##VIDEO ID:XvKkU54rEXI## live all meetings are televised live and available on Demand by chelsford Tel media public input public inbook shall be limited to statements from the public relating to any issues with the jurisdiction of the cheler zoning board of appeals that are not currently the subject of a pending public hearing before the zoning board of appeals public comment on any pending public hearing shall only be heard during such public hearings and shall be limited to 3 minutes time tonight we have no administrative review we have three public hearings number one is 286 Lane I am going to recuse myself from this and Charlie Wes is going to be the chair I think you go o' um as it is after 7 o'cl oh uh we have 26 286 Lane James Blau requesting a special permit under uction 195-lb Conformity for 20% reduction to the side setback requirement of 25 ft to build a 24x 28 detest garage and other relief deemed necessary this property is located in the residential RB District assessors map ID map 123 block 471 lot six and consist of 1.64 Acres um is everybody right about it um I think the first thing I'll do is read in the notices here from the Departments because that way everybody can listen to this board of appeals from Department of Public Works request for determination review in comments 286th Lane dear members this office has received the project application plans and documents submitted to the DPW on August 29th 2024 the following public hearing for the following public he hearing notice on October 3rd 2024 um as a result of this review this office has the following comments the proposed garage will be near are possibly over the existing Sewer Service applicant must contact dpwc sewer division to coordinate any necessary actions to preserve or alter the Sewer Service the garage is not proposed or authorized to be connected to the Sewer Service number two considerations should be made to install roof drained dry Wells or equivalent to infiltrate roof runoff but this is not a requirement for approval it should be noted that the property is located within 200 ft River buffer and Wetland buffer zones and conservation should be coordinated with as necessary number three erosion control devices must retain the sentiment on site these must be installed prior to any work or demolition number four a driveway permit may be required if there's a newly proposed driveway or modifications applicant must contact DPW you to coordinate if you have any questions contact this office okay that's the DPW the next one is how does that was fire oh wa fire prevention has no concerns okay soce obviously my memo okay okay police have no concerns oh miss Chums Water District No concerns wow this is great Board of Health no concerns all right so any one that had concerns was DPW okay Steve you got any questions comments no concerns okay no concerns Rodney I'm also Danny the only question I have is the plan says proposed house as well is is the house also uh is it already built or is this just for the garage you know what well have applicant come up and explain this to us I have some handouts as well which show the plan in a little more detail if that'd be helpful sure yes thank you appreciate it thank you so should I speak to the questions or how do you want to proceed yeah yeah sure so the um to the to a couple of the questions that were raised already there is a large dryw that's already been approved that's going in as part of the project so storm water from the house and the garage are both going into the drywall so that's taken care of thank you oh I just meant what Danny had to say because the DPW is a DPW and we really don't oversee those guys great so just kind of an update so the uh the H we're doing it in stages because there's not enough area to sort of stage all the materials and so the house is the foundation's in construction started today and uh we haven't done anything with the garage pending the result of this hearing okay so I thought this plan is helpful because it shows the um existing setbacks and kind of what we're requesting Mr chairman I would like to clarify quickly uh the permit for the house was issued by right the question tonight here is is the garage is the garage is part of the addition to the house but the house is not the issue in question tonight it's just the garage okay got I should also mention um departmental comments although I don't have anything in writing from Conservation Commission it is under review it was under review with Conservation Commission as well corre are you done with that process order of conditions was issued and it's been recorded and yeah we're proceeding Pete that uh the only thing I had a question about was the driveway written in here is this on this plan is that pretty much what the driveway is going to look like I know there was that's the engineer plan so that's a proposed driveway okay perfect okay um anyone from the audience have a question or comment Pro or con so officially open up to public Gary Baker direct to the proper um okay oh Gary won't you at the podium and give your name and address please thanks well since this is a public hearing let's open to the Bott so um I'm here in support of the applicants uh and my only concern is has been addressed with the dryw for the runoff from the roof uh with the roof being closer to the property I I feel that's an important piece of the uh of the puzzle for me so okay I just want to where are you I do support the I do support uh the decrease in side yard I I know it's it's closer to my own property but so you're on the side where the garage is being put in that's correct directly next door directly next door yeah okay here okay thank you okay thank you Gary okay what does the board feel like doing na nap yeah long day on Steve do you want to read I don't know if it's appropriate do you read these letters into the record yeah into the yeah they run the record this is a different one the on the ones that he just passed out couple of letters of support from other um do we want to read those in back here um okay I just acknowledge that they're here even put that yeah I didn't know that that we had more letters okay I a letter for the record this is about the 286 Lane of course to who I may concern we PA and Ron Wetmore owners of 45th Lane Json Mass write this letter in support of James well 286 Lane for the special permit request for the for the construction of the garage and next one uh just I okay I guess I won't summarize it because it's the last one so letter of support for Jim and Donna Blau 286 Lane we are writing to express our full support for Jim and Donner proposed construction project at 286 line as a neighbor we have the pleasure of knowing the blouse for our brief period of time and found them be responsible and considerate individuals I believe the project will be a valuable addition to our pond Community the proposed garage will not only enhance the property value of our homes but will Al also contribute to the overall appeal of our neighborhood I am confident that the blows will adhere to all permits regulations guidelines during the process of construction the commitment to Quality workmanship and attention to detail will ensure that the project is completed to the highest standards I support this sincerely Steve and barber Christopher 26 fifth Lane okay those are the those are the two right okay all the all that's right in so now does the board want to do anything good should we close the public heing so unless there's anybody else that wants to speak you're the boss I'm the boss anybody else want to speak I I thought I said that no no one else wants to speak in the public we'll make a motion to close the public hearing motion to close the public hearing second second I do any all those in favor I okay anything else you want to do Peter not at the moment question I have no [Applause] questions I'd like to make a motion to approve the special permit under Section 195-43 reduction to the side setback of 25 ft uh for the project at 286 Lane uh with respect to the letters that have been read into the record I'll second and second by Peter all those in favor I okay thank you very much good luck with it thank you thank you very easy peasy uh you want to send Brian back in please do we have to you don't like that I'm I'm not doing that well you want Na and that's not right you flew through that nice jot I'll good luck have a good one okay our next hearing is 161 Westford Street Dave and David and Diane Davis requesting a special permit under Section 1959 B Conformity for a 20% reduction in the side setback requirement of 12 ft to build an attached garage and other relief deemed necessary this property is located in the residential RB District someone here tonight and speak for David and Dan how's it going good evening are you m to SOL SOL construction uh representing David Diane Davis and just your address too mik 660 gr street dumble thank you we're proposing to do a attached garage um obviously due to the the size of the lot and trying to get a vehicle in there and get out of the car comfortably uh we kept it as tight as we possibly could to uh to ease and not not exceed even into that 20% 100% does anyone need a paper copy of the plot plan it's an Indy looking plot of land it is it was quite the challenge to get it all to to f work I take it the garage is on that side of the house on the kitchen side of the house Excuse me yes yeah it's a living room right in that front corner zoom in for everyone as well what's the total width right there where the garage is going in the garage or if I have to add the front edge is 100 so it must be it looks like it tapers a small amount but I think 100 would be pretty close to uh the atypical how many square feet is the total lot it's on the plot plan 30,000 uh 30,000 it's at the top 30,000 30,000 oh had it scrolled off okay sorry no no problem at all is this a conforming lot to begin with with 100 ft of footage it is uh non-conforming at this time it's non-conform preexisting pre-existing pre-existing so why is the special permit even needed he's he's for a 20% reduction yeah he's trying to a new nonconforming I know what the setback is okay yeah we're we're proposing for 10 10 foot three instead of the 12 okay I think he has to come because he's making a new non-conformance so it's making it worse creating a new non-conformity could not remember seeing a 12T setback requirement before this and he would have been fine yeah thought they were all like Yeah by fives like you know like got a 13 foot6 in side setback requirement and there are so many different setback as the years go by they change and change and change it's It's Tricky the neighbor has 19 ft on the other side it looks yeah yeah and on the other side he has 58 feet from this thing so he just it's all over the place further questions from the board I'll read in the letters the zoning board of appeals the uh shil Joyce Town engineer has reviewed the project application plans documents submitted to the DPW on September 30th finds 161 West Street oh the proposed Library addition and or deck will be near and possibly over the existing Sewer Service applicant must contact DPW sewer division to coordinate any necessary actions to preserve or alter the Sewer Service consideration should be made to install roof drywell drains or equivalent to infiltrate the roof runoff this is not a requirement for approval erosion control devices must retain the sediment on site that will be installed prior to any work or demolition a driveway permit may be required if there is a newly proposed driveway or modifications the applicant must contact the DPW engineering division to coordinate dear members of the board this is from Jack Abbott Captain the fire prevention office at a minimum the new garage must contain a hardwired heat detector interconnecting into a hardwired photo El electric smoke detector CO detector per the current building code it's REM recommended to upgrade the entire home to hardwired smoke detectors the applicant is advised to submit plans to the fire prevention office for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit this office would approve this plan with these conditions I asked the board make this letter part of their approval process sincerely Josh Abbott Captain chelon fire prevention office I have a letter from the Board of Health with no concerns I have a letter from the Chums water district with no concerns I have a letter from the police department with no concerns that is the extent of my records for this application going to open this up to public comment either in favor or against I'm in favor I'm Dave Dave you have to post if you like to say you're in favor I think we can assume you're probably on board so I'll just leave that out of the minutes all together right well you're not telling her right that being said could I get a make a motion to close to public hearing second second by Steve all in favor I unanimous o and I think we could take it up we can there's no further questions or discussion okay I'd like to make a motion to approve the special permit for 161 Westford Street um with consideration of the letters written in um under Section 195-lb second by Peter all in favor I I unanimous good luck with it thank you take care good luck okay I should never given up my good luck our next hearing is uh 14 Crosby Lane it is a continued public hearing we have a letter uh asking for a continuance and that continuance would go to November 7th I think it's November if I could get a motion to continue motion to continue by Danny a second I'll second Peter all in favor I unanimous our next hearing is a continued hearing marose Avenue Cobblestone 5 LLC is also requesting a continuation without discussion and we have uh talked about the letter for the 100 day period so they'll be in compliance when the time comes this is their second continuance so we're we're cruising through it rapidly if I could get a motion to continue without discussion I make a motion to continue without discussion Peter second second Danny all in favor I right again unanimous oh just to clarify um rosv today's the first continuation because they were here last month it's 14 Crosby lane two okay and they've both submitted they've both submitted um extensions extensions letters of extension and that I'll take care of that um we could get into the laa update but I think that Glenn has been very uh involved with that and probably do better to wait till next month when he's here and he can give us the update he sees for those that are aware the law uh The Limited accessory apartment is now going to be a uh a standard in every town so we're going to try to get that sorted out but I don't think there's been much uh change since we do they still looking at it at the uh state level the attorney General is looking on it with that if I could get a motion to dismiss uh to uh move to a journ move to a journ there we go nothing is dismissed seconded hey we're framing so you should come down and and take a peek they'll be doing walls uh probably tomorrow and Monday you have to vote you should vote yeah I know I know that uh he was head it out so motion he motion I second second you don't need to Second don't need to Second correct that's correct that's okay really okay just discussion you get right all in favor all in favor did it okay thank you got get back