##VIDEO ID:znvHE0UCvxE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e these are your are these your good evening everyone let's start our meeting our first meeting of 2025 can I get a roll call M hernandz sorry no no I'm sorry I missed the Pledge of Allegiance completely I'm sorry I'm stting off 2025 really well let's all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I United States of Amer to the stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all now can we get a roll call Miss Hernandez present Mr orrian present Miss enriz pres Miss cabal present Miss Valderas present Dr Neville present Miss koves Caro present and Miss Alfaro present let's see in the affirmative and one absent thank you very much can I get a motion for the approval of the minutes of the regular me meeting on December 5th 2024 in the special meeting on December 18 2025 motion second we'll move on to public comment do we have any public comments here for the evening please say your name hi my name is Katherine Anderson I live at at 15 powderhouse Terrace in Somerville Massachusetts I'm a special education Lon at the brown middle school and I'm also the president of the Chelsea teachers union um I'm just here tonight to speak briefly about a couple of agenda items that are up for consideration and action on adjusting the budget um the first is for adjusting the budget um from 140 million 307,000 to 140 m624 th000 with that um earmarked for other educational programs and the second is for the movement of $440,000 based on salary savings at burkwitz and cams to Kelly and other areas across the district um I'm just here because while we had a really responsible budget cycle last year where we added eight positions cut eight positions kept it budget neutral since the end of the budget of the public budget cycle we've added three positions or change three positions across the district all at the central office level an officer for Student Success planning special projects chief of staff and equity and now a coordinator for Extended Learning during the budget cycle last year we made a commitment to replacing the student facing positions first when we were if we were to see any more money from the budget we've also already seen uh schools be told that we need to tighten up our budgets for next year because we are anticipating slightly less money due to slightly less student enrollment um and anticipating that we won't be able to prepay transportation and special education funding by moving the money around that we already have now and moving it to areas that aren't those priorities I'm just concerned that we're not living up to the spirit of our public budget process where we're prioritizing what community members come and say during the comment cycle and that the changes that we're making throughout the school year don't match what our Democratic process was supposed to commit to um so I don't expect to see anything necessarily change tonight but I just hope that we keep that in mind as we see the budget cycle coming forward over the next few months and through the next school year to make sure that we're living up to what people are coming and saying during the budget uh comment cycle thank you good evening Happy New Year my name is Vanessa Mendoza Mercado 318 Chestnut Street Chelsea Massachusetts I'm here to Echo some of the comments made by Katherine and add on that if we as a school committee are going to examine budgets yearly and think about the funds that we are saving due to vacancies how are we considering how these funds are being reallocated are they supporting the students in the schools that are missing these these staff members are these appropriate changes are they equal these are hard conversations to have but they are conversations school committee should have as we're having these as we're making these motions I also want to add that some of the proposed budget that Katherine had mentioned $222,000 will be going to the Kelly school for teachers and Pa profession professionals but the additional funds that total close to I believe $700,000 are going to other areas including instructional supports equity and wellness for Student Success and planning those funds are meant to support students in schools directly with with staff facing in front of them and I don't necessarily understand how those shifts are going to support our students so I'd like school committee to ask those questions tonight thank you I'm sorry see no more public comments I will move on to presentations to Dr ala okay well first Happy New Year I hope everyone had a restful Break um so I am excited about this new school year our 25 and I am excited to just get started on a very positive note because we have many amazing Educators and teachers in our schools and so the um I'd like to do our name strength and story award I started giving out the names with strength and story Awards as a way to honor our teachers who and and many of our teachers and all of our teachers and Educators go above and beyond and we really want to ensure that we're acknowledging the hard work of our staff and so the first award tonight for our name strength and story award is um goes to Elizabeth Markham um Elizabeth your commitment to inspiring and building relationships with your students and your contributions leave a lasting impact um Elizabeth is a teacher at the hooks and every year I look forward to all the invites um that Elizabeth sends all of us at the cabinet level school committee level to visit her classroom whether it's U making gingerbread houses and it's a fine mess and fun and the kids love it or this year it was there was a focus on literacy and it was a different C versions of Cinderella with a Cinderella Ball that we all got to attend um and many of the teachers and staff dressed up like they were going to a real ball and the kids had their student work posted in the gym for their parents to see there was pictures there was dancing ballroom dancing and it was it felt like a ball and um Elizabeth you make learning so much fun and I always enjoy getting to read to your classroom and coming and visiting and um I just wanted to say thank you for your investment and I think it's 18 years last when I asked you of teaching in Chelsea Public Schools so thank you and um so this goes to [Applause] you e con [Applause] okay and so our next awarde goes to and I'm looking for the email that I have um Anita Cel so and and I'm going to read the Emil that I received um as a Hook's parent I am always impressed with Anita's dedication to the families at each and every event the hooks hosts she knows the family so well and greets them with so much enthusiasm she has never had my son Rudy in class but knows him and our family as if she's taught him for years at family events she is usually the first first one dancing and motivating the students and parents to take an active role as a hooks Community she is charismatic and brings the right energy to engage our families and so Anita um this came to me through uh parent and through staff and uh we just want to say thank you for all that you do for our students it is noticed that you're at every event welcoming families making them feel welcome and um I just want to say thank you for loving our students and knowing them by name strength and story [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] okay and our next award is um Aaron Murray from Chelsea High School and so Aaron um I've gotten to know Aaron this year um I remember malet thank you um Aaron is our interact Club advisory and our interact Club um does a lot of community service and then I kept running into Aon everywhere I went whether it was at on the weekend with the kids because she's always with the kids and then I'll ask her you know I see you all the time and then she goes on to explain to me that she has children of her own so I asked her tonight are these your biological CH that there's three children children sitting next to you I believe these are your biological children but her children she's also a special education teacher at the high school and those are also her CH her children so it's always hard for me to tell whether she's talking about her own or her students um because they're her children and that's just how Aaron is Aaron is always present um I ran into I ran into Aaron another like two weeks ago before break and it was cold outside and I was like where are you coming from because I was leaving here and she was she's like oh I'm coming from the library I was just tutoring some students at the library and then she was walking back to the high school to go to the concert but that's the dedication and so to your family and to your children thank you for giving of your mom and of your wife because I know that she loves her her her profession and her calling so much that often times the family sacrifice because of the job that a educator does so Aon thank you for giving so much unto your family that is here tonight thank you for giving and um we just wanted to um just say a special thank you and thank you for loving our children and for knowing them by name strength and story [Applause] yes TR [Applause] and last but not least tonight is Shannon chick so Shannon I don't know how long you've been with us in Chelsea Public Schools but it's I know it's a long time I won't say the years but uh you can see Shannon guarantee you at every High School concert um Memorial Day veterans day I don't know if you've had a memorial day or a Veterans Day Off Shannon because you're always with the kids um field trips weekends um holidays and I just want to say thank you for giving of your time of your weekends and doing it so um just giving you're everywhere you're you're in the kids the the orchest the the concert band this last concert sounded amazing I don't know what you're doing with them but I felt like I was at the Boston pop Symphony they were just outstanding the quality and um I just if if any of you went to the concert you would be amazed at how amaz how they sounded the and the the the music the selections but you give and you give and for those of you that don't know I don't know how many years but Shannon did the um substitute um coordinating in the morning at Chelsea High School which is quite a task and I think you were up at 4:30 every for many years and she finally turned it over this last year but um the first email I would wake up to every morning for the first five years except for during Co would be an email from Shannon Shannon regarding the CHS substitute schedule so I wanted to say thank you for doing that too because that was a huge Monumental task and you did it always so um I just we can't thank you enough for all that you do and give to the Performing Arts at Chelsea High School so spe for [Applause] okay so our next report and thank you to all the families that have come out tonight our next report is our our our indicators of success so Dr Blake KY happy New Year everyone it gives me great pleasure and Delight to share with you um three of our data points for this evening we will be looking at our students attention our dropout rate as well as our Mobility rate as I reflect on my practice um this school year I am so delighted to be a part of an organization that understands the importance of looking at data consistently looking at data using data to inform our practice and for someone who has um frequent other school committees I am happy to share that Chelsea Public School is the only school committee that actually shares student data which reminds me of the work we did last fall when we looked at the eight characteristics of a highly effective school and being data Savvy was one of them so thank you so much for um being a part of my growth as I reflected on my practice the First Data that I would like to share out is our students attend and this is in alignment with our Priority One as we looked at making sure all of our students have access to rigorous and culturally relevant education every day um as you can see from grades kindergarten well prek kindergarten grades 1 through eight our students are in the 90th or higher percentile when you look at our ninth graders they're in the 81 percentile the for 10th graders it is the same and there is a slight decrease in our 11th grade and there is a slight increase with our 12th graders as a district cumulatively our Stu 90% of our students are reporting to school every day that is quite impressive thank you parents for sending your hearts to us every day the second data point that I would like to highlight is our dropout rate as of October 1st we had 18 1,827 students thank you that's the part I always miss um of that number the total number of students that dropped out were 45 which just brings us to 2.46% the last data point is our Mobility rate at the ELC level for October we had 10 students in and 11 out that is a negative difference of one at the elementary level we had 28 students in and 18 students out that's the difference of 10 at the middle school we had 14 students in 10 students out that's the difference of four as a High School level we had 20 students in five student 15 students out that's the difference of five cumulatively for the month of December we had 72 students in 54 students out that is a difference of 18 thank you great so next we'll have our student rep update good evening Dr bam Madame chairwoman Hernandez and school committee members Happy New Year's guys um um we're going to talk about sports so as we all know um The Fall season has come to a thrilling end we welcome the new winter sports um for basketball for boys and girls cheerleading indoor track and wrestling we just had some recent games won on December 20th with the girlss varsity and junior varsity and a meet for indoor track versus Malden um the next CHS boys basketball game will be held um tomorrow Friday January 3rd at um the red gym at CHS um good evening um Dr beta and Madame chairwoman Hernandez and to the stud um members Happy New Year's um for regarding the drama club they just um finished up their snow angel play which was a huge success um many families came in to see the CHS students perform and along with that success they had their um Winter concert which was um as successful and um additionally on December 19th we had our parent teacher conferences which were um an opportunity for teachers and parents to communicate their child's um academic success and their performance in school which was helpful for many parents um regarding the winter formal the student council decided to postpone it due to like some complications within the schedule a lot of people weren't able to attend on the day that we were supposed to which was supposed to be December 18th but we're deciding to do it January 25th 2025 it's still La La La Land Theme so we're super excited about that we have all the decorations and everything and we started like collaborating with the student um Council the other meetings that we have done so far and it's been a huge success so far and we're going to start selling um tickets next week and um regarding the toy drive I did last month I first wanted to thank everyone here because um you guys really used your voice to advocate for something that was so adamant in my life about giving back to my community um I had a lot of toys donated um to me by the school by the students by the teachers um just many other people even Sal D Dominico donated an excessive amount of toys which was super helpful and yeah seeing the toy like I was able to go for the toys and tots um donation center and it was just it's just it's so brightening to see how much you can truly affect one's life through those just little actions that you take and little projects and honestly I'm so grateful that I was able to um give back to my community um also Chelsea High School will be hosting um Saturday school now um it started December 14th and it's an opportunity for students to uh catch up on um any extra credits that they need to graduate or finish up any courses um it will start it starts around 9:00 and finishes around 11: and um it will be in room on um the blue floor and it'll be in room 11205 and 11206 so as everyone knows we have gotten our like application notices if we accepted or deferred or um so on and so forth about colleges and many students have heard um good news a lot of students and I mean a lot of Chelsea High seniors have been accepted to either full ride or partial full ride to um whatever College they have hoped for so that's a huge success in our Learning System and we can clearly see that our teachers and our resources have been very helpful for our senior year um also a National Honor Society just finished up their candy bag sales which was a huge success we were able to raise a lot of money which will be going to um scholarships that will be split among the NHS seniors and I want to say thank you to a bunch of City Hall workers who were able to donate generous amounts of money and got their candy bags and tomorrow um Friday January 3rd there is a free Boston landmarks orchestra concert at Chelsea High in the Chelsea High School auditorium at 700 p.m. the concert will include Pieces by mosar jonan Sebastian batch and more the concert will be approximately 7 70 minutes without intermission and then lastly um at Chelsea High School on January 16 at 2:45 p.m. they'll will be holding a know your rights session where immigrants are able to learn about information regarding what their legal rights are being in Chelsea and it's just a great opportunity if it's necessary for anybody who's willing or wants to go thank you excellent job and I know this is your first time so welcome thank you thank you [Applause] okay so we'll move on to the next report which is our enrollment our Personnel updates um we have hired since our last report 37.5% Caucasian 37.5% Hispanic and 25% black zero Asian Pacific Islander and then moving over to our enrollment report we are pretty city right now at 6,143 students and I'd like to commend these two reports for the record please and that completes my update although I do have one more um I'd like to introduce Billy Joe Turner um as many of you know um miss lamboy last day was December 31st and um we know we knew that Miss lamboy was was leaving us so we um had a search process and in the search process we were fortunate to to um hire U Miss Billy Joe Turner Turner she's sitting right over here um so miss Turner has over 24 plus years of Financial and operational management including accounting payroll purchasing Human Resources Grant Management Transportation Food Service facilities and risk management she understands the fine balance between building relationships while ensuring accountabil ability to effectively lead most recently she was a Chief Financial Officer for Lowel Public Schools she holds holds a ba from the University of Massachusetts l in accounting and a MERS in education from kingbridge college um welcome Billy and that completes my report for tonight okay we'll move on to our um subcommittee reports I'd like to commend them to the record if I could a motion second okay and we'll move on to new business our first item is consideration action to accept $100,000 for fiscal year 2025 from desie for the supporting students social emotional learning behavioral and mental health and wellness competitive Grant can I get a roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr Oran yes Miss Enriquez yes Miss cabal yes Miss Valderas yes Dr Neville yes Miss koves carav yes and Miss Alfaro yes that's eight in the affirmative and one absent in the affirmative one absent motion carries our next item is consideration and action to accept thir $33,000 for fiscal year 2025 from desie for the influence 100 Grant can I get a roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr Oran yes Miss Enriquez yes Miss cabal yes Miss Valderas yes Dr Neville yes Miss kovas Caro yes Miss Al Faro yes let a in the affirmative and one absent in the affirmative one absent motion carries next item is consideration and action to accept up to $50,000 from Department of Elementary and secondary education for the teacher diversification grants for fysical year 2025 can I get a roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr Oran yes Miss Enriquez yes Miss cabal yes Miss Valderas yes Dr Neville yes Miss kovas carav yes Miss alaro yes that's eight in the affirmative and one absent a in the affirmative one absent motion carries next item is consideration and action to accept $535.50 year 2025 can I get a roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr rean yes Miss Enriquez yes Miss cabal yes Miss Bas yes Dr Neville yes Miss koves carav yes and miss alar and see in the affirmative and one absent a in the affirmative one absent motion carries next item is consideration and action to accept $25,000 from the Chelsea High School music program for physical year 2024 through 2025 from desie provided through an an aark award can I get a roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr Oran yes Miss hriz yes Miss cabal yes Miss Bas yes Dr Neville yes Miss koves carav yes Miss alar yes i' say in the affirmative and one absent in the affirmative one absent motion carries next item is consideration and action to accept a grant award in the amount of $10,000 from Global Partners for physical year 2024 through 2025 roll call please Mr Hernandez yes Mr Oran yes Miss hriz yes Miss cabal yes Miss balderas yes Dr Neville yes Miss kovas carav yes Miss Al Faro yes let's see in the affirmative and one absent in the affirmative one absent motion carries next item is consideration and action to accept the recommendation of the school superintendent and amend the 2024 2025 school budget to increase funding from 140 M 37,8 2016 to1 4, 62484 and amend the program budget as identified and enclosure s okay can I get a roll call Mr herandez yes Mr orrian yes Miss Enriquez yes Miss cabal yes Miss Bas yes Dr Neville yes Miss kovas carav yes Miss Alf Faro yes let's see in the affirmative and one absent it an affirmative one absent motion carries next item is consideration and action to approve a budget transfer $440,000 to move funds from benefits payroll adjustments and insurance burer Woods Elementary School and Clark Avenue Middle School to Kelly Elementary School District administration instruction and assessment and equity and wellness for fiscal year 2024 to 20 25 can I get a roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr orrian yes Miss Rodriguez yes Miss cabal yes Miss Valderas yes Dr Neville yes Miss kovas carav yes Miss alaro yes let's see in the affirmative and one absent in the affirmative one absent motion carries next item consideration and action to authorize the district to enter into a house doctor agreement for AR Ural and Engineering Services for up to 5 years in length can I get a roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr orrian yes Miss Enriquez yes Miss cabal yes Miss balderas yes Dr Neville yes Miss koves carabo yes Miss Alfaro yes let's see in the affirmative and one absent in the affirmative one absent motion carries that's the end of our our new business and we'll move on to Communications um Veronica would you be able to read the letter from city council Leo Robinson if there are no objections I would like to make a motion to wave the reading I'm sorry I didn't hear that to wave the reading of the letter to wave the reading are there any objections to the waving of the reading see no objections we'll wave the reading of the letter thank you um seeing um nothing else does anyone have any announcements that they would like to make at this moment I just want to celebrate um Haitian Independence Day which was January 1st and celebrate our Haitian brothers and sisters with in our community I hope they had a wonderful celebration have some soup jimu um thank you so much and wishing yall all an amazing Independence Day thank you any other announcements um not so much of an announcement I just have um just a couple of comments as a reminder um we do have several subcommittees throughout the month and I would just like to invite everyone to just go onto our Chelsea Public School website and just review um uh just for refresher purposes when the meetings do take place that is the best time to just um get acclimated to when certain conversations are going to take um uh you know more of a lengthier discussion because whatever items we see on our um monthly agendas that's when these um conversations are really taking um place these items don't just magically appear on these agendas most of these conversations are taken um into account of course if there's any pressing um subjects that you might have as um our constituents we want to hear them before um they get to this table whether it's via email cell phones we are very accessible um and we would like to know these situations before the subcommittees before any type of item so that we can have the candid conversation so that we can make whatever best decisions and chances are most of the questions that you might already have have already been asked in said um subcommittee so we rest assure especially when it comes to finances have made most of the questions because obviously they're big ticket items and we're here for the district um as already mentioned my children are Chelsea Public School students I am a Chelsea Public School um student myself so very much Pro District so we are in these seats to make the best informed decisions so again every information that we do have tends to be on our website so if we could just please especially at the beginning of the year coming into budget season if we could just keep the lines of communication open um we would love to hear from everyone um and I did see that the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce did put out um they're going to be doing something I believe on the e8th and I think on the 16th for um potentially uh teens that are trying to um start learning how to drive and that information is on their website so it's like a um little uh like uh what is it cahoot or something like that but um kind of it's a fun game apparently my kids love it I'm not very good at that so but um you know so our local partners and our city uh officials and everybody else we're you know trying to get the city and the community engaged so if everybody just um you know pays attention to all there's a lot of uh events sometimes it's conflicting schedules but we try to do our best and see what we can make so that's um our bit happy New Year everybody and stay safe so okay um thank you very much everyone yes this is um this is very true clotty actually took a comment that I was going to make um in our subcommittees we have our bigger discussions where we go through through our the subjects that you see us discussing here and voting on here have already been discussed at the subcommittees that everyone is welcome to to join in and listen to um you you can't vote or any of those things but you can definitely listen to the subcommittees and be a part of them um that's where all of our discussions take place and our lengthier conversations so so by all means don't think that we just vote here this is the first time that we're hearing about these things we've already had the discussions um but I'm wishing everybody a very Happy New Year I'm looking forward to 2025 as a year that we're going to do great things in the city of Chelsea along with the schools especially in our hands but um I look forward to what's coming in our futures for this year and for our students and I can't wait to hear all the all the events that are happening at um the high school it's always fun to hear everything that's going on and um I'm so happy to hear that so many so many kids have already re received their their their responses from colleges and they being accepted that's such an amazing time um and and a very anxiety wearing time also um but thank you very much and can I get a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn second thank you very much e --------- ##VIDEO ID:-RG2MsJPNks## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e flag uned States na God indivisible withy andice for all can I get a roll call Miss cabal Mr Oran present Dr Neville present Mr Gomez Pera is absent today Miss Bas present Miss koves carav present Miss Hernandez present Miss Enriquez present and Miss Al Faro present let's see IND affirmative or eight present and one absent thank you um we'll move on to the next step which is the election of the chairperson for 2025 um I invite any nominations I I would like to nominate Miss um Anna Hernandez are there any nomin other nominations okay can we get a roll call Vote Yes I will um go by District order we um skipped the roll call draw but I'll go by District order for this one and then we can um switch back so a motion to elect honor Hernandez as the chairperson for 2025 miss cabal Mr rean an Hernandez Dr Neville yes Miss balderas yes Miss kovas carav yes Miss an Hernandez Miss um Hernandez present Miss enriz Anna Hernandez Miss alaro yes Miss Anna Hernandez that's seven in the affirmative for Honor Hernandez one present and one absent thank you congratulations thank [Applause] you are we doing the swearing in now are we going to do it your Anor Hernandez do solemnly swear to solemnly swear and affirm and affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties incumbent upon me incumbent upon me as chairperson as chairperson of the Chelsea School of the Char school committee according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my abilities and understanding and understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth and laws of the Commonwealth the charter the charter and the ordinances and the ordinances of the city of Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so help me God so help me God conratulations thank [Applause] thank you everyone we'll move on to the election of the vice chair for 2025 can I have any nominations Madam chair I nominate liia henriquez thank you second thank you are there any other nominations can I can I get a roll call vote motion to elect Lucy hriz for the vice chair for 2025 miss cabal Mr Orin G Henry case Dr Neville yes Miss badera yes Lucy Enriquez Miss kovas carav yes Lucy Enriquez Miss Hernandez Lucy Enriquez Miss Enriquez present Miss Al Faro Miss Lu Enriquez that's seven for Lucia Enriquez one present one absent congratulations congratulations I I state your name Lucia henriquez do solemnly swear do solemnly swear and affirm and affirm that I will Faithfully that I faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties incumbent incumbent upon me upon me as Vice chairperson as Vice chairperson of the Chelsea school committee of the Chelsea school committee according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my ability and understanding and understanding agreeably agreeable to the rules to the rules and regulations and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth and laws of the Commonwealth the charter the charter and the ordinances and the ordinance ordinances of the city of Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so help me so happy God congratulations thank you you're [Applause] welcome thank you welcome and congratulations Lucia we will move on now to the delegate to the city council can I please have any nominations Madam chair I nominate Clary kovos one second are there any other nominations can I get a roll call motion to elect Clary angelise kovas Kavu as delegate to the city council for 2025 Miss cabal yes clar kovas caros Mr Oran clar kovas Dr Neville yes Miss yes Miss kovas carabo present Miss Hernandez GL glovas carav please miss hriz yes Miss alaro yes clav that's seven in the affirmative one present and one absent congratulations [Applause] you could please raise your right hand and repeat after me I I state your name clar do solemnly swear do solemnly swear and affirm and affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties incumbent upon me incumbent upon me as delegate as delegate to the city Council to the city council according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my abilities and understanding and understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth and laws of the Commonwealth the charter the charter and the ordinances and the ordinances of the city of Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so help me God so help me God congratulations than [Applause] we'll move on now to the sure collaborative delegate can I have any nominations Madame chair I nominate Miss um Myra Valderas do I hear a second I second thank you can I get a roll call motion to elect Miss Myra Bas as delegate to the shore collaborative chairperson for 2025 Miss cabal yes Mr Oran myeras Dr Neville yes Miss Bas president miss kovas carav sorry yes M Hernandez yes M have please miss Enriquez yes Maya vas Miss Alfaro yes Miss Mya Valas a seven in the affirmative one present one absent [Applause] congratulations actually it was oh my Lord that's so cute you please raise your right hand and repeat after me I I say your name MAA Valderas do solemnly swear and solemnly swear and affirm and affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially perform all the duties perform all the duties incumbent incumbent upon me upon me as the delegate as the delegate to the sh collaborative to the shark collaborative according to the best according to the best of my abilities of my ability and understanding and my understanding agreeably agreeably to the rules and regulations to the rules and regulations of the Constitution of the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth and laws of the Commonwealth the charter the charter and the ordinances and the ordinances of the city of Chelsea of the city of Chelsea so help me God help me God congratulations thank you you're welcome [Applause] that was so cute congratulations everyone into a great New Year together all of us um we'll move on to selecting the roll call order yes we'll do roll call order then the seat order so if any everyone can just grab a number in the bag pass it along and once I call your name by District if you can read out your number and Miss um cabal will be picking for Mr Oran and Dr Neville will pick for Mr Gomez Pereira miss cabal four and for Mr rean two Dr Neville seven and for Mr Gomez perea five Miss Valderas six oh I'm sorry I skipped um oh no I'm sorry Miss six yes Miss kovas carava eight Miss Hernandez one miss henriquez three Miss Alfaro nine we will do the same now for the seating um except uh the only people that do not pick a seating numbers Miss Hernandez and Miss Enriquez okay Miss cabal six and for Mr rean four Dr Neville one Mr Gomez Pera seven Miss balderas five five miss kovas carava two and Miss Faro three okay thank you can move on to um item number 10 now yep I just wanted to make sure you had taken down everything um I make a motion for the adoption of the school committee rules of 2020 for 2025 until or unless such time the committee votes to add or amend so moved second I'd like to also um adopt the rules for designating four School subcommittees of the committee for 2025 budget and finance policy and procedures human resources and curriculum and instruction in accordance with school committee practice any member May attend any subcommittee meeting all of which are public meetings however each subcommittee will have four regular members of the school committee officially appointed to the subcommittee the obligation of the appointed members will be to attend subcommittee meetings and report back to the full school committee therefore the chairperson invites all members to send to Veronica D Medina their first second and third preferences for subcommittee assignments the chairperson sits ex official on all subcommittees please complete the attached form and return to Veronica no later than Monday January 6th thank you can we have a mo motion to adjourn this section of our meeting motion second thank you e e for