##VIDEO ID:oIlz3UolxUs## e e e e e e e e e e e e please flag United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you uh clerk please take us off with the roll call Council wenar Garcia absent Council Herz Rivera present Council recupero Council Taylor here Council Robinson councilor teser here councilor Kelly Garcia here councilor sanate present Council Vega here Council Brown present and Council Deus present 10 members present you have a quorum Madam president all right first item uh memorials and liberatory resolutions first we have a resolution introduced by the council president and all members of the city council commemorating Martin Luther King Jr Day whereas Reverend Martin Luther King Jr was born January 15th 1929 in Atlanta Georgia attending segregated public schools in Georgia before attending morous college and whereas in February 1948 Dr King was ordained in the Christian Ministry and became assistant pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta and whereas while pursuing a doctorate of Philosophy degree in theology at Boston University Dr King met ketta Scott a fellow civil rights activist and they married on June 18th 1953 later having two sons and two daughters and whereas after serving as pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama for 5 years Dr King moved back to Atlanta to lead the southern Christian leadership conference later serving as co-pastor of ebener Baptist Church from 1960 until his death and whereas Dr king led the Montgomery Bus Boycott for 381 days to protest the arrest of Rosa Parks in the segregation of the bus system during which time he was arrested and his home firebombed and whereas on August 28th 1963 Dr king led the March on Washington DC during which from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and before a crowd of more than 200,000 people he delivered his famous eye of a Dream speech and whereas between 1957 and 1968 Dr King traveled more than 6 million miles spoke more than 2500 times wrote numerous books and articles supporting efforts around the United unit states to end segregation and Injustice and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and whereas on April 4th 1968 while preparing to Le sanitation workers and protest against low wages and intolerable working conditions Dr King was assassinated while standing on a balcony of his motel room in Memphis Tennessee and whereas Dr King dedicated his life to serving the fundamental principles of justice and liberty for all preaching a doctrine of non-violence and Civil Disobedience to combat discrimination racial Injustice and segregation now therefore be it resolved that the Chelsea city council recognizes January 20th 2025 as Martin Luther King Jr Day in the city of Chelsea and pledges to advance the legacy of Dr King so that as he hoped one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its Creed we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal thank you is there a motion make a motion to adopt from the suspension Madam president did no objection seeing no objection just like to speak briefly you have the floor thank you just want again honor this resolution um I've been privileged to meet so many members of The King Family I met his wife uh his daughter his son um Reverend Joseph lry who was his partner which the resolution speak but not just because I met these folks I mean these folks um that SP um spoken of in this resolution is something that we all strive to do to continue to make this world a better a place as we live here and as we go on for our children and generations to come and Dr King has done such a remarkable job I'm just so um honored to be a part of the Memorial in Washington DC and also when they had the Embrace here just a few months ago we had one of the um speakers um one of the financial doers um capitalist from the Embrace here as our guest speaker on Veterans Day that brought us a a remembrance of this great work that's being done here so I'm honored to to speak I know we speak every year um the city of Chelsea as you know with the CBC and others um with the conjunction with the city itself we do a lot of things here to bring you know unity and also celebration so please um if you can get out as we celebrate this year holiday which is late this year um most of the holidays will be celebrating on the 25th it's usually on the 15th but it's an honorable thing to do to speak on his behalf and speak on the resolution because uh again a lot of us strive to try to do the work that he led before us and I can just applaud each and every one of my colleagues here because we put our name not even on the ballot but we put our name on the dockets when we come out and we try to make life better for the residents that we serve here in the city of Chelsea and surrounding communities thank you thank you counselor seeing no other speakers moving on to our public hearing for this evening before you we have a public hearing on a proposed amendment to section 34-30 of the zoning ordinances of the city of Chelsea to allow seafood processing packing packaging loading and distribution in the industrial Zone by special permit is anyone in the public here for this section of the agenda all right seeing none speaking motion to close this portion motion to close the uh public hearing thank you counselor moving on now to public speaking is anyone here for public speaking turn on the mic sorry when I was on Council we were much more low Tech um my name is Matt Frank I'm at 45 Jones a e32 up in Prattville and I come here today I'm representing the governor Bellingham KY house um as the president um on y doet today um one of the items is the the CPA agenda that is giving um that would be giving grants to multiple entities including the governor Bellingham K house and I am here to employ you to um accept that adopt that vote for that and also continue to support um both history um affordable housing and open space um I would say this city has recently um really put a lot of stress on history I know earlier today many of us were in this room for a capsu a Time Capsule that's going to be for 100 years that's up in the um City manager's office that will be opened in a 100 years um so hopefully somebody who's watching tonight will see that um I do want to say that Governor Bellingham car house has been around for over 350 years so that would have been 3.5 capsules and one of our goals when I became president in the spring when I was elevated by the members of the association was to make sure that we will be here for at least another 350 years and on that docket um is basically redoing the paint um a lot of the rotting that's happening replacing many of the doors to make the house more accessible um when the new board came in in the spring one of our commitments to the community was to be more open to the community to be more inclusive to work with organizations like the CBC to actually address the slavery um Legacy in this city and with that house in particular to find a way to bring the Latino community history into the house um because Latinos were not here during the colonial era but clearly Latino history needs to be addressed and that is something we would love to bring up to the house as well um so by having a house that is structurally sound it allows us to turn around and then open the house up more currently we have a very hard time even opening front door um because it's a very old ancient door and it takes a lot to make sure it's open um this grant um if approved will make it much easier so then that's much easier for us to open that house to bring children in to bring people in um I could go on and on about the history and about Captain spra and all of that what I will say is I have a couple quotes from some very important people in this community one of them being an 11-year-old girl um who came up with the schools who did a tour and I quote this is my favorite place in the city that to me is more important than any quote that anybody could put in front of you another one was an 8-year-old who came to our cookie swap party that we had a few weeks ago the door opens up he comes in keep in mind this child is eight years old he says finally I made it I'm here he had been begging his mother to bring him up to the house but the house wasn't open um they reached out to me we told them come up and have some cookies so you're 8 years old you get to go to this ancient house that you were really excited to go to and you got cookies um so those are the quotes I would present to you tonight for why the governor Bellingham carry house is important um I do know that um senator of Birmingham when he was in the Senate helped get us money back in the 2000s that's a that's continuing to keep us moving I do know that Quigley back in the 80s helped make sure the foundation and other items were taken care of the Carri family themselves donated the house every generation there been people that have stood up and said this house is going to be important for this city and one of our hopes one of my hopes as president one of my boards' hopes is that everybody here tonight people watching people in the audience people in the city join us and find a way to revolutionize in this year of our American revolution history of 250 how history is seen in this city bringing more people up making sure that people come up and enjoy themselves um so I do hope that you do vote for the CPA Grant um I do hope that you continue to push for history I do know the city manager has been a huge advocate for history in the past couple years um in the city council as well many of you have actually even been up to the house and I've seen you at many the history events uh let's continue pushing history of all types I'm I'm also the chairperson historical commission so I would be remiss to say it's not just the governor bham kry house it's our temples and our synagogues all of our different um elements all over the city that need support um the cemetery the clock tower this is so much that this city has that other cities don't have you go to other cities they don't have that character this is what gives us character as our history so thank you so much thank you see no other speakers let's move on to our approval of the minutes you have a request for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of the city council dated December 16th 2024 seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on we move on to Communications from the city manager we have a communication received from the city manager responding to council order 24203 Market Basket development dear councilors I am writing in response to council order 24203 requesting that the city manager provide an update to the city council on the plan for redevelopment on the site of Market Basket I am happy to report that the city continues to be in close coordination with Market Basket on the development opportunities at the property property in accordance with the memorandum of understanding Market Basket has hired an architectural firm to assess development opportunities Market Basket has hired a very strong local firm to conduct this assessment over the next few months our team will be working with this team to evaluate development opportunities and assess how the city can support this process finally our team is prepping an application to the MBTA community's Catalyst fund Grant to support development of this property the grant will be geared towards improving water sewer and storm water infrastructure on second and Spruce streets we will provide periodic updates to the city council on this exciting project thank you for your support is there a motion accept the follow communication on the suspension if there's no objections seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on next we have a communication received from the city manager responding to council order 24206 Penrose development dear councelors I am writing in response to council order 2426 requesting that the city manager provide an update on the development of the Chelsea veterans home over the past few months our team has met with Penrose several times particularly on coordination of Permitting processes our Commissioner of Public Works is working closely with Penrose on necessary water improvements in the development area following the adoption of the council order I reached out to Charlie Adams regional vice president for Penrose and requested a comprehensive update of this project Mr Adams will be sharing this update in January I will share this update with the city council as soon as it is received accept and follow communication on the suspension if there have no objections seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on to the next item next item on the agenda communication received from the city manager responding to council order 24208 evaluating measures to improve pedestrian safety at Bradbery shirtliff and marbor dear counselors I am writing in response to council order 24208 requesting that the city manager evaluate measures to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Broadway shirtless Street and marbo Street our Commissioner of Public Works reports that this intersection is part of the downtown Broadway surface design project that will start in 2026 this design project is being completed by masot in close collaboration with City staff mot decided not to include a traffic signal in this intersection because the traffic volumes only warrant a signal for a few hours out of the day and The Zo to be new signal at Bellingham square is too close and traffic will likely back up through both intersections the design does call for installing foundations from massed arms at the intersection so that if the new pattern warrants a signal in the future it will be easier to install our Commissioner of Public Works has requested masot take another look at this intersection to see if a fully functional traffic signal can be installed during this construction project the commissioner will also ask our traffic consultant to review the intersection the commissioner will see if there is anything we can do to curb alignments or pavement markings in the short term that might help one potential solution might be to swap the one-way directions of marau and Grove we will provide an update to the city council once this review is completed thank you for your support a motion on the floor I move to accept and file under suspension seeing no objections seeing no objections moving on to the next item next item on the agenda is a communication from the city manager requesting approval of reappointments to boards and commissions dear Council puru into section 4-2 Madam president uh I'd like to uh move this to a second reading and if we could just read the names of the folks on the boards see no objections uh reappointment to the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners as tenant representative recommended by project-wide federal tenance organization in accordance with Mass General law and federal law Miss bezita ESO of Chelsea reappointment to the Board of Health Mr Mari Lino Fernandez of Chelsea reappointment to the Council of Elder Affairs Mr Jamie Santos of Chelsea reappointment to licensing commission Emily chernak of Chelsea reappointment to the planning board Christian De Jesus Franco of Chelsea and reappointment to the zoning board of appeals Arthur Arsonal of Chelsea and Janice tatarka of methan move to a second reading one more our final communication received from the city manager requesting city council approve a date for state of the city address dear councilors I am writing to request that the city council allow a time at an upcoming council meeting for the city manager's annual state of the city address we are very excited to share our accomplishments in 2024 and more importantly our shared vision for 2025 we will also share a snapshot of the city's finances critical as we start our FY 2026 budget finally we are also incredibly excited to discuss our upcoming comprehensive master plan Chelsea Palante which will officially kick off in 20125 we are incredibly grateful for the city council's support in 2024 and mindful of the share commitment to improve the lives of all our residents thank you is there a motion on the floor motion to um accept and file the communication uh and file under Comm file under Communications under suspension if there are no objections see no objections thank you counselor and now we move on to Communications and petitions to the council the only communication received by the city council is from the chairperson of the community preservation committee regarding recommendations for fall 2024 grant funding dear councilors the Chelsea Community preservation committee is pleased to send to the city council eight recommendations for fall 2024 grant funding Madam president uh I moved to uh accept un file under Communications under suspension if there are no objections there's an item coming up later seeing no objections moving forward with the motion and on to committee reports our only committee report this evening is from Council president Deus regarding the subcommittee on conference meeting held December 16th 2024 motion to accept and file under committee reports under suspension if there are no objections see no objections thank you counselor moving on to Second readings first second reading is a communication received from the city manager being read for the second time requesting approval of appointments to boards and commissions dear councilors pursuant to section 4-2 of the charter of the city of Chelsea I am writing to recommend the following individuals to boards and Commissioners in the city for appointment to the Council of Elder Affairs wave the rest of a reading and vote for a roll call vote seeing no objections moving on with a roll call vote roll call vote requested yes vote to adopt the appointments Council tanari Garcia councelor Jimenez Rivera yes councel recupero Council Taylor yes councel Robinson yes Council Tesha yes Council Kelly yes Council sanate yes Council Vega yes Council Brown yes and Council desus yes 10 members in favor zero opposed one absent appointments are approved for the record could you just name the two people that being approved appointment to the Council of Elder Affairs ramonita Rosado of Chelsea and for reappointment to the economic development board Mr Richard pentan of chelon our second item under second readings we have an order introduced by council president D who is being read for the second time whereas the city Administration and City Council of the city of Chelsea seek to advance New Economic Development opportunities and whereas the city of Chelsea also seeks to increase job opportunities for local residents and whereas the Chelsea city council after due notice public hearing and deliberation finds that the amendment to chapter 34-30 advances an amendment that is a legitimate aspect of public interest and that the amendment promotes economic development AC and file the communication and take a roll call vote seeing no objections moving forward with a roll call vote roll call vote requested on the proposed zoning Amendment yes vote to adopt councelor teneri Garcia absent Council herenz rera yes councelor recupero yes Council Taylor yes councel Robinson yes Council teser yes Council Kelly Garcia yes Council sanut yes councilor Vega yes Council Le Brown yes and Council Oasis yes 10 members in favor zero zero opposed one absent proposed zoning amendment is adopted moving on to new business our first item under new business we have an order introduced by Council Taylor order that the Chelsea city council act on the report of the community preservation committee on the awarding of grant funding to the FY 2025 Community preservation projects in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 44b section 5-3 D and in accordance with chapter 2 article 7 division 3 section 2- 330 of the revised code of ordinances of the city of Chelsea and be it further ordered that the Chelsea city council appropriate the following amounts from the community preservation president i' move to wave the rest of the reading and uh move this to Ways and Means seeing no objections thank you counselor moving on to the next item next item under new business we have an order introduced by councilor cero regarding a proposed home rule petition authorizing reduced property tax increases for Chelsea seniors who own and reside in their own homes whereas the city ccil of the city of Chelsea desires to ensure that Chelsea residents over the age of 65 who own their own homes are afforded any possible relief to enable them to afford to remain in their own homes and whever as in order to provide such relief the Chelsea city council Desir to limit the yearly property tax increases for senior citizens age 65 and older who own and reside in their own homes to a set amount each year regardless of other factors now therefore be it ordered that a petition to the general court accompanied by a bill for a special law relating to the city of Chelsea be filed with an attested copy of this order B and hereby is approved under Clause one of Section 8 of Article 2 as amended of the amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts provided that the legislature May reason vary the form and substance of the requested legislation within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition the petition reads as follows section one residential property tax increases will be limited to no councelor recupero accept and filed a communication it's not a communication so it's not a communication communication oh it's can we refer it to ways and meanss refer to ways means move I move to refer to the ways of Means Committee um under suspension if there are no objections seeing no objections ways and memes thank you home Ru petition referred to Ways and Means at request of councelor menz R next item under new business we have an order introduced by councelor recupero order that the city manager direct the commissioner of Public Works to investigate traffic lights at the intersection of marginal Street and Pearl Street coming into Chelsea from the Meridian Street Bridge specifically the lack of a dedicated light allowing drivers to turn lift adopt un suspension no objection like to speak on it see no objections councelor you don't have the mic um this seems to be a lot of uh congestion because of this I got a lot of calls people telling me they can't turn the light is broken I brought to the attention before but it seems to be some issue with the traffic signal or whoever runs the traffic signal I don't know how the city addresses that but uh that needs to be fixed because people can't take a left hand turn to go on the bridge because you're coming from marinal Street and you're taking a left to go onto the Meridian Street Bridge there used to be an arrow telling you to go there now there's no longer an arrow so it creates a big problem that needs to be resolved and fixed thank you thank you counselor moving on to the next item our next item under new business we have an order introduced by councilor recupero order that the city manager direct The Parking Clerk to upon adoption of this order withdraw the the order order withdrawn thank you rupo councelor rupo moving on to the next item our final item under new business we have an order introduced by the council president ordered that a meeting of the subcommittee on conference be held to provide members of the city council a review and training related to council rules and regulations meeting at Aid and procedure is there a motion on the floor um move to refer this to the um subcommittee on conference um under suspension if there are no objections and also just quick really quick comment um if we could just make sure that all rules um changes that we are having the system happen before that meeting that would be ideal thank you business we move on to Public Announcement moving on yes any public announcements or moments of Silence public announce you thank you councelor um so thank you happy holidays to everyone welcome back this is our first meeting of 2025 I'm glad to see the majority of our council members here the others um with their family under um this time but I just want the as we start our 2025 year session um today we are notably very cold so I just want my notice um to the public is please be um aware of your surrounding Community especially your neighbors your seniors um you know a lot of folks are going to be in the house out of sight out of mind we need to check in on them make sure that they're doing okay um it's a really difficult time it's cold people stand in the house people sometime fall slip you don't see them for two days and we have to report something negative uh which is really um sad so I'm just asking if we could just be very careful and kindful and just check on those neighbors around you thank you thank you counselor celor R br I only have one at the salt is there they put it there again so it's going to be very cold if anybody needs to get get salt it's already in the park and if you want to you have to just show your license that you live in the city of Chelsea and I think you're allowed to get two buckets of salt for each person that goes there so don't forget if you running with an issue that you can't afford to buy salt or you want to make sure that everybody is safe around you you go there and you pick up the salt I think it goes from the morning until the afternoon and it's every day they leave the gate open and it's the salt is right at the beginning you'll see it bring your own shovel because it doesn't have a shovel that's what you have to do bring a bucket in a shovel so thank you and have a nice New Year thank you counselor counselor Vega I also would like to um take the time to wish everyone um a happy New Year and happy holidays and welcome back I'm excited to work along as side all my colleagues um this year and as a united front um together I also would like to take a moment to wish everyone today is Three Kings Day so for the folks that celebrate it thank you councelor councelor Robinson moment I have a moment of silence uh longtime Chelsea resident Morty p will pass the away the services were yesterday at to us I just wanted to also um acknowledge uh the people killed in New Orleans um in the terrorist attack on New Year's Eve so um may they rest in peace and God uh be with their families amen C just also would like to acknowledge President Carter's uh passing and he's currently lying in state in Georgia so all right meeting adjourned e e