##VIDEO ID:w28vLqN7yxU## Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you this meeting is being live streamed by CH for Tel media and posted the CPS website for interested community members to a and watch inperson public participation will be taking place tonight in accordance with the Chon school committee public participation policy anyone speaking tonight during the public input portion of this meeting has notified the superintendent's office of the desire to speak and provided with these guidelines upon request written comments received no later than 12: p.m. of the day of the meeting will also be read and made part of the record of the meeting during the second public comment session so welcome to this meeting of the T school committee our first order of business is to approve minutes from our meetings on September 10th and September 17th okay I move to approve the minutes from the September 10th meeting second okay all right any corrections on those meetings minutes okay all in favor I was Zero I'd like to move to approve the minutes from the September 17th uh meeting second any comments on that one hey all in favor I I I great all right next up we'll hear from our chord high school student Representatives hi everyone so starting off strong we're super excited to say that our newly improved kitchen is all done and students are able to get their lunches inside I think yesterday was the first day that all grades could go inside the kitchen seniors got a sneak peek of it I think last week um it's definitely an improvement from what we had before and I I think it's super cool I can't even fathom how there was that much space back there before I'm like what was blocking all of that but yeah super cool and nice and then this year the leadership in motion everywhere Club lime will be hosting a pumpkin paloa on November 3rd at the high school's Plateau from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. this event will be open to the public with intent of creating a fun event for the community and allow student groups from all over Chums High School to get together for a fun day filled with tons of spa Spirit lime will also be accepting monetary and food donations at the event all money donated will go to the Paul Center and all food donations will go to the chumford food pantry what's the date of that what was the DAT de um November 3rd and they used to do like the like drive through trick-or treat thing but instead of that there's the pumpkin pla I o have some good news um so the chump high school at theater Guild is already rehearsing for their play the Beauty and the Beast um with students um Lily Rogers as Bell and Haddie aldia as the Beast um the musical will be performed on November 21st 22nd and the 23rd um along with that the unified basketball team had their first game of the season yesterday at the high school you know they gave it their all sadly they couldn't pull away the victory b r was a very tough team but um on the other note um the boys Varsity cross country team um had a great showing at the ocean state Invitational meet on Saturday um the team finished second overall and um Runners Xavier May getting third place and Marco Lombardo finished 11th wow thank you both very much any other good news this year so I'm saving a piece of my good news for the presentation but um we had a very nice session Susan did a great job working with our students from McCarthy Middle School to gather their feedback for the town Strat plan so it was very nice to have the kids here they were they were amazing um some of the topics that they had were not just School related they were really Town related as well so they had a good you know background of what was happening and what was H how the town would like to move forward and like I said Susan was like seamless with them thank you Susan good time and we had breakfast candy we did have breakfast candy and that was my good news too I just want to tell you the future is bright these eighth graders it was their school leadership team came with um Dr Parks and they were so insightful and mature you know eighth graders I was concerned that maybe they wouldn't be that interested but they were so interested that on their feedback forms many many of them indicated that they wish we'd spend even more time discussing in depth the uh topics that were presented to them I was really really impressed as I said the future is bright yeah it's wonderful anybody else have anything to add okay all right moving on then then uh I don't see anybody here for public comment we had over registered to speak tonight so we can move on a new business sure uh first on the docket tonight is um at the last meeting we presented some draft goals for the superintendent and the school committee and we received some feedback at the meeting and then some follow-up feedback um sham M King was nice enough to put it all together from the different members so we've Incorporated that feedback into the superintendent and school committee goals um so they're before you uh this evening in kind of a final format I remov the the red highlights from but the content didn't change um so just looking for the committee's um um desire on these yeah I tried to capture what people were saying at the last meeting so I hopefully I did um so any any we'll start with superintendent goals any further comments or other things that you would like to see in the superintendent goals I appreciate the incorporation of our comments from the last meeting and don't have any additional ones okay me too I apprciate it thank you no problem right so why don't we uh have a motion to approve the house first I move to approve the school committee goals for the superintendent's goals we got the superer first oh I'm sorry I I did it backwards now oh you want to do the super yeah do because they came up first thing yeah I'm sorry my mistake I motion to approve the superintendent goals for the 24 to 25 school year as presented I will second okay all in favor I was Zero okay I'm moving on to our goals um again again try to put in um something about U working with the um the staff in terms of negotiating new contract and also to kind of keep the building project foremost in uh everybody's mind so those were the two additions there anything else we want to add to our goals I think this is good okay okay all right if not I'll take a motion on those um move to approve the school committee goals for the 2425 school year as presented I'll second okay all in favor I I great right great so we'll get those posted up to the website you OB on both different pages and we'll get working and um collecting data and Reporting on those over the course of the year um second up tonight we received our mcast results last week from uh the Department of Education and um Dr H has put together a an accountability and an mcast um presentation for us so she's going to walk us through it so I'll turn it over to you thank you um so yes tonight I'm just going to go through through this presentation I broke it up into a few sections to try and make it manageable because there's a lot of information on there um which would include obviously a review of the overall accountability our performance data our student growth percentile data and um I did pull out the special education as a subgroup because that has been a focus of the district I know that um you probably have seen the news um the news out there didn't paint a great P picture of mcast overall for the state they said there was a lot of declines when we met with the Department prior to the release of the mcast they had noticed a decline in a lot of the areas including math and Ela some dips in the science based on the grade level um the good news for us is that we didn't see the big dips that they were talking about we seeing some of those dips maybe at the um School levels specific School levels and at specific grade levels but overall as a district we we didn't get the the news that was happening with at the state level so we're a little bit pleased for that we a little bit still stagnant but overall it's nice to see that we didn't go backwards the way that the state was representing on the news so um first off I just wanted to talk a little bit about the accountability system so it's a little complicated it has two components to it one's normative and one is a Criterion reference piece to it and this is how they classify how the schools are doing and if they're in any need of assistance so this is what the state uses um important to note here is this is how they've been um looking at the accountability so obviously with with covid for 2020 and 2021 and including 2022 for Criterion reference they didn't have enough data so they were not giving us any accountability data so last year was the first year we came back for both percentile and both for Criterion reference accountability data and here we are in 2024 with the third year for our percentile and the second year for for our Criterion reference data and that will be important to note when we go into some of the slides so want to get to I think slide 11 I just want to reference back to that we've had the three years of data and the two years of data for the Criterion reference so percentiles I'm just going to start with this it's a normative indicator right and it's from 1 to 99 and this lets us know how the school and that well so there's district and school level but School level lets us know how those schools stand compared to other schools that are like them so what their grade spans look like what how they performed and then they divide it into different groups the state does so there's a k through eight grouping there's a k through eight and a 9 through2 that would be chumford those are the schools that we service and then 9 through 12 only so when they go into this whole part for percentile they compare us to like school districts for our schools so overall these are the percentile ratings for our schools um for this year this is what we received and what you'll notice is the best way to do this is I try to put it in a sentence so if we just take chumford High School alone you would say that chumford high school's proficiency performance so their proficiency meaning exceeds meets partially meeting not meeting so chumford high school's proficiency performance scored higher than 83% of the other schools in the state who have the same makeup as that school so all high schools that have a 9 through 12 span so it doesn't mean we only had 83% of students performing it means that we performed we scored higher than 83% of the other Massachusetts schools I always think of percentiles like I think of when I brought my kids to the doctors all the time they'd be like oh they're in the 90th percentile for weight for height I'm like oh okay so they're big so you higher you want to be higher which you know 50s in the middle but you'd like to be higher so 83% is excellent so if you look across that is the percentile on how our school schools performed compared to like schools okay our next lesson in uh mathematics tonight is Criterion reference so this is how we are doing as a school compared to the targets that were set for us by Desi so desie takes all of our data over the years and they designate specific Targets on where they'd like us to be for um proficiency and for growth and what they do is they take all of this information and then they assign us a Criterion reference on how we have been progressing so there's multiple criteria so for your 3 through eight they all have Ela average scale score math average scale score and science both the high school and the three through eight students have growth um student growth 3 through eight only has El proficiency and then all the schools both 3 through eight and the high school have chronic absenteeism that we're rated on and then the high school has two additional indicators and that is high school completion and advanced coursework completion which then gives us a designation of how we're working towards meeting our targets so this is broken down by percentages so if you're a 3 through eight School anywhere within those grade spins that you're servicing this is for chumford specific so our achievement was weighted at 65% for all students and 67.5 for our lowest performing students those are the students that we are need to work with to close that Gap student growth was at 22.5 same for um for ELA and math and that would be the same for percentage waiting for the lowest performing students for all students they look at progress towards English proficiency we don't have enough students to look at there's not enough students in the lowest performing group that they had a number for so that is why they changed the waiting for both your achievement and your student growth and then your additional um indicators which is chronic absenteeism for the grades 3 through eight as well and then you'll see a similar um trajectory here for the first three p well the first two pieces for achievement and growth for high school only there's not enough students for L as well but we don't have the lowest performing group but that is not an indicator that this department is looking at and then High School also has chronic absenteeism and advanced coursework as well as the annual dropout rate forear cohort graduation rate and then an extended engagement rate meaning they continue on in school past High School quick question um I've seen this a million times and I've actually never know the answer to this question what is the state considering to be Advanced coursework that would be our AP and our dual enrollment classes but both of those so we code them specifically in Aspen so which is which is our student management system so ap's always been that but with dual enrollment that is considered an advanced coursework some of the project leave the way classes are in there but most of ours running either dual enrollment or AP anyways so they' get pulled into the um so it really looks more at the like the upper grades like it wouldn't look at like honors no no that would no it has to be so what they consider Advanced is something that would be what you consider past high school so dual enrollment and AP are considered courses that are college level thank you so yes and then they take all of this information and based on how you proceeded toward they give you a point system they scale it based on how much progress made towards that Target and they give you a point for it and they wait that point so that is how they come up with Criterion reference much more complicated than percentiles but this is how we receive that information and then what they'll do is they usually take two years of data and there's a little caveat to that that I'll explain but they take the two pieces of data so they took our 2023 data and our 2024 data gave us 40% uh credit towards the 2023 for the weight and then 60% for the 2024 to come up with our final Criterion reference and I'll explain that a little further when we move down so if we just look at chumford just for 2024 our accountability was 59% progress towards meeting out we so we had substantial progress towards meeting our goals so we're in good shape because we've made some significant progress according to the state so there's back with those criteria I was saying there's like limited there's minimal right then they have substantial and then they'll have like meeting and exceeding and then there's a designation portion which we can talk about tonight believe it or not in chelur so when you just look at chelsford alone for 2024 this is what from from the state department you might say oh well wait a minute we made 62% progress towards meeting our targets how did it turn to 59 it's because of that waiting they saw what we did in 2023 what we did in 2024 and they gave 40% to 2023 which was 55% last year this year it's 62% so they took 60% of 62% added them together and you came up with 59% lot of math lots of math behind this and then those are those Point systems that you see well how we were assign those points that's how they came up with it so that's the tutorial on how we received our overall accountability as a district in general just proficiency levels It Go the scale for mcast is a 440 up to a 5 60 this is how for grades 3 through 8 in ela and math students receed proficiency just how they did on end of year standards and in our science 5 through eight High School's a little different um so there's been a change and this was from the board of education so prior to the class of 2026 so that is your current Juniors they took the mcast when they were sophomores last year they there was for the previous classes there was that modified competency determination I know I talked extensively about it last year and the year before where the Department of Education made a change in how students were meeting the mcast so what they had done is and it was very confusing which I can understand why some students that were still in that not meeting expectations still passed the mcast these were the covid kids so they made an adjustment to this actual scale so those students even though they didn't meet expectations they still passed the mcast because they went on an educational proficiency plan that's over those kids have now graduated the class of 2026 right which is your Juniors right now are required to meet the higher educational proficiency plan and competen and determination for their graduation and they did a nice job this year so we're in very good shape in general so these are higher standards but it's because they went back to the way they break up their um proficiency standards there's no more anybody not meeting expectations and passing mcast because that just is coun counterintuitive and that was B that was uh adopted by the Board of Education um in August of 2022 you may have heard of it on the news so that's like tutorial you know that I have for what is happening with accountability and how students are rated it so now let's just kind of get into the meat of what our actual performance results were so this is the District overview so this is all the grade levels for ELA in total and what you'll notice is that 57% of our students are meeting or exceeding the standards remember that partially meeting is still passing mcast but the way that the state provides us with the information is meeting and exceeding so even though you see 50 7% many more of our students if we were to take the upper half of um partially meeting would be passing mcast technically in the state's eyes so it's a 1% increase since last year and our average scale scores a 505 which is 5005 and that is um so 500 is meeting standards so our average for most students is meeting our meeting expectations meeting and for our end of the year standards the average SGP which is student growth percentile is a 53.4 50 being one year's growth so you're seeing at least the onee growth overall for the district and what you see on the right hand side is just a um shows you where the schools lie in general based on their SGP and their performance together so just to give you an idea of okay most of our schools seem to be in that 500 area SGP is closer definitely over 50 and higher depending on the school so this is a nice visual to say how are we doing overall in ela same thing for mathematics um we have 57% of our students meeting or exceeding the standards interestingly enough 505 for the average scale School they must have been talking to each other and 55 for our student growth percentile again over that oneyear growth and it gives you an idea of where the schools lie based on those two factors and then you'll see year over-year starting with the 2019 mcast to where we are now to see if the schools are going up down staying the same so good visual that we have um in order to show this information for people especially if they haven't had a chance to see it looks different than the accountability page and then science um you're noticing the same same thing there at 61% meaning an exceeding standards so they went up significantly by um oh actually I take it back they went by 2% they're 17% higher than the state so that bottom um graph in the Le hand side that bottom um dotted line that's the state so compared to chumford um there is no SGP for um science because you need two years of data science is taken grades five 8 and 10 so they'll never have a student growth percentile everybody with me so far trying to go slow but we be along as well so now this is at the school level so we see that and we're like okay great we made the performance but what is happening at the school level because this is where you start getting a little bit deeper into the data to find out is there something we have to Target at a school is there something we have to Target at a grade level because that is where you make those larger changes so overall for our schools you can see obviously chumford High School made the biggest jump they'll give you the um State median in the middle that's that little black line it's kind of hard to see but this gives you year-over-year information on what is happening with our schools in ela so we're back to ELA so I'm going to be transitioning from Ela math science just to kind of stay in that same pattern so you'll see where some of those dips are we're aware of them we're going over data meetings with the schools right now and we're trying to figure out what else we need to Target and then at the bottom we're looking at those grade levels because interestingly enough you see you know grade from grade three they start to go down in four and five shoot right back up in six fall down again and then come back up in high school which that you know we would like to see more of a consistency not this up and down so what is exactly happening in those grades we'd have to once we look at that we look at each School individually because that's all the schools put together we need to see what is happening is a specific grade level at a specific school do they need more support what does the student makeup look like how can we make those supports happen so this is the work that we do at the school level this is just the overview of what's happening with our district and within our schools now this is schoolwide so it's not looking at a specific grade in other words at some point at the school level I imagine they're going to disaggregate this to see that third or fourth grade that things went up or down and yes so when so this this is one of the dashboards that we use and within this dashboard you can drill down and put in more filters so like at the school level the principal is only looking at their school right and they'll go to their school look at their grades look at their you know student makeup and see what those pieces are this is overall you're seeing like grade three that's all grade three that's all of our that's four schools put together you can see how each School performed on the left-and side but when we look at the grade levels you're going to we would be digging into that and then the teachers actually receive a report on how their students did so you can drill it right down to you know you have District you have school you can do grade you can do teacher you can do student so we look and see what's happening with those students what's happening with that grade level and a teacher receives a report on how their students performed in mcast part of the reason I'm asking is because I know obviously comparing year over year you're actually comparing different students at least in some of the grades like I want to follow the sixth grade students because I can tell you right now I think they were a little bit higher last year so then they turned into seventh graders so I want to find out what's going on yeah so I guess my my question is is that is the work happening for example to diagnose you know is there a particular grade moving its way through that's going up or down let's say you know they find out that um at a couple of the elementary schools there was drop from 23 to 24 can they look and say oh you know is it that the fourth graders did worse than they did in third grade or is it that this year's third graders right had a decline as compared to last year's like they're going to do that work at the school we do we follow cohorts and that actually was something that came up when we were doing our strategic planning because we had had a group that consistently performed lower than any other group when we followed them all the way through so it wasn't a surprise when they got to eighth grade what we're seeing for their scores what is surprising is when you have a group that's consistently doing well and then there's a big dip what happened right and do they come back up so you're right following year by year is sometimes gets a little dicey because we we actually even talked about this during strategic planning of you know you can e and flow you can be at 80 you could be at 85 you could be 82 is that something we want to you know be worried about but it's different students I want to see how each student's doing and following that cohort because that's important to find out because you would want to not find out that every year the kids are doing fine but then when they get to a certain place they don't consistently every cohort that's problematic hopefully that's not the case but I'm pretty sure that's not the case but we would follow each cohort of students and that's something we're doing in terms of this seventh grade big drop to see if that's consistently so they hold data meetings they're starting the data meetings they start this week's because we have in all of our internal bench Mar s we have mcast to look at so there's enough to make some informed decisions it's not just one piece of data um and then we can take a look at those kids and then they can make an action plan on what they're going to do because sometimes what you find is because they can we can even drill it down to the standards so we sometimes find like there is a standard or two that the students are not getting so we might have to Target more lessons and we can go back and see if this has been consistently with every student in that grade level do we have to go back and teach more of a c like numeracy is there you two-digit addition what is it so we drill down to the actual standard so the teachers get even more detail than what's in this um dashboard yeah I mean one of the things I was wondering is you know at this point we're at at the point where not every student taking the mcast experienced Co in the same way and at the same age when certain formative skills are being introduced the impacts might look very different um you know uh a kid who was who's in Fifth th grade now I know personally was in kindergarten when Co hit and a lot of kids that year had a completely interrupted learning to read process for example um a kid who would have been you know experiencing covid while learning algebra for example and having that kind of critical developmental point in math might see the impacts you know four years later when they're taking advanced mathematics courses so I um I would just say you know I I hope those kinds of conversations are happening too and thinking about you know Co itself the co era might be receding but the impacts obviously are felt for as many as 12 years after yeah a grade four students are the first students that went through school without masks or you know don't come to school come to school that type of stuff and absenteeism has changed to which is great we're seeing an upswing because the like one of the big lingering effects from Co whether we were in school or not in schools like people weren't kids weren't coming to school it it's it was tough so you're right you don't know how it was impacted some families were very nervous about their kids coming to school others you know were weren't so it we're not going to see a big change until we can see this fourth grade group all the way through and see how our kids are coming through yeah but if you've got that consistent drop at that seventh grade level it could indicate other things correct that we don't know yet we see this but we'd have to go and follow the cohort through that if there is a drop consistently why why right because one of the things I very often hear is students entering the seventh grade have a very difficult time dealing with suddenly we've got all these teachers to think about um moving around uh keeping you know the executive functioning type of thing organizational and so on So You Know we' to dig deeper and see it might not just be the courses might be the way um things they need to learn before they start doing it that way right one of the big pushes as a former seventh grade teacher I can attest to all of this um they one of the big pushes that the schools are doing is like transition work right because it's not just teaching it's how do the kids transition because when they do get to seventh grade it's traditional education that many of us probably remember about our own education and it is a lot of different teachers and also working together to make sure that you know they don't have as many assignments at the same time or many tests on the same day so a lot happens and developmentally at that level that is when kids it's coming of age right so they really are much more aware their friends take over right we Shar knows she lived this with me for a long time so it's a a different group and they have different needs um compared to when they're in sixth grade that said I I think this does have implications for I was going to say our committee but really our town as we look at middle school projects if we see that the transition from sixth to 7eventh grade is a difficult inflection point to be transitioning from one school to another that might have implications for you know the decisions that the town makes around a new middle school project and and what grade span it covers if we wind up finding that no matter when that transition happens there might be a dip then you know and but it recovers within a year you know after students have made the adjustment then that might have less of an implication so I think getting that analysis information to our committee over the next you know couple of years will be kind of a critical thing as we kind of weigh um where um where we want to sort of see that go where the breaks are in the gra but I think we have to remember that to really judge what's going on we have to see what last year last year sixth graders performed and then that's similar to the seventh grade and that's when we know if it's the cohort or if it's something that happens in the grade and we need more years of data as well I'm just saying like it's just kind of keeping tabs on that would be important yeah because it's interesting because if if that is a a reason then they make it up a bit in the eth grade and then they make it up a lot more in the high school because they're used to it so two years later well it could just be a blip that's no matter where you put it there's going to be a blip at that transition but we might need to come up with a different course at the beginning of it to say this is what you have to do organize yourself do this do that more with those skills you know okay and then moving on same you know you're getting the same information but just for each of the different subject areas um interestingly enough that that dip is there again in seventh grade for mathematics so you know you can make a hypothesis is like that's how the grade performed last year but we won't know until we actually pull out that data but the recovery isn't as rapid is as high Y and then math being more concrete sequential where at least with Ela there's that you know iteration over and over again of the four St you know main strands that we have math becomes different and then we also have um you know we move them into an honors placement when they get to seventh grade so there's a change and certain schools exper like if you look at the elementary level there's some pretty vast differences between performance change in ela versus math like if you look at biome they had a slight dip in ela performance from 23 to 24 and a dramatic Improvement in math I noticed that math and then what's interesting is one of our schools that consistently performs well had a little bit of a dip so that was interesting to me surprised I haven't got that phone call yet um it's coming so and then science you you're seeing the same thing they actually hadn't improved um performance by the time they got into grade 10 which is not a surprise um the state had said that they saw Improvement in grade five and 10 and not as much in grade eight overall so um we kind of stayed the same we didn't go backwards in the science piece okay then I'm just moving on to S SGP SGP is only for Math and Ela again science doesn't have two years worth of data this gives you an idea of how our schools are performing for SGP and this is a big one right because performance is performance if you are already a year behind you may not meet the standard but did you grow are you able to grow and one of the big things that I always say about growth is yes it's great to be at 50 and above because that's one-ear growth but not when you're behind you need that stretch growth so this is overall but we have to look at the subgroups because in order for them to reach higher proficiency you would need to be growing at a higher rate than just one year you would need it to be one plus right so if we we have to dig into that growth piece because even if they make it to the top of partially meeting they won't be able to do it if they're not learning and extending that growth piece out even more so I call it stretch growth for lack of a better word and um some of our schools are actually a little bit behind the 50 um present there where they should be have one year's growth so if they have students with disabilities or students that have an emotional disability and they're not able to access the curriculum you're not going to see them get higher without being higher than the at least 50% does that make [Music] sense and we're seeing that same Trend in mathematics as well um the reason I I probably should said on the other slide you didn't see the um growth data for the elementary schools as again that was in the middle of um covid so they didn't have uh Ela they didn't have mcast in 2020 so there's not two years worth data so that's why it's missing it's not just missing for a reason it's missing because I mean just because we didn't get it in there it's because they did not have growth data for elementary school students because there was not two years worth of data for them to compare it to because only fourth graders are the only ones that would have an SGP third graders haven't taken mcast yet so it's only four graders that's the missing data so same trajectory we're seeing that ups and downs but again that growth has to be stretched out and these are the conversations we're having at the school level with both the administration between the administration coordinators and then with the teachers and then we take it from there would you say stretch growth would numerically be you 60% 70% yeah I mean I think yeah I would think you'd have to be at like 65% to see okay significant changes but definitely 60 okay I mean ideally it would be great if it was 70 but that want to be unrealistic but honestly 65 you'd want to see that like one and a half okay higher and then so since we put a lot of focus on special ed like I can break this out on any subgroup that we look for but since we've been doing a lot of focus on special ed what is happening I thought it was important to pull this out for this presentation and what we're seeing here is so at the top is gr the in the gray is students that are not on an IEP underneath in the green are students on an IEP so even though the trajectory is the same on the left- hand side there's a significant which we know this there's a significant gap between the performance of students with disabilities compared to their non-disabled peers and that is an important piece to be looking at because that is that stretch growth that I'm talking about those are those targeted lessons how those students are being instructed in the regular red classroom which is one of our focuses for this year on the Strategic plan because a majority of these students should be in the regular classroom these are not students that are pulled out um necessarily It's a combination of that but the majority of our special ed students are in the regular Ed classroom so I'd want to know how they're being instructed in the regular Ed classroom and then on the left on the right hand side this is a new feature that they gave us in this um dashboard which I thought was kind of cool if you like the visual just to give you an idea and again this is performance so 500 is meeting expectations it gives you an idea of where the students fell on the right hand side so the gray is obviously students that are not on an IEP on the right students on an IEP just to give you an idea how they of that 500 of meat where did they fall above that where did they fall below that so it's a new little cool feature I thought I'd throw it on to the slide this is districtwide this is districtwide yes and then same for math we're seeing that same dip in the same areas but that Gap is wide and then it gives us an idea of which schools have the larger or The Wider Gap and then how our students actually fall between proficiency of that 500 above and below so it's like smack in the middle for your non-disabled students and then it's a little bit of a smattering for your students with disabilities and this is what it looks like for our science students so the Gap is there whether it's math Ela or science so it's not just a Content specific Gap it is across the board that the students are performing below our non-disabled the non- disa peers and then since I wanted to stay in the same vein of everything I decided to pull their SGP as well because that's important and this is what I'm talking about although there's not that big of a gap between students um not an IEP and students on an IEP for SGP that SGP has to be higher for students that are on an IEP in order to start seeing that movement moving forward and there's a pretty big difference from school to school in terms of how wide the achievement Gap is here correct we're starting to really see that big achievement Gap when it gets to definitely the middle schools and then special ed for math SGP bless you same thing although what's interesting is look at um some of the schools like they have a smaller gap for their math so that would mean that would indicate to me like okay well we have to look at the laa then what for that specific school so these are the conversations that happen because each School obviously brings in a different cohort of students based on the the neighborhood schools and some of them are Title One schools some of them are not and we have to that's where we put our resources and then in good news though and I know you've all seen this already but I had to put my fireworks um cheler High School is a this is the first time ever in my at least my tenure that they are a school of recognition which means that they have been set setting demonstrating uh consistent progress towards accountability targets and they're actually been a lot of focus on their students that are in the lowest performing student group so congratulations chelsford High first time I had to have some fireworks you know I thought you guys were gonna steal my thunder tonight I didn't have a lot of good news I stole I purposely kept it out I said I might not take that I I stole one of the committee members good news I mean this is how this works no I'm always like searching for stuff I'm like what happened what happen you you live my life yeah we should all get together talk about it and then of course I have questions but we can ask questions as we go through any questions so to put that in perspective that achievement mhm about how many schools how many high schools get this um well when I saw the list I'm estimating right now I think there was not it's a small amount I think there was only like maybe 10 on that list that I saw because there's Blue Ribbon Schools and the schools res it was a dozen doz yeah maybe a dozen 10 to a dozen something that's it's a big deal it was a small number they're all in perspective I forgot to tell the superintendent about it I've seen it in the in the drop but like and all of a sudden he's I'm like I came across myself he got the email from the state I'm like oh yeah I forgot to tell you that we a little busy those days that's wonderful you had a question I was going to say I think it's 57 schools that earned this the school of Distinction honor across the state but that wasn't limited to just high schools I I only I'm only looking at high schools that's good right any other questions people have on that wasn't that wasn't um I do actually have one question it's only tangentially related um when can families expect to hear about their individual ual children's results so they were just they were delivered yesterday they were sorted here by Kathy Merc here who does an amazing job because she has to move the kids to the next grade level they were just shipped to the schools they're putting them in the envelopes um I designated Friday to be the mail outake so by Monday or how fast J mail goes Monday they should be receiving their individual parent reports thank you for reminding me about that because I wanted to say that tonight okay anything else I just like to thank superintendent H for actually understanding all this and trying to explain it's just there so many numbers and so many you know it is it's a LS and dnas and all those other things so glad glad you understand it all I'm glad I understand it right this is my life spend a lot of time with the Department on the phone all right great well thank you um we all appreciate that and obviously we just got this data last week so this is when we really start to break it down with the schools we'll be able to do some further work on that throughout the course of the year um third report this evening is just um kind of a um pre- doent for you so I put a memo in your packet um pertaining to Capital planning and prioritization because that is going to begin um soon but I wanted to make sure you knew there was no action you needed to take um tonight as you were reviewing the packet but what I uh did to just um kind of refresh um people's memories we keep a tracking sheet of all of our different capital projects that ultimately go forward to the capital planning committee for consideration and at the very top of the worksheet you'll see projects that were um deferred in previous years they always kind of bubble back up to the top and then um in fiscal 26 we obviously have a column that's with the black lettering um those are all the projects that we going to be considered for this year so what we're doing is going through the process of um verifying those projects that um were um deferred uh to see where we want may want to stack them up for consideration this year you'll notice several of them are Parker related and we kind of consciously made the decision last year to defer the Parker projects because we were um getting into the feasibility study I'm sorry eligibility and then ultimately the feasibility study and um if we're going to be doing a new mil uh School building project involving Parker it may not make sense to be putting in a new roof a new elevator things along those lines so that's why a lot of the Parker things were deferred and they likely will stay in a deferred mode until we um exactly figure out what's happening with the school building but um down below after you hit the Parker one with regard to the the ear handling and all the the verbiage is um the black a lot of the stuff is um kind of HVAC related Plumbing related um so we're actually working with DPW to go through each of these items because there may be some uh redundancy here between what the city was not the city the town was already able to fund with the arpa funds uh they had arpa funding that took care of some HVAC projects so we want to make sure we go through and actually if anything has been done we Cod it as being done and we know it would truly work working with and then at the next meeting um we'll bring forward a um um a package because a lot of this stuff uh is smaller capital projects typically have a value of at least $50,000 per project but some of this hbac work within the school we have a coded as individual lines but it might be grouped together as a a package within a building or even like a particular um trade or project that's going to cover multiple buildings so we will do that and then at the next meeting I come back to you with an initial list again for that night it'll be more to just kind of talk through the individual projects and then likely at the first meeting in uh November is when we go through and actually prioritize so the school committee will say all right we like to we in order to one to 10 we want to make these recommendations to the capital committee because the capital committee will typically meet on school department projects right after Thanksgiving so it runs between Thanksgiving and um uh early December but just at least for the time being wanted you to kind of um get a look at this we accomplished quite a bit last year with called Town funding as well as um our own onetime funding went to fund a lot of capital projects um like there's one on there with regard to the art classrooms at the high school we were able to actually jump start that and do a lot of the renovation of the physical space you going to make that adjustment for the next list you know we did some of that yeah yeah so a lot of the physical stuff was already done but what we'll have to do there was an element also of replacing the technology in the two um kind of drawing Labs so that still needs to be done so that 475 will likely come down because we've already funded something but that's what you'll receive at the next meeting we'll talk through all the projects and then um again we'll just start going through this process of prioritizing and similarly the McCarthy tennis court thing is that going to go potentially so it's on the to meeting um warrant for the end of October so if that obviously got approved it would come off this list um Paul was recommending trying to fund that um with um one time yeah free cash that the tennis courts okay yeah the the outdoor space I see it yeah the other question I had on this list is does this include the um entrances at the various schools no that's going to be an add-on okay so this was just the list as it as it appears now we were using the McCarthy um kind of the security security area as um kind of a mockup um so we have all of the costs from that particular project now that is done and we're going to use that to basically um come up with a budget number for the other six schools and that's going to be part of included on this included okay correct and it's somewhere in there right yeah I don't get the um the language like it says it's going to get bumped to the top yeah no I'm just saying like there was for later years well there was there was an update on the um alarm systems yeah within the building I think that's what might be on there but the secure entry area will be on there at each of the schools so it's part of that security system update it'll be it'll be an ask so that'll be like an add-on I'll point it out to you we put it on the list thank you I I have a question just about the process in order to prioritize these are you going to give us some sense of the urgency of some of these yes so what we'll end up doing is we'll give you a recommended list of projects and then I kind of uh give you my recommendation for the priority and we'll talk that all through and then you may say okay well I understand that but actually this is more important to me that's when you'll kind of have that discussion and then ultimately bring things forward usually we're pretty much on with regard to like the major projects to bring forward um but I'll at least give you like my recommended list and then we'll work from that okay yeah and it's a lot easier too when you start combining these things together so you the list is obviously longer than we're going to be able to accomplish right I have a couple very quick questions um one is um I see under one of the listed items here is the at Parker replacing the some of the classroom units um which I assume is the pods there's a 70 something thousand item in there how far down are you on from the first page um I've just lost my own place I am on the second page where it says replace portable classroom units so that's um and I have like a note section that's not coming up on the PDF I can go back and refer to my note I'm going to guess what that is is the um the each of the modular classrooms has a separate air handling unit that does the Heat and the AC um the town actually was able to fund those and those were um purchased and installed at the end of the summer going into that was what I was asking I was like CU $75,000 seems too low to replace the Pod no no no not not the pods it was the air handling unit it doesn't specify that here so I was why said right right but um yes I mean that's the kind of detail I can provide for you but like that a good example of a project that the town actually was able to accomplish with arpa so that would come off so we'll make those kind of notes for you as well okay lastly do you happen to know what the situation is with there's several schools that it says the clock system is obsolete we don't talk about the CL sorry if you've worked in them you know okay I I I haven't so I didn't so still it's it's the vein of some people's um existence the um so the the clocks in the building again most of them original to the building um so they go back to the 50s and 60s the control system also goes back to the 50s and 60s there's been a lot of patchwor they're off so um a clock might be off by a few minutes um you know the bell rings but it's five minutes early it's five minutes late um you you go to fix it daylight savings some have to manually go around and change them so basically what um Bill and technology has been trying to do do is like come up with a new automated system it actually has the intercom the clock and everything all integrated and then can be controlled centrally um so there's a desire to move forward with the schools and do that oh yeah know that that's good to know I I had no idea that that was that old some actually have just gone to like Standalone individually battery operated clocks yeah um and to be honest with you some people like that better because at least it's consistent uh but then someone has to manually go around and change the batteries and and set them according to the time so it yeah it's a project it's going back a few years but I actually cut out a giant construction paper smiley face and I hung it up on top of the clock to cover it up because it was so wrong that's the clock issue um but again we're starting earlier than usual but I just wanted to kind of get this to you just to get you thinking about it because it is gonna I can't believe it's already October but um it is going to start to to move pretty quickly we have time eating a couple of weeks and then we're going to be getting into Capital plan we meet beginning of December the capital planning committee meeting yeah usually it starts um towards the end of November early December the school is usually one of the last ones to go so we usually a December date um M to come but again just as a preview then uh masc resolutions so two meetings ago we did provide the list of resolutions they haven't changed so we do have the uh fall meeting coming up the first week of November and we need to designate a delegate to be the voting member for the committee and then go through each of the resolutions and decide if the committee wants to support or not support um to give the delegates ands so why don't we start with a delegate just so whoever's going to be doing this kind of has an idea where the St committee stands on it so anybody going to be there Friday that wouldn't mind being the delegate oh di maybe yeah no I can I can take on the role of delegate as long as I'm given some support and figure out where to go yeah so I make a motion to appoint Di as the masc delegate second second okay all in favor I I I don't know if I vote on this I guess I'll is anybody else going to be down there in case yeah just in case I mean Friday I wasn't planning to but if I have to I can so could you be the alternate sure just in case we'll take a motion sure make a motion to appoint Susan as the alternate masc delegate second all in favor hi hi great I'll do it next year I gu yeah so so we can talk to before the thing about what goes on there and the whole I actually find it incredibly entertaining but I'll I I might well as well I um it's an interesting event for sure I mean not want to do it every year but I'll do said it's like town meeting on steroids yeah yeah and nobody knows each other right right okay so now we're going to go I'm going to go through the resolutions um I'll just give the therefore be resolves um and then um you know if anybody has questions or anything that you know any of us can answer or the superintendent can answer then uh we can do that and then we can take a vote on whether we support it or not okay so the first resolution is development of an alternative to the high stakes mcast test so what they're saying is therefore be it resolved we MC urges the state Massachusetts to develop a wider more consensus building strategy for evaluation system with meaningful input input from legitimate stakeholders urges the state legis to launch a comprehensive evaluation andest the extent of biases pertaining to mcast testing and make these results public urges Massachusetts to enact a moratorium on mcast T testing immediately effective immediately and urges Massachusetts to develop an alternative to the high stakes mcast test so that's what they want to do um any questions before we just a statement three days before or actually one day before this conference the is going to ballot yeah um or at least a very related res it's there's a ballot issue for the state to vote on whether to remove the mcast as a graduation requirement um so part of me is like is this even going to be relevant come Friday of that week I don't know and I think this this is taking it to the extreme and saying we want to get rid of it you know they're saying to eliminate put a moratorium on versus the ballot question is just a graduation requirement and I if we talked super like if we get rid of it totally then there's no accountability which is now become Federal funding becomes in Jeopardy I don't know if you right well the I believe that it's asking for a development of an alternative y but they also want to do a moratorium effective immediately I would be fine with all the other Clauses but the to enact a moratorium on mcast testing effective immediately as a whole I don't support that would the whole system yeah again these things don't really go we can support part of it and pull part of it out and ask somebody to put up argue that an addendum on a what do you call it a Amendment on we've done that or we could just vote against it or for it one way or the other we just vote and I would be in favor of an amended version but I right okay so would be everybody be amended version with everything not including the uh moratorium is that not including the I'm not even sure that I would urge I don't support I mean why just let us vote I mean I I I agree but I'm not sure I even urge Massachusetts to develop an alternative yet I do think the other parts where to launch a comprehensive evaluation I'm comfortable with that but I'm not sure that I urge it might be essential in some ways to consider an alternative option because if it's removed as a graduation required m a lot of I mean there's going to be a need for a lot of districts to look at alternative I understand that it won't get rid of mcass altogether but there's going to be I think the launching of a need to look for alternatives to determine competency I'm just wondering if it's even worth making a presentation on um changing the resolution because I think so much is going to depend on what does happen uh with the vote uh that's coming up and and then there's just too much built into this um really um because it's not just we looked tonight we spent what over an hour looking at mcast we do so much in the schools for preparing our students to take this test and so on I think a lot needs to happen between whatever happens in the the ballot and what's going to happen in making changes to mcast or replacing it or doing whatever is needed okay so why don't we do this if if there are people that would like to do an amended version make a motion and we can vote to whether we want to do that and if not I'm comfortable not making an amended motion um because I probably would be the only one on that side we'll just let's just on the resolution as is okay uh so I make a motion to you could say approve and we can say what approve the resolu resolution number one development of an alternative to the high stake Sam cast test second second okay all those in favor of approving the motion all those opposed approving the motion opposed so you're one you okay one for four against okay so Diana voted to approve the resolution as is and then four votes against so as a committee were okay voting against it yep all right uh resolution two is increase in compulsory attendance uh therefore be it resolved the masc recommends the Massachusetts legisl increase the compulsory attendance age from 16 to 18 I'll take any comments from our assistant superintendent on what you think of that I was going to ask the student reps first go ahead go to school yeah yeah yeah well I mean we we don't typically have a high dropout rate right it's it's so significantly low that this wouldn't affect us um I do think it's odd that you know it ends at 16 even like for our hes school students we don't take their home school pieces so it wouldn't hurt to move it to that point but they when they're 18 they're an adult so if anything 17 would make sense when they're 18 they're adults so they can make a decision if they're coming to school or not without their parents so with the 16 is when they turn 16 they can drop out so now when they turn 18 they can drop no they have to be when they turned 17 okay right they they could drop out the day they turn 17 is the day that they could actually they have to go through go to school through they have to go through 18 this would mean they have to go through the if they say 18 yeah then it means till they 19 that's how I that's how I Enis that's true so I don't know how feas like unless I'm not understanding that but if you're 18 that's not how I interpreted it but that doesn't mean you're wrong I right how impct like a 17-year-old high school graduate for example cuz there are kids I graduated 17 they graduate um summer birthdays Etc so that was my question but if it actually would mean attending through age 18 that's even more and I just think you'd be hard pressed to ask an 18yearold because they don't have to they actually don't have they can sign themselves out in high school at 18 their their parents we don't call their parents we don't we can't well it still puts the onus on them to attend in theory if this happened wait to receive the actual degree but yeah it it opens up a whole can of worms does that mean that they are required to if they've graduated high school does that mean they're required to go to postsecondary education until they are 19 even until 18 because there are kids who legitimately graduate um before 17 yeah and even earlier even earlier skip grades yeah I mean honestly what I would be in favor of would be to say until reaching the age of 18 or graduating whichever comes sooner because that to me would make sense right because then you're you're essentially saying like want you to have a high school if you're if you're over 18 and you haven't graduated high school it's your prerogative if you're going to decide to leave but up until that point you have to attend until you can graduate that said that's not what this resolution says so I don't uh Diana would you like to make that motion to change do you want do you want to amend it to say that or you want to just vote on it as is I I am ambivalent okay so I make a motion to approve um the resolution resolution number two second okay all those in FA oh sorry second all those in favor of approving resolution two all those opposed I 5 Z opposed Okay resolution three safe storage of firearms um be it resolved the MSC recommends all districts direct their superintendent and staff to create an appropriate communication to parents and Guardians that explains the importance of secure firearm storage to protect children and teens from unauthorized access to unsecured firearms and their legal obligations consistent with Massachusetts safe storage laws further be resolved mam urges other communities to work with their local law enforcement agencies Health agencies and nonprofit organizations to collaborate and increase efforts to inform District parents and guardians of their obligations regarding Secure Storage of firearms in their homes and vehicles is this the same the same one from last year last year an argument last year was that this is for law enforcement correct not schools to enforce I mean putting out an educational pamphlet about something that ultimately impacts student safety could be argued to be in the purview of a school district I'm not saying I necessarily support that but I can see why it could potenti father again and this was a group of last year's resolution that kind of went outside the the boundaries of what school committees are supposed to be yeah handling so I I think you know I won't say what we did last year for a vote but I think that's we had an issue with it last year I'm I'm just questioning the the effectiveness of this because uh essentially it's just another communication out from a school district that says you know take care uh if you have a firearm store it the way it's supposed to be stored legally um what's the effect of this correct you could argue the same thing about a lot of the public health notices that go out from schools though that's true but they're not mandated right this would mandate it that it goes out as are there that's a good question are there public health notifications that school districts are mandated to send out vaccinations May or vaccinate your kid do this that's true not to my knowledge not mandated chosen to you I mean the health department would share information with us we push it out like if the police department had something they wanted us to push out we would send it out for them right I think this is more there's nothing else that is mandated as a as a required you not from another department we put out things for like attendance which is mandated but you know we put out informational like ways to help your kids with attendance okay I make a motion to approve resolution three as presented second okay all in favor of resolution three all opposed I'm abstaining abstaining okay oppos one I'm standing yep all right uh resolution four school bus stop arm surveillance act and enforcement penalties uh be it resolved the massachusett associate of school committees calls on the massachusett legisl enact legislation to pass into law the ability for cities and towns to install on all school buses Live digital video detection monitoring systems for thep enforcing violations against the owner of a motor vehicle whose vehicle fails to stop for a school bus when required to do so by law this was on last year too I'm curious so a lot of this hinges on this this statement that is made in the resolution that currently municipalities are not not able to Levy fines based on they can but they have to get caught so this say put cameras on so they can catch them more but but are are municipalities currently not allowed to put on cameras cuz what this resolution is saying is that they should be allowed to not that they should be required to so to me that implies they're not currently allowed to well and the other thing with these is we don't own the bus company like so it's up to nrt anyway and it's so just yeah I'm just I'm truly just curious if there's even if there's an assumption built into this resolution that is inaccurate like is there anything stopping uh town from deciding to add cameras to their to their buses is there actually a policy forbidding it or is it I don't know I don't I guess I don't read it that way I mean there's nothing to my knowledge like forbidding it and like we have cameras inside the buses we don't have cameras typically outside the buses my read of this was that the police couldn't say issue a citation just based on a video that a bus um catches of a person police cannot issue a citation based on video they have to actually physically witness it happening and I think what this is saying is that video would suffice for the police to be able to issue a ticket that's my read of it I don't know enough about it but um that's I think what what at least this is trying to say strikes me as something that's potentially well intended but could be a slippery slope in terms of video surveillance okay I I find it would be similar to I don't know is it legal for them to have cameras at like red lights I don't think we do that either right there some places they do there's nothing for bidding it let's put it that way we and as I read it too it's saying as you go through the whole thing but that presently unless Witness by a police officer penalties you don't get penalized if the police officer sees you get penalized big time if you get caught a license plate on a camera they'll give you a small fine so I think they want to up the fines to let video evidence make the full fine what I'm gathering from the information yeah it could be I'm just I'm speculating because if a police man pulls someone over in the car if this happens they have the driver if they just have a camera of the car they don't necessarily know who's driving the vehicle at the time so maybe that's why it's a lesser they probably register owner the car is as opposed to citing the person driving now who's going to go and monitor all of these tapes from these buses and is it automatically required that the busing company go ahead and make these reports I I don't think that this resolution requires anything I think it just enables places to do so and permits higher levies of of bus driver could report it say Hey listen this car just passed me check the check the camera you know I guess just like there's a fight say hey check the camera see who's who's fighting I don't think it requires any District to have to do it I think it's and it really only asks the legislature to enact it it doesn't say that it's absolutely going to go through if the resolution passes right so give the ability to not to say have to do yeah the resolutions carry a lot of I I don't see a problem with giving somebody disability if we don't have to do it if it doesn't have to be done because I'm thinking it's additional cost to school bus companies it probably will transfer the cost to us in contracts there's many things here but um but the safety concern is a big one m i mean it is a big big big concern um so just allowing somebody to do something doesn't mean it's going to get done okay that's my read too it does just say the ability for cities and towns do it does say only that you're right so I'm going to make a motion to approve resolution number four as presented okay all in favor of resolution four i i i i i i i four and a half four and a half five five five okay okay all right right uh res resolution five aligning taxing right taxing Authority with the required local contribution therefore be it resolved that the massachusett associ school committees calls for the enactment of legislation that would increase a municipality's levy limit by the amount of increase of the required local contribution in excess of 2.5% granting the granting the municipality the ability to raise local revenues mandated by mgl Chapter 70 you want to go I take that one well well I mean for basic terms there's a proposition two and a half basically puts a cap on how much the town can increase its its tax base each year or it's its tax revenue um this would basically be lifting proposing to lift the cap to be an amount up to whatever the increase in the uh local required local contribution is so if your local contribution went up to 3% more or 4% more technically the town would have the ability to tax up to that amount of money so this this is essentially putting it to the towns to potentially have more leeway with how much they would raise taxes on a year-by-year basis potentially raising people's taxes even more but it would be on a Town by Town basis I'm just saying this wouldn't impact the author I read this would be like the authority would go up to that amount the town did it or not would be up to the town right so it's it's not mandating that towns do this that's what I'm right asking okay uhuh okay any other questions on this one okay okay I make a motion to approve resolution number five okay all those in favor of resolution five one all those opposed four I don't even know why the schools would anyway that seems more than just the school district uh all right resolution six support of legislation to improve the fiscal health of rural school districts therefore be it resolved that the masc urges the legislature to pass comprehensive legislation compassing all recommendations from the legislative Commission on the fiscal health of rural School District reports a sustainable feature for Rural schools so I what what would be the definition for Rural school a lot of the districts like out in the western part of the state okay um you know kind of Beyond like Worcester would be getting into more of like the rural um rural area what what's tricky is that this hinges on urging recommendations from a report that we don't have access to I would notable merging recommendations from the report that they site without having access to the report that they cite y okay and is this a report that's annually issued would this be going forward each year it looks like a legislative commission so I don't think so I think it was probably a study yeah I think it comes from the that a lot of rural schools their populations are going down and you know as the population goes down their funding goes down now it becomes hard to keep the schools open because there just not enough funding coming in based on the population so so they're probably looking for additional money above and beyond to keep the schools gone but it's my supposition yeah it's something I empathize with but I it's hard to weigh on that's how I feel I certainly emphasize with them but I think we don't have enough exact information on what this we really entail okay I make a motion to approve resolution number six which is supportive legislation to improve the fiscal health and Rural school districts second second all in favor of approving resolution six it's quick comment in support of our rural brothers and sisters out west I'm voting yes don't even need no not going to go anywhere all right one yes all those opposed four okay got you wherever cities are out there okay all right resolution 7 fuling fully adjusting chapter 78 for inflation be it resolved the masc calls on Massachusetts legisl to advance legislation mandating inflation index catch-ups to Chapter 70 Foundation Aid that fully accounts for realized inflation that has occurred since the passage of the St student Opportunity Act we had further resolve the MC work with the massachusett legislation to ensure in future years where Riz inflation is above the 4.5% annual inflation cap in subsequent years inflation index catch-ups are made to chapter 78 and the realize inflation is used in the formulas to calculate chapter 78 in perpetuity great idea but what the real realistic no I actually I I do like this one and um this was one that the superintendent Association also uh basically supported a similar version okay in the Chapter 70 statute your inflation was cap at 4 and a half % a year and so if you know your budget increase was going to go up by let's just say the 4 and a half% um if inflation was actually at 5% then what would happen the next year is if You' only go to four and a half that extra half percent would carry overs a starting point for the following year so if inflation only went up 3% that year instead of just giving you the three they would give you three and a half so there was always that catch up when the um the new I think it was listening here but the new law came along the student Opportunity Act that basically just ta it at 45% per year there's no catchup provision so if you're 4 and a half% you know if you go up 5% you go up four and a half the next year if you're three again you're only getting three you're never catching up that half a percent so the lag of that is is affecting School District so that definitely help hurt people the last couple years um I personally liked how under the first um um Ed reform in Chapter 70 you did have that catchup I thought it was reasonable you know you can't go much more than the and a half% a year throws the whole budget out of whack I get that but to be able to have that kind of make up money to make whole because you do have the lingering effects of the inflation and the outlier years I do think makes sense okay any other questions on that the idea of keeping the state involved in in keeping that chapter 7y keep up with inflation too you know when inflation's up at 6% you know you're only getting four and a half and and you know right you're behind the eight ball so right okay y so so I make a motion to approve resolution 7 fully adjusting chapter 78 for inflation second all those in favor of resolution 7 i i i 5 Z all right resolution 8 Equitable funding for non- Regional School Districts with high Transportation costs uh therefore be it resolved the state that the state recognize the financial challenges faced by many non-regional school districts due to their higher Transportation costs and longer routs dat acknowledges that non-regional school districts should have access to financial support similar to Regional districts when costs are extraordinary a special fund shall be established to provide financial assistance to non-regional school districts with higher Transportation costs this fund shall be known as the extraordinary Roots Relief Fund sure now would we qualify as a non-regional school I I don't see that's qualifying for this no qualif as a non- regional school but I don't think we would qualify as having exorbitant Transportation cost just say in the future all a sudden they went up right but but would we qualify as a non-real but you have to have longer when you read into the details it's for districts having more than a certain percentage above the average in terms of the length of their transportation routes and I don't see us being in that category I don't yeah I don't see how we I haven't gotten that deep into it but I don't see how we would fall into it because the town could put themselves into that category by Simply Having fewer buses well that's an interesting you know it's it's you Breaking All the Rules wow I'm not saying they should but it's just yeah and they say the funds could be used not just for transportation C but also purchase and maintenance of buses fuel cost and driver salary so I don't know not just mileage related or no again I think a lot of this is kind of coming from the western part of the state where um you have very small school systems that are covering a big geography and it's like Mom and Pop type districts where you actually the district is buying paying their own buses and they have two or three bus drivers and they're driving these long routes I really don't think this is a jum for thing gu this is sponsored by Plymouth weirdly I don't know the geography there enough well it does it you that's what I'm thinking so in in Western maass there's a lot of Regional School Districts which are not included here so maybe Plymouth is basically like hey give us ones that aren't Regional School Districts that are big I I I have some concerns though because to me this directly conflicts with the idea of a resolution supporting additional funds for Rural school districts to me it's like why don't we come up with a formula that looks not on the category of your school district but on the actual exorbitant Transportation costs that any District regardless of categorization might be facing and it read like they want to make it like circuit breaker where you have to apply once you reach a threshold of 125% of the state average and da da so I I guess it doesn't really I don't see how this would ever pertain to us and beyond that like if I always kind of look at it not that I'm not trying to help other people but if this were enacted the money's going to come from somewhere so it's likely going to come from some offset of something that we were looking to get um I don't I don't see how this benefits us okay okay okay I think I make a motion to approve resolution 8 Equitable funding for non- Regional School Districts with high Transportation costs second okay all those in favor all those opposed I'm going to abstain I don't know anything okay one three and one I'm just making it spicy for and one abstaining you guys are keeping me busy this we're trying we're a lot of votes we're trying to make it you know sassy for for Dam when she goes down to the yeah all right uh resolution nine u msba Grant evaluations for chapter 74 be it resolve that M the massachusett associat school committees calls upon the massachusett legisl and msba create an valuated tier system to separately assess the cost of one Elementary two Comprehensive High School and three Vocational Technical agricultural schools resulting to true cost reimbursement for each School category so I think they want Tech schools to be get higher that's reimbursement rates than other schools because higher cost the chapter 74 programs often times have a lot of like equipment that goes with them it'd be more expensive to build a Tech High School than then it would be a regular High School um so I'm I don't know enough about this to speak intelligently but I'm guessing this is somehow going to benefit um Chapter 70 Tech schools and ultimately would end up harming the number of regular U public schools that you could build I'm curious they also do not include middle schools is that are middle schools categorized under Elementary or is that an oversight they propose creating an elementary I don't know must be an msba thing secondary yeah no because there is a middle school for msba too I don't know and my thing with this second msba PL is very shallow you know when it comes to you know because the costs are so high you know and we know cuz we applied for six years to try to get in right and we have obviously hadn't had a building project in 50 years so you know this would just make it harder for chumford or something like that to maybe get there dip their toes in the pool so M I agree right okay yep I make a motion um to approve resolution 9 is that N9 yes yeah uh msba grants evaluation for chapter 74 second all those in favor of approving resolution nine all those opposed i i i i and abstaining abstaining Okay Okay resolution nine was four against one abent abstention okay so no one was in favor no one for no okay zero four right okay uh resolution 10 expansion in capacity of chapter 74 Vocational Technical programs be it resolved that the Massachusetts Associated School committees calls upon the governor and legislature to support the expansion of capacity current chapter 74 schools in work with districts that lack access to vocational technical schools to create programs and further resolve massachusett associate School committees calls upon the legat convene a special commission to consider changes to the current law and regulations relating to the overall authority of the m SBA alternative overall finan structures standards of projectability appropriate financial assistance based on the nature of the school seems like the same thing as the last one uh of the project being considered potential difference differential requirements for elementary middle schools and comprehensive high schools in vocational technical and agricultural schools so the second part is basically what we just voted on okay the first part is to allow them to expand capacity beyond what they have it sounds like adding schools into a programs within schools right um I mean differentiating these projects does it help in any [Music] way well I mean like say our partner for um Tech schools is in the Sha Tech right so and I know they're they enroll a number of students if they're a capacity would we want another tech school opening up in our area to also service our kids it's going to take kids from our I mean I certainly there are students that benefit very well and I like the programs there I think it's a great option but I don't know um you'd be basically diluting or watering down the um population to go to Chumps high school if you did that so I do think it would have Financial effects on the district long term um and I'm sure this is somehow tied in with the piece about because if you're going to do that and expand programs you're going to need funding to be able to do that so that funding is going to have to come from somewhere yeah I also think I'm I mean I'm favor of having more students have access to Career oriented opportunities but I feel like this could be a slippery slope that would dis disincentivize districts from building out their own career connected interactive you know supportive of technical learning opportunities in District and essentially bleed funding out of districts yeah a lot now we don't have as much difficulty with this but there are a lot of very contentious relationships between your uh vocational schools and districts and Vocational schools will sometimes block applications for public schools to add Chapter 70 programming at their facilities um so this would probably benefit them because they'd want to build additional programs for themselves to manage as opposed to having programs come to the or even Innovation Pathways programs Which pull some percentage of the same students that might be interested in a vot tech program right okay I move to approve resolution 10 which is expansion in capacity in chapter 74 Vocational Technical programs second all those in favor all those opposed 5 Z 0 five 0 five yep all right so those are all the resolutions do we need to vote on whether to reauthorize I'm going to go through the next one yeah so this is a new thing so we haven't had this before so I guess in a recent delegate assembly they they decided to expire resolutions after certain amount of years so there's a number of expiring resolutions which um I don't know if we they're on the one in the packing or not wow um sorry they had part of the attachment but I didn't list I can read them through I mean so oh god um because I have them written down here or I have right here so these are ones are expiring and I guess if we wanted to we could um petition to have them reinstated if any of these are something that somebody's very passionate about that want would like to see it come back or a reinstatement then we can vote as a committee to do that and then Diana would have to it's not a simple vote it's it's requires advocacy to retain correct correct so you would have to say Okay we would like to re you know insert this one on this and then they would have to vote on whether to reestablish that as and then like just for example the Banning Police diing from schools it was vot passed on a Voice vote that it was resolved that masc urge the Commonwealth to to ban the use of expanded py styrene Foams cup blah blah blah but it didn't get happen didn't so it's just saying that we want them to keep trying if we wanted to push this correct correct want to keep and I was actually I was on this one I was a delegate and there were people that were you know just in terms of of the cost and everything else they just you know they didn't want to have to endure that but even having pass the resolution it didn't lead to action no it didn't didn't pass at all the resolution didn't pass no no no that one um so it was up and it didn't pass I remember being voted down after said it passed in 2019 passed on a Voice vote to approve I think these all had passed I think the question is whether to keep them okay okay because it had to reup them as a goal yet that what they definitely need is another three years to marinate then it will definitely work I don't know there you go so I'll just read through them and then if if something it's something passionate about um so one was Banning poly stying from schools another was pertaining to education educated diversity and professional lure basically they want to get rid of mtels and set up a whole separate board for lure uh full funding of Transportation cost for students and Foster Care uh poverty and children which I think was just a general support for students that need that uh access to menual menual supplies Charter School Reform climate change mandatory recess school committee anti-racism prohibiting the use of Native American mascots and full funding for individuals with the disability Education Act so yeah I so I'm not clear here because I think there's almost two things one is are there any that we want to advocate for and two if any of these do come up for vote how I vote on yeah okay so do you want me to just make a motion for each one of them and see if we want them uh reconsidered or not sure okay I make a motion to uh for the a resolution Banning poin from schools to be offered for reconsideration and read-option at the delegate meeting all in favor is that we second yeah oh second sorry we can just do you know we'll just go through a beach and this we'll just do if anybody wants not right anybody in favor of ating for Banning poly ding advocating Noth not through this yeah not through this vehicle right to reauthorize this one no okay so okay but if it's up for a vote am I also voting no is that the point or do we just not advocating that's what I'm trying to disting it says offered for reconsideration read adoption yeah so it's already been right so yeah I think would already been voted in I don't know what they're going to do with it once it I I I was up for the understanding that if a group advocates for it to be included again it will be put to the full group to vote a yay or a on it continuing as part of the platform right well I don't it says unless reauthorized how would it be reauthorized simply by voting to approve it would be a Voice vote you'll go up somebody will you know the whole deal they'll go up and they'll advocate for we want to have this on here and then as you said they've already all been approved so I I don't maybe it's masc to I think it's like are we okay with this continu yeah I think that's I think it's probably the best way and in my point of view that's a very different thing than are we going to put all of our energies into advocate for it this is more of a just like yes I agree or don't agree with this statement so let's take that t Okay okay so anybody in I'm in favor of banning poly styne if I don't have to be the one leading the charge okay I agree I agree with that one anybody else sure why not B two I'm I'm okay with that yes three okay okay I'll be okay with it yeah yeah we're voting we're voting that it we would I'm confused I think this is like authorizing me for how I right so if if it comes up again we have a four one vote to to continue to reauthorize it right four four four and one against so for the motion is to you know we'll just do it this way we because we it's already been voted on so it's just a reauthorization so this is just directing me for how to vote if they come up again if they decide they're going to redo it all right how about pertaining to education diversity and professional lure anybody I am in favor of that I might be the only one sure yes providing alternatives to the mtel two yes anybody else want it I am against am unsure I certainly want educator diversity it's not yeah I'm I don't know how I think we have to have some licensing yeah I say no i' I've this came up before so you say no no I'm a no I kind of say no too okay so one requir four against one one in favor yeah uh full funding for transportation cost for students in foster care and state care I would say yes yes yes uh poverty and children I I'm I'm in support of it but I also feel like this is an ineffective resolution right right but can't yeah I they're all wishless y so I support it I don't know anybody else one two three four five um ACC to metal supplies yes yes Sue Susan yes okay five yeah Charter School Reform I vote yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay climate change oh good God yes but also I don't know if this does anything I get I yeah well we're just going to solve it by putting this up right I'm I'm we're trying to resolve climate change so I say yes not it's it's actually reaching out to Congress I think it's Congress yeah I'll say yes I'll add our school commit yes yes yes okay five Z mandatory recess we already have it isn't this already here I already was it's not we maybe maybe other I think this like do we reup on having mandatory recess yes well maybe is there not legislation on it maybe not or is it only town by town I think it's town by town there are actually several towns that have minimal to to know recess well that's part of our policies it says it's part of our Poli say recess in the thing the recess in many massachusett elementary schools has been diminished or eliminated to provide more time for academics so there are obviously okay towns in M where it's not I talked to teachers in several towns where they have almost no recess so this is man mandating at least a 20-minute recess so is not the only thing is I I I really don't care what you guys doing on this but um this not think if it's that important to the local community for having them Institute it or put a policy together about it yeah I don't know why the state why well the state mandates a whole lot of other things I mean the state mandates how many minutes have to be spent on a whole variety of subjects so it would simply be saying that the state would weigh in that recess carries a value equivalent to the value that they're ascribing to subjects that they mandate minutes for I yeah yeah I guess I is just something stopping a community if it values it or benefits it to doing it on their own fair enough okay any who's in favor of mandatory recess one two I mean I'm in favor of it I I guess don't forget these don't I mean these are just wish lists for people basically I'm going to say that I don't want to mandate it on the district because John I'm a no okay 32 32 three yes is correct y um school committee anti-racism oh are we for or against that all in favor yes anybody oppos 5 z uh prohibiting the use of Native American mascots I'm a yes on that one I'm a no on that one I'm a yes on that one 41 four to one yeah y uh full funding with full funding for individual with Disability Act this is basically just calling on the federal government to fund idea which is never going to do anything but I support it in theory yes yes yes you seem to know a lot about this I'm supporting you on it I SP all afternoon reviewing these one I 5 sorry 5 5 yeah you seem like you know what you're talking about on this one all right so I don't know where that will go when you get down there so what was the vote on the last one I'm they're never going to get through all of these no I can't imagine right so 10 resolutions themselves will take three hours this one I imagine will just be if there's a group that advocates for reauthorizing it then the group would vote so this is like a conditional thing where like I'd vote in the way that we voted if it comes up it's the people who get up and talk and make it all take a long long time M that is going to stop it from getting through all of these okay um I make a motion that we allow Diana to have some fun with this what does that even I make a motion that we uh allow Diana to have some fun with this a second I don't know what it means by mean fall you hear me I'm like I'm in I'm like whatever um just to clarify so I assume what this means is that when these issues come up I vote as our group as a majority correct voted so there's I I mostly agree with it but I think there's one or two that my personal opinion is different but okay yeah so when you go they'll give you a little piece of paper and you'll sit in the thing and then when they come up to vote you just yay or nay and okay that's okay yeah all right well thank you that was uh a lot of work all right lot of them oh all right even yeah we're at the endorsements so there were three before you this evening if you recall it was about a year ago representatives from the chancel water district came and talked to us because um they're going to be doing some work over the next two years of running some additional new um water pipes through town and when they looked at um how they were going to get from over there to be on like Parker in the high school um they looked at Town property because it would be easier to go through town property than digging up the streets and having all kinds of traffic congestion stuff like that so when we looked at it we they came out they met with um myself Brian Curley folks from DPW and we physically like walked where they would like to put the water mains um that wouldn't really have an impact in my opinion on the schools they were very good to work with us on that and from our perspective if it's going to save them money it's going to save them time they're not going to be cutting up roads that we're potentially going to have to work around as well um and it really doesn't have a huge impact on us we didn't mind if they did that so the way they have this drawn up this is going to go to town meeting in the fall and uh Paul the town manager was just indicating it'd be good to know that the school committee was on board and kind of endorses this that there's no objection from the school committee in case town meeting reps ask so what they're hoping to do and I made a mistake because I listed this as full votes I didn't realize central office and McCarthy were all tied together because we're coming on the same property line so it's really only three votes so they want to come uh right across the front driveway of the the building here the the hook come in come right out the back um parking lot here cut into the U wood line and then basically just go all along the wood line um of McCarthy school out to the back corner and take a right and go all the way out to like where the shed is at the end of the track the only thing we asked them to do is because they could have taken a direct line that would have gone right across the field we said please don't do that please go on the property line because potentially that's a School site at some point in time we can't take that out of place so they were fine they ended up just rerouting it a little bit longer they go right along the property line then they need to pop out near the um fence go across the road there's nothing you can do about that to basically then on granitville you have the the road you have the sidewalk and then you have aaka fields that go on forever so they'll basically just cut into the dirt and so they'll put their water line right along the sidewalk all the way to the front um driveway of the high school they are going to have to go underground make one patch at the high school take a right go down the hill near the high school where the um climbing thing is um keep going out to go across the Parker and then go across the Parker Road to keep going to wherever the water thing ends so they're basically just going along the school property line um they are going to have to cut across a couple of driveways and things like that but it's going to be less impactful than having to cut up all streets and things like that it's going to help them time it's going to help them money and as long as they do it and they don't interfere with us and they they back fill and they put grass wherever they were and things like that I really don't mind and would recommend I think the committee felt the same way when they came in to make the presentation so this is basically just going on record um to say that we endure so we're okay with them doing this just general is this going to impact any field space or playgrounds or just temporarily while they're doing the Dig which I can't imagine would be more than like a couple weeks at a time but no we actually have we have them um going on the perimeter so uh no they're not going across fields or anything like that um and you know you know where the sidewalk is on Grille they're only going to be a couple feet in and then once they put the um water pipe under the ground it's going to be covered over and they'll regras it okay I didn't know like the base it comes up to the baseball field is going to no it's going to hook right along the S is going to stay in the out of bounds area and then it's just going to go across the driveway and go down the driveway so no it's not going to we're not going across Fields it's basically just AB buding the sidewalkers great now from the last disc when they came we asked when they would do it and the discussion had been that it would be around uh summertime yeah we're really trying to coordinate this so that if they do this it would happen during the summer okay when U folks aren't in school I'm I'm a little less concerned about central office here but just for the high school then Parker um they're going to shoot for the summer okay any other questions on this my main question was going to be the assessment of the district on whether there would be impact on students that would be concerning um so no all right so we have three different motions for the three different yes I move to approve the watermain easement on the Parker middle school property second okay all those in favor I I I okay I move to approve the watermain easement on the McCarthy middle school property second wait is that McCarthy and Central yeah still second second okay we have a motion second all in favor I 5 Z and I move to approve the water May easement on the chumford high school property second all those in favor I I I 5 Z okay and that was the uh the last B that's it okay wow okay I FES when you're having fun all right anybody have any Le on reports not this time I don't no no no well we have the strategic planning meeting but that was it right that looked like a good meeting I watched that I'm such a town nerd I watched how did it go I obviously I couldn't be the main one no no I'm talking about oh which the town one town you're talking about the DM group one oh I'm sorry the DM group we did we had a DM group meeting but I know Susan was at the Town one said went I was there for a little bit but I had to leave so it was it was pretty good it was people I mean good crowd actually it was a good crowd it was a big crowd they were I mean most of people had good things to say about what's going on in town and the kind of suggestions they made are things that um not at all surprising people were concerned about traffic people were concerned about business development and Housing Development and housing affordability those were the main kinds of things preserving the quality of the town but still allowing growth that's the kinds of things people are concerned about any other play zones one are coming up I have a couple uh I end up going to that chel CH committee orientation was actually pretty good okay so they haven't done this before um we have a new law firm I think that's why they did it um so they started out with just kind of an overview the the P manager and the uh select board chair kind of went over what some of the projects are going on in town some of the priorities of the selectboard and then um KP is our new lawyer just kind of went over just general stuff on meetings and and in public comment I thought was very informative um talk about social media um at that point I I stopped can I heard that there was um information about social media what just just like what you shouldn't shouldn't do as a member of a committee and and just you know you get into open meeting law so if I'm posting something related to schools and you say hey yeah I think so and I think and he posted now it becomes a quorum and you got to be careful of yeah even just on social media so you you will not that I have learned not to post social media at all I didn't point it you particularly I learned that lesson for the whole group thank you yeah um I believe that that's that meeting has been video tip is that right and we're going I sent you the a link to the presentation it it was good though I you know I and you know about 25 30 people there from all sorts of committees so it's wonderful yeah it was nice um and I went to the Alumni Association had their first meeting of the year um couple things with them um they're they're not going to have a Hall of Fame this year um they're trying to uh kind of reimagine the Hall of Fame in terms of both application process because it's very cumbersome application process try to streamline a little bit and then kind of change the ceremony past have been a very formal sitdown dinner um at like the L Hilton or whatever it was um and so trying to get away from that and make it a little bit more of a public recognition ceremony maybe at the pack followed by something a little less formal at at a local restaurant so that you know it's not quite as you know like a like a cocktail hour cocktail type appetizer that type of thing so they're they're in the process so that's why they need to kind of a year to kind of reimagine and come up with a good plan so uh be interesting to see how that comes out um their scholarship uh application should be available at the beginning of December so they they revamped their application process for that and went very very well made a lot easier and kind of related to that they're going to try to update improve their um their website the website I think was formulated in 1972 if I'm not mistaken oh it's it's it's a little old it's it needs some functionality so they're going to really try to work on that a little bit so I think that'd be exciting for them to to get that done too so a lot of stuff going on lumni Association yeah all right anybody else leaz on reports but I just I want to make a comment about the AL Association I think for a high school that this in our district it's an amazing Association actually uh and so glad to hear that some of these revamping things are happening um because I think it's more and more difficult to keep membership in associations with younger grads so it will be wonderful to see it moving forward and continuing at the rate that it's been going in the past um so could to them I agree I agree yeah it's a good group not an alumni uh any new items any people want in upcoming meetings in particular okay all right uh we're to our second public comment I did get an email um I just wanted somebody wanted to read into the record U so Mr Mark McAn uh sent us an email a little bit well um he just wanted to express his opposition to the current use of go fans for ticketing at high school events and he believes that they should uh also be willing to collect cash at the gate so we just wanted to read that into the public record so um can you for that email to me so I can get some warning yeah I I'll forward this what I have here yeah yep okay no problem all right anything else okay I will take a motion to adjourn I moved to a journ second okay all those in favor all thank you