##VIDEO ID:iJvGKC7Q24I## e e e I'll call to order this uh October 7th 2024 select board meeting um and I'll notify everybody that trans T media it is broadcasting this meeting live and is recording it for later rebroadcast uh if you'd all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to the the United States of America the rep it stands one nation okay we'll start this evening with uh public service announcements um I guess we can start with that first one since she's not here so we have an announcement from the chelsford historic commission the historical commission invites you to a special event to meet your ancestors be held on Sunday October 27th at 6:30 p.m. at the forefathers Cemetery um every 10 minutes the group will begin their walk Guided by our grav diggers and um although the event is free attendees must pre-register for reservations call Linda Prescott at 978 251 1763 next we have an uh an announcement from the clerk's office Office Harrison good evening members of the board my name is Harrison Maya I'm the departmental support coordinator for the town clerk's office I'm here to provide a quick update regarding the November 5th general election to date approximately 9,000 ballots have been sent out for vote by mail including 5,24 in one day absentee in person voting is available through November 4th at noon in the town clerk's office if you're going to be out of out of town on the date of the election the voter registration deadline is October 26th at 5:00 p.m. you can check your vote a registration status and register to vote online at chumford ma.gov vote in-person early voting will begin October 19th and run through November 1st weekend hours are from 1: to 5:00 p.m. and weekday hours will be regular Town Hall office hours the vote by mail application deadline is October 29th at 5:00 p.m. a new official ballot drop box has been installed in the front of town offices near the handicapped parking spots completed mail and ballots must be returned to the town clerk's office by 8:00 p.m. on Election night thank you for your attention and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact our office thank you so Harrison um are there any sample ballots posted on the website yet uh we do have them on the website and also uh hanging on a board outside the town clerk's office on it's a red and white red and blue board right outside our front door okay thank you y we have an announcement regarding the chelsford annual holiday preload and tree lighting which will be held on Sunday December 1st from 4: to 6:00 p.m. uh the holiday Decora rating committee is looking for help on December 1st from the 2: to 7:00 p.m. to set up and take down for the event and help with activities please contact Vivan Marl at 978 973 9596 if you would like to help next we have a proclamation regarding uh indigenous people's day on October 14th 2024 whereas indigenous people's day was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of native nations to the International Conference on discrimination against indigenous populations in the americ Americas and whereas the United States endorsed the United Nations Declaration of Rights of indigenous people on December 16th 2010 and whereas the town of Chelmsford recognizes the historic cultural and contemporary significance of indigenous peoples of the lands that also became known as the Americas and whereas the town of chumford recognizes it was founded and built upon lands first inhabited by indigenous peoples of this region and acknowledges and honors these members of the community and whereas the town of of chelsford values the many contributions made to our community Through indigenous people's knowledge labor technology science philosophy arts and the Deep cultural contribution that has shaped the character of the town now therefore we the select Board of the town of chelsford do hereby proclaim the second Monday of October as indigenous people's day and we have someone here Jen do you want to take accept the proclamation a few words yes do do you want to tell us about the celebration yes perfect hi thank you to chair wois and board members cracker Timmons Drew Maloney and Dixon um on behalf of the chelsford diversity equity and inclusion committee please allow me to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for issuing a proclamation recognizing indigenous people's day in our community this decision not only honors the rich cult cultural heritage and contributions of indigenous peoples but also acknowledges the historical truths that are often overlooked it is an important step towards healing and fostering greater understanding and respect within our community by making this Proclamation the select board has demonstrated a commitment to inclus inclusion and Equity helping to amplify indigenous voices and ensure their histories and stories are valued this decision encourages meaningful conversations and educational opportunities for all residents allowing us to better understand our shared history and responsibilities thank you again for your thoughtful leadership and for recognizing the significance of indigenous people's day your support of this important day is a reflection of our community's values and our dedication to creating a more just and inclusive future I'd like to also take this opportunity to invite everyone to attend chelmsford's first annual indigenous people's Day celebration the celebration will take place this Saturday October 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. on the town common the event runs alongside the final Market on the common of the season in addition to our regular Market vendors there will also be performances by the greater L Indian Cultural Association a makana War dance and a gratitude prayer performed by descendants of Tano Indians our keynote speaker is Chief Tom Eagle Rising Libby an active member of the Great alol Indian Cultural Association and he quotes himself amateur historian of the Aboriginal peoples of the Eastern Woodlands we'll also have it educational booths with games and giveaways so come on down check us out enjoy the performances play some games and walk away with some freebies everybody's welcome lastly thank you to our sponsors Enterprise Bank Community Teamwork and and middle sex Community College for helping to make this celebration possible and thanks to our planning team Bill Campbell Beth poos and Carly ree from the deic Francis Gonzalez Philly Marty Tanisha Scott and Sophie theme from Enterprise Bank and chief Tom Tom Eagle Rising Libby from glea as you can see this has been a true Community collaboration thank you thank Youk we have an announcement from the shellsford health department regarding their influenza vaccine clinics uh those will be held at the chelsford Town Hall gymnasium October 10th from 3 to 7:00 p.m. and October 15th from 11: to 1:00 p.m. or 3: to 6:00 p.m. it's open to adults 19 years and older pre-registration is preferred um for questions or to register you can call the chumford health department at 978 25052 41 and and related we have an announcement regarding free and home flu vaccines for homebound residents if you're if your loved one or your loved one finds it difficult to leave the house to get their flu shot you can call the chumford health department to schedule an inhome vaccination today the health department is also holding a walk-in flu Clinic every Wednesday uh from October 2nd through December 18th from 2: to 4:00 p.m. and that's at 50 Bill rer Road and it is open to anyone who is 19 plus also from the health department we have an announcement about their free program called Creative Connections it's open to parents and children um High School aged Youth and their parent I apologize and it is October 1st or October 15th from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Chelmsford Center for the Arts uh pairs will create collages choose photos materials Exchange in meaningful conversation and shared experiences for questions you can call the health department at 978 [Music] smoke test survey will be conducted to assist with locating brakes and defects in the sewer system the smoke you may see coming from building vent Stacks building roof leaders the ground or manholes is fog likee non-toxic non-staining has a faint odor is white to gray in color and creates no fire hazard the listing of streets included in the project area are provided in this PSA and door hangers with additional project details will be distributed approximately 24 to 96 hours ahead of the plan testing for more information um you can see the town's DPW website or you can call the DPW at 978 25052 33 and the dpd the DPW would like everybody to know that there is no need to be home during smoke testing no one will enter your house or building residents and pets may remain in the house during this testing and the smoke should not enter your home unless you have defective Plumbing if smoke does enter your house you may contact the DPW for additional assistance that's all I have oh oh thank you sorry also from the DPW uh the DPW is seeking contractors for snow plowing for the 2024 2025 winter season the town of chumford is offering $1,500 incentive payment for each vehicle or piece of equipment registered with the town and all completed application packages are due Monday October 21st and we have a couple of announcements related to the Strategic plan development for the town of chelsford we're developing a community-based strategic plan there are a couple of ways that the public can provide input uh one is through the uh social pinpoint website where you see the QR code and the website address there's a survey online you you can take you can also um Pro provide any other ideas that you want to the ideas wall or engage in an online discussion with your community peers the second way you can participate uh this week the um committee is holding three Community forums the first is Tuesday October 8th at the chelsford Center for the Arts from 9: to 10:30 a.m. the second is Wednesday October 9th at the [Music] um North Hall Community Center and that's from 6: to 7:30 p.m. and the third is Thursday October 10th at the public library from 12: to 1:30 p.m. next up we have a couple of announcements regarding the proposed Fire Station construction projects uh these construction Fire Station construction projects will be a topic at town meeting and also will be on the November 5th ballot there's an announcement here that provides more information about the rec proposed reconstruction of engine three located at on Old Westford Road and of engine five located on Acton Road there are number of other uh opportunities for you to get information there's some events listed and also a website and in addition to that on the next announcement we have a informational session that the the um fire station study committee is hosting this Thursday October 10th at 7:00 that will be at station number three at 260 old Westford Road uh so there'll be some overview information for the public and then you'll have a chance um for open Q&A and if you are coming to that we just ask that you park in the lot adjacent to the station at robertsfield thank you okay and I noticed that somebody just came in that wanted to give our first PSA so lenda Prescott if you'd like to repeat it you can do that thank you I was told to be here at 6:30 but anyway um as we all know done pardon me that's when we're going to be done tonight just kidding um as you all know we're heading to the time of year where the uh Veil between the living and the dead is lifted and the dead come through and visit us this year the historical uh commission has heard a lot of Whispers And gravestone rattling because there are some that have some serious Tales to tell for our 250th anniversary um the US Park service has asked historical commissions to celebrate people that made a difference in our country's history and we've got them so they're ready to tell their tales and it will be um Sunday night October 27th starting at 6:30 every 10 minutes we'll be sending out a tour group with a graved digger and they'll have a guided tour of the cemetery and meet these awesome people so we're inviting everybody um there have been Flyers posted around and actually I've got some reservations already and um just there's a number on the flyer that you can call to make your reservation um there are some rules um we're allowing children up to the under the up to the age of nine to come in or nine and older and um they must be really kind of under control of their parents it is a cemetery so we do expect manners like no jumping up and down and screaming and that kind of thing cemeteries just by their nature are dangerous because they're footstones and headstones we do our very best to mark them keep them safe and that's why you have a graved digger and um we just hope everybody will join us or as many that can and have a learn something it's it's a fun way to learn so I'm just inviting all of you anybody that's watching the broadcast tonight and Paul you should join us really yeah and I see some other people that should join us too Pat I would love to but my children are not that well behaved you don't have to bring your children last time we did this um a gentleman came up to me a few weeks later and said it's interesting he said I'd like you to see these pictures pictures and he had his camera with him and he snapped a picture of the tombs you know up in the back behind the schoolhouse and he said you know what I was looking over there nobody was there he goes I took the picture and there is somebody sitting on the wall don't know was it in the other picture and you could see they were T stamped so I don't know it could be a very interesting evening so I hope you can enjoy will join us um my name is on the flyer the flyer I guess is already posted on the town site it's also posted on the Garrison house the historical commission page the society um it'll be at the library so we're getting it out and Tom Cristiano our town crier so thank you okay thank you okay we're now to the uh public input portion of our meeting is there anybody here that would like to address the board on any topic any doesn't look like it nobody okay nobody on Zoom okay committee vacancies the following boards and committees have vacancies as of October 7th 2024 the CCA Town Hall advisory committee the center Village master plan implementation committee the clean energy and sustainability committee the commission on disabilities the Community Action Program committee the Conservation Commission the cultural Council the diversity equity and inclusion committee the the historic district commission the holiday decorating committee the parade committee the Personnel Board the public records advisory committee the recycling committee the Roberts field advisory committee if you are interested in serving on a Town border committee please complete an online application available on the town website or you can contact the town manager's office for more information okay thank you okay uh we have a public hearing this evening um for change of manager ownership interest liquor license manager and hours of operation um for Tapatio restaurant which is also the Mexican restaurant that I can't pronounce on Summer Street I assume you two gentlemen are here for yeah good good evening Madam chair and and members of the board my name is Andrew sprow and I'm here to represent Herod dur via in this application for multiple amendments as you said they're seeking to change ownership interest liquor license and LLC manager and hours of operation and I'm here to answer any questions that the board might have address any concerns and ask the board to act favorably on the application and I have the GMO Bravo Mesa who is the principal and is the new LLC and liquor license manager proposed okay do you want to tell us a little bit about what you've been doing and how you've been doing and yeah this business is going well it has been a a business operated by sort of a close group of family members since its outset in 2017 um and there is you know been a change in ownership due to contributions from these family members and um again we just think that the application speaks for itself and we'd ask the board to act favorably upon it okay does anybody on the board have any questions for the applicant could you just speak to the change in hours you're changing your opening from 11: to 9: are you serving breakfast now or are we going to serve breakfast the menu will not change um despite the early hour that we're requesting for opening okay and you'll be offering alcohol at that hour also we will okay any other questions okay uh this is a public hearing is there anybody uh here that would like to comment or ask questions about this application appear so anybody on on Zoom okay want have a motion I will make a motion to close close the public hearing close the public hearing thank you I'll second okay we have a motion and a second um all in favor okay is there any further discussion about this application okay I'll take another motion then I'll make a motion to approve the application for the uh change of LLC manager ownership interest liquor license manager and hours of operation on the all alcohol beverage restaurant license for tapao restaurant to LLC DBA herur via at 7 Summer Street Unit 3 as presented second okay we have a motion and a second all in favor okay it's unanimous okay thank you good luck thank you madam chair thank you board members and can I just say um James G of the select board's office has been very helpful helpful throughout this and we appreciate it okay thank you good day okay next up we have uh to the approval of the order of layout and plan for Park Hurst road that we talked about at our last meeting and it went to the planning board and they returned a unanimous approval of unanimous endorsement of um of that order of layout um are there any further questions about Parker Road and its layout before we vote on this and take it to town meeting okay looks like there's not we have a motion TR just read this you can do that um the select Board of the town of chelsford acting pursuant to General law c82 21 to2 24 having deemed that common convenience and necessity require the layout of Parkers Road as a public way hereby lays out the roadway as a public way to include within the layout the parcel of land shown as parkur Road on a plan entitled Street acceptance plan parkur Road Chums Massachusetts dated September 11th 2024 prepared by wsp USA Inc the aformentioned plan is hereby forwarded to the town clerk for filing and the forgoing layout is hereby reported to the town for acceptance have to make a motion to that's that should do it that's a good motion second okay we have a motion in a second all in favor I okay that's [Music] unanimous all right next up we have a warrant for the November 5th town meeting I mean Town election actually not a town election it's a state election it's considered a state election are there any questions about this warrant okay I'll make a motion to approve the warrant for the November 3rd state election as presented second November 5th oh I'm sorry there may have been MP thank you that's just on the agenda I'll make a motion to approve the the warrant for the November 5th state election as presented second okay all right we have a motion in a second all in favor I okay I Z thank you okay next up reports and presentations um Sam yeah Paul McKinley is uh joining us on the zoom this evening and he has a presentation for you and you have other materials in your packet good evening Paul good evening okay um all your is perfect this presentation yeah thanks so much so um uhen asked me to come in and just give a a brief update on on where we are with the remediation at 54 richeson road so got about a dozen slides here um thanks for yeah here's the uh first slide up here is the site just to refresh everybody's memory of what uh what we're looking at here so uh to the north is the dog park area um up the site I'll be referring to the uh two blue dots around the structure there those are two Bedrock Wells the northern northern dot is actually near our source area our recovery well just to sort of Orient everybody and groundwater actually flows sort of uh right to left on your page so it flows in a Westerly Direction um towards the north Chums water district so I just uh threw this slide up here with this figure just to orient everybody of uh of some of the key site features I'll be talking about so uh with that if we go to the next slide perfect so uh we actually um just hot off the processess got the August data uh back we sample 20 some OD Wells we also sample cold streams Brook um and the data overall this is a you know it's very favorable I was in in May to give you a little bit of a deeper dive but and this data is continuing that Trend we've uh installed a pump and treat system which began operation on July 5th 2022 and since then we've pumped and treated about 97 million gallons um and really the system's been operating fairly flawlessly it's only been down a few times um if we had no exceedances no uh with the affluent which is uh which is good news so the system's really been doing uh what as it was designed uh the concentrations of pasas uh they're still uh present in a lot of the wells and I we've talked about some of the posos uh or the forever chemicals that's the contaminant on the site it's still present in a lot of wells and we we feel a lot of that is is likely due to background or other sources uh but we do have a source uh in front of the structure there as I alluded to the blue dot that was uh to the north of the site structure is is one of our source areas uh and we track that along with the dog park and what's happening in North chelur Water District so um the dog park area is is one of concern um it has actually a little bit of a different uh signature Source than some of the other posos that we're seeing in in the source area but nevertheless the concentrations there have actually been decreasing for so for the last uh three seasonal rounds last three quarterly rounds has actually been below the current Mass D standard for posos uh which is uh posos 6 compounds which is 20 parts per trillion so um really good news there and looks like the the concentration in the dog park have been stabilizing um and we watched this very closely because D was concerned with the Alternate Source and some higher concentrations earlier in the investigation and uh and the thought was we might have to expand the remedial system to that area but you know based on you know three rounds and Counting below Standard current standards um that's taken a favorable Trend um one of the other uh areas that we we we key in on is mw1 or monitoring well one this is one of the very first Wells that were monitored and was one of the highest on the site is the highest historically on the site um our maximum was 1,417 parts per drill per trillion and it was 1,181 in May of 22 right before we kicked on the pump and treat system uh currently as of August it's down to 11.2 so um I didn't do the math here what percentage decrease that is but it's been below standards the mass D current standard of 20 parts per trillion for the last three rounds so you can see um you know from 1,400 down to below 20 of the last three rounds really significant progress so we're very happy with that and yeah so the graphic's a little fuzzy um where the map is I just wanted to make sure mw1 is right next to the blue Bedrock by the Yeah the blue dot on the Northern portion right there is very close to mw1 and and our recovery well too thank you Paul yep that 20 PS for uh Tran is that changing uh it is yeah uh I do address that later on my slide so uh give me a few minutes and I'll and I'll get there what that means thank you uh so so yeah just a few um graphs here we we just uh we throw up a few graphs to uh present the overall Trends this is in the uh treatment area near that mw1 is the the Blue Line there that peaked up at400 and you can see that that since the remed system was kicked on in uh July of 2022 it's it the concentrations really have been dropping off so um there still is a discussion about what uh what the treatment uh end goal will be at some point uh the the release that occurred at 54 Richardson may be addressed and then we may be left with background um and and I'll I'll talk about that a little bit later on in the in the presentation um if you're able to go to the next slide yes so this is uh again just a another area here this is the uh this is the off-site Wells as they leave the site and go into the North chelsford Water District we we plot out what those concentrations are and you can see this one has a little bit of a different scale so you can see the continuing overall down downward Trend um that uh MW that the green there U mw19 took a little bit of an upward blip um last round we think this is an anomaly but you can see the overall trend here in in a decreasing fact fion from when we started the system again back in July 2022 and it's been steadily decreasing overall if you look at the trends and if you it plotted out the average of those you'd see that the the trend is really decreasing towards the 20 parts per trillion current Mass DP standard um one more here this is the again the dog park area uh the the blue well here MW 104 was the one that uh really keyed concern at the initial phases of our investigation uh it took a little bit of of a blip in May of 2023 but uh since then it really has been decreasing as have the other wells in that area so again overall very positive news uh last meeting when I was in in May um I believe a resident had asked and and uh we did prepare a risk assessment about the use of the irrigation well over in the dog park understanding that the grass over there isn't optimal for our four-legged furry friends so uh we we want to take a closer look at the data now that we have some SE Al data and see if it would be advantageous to turn that well back on um so the good news is it is safe for the dog park to be used um you know there's no no risk from current soil exposure we done we have done official soil sampling over there so I just wanted to reemphasize right at the top there's no issue with with currently using the the the dog park as as a you know place for uh our pets to get out there and stretch the legs but um but from the groundwater perspective we still got a little bit of work to do so U as looked at the last graph we weren't quite at that 20 20 parts per trillion threshold but we certainly were heading in that direction so um again the concentration are decreasing but the the currently if we turn on the irrigation well it would likely cause a risk to um receptors there and and interestingly enough the way the risk assessors do it is they equate a 38 pound dog to a child Park Visitor who um you know of course the the human data is what we use to calculate risk but but it's anomalous for a 38 PB dog so either way not not quite there yet with the uh the groundwater quality over the dog park but you know that that our goal of course is to clean this up to acceptable standards uh for for everybody and and the hope is that we'll be able to kick that irrigation well on in the near future excuse me Paul we've had a uh request for lights in the dark Park which would extend the hours um I don't know would that have any effect I'm just wondering uh if uh you know would that give us more risk or whatever I'm just you said lights right lights for so which would extend the hours you know like three four hours a night yeah no um uh Absolut you know from from from my technical standpoint um you know light lights uh no issue whatsoever it's just a matter of managing soil um by that is excuse me I'm sorry just me just means that there would be that many more dogs uh you know another three more four hours of dogs per day which is probably no problem but I'd like to hear it from you so that when we do make a you know a decision on that we have weighed that already yeah no the the frequency of use is is is a factor we looked at during the risk assessment so uh the amount of dogs really really uh uh wouldn't affect the conclusion they they wouldn't pose a risk for them using the park currently thank you yep um so so uh I guess that's a little bit of a snapshot of of where we are currently um just wanted to give you a little preview of what's upcoming so uh our our um uh remediation case here is really um dictated by the regulations uh the Massachusetts contingency plan and there is a very big milestone coming up in December uh December 10th it's called a phase two comprehensive site assessment so we've been doing you know really the last few years of work have really been gearing up to uh to file this report um as part of it as and we gave you a preview in May uh We've really been looking at the sourcing of the the posos that's present out in the site determine what's what's a result of a release that that occurred at 54 Richardson but also some more Regional and background sources of P so so really one of the major uh portions that the report is uh is looking at the likely sources of posos and and a detailed presentation will be provided in that um you know as part of that we we touched on this a little bit in may we look at the uh ratios of the different pasas compounds um uh the major compound that's associated with the release from 54 Richardson is called posos pfos um and uh and we're really doing a deep dive and looking at the source um uh part of the other up upcoming activities the regulations are I'm sorry the regulatory standards for posos in Massachusetts is going down so I'll hit on that a little bit on a slide or two um coming up here but EPA is uh has weighed in on this and uh have decreased the toxic or the based on the toxicity decreased what's an acceptable contaminant level and mass D will have to respond accordingly to make a uh a standard that's as protective as the EPA thresholds and I have a slide on this um coming up but in order to do that um we are proactively uh upgrading the remedial pump and treat system so uh we'll be adding uh some additional vessels to increase the flow rate which will have the benefit of affecting we feel it'll uh uh increase the radius of influence and start more proactively cleaning up or remediating the areas that that include the dog part Paul so um yeah um this is Virginia when you say the in for the December report the likely sources of pasas will be presented what different information are we getting now to inform that yeah we we're actually looking uh at at a lot of regional sources so I have a we actually have a of a posos expert on staff who's um really been looking into nearby sources and data associated with that um and so it's it's really comparing our data to other sources uh that that have been affecting other areas you know in chelsford and and Beyond so um and public and comparing also against publ publish literature as well so it is it's a fairly complicated equation but but uh we hope to identify at least you know potential sources but identify you know what isn't a source from some of the impacts that we are seeing and when do you expect to have like the draft of that December 10th due date report done yeah we're aiming to have that done in mid November to give every Everybody time to review it it probably be towards you know mid mid to you know towards the last week of November given the holiday of Thanksgiving but our goal is to get it out before Thanksgiving for a review thank you and if we can advance the next slide perfect um so uh I am a geologist so I I thought I would just uh share a little bit of the science behind uh uh that phase to report and and not only of the sources that we look at but also how how it affects the subsurface so the North chumford Water District Wells four of the six are overburden wells but two of them are Bedrock Wells so uh in accordance with the mCP we want to look at at some of the aquifers in this case the Bedrock aquifer and see if it's affected by what's on site and uh so we actually uh drilled some Bedrock Wells which are not easy to install and then we did some downhole geophysical work to identify where the you know what's in the subsurface in the Bedrock and and identify where the water is actually flowing with the water presumably would be contaminants and uh this figure here this is a uh a diagram that shows some of the downhole geophysical testing that we did shows sort of optical it's a camera view a 360 sort of cutaway of of the the hole we drill you know a circular about 3inch diameter hole this is a camera view down down the um the bore hole and uh and what it does it gives a picture of the three 360 degree uh view uh that's on the left hand side here and then uh as we progress across there's a you know Optical Tel viwer uh the the the la there the graph is actually a a caliper test how how wide the hole is and it picks up this fractures and then interestingly enough all the way on the right hand side we actually pump the well and and you can see where water enters uh the bottom line on all this is that about 66 feet right at the bottom of the picture there you can see you know there's a there's a a fracture you can see it in the um I wish I could point to it but you can see it in the in the picture right at the bottom there the caliper shows there's a widening perfect and then all the way over on the right there you can see see actually the water um came in that sort of red jog away from the blue on the last graph bar that shows that water was entering at 66 feet so we we targeted a well there and have sampled it and the good news is it doesn't appear to be that the Bedrock aquer is affected significantly on on the on the site so it's good news it looks like the impacts are are generally in the overb and aquafer that are on the 54 rigids in sight but I thought I'd Shar a little science here I think I I threw up another photo here we uh the second well the one we had targeted near the um uh the The Source area this is actually a picture as you go down the hole it was uh pretty surprising it was uh at the top of this picture you can see the casing of sort of the blurry we put in steel casing and and it uh it it doesn't come so well on uh through on the photos uh but right below that for about two feet you can see this Bedrock it's a a very competent tight you know hard Bedrock but then the 2 feet below that you can see there's about a 2ot fracture it's wide open there you can see the water in there uh like rounded gravel water water is flowing through there and then poor water quality that that sort of Sandy area below that's where the B bore hole continued past uh this fracture but you know very interesting um um it produces a lot of water and again um with the amount of water that's flowing through there we're not detecting a lot of pasas so that's the good news but thought i' throw up a few uh slides of of uh what we've been doing for the for the phase 2 it's not only characterized in the background and the and the types of posos but also where it's located um this is the uh I thought I'd just throw up here and and uh give you a quick summary of the changes uh that EPA has uh has issued that mass DP will need to adopt and be at least uh as protective if not more protective than these levels um and so just to point out currently Mass DP has a p 6 standard of 20 parts per trillion and what that is is they've selected 20 pasas compounds that are some of the most common and and lump them together and so when you sum up the concentrations of those six compounds that should be less than 20 parts per trillion and that's the current standard uh what EPA is moving towards is actual individual standards for some of the um more common compounds and then they're also doing sort of Blended standards um as you can see at the bottom of this uh just of note here the second line on this on this table posos PFO s this is associated with the signature of the compounds that were released uh at the 54 Richardson site so the standard wouldn't be a a a 20 parts per trillion in aggregate um looks like our new sort of remediation goal line is going to be four parts per trillion uh for you know some of these compounds pooa and posos I point out posos the pfos because that's the primary contributor to the release or primary constituent of the P5 that was released on 54 Richardson and then as I alluded to before you know to to address this uh both the change in the standard and to um expand the radius of influence uh this is our current remedial system we're going to add um a couple more vessels here and that'll allow us to instead of running the system in series sort of in line we're going to run it in parallel we'll be able to run two treatment trains and that'll allow us to increase our flow rate and our radius of influence to address for instance the dog park and any other uh sources of Posas that may be present in the area and I think that's uh that's my last slide again I you know overall this is uh really we're very happy with the way the remedial system has been performing it's been just just over two years since it was installed and started operating and you can see you know the concentration decrease in the source area from 1,400 parts per trillion down to 11 really is a uh a very dramatic uh decrease um and the the phase two report is coming up in in December we're doing a lot of work uh uh to prepare that I I feel like we'll have some uh some better graphics to share after that report goes in and look forward to coming and and presenting to the board um some of our findings okay thank you um do any board members have any additional questions for Paul McKinley okay I noticed we have two Representatives here from North chood Water District you either if you have any comments or questions if you want to come up to the microphone good evening everyone my name is Aurora boss and I'm the environmental engineer for the North chumford Water District and as you mentioned Paul py the superintendent is also with me this evening um I wanted to start off by saying thank you for facilitating the continual discussion between us and West and Samson and obviously your participation as well and an additional thank you to won and Samson for maintaining transparency of the data collection and putting together these presentations um I want to start off by um referring back to a statement that you made earlier in the presentation regarding an anomaly in um an increase in the data the P 6 concentrations in the wells I reviewed the data that was um included in the agenda this evening and in approximately half of the wells I noticed that there were actually increases in the past concentrations from May 2024 to a August of 2024 um because it is almost half of the wells I was wondering if you could elaborate on how this would constitute an anomaly yeah sure I mean uh you know groundwater um sampling and Analysis we're we are dealing with parts per trillion so it's uh very very low levels uh we're dealing with uh you know variations in you know seasonal variations with groundwater uh uh um levels groundwater flow rate and there's just some you know heterogeneity in the in the sampling process and analyses uh you know sometimes the the laboratory won't achieve their you know their recoveries as they would like so there is there is a little bit of variation in the data and this is why we do uh um data Trends and we look at the seasonal the seasonal Trends but also over we have a couple years of data now and as you know if if we flip back to some of those graphs I think you you know I pointed out actually when I was going through the graph that there was a if you go to the next one I believe right so so here here is you know again we could we could focus in here on the green dots with mw19 um it does have a blip I mean it's it's it shows it's increasing I think about 20 parts per trillion uh pretty low levels but if you look at the again the overall trend here I think is pro probably best to focus on that that you can see that when the remedial system kicked on in August of 2022 since then the concentrations have been decreasing Pro probably at least by half uh just just roughly looking by the by the eye uh on this graph so um yeah there's there is a little bit of variations and it's a challenge to uh to sort of weed out uh the the individual sampling results and look at the overall trend but I I feel like this graph and others um show that the data overall is decreasing we're making progress sure and and of course G obviously given the scale it can be difficult to see some of those minute details um which is why I referred back to the original um data sets um I also wanted to ask on the subject of data in some case es um for some of the wells there were there was no new available data for the wells um despite having increases in P 6 concentrations during the last sampling event in 2022 for example ws- mw- 109 went from 49.1 7 nanograms per liter to 77.3 4 and was never tested again could you please explain why this was not tested yeah absolutely um so in consultation with d we put this in our status reports um after a while you know we've have we have overall we have 36 data points on on the site and and as you know we've also uh done several rounds of the individual North chelms Water District Wells so that's 42 different points um a sampling and Analysis of all those data points um it can be fairly expensive so as we had more and more data we actually uh were uh just using um the the data Trends themselves and looking at what are what's key for us to track as we look at the performance of the remedial system we we move around some of the wells that we're sampling um so we have some key indicator Wells but in consultation with the hydrologist we we've you know moved away from MW 109 because there's other key Wells that we want to sample um I'd love to sample them all but this is really you know it becomes unnecessary and and pretty expensive to monitor all of them so uh so that's you know I guess you know Pro probably your answer there 109 isn't key and and yes unfortunately it did it did blip up a little bit but uh as you can see there there is anomalies with some of this data we look at the overall Trends and I believe we had sample that well multiple times before uh before we uh prioritize others sure so since you said that you move around the wells would there be any plan potentially in the future to resample that well yeah absolutely we can move towards that um if we feel it's necessary and this is you know we again we established a moning Well Network with with moning Wells surface waters and baz real really trying to evaluate the nature and extent including the sourcing and and uh and also to attract the uh sorry track the remedial system progress so uh we absolutely could come back to it we have not abandoned that well it's still very viable and if we feel from our data quality objectives we need to you know switch over and start monitoring that we certainly will thank you uh one final question just to not get too technical this evening um the last time we were here as you mentioned in May um we had one diagram that was a plume that kind of Del ated the affected area do we have an updated version of that I'm glad you asked that so um one I think I alluded to it but as part of our phase two report we're really trying to uh standardize all those figures we we um we we've prepared um probably about a half a dozen over the last few years of those um those Maps we we refer to them as isop uh contaminant concentrations distribution maps and they display the the you know graphically display the the distribution of um Tas I didn't um I didn't present one here because we haven't generated a new one in fact what we are doing is revisiting all of them and and we are calculating new ones with the August data but we're hoping to sort of standardize them and make them a Time sequence so my hope is that we can have a really cool graphic where we can show you you know uh uh through a time lapse how the plume has shrunk with the um with the uh operation of the remedial system That's My Hope and we're working on it right now and we're we're hoping to get that as part of the phase two I would certainly look forward to seeing that so thank you yeah no that's my goal is to have that uh you know really neat time lapse there and we can really uh you know demonstrate with the progress of the remedial system through that Graphics so wonderful thank you um I'm hoping in the future if we have any more technical discussions maybe it be more appropriate to have a meeting um not not to bore everybody on the board so um that concludes my questioning so thank you very much and thank you again Mr McKinley thank you for great questions thank you good thank you okay okay thank you Paul we'll we'll send you I'll send you an email in about 20 minutes for the um close session later on this evening okay okay okay get you that thanks okay thank you all right next up is uh Tom manager bid award yeah thank you madam chair U just one item for bid award this evening this has to do with the Hugo Lane uh pipelining installation the DPW issued a request for bids for that project there were three bids received on October 3rd which was last Thursday um the lowest responsible bidder was insituform Technologies out of Charlton Mass at a bid amount of $552,000 um and they they um our Public Works director has experience with this company in a different uh setting as also the recommendations came in fine it also falls within the project budget which is $110,000 so we'd asked that um that the the board confirmed the award to um insituform Technologies as you can see the bids varied significantly the second lowest bid was double that and the third one was four times that so it goes to show you the drives that kind of variation it just it just shows you the bid climate is still unstable out there but but but we're confident with this company and and the followup that this this is a valid bid and and again meets the budget for this project okay any questions take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the town manager's bid award um for the Hugo Lane drainage pipe liner installation in the amount of $52,000 to in in stit form Technologies LLC as presented second okay we're a motion in the second all in favor okay unanimous thank you thank you okay some manag reports yeah just a couple items on my report you know so to call it good news I guess for tonight um first one is is the town since our last meeting the town has received a grant from the massachusett Department of Environmental Protection for electric vehicles um under under their U grant program for the incentives we received an award of $22,500 which basically is 7,500 per vehicle for a total of three vehicles this basically is to support the purchase of three electric battery charged uh electric vehicles this was known when we were brought these to town meeting that we would likely receive these bid Awards so you know the ward came through as promised and so they'll be applied to the acquisition of the the fleet vehicles um that that be coming into the town the next one is is uh the state also announced um the hilly Drisco Administration announced 12.4 million to improve Road Safety uh back at the end of September um and this is an award to police departments um and it's really for for Highway and roadway safety the town of Champs was award $ 26,6 5140 and that's going to go to you know in increase traffic enforcement distracted driving and those type of those type of um roadway safety projects and then the last one um that I wanted to note and was that suggestion of of of selectboard member Virginia crock Tim who's the liaison to the AG friendly advisory committee is the the committee has produced its five-year progress report uh and it's and it really is a good story and that talks about all the efforts reporting and progress sorry that's the end of the zoom um for of the committee in the five years and in fact copies of this report will be printed and made available to the town meeting reps as a handout for information informational purposes uh at the October 21st uh fall annual town meeting so again great work by the committee uh and just this report just sort of notes all the different uh Focus areas as well as a sort of a guide to Future efforts by the committee so um want to thank the committee for their efforts and putting out this report and you know submitted to the state agency and again just ongoing success from the committee okay and you have an appointment yeah one one appointment this evening the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee um Matthew David Ramon Ramen um for unexpired three-year term ending June 30th 2026 as you can tell by his extensive detail and his application he's very well excited and qualified to join this committee uh and I think he'll really be an asset to the community um and so again I'd seek your confirmation of this appointment okay any questions about the appointment okay we'll take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the town manager appointment of Matthew David Ramone to the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee for an unexpired three-year term ending June 30th 2026 as presented second have a motion and a second all in favor I okay that's unanimous thank you okay and we have some meeting minutes for our September 23rd meeting any comments edits Corrections cently not so we'll take a motion I'll make a motion to approve the um meeting minutes of the select board regular meeting from September 9th 2024 as presented second g a motion and a second all in favor I okay 5 Z okay very good all right we're up to select board uh reazon reports and referrals George er uh just a couple um I wanted to thank the health department for the Town Fair they put on two Saturdays ago and the health department wants to thank everyone who had a booth and everyone who came to participate it was a really great turnout and um a really great Community event so thank you for that also from the health department they are still conducting sober karaoke the second Friday of every month at the CC from 7: to 10: p.m. and uh just one announcement from the vinyl square strategic action plan committee uh they had their initial planning meeting for the vinyl square tree lighting it's scheduled for Saturday December 7th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and they still need more help from residents um so if you're willing to help please contact Joe Tierney at joseph. TIY 4@gmail.com or Brian creamer at brian. F.C creamer gmail.com thank you okay thank you um I have a few um notes uh couple of weekends ago the chood um friends of the library had their annual or the semiannual annual semiannual used book sale and uh made almost almost $119,000 on that book sale 2 and 1 half days so that was really exciting that they were able to do that so thanks everybody who came out and bought books um couple of ribbon cuttings uh the lighthouse school had a ribbon cutting for their new Breakwater house which is in a new uh segment of their school up on Wellman Avenue and yesterday uh several of us wereing including select board member Drew and Tom and and Dre Cohen are at jun's place up at Roberts field it was a an absolutely amazing turnout and quite an amazing thing that they've they've done there at the at the playground J's place up at Roberts field so take your kids and check it out and speaking of the vinyl square project uh the uh Mo um last month had an update on that project the price has been adjusted to 7.2 million and the bid is scheduled now for May of 2028 so it is on the tip and highly highly unlikely it will leave the tip so just want to let the final sare folks know about that okay so that's all I have so uh I'll take a motion I will make a motion to adjourn to Executive session uh to discuss strategy with respect to potential litigation for the North chelsford Water District's P claim strategy with respect to potential litigation for alleged zoning violations at 13 Cathy Road and to review of the executive session minutes meeting minutes of September 9th 2024 segments 1 2 and 3 not to return and not to return second okay we have a motion in a second this a roll call vote George hi Pat hi I and I'm I 5 Z okay we are adour to Executive session thank you e e e for