##VIDEO ID:C6BqSdeCce8## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all rise for the pledge of allegiance of Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands nation under God indivisible andice for all all right calling this meeting to action um clerk please do a roll call for us Council tener Garcia pres councel jenez Rivera present councelor recupero councilor Taylor here councel Robinson here councilor tesher here councilor Kelly Garcia present councilor sanate here Council Vega Council Brown pres and Council desus present 10 members present you have a quum thank you clerk moving on to memorials and celebratory resolutions the only resolution on the agenda this evening is a resolution introduced by the council president and all members of the city council in honor of Black History Month whereas in 1926 historian Carter G Woodson the child of enslaved parents suggest to the second week of February be declared negro history week to celebrate and study the accomplishments of African Americans and whereas Woodson believed the teaching of black history in schools was essential to ensure the intellectual and physical survival of African-Americans arguing if a race has no history it has no worthwhile tradition becoming a negligible factor in the thought of the world and stands in danger of being exterminated and whereas African-American Educators and students at Kent State University in Ohio first proposed Black History Month in 1969 with the first celebration taking place at the University in February of 1970 and whereas President Gerald Ford recognized Black History Month in 1976 during the celebration of the United States Bicentennial and whereas Woodson's organization now known as The Association for the study of African-American life and history has designated the theme of this year's Black History Month as African-Americans in labor focusing on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds free and free skilled and unskilled vocational and voluntary intersect with the collective experiences of black people in whereas every February the Chelsea black community Host this annual Black History Month celebration bringing the community together to honor the achievements culture and contributions of black individuals throughout history now therefore be it resolved that the Chelsea city council recognizes February of 20125 as Black History Month in the city of Chelsea acknowledges the achievements of black Americans throughout our nation's history and encourages its celebration to raise awareness of this community's accomplishments thank you Clerk councelor Brown seeing no objections you have the floor counselor thank you m president miss president sorry AP to say Mr President but forgive me miss president um thank you for this resolution again this is something that we do every year in February the host of events to go on throughout our city and throughout our state it's a great opportunity to realize what we came from the past and also we are today here and as we move forward into the future so it's a resiliency of the struggles that was before us the struggles that we've already come and also the strugg struggles that we maintain even today and how we get to them with unity and working together and contining the all that's made this world a better place so I want to thank the um bringer of this resolution and ask the folks at home and in the audience if you're not doing nothing throughout the month to February find out a little bit more about black history month thank you thank you counselor councelor sanate um I also just wanted to say that the city and the Chelsea black community are going to be um co-sponsoring an art exhibition by the African-American artist toana Wright who's a resident of Chelsea and the theme is that the struggle continues so she's working now and the reception will be on the 5th of February and the art will be displayed um in the city hall gallery and I hope you'll all have a chance to come and see it thank you counselor seeing no other comments moving on next item on the agenda public speaking anyone here for public speaking please use the podium state your name and address please make sure your mic is turned on if the light is green you're good to go thank you yes my name is Herman Weiss I live on Franklin Street in Chelsea um like most of you I've been following the news during the week and seeing what's happening to our federal government and how it's filtering down to our neighborhoods um I would like to pose the question of what Chelsea is doing to protect his suit citizens because quite frankly I don't see that there's a lot of trust that the federal government is going to have the discernment to to round up criminals only um I've seen this movie I grew up with it without explaining so um I just want to put that out there that I would like to understand if Chelsea is making any contingencies to protect its citizens against what is an incursion from our federal government thank you good evening my name is Mariam ASO I reside at 126 Cottage Street here in Chelsea I currently serve as the president for the npba local 1992 for our emergency 911 dispatchers I stand tonight before you to urge you to reject the proposal of regionalization at the subcommittee on January 14th we heard the benefits a new building a fitness center new equipment upgraded technology a state-of-the-art center all of which Chelsea just invested $4.3 million in we heard about resource sharing something that we successfully do now tonight you'll be presented with numbers that look appealing on paper $4.5 million in savings over the course of 5 years that is a pretty number for a city to save but at what cost layoffs of layoffs of City employee slower response times three times the workload first respond or safety we are dealing with life or death quite literally Chelsea 911 is more than a service we are a Lifeline for our community you all hold the power to save lives and to retain the dedicated skilled professionals who serve Chelsea every single day I urge you to consider the findings in the subcommittee the amount of research that we've done the unanswered questions regarding job security the proof in the quality of our service and our current response times we put out a great product we're more than just a number and a budget we are Chelsea we know our people the streets and the unique needs of our Community that's a connection that can't be replicated Chelsea has always been a city that takes care of its own with the heart the resources and the strength of its people everything we need is right here in the city now we look to you our city councilors to answer our call be our 911 and keep cheli's 911 services right here in the city that it serves thank you for your time thank you good evening my name is Susana of 27 Prescott Avenue here in Chelsey and I come as a resident and as a member of C the community enhancement team and I come to Advocate that you vote for and approve the community preservation committee's Grant that's been given or uh recommended for c for the sunflower Garden our sunflower Garden is has become a very well-known area in Chelsea what used to be a forgotten garbage dump has now become a gorgeous spot and it's one that is maintained exclusively by volunteers it's proof that we can transform a garbage dump into a thriving community space please approve this budget thank you anyone else good evening my name is Christine paac I live at 6 cabbit Street Chelsea I just want to reiterate on what um miam was saying in regards to the 911 dispatchers a lot of things look good on P but the paper doesn't go out onto the field and play the game you know we do our jobs we take care of the community we are very good at our jobs if you're looking to save money there there are ways of doing that I myself I'm very proud to say that I work for the city of Chelsea e911 I don't want to tell people in the city that I'm getting laid off from a job that doesn't need layoffs because you're sending us you're sending the services to another city chel 911 Chelsea people depend on us we take a lot of calls there are a lot of calls that come in that when we answer it we already know who we're talking to without them even saying who they are they've come to to depend on us and we all love our jobs and we love working for the city of Chelsea please keep us here that's what I'm asking if it's not broken please no need to fix it thank you thank you hi my name is Sandy Maynard I live at 52 Chester Avenue in Chelsea and I'm here tonight to advocate for the approval of the grant money for the sunflower Garden um over at the end of maror Street um if you're familiar with that area you could you probably know that it used to around the corner be a Dumping Ground for tires and refrigerators and garbage and whatnot our committee um which is all volunteers have cleaned that area up and we've planted sunflowers and we'd like to plant more um more flowers there and make it a place that's accessible to all right now um it's not handicapped AC accessible it's on a very steep slope so we need a portion of it graded which requires heavy equipment and money to um grade the area to make it safe so people can sit there and enjoy it um our sunflowers that we plant every year are a welcoming site when you're coming coming into Chelsea on the silver line and we're very proud of that Garden we have a we have a mini um a mini uh uh uh Army of foot soldiers who go up there and we clean the area we rake the area we weed the area and we plant the plants so it's not like um it's not going to be maintained that's what we do as a community we get together and we go over to the sunflower garden and we keep it nice and beautiful for other people to enjoy and I have some letters of advocacy that I'd like to present to you that's okay absolutely thank you okay for the the record for my counselors you all have this in your email just confirmed with the clerk but if you want a paper copy I can pass it down anyone else here for public speaking no okay yeah good evening I don't like to speak in public but I'm a Chelsea resident and I'm here on behalf of trying to please share your name and address oh my name is Patricia bakley and I live on Spencer ra and I'm here to speak on behalf of being a citizen of Chelsea and having to use my 91 Dispatch Center many times of hot condition I as a citizen would like to see the financials and understand all the financials CU I do have people that live in another city that refuse to do re regionalization so but as a resident these dispatchers do work very very hard I've been in the center many times I've had a friend who has worked for 911 for 50 years who was always against regionalization and he had his reasons and but I just find the response time that if you regionalize you have to you have a different person you've have to go through a longer period of getting help and minutes do count and these men and women that work at I 911 know this city they not just dispatch a medical they dispatch for everything every question is go through 911 whether a dogs loss or anything so I'm just I'd like to know as a citizen the financials find out more the financials in five years because as we know it is on paper and like I said I do know other people that have not regionalized and for that reason it didn't help them down the road so I'm asking you think about keeping our sent here and we did just put a lot of money into it and is beautiful and I just know that building as my civil service many years ago when I was young so please let us know as Citizens the real savings and everything else and where these people will go and how they will go and how it benefits us I know my response time is real quick right now and having another person have to pick up a phone and put it somewhere else whatever we all know what it's just think about it all so before we get rid of them thank you thank you sorry I'm nervous anyone else okay we are closing our public speaking portion of the meeting and moving on to approval of the minutes seeing no objections thank you counselor second set of minutes is from the regular meeting of the city council dat of January 6 2025 accepting file no objections moving on to Communications from the city manager our first communication received from the city manager responding to council order 24206 Penrose development dear counselors this is my second response to council order 24206 requesting that the city manager provide an update on the development of the Chelsea veterans home as initially shared our team has worked collaboratively with the Penrose team on this project at the request of the council we ask Penrose to provide a written update to the Council on the project the response from Penrose is attached we will Mad president move to accept and file under communication I like to speak on the matter seeing no objections and councelor Robinson you have the floor yes as a veteran I would like to go on record that Penrose reach out to the 600 homeless vets in Massachusetts to fill this project I stand income could be a issue but let's go after as many subsidies as possible to house our veterans who represented us through all the wars that we've had to fight thank you thank you counselor moving on to the next item on the agenda next communication received from the city manager responding to council order 2502 Marginal Street and Pearl Street intersections dear councilors seeing no objections councel you have the floor um I read the report that they did the C the city got a fund from d dot Department of Transportation so they had an engineer come out and say oh well we don't need that signal well the engineer doesn't live here and the people that turn on the left hand side to go to East Boston to go over the bridge they take their life in their own hands when they turn over there because they can't turn because nobody stops so I was told they're not going to change anything I hope they do change it because if you live here and you use Marginal Street and you want to go over the Meridian Street bridge and you want to take a left hand turn it was there before it was there for years it worked all of a sudden the explanation was actually they said we don't believe it's necessary because there's not enough backup traffic to Warrant the leftand turn well everything they say could be whatever but if the life of one person that turns and gets an accident is just as important as anything else so they should be important if people turn to the left hand side and cannot turn and they're going to get smashed cuz when they coming down they don't stop so I don't know what else we can do I don't think is the city going to change it or not I don't I don't know maybe there should be a question ask to the city manager if if it's possible that suspend let city manager or not if you can't he can't answer it thank you counselor moving on to the next item on the agenda next item on the agenda communication received from the city manager requesting approval of appointments to boards and commissions dear councilors pursu to section 4-2 of the charter of the city of Chelsea I am writing to recommend the following individuals to boards and commissions in the city for appointment to the economic development board Mr Michael Tre way of Chelsea to fill an unexpired term expires January 6 2030 appointment to the Council of Elder Affairs Miss Grace McKinnon of Chelsea to fill an unexpired term expires May 20th 2027 I respectfully request your approval of these appointments I have attached resumes for the new appointees Madame President I move for second reading seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on to the next item next communication received from the city manager regarding a request for proposals feasibility study for a new community Center dear councilors I am writing to share with you an exciting next step in a vision that is madam president I move for wave the rest of the reading um and I'll also move for this to be uh handled at a subcommittee on conference and I'd like to speak on it I would actually like for our clerk to just read the first paragraph to give a glimpse to our community and then we can wave the rest of the reading and just for the public to note that this is all public record so there will be more information and i' like to speak first paragraph for many years this Council has shared the aspiration of providing our residents with a dedicated space for recreation connection and Community Building I am pleased to present a request for proposal developed by Charlie gria our director of sports tourism and athletic infrastructure to undertake a comprehensive feasibility study for this project thank you clerk counselor rupo good evening do you accept he already accepted sorry go ahead go ahead councelor uh for many many years I've been advocating to get a community center cuz I grew up in his Boston and they had a community center and that was very important to me because it got me connected with the rest this city is a doesn't have a community center it hasn't had one for years the last probably Community Center it had was choice to education which they did away with choice for Education used to help well uh that not too long ago when the former city manager was here Mr Tom ambrosino I spoke to him and he was in favor and I think the current city manager is in favor of doing the same thing but the issue's always been where you going to put it how you going to do it how much is it going to cost that's always been the issue but there shouldn't be an issue because a community center is very important to all of us especially to the future generation of our city that they at least get to know who they are and uh get to understand more of each other's ways that's what it did for me and I hope it does it for the rest and um this says is that we're doing a study well a study but does it actually is the city manager going to come back to us and say this is what we found because they already had a study done the federal government did a study in the hopa money and the federal government said that this city doesn't need a community center the money should have been spent to put in a community center which Mr Tom ambrosino told me that the federal government had a recommended that this city does need a community center so I hope this doesn't take 22 years by the time it gets done I hope it gets done a little faster than that so maybe with they after this study is done we will come across the city manager will come to us and say well this is what we proposed and this is what we're going to do and I hope it doesn't take a long time and I wish that the city does it it'll be a good thing for the kids of our city not only the kids the grown-ups too because grown-ups can go to Community Center sometimes it's very important and I think has been very important to me for years I advocated for it and now I hope that the dream of having a Community Center in this city does come true thank you thank you counselor moving on to the next it wa Tod oh go ahead counselor so I just wanted to say that I'm I'm happy that this uh is is coming uh the first steps are are are actually being taken um this has been one of two of of uh my own Big Ticket uh uh projects that I would like to see done as as as I'm on the city council um we worked hard in trying to revamp Our Youth Sports uh team and uh the first step was uh was H hiring Charlie and he's put together a great uh a great thing here and I want to see this go for board and um I think it's it's like my fellow counselor said it's not only important to the youth it's important to our entire community and this is something that we don't have and I think that this you know Chelsea's a little bit like a Rubik's Cube there's a lot of stuff going on at the same time and I think if we can invest the money I I'm a conservative all right I I don't I don't like to spend money very very much I'd rather save it for a rainy day but this is something that we need and this is something that's going to help our residents so uh you know it's it's not good to Short change this is the this is the level of government where we should be spending money this is the level of government that's closest to the people where they can really use what uh what we do here and I think that this is a perfect example of uh of something something so I look forward to this going forward thank you very much thank you counselor um can I just briefly ask uh counselor um teshi because I interrupted and I wanted the the reading to at least happen for the first paragraph did you send it to a subcommittee did you subcommittee of okay all right great we'll be hearing more and um we'll have Charlie present so that he can tell us a lot more about all the great work you're doing thank you let's move on to the next item on the agenda next item on the agenda we have a communication from the city manager regarding emergency 911 regionalization overview dear counselors this communication provides a picture of the process the city of Chelsea has undertaken to regionalize its e911 dispatch operations this initiative is a collaborative effort with the city of Rivier in the town of Winthrop to enhance service quality operational efficiency and long-term sustainability over the past year Chelsea has engaged in discussions with winth and Riv to explore the benefits and Logistics of consolidating e911 District dispatch operations into a regionalized system this partnership aims to create a robust state-of-the-art dispatch system that addresses the unique needs of each participating Community while leveraging shared resources for maximum efficiency to ensure transparency and public involvement the administration brought this proposal before the city council subcommittee for discussion these meetings provided an opportunity for Council Members stakeholders and the public to learn about the regionalization process ask questions and provide feedback while the initial communication on the matter was out of our control and certainly not what we desired the Administration has since made every effort to ensure that all employees directly impacted by this change have access to comprehensive information and the opportunity to voice their concerns i' ask ask the clerk to wave the rest of the meeting and move it back to conference I'd like to speak on it I'd like to speak on it real quick seeing no objections you have the floor counselor um I I just want to make sure um because we did have a number of speakers on this and just for everybody here and everybody anybody watching um we are not taking a vote on anything on this matter yet um I just want to you know speaking for myself I am not ready to vote on this yet I think that there is a lot of questions there is a lot of um you know points of view that need to be heard and I just want to make sure that everybody um present and everybody listening understands that we are not taking a vote today we have not scheduled a vote we are in the process of having a full conversation about this so um please everyone we want to hear your opinions definitely um and you know we will be very clear when that next step happens so thank you councelor brown thank you madam president I'll be quick again yes I agree with my fellow counsel um we will not be taking a vote on this we've actually had a one subcommittee we've had a very interesting subcommittee uh I want to convince the city manager we ask him to give us something that we can have leaving that subcommittee that to have that we can read more on we also ask the other opponents um to come up and and also if they had questions or if they needed to give us information we ask them to provide us with stuff the unions that was there for the groups and also the um teams so we we we're far far away from voting uh but we are gathering information so want to also thank the residents that came up to speak tonight but again uh I want to thank the city manager for starting us off giv us a package that we can read and if anyone else have something that if you can make a meeting and like to um presented to the city council please feel free to make sure we get it thank you madam president thank you councelor councelor rero um I want the people to understand uh this is not going to happen now this is going to happen within two years so there's plenty of time for all of us to determine what it's going to do because this doesn't go in effect right now it goes in effect with if it does happen within two years so it's not something that's happening right now it's going to take if it does happen two years so there's plenty time for anybody that has anything or to come up and say whatever they want to but it's not happening now it takes two years thank you councelor tesi um I just want to say uh that all of you who have spoken about this subject I want to encourage you to continue doing so because you are being heard and uh you have you know a lot of you that have spoken have given me a lot to think about out so I would just say keep doing it um until you are satisfied because again some of you are residents of this community some of you have been working for for this community for more than 20 years and and we want to show you as well that we appreciate that because that's a lot to give thank you counselor all right moving on there will be more on this in the committee report section I'll ask one of my colleagues to just accept for me um but it basically everything that you've heard now is what was spoken on the the January 14th meeting moving on to the next item next communication received from the city manager regarding the FY 26 through fy3 Capital Improvement plan dear councilors pursuant to the obligations under section 5-4 of the Chelsea City Charter please find attached the proposed Capital Improvement plan CIP for fiscal years 2026 to 2030 this document marks the 27th consecutive plan submitted to the Chelsea city council a significant milestone in the fiscal management of our community strategic Capital Investments play a pivotal role in ensuring the sustainability and prosperity of our beloved Chelsea a well planned and well executed infrastructure program is the Cornerstone upon which a thriving and resilient city is built the enclosed Capital Improvement plan continues the city's commitment to utilize reserves and our fiscal strength to enhance the quality of life for our residents the proposed total investment for fy2 is in excess of $19 million the list of projects include major mad president uh move to wave the rest of the reading and um move it to uh public uh conference and scheduling a public hearing seeing no objections thank you counselor for the public these are available online you all can view it both English and Spanish our final communication received from the city manager requesting set counil authorization to transfer salary reserves to salary lines for various departments AC communication seeing no objections councelor would you like to speak on it no moving on to communic and petitions to the council the only communication before you this evening is a communication received from the assistant Parking Clerk regarding the agenda items approved at the January 7th 2025 meeting of the traffic and parking commission please note that there is an amended version of one of the agenda items attached or was included with your packets it was a mistake on agenda item 19 as it was submitted to you thank you clerk is there a motion on the floor motion to move to accept and file under Communications um as amended seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on to committee reports our first committee report is a committee report received from Council Taylor from the meeting of the subcommittee on Ways and Means held January 14 2025 councelor Taylor Mike here Mike coun so in the last Ways and Means uh committee meeting um there were three Financial uh orders uh the first was um uh budget obligations were whereas costs incurred in fy22 and FY 24 were not paid and we're owed to vendors uh in the amount of $1,522 62 uh the next one was um uh sorry accepting a $155,000 grant uh from Mystic Valley Elder services and the last was the um uh Community preservation committee award uh grants um so uh I'd like to go ahead and well there'll be something coming up under second readings um that's it we we'll deal with it then thank you thank you counselor moving on to the next item our final committee report is a report received from the council president from the meeting of the subcommittee on Conference held January 14th 2025 can I have one of my colleagues please move to um accept and founder committee reports if there are no objections seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on we have no unfinished business we move on to Second readings first item under second readings we have a communication received from the city manager being read for the second time requesting approval of reappointments to boards and commissions de councilors pursuant to section 4-2 of the charter of the city of Chelsea I am writing to recommend the following individuals to boards and commissions in the city for reappointment to the Chelsea Housing Authority Board of Commissioners as tenant representative recommended by project y Federal tenants organization Miss oo of Chelsea for a new 5-year term reappointment to the Board of Health Mr Mario Leno Fernandez of Chelsea reappointment to the Council of Elder Affairs Mr Jamie Santos of Chelsea reappointment to the licensing commission miss Emily chernak of Chelsea reappointment to the planning board Mr Christian Deus Franco of Chelsea and for reappointment to the zoning board of appeals Mr Arthur arsenal of Chelsea and Miss Janice Tarka of methan I respectfully request your approval of these appointments councelor Taylor Madam president um I would move that we um uh separate out a couple of the uh appointments that that some counselors had questions on and move those uh to a subcommittee on conference um Mr Mar alino Fernandez and uh M Janice uh tatarka to subcommittee on conference and move the rest approve uh for approval second that motion councilor tesi seconds the motion seeing I have questions about the motion questions and I think I don't think it should be I if if it is a request for unanimous I I object um so I guess I before we decide to move them to a subcommittee I would like to just hear why we are doing so rather than just moving the approval I yeah just want to make sure that I have an understanding of why we're requesting this counselor Taylor it's it's merely that there are questions regarding uh whether we're we need to be appointing people that live in the city of Chelsea and also um the um uh there were questions regarding the Board of Health appointment as well so that bears a conversation that does not mean that that either one of these uh uh people will not be reappointed it only means that we want to have a conversation regarding these reappointments and that's our that's our privilege so thank you celor San did you have a question okay any objections I would like to Lodge my objection but if it is the only one then it's fine it's my objection two objections uh if objection there would be a roll call vote on the proposed amendment okay unless anyone wishes to speak on the proposal councelor Brown for clarification the motion from Council Taylor will be for you to approve all of the appoint reappointments except for Mari Lino fernandz to the Board of Health and Janice taret to the zoning board of appeals those two would be moved to conference all the rest would be approved Madame President I speak because um we've had these um notes in front of us um for some time um these folks have dedicated their s in the past um on one of the appointments that's been in question it has a Chelsea resident address at 62 orang Street I'm not sure why that's being in question um but the other is someone that we all know here that has been um dedicated and been a worker in the city of Chelsea and volunteer teering her time to be on this board that we've had in the the city manager has had difficult times in appointing and also filling with other applicants um these folks are here tonight um amongst us um to to be appointed and to willing to accept these non-paying positions and I think we should go forward with it um I was unaware that anyone had any questions but that's my opinion I think we should go forward with them thank you councelor recupero and councelor T um the only question I always have it's the same question that I've been asking for years why are we appointing people that don't live in our city and tell us how to run our city if you want to run my city you live in my city and see what we go through I've been asking that I don't care how qualified you are how long you've been there you have to live here you live here and then you can put up with what we do I don't know that's I have I'm against that if you don't live here there's plenty the answer I always got from people from the city itself oh there's not enough people that apply for this job there's not enough qualified people in the city of Chelsea why do you always say that there's plenty people in this city there's plenty qualified people you telling me that someone from Matan has to come here and tell us how to run our city there's not enough people in Chelsea to tell you how to run your city so if you want to make that argument go ahead go and say that the people of Chelsea are not qualified to be on these boards only Outsiders are qualified that's fine by me that's what you want go ahead and do it me personally and I've been saying for years you live in Chelsea then that's good you live here you know what I go through what every citizen goes through then you can do it if you don't live here you don't know how we go through you really don't you think you do but you don't thank you councelor tesi Madame President uh the reason why we decided that it might have been best for us to handle this matter in a subcommittee is because we do not want the meeting to become a debate uh for everybody to say Hey you know this is why you should do this I think that is a matter that's best handled in Communications with the city council in a subcommittee where people are always welcomed as well so that it's not to say you wouldn't be able to see our conversations you are more than welcome to however there is a long list of matters that need to be handled today and that is why I think that the most ideal way that we can proceed is so that we can separate matters that we have questions on have those conversations do not let the the the members that are waiting for their commissions um currently wait any longer handle those and then handle the qu the ones that we have questions on um in my view I think that is the B the best way we can proceed instead of uh yelling at each other um I want to say uh specifically to the members that are named um specifically in this uh second reading I do believe that all of you that have served in our boards I appreciate I respect the work you've done I think uh you know you you are the outstanding role model of what it means to be a member of our community so I want to make sure that you know we acknowledge that as well thank you counselor counselor uh Himes I hear a lot of talking about whether people should live in the city or not so I just want to bring up the point that we have discussed the objection for one of the two people um and I would be I I think that you know the conversation about the Board of Health um given things that have happened recently with the Board of Health should be a conversation about the Board of Health and not about the appointee to the Board of Health um so I would I think that we should approve both but if we were to have uh conversations about appointing people from outside of Chelsea that does not apply to our Board of Health appoint and I think if we wanted to have conversations about the Board of Health we should have those at a separate meeting rather than holding up a nomination an appointment to the Board of Health um and I yeah and and I believe that um I mean I would I don't know what what the rules allow us to do if it is a it is required to go to a to a subcommittee or if we can vote on that but if it were to be a vote I would move to approve the nomination for Mr Marino Fernandez to the Board of Health clar the motion before you is just an amendment to refer those two to conference if the amendment does not pass then the original communication with all the appoin comes before you and Council can vote to approve or reject in their entirety or making another amendment so we are currently voting to send it to conference right Madam president um I'm sorry give me one second cler is that correct correct okay uh councelor Taylor so I just want to make it clear to everybody you know there I think there are legitimate questions to be answered about about the appointments and how we're going to uh ratify the appointments made by the city May manager going forward this does not mean that we are tanking anybody's nomination okay but we have a job to do and because of the open meeting [Music] law we can't have those conversations outside of these meetings okay and we don't want this to be get bogged down in this whole discussion so respectfully you know I think we need to have this conversation with each other about how we're going to proceed it's not about one thing or another necessarily specifically but there there have been concerns raised by several counselors about these nominations so I think you know transparency is the best thing we invite the public we invite the nominees we invite the city manager um uh to this conversation and I think that that's I think that that's only fair and I would ask uh for my fellow counselors forbearance in having a conversation there's nothing wrong with having a conversation about what's the best thing to do that's all and we're not we're not we're not saying that these people will not be approved we just need to have a conversation that's the only thing thank you councelor Robinson well it's been the past practice of this board anytime that an appointment came up it was up to this board to reach out to those appointees and have a conversation and figure out each individual it's worth your while to support that candidate there have been people who have given a lot to this community in particularly I don't want to name names but you know being at they moved out of the city that shouldn't be a penalty for all the years that they have given to the city and to the boards I think it's unfair to look at it everybody has to be from Chelsea certain boards call for certain expertise and as I had a conversation with two of my colleagues way in the beginning you know if they felt that way go out and find an attorney who had zoning of parent and experience and bring it back to this board and we can go from there that didn't happen so that's on us okay so you can vote however you want to vote I know how I'm going to vote councelor himz so I think if if it's the case that we think that we should be having more oversight over these appointments I don't necessarily disagree with that but then we should be doing it for every appointee that we're having and and having conversations about all of them it just it doesn't feel right to me to be singling out these two specific people and and I think I I don't want to um I I don't think that it is getting in the way of making sure that people get their questions answered it's simply if you believe that any of these people should not be approved then you simply vote against it and then we can figure out what to do moving forward but if a majority of us believe that these people should be appointed then we should just move it to a vote Madam president I would call the question you you Rec I'm calling the question Council Taylor has made a motion to move the previous question can we clarify the vote the vote will be to end all further debate on the amendment presented before you from Council Taylor requesting to remove those two reappointments to the uh subcommittee on conference if the motion to move the previous question passes the amendment passes if the motion fails debate on the underlying amendment can continue the debate the motion is undebatable so so we're voting on the debate not on the you're voting on whether to end debate on the underlying motion if you end debate it goes to an immediate roll call vote otherwise you can continue debate Council tener yes councelor jenez Rivera yes Council rupo yes Council Taylor yes Council Robinson yes Council teser yes Council Kelly yes councilor sanate yes Council Vega is absent Council Brown yes Council adus yes 10 members voting in favor none voting in the negative and one absent the motion to move the previous question has passed the underlying amendment is before you now for a roll call vote to clarify the amendment refers the reappointments of Janice Tarka of the zoning board and Mario Leno Fernandez of the Board of Health to the subcommittee on conference yes vote to adopt councelor tener Garcia no councilor Herz rera no councilor rupo no councelor Taylor yes councelor Robinson no councilor Tesha yes councelor Kelly G no councilor sanate no council Vega is absent Council Brown no councelor desus no two members voting in favor eight members voting in the negative one member absent the amendment has been rejected the original communication is now before you for a motion councelor tesi Madam president I I do believe that um again the reason why I believe um counselor Taylor Made the motion so that we could you know continue to have conversations about you know the length that we're going to be appointing people yes counselor I just want to make sure that we move forward with a motion yeah and then um if there is anything else that we want to discuss regarding this topic we are welcome to put that into the next meeting's agenda yes um the vote is closed you can make an amendment now for the motion wait no hold on get motion and then if possible you can make an an amendment yeah so my motion again is to um um councelor heris point if we are going to review matters for uh sub um for boards and commissions appointees we should look at all of them so now I make the motion that we move all of these to a subcommittee on conference so that we can have again you know from the way it look at it looks like now people are not ready to make decisions on these um and again I do think there are questions to be had so we should just have have everybody be moved to a subcommittee and Conference so that we can continue to discuss these matters if the council does not think we should go that route I respect it but that my this would essentially mean full Council Quorum for us to hold a meeting on each and every appointment together I your Amendment for clarification is to refer the entire communication with all the appointments to conference yes uh councelor Roberto himz suggested Amendment on the floor is there a motion or there any objections motion to adopt the amendment councelor Tes is making the motion motion to adopt the amendment the amendment before you refers the entire communication to conference all the appointments this would mean all of the names would go into this conference I'd like to speak on it the Amendments on the floor are there any objections I object roll call vote on the amendment like to speak councelor he uh I just like to clarify when I said earlier that we should do this for everyone if that was the intent I did not mean that we should do this right now I think that we need to look at this process if it is something that we want to change I'm not saying that we need to hold up every appointment that we are trying to make today as councelor Robinson mentioned earlier the tradition has been that we reach out to the people we talk to people if we have questions that has counselors have had the opportunity to do so whether we have chosen to do so or not is up to each individual up here um I feel comfortable moving these people forward if we wanted to change the process moving forward I think that that is a separate conversation that we should definitely we can have that and we can make that decision but I will be voting now on the on the amendment councelor recupero and then councelor Taylor only am there is an amendment on the flo yep do you have any comments on the amendment okay councelor Taylor again there there there are no set rules that we must vote on this tonight now it's it may have been the tradition of previous councils to do to talk to these people and that's that's all fine but the issues the issues I I I believe are not really related to the individual nominees it's it's it's it does have to do with the process and it does have to do with um uh how we're going to go forward with this process with all nominees so I I first suggested that that the whole slate be be put and then there were objections well some of them came here and there's no objections to them so look all we're looking for is a conversation a conversation if you don't agree that's fine you don't agree and it's on the record and it's and and I'll be on the record everybody will be on the record but I don't understand quite frankly what some of my fellow counselors are afraid to have a conversation about why why why why vote against having a conversation it it doesn't make any sense to me if you're unwilling to listen then that makes sense but let's let's all have a conversation about this and why and what we should do about these nominations going forward there are legitimate questions that need to be addressed so I would just ask what what is what is the big deal thank you so much I think that we are ready to move forward with the vote um from what I am seeing the conversations that counselors want to have is more about the process and not about the individuals that are being voted on this evening I look forward to entertaining a conversation regarding the process if that is what my colleagues would like to do please add it to the next agenda let's move forward with a vote uh clerk please clarify what we're voting for the amendment before you refers the entire communication all of the reappointments in the communication to a subcommittee on conference yes vote to adopt the amendment Council ten r no councilor kenz r no councilor Reco no council Taylor yes councilor Robinson no council teser yes Council Kelly Garcia no councilor sanut no Council Vega absent Council Brown no council desus no two me two members voting in favor eight against one absent amendment has been defeated the underlying communication is before you again for motion councelor rero that we vote on uh the the pointy that doesn't live in Chelsea now all the years I've been here I always heard there wasn't enough qualified people here's your chance to prove it just I want to just vote on her not her specifically on people that don't live in our city that's all counselor please rephrase your motion so that we can okay well the motion is to send this person to subcommittee so we can talk about it can you be more specific to send it on conference to see that okay so can we have a motion just on her councelor I think what your colleagues are trying to share is that it's most likely not going to go through because all those motions were similar to the one that you are trying to push forward so okay so next council meeting we can put an order to do it to have a subcommittee councelor what was that so if I can so next council meeting we'll put in a subcommittee to find out exactly what is the process of getting Outsiders to come in in our city cuz I always been against people from outside our city going on our boards and I think 90% of the people in our city if you leave that question to them will follow the same thing that if you want to be on our board I said it earlier and I say it again you want to be on the boards live in this city there's plenty qualified people in this city counselor we're going to proceed with a vote and then we will uh work together on the next agenda uh clarify what votes clerk could you please repeat uh what I have before me is the Communication in its entirety there's no other pending amendments okay to the best of my knowledge at time let's move forward with the motion your mic counselor Madam pres make a vote that we move on the adoption of the appointees for REO REO and reappoint it in the rest of the um slate seeing no objections moving forward with a vote roll call vote requested yes vote to adopt for clarification you're voting on all the reappoints in the communication yes vote to adopt councilor ten raria yes Council hermen Rivera yes councelor recupero yes councilor Taylor it's absent councel Robinson yes Council tesher yes Council Kelly Garcia yes Council sanet yes Council Vega is also absent Council Brown yes and Council yes nine members voting in favor zero opposed two absent reappointments are approved thank you Clerk and thank you to those who joined us this evening to meet counselors thank you so much and I apologies for all of this moving on to the next item can we please proceed with the meeting your second item under second readings you have a communication you have an order introduced by councilor Taylor being read for the second time ordered that in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 44 section 64 budget management procedures whereby costs incurred in FY 22 and 24 were not paid and are owed to vendors and to meet this obligation funds are required from the current year FY 25 budget as noted the Chelsea city council authorizes the following expenditures to satisfy the unpaid balances the total $1,522 62 from prior years is there a motion on the floor okay seeing no objections moving on to a roll call Vote Yes vote to adopt Council may I may I just uh this was only on the uh sorry you roll call vote requested yes vote to adopt Council ten R yes Council Herz rer yes Council cero yes Council Taylor yes councilor Robinson yes Council Tes yes Council Kelly gcia yes Council sanit yes Council Vega absent Council Brown yes and Council adus yes 10 in favor zero opposed one absent order adopted thank you clerk next item next under second readings we have an order introduced by Council Taylor being read for the second time order that in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 44 section 53a the Chelsea city council hereby authorizes the city manager to accept a $155,000 grant from Mystic Valley Elder Services is there a motion move to roll call vote seeing no objections moving on to a roll call Vote Yes vote to adopt Council tenar gar yes Council Herman R yes Council rupo Council Taylor yes Council Robinson Council Tesh yes Council Kelly G yes Council sanut yes Council Vega zapson Council Brown yes and Council adus yes 10 in favor zero opposed one absent order is adopted next item on the agenda our final item under second readings we have an order introduced by Council Taylor being read for the second time order that the Chelsea city council act on the report of the community preservation committee on the awarding of grant funding to the FY 2025 Community preservation projects in in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 44b section 53d and in accordance with chapter 2 article 7 division 3 section 2- 330 of the revised code of ordinances of the city of Chelsea Madam president I'd like to um call for a roll call vote on the adoption of all items except the the garden which we did not get a chance to uh pardon me may I speak on it afterward and leave the leave the garden part in the committee see no objections you have the floor okay so the the problem with the last meeting was sorry let me clarify real quickly sorry can we can I'd like to hear him speak before um yes before I decide whether or not you have the floor so scratch the no objections say that again scratching no objections yeah yeah sure so the reason why I'm doing this is because our Ways and Means Committee was only a half an hour we had a lot of items to go over and we didn't really get to the garden now a a few people have emailed me I haven't had a chance to get back to them I want to discuss it I'm not saying that we're going to vote against it I just want to have the opportunity since that was the item which I had received uh uh calls about that they did not want this so uh we had a pressing meeting with the 911 uh uh issue at six o'clock we didn't have enough time to do it I I would again Ask the forbearance of my colleagues to to give us an opportunity to discuss that thank you councelor heenez I I guess I would is there any way for us to know actually like what is the timeline for this money going out if it is approved today versus if it's approved in two weeks I I just I don't know if there is any like immediate need for this um and is that a question that we could post to the city manager absolutely uh can I have someone please suspend the rule so that or city manag R for allow city managers speak thank you councelors there is um a Time requirement for one of the items which is the 375 Broadway uh uh uh that property is is closing on uh two weeks from now or actually February 5th so that has that is the only project that has a a a a time uh a a tight timeline before you okay I withdraw my objection okay seeing no other comments counselor robt I will step turn on your mic councelor I I just so I can disclose that I'm part of Louis ladimer society and if you're going to vote on that I will step out of the room so there's no conflict or anything thank you counselor counselor hez yeah I I just um remembered I I um I actually I have a conflict for the 4143 Orange Street property because I'm a member of the Community Land Trust so um I do I need to step up with the full votee or yeah okay great then I will step up thank you counselor counselor tesi Madam president could we actually just uh do them individually I also have a conflict I fear that we're not going to have enough counselors um could we just split individually no don't yeah we're going to need we're going to need a few more of in order to get some of these through so let's do one by one can you guys recuse yourself just one by one yeah um so so so I would make a mo then to to or amend my motion to take these one by one so remove your oh your his motion was already passed was still still leaving the Garden in committee this would be a suggestion uh suggestion would be for the ones that all of you have conflicts for those be voted on separately and when they come up you can leave the room for that one and the rest can be lumped in together if you choose so instead of having uh 13 separate votes we can have maybe for instead sounds good motion to do that councelor San I just have a clarifying question so at your next ways and means committee meeting you will have the sunflower Garden on your agenda yeah because it didn't you didn't finish that business correct so it's TB correct C thank you thank you counselor especially since we have some of the members here thank you guys for joining us any any other questions concerns all right let's move so we're going to vote on the sunflower gu in separate to Senter to the subcommittee it's going to be all put together now CL could you clarify please so for the 75,000 for the Lewis Latimer archive that project will be voted on separately as Council Robinson has a conflict and we won't have enough members otherwise the project for the 4143 Orange Street will be voted on separately as another Council has a conflict and the other one was the governor Bellingham car house also has a conflict so those three will be voted on separately the rest will be voted on as one the sunflower Garden project will be referred back to conference okay uh was means my v and and and move to roll call vote please thank you counselor moving on so the first item before you to get it out of the way will be uh $215,000 for the governor Bellingham carry house project okay that's for a roll call problems for clarification again the roll call vote before you is approving $215,000 for the governor Bellingham carry house envelope preservation project yes vote to adopt Council tenary Garcia yes Council jenez Rivera yes councilor recupero Council Taylor yes Council Robinson yes Council Tesh is absent and recused Council Kelly G yes Council sanut yes Council Vega is absent Council Brown also absent and Council Deus yes eight members voting in favor zero opposed three absent what are adopted coun next item before you will be $75,000 for the lwis h laimer archive and preservation of Lewis ladimer Society Holdings is everyone who's present wish to vote Yes vote to adopt Council tener yes Council Herz R yes councelor cero Council Taylor yes councel Robinson is absent and recused Council Tes yes Council Kelly yes Council sanut yes Council Vega absent Council yes and Council aders yes nine members in favor zero opposed two absent $75,000 for Louis ladimir archive approved we have eight people five six no we don't no we don't we need him we have the requisite eight project before you $200,000 for 4143 orang Street yes vote to adopt Council tenar yes Council Herz R is absent and recused councelor recupero is also absent Council Taylor yes Council Robinson yes Council Tesh yes Council Kelly Garcia yes Council of sanate yes Council of Vega ABS Council of brown yes and Council of desos yes 8 members voting in favor zero three absent $200,000 for 4143 orange is approved the final vote before you will be on all the remaining projects that end up been voted on separately with the exception of 72,2 3 $20 for the sunflower Garden Project which will be moved back to ways and mean yes vote to adopt councilen go you yes Council herenz Rivera yes councilor cero Council Taylor yes Council Robinson yes Council Tes yes Council Kelly G yes Council sanate yes Council Vega tapson Council Brown yes and Council desus yes 10 members voting in favor zero opposed one absent the remaining grant funding recommendations approved with the exception of the sunflower project referred back to ways and means we move on finally to new business next item thank you clerk first item under new business we have an order introduced by Council Taylor regarding transfers from salary Reserve to regular salary lines for various departments ordered that the Chelsea city council authorize the following transfer from salary Reserve account to fund collective bargaining agreements negotiated between respective Municipal unions and the City of Chelsea transfer of 370,000 from fy2 salary Reserve to fire department regular salaries account to fund FY 2025 contract wage increases transfer of $40,000 from fy2 salary Reserve to fy2 Emergency Management Department regular salaries to fund FY 2025 contract wage increases and transfer of 173,000 from fy2 salary Reserve to fy2 Police Department regular salaries account to fund fy2 contract wage increases councelor Taylor move to Ways and Means seeing no objection moving on to the next item next item under new business we have an order introduced by Council aesh order that a meeting of the subcommittee on Parks and Public Works be held to discuss phase two of the Broadway construction project Madame President move to adopt under suspension of the rules if there are no objections I would like to say a couple of words you have the floor councelor uh construction has been going on for quite a while right now we need to be updated again on what's going to happen with phase two and what are we to expect in our city thank you councelor moving on to the next item next item on the agenda we have an order introduced by councilor Tesh order that the city manager instruct relevant City departments to conduct a study on businesses on Broadway and their activities during the ongoing construction with a focus on how construction has impacted business levels Madam president I move to adopt um under suspension of the rules if there are no objections I would like to say a couple of words seeing no objections you have the flooor my reasoning for petitioning this is so that we can have a more uh clear idea of what is going on with our businesses I got to tell you that from the business owners that I've spoken to a lot of them have suffered 40 to 50% losses in their revenue I want to find out if we're actually going to have some of them have to leave the city because they can no longer afford run because they're not making enough money I want to find out how much staff they had to go uh they had to let let go um so that we are proper better properly informed about what's going to happen in addition to knowing um how we're going to move forward with the remainder of the construction I feel like this is part of due diligence of overseeing the city thank you counselor moving on to the next item next item on the agenda we have an order introduced by Council atesh order that the city manager provide an update to the city council on the status of opioid funds move to adopt under suspension of the rules if there are no objections seeing no objections next item on the agenda we have an order introduced by Council atesh order that the city manager provide an update to the city council on the status of the entrepreneur Support Program previously requested by the council through order ID number 2486 councelor Tes move to adopt under suspension if there are no objections I'd like to speak on it you have the floor councelor uh the reason for this order so that we can be updated on U what happened with the entrepreneur program that uh this Council petitioned uh last year I have been in conversations with the city manager however I feel it is proper uh for the whole Council to be updated on it and perhaps we can uh possibly start rolling out some of those new businesses um from our constituents this year thank you counselor moving on to the next item next item on the agenda order introduced by councilor recupero order that the city manager direct relevant staff and the Department of Housing and Community Development to ensure a full accounting is maintained detailing how grant funding provided by the community preservation committee is spent up to when including receipts for how entities that receive funding has spent the grand money turn on your mic counselor and you have the floor okay thank you um this is just uh for transparency and for my for all of us I would like to know when these grants are given do they give back uh the receipts for the grants that how the money is being spent and what the receipts just to have to make sure that the money that's done from the CPA money the grant money is has is accounted for you know not just given for salaries of people that are in these organizations Whoever has them I don't want them to go just to the salaries if they're going to give grants to fix something for the benefit of the city then that's what you should be spent it shouldn't be spent on people that are in these organizations the money should be spent on whatever it is and should have an accountant so people can know that actually what it actually is is I want the people to understand and know that all the money that they're being given are actually being spent that's it because I don't want them to come up with questions saying well how's my money being spent this way I think they can always find out anyways I'm not sure but I think they can't check to make sure that the money's there so this is just a tell the people outside that the money that is being given is being spent the way it's supposed to be spent that's all that is is to make sure that the people understand that that's what it is thank you counselor moving on to the next item next we have an order introduced by Council recupero order that the city manager direct the Department of Public Works to install additional Ballers at the intersection of Central Avenue and Shaman Street adopt on the suspension if there's no objection like to speak on it I have the floor counselor well I got some some of the constituents called me and they said one poll wasn't enough they were like to get a couple more polls to make sure so that that was it just I like to put another poll not just one I like to put a couple more thank you counselor moving on to the next item next we have an order introduced by councelor recupero order that the city manager provide an update to the city council on his vision for the development of a municipal parking garage I like the do on an objection like to speak on it you have the floor councelor uh this has been an idea that's been going around for years and years and years I think this city does need a parking garage for residents cuz it's getting hotter and hotter to park so if the city had a parking garage somewhere where these residents can park it would be beneficial to them and I don't know would the city make money out of it it would maintain itself this I don't think the taxpayer would have to pay too much money to maintain this parking garage because the city would charge people to park there so I believe that this city does need a parking garage and I hope my fellow councelors agree this place is getting crowded and crowded and more and more cars and let's let's place the par thank you thank you councelor moving on to the next item next item on the agenda we have a resolution introduced by counes whereas the city of Chelsea has long been a center of immigration to the United States with foreign born residents comprising nearly 50% of the City's population as far back as the 1920s and whereas prior to becoming a majority Hispanic Latino community in the early 2000s Chelsea was home to successive waves of immigrants from Poland Italy Ireland and many other regions of the world in whereas by the dawn of the 1930s nearly half of Chelsea's population was Jewish earning the city The Unofficial nickname little Jerusalem and whereas according to the 2020 census 45.3% of the population of Chelsea is foreign born compared to 18% for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a whole and nearly 66% of Chelsea's population identifies as Hispanic Latino and whereas there is a palpable sense of concern among many in the city of Chelsea as the new presidential Administration begins enacting its immigration policies now therefore be it resolved that the Chelsea city council wishes to go on record to express his profound desire for the residents of Chelsea to feel safe sending their children to school seeking care of one of the hospitals in our community attending community events or religious services or or contacting law enforcement if they are victims of crime and be a further resol that the Chelsea city council pledges to take proactive steps to ensure the well-being of those who reside in the city of Chelsea and calls on the city Administration to join in doing so so that Chelsea does not return to the days where people hid in the shadows thank you clerk Madame President I move to adopt um under uh Rollo seeing no objections moving on with a roll call vote excuse me I'd like to speak on it councelor Taylor so it has long been my practice to vote no on all resolutions that have to do with uh current political situation so I will be voting no on that basis thank you moving on to a roll call vote roll call vote requested yes vote to adopt Council tenos yes Council her menz rera yes Council recupero yes Council Taylor no councelor Robinson yes Council teser yes councelor Kelly Garcia yes councelor sanate yes Council Vega it's absent Council Brown yes and Council adus yes nine members voting in favor one voting no and one member absent resolution is adopted thank you counselor thank you clerk moving on to the next item next we have an order introduced by Council aesha order that the city managers submit to the city council a request to allocate $500,000 for year round youth jobs to provide additional employment opportunities and to release stress in our community Madam president I move that this order be moved to a subcommittee on conference so that we can continue discussing what are the best ways we can set up new forms of providing for uh the people of Chelsea I think uh this is something we need because uh unfortunately it is a truth a lot of our children from our community are going to have their parents um for one or other reason be taken away from them I'm not saying all of them I'm not trying to instill fear it's just what the reality is and we have a duty to make sure that we take precautions to make to to favor them in as a future that it's going to be tough awaits them thank you counselor I'll just say for the record that um due to my employment with LA collaborativ and their um position in running the uh summer jobs for the city I will be recusing myself from that conversation but um Council uh vice president can proceed with scheduling that uh Madam president I would just say uh my order just says uh money for a yearround youth jobs um I I do not mention likea specifically there but they are known to do those jobs um I would just say um so la collaborativ full disclosure is the entity that runs all of the programs for youth jobs with the city so I will not be able to lead any conversations of that matter but um I would recuse my seat to counselor Taylor and you guys can continue obviously the conversation on this matter okay thank you send at the subcomittee so councelor hold on uh counselor Kelly Garcia I have a question for the clerk perhaps um would this be better served in the Ways and Means Committee as opposed to a subcommittee on conference as it pertains to funding by definition perhaps but that would fall under more of a question that's best decided by Council as opposed to by your clerk okay counc sanate I was just um questioning my own conflict of interest as well as someone who's been involved in interviewing the youth at La collaborativ for the Youth jobs but this seems General to me so if there's no money attached to it you're not there's no conflict of interest under the law you're a good counselor any other no okay final order under new business we have an order introduced by councelor Tesh order that the city manager direct the chief of police to increase the number of police officers assigned to public schools and further direct those officers to ensure agents and officers with Immigration and Customs Enforcement are denied entry to our schools unless they provide a warrant issued by relevant court is there a motion Madam president I move to table this order um the city is already taking proactive steps thank you counselor motion tabled moving on to public announcements or any moments of Silence right here councelor cero um I have two moment of silence one is for Marie Maria Irma Sanchez um she died on Saturday and she was from I don't know the lady personally but I know a grandson and she was a great lady she was probably one of the first gualin to live in Chelsea she came here in 1971 very very long time very nice wonderful lady and I I like I said I didn't know her personally but I heard great things about this person so and the next one is for ruy Rosado she died on Saturday herself I know her for 40 years I think most of some of us know she was the mother of uh Blanca Rosado downstairs and Maria Ros she died unexpectedly on Saturday she was a very wonderful lady there's not enough words you can say about this woman very hardworking woman she had a disabled child and a wheelchair couldn't move and all her life I remember she lived in near where I lived she lived across the street from me all whole life this lady pushed this poor child up and down the street and there's not much you can there's not much more you can say about a two great women women power without women that goes to show you our great women really are here's two examples of them thank you thank you counselor any other moments of Silence okay thank you councelors being adjourned for