##VIDEO ID:wi6dwLt3dps## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the little man button no got it uh call a meeting to order the uh first order of business is reading and approval of the minutes from October 22nd uh which which we have all received electronically so I'll entertain a motion to wave the reading and approve the minutes uh with ch changes if any I'll make a motion to wave the reading and approve all in favor I I'm sorry I'll second it thank you uh all in favor now I I I thank you the next order of business is uh we're taking them out of order from your uh agenda uh case 20 24-22 at 29 Central Avenue Christopher friend hi Christopher would you come forward and describe your petition please uh and give your address by the way what was that address oh uh 29 Central AV um yeah would be let's see tell me which which oh earlier page I think on I think maybe page two uh yeah so I guess that kind of shows um so I'm just applying to use the area in back of the laundr matat uh it's currently the setback and just build um pretty much what you see in the picture via deck uh for the customers to use and then that little buildout structure on the side of the building uh is for additional makeup air that the uh the dryers require uh no that is Isn't So currently uh you can see on the plans in the front of the building I had the architect just um give me architectural plans for doing additional openings in the brick for the front Bank of dryers and then in the rear um because there's only there's a it's kind of weird I guess it was an addition to the original building maybe it's a course of brick and then um like a single course of uh like a cm new block which is only uh 3 and 1/2 in thick so we were worried about removing any of the uh the brick and CMU for structural issues so currently what I have is uh you can see it in that lower left picture there's just a louvered door but unfortunately it's not enough makeup air so by doing that buildout I would then have uh basically two two surfaces with um with louvers to basically it it basically double the makeup air that I currently have if that makes sense can you point to where the deck is that you oh yeah referring to excuse me take take the microphone with you um so this all right so here this is the current Louver door um and it's not enough makeup air so originally I was asking the architect if we could open up this brick wall but it seemed like it might be a little a little sketchy um so this is the makeup eror so it be this rear side would be louvered this side would be loued this would be eress and then uh what is currently just a unused yard space um raccoons use it now uh what I'd like to do is um yeah just uh build a deck here and this would all be enclosed uh there's it's already framed for a door back here um and this would be accessible through the rear of the laundermat it really just be for customers like people bring kids all the time so they're running around a lot so it be somewhere kids can run around probably put some benches a couple plants so just uh spread people out more and you're talking about building a ground level deck if I understand correctly uh or is it on the roof of that small building oh no so yeah it would be ground I mean it would be this is sloped so I don't know if you can see it there's a door that's framed here okay that's 34 in and then it slopes up 18 inch so it would be level with the base of the door okay and that would be level with uh the laundromat floor okay what's the height of the deck off the ground like 18 uh so the height down here would be 32 to 34 and then as you come to the front uh the ground is all sloped it would be like maybe yeah 20 in or so originally what I wanted to do was just I I built a retaining wall and I wanted to level this and then have just steps coming down and a patio but there's this large old um it's a Norwegian maple uh and I was told by two different arborists that if I level the area uh the tree would would likely die in 4 to 6 years and I'd like to keep the tree how um you've said that this space would be for customers right how will you prevent anybody from just walking up and using it well so the goal that's that's a good question because I have that problem with the bathroom right now um get like Street people I don't know what they're doing but um So currently it's unattended uh my My Hope Is that within four to five months uh to start doing a wash Drive fold and pick up and delivery and at that point uh the goal is that The Loner mat will be attended uh for pretty much every hour of the day it's open I have a so I have cameras in the laundermat um that I can view remotely I have an NVR in the basement there's one camera so I have basically every square foot covered I have an extra camera that's pointing this way I have another one that points this way in the launder mat so my what I'll plan to do is take this extra camera uh drill a hole through the brick mount it out here so that I'll be able to at least I'll be video of what's going on out there um and then once it's attended kind of like any Boda or whatever they'll have a screen on the desk where they can see all the cameras of people are hanging out there they can uh tell them they're not allowed to do that um and what's the deck made out of so it'll be there'll be a 4 foot um concrete sonit tube footings it'll be pressure treated uh 2x10s and beams and then I'll probably use uh either TRX or timberlock um some type of like like nice composite cuz I'm worried my concern is that what might happen underneath it like I'll just assume animals at this point but right so I wanted to know like how you'll get access I mean that's a big 20 Ines is a lot um I understand why I appreciate the you saving the tree and I admire that and but I'm just concerned about what might happen yeah like Critters and stuff yeah we we'll just assume that it's Critters but okay other things but yeah we'll just assume that access to it to how you get under oh sure so well all right so for I know I have rats back there so what I plan to do is get like a I don't know exactly what product to use but some type of like chicken wire or something that will cover the whole space and then put landscape fabric over that so I don't get anything growing um there's a retaining wall that comes above grade they'll probably still be I don't know um yeah maybe like 20 in of space between the retaining wall and below the deck so I mean I would like yeah I'd like to have it covered um and then I guess some way to access it um I guess you wondering like if somebody were climb under there like was that kind of where you're going with that yeah yeah so I mean luckily especially a child oh oh sure a child so put it out there I mean there's that's that's a good point I had thought about kids crawling around down there yeah no I'll have it covered I mean that's I hadn't thought about children well if you're in a laundry mat and you're doing your laundry and you bring your child what they can you know so there's a so the the people won't be accessing this uh like this is emergency exit here and this will all be fenced in so the way it should work is the only way children access it is through this door and then it'll be probably like a 42in high fence the idea being that like someone brings our kids to La matat they can put them out here and not have to worry about them running off but uh that's a good point yeah they could climb over the fence I suppose and crawl around under there what is the set back back sorry from the property line to the sides of the deck that touch the property line are they three sides or two sides I I'm having a hard time following the site plan oh uh so this is uh from the rear The Loner mat to the property line is uh think I think it's 20 ft but are you planning on touching the property line like what do you what are you trying to yeah the pl like the goal would be to just use all of this space okay so now I see the access concern yeah that's that I mean I have zero problem with that that it's that'll be easy to close off we can either I can either close it off with uh pretty much whatever you'd be happy with I could build a retaining wall up another course uh I don't know if you want to put some kind of access door to it or something you know I mean there's just it's I just I'm just trying to think like in a couple of years what will happen you know when it's everything settles and that kind of stuff other I mean I like the idea a lot very much I just want to make sure that it's it's safe for everybody yeah sure so back here this is a platform So the plan would be to demo this and bring it up to level with this egress uh that'll all be pressure treated so I mean uh what I could do is have an access door back here with a lock um and then enclose any so this whole area here won't be accessible um up here there would probably be like 8 in and then as you go farther down that space is going to grow just because everything has sloped a little bit um so any openings um it would be yeah can just close it off with some type of uh I'm not sure maybe siding or maybe brick something to make it look nice um and then that way could have all this enclosed with an access door either on this side or on the rear of the platform to get under there um and then it I mean according to the architect it shouldn't settle it would all be um all the footings would be going down below the frost line so it uh should should stay put I would hope have you alerted the neighbors of your plans uh no I haven't that would be a good idea okay oh I oh sorry make sure they're familiar with you know they understand what you're proposing and they've had a chance to comment on it okay they they are they are um routinely notified once we receive a an application from the butter we're required to send a written um notification to all the direct Butters and a butter is to those direct Butters related to your plans here is the idea to leave the ground that's going to be underneath where the deck is the original surface that it is now or are you planning to tear up whatever's there and return turn that to a natural kind of dirt surface or is that going to stay paved no so originally when I got the place I was having a lot of trouble uh with big puddles back here so it turned out there was a lot of material under the dirt so I've already removed a bunch of uh like just concrete so it's all dirt now that got rid of the drainage issues um so that will all just stay as it is um at usually trucked in some dirt to start grading it and then I had an narbus to trim the tree and then he I told him what I was doing he was like well you'll probably kill the tree so had dirt trucked back out unfortunately so yeah so it just be dirt okay okay i' I'd like to make a motion to pass I like this project a lot so seconded motion made and seconded to recommend uh approval of this project uh and I assume you want standard conditions yeah with standard conditions which which joh will give you standard conditions designed review um lighting won't be directed at any other at any of the ab buding properties if you have any lighting out in this area oh no I don't um I don't have any light out there now um if that's I had thought about doing like some of those little bubble lights you see like outdoor restaurants and stuff but if that's something that the city would not like me having back there that's fine just or if you want a light I can put a light out there either way the the main issue is that U whatever lighting you do put out there should not shine on a butting properties okay that makes sense yeah and that the deck is available only to customers of the laundromat and only during your normal business hours oh absolutely all right all in favor I I I any opposed you have unanimous approval oh super thank you we'll see you we'll see you at the zoning board meeting next month okay great all right thanks thanks for coming in happy holidays yeah thank you and now on to case 202 24-20 at 170 ever Avenue the petitioner is DSM MB LLC uh I will be recusing myself as I wasn't here last month good night yeah she wants to can't participate you you can stay you just can't vote and I I've been allowed to ask questions I just don't vote I mean in the past when I've not been able to vote you're W welcome to say if you like or you may or not I lied I'll stay and don't feel guilty if you leave you can take my vote all right gentlemen introduce yourselves please and then um we been through this once but to the extent that you would like uh describe your petition all right uh thank you uh my name is Robert n I'm a principal at VHB and a transportation engineer located at 101 Walnut Street in Watertown Mass Eric gerad civil engineer also with VHB um and just to refresh on the project we were here about a month ago to uh present for the recommendation for the zoning board and and due to the notification um the the major site plan review was not notified on that so now we're here tonight for that uh major site plan review um so a quick recap and then we also have a summary of some of the questions that were raised during the previous uh discussion um we're certainly happy to run through those questions and uh responses um so as far as the project uh refresh located at 170 ever AV at the Mystic Mall shopping plaza it's about a 30 Acre Site um 215,000 total square fet of building area is out there comprised of a retail shopping plaza Supermarket retail restaurant and a bank uh and zoned for uh the shopping center District uh additionally there are two overlay districts at the property the flood plane um as well as the wireless communication overlay District uh currently there are 1575 total parking spaces out the property where per zoning uh 8827 are required the proposed project uh is primarily related to uh a new uh Market Basket Spirits building a liquor store to be proposed on the easterly portion of the property um which which affords the opportunity to provide improvements of the transportation systems and parking lot um at the facility um so as far as the new building it's a just under 20 ,000 ft uh new addition to the building it will be completely Standalone separate from the existing structure no internal connections um Additionally the relocation of the existing bus stops and taxi service are shifted over to the to the Westerly side of the building and and all that was coordinated with discussions with the NBTA um to to provide as much space keep it separate um at the facility um additionally uh reconfigured parking areas primarily on the Westerly side uh Landscaping improvements um in addition to a new curb cut on Carter Street uh primarily to serve the the loading uh facilities as well as the the bus and taxi Lane areas um we are proposing new storm water management improvements out there uh coordinated with the city DPW and engineering department uh providing three new subsurface basins to control the peak rates of flow due to us uh increase in of the impervious area due to the the parking lot modifications and increase uh due to the store addition uh the the storm water management is providing the pet rate control as well as water quality improvements Associated um in one of the basins we with a a sand filter to to clean the water prior to being discharged into the the storm water Network we are reducing parking on site uh with, 154 four total proposed spaces can you can you pause for one second um is did you say that the impervious surface is increasing or decreasing it's increasing okay I thought you were decreasing the amount of parking and adding trees So when you say impervious you're you're adding you're you're decreasing imperious space correct yeah so it with the addition it's about equal to the addition of the the store footprint it's about 20,000 sare ft okay but there's there's fewer parking spots there's slightly fewer parking spaces um there is modified parking Fields um as well as the the drive a and the the taxi stand area okay maybe you can go over that when we have the site plan in front of us thank you as far yeah we are adding Landscaping as far as new trees shrubs um in those new islands and reconfigure Islands um primarily related to uh the questions um there was a question raised on Carter Street and the truck operations um Rob I don't know if you want to quickly touch on that one uh yes so at the last meeting a question was raised about the operations along Carter Street uh went out and and watched how traffic flows up and down the street one of the challenges there is that there's number of commercial vehicles trucks specifically that are sort of parking along Carter Street in no parking areas which create a little bit of uh friction for cars that we're going to be going up and down there uh what what we thought would be beneficial for that area and we'll need to work it through with the DPW department and the traffic commission is to um take a a fresh look at what's going on out there as far as no parking signs if if the folks aren't going to be you know paying attention to the signage that's out there we probably should come up with some way to uh formalize how traffic flows through that area a little bit better uh specifically as it relates to the the NBTA bus route that exits on the back side of the site uh painting uh an area out there what familiar with it it's called a do not block the Box intersection just to make sure that buses can access uh that area uh without without any conflict would be the right thing to do and then formalize on the side of the road shoulders so that if par trucks or cars are parking there that they're doing so in a way that's controlled is right now it's for lack of a better term the wild west they're just kind of parking wherever they want to out there uh but that's something that we'd have to work through with the DPW department and the uh the traffic commission to make sure that they're comfortable with the signage upgrades and the striping upgrades that would go along with that but that would be our proposal prior to store occupancy and the and frankly the operation of the the bus service out there um so that would be uh that would be our proposal for that we did talk to the MBTA specifically about their operations out there and highlighted this issue they've been uh spending some time out here uh certainly looking at the different bus routes and and looking at Second Street itself and understanding how their their flow is going to happen out there um they did uh another question was asked about the bus stop at the end of Second Street or at the end of Carter at the at the Second Street is that still going to be maintained their answer was absolutely we anticipate that that's going to serve you know more than just the uh the Market Basket folks there's other folks residents in the area that they want to make being served and not having to walk into Market Basket uh along the sidewalks there so they'll maintain that bus uh stop that they're proposing and I think they said that was going to go operational in the middle of December um uh as as soon as they can get that there so uh I did talk to them a little bit about the operations along Carter Street itself they seem generally comfortable with the do not block the Box they felt that they were they were going to be able to get in and out of there without issue um through their uh and they still consider this an upgrade from their current operations on the other side of the uh the Market Basket facility so they again they they sort of reissued their support for the project uh through those conversations and are looking forward to to getting this done uh I will add to that that they did say they wanted to make sure that this board and the city knew uh it was their intention that this was going to happen in sort of stages uh and that the the new bus facility would need to be basically built and come online before they close down the other operations on the on the east side of the building which completely made sense uh and that they were going to work with us to come up with reasonable way finding for for both uh existing passengers and future passengers to make sure that they could get between the new stop and the Silver Line stop uh that's out there already so that's something that they they're very comfortable working with us on and not overdoing it but all at the same time making sure people understood how to get around thanks Rob um the other reled MBTA pce was there was a question on the ride and where where that would still be dropped off on um so that they did confirm that they would still drop off as they currently do and that's at the front of the store they will not be using the the separated area so they want to maintain those same operations uh circling back there was the questions on heat island impacts from the development and consider ways to reduce these impacts um such as lighter SRI pavement index and roof color uh coordinating with uh DSM and uh their program uh they're committed to a a white reflective roof um for the facility and also making it um solar ready um however as far as the pavement goes uh they're planning on maintaining the the same pavement that's out there uh primarily due to where um winter operations the the darker pavement actually helps reduce icing um and safety out there um as well as with this being a smaller portion of the overall larger facility kind of upgrading certain areas uh will be difficult with maintenance um Patchwork uh and ongoing maintenance so they're looking at the other options as far as the white roof um as well as some of the new landscaping that's going into to to help on that heat island uh impacts within the Landscaping are there trees proposed we do have trees proposed in all of the islands are going in thanks um Additionally the question regarding security and if any additional security was going to be provided um in talking with Market Basket there is the current police detail out there and that will remain for both The Market Basket as well as the liquor store um an ongoing commitment with them as far as if if things do change they're always reviewing security and if if um you know looking if it needed to get increased they would consider that uh the other the recycling centers remain um as proposed liquor store Edition um and eliminating access there will be some internal modifications at that location and that recycling center will remain open it's just you access um primarily at the front uh facade improvements on the Westerly side of the The Market Basket building there was some discussion on that uh primarily that was on that edge of the building the improvements are going to be related to the bus stop and they are proposing a new canopy structure on that edge um however no major facade improvements along there so it it's primarily the the canopy bus stop uh area with some lighting and the new Landscaping along that edge um and we we do have a copy of that if you'd like us to hand that out and in addition to a a an upgrade of this one that shows some of the lighting and the direction of that I know there's question on the the lighting in and around the building um so we can certainly uh if you'd like them can hand them out and then on that give yeah just while he's doing that my name's Jim lamp I'm with uh LT development uh representing Market Basket uh back to your question regarding the impervious um one you have a 20,000 foot building that's considered impervious so that gets added on top but also uh if you look at the uh taxi stand uh Uber lift and bus stops that's quite a large area that would probably support somewhere around 70 parking spaces but it's strictly for um for Access for the buses and for drop off and pick up for those so it takes up a large area um the entire bus area also will be concrete uh so that will identify it as as being different so that and it will be raised a little bit so it will be uncomfortable for someone to drive a car in there because they won't they won't feel comfortable with that John could I ask you to pull up the site plan so I it would be easier to follow along if we have um let's see I have page C 2.0 maybe while you're doing that the uh elevations you see I think also we handed out elevations of the store itself we added some glass over the top of the um of the uh the display cases so there's more glass on the side of the building there where there was none previously I don't think the I think it's a per number 10 great Sor that what you're looking for so this this is the Bus drop off buses will be traveling sorry buses will be traveling um from front to the back of the building this whole area which is stippled a little different that's all concrete um and also we're going to raise it up so you it's almost like coming a driveway entrance it will come up about 4 in and be level so it it makes it feel like you're a drive if you're driving a vehicle you're feeling like you're you shouldn't be driving there so hopefully that defines it much better than just having it be a asphalt Drive aisle um as I noted you know that's a large area of impervious being added here we've reduced the parking on this side and we really all we did was we took the parking that's oriented in a diagonal Manner and fed it towards the store um to make it more accessible to uh our Patron can I ask a question in regards to your sort of your Landscaping plan do you do you have an inbuilt watering system to keep the trees alive that you propose on putting on the property correct we are putting any irrigation sleeves is there's irrigation um proposed for the new there is no irrigation on site currently but we're going to add irrigation sleeves to all the new all the new um parking areas as well as um uh the front islands along the store we're looking at that because we don't want to cut up a lot of the pap but we'd have to trench take the curbing out put the sleeves in um there's no plans to do the irrigation right yet but we wanted to make sure it was the ability to do that if we had a hard time maintaining the plantings pardon myrant but a sleeve is is basically a a pipe that runs the water through yeah it's a it's a 4in PVC pipe that it's empty and you can put we do that on all of our sites now so you can take it out and put it back in without having to dig up pavement one more question so in terms of the parking FL uh the traffic flow plans that we discussed in the last meeting have have there been any changes to the plans around how we'll expect traffic uh commercial and otherwise to flow through the parking yeah there's there's been no change to the the flow of traffic through the site or the design of the the the elements uh I think the only thing that we've added that has anything to do is more pedestrian uh friendly and I think the the plans that um you just got show sort of the bus area to show that it's sort of covered and sheltered and in terms of the rest of the parking lot you know not just directly in front of Market Basket into the sides but also as it faces out to the rest of the complex the traffic patterns are essentially going to be unchanged unchanged yeah okay unchanged correct thank you I'm just curious is construction happening in phases or what is what is construction going to look like I can try to address that um what we're going to have to do first is uh we have to relocate there's a sewer line and a water line underneath the proposed uh MB Spirits so that's going to have to be relocated uh and I think the the the best way to do it is we're going to relocate the bus and create the taxi stand as well as Uber lift drop off first so that all that gets moved it's up and operational and then we have to start building the the building um I was not here at the last meeting I apologize um but this uh building construction because it's on an old landfill and all the debris from the Chelsea fire uh is going to have to be on on piles and grade beams so the construction of the building is is going to be uh a lot more intensive than typical construction um this piles gr beams and it's going to take you know I'd say probably a year year and a half for the building to be constructed itself thank thank you if there aren't any other questions I'll make the motion that we recommend approval you're or oh I'm sorry voting approval the site plan sorry that's right we have to open it to the public you do you do okay appr it's a public hearing so you have to open U sir would you like to address the board regarding this petition give us your uh name and your address uh good evening my name is Cesar REO 77 Charles Street so well like I came last month and just asked a question to the development team it's great presentation great project and everything um again if we could commit to some way using city employees I mean City residents minorities and women and hire a responsible contractor for this project this is just the beginning of a bigger project so that's just if we could Comm commit to using responsible contractors minorities women right oh right so that's just something so thank you again my name is C I'm with the carp's Union so thank you guys thank you okay um so s plan approval would are there any conditions on that yes yes yeah conditions with the conditions listed yeah I'm assuming has been provided to them okay oh okay so I will make motion that we approve the site plan um with standard conditions as applicable design review design of new structures to coordinate with the design of the existing structure uh four-way stop at the relocated SL redesigned intersection of the drives on both the easterly and Westerly sides of the building exterior lighting plan to meet the international dark sky Association standards exterior sign plan signage directing users to the relocated bus taxi stand and that there be no buses or trucks passing in the front of the store to protect pedestrians all in favor second I second oh sorry now with second I yes okay all in favor I I any opposed okay gentlemen thank you very much very much have a good evening thank you I make a motion dismissed did you make a motion no not me you just did I made a motion to dismiss I'll second nid seconded to return all in favor e