll get to back to in a moment is um a continuance for a um nuisance dog at 48 silven way that we was um start that was last post or last discussed on February 20th but hold that thought one second uh then we will move on to public comment and and on our business agenda and our business agenda tonight consists of item a consider use of town roads for the annual walk for home on Saturday June 9th 2024 Item B is to consider sale on Town property for the Supreme fairs uh item C is to consider use of town property proper for the South chadam Library construction and seasonal placement of little libraries at KCK Cove Pleasant Beach and Forest Beach item D is the cape light compact proposed amendment of clarifying language on the second amended and restated joint Powers agreement and our last item on our posted agenda this evening is 90 Bridge Street project bulkhead Construction contract so going back to first item for I will accept the approval of minutes for the March 12th 2024 set set of minutes you want to sorry talk about the did you postpone the dog uh we're going to get the public hearings yep okay so moved so moved second second okay Ed thank you Mr chairman I have a few uh first one is on page five um up at the top and maybe you already caught this Kathy it's Michael it's Michael thet is his name you have Michael Thompson um in the second paragraph third line right in the middle after the word expand I think um we should insert structures on I think that's what they were talking about who who may wish to expand structures on their property then under uh the in the next paragraph right in the middle um toward the end of that line where it says owners be done period U I'd like to insert it because I think this is what Mr Bixby was saying he spoke of both a footprint impact and a fiscal impact he spoke of both the footprint impact and a fiscal impact um under the next agenda item there in the paragraph that begins rosn Coleman in the third line I think we should add the word warrant after the word meeting then on page um six um second paragraph SE line I think we strike the word for so it's simply an article that asks a non-binding question um page eight okay um I fourth line down I would suggest we strike the phrase any significant use of and insert after the phrase emminent domain to to be likely so it would read Town Council does not anticipate eminent domain to be likely in this regard and then I would add this sentence at the end of the next paragraph it was emphasized that information identifying which property owners are within the approach Zone be made available comma whether they are impacted or not I'll repeat that it was emphasized that information identifying which property owners are within the approach Zone be made available whether they are impacted or not then on page 11 um about 2third of the way down the par paragraph that re that reads Town Council stated that the proposed bylaw amendments in the second line I would strike the the phrase the candidate and insert a member and then in the next line of their choosing I'd strike the word notwithstanding and insert the word [Music] upon and then I would insert the word recommending before the word committee at the end so it would read the board retains the right to appoint a member of their own choosing upon a recommendation from the recommending committee and then um I just have two more pages on page 13 up at the top in the second line where it says housing assistance I think they provide training on housing assistance the lower Cape housing Institute um next paragraph which Begins the CPC recommends I think in the third line uh I would substitute autism for mental disabilities and then um down the bot bottom um under number 12 second line I would strike uh the word become and substitute the word house so the the Coast Guard boat house that will house the upweller and then finally on page 14 I think we're missing a vote at the end a motion to recommend and the vote this is on um the the um articles you have the placement vote but we don't have the recommending vote I think Mr Shell may have caught that I hope actually I didn't well we wanted to beat M we wanted to beat Mr Mets to the punch this time thank you thank you Mr chairman you're welcome uh Mike yeah I before I I do have three or four uh that I want to share apart from the typos that I shared with Kathy but Dean can I come back to your suggestion on page 11 in the paragraph that begins Town Council the I I asked because my interest or my understanding of what was um consistent with 3.2 C I asked Pat Costello to confirm that we could appoint someone notwithstanding I don't know if I use the word and I I I mean I don't quarrel with what that sentence says but it it does as you amend it take out the one thing that that I thought we needed to have which was we could in effect decline to um accept their recommendation and pick a candidate of our own I that's I offered the change because the the language because I don't read that change that way and I and I I don't agree with it I mean we sent it forward that way I didn't want to make a big issue of it I I think the sentence that there that is being deleted in that article takes away the select board's Authority to appoint anybody we want if we don't like their recommendation I think taking that language out forces us to have to go back to the committee and say recommend somebody else or leave it vacant that that's the way I read it I didn't have a private conversation with with I didn't have a private I I asked the question here in the meeting to clarify that we could do just what you're saying you think that we can't and I thought I got a confirmation from Pat that we could I don't remember that can we sort of confirm that before we finalize yeah this I'm I'm fine with whatever he said but I don't remember it be honest with you does anybody else have a recollection I mean it doesn't matter if you do or you don't we need to go back and look at the tape and yeah but I I that was my clear understanding that was the basis on which I thought that that we could at least I could accept the fact that the change was consistent with 32c okay so okay all right so we'll hold these open subject whatever you'd like to do I'm I'm perfectly willing to just defer to Kathy talking toying it whatever I I no i' I'd like to um you want to hold it open it's fine with me hold them open hold them open yeah I I just remember having that conversation with Debbie aan long long ago and I said if you get that sentence out it's not a housekeeping change it's a substantive change okay and apparently I have a lot of respect for Debbie but you know yeah okay okay so we'll we're going to hold on the minute minute minute unapproved then that's okay I mean do you not want to just get the rest of the CH I will get why if you have any other edits let's get them out now so that when we come back with the final formal approval we can just kind of clip off that one item good yes okay uh I don't know if anybody else has any I I I exhaustive or exhausting um page two um just a question right down at the bottom that last sentence where it says commercial permits fund 75% of sales to the revolving fund um permit fees fund 25% of the revolving fund I was confused whether the percentages and actually as I read it now one of them says 75% of the fees and one of them says 25% of the fund I I thought it was the portion of the fees that go into the fund so I guess the I reviewed it and of becomes a two I I reworked the sentence okay okay good it is a percentage of the sale goes to okay good um page eight [Music] um the third paragraph the the next to the last sentence the one that begins no larger planes I I I think it'll be a lot clear and I pretty sure this is in fact the meaning that was intended if that sentence reads no planes larger than those currently using the airport will be allowed to land because the current surfaces and visual limitations at the airport do not support such larger planes and then on page also on page eight um in the next paragraph where it says encroaching the Top Line encroaching I would change that to penetrating and then in the next par paragraph fourth line down after the word mitigation I would add the following Clause based on the petition article authorizing $200,000 of funding approved at 2023 ATM and then I think I have one more on page [Music] 13 um where is that item TW oh yes in the in item 12 uh the third line says last year the committee recommended a request for $700,000 I think last year they received that request and they cut it back to 350 so I Chang recommended to received thank you that's it all right so we're going to hold on approve a formal approval until the item on page 11 is resolved fair enough yeah all right you public announcements and agenda item request I'll start with the board does anyone know from the board have a public announcements uh Dean Mr chairman I just want to note the passing of former Congressman uh William delahunt he passed away uh over the weekend and um uh he was a great Congressman for this area I think most people would agree um and I think he was respectful of all different opinions and I I knew Bill uh from way back when he was a ward counselor in the city of quinsey and watched his career Advance um as state representative and then district attorney for norfol County and then and to Congress and um I think it is a great loss he was a fine public servant so I just wanted to know note his passing thank you Mr chairman thank you yeah I recall he came to the art of Charity a couple times or at least one time where we had a good time so he was a he was involved in the community he was a good guy he was a good Congressman I I don't think I knew him when he was your Congress our Congressman but um I had the occasion to spend some time with him on many occasions in the last four or five years at various uh events and and while I don't know if he actually was Irish he was uh uh he struck me as as a guy who uh left leapt right out of the pages of the last harah he was uh he was a real um a real fun guy and uh I I'll certainly miss him now thank you um any additional board uh agenda item requests comments anyone from the in-house audience tonight is there anyone online with a public announcement or agenda at a request no no one online all right we will move to our public hearings um as I mentioned earlier we have three public hearings tonight I am going to take public hearing item C out of order um item C was the town bylaw chapter 115 section 6 regarding complaints of a nuisance dog at 48 silven way uh we had opened this public hearing on February 20th 2004 uh we have a request from the owner to continue this hearing until next week uh April 9th 2024 um Council and representatives and U certain entities could not be available tonight so procedurally if I could just get a motion to continue this uh public hearing until April 9th 2024 that would be so moved second second okay any discussion all those in favor select board member necastro I select board member Davis Hi select board member dykens hi select board member shell hi and select board member better says I all right thank you very much so now we're going to start with our first first public hearing considered new traffic sign stop sign at moris Island Road and little Beach Road I will ask our clerk to read the public hearing notice please okay Mr chairman the chadam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 2nd 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 Georg rer road to consider the placement of new traffic signs stop signs at the intersection of Morris Island Road and little be Beach Road the signs are of standard size and style and are recommended to the board by the Traffic Safety Committee all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you very much good evening good evening so the Traffic Safety Committee uh met in December on this and uh recommend voted to recommend the installation of the stop sign to the select board um after the public Hearing in uh excuse me December um you returned it to the Traffic Safety Committee for reconsideration that was done at our committee meeting on January 25th um the person who made the request Mr Chipman he appeared um he discussed the various issues that uh prompted him to make the request he cited vehicle speeds through the intersection increase pedestrian and bicycle safety increase bicycle traffic um ENC bicycle traffic from a bicycle tour business has several reasons to support his request so there are two signs there now the one at the bottom of the screen which is facing down little beach the other one on the left hand side which is facing down Morris Island Road going towards Morris Island itself the proposed one is up on the top left there um some of the some of the reasoning behind that is when vehicles are coming down from the lighthouse there is no traffic control making them stop or slow down either making that right hand turn or going straight across onto Little Beach Road so your vehicle speeds could be the speed limit of 30 miles per hour going through there being that there is a boat yard down at the far end on seagull some of the vehicles going through there have considerable size and weight um lending to the issue of them not being able to stop in time if there is a pedestrian or vehicle that comes out from Morris Island Road on the side so that stop sign would do two things it would slow the vehicles down coming through that intersection the second thing would do is stop them and give Vehicles Andor bicyclists Andor pedestrians coming out of Mor asyland Road from Mor asylon a chance to see the vehicles have those Vehicles react to them and be able to make that intersection a lot more safe um the two signs that exist there now are fine there was a comment that was uh forwarded to me regarding an obstruction of the sign that's facing Morris Island Road towards Morris Island can you switch that to that photo please um that is just a mockup that I made I did a little Photoshop Microsoft Paint and put in a stop sign there to kind of give you an idea of what the stop sign would look like along that side and as you can see that Conservation Area there there's a whole lot of very tall reads and vegetation in there that really can't be removed because of where it is and that's going to create a visual obstruction to the right as you're approaching that intersection um so I put that stop sign there to show how it would be visible to the oncoming vehicles and would provide a stop right at that location so people can see to the right and people come coming out can be seen can you forward that one please and then that's a picture I took from the inside of my vehicle about 100 ft away from the stop sign one of the concerns uh that I read was that that stop sign was obstructed in this photo taken about a month and a half ago you can see the stop sign more than 95% is visible there's just a little bit of that hedge there that's uh obstructing the right lower corner of that and this vegetation like many other spots around town I'm sure it's on the dpw's list of trim they've all been out there working the past couple of months taking care of a lot of this stuff so I don't think that that that vegetation obstruction issue is a real issue at this point so I'll take any questions if you have them all right well um it is a public hearing I'm actually going to open it up to the public is there anyone in the house tonight would like to make a public I mean have a question or comment on this item is there anyone online who would like a comment on this stop sign request no no hands are up all right so want to bring it to the board Mike uh just a question um did did did you give any thought um to first of all this seems like a really good idea and I I and I'm somewhat familiar with the area of that particular intersection I think it's a good idea I just wondered if there was any consideration given to making it a four-way stop by putting one on Windmill Lane as well the only the problem is Windmill Lane is private I see so we wouldn't be able to mandate that sign if that's something that they the owners there wanted to do they certainly could but they would have to pay for that installation and it's not something that we could require as a as a town okay thank you I was going to make a motion but you have a question I just wanted thank you thank you sharine I just wanted to ask if we could include in the record the email we got that Lieutenant GED was referring to from Lorraine Murphy star we all got it the s sure thank you absolutely um Jeff do you have a question no I just think it's a good idea and I'm certainly supportive if shine's going to make a motion that's great I'll I'll second ER right Mr Davis I moveed that we place a new traffic sign at the intersection of morsh Island Road and little Beach Road and I'll second that okay um I guess kind of doing this backwards we should probably vote to close the public hearing first and it's always bad I'm I'm back in planning board days sh I I I'll move to close the public hearing second second all those in favor selectboard member necastro I selectboard member Davis Hi selectboard member dykin selectboard member shell and select board member met says I we have a motion to approve uh we have a second any further discussion all those in favor select board member necastro I select board member Davis Hi select board member dykin I with thanks to the Traffic Safety Committee as well I select board member shell and select board member Mets as I all right next public hearing consider new traffic signs stop signs on Joshua Je Road four-way intersection sign at riverv viiew drive and Josh Dr Road and a do not enter sign on Hallet Road and School Street um I'll ask the clerk to read our second public hearing notice please yes Mr chairman the chadam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 2nd 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 George rder Road to consider the placement of new traffic signs stop signs Joshua Jethro Road and Riverview Road four-way intersection warning sign in advance of the Joshua Jethro Jethro Road intersection location determined at the discretion of the Department of Public Works to do not enter sign Hallet Lane at the intersection with School Street the signs are of standard size and style and recommended to the board by the Traffic Safety Committee all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you very much Encore performance so I'll address the uh Joshua Jethro intersection first first Mark if you could move that up to that next photo please perfect thank you so this is the intersection of Riverview Drive and Joshua Jethro Joshua Jethro crosses across Riverview and on both sides coming from Joshua Jethro onto River viiew you have currently you have yield SIDS in place for that four-way intersection and no traffic control on Riverview Drive so you've got through traffic on Riverview so the request made um to the committee was to replace these yield signs signs with regular stop signs and make this a true stop sign at both sides that wouldn't have any effect on the Riverview Drive traffic that would still be a through traffic um the secondary request on that was to post an intersection warning sign a little bit further up on Riverview from this intersection uh just to give people a warning that there is a four-way intersection upcoming okay um public hearing so questions or comments from the public in house tonight yes please uh just please go up to the podium either one just I'll just take a moment introduce yourself and ask your question into the microphone okay my name is Deborah buckton Goldberg I am the resident at the top of Joshua Jethro and Riverview Drive I had asked somebody in the riverbay association if we could look into having perhaps a four-way stop sign there um my reason for requesting it is um when I'm at my kitchen window doing my best impression of Martha Stewart I'm very aware of the traffic that goes down Riverview Drive and um there was a a traffic study done while I was away um in March um at a time when there's very little traffic the summer residents are gone a lot of snowbirds are gone and it's quiet so I think there was a finding that there wasn't a lot of traffic at that time in the summer however spring summer fall it's a lot busier you have a lot of landscapers with their big cargo um carriers you know dragged behind their trucks and the go really fast because that's a hill going down Riverview and it picks up a lot of speed the other thing I'd like to point out is um ashy you have to stay up the podium unfortunately because the microphone can't pick you up okay work that corner at the very far left is right at the top of a hill and there is a lot of vegetation not in the winter time so much but in the summertime and it's very hard to see um any vehicle coming from that left um hand side of the street um so I find it kind of a dangerous intersection um and uh I don't think the yield signs where they're positioned currently um make a lot of difference because they're on Joshua Jethro that's not a very hight trffic Street whereas River View Drive is it's a main artery through the neighborhood and people pick up high speed going through there so that's all I wanted to say thank you thank you very much is there anyone else in the audience tonight would with a question or comment is there anyone online with a question or comment no one no one all right so back to the board I mean I'm going to make one comment BS I mean I've driven through R review you know a fair amount of time s making my way around getting lost sometimes say whatever um I think this intersection as does make sense to make some safety improvements I mean I can understand why people have identified that as with some concern um and I don't think it would be at all detrimental putting those signs up to to make that a safer intersection so I can see myself completely supporting this so um Shireen um so we just approved a couple like a month ago chipping Stone Riverview forway stop which is just down the hill and up the hill from this intersection what's the rationale that it's any different than what what what we see it so at that location the road coming in from uh old Queen an is on the inside of a curve a pretty sharp curve so vehicles coming around that corner approaching that intersection and coming around that corner if they're at speed the people coming out of the side street aren't able to see them because of the curvature of the road that was the reason for the recommendation of the full four-way stop sign at that location at this location we don't have that it's a straight shot in both directions except to the north the roadway actually just around just up the road a little way is it curve around to the right so it doesn't have anywhere near the same visual obstruction as the other intersection does um and this one here we already have traffic control devices there but the committee's opinion is that they should be stop signs rather than yield signs uh Dean well I I wanted to ask just as in reference to that subject did the committee consider for fourway stop signs here uh very briefly and um miss buston you said you had spoken to the association did you get a response from them about uh if you could actually just go back up to the podium please what time did did you you indicated you had approached the association about putting fourway stop signs did they did you get a response from them yes yes I did they were supportive of it um I worked with Jack sheld and Roy Johansson um when was that when did their response come in uh I'll look it up for you if you hold January 26 was the committee uh Lieutenant aware of that of their position aware of which did the association um present Roy Johansson presented for the association making this request if my memory serves for four-way stop sign he he presented the issue here I don't recall if he did a if he made a pitch for the four-way stop sign I don't think he did okay um I would be inclined to support your the committee's recommendation and if the association or others in the neighborhood want to add two more stop signs I think they could come for to the committee and make that case if I could just make a comment the the yield signs that are there now are on Joshua Jethro yeah and there's not as much traffic going on Joshua Jethro as there is on River View um and because it's the main artery through the the neighborhood and um I think for traffic coming uh uh applications and for safety purposes where there's most speed on the on the road which is Riverview um it makes more sense in my professional opinion that stop signs be on Riverview Drive versus taking the place of the yield signs on Joshua Jethro yeah but I think you could still make that case before the committee going forward the the select board if it so chooses can approve this recommendation to replace those yield signs with stop signs and since there was no it sounds like there was no formal request to the committee from the association to put the other two stop signs that's that that could come forward at some point in the future uh I did I have to find it I did write up um an application on the town's form for that purpose I don't know whether I wasn't here when yeah they well I all I'm saying is it's it's an open issue that you could address going forward if you wanted to okay all right thank you thank you Miss Craig good evening Joan Craig chair of the Traffic Safety Committee this was discussed with Mr Johansson and by the committee and our feeling was as a start changing the yield signs to stop sign and also further back from the road letting them know that there was the stop sign coming forward on that road that we would see that as a positive start um with the idea that if there were considerable complaints after the fact we would certainly welcome the individual Association or individuals in the neighborhood to come back but we felt that that was an appropriate way to go this time so the warning signs are on are on Riverview no the warning war in sign would be on um Joshua je Joshua Jethro yeah the the stop sign request is for Joshua Jethro the warning sign would be on Riverview for of the approaching intersection okay like a four-way cross sign like a yellow diamond advisory sign partially addresses the concern that was expressed thank yes and the last the last speaker mentioned uh a speed study that's something that I'm conducting and I've done two so far I don't really want to comment on because it it's very small snapshot of the Riverview traffic um we're going to continue to monitor that throughout and going into the summertime to check what are the differences what are we looking at um but I I have the ability to monitor speed for a week at a time and collect data on that and the data so far um is promising but I'd like to do more in the summertime we've got a higher traffic level through there to establish a real clear picture of what's going on out there Mike um that's good I I was going to ask about speed uh attention to speed uh what is the speed limit there on on Riverview 30 m hour okay thank you any discussion we can close the public hearing move to close second second okay further discussion all those in favor select I think I think you got that from CIS closing I I don't think I need to it's it was it was a planning board thing so I don't know uh s member gastro select member Davis Hi member DIY we have one more person wants to speak oh I'm sorry okay no we don't have a motion sure thank you sorry to interrupt uh John Goldberg I also live in that corner of house I just wanted to clarify where that warning the yellow warning sign is going to be it's going to be on Riverview and yes it it would be on River viiew North of this intersection so in other words yes so cars coming from training field and then coming around that sharp curve before you get to this intersection would have a diamond advisory sign okay and normally what we do is we defer to the DPW director based on the federal and state regulations on sign size and and locations and so forth so it'll be to the left if I was turning left right here at this intersection up that street okay thank yes for the vehicles approaching from the left approaching from the left thank you all right all right so do have a motion we have a second roll call again selectboard member necastro hi selectboard member Davis Hi selectboard member dyens hi selectboard member shell hi and selectboard member matter says I I'll take a motion to Mr chairman I move to support the recommendation of the chadam Traffic Safety Committee to replace the current yield signs and Joshua Jethro Road at the intersection with River viw Drive with stop signs and to also recommend to support the recommendation that four-way intersection warning sign be placed on Riverview Drive in advance of the Joshua Jethro Road intersection all right do I hear a second second further discussion all those in favor selectboard member necastro hi select board member Davis Hi selectboard member dykens hi sard member shell I selectboard member met says I and finally a do not enter sign on Hallet Lane yes this request was made on behalf of the Old Village Association um currently on the School Street end of Hallet Lane in other words the outlet for the oneway there is a standard black and white Arrow one-way sign I don't have any photos of it here I'm sorry um originally when the when it was changed over to one way there was a very large red circle no you know do not enter sign that was put up um it was removed when the oneway signs went up um and if I remember correctly it was because of the size of the sign the sign was something that you'd see on the highway as opposed to a small residential neighborhood um so what the Old Village uh Association was requesting was the placement of a location size appropriate do not enter sign on the post on the north side of that intersection so that vehicles coming in would see that sign as well as the oneway sign pointed out um to reduce the number of vehicles that might turn down and go the wrong way on the one way and the committee voted uh unanimously to make this recommendation all right well thank you um questions or comments from the audience in house tonight questions or comments from the audience online no I'll go to the board questions or comments move to close the hearing second second okay all those in favor select member n Castro I selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dyens I selectboard member shell I and selectboard member met says I move to approve do I hear second second further discussion all those in favor selectboard member nicastro I selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dykin I select board member shell I and select board member met says I all right thank you thank you very much all right next we're going to move into public comments on our business agenda and once again I'm just going to quickly run down we have item a considered use of town roads for the annual walk for home on Saturday June 9th 2024 Item B consider sale on Town property Supreme fairs on June 29 to the 30th 2024 item C is considered use of town property for the South chatam Library construction and seasonal placement of little libraries at k Cove Pleasant Beach and Forest Beach item D is Cape light compact proposed amendment clarifying language on the second amended and restated joint Powers agreement and item e 90 Bridge Street project bulkhead Construction contract um any questions or comments from our in-house audience tonight anyone online with a question or comment no all right moving right along to our business agenda item a consider use of town roads annual walk for home on Saturday June 9th 2024 at 9:00 a.m. homeless prevention council do we have a yes perfect hello my name is Cheryl wolf and I'm a volunteer with the homeless prevention Council uh headquartered in Orleans um the date of our annual walk is Saturday June 8th I think there might have been a on the uh on someone's paper that it was the 9th but this would be on Saturday June 8th and we'll be it's our second annual walk in chadam and we'll be walking from St Christopher's Parish we'll be setting up tables on their private property for registration and um walking on the sidewalk down Main Street as it turns into Shore Road uh stop at the Lighthouse and then turning around and walking back um and last year we had a nice relaxed walk it's not a race people were walking in twos or single file um and then we walk back and gathered and chatted we chat before we chat after but again it's all on St Christopher's property the walk starts at 10:00 a.m. and um we have a couple tables set up on their property with some info and you know handout t-shirts that kind of thing and I had spoken to Lieutenant Godard and according to him I described the event and he said we do not need a detail but that I will email him like two weeks out to remind him of the event how many people we have registered so that he's aware of what's going on all right thank you very much questions from the board looks great looks great great thank you have kind of a sister event up in P in Ptown we do yes is that the same day or same day same day okay great okay looks great Jo thank you move approval thank you a second further discussion all those in favor select Bo member necastro I select board member Davis I select board member dy I select board member shell I and select board member met says I Item B consider sale on Town property Supreme fairs on June 9 June 29th and 30th 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and September 14th to the 15th 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 6: PM um who is presenting I see Amy Hal deputy director of community services online Amy go ahead good evening can you hear me we can hear you yes thank you thank you um um so Supreme fairs um came to the recommission and presented um to hold two craft fairs on front of the community center lawn um it was unanimously approved um they know they have to um you know it was it was explained that they need to follow out the procedures obviously the selectman for approval of sales on Town property um you know having portons having details which they are in the process of taking care of all those details uh we already have two other craft errs that take place on the front of the community S Lawn um and yeah it was a unanimous approval from the rec commission all right thank you Shen Amy did are is the uh vendor um operator of the fair is he um does he provide liability insurance for for the event and is there a fee involved yes yep there is a fee um that they would have to pay for each day um and then anyone that uses Town property for any type of event like that does have to provide liability insurance to the town which they have and what's the fee for the fair it is $1,500 a day okay thank you 15 15 yep all right questions for the board uh Dean um I just had a question is are they a for-profit or nonprofit do you know I I do not know the answer to that see and the the the two that we've had previously do you know whether they were for- profits or nonprofits I don't I don't know that either yeah I don't but are we restricted in having are we permitted to allow for-profits to um have these permits on Town property uh I'm not aware of any of restriction um they so yeah I'm not aware of any restriction for-profits I believe they from my understanding they've gone to the recommission for uh approval to use the community center and then go to the selectman for um approval of sales on Town property okay um yeah Mr chair just I I think that we've approved the same outfit in Prior gear they're returning returning okay all right thank you thank you yeah I was just going to ask that question there is there is a I was going to ask that question you've answered it now there also is a a line in the application for nonprofit status yes or no and that hasn't that's not filled in but I assume these guys are for-profit and we're charging them $1,500 typically we do wave the fee at times uh uh to your point Dean for non for-profits but anyway all right we've had these folks before I'm pretty sure yes they they are a returning vendor they came to you last year they didn't end up um running the event they did come to you last year uh and it was approved by uh the select board last year along with the recommission last year all right entertain a motion to approve approval second second okay further discussion all those in favor select word m de Castro I selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dyin I selectboard member shell I and selectboard member met says I item C considered use of town property South chadam Library construction and seasonal placement of little libraries at C Cove Pleasant Beach Pleasant Street beach and Forest Beach good evening good even I'm Peggy Holland I'm the president of the board of directors of the South chadam Public Library um and the past president is here this evening as well Barbara Boro um we're here to um first tell you that we're celebrating our 150th birthday um the library was conceived in 1874 and uh we're very excited to have a lot of different events that are scheduled for this year one of those is that we are un having construction done for three small libraries that are about two foot by two foot with a little roof on them that will look um just like our library they're being done by The Woodworking um group from Hart and chadam who are um a group who have been together more than 20 years and take on projects for the community um and we simply pay for building supplies and they do the construction the three libraries will be uh installed we hope as a gift from us to the community uh at cockal Cove Forest Beach and Pleasant Street beach um we've met with parks and wre the commission has approved this unanimously and the um Recreation uh and Beach division has also met and uh with us and done a site visit to find the best location for these libraries at those three beaches so they'll be safe especially for children to access them and you have Maps here uh this is the cockal Cove map and the library would be on the left side where there is no parking um and would be uh close to the conservation area burm that's there um but accessible uh by little people um we also have one at Pleasant Street Street and this is Forest Beach this one is going to be on the opposite side of the road where there's no parking at all and um vehicles um cannot pull up there and then the third one is Pleasant Street beach which is um on the left side as you go down towards the beach and there is a bike rack there and it will be next to that um so we met with the entire commission to um walk the properties and look for the best spots for those um we hope you you'll improve this thank you very much questions or comments from the board well looks great um just caution that with the erosion on COV especially just to be kind of careful where you place them but I think it's a great idea and congratulations happy universary and uh have fun thanks actually the uh the gentleman who came to the park and recommission he were represented the the word working group um they were going to get a little head start on this because it's a little bit of a timeconsuming pro I believe wasn't it they have already started yes we went ahead um and they have begun the process they only meet once a week um and they are making Headway uh they have posts uh that we're going to be picking up and dropping off at parks and rec so that those can be installed at between now and Memorial Day and the boxes will we hope to be uh placed at around Memorial Day uh we'll probably have an event of some kind to install them and um welcome uh people from the South chadam community and the community at large as well um and they'll be uh removable they're all to be put in during Memorial Day or around that time and then they'll be taken down after Labor Day and stored should be a fun project that's a good idea it's fun project I move approval all right second second further discussion all those in favor select word member nicastro hi selectboard member Davis Hi selectboard member dyens I selectboard member shell I and select board member Mets says I item D Cape light compact proposed amendment clarifying language on the second amended and restated joint Powers agreement Mr chair I can take this so the amendment to The Joint Powers agreement that we entered into in 2021 actually specifies the year of the termination of the agreement and the language that they're adding is uh the term will end July 21st 2046 unless extended by the governing body through an amendment to this agreement prior to such date Brian Miner is the Capel compact chatam representative I think he's on the meeting tonight we spoke uh last Friday about it he did support this so the request from the executive director of the K light compact is to um have the board consider it and then vote and the the representative or me as the alternate uh will provide the information to the full Cape light compact board all right questions or comments from the board why go ahead why why why Brian Brian here oh Brian I'm sorry I thought you lying if you would like to answer any questions thank you um hi Brian Miner excuse me actually walked in I didn't hear the question but not withstanding that I I don't think I have the answer to the backstory about why this administrative change is coming up uh just just now um so I can secure that answer and be more prepared for the next time but u i I saw Jill sometime last week and she reminded me this was on the agenda tonight so I want to appear to listen and uh run down any Loose Ends so Jeff I can get an answer to that for you I mean I'm not a little factious but not really I mean that's a long contract you know why the change so it's already V the change that's all that's all I'm sure the there's probably legal review um at some point but it's not extending what was voted in in 2021 okay yeah like I I'm I'll I'll Venture a guess it looks to me like um somebody looked at it and said this is not exactly as clear as we'd like it to be and all they're doing here is making it explicit what was intended from the beginning um happily unless we have some objection to the substance all we have to do is be quiet so I I have a question um so the language we're being asked says more so it's a 25e contract then it says more specifically the term will end July 21 2046 the the the duration doesn't bother me I but it says unless extended by the governing board through an amendment to this agreement prior to such St so none of us are going to be on this board in 2046 I I venture to say um but maybe if maybe you maybe you and you and Corey I'll um if in 2045 the governing boards just the governing board of this cap light conact decides to extend it for another 10 or 15 or 20 years what what does that take is that a majority vote of the board to do that is it two-thirds vote and can one person is if the town of China doesn't want to continue it after 2046 are we sort of locked in because the governing board went ahead and decided to continue it that that's my question so this the stay silent option and then there the Dig Deeper option um yeah both are entirely possible I'll I'll consult chairman cus who might have the backstory on this too I just wondered if you know it takes away any Authority from the from the individual towns to not extend the agreement but and and not if I might Mr chairman not to prolong the any any interest or disinterest it's just the way I read it was that this is could be extended forever I the way I read it so I that may not be a bad thing as long as the the compacts are on and we want to be involved but I would think at some point point the board of the town would want to weigh in on whether I want to continue to be involved that's all that's where I'm coming from so the board is supposed to look at this on the on the 10th April 10th it says uh next uh Tuesday yes is that W is this is there a deadline for that or can we get this these questions sure resolve before then absolutely I think so so we're going to meet on the 9th anyway but I don't know is that going to change the board's vote for clarifying the actual date of the end of the contract I can certainly contact the executive director to get or we probably have it in our files from 2021 the actual joint purchase what do we call joint Powers joint Powers I'm sorry joint Powers agreement that I'm sure there's something in there about renewals well all I'm saying is if if the response to my question is that the board independently of the board of Selectmen of the town of Chad or any of the towns can extend this for another 50 years what I'm saying I might have a problem with that so but if they're going to meet on the 10th and we're meeting on the 9th and we can get some clarification on the 9th we why can't we just defer a vote on this until the 9th why are why are you looking me that way it's all good de sure thank you that's the board approved the joint Powers agreement that I'm sure had language similar Lang back in 2021 about uh renewals renewals and termination but I I will get that so just double check and assuage our concerns sure thank you we'll do see you next week yes all right last item on our agenda 90 Bridge Street project bulkhead Construction contract Greg Burman director of Natural Resources so in the um Agenda Report I gave information about the bid solicited for the bulkhead phase of the 90 Bridge Street project um oh good it looks like some of them are up too I wasn't sure about that um so we we did and this is the bulkhead only phase um this is not the construction of the Pierce and floats or the return and repurposing of the Coast Guard uh building into an upweller this is solely the bulkhead at this stage uh on March 26 we open the bids we received four bids that range from about 1.5 million to 1.9 million our owner's representative and Engineering Services reviewed these bids and um the two lowest priced bids did come back as preferred so they were acceptable and the lowest bid was 1,516 th500 and that is AGM Marine Contractors um so I did provide the original estimate sorry not the original estimate we've estimated many times for this project but this is the 90% um engineering estimate that was uh 1.89 million and we actually came in under that value for this construction phase so the construction portion is approximately $223,500 less than 90% Engineers estimate which is good news we haven't had much uh coming in less than the engineers estimate before so at this phase um I did want to uh call to your attention the the slide that's up here this is the last uh update of the estimated total cost of 90 Bridge uh that was presented on March 14th and Mark hopefully you have the the next one up there too so it's it's my intention during these uh contract award and updates to show what's changed since last time so this is another one um that that particular number under construction has been reduced from 950,000 to 666,000 which then updates the total cost and the amount of town funds left to go so instead of approximately 9.1 million of town funds left to go we have approximately 8.8 million of town funds left to go so this is you know a way to try to keep the select board and the public informed about any potential changes of the overall cost of the project over time um it is Staff recommendation that if the select board is so willing you would authorize Town manager to execute the contract with the lowest bidder AGM Marine Contractors and I'm available for any questions I'm going to start actually um you know we we've done a fair share of you know Waterfront projects in this community and the one thing I think I'm I'm comfortable saying is you know change orders happen on these projects so what surprised me what jumped out at me on this is the references um for the two lowest biders on U item number seven and the question is were change were changes to the project well documented timely submitted reasonably priced Etc and there's a significant difference between the score on the lowest bidder to the second lowest bidder um and if you go further into the um you know the comment section um there's a belief that even at the lowest bidder things are very expensive so of course the highest bidder would be absorbingly expensive um that jumped out at me comment that's that's that's one thing that kind of struck me a little bit sure so that struck us as well we had uh subsequent discussions with gei the engineering firm who has worked with both of these companies before uh they indicated that you know change orders do happen uh with a bulkhead project they anticipated less Chang orders likely coming in because it's relatively simple versus vertical construction some of the other projects will be doing later um but they that you know it was their recommendation and estimate that they did not think the change orders would be unreasonable and when change orders came in from both of those lowest biders on other projects they've worked on um they said it was within uh reasonable estimates it wasn't you know jacked up prices or anything all right um mik yeah I'll just stay on that topic that also jumped on me and you're kind of addressing the question of are we going to have a lot of change orders you basically have $180,000 of flex here between the lowest and the next lowest um it seemed to me that uh while it wasn't clear that the the the second lowest was that much better on on cost of change orders it does offer an opportunity to as they say in here make up the difference uh and if you looked at it you thought about it I think the question is really more how much confidence do you have that you you've got a a decent partner um in this the the the the contract VOR that you select so that they don't uh take you to the cleaners right so you know did despite the second lowest bidder having a slightly better recommendation they're still both in the preferred category it's not like um the second is highly preferred it's in the same ballpark for um what we have just just for point of order on that category the lowest bidder received three is the the second lowest received five so yes I I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it like that the the uh preferred recommendation is the same for both not the actual numerical score okay uh Jee I just had a question how do you land in the preferred category Craig just maybe explain that for us and the public sure so that's entirely our engineering firm gei goes through uh their experience the proposal the histories the references and comes up with the recommendations of preferred not preferred and higher levels which uh we didn't get higher than preferred for the lowest two biders okay I if I just I I understand this is about the bulkhead and you're looking for us to approve the the granting of the contract AGM versus BTT to Mike's Point it's a couple hundred grand between the two that couple hundred grand can evaporate pretty quickly with the with these outfits um this work is very expensive work um so I just I just hope we've got we've got good eyes on it and in that same theme I I I would love to see kind of the the overall plan at some point come back um even before you need further approvals to see what's in the design um I I I me I saw docks being mentioned and I I think I thought we nuked the docks or didn't want them as extensive as as had been planned originally so I just wouldn't mind revisiting the projects I think it's an amazing amazing project uh to have the upweller back I think it's really very very neat cool historic um but I just it's not this is to use a double negative not an inexpensive project so I just like to see it come back um to see what the overall design is okay if if we might than I agree with um Jeff on This I think that there was um indication from the select board that we wanted to minimize commercial activity there and didn't seem that some of those docks were going to be unnecessary if that was the case and I'm not sure how where we might have gotten some changes that weren't of our of our wish so we'd really like to see review and then maybe we can have that discussion about usage and policy on that doc as well um um followup Jo a follow just a quick followup given the the major investment in in uh in the the commercial facility on stage Harbor the elders dock I just think you know that it's just that's that's where we made our major commercial investment on that side of the town and and it we should have the commercial activity be there even if a smaller boat activity it should be there thanks Dean yeah I want to Echo what Shireen just said in reference to Jeff's comments because I remember those conversations about what was going to go there and the concerns that the board expressed but I I want to go back to the the bids because you said the the design estimate was 1.9 million approximately yes so so if you look at the four bids the the company that came in at um that estimate was the highest bidder AK 1.8 million now they did the Trap dock as I recall right and we had Absolut we had absolutely no problems with the with the Trap dock I don't know if there are any change orders and I don't know if that seem seems to me that was probably a more complicated project than this project I don't know um but that's interesting to me that a company that we used one time did the job right is coming in at the estimate and we have two lower biders one at 1.5 which is the one we're recommending here and 1.6 and the references for each of them seem to suggest and I'll I'll quote it because I don't want to say anything out of line here this is on a a the low bidder this is from um uh a company that was um contacted by the OPM nothing was reasonably priced believe me they are very expensive I spent about 4 and a half million dollars with them I found it very expensive it would be nice if I if I could see what they paid and and this they recommended it yes with some reservations the other reference check um no comments they're fine too expensive but it's expensive work that's my general gripe about dog work um and you can look at the the one for the second lowest Beed to but there just seems to be a strain here in these comments that PE people might companies might come in with low bids and then they make up the difference in change orders and that concerns me um and we're being asked to approve the contract on the basis of essentially second third hand information coming up from the OPM to the staff to us and by the way I don't recall ever being asked to approve a contract like this before is there a reason why this is coming before us uh Mr chair because when we first reviewed the 90 Bridge Street project the board had specifically asked okay for at each phase or each contract award that it be presented to the select board I'm I'm a little concerned about approving this recommendation for the reasons that I've said I I'm not entirely confident that we're gonna we're not going to wind up with a project that's going to cost more Jee who's going to be dodging this this this project for us and what kind of yeah who who's who's going to be providing the oversight for the town in terms of you know a project manager for us and then we get Comfort there from to to to answer Dean's to assuage Dean Dean's concerns or potential concern yes so it'd be Pomroy Associates um we brought them in to work with the contractor at for the fish pure observation deck they also worked with the engineer for the Trap Dock and at that point they had recommend not going with the lowest bidder we went with with the second lowest bidder for the Trap Dock and in this in consultation with uh Ted and and the team here they feel comfortable with recommending going with the lowest bidder I'm going to put my two cents in I mean based on comments that we're already you know made tonight um I more of the opinion I would I would feel more comfortable especially if you're looking at the comment the the additional comments in the sections the second lowest bidder would give me a lot more Comfort I'll be I'll be very blunt about that I think that that 181 change it's going to get eaten up very very quickly we're not we're we're going to have a change order to have it to not expect a change order we it's going to be not practical so uh this is more of a gut thing for me I don't I mean as as was mentioned the highest bidder is a is a company that's come in done work for us and done a good job so that's kind of the where the bar is so we got at lower biders you know um this is more of a gut thing for me than anything else so Mike yeah I I mean I I I understand that um I I think from my perspective the question is is there enough here for us to in effect overrule the the the the um expert recommendation um you know I want to know they've looked at these questions they've thought about them uh I I assume that you know they're feeling as exposed as um we are in in in that selection if it turns out that this ends up costing us $2.5 million do that's something they're they're mightily I assume again uh um aware is something they want to avoid and and so from my perspective uh while I I I understand what what Corey is saying and and I'd be inclined perhaps to say well maybe we're maybe better off to take the guy that has the better record on um on on um uh change orders but you know we get some change orders with with that guy and all of a sudden we're up to you know another 200 over the you know we eat up we we give away the 181 or 8182 whatever it is plus whatever we get on the change order so I I I guess I'm with some trepidation I I don't think there's enough here to overrule the expert recommendation um considered recommendation I'd also like to make a comment just as an aside when I look at the total cost of this project and and some whatever it is uh couple million dollars is coming from outside funds but this is an almost this is an 11.2 million project I'm all for it but I i' just like to recall that um the concerns that were expressed at at a a similar size project for the cfal and and when we come back to talking about that I'd like to remember how much we're spending here and in a couple of other places of similar size so those are my thoughts D well I would just want to point out that the reference checks to the second lowest bidder and I'm going to quote from that so one was very positive there was a voicemail that was provided to our consultant highly recommends them they were phenomenal to work with from start to finish I couldn't say enough good things she said that in nutshell they're fantastic we highly recommend them but on there was a second one that said there it's I won't read all of it but this was for a town project they were the low bidder and low biders tend to make up some of the deficiency in their bid or dollars in their bid change orders they still came in under the high bid but there were change orders um they ran into a problem with um the electric company I guess if they do bid low they do a good job of getting their money back the crws are topnotch um I I have concerns about both low bits I I'd like I'm this is rhetorical I'd like to see the the recommendations the reference checks for the highest bidder because I know they did work for us they came in on on on the estimate that our consultant put out there and have we used either of these low bids for the town of chadam before I don't recognize any of them great so my apologies I don't have Ted with me right now but AGM has done work it's been a number of years since that I don't have the name of the project I can get it for you but probably not for this meeting and um just kind of making reference to some of the other comments um our engineering consultant has worked with the lowest bitter before and has recommended them our owner's representative that is going to be riding Herd on this project was the one that did the reference checks and also recommended this lowest bid firm so you know the people who are going to be overseeing very directly are the ones who are on the hook and making the recommendations what what is the do can you tell us what is the risk of something unforeseen happening in this type of project I know that when we did the recent work at the fish Pier there was something I'm not an engineer or fish fishing person and maybe sharen can enlighten me but there was some problem when they um pulled up something they couldn't drive the piles down as far as they they they wanted to because of something unforeseen discovered down below is there something like that that we could run into because those are the things that drive change orders this is a fairly simple clean thing I realize you're not doing have x-ray eyes but it's certainly cleaner than some other types of construction this is just a bulkhead versus other things but I mean you could hit something as you're driving pile that's always a possibility so I mean there's there's contingency built into all of these contracts um so hopefully that will cover it but there's no crystal ball and that's one of the reasons why the Waterfront bond is you know a nice vehicle for doing this kind of work that if we hit something and funds are expended we can keep the project going instead of having to wait for another town meeting yeah well that's a whole other issue on the waterfront P because I know you were in of the finance committee and I know what their concerns are on that those that sort of that article um what just one final question what is the timing of this um what is your timetable for wanting to get this started absolutely as soon as possible so we um came before this board as uh soon as feasibly possible because uh even a week matters at this point this is going to go into season but hopefully will end before the end end of season and you know 90 bridge is in use but it's not as heavily used as some of the other facilities and we're hoping after we get this bulkhead work done it will be enhanced use for the end of season but you know any delays are going to push us back further okay thank you thank you Greg okay final thoughts from the board Jeff not withstanding all the other other comments made by Dean and and others I'm going to support the recommendation of our staff um with the cave at that we have confidence we've work with the OPM and pommeroy before um we have confidence in them and that we know they're going to Hawk it as as best they can we can't to answer Dean's question you know you don't know what's we're going to be found when we pile steel we pound steel into the bulkhead there to make the bulkhead there we don't know we're going to find but so it's not unanticipated that something might get in the way and there might be change orders or extra expenses but you know um not having a pure pressence and understanding what's going to be underwater there I think think we go ahead and uh the fact that we've worked with AGM before um gives me some comfort as well so um I'm going to support the recommendation of of our engineers and the and pomoy and our staff thanks I'll move approval there a second second further discussion no all those in favor select word member de Castro no select word member Davis Hi s member D hi s member shell hi s member matter says no so three to two all right uh motion to adjourn so moved second second further discussion all those in favor select member NE Castro hi select member Davis member DIY hiel member shell hi and select board member matter says I good night everyone thank [Music] you [Music]