##VIDEO ID:OHakehra35Y## is [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening chadam welcome to the uh joint meeting of the chadam select board and the Council on Aging board of directors um of Jan 7 2025 please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and OnDemand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair I don't see anybody in the room uh I don't see anybody on the in in the uh internet so I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 23 signing of the act of 20 of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General law 30 as chapter 3A section 20 until March 31 2025 this joint meeting of the chadam select board and Council on Aging board of directors is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1 158 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via night Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simulcast on chadam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts uh we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible before we um establish a quorum and open both meetings uh I want to note uh the passing of two um chadam First Citizens of sorts uh first Mr Andrew uh cflar passed away on December 9th he served on the municipal building needs committee from 1998 through 2001 the charter Review Committee from 2007 to 2009 and the capital projects Review Committee from 2010 to 2013 um we also lost uh Ron um croyle I hope scroy sorry about that uh passed on December 19th uh he served for 30 years as a chadam firefighter uh Rising through the ranks and retiring as deputy chief uh if we could observe a moment of silence in their memory thank you um we'll open the select board meeting first uh Mr Mets present uh Mr dykens M Davis present Mr nastro and Mr Shell is present and then I'll turn it over to misss Burke uh to open the Council on Aging board of directors meeting yeah y yep you need pres present Stan pres Ann present laa present and the chair is present we have a quorum thank you thank you so this evening uh I'll just open uh briefly uh we this this evening's meeting is going to take place really in two parts um oh I'll tell them what the meeting's about and then then we'll go to public announcements uh three parts we'll have public announcements in a minute um but the the the meat of the meeting is uh to discuss the uh proposed um uh amend uh uh renovations to the seal um and that will be um first a joint meeting of the boards uh we'll have presentations from um Mr rabber uh and uh uh uh the the staff and then uh the boards will have some conversation and then we will go to the second part of the meeting which is basically a uh public forum on what you've seen and what you've heard from the board so with that sort of introduction let me come back to the uh public announcements and invite any public announcements or agenda requests first from the select board any from the COA board uh any from the public no Mr chair U and I don't see any here in the room so now we can go to our joint meeting and our presentations um and I believe that's coming from uh uh do do you want to start um Mr whan yeah let's give a very very brief overview the chair uh went through the the structure of the meeting so Terry whan U projects and operations administrator so in your package you you had a um a a staff report basically with some background information on some of the chronology on um the the meetings preceding um this meeting tonight to get to where we are tonight and uh Kurt rabber architect is going to be going through that in in um some detail so again just pointing out that um you know we've been continuing on the process and really this is a followup from meetings um and discussion excuse me going back to uh March and the end of June um of um 20 24 and with that I will uh actually turn it over to Kurt because I think he's going to hit all the items that we have in the staff report we're going to have um you we'll be available for questions and then when Kurt's done um I'm going to turn it over to Leah to do a presentation on the relationship of the proposal to the um to meeting the needs of the um Council on Aging department and the center for active living as a facility welcome good evening thank you Terry good evening everyone Kurt rer from Catalyst architecture and Interiors in yarmouthport glad to be back with you excuse me um we're here to kind of report on some refinements of the proposed plans at the seaal um after we were here the last time um we heard some comments and kind of wrote down some wish list items and um and went back to the drawing board and and refined the plan um I'll kind of revisit the the old schemes um in a few minutes um but you might remember that we colorcoded them and there were sort of like a yellow plan green plan blue plan and I think everybody kind of centered around the blue scheme um which was not the biggest uh didn't have the large addition on the left side um but was really concentrating on maximizing ing the potential of the existing building with some modest additions in several places um and um so this is the the rendering that our office created um I think if I you you can you cannot see my cursor okay well I'll just describe it um oh is there yeah the person usually shows up how do I do that not there okay well we'll just kind of describe it quickly um to the left side of the image uh is the sort of existing Gable end which is the multi-purpose room on the first floor this is used for dining lunches other things uh above it on the second floor is another multi-purpose room used often times for AV presentations um ah perfect top button top button so um it it has a a shed Dormer on the left far left side of the building um but what we wanted to do is sort of maximize the use of these two rooms um so this is a proposed addition that stretches the multi-purpose room on the first floor and then we add this Dormer uh on the right side uh of the second floor space which really does make that room a whole lot more usable because you may recall that there's walk too far into that corner you'll knock your head on the ceiling um then at the front entrance we've created a new sort of front entry with steps a small little garden envisioned there accessible ramp accessible parking but then there's a conference room at the far right end of up second floor um and a small meeting room which is sort of internal with no windows um so we're proposing a long shed Dormer there uh to make those spaces a lot more useable able and with that we'll just kind of get into the plan um this first page is the existing conditions plan and encircled in red uh clouds are the columns uh Lolly columns that kind of obstruct flexible use of these spaces and the renovations and the estimates that we're showing tonight um will remove those items um and again it's just for um a sense of familiarity uh again on the first floor level there's a column in the center of the multi-purpose room here uh and then this is the existing layout of the office admin area which we intend to improve on the second floor this is the area we'd be adding the Dormer and getting rid of this little section of roof and similarly over in this area we'd be opening the roof um and making this totally internal space lot more habitable here's um this is the first floor and on the left side of the building is a new addition which is again the basically increasing the width of the multi-purpose room by about 8 feet and then behind it is where the existing deck is now behind the kitchen area we propose a three-story Edition there with a new enclosed stair for safety and uh fire regress um and then this space on all three levels becomes kind of a storage or you know useful space um on the on the second floor could even be an office or a small meeting area um in the front of the building we have sort of a new storage room dedicated to the multi-purpose room new coat room a new vestibule and then this is sort of that Portico ramp um and small garden area in the front of the building on the left side we're proposing kind of a complete overhaul of the office space to further divide that into smaller dedicated offices um and then build a true reception desk in this plan we've actually removed one office from this area and built a different enclosure a different path to the the lower level um uh egress to the to Ingress and egress from the basement level this is the proposed second floor in the yellow highlights the additions it's a little slow reacting okay this is the the building elevations and again we show the front entrance the expansion on this side so the existing building oh get caught up with me so right here this Dimension line here shows the proposed length of the addition on this end but the and um then the addition in the front and the Dormer here and here U this is the north side right side view on the back of the building pretty much the same thing here this is the existing elevator we propose a new Portico here this is the entrance into the lower level and if the lower level becomes um the part-time home for the senior day program um the parking lot here on the left which we previously infilled with an addition will remain so the parking on that side will remain the driveway will remain there and um in the site plan we show that we've got enough room to have the shuttle bus come down and let people uh you know uh on board and offboard the the shuttle bus right in this location there'll be a little walkway to a covered Portico over that entrance this area right here is an addition three stories high and this last part of the addition is that three story stair this is the site plan um and as I mentioned the left side we're going to that parking lot's going to remain we've cross-hatched the area down here which will be dedicated parking space for the shuttle bus but also a place where that bus can maneuver and turn and then this is a little Terrace uh that's right next to this covered Portico entrance to this the lower level and the senior day program um the yellow here shows the addition footprint on the left side the blue is the addition in the front and we're showing the kind of the little perhaps a small garden area uh new accessible parking most importantly um the the existing parking lot over here has sort of two driveways through it existing there's 22 total spaces on the site today um and we propose improving this whole area which will include Park Paving striping lighting drainage of course um and um a couple of tree Islands but with the new handicap spots parking across the front we can get to 47 spaces we believe this is the existing driveway that goes back to the condo Min the Condominium Association in the rear um but the the the count is B based on the number of parking spaces that would be entirely on the town parcel so here I wanted to um show you sort of we put a slide together that sort of Recaps where we've been uh and this is the the slide in total but if I Advance we can focus on one section at a time um way back in March we've looked at a concept onea which was a kind of a modest um and B was a little bit more subtle addition the addition of the front option two was what became the soon after the yellow scheme or the addition of a new Senior Day program you know a very large addition to the left side of the building um and going back and looking at those plans the existing building plus a small little footprint increase resulted in a building of about 8250 gross square feet the big scheme was just over 12,000 ft at that point in March we really hadn't done any estimating we were just here to kind of show those Concepts we returned in June and we had a colorcoded uh plan and a color-coded budget page the orange uh items on the budget uh were sort of the base building improvements they included some structural repairs elevator upgrade HVAC upgrade Etc um really didn't change the building footprint or didn't really maximize or create any increased program space 1A became the green scheme and it considered the existing building um plus very modest addition and that was the 8250 square feet the blue option added 610 gross square feet and again just uh just over um 8,600 square feet the yellow option was embellished and uh changed a little bit but again it was a total of 4,245 gross s gross square feet of area being added and we identified budgets for each of those schemes uh that varied you know from just over a million to just over a 7.5 million at that point we all kind of took notes and listened to what was missing um and we came back and and the plan I've just gone through with you is a version of 1B or the blue scheme with a little bit of more stretching um in a little bit more area and um tried to maximize the amount of usable space in the building so again this slide really Compares that blue option and the budget at the time of 3 .36 million and the refined schematic design um we ended up with a an addition of 2156 Square F feet a total building area of 10,191 square fet we've refined the budget with our estimator and this is the uh not the construction cost but this is the overall projected overall cost at 4.66 five um this page kind of summarizes um our cost estimating and our estimator kind of took the uh the construction cost and we called that the raw construction cost this is without the general contractors markup and bond and permits and and insurances Etc um so the raw cost of the of the renovation space was one number and then they treated the addition as another number um and then we added to it the rock cost of just the site features which is the parking lot the site lighting Paving Landscaping uh we carried a lumpsum for improvements in the garden areas um so to that subtotal at 2.76 million we added the contract modifiers these are project contingency because it's very early on a design contingency because the estimator you know had to make some assumptions and he he also assumed that there's some things that we haven't added or haven't thought to to to kind of Define in the design to date and then we finally we carried an escalation of another 5% assuming that this project would be designed bid built um in a one year's time from today so the estimating is today numbers the escalation and the other modifiers kind of push it up to 3.24 S um once the design is refined and know the project goes to bid ultimately a general contractor will be assigning his uh overhead General conditions um we agreed with the estimator to carry 10% here profit number an insurance number a bond number um we zeroed out the permit fee assuming that the town would treat itself nicely and exempt those fees um and we got to this 3.83 one number um now that's not the 4. uh 6 number um and we have um you know background information in very a lot of detail which I believe is in your packets we don't have to go through it all um but this is just basically how the estimator looks at every portion of the building every room every task and it really just still summarize uh brings it down to um um one big number so if I go back the summary page the the total project page isn't doesn't seem to be there I hope it was in the we lost the slide in translations Som should I plug that in I might not be an this to be there but shoot um we can pull it off the the web give me a second here so they do have that in the package the complete okay the complete yeah guess maybe when you're having it's a little jumpy p oh yeah we loaded the whole package up so I think that sorry for the confusion when we had a PDF and we exported it to the PowerPoint and we missing a slide there there it this way you can that's the page yeah yep there it is great thank you Jerry for saving me here um still projecting the other one oh um do I need to share the screen yeah gotcha I'm is not projecting we have it do you want to close out of the PowerPoint okay so that's on their computer okay so that's the power I'm not sure if looking or that's back on us okay I think that's me or this ma all right but we we're trying to project the um what I've got on the web view so this is not projecting what we have on the screen here okay give the mouse thank you close the power yes sir let just go Toc brilliant you just click on this yeah should go so just you got your functionality yep perfect all right here we are so this is the sort of overall project budget page and again we recap the rocket struct numbers the modifiers and escalators and and here the contract markups Fe so this is the same as it was in the estimators report um but to with it we add here at the bottom um other soft costs that the project would incur um some before Construction some during construction um the OPM Services because the project is over a million and a half dollars professional fees uh which includes Architects landscape structural MEP civil engineering is is on the next line um geotechnical soil investigations um which is you know sort of a modest number compared to everything else construction testing online procurement um there are expenses with that process now um um the oftentimes we carry a generator but the building already has one um we did carry um a number for it improvements and um other techn technology up updates in the building um and we carried pretty significant number for uh furniture and Equipment um we have a small fee uh because sometimes the utility companies have some sort of fee that they charge back um miscellaneous expenses so the subtotal um with a 5% contingency adds another 833 th000 to the previously known 3.83 one number that's how we got to the the 4.66 5 Allin project budget for the refined or um improved blue scheme um and I'm sure there's a lot of questions but I think we were going to have Leah do a presentation and then come back Pat can Kurt let's let Leah make her presentation talks I want to know oh all right go ahead the if you could show um the the lower level slide because um that will when Leah talks it will be um we need to open that important we didn't get that slide with the new support of adult a health that guy that way we'll all be in one software Y and then there we go there we go thank you yeah I think this this dropped out of the previous presentation as well in the in the PowerPoint software but um so this slide um was the lower level again columns removed in this multi-purpose room and also a a significant structural column removed from this these dashed lines in both these areas indicate the installation of a new steel beam overhead um new accessible restrooms to serve the functions down there um this is that covered Portico and walkway out to the drop off area and again this is within a New Foundation but it is the egress a um new equipment storage because the cile has a um an equipment lending program um for anybody that needs a crutches Walker wheelchair other other accessible tools um and then this storage room and when we met last week we talked about maybe yeah taking a doorway direct from this room so that sports equipment or other things that this room might be used for yoga mats Etc could be stored directly into that room so that's just a function of moving that door over um and we'll come back to the plans and the budget after Leah's presentation that's the one good evening everybody I'm Leah lacrosse director of community services and I thought that I would just add a little Dimension um to everything that Kurt presented with um some pictures of of how it looks today um so that you could maybe get an even better idea of what he was discussing sorry um so by the numbers in 2024 we had one , 487 members or 23% of Chatham's year round population of 6,67 um residents which I checked today to make sure that that was still the case um and those people signed had a total of 4,519 signin for programs so we've really grown a lot our programs have grown um we're seeing a lot more people that picture there is our chat and Better Together group um who were very happy to toose for that um we've also grown as a team in 2022 which is the year I chose because that's the year I started um we started with a director an Outreach coordinator a program coordinator Department coordinator which is the one that does payroll and and invoicing and runs our transportation and then a department assistant who answers the phone today we have all of those but we all also have an adult Behavioral Health clinician a day program director um we have one program Aid hired right now um and hoping to get our second one I did not put the child we also have um hopefully we'll have soon a uh a behavioral health clinician that focuses on the Youth of the Town um but that person In fairness will be um housed at the community center so I didn't add them but really we'll we'll be EST of 10 for for this so when Kurt talked about the multi-purpose room um we call it the dining room and because that's what it has always been I'm trying to figure out this pointer here top button yeah it's not working that seems to be the theme tonight so I'll just talk on the left hand side is the dining room we Ed this picture because it didn't have that's why thank thank you top button top button okay so this is the dining room without Furniture in it and I used this picture um because it shows you the full length you can see right in the middle um of the floor is the column that makes it a lot more difficult than you think it is um we can't we have to do our tables around it as I show here U for one of our programs that's Apple Juice by the way it's not champagne just to just so you know um so people are right up against those columns and for anyone who's participated in any of our full lunches or full programs you'll know that the people as you can see right here sit back to back so while that looks like a really big space it's really not um it's a lot smaller when it's filled and and the maximum that we can have in there is 30 people so that's only 30 people in that room if that so this is uh the other program room that Kurt was talking to which is right over the dining room this is called the media Lounge um and what this is um through a generous donation for the friends they refurnished this room um so that we could do computer classes it very quickly became um not only that but a an additional program room since it's the only other one in the building again if you see it when you walk into it it looks like a very big room but if you notice here um so virtually from this corner all the way down makes that space all that wonderful space unusable um sometimes we have a black curtain hanging here going across so that people don't hit their heads um which we have to warn people all the time so we we use it for much smaller programs because really as you can see this is really the usable space um it looks big but again um we had a bingo event upstairs in that room and it shows you how few people are in that room and how quickly it fills up sorry switching between both this is um this is the a tough pictures here but these are this is our basement that you saw right now so right here is the main big space in the basement you see those two columns right there also we don't have any any storage space this is our storage right now um we have absolutely no storage upstairs whatsoever so this is the other side of the building when you come down the stairs and take a left there's a program space right now that's currently only used for foot care right here behind these walls are all of our durable medical equipment I don't know if you can tell right here but that's just a almost like a chalkboard that we use to partition that on off um for storage and then in here oh and when Kurt talked about the addition of the bathroom the two bathrooms on the lower level so that the day program can have space down there this is where the two bathrooms would go this is what we refer to as the exercise room um it has never been used since I've been there because as you can see the columns you can see the ceilings are way too low and there's no airflow um there's not sufficient air flow I should say and those two windows need to be brought this space doesn't look like it but it is huge and with um the proposed Renovations this whole Space would be dedicated to the day program the supportive Day program where they would have um their restrooms the door that Kurt talked about with the covered portica was right here and so they would have their own entrance and exit uh the director and staff would have um office space right over here and it would fulfill their needs and would be able to open four the program four days a week so that's all that's the presentation there but I wanted to um thank everybody for the opportunity to to see this part of our story you can see from the slides I just showed you that our need for additional space is both real and tangible currently our existing space does not allow us to include everyone who wants to participate in our programs for every program that's held in our dining room we have to limit participants to a total of 30 which for our most popular programs often leaves us with a weit list of 10 to 15 people for our media Lounge which is our only other program space we can have a maximum of 15 our lower level contains the most space but is unusable due to the absence of restrooms on that floor which is an adaa requirement multiple columns and low ceiling height in Mr Raber's thoughtful approach to to this design we feel that he's helped shape a plan that addresses these most pressing issues with the proposed renovation we are confident that we will gain the necessary space to open up the programs and services to everyone in the older adult community eliminating the need for number restrictions and weit lists we will have the storage space we desperately need in a place to put our durable medical equipment that's loaned out almost on a daily basis additionally our brand new riters cove resit program the adults supportive Day program will have a beautifully renovated space on the lower level complete with a fully accessible covered entrance adjacent to the parking lot where our transportation Vehicles Park this space will be fully dedicated to the program complete with office space and storage allowing us to expand to four days a week instead of two removing the day program from the dining room will also allow us to add more program in the dining area finally our dedicated team of Staff will have sufficient workspace and we will once again have a conference room to hold meetings in that is not true today I know Kurt pointed out the conference room but we had to give up our conference room for office space as we expanded our staff each week we receive heartfelt letters from our participants expressing gratitude for the care and support we provide many share how we've given them a reason to get up in the morning in a place where they feel they truly belong as we've experienced tremendous growth a functional accessible space is no longer a wish but an essential need for a town that so thoughtfully cares for its residents so thank you for your time attention and consideration yes so I'm just going to pull up the materials again so with um for for the question there then again sorry for the technical minor technical glitch here um something got literally lost in the electronic translation so apologize for that okay so Terry that concludes staff's presentation yeah so that does conclude our presentation sorry and then U so again we can U access the any of the um the documents here for um the um the the a couple of pages that were not um in the I'm going to I'm going to open it up in the first instance for comments um questions whatever from um I I think we'll do it as a board here so um either side um Corey go ahead I I'll I'll take two very one real quick quick and easy soft one and then a little more I don't know if it be more appropriate now or later but I'll ask it and you can tell me how go ahead one real quick one is on the um the overall budget um just for clarification I line item number 28 and line item 33 are both listed as online bidding and procurement expenses at 2000 are those redundant or are those two separate I know it's not going to make or break the budget but I'm just for clarification L item 28 line item 33 yeah I don't um again I think that might be just a a double count there so we're working in the right direction okay y all right all right you got any more I really sharpen my pencil all right um the second question and I don't know if we want to get into this now or a little bit later is um obviously um addressing this with the uh remodelings and some additions and all these U proposals um do we want to talk a little bit about how we're going to tackle this what are the what is the process of tackling this while having the operations of Cel in process and how does that um how does that plan look sure and I think I'll defer to Kurt but that is and again in the staff report I I neglected to mention that earlier so again that is the intent here to uh to do the projects as expeditiously as possible and I'll let Kurt speak that scheduling uh the committee we worked with talked about sort of can you do this in a phased way can you live there you could but it would be difficult and it would elongate the construction phase and with it the management fees and everything that go along with that so we think the the cleanest fastest way to tackle this renovation addition project is to temporarily relocate the seal Services um to another location uh we talked about the best time of the year to do that which would be sort of October through May um and um I know that the town Leah and Terry have been kind of working on a scheme uh to use base at the community center um for those Services um so I they could talk a little bit more about that but we think the best way the safest way to build this project is to vacate yeah and if I can I think Kurt you were estimating the construction schedule is you know for the actual construction to be nine nine months so and there's you know some design and um pre-work that needs to be done so we're talking about a 12month process right now right so that we think that the construction process could be done in nine months um we would specify that and um I think with the right contractor very doable Stan did you have a question I thought I saw your hand up a minute ago no okay um Dean thank you I just want to follow up on Corey's question about the the displacement um and I I I guess this question probably is directed to the director of community services or or or other staff what is the plan for carrying on programs including the adult daycare while construction is going on at 193 St Stonehill Road I know we've talked about the Community Center how is that going to work how is that going to impact programs at the community center or the use of the community center by Third parties um I've also asked um Amy how deputy director of community services for the recreation and beaches division um Amy and Terry and I have talked at length about this and um we think we've come up with a a plan um make no mistake it's going to be very tight in there but we also prioritize programs um and the day program is of course the number one priority Amy has been so kind as to to to designate a room that would be for the day program only no other programs during the duration of time would take place and it has Ample Storage Space it has ample room um and that would be that would be great the staff would be sharing offices um there's currently no office space available over there except for one office that is for the Youth um clinician upon hire but um I'm going to let Amy address the most of it um the what she's come up with and what we've all come up with and how it will affect programs at the community center would the adult dat Care Program be in compliance with state requirements conducted that way yes thank you yep we checked all that um the only thing is there's no kitchen at the community center but we've we have workarounds on that too um and so we're I'll let her address there's a a room right next door the serving room that has a refrigerator that would be ours to use we also have crockpots we're not required to serve hot lunches um they can be lunches as long as they're nutritious and a snack so it's it's all within compliance and where will the COA staff be housed we will all be sharing offices with Amy staff thank you go ahead Amy yeah um just to expand on on what Leah said so you know it's just preliminary what we've talked about um you know in the hopes that this does progress um so we feel that we can fit the majority of the seals programs over there um you know it will impact you know how the community center run it will impact um outside organizations committees and the room space available so there will be an impact to the community um but it's expected you know we're moving two buildings into one so um but for us you know I think as a staff and as a whole we're just going to do our best possible to fit as many programs as we can into the um into the community center alongside of our programs and I think that there's just going to have to be a lot of flexibility on our end on their end and on the community's end and I think if if that can happen and you know and we're all going to work together we will do the best that we can for those nine months um knowing that there's kind of a light at the end of the tunnel so there might be some displacement of programs or uses of the building yes byd by Third parties they might have to conduct meetings elsewhere yes corre and and our our goal is really we've we've um kind of stopped you know we haven't accepted reservations past you know June because we kind of want to wait and see what's going to happen with this um and then um you know this progresses it passes you know the next step would be to get it out there um to the community and especially the people that do regularly reserve the community center on a yearly basis and kind of get that information out to them um and and we have all this you know information in our system so we we'll be able to kind of play with it and try and fit everyone in because we'll have you know the people that come every Friday from you know 9: to 5:00 in the large meeting room so we will kind of gather all of the information from the sefl from the community center and then from um outside organizations reservations and just you know fit as much as we can in there and then just really um really trying to have great communication with with the community um about you know what's coming and what's going to happen so so I I understand that the staff controls the building and what what goes on in the building has there been any um informational Outreach to the Parks and Recreation Commission or do you intend to do that at some point or yes that working spoke with the chairperson uh this morning about it uh and then it is on the agenda for the next um for the next parks St our commission meeting at the end of the month okay just one other line of questioning and then I'll turn it over back to the chair this I think is directed either to the town manager or the finance director before you leave can I just ask is the room uh dedicate that you plan to dedicate to um uh adult daycare the the the the lower level room at this point um and nothing's set in stone I think after um we kind of put plug everything in but at this point we're thinking the best is going to be the serving room upstairs um next to the large meeting room which is right off of our kitchenet um we feel that that is going to be the most usable space um for that program thank you I'm sorry fine just oh may I just add one thing um is that the you know cart talked about the 9mon period we asked for that because Amy and I both feel um for both depart both divisions of of the department that we have priorities um some programs have priorities the priority in in her building are the kids so the good news is the day program gets out at 2:30 long before the kids arrive for for the after school for Park program the reason we asked for the 9 months is because we do not want to have any interference whatsoever with the summer camp so which runs um Mid June to Mid early August so we would like to be out um before the camp comes in and that was why we asked cart for that so thank you uh so uh just another line of questioning and I guess I'll direct this to the Town manager or the finance director it's going to be if the town decides to go forward with this um it's going to be critical to understand what the funding sources are and that's not something we're going to resolve tonight but I think it's important to for the public to understand what the options are for funding and we have previously um when we've presented um articles to town meeting for uh what was then called the senior center at Middle Road or at 1610 Main Street um we presented it as a a complete borrowing article um but we also have at the present time um a blessing in that we have $1 million in free cash and I know there were a lot of uh competing um interest for using some of that money including our capital budget and we're not going to resolve that tonight we're going to have further discussion on this at a future meeting but we could also potentially take money from that so I wondered Jill if you want to talk to that what are the options so the public can understand it we're gonna want to hear back from the public and what they think about these things too thank you and I'll and I'll um explain that and also have Carrie masero she's participating virtually so at the December 10th meeting of the select board we were presenting our preliminary Capital plan uh and what Carrie had done is programmed our free cash so uh one of the options is to pay free cash for the entire sefl project which we had currently programmed at $5 million understanding that um the estimates are below that uh with that simple majority vote no further action needed at the ballot the other option we had presented uh in an effort to program the 11 million of free cash and also have funding for our Capital program our five-year Capital program fiscal year 2026 uh which will be funded from free cash and then the other project that we need to discuss further would be the transfer station project uh we had programmed $3 million of free cash leaving a balance of free cash to cover any um potential um unexpected emergencies um maintain our reserves so the other option that we presented also uh back in December was a potential uh free cash for a portion of the funds for the seal and with that we would be able to uh fund the transfer station program if we funded a portion of it from the from free cash uh to prevailing vote would be a two-thirds majority because we would have to bond and and borrow the the remainder of it so what Carrie and I are trying to do through looking at our free cash and understanding probably this is the one year that we'll have uh this much but also we have other items that are uh targeted for funding that would be on the tax rate so if we use all of the free cash for the seou program uh the board would see a warrant article for the dredging be covered by the tax rate there's an ambulance also to be covered by the tax rate so a lot of this is in that report and this is something for our further discussion so again it could be funded 100% free cash but it may trigger either a borrowing for the transfer station project or a raise an appropriate of that 900,000 yeah and I just make the general comment that because we use the term free cash that's the financial term but it's not free money it's it's money that's already been appropriated and collected from the taxpayers and local receipts yes primarily local receipts or revenues that have come in over and above and turn backs and minor turn Backs from this person yeah so the money the money is there if you borrow obviously you're incurring um Debt Service uh and um there are some projects that might in general be suitable for for to tap into free cash but they're projects that I think Jud judging for example in the past we've funded that through appropriation uh so anyway these are options I think I appreciate that background I think it's important for the public to understand that what what the different options might be thank you Shireen thanks Mike um my first questions are for um Leah and um and it's about the programming one of the things um you know when you were talking about the timeline and and whatever do you anticipate that any of the services that you're doing would be lost in um in you know moving over to the community center um that's a great question and we've looked at all of our services everything from Foot Care to blood pressure to um Outreach and everything else and and honestly the answer is no we programs will probably be cut back a little um In fairness because there's you know it's not going to be ideal I think you know Amy and I will both have to do some compromising on on some things so I can't expect all of our programs to to still be there but the services certainly um and there's no impact to Services I would just say a little bit of the programming thanks um couple more questions and then I have some questions for Kurt too um with the uh this senior day are you anticipating you need different Furnishings for for the the area and do we have those available or is that going to be an added cost including in our grant was um $30,000 for new Furnishings which are all which have um a lot of it has been ordered um not all of it um and will in its furniture that we feel could be moved seamlessly that's great just with some muscle good um the other question is about um the timeline um and if are you you know we're saying that nine months and not to interfere with the other public service programs at the community center going into the summer what's the plan B if that happens the plan B is um I'm hoping you know the the what we thought about is maybe if it gets to that point to discuss in advance with whoever was um the winning the winning bid saying that if they got to a certain point and realized that that wouldn't be met then then that they would kind of try to to make space at least for the day program where the day program could move in there um and maybe one or two offices so that there's no uh very little impact to uh the community center programs so uh would we be asking them to prioritize certain aspects of the project going I would yes okay you would ask okay good um all right well thanks for that and my question is for Kurt um and maybe this is T manager whomever um with the the cost estimates um you have project contingencies and escalations when it's 10% at one at 5% but um giving material price fluctuations in the state of supply chain and demand and everything and even the possibility of tariffs coming forward is that 10 to 15% sort of combined enough to anticipate any extra costs that might come forward uh we went over that with our estimator we think so um and in the escalation number um I spoke to a couple of general contractors just to make sure that you know what have you seen in the last two years what have you seen in the last three months um and several been talking about a point to a point in a quarter um of escalation like every three months now um the tariffs are a different uh thing altogether we're uncertain about really how that will impact it um but the estimator feels that his numbers are are conservative um and there's not a whole lot more things that we're going to sort of be be able to add um and um I wanted to go back and talk about the the scheduling as well um we would put in the bid documents that the project has to be done in nine months we understand that the coa's got to come back um and the other thing we could do is um either penalize the contractor or incentivize the contractor uh to finish early um but one of the other things we're doing on another project is we're we're doing some site work as a separate bid early um so that it reduces the length of the construction project so you know could we build the parking lot on the right side in the summer months um you know or maybe even sooner could we do the drainage work and Paving over there so that that was done um and not so maybe two different bid packages one site related one building um so that we wouldn't be usually at the end the Landscaping the site work is always a you know you're working really diligently to try to fit that in before the deadline it' be great to get some of these things done in advance of the building renovation project I I appreciate that I I'm I'm curious and I know I'm not putting you on the spot because you're not the estimator is how the industry is dealing with the potential for tariffs coming forward and and what that's going to look like for for construction projects for in the coming years we have haven't had any other projects um where the estimate is is actually carried a line item for it I think everybody is hoping that Common Sense prevails and it really doesn't create a burden um but I've read articles that about 20% of building products in a in a in a home uh are from elsewhere a lot of it from Canada um so hopefully those if terce happen they'll be modest um and not greatly greatly impact this project I appreciate your um feedback thank you Jeff thank you Michael um yeah I I my reaction is pretty positive uh I think Mr rabber took our suggestions or input to heart and really came up with a plan that I think after Leah's comments in particular meet programmatic needs of the of the center for active living um but at not an you know at at reasonable cost if you will um knowing that the future is you know uh uh murky if you will with respect to the impact of tariffs and any other escalations and costs which have been considerable of late over the last couple years um so I think I my bottom line here does the building satisfy the needs of our programs and I think it does and thrilled to see that the columns come out of the basement those are totally dysfunctional and appreciated the the pictures of the current state of the building um which which is you know frankly abysmal um so we got to do something and I think this is a reasonable approach and so I appreciate your hard work and the hard work of the the council and aging and and of our staff also hearten to hear that it's a nine-month window and and I think to your comment I written down there's got to be contracts that we can craft with construction companies Etc vendors that have either penalties Andor incentives and I I prefer incentives in this case because we really would like to see this project done within 9 months so I know there are outfits out there that will work under those constraints and will will stratify will time the different um efforts so that you know they meet the timeline it's just we we got to do it nine months and I you know that's what it's got to be so I think that incentives got to be built in Andor Andor penalties if they don't and then obviously have some kind of a plan B if if if they don't make they don't make it um not sure I heard anything about any increased cost to the community center by you know the nine months of displacement sounds like you got a pretty good handle that everybody's going to be doubling up office space and you've already got Furniture etc etc so it doesn't sound as though there's a lot of incremental cost to moving the program for nine months what it's what I what I took away um and then in terms of financing I think if we kind of land on the project we'll figure out the financing there it's not like we're bereft of of options we have we have a few options and I think we can put a mix together that kind of satisfi satisfies the needs of of of the town without going crazy so so far so in my mind in my my voice so far so good I I really kind of like what I see Dormers make a lot of sense um really brought home with those pictures as well of the the the lack of height in those rooms so anyway I thought thought that was very effective and I appreciate it appreciate all the hard work there's a lot of hard work into this one thanks a lot yeah go ahead and I positive just make one comment so and we didn't break it out clearly and we will in in a revise but we we are carrying some money for both um there's 25,000 in the it line for temporary relocation and 75,000 in the um um in the soft cost items yeah we we need to spell that out for uh things that we might run into whether they're uh you know when um the moving you know maybe there's some additional Wi-Fi or computer needs and then some additional furniture and hopefully anything that we would purchase like we've done with previous projects would be things of residual value that they would remain you know with the building or be able to go over to the new building so but if there might be some things and again as Amy and I think Leah pointed out you know still to really work out a lot of details but there might be some uh Furniture items that are needed to uh you know when you start getting into the move so we'll break that out a little more clearly in the uh revised budget but those we did have those numbers in there just not called out in the the line items so so I I have a couple of questions and then maybe couple of comments uh the the one question that just occurred to me um Kurt is are you going to be the architect here can you be is this subject to a bid process or can we are we looking at the guy who's going to do this not yet Mike I did have another question sorry but go ahead about Clerk of the works I didn't see yeah no go ahead okay so um it's in line 23 OPM services yeah um to answer your question um we engaged only for the concept in kind of schematic design study um and there was not a public designer selection process for that study uh so there will have to be going forward um we will certainly apply I assume you'll apply I and and truthfully I I I would say you'd have the inside track but um that that probably answers the question I really had um so um I I I I just have two comments here and I I had a a little bit longer commentary that I'm going to pass on um I I I think that um you know we we've been at this since longer than I'd like to think about um you know I go back at least to two reports in 2016 and 2017 which the COA Commission missed uh I thought they were very good work uh I thought they laid out uh what was needed uh we couldn't persuade two-thirds of the voters to approve that um and so we're here where we are um and I think I I commend you and the team as having done the best that could be done with what we have to work with um I am I think we're being asked to to to answer a couple of questions here that um are not easy to answer one is is is this good enough um and and and two um can we can we um is is what we're getting uh is is it um is is this an amount of money that we should be spending on what we're getting and then finally can we you know count on the fact or do we have reasonable confidence that the number isn't going to grow uh to something that had we known sitting here now we would have said that's too much we should do something else um I'm I'm not comfortable with the answer to any of those questions but on the other hand I'm even less comfortable and I I really can't look at the COA and our seniors uh and say you know send them home with nothing uh and so I I guess um you know where I am is something's better than nothing uh I'm not as optimistic as my friend U Mr dykens um I I think this is going to be a tough row and I I really do think that it's important that you're you've put this together with the COA and staff and and I think you need to be there to make sure it happens however it gets uh gets done so I'm I'm reluctantly um a supporter and I'll be happy to do anything I can to help I I I think think that the issue as Jeff said of how we pay for it is a separate one it doesn't have anything to do with um if this is a good project then we ought to do whatever it takes to get it done and if it's not uh the fact that there's $ million that we just won a lottery uh and have $1 million to spend is not the is not the answer so I think that's a separate question as as Jeff as Jeff said so um thanks for your presentation anything from the COA I I have a couple thoughts and my first thought is that um a as Jeff said you know we're looking at a 9-month project but we're not just looking at a 9-month project we're looking at the the particular nine months between the middle or end of August to the middle of June and that puts a further constraint because if we go to the annual town meeting excuse me I've been sick I'm losing my voice um if we go to annual town meeting in May and um that's then only a couple of months before we would have to get the project started to get it into that particular 9month period so I'm concerned that if we can't get this all wrapped up in the next few months then we're looking at next year you know August of 2026 is a beginning date and that's that's a big concern um and kind of a related thing is all of this business about everyone being in the community center together I applaud your willingness to uh be shoulder-to-shoulder for that many months but it it concerns me for the participants concerns me for the staff it concern concerns me for um anyone you know particularly the the people in the adult daycare so you know that kind of makes my stomach um turn a little bit but if that's the best we can do my my personal feeling is that I know how important this is to Lee and her staff and so if you tell me it's going to be okay then I I trust that but but I feel for you guys I really do I think it's it's going to be I've been through things like this in my professional life and it's it's not easy it's not fun so um you know those are kind of my two um my two overriding thoughts oh I'm sorry if I could just speak to that so with the concern Kurt and I were just just talking so again we understand that there's a very very tight schedule because as was eloquently pointed out it's not only the nine months of construction but we've got the three months so we would need to start you know upon approval getting right into design so we would have three months to have this you know out on the street as they say for for bidding in in August so that's it is an aggressive Target but that's to keep it also within the the one-year estimating period Well I think a real key issue um looking way back before the pandemic we had some terrific lons that were highly popular with entertainment and then we looked at the number of people that were turned down uh which is very discouraging I'm just running on the multi-purpose room downstairs um how much of an increase is that well the room is about 30% larger okay but with the column gone in a different setup of furniture we think we can double the occup because the columns are real obstruction now so you think you could go from 30 30 to 60 yeah yeah that's that's terrific and also it's very creative the way you've increased the parking I mean obviously it's not that's that's not easy but multi-purpose room is the key because that's where exercise activities luns uh larger meetings take place and if you have to turn down 20 or 30 people every time you have a major event then you fail so I think that's you've done a great job with that thank you well I am really really impressed by the amount of work and dedication that uh the town the staff uh volunteers everybody has put into trying to create a solution to a problem that we actually have here in chadam I can't remember any project that has been put through the ringer as much as this particular project has and um the other thing is is that if the um COA was going to continue to use the building we would have to do at least that minimal amount of work that was never done that comes in at around a million dollars so it seems kind of crazy to put a million dollars into something that doesn't serve the needs um so we can't predict the future but I think um I don't think how we could have thought this through any more than it has been and I think it's time to do something and one last thing I just read recently that in 1930 the Empire State building was built in one year so I think maybe we can do this in nine months get that contractor um I I think Ann said it well everyone's worked really hard I really am proud of how you know we've looked at listening to the town that says they didn't really have um the willingness to build a whole new facility and then this group came back with we're just asking what we need to run our programs effectively safely and also to increase them and I think that is incredible and I would be very disappointed if we don't get this you know for them because I mean I did the timeline in the history and we've been talking about this project since 1990 when they built got the first home you know the original building and even then they you know they took it with a crack in the foundation because this is the best they could get so I'm hoping that we could really you know do what we need to do for the community because it certainly will meet the needs of the people who use it and those same people love that building and love that location thanks go ahead p no no no go ahead go ahead um I would like to thank Kurt and Leah and um Terry and Jill and uh Kathy and everyone who worked on this project I worked a little bit myself but not a lot and I think you did a tremendous job Kurt of of meeting the needs of of the Chad Center for active living um I I'm very impressed and I would feel very badly if you were not the architect on the project so as Mike said you do have the um the uh inside track so thank you thank you everyone um I don't have any questions you've already answered mine before thank you so I'm going to observe a little bit of a a a partition here if you will sorry for the term and open it up for the um the the other half of this um Divi which is the the public forum if you will and invite um questions comments thoughts whatever um from those in the room Andor those who are online so come on down uh yep yep an just a couple of questions um can you tell everybody your name please an timson chadam I've been following this forever it seems and I thank all of you because this has been a group effort I know and uh thank you very much to Catalyst and Kurt because being able to take a elderly building and reconfigure it is much harder than sitting in front of a computer and making a new building and it it requires a lot more inspiration a lot more talent and it's it's happened and I think it's wonderful I Pro I would have supported even more addition uh but my question is so 60 60 people would then become a possible maximum capacity for the main room which is the dining room at the moment kind of correct and then upstairs in the um media room if you do both dormers on both sides do you how much would you be able to add to that capacity well to be there's already a dormer on the left side right um or the South side and um so we're proposing the it's a very modest square foot addition but it does increase the room U Again by almost a third um because that sloped roof just you walk one step into that and you're hitting your head um so that area is only about 400 square feet but divided by 20 is you know another 20 people in that room okay so that occupancy is also going to be able to grow and it's G to have some more windows and better daylight ventilation and yeah that there's no question our house has that kind of shed Dormer and it gives you the sensation of more space than you're really getting even it's a visual thing but it also makes you feel like you're in a bigger room I just had one other very quick thought um Down Below in the senior daycare what what do you sort of gearing up for in terms of the capacity for that I mean I know there are supposed to be X number of employees for each uh person but approximately how many people would fit into that space think I think Leah is going to remind us about the the program and how many people they can serve um hi and so the the maximum amount that we can have right now would be 12 um if we had the whole downstairs we would not only go from 2 to 4 days a week but we could probably do about 25 great then just um one other toss in thought based on the fact that the senior daycare is now on the lower level is it possible you at one point there was a plan that had a little kitchenette and that's I think been eliminated which certainly eliminates a lot of cost and some maintenance but is there any possibility you could actually create dare I say a dumb waiter that would be able to take food from the kitchen downstairs very effectively because it's mostly just what coffee or light lunch or something it's just a thought it's a it's a great thought I'll let Kurt address that one but we do have it's it's a small snack and a and a lunch so and we do we would have the elevator right there too so we could also do it that way but I'll let Carter just a toss out yeah a dumb waiter is certainly possible but it does take up a little bit of area on those two floors um and in the addition next to the kitchen that certainly could be accommodated but um the budget does include an upgrade of the elevator itself um and with a full kitchen there we kind of made the Assumption early on that meals hot meals if they were prepared in the building would be in the kitchen put on a cart put in the elevator brought down for a lunch service thank you thank you all thank you uh yes ma'am um I'm Ann Dixon and I live in chadam West chadam um I got to say I was a little wary when I came in the room today and because many many years ago when I first moved here um this was a topic and this building was approached and it was like oh my gosh there's not enough parking there's not this blah blah blah blah and then obviously we know the history that's happened since then um but I have to say I I will tell you I am a convert for this renovation um I think yes you've done a fantastic job I love the exuberance of the young ones here I can say that I can say that I'm a baby boomer um I do have have a few questions or you know I don't know but anyway I'm disappointed in the very little green space being used for parking but I get why it has to happen so there's really it's an area of no green space um even in that whole area okay all right my second thing is um Leah you had mentioned that um currently 23% of the yearound population is utilizing this um and I happen to be 68 years old I'm in the middle of the Baby Boomers 10 years in front of me and 10 years behind me what does anyone have an idea of maybe how long this will be useful to US based on the growing numbers of Aging Baby Boomers I would be just kind of curious about that um not to say that we shouldn't do this because there are right needs right now with our current population and over the next few or how many years I don't know I'd be curious with that because there was a survey that had gone out that um 50 60 somethings did participate in I believe so based on that I just think it's a curious thing because I'm a numbers person but um in 10 years I'll be 78 [Laughter] how old are you so Kurt's a demographer as well as an architect yeah I don't I don't really understand the the demographic Trends in in chadam but I know that um overall the cape um is not uh getting more dark hair um and young people are leaving I I understand that uh we did not do kind of a study that was forward looking into how many you know kind of users we would have in in five or 10 years we really were just trying to maximize the the usability of the existing square foot space and then you know frankly minimize the addition space um but uh trying to you know increase the the availability and population of the programs that that the building can host uh yes and I I understand you know that because this will will definitely make a difference I mean I've done many events for a different organization um Outreach and yes I know the cramp of it and this will definitely address those needs I just think there might be there could be a concern going forward you know just giving the heads up from voters I don't know but um yes so I'm a convert and I will be a good proponent of this and I hope it does go through as a numbers person you perhaps you know that you're you're just about the median age here in chattam man anybody else uh yeah oh Mike yeah go ahead good evening Michael Barry um I'm president of the Friends board Friends of the Council on agent I'm speaking for myself right now what impressed me about this presentation compared to the one in June is that um by bumping out that room on the first floor which we call the dining room that does make that room much more usable and also up above on the second level the room that has the low ceilings so I think and I read in the presentation materials that the usable square footage in this building as proposed is only about 750 square fet less than the last iteration we had with 1610 so I think you got a really good use of the um of the floor space by making these modifications uh the one question I did have kind of a minor one but as far as um sharing office space in the community center for 10 months 9 months 10 months whatever um did anybody look at possibly like renting uh trailers for office space because I I was involved in a project years ago and that worked out beautifully I don't know what the cost was or whether it was even investigated but I'd just like to know if you look looked at that to do yeah that that's something we did talk about as uh kind of sub options or options B and C but right now we're um really looking into this um cohabitation um location but that is something too that you know again carrying some of those funds if if aspects of that don't work you know to get a fully outfitted trailer to rent them and for a short duration they're they're not that expensive so we've had experience with those and especially if we're not if we're using them just for office space we we don't have to bring them up to uh a a lot of different code levels and ramps and things that we had to do for uh our other relocation when we were having the public visiting but we could um do that for office space if that doesn't work or as we um again D drill down more into the um the real um Logistics or problems with that that would be a contingency that we we have talked about to to place a trailer somewhere in the vicinity that you know they could be close to the to the uh to the programs so that's definitely something that again carrying in that number uh for the out fitting lines anybody else yes is that Robin hi Robin Robin Z brat um I am also on the board of the friends but I'm speaking um as someone that's lived here and been part of the COA since the 70s when my dad started some of these efforts um um but my biggest concern is not about what we've got as the plan because I I'm so excited that we finally come to something that maybe all of us can agree on because it's been so many so many painful years that we have been waiting for the town to come forward and take care of the elderly my problem is the contingency plan if we go ahead and have this timeline being in the construction company business and the architectural business I don't see how we're going to get the plant done and get the project done in the amount of time that we have and what is the contingency plan for the community center if we go over because there's a lot of people in this town that not only use the COA they use the community center and there's a lot of people that need to be notified of the displacement that they might have and kids that use it in the summer and I am just really concerned with the timeline yeah thank you I I I think that's an excellent point um and I I I'd say that just as a practical matter um and and I think we have to be ready not only for planning but also just for the uh the friction with the public that goes on every day um you know uh when when people are not where they think they should be or not getting what they think they should or something isn't anticipated or whatever and that's a that's going to be a real challenge so um not that it can't be done but it will be a challenge I agree with Robin anybody else yes ma'am want quick um Paula wisman Kendrick Road just another quick thought on that um timeline concerns is you know of course in chadam and we're in New England you know they may need to pad a little bit because of even the weather you know if you're going August to may you know we don't know what the weather's going to be around here you can bat your eyelashes and it we we have a six foot snowstorm that slows everybody down so there might be consideration into padding that timeline and I I agree I think that's it's it's a good um you guys have done a great job pulling it together um and I think you'll get some real positive um reactions from this I think it's it looks really great and I congratulate you all on that it's great thank you anybody else uh Jill oh oh um is that Bob Le I I think it says Rick Rick Lev Rick levet sorry thank you Mike U this this has been a great presentation I you all know me as a solid supporter for a seal or a senior senator this proposal brings chadam into today's world of a majority elderly Community that's what we are and you made that point just a moment ago so I'm totally in favor of this let's go forward with it let's get it done thank you thanks Rick anybody else um I think unless somebody has anything else from either board I think we could uh oh yeah go ahead d i I guess we're back we're back to the boards now so I just wanted to make some general comment um uh as many people know I've been the liaison from this board to that board for the last 10 years these past 10 years uh and we've all seen the ups and downs of um the attempt to get a new seel um and um it was my initiative to bring this to the to the public attention and I appreciate the support that my fellow board members have given toward um presenting this as a potential option for everybody to consider and nobody's really made their minds up yet because we haven't taken any votes and we're not going to take any tonight but I look upon this as a as as a politically feasible initiative is it ideal I think many of us felt 1610 was probably closer to an ideal um including myself but we have to face the political reality of being able to get something through town meeting and with the voters that uh they they're comfortable with and I think this proposal goes a long way toward doing that and um I expect that uh at a future board meeting in very near future because we have to plan for town meeting and prepare articles we'll have some discussion about whether the select board wants to go forward with this and I certainly feel that the comments we've gotten tonight being so positive about it um and I hope I think the Chairman's going to uh invite further comment to be be submitted subsequent to this meeting tonight um we'll look forward to hearing what what folks have to say about that um and we'll regroup and we'll determine whether to put an article forward and I hope in that discussion I I I appreciate what the chair has said about um funding and Mr Dy is commented on commented on on that as well but I do think that's an integral part of the article uh how this is going to be funded and um so we'll take a look at that um and I I want to thank everybody for coming um and voicing their their comments on it as well as other members of the board um I just wanted to mention one thing I don't know if everybody knows this but um Mr rabber was was the architect for the the Aldridge garage gas station which is a neat little building if you've gone and looked at it you can see the quality of the work that was done there so uh thank you Mr chairman for putting this on the agenda thank you to uh my fellow board members and the council and aging board members and to the town manager and her staff and to Mr rber and his firm for all the work that um has led up to this evening thank you Mr chairman thank you and um as as Dean just um indicated I am going to uh the the uh staff memo mentioned invite comment from the public um anybody who has something else to say about this uh is welcome to do that um and we will have a a short discussion item on the agenda at the meeting next week on the 14th um and um I I see however we have somebody uh is that uh Stephen uh yeah we we'll recognize you just before we adjourn for the evening uh thank you Michael Steph Daniel here um I'm just curious I think a question for Terry uh and it's been alluded to uh by a couple of speakers tonight do we have a sense of what the remaining useful life of this structure would be post Renovations I think I defer to Kurt on that but I mean we're we're probably looking I'll defer to Kurt on his architectural exp well the the the project considers um an upgrade to the elevator um which is probably approaching the end of its useful life or or past it um and so that'll be you know a brand new elevator going 30 plus years um most of the HVAC systems in the building will have been converted to electric heat pump systems and be um in the 15 to 20 year range before they would need maintenance or replacement um but um we're touching most of the square footage in this renovation Edition um and I would say that this building will be um certainly useful um for another 40 years easily okay terrific that's very helpful thank you I applaud the work that's been done to date on this thank you thank you Stephen um I that provokes a question for me which we hear in other contexts all the time and if this is uh an irrelevancy feel free to tell me but has any consideration been given to um M making the uh the building either solar paner ready or or actually considering solar panels the orientation of the building is not ideal um but where we would be creating some new roof lines on the south end um it is possible that they could be added I'm sure that the existing building roof may need a little bit of reinforcement um um but certainly the additions could be designed to support a solar uh panel system and we can provide raceways or conduits uh inside or outside the building to accommodate those to be added in the future um the biggest thing is like the mechanical room in the basement doesn't have a whole lot of room for those systems um but we could find a spot for it if thought about it and rejected it that's fine I just wondered if you thought about it and and we could consider also you know canopies as well in in the parking areas we're we're changing that as another opportunity for okay Meeting those so again in the design process as Kurt said you know we could make it to Max accommodation or maybe um an addition small on the right and the north excuse me the east side of the El and would the town want the use the power on site yeah okay so I mean it could be connected to the grid versus connected to the building so it's still benefit the town There's a couple different ways to do it yeah okay um all right I will let you adjourn your board uh excuse me Mike just just want to make one comment I've talked to uh three people who happen to be in the swimming club up at The Woodlands that I that I go to um and each one of them has been dynamically negative on all the votes that we've had for senior senators and one in particular said when I asked him what do you think about improving the curreny in your cater he said yeah that's a good idea then I just threw out the comment that well how much do you think we ought to spend and he said well we could we should spend about six million and I noticed tonight we we've had people talk that have been negative in the past and are and are very positive now so I hopefully this is some kind of a trend okay thank you go ahead I I move we adjourn I'll second that I I I I uh and I'll take one from our board motion to adjourn second all those in favor Mr Mets I uh Mr Dyk hi Miss Davis hi uh Mr necastro and Mr Shell says I we are adjourned at 710 thank you everybody good night [Music] [Music] chadam for