##VIDEO ID:gyfrs_Xgj3c## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e face good evening ladies and gentlemen this is a meeting of the Chelsea licensing commission today is December 12th 2024 um thank you for joining us this evening tonight I am joined by my fellow Commissioners ano Lopez Mike mcer Alexandria Chrismas myself Marty McAlpine our licensing clerk Naomi LeBron uh we also have beef from the licensing department and officer Santiago uh representing the Chelsea Police Department this evening um there are several things on the agenda this evening but we will try to keep things moving along as a matter of housekeeping very important that when you are coming up to speak to us that you step up to the microphone and um speak your name and where you're from and speak clearly into the microphone if there are multiple people coming up to speak on a matter please make sure you each step to the microphone when you are speaking that not only makes it easier for us to hear you up here but for those uh residents and folks in the community that do watch this either on the um public cable station or on any of the social media have the ability to hear the conversations as well so I thank you in advance for that with that uh we'll get started with an adoption of the minutes of the November 14th 2024 Chelsea licensing commission meeting can I get a motion to approve those minutes on motion and a second thank you all in favor I I perfect next up Naomi can we get a Clerk's update so I need a uh the commission needs to vote on new Years Eve ours normally um we give uh restaurants and bars until 2 A.M on New Year's Eve officer Santiago um I believe that the police department probably has something that they'd like to share on the New Year's Eve hours no your microphone sorry so with the um with the history that we had last couple of years they haven't been any issues the bars and restaurants have uh followed the uh council's uh agreement with them so they have so no reason not to move forward with it thank you very much is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on the matter of New Year's Eve hours seeing no one questions comments from my fellow commissioners before before we go to a vote no everybody's very talkative today um can I get a vote to uh can I get a motion to approve extending the lenes hours until 2 am. for New Year's Eve motion I second second all in favor I thank you anything else Miss Naomi I would like the commission the licensing commission to vote on the 2025 licensing hearing SL meeting dates for the first six months if you have anything that needs to change please let me know in advance so in the packet that she gave us uh she provided us with the first six planned dates for the coming year January 9th February 13th March 20 April 10th May 8th and June 12th does anybody have any immediate concerns looks good for now can I get a motion to approve the 2025 licensing hearing meeting dates for the first half of the Year I'll make a motion to approve thank you anyel and a second I'll second thank you all in favor I and also uh voting for the commission uh for the commission to vote on The Following renewals for 2025 that have been completed which is renewals of liquor licenses renewals of class one two three licenses renewals of amusement and entertainment licenses renewals of rooming house licenses and renewals of common verticular licenses that have been complet needed what's class one two and three uh used card used card dealerships okay other questions no are we good doing a group yes vote for this yes okay can I get a motion to approve uh the renewals for completed 2025 liquor licenses class one two and three licenses amusement and entertainment licenses rooming house licenses and common vict licenses I'll make a motion to approve those licenses and a second a second all in favor I perfect thank you anything else Miss Naomi no that is all thank you thank you moving right along next up on our agenda we have a continued disciplinary public hearing to consider revoking suspending or modifying the wines and malt alcohol beverages off premise consumption license of Palmer food and fuel LLC DBA easyart at 177 Washington Avenue Chelsea Mass relative to Chelsea police report number 24-15 32- for violating chapter 138 section 2.09 h failure to maintain video surveillance system for 30 days if you could step up to the mic state your name please hi good evening my name is fad I'm uh representing the easyart and Palmer food and fuel thank you for coming back this evening thank you so much thank you guys for having me tonight um if we can start with you officer Santiago and an update on um the followup on their security system good afternoon officer Santiago the Chelsea Police Department signed to uniform Patrol also assigned to the licensing unit uh I'm going to read this on behalf of Officer Nicole mlin she did do a compliance check required by the Council on 1113 um she did state to me that there are incompliant um as I'm reading her reports and the fast reports that um I believe uh the oui sign is is display yes correct yes sir uh the prices and the price signs of all alcohol yes sir have been up to dat and up to far yes excellent and then uh the camera footage 30-day footage has that been up to date yes sir she I sent it uh everything to her as well okay I just want you to acknowledge on the mic in front of the council uh cop we of all alcohol compliance and ordinances for the city of Chelsea yes sir you have the book okay I have the book um also for all IDs for um employee on presence yes okay than uh she did that on 11:13 and uh she did a followup which I don't have right on front of me but I've been back and forth she's just going through everything so they are in compliance as of right now thank you very much appreciate apprciate that update um fellow Commissioners do you have questions or I do have a question yes yes um this is not regarding your business but uh it has something to do with a you know there's a plastic bag in the city of Chelsea van yes sir right uh are you supplying plastic bags to the people who go buy beers or anything or alcohol in there or you using uh paper bags so so from what they told us that that we could sell the bags so we have the it's like 10 cents for the bag you know um we do have the paper bags as well the problem is is that um most of our customers since we don't have parking there most of our customers are walking so it's a lot of the uh especially the women that they come they they ask for like double plastic bag you know so we've decided to charge 10 cents like and in that case we don't really make money we kind of lose money on the bag but uh it's kind of a way to get around but but we'll stop selling plastic s a plastic it's got to be 6 m 3 mm thick it's called reusable bags but it has to stay on your bag my guys are going around right now check your bags it needs to stay right on at 3 millimeters and they're reusable you can sell those okay if it's less than that you got to get rid of them all right I'll check them out tonight just in case I'm I'm not sure exactly yes I just want to remind all the the business and liquor stores restaurants that uh you know it's a plastic bag van in the city of Chelsea yes and because of the co everybody kept using the plastic bag but I think it's time for for us to stop using the plastic bag in Chelsea yes it's a good reminder it's no reflection on you but it's a good reminder no no you know you know it is too in Co because I it was like right before Co I believe they changed the policy and then like Co happened and it was you know everything was just so crazy you know I I for a time there was just uh I we weren't charging or anything like that but then after Co we we somebody came by and they they explained to us you know we have to be charging so okay that's it thank you thank you and thank you any other questions from my fellow Commissioners is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on this matter okay is there anything else you would like to share with us this evening uh yes I I just want to say one thing um I just want apologize for the time I've taken I I've been here quite a few times and um I hope that today during this hearing you guys would see that you know we were at the correct compliance and uh I'm very grateful for uh officer mlin and Sergeant Chung and officer Santiago as well um for helping me to to to see these things through um I promise to go ahead and stay in compliance and uh I've gone again through those book of uh rules for the alcohol laws uh just to make sure that we do stay compliant going forward Ward and um you know if I ever showed any frustration I I I really do apologize and uh I'm really grateful for your leniency and I'm hoping going forward our store will be up to date and I hope it will be a solid example of a great business in this community thank you for you guys' time and I wish you guys all a happy holiday oh thank you thank you um so before um we uh make any sort of a rule on this uh I do appreciate you apologizing for the amount of time times that this has taken to get us to this stage um it's very important that all lenses understand particularly in the scenario that you started off with when our Police Department comes around through the city and is doing compliance checks yes they're giving you that opportunity to fix things and be in compliance right and they generally give I I believe officer Santiago can correct me if I'm wrong here they generally give you 30 days from when they come through yes to fix the things that they find if you fix the things that they find during that time frame that they give you you don't come back before us if you don't that makes it appear whether or not it is the case that you don't care or have respect for the rules of the city we don't want to have somebody coming back before us numerous times right um we we don't want anybody's time wasted and it's a waste of our Police Department's time to have to and that is a standard rule that should be being followed yes um so it's very important that everyone in the city follows those rules and then we all make mistakes things happen but fix it when it's brought to your attention and fix it quickly yes that's the most important thing um but I do appreciate you apologizing um for how long this process took yes sorry again um fellow Commissioners um thoughts on how you would like to handle closing out this disciplinary I think we should just close it um it was a a lesson learned at this point so going forward I think uh he's all said I agree Stern warning close the case yeah anyel I also agree I think um he has learned his lessons and uh hopefully we'll make another mistake like that because uh we appreciate your business also in Chelsea but uh thank you so much we appreciate if you follow the rules thank you guys thank you so much so with that can I get a motion to um approve closing this disciplinary hearing um due to the lensy now being in compliance um with no um disciplin no disciplinary action taking place I make a motion to to close this case and a second a second all in favor I thank you guys so much I I really appreciate it thank you thank you have a good night next on the agenda we have a public hearing to consider a new petroleum storage license application for 410 llc at 410 beachum Street in Chelsea Mass good evening my name is Carolyn Parker three lauran Avenue Worcester Massachusetts I'm here representing the client his wife just had twins so he going to be here but um congratulations yeah so I do the fire suppression plans for gas stations and I also do you know come to hearings for the underground fuel storage tank so I've got 30 years working on gas stations so this gas station was it was a gas station and I believe it closed like three four years ago so the tanks were removed from the ground so therefore when I called to find out about the license we were told that we needed to come back so he's purchased the property and he wants to put another gas station back there it will be able to have cars and it will have you know larger trucks coming through they have what they call a Master Slave so they'll have two lanes for trucks and then two lanes for cars to come in uh we're looking to have 24,000 gasoline and 20,000 Diesel and then there'll be 4,000 what they call DF which is what the trucks put in there to make them run better do have a timeline on this well um the fire department gave us permission to put the tanks in the ground they wanted to try to do it before it got cold but that hasn't happened so um they're going to be putting the tanks in the ground in the next two weeks if we get approved other questions from your side of things the building when you know when the building's going up did the client tell you um no okay so they usually put they do the underground stuff first you know they'll put the footings in for the canopy the putting into for the you know and they'll put the piping in and all that come up to the sumps and you know the fire supression will probably be one of the last things they do once the canopy's up and everything so I mean I sounds like as soon as possible that have no plans yet huh I have no plans yet for for for the building oh I don't know who you I apologize I don't know yeah no I know on I just I'm curious if it's going to be before the new year oh as far as building before the new fiscal year or after yeah oh all right so you're the building inspector yeah oh all right nice to meet you um I'll I'll look into that for you um I also pull permit so maybe that I'll be doing that for him okay but it's it's just a small little corner um you know store in the corner that's kind of triangular and um it's next to the state card it's right close to yeah it was there before which which place do you want to I have a site plan you want to look the produce section and then there state garden but this going to have a store or a restaurant do you want to see a site plan I've seen one before oh all right this is my fire plan that I've already sent to the local fire department approved it so once I get the license I need thec to to stal makes sense thank you for sharing that yeah before didn't have that Naomi is there a limit of gas stations that uh it's being held in Chelsea not that I'm aware of okay cuz that that used to be a gas station yeah now it's gone okay is do we know um why it has been closed for a couple of years they they tore the building down they were going to do something else they had another plan and then they went back on their plan they changed their plans twice it's why should have just kept the original but and I think they sold it too so new owner yeah yeah this and the gentleman is working with other another gentleman that I do a lot of work for he's building five gas stations this year um so I do work for him too so it would bring a lot of businesses on a truck room oh I would think that area yeah yeah I also thought it it made more sense because it looks like when you go through the paperwork and it was showing um kind of the the ratio of of the different types of gas with what you uh your group is proposing versus what was there before it looks like we've switched it a little bit more to accommodate the larger vehicles and the diesel whereas the prior one looked like it was more focused on the cars and I would think in that area the trucks is kind of the big yeah any questions or comments from the police department nope uh you did say a convenience store right yeah it looks very going to be like a 24-hour convenience store is it going to be 24-hour access for the fuels okay no we just want like like she was saying it's a you know it's a heavy traffic area that goes all the I apologize I don't know the hours yeah you didn't know if it was going to be something 24 hours uh or not the I don't I apologize I don't know that no problem is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on this matter other questions or concerns from my fellow Commissioners no can I get a motion to approve a new petroleum storage license application for 410 Chelsea llc at 410 beachum Street Chelsea Mass I make the motion to approve and a second a second all in favor all so can I just when when does it the license get issued you'll just email it or I will do it as soon as I can oh no no yeah no see because you guys do your licenses different than every other town in Massachusetts where usually you have an application and a license so you guys do it a little differently so thank you thank you thank you thank you uh next on the agenda we have a public hearing to consider a change of DVA and an alteration of premises of in all kinds of alcohol beverages on premise consumption license application for wings El Coral DB um Incorporated DB Wings change the DBA to Saigon Hut 2 at 408 408 Broadway Chelsea Mass good evening uh Mark White for the applicant Wings El caral um so tonight we have a multiple Amendment as you indicated Madam chairperson um the change of name to Saigon Hut 2 I think is probably not a big deal the bigger issue is the addition of um some SE seting in the basement now on the application um we asked for 30 seats but upon review of the plan I think that we probably should pair that back to a Max of 26 seats that's going to be the occupancy limit uh for the square footage there which is 390 Square F feet the the um the basement area does have two means of ESS one goes up to the main exit on Broadway the other is directly uh on the basement level out to the parking lot behind the building thank you um I did have a question and this is you're the perfect person to answer this question Mike um so when I was looking through that application so I I did see a note where it referenced an occupancy of 72 people prior occupancy I think in the 70s and ' 80s there was dining in the basement if I wasn't and then somewhere the change of ownership they got rid of it so one of the questions that I have is it looks like the the prior one was 36 36 36 seats uh but it's but it was stating occupancy is 36 um doesn't the occupancy also have to account for the staff in the building should count for everything so if you have 36 seats in the restaurant you actually need an occupancy higher than a little bit yeah right yeah okay just checking because it seemed like it wasn't wasn't quite where it needed to be in terms of the the balance for how that works um the so in in what I read you're looking at redoing the basement now for this change that is correct and have you applied for any permits with the city for that I believe so and I believe inspection service applied I didn't want to make a decision before the boy was okay with it if he started doing the work and we vote no yep he spent a lot of time was a change of change of premise so I think we do have plans don't know if you're going to sprinkler it is it sprinkled already it's sprinkler already good that's the only that's the only really issue so have you seen it at all does it make sense I used to do inspections yeah it it was used before so I haven't seen it in 10 years space is there already it's old like you know 70s old maybe older so if you're renovating it there is a second means regress out of there the second one is in Cherry Street like in the back alley back that's correct okay I don't remember being a tight space I remember being a decent space I haven't been there in a long time been helpful to have pictures with the application well it's not going to look like how it is hopefully I know doesn't get the idea and it's also the same owner just changing that's correct just addition of more space to the same restaurant same operation and and then changing from the restaurant that it's been to a different concept that's correct oh is the menu going to change too yeah you're going to change the you're changing the menu right it's going to be is it going to be the same menu or vietnames maybe a little bit more Vietnamese okay because with what I'm reading here it looks like um with changing changing the name going from Wings El Corral to Saigon Hut 2 that sounds like two completely different things and I know we have a Saigon Hut over in East Boston so my assumption Maybe I'm Wrong is that this is changing it to a sister restaurant for the Saigon Hut in East Boston C do you have any connection to Saigon Hut in East Boston East Boston was but did you sell it no I still it's still Happ Yeah well yeah I guess it is like a sister restaurant to C but I do think we they're still going to keep a lot of that fusion um but there's going to be a little bit more Vietnamese coming into the menu now um other questions from my fellow commissioners before I go over to the police department for now I'm good okay Officer Santi sure um so we have been there before uh we haven't been there in a long time which is really good um I know he does own a business in East Boston Saigon which is very good food there I'm excited that he's going to bring that here bring that Fusion as well uh I do have a little concern with the downstairs uh if I when I remember last time I was there was kind of tight the restrooms are down there so I'm just kind of curious how's that going to expand out um maybe just do do an inspection there to see where they're at also cameras if you're going to have a restaurant and tables down there you're going to have to upgrade the cameras down there especially by the the doors the fire exits and stuff um something I we can look down the line when he's ready you know we can go do an inspection check it out all of that there hasn't been no problems there at all and excited have that I'll be curious to get pictures and see how it will lay out even though there's still cuz hearing one there's going to be space for all the PTI versus it may be a tight space so they they there are plans where's the E froms what are you using that back room for I know it's just right now it's just um storage the back room of the basement the back room is still storage correct yeah am curious how many how many tables you guys looking to put uh down there we have one counter space that has four seats um on the application we have 11 tables but we're we're going to pair that back to nine tables oh okay so that'll that'll open up some extra space down there because it should be the the seating down there should be 26 um if it's up to 30 it's not going to we're not going to meet the minimum requirements so if you look at that plan there's two tables we got to take out of there is that 390 divid by 15 actually more makes more sense different from what's stated in that application yeah they my only6 26 is the load 26 is the load in space at 390 yeah is that because we're accounting for the uh servers tables and chairs 15 square feet per per person so maybe we take it to eight tables you don't think the nine tables will work no it will 26 is good yeah n TBL okay 26 okay so we have to if they revise it then well so it's at 36 Now 26 when we're agreeing to alterations you're the one who sets the occupancy not um so that's going to take place we got to meet both us and them both because that that would be my only my only concern is is is that downstairs big enough um and it sounds like as long as it's the right amount of tables I can go by and do an inspection if you want and give you guys an update through email take some photos a video and send it via email to the council if you guys want this time I think that' be helpful thoughts I think I'm okay there before but it it's going to meet building code I'll make sure it makes building code requirements was it ever used as a restaurant down there it used to be used as a restaurant how long ago it looks like the 70s when Larry Wing owned it he probably died in 96 or something I don't know mid 90s probably yeah it hasn't been used since that that's really my my only concern is if it hasn't been used in that long is the space still is it still reasonable that it's going to be able to be converted to be used I would be concerned if he wasn't renovating the space if he's fully Renova in the space I'll make sure it gets brought up to go and we can submit updated plans that'll remove those two tables um and it'll the plan won't seem as congested as it is yeah I like what you said about the revision I think I'm just more of a visual person so like I said I could go do an inspection update the C with some photos um let's see what we have I I do agree with Mike though it's it was a place of eating before but we don't know now so this just to have a better mindset what is your timeline like what are you expecting it to be all done and ready for service how much time yeah we can have it done pretty quickly I mean it's it's you know it's ready to be inspected should be it's I don't want to delay him like if he's ready are you busy enough that you need more space is that what's going on you busy have you haven't opened yet yeah he is I mean he really needs to expand to be able to you know especially now it's the holidays it's you know they're a reasonably popular restaurant and in their dining I don't want to delay it I mean if if he makes those revisions would the council want me to just uh I can go tomorrow and do a quick inspection of what's going on there and just give you a quick update through email phone call whatever you want so it doesn't delay the process for him to expand his business yeah are we good with that I am okay I like that idea what are you good with a he needs to update the application update the plan um officer Santiago um stop by and update us I'm okay with approving the change so we're good I've seen already so I kind of know what I kind of know what it looks like okay anyel so is that a continuation of of another another meeting he's ready to get a building permit right now he was looking for a permit a month ago yeah I don't I don't think that we need a continuation we receive the update from officer Santiago right but if you're it's okay I think I think it's okay this PL of s and I he's going to he's going to make the the iwits if they're not there already it's sprinkler already so I'm okay with it if that's all true I know but he submitted the application and now he's telling us verbally that he's going to change it so my thing is I just want that to be updated and then you know with and then we could approve it yes so that would be a continu so it's two things we're either approving it with those revisions yes or we are putting this as a continuation to the next meeting to okay everybody else good with that first one yeah yeah um question right now that place is not being used for anything correct Storage storage I was last time I was bathrooms right and boms yeah yeah okay any other questions no okay all right can I get a motion to find the right one again can I get a motion to approve pending the correction to the application for that adjustment for the seating down below um the the change of DBA and alteration of premises for the all kinds of alcohol beverage on premise consumption license application for wings L Corral Incorporated DBA uh Wings change DBA to Saigon Hut 2 at 408 Broadway Chelsea Mass a motion and can I get a second I got a second all in favor I I I can can I say something before they leave as I mentioned to the other person for the Lial store uh about plastic bags right you got to make sure that you're not going to continue using plastic bags it's a band of plastic bag in the city of Chelsea and uh you have to see what what can you do maybe PL uh paper bag take out you take out bags can't be plastic okay we got it super excited for your new business good Lu than you thank you next on the agenda we have a public hearing to consider a new class two3 license application for top speed Vehicles Incorporated at 69a Everett Avenue Chelsea Mass why can't I find that one hi everybody my name is Christian seran I'm representing uh top speed Motors Inc at 69 everv thank you can you tell us a little bit about what you are looking to do yep so uh we're only looking to sell a used car which is a Class 2 license uh there's a space for about six cars in that little lot it's right on the corner across from like the Dunkin Donuts uh the gentleman that uh owns it is Adon he has a prior experience um operating a uh another dealer in Somerville I think of the same name so he's looking to move here to Chelsea right initial questions from my fellow Commissioners he's already received the anoy permit he passed all inspections lot's empty right now I went by today just ready to go um what has the lot been us car than a year ago was used cars he he bought it uh I don't know what happened to the old owner oh that I'm not sure it was vacant for a bit so we really don't know it hasn't been vacan for long okay got some D Donuts yeah see um can you confirm the address uh it's 69b everv 69b yeah he said9 wait like that um so there apparently must be a discrepancy somewhere um that legal out 6971 so we need to update the address apparently something says 69a so she's so in your um application y um so you have the address noted as 69a Everett Avenue okay all right I see um so that would need to get corrected if that is not actually the physical address okay uh officer Santiago um so the only concern that I have on you guys so within the last I would say year we had a we have a used car dealership on uh Pearl and Williams that goes towards East Boston they've been hit multiple times cars had six cars one point stolen uh I've taken that report um they've been hit three times um now they've taking caution putting barriers in front of the used vehicles I don't know what kind of cars you're going to be selling if they chip you know what I'm sure all dealers are understanding about what's U the universal uh chip that's out there are they stealing cars so um just a caution on that that's what's going around uh besides the Cal converters and stuff like that so I don't know what kind of security you guys going to have there with cameras and stuff I would invest into some really good cameras okay uh be good to your neighbors around you because they see everything there especially that corner is very open yeah right there uh I would definitely take some type of measures of putting something type of barrier or something that's in front of the cars like the Jersey concrete barriers or uh that's something you going have to take with up with ISD um I don't know what PE Williams did they did put some little fence up so it could prevent them from taking the cars but it is what it is just let you guys know that's what's going around Chelsea is not the only one that's been hit that's been other plac from PB to danvas to Salem to Lynn to out west so they're going around it's like a scanner type of thing and they reset I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about and they go right into the car so the best thing is to do is get the best type of security you can uh keep us informed on what's going on so we can have the appropriate officers take the appropriate response perfect thank you um so so as part of the process you had to notify all of your Butters do you have all of the um do you have the thing that I can I have the all of the receipts yeah if you can give them to our clerk please good okay um anything else officer Santiago is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on this matter seeing no one questions additional comments from my fellow Commissioners no um so very important make sure when you are completing any sort of paperwork um that you take the time to go through it after completing it and check for errors particularly with the discrepancy in the address because it states in some places 69a and in other places 69b okay um so make sure um that you have everything accurate so you don't end up with any issues that way okay we do uh no other questions though no okay um can I have a motion to approve a new class one two three license application for top speed Vehicles Incorporated at 69b Everett Avenue Chelsea Mass motion second that's second guys are just so excited to motion all in favor hi I thank you very much and best of luck thank you thank you everyone thank you and next on the agenda we have a public hearing to consider a new old gold license application for Elsa Maro DBA Genesis jewelry at 130 Pearl Street Chelsea Mass how you doing good evening my name is salsa Maro and I'm here from California and um I want to work over here a a jewelry business and I'm trying to open a business over here in Shela like a jewelry store wonderful thank you for coming I saw in your application that you had a California address noted but then I also see a linnn address yeah my sister is the one who live in the ly and I'm with my sister right now perfect so are you planning on staying here move here yeah Wonder that's my plan wonderful tell us a little bit of about the uh store that you are planning okay uh well I've been working on the jewelry business since uh I was like 17 years old so I'm very like working on my designs so I've been coming here like 17 years ago I've been coming here because my parents live here my my dad my brother sister so and I have a lot of customers that they've been people friends that they've been telling me like why don't you move here we need someone who do like special orders and and I know a lot of people so I decide to put a business here and I find a place uh his the owner of the place that I find so I decide to put my own store here very nice have you had your own store anywhere else in California I have Edo's jewelry over there for more than 10 years wonderful already yeah are you keeping that store yeah I still have that one over there so I'm back and forth from here to C nice um and do you have those same receipts that we just asked uh the folks that were here before you the of the notices to the abutters no I don't have those receipt um do you so one of the requirements is sending out those notices did you send them out no honestly no I just came today from California as so I didn't serve any notice I didn't give any notice um so am I correct that that means we'd have to push this out so um one of the requirements anytime that somebody is coming before us is uh for any sort of a new license you have to notify all of the abutters to the property of what you were looking to do okay and that way they have the opportunity to come here this evening if they have any concerns about what you're trying to do um um sounds like it's a great business but we do have to give our community the chance um to say something if there is a concern um so if that hasn't been done we can't make any sort of uh ruling tonight um without the abutters being notified oh okay um how could I I not even have a idea how to do that because I'm new here so I don't know the the rules here all the law how it works over here so I don't have a knowledge about that Naomi can you advise how to go about that well the thing is that when you came in and you brought the application yeah if you don't know the rules you need to ask ask and we will help but you know we sent out the notices and you didn't call us to say you know what is this yeah I'm so sorry about that honestly I was so frustrated about all this because I've been payment for almost seven months and I'm like it's taking like long I didn't know about the process here is completely different U so I was kind of upset so I went back to Cali I'm like I have to wait and you know to be relaxed and continue with this so I received a phone call from you and I was so excited about this day that's why I came today in the morning uh and uh but I didn't know about it but I'm going to ask because I need to know about all the law about here in Chelsea so um realistically given today's date timeline notifying a Butters this would have to get pushed still time for January okay just making sure um so before that is there anything that you want to advise her of before we push this out to another meeting so uh as you know um all the police plays a role with security and also with the rules and regulations of the city what they require um especially one counil he's been stressing tonight about plastic bags something like that there are rules educate yourself ask questions send emails whether it's the police department or Na onlyi she's the best on everything on that thank you as for security wise uh I always suggest the best cameras that money can buy yeah I okay whether they're inside outside everywhere um also you know notifying your local police department of things that uh that you see going on so stay having a relationship with us also having a strong relationship with the city will increase your business thank you will um thank you before um I push this out for the next meeting anything from my fellow Commissioners for now no no uh can I get a motion to move uh continuation of this public hearing to our next meeting in January uh for consideration of a new old gold license application for Elsa Maro DBA Genesis jewelry at 130 Pearl Street Chelsea Mass emotion and a second a second all in favor I thank you thank you so much so please make sure you get in touch with Naomi in the licensing department get confirmation of exactly what it is that you need to do when you want to do it quickly so you can come before us at that January meeting because there's timelines for everything and getting that notice done so I would recommend um contacting the office tomorrow tomorrow morning or Monday okay don't wait any longer than that you're not going to have time and then you're going to get pushed out another month okay yeah I'll be here tomorrow morning thank you so much thank you very much our next meeting is scheduled for January 9th 2025 meeting adjourned for