##VIDEO ID:oly2UtnXxRs## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone this is a meeting of the Chelsea licensing commission today is Thursday January 9th 2025 I am uh joined this evening by my fellow uh Commissioners anyo Lopez Alexandria Chrismas Mike mcateer Emily chernak and myself Marty McAlpine along with our licensing clerk Naomi LeBron and we have Sergeant Chung from the Chelsea Police Department and I Al also see officer uh mlin um in the audience as well this evening um we do have a fairly short agenda um so hopefully we'll be able ble to run through everything very quickly a quick housekeeping note please do make sure that when you are coming before us this evening you step up to the microphone to speak if there are more than one person speaking at the same time please take turns stepping to the microphone so that way not only we can hear you um but those in the community that are watching either live or a recording are also able to hear uh what is being discussed this evening that being said uh we can move right into things and um can I get a motion to adopt the minutes from the December 12th 2024 Chelsea licensing commission meeting I make a motion to adop it thank you thank you anyo and a second a second thank you Alex all in favor I moving right along we have a continued public hearing to consider a new old gold license application for Elsa Maro DBA Genesis jewelry at 130 Pearl Street in Chelsea Mass if you can step up to the microphone please hello hi evening hello welcome back thank you good evening to everyone good evening well I'm here and um I don't know if I did what I have to do what they asked for but um um I hope I did it right this time I I did hear from uh the licensing department that you did um notify the abutters and you returned those certified receipts so we appreciate you doing that um that was needed in order for us to review the application thank you yeah I didn't know that so thank you for that um I don't believe all of the Commissioners were here last month when uh you came before us I know we talked a little bit about what it was it you were looking to do um but just for the sake for everyone who's here since it was a month ago and some folks weren't here can can you uh tell us about your plans sure uh well I was looking for a space here and I find some uh space over there in Chelsea and um you know my thing since I was 17 I've been working on jewelry district so and I'm here I have a lot of customers that I've been sending stuff from KH to here so I decide to put a jewelry store here so I find that good space over there so I decide to put my own J space over there and I'm so happy you know to do business here also because I have my family my dad my sisters uh over here in Boston also yeah so I'm very excited even been hard because I didn't know about all the rules here it's so completely different but now I'm you know asking like she said you have to ask and that's what I'm doing right now and I'm very happy to do a business here wonderful careful uh and can you tell us a bit about um what sort of jewelry store you're planning on doing well I'll make my own designs M and I have like a place where I buy wholesale also with my license in California because I have my license over there also for a business so I'll buy over there and I make my own designs yeah very nice and how long have you had the location in California uh 10 years and one and I had another one for 8 years so two different business wonderful um fellow Commissioners any initial questions no is that where the psychic store the psychic place is that where the old psychic place is oh yeah yeah yeah that place it's going to be completely different okay great what else is near it it's right by the UMO toito is right there the restaurant Benjamin Moore oh I can picture that yeah it's right on that on the Strip yeah wonderful Sergeant Chung any um questions comments from the police department uh not really any comments aside from a Corey check was conducted it was all clear um you're originally from California so you don't have a Massachusetts Corey hopefully you never will have one um but you know I believe officer Santiago mentioned that the last um um here at the last month's meeting which is the cameras cameras cameras especially you as for for you as a jewelry store and obviously working together with us all right good luck thank you so much yeah I I have I put like uh 10 inside and I'm going to put like in both side out TI and for on the top of the building I'm planning to put two over there too because you never know and that's why I decide to put the gate with the remote control also and the door in the back I force that door and I make it completely new all also for my own security yeah wonderful uh is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on this matter seeing no one um any questions from my commissioners before we vote on the application no um can I get a motion to approve the new old gold license application for Elsa Maro DBA Genesis jewelry at 130 Pearl Street Chelsea Mass motion and a second all in favor hi thank you thank you very much good luck um one one quick question before you go away um how quickly do you hope to be able to end up opening this door well everything is set up already I'm she's going I'm waiting for the paper to open yeah as soon as possible wonderful thank you so much perfect and you didn't have that right here you are very welcome you are welcome con thank you okay moving right along we have a public hearing to consider a change of hours from Tuesday to Sunday from 3 p p.m. to 11: p.m. to Monday through Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 11: p.m. and new entertainment categories radio TV disc jockey use of amplification and live shows on a new amusement and entertainment license application from El Koso uh Corporation DBL DBA El Kiosco at 212 Broadway Chelsea Mass uh good good evening um good evening is it not on yeah just be Clos yes ma'am yes ma'am uh good evening uh Commissioners and Miss Norma did you get closer to the mic like a d at a concert no oh go okay it's it's unfortunate that if you're not speaking into it we can't hear very well uh my name is Rebecca Dean Edmonson I am uh just pin chining this evening for uh attorney turo I do have the client here the new owner her name is Yuri Cora uh and she is looking to expand uh to Monday her hours uh currently the restaurant is not open on Monday Mondays uh and she would also like to exp expand instead of opening at 3 uh p.m. opening at 11:00 a.m. we are still keeping the same closing time uh as far as the entertainment license uh it is to also expand that to Mondays uh but also I it is my understanding that um what is on the license and what is in the shop is two different things there it's an it's a clarification of of they said there's only uh like there's like eight TVs or five TVs and there's really three TVs things like that so and unfortunately I do not have more details than that but I just know it it everything is approved and is there as per the licensing commission just there seems to be some scrier errors on the actual entertainment license on the wall um so the only thing that I would really be questioning there I mean obviously with the radio and the televisions confirming the quantities that's great to make sure that's all neat and tidy um but if we're also looking at new categories which would be the live shows um that would be a question given the size of that location uh that if they are doing live shows H how can you really accommodate a live show in such a small space and stay at your capacity uh very very good question you asked good questions and I did ask the same question myself I I believe my colleague uh and my my brother attorney started just te checking all boxes um I did confer with uh Miss Cora and the she is not looking for live to do any live shows okay um I just want to make sure that is correct no live shows no ban no just making we're just making sure just clarifying no no banss no live shows no no comedy shows I remember that from the last time okay and um what about um just because it is also listed um what about DJs uh no DJs she said as well uh I don't know if the current license allows for DJs may I just clarify that um with the Madam chairman does it already allow for DJs I don't have the current license in front of me I was going to ask if because did was there a special events that did you have a a live DJ at one point at your location she is a new owner she a new owner cuz we just granted her the she she changed over from the old owners last mon so this makes and I apologize for not having the current license in hand okay I'm good I will draw my um but are we hoping to have DJs yes see okay okay so in that case we're looking at uh the continuation of having that radio obviously for background music correct um you have three television screens and then you would like to be able to have a DJ but you're not looking for live shows that is my understanding one question I had just with the DJ come on over we had this issue with nocturno the challenge is just to be careful about who your neighbors are like I don't care but like there are houses nocturnal every time someone opened the back door okay the music was you know people were like it it became a thing so he had to put like a soundproof door on the back so just however the level of music just make sure it's you know mean it's obviously there's lots of restaurants and bars on that street but behind it I don't know what what houses are behind that but just to be careful um with the LA just if when people are opening the door and closing it like that you're you know the neighbors aren't being kept up by the the DJ yeah yeah I have a question yes I so you looking for DJ right and live show no no more live shows we are gonna that's already changed we're just going to go for the schedule of hours today uh we change of schedule of hours if you we table the um entertainment license or just withdraw that until a later time till we have a better understanding of what the current license is and what the current new owner wants um I don't want to waste the commission's time so currently just looking to change hours for the entertainment license that you currently have keep TV and the background music and and keep the television background music categories and then come back as far as the more uh ambitious things let let me let us table that until a different time if that is okay Madam chair I I do not want to waste Joel's time appreciate that we we all have other jobs does that work come here commiss y okay um so regarding the hours um so basically what they're looking at doing is adding in Monday and then opening at 11 o'clock rather than 3 o'cl but still closing at 11: p.m. every night everybody kind of good with that questions on that oh it makes sense opening it earlier makes sense more than making it later so agreed a large crowd makes sense um any you had a question Sergeant CH uh question question so right now they have a three to 11 yes oh okay they want to change 11:00 a.m. to 11 okay and then add in Mondays Mondays currently the license does not cover so they want to be open on Mondays Y and then add in lunch really thank you okay thanks s uh Sergeant CH anything from the police department uh like last time CLA Corey has already been established in 2024 only three call logs from this address um and most of it was out from outside of the establishment um the recent one being in October which was uh directly called from The Establishment so um it's good that they're keeping in contact with us and calling us when necessary uh the yeah um so uh our licensing clerk has just reminded that you need to keep in mind that with the entertainment licenses um they require that you shut down down 30 minutes prior um to closing time so entertainment devices are all killed 30 minutes before you close kind of same sort of thing as the last call yes um that's when we're wrapping things up to make sure you don't have any problem getting everyone out of the building I'll reiterate that with my client perfect uh any questions or comments from the public seeing no one um fellow Commissioners can we get a motion to approve a change in hours um for uh to Monday through Sunday 11:00 a. to 11:00 p.m. make a motion to change the hours and approve um 11:00 a.m. to 11: p.m. a second it all in favor um and then do you want to do a continuance for the rest of it or do you want to uh if if it is a I let me just make a clarification or or ask a question to clarify is it okay to open on Mondays now with with a television uh and everything is that are those ours or do we need to come back uh to I just want to make sure we are on so if we're please correct me if I'm wrong if we're adjusting the hours of the current entertainment license they could do what's on their current entertainment license on Mondays as well yes as soon as they receive for the rest of it I would ask for a continuance so my brother can come before you in your next meeting okay so uh the thing to keep in mind is that they can't be open on Mondays or at 11: 11:00 a.m. until it's been paid for and received the change from the city okay but the thing is that the categories are what generates the amount so I'm going to can we just amend the petition uh to reflect no DJ no no um no live shows uh and and vote on an amended petition or can I make an amendment um supon here would you uh would anybody be willing to make a motion to approve um the entertainment license without the disc jockey and live shows no know entertainment LIC is I'm sorry but I think they only that's all they had before is it the same right so it's just so it's really just the same so what the change is is the DJ and the live show that's the added addition so so it wouldn't really be a continuance they would need to submit for a new request for a change is what you're trying to say okay wait to go back to your original question that change of hours that's different you know I know but the amusement license the entertainment license does it cover Monday or do they need to apply that's what what they're doing is they're requesting that change here too okay gotcha but so but everything else is excluded uh is the DJ in the live shows um kind of okay um my apologies one one moment please um in this application are we approving both the ch for the liquor license and the change for the entertainment license or is this purely an entertainment request if you can at the last at the last meeting we did the hours for yes so this is to amend the entertainment to match what we already did correct okay correct all right so now we're all on the same page there okay so here's here's the way things would work if we approve this this evening with the change in hours for that entertainment license it automatically has everything that is currently on that license perfect however if we do it as a continuation they can't proceed with granting you um the the revised application we'd have to wait until we finish that continuation so we can grant that change and have that done tonight and then if U the um ly wishes to come make a new application request for a change then a new application request for a change in what is being added can be made for the live shows the DJ or anything like that down the road but otherwise it's all held up because your cost For Your Entertainment license is based upon what's checked off on the entertainment license understood I just my client my client my uh pent client this evening is uh is saying that the DJ is already on the current license it could be um it could be which current license because PRI yeah the PRI the it might have been they if it was there what would you suggest they had it before oh yeah yeah I think it's fine I just think can can we just get everyone clear on what is on the license and they come back if they need new things so part part of the problem is we approved the change in hours last month she's asking for so their license doesn't match they've already had a month of their of entertainment not being in line with their approved hours so I mean that's or from 11 until when we give a new license I mean even if it doesn't say it it's crazy to that they have no entertainment for a whole month till they but I think catch up we've done it to before unfortunately want everything to my client just wants everything the same but we don't know what the same is um my apologies we just don't know what the license says currently that's the problem unfortunately we can do that so is it posted is it might be posted there she has employees there they can read it off so we we can here's make a motion to the same as they have yeah yeah whatever but but the only to keep in mind is that if the decision is after this meeting that you want to have live shows or something additional to what is on that license that you have yes um then you would have to submit a brand new application and go through this process again we can't do it as a continuation and move forward with granting you the current adjustment in ours everything gets held up if we do a continuation I know yes so we want to move forward with the change in hours for the current license as is correct yes as is yes well not hours the hours changed categories as is we're all in agreement yeah so let's just redo this and um we'll re redo that vote that we had just done to um re-clarify that we are making a motion to approve the change in hours for the entertainment license to now reflect Monday through Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. with what is currently listed on the entertainment license not on the application what is listed on the license good can I get a motion approve that motion to approve and a second second are we all in favor fantastic is that good thank you very much thank you very much sorry for all the confusion nope no worries thank you very much and next up on the agenda we have a public hearing to consider a change of DBA and a change of category from wine and malt alcohol beverage off premise license to change to an all alcohol beverage off- premise license application for Canadian Liquors Incorporated DBA Broadway variety 2 change the DBA to liquor point at 469 Eastern AV in Chelsea Mass evening uh thank you chair thank you board my name is Matthew Porter I'm the attorney for Canadian liquor Inc along with me is Serinda s Mr s's the president treasurer secretary director he's also the uh current license manager uh as the the business currently has a beer and wine license uh before the board are two things uh first is a change of DBA changing from Broadway variety uh new proposed DBA would be liquor Point uh and more importantly before the board is a change of classification currently the business right now operates with a beer and wine license uh there's an application before the board to change that classification to an all alcohol license uh Mr s's been in business since 2015 so nearly 10 years now at this location uh they've had no V violations whatsoever either within the city or within the abcc uh so you certainly understand uh the responsibility that comes along with operating a license of this manner um over the past few years they've had several requests from emplo uh from customers um while the the beer and wine sales have been good um you know people generally you know have been looking for additional products which would be the request here uh I think more importantly there's been a big shift in the products so products such as high noon and a lot of these products that have now exploded in popularity are liquor based or vodka based um and they're unable to sell those with their beer and wine license um so this would do two things you know certainly it would allow the business to to have additional products to sell to their employees um and you know things are getting tighter with these stores so the neighborhood stores it's harder profits are tighter um this allow them to continue to to thrive and succeed um and certainly with that I can answer any question the board may have we have notified all the butters we receive no objections whatso ever have not heard from anybody in that regard um um my uh I have kind of two questions before I open it up to my fellow Commissioners one of them would be um is there a particular reason that you're looking for the change in name um and the second part of that question is I see in our packet uh commentary about uh Renovations what sort of Renovations are being done sure so I could certainly let you answer that the name is change the name because right now it says Broadway briy 2 it doesn't say it doesn't specific specify that it's a it's going to be having a spirit next to it so that's why we're going to we going to be changing the name to uh liquor point so it it tells uh the people that we have liquor now not just beer and wine and the renovation wise pretty much nothing getting done just stuff getting moved around and um nothing else getting done that's all it is questions from my uh fellow Commissioners hello uh unfortunately this happens a lot our zone is kind of complex so your Li your occupancy permit is for a convenience store that sells beer and wine you're changing into a convenience store that sells liquor it's just not allowed so you you'll have to if you want to move forward You' have to be a straight liquor store you'd have to go to the board though for a special permit just happen at yogis too so we'd have to go to the zoning Bo Z board yeah it's it's it's a difficult rule it's I don't that's just how it is right now convenience stores can't sell so they have specific zoning requirements they're stating within the city so if you're changing your classification from a beer and wine license to a full liquor license and it requires you to have to go through Zoning for a special permit for a change of use but that's an entirely separate board alog together it's a communion store okay yeah that that's not something you know certainly we came before the board and they you know they had let them know that one was available so no one had pointed Us in that direction but obviously that would be through an entirely separate board Al together because you're not you're not looking to be I mean still if if that's what his occupancy per is no matter what no matter what he's trying to be he'd have to request he has well zonan says you can't have a convenience store that sells like a basically you'd have to convert to a liquor store we're not a convenience store I know but that's what your occupancy Department says Jack it may that's what I I looked it up and said that you didn't change it that was from 2015 unless you changed since then it says variety store that sells B one which is which is allowed you didn't do anything wrong the name says variety but the only um it doesn't we sell only chips we never sold anything else um yeah you don't even sell you don't sell what is it I think that's what your AR Department says you are though yeah we never so we only have like a one little shelf of chips and it's always been beer and wine we never well whoever filled out your form what is it whoever filled out your original form put down that you're a convenience store so you have to it said change in ownership I looked every one of them said um variety store that sells bear and wine before you do so unless something changed yard it it said the same it's it's like very small store they're talking about your actual permit not the way not the way that you operate so so it sounds like the occupancy permit that you were initially granted when you opened the building is the problem yeah uh and that permit is based upon the zoning requirements of the city and our our city states that you can't be a convenience store and sell beer and wine and for whatever reason when you opened and were granted that occupancy permit they granted you one as a convenience store so you need to go before the zoning and speci askas for it to be a special permit or explain it to you special permit for for for sale of Le it's allowed but it's special permit not so then we can't approve it until that has been approved right I mean we voted on yogis it's still sitting out there I guess we can vote on it like we do with yogis but yogis haven't hasn't gone forward but does yogis have to come back to us uh no I don't think so I don't know it's been a long time originally we we we allowed it but yogis does sell groceries they sell B uh yeah yeah so but they but they need a new a department either way he needs a new a dep correct I guess I'm trying to limit their time at meetings so like if we just grant it now then they don't have to come back here right yeah I I guess I request would be you know to Grant a contention upon you know the zoning board you know approval if the board would be willing to do that and as you stated it doesn't sound like it's anything that we would face any objection to necessarily problem what's up two and a half months is what the problem is right yeah well we have time I mean he's an existing business so you know certainly it's burdensome but I mean I I think he'd be more than willing to go through that process um so nothing's preventing the commission to unless there is an objection under our our regulations to grant them if we want to do that but he still needs to do an extra step we we can grant it pending him getting the approval from zoning gotcha he just doesn't have to come back here is really the goal and I think the other aspect to this is this still has to go off to abcc so you know based on their turnaround time right now they're they're about two months to to move anything so um if we were able to at least move it forward here while we're waiting on abcc we can get right on top of the the other aspects of it fine um I'll still like to hear from the police before we make any decision Sergeant Chung I conducted a call log check this location in 2024 there was only been three calls um prior to that it was back in 2022 I do want to draw your attention back to a disturbance call that led to an arrest uh happened right outside your store involving one of your patr who end up who ended up being an alleged victim uh it was earlier this year uh last year in May do you recall I'll refresh your memory yes during this time an officer who also works closely with us in the licensing commission went to your Clerk and requested video your clerk advised him that he doesn't know how to work your system it's unacceptable and you were given a day to provide any footage if it captured or at least correspond back to us and that didn't happen and I know it didn't happen because there's no supplemental narrative so I would advise that going forward you need to train your employees at work that camera system definitely but uh if that's always the case I always drop up the um the video next day um I don't know how I don't know I really remember uh excuse me for one second would you mind stepping up to the microphone just so we can hear you too thank you like I said um I always if something happens I always next day I always drop a personally go into the police station and drop of a a USB but um but I apologize if that didn't happen that time um but I'll make sure for for future use uh whoever is at the store uh um they are able to use the the DVR and uh um and like I said I apologize if that didn't happen that time no thank you um we do give you guys up to 72 hours to provide video or not provide video because it didn't capture anything but we would need obviously access to confirm that so just be mindful of that going forward okay definitely thank you that's it thank you is there anyone from the public that would like to speak on this matter seeing no one um fellow Commissioners other questions comments no um so just to reiterate quickly on on what Sergeant Chung said um because anybody who has been paying any attention in the community we have had a lot of problems with licens genes not providing their video surveillance um either their systems not working properly um and part of working properly is maintaining 30 days of rolling footage um so that that's part of having the license is having that 30 days of rolling footage the second part is providing it within 72 hours upon request of the police department and making sure that your team members are trained um to be able to provide that that and it it's kind of a twofold sort of a thing it's to protect your business and also to protect the community um because there nine times out of 10 when our Police Department is coming looking for the video surveillance it tends to be things that are happening outside of our establishments but all of our establishments have cameras that are pointed at the doors of the entrances so all of our establishments are able to help us uh have a safe community and find kind of what happened and allow our Police Department to do their job as quickly as possible and um OB obtain the footage that they need to make necessary arrests um and get people off of our street um so it is very important that your team understand I've been I've been I've been part of this community for almost 15 years um you know for multiple occasions I personally you know went into police station and I know uh many of the police officers around the city um so um I'm I like I said I apologize I missed it that time and um and um I will try to make everything um and I I appreciate that I just want to make sure that it was crystal clear because we have had these conversations and then within a couple of months somebody is before us for the exact thing that we just discussed so I just like to make sure that we have been crystal clear in what those rules are are um so that way we don't have problems moving forward and it sounds like in general things have been great that way so I just want to make sure we continue that way moving forward thank you um that being said fellow Commissioners do we want to make a motion to approve uh this change pending the um zoning board granting the change in the occupancy permit yeah yes okay so and that's what we're looking to have the change in correct the occupancy permit yes so can I get a motion to approve the change of DBA and change of category from wine and malt alcohol beverage off- premise license to an all alcohol beverage off- premise license application for Canadian Liquors um changing the DBA to liquor Point pending the L zoning board uh proving the change of their occupancy permit to permit the sale of liquor anyone oh I can make a motion and can I get a second I second all in favor I thank you very much thank you okay we'll continue to keep your um your office up to date on the the zoning as most on thank you perfect thank you very much thank you good luck sir our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 13 2025 motion uh not motion uh meeting adjourned e