##VIDEO ID:NnJgLrpgf6M## [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the December 10 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing no such notification I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 30 a section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chanab select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1 158 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via Microsoft team te through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chadam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible first order of business is establishment of a quorum Mr nastro Mr Shell is present Miss Davis present and Mr Mets present uh Mr D kins is not present this evening um the agenda this evening consists of um approval of the minutes of November 19 public announcements and agenda requests we have one public hearing um we have a report from director Public Works Rob phy on chadam water and Wells Etc uh we then have public comments on the business agenda and the business agenda agenda consists of five items um number one is the establishing the date and time of the 2025 annual town meeting uh number two is considering an applications uh application and license for commercial non-fish fishing uses of the fish Pier number three is um a report from Finance director Carrie masero regarding the town Capital Improvements projects um uh proposed uh for the next fiscal year and Beyond uh the next item is um uh a recommendation from staff regarding the town's allocations of American Rescue plan act funds uh also coming from uh Finance director masero and then finally we have appointments to Aunt Lydia's Cove committee and the historical cons commission to consider with that I'll take a motion on the minutes motion to approve the minutes of November 19th 2024 second uh any comments or Corrections Mr nastro thank you Mr chair I have um just one edit on page nine I would suggest adding this sentence um just immediately before the final paragraph it would be a freestanding paragraph it was noted for the record that both encroachments are on registered land comma which protects the town against adverse possession and prescriptive easement claims I'll repeat that it was noted for the record that both encroachments are on registered land which protects the town against adverse possession and pres prescriptive pres prescriptive easement plans claims sorry okay that's it with those amendments um Mr matters I Miss Davis I uh Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro I thank you uh next is a um I'm sorry public announcements and agenda requests first from the board I don't see any from the board any from the public in the room don't see any of those anyone from public online you see anybody Jill no okay we'll move right on to um our public hearing this evening and and I'll ask clerk Davis to read the notice please thank you Mr chair town of chadam Select board public hearing notice notice is hereby given that the chattam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 George Ryder Road chatam and remotely via Microsoft teams platform to consider requests for a change of manager from Gary sander to Shan linham I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly on two annual alcohol beverage U beverages Hotel licenses for CBI operation LLC doing business as chattam bars in 297 and 286 Shore Road chatam all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you um do we have someone on from um uh CBI oh please can we if I could ask you to step to the microphone introduce yourself and just tell us a little bit about the proposed change if you would please with the computer yeah that's fine um so the proposed change sorry I'm Sean linahan uh I'm the current Resort manager at the chadam bar in thank you sorry sorry about Miss pronouncing your name you're okay perfectly fine it happens all the time um I'm here because uh Gary thers resigned his position at the resort so we're looking to go ahead and then change over to me being the manager of the liquor licenses as I currently oversee the food and beverage operations at the resort um anyway so we' kind of go ahead and just make that transition over to myself uh to be the manager of those uh two liquor licenses the one for the Shore Road and then also the one on the main uh side of the road as well too for the main in okay thank you um I'm going to let the board uh have any questions first anything uh Dean yeah go ahead yeah this is really directed I think at sta I don't know if yeah shaa is on shaa are we supposed to have a corporate vote attached to this type of change I didn't see one in the packet um I don't believe there's a corporate vote I think it was just a corporate officer signing off that it was okay for okay I was directing that at our sorry our our licensing agent sorry about that uh yes this is shaa no Dean uh it's um not required okay great and there were also there were two uh was this just duplication of no there are two licenses oh there oh that's right there were two licenses thank you Mr sh okay I have no I have no problem with this so I'll invite comments or questions from the public in the room uh anybody online um a motion motion to approve uh the change um motion to approve the change of um how did how was it written um the change of manager um for CBI operations liquor license all those in favor uh Mr necastro hi uh Mr Shell says I Miss Davis and Mr Mets I thank you Mr Lan um good job thank you very much [Music] next is a report from Rob failey um on our water situation welcome good evening thank you good evening Rob failey director of Public Works um just rund down November's water report for you so um for treatment facility Wells 5 and8 um I didn't provide a nice picture this month because basically it looks the same we're doing a l the plumbing perforations and electrician perforations through the slab um so it's uh we we poured recently but that was in December so there's not much to show but project project is moving along nicely it's actually a little ahead of schedule which is great um well 11 is online and the conservation easement for well 10 is still under review hopefully we're going to get some answers on that soon uh water the wells have been running six to 10 hours a day and we did not hit the lowlevel alarm this month um water sampling all the bacteria samples are coming back uh free of bacteria um P samples were taken from the M Hill treatment plant on October 17th that's well 11 uh came back we got the results in November posos six had a result of 3.12 uh I think it's nanograms per liter or parts per trillion um it's a little concerning for us we're keeping an eye on it I think it may have something to do with the low uh water table and the observation Wells but it's still below well below Mass D's requirements and still below the proposed EPA requirements of four parts per trillion Mr necastro do you have a question for me I was going to ask you if those were within the acceptable range it is You' answered that question so we we'll test it again next qu what what is the proposed um proposed is four parts per trillion for four four four four a number of the posos chemicals there's also some of them are 10 parts per trillion but posos 6 would be four parts per trillion and again that won't go into effect for another two and a half years or so um station maintenance uh well six we um got that back in service um our our subcontractor is washing pressure washing the storage tanks to get those in shape um and well four we went through um did some Rehab on well four put a a vfd screen in and balance the motor so that's up and running and and Performing nicely now other system maintenance is ongoing I can go over some of that if you like or just you've got the report so if we look at uh November 2023 versus November 2024 we're still uh lower than we were last year about a million gallons down about 5% um no huge spikes or anything like that in any daily amounts and then we look at the pumping comparison graph uh hopefully that's a little larger this time for everybody to see um it does show um it does show some spikes last year but this year um even on weekends it's um I think we're we're tailing off and once the holidays are over I think we'll uh we'll be at the our lowest levels of the year and here it is just the pumping comparison graph again November 24 is in the pink so this is uh the daily the uh daily effort for the month of November you can see there are quite a few blank days on there and um I'll explain those because um we were getting we were flushing um hydrants and we were getting some dirty water complaints and we think it's just maybe the way that our new operation manag maners have um have decided to flush um I think it's just stirring up some dirty water in some areas that we haven't seen it in a while so we shut down Wells one two and three and also well 11 to kind of resolve some of those dirty water complaints um this time of year the other Wells have plenty of capacity to meet the demand um so we just uh we just figured we would try that and shut it down the water has since cleaned up and well 11 is back online again um and again well 4 shows a big gap there because we were doing the motor balancing and the vfd filter there's just the level of effort in a bar graph form and this just shows um the monthly totals for the year uh we're at 453 million gallons pumped which is about just about 7 million gallons lower than last year again the level of effort in a bar graph just showing how how much Wells one two and three contribute to our overall mission here's observation well data um chadam um you can see it looks like it's starting to level off from the seasonal decline um we'll find out and I know rain recently and uh and rain that's forecasted is going to help us start climbing out it's typically around the turn of the Year where we really see things start to climb again and this is Brewster's chart um again Brewster is kind of the Bell weather for all the cape and you can still see it's in a seasonal decline um we're getting close to the trough that we were in last year so we'll see if the weather is changing and we're going to see um see it start to climb and um I think it'll be a better outlook for all of us if it does and this is just the five-year comparison you can see 18.8 million gallons in November it's a little bit lower than our average but you'll also notice that the pumping hours are quite a bit high and that's because we had so many of the Wells shut down for portion of the month for maintenance but that's all I have for you unless you have any questions um Cory uh just one one quick little um question I have is it's under system maintenance I know the uh the Water Service material data collection thing that's been going on for you know a fair amount of time now first how is that coming along are we getting a good percentage of the residents kind of in the inventory of what we what we have for material and can you just kind of explain a little bit in quick summary of like why are we doing this I had an interesting conversation this morning which kind of brought up my my my curiosity here so it's an EPA driven request it's it's Nationwide every community has to do the same thing um we have like 7500 roughly water customers we had about, 1600 that we could not confirm what material was either on the the public side or the private side what material their service lines were feeding water into their house so we did send out a uh we made a report to uh DP in October before the deadline um then we sent out letters to all 1600 residents and we're getting really good response but we have to find we've got uh some time but we have to try to figure out what what their water line is and and confirm that it's not lad we haven't run across any lead service lines yet so that's that's the good news and if we get to a certain percentage of no le um D may you know they kind of assume that the rest of the town is okay so we have to work with them get the 1600 number down quite a bit and then um and then just keep them in the loop and we're we're still updating all of our information so um we're gaining on it good good thank you you're welcome uh just a qu you you focused me on the um on the fiveyear chart the the number of hours is is that each each one that's that's the number of hours in a day that any pump was running that's correct is that the way it works okay and they typically all come on at the same time right right no I I you've answered my question thank you anybody else um okay okay thank you thanks very much okay um next the um annual meeting uh annual town meeting dat oh forgive me yeah public comments thanks any public comments on the agenda M Gibbs ah yes thank you I have have a few one is on the town Capital Improvement projects uh the first one is the transfer station uh this is where uh 3.9 million for phase one priority 2 um at the last meeting uh where there was a lot of discussion uh I think it was confirmed that uh the Damage Done to the flooring in the blue building is primarily because of the commercial haers uh and we have I believe three that are permitted and there was a big discussion about that and through questioning we found out that um you know they bring in uh their refuges uh construction material and garbage from surrounding towns uh they bring it in from hartch Orleans and Brewster we also learned that Brewster doesn't even allow commercial haulers so we're getting all their construction material and they're garbage and harwit brings it to us because they either have to get someone to take it from them or they have to drive it off Cape so we are being asked to pay $3.9 million to renovate that building when 90% of it uh probably doesn't even belong to us and there's been talk that you know eventually our rates are going to go up again as residents to have permits to dump there so until we come up with a um a plan to restrict commercial haulers from bringing in refuges from other towns find a way to do that uh I don't think we should be doing it we've become a regional transfer station and that's not what we intended that is not the purpose and it does say it would benefit the the residents as far as the dump off um where we go that's not being improved we don't get any additional parking we still have to jockey it's going to be the same situation what's expanding is the recycling area and it's massive and it's unnecessary in my view it's a big circle people have to get out of their cars um I think that should be redesigned so I hope no decisions are made on that the second item is uh the Wastewater and Sewer design 32 million in there you're allocating 1.5 million for the first phase of um the grinder pumps and again we had this discussion I think that this is premature to do it in uh increments like this uh numbers were thrown around at the last meeting where this could cost multi-million dollars for the grinder pumps there are all kinds of things that various groups want and if we start doing it you've you've set a precedent there again there are people in town that are going to have to hook up to the Sewer that have all different kinds of issues whether it's their setbacks uh if they're in between two pump stations their stub could be 25 ft below the surface that they're going to have to trench to and uh those who can no longer use you know Town water for irrigation they have to put in a separate meter Andor they have to um put in a well and so I think once again you set a precedent and until those inequities are worked out I don't think we should be doing that uh and the second part of that is the discussion about the phase one of the sewer project the comprehensive Wastewater plan and basically they said we've spent $137 million phase one is to sewer 2third of the town I've given these numbers before and I've asked how much this is actually going to cost us originally back in 2010 the whole project was going to be 280 million well that was a long time ago um and we still don't have those numbers we were supposed to have them by the end of the year what the what we need to meet the fiveyear plan we're supposed to have by 2030 about 5100 houses connected to the Sewer right now with the money we've appropriated by 2025 will have less than a thousand so there are 4,000 homes 3,800 homes that will not be meeting that 2030 deadline and I understand there were you know delays with Co Etc but we want to reduce nitrogen levels so we need to know how much what the expenses are moving forward on the Wastewater comprehensive plan to sewer the town uh the thing that's really unfair is that everybody's paying for it so there that onethird that doesn't have to be done until 2030 um excuse me 2040 is paying and they will never be sewered those people who have been paying since 2012 and will not get sewered by 2030 um are still paying for it and now they're going to be asked to continue to pay with out of the water rates these additional costs of 32 million so I would hope that before any decisions are made on this we get a hard and fast numbers is the sewer project in my estimation we we still have $350 million ahead of us uh to get phase one done based on what it's cost for less than a thousand because the center of town all has to be done over we can't count those they were on the sewer from 1973 or something and they're collapsing and they have to be redone so we are way behind schedule and I think the taxpayers should know how much that's going to cost so those are my three items on that and the last one is the American Rescue plan um I just read that tonight and I was kind of surprised that we have 567,000 dollarars that can be used for construction of Roads infrastructure uh Public Safety other services health and education and staff has recommended that the 433,000 be used to upgrade the public restrooms at the Town Hall we could build a a nice little affordable housing unit for that I can't believe that upgrading to make it handicap accessible would cost 433,000 and I I guess I'm concerned that we need to tell them by December 31st even though this money has been available for some time and I think this is worthy of a bigger discussion that's a lot of money to just decide that we want to spend SP it on that and 83 $887,000 excuse me 177,000 for a net request public records management Civic plus just something else for the public to have to learn how to access it and get public records um so I would hope that that doesn't get approved tonight I I I don't know if you can get a a delay I I just think we should have been told about 500,000 is nothing to sneeze at that's a lot of money and I think we could have allocated it for example on fixing the sidewalks downtown so people don't keep tripping on them that's infrastructure and that's Public Safety I think that would be money much better spent uh thank you very much thank you Miss Gibbs um any other comments I don't see anybody in the room do you have anybody else Jill okay now we can move on to uh where do we go next here the uh business agenda uh first item is the date and time of the 2020 2025 annual town meeting um do you want to give us kind of the outline Jill or Kathy sure I'll start so as you recall the town had accepted a bylaw to allow the select board to set the date for town meeting for another date in May versus the second Monday that had been in the bylaws so uh with that staffy Kathy has contacted um the regional school committee office to find out availability of the dates um as well as our chadam TV contractors and at this point she's listed the dates that are available to uh have the town meeting um the one date that our contractors our audio contractors are not available is Saturday May 3rd Apparently that is a Kentucky turby day so um they're tied up with that um so uh other than that um I can say that uh staff does like the date of of May 12th um when it comes to planning and getting the the warrant to the printer gives us probably another meeting in uh March or so but certainly we're open to uh any date as well as either a Saturday or Monday thank you um thoughts from the board Cory go ahead um I mean from personal perspective the Saturday the 17th I have a little bit of a conflict so I would not Lobby to go on that date but you know this thring my personal um more practical I'm kind of getting the feeling we're leaning toward Mondays versus The Saturdays I'm don't have a hard stance one way or another but I I'm kind of getting the feeling we're going to be leaning toward a Monday date but um frankly I'm open to anything that's on the table here U except for the third and 17th I guess Dean yeah I mean I I'm personally open to anything I I did receive a communication uh today from someone um who suggested that Saturday U attendance is easier for a lot of people in town um particularly um younger families that um you can't can't do it in the evening um we changed the bylaw a few years ago to give us the flexibility because we didn't want to be locked into Monday um but I wanted to throw that comment out for consideration um um if we were to do it on a Monday I would favor the 12th if we were to do it on a Saturday um I would favor the 10th that doesn't move the town business into the latter part of the month the election could still be held on the 15s um but I don't know I you know I I I do Rec PA observing that um and the attendance uh of from the public was um in terms of the faces I saw in the audience not much different between Saturday and and Monday but um I wasn't a obviously able to see who was in the other room or rooms plural uh in The Saturdays that we did do I think with one exception were Outdoors uh so it was a different feel but I I just would like us to talk a little bit about these options as we decide what to do sharen um yeah I'm I I I favor a Saturday over a Monday evening um in its practicality I think goes back to the 365 recommendations that we had the the original time that we had instituted that um or had brought it up was out of that recommendation for those very reasons you said um Dean um so if we were to pick a day it for me it would be Saturday May 10th or Monday the 12th but I do prefer the Saturday yeah I I was firmly on the Saturday program um based mostly although I hadn't been I wasn't on the board at the time the 365 recommendation um but then um you subsequently there was some commentary to the effect that Saturday was a a you know was a either a a sports practice day or a sports game day um and or people wanted to be out on their boats or whatever and and um it it it seemed that no matter what we did there was a um you know there there was a counterveiling uh consideration being articulated that was reasonable it wasn't compelling any more than the the the initial one was so so I I I kind of I'm indifferent um I I I think that um I guess the only thing that that would push me toward Monday is the fact that um you know maybe maybe people um just have a a little bit more of a sense of urgency and maybe it it makes the meeting a little shorter but that's uh probably uh more Fantastical than anything else Corey the simple history is there's no perfect date we tried both I'm not dead set on on you know the 10th or the 12th I'm I'm ready to move forward either way I honestly am you know people who will really want to engage on whatever the topics are this year they're going to show up regardless of the date so I'm very neutral but the 10 either the 10th or the 12th I I could have support either one okay well we've got agreement on that go ahead Shar so I just to um argue for the Saturday a little more it's during the day um it's not dark out Elder we've had a lot of people with elder Le that that have said that they didn't like to drive at night coming out of the school is super dark I I did notice this last time there's no Lighting in the back of the building and it's kind of difficult to navigate um and so I I think um you know it's Our obligation to get the vote there you know whatever the vote would be you know we we can all work hard to uh you know inform and to provide the best opportunity for everybody so I'm I'm GNA I'm leaning heavy towards Saturday Dean yeah I um the communication I received today also referenced chadam 365 um I wanted to ask Jill is it does it cost more to do it on a Saturday do we have overtime of that sort of consideration it it probably it probably just levels out to tell you the truth with town meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. anyway um for police details um police officers are working anyway so I don't see U if the board wants to move with a Saturday meeting I think that's fine I I don't think it would be any added cost to it um I think I would come down on Saturday I mean I have a strong feeling about it but that's where I'm coming down I I'm I'm fine with Saturday um it it can can we do it in the morning though yeah go ahead well I'm thinking reading if we do Saturday it's going to be an earlier meeting if we do Monday it's obviously going to be a later meeting so that so we're if we're going to do it Saturday we're not doing a a late night one we're we're doing a day 11 12 11 10 what did Jill what did we do um before was it noon or 1 I think there so when we were back indoors on a Saturday for a special town meeting I think that was 1:00 when we we were Outdoors we had it like 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. but we needed time to wipe off the seats and everything since they were Outdoors so your preference well I'm going to express a a a a equally stronge preference that it' be in the morning I'm not going to argue between 10 and 11 but I I I I'm not sure I understand what the rationale is to start at 1:00 in the afternoon other than maybe we did it before I'd rather go at 11 myself I mean I think you could encourage some little Charity group to set up a little snack shop in the in in the cafeteria for snacks and lunches and something I don't know whatever that if we take a short break but so I think starting at 11: we could be out by midafternoon earlier maybe um I think I'd recommend okay make a motion okay I'll make a motion that we set the date and time of the town uh 2024 town meeting as Saturday May 10th 2025 with the start time of 11:00 a.m. second at the chatt middle school at the chatt middle school second um all those in favor Mr necastro hi Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi and Mr metus hi okay that was easy um we have an application and a correlative license for commercial non- fishing uses of the fish Pier um and we have Jason Holm and uh Greg Burman and I'll let you guys decide who's going to talk maybe I'll start off uh Greg Burman you're director of Natural Resources so it was just about a year ago today uh that we were before you with some contractors that were doing work at the fish beer we you know took to Heart the idea that we were going to come up with a procedure policy some kind of method for documenting how somebody gets approval to do that what fee there is what security deposit there is uh the rationale about how the area shooter shouldn't be used uh that's what you have before you today we have an application that if the application is granted we would have the license at the end the license has gone through Town Council um we do repeatedly say throughout that this does not um negate either the select board regulations or the waterways regulations we tried to and when I say we um Department of Natural Resources with the Harbor Master and Coastal Resources Director really try to capture everything we thought we might need in order to determine whether this might have a negative impact on the fish Pier operations or the facility itself so it would be highly unlikely that anything damaging would ever be permitted but the potential risk is in here so we have a guidance criteria for the level of use the idea with this is there may be something that is relatively you know a negligible impact but that said we'd still like the process and the insurance requirements that this process would give us then we have the other uses the minor moderate to Major that these would be defined with the applicant with conjunction of town staff and then you know a recommendation or not from our various division heads to be submitted to the town manager for ultimate uh approval or uh non-approval at this point the approval notice would go to The analy's Cove committee to make sure that the fishing Community is aware of anything that might be going on down there and that this work specifically is stated not to have any impact on the lease holders or the commercial fishing industry down there we don't have specific uh time of year restrictions but that would be highly uh noted in the recommendations by the Harbor Master and Coastal resource director in response to how that may or may not impact um activities down there um just for example it' be highly unlikely to do anything in the summer you know basically this is uh what we feel is a decent method for getting the insurance security deposit and fees in place we did take a look at some of the other towns when coming up with the fees and security deposits nobody else has a fish beer it's a special place um so it's not like there's a direct correlation that we can look to but we are at least in the ballpark and when we start getting into these moderate and Majors you know we want to make sure that the town is appropriately covered for anything that might be occurring and with that I'm happy to take questions we have our uh Harbor Master and Coastal resource director as well thank you Shireen thank you um just I like one question and I was wondering if there was a consideration um to limit the number of licenses that could occur at any given time you know the activity be limited to one you know like there wouldn't be more than one or two uh at at one time and is it limited to um use of the land uh the parking lot Mo rings I mean what how is this defined sure so this specifically would be for the landbase side that they would still need to coordinate with the Harbor Master for anything in the water um and then the other part of your question whether things will be kind of occurring at the same time uh really first come first serve if somebody already has a license in place we would view the next application uh with the knowledge that there is something already occurring in that area and making sure that it wouldn't disrupt you know the existing use of the lease holders and fishing and also each other if one group wants to use the north jug the other the South and it's not going to impact anything or each other it might be feasible but again it would be very case-by case dependent are you are there any expectations that there would be any staging on on the land side um I mean is that something that you know like say somebody was doing a like a construction project repairing a dock or putting a revetment in and they wanted to to store equipment on Town land is that ex expressed in the lease so that that would be one of the aspects that's something that people have expressed interest in the past about um whether it's staging a piece of equipment like an excavator or whether it's just access up and over to go to another area would kind of kick things in to another use level and then you know what is being stored is it you know soft fiber rolls that have a very minimal impact is it large Boulders that would need pads underneath and an engineer certification that it would not cause damage to the property so it it very likely folks are going to want to store things just because this entire stretch of Shoreline has very little real estate at high tide um and that's one of the reasons why it's difficult to access for Coastal protection all right so I I I see the picture better thank you and I just I have some real concerns about that sort of activity uh for uh for our town property especially the fish Pier with um you know with I know it's a little it's much quieter in the winter time and uh minimal activity but I still have real concerns on on whether we're actually going to be using the municipal fish Pier as a storage area for staging for companies to be able to do other work I just don't know if that's the appropriate use at this point thank you okay Dean thank you Mr chairman I have a few questions but just picking up from what Shireen was saying I I guess I would have that concern also I mean even if you had an engineering if you required an engineering um certification that no damage is going to be caused that doesn't mean it's not going to happen um and if you were going to use that mechanism maybe you'd want to build that into the light license form of license and adds add a provision um let me um just uh go through a couple of things I don't have many on the [Music] application uh under the LI the paragraph that's headed um license granting processes just in the fourth line there just a grammatical correction the third word in which where it says commercial fishing must I think the word must is should be changed to the word to grammatically within that sentence and then on the um the guidance criteria for the license on page three uh under the major use category number four space required it says majority of the parking area or any portion of critical ACC access areas what about the pier that's not referenced here it is referenced under moderate use which says a more significant portion of the pier or parking area so I'm just not sure why that's missing you see my point yes we we could introduce the pier into the major use yeah that's what that's all I'm getting at um then on page on the next page page four the harbor Master's recommendation to refence ref is 10c is that a state license is that what that refers it's a chapter 91 10c license it's the same statute we use for dock and permits use permit so that was put in there to denote during the application process if that's going to be required with them utilizing the bulkhead okay and then my final I think it's my final question yes the security deposit that's referenced in the lease who makes that determination uh how much is it uh is that up to the town manager or the staff and cas Case by case basis or is there a any kind of scale so it would be on a case-by casee basis the ideas for the applicant to work with Town staff to come up with the use category and the use category is a sliding scale for fees in addition to security deposits if the applicant you know puts a use that town staff did not approve or agree with under their recommendation they would make that very clear to the town manager okay so let me go back to the original point that Shireen brought up uh and I appreciate the staff um bringing this forward at the suggestion of the board from one time we did maybe I think there were two um have to do with deal with this but now that we see this in front of us I guess it's legitimate to ask the question why do we need it at all why don't we just do this sad Hawk how many of these requests do we get every year I I would hate to see the pier become a storage area as a matter of course as opposed to um licensing it for that purpose on an occasional basis uh as we might determine to be in the best interest of the town so I'll throw that question out for anybody who wants to talk about it maybe I could touch briefly on it just that you know this is intended for uses that um don't have any other options or the other options are not feasible at that point so we do ask them to specify you know what alternatives um they could have used and why this is the pretty much only thing left to them I guess I guess I'll just ask the question in response so if this were to be approved as presented with minor modifications as we've talked about just now the final determination would be made on the recommendation of the VAR departments or divisions within your department and by the town manager I'm wondering if in order to introduce another level of protection of the Town it has to come back to the select board so that we could say you know we don't really want to have this particular operation going on we approve so many other licenses for On the Waterfront I don't know if that shene does that offer some protection it does to some degree I wasn't going to vote to approve this tonight I I just wasn't as it as it stands but if that is a you know if that's somehow we can have a little better control over it um but I guess if we have a license in place and it's structured then it's formulaic for us to like consider I I don't know what kind of factors would would you know change an approval I guess I guess if it all its criteria I guess we could we could insert in the application or description of the application process license granting processes that final determination is to be made by the select board in their discretion absolute discretion I think so that we can I can I weigh in on this yeah yeah go ahead so I am really reluctant to do this I think we've made made a million millions of dollar investment into our our infrastructure there at the fish pier and so if if we are to do this it is absolutely intermittent use it's not for a contractor saving money to use a town resource in order to carry out some activity for a private property so I think I'm probably more inclined to deny it that maybe the board would be but I certainly understand there are occasions the intermittent occasions where something might be needed and maybe it's limited to and I'll have Jason weigh in maybe it's limited only to February and March I mean I we have an obligation to our lease holders that are there um the public the the restaurant it is such a congested area that I I can't see any major use being approved that would take up the pier or the parking it would have to be some emergency use and primarily I think in servicing the town so I I just wanted to put that out there Cory well no first um I very much appreciate that that statement by the town manager about um you know why we're doing this I don't want to do I personally don't want to do anything that's going to make promote people coming forward to use the pier I know we're trying to safeguard things um but as been mentioned millions of dollars has been spent in this area and I don't want it to become the best option because it's the cheapest option that's the last thing I want to start promoting of it so um if we don't approve this and someone does have a situation that comes up we have a little more experience discussing it but we can do it on a case- toase basis outside of having this document put together I mean we did it before um I don't think we really need to do anything that's going to promote excessive use of the of the facilities my that's my own two cents worth okay I I'm I'm just going to weigh in here because I I have had the same reservations particularly as I looked at um the the major use and some of the qualifications uh you know major area uh majority of the parking area or any portion of critical access areas that is is being required that that to me is a huge red flashing light um where it says None of these use categories May disrupt leaseholder operations you know how is that um H how is that um uh both enforced but also how is that uh you know factored into the decision um I I one of the things I was going to ask um before Dean put the select board on the table was where in the process is a Lydia's uh a Lydia's Cove committee informed and have an opportunity to weigh in um the the only thing I would say in favor of this taking Jill's comments um to heart I is that we have a structure here so that somebody has to put together all the elements of an application the thing I don't like about ad hoc applications is you know it's sort of you know we have to think up what the concerns are and there's not a uniform case to case toase um treatment of of of the uh of of the requests and that doesn't mean that we can't say that this is a an EXT extraordinary um you know this is an extraordinary accommodation by the town that is rarely if ever given and only in in in dire circumstances and then um you know we'll have the last say that that's and I'm not arguing to do anything tonight necessarily but I do think that there must have been some um uh initiative uh or inertia from somewhere that put this on the table and and I I think you know maybe if we structure it in a way that we think we have control of all the factors maybe that's something that's worth considering do you want to comment uh either of you please so a year ago there were the two contractors using the facility that you know eventually got licensed at the last minute um part of the impetus for bringing this to you now is that another contractor would like to use the facility uh we are very hes to do anything we had the fish beer without a lot of documentation and a process in place um so we're bringing this forward to the select board to you know get something in place before telling a potential applicant uh what method they might use there's not a lot of these requests really that come across uh like Joe kind of said I'm not prone to really Grant any uh during season or anything that would affect lease holders or the permit holders at the pier um February March is relatively dead down there um if a you know if a request didn't affect any Town property nor hinder the operations down there it's not as big of a of an issue um but that is appear meant for a specific purpose we put a lot of money a lot of time a lot of uh investment in the infrastructure so uh it's not something that we're really at least certainly I'm keen on doing um and it it would be those kind of special circumstances there's also language in the select when fish Pier regulations that talks of a um uh that would not preclude the select board from licensing parking in the upper lot for a special event um so there's mention of some type of a license at least in the upper parking lot never really seen that worked so um looking at this might be the same form possibly utilized for that type of purpose um as well um but that's the only uh reference that I could find in any of the regulations that that kind of spoke to anything close to this yeah coming into this meeting I was very much inclined to support this but I'm influenced by the discussion we've had tonight and and Mr chairman you make a very good point about having something in place but you could also have something in place is simply an internal I'll call it a checklist of what we should be looking for when before the staff comes before this board because it's this board that controls the fish Pier um uh with a recommendation to do something I I guess I'm I lean more in the direction of um at a minimum further study of this uh I know you have somebody pending I'm not sure what they're looking to do but um or um are simply saying let's just continue with the ad hoc approach but um the let let the town manager and the town staff um distill an internal document from from these materials that you've already presented uh and use that as the basis for making a recommendation back to us and and the ultimate Authority would re remain with the select board we as everyone has said we've we've spent a ton of money on that fish beer and it's working better than it ever has and I'd hate to jeopardize that thank you um I I agree with you I think that that's the best approach is that we still hold the control with the and they can come before us and have an internal document with the checklist it it just makes sense it's more efficient and and uh and that way we have a a we have still maintain our control we maintain our you know we we listen to the public we hear what the public has to say about our resources so um you know that that's where I'm going to lean I'm not going to I mean if we take no action on this tonight on this particular lease that's fine um if it goes to vote I will I will not I will vote no yeah I'm fine with that I I I'm sorry Greg just uh to say the only other element I would say is is if the the potential applicant wants to make a proposal requesting use um you've got they have a format you have a format um and and that can be kind of a a test case for us um but I think it ought to be clear that this is uh extraordinary and and um not something that'll be granted except in in in really extreme circumstances you were going to say Greg yep um understand where the board is coming from from and I just wanted to reiterate that you know Town staff is not trying to use this to increase use of the fish pier in any way this is just a way to try to you know document formalize and get the proper uh approvals appreciate that thanks and I I know a lot of work went into this and and however it get used either as an ad hoc basis or otherwise uh it it will be useful so thanks for that great thank you anything else thank you okay next case um Capital Improvement projects Carrie masel Director of Finance hi good evening Carrie masel Finance director um we're going to go over the capital Improvement projects um this is for a discussion tonight um for the annual town meeting sorry this mouse is like sticking oops okay um the capital Improvement plan are for additional articles that are over $250,000 uhar um funding sources include um borrowing raise and appropriate free cash and other available funds um as you are all aware free cash was certified at $ 11.1 million um we'd like to use for the 5-year Capital plan 2.5 to3 million for our free cash um and doing this this will provide uh leaving 8 to 7.5 million for the additional Capital project requests the capital projects proposed um this is a list of the other Capital items that would fall under SE separate articles um the center for active living Renovations this is a placeholder um transportation improvements sewer Capital items waste water sewer design and construction dredging a new ambulance and Community Center flooring and for the water department a water storage um tank repairs and paint meeting again there um the purpose of tonight's meeting is to discuss the potential projects and prioritize the Artic sorry articles for inclusion in the FY 20125 town meeting there are several projects that have been brought to us but these are ones that we feel are the biggest priorities number one the center for active living Renovations um the 5 million planning value is based on a preliminary preliminary estimation of bidding construction site Work Management oversight soft and contingency costs this value is intended to provide an order of magnitude of potential costs of discussing Capital options while awaiting the final third-party cost estimation to be presented in early January 2025 the ultimate number of a potential article request will hinge upon design options exercised in the final approved schematic concept consider phasing value engineering and other cost programming considerations the current projected amount for the center for active living Renovations is $5 million again it's subject to the final estimate presented in January this project is a placeholder the first option for the proposed funding for this project is to use $5 million in free cash which would have no impact to the tax rate the second option is to fund this project with a portion of free cash and a portion of borrowing so 2.5 million of free cash and then estimated to be 2.5 million um of borrowing the second option would then provide free cash for the other potential Capital requests versus having to raise an appropriate transfer station improvements this project was brought to the town meeting last fiscal year the project encompasses the final design and construction of the recycling area Phase 1 and Rehab of the Tipping floor it is estimated to cost $3.9 million funding for this project under option one would be 3 million of free cash and um 900,000 from raisin appropriate the 900,000 would have an impact on the tax rate of 8 C or $926 for a single family home valued at $1.2 million in FY 2026 option two would be to fund this completely through free cash and have no impact on the tax rate the next project is Wastewater Capital stabilization funding this project involves three items for the sewer Capital requests there's a stage Harbor Pump Station in the amount of $700,000 replacement of dentrification filters air filters denitrification thank you uh in the amount of 200,000 and 100 70 for the annual sewer collection system repairs um the total amount of this Capital request is 1,700,000 which would be funded from the Wastewater Capital stabilization fund and have no tax uh tax impact um the fund currently has $4.5 million available and If this article is approved would have an estimated balance of about 3.8 remaining and um as noted in my um staff report there is an additional money coming in as well so um the next project is the Wastewater sewer design and construction um sewer expansion is critical to support our continued efforts to reduce nitrogen and waterways this funding request will closely match the 2024 clean water trust State revolving fund request to support the next design phase and construction efforts an additional amount of 1 million to 1.5 is a placeholder for a future discussion to fund the first phase of grinder pump purchases which was not eligible for the state revolving fund or clean water trust reimbursement if this is approved by the select board this request for Wastewater and Sewer design construction is part of the initial Wastewater plan for the town of chadam um and Rob failey is um r BW director he is here if anybody has any questions about the Wastewater um and the staff report also provides um additional details so there's some additional uh Capital items that are over $250,000 these include um 400,000 for dredging $410,000 for a new ambulance and 300,000 for the community center C full flooring um option one would be to fund these through raise and appropriate which would impact the tax rate accordingly dredging would impact the tax rate 3 cents um I just want to remind everybody this is an annual request that we have um and then there's the ambulance um would impact 4 cents on the tax rate um we fund a new ambulance every two years um the Community Center would have a 3 cents impact on the tax rate um option two would be to fund these projects completely through free cash and have no tax impact to the tax rate sorry um there's one article uh potential article for the water department um this is for the water storage tank repairs and painting the estimated cost is 2.1 million the water storage tank repairs and painting um is a water department project and the American Waterworks Association recommends reapplying protective coatings on water storage tank every 10 years to maintain structural integrity and ensure water quality this particular tank was painted back in 2011 so um 13 years since it was last painted and is due for maintenance this project proposed as a borrowing with an estimated cost of 2.1 million and the borrowing would be applied to the water department debt if this project were to be moved forward and approved an estimated amount of this project for a 20-year loan with a estimated cost of 4.5% interest rate would be around $105,000 for principal and 94,500 um for interest in the first year um and that that's just based on borrowing for the full amount in the first year this slide um goes over the debt surface currently for the water department for FY 2026 um so it's $2.5 million currently 2 million in principal payments and $441 in interest and $50,000 for short-term borrowing that we have this debt is not taking into consideration any borrowings that may occur at the end of after y 2025 the current fiscal year for any ongoing projects that the town has approved previously and this slide is um goes over the general fund debt the general funds Debt Service for FY 2026 is currently 8.57 million for 2026 this includes 6.8 million in principal 1.6 in interest and $150,000 for short-term borrowing um again this is The Debt Service as of now and does not take into consideration any borrowings that may occur at the end of FY 2025 um this slide is an overview of option one for funding I just want to put this down um as you can see this includes the center for active living placeholder with the option of using free cash in the amount of5 million again this is still under review with final estimates in January option one is only providing the use of free cash for the center for active living and $3 million for the transfer station improvements um leaving I'm sorry and leaving a $2.5 million available for the 5-year Capital plan so this slide shows the balance of free cash if we were to go with option one this shows that the other projects presented would be applied to the rais in appropriate in the amount of just over $2 million which would impact the tax levy for one fiscal year option one is utilizing 8 million of free cash for the center for active living Renovations project and the transfer station um we would have around $550,000 available from free cash if we were to go this route for any additional items that may arise throughout the the time that we go through this option two this would all depend on the decision for the center for active living project if the town decides to move forward with the center for active living Renovations the second option as presented in the slide is to fund this project with a portion of free cash and a portion of borrowing option two also provides available free cash for the other projects including funding the transfer station fully through free cash versus having to raise and appropriate those funds through the tax levy um this option would also be using free cash in the amount of um 7.5 million versus the 8 million and having 3 million available for the 5-year Capital plan so this is a breakdown of option two as you can see the option two would have have the 7.5 for the capital projects and 3 million available for the 5-year Capital plan and with this option would provide us with a reserve of about 600,000 um for other items that may arise there's no um on this second option as you can see there's no option for the raise and appropriate and the offset would be the borrowing for the uh Center for active living so this slide shows a side by side of option one and option two um as you can see there are funds under the rais in appropriate on option one in the amount of $2 million and nothing under option two as well as the borrowing for the center for active living it's not um under option one there's nothing listed but on option two it's listed for a borrowing so those are the differences and then you can see up top in the free cash where the differences are as well as of right now the capital plan utiliz um either 2.5 to3 million would put us around 5.94% to 6.92% of the operating budget and that's based on our current information that we have right now for our operating budget um and it's it's just it's not finalized yet so I'm just kind of estimating what we have so far for our figures um this is still within the 9% which is in in adherence to our Town's Financial policies um I understand that it's difficult to Priority Capital prioritize capital projects with many identified and competing needs um that we have for FY 2026 um but we'll be presenting more formally in January as well so that's kind of what we have so far do you guys have any questions uh Dean yeah I have some questions and some comments but let me just say thank you for the um very comprehensive memo and the slide presentation can we have the slide presentation forwarded to the select board sure no problem is distilled concisely there yeah um either of these options leave um uh free cash in the5 to $600,000 range yes um that will be replenished though it is annually depending on how much is transferred back what other sources go into free cash um so free cash is usually like um when we have we estimate our revenues lower so then we have like higher revenues that close and then if we have expenses um left over that close so it all takes kind of into consideration so let me just offer a couple of comments I may have a question or two as well sure um they're all important projects I think among the more pressing projects are the center for active living and the transfer station and um let me just um separate out a question that was raised in the public comment section by Miss Gibbs perhaps at some point we should we should I know we've had this conversation before when we've considered rates talk with the um the haulers um to see whether separating out out of town refu is possible I don't know if it is or isn't but it's be I'd be interesting to get that I'm a customer of one of them that's not a 268a issue but I just point that out um let me talk for a moment about a couple of these projects the transfer station Improvement projects is 3.9 million it was 2.9 at the Maytown meeting so it's gone up a million dollars in six months is that I guess this is directed at Rob failey is so some of the money we had asked for in the spring we wind up doing um have we had change orders for the construction project now to bring some of phase one into phase two some of the site work that we had planned to do under phase one we now have to do under phase two so of course it's a change order so it's it's a premium for the contractor but we have to do it because we we a general assumption was that both projects would be done at the same time so we're eating up a little bit of that money we're eating up a little of that money that we had left over for the owner's project manager that we didn't uh understand that we needed before because the bids were coming in higher than we anticipated so there're just some additional costs that took away that additional that extra money that we had left over that we weren't asking for and then of course there's the escalation of costs since then okay I I think we're pretty conservative on our numbers uh we may have some room at the end but we won't know until the bids come in yeah well we know there are a lot of considerations and concerns uh among the neighbors regarding odors from the the building and so forth so I I I consider this a high priority project and uh I have no problem with the um suggested I know we're not making decisions tonight but I'm just going to offer my thoughts I have no problem with the um uh the allocation of n the additional $900,000 as it were to a borrowing rather than um putting it all out for borrowing and using 3 million for threee free cash Center for active living I'll just State my my position on it I I did sit in on a presentation uh with the town manager and the chair of the um Council and aging maybe a month or so ago um and saw some numbers that he had from his own internal estimates uh and saw kind of a redesign of the building which uh all of which looked fa fairly appealing and for me um there is a sort of a working limit of how much I'd be willing to spend on putting new money into that building um and um I don't want to be locked in but it's in that $5 million range any anything over that I'd be inclined to say you know do something else or knock that building down and put a new one up for $10 million if that's what what it's going to take um we're going to have the presentation on J on January 7th yep and my thinking is and I've said this perhaps publicly and I know I told the town manager several times this as well as the council and aging board if it looks positive I'd be inclined uh at that point to recommend that the select board have a uh portion of a future meeting after that devoted as a community for to gauge public support and if the public support were there uh then we could put it on the TIC as an article for town meeting and I'd be inclined to recommend um the entire 5 million uh be paid out of free cash rather than put a borrowing forward and my rationale for that is the money is there um when you borrow I know this is a little different from what I just said about the transfer station but when you borrow um um you're incurring uh servicing costs interest and since the money has already been appropriated from the taxpayers and this is a project of long standing that we might have a chance to bring to closure I'd be inclined to support that um just had a couple of other questions on the grinder pumps um we're awaiting at some point for the town manager to come forward with a recommendation for us on what to do with that we've heard uh some somewhat competing I I I actually don't think those recommendations from the two committees are that far apart on what we might do but I think you know we can't go forward with an article um without resolving that policy first um and hopefully we will the dredging as you pointed out we've done that with uh raising appropriate in the past the ambulance I think the same Community Center flooring is new but I think that could be um rais in appropriate the water storage tank uh we had a long discussion about this I think before you came on the board Mr chairman maybe you were um when when Mr Temple was here and I think we were asking questions like you know if it cost this much was it 2 million bucks to paint this uh it's more than paint I understand it's not just slapping some paint a can of paint on there but um how much is a brand new tank cost you know I I think we should get a little more information maybe you have something that you want to add to that tonight but but I think we should know that um I'll put down the question and the other question I had um I guess these are there's these are some other projects that you haven't touched on but they're in your memo so I won't I won't comment on them until we get to them but those are my initial observations thank you I'm just going to interject a comment that um I understand that um on on at at the Golden Gate Bridge they paint from one side to the other and when they get to the other side they turn around and go back and start all over again go in the other direction so painting is a it's an expensive proposition um Shireen yeah I it's clear that the cell in the in transfer station bubble up to the top as priorities for us um as far as cell is concerned again um I'm in uh Dean's Camp to wait and see you know what number comes at us as far as whether this is something we're going to go forward with yep um I don't have any particular ular um notion of how I feel about free cash split or all funding again that's going to be you know a Nuance that we're going to have to play out um at the time when we get more information because maybe that might offset some some things that um that will be helpful um again you know H how many Community forums have we had on on uh um on cell is I I don't even know anymore um but that's all I have for real comments right now um you know just to just to say that those are the two things that I think are are very important to us uh going forward and then as we go along we'll just continue comments on the other projects thank you thank you yeah go ahead Cory just a very very simple comment I mean these these topics you know C for active living transfer station those you know sewer project nothing new to us I think the one thing we can all identify is that there there are specific questions directed to each of the projects that we have that we have the public has and we need to address them to the best of our ability before we get to the point of if we're moving them actually to the town meeting warrant um because there are certain thresholds you know um that you know especially with the Council of aute living you know that $5 million number has been floated around a little bit higher a little bit lower um I think that it also opens up a bigger discussion of what is the best project moving forward um transfer station you know I'm a big proponent of of moving forward with better facilities and etc for the for the staff um they've been very clear about that but maybe um some policy questions you future usage we should flush that stuff out sooner than later happy to do that um and try to deal with some of the bumps in the road that may come with those conversations and I mean the and the sewer project I mean this is this is going to be an ongoing discussion so um with some you know grinder pump issue this year maybe in five years we're going to have a different issue to De with but yeah I mean we need to have that dialogue with the public so um we have a lot of more homework to to do on each of these topic but I think I think we're heading in the right direction and I think we've identified those that are important to us um I mean obviously dredging that's not a new topic right I mean we're going to be dredging through everyone's lifetime forever yeah just yeah talk about painting projects that's our yeah that's our painting project um you know ambulance um you know we we probably clearly have a need for that so I'm I'm fine with the process we're going nothing nothing's going to be set in stone tonight but I think we we have some more dialogue to to move forward with thank you thanks um I'll try to be brief I I um and maybe just to give you a top line I I I like option two a whole lot better than I like option one um I and and it and it starts with my feeling that we have this you know I'm going to call it windfall $1 million of free cash that it's not like we get 11 million of free cash every year right and I think you have to figure out um what's appropriate to use that um in light of a number of things historically I don't disag agree that um the um transfer station and Cal are are high priorities I I have no argument with that I I'm strong supporter of of both um I would make the the off the offhand point or or sideline point I whoever the commercial haulers are and whatever effect they have on the on on on that facility that doesn't mean that we don't need the we don't need the the the the the um renovation I mean we need it whoever is um is is dumping stuff there so I to me that may be a project that we ought to focus on but I it's not one that causes me to say well we better wait and see whether we're going to spend 3.99 million on that um so to come back to kind of just give a little background I to me things like dredging and the ambulance and the community center in those are the kinds of things that in my mind if you have the uh if you have the free cash that's where it should that's how you would fund those in my mind um I I um although it's not as clear um with respect to the transfer station I I do think that you know the the circumstances that bring us to that situation which were a number of um considerations including the fact that it it lost by 20 votes votes at the in a meeting when where there was you know significant I I want to say um nobody was wildly enthusiastic about spending money on anything and and I I think that you know in another circumstance in another atmosphere it might have passed um so I I'm cautiously saying I would dedicate the entire 39 of free cash to to do that um with respect to the center of act for active living I'm I have a real hard time I'm a huge supporter we need that facility everybody knows I wanted very much to see us do 1610 um I I I would point out as as what I'm sure some of my friends will characterize as an irrelevant aside that um you know we have potentially 8.6 million of free cash today which in 2021 would have built that whole facility at 1610 um and would have hit 75 to 80% of of the 2023 um proposal which included not only the um uh the you know the fa the the capacity to do um adult daycare but also an overnight warming Center and I I and I I bring that up not as a you know I want to go back and fight that old war I'm trying to measure I'm trying to figure out Dean says five million plus or minus is his break point um I'm trying to figure out when are we throwing good money after bad uh with respect to a facility that is is um not a great facility as it is now and the question is how much bang for our buck do we get for 5 million or whatever the number is that that's my concern the other issue for me is I I I think I I really honestly think the voters should have an you know they should have a say and uh I I recogn as much as I want to see something get done and I re and two-thirds may be another difficult um mountain to climb in light of the history here I I really think and that's by the way the two and a half two and a half uh approach Y is so it's got to get a two3 vote and the only question is well it's only two and a half million um I I I to me that's I I think if you're going to give it to the voters as I think you should you ask for the whole five so those are my thoughts on those I I the only other thing I want to say about the uh the Wastewater program um and the grinder pumps I I I I would just point out uh I agree with everybody that's a decision that has to be made um the the million and a half for grinder pumps I if if you're thinking 6,000 per grinder pump that's 250 grinder pumps um we're not going to be buying 250 grinder pumps for quite some time I'm not quarreling with the estimate all I'm saying is um it's a number that's in there that that probably doesn't relate to the reality of of of the time of um people hooking up to the Sewer needing grinder pumps and given that fact I would also point out that um you know if I'm not sure what the um srf requirements are to qualify but I believe that if you pay for the pump the installation and the service you get srf qualification what does that mean I don't know in detail but I I think we should at least understand that before we make a decision about that um so those I don't no maybe Rob could no I I and I I I mean I appreciate he can speak to it if he likes all I'm I'm just putting that on the table for the discussion okay I'm not quarreling with I'm I'm glad you've got it in there and frankly if we can leave it in there without deciding those issues today I'd be perfectly happy to do that as well so those I I think I've covered everything thing that's uh um you know um there's uh we got a lot to worry about and a lot to think about and and we got to get this right so thank you for your contribution this was helpful you're welcome there is a quick answer to your question about the grinder pumps as far as I recall uh in order for the town to be eligible for the srf the town would have to own and maintain the grinder pumps install own and maintain so yeah okay we have to own them yeah well I I I I I understand I mean I I I know what the require or in principle what it is but what it means in terms of how we get the grinder pumps in the ground and and and so for the details uh that's probably something that would is worthy of a further discussion that's all I got any any okay followup thanks very much do you need anything else from us nope thank you I appreciate your input thank you it's very helpful yep thank you um okay arpa arpa go ahead so um the town received arpa funds in the amount of $626,000 um these funds need to be obligated by December 31st of 2024 and expended by December 31st of 2026 um if the funds are not obligated this obligating meeting we need to have a contract in place and a purchase order um as well the funds will be sent back to the federal government um these funds can be spent on government services including but not limited to constructions roads and infrastructure provision of Public Safety and other services health and Educational Services um we have ident identified four projects um for funding for proposed funding um the ADA compliance public restroom upgrades in the amount of $433,000 um next request public records request software in the amount of $177,000 hazardous waste program in the amount of 86,000 and the electrical work at Kate Gold Park in the amount of 30,000 um we feel all these projects will benefit the community thoughts comments questions anything further um that's all I have okay thank you Cory go ahead um I guess I'm going to go kind of Go reverse from where I originally was going to go to so the 8677 uh for the uh Wastewater uh the Hazardous Waste um the a dollar that's an annual expense right we have an anual ual expense we do have an annual expense and last year we actually went over budget and um it was funded through barille County arpa the additional the overage um so this is a different funding this is federal um this year we've already seen increased costs and we've already gone over the expenditure line in FY 2025 and we're expecting to also instead of in increasing the budget for 26 we would offset it with the um $86,000 in FY 2026 okay so the 86 is above and beyond what our normal budget would be yeah I think our normal budget is around $35,000 that we have but we spend around around 60,000 yeah yeah so so the so the actual and the budget is large gap yes a very large gap okay for the past couple well noticed it last year in 24 and these are the events it's not something that's delivered to the transfer station it's our residents participation in the the quarterly programs whatever they are yeah yeah so somebody a resident can go and bring their stuff there for free and then the town pays for it yeah so it's not free it's not free it's not free like free cash is not free cash um and then and then as delicately as I want to say this the 433,000 for the the restrooms I mean when I think of community projects that's you know are really I'm not knocking it I think it should be done very well I I just I wouldn't in my wildest dreams have for me I would think that would be like the top thing that we could get a you know for the bang for the community is is fixing a couple restrooms I mean I feel we could have come up with were a better project especially when it comes to roadways and stuff yeah how I mean I could I could think of other things Road I me especially with roadway sidewalks and Road intersections and and everything else that this was the the the top you know list applicant or or Choice um I I feel like if if we do choose this um we really didn't do our due diligence totally I I I'm not overwhelmed by this option to be honest with you so so um in order to get federal funds we have to go through a whole procurement process and that's part of the reason why we selected this project was because it has already gone through an RFP it's already gone through all of the procurement that needed by the federal government so um the contract is um going to be signed soon regardless if we're going to pay it through arper or not um so that was one of the reasons why this was a good project to pay from the arpa funds because all the procurement was already done if we chose another project that was larger then we probably wouldn't have made it in time for the December 31st okay last question is because of the timing limitations if we were exploring other projects or whatever we are in great Jeopardy will basically sending this money back and getting nothing correct okay all right thank you you're welcome yeah if I can just add so what we were it's been a couple of months or even actually longer that we've been working with the Departments to find something that's quote shovel shovel ready so it would be easy for us to compile the contracts and also when we present our follow-up report on it it it have a very clear Avenue for this project and particular it's almost using up two years of town Appropriations for the entire Ada program for this bathroom pro project so it's essentially and Rob can speak to what it is exactly but it's it's making the ones behind the town offices ADA Compliant but also there's um a component for the parking lot too to have access and better access to it so um I understand this seems like it's a lot of money with a little return on the investment but if we look at the avoided cost of where we can red redirect some of our other funds Town funds that have been appropriated or would be appropriated in FY 26 this seemed like the perfect project for us um I was on the same boat with with Corey on the 400 uh and change but hearing the explanation and the rationale behind it I'm fine with the appropriation so I don't have anything else to say well this is part of fulfilling the recommendations that came through the um committee on um what's it now called the committee we've changed people with disabilities people with disabilities thank you um and and we had um a consultant study and we're obligated to make these changes um this is free money as it were another use of the word free well it's like free cash but it's I mean it's coming to us from the federal government so I'd be inclined to support it so I I I'm I'm gonna say two things for or several but quick um I it's December 10th and December 31st is three weeks from today y we have to have the appropriate commitments to get this money and the money essentially that we're getting replaces money that we would in all cases have to spend elsewhere have to find elsewhere so I agree I mean I and and that brings me to my so I'm I'm supportive of this and whatever you do if we approve this which I hope we will please sign those contracts get it done make sure we get the money um I I my only comment here is that um and maybe it's irrelevant given the fungibility of the funds but I I really I mean you know this has been around for two years and I I really do wish we had um focused on this earlier um and and you know maybe who knows what we would have done differently but then my last comment is I yes I'm the the liaison to the uh committee uh on people with disabilities I I have a lot of U Back and Forth with them uh there was a certain amount of frustration in that committee at the delays or or at the uh the fact that we couldn't get ourselves together as a town to be responsive to that report that Dean referred to we're doing it here and I'm so I'm glad to see that and I I think this is a perfectly appropriate use of the money all things considered so thank you I'm GNA make a motion if that's all right with everybody please um I move to approve the allocation of towns America rescue plan act funds in the amount of 567,000 uh $569 30 for the following projects Ada upgrades to the public restrooms behind the town offices at 549 main purchase and implementation of the next request public records management system support for the town's participation in Regional household hazard waste collection programs and electrical upgrades at kol Park second all those in favor Mr Mets hi uh Miss Davis Hi Mr says I am Mr necastro hi thanks Carrie thank you have a nice evening you too thank you thank you um next is committee appointments we have two to consider for Aunt Lydia's Cove committee um we have two open seats Mr chair yes sir Mo to appoint Gregory Connor as a member of the a L's Cove committee until June 30 2026 unless sooner revoked or successor is appointed second all those in favor Mr nastro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Mr Mets I Mr chair I move to appoint James Nash as a member of the aunt Lees Cove committee until June 30 2026 I think I wrong you got to do 25 sorry if I'm not mistaken did I goof no it one was 26 one was 25 you were allowed to pick which my apologies no problem um unless T voter successors appointed so that this is for 25 yes it has to be 25 yes was my okay all those in favor Mr Mets i m Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr mccastro hi um and next we have historical seat uh commission One open seat uh and one Al open alternate seat and they've asked us to move and Alternate up to a full um membership Mr chair uh yeah we had a um a death on the committee second death um recently and uh so the chair has indicated to me that the appropriate thing would be to move Robert Stevens forward I think that is this sense of the full the full board um full commission but uh so I and I tried to move this forward so that they could have the full compliment so I moved to appoint Robert Stevens as a member of the historical commission until June 30 2027 unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second uh all those in favor Mr nicastro I Mr Shell says I Miss Davis and Mr met thank you I think unless there's anything else we've concluded our business take a motion motion to adjourn second all those in favor Mr necastro hi uh Mr Shell says I M Davis hi uh Mr Mets hi thank you we are adjourned at 7:14 good night [Music] [Music] chadam 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