##VIDEO ID:QnQx5XRRnZ8## e being 6 6 o' I'll call to order this uh October 28th 2024 uh meeting of the Town select board um and I want to note that this uh meeting is being broadcast live by C tele media and recorded for later rebroadcast you'll notice we have a somewhat Skeleton Crew here this evening um uh select board member Aaron Drew is joining us remotely and select board member Pat Maloney uh will not be joining us tonight so if you would join me in the Pledge of Allegiance uned States of America and to the Republic for which it stands my nation go indivisible Li andice for all thank you okay first on the agenda is public service announcements Virginia if you could do those y we have Harrison here for the first one good evening members of the board my name is Harris Mayo departmental support coordinator for the town clerk's office here to provide a quick update regarding the November 5th general election the voter registration deadline for this election passed on Saturday the 26th the town passed the 28,000 registered voters Mark with now 28,5 registered voters approximately 9,700 vote by mail ballots have gone out to date and we are waiting for approximately 3,300 back the vote by mail application deadline is tomorrow October 29th at 5:00 p.m. in-person early voting is currently taking place through Friday November 1st we have had approximately 2500 voters at inperson early voting so far absentee voting in person is available to voters who will be unable to make it to the polls on Election Day and it is available through Monday November 4th at noon in the town clerk's office sample ballots are accessible in both the building and on the town clerk page of the town website completed mail and ballots can either be hand delivered to the clerk's office by 8:00 p.m. on Election night postmarked on or before November 5th and arrive in our office by November 8th for mail within the United States by November 15th for mail internationally the post office advises mailing 7 Days uh before when it needs to be back so mail as soon as possible to ensure it reaches Us in time thank you for your attention and if you have any questions please contact our office thank you thank you okay next up we have the uh announcement regarding the chelsford animal holiday Prelude an animal chelsford annual holiday Prelude and tree lighting ceremony on Sunday December 1st from 4: to 6:00 p.m. the holiday decorating committee needs volunteers so please contact Vivian Merrill at 978 973 9596 or at squeakers 601 yahoo.com if you can help them plan for this year's holiday holiday Prelude and Tre tree lighting uh they need help on December 1st from 2: to 7:00 p.m. also for setup and take down for the event and help with the act as also help with the activities uh next up we have the tax classification public hearing notice the select board will hold a public hearing to consider whether or not the town should adopt a classification system for the assessment of property in regard to the collection of real estate taxes this hearing will be held on Monday November 4th 2024 at 6: pm. in room 204 at the Town Offices at 50 biler Road and the health department is offering free inhome flu vaccines for homebound residents if you would like to get a flu vaccine at your home please call Darcy Beal at 978 of age or older um is welcome to come to the walk-in flu clinic and they also have a high dose available for those who are 65 years or older the health department is offering free Naran training again so you can come and learn how to recognize an overdose and how to use Naran in the event that you're witness an overdose so you'll learn about what op opioids are how to administer Nar can and other related facts the training is for teens parents and community members it will be held Monday November 4th from 3: to 3:30 p.m. at the chelsford Town Hall fire training room there's a QR code on the flyer that you can use to register or you can call Taran or Darcy at the chelsford health department 978 25052 41 or email Taran at T Angel chumps ma.gov and the health department is sponsoring free youth Mental Health First Aid training so Mental Health First Aid training teaches adults how to identify understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among Children and adolescents from ages 12 to 18 if you're interested as a parent educator or Community member in this training it is going to take place on November 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. at the chelsford Town Hall fire training room and for questions or to register contact Taran Angel at 978-250-5908 to 2025 winter season the deadline for applications has been extended to Friday November 15 and they are offering a $1,500 incentive payment for each vehicle or piece of equipment that's registered with the town uh now we transition to the Strategic plan uh the uh social pinpoint site for providing input from the community to the town's strateg IC plan is still open the website and the QR code are on the flyer and you can go to this site to take a survey if you just have ideas you want to post or join in a discussion with other residents you can also do that we are also hosting an in-person group discussion for the Strategic plan on Thursday October 31st from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. at the ch for Senor Center it'll be downstairs in room b045 and if you have questions or to RSVP you can contact 978 25105 33 uh this is just the general brochure on the proposed Fire Station construction projects that were approved by town meeting and will be on the ballot on November 5th uh so again the detailed information is there for you and with that on the next brochure uh this Tuesday tomorrow October 29th at 700m there will be a public open Q&A session for anyone who wants to stop by and get any remaining questions answered and that will be held at Station 3 located at 260 old Westford Road the vinyl square committee is planning for its annual tree lighting event on December 4th at 400 p.m. and they are also looking for volunteers if you are able to help please contact Brian creamer at brianf creamer gmail.com you can also contact Joseph Tierney at joseph. TIY 4@gmail.com okay thank you okay next up is the public input portion of the agenda is there anybody here that would like to address the board on any topic IC okay nobody on Zoom either okay thank you okay we'll then go to committee vacancies okay committee vacancies as of this evening the CCA Town Hall advisory committee has one position open the center Village master plan implementation committee and the clean energy and sustainability committee also have one position open the commission on D disabilities has four positions open the Community Action Program committee has two positions open the Council on Aging board also has two the Conservation Commission the cultural Council the diversity equity and inclusion committee and the historic district commission all have one position open the holiday decorating committee has four the parade committee welcomes all applicants for one-year terms the Personnel Board has one position open the public records advisory committee and the recycling committee also have one position open and I don't have the if you're interested in um applying for a town position you can email the town manager's office or call them okay thank you and next up is um a notice about uh a joint meeting that will be held between the select board and the planning board to fill a vacancy on the planning board in accordance with the provisions of Mass General Law chapter 41 section 11 the select board and a plan wood will hold a joint meeting on Monday November 18th 2024 at 6 p.m. in room 204 of CH Town Offices to fill the vacancy on to fill a vacancy on the planning board the person so appointed Shall Serve as a member of the planning board until the April 1st 2025 annual Town election anyone who's interested in being appointed to fill this vacancy should send a written letter of interest or or complete a committee application to the select board or appear at that November 18th joint meeting okay and we have one public hearing this evening uh for um a poll petition for Princeton Street is there anybody here to representing National Grid on that do we have anybody Paul no this one is very close to one that we did a couple of months ago um is is there a reason for that do you know I don't know why there isn't anybody here from this is on prinson Street I don't correct there nobody here at National Grid maybe it's because of the do Paul you think not under they have to make the deal with the do they said they just looking at my note from Christina they said they were going to be sorry they said they were scheduled to be two people on the zoom but they aren't here you want to just table it for the time maybe they'll run yes why don't we do that yeah we can we can move on to our licenses and if they if they come we'll go back to that all right first up we have a license a roadside vendor license for Central Congregational Church for trees and wreaths um this is there anybody here there is okay my name is Margie Dinger I'm at 15 Mansfield Drive I'm here to represent Central Congregational Church we would um we applied for a roadside vendor license to sell Christmas trees and wreaths again this year we've been doing it for 40 years this would be the 4 first year if we are granted uh the license and uh it's one of our two biggest fundraisers for the church okay and I know we've never had a problem with uh with this before does anybody have any questions for the applicant no okay Aaron you okay with this okay George we'll we'll take a motion then make a motion to approve the roadside mended license for the central Congregational Church or one worn street from November 29th to December 23rd and a if we could have a second from you since Virginia is is recusing herself from this uh topic a second I'll St in the motion okay all right we have a motion in a second all in favor I I okay very good and as I said Virginia is recusing herself since she's a member of that church okay thank you very much okay next up is a one day beer and wine license I'll try to talk slowly so Virginia can sit down and this is all this is Mr soua here David soua John soua not close enough oh sorry okay this is for a one-day beer and wine license for hunting Huntington's disease fundraiser and they've this is an annual event also um which I know we've always granted before so uh if no one has any questions we can just go right to a motion I'll make a motion to approve the one day beer and wine license for the Huntington's disease Society of America at the chelsford senior center on November 9th 2024 as presented I'll second that okay we have a motion in a second all in favor okay four zero thank you oh I um I going I'm going to have to go back since we have somebody remote I have to do that remotely I mean I mean I have to do it roll call sorry about that so Aaron who will take your roll call vote I George I Virginia I and I'm do you want to do the church one okay okay we'll go back and redo the church one too with a roll call vote so um Aaron hi George hi and I'm an I so all right next we have a special license for Aon app sellers at Weston Nurseries um do we have anybody yeah we have the three upcoming one licenses are on Zoom so each one's on okay is is Mr Powell here we'll take him first I am here okay uh if you want to tell us a little bit about U what you're going to do and how it's going to be different than the previous years sure well this uh yeah we're we're seeking to uh join the chumford Winter Market again um this year to offering our Farm wine uh for sale um this year the market is moving over to Weston Nurseries uh where we're kind of excited about that because it'll be more space for both vendors customers and more parking okay we have any questions for the applicant no okay apparently not we'll take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the the special license to sell wine at an agricultural event for Aaron nap sellers llc at the Weston Nurseries Winters Farmers Market at 160 Pine Hill Road from November 2nd 2024 to February 22nd 2025 I'll second at that okay we have a motion in a second roll call vote eron I Virginia I I'm an i 4 Z okay Mr Po thank you andk you okay next we have a special license uh for [Music] um same thing so same thing for different different vendor right oh I don't see what their name is oh it's it's it's Jeff vudi for uh Bliss point point okay all right didn't get there okay is um is Mr vui here or anybody from yes this is Jeff vui with plus Point metery okay if you want to tell us a little bit about um your application sure we're doing the same thing that nol is doing uh at the chelsford winter Farmers Market um so same location same schedule uh same farmer Winery license okay do we have any questions for the applicant no okay take a motion then I'll make a motion to approve the special license to sell wine at an agricultural event for Bliss Point llc at the Weston Nurseries Winters Farmers Market at60 Pine Hill Road from November 2nd 2024 to February 22nd 2025 second okay we have a motion in a second I'll do a roll call vote Aaron hi George by junor I and I'm an i 4 Z okay you're all set thank you folks thank you luck okay and then we have one more of these a special license for um house beer brewing hi okay so um you want to tell us about what you're doing yes I'm Beth bores I'm with house Bear Brewing We Make Me session Ms insiders we've been at the chelsford winter farmers market for years when it was at um Maxwell's uh we're looking forward to returning uh I understand that it's moving uh to Western Nurseries so this going to be kind of an exciting change as n said it's going to be bigger space I will miss the old location but I will look forward to the new one and see what happens do you have any questions for me do we have any questions for the applicant no apparently not so we'll take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the special license to sell wine at an agricult cultural event for house bear bear Brewing llc at Weston Nurseries Winters Farmers Market at 160 pin hill road from November 2nd 2024 to February 22nd 2025 as presented second okay a motion in a second I'll do a roll call vote Ain I George I Virginia I and I'm and I okay you're all set thank you so much thank you okay we're at reports and presentation first up is Christine Clancy with a couple items good evening so for you tonight sorry my my throat's a little dry um I have the monthly arpa update um and as you know we're getting close to the deadline of this December uh where we have to allocate all the funds um I'll will go over the spreadsheet but just as a quick update it's about uh so it's $10.6 million uh so far we've allocated 73 projects to the to the funds 92% of all the pro all the funds have been appropriated or procured and of those we also track the amount spent or invoiced and that's 80% of all the funds we do have until December 2026 to spend the funds but the really the critical is that we have to procure all funds all contracts by this December um I can go I just want to also provide some highlights on the the spreadsheet so this is the monthly spreadsheet that's updated the the rose and blue are projects that are completely procured and complete in terms of a spent and um projects complete the green ones are projects that have been procured but are still in in the works and then the yellow are the ones that are partially procured and red being uh still you know procurement remains so really looking at those green or the the red and yellow ones um if we kind of focus to uh the second page where we get into the air controls and balancing projects or the testing and balancing projects 14 1920 these are uh going out to bid um just this week so anticipating bids to be received by November numbers 17 and 18 were also testing and balancing projects um we actually want to reoc re so have the same funds but reallocate that level of effort to an assessment as we were putting together these two projects along with the other three we're really we're also coming upon for the the library in the police station potentially large upgrades so testing and balancing might not really be the best uh plan because we're heading towards um improvements or upgrades to this infrastructure so we're looking at um 178 still procuring but a slightly different scope um and as you know the Adams Library not only has arpa funds associated with these improvements but they have uh Capital Improvement funds um moving further further down um continuing down to number you know 47 to 52 these are all the in the Watershed projects those are going those are just wrapping up so I don't anticip those projected forecasts are really are accurate we're just now just going through the process of closing out the contracts um number 53 is the Culver repair at Stony Brook that is still estimated at $400,000 we are going out to bid and doing a bid opening in December so we do anticipate that will be awarded by the end of this calendar year um and then continuing down just looking at this um I did do an update to number 60 because we did have some um additional change order items that came in just at the end of the last update we had to do some in interior Plumbing as part of the work that wasn't originally anticipated as part of the um plumbing code upgrades so that projected totals $85,000 that was updated since last month uh we also procured Hugo Lane um the pipelining that was procured that price came in significantly less than what we had anticipated um and then if we now we're going into so number 64 the GPS unit for engineering that was a recently added project we're procuring that through State contract or it's procured same with the two Senior Center Vehicles those are the two electric vehicles we've purchased so that's also complete um and so we're really working on the remaining items 66 through 73 um and this is where we this really will take us to the end of this end of this year a lot of these are going out to bid the next month also as a backup and I can be prepared to talk about it at the next update is um we also want to make sure because all these numbers kind of have to come into line and how they going to add up and we don't want to leave a dollar on the table so we're thinking that will also put together a secondary RFP for it could be um for surveying service surveying Services we have it a lot coming up so some type of on call service document that we could put out um also at the end of the December if we have like Bas with those Balance of funds so we are working on that um one other update is number 73 the police station uh we had this on last month last month for $30,000 for uh sprinkler repairs we also recently received a report for Adams Library there's pretty significant repairs there as well so I did combine it I increased it um to $60,000 where we can put really an on call Sprinkler contract um I guess technically I would have to ask you know ask your permission but that's proposing to procure an on call sprinkler repair contract um we would use it for the police stationed atams and potentially um as needed in a couple other locations um so if that brings you down to we essentially have allocated all the funds but there's still the procurement piece so we have to see see how these how these dollars work uh work out there's always a chance that if something comes in high we might something might fall off the this list I hope that you know this if anything we can like I said add that RFP um on call contract and we'll have that ready to go um there's only so many select board meetings between now and the end dece in December so I can provide more frequent updates there also are some um items in here and I have to sit down with manager Cohen just on some of these items with the police station Health Department where we had numbers allocated for I think it was the like front line number 24 number 21 and number 22 you see that there's M money there's money that's budgeted but we haven't spent all of it if we don't have a contract in place that's something that we also might uh put back into um back into um a project that can be spent because I guess we these were funds used to hire someone so unless we can get a contract in place so we're looking at that this week and we should have an update for the next meeting on on uh anything if we have basically if anything we would have more money to put into amount of uh money to be procur or to be uh allocated to arpa funds I don't know if that makes sense um any questions so so on those where where it's to hire somebody they that you don't have to pay them before the end of this just has to be obligated okay just okay right so as long as so we're going through all those items basically what we're doing right now is we're going through every single item in here and making sure that if it's remaining that we have a contract that's active and obligated another example is we have a cul a miscellaneous Culver repair or uh investigations contract and so we still have some money left in that for culverts to be assessed we're going to make amend that just to take us through another year or I'll probably just amend it for two years so we're going through all of our contracts to make sure that nothing expires um with you know in the short term or near future and then we'll also look at those other accounts as well well okay any other questions for Christine on this topic okay thank you very much thank you the next update is the just grab that make sure is the Ada grievance policy so this is something that um came about through the open space uh open space um committee where we have to have a plan in place as part of that plan and really we should have one as part you know most communities do have one um this was brought before you in September um there have been some comments made KP law looked at it the commission of disabilities look looked at it so the revisions have been adjusted and presented before you I think primarily the revisions are um that the revisions were the KP law had recommended adding a sentence that was added to the first paragraph uh the sentence reads please note that employment related complaints of disability discrimination should be filed in accordance with the town's Personnel policy so that was added per KP Law's recommendation in the second paragraph there was a recommendation through I think it was um Commission on disabilities to rephrase the um the complaint who it should be to Ada coordinator I know right now Jose our Building Commissioner is the build is the Ada coordinator but instead of referencing that just puts right put the Ada coordinator so that update was made um and I think those are the two primary updates there were final bullet about the providing copies to the commission on complaints yes all written complaints received by the ad coordinat on their designate appeals to uh yes the commission disabilities will be copied and all complaints and resolutions that was requested by the commission disabilities as well there was reference to a city of Andover but it was a Kansas document that this Comm that the commission of disabilities forwarded to we reviewed it um and we just because it was a Kansas document we just wanted to look at more local documents but I think the content that they recommended was all inclusive of these updates okay does anybody have any questions about the grievance procedure I think it looks good okay um I mean we it is our policy to uh to continue acceptance of a u a procedure although this was brought before us as has been mentioned before so we can vote to approve it tonight or or wait whatever the the board feels if we're I'm comfortable doing it tonight I think we already did our y delay agree yeah you know move at one meeting and then this this would also wind up in the policy documents correct yes yeah okay okay you want a motion sure I'll make a motion that the select board adopt the town of chelsford grievance procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act as presented second okay we have a motion in a second uh roll call vote Aon George hi Virginia I and I'm an i she unting yeah she she waved and as she said sorry I was muted for a second there okay any you have one more item for us Christine yes so we also have before you High Street drainage easement proposed we um did hire tjm survey services to complete this uh the easement prepare the easement both the plan and the written description so at 40 High Street there's um four at 40 High Street there's water behind this person's property um this resident's property and there are four catch basins that collect collect in drainage on High Street and actually bring it behind their property which we do have many locations around town that similar basically it's Town RightWay drainage conveying to a storm walk some Wetland or um you low area um in a lot of those cases we have easements in here we do not have easements so the resident um was I think recently moved in notice how wet the area was um and looking at that in order for us to do any type of Maintenance we would need to have an easement so this would be the proposals to have an easement to really um and really I guess there should have been an easement and that's our if we have infrastructure connected from the right of way we look to um have an easement so that we can easily maintain that drainage infrastructure so the easement is a 30 foot easement behind this uh 40 High Street and it would be for it's a drainage easement for the purpose of maintaining this um really this Outlet to these four catch basins in the town's right of way and the resident is aware that the resident aware and ask for this they are we are look because they had asked if we could potentially install some piping in coordination with Conservation Commission and so first step would be first we need to have an easement to even entertain that um so they they actually are wanted this easement they brought it forth to us okay and they're not asking for any money for the easement no it's a dra I mean it's their property it's of drainage correct yeah if anything it would be so that we could help coordinate and maintain it um and because we because it does take on uh or is Downstream of infrastructure that we have you know contributing from the the right AV void storm drainage okay any other questions about this easement okay take a motion I will make a motion to approve the 40 High Street drainage easement request as presented second okay we a motion and a second do a roll call vote Aaron I George I Virginia I and I'm an i 4 Z thank you okay thanks Christine thank you okay so to town manager reports we haven't seen the national oh that's right sorry I don't know why I played over that okay to half your audience is here yeah I know good evening Madam chair members of the board tonight I'm I'm seeking the board's approval of donations received from the eustus B and Nancy M Fisk Foundation that will be used to establish a new trust fund for Cher Public Library as well as a new trust fund for the cemetery Department joining us tonight our superintendent of cemeteries David Bole and two members of the cemetery commission Jeff Hardy chair and Nancy Souza they may be representatives from Chum Public Library on Zoom to give you some background the library director Cemetery superintendent and I were first contacted back in February by an attorney representing the foundation to inquire about the process of providing donations to both departments to be used for specific purposes and after both department heads confirm that this would be feasible it's great to see the process moving forward it is the donor's intention that the library donation of $20,000 be used to collect preserve and update genealogical materials for the chumford area and to encourage study and research on such materials also it is the donor's intention that the cemetery Department donation of $20,000 be used for the repair of 1 18th and 19th century headstones at forefathers cemetery and although the foundation cannot guarantee future payments we anticipate receiving additional donations to both of these trust funds in F in the future all of us greatly appreciate the Fisk foundation's generosity for assisting the public library and our Cemetery Department with their efforts to preserve the town's local history for future Generations the interesting thing it's been several years since a new trust fund was created uh prior to this the most recent trust fund for the library uh was established back in 2017 and the most recent trust fund for the semetery uh was established back in the late 1960s the board's vote of acceptance tonight will authorize the creation of two new trust fund accounts any interest earned on these donations will be retained and then become added to the balance of each trust fund Town Council has prepared a written motion for the board and we respectfully request the board vote to accept both donations okay any questions for John about this I'm sorry John I missed it they are both about 20,000 yes 20,000 for both the library and Cemetery and if I have a copy of the wording of the board does need that is this a chumford based Foundation I'm not sure the address but I know um the the Fisk family was is either current or former residents and and and a relative of eustus be and Nancy Fisk is kind of the driving force behind this it's very kind of them yeah I know I wanted to note that because it's it's not very often that um you know these type of sizable donations are received to help two dep Town departments so we really do appreciate this this will this money will be put to good use for for both Cemetery purposes and the library have we um I know we're going to vote to approve it but did we send like a formal thank you from the town or would that be appropriate for Paul or the board to sign off on a I think they would appreciate that definitely idea V in yeah we should I would be supportive of that yeah you want a motion are there any other questions doesn't look like go ahead I move that the board vote to approve the expenditure of the donations of funds from the Eustace B and Nancy M Fisk Foundation by the respective Town departments in accordance with the instructions of the donor as follows $20,000 for the chelsford public library to collect preserve and update gen genealogical materials for the chelsford area and to encourage study and research in such materials to be expended under the direction of the board of library trustees and $220,000 for the chumford cemetery department for the repair of 17th 18th and 19th century headstones in forefathers Cemetery to ex be expended under the direction of the board of cemetery Commissioners second okay we have a motion in a second I'll do a roll call vote Aaron I George I Virginia I and I'm an i 4 Z thanks John thank you is heest do we have National gr on no no so vinia just to follow up and you appoint the cemetery commission will write a thank you note as well thank you thank you uh that was a member of the cemetery commission saying they would also write a thank you note okay Tom manager reports okay thank thank you mad CH uh just a couple items this evening the first one is from the champed water district and there as noted in their correspondents and I was on a zoom call with them as well as folks from Fe FEMA and Mima um they're seeking a request to be added to the town's local has a mitigation plan um and this is um in in in furtherance of their their effort to obtain a grant uh for the calv on Watershed Lane um in and as we've had experienced in the past um you know Federal requirements and they had some issues but most important thing is the water district was a part with the town as we developed this plan uh four years ago and they'll proceed with us when the plan comes up for Renewal a year from now and since the district is a subset of the Town they're really the the the Emergency Management folks felt and and and I agree and I think we all would understand that since there a subset of the town there there has a mitigation plan so of Falls within the town's mitigation plan so um the action is for the for the board's approval to um to um B basically add them or let them join the town for its um haard mitigation plan um so that's that's the request this evening again there's no cost to the town um and again it's part of the emergency um preparedness for both the district and the town uh which again has been longstanding uh and will continue in the future but most importantly for for this this effort um it's going to help them secure a grant for the uh Watershed Lane Calvert work uh which again has benefits on the property but also in the town's drainage system and there's no additional liability that we be subject to okay any other questions on this request I'm I'm not able to put my finger on it but somewhere in this documentation they somewhere in this documentation they um cited the removal of eight trees M and where do they is there a tree replacement going on elsewhere if there can't be trees in this Culver are we going to well we have a one toone bylaw so there will be they will yeah there will it will get done it may not be on site but there will be one more trees somewhere yep you can put that in the motion if you want well if it is it covered under the bylaw yeah it is yeah okay the Town subject to thew F with that okay so do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the chumford Water District's request to be added to the town's Hazard mitigation plan as presented second okay we have a motion in a second I'll do a roll call vote Aaron I George Virginia I and I'm an i four Z thank you next item I have is sort of discouraging news or disheartening news this has to do with um retire health insurance uh premiums as many are aware um retire uh Medicare supplement plans come up on a caly year renewal whether it's the town or private insurers and and so forth and what we're seeing out there as the second sheet describes is sort of the changes that are impacting the Medicare programs uh in C year 25 as enacted by the Congress but the the key message is is as a result of these changes the premiums are increasing significantly for the um Town's Med X2 premium it's increasing by 19.74% uh which is an increase of 65 over $65 per month of which the town contributes 60% and then the employee contributes 40 the retiree contributes 40% so they'll be paying an extra $26 per month um in premiums for for Med X2 and then for the Medicare poo blue the increase is is even greater than that it's 31.4 4% um so that premium increases from 334 to 439 so the town Inc in increase cost is $105 do per month and for the retiree uh of which there are 135 of this group of sub subscribers is $42 per more per month so it's you're talking about almost $500 per year for retiree on the 135 retirees that are on that Supplement Plan and the earlier one was 727 subscribers um so they're now approaching you know premiums that are four to 5 $500 in total cost per month sadly you know in talking to my colleagues and in talking to insurers this isn't a Chate issue it's it's not a municipal issue it's just the industry issue um and and then sort of it's a it's sort of a um a an indicator of what's going on in healthcare what as we see with the struggles from hospitals providers prescription drug utilization weight loss drugs and so forth uh and and we're and as I note in the footnote of my message we're also seeing this in our active employee plans which come up for renewal on the fiscal year on June on July 1st um right now we're seeing the trends indicating that our our payments of of of utilization of services and administrative fees are exceeding our premiums so we're being advised at this point to anticipate a 10% uh increase upon renewal uh not only for the upcoming year but probably the subsequent two fiscal years um you know it's it's just a you know discouraging environment out there for for health insurance uh obviously if anyone's followed in the state levels we saw this earlier this year when the mass health announced a renewals they were over 7% uh and um you know it's it's something that um you know everyone's going to wrestle with um as the months and years go by uh the next item I I have on report is um regarding this one of the selectboard goals to examine the marijuana cannabis excise uh tax situation I I have before you this evening just um some data from the um Department of Revenue website um for our neighboring municipalities basically how it works into cannabis is communities can adopt the 3% local excise fee um for cannabis sales in a community the most recent data was obviously from fiscal year 23 the fiscal year 24 data is not available at this time but as you can see uh it varies amongst communities the most staggering one is drit that gets over $1.37 million um and they have four cannabis facilities and they're obviously a Border Town to New Hampshire um as indicated in this map um so they they're um you know they're they're right now receiving tremendous benefit from that more typical for CHS will B rer is over $300,000 uh in fiscal year 23 and the town of tuxbury although it's zero it's because they've reversed their course they've now allow licenses and they've issued licenses but they not operational yet so that's why their number was Zero Littleton was about 146,000 and LOL was over 800,000 and Tings another border community that has a facility at the uh State Line uh their report for fiscal year 23 was $231,000 so I think conservatively if if if you have the hazard of guess of what Chumps may be able to receive if it were to license I think it's probably more typical of tuxbury and you know Forker and so forth so my guess is a conservative number would be 200,000 it it may go you go over the 300,000 as I note in my memo um this isn't an instant thing like the meal Stacks you voted in the next quarter it goes or the room Stacks there is a there would have to be an effort and cost in terms of the the issuance of the permitting process the uh licensing uh and and uh you know that's so you're probably looking at best if we're hitting 25 you might be looking maybe at best for fiscal year 27 or so if you're going to do something like this in terms of the time um this is just for retail sales I'm didn't go anything beyond this is what exis is um so again I'll just reporting this for the board I'm would look for at this point you know I'm working on a number of the goals and we be coming in soon whether it's next meeting or the one after that with a goal status report but I just wanted to report to the board that we are looking at all the goals and this is the data I have on this one at this time and uh I'll look for further direction from the board at a later date um if you want further examination into this so that's that's all I have for you this evening yeah well I'm I'm sure everybody remembers it was Pat Maloney that that brought this up so since he's not here you know I think I think we should probably um hold any further discussion until you know maybe when you do bring up the the goals again we can talk about it then how how or if we want to move forward with it but thanks for providing this uh the next item I have is is just a quick quick summary um we received a request from the robertsfield advisory committee to be dissolved and so I have no objection to that so I want to bring it before you that um that uh will inactivate or dissolve the Robert field advisory committee and uh and I just really should commend them for what a tremendous effort that showed the the effort of volunteerism over the years and just the dedication as we've seen so many phases of that project so I just again providing that notice to the board that we'll formally dissolve the um the commission um I guess if the board wants to vote to confirm my dissolution I we don't do anything like that but I think we're fine okay okay and then the uh next item I have is the monthly utility double poll report and um again I know it's busy busy chart but I think the news is is progress if you if on the second page you can see that the Open tickets um are are are continuing to to decline you're we're down from 60 68 to um I'm sorry from it went from 61 to 68 but the key thing is I always focus on this is who's holding us up in other words where are they and you can see the bulk of that was Comcast they were 38 and you can see that jump from 21 the previous month and and you you see um basically that's where the movement is going the other thing to good note is that Chumps we holding nobody up and that and that's something that Christine and I work to make sure that we're not impeding the removal of double poles um so when I received that report a couple weeks ago with the 38 from Comcast I reached out to our Comcast representative they sent me this busy report of uh which is sort of the third um material in the thing and it sort of it's a status report of the work they they're doing on that um and this just came in last week so I guess my my point is is they're they're now um working on this as well so they're not being lack um and so so I I will receive another report next week for for November and then I'll you know we'll continue to make progress um I think the most sticky so the one that has the red font in it is from Comcast Comcast okay it wasn't clear by the file name or anything else I should have I should have marked it better but that's their report um from Comcast and so the ones that I get concerned about is when they say you know what's the status is there you know is it is it completed in their case or is it complicated or what going on um and so so and then back to the Verizon report and National Grid report we look at the same thing like what are the dates on are these things getting stale so I will come back next month again with the progress we'll hope that as long as the weather the winter conditions allow we'll keep pushing this the removal efforts um but I I I do see and I think you know they are making progress and fortunately the for the in our area of the country the weather has been good so we haven't had had you know something that would have led to a a sharp rise uh in double polls so so again I I just report to the board that progress is being made and we'll continue our efforts to work with the utilities to get them down to as you know low as possible and then the last thing I have under my report is just the formal notification from the Massachusetts executive office of Housing and liable communities there was an announcement last week um that the town of Chumps had received $660,000 from the housing Choice grant program to support the vinyl square Mass Department of Transportation 25% design plan project um so that that is uh underway and in fact we're we're hoping that there'll be an updated meeting with Mast doot and the vinyl square strategic action plan committee and the near future um to talk about the status of that report so that we can keep this project which is on the transportation Improvement plan move this keep this thing moving forward so again good news there as well so thank you madam chair that's my report this even okay thank you all right we're to uh meeting minutes uh we have minutes from our October 7th 2024 meeting does anybody have any updates Ed itss Corrections on that I I have a minor correction okay I had um sent in a correction in leaone reports I had sent in a correction to Joe Tierney's email and when the correction went in they added a typo so we're um under der leaone reports the vinyl square report where it says joseph. Tierney 4 P it should just be joseph. Tierney 4@gmail.com okay anything else I'll make a motion to approve the um Regular meeting minutes from October 7th 2024 as amended second okay a motion in the second take a roll call vote Aaron George I Virginia I just for the record she said I yeah just for the sorry I they can't hear her see her and I'm also I so that's 4 Z thank you and I have some uh announcements of releasability for executive session minutes our um minutes will be released from our September 9 2024 segment 3 and minutes not to be released from September 9th 2024 segments 1 and two um okay and that brings us to do do we have to continue the National Grid here yeah we'll have to do yeah okay you want to do that now yes let's do that now should we just continue it to the next meeting yeah November 4th okay I make a motion to continue the National Grid and Verizon poll petition public hearing for the Princeton Street area to November 4th 2024 second there we a motion in a second can do a roll call vote Aaron not I George I Virginia I and I'm I okay thank you all right um we'll go on to the aison reports uh eron anything no George uh I just like to comment if I I don't know if I'm out of line on comment about the Tom meeting go right ahead and I thought I thought the Tom meeting went fairly well and I thought the uh Comm Virginia on her committee and her you know presentation to the people and it's just too bad that we weren't able to get that we lost a little bit of time because I think there was a lot of information that came out I'm not trying to I just think a lot of people had already voted so I don't know you know I'm not saying I'm for it or against it but I just think that you know had a lot more people have had you uh I I I was a little surprised at what you know how how you know the reaction to the to the members but uh you know I thought it was very good and I just wish we had had more time that's all yeah maybe something to they had moreos to the other people V yeah we have to do it again yeah okay that it yes thank you I'm sorry okay Virginia um I have a couple from the age friendly implementation committee and the Council on Aging board um last week the senior center and the senior center community recognize Nancy grippo who's been a volunteer there for about 15 years and she's actually been putting in 30 to 40 hours a week as a volunteer um she did a lot of work with the tax worker program um and helped coordination across a lot of the Town departments and uh before he passed her husband Robert also served on the friends of the senior center um and I can just say personally I when we had a family member using the programs there Nancy was always a sunshine a spot of sunshine in your day when you walked into the building so she's really going to be missed um also uh just want to recognize that Louise Meyers recently retired from the Council on Aging board on October 12th which was her 20th anniversary being on that board and um she has served as its legislative Lea Zone she also o helped run the treasure shop at the senior center and was a lunch program volunteer um and she's also a longtime volunteer for AARP of Massachusetts and was awarded the Andress award for community service from AARP so just wanted to recognize Louise as well um and in case you didn't see it uh I wanted to also mention that chelsford high school was identified as a Massachusetts Department of Elementary and secondary education School of recognition so Desy has criteria that addresses accountability targets and performance of their students and uh I went and looked on the website there were only 57 schools um in the entire State on that list so that's really uh great for our town I think that the high school received that recognition Okay um I just have a few things so we can wrap up quickly this evening George just for you um a couple of weeks ago uh we had uh two Police Academy graduates who were subsequently sworn into the police force so you'll see um patrolling around town in the near future Dominic the Silvio and Daniel Sanchez congratulations to them for joining the chanc police force in the past couple weeks I've there's been two um ribbon cutting ceremonies uh the first was at the wash Spa at 313 Littleton Road where you can bring your your dog and give it a bath and all the stuff that goes along with that and the second one was just this afternoon at the chood Dental Group at 275 B rer Road where they can take care of all your dental needs all at one location so hope you'll uh patronize both those locations and just another note um I realized that we didn't have a public service announcement for Halloween which is going to be this Thursday uh October 31st from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. so um look forward to seeing everybody out collecting candy on on Thursday that's all I have so we'll take another motion if you can believe that it's only 6:57 p.m. I will make a motion to adjourn second to that motion and we'll take a roll call vote Aaron I George Virginia I I we are adjourned thank you e e e e