shall be limited to statements from the public related to any issues with the jurisdiction of the Chelson zoning board of appeals that are not currently the subject of a pending public hearing before the zoning board of appeals public comment on any pending public hearings shall only be heard during such public hearings and shall be limited to three minutes in time we have new business we're going to welcome our new associate alternate member Danny Ruez welcome Danny welcome we have no administrative review we have a continued uh no a new public hearing 43 Bartlet Street which I'm not going to open is that correct no we have to open it it was published to open today but open without discussion and continue so 43 Bartlet Street Elizabeth grael trustee is requesting a variance under the zoning bylaw section 195 6.1 to allow the continuation of a pre-existing detached limiting accessory apartment to be detached from the main dwelling and any other relief deemed necessary this property is located in the residential RB District you will not be hearing testimony I'd like to get a motion for a continuance until um we don't have a date yet I do not till the meeting in May I could get I make a motion to continue 43 ble Street till May second second Peter all in favor I get the vote to our right next uh next is a continued public hearing 43 Bartlet Street which is already open and they are also requesting a continuance until our May meeting I can get a motion for the special permit for 43 Bartlett Street I think I can make a motion now right yes you can yay it's a big to continue h second Jamie oh favor hi I I do not vote I'm I Iain yeah I'm obing now our next uh item that is not on the agenda is the May meeting we scheduled it for I believe May 4th me the let me get my calendar in front of me say second May 2nd and that is town meeting we cannot have it on that night gotcha I'd like to propose going to May 9th which is the second Thursday of the month it works there's a conflict you think that'll be far enough out because what of town meeting goes for four nights do we have that many warrants really I I'm not really sure how's it look for thinking at the dates I I I don't have a problem the second night um no that's a good point doesn't but it could can we because we don't want to continue it again right right right it just be it just be a night all right why don't we consider uh May 16th the third Thursday of the month I think it' be better all around okay it's cat there's no question it's going to be available so right yeah okay and I'll just confirm room availability motion motion to May 16th 16 second what all in favor okay the 16th Jamie can't make the 16 okay can't make it I have it I I mean I can see if I can reschedule but I already have my Service Unit meeting scheduled which I spearhead so and she would be not voting on BART she's not she's not eligible to vote on the special permit component but she could here and vote on the variance VAR okay so because that would be considered right so Charlie you made the motion I'm sorry who seconded that one okay so um the other re meeting we need to schedule is the executive session that Paul havy requested yep so we did meet with Mr havy regarding um I for 38 barlet is it 38 38 36 ex session so we went and uh talked with the mediator and came up with a can't discuss it yeah I was just going to say a possibility that's because we we're going to go into executive discussion executive session and discuss it and decide if it's uh applied correctly to our our wishes but we did we did make some progress I would think so that's a a positive thing and we need to schedule that and it was myself Peter um Charlie I'm not there were you there for the executive session yep Rod was not Danny definitely wasn't so Steve Steen was yep so maybe I'll text him as well Steve Peter me you but I would like to schedule that for next Thursday if it works for everyone sitting and I'll text Stephen right now does that make sense we the 11th 11 we have some Freedom with the time it's executive session so we would open I could do the 11th you can do 11th what I I should be able to would I be there I don't think so you don't need to be there yeah yeah just who was there right was from the previous year right I wasn't here for that one two three four Peter who's the fifth one Nancy eron was still on it too oh yeah no Nancy was ncy Y what we do 7 o'clock something uh that would be fine if that works I mean we're we're if you all prefer seven we can keep it at S I know was it was it going to be something else or doesn't make a difference to me it it's it's exe it's just on us so we could does 7 o' work yeah okay um we can just hold out the vote a minute I see if Steve is available to answer can you meet an executive session next Thursday at 7 o' I would imagine an hour plus Tuesday works too Thursday doesn't I can do Tuesday to I don't know Tuesday works for Tuesday works for me Tuesday works for me yeah Becky I have a question um I would have no say in the executive session but I can attend is that correct just being in the position I am that's all um I can confirm with Town Council I believe you can okay I'd like to be again I'll I'll ask Town Council I can be part of the discussion but I just can't make a final be part of the final decision Well we'd have to I think you can ask questions if you were permitted to go which I think you would be Paul would be the each board has its own rules I'll ask um Town Council would you give me a call pleas if it's only the the individuals who are listed on right that's act lawsuit because I I missed a meeting for that hearing so I just want to I'd like to be there just so you know um I think this is based B on the initial because of the lawsuit right those named no I understand I will I will ask thank you nothing yet would imagine he's got something going if he couldn't come tonight so he may well be where he can't respond if if plan on that would prefer on Tuesday oh that's the other thing is would you be willing to meet a little earlier on Tuesday cuz I'm mhm someone was throwing out Tuesday instead of Thursday I didn't know if we were leaning towards Tuesday other person should probably check with was fall H yeah that's a good point what time would you like to do on Tuesday we have office hours until 7 so I'm here till 7 anyway just not go beyond 7 5:30 I can do earlier it's Tuesday I can't do earlier if it's Thursday when 5:30 work on Tuesday what's that 5:30 work on Tuesday yeah as an option I'm going to give Paul two options oh yeah um I can do earlier on Tuesday I can't on Thursday I have something I want to put this on my I write I me I didn't bring anything with Meer don't worry about it thank you THS the 11 this is next Tuesday next Tuesday I just have to remember it long enough to put it on my calendar at home where's your digitalize you know what's funny I I worked in that business all my life but I don't trust it I can't live without it I got five calendars in this phone I do everything I can to unplug at every opportunity I wish I don't tell Steve there's an option too Becky can I have Steve's committed to Thursday tiny piece of paper with that date on it thank you I'll get it I'll get it when we close we're doing Thursday um Steve committed to it oh posted notice great I live more by posed notes than my phone there's an app called Post-its on the phone Post-it notes on your phone I know and I don't use it thank you you're talking to a guy who designed computers I know how unreliable they are excuse me is your name Al Gore no no I did not bring the inter well as much as I don't like Al Gore I have to tell you in honesty all he said was he brought the internet to the Senate yeah he got hung for that that was unfair yeah he did he never said he invented the internet I thought he did no he never said that so Paul can do Tuesday uh Steve has not responded till Tuesday yet group text group text actually what he brought to the Senate ability was an inonet quorum you coordinating you can group text that's I don't even have your cell we have to call some fake 800 numbers you know you're not just because I have three cell numbers that can ring this three numbers that can ring this phone you can group text any one of them my wife you're not going to sell me believe me that's my wife too believe me I have two work numbers plus my personal sell that brings this that's how my wife is the highest technology I use is YouTube to pass my time away can read Tuesday okay Paul has a conflict okay what is your wife do oh he has a conflict on Thursday yeah oh tell well Thursday's out you so from physical or OT or uh no she's uh uh she does like a DBT therapy mental health yeah okay should give her a call I I should give her a call on Tuesday okay what time is conservation oh yeah never mind the room will be next week the room is used by conservation but we can have the side private practitioner we don't need she's actually opening up her own um Paul right now she just opened up okay is it seven they do something weird don't theyed to work at the Veterans Administration after they got to feel special and uh the mental health department there is like youie exploding would have a large commute yeah is that the one where we open you have the uh agenda I'm going to yeah she used to work at mlan hospital before Oh I know my not as a oh yeah yeah but even then sure I'm not sure I trust people that don't have a certificate from you okay Jamie this bronchitis I've had since January that's encouraging spread your spread your bacteria we can all use it contagious you'll be all right I just puffed on my inhaler I'm good puff puff G right I was trying to pad this meeting so it's not the shortest meeting I mean I mean when they start at 7 they start at 7 let's go for 6:30 and is he is there an agenda there too is he uh oh he'll probably be there what's what's the first thing on there an RDA notice of int they have some new sessions that's what he for probably 20 there's a few things ongoing I'm not sure which he got called in for so how was your Easter it it'll be it'll be a long meeting yeah I'm thinking we'd have to get him before right uh Steve gets home between 600 and 6:15 so that's not enough time I didn't get to see the numbers should try a different day post it week ahead 29 25 are we comfortable with a with a week ahead what did you decide uh Tuesday 5:30 Tuesday at 5:30 doesn't work doesn't uh Tuesday at 5:30 doesn't work for Steve it works for Paul but Thursday doesn't work for Paul Thursday does not work for Paul yks the week ahead so the 16th I won't be here that's right that's I'll be in Disney World so unless you want to do it come down in the Magic World of Magic that is Disneyland I've never been to Disney World we our second I got you I do something Disney with my kids every year that's nice that feels ni my wife bought tickets and airplane tickets and everything else she needed hotels to visit Disney World in uh January of 2020 oh and she couldn't go and none of it was refundable because it was all some kind of deal yeah you did you know so $5,000 just evaporated he said he can do Tuesday I have so I have a Disney Vacation Club so and then I drive I don't fly cuz flying four is too Grand driving is 500 actually the last time I drove to Florida I have to honestly I enjoyed it uh Wednesday is no I can't it's Scout night Monday is a possibility no I can't the only nights I have for you are Tuesdays and Thursdays at seven Mondays soccer 23rd maybe we could alternate the time on Thursday and see if who has to be here I can't get here before 7 who has to be here is Peter myself Stephen Charlie not Charlie Jamie there's only four of us we end up with five right Nancy and Emily but both of them are out right just the four no matter what it's a uh majority you're sunk unanimous Tuesday and Thursday how uh early could you do on Thursday seven and that's me speeding so I didn't say that well you're talking about the speed of your car right right we only have Tuesdays and Thursdays unless you want do Friday cannot attend till after 6:30 I mean I can do a Friday you want to give up your Friday cut into my drinking it's cut into my family too but you don't have a I can do tomorrow my kids are gone at 5 so you guys tomorrow does tomorrow work I can't tomorrow okay I Friday Fridays if you can do Friday mornings I can do other than tomorrow I can be here at 6 Friday morning Friday morning sure me my days are flexible I don't know what's your daytime I run my own business about Friday so my days my day my daytime's flexible too during the school day so I'm only yeah I mean I don't know I know I don't have to be here Sten can't during the day I don't know what his I run my own business so I'm pretty flexible i s this to Paul we only have Tuesdays and Thursdays Stephen cannot attend till after 6:30 and Paul can't attend on Tuesday because of conserv conservation that sounds like it's going to be a very busy night for him as well as conservation and then we can go to the fourth week in April yeah we could do do that we could look at the fourth week is that pushing it on the deadline uh yeah yeah I mean so somebody's going to have to find a way to do this yeah we jump ahead to the fourth as a non-voting member I'll just come when you say to come but uh my days are completely flexible every day for me is a Saturday said I mean my daytime during the school days very flexible or I'm Friday Friday looks like then we could do uh April 25th which is a Thursday push well yeah go for 7 o'clock I can do that y yep is the 23rd Tuesday oh he can't do any Tuesday is conservation meet every week every other week or oh twice a month every other week so it's almost every other week second and fourth yeah okay so 2th 23rd yeah 25th double check with Steven I didn't screw this up Peter you said that works for you yeah the 25th it's seven is that when we do it not confirmed yet um yeah Paul can do it on the 11th which is Thursday that's next Thursday at 7 p.m. and that's the one that that you can Steve can do I can do and Steve said he can do it Steve can do it I can do it yep Paul can do it now Paul can do it mhm Paul can do it that's the one Paul said he couldn't do but now he can yes he made room I don't know what what he okay um so we're back to the 11th so Thursday at 7 o'clock Stephen said I will be there so all right April 11th at 7 all right I'll book us a room and post the agenda and who do I submit my time card to very funny Jamie give your own business subit it to yourself sounded good anyone else want to stick it you said it okay I'll bring my phone next time all right somehow my phone got linked to my calendar I have no idea how that happened so I can put it on my phone and it shows up on my computer are you Apple if your email if it's cuz it's your your namea it's it's your it's your Apple ID yeah where your Apple ID and your it's your Apple ID I don't even know what my password is my Apple ID anymore but if you if it's an apple and a Mac let me know ask me every time I open the thing up everybody in my house has iPhones andc MacBook airs is it it's your Apple ID is connected that's why many minutes I don't know I the so can but you logged in your Apple account you you loged that's one Apple ID for all of your devices that's how it's connected oh great my daughter can see my calendar want to no she has her own Apple ID it's meeting yeah it'll be three of us to approve it Bri yeah some kind of to approve the minutes canid but can sh I can make a motion to approve the minutes for my you have you can any changes of Corrections lead sorry nope I didn't see any March 7th huh are there any changes or Corrections yeah I wasn't here on that one the only ones here were Brian Charlie me and Jamie I didn't see any rod and Peter were not here and Glen is not here today okay sorry all in favor all I I ra my that's okay I forget just so excited I forget to so we will be here next Thursday 11 I don't think uh Jose you'll have any require right there I don't know if I would actually you're named in the suit in the suit you're named in it that's fine I don't have sorry ask it's appropriate to come or I'll are you available I'm sorry I didn't even think of that Jose cuz you're named in it too as far as the date availability no I'm I'm good Thursday next Thursday Thursday okay if I have to yeah just throw a wrench right in there I know last minute okay bu you Snickers bar okay well can I get a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn all in favor I