##VIDEO ID:b9-rD6GpUic## e e e ready to go oh yeah I saw that one all right good evening everyone it's 7 o' hold on why am I hearing something uh adjust the okay try now it is 7 o'clock on Tuesday November 26 20124 I call on this meeting of the CHC Conservation Commission to order my name is Carl Bishoff I'm the chair of the Conservation Commission and we will be following the published and posted agenda um there are a couple of uh there is one uh the very first item on the Open session is not going to be discussed no so I I have removed it from the agenda you're saying okay and also just so folks know the payot for palot Drive hearing will be continued and there will be no discussion tonight on payot Drive um we are uh both in person and through zoom and in the case of the zoom not working properly we will continue the meeting in person and this meeting is being broadcast and recorded by chord Tel media and will be available on their website and YouTube and we do have a quum uh Peter spawn is not here tonight but we still have a quorum and uh we will start with um the report from the planning board Leone I just jump oh yeah actually sorry yeah Mr Gan had something to say I I just wanted to just jump in early here it's uh it's actually been 20 years that we've had the ched um open space stewards that have been um doing work for uh with us and for us for the town and it's 20 years it's 20 years has gone by um really quickly but they've made I just wanted to publicly recognize the efforts of these cost volunteers over the 20 years I mean um you know over a thousand acres of of land that we have as far as our our conservation areas the trails and the work that they've done over that 20year period of time and I know you know like Billy Vines you were with me back there 25 years ago or so before we had the cost open space and you know if a tree fell down on a on a trail or something like that there was no one really to to remove that that tree would would be there for a long time that trail be just shut down so I mean we remember what it was like before c came in and started doing a lot of volunteer work for us and um I just wanted to publicly say thank you I mean to some of these reservations that many of you know in the public here crooked spring lime Quarry Russell Mill the cranberry bog um Thanksgiving Forest war in pole Red Wing I mean all those reservations are really used by the public and it's it's just a great benefit to all the towns people and I just think you know 20 years uh we just needed to pause for a moment here and officially commission just make note of this contribution and just give a big thank you to our chord open space Stewarts for their 20 years of services to our town shord so thank you Chris [Music] thanks Chris Mr lll Le is on with the planning board good evening um since your last meeting we've had two planning board uh meetings uh on November 13th we discussed the changes to the flood plane bylaw um in the map um they are changes that are coming from uh the state uh to um get us in compliance with FEMA regulations uh and updates that they've uh been putting out so K is going to be drafting um the language changes to our bylaws we'll have it before the uh the planning board and one of our uh upcoming meetings and then our goal is to bring it to town meeting in the spring for changes um that meeting we also uh heard the palot hearing um and a number of other hearings on November 20th we had a minor site plan review and then uh most of the night was a working session uh we talked about the adus U the updates that we might need to do uh we talked about um the baod 129 overlay uh and whether that is continuing to do the work it needs to do and then we got uh some quick updates on the MBTA zoning uh the select board is in the process of updating their development agreement um with the developers and then the um Town Council is going to review any other bylaws that we have that might um the Attorney General gave us a letter that there might be some conflicts with other bylaws that we have um we don't think that there are but it was more a general letter so Our Town Council is going to be reviewing those uh potential conflicts and if there are any we might bring them to uh town meeting in the spring okay that's it thank thanks Chris so we also have a uh Open session for citizen concerns if anyone wants to bring that concern to us we have a hi David Sperry 12 Long View Drive representing chord land conservation trust when you do the Warren poll uh update I'd like to come up and have a short technical discussion um with the board here uh to go over the bdr and upcoming inspections on it that okay uh um okay okay okay anything anyone else no okay uh regulatory hearing first one up today is the request for determination of applicability uh this is an after theact filing this is Johnny Ramos at 35 Brick killan Road with Katherine Ramos representing the applicant and we have Ace uh Mr chair pursuant to the provisions of the mass Massachusetts Wetlands protection act Mass Journal laws chapter 131 section 40 and the chood wetlands bylaw chapter 187 the Chon Conservation Commission will conduct the public hearing here in room 204 at the Chon town offices on Tuesday November 26 20124 at 7 p.m. to consider the request for determination of applicability filed after the fact by property owner Johnny Ramos for proposed work within 100 fot buffer zone to bordering vegetated Wetlands at 35 brick Kil road further identified as assessor map 77 block 268 Lot 2 the project entails clearing of Woodland to create lawn installation of retaining wall and picked fence Mr chair back to you thank you hello good evening can you give us your name and um and tell us about this project hi uh yes I'm Catherine I'm representing my dad uh so I had come to another meeting before to try to kind of explained what had happened and we kind of went over the we went into the 100 buffer zone and we weren't we didn't know at then but we want to try to kind of fix that so it's not really messing around with any Wetland anymore we do ask to try to make it as accessible as it already is um so what we wanted to do is restore the 25 ft buffer zone and put a picket fence along the 25t buffer zone so it kind of isn't messed around with anymore with any future things going on or anything else um and then between the 25 to 75t buffer zone actually 25 to 100t buffer zone there would be lawn area which would be just grass nothing you know out of the Norms if anything we wouldn't do anything with it just yet just let whatever grows grow back and then at the 75t buffer zone continue um a retaining wall of stone which is about 3 ft high if that's okay and that's honestly the plan okay thank you very much David do you want to give us uh your um your insights here sure so um the commission recalls that um that the the clearing was done without um a filing without approval so in May of last year the commission issued an enforcement order so the enforcement order really had two components to it one one was to file an after the fact request for determination of applicability which is uh the subject of tonight's proceeding uh this this was to get permission you know again after the fact to uh create uh the lawn um the lawn area down to the 25 foot no disturb and uh um you know whatever whatever conditions the commission might uh might require as part of that or possibly to require a notice of attent I mean this is this is an RDA uh the other the other the other part of it was to submit a restoration plan for the wet the wet lands and 100 foot oh I'm sorry 25 foot uh buffer buffer zone um Katherine can you tell us where that currently stands with regard to getting that plan repaired I have been in contact with a specialist Marine not sure if you guys know her from Norse yes and uh we are working on trying to get a proposal for the 25 foot buffer zone to restore it so so do you have a signed contract with her yet there hasn't been a signed contract but we were planning to do that this week okay so so then once once when the once the restoration plan is prepared um the uh there will be another hearing for for approval of that at at which the the uh Wetland scientist will will be there um that's a separate hearing that's that that is a separate hearing although although I think you know after after we discuss you know approval or not of the RDA I would like to talk a little bit about you know what the commission might be looking for in a restoration plan try and give Katherine and the Wetland scientists a little bit of guidance on that okay all right thank you questions Chris I mean I mean I think the as as David said I think the key is going to be the restoration plan we want to kind of put things back the way they they need to be and restore things to the way they were before and again prevention too obviously we want to prevent any impact infringements on the Wetland resources but uh something we have to wait for that so like to keep this hearing open that yeah I think so um I I'm I'm thinking that this hearing should be kept open anyway um because as I mentioned to Katherine and her father I I I'd like to go out and not sure whether there's some encroachment down here um they they they have a a carport that's being used for storage so I just I just want to I would just want to double check that um Katherine um would you I don't know if you can see where I'm circling here on the on right here on the plan so this this property Corner that coincides almost exactly with the property line so yeah um me and my uh my dad and I were measuring actually not too long ago um right where the I don't even know how to explain it it's one of those metal garages that you kind of just laminate with regular C tarp it's not an actual garage um it's in the corner of like the 175 ft buffer zone because it is curved it kind of does look like it's approaching the 75 foot buffer zone and in the 100 foot like passing it so I'm not sure if we have to do anything about that it is very mildly even like touching the area of the buffer zone I'm not sure if you guys want to see it or if you guys have any decisions about that well I think I think the first thing to do it see if see if you'd be able to move it out um but but but again you see the this point I'm circling right here M looks like that's almost right on the 100 foot bu zone so so be there be any way you could stake this point do you know where your property Corners are located if I'm not incorrect I think there is a stake there so if there's a stake there that would make it very easy for me to go out knowing that that's essentially on the 100t buffer zone line then then and then I think that would make it easier to check um you know what where where things are located yeah we could state that out and then you look at that that would be good so um so so I guess I guess either way be be continuing the hearing yeah on that that makes sense okay thanks Chris yep have you not you haven't been out yet I've been out there a number of times should is there anything that the applicant can do to minimize Ro it's um there there actually really isn't much of an erosion problem this this this actually is a very flat out here um there was there was quite a bit of junk out there I I guess you know Katherine and her father say it was from the previous owners um they've they've they've done a good job of cleaning that up there's still a little bit more to do but you know I think that will be taken care of once once the restoration um gets underway I mean they'll you know especially if there's a recommendation to bring in a little bit of soil or not I don't know if that'll be the case but but uh in any case there will be an opportunity to get rid of the rest of the the the trash that's out there okay I'm good till next meeting okay good is there any reason why we should take a site walk take a look at it understand it better or um you know I can't think of a compelling reason above and beyond any any other um you know filings except that you know this is this is after the fact um they've uh I mean they've they had they didn't remove any tree stumps um so that's that's with regard to the restoration um I'm I'm thinking probably the commission's highest highest priority is to replant the trees um so that's you know if if that's the case I can convey that to um to Norse um okay and say that it looks like just about all the stumps are out there so she can she can count those you know I think she can still determine the species and then come up with with um a a plan for replanting those um you know maybe not necessarily all within the the 25 ft um no no disturb area I mean there are are some like location up here which is not going to become lawn um but that's that's something to be determined so you have you've been out there you're going to go out again and yes and look at it so okay um is Taj engineering you they still working for you well as of right now no but he's the one that staked out the wetlands and did the survey for us as well is the reason why you didn't stamp the plan oh I think stamped it U uh oh good point need a stamp plan plot plan he probably didn't but I'm pretty sure well he needs to stamp it before I'm sure I can get that from him yeah good catch good catch um yeah other than that if you feel comfortable that you could you got a handle on it yep thank you hey John well I feel comfortable with Dave checking it out keeping an eye on it you know I mean he's been there right we haven't been there so yeah let's make a decision and I stick by him okay all right so um I think on this one uh well I I was I I was just going to say we've talked about already so so I just like this this point Stak on the property this corner right here so so that determine and then and then I'll probably do a couple of meas because most of the flags out there that I can just take take a couple of measurements I uh I I there maybe is a stake or two already that delineates the buffer zone but you know I'll I'll verify that so I think we're going to ask for we're going to look for a continuance here and the pending is to have David go out and get on the site um and see uh See what's been done and then following that is we have this restoration uh still in the queue and so we're expecting to get a you for them to the applicant to get a contract with the uh Norse likely norise environmental and come up with a plan so you were suggesting that we provide you with some guidance for them I think the idea of some trees tree planting is certainly one I'm open to any other input from the rest of the commission um or if you have some other suggestions David um well I I I think I think that and above and beyond that see see what Norse recommends maybe maybe they'll they'll recommend some shrubs um maybe some Wetland seed mix I mean it's it's it's an it's I mean the area that was actually Disturbed in the wetlands is relatively small I mean that's going to come back on its own anyway but maybe maybe you know planning two or three shrubs doing a wetland seed seed mix I I'm not going to tell Norse what to do I'll leave it up to them but um you know I think I will indicate to that replanting the trees is a high priority okay anything else that 100 foot Stak was set by the engineer um well um I the the engineer the engineer replaced or the surveyor replaced the flags and then and then the Ramos's just went out and measured 100 ft I mean based on my suggestion uh uh Katherine and her father just went out and measured 100 feet from each one of the flags okay um and 25 and 50 50 ft I mean that was easy enough to do okay and and and I'll VAR verify that in with some of them anyway yeah I just want to make sure the accuracy is there yeah okay public hear I don't know if there's any public inut Carl yeah yeah um so that's it and okay so it is a public hearing and if there's anyone from the public that wants to comment or make a request in this uh on this hearing on this applicant um come on up don't see anything okay so I'll take a motion I think what we're doing is looking for a motion to continue to the next meeting I think um and so we are looking for a uh stamped plan and for David to get out to the site so I'll take a motion I'll move Mr chairman that we continue this hearing until our next meeting which is December 10th 7 p.m. second motion from Chris second from Bill all all all in favor I I I okay motion passes thank you very much appreciate your help tonight so please let me know when that corner has been staked and then I'll arrange with you to go out take a look at it thank you guys thank you thanks thanks okay next is the uh let's see next one up is the noi for for payot Drive I and we are being asked to have that continue to December 10th so I and no further discussion no further discussion I my understanding is the the reason um for the request for the continuance is for the applicant to work on revisions to the plans um based on planning board comments okay that's my all right I'll take a motion to continue I move to continue to December 10th our next meeting motion from Chris second Mark second from Mark all in favor I I motions passes unanimous so we will see uh payot drive on December 10th thank you very much next one is notice of intent so this is this is an oldie but goodie this is continued from from August 27th this is property possible with 10 hild Street and I see Brian coming up to the podium so um we do have the natural heritage um letter it just arrived today um I will say that we will not be voting on this tonight we we are going to be looking to continue because we just received it but we did ask Brian to uh talk about it and uh so hello Brian good evening uh for the record BR G hanok Associates I do have hard copies if any of the Commissioners would like so well and I think didn't I give we got this you got them okay so the same I didn't give you the plan as well I have an 11 by 17 we got a plan yep okay all right beautiful uh so first I'd like to uh just take the opportunity to thank you for your patience it's been a few months since we've been before you while uh natural heritage and the details um with them have been worked out but we were finally issued a conditional no take letter uh the highlight of that there are seven conditions on here three that are um site specific uh coupled with some boiler plate um the turtle protection plan uh that you have uh or excuse me the turt turtle protection plan is a construction plan prior to construction um that's condition number one uh condition three is a declaration of restriction on parcel X so that's uh what we are considering the undevelopable um piece of land in the rear and then condition seven is the turtle nesting habitat uh restoration and enhancement plan and that's the plan um that you have before you the only change on that plan from what you've seen previously is the split rail fence at the culdesac shifted from the top of the slope to the toe of the slope uh and that was uh requested by natural heritage um for maintenance purposes to be able to to mow basically the sh buer of of the roadway um outside of that there are no changes and I believe that we were waiting for this letter um as the last remaining item um to be dis discussed for this notice of intent uh with that I'm happy to answer any questions me start with David thank you thank you Brian David do you have any comment uh yes um Al although um I I've only just had a chance to review uh the letter and not in any huge detail um so uh guess just a couple of questions actually so I I guess the first the first one I have is um and and and and and i' and I've had this I've I've I've I've know I know I'm known for a while because it's been on a number of the plans about the split rail fence um along on at along the edge of the cue saac and I know I know it's at the top of the slope now it's at the toe of the slope but you know I'm just wondering if a split rail fence really provides the adequate protection for the turtles I mean would there be any way that um your client would be agreeable to putting up a a chain link fence uh no we'd prefer split ril and that's what was discussed with natural heritage okay they didn't they didn't mention a split rail fence so what's been on the plan and what we've discussed with them from the start okay um okay uh the other question I have is um I didn't um I don't think you provided a uh a copy of the Declaration of restriction to the commission or with in your correspondence but it looks like like you've given that to natural heritage uh they asked for a draft of a declaration of restriction would we be able to email that certainly appreciate that um so that that's that's all I have for now um I would like myself to call natural heritage and talk to them about this um just just you know certainly asked them about the split rail fence certainly want question the other thing as we mentioned before the other issue is do they know about the ver were they told about the Vernal pool y there's a certifiable Vernal pool very close you know to the site okay do you know if they were told that specifically I I don't recall but okay so so I want to I want to make sure that they know about that you know and that they they take that into consideration with their decision don't know maybe it won't make a difference Maybe be the exact same decision but I I would like to touch base with them on that okay thank you thank you David all right uh questions from the commission Chris I'm all set I'm all set right now Mark was maybe you can help me out with this was the Vernal pool certified to this point or was it has not yet been certified but you know there's no doubt that it is certifiable you know based on the the the data that was collected this spring okay when could that be certified as a veral pool uh well in theory it could be next spring you know that's that's certainly something that could be included in the order of conditions uh a requirement to uh submit the data for certification in natural heritage next spring hopefully it won't be in the middle of a drought then I think that that would be the only I think that thing that could possibly impact that of course landown and permission would also be needed um because it's offsite um and uh I'm certainly I'm I'm I'm happy to you know Assist in you know in that facilitation don't think there will be a problem getting permission but obviously we'd have to do that I'm good John uh all this other junk pile stuff that's going to be all be able to be removed right I believe so I believe that's the plan with what's going on here with this the turtle thing y yep says to be to be restored MH um by anything else John no okay not right now so uh anything else Brian that you wish to add no okay so this is a public hearing we will take public comment if anyone wants to come up um we as I said we will be continuing this so there will be at least one more opportunity for public comment good evening um Christy wood from 16 HR Street um I just wanted to point out this is kind of point in case with what Dave was just saying but in the note from natural heritage it does state that it says please note that this determination addresses only the matter of the rare Wildlife habit and does not pertain to other wildlife habitat issues that may be pertinent to the proposed project so um that's kind of you know goes toward you know saying that you know if the vernal pools are not known about then you know that might change that that could possibly change um because it also States based on the information provided and the information contained in our database but they may not have the vernal pools in their database so um I just wanted to point that out good thank you thank you very much anyone else okay seeing none so I'll take a motion to continue the hearing to I move Mr chairman to continue this hearing until our next meeting on December 10th motion from Chris any second second from John just a little bit of discussion oh um so the way the way um I'd I I suggest that this proceed from here is um yeah I'll take take another couple couple of weeks to to review the um the natural heritage decision you know during which time I I will plan to speak with natural heritage but then um after that I I my recommendation would be to to keep the hearing open um number one um you know it might be a little bit tough for me to draft in order of conditions over the holidays but above and beyond that I I think the best way to do this is the way the commission handled it for a couple of the recent commercial projects where where I did a draft that then the commission actually reviewed uh during one of these meetings while the hearing was still open so um yeah I like it more like to do and then people know what we're considering so let me clarify are you suggesting that we go beyond the December 10th for the next yes yeah I I January 14th I yeah even even if we feel that it can be closed um we have all all the information that I I would recommend that it be kept open um and I'll do my best to draft uh you know an order of conditions based on my recommendations for special conditions and you know commission members can give me their ideas as well uh but then but yeah and then and then during the first meeting in January again with the hearing still open you know I'll I'll put the draft up on the screen then actually review that and maybe revise it add to it okay so I'll revise my motion then so instead of the December 10th we'll we'll move that to the um our first meeting in January January 14th well well no I I I I recommending continue into the 10th oh all right because there there may be things I come back with want to come back with to the commission at that time after speak of natural heritage but then after but then continue it again all right even if giv this kind of a planting Horizon okay okay understood now okay so I'll leave that motion was motion from Chris second second from Bill all in favor I I I okay motion passes so the hildr meeting will be continued to January to December 10th yes and almost certainly continued another time yes Beyond okay that's my Brian thank you thank you everyone for coming good night Happy Thanksgiving yeah Happy Thanksgiving okay yeah yes all right land uh no continual business we don't have anything under discussion we have continual business so the open space and Rec plan the full document is now in um in uh uh in draft form and it's under review by the committee and um at that January 14th meeting that we were just talking about the um ncog folks will come in to present to the committee um the the document which will be revised a fair amount between now and then I'm sure so so just one question that Carl so I was thinking maybe start the meeting at 6:30 for for them to do that I think can we can we do that let ncog come in do their update on the open space and recck plan for roughly a half an hour this in December 10th no this would be January 14th and start at 6:30 and then we start our the rest of our meeting would wait until probably the normal 7 o'clock if we're not going over does that work for everyone yeah I don't I'm not aware of any conflicts sorry I said I'm not aware of any conf schedu conflict so let let's do that so it'll be a 6:30 start on January 14th we'll try not to make it a Happ okay thanks very much uh Land Management uh coolest um so nothing really new there we are doing uh continuing with talks with subury subury Valley Trust um and uh that's that's going fine but you know it's a slow process so we're moving ahead there next thing is the Warren pole CR um so we made very good progress I'm not going to say anything because I don't want to jinx it but it's in good shape um uh and we have Mr Sperry wanted to make a comment or two here yeah uh we've been the land trust is a holder of CRS for other properties in town and when we've done the first reviews of the Baseline documents we've always found mistakes and for the sheen Farm one we should have outright rejected the bdr because seven of the eight Maps were wrong and we have to go back and fix them uh so I want to start the process of going through and validating what we have for bdr at this point for Warren pole for Warren pole I'm sorry yep okay uh and for our other uh CR properties we have a data package that we got from the person that did the CR with all the original pictures which we can directly load into our GIS oh uh and see where the pictures are actually taken doing that with Hart Pond we found a bunch of pictures are taken off site okay and had to correct the bdr for that so I'd like to get uh the original pictures uh do do you think our bdr would be able to do that I mean you're referring to the photos in the bdr right and and and and then she then she says where those are taken I think she gives GPS coordinates for each of those not all of them and back on the heart pond one there are transcription errors okay okay and multiple visits to the site and they're just PL old wrong and it's a pain to correct the bdr in a Future Vision okay so if she has the the pictures as they came off the phone that's fine we just like to get a the set we can ask so is so so I want to make sure I understand so you would only need those for the ones where they're not the GPS coordinates included in the bdr we we read the GPS coordinates right off the the photos Okay so so you want to verify those for all photos yep okay and that way we can have the photos in the gis and we can click on one and says oh yeah this is what's going on there okay well hopefully she still has all the original right because it's been two years yeah I I I would think that she does but I would think so yeah probably not a problem and and and and I still and I still need to up upload to the document Center the most recent version okay of the vdr that's good because they're errors in the one that I got from Carl um and and I don't know whether those will be corrected in this in this one but but errors with the most recent version so I was hoping I was hoping to do that this week but as you know this is a short week um Y and I might not get to it but no we have uh report time available to us us uh in December uh because the DPW has asked for us to postpone the rest of the ones till January so they can concentrate on the arpa work that they have to a hard deadline by the end of the year Okay so we've got time to actually go through and hit all 114 photos and 59 way points okay okay that's my formal request is to get the actual pictures good no that's good good to know yeah thanks appreciate it that's good um okay and that that was it on Warren pole um I know we're going to cover something there in a few minutes on on the approvals um the events discussion is not on here but I just I shared with the rest of the commission a piece of paper that is just kind of a brainstorming for um how we uh review and approve and help David come up with some criteria for reviewing and approving events so at at one of our next meetings perhaps the next one um I'd like to come up with there is a formal document on the town web page on the Conservation Commission page for making a request to to have an event on one of our sites we're probably going to update it it's kind of old and out of date and uh and after some of the recent discussions we've had so these are just some thoughts um read it at your leisure and we can have a discussion about this and come up with an updated document uh um for David the idea is that David can handle almost all events but occasionally he'll will be something big and he needs to come before us so we want to give him some good guide guidance on that so you like that on the agenda for the next meeting Carl I think so okay I think so it kind of depends on what else is on the agenda you know if we have to make something move um the other thing David I sent you just I don't know if you saw that I sent you the thing from deepbrook and Oak Hill email that I sent you just couple couple hours ago uh I have a chance to look pull up that file I sent so deepbrook and Oak Hill the Deep Brook property we have a trail there and um unfortunately our the trail that we have used for many many years was In fact on a neighbor's property and it was not on conservation property and it includes a bridge um and it crosses the Deep Brook and then it cut Cuts back on a bridge that we do own and the neighbor is a new neighbor who just purchased the property in the last few months and they have put up a private property sign and so we went out and put a um Trail Clos sign on that part of the trail um deepbrook is connected with um in the trail system with uh Oak Hill however it's Crossing non-conservation property to get to oakill it includes this neighbor's property it includes the low Sportsman's Club and and I think there's another private party that it crosses so I just wanted to bring it to the commission's attention that we do have this situation we did put some signs up there to close that bill you you've been up there a couple times if you want to add some comment right yeah um people are still using the trails I've seen people still using the trails but uh obviously we can't put the signs up on other people's property so we put it the two signs you put up are on our property which is a start I think we really have to look at it and yeah see what our options are so so I just want to make sure I understand so it's this where I'm circling here that's closed yeah but is that on private property well that map's not accurate though that blue line really is about where your cursor is now so it's over there that's where the trail is in the white in the white so the map doesn't match what the reality so it comes like over like this yeah and then it goes down across the brook the Wetland there across the brook and then Cuts back so if you just took that blue line that runs almost parallel to the to the Border mhm the Blue Trail and you just slid it over like an inch the new property owner at 192 dunable Road he had it surveyed so this there some Flags down there where he actually surveyed his property he's well within his rights to do this this is he's not wrong yeah so so you so you think the assessor maps are wrong I think just this trail map is wrong okay yeah that's all I think whoever did the trail map had some bad information or something not sure I mean you could certainly reach out to him and ask him if he's willing to make some kind of an agreement there's a number of things we should do but I just wanted to bring it up to the it just came up this week public yeah just was over the weekend uh that it happen and I have gotten a couple calls about it asking what's going on yeah yeah yeah I know I think you said you might have his contact information um I'll see if I can find it okay uh and then um agents report um update on Freeman Lake surveys so so the surveyor um has been given the notice to proceed with the the three properties that are in the deed that that I showed you uh last time it was three three properties that were conveyed All In the same Deed by the same owner um so I think it's fairly safe to assume that um the Conservation Commission does have care custody and control of those properties um so although ultimately if there's if there ends up being a dispute may have to get title exams on those but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it so say the the surveyor has been given um notice to proceed with those on give you any timeline David uh no no he has not um I will certainly see if I can get an idea of that you know with the holidays coming up probably not going to be in a huge rush um on the other three properties that are a town owned up along well at least that part of Freeman Lake um the the the the assessor the assessor Maps say that one of them is Conservation Commission land but the deed reference that given that's given is a final judgment from the land court for tax title taking by the treasurer which is the case for the other two properties as well which I think say just town of chelsford ownership so I I I will endeavor to try and track those down be it'd be a matter of finding a town meeting vote um turning those properties over to the commission so if in fact they are commission property I think you know we'll want to do at some point we want to do the the same sort of thing you know do the surveys um so um I'm trying you know I'm going to try and make this as easy as possible I think the first thing to do is speak with the the the treasurer and the assessor see what if any information they have on Town meetings where those properties might have been turned over to the Conservation Commission if that fails then I think it's a matter of going to the town Clerk and asking them to dig up record any records they have of town meeting transfers which I think you know might be a little bit of work for them might take a little bit of time but okay we'll see if it comes to that they've been digitizing stuff that's true which may make which may make it easier that might help make it easier okay yeah CU then you can search by parcel y okay thank you and then uh so um okay as Bill said no no timing on that um yet uh no I'll I'll I'll do the best I can yep okay all right next one is Littleton Road storage container have a question will it stay on the agenda for the next meeting yes yeah I'll plan to give an update sure you know I can't promise that they'll be a significant update but you know hopefully you know I'll be able to report something based on my own progress yeah okay yep thanks uh Littleton Road so after after the last meeting um I sent an email to the property owner um saying the Conservation Commission respectfully requests you you remove the storage container your property no later than November 30th as of today it was still there but still got a few more days was it certified letter or just regular postal um I well act actually I haven't sent those out yet um I sent an email um so that's that's a good point I said I would send um okay all right um yeah that's we're getting close okay last things here is the certificate of compliance for the Warren pole driveway and the har Pond boat ramp yes so those so I I've um we we have asil plans for both uh I've I've I've gone out and uh done a um site inspection with Trevor from DPW on both sites um I think the only the only thing that REM that's remain to be done at Warren pole is there there that the erosion control was wrapped in this this plastic mesh and sent an email tonight it's done oh oh it is okay did he did he see see me uh copied me I guess okay he must have sent it to me I you know I just don't always have the time to review these emails today yeah actually it was this morning uh this morning yeah okay well um so so that so um then I then I would recommend that one be issued um same same thing with hard pond the hard pond boat Ram that that looks good okay all right so I think you know single motion for both y cover it take a motion to approve both the Warren pole CFC and the har Pawn CFC I move Mr chairman that we approve certificates of compliance for the warm pole driveway and parking lot and the har Pond boat ramp uh references 129 d9222 n- 0937 motion from Chris second second second from Bill all in favor I I I okay and we do not have meeting minutes uh for October 8th 22nd and the 12th so I here for something yeah he is there something else that folks are looking for here on our AG we looking for the Eagle Scout project scenario it it was on the I walked in supposed to be tonight was on the agenda yeah that guy I saw I saw it on the board yesterday I wed I'm sorry that guy canel that is not going to happen I'm sorry I I thought we said that at the very beginning of the meeting that it wasn't uh you said the pallet pay Drive I didn't say that well you had said it get it came off the agenda so well it it's still on opposed agenda but I just remove sorry I'm sorry I'm really sorry about that um so what happened with that is that the as you might have heard from some of our other um hearings there's a thing called natural heritage um uh what What's it called it's mapped rare species habitat it's for rare species that whole area is under what's called National Heritage control and so any kind of a project that would happen in that area would have to be approved by the state reviewed and approved by the state for a for a um for an eagle scout that's like 10 levels above his pay grade you know maybe for the Land Trust might want to do that and and pursue that but it's probably six months a year or something like that if not years if if it's approved at all yeah yeah if it's even approved got be a cali California condo it makes us happy because for the species that we do see out there and there's not a lot of space especially with the Wetland in the middle so just to see them be drawn to be clear that there was some discussion about the project going all the way out to skunk Island the the plan was to only go to there's a a small Bridge just a few feet a few feet couple hundred feet from the kiosk the As I understood it the plan was to be to just upgrade that trail and perhaps put some walkway in there to that bridge and that would have been the end of it so it the discussion about going to skunk Island was not really that wasn't reality I spoke to Becky Warren when I saw somebody out there and she mentioned they' Place big boulders out there and they all get overgrown yep and actually we used to cut that just a little area of grass and it was beautiful the sign was there and they we just did that was already there when we bought the our home it was all nice grass just that little area and and you could walk out and you probably recall Winter Fest used to do it yep yeah I remember doing that I L one of the walks that went out to skunk Island probably 10 years ago eight or nine years ago and they built the bridge there too yeah my name is Dick Gorman I live at 15 fenor I live in the CAC okay there at the end of the street and uh and I've been there for seven we've lived in the house for 52 years so when we originally went there it was it's the most wonderful Street in the world and I hope I I don't know if all of you know where it is uh if you go out of the center of town and you go down Route four and you see the red clock bar in the air and you make a left hand turn the air that's charlesgate you go down to the bottom that's where the Fenwick road is there I think there's 13 houses in a total road goes out to two CX you take a left-and turn to go down to where the sign now is that did not exist there when I first moved there that whole area was obliterated with over the growth of you name it was there you couldn't walk in there because your Thorns would get you and it made the walk very difficult yeah that's that's a thing yeah so one of the really wonderful things that happened many years down the line there was when the opened and the sign went up and they cleared it out it began to make the end of the CAC look really nice you could David just had pictures up there so I I I know this is not on the agenda or well well well is a little bit but so I actually had a question on this Blair you see this photo right here yes was this was this work that was done recently yes by the scouts brought guys yeah yeah they brought a vehicle in and plow it all all back because a hug SP tocky fell my thoughts were oh they're going to do the Winter Fest again because they haven't done it for years so I was I was off of that one day they come down it's like the whole Street's filled but it's a wonderful celebration and they go out to skunk Island they cook some war and you know and it's it's um controlled well based it's a fun thing and they based on what doing Bridges and walkways and railings on the walkways Boardwalk was terminology like no we would never made aware of any of that till none of that last week but the point I want to make was all thrown at us based on this photo comparing this photo with what I'm seeing in this photo you know the work that was recently done should have had a filing should have had an RDA filing so that's what it you it looked like the back one with the big rocks wasn't that's the same location the same location but if you go back to the big boulders I don't know why they put them there our landscape is used to go over and it used to be all beautiful grass but then it got hard for them because the Rocks were there so they stopped doing it and then a huge I believe it's a black willow fell a couple of years ago it crashed at the end it was a mess what nobody came on the street on the street our our landscapers came so we could get out of our driveway just to get it out the street um and then it was never moved and it got all overgrown and so then so I spoke to Becky and came my interpretation of what you said was get rid of the Rocks they're going to make it look like it used to in that area and I'm off of that that's beautiful well but's see this is if they want to do the trail again out to you know just a walking one day walk out there or or a couple times a year type thing that's fine with me but well could be that invasive that's that's crazy but I mean this is all undisturbed soil in the buffer zone I'm sorry it's all Disturbed soil in the buffer zone and really there really should have been they should someone should have at least talked to me absolutely you know and I might have said you know you got to do a filing um I think you were shocked when they told you know the commission has got to be consistent yeah so you know we we had talked with Dale yesterday and I think he's aware of that now um and I and one other member of the trust is hearing all of this as well for sure so uh okay yeah I think we'll uh so stand down I mean it was at the end of our it's at the end of our totally understand we did see the notice still downstairs so that's why we're here I apologize for not catching that at the beginning you know it was interesting to see how much you guys have to deal with so all I'll go out and take a look at it make sure that there's nothing flowing into the wetlands you know there's no erosion okay okay all right I'll take a motion to adjourn the meeting move to adjourn move from Chris second John all in favor I meeting is adjourned thank you chel tel media e e e e e e e for