e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] good evening chadam this is the June 18 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing none I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adopted during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1508 945 4410 conference ID 2 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via micros oft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chatam TV Xfinity channel 1072 despite our best efforts we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible uh and I'll begin with a roll call to establish our Quorum select board member Mets pres select board member M dykens select board member Davis present select board member nastro present and select board member shell is present this evening we have two sets of minutes June 4 and June 5 uh for approval we have public announcements and agenda requests we have um a public hearing on uh the amendment a proposed amendment to the town of chadam local alcoholic beverages licensing regulations section six uh which is the application procedure um we have a report on chadam Wells posos and drinking water testing and pumping update as of May 2024 from the director Public Works Mr failey uh we have then next uh public comment on the business agenda and then finally we have a long business agenda which consists of a number of applications for use of town property um granting of one-day alcohol permits granting of one-day entertainment licenses um and uh let's see if there's anything else here that doesn't fit under the that description uh yes an application for a new common victualer I pronounce it vidler a license uh for pavon uh and an award of bond anticipation note uh with Carrie uh masero as the Director of Finance uh we have a report regarding construction on Morris Island from the director of Natural Resources Mr Burman and finally we have two committee appointments so with that I will open the meeting for with comments on the uh minutes of June 4 if any or a mo Mr chair I like to approve approval a minutes for June 4th 2024 second any comments yes uh yes sir yeah bottom of uh top of Page Three it's just my version here during the public hearing uh last sentence one element of the managerial position is hours spent on site in the availability of the pro to the position what are her hours that was the case for the past few years regardless of being on the and the just dangling there's nothing there so just you got to fill in whatever was there that's my only comment on the minute okay anybody else uh we will move for approval M uh Mr Mets hi Mr dykens M Davis Hi Mr necastro and Mr Shel say I those minutes are approved next the minutes of June 5 move the minutes second any comments on uh Mr uh matters uh abstain I was absent um Mr dykin hi Miss Davis hi uh Mr necastro abstain and Mr Shell says I the minutes are approved uh next we have um public announcements and agenda requests any from the board okay any from the public in in in the uh room here I don't see any do we have any on online no no hands are up okay moving right along we have a public hearing I will pass it to the clerk to read the notice thank you Mr chair town of chadam Select board public hearing notice notice is hereby given that this chadam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday June 18 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 George Rider Road and remotely through the link in the posted agenda to consider changes to the town of Chatham's local alcohol beverages licensing regulations Section 6 application procedure amendments to existing licenses to codify local requirements for extensions of existing licensed premises to outdoor areas due to the change in the Massachusetts General law all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board hi please shaa shaa the licensing agent for the board um with the governor's um passage of um an act for supplemental Appropriations for 2024 um excuse me on April 30th 2024 there were certain changes made to chapter 138 which regulates liquor licenses on premise liquor licenses for restaurants ins Etc which removed the requirement for the approval at the state level for an extension of an existing license to an outdoor area so um with that removal of the state's approval it also removed any requirement for a public hearing or notice to a Butters and just being very aware of the sensitivity in town to that type of um change to a license premise I wanted to suggest to the board that you incorporate into your local regulations the requirements for public hearings and for notification to abutters for those types of applications um all of the the notice and um the suggested changes were provided to all the lenses uh through an email on May 24th as required by the regulations so primarily on um the changes are on on page 13 of the regulations but I did want to note that there were some minor formatting changes on page 12 that was just due to spacing that we wanted to take care of at the same time so I'll open it to the public for comment I just want to U inquire however am I correct to understand that the only um subject for discussion this evening pursuant to the notice is this proposed new language that you've uh included marked in the in the regulation correct for this particular hearing it is just this section and in this amendment any further amendments that the board may want to consider would have to be taken up in a separate um hearing thank you um I'll entertain comments from the public or questions Mr oppenheim um David oppenheim AB run um my comment is I think this is a good step was obviously with some of the things that expansions have got on there's been um let's just say some people are unhappy they weren't noticed uh and I think in some things you had to notice the Butters and some things you didn't have to notice the butters um my comment on this is I I think this is start but I don't think it's enough I think it should be um people within 300 similar to board of appeals or planning board notice I don't think it's just should be just a Butters it should be uh within 300 ft um and the reason I say that is and and I don't want to pick on anyone CU I'm not here to object to anything that's been done in particular um if you look at something certain restaurant like well I'll use the Squire I don't mean to pick on them but for example they don't AB but um the Mayflower comp Lex they don't AB but striper Lane they don't AB but um mil Pond Lane which is where a lot of the residences are that are affected by things like this and they may have commentary I don't think they are but um can place most of the houses on can place so I think by expanding it to something similar to I mean if you have to move a generator 2 feet from what's allowed and go to the board of appeals to do it you have to notif people that are 300 feet away even though they won't be able to hear the generator um and so I think that it would make more sense if you're going to put a uh an amendment in like this to expand it to the point so that that all the people that are actually affected by the changes that could occur are properly noticed and that's my suggestion thank you um go um as I understand the zoning the zoning Rule and I think it's in State Statute is a butters on a Butters within 300 feet is that what you're talking about I I I honestly don't know if it's a Butters to Butters it's it's usually I I use it but you're talking about this whatever something similar to that okay and I think that would be appropriate notice for the people that would be affected thank you thank you any other comments from the public uh anybody online no uh comments from the board oh I'm sorry do we have somebody online now yeah sorry Mike this Joe Ryan okay Mr Ryan um I would just like to sort Mr in that it's not just directly directly Butters but uh the noise envelope from uh the spire and applier does extend well into the neighborhoods that he just mentioned and uh I know that those folks uh you know felt left out of the um the process before and uh really would an opportunity have the voice heard to those OP yeah I I I think we got most of what you were saying Mr Ryan but you kind of broke up a little bit there that's all okay thank you I'm sorry yeah I I just seconding seconding Mr oppenheim that the that the N that are within a noise envelope of 250 or 300 notified as well thank you any Dean yeah I'm I'm fully supportive of that and we could have gone another way but I like this one better um isn't there like a 200 foot rule that we use for and under the licensing regulations for for entertainment licenses we've been using 250 ft okay but I I'm perfectly comfortable with um the rule that applies in the case of zoning uh the zba as Mr oppenheim proposed whatever it is I think it's about around about within 300 feet or it's straight 300 feet whatever it is Je uh Jeff yeah I'm fully supportive as well is seven days the normal notice is that the normal notice um this this is actually we've been doing two weeks under the state law I would I would like two weeks I'd like days honest agree with that that's why I would make that that change and I'm in agreement with 300 ft if that works but zba it's reasonable it's fair go ahead Cory no I just want to make sure we have a policy put in place that is clear to anyone that would be potentially surrounding a project you know impacted positively negatively and also something that is clear for any applicant coming in what the expectation is so um being consistent with the zoning board of appeals criteria Dimensions don't have a problem with that at all as long as we have it crystal clear that both parties know what they're expected going forward with any request I'm fine with I I I just we've had a couple of comments here about the consistent with the the zoning board of appeals I I I gather that your entertainment license notice is is is that just 250 feet or is 250 fet in all directions and it doesn't matter whether it's a butter on a butter or not and I I given that the concern here is noise I I I don't I have no idea whether the ab butter on abutter from the zoning board of appeals would be restrictive so somebody wouldn't get notice to my mind I think maximizing the notice is highly desirable here in view of the the uh experience that we've had and and um is responsive to the community and and I don't know that there's any partic other than consistency which in this case may or may not be something that we necessarily want to have um guide the the ultimate answer I I don't know how you feel about that I might suggest 300 um prop to Property Owners within 300 ft of the I do remove the but and and 14 days notice 14 days notice okay I'm supportive yes uh and the the only other thing I'll mention here I I'm fine and we we can't do anything about it now I I note that the the the new license provision is is limited to a Butters uh we can leave that for another day perhaps but I just note that for the record that that is still under state law yes oh it is still under state law but we would we we have the ability to expand that if we like if you wanted to adopt more stringent regulations within the local regs you certainly have that option okay okay okay uh we need do we I I'm not sure when you do this indult but I think I was going to ask you I I I think well apart from the closing of the hearing do we want to adopt they want a motion to approve these changes and or do we can we do it I certainly bring the the amended language back to you if that would make you more comfortable perfect okay soon I okay I mean that that then fine we we'll we'll you'll bring it back and we'll um continue the hearing to do we need to do that in the hearing too we do need to it's a continuation of this hearing so we need to continue the hearing we don't have to advertise have to post yeah that's right don't have to re adver just quick question I was I my my planning board day requirements and this so for this continuation do we have to have a date specific certain would be yes okay that that was my question so and we can always continue it from there but we just have to establish a date July 9th nice so moved we can't be ready by June 25th um it's my understanding was the board did not want additional items on that all right fine it would be really fast it would be really fast I I I appreciate that but uh sh won't be here we'll we'll we'll we'll do it uh we'll do it the ninth that's fine so we do need a motion for that though I think to continue move to continue to Janine move to continue the hearing to jany Second uh all those in favor Mr Mets hi Mr dians Miss Davis Hi Mr necastro and Mr Shell says I thank you very much uh okay next case now I misplace my uh Rob sorry thank you Mr chair Rob phy director of Public Works so here to give you a brief update on the water supply uh for the month of May um big news uh this month Water and Sewer maintenance and operations contract so uh Weston and Samson has served us well for at least the past 10 years uh we went on rfps we had three well-qualified proposals and the town has decided to contract with violia um once they're on board starting July 1 we'll anticipate them attending a select board meeting to give you folks a rundown um of their operations and the opportunity to answer any questions are there any questions um actually I do Rob can you just note about the transition of staff to the new company as well sure absolutely so um violi has been in negotiation with all of Weston and Samson staff that currently serve the town and um all if not all most will transition to violia they're still in some of the final negotiation stages so we will have that historical knowledge going forward people that are familiar with our systems um Folia really impressed us with their training programs their internships um they're addressing a lot of the staffing issues that we've struggled with in the past um they have a presence on the Cape already and so they have a they're a n international company so they have a lot of resources at their disposal to help us you know tackle some of the obstacles that we uh that we Face frequently um Shireen that was the question where you know what kind of company were they so they're an international company they're huge yeah they're very large and okay and what town are they with on the cape uh they have Orleans they have hyanis um I'm not sure if there are others but they have a a good presence and off Cape too they have very solid presence within Massachusetts but off Cape thanks I'm sorry where are the headquartered or do they have do they have a they have a Massachusetts headquarters but that's not their no I know where is the Massachusetts um up in the Boston area uh yeah it's outside of Boston okay thank you thank you so did Weston and Samson um did they participate in the request for proposals they did so Weston and Samson violia and infomark were the three proposals we received and and it was after the selection was made that the negotiation went on to move employees over correct we gave a notice to award to violia and that's when they started the negotiation process we gave them the clear and Weston and Samson actually gave them the clear to negotiate with their own employees okay so I just Googled them they're they're a French transnational company but they do have a Boston based um headquarters for USA okay okay thank you I'll continue uh so training field Wells 5 and8 um a temporary treatment well five at Sim production for the summer uh the permanent treatment facility um we held our preconstruction meeting with the general contractor um they expect to begin site work tomorrow so um things are moving along nicely again just as a reminder the uh the projected cost for the iron and magines and P fos filtration treatment plan is $15.8 million uh scheduled to be completed within two years um quick what what's what is a vfd um it's a variable filter device so so um Wells 10 and 11 so they are they are new we're seeing some Growing Pains um the motor on pump the pump on well 11 blue we don't know at this time if it's a warranty issue or if it's something related to a a vfd which is a variable filter device it really makes the pumps start at a much slower uh RPM and then it and it ramps them up to a to much higher um a working speed so we didn't have vfds at this point so we don't know if the if it's a vfd issue or if it's a pump issue so we are installing vfds both Wells 10 and 11 we're replacing the pump at well 11 and we will see if it's a warranty issue once they get it back to the shop they'll take it apart and see if it's a warranty issue either way we have to get the those Wells up and running for summer so uh the well pump on well 11 is anticipated to be replaced tomorrow and we're still working on the schedule for the vfds but I don't think that'll take more than a week to get those in there is a cost Associated each one is approximately $10,000 for both the well pump and the vfd installation okay sounds like a warranty issue to me we will do everything we can to support bet you will okay thank you um and for the month of May Wells have been running 4 to 12 hours a day May did not hit lowlevel alarm yet and as far as water sampling uh bacteria samples are all coming back uh bacteria free um we collected lead and copper samples for schools and daycare facilities and posos samples taken recently for Wells four and five were both non-detect and the annual seasonal flushing for the distribution system is complete as of now so I'll turn your atten of the screen um you see month of May 2023 versus 2024 we're much lower than we were last year I think a lot of that may have to do with the weather that we had in May there it was cooler and there were rainy weekends and a lot a lot of people I think weren't visiting so um so that's good you know it's not not maybe good for business but it's good for our water supply so we're down about 25% in May uh if we look at the the comparison um May 2023 is in blue May 2024 is in Orange and you just see the daily rate is uh is much lower again same thing on the bar chart below that it just shows uh where we are and how many millions of gallons we're pumping every day on the May 2024 pumping report uh select board chair shell we um identified that column um it was it was a 7day revolving number we didn't really think there was a lot of value placed on that so we just eliminated it to make the CH the table a little bit easier to read so just to confirm the the the column now adds up to what's at the bottom is that correct that's correct thank you thank you for pointing that out yeah um you could see here too on uh on Wells 10 and 11 where uh well 11 was pumping and then towards the end of the month that's when we started having issues and and then the and then the pump uh motor blue and the pumping graph below is just a kind of a graphical depiction of the same information and this is just a chart showing uh pumpage per well per month you see we've already pumped 124 million gallons uh as of the end of May and again uh at the the bar chart below that is just shows the level of effort on a on a graphical scale for each of the wells ju just for the record I think this year we've we've pumped 107 million is that right yes I'm sorry you're correct that was last year it was 124 yeah and then here is the USGS groundwater observation Wells you can see we're on the uh seasonal decline I took this snapshot uh late last week you know we almost reached the chadam is on the top and we almost reached the the high level of last year before our seasonal decline but the good news is on uh the Brewster observation well below that we far exceeded last year's uh water level before our decline you can see the decline seems like it's it's sharper uh hopefully it's it's not too steep going forward and it starts to level off a little bit and finally is just the um five-year comparison and you can see at 37 million gallons for the month of May 2024 is less than our average um it's quite a bit less than last year last year and 2021 were kind of the high years and um you we're kind of more average with 2020 and 2022 and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have looks good yeah go ahead looks good I think you're going to see June probably have some heavier usage because of the heat stuff we did already hit low level once in June but but usage is down in June as well so that's a good sign these are great reports yeah indeed anybody else thanks very much thank you appreciate it um so next we have uh um public comments on the business agenda anybody in the audience here in town here in the room I don't see anybody anybody online just giving them a second uh no I don't see anybody okay going once uh we will turn to the business agenda the first item is a request to use Town property um at the 2020 for Community environmental Fair on Friday August 16 from 8:00 a.m to 400 p.m at the chadam community center and that is on behalf of the chadam cons conservation Foundation yes ma'am I'm Lauren arano I'm with the chadam conservation foundation and I understand that we had to here because we have a number of vendors who would like to sell merchandise at that fair Mr chair I need to recuse myself from this oh okay go ahead uh yeah Jeff go ahead yeah is this this the first time you you've done this or you this will be our second one second one okay it's just not okay I'm very supportive yeah I'm I'm very supportive I just have a technical question and this is probably for Jill um the the the description up above says the event will include sales of native plants Etc um and then the mo motion is use of town property period do we need to have both things covered or are we done with just using Town property I think we should add that approving the the use of outside sales is that how we referenced it uh includes sales of sales of things um from not various nonprofits in in attendance um at the at the Event Y that would be correct yeah okay so moved okay thank you I think I hear a second um any further discussion all in favor Mr matters I Mr dykens Mr necastro and Mr Shel say I thank you very much good luck thank you yeah I think I'm next up am I oh you are next up yeah somebody planned the agenda rather well okay uh this is for Monday alcohol permit um at a garden party fundraiser on Sunday July 21 2024 from 4: to 6: p.m. at 95 Independence Way and once again hi I'm Lauren arano from the chadam conservation Foundation thank you an annual event do a repeat no this is our first our first Garden Party correct Mr chair is this a private resident it is a private residence correct I wasn't sure if it was AB butting the it does abut our property okay yes okay um any yeah Chef Mr chairman I moved to Grant a special one-day alcohol permit to the chadam conservation foundation for the garden party fundraiser on Sunday July 21st 2024 from 4 to 6 p.m at 95 Independence Way second uh any further discussion Mr Mets hi uh Mr dykens hi M Davis Hi Mr necastro I and the chair says I thank you very much thank are you done I think I'm done for today okay good um next we have a one-day entertainment license at Buffy's Midsummer employee Gala on Saturday June 29 2024 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. at 458 Main Street Buffy's ice cream yes sir good evening uh thank you Mr chair select board members um hello to fans of Buffy's ice cream watching Along on chadam TV um yes this is just uh it's a one- day um entertainment permit we're having uh small band play uh from couple of sets one from 4: to 6 uh another one from 7:30 till about 9: um the uh the event is uh a kind of a summer kickoff for our summer staff and their families and friends um and uh no alcohol to be served um we have contacted are direct to Butters um hav't Extended out to 300 ft although I think that will not be taken up until uh apparently the June 9th meeting so um any questions Jeff this an annual event um it's the second annual event it's actually we uh uh correction we did not have the event last year we had it um in 22 okay um no liquor no and then the loud the music is going to be a band guitar two or three-piece um band uh guitar drums um situated kind of in the rear of uh of the property away from the street okay yep and you had no issues last year uh none at all no a lot of uh you know uh it's it's for this the staff but it's open to our customers well as well and um people enjoyed it it's it's akin to uh you know Mondays on main type of um you know event thank you I was just going to ask the same question but let me ask you in your contact with the abuts you didn't have any um Nega I'm very fortunate uh to have uh great neighbors and um and the community in that part of town I'm sure it's the same in other parts of town is wonderful and always supportive thank you Mr chairman I moved to Grant a one-day entertainment license to Buffy's ice cream for the midsummer employee Gala on Saturday June 29th 2024 from 2 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at 4 58 Main Street second all those in favor Mr nicastro hi uh Miss Davis Hi Mr dykens and Mr Mets and Mr Shell says I thank you thank you good luck have fun uh next we have the um one day uh special one day alcohol permit um for the 10th anniversary Sip and Shop event on Friday July 5 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 17 Post Office Square um for the changing tides Consignment Boutique welcome thank you hi I'm Kira Travis I'm Siobhan clone we're the owners um yeah so we're just doing a little 10e anniversary little preco pretty casual and yep and all the alcohol will be inside and we'll purchase it from a wholesaler and Chip certified people serving it and I did see the note about moving the table back away from the door a little bit so we will it is actually farther back than my very um detailed diagram so it will be farther from the door okay any questions uh Shireen um no just congratulations on 10 years sh we appreciate you a lot um so I'm going to make a motion I move to Grant a special one day alcohol permit to changing tides Consignment Boutique for their 10th anniversary siping shop on Friday July 5th 2024 from 5: to 8:00 pm at 17 Post Office Square second thank you uh Mr Mets hi uh Mr Dyk Miss Davis Mr necastro and Mr Shell says I congratulations and have a good one thank you thank you very much moving right along uh this is a one-day entertainment license and a request to use Town property as well as a request for sales on Town property and a request for food trucks on Town property uh on behalf of the fourth annual witches on water fundraising costume standup paddle board paddle on Saturday October 5 from 300 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at oyster Pond Beach um from the witches on on the water welcome hi good evening thank you all for having us here tonight we appreciate your time I'm joelan Erikson I am one of the co-founding members and president of witches on the water and yes this is our fourth annual event here in chadam we love having it at oyster Pond to date we've already donated over $80,000 to other local nonprofits around the cape and this year our recipient is dream day on Cape Cod so basically everything is essentially the same we have done over the last few years but we do have a couple minor changes we are looking to not only have the two food trucks that we've had had in the past but also have an ice cream a good times ice cream truck as well there if doable um we did move the event to in the afternoon as opposed to in the morning and again we're just following mother nature and the tides to make it doable and as safe as we can we have already collaborated with all the police fire department and um the Harbor Master to have them all on board again this year which is terrific um and the only other addition is we are going to we're really hoping this is the charm for mother nature to work with us and not have to go indoors but it just over the years we've realized if we're going to do a rain date we really should just do it the next day so we're asking to do the whole entire event the very next day if doable if we get rained out on the 5th which is a Saturday and again as always if we can sell our nonprofit merchandise at the event um all of that money goes back to which is on the water any questions sounds like a great event it's so fun yeah absolutely I'm really sorry you haven't had good weather I know but you know what I think the big messages here no matter what is handed to us we're always achieving our goal and being able to raise great funds for our nonprofits so I'm very proud of that but it would really be fun to have it all happening on one day at at oyster Pond if doable so we're shooting for this year well that's great any questions from the board I guess I'll take a motion um Mr chair I'm please I moved to Grant use of temp property to witches on the water for the fourth annual fundraising costume Su sub right paddle on Saturday October 5th 2024 from 1: to 6:30 p.m. at oyster Pond and parking lot also Grant a one-day entertainment license to which is on the water for Amplified music on Saturday October 5th 2024 from 3:30 to 5:30 at oyster Pond parking lot and we should also amend this to say a rain date with a rain date with a rain date so we can just um parking lot um also to Grant sales on Town property to witches on the water on Saturday October 5th and or Sunday October 6th from 1: p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at oyster Pond Beach and parking lot and also to Grant permission for three food trucks contracted by wit is on the Water Incorporated to vend at oyster Pond on Saturday October 5th 2024 or Sunday October 6th 2024 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. food trucks must depart no later than 6:00 p.m. second uh okay any further discussion all in favor Mr ni that's with October 6th as the rain day yeah it it's kind of mixed in but we'll just everything is modified by an October 6 rain dat with the same times okay I Mr necastro Mr Mets I uh Mr dyin and Miss Davis Hi and Mr Shell says I wonder thanks very much thank you so much have a wonderful summer everyone thank you we'll see you in the fall I look forward have to recuse myself on the next two items for um okay monway Community Services okay uh next we have um two items from monoy Community Services the first of which is a one-day entertainment license and special one-day alcohol permit uh for the back to Summer hanger party on Saturday July 6 2024 from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at chattam municipal airport uh by the monoy Community Services Inc and I'm going to presume that we have somebody online is Teresa online I don't see Mr chair I don't see her online but I I can say that this they had the same event last year and there were no issues okay okay and I think we've I I think our we we have discretion to wave the requirement that the proponent be um be be be present do we not I think we do yes Shan is shaking her head didn't we vote that she agrees okay good so we're in good shape here we are uh we know the event very well um any comments not at all Mr chair I move to Grant a one-day entertainment license for for Amplified live music to be played at the back to Summer hanger party on S Saturday July 6 2024 at the chadam municipal airport from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. I and I also move special one-day alcohol permit for all alcoholic beverages to terresa Malone of mono community services for Saturday July 6th from 6:30 p.m. to 10: p.m. at the chattam municipal airport for the back to Summer hanger party Mr chairman I have a I'll second that I have a question do they need a food truck permit sha I don't see that in the vote uh We've considered this event under the um special permit I don't have it in front of me so they can they can sell anything so it's it's sort of like the the um October Fest the October fast door or first night or which is on water it's the same this we we we consider it under the same bylaw all right thank you okay we have a motion and a second uh all those in favor Mr nicastro I uh Mr Shell says I Mr dykin and Mr Mets I very good thank you next also from uh Teresa Malone of monoy community services a proposal for a an alcohol uh on town property special one-day uh permit and a one-day entertainment license for the taste of chadam on Monday July 29th 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Chase Park um again I don't see anybody here but that's also a very this has been going on for many many years I just have a question for shaa since theres is not here because I live in the general neighborhood and I know that some of the Neighbors in the some of the Butters and other neighbors get very concerned were there any issues in the past I know they did it last year right we have not had any complaints registered with our office or reported by the PD I think last year Teresa indicated because I had asked her if they could reach out to the neighbors I maybe they might want to just we we might want to just encourage her to do that in advance so that I think the only issue was the tent on the croake yeah okay well that's the croquet Club yeah okay thank you okay any other questions the only question I had for Teresa or for shaa was the numbers are the limited limitation on guests from to 200 from 400 I just they did that last year that I know was although the the um somewhere else in the application it talks about 250 um but last year my recollection is that it was 200 get your tickets early yeah that's that's the point I think okay yes indeed uh and and it was very popular um I'm sure there were people who didn't get tickets on time Mr chairman I moved to Grant the approval of the request for alcohol to be served in Chase Park on Monday July 29th 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. I moved to Grant a special one-day liquor license to Teresa Malone as a representative of monoy community services from Monday July 29th 2024 from 6m to 8:30 p.m. and I move a I move to Grant a one-day entertainment permit for outdoor live music to Teresa Malone as representative of monoy community services for Monday July 29th 2024 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. do I hear a second second okay any further discussion all those in favor Mr necastro I Mr Shell says I Mr dykens Mr DIY says I and Mr matters I done okay I I will comment I think Dean's suggestion of contacting the neighbors is a good idea yeah I I yeah good um next we have a request to use Town property um oh this is one we've had before us uh previously uh for first night performances on Tuesday December 31 2024 uh to use uh Town Hall at 549 Main Street by first night ch um Jeff yeah Mr sh I just think this is a just he's letting us know that they're not going to start to set up uh until 4 pm they're not going to do earlier is what this is Mr chair they'll do the setup at 2 pm but they're not going to start the performances until 4 P.M after the town employees have left okay okay y I was just gonna say Paul Stuka actually called me the other night because he was not going to be able to make it and they said they would refer to the staff recommendation they were comfortable with it so okay good glad to hear that truthfully I that wasn't entirely clear to me in the in the memo I'm delighted to hear that they did work that out so I'll take emotions so we're waving the personal appearance again right uh I don't is this uh I thought that was for alcohol permits yeah um but I'll still take a motion Mr chairman I moved to approve the use of the Town Hall basement meeting meeting room for performance setup starting at 2:00 p.m. and performan is starting no earlier than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 31st 2024 for first night chatam second okay thank you all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr dkin hi M Davis Hi Mr Shell says I and Mr necastro hi done um and finally we have an application I say finally it may not be uh um for a new common vicer uh license by Panda vinon Cafe and bulag at 71 coll Road welcome good evening uh attorney Jeff Ford here representing the applicant ccny LC uh doing business as pavon Cafe um so this is a site over on craw Road you're probably familiar with it's been several bakeries and cafes in the past uh most recently it was Emma Bell's that's gone out of there they they're not going to go forward there and Pavan had the opportunity to obtain a lease on the property they're very excited uh you may be familiar with them they're they're centered in hyenas is their main location and they have a large Bakery operation as well and they do wholesale out of that location this would be used as a restaurant um they're proposing to have breakfast coffee um pastries um a lunch menu and also a dinner menu they're very excited about the opportunity to be in there they're not changing anything on the site at this point same floor plan same layout we've been to the Board of Health they've already approved the uh food establishment permit um we've worked with fire they've already done all the inspections and so this is our our last stop jef well I can't we're gonna we're gonna miss we we already missed Chad and bakery we're going to miss emel's but I I'm not going to be Bas on this is a great addition to the town to be honest with you I'm very familiar with the operation in hyenas it's wonderful so if you if you bring that type of operation here to chadam we are we are blessed it's great really really welcome and sounds as though you're well in your way how about help I see signs out for help are you I know I know they've been looking and uh we've got Mario here tonight he's the the COO and he's been working very hard on that end as well so I think I think we're coming along well it's a wonderful business it's great business in h a lot of fun thanks go ahead Cory so I have some familiarity with this property um yeah um the family has you know been affiliated with this for the chat Bakery for years and we miss it and I know people miss the donuts but I'm very supportive of um P Dyan moving forward um they actually reached out to the family and and disclosed their intention of maybe coming to chatam and I'm I'm I'm very supportive and I think it's going to be a good addition to the community I think that I think they're going to fit in just fine I'm just going to Echo what's been said I think it's fantastic that your client is coming here I it's great that it's going to stay as a food establishment and um I think everybody knows your pro the products and U so we look forward to having you here that's great thank you I'm I'm just going to make the motion how's that I please can I say one thing I I just want I love the place our family loves the place uh and I'm delighted to be uh relieved uh at least in some cir circumstances of the need to go to hyanis um for lunches breakfast pastries whatever maybe even dinners uh and be able to do it right here on craw road so I'm I'm thrilled so please I'm sorry to that's quite Okay I uh I moved to approve the application for Comm viers licensed by ccny LLC DBA Pand deong Cafe bongi has applied for a common vicer license for 71 coll Road second any further discussion all those in favor Mr Mets hi uh Mr dykin hi and Miss Davis Hi and Mr necastro and Mr Shell says I thanks very much hey terrific thank you for your time thank you good luck okay here we go this is the big one uh I think our next yes is the award of a bond anti uh anticipated note from our Director of Finance Carrie masero thank you Mr chair Carrie maell Finance director um good evening um yep so this is the endof year borrowing for multiple projects um it is for a 9,65 th000 um we originally asked for $ 9,495 and we received a premium amount of $567,000 uh $430,000 will go towards the project costs that would reduce the amount that we're going to borrow and the additional premium will be applied to pay costs for the rating agencies um Bond Council Municipal advisors and paying agents um so we will have no outof pocket additional costs as the premium is reserved for the fees associated with the with the borrowing um we did receive eight um applicants or I don't know bids I guess you can call them that were looking at us um and I did talk to our financial advisers today and they said that they've this is like they haven't seen this in a long time they were very impressed with um the timing and everything so um it it's really it's a really good deal so and also our we received our as you guys know our S&P rating came back as a AAA yay you Carrie [Applause] yes um Jeff go ahead thank you Mr Shell uh car if you just gonna outline or Jill just outline kind of what what we're doing with the monies and the what projects we're covering I think that would be helpful uh yeah I do have an outline of all the projects so just bear with me I have a lot of paperwork over here a lot lot of it's for the Waterfront Bond yeah um projects um well and chemical feed buildings transfer station um Wastewater bonds so it looks like there's about um 10 or so uh projects that Carrie mentioned in the year it's to do the borrowing so that our books can close yeah so we don't have a deficit so um we there's eight projects um and like Jill said we have the Waterfront Bond um the Waterfront the I guess they call it fish and Pier Waterfront facilities um then we have two wastewaters the transfer station redesign um and then we've got um the wells some water projects the wells 10 11 5 and8 pasas and um mil Pond okay yeah it looks the terms look great 3.38 all in is good it's good rate anybody else uh CHF uh CHF sorry it's okay Dean do do uh Carrie or do we have to um read the all the language in the um actual vote of the select board or we've done that we've done it both ways I don't know what's required I don't think so because the vote in your cover memo simply references it I I I I'm going to jump in here and say I I I when I read it I thought if we just read all of the things that are voted and did those at once that would yeah I agree I didn't know whether we had to read that all but I'm happy to do that it's not I have a cough drop in my mouth but I'm happy to do that um but I I I want to ask um we we have a bunch of certifications in here on behalf of this yourself um Town manager the select board and I've read it I didn't see anything in there that I thought was wrong but there could be things that I don't know about so I'm asking you if you've uh in conversation and consultation with the town manager between the two of you you're comfortable that all those representations are accurate yes that is correct and we had one thing updated because it wasn't updated the home rule so the charter Charter amendment is you're talking about yes yeah mhm yep and the treasurer and the town clerk will sign this as well okay um okay any further questions comments whatever Mr Shell yes I recommend that we vote to award the 9,495 th000 general obligation M Municipal purpose loan of 224 bonds dated June 27 2024 the bonds to Fidelity Capital markets in accordance with the term set forth in the attached bid and not notice of sale relating to the bonds and is detailed in the attached vote of the select Board second okay all those in favor Mr Met no no I I I think that the recommendation is that we incorporate in that resolution what is identified in the attachment the vote of the select board and all the uh specific items and I'm comfortable with comfortable with that I Mr Mets I uh Mr dykens I uh Miss Davis I uh Mr necastro I and Mr Shell says I Mr Shell I don't want to have the AAA Bond rating given short shrift here it's a wonderful document it is it is full of information and hopefully we post it on the town's website and we use it as a as a document that details our debt Etc it's very interesting it's it's a it's a really good report yeah I I'd like to add to that too two things first of all just in in terms of approving Bond authorizations what we have here is an example and there's a whole list of when these specific elements were approved that go back as much as far as four years so uh when we approve a bond authorization at town meeting that doesn't necessarily mean that the bonds are going to be issued tomorrow it it it's an authorization that gives us um powder with which to do the kinds of things that are done that's my first point which is the minimum the the the the the not so important point my real important point however I think is that this is a really really strong endorsement of the overall management um and and governance of this town and finance of this town um and we run into a lot of problems and a lot of issues and we hit uh bumps and and and walls and and and so forth but you know when an agency like um the the the the rating agency comes in and looks at everything we're doing and says you are as high a uh a a an investment risk meaning you are the best investment risk that can be had out there uh that's that's a big deal um and I just want to commend everybody that's involved here um most importantly the the staff that is um those who are here in the room and those who contributed to this so thank you very much thank you thank you okay we need to take a did we vote we did I we did vote we did vote yeah you want us to do something else no I'm just standing here thank you everybody have a good night you too thank you thanks um okay we have one item left here which is uh sorry we have two I'm I'm getting ahead of myself um construction on Morris Island I'm not sure whether is Greg here oh there's Greg okay good hello welcome you have the floor thank you Greg Burman director of Natural Resources uh this is just intended as a an update and opportunity for the select board uh to ask questions regarding construction that's ongoing at Morris Island I think anybody uh with a boat has probably noticed over the past several months that the revetment at 97 Tippi has uh seriously degraded uh completely failed in some areas and is slipped into the waters so there is an emergency certification that has been uh permitted by the Conservation Commission but the engineer has undergone several different phases and U uh updated their plans fairly frequently for this so the the original plan was to drive cheap pile which was not going to be that really large of a impediment to the town but it turns out that the Coastal Bank does not have the GE technical properties to be able to support sheep pile they've revised their plans they were going to bring in a 70 foot by 140t barge and bring about 900 truckloads of rock from June to August uh this was highly concerning to a lot of town staff um Department of Natural Resources has been in touch with a lot of the other Town departments uh fire um police just to kind of get a feel for how badly that would have impacted the town uh since that it has been revised a couple of times again since then um I don't need to necessarily get into the you know potential impacts of what would have happened if we had that many truckloads over the summer uh but the current plan is to reduce the size of the barge to a 35 ft by 140 ft uh the concern with the barge was the Harbor Master was concerned that it would block traffic and potentially be a hazard to Recreation and Commercial boers it was intended to be left there all night um 24 hours a day now it's a much smaller barge and they're going to tuck it up against the shoreline when not in use uh so he feels it's a a much more reasonable application and then regarding the truck loads they're they're still anticipating that volume of rock um but their current plan is to pause as of July 2nd which is the end of the emergency certification um they are already delivering Rock to the site and we have strongly recommended that they stockpile that rock so it doesn't uh interfere with the July 4th weekend travel um one of the other issues was the truck route um that they showed us had them going right down Main Street past Town Hall um I personally find that hard enough in just a regular vehicle much less a 10 wheel uh truck full of rock so they have since re-rooted to go along Shore Road and down over to Morris Island another concern was that the tie gate at Morris island is in a state of disrepair as we know this is one of the projects um that the town uh voted to fund uh we're probably going for a coastal zone management to expand uh the feasibility and how it should be designed in the future but for the short term we did not want this many trucks impacting the tide gate um so as of just I believe yesterday the contractor Robert bow has in installed steel plating and a hot mix and we have worked with the um DPW in town they feel that it's very likely well it's definitely better than it was before that um so we have that going forward nois will be filed for any additional work after July 2nd um but really we just wanted to be able to provide this information to the select board in case there's questions about you know a large amount of trucks on the road and um barges in the water and just kind of a little side note about barges in the water um the armor cor of Engineers is going to have the vessel mden come back on June 27th um it was a little unexpected but we're happy to let them kind of fill a hole in their schedule for the town of chattam we get some more dredging done which is going to you know the Channel's not that bad right now but any additional work we can get done is great this is thanks to our Congressional Delegation but just so that would be over in the stage Harbor area but right across Morris uh Island by 97 Tippi is where the barge for that particular work is so just there's going to be a lot of work going on in the area we want to let people know about it yeah Jeff are we dredging the stage Harbor channel is that what the okay yes so they'll be okay and when does that start Greg I'm sorry sure it's June 27th okay and they what do you think you're going to be here a week or two or three or um it's it's still a little we we didn't get as much information as we usually do because they're just kind of uh they had to shift going from a previously scheduled location to ours we're hoping they're going to be here for a couple of weeks to get the job done um but I think we'll get a assessment once they get here one quick followup where were they loading the Rocks Under the the bars for chilipi where where are they doing that loading has that happened yet or they just storing rocks now right so the bar is there to be able to uh and it's it's undergone many permutations uh one of which was to have a uh large steel platform which was going to deploy geotextile onto the bottom underwater and then the rock placed on top of it so there was going to be a crane on the barge to do that work all of The Rock was going to be delivered by land so nothing was going to be coming from the water and then the crane would take the rock on land and place it or maybe put it in the barge for replacement but everything's coming by truck so but but justce the rocks are coming by truck but they have to get on a barge somewhere right so it's being stockpiled on the property okay and then the crane is lifting the Rocks onto the barge on the property of 97 to so it's on the property itself thank you that's exactly what I wanted to know thank you Greg Shireen sure hi Greg uh thanks for the update this sounds like a massive project for uh for for the uh homeowners obviously and they obviously must have the means and the will to be able to to facilitate this some of the things that I wanted to know was um when the um revetment uh degraded and fell into the water was there any uh is there any like um Hazard to navigation around that area that might be a question for our Harbor Master but I didn't know if you were in the loop of if there's any if we have we had to set out buoys are people going to be restricted from from that area I mean CU I'm sure it's going to be quite a sightsee um adventure for some boers yeah yeah so I mean we we definitely have been in discussions our our department has been having multiple meetings on this Harbor Master Coast resources conservation um one of the reasons why that portion of the Rev collapsed is because there's scour holes right there as deep as 40 and 50 ft so the rock sliding down there is not necessarily going be Hazard to navigation I think you know potential impacts to boating is going to be the active barge working there but the Harper Masters required a safety boat uh paid for by the applicant to provide that service so thank you so the uh the butters um were actually the properties you know that had all the trees on them that were to the West South Northwest well yeah Northwest around the corner in the S I call it the S channel it's uh between um stage Harbor and and the and um North Beach or um South Beach um I guess there's been some um some removal of the trees um happening there and things like that is that um is that going to be done by um you know like Fourth of July time are we do we have concerns over um you know trees that are going to be in that sha in that in that channel so so our Harbor Master has taken the lead on that and we have actually contracted several folks in town to remove some of the most hazardous trees that have the really the the most danger of being in the waterways for the recreational and Commercial traffic um one of the things that we did require when 97 Tippi came forward was to have them mark their particular trees so they actually have a piece of red tape and paint around them so I'm not going to have the exact number about five or six of the 30 or 40 trees that we have pulled out have been directly attributed to 97 to Lippi um the property owners and Engineers have indicated that they they will reimburse for any of the trees that have been lost onto the property that we need to clean up uh the other trees are most likely from the uh wildlife refuge and we've been working with the Refuge they don't necessarily have funding to do it right now and certainly couldn't get it fast enough uh so we did what we could to try to get this season in a relatively safe place and we're going to work towards reimbursement and uh uh having others do more work in the future okay thanks I I just have a comment about this because I I think I'm you know I understand uh the property owner has a right to protect his property and do what he can I'm just concerned about a Butter's you know the degradation that will go on from around you know that that piece is protected and then all of a sudden you know we're going to see more degration you know along the way and along the shoreline whether it's due to this or not it's it's happening and and it's just sort of an inevitable that's that's happening within this area has any of the other abutters approached the town about wanting to do a similar uh Fortress sort of setup for for the property and I say that only like a tongue and cheeks I don't mean to be V vious but yeah well I mean it did certainly a lot of rock um there's going to be a lot of Trap Rock on the bottom in addition to the revetment going up the face of the bank so several of the properties along the stretch have already you know recently done uh a bulkhead and revetment expansion um this was one that you know hadn't gotten there yet and now it's very much time and I I completely agree that we can often be chasing erosion or pushing it further you know away uh there's really no stopping erosion there's only displacing it so it it can push to the sides I mean if we look kind of towards the uh northeast side of that line of revetments uh back where the weather station used to be that's focusing a lot of the erosion on that area which may be making the erosion uh worse allowing more trees to fall in there uh and the same um right now we're still in an emergency certification this is not the full noi process the applicant has been told that they do need to come in for a full noi and at that point any you know softening or mitigation efforts would be applied to this project okay great I it seems like you guys are really on top of it and appreciate the time you're taking um um to on this thank you yeah Dean thank you Mr chairman Greg we on the on the PDF is the tide gate that you're referring to roughly I know you don't have a pointer here but yeah it's I mean it it's going to be really hard for me not to do it with a pointer it it's right before you get to that hard level right before you get to that hard left turn if you can see mhm um maybe a Jill or somebody could point to it it's very close to that actually I'm sorry that's perfect that red arrow the lowest one on the right yeah points I believe that one points to the it's calling it a culvert but that's the tide gate right there so the drivers are intended to slow down to 5 miles an hour and we've also had them install the the sheet plate and hot mix to to make it better than it was because there were certainly concerns about the truck going over it do we um have we required an insurance certificate from the contractor or the property owner or should we if we haven't if there any damage so they have they have not issued one to the town they have one for the property owner since we're not you know this do not work for the town um if if so directed I can reach out to them to see if they will add the town as an additional insured but I mean they are on the hook for any damage they cause okay well it might be worth exploring that that would be my suggestion Jeff yeah I mean those are some of the heaviest Vehicles we're going to experience here in chadam ever um dump trucks full of full of gigantic rocks and it's not really Our concern but I'm trying to Stage it on on that piece of property and how close are the is the heavy equipment cranes and stuff going to get to the bank itself and RAB be knows what they're doing believe me they they're great cont tractor but that that's a very Artful project I'll tell you right now they're going to have to be very careful dropping those rocks on our bars and into the water even' driving over the well that's over the Dyke is what I'm saying because that's those are heavy heavy trucks so anyway we need to monitor it and I'm sure we will but um just one other I'm sorry one other question um so my understanding is that the property owner is paying the full cost of this I mean I know we have staff time Town staff time presumably there was some outside Consultants this the town is talking with but the actual construction work is being done by is being paid by the property owner is that correct correct it's only Town staff time right now we don't have outside Consultants on this um but yes this is the the property owner I mean if we've talked you had internal discussions with both fire and police and if they so deem additional details are needed that would also be charged to the property owner okay well thank you very much for the update I appr appreciate it welcome I I I I would I mean I I guess I don't want to lose the the insurance point I I I don't know that I think it's appropriate for us to give you a Direction but I think it might be um a very good thing I I mean you said potential damage I can imagine all kinds of damage given our involvement in the proc and oversight of the process that I think it would be desirable if we had um a a a a um effectively coverage secondary coverage through the the um through the contractor I'll I'll reach out and I'll you know confirm documentation and then maybe talk to Our Town Council to see uh the best way to get us on that same coverage okay anything else um thanks very much great report thank you good appreciate it surprise Yeah well yeah yeah I'm sure he will yeah um the last item here on the agenda are two committee appointments uh to be considered the first is for oneop seat um on the Community Housing Partnership um on May 21st um the select board subcommittee interviewed Mr Thomas Clark for a seat on the Community Housing Partnership uh there is one open seat um with a term ending June 30 2024 but the uh which which would be um carried over to June 30 2027 if uh if appointed do I hear a motion no motion all right we'll move on to shellfish advisory committee on May 21 2024 the select board interviewed Peter Van amson for the shellfish advisory committee uh there is one current open seat uh for with a term ending on June 30 2026 and um I'll invite a motion there Mr chair I move to appoint Peter vanson as a member of the shellfish advisory committee until June 30 2026 until sooner revoked or a successor is appointed second any discussion all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr Dyan M Davis Mr nicastro I and Mr Shell says I Mr chair I'm not related to any um future action but I wanted to note that Teresa Malone had some phone difficulty so she was on the meeting for monoy community service okay good thank you that's that's good um Mr chair move to adjourn second all those in favor Mr Mets hi Mr dykens uh M Davis Mr necastro hi and Mr Shell says I we are adjourned at [Music] [Music]