e e [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome chadam to the June 4th 2024 meeting of the chadam select board please note this meeting is being recorded and will be available shortly Hereafter for scheduled and On Demand viewing on any smartphone or tablet device if anyone is recording if anyone else is recording the meeting please notify the chair seeing none I'll proceed pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29 2023 signing of the acts of 2023 extending certain covid-19 measures adop during the state of emergency suspending certain provisions of the open meeting law General Law chapter 30A section 20 until March 31 2025 this meeting of the chadam select board is being conducted in person and via remote participation every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings as provided for in the order a reminder that persons who would like to listen listen to this meeting while in progress may do so by calling the phone number 1 158 945 4410 conference ID 203 386 491 pound sign or join the meeting online via VIA Microsoft teams through the link in the posted agenda while this is a live broadcast and simal cast on chadam TV Xfinity CH Channel 1072 despite our best effort we may not be able to provide realtime access we will post a record of this meeting on the town's website as soon as possible with that we'll establish a quorum uh select board member Mets present select board member Dyken present select board member Davis present and select board member shell is present this evening our agenda consists of one set of minutes May 28th uh public announcements and agenda requests we have uh one public hearing uh regarding a change of the manager uh for um alcohol at the um at The Squire uh we have uh two committee board commission updates one from the energy climate and action committee from Mr wsha uh who has a PowerPoint presentation he will present to us um we also have a presentation from the chair of the summer residence advisory committee uh regarding uh priorities for the SRA to review during uh 2024 uh then we will have public comments on the business agenda and the business agenda con consists of uh six items um an application for the use of town property on oyster Pond Beach for swimming lessons um an application for one day entertainment license from the chadam Marone Maritime Center um a policy uh regarding uh the disposition of dis deceased uh marine mammals uh from um Mr Rob failey um the director of Public Works uh we will consider a recommendation for a School Street crosswalk uh from the um Traffic Safety Committee and specifically Mr uh lieutenant Andrew Goddard um and we will have one appointment to the Human Services committee uh and finally the town manager's report so with that uh I will turn to the minutes are there any comments from the minutes U motion to approve the minutes for May 28th uh second okay I just have one uh suggestion with respect to those minutes um and that is if Mr Rob Brennan's presentation is available it was fairly comprehensive and detailed and I think it would be useful to have that appended to the minutes to the minutes if you have it with that I'll take a vote uh Mr Mets hi Mr dykens hi M Davis Hi and Mr Shell says I the minutes are approved um public announcements and agenda requests any from the board uh yes ma'am I bet you you're Anna Milan that's correct I am welcome nice to see thank you Mr chair um my name is Anna milin I am the programs and Communications coordin coordinator at the chadam Council on Aging it's my pleasure to an extended invitation to you all um in celebrating the Council on aging's 50th Anniversary this Milestone is not just a reflection of the years gone by but a testament to the dedication care and support that our community has shown towards our seniors to mark this special occasion we will be hosting an openhouse event this Thursday June 6th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the center for active living we will have Refreshments information about our current services and offerings as well as a historical exhibit outlining the past 50 years of support and service provided to our senior community members please join us in this joyous celebration as we honor the past celebrate the present and look towards a bright future together thank you and we look forward to seeing you there thank you thank you very much uh any other uh public announcements Andor agenda requests uh I don't see any here in the room any online uh yes Mr chair we have step Buckley uh Mr Buckley uh thank you can you hear me Mr Buckley yes can you hear me yeah we can hear you okay thank you um yes I guess this is somewhat related to the uh summer residence advisory committee uh sraak I guess is AKA sraak uh the uh uh three years ago the uh during the summer town meeting uh SRA uh member Phil Richardson gave a uh presentation to the about the uh the concept drawing for uh medium density housing let's say uh for uh a concept design and without any particular location in mind just one square acre and anyway he has uh just a few days ago come up with a uh two concept drawings but using the same architect uh for the former Buckley property uh and they're available online at open chom.com so if people go there and uh look for concept drawings they will see the two do there and I just wanted to make that available so uh in anticipation of other concept proposals for that property uh the better more choices the better I just wanted to make that Public Announcement thank you very much thank you Mr Buckley any others okay we'll move on to public hearings and if the clerk would be so kind as to read the public uh hearing announcement thank thank you notice Mr chair count of chadam Select board public hearing notice notice is hereby given that the chadam select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday June 4th 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Town Office Annex 261 George Ryder Road chadam and remotely V via Microsoft teams platform to consider a request for a change of manager from Drury McMullen to Shannon Neil on the annual all alcohol beverages restaurant license for one drop operating LL see doing business as The chadam Squire 489 Main Street all interested parties are encouraged to participate sign the select board thank you uh do we have a proponent or a representative of the applicant is anybody on uh yes you do hello um we're on hello my uh this is Todd herl we're online oh all right that's fine um if you could just bring up the camera did it's desirable but not required that the that you be on camera okay well I mean let me hand the phone then to Shannon Neil and uh she can take it from here thank you hi this is Shannon can you can you give us just a little um presentation on the on the application for the change of manager yeah sure this is Todd um we're changing uh we're just we think Shannon's probably a better fit um and so we're changing it from Drew to Shannon basically the uh the long and short of it okay um do you do you have any comment um Shannon Neely Neil Neil sorry NE sorry no so then I'll open it up for public um no I don't really have any further comment we've had a lot of discussion regarding this and we all feel that it's a better fit um for the establishment as a whole for me to be on the license as well as manager thank you uh any comment from the public com from move to close them I have a question oh you have a question I'm sorry please go ahead sorry hi Shannon and it's Shireen how are you hi I'm good how are you good um I was just looking at um the application and just a matter of clarification um on your employment information it's a it doesn't list that you are actually working at The Squire um but I'm assume that's just that from 202 to 2024 that you've been um you've been in position at The Squire is that what I'm understanding but that's correct okay I just wanted to make that clear for everybody in the public so that they knew that Jeff so Shannon what is your current position at the channel Square um currently I am a split position I'm doing the finance here as well as floor management so you're going to go from there to be the the overall manager of the establishment manager of the estl yeah I will be the manager on the liquor license um not the general manager but okay I'm in upper management here yeah that was my question is McMullen still the general manager no i s sorry this is Todd no I mean the general man I mean this is like I think we're I don't know exactly what the nomenclature Works how it works but we have five or six managers okay okay Shannon is you know in the uh in terms of the general man I would say Shannon is the general manager right she's here most of the time um and manage manages it um you know from a very high level so if you're asking for who the general manager is is Shannon Neil okay so other than transfers of of licenses if one had a question about operations who would they approach Shannon thank you good Corey hey Shannon it's Corey how you [Music] doing hey Corey I'm good good I'll make this e I'll make this easy so I know one of the elements of the managerial uh position is uh at least from the town's perspective is the um hours spent on site and the availability and in approaching this of um of the position um and as far as my knowledge goes and I want it's confirmed um your hours on premises will be probably you probably maintain the same hours as you presently do which has been fairly high so I mean that element of of being on site for uh any questions concerns or someone needs to approach you uh on behalf of concerns on the establishment um you will be maintaining those type of availabilities correct correct absolutely yes and that's been the case regardless of me being the manager on the liquor license or not to the P couple years all right thank you thank you any other comments or questions do we want to move move approval uh do we close the public hearing move to close the hearing second all those in favor um Mr Mets Mr Dy Ms Davis Hi Mr Shell says I move approval second uh all those in favor Mr Mets I Mr dyens Miss Davis Hi and Mr Shell says I thank you very much Todd and Shannon thank you all thank you uh committee board and commission updates Mr wsha I think is first up for the ecac uh good evening um Bob warter I'm the chair of the chadam energy and climate action committee and we're giving you today um our annual update I just wanted to remind the board and and the public that uh the old energy committee is now climate and climate action and we have some additional charges uh in in addition to the energy ones that were uh there before we now have an education Outreach for chadam Citizens formulate and Advance mitigation and adaption strategies and educate and engage residents and businesses unexpected climate change hazards and impacts and mitigation opportunities and I'm and what we're doing is in response to those charges we came to you uh about a year ago with a road map in which we had uh designated six areas of concentration for our committee over the next couple years these are the six areas I'm going to go into each of them in detail so I I don't have to mention them here to you now I I also wanted to let make it clear that we see our our responsibility in reaching out to the entire community and that uh best way to do that is to engage ourselves in as many of those uh committees and activities as we can this is the coverage that we have now for the current uh board members uh I uh continue to encourage the other members of my committee to uh also be on additional committees or or volunteer organizations and I think it brings a broader understanding of the issues that this town faces in addressing energy and climate action so let me turn to the first area of those six um preserving salt marshes we we jumped on this one is our priority because of the uh extreme danger that our salt Mar face one one um foot of sea level rise would basically uh inundate all of our existing salt marshes the salt marshes are are an critical part of the chadam uh economic and ecological well-being there where all our fish come from they filter a lot of the pollutants that we put out and the um so we need to do our best to try try and keep them uh thriving we have worked closely with Pleasant Bay Alliance and they they've done a really good um job in modeling how to deal with uh climate change uh for a salt marsh area they've done some studies and they've done analysis and they're beginning to do some restoration initiatives so we're following that but we recognize that the rest of the town really didn't have that capability didn't have the analysis that that was being done in Pleasant Bay so we initiated a um a study through the Community Action what CA C uh to look at the uh condition of our Southern uh salt marshes that study the salt Mar study uh was to collect data needed to predict in future of the four major salt marshes that are on Nantucket Sound and to guide possible preservation strategies in the face of climate change we began the uh idea proposed to the community preservation act in 2022 we got approval in May 20 2023 from the town meeting we posted an RFP we now have a signed agreement uh with Center for Coastal studies and they began their work in April their focus is to do some high level evaluation Contour mapping of the flood plane uh around the four Mar marshes including ground level sea floor vegetation you're going to see some drones flying through you're going to see some people um taking measurements in in those areas we're looking at sedimentation AC approval rates uh we're trying to look at that from a historic and current level and we're trying to predict where those salt marshes are going to go with sea level rise and where we can possibly preserve areas for that those sea um marshes to migrate to uh we will have a public study for you probably at the end of this year our energy saving and solar production that was our our backbone of the work that that we've been doing over the last 10 years that I've been on the committee last year alone the solar project saved the town $500,000 over the life of the of the Solar projects that there are uh I'm I I'm guessing and we we it's one of our um goals this year is to quantify this more clearly but we we've probably saved two $2.5 million so far to the town from solar in addition we have a LED streetlight St um replacement that we did that's saved over $200,000 and more importantly it's reduced the maintenance requirements of somebody having to change lamps that burn out every year and and they have none of them are burned out so there's a major additional savings in mainten town maintenance we've done a a considerable number of of energy audits replaced all of the inefficient Lighting in town I would estimate that's probably will save the town a couple million dollars over the life of the projects that we've done so far that's what we've done what we have in the future is we have a com a solar ready to go into the community center it's waiting for the battery I it's very close uh to be being connected we were supposed to have another project here at the Annex in the in the police um parking lot it proved to not be economic right now so we're going to have to revisit that but we're working with cc to identify new solar opportunities for the town we still have some capacity we can replace we can do another probably 20% of our electric load could be uh replaced with with solar uh so we're looking at our own buildings we're also looking at oftaking other properties and other projects across the cape we uh as part of our responsibility we we look at new buildings that are being built U municipal buildings and and try to provide working with the cap light compact Zero Energy advice so that our new buildings don't consume the energy that the old ones did we're looking really forward to the new energy coordinator I think that's a great opportunity it's one of the best ideas I've heard of of sharing someone with that expertise across four towns and uh we've already done a really uh I think we've been successful in convincing the town to replace their gas powerered lawn and landscaping equipment there's already two uh electric mowers and I pretty much we've gotten a verbal commitment that everything else that they buy from now on to replace uh dying equipment will be electric the third area is to optimize Chatham's Transportation infrastructure the less driving that's been is done in chadam or in getting to chadam uh the better uh you know we mitigate our greenhouse gas effects so we passed a uh bylaw that requires the town to purchase electric vehicles whenever they're a viable uh alternative the town has five I maybe have maybe it has six uh electric vehicles right now but it it hasn't bought one in a while and it turns out because every time uh the town uh needs a new vehicle it's an emergency and it's hard to get that planning into the to go electric so we have taken a a different approach of sort of anticipating what vehicles are going to be needed and and working with the town to identify models that are appropriate and that can be purchased uh immediately so the next time that a vehicle is needed it a there's a better chance it will be an electric vehicle we we helped the town staff uh identify the priorities for the lowly Road study that was done in picking the areas of of future study that the cape C commission is doing and we've been encouraging and monitoring charging stations um we now have a charging station here at the annex for for uh Pro uh Municipal build uh municipal use but the first public stations are supposed to go in this summer at eldridge's garage we're very pleased about that we're a little disappointed that the airport um proposal was turned down at the town meeting but we want to really push to um find another location use all the expertise and the and the footwork that was done in and putting that proposal together and and and going forward with another um most of my committee thinks the community center is a is a good place to put our next set of of of um electric chargings but uh it's also possible at the schools with that presents a another layer of bureaucracy that we have to work through so I'm recommending uh that at some point you give us the go-ahead to really push to to to the community center communication our fourth area is an important one we we uh there are so many complicated issues in the town and they need addressing both on the local level and a capewide level and there are really fortunate that there are an awful lot of organizations doing a lot of awfully good work on these issues but there's no coordination and so we're we're seeing this is the year that we're going to really tackle that communication and try to build better structure for communication the uh we see three areas we met with the Building Commissioner at our last month's meeting to find out how the town was doing with the new building Cod and it turns out that there hasn't been much work done it's not really going to uh go into effect here until probably the end of the year and there was a uh understanding from The Building Commissioner that training would be very helpful to him to the builders to everyone so uh We've approached the cap light compact to talk about having a a building more building co- training over the next six months to to bring the town up to speed we're worked with the um cap light Compact and town communication director we're going to be doing more of this to increase the participation in Mass Save uh it's a little embarrassing for me a as the regulator for Mass Save to be in the one of the towns that has the lowest participation rate in the state um I recognize that a lot of that has to do with non-residents who don't think they qualify or aren't here long enough in the year to know that so I'm I'm going to put a little uh plug in to the next uh speaker to put that on your committee uh agenda that you get get the word out to the to the non-residents that they are eligible they pay the electric and gas bills that makes their eligible to get the low cost no cost uh incentives for insulation please call Mass safe the third area is the most important and we're working with the cape kite climate uh change collaborative Cape Cod Commission and the chadam climate Action Network and we're trying to develop a chadam climate action plan that the cl chadam climate Action Network is is leading that but we're providing a lot of of committee support we're also looking for they're looking to develop a climate calendar that everyone can go to to know when events are occurring to be able to have that an easy quick way to know that somebody's speaking here or this committee is meeting now and so so look for those uh areas to be available in the next 6 months year and we hope to improve all kinds of communication links between all the different groups and all the different committees in in the town we uh our fifth area is to enact bylaws and regulations uh we've done four of them we we passed a declaration of climate emergency an Energy Efficiency in town procurement of Motor Vehicles I mentioned that an Energy Efficiency in town procurement of Design Services for Capital facility projects uh we uh we expected the um the buildings and and the next building to come forward is probably the one at the um at the transfer station that we will be working with them to make sure that it at least considers the economics of going uh Net Zero and the fourth area that we've uh we've done was vote for the approval of the energy stretch code we're uh in the future the next couple bylaws well first of all we're going to make sure that the town uh does its best to implement each of those bylaws and then we're going to also be looking at a coastal flood plane bylaw with the conservation committee and storm waterer management is is part of the planning board finally the last area the one that we've done the least on that may have the most Jeopardy now is to protect groundwater and quality and quantity the rising groundwater if if it is a real concern for incursion into our septic systems and it could uh It Could Happen a lot faster than we thought it was and our essentially our SU sewage treatment plan over 20 years may not be fast enough to save us from some incursion so we're going to be looking at that very closely and and trying to make sure that the towns reconciled this threat with with uh the current plans for how fast we build our sewers there is also issues with pfas and Pond Health those um will probably be less of our committee but we will obviously there are big issues for the town and climate we did help support the tree law by tree bylaws and those will help in terms of protecting groundwater uh as a first step we're also looking at over the next year the individuals on the committee have want to look at our Solid Waste redirection to what degree is is the trash that we think are being recycled being recycled uh water quality pasas and a continue mon as I said continue monitoring Su construction schedule and priorities finally we we don't have enough to do but there's two very large studies coming forward that the town is doing and that we want to make sure that we have looked at those from a climate uh perspective and those are the municipal vulnerability preparedness study and the hazard mitigation plan and they may not be over right away in the next year but they're going to be started and considered in in our next year's work so we got a lot to do we've got a very active committee we've got great support now with Greg and Terry both helping us and being at all our committee meetings that's my presentation thank you very much uh you you've got a lot on your plate that's um really a huge agenda um to be commended thoughts from the board well first of all thank you very much that was a very a complete presentation um you know I applaud the work the you know you're putting forward it's it's a lot of effort and um while I know you're fully aware of this element of it um the public Outreach uh educational component type of element um is going to be critical to you know all components of the actions you're looking to move forward so I just encourage the group to to push forward and I wish you guys the best of luck because it's it's a lot of time and effort that's going to be need put into these efforts they're they're not going to be lightly uh taken overnight um it's going to take time effort and um an educational components um so I wish you guys the best of luck in your efforts Sheree Bob thank you very much it's all so interesting and and uh um you know every single piece of it is is important to to our health and wellness as as a community obviously um I support everything you're doing I think it's fantastic one of the things though I do have to ask is you know from a staff's perspective the realistic expectations of you know our capacity to be able to support all the good work you want to do I mean that's probably a question for for our town manager um just to be realistic about what those expectations are yeah Mr chair so much of the the work is initiated by staff believe it or not so we we do uh rely on the committee to um to provide us guidance on how to accomplish our our climate action needs um but we I we certainly have rock stars on staff with Greg Burman and and Terry before him and we've a lot um you know on our own to become the Green community and to seek grants we've more than $2 million in Grants for the municipal vulnerability preparedness program and our staff is leading the hazard mitigation plan so I think this and the good thing is I we're definitely on the same page as the committee it's a priority for me as well as most employees in town we we all came to work for a town that was Progressive with um climate uh ways to address climate issues um and Coastal resources so I I really appreciate the work of the committee and their expertise is very helpful for us that's helpful I I um that's helpful to hear because I mean we are such a vulnerable community and and this is a priority for for all of us thank you thank you um so I just have one question I I can't remember whether it was here or in the committee but I do remember a discussion more or less a year ago of um The Challenge you you've broadened the the the the remit of the of the committee and you have a number of different um both people and um segments of of the committee's focus that there was some conversation about how does that get how does that stay coordinated how do you integrate the work that's being done in the various segments of the committee um and I wonder if that is continues to be a subject of conversation or or you feel you've made progress there or what the status of that is well I I I think you should probably ask the committee members and not me um I I probably haven't done as good a job as I would like in in motivating and getting ready for you know being ready and moving forward it it's the same stretching of of time that that the town itself has but I think we're we're um we um we've got a committee that people are taking the um responsibilities for different portions of it and moving forward and and those areas are the ones that we're making progress on so some of these areas that we haven't done as well is more because we don't have somebody that's willing to take the time and effort and has the time and everybody wants to take the time and effort but realistically doesn't have that much time time to do so we we are not going to solve the issues we have to and we do understand that it is it is the town and the staff that we have to help and not get in the way of to make sure that these things do get done so okay good thank you yeah uh please Jeff thanks Mike and Bob great presentation uh you know I'm 100% supportive of every every one of those six initiatives and I'm fascinated by your work um I Echo some concern that select board member Davis expressed about you know your your your agenda is Broad and deep and so resources you know I think become important and I think maybe if we take it at bite-sized pieces for our work here if you can present come back with some bite-sized pieces number one I'd be very interested in charging stations at the community center I think that is a good location just I don't want to hear the pros and cons from others but if I had to vote I would say that's that's a good location for charging stations I think we should have a vested interest as a town and and expanding the use of EVs and uh offering charging stations to Residents and visitors alike I also loved your Shameless plug to sraak um I think it's absolutely perfect for them to know that mass save is an option for them I think you're right I think residents kind of Might kind of lean into that more than non-residents I think it's very important that they know that that's an option for them I've used the services of mass saving they're phenomenal So and I've plugged it shamelessly here um many many times so I think for folks to use Mass Save it's a great it's a great resource um and then I would like to see more specific data and me even a mini report on this Rising groundwater incursion that got my attention immediately um and I'd like to know how much more of a threat that is or isn't and and get some data around it I just like to see some data great so anyway thank you very much for your interest you folks know you're a member of the planning board as well and you're an incredibly valuable member of this community and I really appreciate it thank you all right have a good evening uh if I may just want I know you're aware of it um but I and you you were away but we had a presentation last week from the Mass Housing and um Innovation Center which is a relatively new startup um we went ahead and agreed to sign up subscribe as a as a a member of that uh it's a climate effort um Innovation effort uh and and I just hope that you'll take note of that and and do what you can as a committee to uh liaz with that effort okay I I I had told you that I would I would help yes I know you did appreciate that it sort of brings back my you know I haven't been on an advisory committee for a PhD in 20 years and I I I sort of welcom good that kind well we we've we've got a candidate for you so thank you very much thanks for everything you and thanks to the committee I see we have members of the committee spread out out in various places as observers appreciate all you're doing to all of you thank you thank you next up is public comments on the business oh forgive me I'm I'm jumping ahead forgive me thank you summer residents Mr spalter are you here in the room or are you online I am online okay welcome my apologies oh that's quite all right it's good to be here um hey we really appreciate the opportunity to meet with you all this evening this is my first year as the SRA chair replacing Jamie Mian who did a just a great job the last few years leading us uh and other than a kickoff meeting a couple weeks ago uh the committee the committee hasn't done much work yet we had this initial meeting just to get some early thoughts on priorities uh and what we're doing is looking forward to hearing from you all um what your thoughts were and some of priorities and things that you were interested in in us uh focusing our attention on we have several members from our committee online this evening as well so there's a lot of interest in in getting your thoughts um and I guess one of the first things I can say is as it comes to Mass Save you know when we have our Summertown meeting uh that could be a great opportunity to share that information with some of the summer residents you're you're waiting to hear from us yeah my understanding is you all had some thoughts on what we could uh some thoughts on priorities for the for the SRA this year okay I and I'll I'll oh no Shireen go ahead go ahead hi Miss um Mr um spalter thank you very much uh can I call you Jeff is it okay sure okay hi Jeff be um so I I look at your committee a little differently and in in um like how it's formatted for um for informing us down the road as an advisory um I I I think I might have mentioned this a couple of times maybe have just verbalized it to you know a handful of people but I I would you know as as a committee I would be interested as a select board uh member to hear from your committee from your you know you you here from your constituents through your committee what's some of the things that they want to hear or they want answers about the summer residents um are here for a short period of time really love to know you know get our finger on the pulse of what they're interested in uh finding out or where um where they have concerns that to me um would inform us better than us giving you a laundry list of of tasks to go sort through um you know and give your perspective Ive on I I think for me that just makes more sense I'm open to however you're going to do it obviously it's been done a certain way for a long time but I would just want to throw that out there as an alternative to coming to us before you know to get an get information and then go back out so that's that's that's where I am okay thanks no I appreciate that and and and that that's that's that's absolutely fine um we we our Communications committee did a survey last year to gather some input and that was pretty well reeded and uh at our the one meeting that we did have earlier we did come up with a list of some early priorities again we didn't know if you wanted to shape it or you had any other thoughts uh but if you'd like I can share with you some of the some of the early you know the early leading contenders for our Focus this year if you like sure so the um the the first few we're uh checking talking about water availability in the sewer project uh there was a lot of interest in some of the major capital projects on the long-term financing um and affordability uh affordable housing continues to be an area of interest um some of the Waterway issues especially the Moorings uh and I know we have a new Harbor Master so we hope to connect with connect with him uh some interest in some of the shortterm rental regulations uh and then just doing a better job of helping to bridge the communications between the select board and the town management and the residents looking for a better way to do that so those are some of the early items that we had uh that we had put together thank you U thank you I I think that communication and Outreach is a really important factor um to um to you work to inform us and to inform yourself I think that that's a real priority that I see um I I you know I don't know if you'd be you know consider in the future maybe doing your annual meeting up front of the season with everybody and listening to to the folks in the room to see what they're they want to hear and then having a followup at the end of the summer um as a way to be able to sort of um I guess what I want to know is you know we have a we have a a a population of people that live here we don't really know a lot about them um there you guys are highly engaged committee that has you know that a really in you know involved in the day-to-day sort of workings or the workings of the town and you're showing your interest I'm just wondering about the rest of the folks and what they're thinking and and where they're coming and what are their priorities and are they aware of some of the things that are happening in the town like affordable housing and Workforce issues that are going on and and um some of the community you know needs that we are addressing or trying to face uh about health and wellness and food security housing security and things like that I think um that would help us a lot in in getting a better perspective of you know like engaging the entire Community holistically and considering that the summer residents are the are part of the taxpaying system and and have us vested interest in the community and to um uh that we have a better sort of like Communications sort of uh back and forth about those those important issues thank you yeah got it thank you appreciate that Jeff yeah thank you Mike uh hi Jeff congratulations on being named chair this year looking forward to working much looking forward to working with you I I I view shk as uh the the lens of of through which we get a a glimpse into the the how we can work together to improve the overall quality of life for residents and non-residents alike and I look at shra as a resource intense uh committee you have lawyers you have business people you have financiers you have developers you have a lot of smart people on on Educators you have a lot of smart people on that committee and and I look at as a resource to be for input and for advice and um those issues that I would be looking for for advice was from the non-residents perspective especially on our water and our sewer hookups what what can we do better to to um to accelerate the the number of hookups we have in town and how might we best Finance those hookups it's been suggested that betterments might be an approach and I think it may be a viable approach but what would your thoughts be on on betterments to allow folks to to hook up uh with greater ality than we've experienced in the past and then um overall water quality we we're tackling water in a bunch of different uh uh you know fronts I should say we've charged the water and sewer advisory committee with an overall master plan for water in chadam if you've got any hydrologists Engineers Etc on your committee love to hear their thoughts on and overall it's a that's a huge charge and it's a major issue here if not arguably the number one issue and then housing of course is is the other major issue that we're struggling with we not struggling with we're addressing um but are in midst of addressing so those are my those are my main you know asks if you will of shrk um and you guys have a a small kind of a tight window to address some fairly significant issues so I think in it would May behoove you my advice would be you beh you to kind of narrow your focus and really focus on two or three things you think can you can do well and uh Supply us with some input and some good advice so those are my thoughts Jee and I wish you well thanks great thanks very much Corey hey Jee how you doing tonight um good Cory I I'll start with well the the biggest the biggest Topic in my mind and I don't care if we're year round summer resident visitor is water quality and quantity so as many eyes as we can put on that topic and thoughts andc considerations of how we protect our water system infrastructure Etc um I think that would be a a good starting Topic in in my opinion uh certainly would welcome input on you know Municipal projects affordable housing all the previously mentioned uh issues um the one thing that hasn't been is brought up yet and um I would I would really appreciate the summer residents um to maybe at least spend a little bit of time and weigh in is um the topic of protection of Waterfront access for all our community that seems to be a topic that's grown uh this been certain concerns being shared and thoughts about how we maintain our our access to our our Waterfront and um to enjoy it to to for both recreational and you know commercial needs Etc so uh any comments that the summer residence advisory committee would like to share on that uh would be welcome from from my behalf so um I mean you you only have so much time to put into this so we can't put a laundry list that is too long I as as was previous mentioned but I think we've kind of hit certain topics that we would we would all appreciate um some thoughts and and shared opinions so thank you great thank you um I don't really have anything to add to all of that the the the without any scripting I I I from my um colleagues i' I've heard pretty much everything that I was thinking about saying if asked tonight um I I I would say the two things I would emphasize are one that um I I'd reemphasize um Jeff's point about the the resources that reside in the summer residence not only your committee but summer residents as a whole um and two that there are a number of issues that we um we share in common and they've just been pretty much identified whether it's sewer hookups or water quality um water availability Etc um would be two good examples um but in terms of the the ability to get services in that short time that people are here uh in the summer or maybe a little bit longer than that relates directly to uh to the housing issue so um I I would I I I I agree with Shireen we'd like to hear from you um the things that are top of mind and and top of interest but at the same time to the extent that you can Marshall some quality uh thinking and and um and and Analysis of the of the issues that we share and and share that input with us that would be extremely welcome so thanks very much for your evening your your your presentation this evening great thank you there there's one area just picking up on the comments here that could be very helpful to us uh and that is maybe taking another look at our understanding of how the open meeting laws relate to the subcommittee structure that we have uh and obviously the the SRA has to meet the the open meeting laws without question the subcommittees don't have any decision-making Authority what they just come up and make recommendations to the SRA uh and the fact that the subcommittees have to schedule meetings and have an agenda uh and meet that administrative burden does um does put a burden on us and how much we can actually accomplish so if there's some way to to relook at that that would be very helpful I I I think the best thing we can do is is is take that uh under advisement and and say that we will uh work with you to offer um some ins site or whatever and and we'll always be willing to share frustrations with the open meeting law with you appreciate that okay anything else okay thanks very much Jeff really appreciate it thank you thanks everybody thank you uh next up now we are to public comments on the business agenda and um anybody in the room room yes sir Mr Lear good evening Bob leer um 296 Main Street which happens to be across directly across the street from the school Street sidewalk proposal that you'll hear about later um I look out there every day um and see imminent disasters because people come zipping around that curve don't realize it is a reduced radius curve and they swerve out into the middle of the street and the idea is that having a crosswalk there will at least alert folks from out of town that something might be happening in that part of the city or town and slow down a little bit um I I don't see there's anything controversial about doing that I think it's a perfectly appropriate place for were a crosswalk anyway cuz hordes of people beginning last weekend walked down the street to get to the beach so it's I'm firmly in support of it and probably have observed it more than anybody else that that's around so i' appreciate your support of that too thanks Bob anybody else in the room here I see Miss Gibbs online I think yes thank you Mr chairman I'd like to make some comments um and recommendations on the uh disposing of deceased mammals uh marine mammals um I think these are basically process and and um organization in terms of the way it's set up administrative and I think the easiest thing to do is i' just like to quickly go through the proposal under the purpose uh this has to be kind of user friendly for people who are either primarily PRI private property owners because there's a differentiate differentiation between private and Municipal property uh so at the top it says um for deceased marine mammals and it says dead seals whales and dolphins I think sharks should be added to that because they will wash up and I assume they're considered marine mammals uh and then I would like in the ensuring proper handling sanitation public sensitivity conservation to add Public Health in there because there is a definite public health issue for people who might come in contact and under the scope it says the predominant mammal species discovered uh deceased on beaches are seals therefore marine mammals are Hereafter referred to as dead seals in this policy for simplification I think that is the exact opposite of the way it should be uh that's going to be very confusing as you read through the rest of it it always refers to only dead seals so anybody reing reading it is going to say well I have a whale on my property so does this not apply so I would hope that you do the reverse and throughout the document re you refer to marine mammals and then have it defined at the beginning that it includes those four things um and then uh again as we go through it talks about it has to be reported so under procedure on the second page um upon discovering a deceased I would hope it says Marine Mammal staff or beachgoers should report it to uh public works and then the DPW will determine at that point if it's on Town property or private property and then it says if it's on Town property the DPW will call IFA and then members of IFA will be dispatched and come out and do a necroscopy I guess my first question is regardless of where it ends up on shore through H pure happen stance that a private property owner could have a whale on their Beach I I guess my question would be why would you not want to do a necroscopy on that will as well if you're actually collecting data one ing what is wrong with the animal did they die from disease or was it an accident my other concern is because of the diseases that can be transmitted if they die of some kind of infection they are some are easily transmitted to humans so I think it would be important even if it's on private property to find out what the cause of death was unless it's obvious that it was you know a boating accident um and then uh after that it says if it's located on a private beach the DPW will inform the reporting prop uh property I'm sorry reporting party that no further action will be taken by the town the reporting party might not be the homeowner so it seems to me that if there's a a shark or a whale or a anything on a private property owner's property that the town should be notifying them they may not be here and there would be a large animal lying on their Beach decomposing uh so basically and then I think that when you go through the process here there should be two subcategories one is Municipal property and one is private property because the town takes care of it for anything on our Our Town property but I have had occasion to have friends who have had situations with dead seals and stuff and they had no idea who to call they didn't know what their responsibilities were and there needs to be a subcategory for private homeowners who are they supposed to contact in the town because it could be obviously it's going to be in Conservation Area uh in a no disturb Zone and so if they have to bury it uh do they go before conservation do they have to notify conservation and who is the contact to tell them what they need to do and the other problem that people had was that they had no idea who to call in terms of contractors that would come in and take care of it for them the disposal whether it's burying them or you know taking them out to see so if there are a list of contractors uh that would do this that would be on call because obviously these would situations would be time sensitive that that would be helpful and the only other concern I have is you know I get the public private but again through happen stance if a whale I think homeowners can handle pretty much anything besides a whale but if a whale did wash up uh I can't even imagine the cost to a taxpayer through no fault of their own to either have to bury a whale or to drag it out to sea which is what the town does according to this uh on Municipal property so there I would like to think that there is some kind of a an arrangement that can be made for home I don't live on the beach so this is not my problem but I can anticipate uh so those are basically I think it has to be set up so it's more user friendly and that they understand that this isn't just about seals and that's why it has to say Marine minals because there are four different categories and to rework it and just kind of put yourselves in the position of a novice who happens to find out they have this thing on their Beach and the concern about infection uh and public health for transmittable diseases thank you very much thank you Miss Gibbs um anyone else in the uh online do we have anybody else okay so we will move to the business agenda itself and we will start with the application to use Town property oyster Pond Beach um from the uh Wicked wavy swim school do we have someone here to present please welcome how's it going good how are you I'm well thanks thanks Amy um my name is Sam Barnard I'm here on behalf of wicked wavy Swim School asking for permission to use oyster Pond Beach um Monday Wednesday Friday afternoons um it's the same as it was last year I'm not sure if you guys remember so I'd be happy to go into more detail but we asked for permission to use to have swim camp um my partner Brooke who was unable to make it tonight so we can reach more than one child or two children at a time by doing a swim camp um and I have the specific dates and times if you guys want or need them um but basically that's it so if you guys have any questions I'd be happy to answer them the the dates and times we have in front of us are July 24th to July 5th Monday Wednesday Friday from 1: to 4: and then July 8 through August 16 Monday Wednesday Friday from 2: to5 and then august 19 to August 30 Monday Wednesday Friday from 1 to four yeah that's correct okay questions from the board Shireen Hi Sam how are you I'm well how are you I'm good thank you um so last year you did the program and it and it was successful yeah but this year you want to do a camp versus private lessons or was it a camp last year as well as so Brook and I do private lessons Okay earlier in the morning through the week and then we do our Swim Camp Monday Wednesday Friday afternoons okay um just to reach like more community members who want to learn how to swim uh what's the age group um we do 4 to 12 wow yeah and how many children are you expecting into a camp I mean there must be some rules around how many children so Brooke and I do three kids to one instructor so we have like six kids in each kind of lesson and then the 1 to four is we do like 30 minute lessons throughout the afternoon so depending on how many people sign up um that's like our number how we do it so we cap it at six per lesson okay just safety issues obviously definitely um I think this is a really good service that you're offering to I appreciate your support children simply for the fact that you know um we have so much water around us exactly and docks and things like that I'm very supportive of this and that's all the questions I have right now awesome thanks Jeff I'm very supportive as well I did take note that your your hours of operation uh do not well they're they they're work in sync with the park and recre schedule of swimming lessons that we have that have returned this summer so I think that's awful but it also provides for a the availability of lessons all throughout the days so I think that's very important as well so I'm very supportive of of in essence expanding the opportunity for children so awesome thank you you have I read the agreement we read the agreement for the LI for a licensing agreement to use our to use those premises use those dep it looks pretty tight I know we agreed to it last year as well so I wish you well thank you very much je I appreciate it uh yeah go ahead Sam I I mean I've known Sam for a long time and um I I think it's it's great you guys are doing this for second year uh it was successful last year um you have been willing to work with a parking Department to kind of work out the schedule which is which we appreciate um I think it's very important that you have the ability to teach kids how to swim in the environment we live in and swim lessons at oyster Pond is frankly a right a passage for anyone who who SP any time in chadam so um talk a little bit about um kind of the give back program how for like um how you you're modeling your program a little bit Yeah so as you all know when you use Town property you have to give back 10% of what you make um so Brooke and I our first summer that we did swim camp we kind of had a little deal so we actually donated that 10% to the monore youth services to be able to reach maybe lower income Community or families that their parents might work all day long and either don't have access to a pool or don't have the time to bring their kids to a midday swim lesson when they're at work all day so we do last summer it was Monday afternoons I believe or Wednesdays I don't really remember from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. with the um monamo you service and Teresa who is amazing would bring dinner for the families so we would teach our lesson and then we'd have like pizza with the kids on the beach and their families would be able to come and last summer ended up being closer to 20% um what we donated so even more than was asked of us which we're obviously fine with cuz Brook and I are also locals in the community want to give back and so we're doing that again this year um we're going to do it Mondays from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. July 8th through the 26th I'm not sure if that was on there but we had it in our PTU form Okay cool so yeah that's like our kind of I don't want to call it a deal but like our kind of trade with the town almost if you will um and it's so much fun and the kids love it and broe and I both work she works at chadam elementary and I work at harbage elementary so we know so many of the kids so all year they're like when swim lesson's going to start it's just so much fun so yeah that's like as Corey said what we do with the monway services yeah were you going to say something I was just going to make a motion but if you I was just going to say I'm strongly in support of it I I'm not as well aware of it as uh my friends here I I think it's terrific I I'm curious to know ballpark how many kids are are among the ones that um you're you're in effect um giving the slim swim lessons away too um I believe last summer was around 60 kids we had two different sessions so one session was the first half of the summer and the second was the latter half of the summer um just so that all the kids that go to the youth um program can have a chance to have swim lesson and we do it for I think it's four weeks each session that's and then the hour is 30 minutes are like the first half of the kids and then the second 30 minutes is another group of kids that's great yeah thank you I appreciate that appreciate the support I will welcome a motion uh Mr chair I move to approve the wicked wavy Swim School license agreement ahead second all those in favor Mr Mets hi uh Mr dykens M Davis and Mr Shell says I thanks very much thank you I really appreciate it you're all welcome to come and hang out at oer Pond during swim I appreciate it thank you so much thanks very much okay next item uh application for one-day entertainment license licenses by the chattam Marone Maritime Center good evening I'm I'm Bob Fishback uh president of the board of chatter Marcone um and uh your tenant uh which is like one of the the second reason I'm here um as you know maybe uh maybe remember two we didn't do anything last summer but two summers ago we did we started a program called music on The Veranda where we did um actx if you will um had performers on the uh either the front porch of v31 Orleans Road the old Marone hotel or on the immediately on the lawn uh was mainly a event for members um of chatter Marone is a a member benefit but it's also open to the public um and that's that's partly so that partly because it's your front lawn and it's partly to get us in a position where more people are introduced to chatam Marone and come over and see what we do and see that there is indeed life in north chatam um so we have uh this year we have set up uh six evenings we've coordinated with um pretty much everybody in town to avoid something else going on that night um we do we uh couldn't arrange to uh um uh move the harwichport evening music thing that they do over there but of course as you know you need you don't need a passport to go there you do need a visa to go to harage Port right so um but we're keeping this fairly lowkey uh it'll be free uh with a donation requested from the public and they said as a member benefit for our members we uh uh neither the Rolling Stones nor Taylor Swift were available uh those are the two Open dates that we're on to backfield um but we're keeping it fairly small um small group either individual performers or small X so that we don't make a whole lot of noise we have to make enough noise to overcome the traffic noise that's going by on Route 28 but not enough to annoy anybody um the closest neighbor on that diagram is off on the upper right is uh Dominic berei in the the house immediately Jason so the first thing I did was check with Dominic not just for this but also for all the other events like the summer stem things that we do out on the lawn and and make the kids make noise and so forth make sure he's okay with it so basically I'm just asking permission a to have six individual uh music events at Chad Marone and you're welcome to come please do uh and be for permission to use your your lawn well thank you very much that's a a very generous invitation does anybody want to comment on it or otherwise I would like to yeah go ahead Jeff hi Bob how are you good evening sir yeah good evening so you don't have any no plans or no request for fire pits or anything over there no fire pits no no fire pits no fireworks um anyway I'm very supportive uh you guys do a great job over there the whole program as wonderful um and you certainly have my support and I will make a motion if that's okay with everybody I move to Granny One Day entertainment permit to the chat Mark Marone Maritime Center for music on The Veranda on June 26th July 17th July 24th August 7th August 14th and August 28th 2024 from 4:30 to 6: p.m. at 8:31 or Road second all those in favor Mr matters I and Mr Dyk hi and M Davis Hi and Mr Shell says I with great thanks and I I'm G to be there at least once thank you appreciate thank you okay uh the next one is the uh the the deceased marine mammals um disposition uh policy and I will turn it over to the town manager Jill thank you Mr chair um so what you have before you is a policy that was vetted between the Department of Natural Resources community services and DPW Department of Public Works and it basically reflects the current practices of the departments in response to Notifications but we found that there really wasn't anywhere anything on the website that showed um what to do if there is a deceased mammal um on either private property or the town beaches so um um as you had previewed uh with our earlier comments um we found that there's probably about five or six um dead seals of of recent uh the spring that the DPW had to respond to and of course they've they took care of them appropriately and as I mentioned this basically reflects current practice so happy to um answer any questions or receive any input um I don't have it written as a first reading but certainly welcome to um PA comments and bring it back to the board for final approval if if you feel more comfortable um yeah go ahead Corey uh thank you Mr chair uh two two comments one is I do agree with um the previous speaker about using the term marine mammals I think just consistency um I don't think it would complicate the draft so I would I would stick with the det term marine mammals to cover seals sharks whales Etc so um I am looking for I'm I'm going to ask as in a very specific way because growing up in South chadam um there was an area that we have seen whales and seals and stuff wash up in Shore and I'm just trying to think of the logistics of and when it's identified so in South chadam you got the caoa beach go out to the jetty heading into Taylor's Pond area you know that flat as a you know as tide changes um there have been you know carcasses of seals out there on the flats I guess can you kind of clarify some of the logistics of who how is that going to be responded um are we going to let the tide kind of take care of it if it's going to be buried how are we accessing it via VIA boat but you really can't get there by vehical per se um I guess you know obviously we if it washes up on the shore we understand the procedure private property public property whatever but some of the more unique areas that might have a little more logistical hurdles to deal with um is there has there been thought put into how to tackle some of that kind of stuff I know there was some discussion I don't have an answer right now we can get back to about exactly how the call would be answered and and um triage per se so I can get back with DPW on that and report back fair enough thank you um Shireen thanks Jill did you say the Department of Health uh the health division was involved engaged in the discussion of of of handling the deceased carcasses yes definitely through Greg Burman and I had to just confirm if Judy georger was involved good okay so I have a couple of comments just to um I do agree with Miss Gibbs about the idea that the language here should be consistent with Marine Mammal and not dead seal um I also I think it's really important the health and the the health and safety protocols that are should be spelled out um on handling uh dis deed or carcass of a of a marine Manimal because they're just they have so many diseases that we don't know about um I there's a lot of fishermen that have done training with uh with uh permitted authorities to to know how to handle a seal if they get it in any of their um fishing gear um one of the things that I want to just take note it's not always happens that IFA will do a necros I can't say the word you know what I mean then um yeah they don't always so maybe that should uh that that language should be reflected in in the document just to say potentially doing um doing their assessment or however um and I was just wondering if you did vet all this protocol by IFA because they are a permitted authority to handle marine mammals where you know where you know live marine mammals but also you know dead whether they had had a look at it to see that it complies with the U Marine Mammal protection act um that's you know that that would just be some of my thoughts just to make sure that we're we're doing it the right way and the legal way um that's all I really have thanks Jeff yeah I Echo uh Miss Davis's comments uh both in terms of the language changing dead seals to marine mammals I think that's a point well taken by Miss Gibbs and I also would I think she has sh has a great point I would call IFA and see what the normal procedural protocol is and do they have good input on Cory's example etc etc so just a little bit more input um I'm a little concerned that if they do want to do a a necropsy on um a marine mammal and they kind of pick and choose whether they're going to pick and choose on a private piece of private property or on a public property we're saying yes we're going to make it available and certainly let you know that a marine mammals died on public property town home property but I think we should have guidance at least for those private property owners if a Marine Mammal should wash up on their property some kind of guidance on this is what you do call IFA you know uh arrange for burial removal um etc etc so I think we need a little bit more um you know skin on the muscle on the bone there in terms of guidance for the private property owner I don't think it's fair to just leave them out there hanging so um we need a second read yeah okay yeah that probably solves my problem is a second reading I I will say um this is something that is is relatively unfamiliar to me um but in terms of reading this and understanding what does it mean um I I think Miss Gibb's comments are well taken um I didn't hear anything uh uh uh that that I thought uh no we I can understand why that wouldn't be done but I Clarity with respect to if if there is a real serious differential between how we handle um a carcass on mun our property on Town property versus private property I I would agree with Jeff that we need a real clear um identification of the procedures and also it would be helpful if to the for the private property owner uh what the resources are that they can have access to or or refer to to to deal with the problem um and and I guess um I'll leave it at that yeah great thank you okay thank you uh next case um the uh Traffic Safety Committee uh Lieutenant Godard has a recommendation from the Traffic Safety Committee welcome good evening so the Traffic Safety Committee received a request via the Old Village Association for the installation of a crosswalk on School Street right at the Main Street intersection um their stated goal was to provide extra pedestrian safety by slowing down traffic turning onto School Street um their request prompted a better a little deeper examination into that particular intersection uh which yielded some interesting results one is that the vegetation along the uh southwest corner um that was a major visual block has been removed by the construction that's been done on that that corner you can see all the construction uh machinery and so forth there so that's improved the sight lines there and recent improvements to the sidewalks have actually installed the ada8 compliant ramps and the tactile yellow pads at the beginning and end of each of those uh sidewalks so the the request here is twofold one is to provide pedestrian safety going across that crosswalk um between the two sidewalks and second to to give drivers coming off of Main Street onto School Street something visual to let them know that there are pedestrians there in that area and might be approaching that intersection and just kind of slow their turn going around the corner um so the request is to install that crosswalk at that location and really all that would be required for installation would be the painting of the lines everything else is already in place and all the all the hard work has already been done okay thank you Jeff so moved second I think it's a very reasonable request so agreed yeah I agreed this is a classic no brainer um Mr matters hi Mr dykens and Miss Davis and Mr Shell says I thanks very much thank you appreciate it thank you appointments we have one appointment for the Human Services committee um which is bear with me uh we are um considering the appointment of William byrom for a seat on the Human Services committee um he was interviewed by the select board on may9 and um there are currently two open seats one with a term ending June 30 2025 and one with a term ending June 30 2026 Mr chairman Mr Dyk I move to appoint William bistram as a member of the Human Services committee until June 30th 2026 until sooner revoked or a successor is appoint I'm going to take the privilege of seconding that thank you any further discussion Mr Mets hi uh Mr dykin hi and M Davis Hi and Mr Shell says I thank you very much um M Goldsmith thank you Mr chair so before you tonight you have the town manager monthly report for April as well as a few current items and I wanted to highlight the employee years of service for June as I do every month and um one person who's not on here and we like we're very sorry about it but uh Diane Lang he's uh celebrating her 36th year anniversary with the town and natural resources as the department coordinator and you've seen her many times working with the Board of Health so we um Extended our apologies and we're really excited exed to celebrate her in her 36 years um John Whittle officer John Whittle who had retired um has joined us back again as a Reserve officer and the chief wanted to make sure that we recognized him for his 37 years of services but he did technically retire and come back but still um always a pleasure to have people return especially um with John being so cheery and then looking at the years of service definitely our our firefighters with Tim Hunter uh at 24 years and I wanted to do a shout out to Brian Powers he's our Highway laborer he's been here for 19 years he's the guy downtown who is just so cheerful he's picking up trash he's giving people directions he's he'll talk about his yoga classes and he's just an overall really cool guy and so um many times he's there before anyone's on Main Street and I saw him this morning and I when I saw that we're celebrating him I just wanted to note that so yay him and then every um every other Town employee is highly valued um going down to Tom bar for one year service our own uh Kathy Lewis has been here a full year that went by so quickly um as well as the Health Inspectors police sergeants um and so forth moving on up through longevity and then this report has our introductions of the new hires uh it was very active we were very active in April and May scoring new members to team chatam and so youing these individually but we have our housing inspector uh Karen who's helping uh with the health Division and the short-term rentals uh registration and inspections we have our adult Behavior Community Service Commission and Dian Nash who I believe you've met I'm certainly planning on bringing her back to the board to talk about um the services that she's been providing uh with uh adult behavioral health for the community services department also working with the police department and then we're still recruiting for the Youth clinician and then we had a promotion of Crystal Keon to the wetlands permitting coordinator and then we've uh had two new police officers uh entering the um uh where are they they're entering the training academy the police uh training Council one is Jordan Gagliardi uh a person who known all along she wants to be a police officer and it comes from a family of police officers and she just graduated from Fitchburg State and then Joseph plag liardo um many of you know him from around town he's headed security for The chadam Squire and he's he's just very excited uh to begin the hoolio Massachusetts police training Council staying with some family members there so we're very excited to have the two of them we have our Council on Aging Outreach coordinator Carrie Kelly uh she's been very active in again hopefully either doing a chat on TV special on the services that she's doing or bring her to the board for uh an introduction and and and just uh announcements of what she's working on and and um how she can best help all of our community members and then we have our Police Department administrative assistant uh Christine buak we got her from the DA's office we're very excited and then our Council on Aging Department assistant uh Alex Alexis wlar uh many people might know her from working at Larry's PX for many years so put herself through school and she's back and she started and doing a really great job and then you uh saw Anna today announcing the Council on Aging 50th year anniversary she does a lot of great programs interviews and she's highlighted in the flash so um wanted to put that out there m TV and then uh some information about accessing post town meeting material IAL the SC scorecard um the town meeting recording that we have and then the usual how to stay connected and our Communications for emergency notifications and so forth following this transmittal there's each department uh has a lot to offer and I'm happy to answer any questions Mr Shell thank you Jill great to see The Hires great to see The Hires uh they look like great hires sure they're excited about starting or I think some have been here a little bit but it's really good to see the hiring going on it's it's thank you good and this is a great report I mean I I haven't got through it line by line this time but I'll tell you right now for as a resource it's a great resource for Town towns folk voters residents non-residents Etc excellent yeah amen same thing yes thank jording no agreed fully agree okay thank you very much that's great um if there's nothing further motion to adjourn second all those in favor Mr Mets hi uh Mr dykin and Miss Davis Hi and Mr Shell says I we are adjourned at 7:02 [Music] [Music]