##VIDEO ID:oJBbvSIexY8## and did you want to speak it all after briefly okay on YouTube Alex okay I'll confirm thank you welcome to the recording in progress welcome again welcome to the chadam township committee meeting of September 24th 2024 um adequate notice has been given uh we were in executive session our Clerk has confirmed that adequate notice was given um and we will now stand for the flag Ste please join me I to flag of the United States of America the na indivisible and jusice for all uh first order of business we have a proclamation on the agenda I want to thank an McCormack of the Board of Health for bringing this to our attention uh it's ovarian cancer awareness month and uh you know whatever we could do to help our residents to uh take care of themselves and to be aware and educated I think is so valuable especially for something like this so thank you for bringing this to our attention whereas ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths of women in the United States and causes more deaths than any other gynecologic cancer and whereas almost 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the United States every year and about 14,000 lose their lives including 590 new cases and 340 deaths in New Jersey with over 230,000 families living with ovarian cancer today and whereas in the United States a woman's lifetime risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer is about 1 in 78 and whereas the 5-year survival rate for ovarian cancer is 50% and survival rates vary greatly depending on the stage of diagnosis and whereas ovarian cancer is called a silent killer because its symptoms are often vague or subtle and whereas there is not currently an effective diagnostic tool for screening and early detection does not exist and whereas on this day we encourage all residents to learn more about the subtle signs symptoms and current treatment options available to women who identify and overcome this disease now therefore I Stacy Wald mayor of chat of the township of chadam along with the township committee do hereby Proclaim September 2024 as ovarian cancer awareness month in the township of chadam and encourage all to wear a teal ribbon in support of those individuals who may be battling the disease thank you and if you wanted to say a couple words and then I'll give you the proclamation I just want to thank the township committee for this Proclamation um taking the time to do so is very important because there isn't a nationally at educational campaign for this disease even though it's one of the most deadliest of cancers um so it's really important that these proclamations get made so that there is awareness out there and it's great to see that the township supports its citizens and awareness especially of you know deadly Women's Health diseases so thank you very much thank you p okay we're going to open our um first hearing of citizens Mr lante can you read the guidance please members of the public are now welcomed to come up to the microphone to address the township committee this is an opportunity for any me member of the public to be heard about issues which are not topics scheduled for public hearings tonight those present May step up to the microphone to be heard if you're watching via Zoom you may speak during any of the public uh comment sessions by following the zoom instructions to raise your hand whether in person or online when you're recognized to speak please mind the following procedures please say your name spell your last name name and give the name of your street you do not need to give your street number all public comments will be limited to 3 minutes rather than use any of your time answering questions the township committee will wait until you finish speaking before responding there are two public comment sessions on tonight's agenda each member of the public will be limited to one comment of up to 3 minutes during each public comment period written comments submitted to the Township Clerk before 3 p.m. today will be read during the public comment session written comments are subject to the same guidelines as oral comments duplicative written comments may be summarized rather than written in full according to guidelines issued by the New Jersey Division of local government services and I did not receive any written comments by 3M for our um hearings of citizens tonight thank you uh do we have anybody on Zoom who would like to speak uh we do not have any raised hands okay anybody here who wants to speak okay in that case I'll close the hearing of citizens and we'll move on to the mayor's message um residents may have read the recent news that the school district of the cadams is considering as send receive agreement with Harding for Harding High School students to attend the chadam high school Harding only has a k TOA School District they currently send their high school children to m Madison High School as part of this negotiation the board of education has asked our joint Recreation committee to consider whether they'd be able to absorb the Harding K to8 students in our joint wreck program the Board of Education and Joint Recreation both held meetings last week where this request was discussed I understand there were a lot of comments at the Joint wreck meeting regarding the potential Harding cadams send receive agreement the township and burrow do not have jurisdiction over for the school district the decision is solely theirs likewise our joint Recreation program does not have any say in the school district decision their objective is solely to determine how if at all they can accommodate the Harding K children into our chadam sports program and to make a recommendation to the township and to the burrow based on their assessment the final decision on incorporating the Harding students into our sports program will be made by the municipalities we expect these discussions to take place over the next couple of months I want to thank the joint Recreation committee and their chair Tom for their work in general to make our Sports programs wonderful but also thank them for their efforts in reviewing the feasibility of incorporating the Harding KD students into our Sports programs I wanted to just highlight a couple of items on the agenda this evening we have a public hearing tonight for an ordinance to amend the construction um construction on holiday ordinance uh this was intended as a small change to include the the federal and state holiday of juneth but there was a suggestion to include additional changes to prohibit construction that occurs on weekends and holidays on the interior of a property uh whether to expand the scope of this amendment at this time will be discussed and if needed an additional hearing will be put on the schedule so residents can comment we also have an introduction of an ordinance related to establishing an overlay Zone on a portion of the furber farm this property was purchased by pscg for staging for their monopole install installation project it's uh the property that's behind the um Green Village fire department uh now that the work is largely done uh they will turn psng will turn over the bulk of the property of the Great Swamp Wildlife Refuge three acres of the property will be given to the Great Swamp Watershed Association for their headquarters this ovet Zone will help provide some structure with respect to the use of that property our events committee is busy planning for our for Fall Festival which is scheduled for October 26th at Castle Park the Fall Festival will follow our environmental commission's work day for families looking for a Day of Service activity it'll be a great opportunity to care for our parks and Fields followed by a lot of family and funds so save the date and I think that's everything that I have for that now so we'll switch to the uh committee reports um committ in Lois um so for utilities residents may have seen some notices about this um but most recent the most recent and good news is that P is uh has requested from the BPU a rate reduction and that is predicted to be about a 4% average monthly uh Bill savings starting October 1st for for residents um which is pretty amazing and the bad news is that jcpnl and the New Jersey American Water have both increased over the past few months and so the average increase is between 8 and 9% for jcpnl that would be electricity and uh New Jersey American water is up 6 to 7% these price these uh rates and costs are driven by the size of your meter um in the case of New Jersey American Water they the number I quoted here is based on a 5/8 inch meter residents have up to one inch sometimes one and a quarter inch meters so it it's not I'm not able to tell you uniformly or blank a blanket statement as to how much rates have increased so you may see a variation in your bill that's less or more than these rates but those are good averages put out um by for the BPU purposes and then for recreation I actually have a have a question uh just about that um about the about the Harding situation which is it's my understanding that because we have a club model that we are currently are accepting out of town residents so there would be there are new New Providence um people playing you know kids playing on our sports teams they are playing on our Recreation uh fields and it it's entirely possible that there's Harding residents so I'm I'm just a little unclear as to what what the actual request is here the response I received initially was that it's chatam only that that decision was vetted many times with respect to like uh the private schools in town and some of the kids that will are from outside of the cadams that go to the private schools and that it was a chadam only decision from way back when um that was the the response I had received so um but but the individual clubs are the ones who sign um players up so they could accept either way the individual clubs will come back so it could be that you'll get five clubs that say they have capacity and they can take them and it could be three others that say they don't have capacity and they can't take them okay and that's a Poss and we can pursue it that way also okay all right that's a just a wreck question thanks for entertaining that I appreciate it I I I do think though that that's something that's been under reflected like in the request the the request from the school board to to the towns I don't think citizens are necessarily aware that currently as we as we speak there are outof Town residents out of town uh players on the sports teams I know specifically uh baseball is a large program it does pretty well and out of town residents do play for the club thank you that's that's yeah I mean I guess we'll find out a little bit more because when it came to our joint wreck programs and I don't know if there's a distinction in terms of the club versus the $15 that's pay into joint wreck and what that means I'm not sure but uh the original response that I had received in a lot of the information said only chadam students so yeah we'll like I said each Club is going to be able to to evaluate that and give their input okay commit mugh okay uh welcome back everybody in Fall we got a lot going on for sure let's start with the environmental commission uh there is some good news and that is uh we were awarded uh the bronze level for sustainable Jersey and so congratulations to uh the efforts of the EC on that um and continue to uh uh utilize uh the benefits that that brings uh we co-hosted and attended the sustainability fair co-hosted with the bur um there was a well attended certainly uh lots of great exhibits hopefully you got to enjoy some of that over uh last Saturday uh there will be the fall TR town yard sale and that is on October 19th uh rain date of the 20th so you can sign up at the Great Swamp Watershed website um there is a educational program hosted by the uh environmental Commission on October 19th at 7 o' that will be held at the library of the chams um it's really uh a lot about mosquito management uh with the Morris County Mosquito commission so it should be quite interesting uh to keep the little buggers from biting um uh the uh mentioned again the adoped drain program is still um running and will continue to run and flow I should say uh and we still looking for a lot of drains to be covered so get out there and adopt your drain so we keep the water water running um there is a mark your calendars we have a cleanup and work day for the Shunpike restoration project uh that's going to be on October 26th from 8:30 to 10: in the morning everyone is welcome to participate to make it uh a nicer under the trees area and so please come out and and join and there may or may not be to try to uh bring more of us out uh a tree giveaway at that time it's under process to try to get that organized on the same day same place same time uh and channel moving over to uh the library a couple programs here we'd like to uh mention uh the library will be hosting a pair of workshops uh focused on teens and their use of screens and social media uh that will be on Wednesday September 25th uh so you got a lot of time to uh get ready because that's tomorrow um but please be aware of it um one Workshop is geared toward parents and caregivers uh it has an emphasis on how to keep the children safe while also encouraging uh healthy social media use uh the second Workshop uh is intended for middle and high school students and it will focus on how social media affects teens's mental health in both positive and negative ways in addition the workshop will provide strategies and resources uh so teens uh learn how to avoid uh media misuse right uh also the library will be holding again holding children's chess workshops for a variety of ability levels uh these weekly sessions are extremely popular um and students learn game strategy basic checkmates uh tactical patterns for the check boards a real great mind stimulation for sure um and finally on September October 12th uh the library will be hosting dwali which is uh for those who are not aware Festival of Lights it will highlight some of the Traditions associated with this Festival including music dancing and stories and on uh the open space committee uh has uh no report for today but we will be meeting again at the end of October thank you thank you um and I want to thank all the volunteers who are work working on all these different activities but especially um our environmental Commission on getting the sustainable Jersey bronze level because I know that took a lot of work so um thank you to their chair Jessica Romeo and to the committee for all their work on securing that bronze level um committee woman why was your last name eluding me Roland who is that woman it's been a while since um the historical society as usual is opened the first Sunday of the month um they've gotten some new donations it's wonderful that people from town you know find things in their homes or if they're they're moving or going through things they donate some amazing items so um there's always a change of things um at the Museum if you want to stop by it's usually open between 2: and 4: um on October 20th there will be a presentation at the library called flexible flyers and other great sleds as well uh shoppr is um shopright held an event for Hunger action month because September is um hunger action month so um there are still needs in the community so if you're able to donate to the food pantry please do so um you can make donations at the chattam Methodist Church in the back by the door not at the pantry anymore and then in terms of um Public Safety and the Board of Health there's been a lot of concern about ebikes and safety around town um in terms of some of the speeds that the bikes can get up to wearing of helmets riding on sidewalks and safety on the road especially in intersections and coming around corners uh and I know that the uh police department has been speaking with students and speaking with ebike riders I believe that certain bikes that are able to reach speeds over a certain mile per hour I believe it's 25 or over um they're requiring those bikes to be registered so if you haven't had any interaction yet with um with the police department or anyone related to Public Safety uh you may uh because they're actively trying to educate the Riders and the kids around town because it's it's really a safety issue thank you Deputy Mayor um thank you Mary wal um as the mayor had uh shared with you earlier the Board of Education had spent a portion of their agenda discussing the uh consideration of a send and receive uh arrangement with Harding uh I would encourage you to the extent that the matter is of interest to you or importance to you uh to review the video from the most recent uh Board of Education meeting from September 16th um my understanding is that no decision has been made uh discussions are ongoing and again um feel free to reach out to the township Representatives uh on the board of education U should you desire to get some questions answered in your opinions um known on the matter of uh Recreation uh The Joint recre uh advisory committee had met uh uh um the following day on Tuesday uh to discuss uh the possibility of of the inclusion of Harding students into the programs um the the marching orders to the clubs was to um take an evaluation uh of their specific programs uh and come back to the advisory committee um with their questions and also uh s u inclination on whether or not they might be able to accommodate um if not um let us know as well as if they could if there are any conditions that uh would be attached to that uh yes response um again if you have any questions we do have Township Representatives on the board I would encourage you to reach out to them and certainly myself happy to chat with anybody uh to the extent they care to understand a little bit more of the ongoings on that particular matter um what I can share with you for chatam we've got over 5100 registrants in I think uh 17 recreational and sports activities so it's a robust program um the inclusion of Harding uh would be uh a a number of something like 3 or 400 representing something like 78% um from the total registrant that we have today um so those are just a few numbers uh for you to chew on um and that would be it mayor thank you okay mayor if you if you will just on the ebike thing um that committee woman Roland reported on I I know the fire department also expressed concern about um the ebikes and um and scooters and anything with a large battery especially in multif family um and and we have communities coming online and also communities now you know where uh someone who doesn't have let's say a UL listed uh battery could potentially cause a fire that would impact a lot of people and that might be something that we might take up in a workshop um do they have uh recommended ordinance changes that they were proposing it nothing specific but there are uh models that we could look at from urban areas like New York City but also a Jersey City where they have been taking these uh type of regulations up because and specifically they have had a number of fires in those um municipalities yeah um Mr shotti would you could you reach out sorry would you mind reaching out to the fire department Chiefs and just finding out you know what get an idea of their concerns and if they have suggestions you know in terms of what they've seen in other towns and what they're recommending um okay thank you um okay so we're going to have the public hearing for ordinance first ordinance 2024-the but this right now as written is really just to incorporate uh the juneth holiday there were no other changes to the version that's here in the agenda correct because that was what was introduced you but there are changes to what was okay yes so that that ordinance um there was a request by a member of the public at the last meeting that we include indoor work okay um the ordinance that you have tonight uh that is on the agenda for consideration for public hearing and adoption is the original however you have the option to the attorney provided an amended ordinance that would have to be uh you make a motion to amend that ordinance that you have today and then it would have to go uh and be read vertis and so we would have another adoption for that but that's all dependent on whether you want to amend it to include the indoor work got it correct and so it because that is a substantive change you can't adopt that tonight okay but the the version that was introduced and that's before us right now for the public hearing is a version that just had June correct got it understand the question yes correct correct thank you okay so I will open the public hearing on that ordinance there are not any hands raised okay and I don't see anybody charging us at the door um okay I'll close the public hearing so I guess I would ask the committee if anybody uh here's how this is going to work either you make a motion and a second to adopt the ordinance uh that's before us or you make a motion well I don't know that we could adopt the amended ordinance um May why don't we mayor yes so the copy that's in your packet assumes the amendment um so what you have physical copies of is the um so if if there's a motion to adopt it'll be the version from the last meeting where you're just doing the juneth whereas if there's a motion to amend it would be this physical copy that's in all of your packets that would include the um having it apply to the indoor construction as well or indoor work by contractors okay why don't I propose you make life easier and just take them separately if anybody anybody why don't we just focus on the ordinance that's before us which is the ordinance to adopt and then at the next meeting we could put on the discussion as to whether or not because the discussion on whether or not we have uh uh indoor it it just raises some other questions and it just complicates something that should be fairly straightforward so why don't we do that unless well do I let's let's do I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20247 as written so moved I'll second okay discussion okay can I get a vote Please Mr Lewis yes Mr McHugh yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes and mayor yes motion passes so I'll print out for you the uh copy uh the ordinance as now adopted great thank you um and then if we could put on the next uh Workshop agenda the discussion about adding some indoor component thank you okay the next ordinance up for public hearing 202 24-8 which is uh parks and Fields rules and regulations uh why don't we open the public hearing first No Hands raised for this one either thank you and I know there were no emails sent in before 3:00 but I did see something that popped up at like s and I'm not sure we can let me just see see if I could find that um although it wasn't sent on time I can pull it up and read it into the record if you want um sure okay this one comes from uh Tom Evans of birchill Drive um he says to the township committee and administrators I'd like to request a clarification to your new park ordinance as follows section 20- 3.2 prohibited uses rules of conduct on any Land Park playground improvements and Equipment owned by the township of chadam used for active and passive recreation activities no p no person shall and then letter e is uh player practice golfing unless such facility is specifically designated for such activity and Mr Evans asks could someone please tell me where the practice golf area is designated I know I've used the parks ever since the 1970s off the actual Playing Fields with plastic uh practice Whiffle balls without any prohibitions I've asked several people for some clarification ever since your ordinance was introduced no one seems to know the answer perhaps you could clarify this during tonight's meeting I'm also curious when you actually closed estern field to the public its reopening would be welcome a padlocked gate barring the entrance certainly does not suggest its open thank you okay so there's a question the golf question practice golf area is designated I've used the parks ever since 70s I'm not aware I mean this ordinance specifically says no golfing outside of a specifically designated oh so I guess there's some thought that there was a designated area within our Parks I'm not has anybody ever heard I think it allows I don't know yeah to there is not one but the way it's written is so that way maybe in the future you decide to designate an area or you know create a section on something that's existing or a new Parkland you can do that but you know the issue of I know this gentleman has never asked me he says he's asked several people he never asked me uh this is the first time I'm hearing of this but Whiffle balls are not the same as a golf ball you know the issue with golf balls is safety you know is one is if there's people there um but also for lawnmowers for you know tripping and slip hazards you know not every golf ball is easily retrieved so uh you know you headit it out and you don't know where where it is so it's more of a safety issue where we've got baseball football and other issues so that's why it's included in here um if the governing body uh at some point we want to designate an area certainly do that maybe the fensky the new feny land we can certainly create a little driving driving ring range or little putting area over there I don't know but right now with within our current uh Parks we don't have a designated area for that okay thank you um and then when we actually closed estr field to the public it's reopening what else do I mean as long as I remember that it's it's been not as easy to access if you will but um do we have an answer to that question I'm not aware of that it's open to the public it's just not open to cars all the time correct yeah off hand I don't know the answer I can certainly ask our chief and Public Works director see if they know kind of ask internally but to clarify is it's not closed to the public it's that path is closed to vehicular access we're still you know parking outside the gate and it's open we could certainly put a big sign that says open during these hours to clarify for people so it does they don't get the idea that they can't use it okay um yeah that might be a good idea um and the reason that cars don't have access is for safety reasons because it's all enclosed and the police just my understanding was the police were not comfortable that they can that they can maintain safety in that area and that's why there wasn't vehicle access that's my understanding um and so I think the committee indicated at the last meeting follow yeah I wonder if there's some like like you know if we think of down the road some way to just kind of limit when we don't want full access with cars maybe a limited area with cars so that residents you know if they want to take their kids down to practice soccer or something there's a couple of spots available to them but we don't have to worry about some of the safety issues of they can do that they just yeah they park right by the gate they park by the gate you see people do that it's no different than people parking on parking lot at Ash and then walking over to the field or parking the parking lot walking down through the fields it's probably a shorter distance to walk from the down there okay thank you okay um mayor this uh this ordinance also had a amendment that our attorney a advised for it was a clarification based on the discussion at our uh prior meeting um yeah this is this is a revised version from what was introduced um again a member of the public at the last meeting had mentioned um vaping to be included in the smoking definition the smoking prohibition and so we made a minor um clarification in the ordinance to refer back to another part of the code that defines smoking which does include vaping so this is not substantive but I would recommend that the uh committee first vote on the revision and then you can vote to adopt tonight because it's not substantive you can do both both votes tonight okay mayor if I may just um a couple things one minor thing in the the title there's the reference to skate park which can be stricken and I did want to explore make sure I understand it correctly uh item C is in Charlie uh which addresses animals on on the the subject areas in in the township um and it does reference uh the Restriction of any pet in any active public play area apparatus area athletic field or recreational enclosure or building unless said pet is participating in the township so is that to say for example a resident um even with his or her pet on a 6 foot or shorter leash would be prohibited from bringing their pet to a soccer game I thought the the phrasing of pet is participating in Township program didn't make a whole lot of sense to me that is like let's say you're doing dog in the park of dog parade or wolf stock something like a wolf stock things like that that's what that's referencing particip in Township program okay you have a mascot you know some Town bulldogs and you know they bring a bulog as a mascot something like that um but the just so I'm clear on your question is whether there's a game somebody can bring their pet while on a leash that's six feet or under to the game yes so the way it reads is they just can't be in the play area you don't want dogs running on the soccer field on our CH fields or you know so as long as it's not the active play area not on the playground which we talked about last time the field of recreational enclosure so the perimeter I would think is permitted you know if there's bleachers on the outside I think that would also be permitted but I think uh it would restrict them from all those other circumstances I agree and the Animal Control Ordinance already requires that dog owners have their dogs leashed when they leave their own property so in so far as this makes any change short code it's setting the limit of you know no longer than 6 ft for the leash it can't be one of those uh retractable ones that extends to um however long they extend to before we move into further discussion I don't think I closed the public hearing so do we have anybody else uh no we we we don't have any answers I'm GNA close the public hearing um so where because I I gather there might be discussion in and there might be edits so well the other one is on the title the title of the ordinance is saying that it's amending the existing title so the existing title is the way it's written is tennis courts that's just saying that we're amending the existing title and then later on it clarifies so 20-3 which says skate park you know blah blah blah that's amending it with a new title that was going to my comment okay y so that does address that so that's covered yes okay so so do I have a motion to approve the revisions the revisions that were made from the last version that we had which is the um the fact that the smoking references back to The Vaping the ordinance that includes vaping so moved do I have a second second any discussion okay can we get a vote Mr I have a discussion um item just back to eeve which Mr Evans asked about just um I do know of residents who do practice golf the Whiffle golf right so they use the the little practice balls and I'm wondering if there's a way that we can incorporate that to continue to allow residents to use uh a Whiffle balls to practice on the fields I know the pocket parks in particular like the the one in G in the gates neighborhood I know a gentleman who goes out there regularly to to practice uh with the Whiffle and also putting which may not be safe because that that requires restraint but uh of you know whoever's striking the ball and and there is the issue with the mowers but the as far as the Whiffle goes um I would imagine there's a way we can incorporate that in in here I mean with the simple revision player practice golfing you know yeah I guess my only question is is is divots an issue you know I play golf and sometimes there's some some divots involved so if you're you know if you take get a bad slice then there's pieces coming out does that impact the mowing or I don't know is probably not the mowing but more so but just like if someone's trips right and the upkeep of it I think part of the spirit to this is to provide some protection to for example the baseball fields which are Immaculate maintained and massive resources are invested in those fields uh and to the extent that I'm familiar with golf and I used to be before I had children um it's not so much the ball you're hitting it's you know so what you're perfecting is is striking the ground in the proper way in order to have good contact with the ball whether it's a w Wiffle ball or golf ball so a concern ultimately is that when you're practicing golf swings on say again this baseball field you are you are in invariably creating sub damage to the grass yeah so maybe I mean I think we can my Sugg move ahead with this and maybe we clarify e where it says you know player practice golfing um sort of like we did with you know the pets and all that where we talk about public play area apparatus area Athletic Field Rec we restrict golf Al together in those areas because of the damage potentially but we can allow that in just open parks with a whle just a suggestion I think trying to address concern so you're in a pocket park you know just kind of open grass area I don't want I don't want to um yeah so if you're in just a public park pocket park where there's just you know open space uh as long as you're there not necessarily soccer field football field baseball field um you know areas where there could be organized games then create tripping hazard for kids who are playing there and you know the residual Whiffle bows or golf balls yeah I think it's a fair accommodation yeah because it ultimately is protecting athletic fields right where where consistency and DET turf or grasses and and level the level ground is important is that so was that a significant enough amendment that it would need to be reintroduced well would that would that be an amendment to the ordinance or would we just administratively design at the pocket Parks as an area designated for golf practice with a whiffle ball I think we would amend the ordinance yeah I because I think the purpose here is to have all the rules kind of spelled out and clear so I think I think it should be an amendment to the ordinance um make practice with whiffle ball except on athletic fields right yeah we we we'll work on the L but it's sort of like the dog one where we talk about like um active play area essentially so we'll take the wording from the the section on dogs and that is that does that make sense yeah I guess it's the I I don't think it's a significant change if the committee is comfortable um adopting with this revision without having the wording in front of you then that's that's fine or if you want to carry it so that you can have the exact wording in front of you it's up to you I mean I don't think we're in a rush I think I would just suggest we carry it and so we have a wording in front of us because something we could probably do is have that proposed language at the workshop meeting and amend it there that's a good idea I appreciate that and Mr Choy and I have had some limited the conversation about the this and EST but um this will give us time to digest that a little more fing too okay um so did we make any motions well there was an initial motion to make the amendment for the clarification but um if we're going to carry if we're going to further amend it at potentially at the workshop then we can table that motion and then we've had the public hearing as advertised so we can delay further action to a future meeting okay so we don't have have a formal withdrawal of the of the I'll move that we table 20248 to for a future move meeting okay we have second I'll second and do we need a vote to yes okay so this is to table to a future meeting uh Mr Lois yes Mr McHugh yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes and mayor eal yes motion passes thank you okay and we're moving on to [Music] fber yes so it's it's a parcel parcel in the township uh which was uh at what point owned by utility company psng uh and the anticipation was that that uh particular parcel was going to be used for a staging uh area as part of work that was contemplated in the general area that did not occur uh so the future use for uh that parcel by the utility was uh severely reduced they ultimately contemplated uh granting the township the land um and it is currently zoned uh for R1 in part and parcel with that activity uh the uh the The Watershed uh was desirous of running programs on that particular parcel uh the current zoning restricted such a use and so uh in a and I kind of say said this the last meeting I think a an exemplary case of where multiple departments in municipal government uh looked ahead and coordinated to make uh to affect this uh overlay zoning uh is is so I commend everyone sort of involved in this uh the overlay permits without undue burden uh on the Watershed to uh conduct such activities uh to do so um without having to go through an arduous process before the zoning board for example uh given that is now it would theoretically now be a permitted use going forward um so uh the overlay would uh specifically uh identifies the uses uh and restrictions and conditions for such uses uh within this specific uh overlay area the R1 restrictions and limitations and specifications are preserved and this is just on top of uh what's already permitted in R1 R1 consequently remains as is it is untouched throughout uh the township this provides some flexibility with regard to a specific parcel uh here in the township um it is a welcome uh welcome initiative uh it's it's environmentally focused it's for children for youth uh in the uh community and and much broader than their Community uh so I think it was uh it was excellent uh and prudent decision to structure it in this manner uh to allow for an expedient U process for the Great Swamp Watershed uh and an enhancement of the land within the township I think that about covers it you on the spot at the last minute that was great if there's anything to add please do so yeah I'll just add um with regard to specifics it it this overlay is specific to um an environmental stewardship organization so the uses are only permitted by an organization that fits within that definition and it's defined in the ordinance so it's not a use that could be um implemented by just anyone or any organization so it's that's really the limiting factor here and you you can see the ordinance the office building indoor storage water quality laboratory Adult and Family Programs all of them have to be by this environmental stewardship organization and then there's um lot area and all of those and so a property owner just Within These uh three lots could choose to use the property in accordance with R1 or in accordance with the overlay great thank you um and just to add to that this was uh devised through discussions with the Great Swamp Bhed and with the residents in the in the community because for the residents it's a benefit because then they understand what the parameters are they know how the that business will be operating and for the uh great are on Bhed it's great for them because they're not going to the zoning board every time they want to do something so that's kind of how uh the whole thing came about um so that's the background information and I will look for a motion to introduce ordinance 20249 so move second any discussion wonderful can we get a vote Please Mr Lois yes Mr mugh yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Choy yes mayor EOL yes motion passes and because we have to send this back to the planning board for master plan consistency review uh which is a 35-day window the public hearing will be at the November 12th meeting thank you okay and uh next voting on our agenda the consent agenda did anybody want anything pulled out from the consent agenda for discussion uh I would like eight and 10 if I may resolution 2024 d190 and resolution 2024 d192 okay anything else okay can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda with it with those two resolutions removed so moved can I get a second I'll second Mr Lois yes Mr McHugh yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes and mayor ewal yes motion passes okay did you want to take both of those together or you want yeah yeah because it is actually the the same precisely the same exact uh matter okay um so I can take either one either the municipal Services reimbursement agreement uh they both have the same language and it pertains to um the calcul the manner in which the reimbursed amounts calculated by the township uh to and that those monies are going to be reimbursed to the association in question the Cal calculation is as such uh it's a calculation of the number of dwellings in the in the association multiplied by the annual cost per unit for the township or uh the amount actually expended or contracted by the Association for such services rendered and it is the lesser of the two um I think just a little bit of I'm wondering as I Ponder this on and on again I if if I if it makes sense to tighten the language a bit so that is to say for us sub article a to read a number of occupied dwelling units and so as I think about this in the event we have an association where let's say it's 100 units and for for reasons um hypothetical reasons only 10 10 the units are occupied um we could theoretically be continue paying for services that actually aren't rendered um and required to pay uh those monies in connection with those Services now it's an extreme example but it's actually only in the extreme examples where this would be potentially material and that I guess would only apply for recycling as I'm looking at it be and rightfully so because that's a dwelling you know you're not going to have recycling for any of the units that are not occupied that's correct right I it's up to the committee but I don't have an objection to proposing that change to the um condo associations just be a little tricky depending on you know how to I don't know how we'd enforce or calculate it fair enough but at least it's a little bit of a stronger like to stand on so it it really is um it really is being overly detailed and in some respects but there's no harm in making sure that we have full leverage in the event of uh you know less than desirable situations the township finds itself in yeah I'm just in the case of let's say Enclave I mean those are purchase homes so in that case you know yeah um it would be if they're not sold unsold trying to not sure how that works someone owns it someone's almost always own it are they occy how do you verify the let's say partially occupied maybe first three months and the rest of the year maybe there's a gap in a couple months where know it's not out by the time moves in so I'm just trying to think practically how to but yeah it wouldn't be on the margin as I said it would be only extreme so U but Mr Joy even legally though I mean what if if a if a home here is not occupied for seven or eight months and they're using less services from you know it's it's not it's not really different um if an individual home would be occupied so I mean I'm I'm not saying that that applies directly here but I think the best case you best use case for your suggestion is for new developments that are not yet occupied and they're going through a sales process and then are we reimbursing for the whole year for for a you know a Association that's only open for two months let's say it's not fully sold out or in the most egregious sense like something where it's not in our town now but it could be um like what's happened in the ivy where they have a rental it's low you know it utilization is not that great and then you end up with an enormous number of units that are unoccupied it that absolutely Could Happen um yeah I would agre agree with both those scenarios and as as I said this is a situation that would only be meaningful on the margin in the extreme right but that would be the case where it does matter so so so then maybe um it would be some language would be something like that of sponsorship from a Condominium Association like if you if you've ever been part of the Condominium Association the the sponsor has all the units like until those units have all come all been sold right until all those Shares are are divided we don't even participate at all well just to we clear this is specific to Melrose and to The Enclave which are right yes yeah they are fully sold yeah that ises it may not be applicable for these two maybe it's more applicable for us forward do didn't they would us that it's sold and then we yeah so that that yeah so we're not that's not in the calculation until okay fair to our mu contract let's say quarterstone which is all rentals Greg Greg's I could feel Greg's eyes the microphone burning a hole Z you have important things to say we want the residents to hear I've listened where I'm like I can't even saying Sor um I'm projecting into your microphones um yeah so you know with the with the ownership ones once they're coed and they're occupied we transmit that information to the county to add them to the pickup list but let's say Cornerstone um over there if the county can't pick up because the you know the placement of the container whatever it is we're going to reimburse them in that situation because they can't the county can't pick it up so we would add units as they're added if the development permits for the county mua to pick up from there otherwise reimburse but in that case um it would be for the whole complex in the case of a dumpster so if we what if we just added the language with certificate of occupancy because then it would cover also a fire for Melrose or something thing that would take units offline you know if they were offline for for fire hydrants sorry there was a fire which prevented occupany you know something like that or Mr choy's Other Extreme example earthquake some other Act of God right that took units offline um then we would only be reimbursing for units with a CO because at that point their Co would be rescinded what section are you looking at just curious to see what the I want to say it's 3A uh 3A yes I mean I guess we could put number of dwelling units oh thank you I guess we could put number of dwelling units with a current Co yeah I I think for for these two developments I I I think i' I've heard everyone's comments and and I'm fine with it I think at the at the end of the day for these two particular developments I think the the risk management is is fine um but I would say going forward I just being mindful of of the language and these things and mindful of taxpayer monies that may be at risk which may not otherwise have to be so yeah I agree for when they're first um being sold or leasing that's definitely something we need to keep in mind it tends these agreements tend not to come into play until after all of them have been occupied to be hon honest but um in the case anyone's on top of it early on in the process we'll keep that provision okay can I get a vote please uh we still need a motion in a second oh we need the motion okay and we have a motion to uh approve resolutions 20241 190 and 20241 192 so moved can I get a second second any more discussion okay can I get a vote Please Mr Lo yes Mr mchu yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes and mayor eold yes motion passes and we'll open the second hearing of citizens same rules apply anyone on Zoom raising their hands uh we do not have any hands raised okay in that case I will close the hearing as Citizens and I will uh accept a motion to adjourn so move can I get a second second all in favor I I we are adjourned thank you have a good night everyone that was relatively smooth cre