##VIDEO ID:G_yGcOrgGdI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good evening everyone we're going to officially open up the November 2024 traffic and parking commission public meeting first up we have a public hearing regarding the approval of the two loading zones on Central Avenue from 8:00 a.m. to 400 p.m and to designate 11 short-term retail parking on Willow Street with a 1 hour restriction from 8:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. so if there's anyone here to speak on that hello everyone I'm Karen gray I was here back in October to present the original plan uh which had included two loading zones on Central and the 1H hour parking on Willow for the retail of the Chelsea Enis Redevelopment um uh you asked me to uh go back and study it a bit there were some concerns about the the short-term parking on Willow and so I did that over the last month I've had conversations with neighbors with City counselors uh and with a lot of the city departments um and I came back I'm coming back to you with an updated or modified plan uh that will I'll just pass this around that really addresses the issue and the concern about the the the short-term parking on Willow um in my conversations I would I uh I learned that uh before the development was torn down before the NS project was torn down there actually was resident parking on the east side of of Willow Street and um there were six spaces there um and after hearing about the parking concerns for residents we've decided to add those back in as or add six spaces on Willow back in as uh permanent resident parking um and just take them out of the short-term request so you'll see we've we've divided we put those spaces on the uh on the uh Northern side of the street farther away from the retail and we put and we're now asking for 2hour meter metered spaces on on Willow closer to and there's six so six of those and six of spaces for the residents on Willow um I also added in the MBTA bus stop that is on the corner there uh to uh show uh where there there actually is no parking because we'll leave that open for the buses um and and then we are also asking for those two loading zones as well on Central AV so um so one thing I also did was I when I was looking back at the original plans I I looked at how many spaces we have added and because there were actually a number of curb the original project had six curb Cuts uh three of them were on Central AV and um and it also had the entire west side of Willow Avenue was one gigantic curb cut so what's happened now when when we actually only have two curb cups total for the whole project um so we've been able to add back in uh 14 spaces because of the elimination of all of those curb cuts and all 14 of those are now overnight parking that didn't exist before the project so for residents so um so that's the new plan and I know that we you know I know that there um some people may have some questions so thank you um if anybody on from the public wants to speak just come to the microphone good evening uh my name is is Joanna ruper and I'm the city councilor for that that side I remember when the projects first came up all the parking was supposed to be in the parking lot with an additional parking so I'm not against what they talking about you know on Willow Street have to put the meters there but on Central Avenue you can't take that parking like they're proposing that they want to put a loading zone if for moving for for getting out in and in and out the trash right I spoke to someone and I I thought we came to an understanding when you want to get your trash you have certain days where you get it so you put your signs up there and say at this particular time there's trash pick up no parking and as far as people moving in and out it's like anybody else they go to City Hall and they get a thing that says people are moving in and out today so you got 300 units so what does that mean that 300 moving it all at once whenever you do you just can't say this is going to be this it doesn't work the poor people in this city needs parking when the projects first came up all the parkings issue was resolved and as far as the other side saying the pro the where the projects used to be let me put it you know with the with the Housing Authority they had their own parket inside they never had R Street maybe they did on one side you know what I mean they will go inside but the other side it wasn't so I'm not against them putting meters on both sides you know but I'm want but you should put meters where residents can park in case there's no space to park in this city anymore there's nowhere to go the more parking you take away the the worse it's going to be for the residents that are here I'm not against what they want to do be reasonable you can't just shut it because you say this what I'm going to do you can't you can work make an understanding between us all okay you have people moving in and out go get the cones shut the street at that particular time you want to take your trash tell you to put signs at a particular time saying at this particular time no parking there's going to be trash pickup you're going to make you're not going to take trash out every day he if that's what they're going to do it's a different thing but if you do like the city Only does it once a week so I remember the complex that was there they picked up the trash twice a week or whatever they had their own bins you know they had their own now you don't have it so I can understand that point but you can't take away the parking from the people that are there there's hardly any parking as it is that's the only thing but as far as Willow at the 2our meters I'm not against that it's fair they got 10 10 parking 10 hour meters on the side no should Park 10 hours 2 hours is fear for anybody thank you councelor recupero could I ask you a question uh I just want to clarify the loading zones are specifically for 8:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. I'm sorry the loading zones on the plan they're specifically for 8:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. 8 a.m. in the morning to 4 p.m. in the afternoon right yeah so they're not 24 hours a day and I just wanted to council just the the the microphone just so everybody can hear yeah just so everyone can hear you I I understand you know that it's from four so you're going to shut the street from 4 from 8 in the morning to 400 in the afternoon right one whole side for trash pack up and all that what it it's not the whole side of the street it's side it's probably four parking spaces total what it's probably four parking spaces total on on Willow I'm not against Willow I don't Willow it's okay I'm talking about Central Avenue you know where you pick up your trash you can't can't say no parking because it's trash Willow Street is fine I don't care Willow Street you know what I mean it never had much parking there to start with okay I'm talking about Central which is a main artery that is important the rest of it you know Willow Street they can put meters there whatever it is half of it one side used to belong to the complex anyways cuz they parked there so you what you're actually doing is getting four spots on the other side so there's nothing wrong with that I'm talking about Central Avenue it's not the whole so in front of the building it's not the whole stretch of central no it goes from there to the other side to the to be you know what I mean it doesn't go all the way up my my question here is it's four spaces about total on Central Avenue as we just heard the the project created 14 spaces and I'm just thinking about the double parking what do you me you create 14 spaces how do you create in 14 spaces when the spaces already there uh so I'm going to the represent how create something that's there uh there weren't parking spaces uh because of the curb Cuts along the project and the project created new places that they what you going to make and the curb cut went all the way over to the end the middle of the street no people just so I I know what curb cuts are there so there were three curb cuts on Central there was none when it were there they just did them a couple of years ago before they did the sidewalks there was none there were three going into the inis project I lived there 42 years when they did Central Avenue and they redid the sidewalks then they put the C Cuts before that there was none when when was that when the water water line what was that Mr when was it 2020 no prior to that no prior to that coun when was it no at least four or five years before that I don't remember okay there you go see but I know what you're saying I know what you're saying you're saying previous you're talking 20 25 years ago I know what you're saying whatever it is but so but she's saying G is that when they got rid of the entrances into the the projects that that created spaces the PO so you you uh you said how many spaces that create so I we think that create the we think there were six spaces that that the curb Cuts were taking up so we essentially know about that because I remember so did no there are two cars wide so if there's six spaces if there's six spaces in it one like Emily had said I think when we're putting back these these loading zones we do feel that you're you're the six spaces are being returned to the community for overnight parking um so we we do feel that that's a fair trade because we're also providing 14 additional spots when you first came up with a plan you already had have that incorporated you you came up and you had all that you had all that now you come and you change it so now the people that are did they don't want that they understand the way the the complex used to be it used to be one one year then you used to have two entr one and hour so it was only two cars that actually one to go in and one to come out that's the way it was and he can tell you that so and there was one in the Middle where you could park so it was never that many spots it was maybe two spots so respectfully I think we want the same thing we want people to be able to park and we want to make sure that the community is safe and the trucks are not going to be blocking traffic and um that's what I want I want to make sure that the people can park Council can I just can I I'm going to hand this to you just I circled so on the side of Central Avenue where the building was just constructed there's two spots there's one spot then there's seven spots then there's a loading I'll talk to you through the mic just so we can have a convo back forth you have for the projects remember and inside the projects you would have one entrance and one so there would be two spots and then in the middle you could park and then on the side down here you had a mailbox and you had all this parking so what they want to do it's fine if you want to get for moving trucks do what everybody else does you tell the city at this particular time you know what I mean you come and you park right for trash you know when your trash delivery is so you put signs you comes up to you and says I would like to have signs specifically put no parking at this time from this time because the trash pack up is there you you get what I'm saying I understand I just wanted you to see visually that it's not the entire side of central for loading zone it's it's going to be it doesn't go all the way up it goes in the buildings in between you know what I mean cuz there's buildings on the side right and there's another one at the end and there's two in the middle so they're talking about the middle see this there's more builds build here build here build here yep so the first building would have eight spaces then a loading zone which would take up two then three spaces then a load then one space then a loading zone that would take up another two and then two spaces so essentially we have 14 resident spaces but four spaces that could be resident spaces would be loading zones so that's what they're going to discuss here you you can have all that problem solved by the loading zone when you come up you know what I'm saying if you if you put if you want to make a loading zone right I thought you going to make a loading zone at the other end so because there's another where the apartments after the apartment there's a building there with stores so you're going to have loading zone there too so the loading zone what are they loading here what are they loading food that's just a commercial Zone 8 8: in the morning till 400 p.m. on Central Avenue that's the worst part you you already your policeman you seen what would you do yeah dear that's the worst time to do it that's a main aing we'll have we'll have can can I ask a question question so I I'm just just to clarify last last meeting it felt like it was like this wasn't asked for before the meeting is that correct I'm sorry so the design phase was this introduced during the design phase so I was not actually involved in the design phase Jen do you want to respond to that um because I feel like some people feel like they've being caught off guard by some of this like I'm not understanding why the garage didn't have commercial parking available for you know the commercial space I mean you know I'm not I'm just trying to figure out because I always feel like we're we're being asked for forgiveness now yeah totally and so I don't think that's appropriate I think that you know when people come in it's kind of obvious and intuitive that if you have a 300 unit apartment you're going to have need loading zones and if you're going to have commercial space you're going to need parking for commercial customers and also visitors so was any of that discussed when this was introduced so yeah there were several iterations of the project as you know some of you probably know we started working on in 2016 and we're in here a lot um and at one point there was a parking lot in between the two buildings at that point we had three residential buildings would have most of the parking underneath so at that point we thought we' could accommodate in the first draft the any sort of commercial loading could be accommodated with that on-site parking as well as any guest parking or visitor parking and so then from there um obviously after 2020 plans changed parking garage plus the two residential buildings no more underground parking anymore um I believe in the last and if my memory serves me correctly when we were approved um by the planning board um for our 40R um there was I believe two loading zones one on Central and one on Willow to accommodate each building but then I think that over time we moved everything to kind of be more on Central so that Willow was not interrupted and there was a resident parking and also so the parking lots that used to be on the site too there was one parking lot in between so one curb cut on Willow I mean not on Willow on um Watts excuse me one curb CAU on caught on Watts drove around Willow obviously had one entire um block essentially cut off and then there was one smaller lot if you'll remember on the right side after the first building and then after that up top there was the bigger parking lot so that had two curb Cuts so just to clarify also the you know history of the site and everything but I mean I think there always was a conversation about loading that there would be some loading it's very true that we should have probably had a more specific plan at the time um but yeah so yeah no I just feel like the people are asking for forgiveness now that we get rained on because you know what going to do there's like 300 units here and what are we gonna have everybody double Park no exactly and you know having having the you know the parking Department also have to issue permits every time you know we filled one of the 330 units seems like probably a lot of work on that end and again you know we've restored several spots around because of the curb Cuts so we figured that you know we're only really taking what we've also but are you with 300 units sorry I mean you have 300 units is that correct 330 yeah so I mean are you really only giving I mean there going to be how many people are going to be coming into the city to visit to drop off deliver so 14 you know I mean I'm just saying it's not a lot in a city where we literally have no parking so I mean that's just my comment I mean there's nothing I can do about it right now my question is I understand I see the loading zones I see one's uh 77 the other one's 66 that's those are spots you say four I thought you said six total but there's actually seven spots maybe Emily said I'm sorry but there's you got the um you got the the private unloading Zone which you put one space before the the 66 which is on the upper half so that's four spots and then three spots down at the bottom loading zone so that's to me is seven spots now if you gave away six spots if you had six spots from the from the the curb Cuts previous to the you've only gained one spat one spot so it's not I I don't know where you're getting that higher number from you just just gaining one spot there to me you're right I I was just saying six for the loading zones but there is one passenger it's like a handicap spot that's next to the loading zone I think that's what you're counting I'm counting it but it's ALS I mean it's in here it's not it just says loading zone it doesn't say handicap spot it doesn't say so accessible they have the sign for the accessible uh the the drawing just shows toe Zone No Parking loading zone okay that's it oh that's the loading zone that's this one goes the other way okay sorry I'll pick up drop off 15 minute limit yeah it's a to me yeah those are accessible spots so they're two of those so would you consider what would you I mean food Uber something like that would be 15 minutes but you're not going to unload a truck in 15 minutes you're not going to move you're not going to get a furniture delivery in 15 minutes a lot of that's not going to take that time I just and in terms of parking like we said when you're going you say you're going to you created parking obviously there was parking inside the premises you they lost that now they've been put to the garage which is which is great and you said everyone is accounted for in the garage but on the street there's bound to be extra cars visitors obviously that park in the street and there's people in the neighborhood that have to park in that street when they when they don't have parking somewhere else so we're hoping the shortterm parking is for the visitors people coming you know to see their friend for an hour or two and sure uh but the way that that Resident Park and permit is down there it's if it's an all day per permit you have to get a pass to visit your friend for an hour unfortunately so that's another situation my my biggest issue is is I do understand the need for the loading zones there like uh councilor rupo said about unloading trash now that trash is going to come through that the Middle where the first loading zone is is that where that was so on the plan I don't have a or I do have a copy the the red area that I'm shown on the building is the trash room in each building so okay oh at at the loading zone at each loading zone okay I see that okay so okay so the main use is trash pickup for those but it's also where we're going to load the buildings with the residents and residents will move in and move out and we've already started that process we already have um I think 12 families in the building and we've had two coming in per day and it's a lot what's the requisite for a loading zone do you happen to know what it is the what the space for a loading zone I know you have well no not on yours no no in so for instance we have loading zones up and down Broadway and we do for for trailers and for food delivery on Broadway we do 44 ft really yeah we don't go soas our traffic engineer to come up with this and this is what he came okay okay so you may have taken that into consideration I mean like I said when when you're looking like Mara said you're looking at a city that's limited with parking and you go and make a loading zone 77 ft long that's three parking spots right there actually it's more one's three and a half the other one's three 66 is three so you know gen 22t is generous for parking but that's what the the code says that's how long they are um like I said that that that's my issue there and then on the willow side you know you're right about the curb cut there that where they could park in front of the building but now they'll either have to park across in the building so that actually opens up a few spots but when you limit some of that during the day for customer parking that's going to be in the retail space it kind of takes away from some of those people um I I I'm I I tend to agree with marrow like why wasn't there more consideration thought in the G having four or five spaces dedicated for commercial but I mean all in all it's a tight space to obviously do what we did there we did what we did but you know now that the it's done now like Mar said we're looking for forgiveness to get all these spots not taken away you're trying to get your spots and they're trying to keep their spots so it's going to be kind of a you know we have to come to some kind of compromise I would think I will just chime in on that that that is something that we're very actively looking at in future developments like there's just not a lot we can do about the fact that this wasn't considered earlier things happened the plans were changing a lot it was the pandemic um but as we go forward that's something that Housing and Community Development is making sure we're talking to developers about when they are making their site plans and going through the planning board I I I also think it's when you have um construction coming in too because the idea that I'm getting every month we're getting 11 requests for parking because they're they're employees need to come in here it's like I have family that is in construction they ride a bike they take public transit you know and so I you know if we're not if they can't do that then there needs to be consideration at the building stage too because I don't necessarily mind having staging but the idea that I'm supposed to be providing parking for people who are coming in here to build is also I find quite problematic so that's just another thing that I would like because it seems to me like since I've been on here is that we're continuously being asked to do something after the fact and it just doesn't seem fair to us but nor to the city and as a resident kind of pisses me off Jimmy so on Broadway like in front of B B and DS that's 44 feet that loading zone can I chime in just to suggest we open the floor up for residents and then return to discussing ourselves yes any here anyone here that wants to speak on excuse me what is your name for the record oh for the record um I'm Jennifer Corr I'm with JJC company um we were the original designes um or partners with JMC on the project do you want to sign in if you didn't sign in thank you anyone from the city that wants to speak on the matter may or may not live in the area any comments or concerns I would say come come speak right right to the microphone can you just can you say your name and your address for sure I'm Vanessa I liveed at uh 78 watt street right by the uh construction thing out of curiosity because we just found out that there was going to be meters but we didn't they didn't specify where exactly would it be at wats or Central only and what is the purpose of the meter for residents because technically they don't we don't really have a lot of parking Spates at wats either it's not like like let's put it this way my next door neb would have their own driveway so they would park in the street which is kind of hard too now because you know how it's blocked it's kind of terrible so there are no metered spot on spots on Watts oh well what we understood that it was going to be at Watts too so we wasn't no So the plan has been updated ah okay yeah do you want to walk her through the diagram so as you'll see the orange area is where the where the meter will be and those will be overnight resident parking it just be during the day meters but these will be resident parking no meters at all here so that's all you know you guys all the watt Street folks can park there there used to be parking all along here that was used so um and then there actually will be I think one or two additional spots on Watt Street available when we're done that before there was a uh there was a curb cut on Watts as well that will not be there anymore so um and the purpose of the metered parking I believe is for the businesses that are going to be in the development for short-term customer and dining parking but it won't affect the um say residents won't pay meters overnight at all okay yeah that's five meters then correct because they gave back six SP believe okay is that is that correct five five meters so there's six meters on Watts and then four on Central that are I think they're longterm meters now and the proposal is to make them 2hour meters so those are currently existing meters that are just going to be changed the time those are currently existing meters on Central um they're not there at the moment I think they were T they must have been taken out or Central did Central did have them mem they came up from the pocket garage up to the edge of the building then there was an entrance into that that right side building there was an entrance there and then there was a bus stop there okay so there was yeah they move four met there um right there was a curb cut in 3 or four meters along Central there and as I understand I've been told they were long-term 10hour meters they were 10 hours because of the pocket garage correct yeah right okay so thank you all right um other residents can you state your name and address on the microphone Wendy lares I live on 184 Chester a um I'm like two blocks away from this new building and um I wasn't here actually for this situation but um the residents that live in the area we already don't have enough spaces to park it's a hustle for us to park and we're talking here about 330 unions there's not going to be only 330 cars I mean there's going to be families there that may have two four three cars like I have two cars in my house and I got to make a home maybe before 3:30 if I want to find a parking space otherwise I will have to park around wat Street Willow Street sometimes even Central Street and we already have this issue when with all these people coming in all these new people and all these parking spaces that you know are going to be taken away um I don't think it's fair for the residents that are already there um you know to put us on this situation especially when there's another building on cot Street building up it's also less parking space like she was saying there's parking signs on C Street that I said like from 700 a.m. you can park there because it's for construction workers only so we residents have to be running before 7:00 to move out of there for this construction worker to come and park in those area where we as resident already P pay enough taxes to the city and we are not able to park or allowed to park because you know workers from other cities are coming to work to build here but the people who really live here we also need the parking places during the day and especially during the night sometimes you see people parking on the other side of the street because there is nowh to park in that area so with all these people coming into the city especially now with this construction it's going to be really hard for the people who already live here like us thank you anyone else so Jimmy I would just ask one more time just in terms of the current loading zones in the street they have no issues loading right the the 44 ft there's large trucks that make those deliveries um sure and I would think it would be uh let me ask you this are the loading zones more for deliveries or are they more for like slash people moving in and then are they are they going to be Amazon trucks UPS truck FedEx trucks first and foremost they're for trash pickup we're going to have trash pickup we're starting out with three or four days a week we may end up with every day of the week because we've got 330 families worth of trash it's going to be every day almost so uh so that's the first going to be on R those on ground roll dump that will be we have a caddy will be able to bring the dumpster out to the street and they're front loaded over okay into a big trash truck so um so that's the that was the original reason for them but then it really makes sense for moving as well because we do not want those moving trucks on Watt Street nobody does I mean it's just going to be a disaster if they're there yet you also don't want them blocking traffic in on Central even though Central is a little wider and it it is an extremely busy street I was out there last week watching One somebody had delivered something I was there for picking up something and the cars had stopped behind them while they were Pi they were double parked and the guy got in the truck and he backed up and hit the car that was sitting in traffic waiting patiently for him to finish his delivery so it just we've all seen it it's pretty it's pretty congested when it's D when trucks are double parked out there so we feel that this was an asset to the community to get all those double parked Amazon Vehicles delivery trucks that are going to be coming through off of the main part of Central Street it's just it will it will be we've changed the way we live and that we now are getting you know 300 we're going to have 330 families getting Amazon deliveries and that alone you know could occupy a pullover or a a loading zone for most of a day so would you be willing to consider short smaller loading zones than what's in the plan right now I would definitely consider it I'd like to go back to our our waste contractor to make sure they could actually load in a smaller Zone I would I would i' definitely find that out um and right now I'm my my my civil engineer my traffic engineer is telling me that that's a standard size for that type of the front loing vehicle um but you know I can definitely ask and see if it would if it's possible to scooch it down by a a size of one more space or something f it just sounds like that might help a lot of folks on the committee be a little more comfortable and maybe we can consider the metered spots today but hold the loading zones sorry to ask you to come back to another meeting my question is if you're going to lower make the loading zones smaller is that going to defeat the purpose of the movers coming in I mean right and I don't so the moving trucks will be we don't know what size they could be the just a you know it could be a U-Haul or it could be one of those huge semis coming in with you know a whole family's worth of stuff I mean I would put it out there that I think that a number of moving trucks could probably fit in a two spot loading zone and if they're bigger you can still come back to City Hall and get a sign for like the third spot and that's not taking it up the rest of the time because that feels like a like more limited case situation than getting trash picked up every day right if the trash truck can fit in a smaller spot all right well let me find that out and um you know and if they can we would do we would be willing to reduce the size for sure and I'm particularly curious on the one on on the Opera lot the the one in the center is three spots that one is that one's actually more than three cuz it's a 77 but the other one is is 88 so that's three you got that you have that 15minute why can't the 15-minute drop off and pickup that you have and there be combined with the loading zone why does it have to be two separate ones so that's that's a good question I was actually thinking that as we were discussing this that that spot had to be moved there at the last that spot that that passenger pickup was almost in in the middle of the two spaces originally and the original design but it conflicts with a hydrant there's an added hydrant there there correct that wasn't that wasn't there right so they so that because the hydrant was added we had to move it when I when I asked the civil engineer to draw this he realized oh we have to move this so it's a good question and certainly I would think for sure we could shorten that that particularly on that one you're looking at you're at 88 ft yeah so at 22t that's full that's full full parking spaces which can hopefully be compromised even if you got it down to you know 22 is being generous from the I saw it's 20 ft for for Mass regulations so it's a parket space should be 5T by 20 ft 5T wide by 20 ft long so you could almost get away with with 40t but if you were generous and did 50 ft you could still fit another spot in there so I mean obviously like Emily said that would would help with the parking in the area cuz we're not taking away if you did that you're looking at the six spots and that's basically a wash out from the six spots you had for the curb Cuts previous so there's really nothing lost nothing gained in that particular sense yep so does it sound acceptable to folks if we just consider meters on Willow Street today and come back to talk about Central Street I'm fine with that I I am of the opinion that the meters on Willow Street do make sense because of the new retail and dining like that is probably and they've reduced the number of meters their requesting so I'm inclined to suggest that we approve those so can I just ask a question so the meters would be 2 hours during the work day correct and but so if this is a restaurant here after night what are they going to do at night time are the spots like 8 to 4 or are they like 8 to8 meter um I I actually don't think we designated any time for those I mean we would take your advisement on that because it just out of curiosity how many um parking spaces are in the garage uh 257 okay so we don't have enough parking in the garage for every unit so you don't even have enough for the units which is right it's tight it's very tight and it's a little more than tight uh understood uh so there's basically there's no option of of of somehow getting some of the commercial parking to park in the garage okay well as we suggested before I mean I'm a little inclined to a little bit disagree the only because we have like if for instance when it's a busy time or when it's parking is the people from Watts tend to go down to that part of Willow yes it's a longer walk from Central and they can make that walk and they do unfortunately but it's just you know we also said there's a public parking LOD which is a literally it's not I wouldn't even call it a block away it's probably half a block away which is in walking distance of the corner of uh Willow and Central which has I want to say there's at least 22 or 25 meter parking spots inside the Highland parking lot mhm um obviously in the peak summmer times when there is soccer going on there that would be a lot tougher so I I definitely would say there's going to be a challenge there but you know it's going to be tough to to to meter it Emily and keep it as well do we shut it off at 4 p.m. do we what about the restaurant that's open till 8:00 p.m. well if there's not a time already there I'm inclined to say what if the meters were like 2: to 8:00 p.m. and they were not metered in the morning which I'm guessing is a less busy time and that's like six hours of the day which supports new local businesses but is less impactful on residents isn't requiring anyone to get out of bed actually I would I mean Elsa can speak better I wouldn't think they'd go actually past 6 because we only ticket till 6 so they would only you know take in terms of enforcement unless they change hours and park enforcement which they haven't yet it's only till 6 p.m. and not on Sundays so six days a week to 6 PM there is overnight there is overnight residential parking obviously that's Citywide that's that's different but we're not talking about overnight when you're talking about commercial space we're talking about normal business hours so maybe 12 to six for the meters I I I do want to put out there I mean we may have some businesses that might like if we got a a health club or you know somebody you know who might want those morning hours um so and it's so hard to get retail to come and to convince them to to locate in a new location like this that I would hate to have any restriction on customers parking in the morning hours um just because we don't know who we're going to get but um once we you know lock in maybe but but I like the I like the idea of finding a solution I mean at the end of the day that's what we're going to have to do cuz we' always we obviously see that the buildings are built they've been open obviously there's uh people are inside of them now so we have to figure it out I'm just weary about putting meters there and doing that with and like now I just even thought of all the meters down on Central app so within just like we told the contractors working on a block away on Cottage they wanted their own parking they wanted 10 people to park like we couldn't s but there's plenty of parking meters down here central lab probably has I'm going to take a guess and probably say there's a good 15 to 20 meters there too which is the same thing you're fighting with with spaces with the parking garage but at at at at a premium there that's that's all we can offer for I just don't know if we want to add meters to them when we already have them and two walkable blocks from this from this project and especially seeing now is you said we did possibly have a tenant do we have any anybody signed in we have a restaurant a local restaurant we are desperately trying to figure out how to get her in there trying but there's no no agreement correct no agreement because we we've got to figure out you know what she can afford versus how much it's going to cost to turn that space into a restaurant uh she would I she may have a lunch I actually don't know if she has serves lunch but if she does I think so okay so now that you say that my my mind thinks more of let's let's do something temporary because if right now you don't have a tenant we don't need to go and allocate six or eight pocket spots for Meed commercial parking if no one's going to be using them MH I understand you're going to possibly hope to fill the building and that's obviously any uh owner's intention so that's fine but I think it's something we can probably revisit um in terms of going forward like I said I just if you go and tell me that you know there's nobody in there and I give you eight Meed spots for commercial parking it's just pointless there's nobody going in there that doesn't make sense to me but at the same time I'm imagining you're going to have a hard time filling the building if people don't know if people are going to be able to park in front of it understood yeah we do like what we do have right now is lots and lots of people coming to see the building to tour and be potential tenants and we really need space for them to par where are they parking now just parking on the street they're will they're parking on Willow cuz there's no there's no signage there now so it's it's kind of an open space at the moment so what about the garage can they Park in there meaning a prospective uh uh tenant can they Park in there while they meet could that be something you instruct them to do or no it it they need a special sticker to get into the garage the way the system works so that we it we would need a lot of there's it's not an open garage it it's secured with a a electronic system correct okay so there's really no access for prospective renters to come into it's almost like you're telling people come on come into my building but just park wherever and come in to see us it's like that's why we're hoping I mean this will be a new commercial area where people are coming to look for an apartment and maybe stop in a bookstore or go to a restaurant so uh we'd love it to have open meters that are available to to everyone and the community as well so yeah I know I asked you previous Elsa if if this meat is on Willow Street and you live in the adjacent area do you have to pay for the meat you still have to pay for the me is correct if they live um 100 feet from meters they can get passes so you're if you're up in the middle of the block on Watts and you come home at night and there's nobody there and you go down half a block and take a right and Willow's open you go to park there you have to pay the you have to during the day you have to pay the meter right there used to be a similar program on Congress Avenue the people that lived there had to pay for the meters you know they lived there but they couldn't Park they had to pay for the meters right so the city give the people that live there a specific sticker there you go you're talking between Broadway and was yeah so you could solve that problem with Willow Street with the meters well it's like that on Broadway like like Elsa said if you're within a certain range you have the me you have a sign and you don't have to pay the meter but when you're walking a good distance that's that's going to how would that El how would that pertain to say is that something the clerk's office can change or is that something that has to go to council or is that something that has to go through Us in terms of you say 100 feet like that distance what's who regulates that would would would those people be able to get a sticker like the rest of them like they here on Broadway not if they live more than 100t away they won't that's well that's why I'm telling her it maybe it's something Council can is if that's something you know I don't know who makes that regulation because I I F very for people you know Jimmy were pay I had three years it took me three years it wasn't just one minute it took me three years but then finally to get a sticker so they could Pock in their house without pain sure I don't want that to happen to know well that's why I'm saying if maybe the that regulation can be changed if that's something that's going to be approved by commission counsel or clerk's office I'm not sure if Elsa can find that out think it would have to come to us and then Council okay but it's something I think we should look into whether or not you know that's because like I said if you live halfway up Watson you got to park on Willow Street now you come home during the day oh let's just say you work at night and you're home during the day and you can't find a parking spot there you're going to have to park over there and pay the meter so it's a little you know little in that token um like I said I I I personally have a little tough time with the meters when there's no tenants if you would come to me now and said we have a tenant she's ready to go in there we're going to offer her parking then I could see justifying taking spots from there but right now my thought is to not allow for Meed parking on Willow I'm not going to speak for everyone else they can speak for themselves but that's just my opinion I mean I'm inclined to agree that it doesn't make a ton of sense to do this much metered parking when there isn't a tenant but if it's going to be an issue to get tenants in the and I know you have people visiting right now but there isn't signage on Willow so can we as a commission say when there are businesses there we will approve the in the like beginning of metered parking I don't think we can say when I think we can we have to put a Time on it if you want to put six months and assume it might take that much time to get something signed someone moved in something up and going but you know that's does putting metered spots in in six months sound acceptable yes so if I were to motion to approve the proposal to put these metered parking spots on Willow in six month time Emily I would say a word more that you would look at because if in six months from now we don't have a tenant there's really no sense in doing it again so I think it's more that you have to yeah revisit it but with the with the inclination that there's someone sign if there's a least signed and sealed then we can revisit it and say this might Tak are we if we don't put the meters in now or are you just going to leave no signage yet no we'd have to just do it we just have to do sweet sweeping and residential Park in there just Norm which is normal Citywide what I want to I I don't want to agree to it if we can't could we me spots right now and revisit it in six months I I do feel that like I I think that there is a an issue with people who trying to move into a 330 person building not necessarily know like if people are new to the area they don't necessarily know about Highland Park if they are coming during the soccer but that's something we can easily direct them to as part of the management company can easily say there's public parking block away on this street there's public parking quarter of a mile in this public parking lot you know what I mean that's if it's something that word of mouth can get out it would be helpful but one thing we're really working on is attractive residents getting people to come and see this building and it's hard to get people to come to a new area and um and we we need to make this feel effortless when they come we want them to be able to pull up to the building and have a parking space and we have 10 to 12 tours a day coming in right now we have walk-ins that we don't even expect which is wonderful it's just fantastic but we want to generate the idea that this is an active neighborhood that people would be excited to live in and they don't have to walk a couple blocks or a block and a half to their a place to park sure sure I mean I I get what you're saying and I'm I'm not disagreeing with you there but it's also I I think I said this in the last meeting it's also to the point of when the design was going on and we were thinking about building this place and we said we nobody said oh where we going to put these people like you want to roll out the red coppet for them but none of that was thought of in the design process now we're trying to figure it out it sounds like that that unfortunately fell through the cracks and and and like you said we need to I think at the end of the day we need to come to some kind of compromise whether it's if we can gain a couple spots with the resident with the loading zones and maybe we just you know table that till next meeting and then if we want to T like table the The Meters I mean like I said I I've given my opinion on the meters and that's where I stand on them it's amongst yourselves to decide what you guys want to do um I'm not going to make a motion on it so Paul NWI Chelsea how's the authority Chelsea resident lifelong first of all uh 96 of those families are Chelsea people they're Chelsea families all right over the last 15 years out of those 96 families maybe 40 maybe 40 head parking passes all right on our property second of all that was supposed to be a daycare so this has been discussed for eight years that there were going to be drop off zones in that area there's emails going all around city hall with the previous staff so that those discussions did happen in the past because it's supposed to be a daycare go because we had a a daycare at 170 Central lab to begin with and so we had to create parking for them on our site so that was a promise to them if they came back so there were some of these discussions in the past we just don't want to say uh uh that this is just something that oh gez you know uh we're just coming up with it absolutely for eight years we were talking about commercial space without doubt we were talking about it being a daycare and then when the daycare moved to East Boston we then went to we're going to break it up we're talking about the Boys and Girls Club about coming up there we're talking about a health club possibly going there we're talking about a a very uh uh prominent restaurant that yes there's no sign guarantee but it's about 34 away there all right there's always you know we already have most most of the paperwork done were just going through some design phases so we are further along than uh you know and and you know Karen's on site working hard and all that stuff but she what a year a year so she wasn't privy to a lot of those other discussions so just just wanted to share that with everyone because I know a lot of the stuff didn't come before all of you all of you didn't have the chance to to be a part of those discussions with John the priest and and uh and former city manager ambero and what have you so I just wanted to I apologize for showing up late I had another meeting uh but just wanted to share that that these discussions did happen we're not we we spent a couple of hours with Council sandgate and Council recupero uh recently the city council president and the two other at lodges working on Solutions we are working very hard we know that we're you know we put this in there but these discussions have gone on and they continue to go on because we do want that compromise you know you know we want to be good neighbors I sit here I say we you know because Chelsea housing authorities a part of that and we look back at what was there you know to what is there now is a massive upgrade but we still have to work with the residents Council recupero Council sandate and we've already done that we're going to continue to do that so I just wanted to share that with you that again it's not it's stuff that Karen wasn't privy to because those are things that myself and Jen the uh developer and others have dealt with over the last eight years so I appreciate you taking this up appreciate all of the advice and the thoughts because it just helps us try to solve this problem because it isn't easy if it was easy this thing would have been done right so we appreciate all that uh what you're doing here so thank you thanks Paul Paul want to sign sign your name so that if if if the if what Mr Nuki said is is more accurate if you're a month away it's maybe it's something more we should table now maybe we can table it for two months we don't have to table it just for next month we can revisit in January and by then if you're 75% there then we can revisit we can also get the answers sorry on the loading zone and if we can shorten those cuz I think if we can maybe Council over Cooper can speak on this if we can somehow not lose so much on one end we can accommodate on the other end is it still going to be parking over there it'll still be meas but they'll still be able to access it after hours from overnight which let's be honest and councilor tell me if I'm wrong the biggest Pro parking problem is probably overnight maybe even 8 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. something like that where that's when everyone's mostly home that's when it gets tight for parking and snowstorms of course um so I would be more inclined to table the whole thing but getting answers to the loading zone and then we can maybe compromise on the load on the meters on the willow side I mean we've already heard from a couple residents in the neighborhood we've heard heard from councelor rupo speaking on behalf of a lot of his constituents that's you know the idea of them losing parking but if we somehow give some parking on the on the central side and maybe still keep half of the and I think I I I commend you cam for coming back with it was 11 spots you realized that 11 spots would be really detrimental to the neighborhood and you said let's cut it in half so you did it to to that so I'm I'm grateful for that so I would make more of a motion to table it if we're that close on a deal that's what I would think and I'd like to reiterate we're not losing parking we're adding parking here so please keep that in mind we have 14 more overnight parking spaces for residents than we had before we started does that include where inside cuz obviously there was inside Perimeter parking you don't have that now so where did you gain those if you don't mind the entire west side of w of Willow was a curb cut it was a drive but people were allowed to park there they parked there you you said it was a curb but people residents parked there they parked on the property correct but it was but it was it was six or eight cars that were able to park there resident parking correct now it's public street parking now be public correct so we added seven spaces along there um and then we had six curb additional curb Cuts in the property and we only have two now correct but you're also doing the double the bigger loading zones kind of negates that but okay so you get I can see what you're saying the seven so you're gaining you're gaining at least seven on that side so that's that's understandable there okay okay well that personally that if if we're if we think we're that close to it and something we can revisit I would even table it for two months I would say let's revisit it sometime in January if that's not out of the question you um we would really like to get those loading zones designated I know that the loading zones are the main reason we're we're tbling it right now but we we are getting trash pickups and we it's it's been difficult so can we table the load loading zones for December and I say you can split it that and you and you can also you can also make a request to DPW to get a park and take and and for 30 days to do the spots where the loading zone would be two spots and let's see if the dumpster works there maybe you can tell maybe that'll give you a drive run and see the truck fits in there with two spots it's doable right so maybe we will do that we will get the get the temporary yeah that's easy that's easy enough you can get that right from DPW you can go there tomorrow and get that okay great so Emily you motioned to put the loading zones off to December and the meters till J I think that we were going to do them both to January then because the December meeting is in like two weeks and I don't actually want to make you come back let's do it in January let's table both for January okay anyone second I'll second it all in favor I I thank you thank you very much thank you Karen thank you everyone for your patience okay next up approval of the minutes from the October 1st 2024 meeting I'll make a motion to accept the minutes second I'll second all in favor I thank you okay next up communication of no nober 8 2023 from anyo Lopez and councelor giovan rupo requesting the commission to approve the installation of a speed bump at 31 Library Street can I read off to the commission an email from is Deputy Chief purcel here he wasn't I'm s of Deputy pel tonight Deputy Carino okay he also supplied with um a US dot document for Federal Highway Administration in regards to this speed bumps so um if the time comes I'll read what it is if we need to make copies for you guys you can I was just going to read off the request okay like not go into the whole thing I just want to read into the record that uh the fire department has asked that request for further speed bumps be tabled indefinitely until the fire department can study the effects more on their ability to respond to emergencies which as we can see in Chelsea there are many fires that need to be responded to very frequently and I'm inclined to suggest we table both item four and five until the fire department until we can have further conversations with the fire department that's good so we can work on a little more get a get a little more info but um I will say speed bumps do cause a lot of wear in Te from the fire apparatus um you go to a call some guys are excited speed the speed tables are fine it's when you hit those speed bumps it'll J you I mean I'm driving a Ford Explorer it J my truck but you got an 80 80,000 PB tow bouncing over those things it's a lot same thing with the guys in the engines you're bouncing over those things you you get your tank you're trying to put that on and you're bouncing over speed bumps so I'm okay table on it I was going to what was I going to say so that means they will we'll continue to keep them obviously until winter these ones and these particular four and five are both removable ones so they they're they're temporary obviously the first snowstorm we get we tend to take them off so they will be removed in the snow but if it does not snow or the weather we can keep them they'll stay in place okay so can I ask because we also have one for eight speed bump on eight there's several of them on here correct but these two are existing we voted on them before but would temporary for six months we be tbling all speed bumps I think that we would that up going forward or we we still got to we still got to go through the motion of of picking up yeah we have to go through all them individually but uh for the fire department maybe we can sit down offline we're and with you and our traffic engineer to work through it that way great I would like to motion to table item four uh for further review by the fire department I think you can do four and five together I would think no I would like to motion to table four and five yeah that's why I second the motion all in favor I I just for the record to number five states um the existing speed bump 42 to 43 mavi Street both of table um number six here uh communication December 27 2023 from Bill Vari requesting a three-way stop or blinking red lights at the intersection of Villa Street and Spencer Avenue and Vernon Street and Spencer Avenue with a possible speed hump on Webster Avenue at vill Street um if it's okay I'm G to speak on this one just because it was hard to find someone else from the Department who could join to do so um I am passing down right now a visual that shows uh the recommendations from our traffic engineer I also there will be extra copies and there's one here if anyone in the public would like to come look at this um but essentially this is also in your packets uh that you got for the meeting the list of recommendations um but essentially the pilot they're suggesting to look at speed caling is uh piloting Vernon Street to One Way Northbound and Villa Street to One Way southbound uh neither intersection met the warrant for having a traffic light installed does anyone have question so I'm looking atem so the the reassess the no parking zones on Spencer they want to make them they want to make the no parking on those Corners just longer it looks like right yeah to improve visibility into the intersection and help slow speeds down a little bit okay I mean obviously this kind of almost just mimics what we have in most other parts of the city whether it's orange blossom and Bloomdale or if it's gin Fremont and some streets in Prattville because we have a lot of streets malor and Grove that are one way up and one way down it uh does it tend to slow down the speeding not always as you can see on Grove Street we put bump outs to help reduce the speed there um and the Maru has speed pumps to reduce it there these streets are obviously a quarter of that length so and it would take you but an EXT ex ra one minute to go down Villa to take a right and to go up Vernon Street I don't see it impeding too many people whether or not they can can or can't get to their residents um I know the building on the corner is is Vernon is is is full and there's plenty of residents there but you're not you're not in impeding anyone from really taking more time out of the day to go one half a block away so I am inclined to suggest for this one that if PE if there's no strong feelings on the commission we should move it to a public hearing next time so that residents of those streets can come share their thoughts but I agree the recommendations seemed pretty straightforward to me they do the only thing I would recommend uh would say Emily is that I know um I don't believe he's here tonight but I know Mr Vari was here probably prior to our summer break so it was it was months ago it was quite a while ago so just um in terms of of the butt if we can get it on the the Jan well would we be able to get on the December agenda or is it too early too late uh the deadline for December is this Friday okay so we can get it on there I think if since we got such a short step to the December one I would I would say to put a public hearing there I agree yeah January just because um I do have to advertise this and there's probably not enough time for that uh can we move this to a public Hearing in January second I will second it y all in favor I thank you okay El do you need me to communicate that to like send you anything to get that on the agenda appropriately okay thank Youk you right next okay next communication from September 5th 2024 from Stephanie Greg of Excel Academy Chelsea requesting for the consideration of school zone signage along with a traffic cross crosswalk light on Second Street hello hi um good evening my name is Stephanie Greg and um I'm the dean of operations at Excel Academy Chelsea um located at 182nd Street it's a local Middle School serving students ranging from 5ifth to 8th grade um as dean of operations I'm responsible for the safety of over 250 students and staff who enter and exit our building daily um and so I'm here tonight to represent them and their well-being as the lack of safety safety infrastructure in the area puts them at Great risk um since the founding of Excel Academy Chelsea in 2011 we have sought to ensure the safety of our students and staff given that our school is in an unconventional space as part of the large warehouse and Office Buildings on the corner of Second Street and Spruce um across from the Five Guys um so our original founding head of school Stephanie Patton is here today as well as our current head of school Emily loo um to advocate for a proposal that we have hoped and advocated for since the start of our school um in addition I've been working at Excel since 2015 and so over that time I have seen how the local landscape has really transformed um roads have been repaved new businesses have been opened and we at Excel have really enjoyed and celebrated this progress um however with this increased development has come increased traffic um compounded by The suar Tunnel closures um exposing our routes to different destinations um which has led to more cars passing through using the streets of Chelsea as a shortcut highway to get to their destination um as quickly as possible The Proposal I am presenting to you all is to install school zone signage in the vicinity and install a blinking crossing guard light that would require cars to stop for pedestrians um The Proposal addresses two of my greatest safety concerns the speed at which people drive through the area around the school and the lack of attention to pedestrians at the crosswalk between the Hampton in hotel and the Mystic Mall Plaza um the first prior of my proposal is to install school zone signage around the area since this school has not been appropriately zoned for a school it is easy to miss that there is a school at our intersection and so installing school zone signage along Second Street and Spruce Street would Al um alert drivers of the students walking to and from school so that they know that they should not be speeding through the intersection or down the streets currently there is a four-way intersection um that does not have painted walkways on all four sides for pedestrians um with cars traveling in every direction at every arrival and dismissal as our students cross the street when the walk signal turns they are in danger of being hit by cars turning to run the yellow light um each of our last two crossing guards has been injured on the job I have been the crossing guard myself on and off over the years to fill in and on mornings when traffic is particularly backed up drivers become even more aggressive I have had to step in front of a car or put my arm out to stop students from getting hit on particularly busy days we have called The Chelsea Police Department to support the safe passage of our students and we have greatly appreciated the much needed support we know however that this is not a sustainable or long-term solution so we hope you will consider installing permanent school zone signage throughout the area the second part of my proposal is to install a blinking Crossing guard light at the crosswalk between the Hampton Inn and the Mystic Mall Plaza the crosswalk is extremely hazardous coming from both directions when driving on Second Street um towards Everett um people get the green light at the intersection and they hit the gas and they don't realize that there's a crosswalk just a few feet um from the intersection and sometimes too late at the detriment of passengers or sorry at pedestrians when driving on Second Street towards Chelsea cars illegally pass stopped cars in front of them because they also don't realize that there is a crosswalk in front of them last year Luis Ortez who is actually here tonight he is one of our school administrators um he was hit in um in the crosswalk by a car in this exact situation um which led him to having to go to the emergency room in an ambulance um he had a concussion that required him to miss a substantial number of days um and has had some like long-term negative impacts on his health Pam Butler a parent of one of our students who is also here today was also hit by a car in the same situ or almost hit by a car I apologize she was not hit by a car Luis Ortez was um but it's a very similar situation with cars trying to illegally go around a stopped car that is trying to allow a um pedestrian to walk safely um in the documents I submitted which I'm not sure if you received there is an email um between myself and the and Kim jasi who is the Chelsea Public School crossing guard supervisor when I reached out for support at that crosswalk she said that this crosswalk is too dangerous and she would not put a crossing guard there without a light we have been um Staffing this crosswalk with our own teachers acting as crossing guards to ensure that our students are not attempting to cross the street without adult supervision this is an Ask of our staff that we know is unsafe yet feel as necessary considering the danger to our students providing a permanent blink and crossing guard light will M will make the crosswalk safer for our students and allow us to have an official crossing guard significant ly decreasing the risks to our students and staff I want to thank you for your time tonight and implore you to make these necessary changes we cannot leave our students defend for themselves a number of staff and family are here tonight to show their overwhelming support for these improvements as they not only benefit our students but ensure the safety of any member of the community walking in the area thank you thank you thank you can I jump in first uh Emily grof Housing Community Development we saw your request and included a rapid flashing Beacon at this location in a Grant application we put in last month okay um that's what that big crosswalk arm that like flashes and tells people to stop is it will have to come before like we should talk about it because this commission has to approve installing it but we've requested the funding oh great um in terms of school zone signage that seems like a no-brainer demand that seems like that's something we could we probably have school signs if not we can R to some that's not I'm also inclined to say like we should absolutely put that rapid flashing Beacon there whether we get this grant or find another source of funding I agree it's just two of them I would also recommend I mean I know there's quite a lot of kids but would it makes sense for the kids to actually go down to the crosswalk at Old protol especially once the lights up and not use the four-way intersection at Spruce as dangerous as it is I think if there was a blinking crossing guard eventually yeah maybe we would actually just want to Channel all of the Walkers that way but as of right now it's just one staff member with a stop sign against all the cars and so we do try to tell them to go to like the Five Guys two if they're coming from say Second Street or up towards ches in that direction they're going to have to cross Spruce Street anyways exactly so it's you know but if they're coming down parallel along Burger King and and and and Five Guys they're already on that side they should be going down to that I know it's an extra 200 ft but especially now with the bus lane there so hopefully the traffic is slowed down significantly there it'll probably back up a little bit over there so there'll be less I think less speeding at that end um I don't I'm not sure that's a recommendation we can uh we can recommend it but I think at the end of the day it's up to you as a school as a whole to say let's put them down at the safer crosswalk than this big four-way intersection oh yeah 100% we've tried a couple different iterations of like where to put teachers where to put staff where to tell the kids to walk um and so these are just like two proposals that we think would make multiple routes more safe as opposed to just one route I agree with Emily I would make a motion to however the funding we got to find it would to put two crosswalk signs on Second Street and add the signage yeah seconded all in favor I I I thank you great thank you okay next communication of September 25th 2024 from councelor gvan ruper requesting the installation of a speed bump in front of 145 ess6 Street this is number eight we already spoke about and motion to table 8 and nine pending further review by the fire department and working on how to make speed bumps not harm the fire trucks second all in favor I I I say something on for minute yes I had requested it and I can you I had requested it and I put a speed speed bump but um my problem is even if we did a speed table I noticed some of the streets have like the white line mindes and that what happened is clock Avenue is now one way and I have to admit I was totally against it but it was the best thing in the world I mean taking that corner from the senior center going up the hill is wonderful now but as a result all the cars are going down galy but they're speeding down and I actually have pictures my car has been total we've had to call the police they' just taken that corner so quickly from Webster Avenue but I was thinking I I know you're the experts on it but perhaps um they call them speed table I guess and it's just the white lines I don't know if that would deter people from flying down that street or not is there a difference between the speed table and the speed bump no they well no they're pretty they're the same the white lines you seen are just telling you that it's coming up and you're you're going to go over it so when I put speed speed hump and speed table are the same cuz I see some speed bumps without the white thing what I'm thinking is it's just that they just don't have the paint on they probably did at one point whether or not we've gotten back to repainting them recently is probably the what happen want to be crazy pedantic but a speed table and a speed bump are actually different yeah they are different cuz when I'm driving around with yeah yeah I know so what's on what's on marbor um I can't tell you what's on maror off the top head you you don't know the difference okay I know on War I don't know which one is on maror because I do not have a microscopic knowledge of every piece of road infrastructure in the city sure sure okay so that different and that I defer to you Jimmy um but a speed bump is more circular a speed table goes up is flat and then goes down right the white line to tear you from flying down the top of the hill that was my question for you is does it need to be a speed bump or a speed hump or are you okay if we take this back and look at other potential traffic calming measures that could slow cars down without being an impediment to the fire department yeah I mean as long as they're not flying down the hill uh then can I ask to can I speak come come to the microphone first before you speak thank you thing I'm one of the parents that almost got run over but I lived on Webster a for 10 years she did she was my neighbor I called years ago about getting a speed bump on Webster AV I should I they told me to write a letter I never did but my car was tot on web my girlfriend's car on a Sunday afternoon was total outside my house at like 4:00 in the afternoon on a Sunday eight days later at 5:00 a.m. my car was totaled outside Webster a almost across from Janice's house and about six months ago my cousin's husband was picking up their baby across from Janice's house putting the 2-year-old in the vehicle on the street side and a car took his door off so I think Webster have definitely needs a speed bump um I never heard it from the fire departments I you know that's a side that's why you come to these things I never heard of that but I think the Webster app does need a speed bump for sure um and even maybe down at the C we had the I'm glad you're putting that big sign for the the school but I think maybe even a speed bump down there because I just feel like people don't even care about lights anymore everyone is so entitled that day that I almost got run over it wasn't at the intersection side it was in front of the Hampton in like so I I would even say a speed bump there also thank you thanks you would have to request it you would have to write that letter okay one second J if you just want to go to the the microphone uh number number eight am I all set yes thank you okay yep number number eight in conjunction with all the requests for the speed bumps are tabled until for for Speed bumps in particular based off of an email that was sent on Deputy um of the fire department well table so not denied tabled and My Hope Is that we can work with the fire department to find either ways to make speed bumps workable for the trucks or other traffic calming that we can Implement at this location counc the microphone please thank I know when you table something you have to take it out of table the majority of you have to take it out so what is the time limit you hav given the fire department to make this determination or it could be table for a year it could be table for 6 months so what is the time you're given the people that they asking for Speed bumps so Spencer a we just picked back up tonight because we got the report back that had been taed for I think about six months six months time I recognize that that is a long period of time and I am genuinely sorry for it but it takes time to I understand talk to the traffic engineer gather data design what we're going to be doing here that will both work for the fire department the police department not impact resident parking and slow traffic for six months is an extended for the years that I've been here the fire department has always been against speed bumps and the reason why I could tell you why okay because they say when they get their trucks they bump over and and it messes them up then DPW Mr Jimmy can tell you too before they used to be against it because when the plow comes up it can't plow the snow so in in other words what are you going to do are you going to deny them permanently because there's many cities and towns around that have speed bumps all over the place so the state begin some I I've seen studies where they say the speed bump deter speeding that's why they install so many look how many you have on Library Street you got six there's six speed bumps on Library Street six of them so you going to go and rip them out or what are you going to do that see that's the answer you got to give these the public that's asking right you're going to rip the speed bumps that are they existing out no those ones will those ones will stay for now the ones on library and shment the pre-exist ones prior to that are are already in and already been approved they're going to stay so those stay so how do that make sense so if the fire department has problem put in more because of the speed bumps so the ones that a there are going to give them problems so you would have to take them out well we were only brought this information today it was only presented to us today I was not not aware of that that uh uh that particular notion saying that so the only reason why I'm telling you this right I came here three times already for the same thing and you know what it is right so now where I am there's a school bus stop it stops right there then the stop sign then the people after they stop they speed down the street the signs that DPW put up slow for children so they don't listen so that's the only deterrent I hear it from I live there my grandkids play there I I'm I'm in fear they can't go outside because once they stop they go down the street I understand the issue with the fire department and DP W but if you say you table it for 6 months so you're going to have that issue because the ones that are there already if you have them there already what is the difference if you put more I could understand if you didn't have any and you ad them to put some there but if you have them the fire department is going to have the same problem what do they have imaginary trucks they fly over them now they can't so I don't think 6 months is an accurate time you should have what is the fire dep these six months months to study it I I think it just 6 months is not set in stone it's just however long it takes to actually gather the data and come up with a solution are they already is data the state already has data the state has data that it says the speed bumps do work there's also literature that that says in the state Mass Department transportation that if Deputy I can show you the data I got the state says that speed bump do reduce them city of Cambridge has got a million of them Boston's got them all over the place you know what every ever has them they're all but each city has their own rules Council you know that huh each city has their own rules and regulations for that stuff you know that counselor part of my goal with tbling them with suggesting that we table them here is one speed bumps are not the only solution for traffic calming there are other things we can do that might work better for the fire department and two the fire department just sent us something today about mutcd code saying that there's a problem with haven't had time look at it and I would much rather wait a few months work with the fire department and find solutions that work for Public Safety and pedestrians and residents then put in a speed bump tonight just put speed bumps wherever people say hey speeding strategic approach sorry I understand what you're saying but this is not an issue that's just now this has been an issue for years so it's not just that the fire department needs to study it they've been doing it for years I've been putting these in for at least seven years and have the same answer so what is going to change what is it what is it the way that's going to I've been putting it for seven years and I got the same answer all the time well in light of the situation the the information we got today it needs to be tabled but if we want to hear that we'll table it for one month we'll table it that doesn't mean next month that no we're not saying that she didn't say that she said but the previous one of the previous ones with uh uh Mr vakari on on Vernon and Viller and Spencer his spee it took us a little long to get the traffic stud together to do all that not disagreeing with you Jimmy I'm with any of I'm I'm going it's okay you need to study it study it you know but what I'm saying is I've seen it for seven years I have data from other cities and towns the speed bumps do deter people from speeding so maybe so maybe in your next requirement when you require one maybe you should bring that stuff so we can see it cuz I haven't seen any of it it's easy I can just ask they they'll figure it out they'll give me the information you know but the that's but it's up to you to bring it to our attention CU we don't have information like that but the problem here you're saying is between the Department did you need a study from that well it's not the problem it's just the it was an issue that it was a a a a a state thing that they brought up to us it's not it's not like we W found I have no issue with that so but you should what is the amount of time that you have to take well we'll table it for one month and then if it gets table the following month it could continue and continue but that's okay thank so I'll I'll I'll I'll I re make take make a recommendation that we table any of the previous and forward cominging speed bumps or speed humps or speed cming measures to be tabled for one month second second did oh he can second all in favor I um because it's the timing is so short you don't want to do [Music] January council is that right since we're going to be probably in two weeks because it's so close to December do you want is January too long to January when to do the study just come back because you know it's fine don't a six month January January is fine January January 2nd January Emily all in favor of January I thank you okay uh communication October 3rd 2024 from deputy director Emily granof of the Housing and Community Development requesting to relocate the handicap spaces in front of the library on Broadway onto M Street uh this one is me again um I would actually like to amend this slightly after further discussion with residents and the library director uh last month we had put one handicap parking space on marbro at the request of Lisa santagate uh and we were talking about moving both handicap spaces in front of the library onto Maro and having net two handicap spaces there uh after further discussion and because of some high speeds on Marlboro that might make it difficult for someone to cross the street if they are moving slowly like if they're in a wheelchair um the recommendation now is that we keep one handicap space in front of the library the one closer to Marboro which is on the same side of the street of the library and one on Mar bro which is on the opposite side of the street from the library but physically closer to the handicap entrance and we basically give people options neither is ideal but they have different drawbacks and we are still with that vote we' be decreasing the net number of handicap spaces in that like 100 foot line by one I mean from what I've noticed and dve I drove by the library yesterday actually I parked in front of that spot yesterday while I was talking to the contractor working there and there was nobody there I I'm not seeing it utilized as much as I thought it would be now a the curb could be a big problem so once that's paved hopefully that will help um I I don't see I mean I see what you're saying Emily but can't they just like literally they're not going to first of all if they're in a wheelchair or if they can't if a walker a crutch or any type of device that's helping them walk I don't think they're going to want to step down the step and cross but then again do they want to walk down to the crosswalk at the corner so I I do agree with you there so like neither is ideal and I'm just kind of of the opinion that we should give people both options rather than putting both spaces in one place place that has if I remember correctly I want to say there was just previously in the front of Library one parking spot before used to be none no no there used to be no handicap parking in front then I think we did one of them for some period of time so there was one regular spot one handicap spot and then then it became two spots but I could be wrong but regardless I I kind of I tend to agree with you Emily okay can um I'm going to motion that we remove so what we're doing is just removing the one handicap spot on Broadway closer to library street that is my motion I will second motion all in favor I okay next handicap application October 4th from Anna Hernandez of 184 Chester hi my name is Yan Hernandez and I'm a resident at 184 Chester a um the word parking is a chaos but I'm here because um I know there's two handicap slots in chesterf and um I'm here to um play for see if we could get a third one because there's two of them there and I um I it's really hard to to other people to share it and I just have a hard time every time like everybody else trying to find a parking but when you have certain disabilities is it it makes it even worse to try to get a parking and I mean there's times where I go rounds and rounds and rounds and the reason I know that I'm asking for a third one is is because when I move there and I'm not going to make a big deal out it but I mean I think that's a public um slot when it's put there it doesn't have a specific name for anybody and I am aware of that if I also get one but I mean my door has been knocked my car has been um spit my car has been scratch because there's [Music] two neighbors that they think that those handicap slots belong especially just for them there and I don't think it's fair I think you know first come first service and I don't think no one should be knocking on my door I don't think no one should be you know abandoning in my car and I am here to see if I could request for third one thank you make sure you call the police when that happens too okay yes I have called the police okay perfect yes they have knocked on my door telling me to move the car and I'm like no why should I move the car if I have a handicap plate too like you know this is to share and I understand if I get there before you like I should be able to use it if you get there I don't have the nurse to go knock on your door and say you know I just got here can you please move the same thing like if there's another one added there I need to remember the same thing that I'm going through right now other people that might come around they might need it too so I'm just speaking for General we just need one extra more there exactly okay thank you I mean I'm I'm generally inclined to like we I spoke with counselor earlier today there's no real guideline of to how many spots we can have on one street or how many in a row you can have there's no as far as I'm away maybe there's something in in the in the record that we're missing but I don't believe so but it's just it's always tough to go away and take away parking from the regular residents there by adding a handicap spot because it's you know but it's if it happens that three handicapped people move in houses three houses away from each other it's just the way it is I mean it's it's a it's that's just the way it is there's nothing you can do about it um I'm just very inclined to take away parking from it but obviously watching and and Miss Ana speak it it seems like she really needs the spot and and is having more difficulty than most places of getting it but I would be wrong if I said didn't say we rejected people before cuz there was already two closest two spots closest to it so it's a tough one to I mean the way I look at it Anna needs to park and everyone else in the neighborhood also needs to park they're going to find spots we're just making it if we approve this we're just making it so Anna can find a spot that she can walk to her house Clos closer to her house where she can I think it's less important that I find a spot near my house given that I can walk a few blocks if I need to yeah someone a lot physically more physically fit is going to have no problem walking half a block away like it' be an inconvenience but it's not remotely the same sure so I would motion to approve the application just just looking I was just going to say just looking at Emily there is like she said there is one at 159 um and then there's two spots and then there's another one and then there's a driveway and another two spots and that's probably where hers would go so it would be obviously they're not going to be on top of each other but they'd be within eight spots three handicap signs um obviously we don't want to make you walk any further than you really have to but and that is unfortunately dense but it's like you said like what are we going to do tell people where they can move in based on whether they're have a handicap sure sure but I'm you and the fact that one of them has a driveway and the minute that that person noticed that we move the car he comes and moves the car right out and him dri having to drive way and run the driveway and it has 20 minute cars also in there it's it gets you know it gets me upset because he does have the facility to park I mean like right in front of his back door and go in if that's the the case you know so I don't understand I I mean I don't want to question how he got it I just don't understand if you got it why can you just share it that's my way of looking at things of course you're thinking it's not wrong you're correct thinking that way it's unfortunate that at least in my view that if something like that comes up and we've actually had this probably two meetings ago maybe where someone come up they applied they had a driveway we asked them why they can't use their driveway their reasoning was to us not what we would have thought it would have been so we kind we refused them because they had a driveway obviously if this was done I think underneath our noses we probably would feel the same way but since it's already happened it's already been approved there's nothing we can do about if he wants to park in his driveway or in his handicap spot he has every right to okay so but I do agree with you Emily I'm I'm I'm willing to uh but again it's not his handicap spot correct correct it's not no it's correct yeah yeah but what at the end of the day what do you do go to say to the cops and say that guy's been in his handicap spot for 12 hours can he move like we can't get him to move either so it's very tough and like Council said it's just parking especially in that that section of town the end of Chester and watts and Willow and and ctage down that way it's very very tough especially now with the buildings are going to be building on the the Bellingham Cottage side on top of the ones the in is the project so there's going to be a lot more it's unfortunately in the next year it's going to get even tougher um did you make a motion Emily to I'll second the motion all in favor I thank you approved thank you thank you next we have handicap application from October 22nd from Janice fields of 9A Webster I'm back requesting a handicap hole in front of my house there are no other um hand unlike her there are no other handicap um spaces on the street over there my problem is it's the incline if I can't get a parking place it's the incline walking up the hill now correct me if I'm wrong you do have a driveway on the incline there's a driveway on the incline but I can't use the um that's what I'm saying it's if if it were if you were on a flat Street we had an issue on Watt Street it was a flat driveway the lady said I can't that's why I wanted the speed bumps that's fine I understood and like you know the thing with with speed bumps on a hill is do you really want to put a ramp there for someone to maybe hit at 60 and end up in your backyard instead of in your your car so yeah that's a different issue but you know seeing your issues and how your steep it is at the beginning of of that road I I can see the the problem there and and as much as parking is an issue in in other parts of the city and that part of the city it's a lot less yes it is you're right most people don't actually park in front of your house I don't think I've seen too many cost Park well a lot of people now I notice are parking I don't think they live in the city I think they're taking the bus or going so there's like really no parking anymore really the people you can park cuz the people don't know it but from your house down to Clark you can park in certain parts of that you can't park right on the corner with the God reil but going up I feel badly for the people on Clark too because they have to park on gal now as well yeah yeah yep but uh uh I I've noticed and I I don't have a problem with putting it there so I will make a motion to pass her request thank you second second all in favor I thank don't forget my table for six months working on it uh next is communication October 23rd from Jose pesos uh requesting the removal of a handicap sign at 32 Eden Street yeah on this one from when I read I I I personally know him his grandson used to work with us at DPW he no longer drives he's 88 years old so he basically said take my spot I'd rather give it to someone else which is very nice so I make a motion to approve his request seconded all in favor I okay next up handicap application October 25th from Denisa Perez of 46 Shaman street is Denisa here hello come right to the to the microphone interpreter excuse me before I I didn't know if I made it clear I don't want it on I want you know where I mean no no no you you didn't have to make it clear we knew that you weren't going to be walking on an incline to get to your drive no the question was did you have a driveway and if it was feasible to use that driveway and physically be able to get in and out of your house it would we wouldn't correct it would be in front of your entrance on your on the on the web thanks Jimmy um I would like to apply for the handicap spot for my son he's 5 years old and he has uh autism he uses the wheelchair when I take him to the [Music] hospital it's been difficult for me since he's also been in the hospital in tubed for almost two months I'm also always calling the ambulance because he has uh these varying different medical conditions and so it's very difficult for me especially with the parking uh when you go around looking for a parking you can't find any and so sometimes it's it's very difficult for me and I'm forced to call the ambulance because uh then I would have to go ahead and and find the car and bring the car back so it's just a very difficult situation for me handicap so this is why I applied for the handicap uh parking spot thank you sorry um from what I see there was there is in that section between ess6 and Congress there are no handicap Parkin signs there so I would be inclined to approve her request than you all in favor I thank you approved so would I mean Captain F we were just going to go back Lieutenant F sorry we were just going to go back you you were stating you don't you want it on Webster or do you want it on GLI my entrance is on gal that's okay okay I was just questioning whether or not so my question is if there's a driveway on guli and that's at an angle as well can you access through the driveway or no no okay okay so like my entrance is on the side I'm facing the CL you're facing the club okay okay that's fine that's fine thank you you're clock was a very good I don't know was it this committee that did it it was a very good decision thank you okay next up communication October 30th from Tara rala of alternative Creative Energy in HVAC requesting temporary parking for the employees at70 Cottage Street City school did she sign in can you just ask her that she signed in for speaking I believe we didn't we already have something with 170 Cottage and we approved we did we had a request for six parking spots and we brought it down we approved for two and it's temporary parking in front of the building and we already approved that we already got signage there stating that they they've been approved for so different companies keep oh this is a different company so this is a different this is a different one okay I'm sorry okay Mason okay so it's a different company I'm sorry okay good different company okay are you here to speak on it yeah okay so my name is Jody Connelly I'm the president of alternative Creative Energy um we have the HVAC contract out there at this time um I've just the biggest problem around the area is the parking meters don't go into effect until 8:00 a.m. and my guys are getting there at 6:00 a.m. so they have to go back to their cars at 88 to do the meter on their phones and cars are getting towed and it's just been an ongoing problem which is why we requested um to see if there was anything I mean I have 12 guys so we're carpooling the best we can but I have guys coming from Connecticut LOL chelsford Webster um Malboro all over the place so that's kind of it's hard to carpool thank you um as you may have just heard we already had a previous company coming and looked for six or seven parking spots as well and we approved them for two so I guess we you know we'd be um we wouldn't be right by I think at least not even by not at least not looking at it so it's just it's just tough because now every company's going to come and look for parking you know we've already had that we've given one supervisor parking and then we have the two spots now um how long are you looking for so the project goes till August but we don't they're building a parking garage and I'm hoping that the parking garage will be built and be able to be accessible um but I don't know I don't I don't have that true answer that's why we were trying to just do six months in hopes that the parking garage was opened August you're saying August so you're hoping it's yeah yeah occupancy right now is August can I just ask realistically how many people are going to be looking for parking in this project I mean we seem to be getting continuous requests it's a huge project it's a lot of people I wish they figured out the parking better in the parking garage ahead of time to be honest prior to you you could have worked out a deal with the in of places and used their their building well so there was a parking lot across the street that we were supposed to be able to get parking spots in but I guess the city shut it down and is not allowing us to park there so that was something probably a private parking lot if anything we wouldn't you know yeah most likely L I know we a company talked about and we asked them to say there was a couple companies there that we said they do have some open space maybe you could use them and then we also recommended parking down in the um inside of Highland Park which is a a a public parking lot our hard part is we have to carry all our hand tools so that's becomes difficult I mean obviously I we'd be uh foolish to say we'd give you six spots I don't think you're going to get the six spots um we made a compromise with the other company of doing two if you're looking for 6 months I mean is it something we looked at temporarily we did did that one well we did that one for a year so if it's only going to be 6 months and we Revisited in 6 months MH you know I wouldn't be so inclined to that it's just and it's just day time parking only correct correct okay it's usually 6: to two Okay just out of curiosity have any folks on your team tried like parking slightly further out and like taking public transit in towards the project or is that a problem because of the hand tools and it's impossible with the hand tools they're carrying all their battery powered tools because if we leave them on the job site they going to get stolen sure okay that makes sense um so now the question becomes so the crew that already has two parking passes is across the street from the side CU there's only one side parking there as you know I guess it might not be as big as an issue if we had two side parking but that Street's a narrow Street we only have one side um we're just grateful for whatever we correct I wouldn't recommend and I we had temporary one up on Bellingham but I think that one expired uh Jimmy so I think um the other ones we were supposed to have public hearings for it and I think we missed it oh the you're you're you are right yeah the last so the last one we approved it was if we're going to take away more the parking like that we need to have to go to public he and we didn't put the last one to it so yours would have to do that we wouldn't be able to get it in for December no yeah so she she has a deadline that she has to get where she has to do it and and seeing that we meet so soon in December she might not be able to get to that and then then just put you to January the temporary for 30 days so you and when did that go in effect um it was like a week ago okay so you got about 20 days left so you still have the end of this into probably just before Christmas can I ask a question is is there anything the city's going to be able to do for this or is it you know because I mean I know you guys want development but I you know the resident seem to be bearing the brunt of this you know I mean like we have the seat state buildings have plenty of parking during the day because everybody's you know doing remote access are we not negotiating with the state to see whether or not we can borrow some of their spaces and so we can have two spaces they can drop their equipment off and come back and go park somewhere else see what I'm saying so there are a few different negotiations going on for state parking lots for access to private like if a private surface lot is building a garage can we use other space on the surface lot um those discussions are ongoing we're also working really hard like we came before you guys to talk about bus lanes for new public transit routes we're trying to improve public transit into and out of the city so that when these projects are built residents can use the public transit uh rather than having cars and decrease impact that way right but the public transit is not going to help somebody who's carrying HVAC equipment so my question is is there something for when we have construction going on now you know and the unfortunate answer is all we can really do is ask people to carpool okay because it just we can't make more space out of nothing so we can't go to the state agencies and ask them to give up some of the spaces that I clearly see you know we're we are actively talking with them about it we also can't make the state move any faster one of those parking lots belongs to the FBI and they are not well the FBI I don't think would because it's they own one across the street like under the Tobin Bridge also that we're working on um like we're we're leveraging everything we can we're trying to get the NBTA to help us call dcam to get them to return our calls and they're just it's not a priority for them okay Elsa didn't we have before we had a same similar situation where they had a 30-day pass and then that has to be extended and then that came to us I believe remember Kate give us a notification saying that they were approved for 30 days I just don't remember that one going to a public hearing or does it have to still they they do have to I think we for um two of the requests that came in we missed it I know the last one we did but PRI this the one that I'm talking about with Kate with cuz I remember her sending the lead I thought was for the one supervisor parking that we granted without a public hearing cuz it was just the one spot no but we weren't supposed to okay okay okay okay so it just puts a a little bit of a spacer in between of going up to about Christmas if we don't see it till January you might have a week in between there where it's going to have to find parking where they may just have to find parking okay okay so I'd say the motion is to put it to a public hearing to approve I would say um I mean six spots is an awful lot I know you're going to try to car pull you're going to try to get them down we approve the other company that wanted the same as you two parking spots so I I I mean I wouldn't want to do any more than that to take away from people that are living in the area if that's okay with you it is what it is it's what whatever will help you will help you okay the recommendation my my motion would be to put it to a public hearing to approve two parking spots for the company okay thank you second dead second all in favor hi thank you next handicap application October 30th from Susanna vinoa of 58 Grove Street okay for the reason that I applied is because I have a problem in my [Music] knee and something else uh I had parked on another Street um because I was having difficulty finding the overnight parking and then it was so late at night that I went ahead and I fell and I injured myself and then just many different complications kind of of that sort and just to confirm no driveway anything no not no I don't have sorry she's on the no parket side of Grove and there's no her she doesn't have a driveway garage or anything so OB her spot would have to be on the other side of the street cuz there's no park on her side but yes exactly there's no parking something else the neighbors they take care of parking spots for other neighbors well no yeah but they won't be able to if they got a handicap pler there they need to have the pler to park there from what I see there's no other signs in that whole from the from mland down there's no handicap signs there so i' make a motion to pass her accept her request favor I she's all said it's been approved you're welcome next communication November 5th from Laz laara proposing blinking lights and cameras to enforce the speed limit on Second Street she's going to speak on it up from the from the bridge up to Broadway I believe yeah no I Sor oh I'm sorry okay good oh thank you for signing in thank you so is anyone here to speak on it no from what I read in her request was from underneath the bridge on on Walnut Street going up to Broadway in case you didn't know Arlington extension is now called Walnut Street so that's I said that she's talking about on Second Street she owns owns a condo or an apartment building probably maybe she bought in the new condo on the corner of second in Chestnut and she was claiming I believe that cars was speeding by there I thought initially that it's such a short Zone there that the blinking light wouldn't obviously wouldn't are not an option but I thought of a speed sign there but it's really such a short distance cuz you're going to come up from under the bridge and stop at Chestnut then you're going to gun up to come up to Cherry and stop there and then Broadway um I didn't know if it was something to Lieutenant you could have a little bit more enforcement over there have someone maybe keep an eye on it and yeah that's what I was thinking the higher times I mean she's not here to speak on it obviously I don't I don't think a blinking light would do anything what's it going to do is it going to be a blinking light that says stop there's already signage there people they get mov off I mean I would think the ISS the bigger issue is coming down from Chestnut going towards Arlington and rolling through that stops sign we've had a big issue there where those I I was coming across the the other day and someone just ran right through it like he didn't even stop I was just like okay he just kept going um but it's so big and open they like that Emily hopefully in the future you can tighten that up because Arlington at second is just so big and wide yes it's Trucking and there's big trucks down there but they can still make the turn by plenty and there's just so many Open Spaces to just come up and just roll and the vision's good you just roll right through um so I would just make a motion to put uh to increase police presence there anyone second that motion second all in favor I I that's Deni thank you okay communication November 6 from assistant pocking cler Elsa kisada requesting to remove the handicap sign at 11 her street you don't want to speak on it that's Mrs Dyer it's Mrs D so for anyone that doesn't know Judy d was was driving up until probably a few months ago and then I caught her coming down herd street from her house I don't know where she was trying to go but she was definitely going the wrong way um um but regardless of that she sold her car to uh Emily and DPW and sold her car and is no longer driving so the request was put in to remove her handicap sign I drove by today yesterday and the day before and I didn't see a car at the spot so it's not being utilized by anyone else so I would make a motion to approve the removal of the sign and open it back up for regular parking you second second all in favor I gain in spots excellent thank you all right you go on e