e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone welcome to the April 30th 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly here or after for SCH scheduled and onevent viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair saying none pursuant to Governor hes March 29 20123 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 3A subsection 20 until March 31st 2025 this meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the the proceeding as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to the meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 158 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound or join the meeting online via micro Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and Sim cast on Channel TV which is now expended Channel 8 and 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide real time access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible um we have a kind of a joint meeting with the affordable housing trust tonight so I'm going to do a start with a roll call of the select board um M select board member Davis I believe is online Shireen not yet okay uh okay select board member necastro present select board member dyens present board member shell present and select board member Mets president I'm going to turn it over to the affordable housing trust cheriff to do a roll call for the trust board so uh yeah I want to do a roll call um trusty shell is present truste mclen present truste oppenheim here and truste schneberger present and truste Avery here we have a core wonderful thank you very much all right first item on our agenda is an executive session um would someone uh like to make a motion h Mr chairman I I moved to uh go into an executive session according to Mass General Law chapter 3A section 21A number 6 and number 7 to consider the exchange lease and or value of real property located at zero Meeting House Road South chadam and 01 1533 Main Street West chadam in relation to the disposition of set properties for the creation of affordable SL attainable housing and to review the contents of proposals submitted therefore in compliance with the confidentiality requirement of General Law chapter 30b section 6D and the chairs declare that any open meeting that an open meeting excuse me may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body with a return to open session thank you very much do I hear a second I'll second it thank you very much I'll do a roll call the select board uh selectboard member Davis are you online yet not yet all right selectboard member necastro hi selectboard member dyin hi selectboard member shell hi and selectboard member met says I I will do turn it over to the chair of the trust for their roll call and for uh this the affordable housing trust I'll accept the motion to go into executive session uh I I move that we go into executive session uh according Massachusetts General law 30A section 21 number six number seven to consider the exchange lease or value of real property located at zero Meetinghouse Road in South chadam and 0533 Main Street West chadam in relation to the disposition of said properties for the creation of affordable SL attainable housing and to review the contents of proposal submitted therefore in compliance with the confidentiality agreement of General Law chapter 30b section 6D with no return to open session uh second second um truste shell says yes trustee mlen yes truste uh oppenheim yes trustee schneberger yes and trustee Avery yes thank you Mr chairman thank you and we will now go into executive session we should be back in about an hour e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh welcome back everyone it is 557 we have uh finished our first executive session of the evening and and we are moving on to our on regular agenda so approval of minutes for April 16th 2024 so moved Sarah second second missions Corrections no okay all those in favor select word member shell hi s member met says I SEL member dyens i s member necastro I all right public announcements and agenda item request is there anyone in the live audience with a public announcements or agenda item requests no is is there anyone in the audience with a public announcement or agenda item request name no hands I don't no okay all right uh we have kind of a special item this evening uh appointment of special substitute Town Council for the annual town meeting uh as our current or Our Town Council Pat costell is not available for this uh May's annual town meeting um I will turn it over to our town manager for presentation thank you Mr chair I was just trying to see if um Mina had logged in yet I know he has a town meeting tonight at 7 pm um I'll keep my eye out for him anyway but nonetheless um as you had mentioned Town Council uh Castello has two U remaining Municipal clients and one of them is the town of Foxboro and he felt uh because the town meeting is the same night and it just happened to be um on the same night for this scheduled town meeting that he has an obligation to um assist Foxboro so he and I discussed about what we thought that we might need for town meeting as it relates to a legal opinion or legal assistance and um what we did come back at is we thought that if there was a question there might be something related to the chapter 100 bylaw um I talked to the town moderator he really hasn't heard anything that he would expect but you know anything's possible at town meeting and so in looking at the special counsel for the airport commission um attorney and I I know I'm going to spell say his name wrong um Macar um has um other towns where he's Town Council in addition to special counsel for the airport commission and he already has a relationship with the town and so my suggestion was to appoint him as substitute special counsel and that Town Council Pat Castello would work with him to make sure that as a parents that he's completely up to date on everything and is able to provide an opinion if there is something needed so prep work before town meeting and I feel very comfortable uh with attorney Mina as well all right questions for the board mik oh no no I I don't have a qu I have I have had some I my comment is I have had limited um engagement with um I refer to him as Mina but it's macaros I think uh I I've been impressed so I I would I'm strongly supportive Dean yeah Mr chairman just looking at his background here I mean he's count he's not just an airport or an aviation attorney his background is in in Municipal law he's he's counil to two very significant communities in the Commonwealth conquered in Lexington uh so he's got the background for it and because we do have a couple of articles on the warrant that this board has placed and recommended related to the aort I think that background would be particularly helpful as well and so it'd be great when he comes on we could meet him I think we did meet him once once uh and we did interview the firm and we appointed that firm as as Council for the um airport commission so I I'm I'm in the same place that M Mr uh shell is and with all that being said as am I looks like you looks like to be a very good fit even though he went to Harvard Law School and Harvard undergrad but I don't think he didn't do very well there either I wish he' go back back and you know get sumacum L instead of just Magna anyway I'm very much in favor he's going to love you when he you meet him um no I'm comfortable I mean I I I know we've kind of narrowed down the topics at the anal toown meeting that we are most concerned about with potential legal opinions um so I think under the circumstances I think this is a a qualified individual um so I I have no objection so I'll entertain a motion yeah I I I I move that uh we appoint attorney Mina macarius um as substitute Town Council for the 2024 annual town meeting second second further discussion all those in favor select word member shell I select word member matters says I member dykens does I as well select member the Castro hi all right thank you all right so we have three public hearings tonight uh first is utility hearing install 1 to3 in conduit 45 ft plus or minus from proposed handhold 522 ha under Phoebe Lane to customer handheld handhold 522b this is a NSTAR Electric cup so I'll ask the clerk to read the public notice please thank you Mr chairman chadam selectboard will hold a public hearing at 530 p.m. on Tuesday April 30th 2023 to consider a petition from NSTAR Electric Company doing business as eversource energy to install 1 to 3 inch conduit 45 ft plus or minus from proposed land from proposed handhold 522 ha under Phoebe Lane to customer handhold 522b the public is welcome to attend the meeting in person or participate via a link in the meeting's posted agenda all interested parties are certainly encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you very much um who is is there anyone online representing the utilities or we got no I see a g for guest but I don't think that's our regular person okay um Mr chairman I guess we could ask the DPW director if he has any concerns about this and since the applicant doesn't appear to be here it looks in to be in order to me it's looks standard protocol but yeah good evening uh Rob failey DPW director I have no concerns with this application from NSTAR Electric okay um is there anyone in the audience tonight with a question or comment uh is there anyone online with a question or comment this is a public hearing all right I'll return to the board would anyone entertain a motion we approval second second further discussion all those in favor select word member shell select member matter says I leopard member d i leopard member necastro I all right second uh public hearing I will ask the clerk to read the second public hearing thank you Mr chairman the chadam select board we hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m on Tuesday April 30th 2024 to consider a petition from Verizon New England in an NSTAR Electric Company doing business as eversource energy to place two new jointly owned polls 9-4 and 90-96 and one poll 9014 PB on Morton Road in chattam Mass the public is welcome to attend the meeting in person or participate via a link in the meeting's posted agenda all interested parties are certainly encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you very much um is there anyone online representing the utilities nope uh again Rob do you have any concerns or comments on this um I have I have no concerns Okay so move approval second second uh uh right anyone from the public in house is there anyone online with a question or comment I'll take that as a no so we return we had a motion we have a second second all right further discussion all those in favor select board member shell I select board member met says I selectboard member Dy hi and select to Castro hi and we have our third and last public hearing notice please thank you Mr chairman the chadam select board acting as water and sewer Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 30th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the town hall Annex meeting room 261 George Ryder road to consider a request for increased sewer flow for a non single family residential property of 3,439 gallons per day to accommodate a new 110 seat restaurant located at 859 Main Street operated by 859 Main Street LLC to doing business as chadam Greens in Ro TI all interested parties are encouraged to attend sign the select board thank you very much good evening Mr Riley Mr Clark uh good evening Bill Riley on behalf of the applicant Dave Clark is the engineer who did the design the uh we think this is going to be a huge Improvement for the town uh considering the way cumon left it the uh we've been to the historic business district Commission they've approved the exterior changes to the building we went to the planning board where thanks to Dave's help uh they approve the parking lot design and the traffic flow in the drainage and uh so what we need now is sewage flow so we can run the restaurant and the sewer the water and sewer advisory committee were kind enough to review the plan and make a positive recommendation so we hope you will accept it thank you all right thank you um is there anyone in the audience in house tonight for the question is there anyone online with a question or comments we do have one hand up uh there's a g guest oh yes okay please go ahead sorry I didn't put my full name um these are more procedural questions I'm not sure I guess J Georgio isn't there um in in the document in the letter it said that Cumberland Farms had never been connected to the Sewer they own the property from 87 to 2021 these are more procedural questions um I thought you know all the notices went out to Main Street from the wastewater treatment facility up to downtown in beginning in 20134 so I guess you know I'm I'm just wondering I think there's a bigger issue why it was Cumberland Farms never connected to the Sewer and then I thought when you sell a property uh that contingent on the sale if it hadn't been connected it would be and it wasn't in 2021 so I'm concerned more about how many more properties are there like that that were never given orders to connect and where was the failure in terms of ordering them to do so um I obviously it's not going to affect this property because you know it is what it is but um I think that's something uh the commissioner should look into as to how many properties have not been connected because that's the whole point is to get them online um to reduce nitrogen thank you thank you we'll take note of that I appreciate the input um anyone else online with a question or comment on this public hearing seeing none I'll bring it over to the board questions or comments from the board I just have a question couple of questions when are you planning to open yes as soon as possible you know this is uh you unfortunately you know the we submitted the application quite a while ago but uh we didn't really push it and uh is this the last approval that you need or you going this the last approval will they be coming in for an alcohol license at some point yes okay okay I'm just curious this this is sort of off to the side but I didn't follow the hbdc preceding what what I know there was some discussion of the roof what did they just ultimately uh go along with if you recall I don't think there's any change on the roof okay all right thank you because I mean it's a it's a trust roof right most likely yeah yeah so they just know maybe it needs to be reshingled but there was no uh no change to the shape of the building okay thank you so I have some questions but they're not necessarily in the pvy with the water sewer commissioner parking seating outside and all anyway um so this is the planning board signed off on the seating arrangements and and parking Etc well they don't sign off on the seating arrangement yeah but yeah on the parking yeah I know no the the planning boards perview is uh site the site the site TI plan approval so it has to do with providing adequate parking Dave did the parking calculation uh planning board accepted it the uh they were also concerned about traffic flow uh and so we changed one access point to exit only uh that's the one closest to the traffic light and I think we made it right turn only is that right yes yeah right turn only uh so the access closest to snow Lane is going to be two-way in Ingress and egress and people leaving would be able to par turn in either direction so we spent quite a bit of time dealing with that and then Dave reported that mass do did uh preliminary plan showing uh Bas sidewalk along the whole Frontage so um there'll be a new five four foot five foot wide sidewalk um the entire Frontage of this property the snow Lane well certainly it's going to be an improvement over what's there now and the town can always use restaurants so I'm certainly in favor of of approval thanks Mike any questions no thank you I just y I have a follow-up question the the proposed floor plans which show the outdoor seating was that the same plan that was submitted to the water and sore supervisory committee yes okay thank you all right there's no more questions chairman I move to support the request of 859 Main Street LLC chadam greens and rotis 859 Main Street for an increase in sewer flow of 4ou 3,439 gallons per day we here a second further okay further discussion all those in favor SL board member shell I SL board member met say I select board member Dy hi and select board member necastro hi right we we thought you might want to round up the 50 instead of 49 but we'll live with the 49 thank you thank you okay uh public comments on our business agenda our business agenda consist of two items tonight consider appointment reappointment interview process for 2024 and the town manager monthly report for the month of March 2024 so is there any public comment on our business agenda tonight anyone online I see no hands all right moving right along business agenda a consider appointment reappointment interview process for the uh year 2024 so we have a fair amount of potential interviews yes um so as presented um it's we're coming up on June 30th and it's time for the board to kind of go through the list of reappointments um as of today all of the um regulatory boards board members uh committee members and commission members who are up for reappointment have been sent letters I have been hearing back from some of them stating their interests to be reappointed um as well as the summer residence advisory committee they got bumped up only because they're having their first meeting on May 2 and because they tend to have a shorter period of time where they work I figured get their letters out as well um the remaining advisory committees commissions and boards are getting their letters throughout this week to again let me know their interest um I believe I noted there were 26 individuals on regulatory uh boards commissions and committees and 42 on advisory uh committees commissions and boards for the to to be considered for reappointment um that is is pending any anybody in the bank um for any of these boards that might want to you know we do keep when people apply if the boards are full we do keep their record um on file should in a vacancy open up and we try to bring them before the board as well so that number I haven't quite established it I wanted to see first who was interested before going through and presenting the board with that full number but pending the board's Direction and what you wish to do in terms of um reappoint appointments this was the process that was presented to you last year so if you would like to do the same process if you'd like to change it I'm open to your recommendations and Direction all right thank you very much any input from the board uh Mike yeah I I'm generally fine with the you know same thing we did last year I I'd like to I am inclined and I would invite uh my colleagues to comment on um a suggestion that we ask any um incumbent members of the um Economic Development Committee to come in for an interview notwithstanding whether they're up for um reappointment or not um just because this is a we're we're trying to re um sort of repopulate and and renovate that board and I I think it would be good if we had a conversation with everybody who's an incumbent with the EDC emails did go out to all members as the requested after that presentation from uh Mr Bates I have heard back from two of the members of the EDC to date I have not heard back from the others um director dunov Katie dunan who is the staff Le aison was included in those emails so she's aware that they've all been contacted but um like I said I've only heard from two to date of the ones that are appointed currently all right thank you thank you actually I was going to bring the EDC up uh there were two committees that that kind of jumped into my mind of that we're trying to kind of kind of rorate kind of restructure we're kind of just going to work with them EDC being one of them and then at Le Cove is another group that we're seem to be trying to jump start again so I didn't know if we should conclude them in that in that review uh just from from a consistency point of view uh if there's any boards that I'm missing um I would like to you know that we think we're restarting I would like to consider them so we're consistent with our with our practice so um sounds good yeah I think those are the two yeah those there's only two that jumped to mine but nope sounds good all right I was just going to say I'm comfortable with the process we've had um uh Kathy did ask in the last bullet about preference for a fixed schedule of interviews and whether we want them um I guess um preceding our regular board meetings that's all right if you have one or two but when you get three or four then it's we have to come here at 4:00 I think we could sne a couple in before if we had you know smaller groupings should maybe I think we us should pick like Thursday night or something I was going to suggest that Cory if we have we get backed up and we have a whole bunch about the only night I'm available to be honest with you Wednesday th Wednesday sometimes and Thursday so maybe we've done Thursday in the past so I'm I'm fine with Thursday yeah I'm fine with Thursday too that really that works okay any particular start time preference for the Thursdays mean 5:30 okay or I mean you know 9 10 yeah yeah I know just kidding all right so um no I think we're good thank you you're welcome and town manager's report for the month of March 2024 thank you Mr chair so as I usually do I provide the employees years of service anniversary and this month we're presenting May um you'll see that um from Dave ready our fire captain at 34 years um down to skip Woods James skip Woods is our moring manager to one year um a lot of longevity and just a lot of great service by so many of our employees and so this notification for anniversary dates also goes out to employees I think Kathy has it scheduled like the first Monday of the month so that we can recognize the employees all month long and then I also um have provided an update on the assistant Treasurer collector Leanne gay she has started and is doing a great job uh the memo in here I'm sorry the content in here mirrors the memo that the select board and um chatam everyone which is all of our town employees get as as an introduction and we also recently hired uh DPW parks and grounds Labor uh Donald Richardson he's really a great ad he has a great mechanic background too so uh that was one of our goals to try to get someone with that skill set and then um you're going to see a few more announcements for uh hires Megan and Lisa in our HR division are doing a great job just um pushing them out so we will have our adult social worker condition Diane Nash she's going to be starting on May 5th and then others will be starting soon and then there's a couple of promotions that we'll announce for current employees moving to um a higher level position and then uh working just annual town meeting is around the corner as you know it's um on Monday May 13th at 6 PM we do have a couple of corrected motions that we'll provide to the select board members who will read it and we'll also have those notations up on the screen at town meeting um one of them we saw the prior year bills um had an carryover from an old fiscal year not a carryover but the the notation was I think fiscal year 22 and 23 so we'll have that updated as the same amounts but for FY 24 and 2 and I believe that we're still working um on the article motion for the CPC appointment uh the process CPC chair Community preservation commission chair committee chair had noticed that there was one line that was included in the publish warrant that he didn't think that the board had actually accepted at that meeting so um we're still working through that and then we'll we we presume he's right so we'll be uh providing a corrected yeah we'll be providing a corrected motion um and then other than that um just doing a great job with our chatam TV Productions uh I think the next one coming up is behind the scenes with our conservation agent um so always fascinating and um and then moving through the monthly report for March a lot of really great information um more of a narrative and story for some of them if you noticed and just great data so I'm happy to answer any questions thank you questions for the board just just just a couple comments I really enjoyed the park and wreck summary this time around I'm amazed at the participation in our winter programming the pickle ball is just out of control and I just had a followup question um do we have we have plans for new pickle ball courts are we redoing courts Here There and Everywhere or I just we do and and so um six courts that uh I the final layer of the Court material was just done this week so there's been some social media push we'll have it in the main sheet so that's really great news and then also the volunteer Park replacement um uh playground equipment uh they're they still have to pour it in place and so they're they're getting that installed so I think in a next couple of weeks it's just going to be really exciting for us we'll have pickle ball Courts open we'll have the playground at volunteer Park we'll probably do a ribbon cutting for the El garage parking lot so a lot of good things finally coming to fruition yeah you stole my thunder on the volunteer park playground looks great Jill really does looks great really cool so park and Rick good job keep it up good good thank you all right executive session for the last item of our agenda um I'll will entertain a motion I'll offer the motion Mr chairman I move that the select board go into executive session under Massachusetts general laws chapter 30A section 21A parenthesis number three to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body and the chair so declares with no return to open session collective bargaining tentative agreements a chatam permanent firefighters International Association of firefighters local 2712 B chadam sergeants and police officers Mass Coalition of police officers and parenthesis mop local 294 thank you very much second second all those in favor select bir member shell I select member met says I select member dyens I and select select board member necastro I all right [Music] [Music]