##VIDEO ID:jI7y-Tris5o## e I have 7 p.m. uh my name uh is Chris Aran I'm the vice chairman of the Conservation Commission and I will be chairing tonight's meeting uh Mr Bishoff is uh is traveling and out of country uh the uh first item we have on this agenda tonight is the Open Session citizen concerns if there's anyone uh from the public either present in the meeting room tonight or um present online via Zoom if you have some uh question or comment you'd like to present to us just raise your hand identify yourself come up to the microphone let us us not all right well I don't see anyone coming forward so we'll move on uh next up under Open Session citizen concerns we have uh Daryl mccrensky and Hancock building Associates request for guidance on RDA versus noi for proposed addition in deck at four East uh Shephard Lane I just would want to say as a preface in general as we've all know over the years we've had rdas and notice of intents come in um we handle both um generally the rdas are for the kind of smaller projects uh you know in the buffer zone only where there's really no risk of adverse or negative impact on resource areas so we'll have you know the kind of those small projects that come in and there a lot less uh you know we're a lot less um requirements as far as the details around the RDA type projects the nois are your you know larger projects particular if there's any you know if it's close to the uh resource areas or if there's um you know resource their impact uh either from the adjacent buffer zone or something of that nature so that's kind of in general how we approach it but uh why don't you tell us a little bit about what your uh would you'd like to you know describe situation um so basically uh the proposed is an addition off the back of the house um and uh deck which is beside it so the addition is uh 15 by 16 uh with a full basement and um the deck would be on sonit tubes the the the room itself is is outside of the 50-ft buffer um but as you can see from the plot plan part of the part of the deck is is actually within the 50ft buffer so we had started the process in August um with David to get sort of some direction on what what we need to to file to make it happen and we went ahead and had the wetlands flagged and um had put on the put on a certified plot plan and then we had a site meeting but we we're still spinning our Wheels a little bit okay well good well thanks for kind of a quick overview daveid do you want to jump in with any uh prary comment sure um so uh the deck um the deck let's let's just assume that the addition isn't there the deck would be an RDA I mean that's I mean there's just no question about that at uh in in in my time here in chelsford and going back and um researching earlier projects I'd say nine out of 10 um of these these types of small additions um outside the 50 ft would be rdas as well um just just adding some additional information is that it it's not shown on the plan here but uh where the addition is being proposed there's an existing deck there um which would would be removed um the other thing the other thing a couple of other things I'll say is is that you know probably over half the wetlands is mod lawn right now um and and and and and it's and it's and it's pretty flat uh from from where the the addition and deck are are being proposed um so I I really think this can be an RDA you know um just uh you know based based on the commission's Poli the commission's historical policies um you know based on my knowledge of them and just looking at the physical characteristics of the site I think it can easily be an RDA thanks David thanks any Commissioners um this is just a discussion but does anybody disagree with with David's recommendation at this point I walked down there yesterday and uh it's flat it's it's welldeveloped uh I I don't see any problem with an Ida down there okay it's a I think it's a split isn't it is it a split or is it a is a foundation down it's a cape the foundation goes down I got some pictures of it if you want I forgot what the house was but I don't I don't have any I I think that would be the way to go okay good anybody else um bill yeah I think it's an RDA I agree good John same thing I have to agree good Peter you with us on that same yes good all right well there's your feedback I will just add one more thing and and I did mention this when we did the site visit um the commission has pretty consistently uh wanted to see some kind of management of the roof run off and I mentioned a dryw at the uh at the site visit that might don't want to tell you how to engineer but that might be the easiest thing to do here but okay yeah but we're showing the the sil fence and the you know storage area but we can definitely add that no problem okay yep good good well I hope that helpful Mr it is thank you much so this will be on for October 8th the hearing thank you excellent all right well moving right along on tonight's agenda we have our report from our planning board liazon um Chris would you come forward and uh and let us know what's going on good evening um so tomorrow we actually have quite a bit packed agenda unlike you guys have tonight um we're starting with a work session at 6:30 uh talking about some of the overlays that we've got in town and some procedural things um administrative reviews we're going to be reviewing uh 270 bill rck of Road final myars uh probably a decision on 150 North Road uh and then um reviewing the roadway acceptance for DPW for town meeting um for Parkhurst uh the other topics we have on the agenda is 300 Bill r Road uh the seid applicability hearing and then we've got uh hrth is our primary uh hearing public hearing for tomorrow night and then talking about adus again and flood plane bylaw updates pretty than Chris that's good and and Hilder is requesting a continuance from their you know meeting with us tonight so we're okay be talking about Hilder tonight so we'll be waiting to see what happens to your meeting yeah we were we may get to a decision tomorrow um the uh one-year time limit um was going to be up between our two meetings last meeting and this meeting so they did sign an extension for us uh to the end of this week I think so that way um we'll either have to make a decision this week or again another extension on the uh on the bylaw okay good uh anybody any questions for Chris no okay good thank you thanks Chris good luck tomorrow night all right that takes us through our U Open Session citizen concerns uh moving on to the regulatory hearings um uh we we got a note from David earlier I think it was uh yesterday late or or this morning that uh the um property possible Incorporated with respect to 10 Hilder Street was looking for a continuance to our next meeting and our next next meeting would be October 8th that's correct isn't it David yes uh there's still waiting for a letter from natural heritage okay so nothing can happen till then correct so if I could have a motion then to continue 10 hildr to our next scheduled meeting of October 8th 20124 move bill in the motion John on the second uh any discussion before we move it all those in favor all uh any opposed none unanimous all right okay that takes us through our uh regulatory hearings uh moving on um we move on through the agenda to Our Land Management section here and we have an update on coolest land uh from our conservation agent David so um think it I think it was last week uh Carl uh and I uh walked to the property with the land protection specialist and conservation restriction specialist at subur Valley trustees um so uh they appear to be they those two anyway appear to be very interested in holding the CR uh on the coolest uh land which is required by the CPA um you know the the the the process from here would though is is is not immediate that they they the um the trust land uh protection committee has to vote uh on uh accepting the restriction uh based on a recommendation of of their staff um and then and then there's there's a matter of uh funding it um you know there there are some standard costs um that uh subur Valley trustees asks asks some uh you know gr uh grantees uh grantors of conservation restrictions to uh assume you know I don't know what the number is I don't think it's any I don't think it's anything that the town can't handle so and and and I'm not sure what what the timeline is for this moving forward but okay see see the process seems to have started good good any questions for David on the coolest land no nothing okay very good on on Warren pole uh I have uh sent the CR uh the draft CR to uh Town Council New Town Council for uh his review uh just wanted to do that um before it was sent off to the state just to make sure that you know he uh he blessed He blesses it um so not sure how long that will take him but once once get that back from him then we'll finally send it off to the state um for uh for their their review and hopefully approval there's no more negotiations on on our end between anybody right it set um I don't think so we'll we'll see if if Council has any recommendations for any changes to the language of the CR um so I guess we don't know 100% certain but I don't think it should be anything major in any case all right thanks good anything else on Warren Paul uh just just got the the ASO plan of the parking area from the um DPW uh it looks it looks good to me um the only thing that uh that I think we should hold off on before I tell DPW it's a it's a go is that um where it says up here I'll enlarge it a little bit it says um wouldn't sign Warren pole conservation acquired through the town of chel community preservation fund 2020 that's that's as I think all members know that's slated to be a a boulder with with I think a a plaque on it um I got an email uh from Carl he had forwarded me an email from L Granite um a week or so ago it sounds like they're just about ready to do it yeah the the rock is all cut okay it's all prepared I think uh they might even have it at lugs now okay the rock they had to get it from the Quarry in North chumford they picked it up from the Quarry and and bring it down to their place and they there's a bronze plaque going on it yes oh yes good so I think I think we should wait till that gets installed before I tell DPW that uh the plan the plan is ready to go would you put on that plan the Vernal pool oh that's a that's a good point that's a good point um because it has been certified has been officially certified by natural heritage so yeah that's that's easy enough to do although it's really not an as built but but it's but it's it's exists in conditions right so I'm just saying if it's on there it's yeah I a good point Bill thanks for raising that I'll I'll ask him to do that as well um and then just one more land management issue um or two more of the the same thing uh it's not on the agenda is I've got gotten some estimates uh for tree removal uh I think I mentioned at the last meeting um there's there there was a tree up at 94 Meadow Brook Road that fell uh uh well it it was it was a tree that was on the abing conservation land that fell on a 94 meow Brook Road it gather ruined their fence uh but anyway the the owner the owners have asked that U the commission have the tree removed so I got I got an I got estimates um on that this this this this the one I'm showing right here from Arbor East is the uh the lowest of of the the estimates that uh I got um you know at some point the owners may ask that the town pay for uh restoration of the fence as well we we'll see what happens with that um so and then and then uh a similar sort of thing well not not not similar but but over over off on 144 Parker Road uh a budding right reservation there there are some uh some trees that they're uh concerned about um there the the uh the owners there's a dead ash tree and a dead maple tree um that they would like removed um and then there's a one there's a a one Vine covered Oak uh as as well um I I I think I think it's legitimate legitimate concern these these trees are right next to their backyard um I I think they should come down um and this this is the lowest estimate also from auor East I got was $2,735 so I guess I would request the the commission vote to accept these estimates all right so we have the request any questions before we take a vote on this um yeah D the the oak tree is currently I assume covered with the vines but is it does it appear alive um or is it I I I think it's on its way out yeah because of the vines or you think anyway um well that's hard to that's hard to say um you know certainly as you know uh Vines the the Asian bitters certainly can kill trees yep but well you know one way or the other I think it's in bad shape okay any more questions comments no we have a motion then to approve the what was it 625 for um uh was that 94 metal Brook and then we had 200 two 2755 if I'm 735 735 reading that for what was the address again 144 Parker vote so we have a motion to approve that de expenditures move move by bill again second by John any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed none unanimous thank you very much David okay so I think that's everything I have that gets us through Land Management agents report um nothing additional additional okay and then for approval signature do we have to sign anything or approve anything tonight uh yeah I uh all all of these uh I think there's a total of four um I I've I've done site visits with representa atives of the the owners uh and I recommend the commission um approve all of the certificates of compliance um as you can see some of them are quite old but you know the uh the work I I didn't see anything out there that that I was really concerned about all right so we have um why don't we just uh vote on each one as we take them down so we have certificates of compliance um uh with respect to 40 Grand View Road two Birch would drive why don't we have a motion then to approve a signature on that move move have a second on that Mark on the second any discussion all those in favor I any opposed okay so that that's down next up we have a SE CLC for 419 Acton Road same thing motion to approve bill John on the second any discussion none all those in favor I unanimous and then uh now we have moving on we've got the meeting minutes as well do we have some meeting minutes to vote on tonight July 9th July 9th oh oh I'm my apologies I think I must have missed that hold on when do you do you have when you sent that out about a week ago maybe maybe I went to spam I don't see it nobody got it no maybe I went to spam on your computer that's s that nobody got it hopefully I didn't leave it in my drafts or something stupid like that you thought you hit sent but it didn't I done that before all all right I I'll take the hit on it maybe I didn't send it I'll can double cheat when do you think you sent it out about a week ago really I I definitely didn't get it I'm just I'll check my email now um again search no no no the last one I had was um 625 oh oh oh anyway weird all right no I don't could be in that sent box somewhere send it yeah okay so we have paperwork coming down for signatures here so let's just take a moment and we'll sign the CC's one for you number two this is a racket shortness yeah this one don't get too used to it just hang out [Music] she all right so last one coming down so our next meeting is coming up on October 8th October 8th how's the agenda looking David for that uh so uh in addition to the RDA we heard about earlier this evening there's a notice of intent that's been filed for expansion of uh residential parking up on I'm not sure how to pronounce it play it drive or plate Drive okay uh up uh up in North chord North CHP North Cher okay yeah haven't had a chance to do the site visit yet all right well U we have covered our agenda unless anybody has anything at the last minute here to bring up we can take a motion to adjourn make a motion um Mark has moved to a juring and uh Peter you want to make a second on that I will second Peter's on the second all those in favor I any oppos none unanimous and that concludes tonight's meeting thank you everyone for our um record a nice job Chris yeah did you just set a record May a record e e e e e e