##VIDEO ID:qkagwdSHqJk## [Music] e yes yes much are we live recording in progress welcome all we are now uh in public session uh I'd last I'd like to ask for all of us to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al flag the United States of America and to the repblic for which stands na indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr lanti if I may could you kindly provide guidance for the hearing of citizens members of the public are now welcome to come up to the microphone to address the tum committee this is an opportunity for any member of the public to be heard about issues which are not topics scheduled for public hearings tonight those present May step up to the microphone to be heard if you're watching via Zoom you may speak during any of the public comment sessions by following the zoom instructions to raise your hand whether in person or online when you are recognized to speak please mind the following procedures please say your name spell your last name and give the name of your street you do not need to give the house number all public comments will be limited to 3 minutes rather than use any of your time answering questions the township committee will wait until you finish speaking before responding there are two public comment sessions on tonight's agenda each member of the public will be limitted to one comment of up to three minutes during each public comment period written comments submitted to the Township Clerk before 3 p.m. today will be read during the public comment sessions written comments are subject to the same guidelines as oral comments duplicative written comments may be summarized rather than read in full according to guidelines issued by the New Jersey Division of local government services and we did not rece in your incumbents today thank you Mr P for tonight's meeting do we have uh anyone online in the digital realm uh we do not have any hands raised thank you I now invite anyone um in the uh room to come up if they would choose to do so we do not I'd like to now conclude the hearing of s distance move on to the next matter at hand which is resolutions Mr sh thank you um as this is a workshop meeting we generally don't take action at these meetings um and so we try not to unless uh necessary but we do have a resolution on uh for your consideration that is for the purchase of DPW trucks um so as you know and when necessary we do take action at Workshop meetings because we do have that flexibility um and this is because uh the contract pricing for these DPW trucks uh is valid actually only through September 12th uh after that it goes to the new pricing for the 2025 vehicles and so that we um keep this one within our budget and also what we expected and um not have any further delays by waiting for 2025 inventory our DPW director asked that we authorize the purchase of this DPW vehicle and um unless questions um would ask for your vote and support of us so that way I can improve the requisition uh tonight and have that vehicle ordered as soon as possible thank you Mr Connie I ask the uh members of the committee if they have any questions or comments with regard to this particular resolution um if I may uh Mr shotti I just would like to confirm the uh the manner which it would be impacting uh the budget and source of funds sure uh this would be coming out of our capital budget um the budget that was adopted a couple months ago so uh at the bottom of the resolution should also be a certificate available funds uh which would indicate the uh um the account so you'll see it's coming out of the capital account for 2024 great thank you Mr shoty um I if I may uh just like to provide u a brief comment uh with regard to this and and um the purchase for DPW um it has been my experience at Rich Young Who who leads uh Department of Public Works I found him to be uh illustrating sound leadership um and U maintaining a high level of prudence in terms of managing resources um and I found that um he does an incredible job of um doing much with uh fixed constraints so I I do believe that um he has taken care of the equipment that supplies there U managing the assets and getting you know optimizing asset life um so if he is providing a a significant um level of support in terms of uh uh purchasing this particular asset uh I I find no reason to uh object you well thank you so we will need a uh if there's no further discussion on and mayor just need a motion in a second on this one terrific I then seek a motion so moved do I have a second I'll second thank you Mr lanti Mr leis yes Mr M yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes motion passes thank you Mr lanti thank you very much thank you Mr shotti uh on to reports Mr shotti I I I seek your councel on uh how you'd like to tackle this sure uh there I didn't receive any questions or uh comments on any of the material submitted so none professionals are here that said then we can just go in in sequence on the agenda so I'll start off with Administration we do have an ordinance that will be uh proposed for consideration at the next meeting and it comes at the request of the planning board um Deputy Mayor you you sit on the planing board too so I think you're familiar with this one um you all received this it was drafted by I believe uh the planner and uh consultation of the board attorney uh and our Township attorney is reviewing it uh so there are some minor tweaks that will be made nothing significant um but this concerns the Farm overlay um opening up for discussion or questions or any further clarification you would like do do you think it Merit to just give a reader digest summary of what prompted what led up to this sure would you let I you're I can certainly do that or yeah it was um go Yep this is oh sorry here so this was uh drafted by the township planner and I'm opening it now so um it hit the information we got was that the property was purchased by psng as a lay down construction project area um they got approved for that never actually used it that way um they ultimately chose to convey most of the property uh for inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge um the property is to be conveyed to the Great Swamp Watershed Association and they're proposing to relocate their headquarters there within the Refuge um so the that use is not permitted in the R1 Zone which is why they're they want the overlay Zone to permit that I have some um housekeeping things and also some clarifications that I uh requested of the planner and attorney and I'll review with Z just to um make things clear when we're when we're including additional uses I always like to just make sure that we're all it's very abundantly clear what what we're permitting so I'm just going to um f INE some of that and then that's what permitted but that's what necessitated it that's how it came about uh terrific um thank you Miss conf um I do have a comment but should I share that at this point in time or do we take addition okay okay um with with regard to this particular uh ordinance um I I I'd like to make a special note here because sometimes uh municipal government gets it right and in this particular case while it may be modest in size I think is a classic example of uh really well-coordinated interdepartmental cooperation so this involved the planning board um and ultimately the committee as well as other organizations Great Swamp U the Watershed and also the envirment commission um and uh so I'd like to give accomodations to uh chairman Kevin Sullivan and Frank banish the planning board planner as well as the other members of of the planning board um who took this on um uh proactively saw the forthcoming uh complications with regard to the current uh zoning the R1 zoning and the intended use by The Watershed um so uh got ahead of it and um was creative and and fought through uh batted around a number of ideas and came up with I think is is ultimately you know a simple but elgant solution to foring a pathway for the Watershed um it it required and certainly uh involved a number of other um uh functions and and Municipal uh divisions so um you know I think it's hats off to um everyone there um as in terms of making this seamless and uh providing a uh a nice uh path for the Watershed to do what they'd like to do in terms of promoting their programs and and their Educational Services um so thank you all this is a a nice example was I have a question about this is was there a vote at the planning board and what was that was it was it unanimous was it what was the breakdown of that uh I will defer from speaking because I was traveling abroad for those meetings ask yes there was a vote and the vote was to recommend that the ordinance be introduced and adopted by the township committee um hence that memo that was distributed to the committee from the planning board M and the vote was unanimous to recommend it to the committee thank you for that that's a for public purposes I appreciate that Mr sh um unless there's any further discussion on it it's uh good to go for the next meeting for introduction M of Comm any objections I see I'm sorry Mr L I would I would like to review of course what Miss Kon can up with because it sounds like there will be some adjustments and I can provide it to the committee in Redline form so you can see whatever changes I opposed as well sure would be I do have one question and that is um uh based upon this use I I understand that but would that have impact on any future properties that we're aware of did you say future properties yeah in other words not just this property for this intended use right does that carry over or is this a one one and done for this particular situation on the overlay it it applies to specific properties but it doesn't apply for this particular moment in time so if for some reason that falls through a year from now it would still apply but only to those properties okay okay so this doesn't become an R1 acceptance no it's it's overlay only with regard to specific thoughts it's not all of R1 it's not all of R1 yeah no I I think that's part of the that's part of the adjustment that you're making because if you look at the title of the ordinance it specifies certain block and law but then in the actual you know the the adjustment uh to where it's ordained it doesn't necessarily clarify that so I think it's more of just some semantics and legal tighten of the ordinance rather than making any substance to it exactly but to your point coming in in the que uh it seems that the intention was that would only apply to block 4821 Lots 174 1743 and 180 which are commonly known as the Ferber Farm par thank you and it's worth noting that that once this assuming this ordinance is introduced by the township committee it'll get referred back to the planning for uh planning board in its introduced form for the uh master plan consistency review so there'll be plenty of uh you know public meeting transparency on this Mattery uh so then if I may provide directive to you Mr shotti to uh move forward as stated provided that uh we have an opportunity to review Miss capon should should I say Minor Adjustments or revisions do we expect sub substantive or I don't think they're going to be subst they're not going to change the intent they just not the intent but Mr M's question was pretty substantial in from a legal point of view yeah well so the overlay just so I understand that let me clarify the overlay only applies to where we designate the overlay so it preserves the um the the the the definitions parameters in R1 zones um the overlay this particular uh overlay supersedes that and it's only in this particular location so that's one of my questions so for example the overlay in some circumstances a developer and it's a little unique in this circumstance but a developer could say I want to develop in accordance with the overlay or I want to develop in accordance with the R1 is that the intent here that you could do either one or are we saying now for these particular Lots you are only able to develop or use the property in accordance with the OA I have an opinion on that um and I would say that it would be best to uh have that discussion with uh the greater members of of the planning board along with Frank denish well then then may to go back to the planning board answer questions but you're going to ask I'm going to talk to Frank and I'll talk to Z first but I I was going to talk to Frank and askes he may be able to tell me the answers but that's an example of a question I have okay so that that could potentially be I think that's material enough that uh so that that'll be so the directive here is subject to getting clarification on that that one item fair to say that and similar type similar clarifications me not trying to change anyone's intent me trying to understand and make clearly um expresses the exact intent of what they want to do here perfect if I may chair just offer that it's I wouldn't need this to come back to us again for another Workshop but it sounds like I think our intent is pretty clear I think you need to just tighten it up and even if we can't you know move this resolution forward in our next official meeting I don't know that this needs to come back as a workshop well I guess there was a question Comm to to to your point though is what is your intent you I mean with that specific question right because these ordinances can originate here and go there or originate there and come back here so they may have one feeling on that they may pick the option of the developer can do this or that and you you as a board may say no we want to restricted to so it would help I mean if they come up with something you know we're assuming you're all fine with whatever they came up with and if that's the case fine but is there an intent in your minds as to how that applies that's just one example and I that's where you know this the benefit of this Workshop is because we don't want be doing it when she's drafted introduced it she could also go back to Frank and say hey we talked about it with the governing body and this is what they would like um so what are your thoughts on this yeah so let let me just offer my thoughts on that and then anyone else could weigh in uh I would just say that I would like to preserve it as both R1 with the overlay because the the idea being you know anything could happen to any organization and it would let you know go back to its original use would be would be a possibility so that would be remain as R1 for whatever reason if the you know we're not um picking a winner or losers here or we're not picking a certain outcome we've had an expression of I guess and everyone's sort of amenable to it and it seems like a good idea but if that for some reason doesn't go through I don't see why we'd have to come back to us to then revert back to just the S the singular R1 um so I I think that optionality doesn't hurt us okay that is typically how overlays work but right yeah right so it's additive not yeah so it's additive additive but like either one it's not like anyone in the R1 has to also satisfy the this I mean because this just wouldn't work that way so it's either one you could choose either one whichever one you want to go by in the overlay in that's correct yes yes correct um we down this road can I go through a couple more kind of you don't want to but it do you want to or not time management we lose Mr MCH I mean besides if you look at the agenda besides uh these these items under Administration uh which I think we could there's not not much else after this so Mone you think we can tackle that in like three four minutes what I'm about to talk I think so okay let's go um it talks about outdoor storage that's a a sticky item usually and the question is is it meant to permit outside storage it says storage area for equipment is that outside storage or are we talking just Indo indoor storage is it only for equipment supplies also what about Vehicles maybe I take back statement about yeah the feror farm has a large barn let's say where the equipment was previously stored and inside it's it's well it's yeah like I would essentially was used as a garage you know but it's not attached to the to the to The Farmhouse but it's that's it's it's its own structure I believe that's what they're referring to that structure so that would be indoor storage it's indoor storage yeah because that's I think an important distinction um a couple of them uh I I could talk to Dan uh to Frank vanish about it's more just definitions you know we're adding use as like a water quality laboratory but we don't have definition for what that means so it's things like that that I would certainly defer to Frank and his expertise on what that would what that definition would be um again just with the use being defined um so I think that's all the ones that we need the rest are really def Frank definition Frank definitions of what he means like by a garden or um so I think I think the other things I would be appropriate to get Frank's thoughts on it and his expertise and his given his familiarity with the property and I will make sure include a red line to youl see it exactly what's proposed and we can um I think I think most of it will be clarification clarification items understood thank you this um on to the next okay um for the next meeting um the Public Safety Committee uh and I reviewed the upcoming contract for a purchase of the fire apparatus um committee committee woman Roland I want to speak on your behalf but I believe you and the mayor both uh endorsed this moving ahead um we looked at the finances got a copy of the contract um the schematics the design all that information was provided in the agenda pack any objections or you need further clarification on items or have questions uh let me know otherwise we' like to move this ahead at the next meeting to uh authorize the contract this for the Shad Township Fire Department op members of the committee any questions comments okay terrific Mr shotty move on sounds good uh not much detail to provide on this one which is the Senior Center lighting project other than uh we've got it teed up uh as you know we've had some conversations about that in in past months uh it's out to bid the bids are due I believe on the 19th so once they come in our engineer will review those legal will review those if there's no issues uh and so not to delay this any further we'd like to move forward with making the award U uh of this project at the next meeting any questions on that concerns with that plan of action okay affordable housing public transportation services uh we did receive those bids last week uh only one bid came in um the attorney is reviewing those bids um and we will have a recommendation for the governing body for the next meeting uh we could discuss it at that time in executive U because it is potential contract negotiation but depending on her review one of three courses of action either we award we reject uh uh well re and reauthorize uh a bid to go back out so uh we'll find that out soon you'll get a copy of that memo and we'll have to take that action the next meeting can I just ask one quick confirmation yes and I think that's all it is is a confirmation and that is uh there was the uh original fee and then there was a peruse fee that is edited correct that I'm sorry the last question yeah there was there was a contract amount yes and then there was a peruse amount that is in addition correct correct thank you but users at certain address the affordable housing are exempt they not from that no no no that was a paride fee okay uh and uh lastly we did talk about this briefly uh executive session and it's material that's these Municipal Services agreements um we'll have those also finalized for review an executive session at the next meeting but um the intent is to adopt resolutions to authorize those agreements they're going to be fairly standard agreements this is under state law the municipal Services reimbursement that we provide to condos and apartment buildings that are receiving services along the same lines of what other residents are receiving so whether that is if it applies to them uh hydrants Street lighting uh snow plowing um Recycling and recycling um we don't provide garbage uh so garbage wouldn't be included so the three properties uh that we're working on agreements for are U Melrose uh enclave and the the Cornerstone which is the new 522 Southern Boulevard so um this isn't doing anything more than we have to do it's doing EX what we are obligated to do under the law but we're memorializing them into written agreements um both for Cornerstone and for Enclave because they're newer they didn't have those so these are new agreements and then for Melrose um it was found that we didn't have an agreement to cover I believe their hybrids so yeah it wasn't specific at all in there agreement so we'll make it uniform and make it consistent with the others make it very clear what we're providing and not providing and under that we either um we either provide the service or we reimburse the service at our our cost so for example if we're uh they're going to plow their snow we would reimburse them at what it would cost us to plow the snow so we do calculations such as length of miles of Road in the town our costs for the year the you know per mile charge and that's how we assess that um hydrants they're set rate and lighting is a set rate so those are pretty standard would the respective properties provide us proposals that they plan to engage in for these services and therefore we our exercise is doing a cost analysis or we don't care what their expense is frankly because it's we reimbursed them at hour rate the law allows us to reimburse them at hour rate so it's they could be paying 50,000 they may say listen we don't want you to plow and that that happens because they want to prioritize they know that if the town's doing you know you know doing the plowing then we prioritize main arteries we may you know we may not do things to their standard so they say no we want to plow okay fine but we're reimbursing you at what our cost would be not what your cost would be well you said rate earlier and then cost so is it um so I'll give you an example snow plowing if Municipal y we plow after 2 in and they are plowing at one inch um are we paying at that rate or I see what you mean uh right so is it a fixed dollar or a rate no so we calculate it based off of a mile rate but we you know in other words we look at total length what is our rate but then in the event of you know a snow it's not necessarily I mean it would be consistent with our policy on when we plat okay okay so then effectively it's dollars yes yeah it's dollars but you be plowing at second 1 in Falls but we're only going to pay them after you know 2 in Fall For example that don't okay you know we're not dealing with that at the Cornerstone because there's no Road there we're not dealing with that at so um the only one understood thank you Mr CH uh and that's it for ordinances resolutions for the next meeting um discussion action there was a request from an organization from a group of individuals uh tied to the community also a chat Club to um put together an obstacle race uh for veteran suicide awareness uh a lot of details in your packet on that they are requesting excuse me use of uh the Green Village uh loop Park um off of Green Village Road they did specify no obstacles would be taking place there it would just be um was like a hike SL run uh in that Park um they did indicate that they would provide us with the required insurance uh and we would sign Indemnity agreement with them they have met with police they did just today advisement they are looking to adjust the date on it I think move it up by one or move it forward by one day or move it up by one day I didn't get that directly from them the chief related to me they're going to send me more info but um wanted to get that on your radar any concerns uh seems like with a lot of other events in town um you know they're approved administratively but being that this is a new event uh wanted to make sure that there were no concerns or objections I did run this by open space and environmental commission also because of the use of that Park and they both supported it so um we're prepared to support and um you know make sure that this is success but want to see if you have any concerns or questions on that did I read correctly that we would have to block part of the road because they're going to have access from like the chadel club to across the street there and then on the other side of Green Village as well so my understanding and the chief just had a meeting with them today so I think they're still working I mean that what they put is what their intent or what they would like and then our police department will you know put safety measures in place we're not looking to close down any road so if anything would just be for crossing safe Crossing as people are you know getting from one side to the other so they're not looking at for my meeting with the chief this morning they're not looking street closures um it would just be like said temporary you know Crossing assistance uh they'd be running on sidewalks or alongside um so once the chief finalizes those details um it would be done safely and in accordance with what the PD can manage but um are we approving just having the event or are there costs associated with it that we would be incurring that we should be think no costs that uh that they none that I've identified and none that we are they're looking for us to to cover um it would just be really for the use of of that park space any questions or concerns or comments from other members of the committee Mr shotti I I have uh just a couple of questions um who is actually going to run the event it's sponsored by the Chad club and team Car Wash yes is there a third party vendor who is uh setting up the obstacles and bringing in volunteers or is it those IND individuals from those organizations that are taking a volunteer role so one of them is Frank E I don't want to mispronounce his name but Frank and some other folks from the Chad Club as well that are are putting this together so this would be the foray running an event like this they've never done something like this correct do they maybe they've done not this exact one they may have done events you I don't want to speak to what they've done in the past you know um unrelated to this but similar uh but they did indicate that there's there's folks on the team that have some experience in you know races and and athletic events do they have any uh Ed an educated guest on number of the scale L participants volunteers um I think they did some estimates in the paperwork I do remember then uh putting some numbers in there uh I just don't know it off the top of my had um says here yeah so in the past they held a charity fit to food 5K run walk uh this one they're looking at 150 participant Max Capacity for this at this juncture you are seeking from the committee on go noo you know go subject to you know learn about it um continue the dialogue and okay to to go ahead and handle this administratively like I said you know the all the other things like 5K there's a turkey Tri there's other events that happen in town that don't come before the governing body um and just want to make sure this is not coming as a surprise to any of you and that there's no you know issues that you want to flag for me otherwise I would tell them that it's okay so it doesn't necessarily require a vote however a consensus that you're all okay with this proceeding is more than is just really want to ask it for you're saying they were going to move it from November 10th to around the 8th of the n9th correct yeah like she told me they may have to change the date so I don't know exactly what date it is get back on that but I don't want to they've got to go ahead and start with the marketing and the planning so I don't want to wait until October you know and start so I want to have this conversation sooner than later certainly the uh cause is good um and certainly the um having some background and doing this kind of thing uh that's great and I can be uh supportive as long as they don't make me do it I've done a couple of these things like tough mutter and Spartan oh yeah so based on firstand experience um I I would I see no reason not not to further explore pursue this provided um we make sure sounds like they've already engaged police um emergency Squad um I'm sure they're going to need some kind of Medical Services on standby uh at least have the conversation with them I don't know how they're going to handle that um and postevent cleanup um I don't know I don't if you can bond for that I don't I don't know but assure some assurity that they're not going to leave the township lands a complete mess particularly if it rains before the okay any other concerns otherwise I can tell them they can go ahead with this yeah chadam Club has been a a wonderful uh amenity to the township and uh they practically have their own obstacle course right next to the building they have a little outdoor Runway that they they they set things up all the time I'm sure they'll do a great job that's an okay that's an okay thank you uh and the last uh item I've got uh is your uh approval for an Indemnity agreement with the China Township Fire Department to use the municipal facility primarily for the alcohol sale uh it's their annual event that they do every year but they are selling alcohol on Municipal proper so um just want to get an okay from from all of you about this sure I can support okay thank you um yeah and that's that's it under admin uh and unless there's anything uh for the clerk or any of these other department reports under Public Works is uh a centered resolution for dub deals auction we're auctioning off two vehicles over there um I did look into puring them if possible but they've got serious suspension and transmission issues so I'm advised by our professionals that we better off offload I do have a question for under Administration yes we are doing a final adoption of the parks and well we should be I think doing final adoption of parks and rules and regulations in the upcoming meeting and in the previous meeting and you know we workshopped that for a little bit um I had brought up the the closure of EST or the Locking off to car traffic of EST I just find that that was also you that's still the case today so could you tell me what the progress is on addressing that issue with the the barricade being up and locked I think that's part of a larger conversation that deals with security uh I can certainly um have the chief uh either come to the next Workshop meeting we can discuss that collaboratively or we can Workshop that the rec committee okay just that that the mayor had asked you directly to address that in our last meeting when I brought this up um my recollection of how that was uh you know directed for a conclusion was probably not the same as yours then well I'm not asking for a conclusion I'm asking for an update there's no update it's the again you know the the answer that's been provided every single time is keeps coming up is that it is a safety issue uh and that's that Gate's been there and continues to be there unless the governing body wants to change that policy okay well that's actually an update because it's never been stated publicly that the the the gate is locked during the during the day during daylight hours as for as a matter of security and safety yeah it has been stated I know because I've said that before okay well to me that's an update I I don't I haven't heard that before um so so so in order to move this forward to have the public park be publicly accessible by you to all residents where they they live within you know a few feet of EST or they can walk up that you know very steep area of you know or or steep slopes to get to EST most people would drive in that would use it especially people with young kids and I'm wondering what we you would have to do to move forward with um you know securing that area or making public park publicly accessible I mean it is publicly accessible it's just that the path is not accessible to Vehicles this is the park outside the gate yeah people can park plenty of people I see it during the day they park outside the gate and they can walk and they can do whatever but that that is a that is not a road it is uh you know even during games there's issues with vehicles going up and down there safely or unsafely While others are there also the more traffic that's put on that road further erosion is that road does erod quite a bit and so there's more issues to it that to represent it as a not publicly accessible Park is inaccurate it is publicly accessible it's open to the public but people are limited in how far they can take their vehicles into the park because you don't want people four car lengths of cars could potentially park there it's not an open and welcoming place there's there's a lock there and a barricade that's up and um I I've asked to to address this this is actually the furthest that we've got into a conversation about this which is great um I I would be I'm looking for next steps for you know if there are safety issues I'd like like to know maybe what they are but more more importantly um you know what mitigating measures are available to us what what those might cost what we could do to to get this park more publicly accessible so Mr Los you're you're you're putting forth the question of can we open this up during what would be deemed uh typical hours for a in a common way that common people could understand that hey you know this thing's it's a park it's flat but it's on a steep slope so to get there practically especially if you have a kid and you're going to use Kitty playgrounds you're going to drive there you know how do we how do we get there you know or like Mom with stroller is going to kind of offroad it around this barricade I mean it's just it's a little bit silly could I suggest this Mr Lois since this is a park in a wck matter I would and it is something that is is is getting my curiosity if I may suggest we work together to explore that and figure out if there's a pathway to uh get this open there may not be I'm not sure I don't know the history to it but it does strike me there may not be but I love love to see what Solutions there could be put in place so we'll handle that way sounds good that's that's it there great we did have a residual item for executive which we could cover or we could uh deal with that another meeting Comm M uh I want to be mindful of your time as well keep going great yes go I I'll I'll I'll pull the Herz for the old commercial another public session or to exective for final hearing we'll do we hearing CI yeah okay great thank you Mr shotti uh I now would like to uh open up the second hearing of citizens if I may same rules as last time uh we do not have any hands raised on Zoom at this time U but know anyone in the audience is welcome to come up if they so choose so I now invite anyone in the uh room um if they're so desirous to speak kindly ask you do so now no one has come forth and still no hands raised on Zoom terrific Mr lanti um I now will close the second hearing of citizens um Mr McHugh how are you on time uh Greg do I have to go back into the other Zoom or am I on this one um if we go back exent matter like must we uh one item of it is the chief's been on on ice for half of this the other half of it is not so yeah because um so Mr was in the last meeting on it so I don't know if uh you know that regarding um he would need to log off and get go into the other yeah and I'll to see if I can get us access to that again since that's you know that meeting was expired but you could just turn off the public on this one actually and just stay here uh this is a webinar um yeah we just end the end the stream and the Public Act I'll show you in a second did we vote to go into exact no we have a motion in a second I I uh seek a motion to move into executive second executive session so moved do I have a second second second thank you we are now Mr Lewis yes Mr McHugh yes Mrs Roland yes Deputy Mayor Troy yes motion passes thank you Mr lanti we are now in executive session we just hold on let's let's make sure we are technically in executive session I think Z's going to have that's beyond my recording stopped techn okay we've got digital than