##VIDEO ID:R-4FCPr0cjI## e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening chadam welcome to the uh November 19 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing no such notification I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chattam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may be may do so by calling the phone number 1 158 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via uh Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chadam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide real time access ESS we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible first order of business is establishing a quorum Mr nicastro present Mr Shell is present Miss Davis Mr dykens present and Mr Mets present um let me begin um with the public announcement section uh with three um sad passing of uh passings of um chadam um um residents or summer residents um first um summer residence advisory committee member Mike Waters passed away this weekend he was a member of uh Sr sraak from 2010 until his recent passing in 2024 uh we would like to acknowledge his extensive work with the committee and his dedication to his second home chadam um last week uh Ivan asset who was our retired Deputy fire chief uh passed away at age 99 uh he began his career as a firefighter on call in 1955 uh he became a permanent um firefighter in 1963 was promoted to Lieutenant in 1969 promoted to captain in 1970 in 1977 he became the deputy chief and he retired uh in uh 1982 um and we want to thank him and his family for his dedicated and longtime service finally um Lee hubard Kimble passed away on October 30 um Lee was 99 years sorry 98 years old um she served on chadam Conservation Commission in the uh late 90s early arts and was also a member of the uh comprehensive Ive long range planning committee she was also active uh with her husband in the early years of the friends of chadam waterways friends of trees and the friends of monoy theater and again we uh pass our uh condolences and thanks to to her family uh as well and if we could we'll just observe a moment of silence for those three folks thank you um we have a fairly um I don't know if I want to call it exactly short agenda tonight but it should move fairly quickly I'm hoping um we begin with public announcements and agenda requests we have one public hearing concerning a uh installation of a um PVC conduit Inc case in concrete um on uh old Harbor Road uh next we have public comments on the business agenda and then we have a business agenda which consists of um what do we got here nine items of special one-day alcohol license applications um and then secondly we have uh one application for um considering the sale of goods on Town PR property on behalf of the chattam men's club uh we have the seasonal shellfish openings um which is uh next um after that we're going to consider a request for use of town resources um by first night chatam um and then next we're going to consider um an application uh for uh Li licenses uh regarding encroachments encroachments on Town property and then finally we have um uh one appointment to um a Lydia's Cove committee to uh uh consider and we'll close with the town manager's report so with that I will invite uh public announcements and agenda requests from the board uh Miss Davis um thank you Mr chair I had been driving around town the other day and was looking at our illustrious pump stations throughout town and I just noticed that there's a several different designs out there and and um you know how they're landscaped and I just wondered if we could get um uh a better understanding of what the plan is for landscaping around the pum stations and the signage um I I drove down Morton Road and the sign said twinfield sewage you know Pump Station and I just think in the middle of a neighborhood that might be there there could be some better language that could be put on the signs so um maybe we can talk about that and have some consistency in landscaping and design and layout or if there's a reason why there isn't like there's a huge brownish green fence around the one in Morton Road yet there's plantings in one place and then there's a little cute you know like house for another so I just want to know why or is there a reason why they're not consistent or or what and maybe change some of the language that's a little more inviting to Neighborhood yeah I'm going to endorse that I've had comments from uh members of the public with respect to at least two of those um echoing some of the comments that you just made anybody else from the board from the public here uh Carolyn hello everyone Carol mclen um I'm chair of the chadam Community Housing Partnership so I just want to make a formal agenda request um at our community housing partnership November 13th meeting all of our members voted unanimously to recommend that the select board should declare the town-owned parcel at the corner of Pleasant Street in Deo deep hole Road in South chadam as Surplus and depose it for to be developed for affordable housing we recommend that the parcel be limited to a single home with two bedrooms and to be sold for a qualifying applicant at 80% Ami um we were hoping that this could be done um in time to make to 2025 town meeting warrant um I forwarded a packet to Kathy with our agenda our uh all the charts or agender report and the um PK card and everything for you guys to look at and investigate but we'd like you to consider it and have a discussion about it thank you do you know the size of the parcel uh it's very small it's comparable to the other Lots uh uh 12,900 Square ft um it's on the corner it's approximate same size as many of the Lots there it would need a um an IIA septic it's level it should be pretty easy to develop there's not a lot of um issues with the lot in it of itself thank you okay great thank you thank you anybody else um online I don't see anybody do you see see anybody Jill no okay uh moving right along um you there's no I just want people to know there's no meeting next week that's all I I'm sorry I I we should announce that yes we're uh next week the meeting is uh Thanksgiving week so we will not be meeting next week I know you'll miss us but you'll get over it um uh public comments on the business agenda um here in the room sorry oh I'm sorry yeah I skipped right I got knocked off my sorry yeah no that's okay uh the public hearing okay please uh town of chatam Select board public hearing notice the chadam select board will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday November 19th 2024 to consider a petition from NSTAR Electric doing business as eversource energy to install a 50t plus or minus of 1.1 -3 in PVC conduit encased in concrete from proposed handhole hh9 h35 a to a customer installed handhole hh9 h35 B to provide new underground service to the customer located at 390 old h Road the public is welcomed to attend the meeting in person or participate via Link in the meetings printed uh posted agenda all interest parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you and we have Marissa Jackson of eversource here to present welcome good evening thank you very much Marissa Jackson with eversource thank you for having me so we're trying to accommodate a request we received from a customer located at 390 old Harbor Road the purpose of this construction is to accommodate an upgrade of service for them so our starting point would be at an existing pole along the roadway which is 9 over 35 from there we would set one handhole and run approximately 50 ft of 1 3in conduit under the roadway and bring that right to their customer installed handhole at 390 so that being said I'd be more than happy to address any questions if there are any any on the board any uh in the public should have started with them um could we hear a motion move approval Mr chairman a second all those in favor Mr Mets hi uh Mr dykens Miss Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro I thank you very much Marissa thank you appreciate your time thank you um next we have um a series of special one-day alcohol licenses um the first is that's okay forgive me public comments on the business agenda any public comments here in the in the room any online no okay now we can go to the business agenda special one day alcohol licenses um we're going to start with the chadam Walker um who have an application to uh for an event at the chadam community center uh ah welcome good evening good even my name is Mary Ellen lorifice I'm here on behalf of the chadam Walkers uh we have a holiday pot luck every December and it's um just the Walkers themselves and spouses significant others and we wanted a one-day liquor permit for wine and beer questions can we have a motion Mr chairman I move to Grant permission for alcohol in town property and Grant a special one-day alcohol license to Marian lurus of the chadam walkers for the annual potlock holiday dinner on dinner party on Tuesday December 10th 2024 from 400 to 8:00 pm at the chadam community center second all those in favor Mr necastro hi Mr Shell says I Miss Davis hi uh Mr Dyk hi and Mr Mets hi thank you very much have a good evening we will thank you and and a good event um next uh on behalf of the Cape Cod commercial Fisherman's Alliance um we I trust we have Jen Allard here uh for an event on December 11 2024 from 5: to 7 There She is welcome yes hi I first want to apologize to the board that no one was um present last week for our one day request it was a comedy of errors of illnesses and technical difficulties so um I appreciate your approval and thank you for your patience um tonight I'm here on behalf of the Cape Cod commercial Fisherman's Alliance who is looking for a one-day request for their holiday open house which is Wednesday December 11th from 5:00 to 7:30 at the office at 1566 Main Street question I take a motion Mr chairman I move to Grant a special one-day alcohol license to Bridget Krug of the Cape Cod Fisherman's Alliance for the holiday open house on Wednesday December 11th 2024 from 5: to 7:30 at the 1566 Main Street chadam location second uh all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr dykens uh Miss Davis hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi thank you very much Jen have a good event and have a nice evening thank you very much appreciate it uh next is an application on behalf of Michael's Fine Jewelry for an event on Friday December 13 um from the application is from 11:00 a.m. to 1000 p.m. as part of this Holiday Stroll and Arina burus is here well somebody I don't think you're Marina burus but no I'm not how are you welcome okay um I'm with Michael's Fine jwelry in uh chatam this is our first time doing it so I'm excuse I'm sorry could you just give us your personal your name uh Michael burus okay thank you Marina is my wife okay great great sorry and uh with Michael's Fine Jewelry at 579 Main Street the hours that we had put on there we weren't sure what the norm was so that can that can be adjusted to whatever you guys think is appropriate okay okay um any questions yeah yeah go ahead Cory uh not so much questions but probably when you may may may make a little more of adjustment to the hours make it a start a little bit later I think in conjunction with what typical the other vendor yeah are going staff recommended noon to 10 yes yeah that's fine yeah okay so um any other questions take a motion unless you have another question Cory I do have no more questions can we get a motion so we'll be um the right one I lined up here I don't see a mo I see you don't have suggest I don't see a motion yeah I move to Grant a special one day alcohol license to Michael burus uh Michael's Fine Jewelry Incorporated uh um for the from no from noon to 10 p.m on Friday December 13 2024 at 579 Main Street um I CH a mass I guess second all those in favor Mr Castro hi Mr Shell says I Miss Davis hi uh Mr dykens hi and Mr Mets hi thank you very much sir thank you appreciate it oh the motion was on the other page Cory yeah okay uh the next excuse me we have two um separate events on behalf of the black dog um and I'm going to ask that we uh do those uh together and I believe Charmaine Curry may be presenting yes sir um good evening I am looking this is chman curry I'm the store manager at the black dog 628 Main Street I'm requesting two alcohol licenses for one day um December 13th from 5 to 7 for the stroll and December 31st from 3 to 5: for first night questions um can we do these as do we have to do these as a separate separate motions or can we put them together you can put them together that's why they were kind of put together this way first one for the stroll is in the first group and then at the bottom you'll see the one for um on page three you'll see the one for um okay Dean I'm going to trust you you're you're fassel with these Mr chairman I move that we Grant a special one day alcohol license to Charmaine curer the black dog EX at 628 Main Street from 5:00 to 7 p.m. that is on the date of December for the Holiday Stroll on Friday December 13th 2024 and to Grant a special one-day alcohol license to sha main Cur of the black dog at 6:28 Main Street from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 31st 2024 second all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I uh Miss Davis hi uh Mr dykens and Mr medis hi thank you very much have good events and a nice evening thank you you too uh thank you next is I'm probably gonna botch this but is it bone metan metan okay uh Moren finery that's not a French name but um as an application here for a one-day license on December 13 part of the Holiday Stroll from 3 to 800 PM are you here Moren oh we'll put that one off to the side here and hope that she shows up um next is um also a twofer on behalf of if the shoe fits uh 1 December 13 from 4: to 9:30 uh for the Holiday Stroll and next for uh December 14 ah for uh from U 4 to 9:30 and I take it you are CC Hadar I am welcome thank you please so I'm requesting the two nights the 13th and the 14th for Looker license from those hours that I've stated questions Mr chairman I Mo your Grant a special one day alcohol license to CC Mr chairman I mooved to Grant a special one-day alcohol license to CC Hadar of if the shoe fits at 442 Main Street from 4 to 400 P p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday December 14th and I move to Grant a special one-day alcohol license to to CC hadware of 442 Main Street from 4: to 9:00 p.m. on 9:30 4 to 9:30 um for the Holiday Stroll on Friday December 13th one on the 13th the one on the 14th second all those in favor Mr nicastro hi Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi Mr um dians hi and Mr Mets hi thank you thank you thank you very much have a nice evening and good events um the chadam clothing bar has an application for Thursday December 19 from 4: to 700 p.m. and Emma Carol it looks like you're with us I will turn it over to you welcome uh you need to you're you're muted can you can you unmute yourself at your end no we're still not hearing you Mr chair I move that we Grant um okay um who is it it's not Emma Emma I'm gonna say Emma Carl but I know it's not Emma uh I moved to Grant Emma Carroll of the chadam clothing bar um for their men's shopping night on Thursday December 18th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. um a one-day special alcohol license except you said December 18 this says 19 yeah says 19 in the 19 19 or 18 19 I'll amend that to be 19 okay thank you second uh all those in favor uh Mr Mets I Mr Shell says I uh Mr dykens oh I M Davis Hi and Mr necastro hi okay um let's go back and try one more time uh uh to see if we can do bone Matan Moren fery Kathy has she had a a one day license in the past do you know I don't think so well bu did yeah they've had one before because they had a uh they had a some sort of a write up yes uh do we have another meeting before that um the thir would be the next meeting we could put this on okay all right let's yeah let's put it over uh next is uh a proposed sale of goods on Town property uh on behalf of the chadam men's chadam men's club uh on November 22nd from 1 to three do we have Mr Kian online I think it's Larry goodr is oh I'm sorry yes uh forgive me that was noted Mr goodr welcome uh thank you very much can you hear me yes we can okay thank you um I'm appearing uh before you on behalf of the chadam men's club uh we respectfully we request permission for our speaker on uh that date uh Dr Gregory schl to um sell his books to our our members uh after our meeting uh at the uh chadam Community Center questions I'll take a motion uh Mr chairman I mooved that the board Grant a special permit for the sale of goods on Town property at the chattam community center on Friday November 22nd 2024 from 1: to 3 P.M for The chatam Men's Club guest speaker Book Sales second all those in favor Mr necastro uh Mr Shell says I Miss Davis I uh Mr dykens and Mr Mets hi okay looks like a good one yes thank you very much and yes have a good meeting and a good evening thank you very much for your consideration thank you uh next um Renee gagy is here to help us open the uh seasonal shellfish um season um at a number of spots and I will turn it over to you Renee welcome great good evening and thank you um Renee gagy shelfish consal for the town um I'm here to re um ask if you would uh consider Opening Our seasonal openings on December 1st and that includes mil Creek Taylor's Pond Champlain Creek Muddy Creek bucks Creek and oyer Pon thank you um I think our procedure in the past has been to actually read the openings and then vote on that is that is that right you want me to read them all at once if you wouldn't mind thank you town of chadam shellfish rules and regulations November 29th 2024 open effective December 1st the waters and flats of Buck Creek North of a line across the mouth of the creek and east of a line across the mouth of KCK Cove Creek are open to The Taking of shellfish by permit holders until further notice um count of chadam shellfish rules and regulations November 29th open effective December 1st 2024 the water and flats and all tributaries of chample Creek Northwest of a line drawn from the outmost piling of the Town boat ramp North easterly to the no shell fishing sign in the marsh on the opposite Shore are open to The Taking of shellfish by permit holders until further notice uh town of chadam shellfish rules and regulations November 29th um open effective December 1st the water and flats of mil Creek North of Aline drawn from the Western Breakwater to the Eastern Breakwater at the mouth of mil Creek and south of a line drawn across the mouth of Taylor's Pond are open to The Taking of shellfish by permit holders until further notice the select board um town of chadam Shell Fish rules and regulations November 29 2024 open effect of December 21st the waters and flats of money Creek Southwest of a line drawn across the mouth of the creek as defined at low tide and Northeast of the route 28 Bridge are open to The Taking of shellfish by permit holders until further notice the select board town of chadam shellfish rules and regulations November 29th 2024 open effective December 1st the oyster Pond East of align from Kelly Landing to Longo is open to The Taking of shellfish by permit holders until further notice the select board I don't realize how many they were I I will uh move we got one more forg uh town of chadam shellfish rules and regulations November 29th 2024 open effective December 1st the water and flats of Taylor's Pond North of a line drawn across the mouth of the pond are open to The Taking of shellfish by permit holders until further notice the select board and I'll move to approve those openings um subject to pending M admf notification as required all those in favor Mr Mets hi Mr Dyk hi M Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro I thank you thanks Rene have a nice evening um next we have a request for use of town resources on December 31 2024 uh from first night chadam and Mr Paul Stuka is here to present welcome Paul thank you Mr chairman thank you for seeing me this evening uh you have received a letter requesting the use of town services I don't think there a lot of changes from previous years we'll be starting this year as usual with the town photo at the Lighthouse at noon and the entertainment will be going till 10 p.m. um there'll be a noise parade down Main Street that starts at 6 leading to Veterans Park and we'll have the fireworks there at approximately 6:30 and then entertainment will continue after that until 10 p.m. and we have tried to book most of the entertainment downtown after the fireworks um in previous years we've noticed it's gotten a little quiet downtown in the evening two years ago it was raining so hard that nobody wanted to be there but last year as well it was somewhat quiet so we're trying to move more entertainment towards the downtown area to keep business going down there so those are our plans uh we will be meeting with police and fire on December 2nd to go through their plans for the event we always coordinate with them each year the chiefs of both fire and police and they've been more than helpful in years past and hopefully it'll go go smoothly this year as it has for the last 34 years so thank you um questions from the board no just thank you very much for the group's volunteerism and this is just a wonderful event that's been going on for that long and the theme is celebrate together this celebrate together we're using the button is the image of the Town photo from last year oh that's fun okay thank you so if I may I have a question and a comment the question is under the town hall offices it says select board has already approved the use of the Town Hall basement for performance did we sort that out this this year that was that back and forth there was a question because of the day of the week it was right and we were trying to get in there earlier and the town employees thought it would be better if we wait till later in the afternoon so I appeared before you and we agreed to I remember it well I just couldn't remember whether it was this year or last so thank you uh and and we're all good with that okay good uh the other thing is I I just um as an emphasis of what this means to the town I I was I was particularly um impressed with the last paragraph of your letter and for the benefit of the public anybody who's listening I I wanted to read it and and so you get a sense of what this does mean on behalf of the entire first night chatam um committee I want to thank you for your cooperation over many years together we continue a wonderful event that has become deeply rooted in Tradition provides a significant boost to the local economy and enhances the appeal and reputation of chadam we are most thankful to be supported by the town the churches the schools Civic organizations businesses our many volunteers and all those who attend first night chatam great paragraph thank you I'll take a motion yeah well said uh so moved move approval a second uh all those in favor Mr Shell says I Miss Davis I uh Mr dykens resounding I and Mr Mets I thanks very much Paul and Mr nicastro says I thank you thank you Mr sh okay um moving right along here our next item is encroachments on Town property um considering licenses to enter and use town real property at 37 and 38 Blackberry Lane uh I think we're going to open here with uh the town manager Joe go Smith great thank you Mr chair so tonight before you are two properties on BlackBerry Lane that are but the Town Golf Course uh just off of the eth t uh 37 Blackberry Lane is owned by Justin and Carrie Harris and the represent they're here in the meeting I'm sorry they're here virtually in the meeting and they're represented by attorney Jame Jamie Norcross and 308 Blackberry Lane uh it's the the fetch teller family I'm sorry if I mispronounced your last name uh who is represented by attorney Lichfield who is present uh in the room tonight so what we as staff are working to do um the golf course advisory committee um has worked many years to ensure that the town-owned property out the golf course remains un un encroached uh by any um various clearings um structures and including that they've been very diligent about uh trees and and non- removal of trees more recently in 2022 staff had uh worked with the golf advisory committee and represented by uh chair Brook gardis who's also here tonight uh to try to resolve some of the encroachments that uh I should say we're not in the the general area of play so it's more in the rough area with Staffing Transitions and so forth we were able finally to resume our our discussions with the property owners um they had request re ested each one of them um certain conditions to remain with the town encroachments and with that the property has it is registered land and it has been filed uh with the land court that was part of the The Taking of the land Court property from um chattar at chattam Bar's in at that time so what we're presenting tonight is if the board is is open to consider encroachments uh we have a draft license with certain conditions one of of the conditions of the license is a license fee to be paid but I think we're more interested in that the property owner does a survey of the property and can document uh the area that would be approved the encroachment area per se um what I do right now is I'll I'll turn it over to Kathy just to um provide a a slide deck about giving some orientation to the properties themselves and certainly uh the representatives can speak more directly to the rec Quest so just to begin um we had our GIS um staff member pull the map this is the aerial view you'll see 37 and 38 that is the eth T box so um the next slide will show kind of more of a zoomed in picture there uh again 37 and 38 property line is is clearly marked again the eighth T box is right there um um some of these images were provided by the golf advisory committee uh chair Mr bardis so this is the area for 37 Blackberry Lane um that shaded area in pink is what um has been identified as the area of encroachment and in this image you'll see that property line goes pretty much right up to the back of the house but this was the Shaded area here mode area on Town property um and these were noticed by by the golf advisory committee as well um in addition to that there is a patio that appears to move beyond that property line um and these are just pictures of how far out that goes another image of that um from 2023 and then um I'm not I believe this was kind of a marker that was placed by the property owner um kind of indicating where they felt it went I believe or an extension of the area that they had planned to clear yes um moving on this is uh still on 37 Blackberry Lane the prior owner continually mowe and fertilize so this is a little bit of an older picture from February 28th but it was happening then as well and that's the area cleared out again February 28 photo showing the area mowed and and maintained and then in addition to that there are white flags that were placed where the owner wanted the Landscaping the landscaper to clear and it goes significantly onto the town property there's another image that shows more of those flags planted along the back uh property line moving on to 38 Blackberry Lane um not as much of an area um but it does include a fence and there has been some Mowing and planting um so as you can see this is the fence and the planting it looks as though it's about 6 ft onto Town property uh again this this shows the property line and it kind of goes out at an angle so um the encroachment I think is on this end the lower end where it meets the town property and it explains it here to the fence and they're mowing outside of that as well so you're kind of able to see that from this aerial shot um in 2018 they did a full cutting of brush and trees um as you can see it extended well beyond for the view of the golf course and then again they also cleared their back area looking over to 37 Blackberry Lane as well and this is another angle of the area that was cleared from the other direction um so those are the images I don't know if he wanted to look at any of them again before moving on to the license fees that were um for previous licenses move on to that part of the discussion so I'm not sure where to interject some of my thoughts be terribly well I I I I I think we've we've we've already dealt with the the license unless somebody wants to go back over that we gave comments to the lawyer uh the last time we discussed it and I can tell you those comments are in the in the document now well I I guess I'm going to throw it out there if out of line because because um I'm a little bothered by the packet to be honest with you because by our our packet because okay because as the slid suggested this goes back to 2018 and we're going to be doing this packet says 2022 kind of the this conversations with the property I know there's been multiple property owners um I know as we deal we're going to be dealing with a lot of a fair amount of these so I want to be able to have a clear picture of each and every individual one of them um we're talking and these licenses two very very different situations one's a very minor you know piie shaped fence issue which you know I can have some minor conversations with but whatever that's I'm not as concerned about that the the other one is a little bit more significant and this board hasn't really had any inp discussion specifically on this property um and I think we do have some some right to have some of the discussion but the town did pay a little bit of money for the golf course so we know how valuable that land is so um you know I don't know if we want if we're going to have a conversation about it but that's I I I'm it may become later tonight I'm going to let things roll a little bit but I'm not okay okay and quick to sign off if can can I say something Jeff here Mr chairman you go right ahead oh thank you I I I um thanks to Chairman um bardis I took a tour of the the whole picture today um and I I I don't want to preempt the discussion what I want to say is that um it doesn't look like any of those pictures that's the basic Point um and rather than try and make a case for this that or the other although I will freely admit my view is that based on what I saw uh that you know this is a tempest in a teapot um I recognize and I want to commend Mr bardis for because he showed me you know a lot of things about the golf course in terms of encroachments and so forth including the girdle trees Etc um and I I think it is important that somebody on behalf of chadam is looking after every single solitary encroachment impingement whatever that uh affects our our our rights having said that um I think if we saw what I saw today it would I I'd be very surprised if it didn't have a a pretty significant influence on your thinking so I'll I'll stop there what did you just you just I said if you saw what I saw today I would be surprised if it didn't have a very significant influence on your thinking thank you if I might thank you Mr chairman this has been an issue with the golf committee or the golf advisory committee um over the years and and you know time went by and I think the properties probably changed hands Etc that my issue is it doesn't really affect the play or the golf course one iota and I do think that there are two different um two different Parcels here with two different uses especially if you look at the if you believe the pictures and I haven't looked at the property of late so I'm not so concerned about the impact on the golf course where I have some interest and some concern is the encroachments themselves one doesn't seem so egregious it looks like a lot line maybe a little bit of a lot line the other one at least according to what I see looks a little bit more egregious and I just am concerned about a setting of any precedent and I just hearken back to stuff that has bothered me and I think this board at times of late which is coward stuff Sears Point Landing stuff now those are Landings but we where we're Protectors of of of the town's property and we should protect it so so you know I I I'm not unwilling to be a good neighbor but folks when they buy property I don't know where the lot lines are typically that's the first thing you do is is lay out the lot lines and you know what you own and what you don't so if folks have taken advantage of our you know know ambivalence I should say then I think we deserve some recompense um and I'll end there but I think there needs to be some kind of recompense for um and I'm not again I think there're two different two different Parcels here I think one is a a lot line issue that looks like pretty minor six six feet or so fence whatever the other one looks a little bit more suspicious to me so I I want to I want to talk about this a little more frankly thanks anybody yeah Dean thank you Mr chairman um well as as the board knows the chair and the town manager invited me to meet with um them and uh and twice uh including a meeting with um uh Town Council when we were coming up with a tool to address circumstances in town where there are encroachments and as I said at the time and I think I said it last week when we were looking at the form of license that we might use in these cases in such cases as these we have encroachments all over town uh you can walk up sew Street or barcliff Avenue or stage Hub Road and and we heard last week from people on on on North Skyline Drive and that's going to be another area where we're going to have to deal with this issue um the question was asked are you going to start requiring people to remove encroachments at everywhere what's what's going to trigger that that analysis so we came up with the Tool uh of a license um you know my instinctive response was let these lie until until somebody complains or the town has an issue but we do have we do have an issue in these in these particular Parcels so we have we have a form of license I suppose another option would be uh for the town we hadn't really talked about this for the town to offer a portion of the Town property for sale to the to the abutter if they wanted to buy it and if we could agree upon a price and if if that could be done consistent with procurement laws um so we have this license and um and it's it's up we're being asked tonight whether we want to uh approve the license for each of these parcels and in so doing I think we need to give some instruction to the town manager about the term of the license because that's blank uh and the consideration um that's specifically the license fee which the town manager has indicated and it came up in our conversations the chair myself and the town manager that the cost of um um the survey and the placement of bounds might be suitable compensation um and maybe it is uh and maybe it's not particularly if you have a larger parcel if you're going more than a few feet um you might want to think about something more and the only comparable thing I can remember we've done in recent me memory was uh this past summer when we had a request for a license to park cars for a wedding um on on a Town Street and the property owner offered um $1,000 to the town I think that was the figure when that's what we took you want to share your screen um so I guess I wanted to throw that out I I think Mr D makes I I have not V visited the property you you need to tour it from from the golf course I think I don't think you can go up Blackberry Lane because they correct but i' I've seen the pictures um Mr bardus Met met with me asked to meet with me yesterday and showed me some of these same slides and I appreciate Kathy putting them on so um and I I am anxious to hear from from the representatives of the property owners as we we should take them um Ser AUM and and um see if we want to see if we're satisfied with the granting the license and and determine what what terms we want to plug into these Provisions that are that are left open so I that that's where I'm at at the moment and I'd like to hear from whoever wants to speak Shere I as we get into this conversation I think I have to recuse myself because there's an um a family member has an agreement with the town of chadam on use of a property and I think it might be too similar in discussion for me to be able to weigh in so I'm going to recuse myself from this discussion it's up to you okay um well before we and I I agree although I I I want to say a couple things here before we invite the representatives of the uh uh of of the parties uh the legal representatives to speak um f first of all um with respect to the question of the the length of the the license it's terminable at will on 14 days notice so the term is irrelevant um the the second thing is I I I agree that we should be mindful and thoughtful and Prudential in recognizing that what we do here will have potentially a precedential effect on what we have to address down the road but I I really do want to emphasize that every case is different the facts are different uh I I I start with the personally uh with the uh proposition that um the circumstances are something that are relatively speaking inadvertent and while we have to protect the property of the town at the same time we don't want to do unnecessary harm uh by failing to recognize that people have either an invest ment or an expectation whatever it is and we need to be practical about that and and I think that's true here as well um and then the last thing I'll say is I um I I I thought the policy was that with respect to an encroachment of this sort um we were going to say basically that we would entrust it to the um the discretion of the staff um the town manager and the dpdw director uh I'm I'm generally comfortable with that to the extent that the board is going to participate in the in the the framing of the license I feel very strongly that before we finish that job uh we should in twos or ones or whatever every one of us ought to go out there and take a look at the property uh you because again I appreciate everything that that's been presented um and and I recognize that it has evolved but it doesn't really look at all like what those pictures show and you can't understand that until you go out there and look at it that's all um Mr bardis go ahead good evening Bruce Bard is uh CH golf advisory committee meeting and uh just want to give you a little additional background you you've talked about uh possibly asking uh each one of these applicants to pay for putting in bounds uh in in boundary markers uh the town has already paid Company East Southeast LLC to put in bounds the bounds are in place as of 2018 they were verified so they're there so I don't know if that is something you need to be aware of anyways um as stated the golf committee uh became aware of some significant cutting back in 2018 and those of the pictures that you saw they were the worst no doubt about it um since that time to that I'm aware of there have been two letters from Town Council and at least two letters from from town manager to these properties telling them to cease and assist and explaining what the the law and the penalties are um they and again you've made a comment that there are two different properties they are two very different sets of circumstances from the golf advisory committee standpoint um as you're taking a look at a license uh as an option um I would urge you to to consider uh instead of an open-ended license perhaps there should be an end of life put in there uh we give you a license for 20 years and it ends it doesn't automatically renew because I would imagine uh renewing uh or keeping your mind on a a fence that's a few feet out of line is not going to be high in your priority and that by forcing a closure it uh would would bring up an issue uh so th those are really just my comments that I'd like you to try to consider as you take a look at these but they are two very different items thank you thank you um you're here Mr Lichfield do you want to start thank you whoops thank you good afternoon or evening members of the board Bill L field here on behalf of Frank and Carol feckler who were at 38 uh Blackberry the photographs that I handed out may be of some interest and sort of illustrate the issue the fackler's house is the house right in the middle to the left hand side the pool is the way site in and if you look below the fector's house you will see a yellow line line uh the area in question is the narrow wedge between the two yellow lines culminating in the Hedge uh to the right hand side uh given the size of the golf course and given the degree of encroachment it almost strikes me that a a rather large sled Sledgehammer has come down upon a natat uh we are talking about a small small uh encroachment which parenthetically fers lived there for 30 years they've owned the property since 1994 and during the first 10 or 12 years of their ownership uh the town maintained the area uh behind that line and that's shown on the second uh photograph that I gave you not the way it looked uh during the first 10 years but more recently uh the town in the third page as you can see the town has uh not exactly maintain the area in question uh the faers have done so and they'd like it to continue to do so but that what you're seeing there is on the townland which is not part of the the encroachment involved so we think that the license as you revised your policy last week makes emly good sense I think some members of the board are aware that the golf course course is registered as has been said before so there's no possibility of adverse or prescriptive rights uh the fers simply want to continue as as Mr Dyk suggested using the phrase good neighbors uh the fers like would like to continue that and they're simply seeking a license to maintain that small triangle as they've maintained it for the years that they've been there be certainly happy to answer any questions or comment further on license or respond to anything of Interest thank you Mr CH so Bill I'm just looking at the first one you gave so when you refer to the triangle is that that little trapezoid there is that yep see the on the right hand side there's a Green Hedge yes it's the area to the left there are two okay two Nar two yellow lines uh and that's the area involved the the golf course uh that would be the Westerly side of the golf course is not a straight line the original land Court property uh uh plan it jogs in a little bit from the Wayside bound and that I think was part of the confusion because actually if I'm not mistaken I think what Kathy had shown had a straight line and it isn't a straight line it actually jogs into a little bit into the factor land and I think that may not have been recognized this was Burton Gladis copley's house for years and I rather this suspect that the fence has been there for a very long time even before the fers owned it so I'm I'm not seeing the second yellow line I'm seeing a trapezoid what am I missing uh it's it's yellow and white actually iiz okay I think that's the property line and this is what they're I'm not sure what that second I see it now it's it's white um do you know roughly how many square feet are involved in thata in that triangle I believe their lot is 85 ft along that backs side I think I have the plan here somewhere uh so you know couple hundred square feet at the outside okay yeah the the fect property line I believe is 85 uh linear feet uh it is 75 so it's 75 ft by a foot or two 150 200 sare ft okay okay and previously this was overground uh no actually during the uh McMullen and subsequent private ownership of cbi's golf course it was always maintained uh low and there was a view down to chadam Harbor uh which we'd love to have restored uh pre I am told and I can't score of this but in Years Gone by uh the feers apparently had permission uh to cut some of that vegetation and if the town could see its way clear to cutting it to three or four feet there are no Wetlands or anything around there but if it could be maintained so that it doesn't continue the encroachment the vegetative encroachment might might make up for the physical encroachment because the vegetation has been moving toward the Factor's property um I don't know if this question is best addressed to you or or to the town manager um but so um Mr bardus indicated that this had been surveyed and the bounds are in the ground so yes so there there's no question to the survey or the bounds that are in the ground it was actually if the board is amenable to granting the license to have the property owner um document the encroachment area so that's that's what we're looking for if it's approved would survey and document that yes yes do we do we know what that roughly that might cost I I don't know but I would imagine it's probably less expensive for the property owner to do it than for the town um if I could I mean the fence denotes the encroachment because the fence is on the the split rail fence is on the town's land okay no just procedurally just is just an observation the chair the chair is correct we we adopted a policy we amended a policy that had previously been adopted last week and as I recall the policy tasks the staff right to come to look at these and come up with a recommendation and if if in if in fact the recommendation is to request or require a license as opposed to something else um the something else would be remove the encroachment or whatever well a sale or or you know whatever then then um then she's to come forward with a with a license form of license which she's done and I guess it's open to us just to inquire as to you know how much do you want the the town to receive in in respect of this license so I guess that for me that's kind of the open question I don't know obviously your client is willing to incur the cost of the survey or you wouldn't be up there well we we've had survey work done and there's no disagreement as to where the property line is uh we're we're very clear on that and just for the record it is true that letters were sent out two years ago but as the town manager now as the fers has responded and uh that's documented in your packet uh and we met with Tom Temple we we did a number of things and the town had some staff changes which which prevented any progress and we understand that uh so we'd like to go forward with a license for I would say a nominal sum so we'd have to have a a a plan or a a description of the of the parcel right attached to the oh we could we could provide one is there anything on that triangle now other than a fence or you you want to put a fence grass lawn nothing okay there are no physical structures I mean I forgive me for I'm just going to give you a I stood right there at the end of where that that um the the Hedge is that you can see on the picture and look down that line the fence runs all down that line and everything to the left of it is grown up above the line of the fence so there's no question uh about where the line is or the ability to extend it the fence really does Define that line at its widest at the base of the triangle how wide would you say it is uh on the headed side which I guess is the north five or six feet maybe okay all right thank thank those are my my questions thank you Bill shall we hear from Mr Norcross or should we try to resolve these individually since we agree that there are there there is some difference individually okay so so what's the sense of the board with respect to the license proposal for 37 Blackberry Lane right 38 38 sorry 3 I mean for for me I guess I would be more amimal to a license this is kind of a benign little sliver P you know sliver goes from you know probably 6 in down to 5T May something on that scale um you know I do think if there was a conversation down the road of of selling this I think that would be wonderful I I'm open to a license for start um if uh which we can always terminate if a follow right and a follow-up conversation if at some point this this little bit of land is actually bought by the property owner um you know there an ongoing conversation I think that would be beneficial because I think would kind of end you know a long-term solution um but I would for for this particular parcel starting with a license I would be comfortable with with the understanding that there be conversations a discussion of an offer of selling the land if all the pieces fall together that is something that we could figure out so yeah that's kind of where I stand on this this particular parcel yeah we we have a license we have an agreement that we approved I think we can go forward with that I I think the cleanest way to solve this is sale that's the cleanest way to solve both of these is to is to purchase the property but in the interim let's do a license I mean it's not it's a few feet and I I don't I'm not a real estate lawyer the only thing that that causes me aditive about that is do we have to have some sort of a re no well that's a separate problem but um a a read uh definition of the two lots can we seed a piece of one lot to the other lot if that can be done easily then I'm all for then I don't have a problem if I could Mr chairman regrettably it can't be done easily because the golf course has registered land it is a rather intense Engineering Process it's not simple uh a a longterm or permanent easement might solve the same problem and wouldn't require that but I think even that would take a town meeting vote as well I mean that's all right I think you're right that's that solves it as well yeah well are you okay with starting with a license I said I was yes okay fine fine yeah de yeah I I'm okay with the license as well I guess I I'm coming back to the monetary aspect um do you want to propose there should be something inserted in there you know I I don't know whether it's $1 $100 I don't know do you want to propose a nominal fee or do you want to leave that up to us I would suggest nominal because I'm inherently conservative yeah so so am I um except you're on opposite sides of the table on this one I mean I I I I'm on this one I'm gonna I'm GNA say I I really would like each one of us to go look at this I you you know it it may not be necessary the issue of value and what we're now talking about like it or lump it is valuation and um you know I I I I just think you have to look at it to have some sense of what is an appropriate adjustment of the Good Neighbor policy versus you know we're we're giving something of value and and I don't think you can really make a a sensible assessment of that at least I wouldn't think I could without having seen it well frankly I don't think I need to I've played that course enough times growing up I haven't been out there recently the fence has been there for forever um this really doesn't change much to the activity so I'm I'm Cory you have to tromp through I mean you have I mean you you almost need a sickle to get from the golf course to be able to see what we're looking at here oh I know again if I might it's not about the golf course it's about encroachment it's about Town's property I I appreciate that I I doesn't affect the play in the golf course one iota believe me I play it no I I'm not suggesting that I you can't see it you can't it doesn't have anything to do with it and the second thing is how significant is it um and and you know maybe does it increase does it add value to the to the homeowner yeah probably does a little bit but again without looking at it and and what are we giving up is part of the equation as well that's all I'm saying I'm more than willing to go tour the property Michael I'm more than Mr chairman yes I'm also willing to tour the property have not seen it except in pictures but I guess I'm asking you do you think that a tour of the property is going to result in our wanting something more than a nominal fee for the license or something less than a ninal fe which is zero it it actually reduced my I I I was thinking uh my thought was somewhat different based on what I had seen until I until I went there today so my sense of what we should be asking was reduced if that's helpful and I guess where I'm at right now is I'm willing to give this license for a nominal fee whatever that is fine with me that going there is going to increase no that's fine that's I I I don't have a problem and I think this is a matter of precedent too so so procedurally does the town manager have a nominal fee that she would recommend in this situation that's because the presentation is coming before us from staff sure I'm happy to provide a recommendation I would say $100 a year as we do with the fishwear Enterprise permits um I'm sorry licenses it's $100 a year and they have a fiveyear license to start as a negotiation point I'm more concerned about documen documenting the encroachment area I think that's my Prim primary concern thoughts go with 100 okay I mean I'm I'm good with 100 good no I'm saying and if we whatever news new information comes to us we could say terminate it we're going to reopen the issue Mr chairman can we ask town can we ask Council I was just to say town councel can we ask councel I wish it were Town Town Council uh can can we can we ask Council if um if his client is would be okay with a nominal fee of $100 I I can't answer that they may not have any choice uh but in terms of the respond of the Town manager the doc the the encroachment is documented we know where the land is so that's not an issue and there is there are no rights to be gained by any party encroaching on the golf course property because it is registered land and if it's not on the Court's decree as to the certificate and what's what the incumbrances are it doesn't matter I could build a house in the middle of the golf course live there for a hundred years and still not have any rights that's the nature of registered land so the town isn't L Town isn't giving anything up I think is the important thing to note I I move that we approve this license with the recommendation that I move that we approve the license with the stipulation that there' be a nominal fee license fee of $100 per per year per year yes second all those in favor Mr Nic Castro I Mr Shell says I uh Mr Dyk and Mr matters all right thank you thank you um so now no uh thanks Bill be here okay good okay I I think uh now we turn to 37 right yeah 37 so that is owned by uh the harrises and I I do want to also note they had been responsive to the town's letters again um they had purchased the property from another um from a property owner in between 2018 and the 22 letters so attorney Norcross had reached out to us and we were working on what the solution could be as well Mr Norcross welcome it evening thank you Jamie Norcross representing Justin and Carrie Harris uh Mr and Mrs Harris are participating remotely as well this evening um one point of clarification I think may help uh the board's determination this evening um in terms of the scope of the area in which the um harrises are looking for the license um would it be possible to pull up one of the aerial photos perfect thank you very much um so 37 as you saw in the photographs there was the um the area that was the large area in the back that was cleared um as as Jill mentioned uh the harrises bought in 2022 those photographs were from 2018 so the clearing went on before the harrises bought the property at this time however they're not looking for a license in that entire area the scope actually is quite limited um behind the house you'll see there's a patio which currently encroaches about a foot and a half over the property line the harrises are looking to install a fence that is at the same depth uh as their neighbors at 38 Blackberry Lane and run that across the back of the home so basically be be a a couple feet beyond the area of the patio um this would provide a clear uh demarcation of the limits of the uh license area which I think is really a benefit to both sides moving forward it also provide the harrises with a a buffer um in terms of any vegetation or overgrowth that may come from the town um from the golf course side moving forward so again the Harrison are not looking for a license that entire back area uh the the request is quite Limited in scope in fact and I think quite similar to the request that you heard from 3 38 Blackberry Lane so um with that as some additional background and clarification we'll be happy to answer any questions Mr nocross um question I I've seen um and and I'm really talking about uh the the area there's a there's a kind of a cleared area Beyond where the fence is or would be that you've just described and I'm going to say that it maybe extends another 20 20 or 25 ft um toward the I guess that would be easterly um and it's kind and we actually did see a picture which I think we got from the maybe you could put up the um the um the picture we got from the golf advisory committee the one with the colored um kind of tra um Parabola like yeah there we go um that that area right now is bounded pretty much all around it by um trees and and fairly tall V vegetation that's a not only a a demarcation but a barrier to going further um the question is whether there were were or are any plans to put anything in that area or whether that area would be left alone entirely uh from your client's point of view uh that area would be left alone entirely other than again they would like the um the ability to install a fence um a couple feet past the patio that you see on the ground yeah no but that would be at the front end at the house side of that um kind of half par Parabola yes close to the property line Y yeah okay yeah Cory more for our discussion we have so many different Aerials and in map so what I'm looking at is I guess maybe a document that attorney Lichfield yes passed in it it would basically connect the fence from 37 in theory and almost connect to the yellow property line delineation that's kind of the next partial over would that be what what I'm understanding is that the fence would go like the that like that okay okay the area beond would be my fellow that's that's the question I asked he answered in the affirmative okay so which is pretty much almost in par with what we just discussed yes so at least that's my understanding that's that's well if I'm understanding the representation by by Mr Norcross um that's exactly the kind of conversation we just had with a previous property which um eliminates the what may or may not have been used in that in the you know say 30 40 ft off the patio in past you know whatever's happened in the past that's that's going to not happen or well you know no no further activities will happen in that particular encroachments will happen in that area and that basically it would be a equivalent um Remedy or Equitable offer as their neighbors are getting okay gotcha understood thank yeah so I just want to understand this so the the slide that had the purple area that we're not talking about that purple are we're basically taking Mr Mr uh lichfield's triangle triangle and extending the line all the way down to the neighboring property is that right Jamie uh I don't have Mr lichfield's hand out front but it would basically run to the same depth as his client's fence and then run um parallel to the house to the other property line in the far end it it's probably a slightly larger the way the it kind of goes wider as you go down do you roughly Jamie do you roughly have an idea as to how many square feet are involved or what the width is at the U far end so the the the patio is according to a survey plan that uh my clients had conducted is about a foot and a half over the property line I think roughly it'd be another 2 feet past that to get to the uh depth of the uh fence on the neighbor's property and the property is approximately I think 89 ft wide give or take at the other so you're looking at 3 and a half multiplied by 90 okay if you start at the Hedge at the other end which was approximately about six feet wide five or six Bill thought Mr Lichfield thought so it might be a little bigger than that no I think he said two okay I think he said two the different yeah the distance between the property line and and and the fence was 2 feet yeah I was looking at here yeah that's I'm he said two maybe I thought he said two I think it's four or five feet I think it's more like I honestly think it's more like five feet I thought Bill said four or five five or six feet but in any event this is the I know someone's at at the podium but this is the same situation right and um I'd be inclined to support it with a nominal fee of $100 Mr regard us yeah just clarification uh the east Southeast uh plot plan uh says that it's 7.6 feet is I I had measured it at six so it's that's the that's the range to give you an idea and if you're expanding that that triangle it would be larger the the six feet is at the uh at at the at the end of 38 at the end of 38 yeah at the end of 38 thank you and if so if you're continuing a straight line of that fence then you're just going to continue to make the triangle bigger that's all yeah okay thank you yes sir no again I think I think if we narrowed it down to this scope I'd be more more amenable to um you know a license maybe not a sale maybe a easement or something I think maybe a longer term solution might be something we should you know follow up with I think that I this particular situation might have a a better long-term remedy but we're starting with a license I'm I'm more comfortable now than I was going coming into this okay and and and that's fine Mr chairman it's a bigger piece um I think it if we're going to do a license that we need to charge more money I understand we want to be good neighbors and it looks as though they're used to using their backyard as a backyard I'm delighted to see that kind of that they want to extend the fence and then the area beyond the fence they're not going to maintain they've been mowing it and using it as a backyard it's it's Town land um kids can run around and stuff but I mean it's just you know when you go to sell the house that land is is licensed it's not owned so they can't sell it they can't sell that along with the along with the deed okay okay all right so they don't own it they license it okay but I think we should charge more than $100 it's a bigger piece it's a bigger by a double I charge two well maybe say up to two and confirm the square footage to make and compare what we just offered to if it's double we charge double if it's one and a half we charge 150 you know make a calculation and base it on facts are you okay with that whatever the ratio of the the trapezoid behind and I keep mixing them up but I think we're talking about 37 is to what we charged 100 for um is how we come up with rounded to some sensible number is the license fee for um 37 that's fine and I'm fine with that I just a comment an editorial comment I guess my own opinion if you were to convey the house it's difficult to say well we own up to the edge of the we own up to the edge of the patio but the the space between the patio and the lot line or the fence I should say is licensed well at some point I think you need to come clean with that either get an EAS Min end or purchase the property that's what I think because they're using it as as such that's all Jamie knows he knows and they uh the harrises have certainly be interested in an easement or an acquisition if that's something the town is willing to look at in the future but at least this gives them a little bit of certainty for the time being gotcha thanks y for a motion I was just going to say that's on the property owner the in the realtor um so I'll offer a motion that we approve this license for number 37 with the understanding that the license fee would be proportionately based on the um nominal fee assessed for number 38 um based on uh relative to the um in consideration of the comparative um lot size parcel sizes I'll second that all those in favor any further discussion anywhere here uh Mr matters I uh Mr Dyk I Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi thank you thank you thank you very much Mr narcross have a nice evening thank you Jamie thanks Mr bardis appreciate your investment and effort and dedication um next we have one appointment for uh proposed for Lydia ant Lydia an Lydia Cove committee Mr chair Please Mr matters I move to appoint Max lelli as a member of the a leus CO committee until junee 30 20207 let's go long term unless sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second all those in favor Miss Castro Mr Shell says I Miss Davis Hi and Mr Dyk hi Mr Mets hi um Town manager Jill thank you Mr chair so in your packet you have the town manager's report for October 2024 as well as some current items um on the first page I'm really excited to announce that the governmental Finance Officers Association has again awarded the town of chadam a certificate of achievement in excellence in financial reporting this is our our third year but I think the or and the credit really goes to our finance team uh now led by Carrie masero to get this prestigious award it really relates to transparency and how we prepare our budget and as as also as our transparency um module online too so kudos to them and and um it was actually Carrie's one-year anniversary and so she had this under her belt we had our our AAA Bond rating reaffirmed and she was able to implement our cleargov budget book all within this year so we're very excited and and I love having her uh we also um as uh you might have seen in some of my out of office messages we're in the midst of having our budget meetings with our department so the Departments are doing a great job in putting directly into cleargov and we're working on both the operation operating budget as well as the the capital Improvement plan moving on to some strategic planning the West chattam neighborhood buildout analysis Workshop uh was conducted last night and um also it will be discussed at the planning board meeting on November 25th beginning at 5:00 pm and then as part of our year of Employee Engagement and employees as our community uh we have our first chili cook off and uh that was located at the chanam VFW and we had uh 10 entries from eight departments and so uh the winners uh were uh Sarah Clark as well as Susan M so it was a fun night I I know that uh select board member Mets was able to join us and it was just a very casual um evening but the judges took it very seriously and so we definitely had a rockstar uh amongst our judges we had the culinary specialist first class from the US Coast Guard Amanda martello I know she's had a lot of great press about being a chef and then we had Angelo bakar the executive director for the chadam Chamber of Commerce and our our good friend uh Teresa Malone from the mono community services and then we were able to raise $650 as well as some um canned food Goods that we were able to deliver to the cap and Islands veterans Outreach Center which was really great right around Veterans Day so we're really excited about that and then moving on to our other community members we're having a pet food drive it's the month of November and that's through November 23rd and in the packet you'll see uh the cute ad for that and then we've also noted our chatam our team chatam veterans and in no particular order uh we did uh have Harbor Master Jason home at Coast Guard as well as police officer Josh wusi police officer Clint Kier and then we have firefighters uh representing the Marine Corps Dustin mclin and Tyler Baker and representing the Army we had our Sergeant uh Bill Glover in Navy we have Sergeant Bill Massie as well as our moing officer skip woods and then I also noted the seasonal employees who have served as well and then we have the December anniversary years of service for our employees and Topping the list with the most longevity for December is our town clerk Julie Smith with 30 years next month as well as moving through the list we have Sharon Stark our Recreation supervisor serving 19 years Craig row Our IT director 12 years uh Chris merrian as our police Sergeant recently promoted for 12 years uh Jerome Patty James and Kaden Quinn to name a few with Kaden celebrating his oneye anniversary and this is for December and then we were notified about the retirement for our firefighter Kevin Moore so he's very excited about that after 30 years of service so it's always Bittersweet with retirements and right now the last coffee will be sometime after Thanksgiving and we'll work to present uh we'll work to provide that invitation to you all as well uh as you see we have the regular items and including what Kathy has done to index the project updates so they're easy to find throughout the report and then you'll see our our digital Outreach with social media as well as our direct Outreach uh with the main sheet we also have the great chadam TV mustsee TV and there's a no November edition of The Flash TV uh that focused on the council and aging Outreach coordinator Carrie Kelly and we're assume we release the November the December one sorry and then U as you see various items from the the town departments trying to put more visual cues in here pictures and so forth and I'm happy to answer any questions questions a lot more visuals I thought was great thank you good job yep absolutely actually no one yes sir next year next year the select Board needs to submit a uh chili recipe for the contest yes CU you know there were 10 applicants it was very sweet to very very spicy so yeah yeah but no ringers no spouses were allowed to submit entries either but we can always work on the rules for next year so the Board of Health would object to my submitting anything so likely motion to adjourn Mr chairman second uh all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr dykens Miss Ms Davis hi uh Mr Shell says I and Mr nastro hi and we are adjourned at 7 pm [Music] [Music]