e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] evening everyone welcome to the April 16 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly herea for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair saying none pursuant to Governor Hy's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain co9 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 38 subsection 20 until March 31st 2025 this meeting of the chatam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceeding as provided for in the order a reminder that persons would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 94544 10 Conference ID 203 386 491 pound or join the meeting online via Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and sign cast on Channel TV which is now expend Channel 8 and 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to to provide real-time access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible uh first action is to establish Quorum uh select more member to Castro Pres select board member Davis present select board member DIY present select board member shell and select board member Mets is present we are all here all right first action uh minutes March 26 2024 I'll entertain a motion to approve so moved go here a second edit submissions M Mike yeah I have uh just one other than the typos that I gave Kathy uh page four in the at the top of the page the carryover paragraph that begins with DD Holt um before the last sentence uh which is the next the last line where it says M Holt I'd like to insert a sentence before that uh to read as follows he also requested that all letters submitted up to the meeting time be recorded in the meeting record okay additional Ed I just have one I it's on page um eight under Item B second um oh it's the first sentence Gil Sparks his title currently is co-director of the working group I guess that will change going forward to when now that it's a committee but that's the T that that's the title they've been using um he and um Liz mcard are co-directors okay thank you anything else all right we have a motion we have a second all those in favor select board member necastro hi select board member Davis select board member dykens hi select board member shell I and select board member m says I uh public announcements and agenda item request I'll start with the board does the board have any public announcements or agend a request I'm just going to make one um usually I I give a whole list of um board openings for the board committee uh openings that I want to solicit to but reflecting back on our meeting um last week where we had the chair of the U the economic development committee before us um in the acknowledgement that we're going to look at the current membership and find out who is still willing to keep moving for forward on the on the committee um we do have a couple openings on that committee so I just wanted to kind of do a shine on that one particular committee economic develop development committee uh one of our town committee so if anyone uh is willing to step forward and serve uh or if you know of anyone who you want PR a little bit to step forward and be willing to serve on behalf of the town's of the Town um we welcome all applicants so I just want to give a little push because um without our Recruitment and Public's recruitment um you know we will we have harder times finding uh participants to fill these seats and there's certainly a vast variety of qualified individuals that are in our community that I would very much welcome to step forward and and serve so um Cor just a question related to that do we have an agenda item request from any of us about discussing the economic development committee I I think we tried to do that during our committee review back in in a sort of fell we need to Circle back for specific topics and whether we should have a redirection of its of its purpose correct I think the the chair gave the um the kind of the report acknowledged um kind of where membership stood members we had a couple openings in the committee I think we need to on their end recruit and our end kind of free focus and figure out what direction is so yes you're absolutely correct thank you um all right public announcements on agenda item requests I know from Miss Judy Georgio has one online Judith Hi H hi uh thank you chairman um just a quick announcement to remind you and your um your viewers about the 12th annual chadam recycles book and media swap it's going to be April 27th so it's coming up not this weekend but the following weekend um from 9:00 to 2 at the chadam annex uh downstairs same place we've been having it for the last several years um and we will begin collecting people's books um and media items on Monday April 22nd um we're looking for books CDs DVDs VHS tapes cassette tapes vinyl records and puzzles um so yeah that's that's all and we welcome everyone's welcome and it's a free event people can come and take as much as they want it's usually very popular so we're looking forward to it great thank you very much uh is there anyone in the audience tonight with a public announcements or agenda at a request is there anyone online with a public announcement or agenda at a request no see hands all right we'll move to our first of two public hearings um first public hearing is to consider change of manager for annual all alcohol beverage licenses for tjp Restaurant Group LLC doing business as p restaurant from James Edwards to Scott Smith I'll ask the clerk to read the public notice please thank you Mr chairman notice is hereby given that the chadam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 16 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 George Ryder Road chadam and remotely via Microsoft teams platform to consider a request for a change of manager from James Edwards to Scot Smith on the annual all alcoholic beverages restaurant license for tpj Restaurant Group LLC doing business as Pat's Restaurant 1260 Main Street all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you very much and who is presenting yes sir you actually step up to the podium there sure good evening um yep either one uh take a moment introduce yourself and okay I am Scott Smith so I'll be uh taking over the management of pace restaurant I've got um probably 30 some years in restaurants and Hospitality most recently at Katan it in Marian Mass uh private golf club and I started with Pates about three weeks ago so okay uh questions or comments from the board I'll entertain a motion uh I will move the approval of the change do I hear a second second okay further discussion all those in favor let oh I am sorry oh public hearing I'm so worked up on trying to close that public hearing so it is a public hearing is there anyone from the public inhouse tonight would like to make a comment I'm a mind reader tonight no is there anyone online wouldn't like to make a public comment on this agenda tonight no all right so Mr chairman I move that we close the public hearing oh no no no we're skipping all that oh we're skipping okay we're just going to go right to the motion and the we have a motion we have a second on the table all right selectboard member necastro hi select board member Davis Hi select board member dik hi select board member shell hi and select board member met says I good luck y thank you very much all right next public hearing is consider change of manager for seasonal all alcohol beverages license for tjp chatam Group LLC doing business as the chatam cut from Lauren Underwood to Matthew W Cog um Co k um if the clerk would read the second public hearing notice please yes thank you Mr chairman notice is hereby given that the chadam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 16th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office anx 261 George rder Road chatam and remotely via Microsoft teams platform to consider a request for a change of manager from Lauren Underwood to Matthew W Kio on the seasonal all alcoholic beverages restaurant license for tpj Restaurant Group doing business as the chat cut 1200 Main Street all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you very much and who is presenting tonight yes sir you want to step up to the podium please good evening okay uh well good evening uh my name is Matthew Kio I've been also like Scott Smith I've been in hospitality for uh the better part of my career U I'm 50 I've been on the cape since I was 25 and in restaurant manag the entire time I uh ran the front of the house for The Red Pheasant which is an old place some of you might recognize me from and I also came from private clubs as well I was at Oyster Harbor club for a number of years before I joined uh last year uh the chadam cut and uh and I'm very happy to be working with the organization and we're doing great things in the town of chadam and it's been a great joy last season I look forward to uh further developing uh the chatam cut as a member of the community great thank you very much well this is a public hearing so is there anyone in the audience tonight with a question or comment is there anyone online with a question or comment don't see any um no to the board question or comment from the board move approval hear a second okay F further discussion all those in favor select board member de Castro I select board member Davis I select board member dyens I select board member shell I and select board member m says I good luck thank you all right public comments on our business agenda our business agenda this evening let just going to quickly rund down uh item a Arbor Day Proclamation chadam friend chadam friends of trees Item B considered use of town property Earth Day tree sappling giveaway uh chat friends of trees item C consider special one day alcohol permit for wine and Malt Liquor only for Cape Associates Incorporated at 784 Main Street on May 2nd 2020 24 for from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. item D disclosure of appearance of conflict of interest requests for exemption determination uh Barry Greco shelfish advisor committee and we're going to make a quick um edit because the second portion was Jamie Basset shelfish advisory committee uh upon Mr bassett's request um that action or review has been withdrawn uh he has subsequently uh issued his resignation to the selfish advisory committee um for the record so uh we will not act on the second part of that item e status update for 90 Bridge Street and item F consider request for additional payment marking and signage to facilitate mobile food vending town office parking lot so with that being said is there anyone from the public um any public on the agenda items tonight public comments on the agenda item anyone in house anyone online no all right so be it uh business agenda item a Arbor Day Proclamation chat friends of trees good evening Dan young chadam friends at trees so let's talk trees by proclamation Arbor Day will be April 26th which is chadam 13th this is significant as chadam has a tree City USA designation since our last Arbor Day chadam has lost many trees due to construction development disease and storms so where does chattam Go From Here Jay Sterling Morton who originally proposed Arbor Day said other holidays Repose upon the past Arbor Day proposes for the future so let's do exactly this planting a tree can improve air quality prevent soil erosion minimize storm water runoff provide food enhance property values and Aesthetics provide Wildlife cover or creates a habitat for insects which ultimately benefit our song bird population so tonight friends of trees announces a tree planting effort here in chadam this will be more than Mitigation Of removed trees its goal is ultimately to increase Chatham's Urban Tree canopy and understory with native trees and shrubs this will be a multi-year project and more details to follow but tonight's Proclamation is a first step so let's celebrate Arbor Day and as advocated by Jay Sterling Morton look toward the future and let's plant trees thank you for your support thank you any questions or comments from the board would unless there's no questions or comments would someone like to read the proclamation Mr chairman I think it' be appropriate if the clerk were to read it oh thank take a vote know I think that I'm very I'm so pleased I'll move that we adopt it after the clerk so eloquently reads this be my pleasure select board member Nick asro 20 2024 Arbor dat Proclamation for the town of chattam mass where BRS in 1872 J Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of AR agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees and whereas the holiday called Arbor Day was first celebrated with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska and whereas Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world and whereas trees can reduce soil erosion caused by wind and water cut Heating and Cooling costs moderate temperature clean the air produce life-giving oxygen and provide wildlife habitat and whereas trees in our town increase property values enhance the economic Vitality of business areas beautify our community and our a source of joy and spiritual renewal wherever they are planted now therefore we the select Board of the town of chadam do hereby proclaimed Friday April 26 2024 as Arbor Day in the town of chadam Massachusetts and further we urge all citizens to celebrate chadam Arbor Day on April 26th by planting a tree sitting beneath one or taking a walk in the woods or in one of Chad's beautiful Parks appreciating trees for all they do for us our town and our planet dated the 16th day of April in the year 2024 sign the select board thank you move approval second second further discussion all those in favor selectboard member necastro I selectboard member Davis I selectboard member dykens I selectboard member shell I and select board member met says I next considered use of Tal property earthday tree sapling giveaway chat them friends of trees let's talk more trees annually what friends of trees have has done is uh given out free uh small little Oak saplings and this year is no exception uh what we will be giving out is Oak saplings and also another variety called tulip trees and they're faster growing uh than than an oak but little variety they are a native it's very good very good tree but um so on Saturday uh April 27th we'd like to conduct our giveaway along Main Street in front of town hall and specifically it would be between the entrance on Main Street and the parking lot and there's no setup required requested uh friends of trees will do our own we have a table uh which uh the size is 2 and 1/2 ft wide by 6 fet long by 2 and 1/2 ft high and we will remove that there's going to be no garbage no litter nothing and um and it will also be from uh 10: to 1 on Saturday so that's the time frame Mr chairman yes please I moved to approve the use of town property for friends of trees to distribute free tree saplings in honor of Arbor Day 202 24 second second okay for um actually in this confirmation the area is all we're all in agreement with the area we are in just confirming it's not at the community center correct it will be at the Town Offices 54 correct Good Wonderful all right yeah the Friday giveaway is at the community center the Saturday is Town Hall okay so we have motion we have a second question just do do you have a sense of how many you're going to give away or you would hope to give away uh we are hoping 125 okay thank you all right all those in favor select board member necastro hi select board member Davis Hi select board member dykens hi selectboard member shell I and select board member met says I good luck thank you and just as a side note if anyone would like more details on the Arbor Day Earth Day events uh they're all on the website of the chadam conservation Foundation a lot more details there and some of the items do some of the events do require registration because of capacity constraints but thank you very much for your support right thank you all right item C consider a special one-day alcohol permit for wine and Malt Liquor only for Cape Associates Incorporated at 784 Main Street on May 2nd 20124 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. um that's correct I'm online hi good evening I'm good evening how are you um I'm Caitlyn Ru from cap Cape Associates we're going to be having a a ribbon cutting ceremony for our new office at 784 Main Street on Thursday May 2nd um it's like I said um before 3:30 to 5:30 and we're looking for a one day license for that we do have a contract with a Bart bartender so we have secured that um and the plan is I believe we're going to have between 60 and 75 people there we're still collecting responses on that um but looking forward to the event um and we also have included it in the um chamber newsletter as well great thank you very much uh questions or comments from the board Dean I just had a question uh thank you uh so is this an invitation only or is it open to the public no others it's open to the public certainly yeah all right thank you I move approval you're welcome do I have second second okay further discussion all those in favor select bird member NE Castro I selectboard member Davis Hi selectboard member dykens hi selectboard member shell hi and selectboard member met says I good luck with the rib cutting thank you item D disclosure of appearance of conlict of Interest request for exemption determination uh we are solely acting on Barry Greco uh shelfish advisory committee this evening uh is Mr Greco online Barry are you online I don't see he is not in the audience um what is the board's I think uh the last uh meeting when Mr Basset couldn't attend we postponed the item um for consideration and I think in keeping with um you know what we did last week we probably should do the the same thing and reach out to Mr Greco to see if he's still interested in getting that determination or whether he has resolved this issue on his own for consistency I I agree um Dean I'm I'm supportive of that I would acknowledge that or remind us that the upcoming um matter that the committee is the shelfish advisory committee is going to take up is at their April 24th meeting so we'd be meeting next week uh two days before correct so there there is still time there is and the the second point I would want to make and I don't want to go into an about valuation of his particular application but we did get a second opinion from Mr Costello which has been made available to the board and um I requested today that it be posted and made public and I'm fine with that which which which deals with what the town could do to provide some albeit I think very limited measure of protection under the conflict of interest laws um pursuing to an exemption that's allowable under the um under the um um State ethics commission's regulations and we might want to consider advancing that for a town consideration at some point or in the form of a an order adopted by the the select board but I just throw that out because I think we're likely to be discussing that I know I would want to discuss that when we take up this application agreed I I I mean basically this is not just one individual we have a lot of we have much broader discussion to to have so um we will reach out to Barry and find out if he's available for next uh Tuesday I guess all right item e status update for 90 Bridge Street Greg bman director of Natural Resources if you would give me just one second while I load up the PowerPoint there we go so this will be a a follow-up conversation uh from our our meeting earlier this month taking a trip down memory lane if you will along 90 Bridge Street so I went back from 2016 reviewing various minutes from our committees and select board this was the uh first image that I was able to find in 2017 this was called a conceptual plan you can see that the um I I believe it was called a commercial Dock at the time down in that lower leftand area uh was approximately 60 ft long that was a concrete drivable area that you know fully serviced commercial uh perhaps some recreational but primarily designed as a commercial dock the building that was going to house the upweller um is kind of parallel with Bridge Street there and that was done in intentionally enabl to provide easier access to the commercial Dock and navigation within the area between uh those two structures along the shoreline so uh on November 21st 2017 the select board remanded uh this plan kind of back to the drawing board and in 2017 uh this was termed a consensus plan consistent with the master plan uh this is the one that was endorsed uh by the select board in 2019 and I'm happy to go back and forth between the images if it helps but basically the the up wher building is now more perpendicular as we're not taking into account as much commercial traffic in between the structures and also that 60 foot long uh commercial structure is now a much more modest 12T extension and then a gangway and Float system that's really designed for recreational and commercial use this could be used for stepping sailboat Mass short-term um you know uh dockage and U really this is activity that's already happening at oldmill Boatyard so hopefully this will allow some of that uh traffic over in this area and free up some space over on the other side of the harbor so this is the 2019 plan that was endorsed by the select board at the time here is the 2021 plan the 35% Design This is also back when the select board approved bringing the boat house um as the structure that would be used for the upweller so I I will go back and forth just a little bit and you know from cartoon to site plan there really hasn't been any alteration of footprint or overall design between that 2019 or 2021 plan our most recent plan is the 90% design and again this maintains the same footprint the same overall concept as the 2019 um I think one float was removed over by the upweller just for ease of access but there certainly hasn't been any you know creep of footprint or overall uh expansion of other uses um ever since that commercial activity got reduced in 201 2017 it wasn't added back in and then as part of the you know overall larger how costs change over time um this is similar to a presentation I gave to fincom uh but I just wanted to kind of Step through the various years since when this property was first really imagined so in the original Waterfront Bond 2,900,000 was you know designed in that Bond 490 Bridge Street um that did not account for the original acquisition price and feasibility study that was about a million dollars by itself so really when I provide these you know total toal cost numbers it includes that original property acquisition so when we talk about you know we it was going to be about 2 million it was still going to be about 3 million even back then um back during this phase and if you look at the design stage there really was no design at that point um we didn't have a bulkhead accounted for we really uh didn't have any peers and floats this may have just been using the land at the time so at 2018 was the conceptual design that you saw this is the one that was remanded and revised uh but at this point we do have a 10% contingency and the bulkhead somewhat accounted for as a ballpark of a million dollars added in there by 2019 we're at our consensus plan this is the plan that we've been using consistently since 2019 the price uh does change slightly over time as things get accounted for but also as out outside funds are accounted for so the overall price hasn't changed that much by 2021 this is our 35% design phase uh contingency has increased to 20% because uh even as we're designing it and we're more sure of what it's going to look like prices varied significantly so contingency had to go up to account for that additionally bulkhead prices went up and then that blue area over on the right side of the graph uh that's not saying that these weren't counted for but these are our best numbers for three discrete aspects of the overall project and I just put that on there as an example of how prices change between 2021 and 2024 it's not that you know we're designing a different type of up Willer Pier but the overall cost between those two design phases pretty much doubled at that point um the dredging is significantly more the flopsies are more um we have a slightly higher contingency but this is where these numbers came from it's not just our project projects all around the cape in Massachusetts have increased significantly during this time uh we do have examples Ted's been in touch with our Coastal resource director's been in touch with various folks around the region about the increasing prices uh we do have our Harbor Master and our Coastal resource D director here to provide background on either of those aspects and then the last slide here is um this is just updated uh from our April 2002 so moving forward I'm assuming the select board would like you know periodic updates of 90 bridge and these other Waterfront projects uh that are associated with the Waterfront Bond bill um we'll be talking about you know what's changed since last time you've seen the prices so we actually had a reduction in the overall construction cost from the estimated in the bulkhead and that updates our total cost and our total Town funds so it's you know our total cost is still the 11.1 million the town funds which are estimated to be 8.8 and as these change over time in as much as we get rfps coming in uh and we start awarding contracts these prices will get refined as we go along in addition to these quarterly or more often updates as desired uh we're going to start updating Our Town project web page um the last update was just over four years ago for the 90 Bridge Project and we will be updating those and others uh moving forward so obviously we don't want anyone surprised as the numbers change um but that's it for the presentation I'm available for questions and we do have our Coastal resources and Harbor Master available oh Greg thank you very much um and the answer to the periodical um updates would be yes please we would greatly appreciate that and so with a public so uh questions from the board Jeff thank you Corey and thank you Greg for that uh um that summary and and you you assuage my concerns that last time we discussed this I had concerns that we hadn't downsized the commercial aspects of the project and I know that that was an issue again I guess back in 17 and then we did remand the project back I do remember that now that that you pointed out and you know I think the design of the project is is really cool and I I think it's going to be a great project it is an expensive one um I just want to I want to point out that um we're getting support of about $2.3 million and and I would anticipate or suspect that or expect that we continue to pursue outside funding for this project because it is an extremely unique project this is this is supporting a a a neat economic development that we have in town our our our fishery our coh hug fishery and our hopefully at some point our scallop fishery oyer fishery so I I I think it's a really cool project um and one I think ultimately will be very proud of it's no surprise that these costs have gone up over the last seven years or so I mean we're seven years into this now if you start look at started in 17 so I mean you know it's a long time to be to be McKing about with a project but anyway I really do appreciate your approach I appreciate your you're pointing the the difference out to us and I like the way you account for it I like the way it's presented so I appreciate the work thanks TR uh thanks Greg because I was the other person was requesting the information I appreciate you clarifying all that for us and rest assured that we're very supportive of the project going forward um the upweller as as Jeff had said and that whole project is really unique I think there's a value here that's outstanding in the idea that we have an educational component it's going to provide propagation opportunities for our wild shell Fisheries which is we have the highest Landing wild shell fishery in the state of Massachusetts when when it comes to c-hawks so I think that that's a really standout um uh uh piece for us um I I'm really excited to see the project and appreciate the the time you spent on making the presentation for us Dean thank you Mr chairman thank you Greg um I was on the finance committee when this first when we first acquired the property and the emphasis of the finance committee and the select board at the time was that this would be a mixed use and and that drove the reduction in the commercial side as it's been suggested so I'm I'm very happy with the design that's uh underway and very supportive of the project I just really had one question because um the on the pr maybe you could go to the prior slide with the numbers so the total cost column down at the bottom 2024 11.14 um how does that relate if anything if if in any way to the $1.4 million Waterfront infrastructure bond issue is that can for the benefit of the public I think I have some idea of it but if you could elaborate on that it' be appreciative right exactly it is a very similar number and a portion of this money is planned to be used for the Waterfront Bond U but it is mostly coincidence those two numbers being the same um it's it's not this entire project that's being used for the new Waterfront fund um I have to pull up the exact number and I don't want to see the so but just just in generically in the fourth column Town funds some of those funds would come from the Waterfront Bond 88 yeah 88 I'm sorry the 2018 did you say the 88 8.8 million yeah I'm sorry so yes some of those will be coming from the existing Waterfront Bond and some would be coming from the new Waterfront Bond so the the the total of 88.8 million that that would come from both bonds to make up that 8.8 or is it coming from some other sources as well I know you have some outside funds which I assume are grants and wo it it is actually coming from a a variety of sources here so we've got our our bond our wolf uh some of our Coastal resource dredge money uh but predominantly the bond and the Wolf for uh Town funds can can we can we say how much is coming from the upcoming 11.4 million assuming town meeting passes that how much would be coming from that for this project that we know can we get that number we can I'm trying to remember off the top of my head I know there was one that was 2.6 but I think that may have been one phase of it um I think if we could if we could get that in advance of town meeting I think that would be helpful for the voters at town meeting because they and I've heard this some folks see the the number 11.4 and it's they sort of feel like it's a blank check but if they understand that some of that is coming toward this and some other project all the various other projects that that bond is meant to cover I think that would be a piece of information that would be very helpful to everyone yeah I'm happy to pull up the number and in the Waterfront Bond article there is a a spreadsheet okay that calls out 90 bridge in the exact amount that would be coming out at the new Bond thank you Mike uh yeah thanks I um I think this is a good project I I I I'm mostly influenced by my more experienced um colleagues to the right here but um and and it's a pretty is not the right word but I I think it will be a real Improvement of the look of that area as well um I guess the one question I would ask I'm I am generally a believer that investment in this kind of infrastructure almost by definition generates economic returns um and and I I believe that will be true here my question is whether you know or can imagine or maybe even have an idea of how we might be able to quantify uh what the potential economic returns of of this project uh might be it is possible it's going to be difficult I mean there there are some quantitative aspects a lot of it is going to be the qualitative quality of life access to water that's hard to put numbers on um there's certainly the aspect of if we don't do anything our existing upweller is not going to be sufficient and we can talk about the you know cost incurred versus uh that kind of savings uh we can maybe do a ratio of the commercial and recreational um but those are going to be very ballpark numbers yeah I'm not I'm not commissioning a project here I'm just suggesting that if we even as a kind of a broad brush uh Affair we we could give some sense of the magnitude of the potential magnitude of of quantitative benefit that this might generate that that might be helpful as well thank you thank you if I might Mr chair just please so you take the 88 of town funds invested you know say next year or whatever whenever the 88 and then you discount the the the the value of the future cash flows generated from the Cog industry and from the the uh oyster industry or whatever mostly the coog industry and then you get a present value of what the what the uh the overall the present value of the cash flows going forward are and then you get a return you can that would be that would be exactly the kind of thing that I think would be helpful yes okay but you also have to take into consideration the economic value of of the commercial activity other commercial activity and the recreational activity and where that's weighing in on it too because it's just not about the upweller right absolutely correct it's it's access to the to the water it's education it's a quality of life deal too but it it but the return is ultimately quantifiable it is on that and I would just kind of add on to that is I I don't want to Discount the value of the project just by only reporting on the most easily quantifiable value um the upoer is certainly going to show you know a return on investment over a period of time but there's going to be a lot of things that don't have that discrete number that's going to be as easy to get and the overall qualitative certainly has value for the town so we can start you know working up a uh how this is worth it kind of discussion if I might um just in terms of opportunities for future grants um I looked to Ted and Jill and you guys have done this a number of times and Jason um any any any thoughts about future opportunities with seport Etc any inkling what might be coming down the pike knowing that the state is not flushed as it was thanks knock on every door um I have spoken with the seport council representative and she suggested that we uh wait for the November I think is the date for you know a specific upweller uh return and repurposing Grant not that she's promising anything we can never you know assume that we would or won't but she said that would be the good timing for pursuing of a grant of that nature now there are other grant opportunities out there we have been somewhat diligent looking they always seem to be close but not good enough um there are still some more rocks to turn over and we will continue to do that yeah that sounds promising thanks Ted thanks good yeah and I also wanted to add um Ted and have done a really great job of presenting the economic story for 90 Bridge Street and other water water fund infrastructure project so that and Public Access and Accel accessibility is really important to the Economic Council and not to be lost because I believe there may be someone on board uh online rather um the historical component bringing back the boat house has really generated a lot of interest and satisfaction that we're actually potentially going to return the boat house to its home yeah understood too bad we can't put the 36500 to anyway no Never Say Never um well I I mean I've been very supportive of this project um this has been one of the projects that we've spent tremendous amount of time and effort in review and input on um and I think and I'm optimistically that the end result will be a very good benefit of the T for for the town so um I guess for for this perspective I would you know thank you for your efforts tonight I would definitely encourage periodic updates to the board and if any um information that was asked for tonight could be provided to the board before town meeting that would also be greatly appreciated so any final thoughts from the board all right well I thank you very much thank you all right we have one last item on our agenda tonight uh consider request for additional pay p marking and signage to facilitate mobile food vending town office parking lots good evening sha and acting tonight as the licensing agent for the board I'm here to request permission to add additional um pavement striping and signs to the town office parking lot to facilitate mobile food vending um as the board is is aware we've had one year in 2022 where we actually had two vendors pull permits to operate in the town office lot at the follow-up um meeting at the end of that season I think we conveyed to the difficulties that we had in saving those parking spaces if you will with the use of barricades or um traffic cones for the vendors who although permitted were not guaranteed to show up on any given day um so there was there was some challenge to that in Saving spaces when they did not show up and then not being being able to save spaces when they did show up so we had some challenges um in that aspect we we tried cones and barricades which were easy for us to move but were unfortunately also easy for members of the public and other vendors um in the area to move as well to Make spaces when a truck did not show so we're we're um had an internal discussion we were thinking that um some additional cross-hatching in um yellow would maybe help visually to set aside the four spaces that are needed and the addition of signs again um to again visually make it very clear that these spaces are reserved for permited vehicles only which would include Town um staff who have permits to park there when the trucks are not in in in in the lot um but would also make it clear that you need a permit to park there as the as a mobile food vendor so um one question we did have is the inclusion on the signs of a toezone language if we um want to at any time be able to hook a car out of there the language has to be on the signs to give the police the authority to do that we just didn't know if that's something that the board really wants the town to get into um they certainly the police could certainly try and track down the owners through registrations try and contact them that way rather than actually putting them on a hook and taking the car out but that's entirely up to the board's decision okay on that note my question is if someone does park in that spot you know would you know would we consider a ticket a fine ticket would be the first first line of defense if you will yep but we'd have to put proper signage to make sure that it's clear that that action could be taken upon that individual um correct I mean I'm I'm fine with with moving in this direction and giving it a try as long as we have some kind of mechanism or teeth that they something does it there's some kind of consequences you know just you know maybe subtle but um you know I guess I don't I don't approve taking action when the people know what they're going to do to me I mean there's no penalty for it like I want them to understand if they're if we're trying to deter someone from doing something there is a penalty of some sort and hopefully maybe they have to park there a couple times to and finally get the message but without a penalty um I don't want to take some Hollow action so those are just really my thoughts um Dean is it is it a $50 fine for your legal parking I believe the parking fines just went up to 100 so may would that be on the sign yes okay thanks additional thoughts for the board um I'm fine with going with the Del the delineated areas with the with the um parking um fee fine versus the towway for now but I honestly if that doesn't work then you know we need to either look at whether number one mobile vending is working and Downtown parking lots are number two if um if we need to take more stricture action to support that and and that is something that the um staff did discuss whether or not at what point do we come back to you and say you know what this lot just it's just too difficult to manage but we want to give it since we've only had one season um we do have one vendor who has pulled the permit for um primarily the town office Lot 4 to 5:00 p.m. starting start time and being at Hardings Beach during the day um so hopefully maybe just with that timing alone as staff is leaving those spaces could be reserved for a shorter amount of time mik um I'm trying to understand first of all are these spaces ever available to the public right now these spaces are striped for or town employee parking only okay so so they're they're available in nonone the same way as the the spaces out directly in front of or next to that's that is how they're striped and signed yes and is it logistically too difficult to or or just too complicated to somehow insist that the vendor if they're not going to show up either come and remove the cones or or or or or or call and let us know that they're not going to be there and then how does that relate with the signage which presumably has hours on it that says you can't park here sure the the last update that the board made to the regulations did include a clause that say they have to notify us if they're not going to show up um so that and and the vendor for this year is a local entity so um we have a very good relationship okay okay okay I thank you thanks okay um Dean where are these particular for spaces they are on the back side of the parking lot to the left of the real estate office okay and the Transformer behind the Transformer on that that STP there thank you okay if anyone doesn't have any more questions I'll entertain a motion any Dean I think Mike was going no go ahead no okay I move the board approve additional pavement markings and installation of parking by permit only signs to delineate four spaces for mobile vendor parking in the town office lot right do I hear a second uh are we adding in the parking did you add in the parking fee to add um I I that that fee for ticket for paring violations only I I'll insert including the um parking fine fine right second second further discussion all those in favor select board member necastro I select board member Davis I select board member dykens I select board member shell I and select board member met says I uh one last motion of the evening please motion to adjourn second that was super quick all those in favor select board member nicastro hi select board member Davis Hi select board member D hiboard member shell hi and selectboard member met says I good night [Music] [Music] everyone for