just change name plates and then see what happens we good okay ready to roll recording and progress thank you welcome to the chadam township committee meeting of January 30 23rd 2024 please join me in the flag salute Al flag States thanks everybody for joining us this evening our Township is a tight-knit community so when one family suffers we all mourn it saddens me to share that chattam Township resident Bailey bule has passed away Bailey was diagnosed in January of last year at the age of nine with a rare pediatric cancer she fought valiantly over the last year and the chadam community rallied around her as her Bailey's Warriors helping to raise 1 million for cancer research she inspired our community with her bravery and her kindness our whole Community Mourns the loss of Bailey there are no words to Bailey's mom Catherine her dad Daniel and her sister summer please know that your chadam Township family Mourns with you we are heartbroken for your loss I would like to ask for a moment of silence to honor this Brave chadam Township resident thank you before we begin our normal meeting schedule I wanted to take a moment to address the break-ins and car thefts since January of 2023 in the township there has been one home break-in nine attempted break-ins and two stolen vehicles while our police efforts and residents efforts to secure their cars has dramatically reduced the number of car thefts in the last couple of years the thieves have escalated their efforts by breaking into homes to get the car keys this is a serious matter and the number one priority for our Township committee and our police resolving this issue needs to be a full court press no stone left unturned I have talked with our police chief and I have the utmost faith in him and our police officers to do all they can to address these crimes in addition to increas in patrols the chief has coordinated with our neighboring towns and the county for resources and intelligence I want to thank the chief and our officers for doing all they can to address this concern chatt andboro mayor Carolyn Dempsey and I have spoken with the mors County prosecutor Bob Carroll and the mors County chief Bob MCN about resources and support our chief has and will continue to coordinate resources and he's confident in the support he's received from the county to date we've also spoken with our state senator John bramnick the governor's office and congresswoman Cheryl's office to make them aware of the uptick and break-ins and to discuss resources and legislative Solutions I will continue to sound the alarm and press at all levels of government to make sure everyone is engaged and protecting our residents residents of both chadam Township and chadam burough have asked to hear from both towns together so Chief Miller and I will join with the burrow chattam bur police chief Brian given and mayor car Carolyn Dempsey and County and federal Representatives next week February 1st via Zoom to discuss what's being done I've also asked Chief Miller who's here to speak at the end of our reports this evening so he could address residents and answer any questions thank you uh let's move into reports uh committeeman McHugh all right I do have a couple things um a couple notes on the library in open space of their annual uh setup is not done yet so that's coming shortly so we'll wait till next month on that uh but the environmental commission um certainly has going to have difficulty being more active than they've set themselves up to be uh they have uh really two big um projects that they have planned for 2024 um one is continuing the undertaking to uh reapply for sustainable Jersey which is a very large undertaking um and for recertification for the silver certificate for 2025 uh well it's due this year um big dates are May for the 1 and then July to try to get get get done so uh there's a lot that goes into that program Beyond setting out uh you know good environmental and sustainable practices it does result in possible interesting opportunities and grant opportunities for the township uh the other big one uh is they are planning to revisit this year the natural resources inventory which hasn't been updated for uh since 20 uh 14 or 13 I believe so it's in the 10year window that actually is something that is helpful to um the 27 closing in on us on the uh section of the master plan and that's a piece that the planning board will be able to use and that's a great undertaking but it is a big undertaking uh beyond the Yan's work they're doing for those two major items uh the uh they continue to uh plan their annual events uh so please do check out the uh Facebook page etc for uh you know the various webinars the plant CES and those kinds of opportunities uh which will be upcoming uh the general Outlook uh is that the nor The New Normal here uh is weather extremes and so the uh environmental commission is taking kind of an Outlook around that and some of their prioritized uh projects or look sees are geared toward that for uh runoff and and areas of soil erosion and these kinds of things and they have some uh some uh grants and projects they're pursuing in that regard so as you hear they're very very uh very busy but beyond that perhaps the closest big opportunity and next opportunity for a lot of residents to participate uh has to do with uh the adopt a drain program which some of you may or may not have heard of or be familiar with the drain in front of your house when it's clear the water uh is taken away if it's not clear I know that for years I walk across the street and get the leaves out and so uh uh my neighbor doesn't have a big puddle in his front yard uh that is something that is upcoming hopefully signups uh can be uh started perhaps in February or maybe March uh where where it will be kicked off I do have a couple uh personal notes on that um and nothing goes down a sewer drain it's not that some things you can put down the sewer drain which some believe uh nothing goes down there um but my personal wanted to reach out as a dog owner there are other dog owners in town um the dog waste does not go down the sewer it has happened and we see it happening and uh you know our poor DPW guys after six months of fermentation have to clean out a sewer drain uh let's do our all ourselves a favor and not put anything down the drains um so that's what we have thank you yep committee man Lois thank you um for Colony pool we have appointments tonight to fill out the committee so we look forward to an upcoming preseason meeting for that for the Department of Public Works the mayor has asked me to continue to make my famous lists of improvements to the town uh I would be like sort of a potholes and paint list um and I welcome any Resident who has some input on things that they would like to see improved to uh email me that's M Lois mlis chatam township.org so i' be happy to put that on list and Marty has is also on the Public Works committee with me and he's agreed to create a prioritization of that list um that hopefully we can address and so for recreation I'm looking forward to building a capitalist there as well and um specifically opening public access to to EST a and speaking of that access that leads us to utilities which is I guess work is set to begin or as I understand it work is planned to begin in uh off of the public access that was granted to jcpnl for power improvements that they're making in the right way thank you a committee women Roland uh the Board of Health is offering uh free vaccines for those that are uninsured underinsured um there are also free vaccines available at certain pharmacies around town I would encourage everyone if you can to get a flu shot the flu is absolutely awful this year there are many strains that are just really taking people down so if you're able to still get the flu shot then I encourage everyone to do that um also it was a big day today with the Historical Society the contract for the new Renovations uh to the exterior of the building was signed today uh that is a granted project to renovate and restore some of the exterior stairwells and replace a couple of windows so you'll be seeing some scaffolding and some work done around the uh the Mount Vernon Schoolhouse shortly thank you and Deputy Mayor Choy uh good evening all um on the rec front uh the one of the things that we introduced reintroduced recently was the chadam recreation Ski and Snowboard uh program which kicked off um uh it was uh delayed ironically uh for the first week due to a snowstorm uh but it got off the ground last week and we had a robust 1004 uh eager chadam snowboarders and skiers uh headed up to shaune Mountain for a delightful day uh by all accounts it was a success um there was one Public Service Announcement I'd like to make for those parents whose children uh participate in the program if your child does not have a helmet uh we strongly recommend that um you obtain one for your child and you also remind your child to wear it uh while on the mountain um The Joint wreck uh committee will also be meeting uh within a couple weeks so uh nothing report there but uh we'll have something once uh the agenda is put forth and some dialogues transpired there um you know our Township is is blessed with a number of Civic and development programs for our youth uh one of them is uh the Girl Scouts uh here in chadam um there are sign ific uh uh Awards uh that are achieved uh by our Girl Scouts uh bronze silver and gold uh one of the things I'd like to do is is provide a platform here to recognize our Chad and Girl Scouts for notable achievements um the silver award is is granted to those uh Girl Scouts who um dedicate 40 50 hours researching uh an issue that they find near and dear to their heart that's affecting the community uh they plan an execute a solution that U addresses that particular issue um it's notable only 10% of Girl Scouts achieve uh this award uh so it's outstanding that we've got 27 silver awards that were awarded to our Girl Scouts in chadam uh if I may I'd love to recognize those Girl Scouts uh Lily Arps uh Charlotte Barnes Cameron shul mateline Crawford Alexandra Donahue meline Garmin Paige Zuki Michelle Moran meline vich anuka rafetto Sarah Thomas Shaban Hillman Brooke nent Molly Alman Victoria kiss Sophia Smith Saadi leemon Alessa Cooney Lara fle nor Nora schuber Hannah shell Reagan David Natalie yakovich Khloe fol Asher Robson and sarap Gano uh in 2003 four prestigious gold awards were uh given to our chadam Girl Scouts this is the highest award uh ever um given to Girl Scouts 5% of all Girl Scouts achieve such an award um and each one identifies a community or Global issue uh ID puts forth a plan um researches the uh root causes of of the issue and um uh mobilize a team to execute the plan it's a commitment of 80 plus hours um uh and as I said there are four individuals I'd like to recognize Nicole Mueller who's a Juliet Scout Miranda singer who's in troop 94962 Arie Seth in troop 94510 and Mary young in troop 94962 uh anecdotally I understand that our community uh used to uh benefit uh we used to have one of the highest Girl Scout participation per capita metrics um in the area and um I think it's just a testament to the volunteers uh something that committee man mugh as uh profess was one of the unique things about uh our community uh the parents and of course all the girls that are in the community so uh hats off to all you girls it's a fine achievement um I admire all the work and effort you put into it and uh uh happy to be able to recognize you here on this platform and that's all I have mayor thank you it's also cookie season so if anyone wants to buy cookies yeah find a Girl Scout yeah so get ready for SMS and thin mints and as a tantalizing end note there is a new cookie that's that's coming forth it shall be unnamed and uh I'll leave you as a Pavo in response to run to that door when you hear that doorbell uh to greet that girl scout who will be offering those cookies thank you uh and congratulations to the scouts and to all our Scouts in town a lot of their service projects are directed to the community so we appreciate their service um my report I would like to thank our residents who volunteer for the many boards and committees that make chadam such a great place to live this evening on the consent agenda we will appoint our Colony advisory committee members Erin bergo Amanda Fowler Dana met Viner and Phil anle Asher Robeson will be appointed in a new role as a youth liaison to the col pool advisory committee we will also reappoint Jake Zeki to the open space committee and Anna McCormack to the Board of Health uh in other news and updates the planning board had their reorganization meeting Uh Kevin Sullivan will serve as chair of the planning board Mike nebert will serve as Vice chair and Matt Khan will serve as secretary for the planning board uh thank you for your service to all our chadam Township resident volunteers um and I always have to give a pitch for my senior Ser Senior Services Center uh they're always doing great things so make sure to go online uh and sign up for some of the programs they have um I think I will turn it over Mr lacante do you have any reports um dog licensing is now up and running um we have our new software up I've done I think about 94 licenses in the past week uh so if there's anyone listening who hasn't renewed their dog license yet um please send in your paperwork uh the forms available on the website it was emailed out to one that I had an email for and um if anyone doesn't have it they can give me a call and I'll gladly get it to them and uh cats are required to be licensed as well can they go online and pay online now or not uh we we don't have that set up yet we are moving in that direction um we have to get some internal stuff together with uh being able to accept online payments once we have that squared away we are looking to have online renewals thank you uh Mr shahadi gosi then the 2 meeting ail 2R meeting of a will um so I I know our neighboring burrow just went through a townwide reval um ours will be better yes um but it's you know it's one third are going to win one third are going to lose one third are going to up FAL so it's a stressful and uh difficult process I just want to make sure uh residents are clear what triggers so it's a required re reval by the county what triggered the reval just so they don't understand it's a that's requ by St La got a tax okay is thank you okay if there were no other report I'm going to turn it over to Chief Miller I think we're good Chief Miller thank you for coming I appreciate you speaking to the committee and to the residents do we have good volume on Chief Miller I just want to make sure I'm I'm thinking while you're speaking maybe if you could pull the mic closer thank you yeah 2019 is better so first and foremost I want to make very clear that the safety of our residents will always be our primary focus and concern we take all patterns of crie very seriously continually monitor potential threats both locally and on a larger scale although most think that our current Trend in burgar started in 2023 in fact it started in 2020 where we have five burgies in the span of a few days directly related to if you see September of 2020 that's where our first group of burglaries related order additionally we experienced one in 2022 and one more this past year in 2023 in addition to the One auto theft related burglar last year we had two stolen vehicles and eight attempted burglaries to a home so if you look at November 2023 we only actually have in 2023 one actual res so we had two total one was a business burgy and was a occupied dwelling residents were home and we believe it was not forc entance so here is our 2019 and 2023 auto theft Trend you can see 2023 we pretty flat we had a Auto in January 2023 and Mar again our PE period was 22 we had so as of today the Township's St vehicles have trended down from a high 9 2020 to 2023 to add some perspective Statewide from January 15th to the 21st 248 Vehicles were stolen over the last 28 days 1,131 vehicles stol Statewide this is currently a 29% reduction from the same time period last year currently year to date compared to last year there is a 1% decrease Statewide the state's average is currently 39 stolen vehicles per day these crimes are are primarily committed by Juvenile criminals who are committing these crimes at the direction of adult criminals unfortunately there's no accountability or cons quences for many these fronts as such there's no deter and these young criminals continue their criminal activity so here's our 2023 stats as you can see the black illustrates our two stolen vehicles which one occurred in January and one is in March and the blue coordinates with our uh burgs and the Cs so our one home burglary was in June of 2023 the high in November of three there were attemps so within the past couple weeks we've had four TS total there's several layers that are addressing Auto thefts and home burglaries Associated home burglaries that are associated with auto thefts our federal state and local law enforcement are actively involved with either intelligence collecting forming task forces to come about these issues and helping bolster local municipality controls some of these things we we are doing locally we have installed alpr Technologies throughout the Township in the last week of December we installed two additional alprs which brings our total to seven strategically placed alprs in addition to that we have two mobile mounted alprs in our vehicles so theoretically we have nine total report throughout the panal ship at any given adjusted our patrols and we are adequately staffed during the times that we have identified as target times additionally Mars County Sheriff's Patrol have been assisting us with directed high visibility controls throughout the night back in early 2022 a contingent of local police Chiefs created the southeast Morris County ATF those towns include ourself chattan bur Madison for Park Andover and East in addition in addition to sharing pertinent intelligence we deployed a task force within our municipalities and have coordinated response plans should we encounter any suspects lastly the mor count prosecutors offic conduct saturated patrols during their attf operations the frequency of these operations vary now this is our 2023 all calls associated with anything a some of these are just alpr hits so we had a total of 45 total incidents related to Auto beer burgies with3 10 of those were actual either attempted burglaries or the two bur so most of that is our so things that you could do to lessen your chance to be a victim ensure that all of your doors in interior garage doors and windows are securely locked Park your high-end luxury vehicles in your garage whenever possible activate your Burglar Alarm especially Window and Door contacts with glass brakes ensure that your surveillance system is in working order keep the exterior properly property well lit and never leave the ke5 of your vehicle encourage your DAV to watch out for your home notifying them if your car is left unlocked or your garage doors left open we Contin throughout the night and our patrols will go 3 4:00 in the morning and not got some door and see Gage it happens quite a bit stay aware of your surroundings and Report any suspicious activities or persons in case of a crime in progress dial 911 uh just so everybody knows we have what's called live 911 in our vehicles and what that does it trig when 911 is triggered itut promps in Tran's vehicle and they hear the fall live so there's no need for the dispatch to now send that the call taker which sends it to our unit so they deploy directly once they hear the call so it it cuts down response time minutes now with that said before I open it up to any questions I just want to address one other one other thing we recently had a a an arrest that took place in last December the arrest involved a charge of human trafficking among other things I want to make it very clear that no one in chadam Township was ever in any danger aside from the victim at no time was this criminal lurking around around shatam Township or any school property the case involved a Township juvenile who did not attend shatam schools and a juvenile from the count both females need the suspect I had been getting some feedback concern from residents not enough information was put out but people need to know that once the prosecutor's office is involved we can no longer make a comment so if people would like further information I would address I would have them address the most again no time was anybody any thank you U let's open it up to the committee first and then we'll open up the public hearing so they can questions does anybody have any questions for the chief are you seeing any are you seeing Chief um any patterns uh with regard to vehicle type and location within the township seems to be prevalent in terms of where the attempts are occurring we were seeing a pattern and the pattern change there were c located around the lock area now out as far as Vehicles anything high they like BMW they like Land Rovers they they like anything Mercedes so anything highend on five value that's where they're going to make the most money when they sell these these clubs M did you have a question I just want to say thank you ch for um coming here you are real credit to our community and uh we are lucky to have you as our police chief and U to you also Lieutenant Haworth thank you for coming and you're deeply appreciated by this community um I think that you have done a really wonderful job of attempting to address this problem which is Statewide that said and without politicizing this I will say that there are Sheriff golden Mammoth county has come forward with um at least five steps for legislature and other elected officials Community leaders in order to to address this problem five steps for them to take and I'm without politicizing this I'm just going to ask you if if you would be adverse or you think that any of these would not help and his steps are to include a central transparency list of offenders prosecutions um to include publish arrests rearrests and Court outcomes and sentences number four is increased penalties of mandatory sentencing for criminal actors especially those using electronic GPS tracking and other uh car theft Technologies to increase mandatory penalties for criminal Rings or Enterprises that employ juveniles as mules and the commissions of crimes number two is a mandatory hold of reoffending juveniles who should receive mandatory education and counseling and number one uh a stepped up scale mandatory bail and sentencing for re offenders and this is to to address these five things or to address what Sheriff golden has identified as um uh to address the legislature and governor in order to take action on Catch and Release and a failed bail Reform Act I'm just wondering if any of those five steps that you would disagree with or or would say is unneeded no thank you just one more comment I I believe back in 20122 we signed a sign ordinates supported the Cody legislation which is similar to just present and some of the suggestions and I think the main you're absolutely right we did sign that and it would you know a resolution and support of making those changes um I think the the big issue here is that people kind of put up their hands and they say you know what more can we do it's like yeah lock your car and at some point you know you lock your car and you know you you turn on your alarm and you try to do the right thing um and without blaming the victim there is still there is still a rising trend of this I mean as awareness goes up as as vigilance goes up um we still see it so clearly other steps are needed and I I don't I don't believe that those Solutions my personal opinion they don't they can't come solely from chadam Township or certainly not the chadam Township Police Department and certainly not even this day I think it needs to be from elsewhere and um all other sort of energies are minor in comparison to going to to what is in my opinion these are not your words of course my opinion uh the root cause which are those five things um that have to do with changes that were made in this state you inappropriately um I'm I'm not going to get into State policy but I will tell you that uh when I've uh Conta conted at the county level at the state level uh there is an attention there the are there are other towns uh you know the the at the county level they made me aware that parcion had in our time period had like 34 thefts whatever it was so they are aware it's on their radar um and like I said I I'm pushing behind the scene so uh hopefully we'll get some traction but it's not falling on deaf ears right now I'm going to um open the open the floor for the public hearing so the public can comment Mr lante can you provide the guidance for the public hearing so members of the public are now welcome to come up to the microphone to address the township committee this is an opportunity for any member of the public to be heard about issues which are not topics scheduled for public hearings tonight those present May step up to M microphone uh to my right to be heard um if you're watching via Zoom you may speak during any of the public comment sessions following the zoom instructions to raise your hand whether in person or online when you're recognized to speak please mind the following procedures please say your name spell your last name and give the name of your street you do not need to give your street number all public comments will be limited to three minutes rather than use any of your time answering uh answering questions the township committee will wait until you finish speaking before responding there are are two public comment sessions on tonight's agenda each member of the public will be limited to one comment of up to three minutes during each com public comment period written comments submitted to the Township Clerk before 3M today which we did not receive any today but um if we had they would be read during the public comment session uh written comments which are subject uh written comments are subject to the same guidelines as oral comments duplicative written comments may be summarized rather than read in full according to the guidelines issued by the New Jersey Division of local government services thank you so I would ask anybody who wants to come up to focus our initial questions for the chief and if anybody's interested you feel free to come up to the mic uh Mr lante do we have anybody raising hands online okay if we have no questions for the chief I will thank you I'm going to leave the public hearing open for any other questions but I thank you both for coming and for speaking to the committee and to the residents and for all your efforts I know it's been rough people are pulling extra hours all kinds of hours to uh help protect the town and we appreciate please extend our our gratitude to the force thank you okay so our public hearing is still open if anybody else has any other questions you'd like to come up or comments and I'll check again Mr lante do we have anybody with other questions or comments um no okay in that case I will close the hearing of citizens um next on the agenda Workshop discussion we missed our last meeting because of the uh storm and the state of emergency um were there some things we needed to cover because I know you covered a lot in your reports from the workshop meeting comp chief question res I have a few questions on that one so I was like intimately involved with the fiber Loop and writing for the grant writing for the congressionally Congressional direct spending for it um it seemed to me that the in the engineers report that the fiberloop somehow had portions of it which involved underground um something underground and that was specifically like something that we had avoided when we had initially quoted this project because it is so prohibitively expensive I mean I'm not this is not firm but it might be like 9x the cost of overhead right so um are there elements of underground that somehow made it into the bid Dev Whata has the chief had an opportunity to to to look at the rebid or the documents for the rebid Reid right I'm I I can imagine that we are okay so my request would be when we make the rebid that that the Poli that our police chief be able to review those um specifications again okay our information conflicts a little bit and we can talk about that offline so it's not not not contentious okay yeah let's follow up with with that after um okay did you have anything else uh um okay well I have a a few questions about the workshop that that we missed um generally I mean the so the biggest one is is the one regarding grants for our community um because we have a firefighter Grant well there we would have had to have we have to put together a firefighter grant for new equipment for uh for January 31st that was a deadline last year it's a deadline this year it's been the deadline for the last 15 years that this um firefighter Grant is is available for um equipment replacement and it's the biggest expense that our community has behind affordable housing or potential affordable housing is um are are these two trucks that I can see one is a ladder truck and the other is a rescue truck and we we are badly in need of them so I wanted to know what is maybe the Public Safety Committee can weigh in on this but it's just like a workshop item like what what is our what is our plan for pursuing grants especially related to the fire department okay I'm trying to I'm trying to crystallize it down to a question for you um what is just tell me what is the process for uh great thank you but I I spoke about these grants specifically last year uh I spoke about them in January when this deadline was uh coming up and I'm talking about them again tonight because it's a huge expense and I think that I think we are really um doing a detriment to our community by not having a fire and rescue liaison there are some very specific issues that have to do with our fire department mostly with equipment replacement the safety of the firefighters and then recruitment that are not being attended to closely enough and maybe there's a better answer than a fire and rescu liaison but that's the answer that I can keep that I keep thinking about that it keeps coming up that clearly we're not paying close enough attention to Grants that are at hand and the needs of our fire department they are an all volunteer service and they desperately need our attention so I'm going to volunteer again to be the fire and rescue the aison not and and yet somehow we've still missed the firefighter grant for um replacement vehicles for two years in a row at least right but if we had one perhaps at the be maybe when I first talked about it last year you could have some time to prepare it of course we're never going to meet a Grant application that's due in 10 days it's not going to happen you're right all right we got the point um and I will say because you had mentioned to me the interest in uh in the role of serving as a liaison uh in terms of being able to support them from a grant perspective I will say that the most of those volunteer organizations will have people on their boards and they welcome people on their boards who are going to support that so regardless of whether or not there's a formal position which there are formal positions to serve as liaison but regardless of whether or not you are assigned that a formal position you should certainly feel you can ask the Green Village fire department you can ask CH Township Fire Department if I've made substantial if not mostly wholly um written grant applications on their behalf because because I am so interested in the welfare of those institutions and they you know additive quality to our town of course and I've I've done that uh I'm asking to be for to be formalized that's what I'm asking for but if if you want to ignore that and move on a different way if this could be addressed it would be helpful to our community the other thing about the workshop at the workshop um that we missed was just simply the discussion of workshops and I think there's probably no greater example of why we don't need to have Workshop meetings than what's happened right here tonight which is we can talk things out we can have we can have a discussion there can be a uh a back and forth during any formal meeting and we've seen from having Workshop format that all we do is what we've done tonight we speak to an empty room we we have less participation less uh public involvement than we've ever had we have uh made an informal session for half of our meetings by going to a uh work workshop discussion and what it does it what it appears to do is not drive any more views or clicks on doesn't doesn't put any more eyeballs on us and doesn't put anybody in this room so I don't know how this is better a better dialogue for the community it doesn't seem to be adding anything in that in so much the other part of it that is just the logistical part of sitting down there um you know where everybody where half of our backs are to the audience nothing tells people go home uh I don't want to see you then turning your back to them and you have half the committee turning their back to the audience it's and maybe maybe that could be fixed ergonomically but it's it's it's not the right message we're sending a visual message we're sending a another message which is hey this is a casual meeting and then you have uh the other aspect of it which is um we're we're we've told people we're not going to take formal action except for in specific cases at Workshop meetings and at these Workshop meetings we don't take formal action and what end up happening was the good ideas an ordinance that we passed about um car thefts which was uh sort of um lering with the intent to steal or or trespassing rather with the intent to to commit a a crime of some kind we we put together an ordinance that um you know addressed that and gave our to gave our police another tool of how to pursue criminals what what we what we did was it took five months for that ordinance to pass because of the workshop because you have well we're going to talk about about it workshop and then we're going to wait and then we'll talk about it next workshop and then once the the thing gets introduced you have an introduction then you have another Workshop then you have a formal meeting where you can finally pass it and it extends out the the actual action you can take for no good reason at all that's and if we want our staff if we want the the our Township to be nimble to be lean to be the what it has always been then we have to do this by example and not do not add bureaucracy layers of you know hope of uh well I I'll leave it there I think I think you know what I'm saying I really do not support these Workshop meetings and I think that what it says is hey there's a time when we can kind of discuss and then there's a time where we're just gonna Ram it all through why does that have to be why can't we have an honest and open discussion in each meeting okay thank you Mr Lois I appreciate your uh Insight on Workshops can we add the workshop discussion to the next next Workshop meeting was planned for the last one and we didn't thank you and then we could all provide our input thank you and I'll I'll confirm it a later time but I think we would have to amend our bylaws by ordinance in order to do away with the workshop meetings so I believe it was codified a couple years ago when the bylaws themselves were set by ordinance okay let's start with the discussion and then we'll see where we go from there um okay do I have an introduction we're going to move into ordinances do I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 one the storm water Control Ordinance so moved do I have a second I'll second uh and we already got the background but just for the benefit of the uh new committee members uh we go through the introduction process um we have discussion if there's any discussion at this point but we do uh if we vote to introduce then there's a uh public hearing that takes place and then there's a final vote to approve um that ordinance so we're not we're voting basically just to move it forward to the public hearing at this point in time did anybody have any questions regarding um what Mr shahadi explained on the storm water Control Ordinance any discussion yeah I have a question about that okay um I it's my understanding that there's a checklist with the state I forget what that's exactly called but we have some sort of a checklist and to my memory we we were compliant with 27 out of 32 or something like that you know I'm sure if anybody on this St is familiar what I'm asking about but that that is U is that what's driving our requirement to pass this ordinance um are we afraid that we're going to lose a point on that checklist or what would be the penalty if we didn't pass this ordinance yeah do Mr shotty do you have the answer to that question okay but or else what like obviously we have some Authority we're exercising it somebody told us we have to do this or else what law so there's a there's a statute pass that says every um municipality must pass this ordinance I mean why wouldn't they just pass it at that level I mean I'm asking about the nuts and bolts of how this works okay great so there's some latitude in it have we have we exercised then is this the absolute minimum I mean how was this gauged was this workshopped I mean how was right and I asked I asked at that time was this at a minimum and I'm asking yeah and and the engineer will be here for the next meeting so uh yeah I would ask you to defer some of those technical questions or detailed questions for when the engineer is here okay okay so can I get a roll call vote Please Mr Lois yes Mr McHugh yes Mrs Rand yes Deputy Mayor choy yes mayol yes motion passes public hearing will be on February 27th we're going to move on to the approval of the consent agenda I just wanted to check did anybody want to pull out any of the resolutions for a separate vote um actually now that I think about it for I feel like you had December minutes you can't vote on the December no they were in attendance they can vote on them however I think it would be most appropriate I think you're correct I I I feel that it would be most appropriate if they would abstain but that's up to them I mean ter in terms of Robert's Rules if we're governed by Robert's Rules they absolutely can vote on them just so we know if we need to pull this out does anybody have an opinion of the the new committee members um I was here for the meetings I I am familiar with the minutes but um I think it's easiest if I just have to take or are they combined Greg can yeah can you comment on that that help me out yeah I would recommend that uh any committee members that were not present at the um the meeting that are the subject of the minutes what they were can I re yeah can I rephrase the question they were here I became I was here at the meeting but I was not a Committee Member at that time okay same answer yes still I would still recommend that you stay thank you so which resolution does that apply to I just remember it's the would be um items two and three uh resolution 2024 047 and 048 um 047 is the regular session minutes and 048 is executive from December okay so do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda with those uh two resolutions pulled out 47 and 48 so move I have a second a second can I get a roll call vote Please Mr Lois yes Mr mugh abstain this is for the regular consent agenda oh I'm sorry yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes and mayor ewal yes motion passes um and we're gonna why don't we take them together uh do I have a motion to approve resolutions 2024 47 and 202 24-48 eight do I have a motion to approve some second okay so can I get a roll call vote on those please Mr Lewis yes Mr MCH abstain Mrs ran abstain Deputy Mayor Troy yes and mayor e yes motion passes okay we will open our second hearing of citizens the same uh rules that were read earlier apply do we have anybody on the zoom we do not have any hands raised okay then I will close the second hearing of citizens um I am looking for a motion to adjourn so moved do I have a second second all in favor I I I we are adjourned thank you recording stopped