##VIDEO ID:AZe7rtaCVi8## e e e e e e e e can we please all rise for the pledge of Ali i' to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands na God indivisible withy and justice for all okay calling this meeting to order will our please do a roll call Council tener Garcia pres Council herenz Rivera is absent councilor rupo councelor Taylor oh here sorry councelor Robinson here councilor Tes here councilor Kelly G present councilor sanet here Council Vega absent councilor Brown present and Council nine members present you have a quum evening than you for join okay so thank you everyone as I was saying um this ceremony is long overdue we have um heroes in our community that have been waiting for for this moment their loved ones to celebrate and of course um our privilege to be here and and and witness and honor you all um I know that some of you have been with us since October um last year was definitely not an easy year for our firefighters in Chelsea as we saw a handful of fires um but we are eternally grateful and thankful for you all and the work that you do and for always putting yourself El in the front line when our community needs you the most with that being said I would like to ask our chief to please join us and one of our members to please accept the motion I'll accept the call at a meeting if there are no objections thank you councelor Chief H good evening uh members of the city council and city manager guests and my fellow firefighters uh it's an honor to stand before you here tonight on this special occasion uh tonight we're swearing in four new firefighters to our department uh and we're promoting three new company offices as most of you know and as uh the council president just alluded to uh it's been a difficult year for the fire department um we've had a noticeable increase in structure fires this year uh significant increase in emergency uh responses um so we're thrilled to get four new firefighters uh on the department uh to fill vacancies that were created by recent retirements um these individuals have undergone a rigorous training program uh they completed a 10-week uh firefighter recruit training program at the Massachusetts fire academy and then an additional week of training with our Training Division uh in addition to welcoming our new firefighters tonight uh I'm proud to promote three deserving individuals to company officer positions within our department these individuals have demonstrated exceptional leadership skill and dedication dedication to our department and I have no doubt that they'll continue to excel in their new positions with that said I'd like to call upon the city uh clerk to administer the oats uh first I'll call Ivan sod firefighter Ivan soda forward please uh firefighter soda High graduated from Chelsea High he's a member of the Army National Guard for over four years and he's been deployed to Jordan Syria and Kuwait firefighter sodah high will be joining his brother devani who's been a member of our department for several years and he just returned from a one-year deployment in Iraq fight at fighter sodah high is currently assigned to the fire suppression division group three uh next I'll bring up firefighter Ryan Mar uh Ryan graduated from Chelsea High and he has associates degree in Business from Bunker Hill Community College he's been a member of the Army National Guard for over 11 years during which time he is deployed to Iraq uh firefighter MO is currently assigned to the fire suppression division group two uh next Kevin Rosado fire fighter Rosado graduated from Chelsea High he has an associates degree in athletic training and a bachelor's degree in sports movement in firefighter Rosado was assigned to the fire suppression division group four and last I'd like to call firefighter Mike Pand uh Mike Pand previously worked with uh in our 911 Communication Center in 2021 he then went on to work with the writing fire department from 2022 until January of this year uh fire fighter PO is a nationally registered and certified paramedic and he is assigned to the fire suppression division group one doly swear do solemly swear and affirm and affirm that I will Faithfully faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties and come upon me and come upon me as a firefighter As A Firefighter of the Chelsea fire department of the Chelsea fire department according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my abilities and understanding and understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth and the laws of the Commonwealth the charter the charter and the ordinances and the ordinances of the city Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so help me God so help me [Applause] God okay uh we'll do the pinning ceremony uh pinning firefighter soda high will be his mother Jessica if you'd like to come forward for uh Penning firefighter M will be his mother zakiya pinning firefighter Rosado will be his mother aah Gomez and his father Julio Rosado [Applause] and pinning fir figh of Pand will be his father fire Lieutenant Gary Pand [Applause] so I'd like to welcome our new firefighters to the department and extend my congratulations to all of you I wish each of you success in a long safe and rewarding career [Music] [Applause] and you guys can be dismissed you guys are all [Applause] set now next I'd like to call upon Lieutenant Shan Byron to come forward Lieutenant Byron joined our department in 2017 he's a nationally registered and certified paramedic a hazardous material technician and a technical rescue rescue specialist uh Lieutenant Byron's currently assigned to the fire suppression division engine Company 2 group four CL Sean Kennedy Byron do Solly swear do solemnly swear and affirm and affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties and come it upon me and come it upon me as a lieutenant as a lieutenant of the Chelsea fire department of the Chelsea fire department according to the best according to the best my abilities my abilities and understanding and understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth and the laws of the Commonwealth the the charter the the ordinances and the ordinances of the city of Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so help me God so help me [Applause] [Applause] G and pinning Lieutenant Byron will be his wife Melissa [Applause] thank you next I'd like to call Captain Dan D Jordi to come forward Captain de Jordi joined the Department in 2014 he holds a master's degree in public administration with a specialization in Fire and emergency services from Anna Maria College and a bachelor's degree of science from Salem State College Captain Jordi is a United States Marine Corps veteran who served from 2008 to 2012 during which time he was deployed to Jordan in support of operation enduring Freedom he was a certified emergency medical technician certified fire instructor a hazardous material technician technical rescue specialist and a structural collapse specialist Captain dord is currently assigned to the fire suppression division ladder company 2 group four clect I I Daniel dord do somly swear do solemly swear and affirm and affirm that will Faithfully faithfully and impartially impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties coming upon me coming upon me as a captain as a captain of the Chelsea fire department the Chelsea according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my abilities and understanding understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth and the laws of the Commonwealth the charter the charter and the ordinances and ordinances of the city of Chelsea the city of Chelsea to help me God to help me God thank [Applause] you pinning Captain de Jordi will be his wife Danielle [Applause] next I'd like to call upon deputy chief Richard Kino Deputy Kino joined the Department in 1994 he holds a bachelor's degree in fire science he's a certified emercy emergency medical technician and a certified hazardous material technician in 2002 deputy chief Kino who was a firefighter at the time was awarded the Massachusetts firefighter Medal of Honor for his heroic his heroic actions at a two alarm fire on Central lab where he assisted in rescuing two residents who were trapped on the second floor of their home deputy chief Kino is currently assigned to the fight prevention division where he serves as the unit Commander I I Richard Gino doly swear do solemly swear and affirm and affirm that will Faithfully that it will faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties come it upon me and come it upon me as a deputy chief as a deputy chief of the Chelsea fire department the Chelsea fire department according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my abilities and understanding and understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations the Constitution the Constitution and the laws of the and the laws of the commo the charter the charter and the ordinances and the ordinances of the city of Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so God so help me [Applause] go and pinning deputy chief Kino will be his wife Sue [Applause] in closing i' would like to thank the city council and the city manager for your continued support of our department and for recognizing the very hard work and dedication of our firefighters thank you okay um I'll just say real briefly to all the family and loved ones here you must be so proud um on behalf of the city council thank you guys thank you for your service your commitment but most of all for the love that you do your work with each and every day thank you with that we'll close and we'll open up for some pictures thank you e for